Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 NSF Project Reading List1 As of August 5, 2002 Abbreviations BHP BMOSC MJS BOX C*** NODE L830 for: articles in Barbara [H. Partee]'s borrowed/copied on request. possession, can be articles in Peggy [MJSpeas]’s possession, can be borrowed/copied on request. articles in NSF Project readings box [located in the Node] articles to be copied to *** [wildcard for location/addressee] articles on shelf in the Node [Linguistics Department library] articles in distributed in L830 (Fall 00). Note Sept 2000: If it turns out to be desirable to set up a separate box for Ling 830, we certainly can. In the meantime, the NSF Project Box = the Ling 830 (fall 2000) Box. Papers particularly important for Ling 830 are (or will be in later editions) boldfaced. Note 2: Some articles are listed here only because they show up in bibliography of one of BHP and VB’s articles on genitives/possessives; their relevance in that case may be somewhat indirect. Abney, Stephen. 1987. The Noun Phrase in its Sentential Aspects. Doctoral Disssertation, MIT. [MJS; Chapter 2 BMOSC] Aissen, Judith. 1999. External possessor and logical subject in Tz’utujil. In External Possession, ed. D.L. Payne and I. Barshi, 167-193. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [BHP, BOX] Alexiadou, Artemis and Chris Wilder (eds). 1998. Possessors, Predicates and Movement in the Determiner Phrase. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co. [BHP] Alieva, Natalia F. 1992. Malay and Cham possession compared. Oceanic Linguistics 31, 13-21. [BMOSC] Apresjan, Jurij D. 1994. O jazyke tokovanij i semanticheskix primitivax [On the language of explications and semantic primitives]. In Izvestija Rossiskoj Akademii Nauk, Serija lit. i jazyka 53.4. [BHP] 1 This list started out as the Reading List for Ling 830: Seminar on Syntax and Semantics of Genitives/Possessives . This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. BCS9905748 to Barbara H. Partee, "Integration of Lexical and Compositional Semantics: Genitives in English and Russian". Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Thanks to Ji-Yung Kim and Ana Arregui for help in compiling and annotating this list. Additions have come from Peggy Speas and from various colleagues and students in Amherst and Moscow and elsewhere. The list is still incomplete (and probably always will be); further additions are solicited. 1 Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 Apresjan, Jurij D., Igor' Mel'chuk and Aleksandr Zholkovsky. 1969. Semantics and lexicography: Towards a new type of unilingual dictionary. In Studies in Syntax and Semantics, ed. F. Kiefer, 1-33. Dordrecht: Reidel. [BHP] Arregi, Karlos. 1998. Double genitives in English. Handout of a talk given at MIT. Downloadable from: Babby, Leonard H. 1973. The deep structure of adjectives and participles in Russian. Language 49:349-360. [BHP, NODE] Babby, Leonard H. 1997. Nominalization in Russian. In Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics: The Cornell Meeting 1995, ed. Wayles Browne, Ewa Dornisch, Natasha Kondrashova, and Draga Zec, 54-83. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications. [BOX, BHP, L830, BMOSC(3)] Babyonyshev, Maria. 1997. The possessive construction in Russian: A crosslinguistic perspective. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 5:193-230. [BHP, BMOSC] Bach, Emmon. 1967. Have and be in English syntax. Language 43:462-485. [BHP, NODE] Bach, Emmon. 1986. The algebra of events. Linguistics and Philosophy 9:5-16. [BHP, NODE] Bach, Emmon. 1989. Informal Lectures on Formal Semantics. State University of New York Press. [BHP, BMOSC (3), NODE] Baker, C.L. 1978. Introduction to Generative-Transformational Syntax. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. [BHP, NODE] Baker, Mark. 1999. External possession in Mohawk: Body parts, incorporation, and argument structure. In External Possession, ed. D.L. Payne and I. Barshi, 293-323. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX] Barker, Chris. 1991. Possessive Descriptions. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Santa Cruz. [BMOSC] Barker, Chris: 1995. Possessive Descriptions. (chapter 1 = 'Syntax of Possessives in English'.) CSLI Publications. [BHP, BMOSC , MJS, BOX, L830] Barker, Chris and Maria Polinsky. ms., no date. Review of Possessives in English by John Taylor (1996). [BHP, BMOSC] Bittner, Maria and Ken Hale. 1995. Remarks on definiteness in Walpiri. In Quantification in Natural Languages, ed. E. Bach, E. Jelinek, A. Kratzer and B.H. Partee, 81-105. Dordrecht: Kluwer. [BHP, 720BOX] 2 Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 Boguslavskij, Igor' M. 1996. Sfera Dejstvija Leksiceskix Edinic [The Sphere of Action of Lexical Units]. Moskva: Jazyki russkoj kul'tury. [BMOSC] Borschev, V.B. 1996. Estestvennyi jazyk – naivnaja matematika dlja opisanija naivnoj kartiny mira [Natural language as naïve mathematics]. Moscow Linguistic Almanac 1: 203-225. [BHP, BMOSC] Borschev, V.B. and L.V. Knorina. 1990. Tipy realij i ix jazykovoe vosprijatie [Types of entities and their perception in language]. In Language of Logic and Logic of Language, 106-134. Moscow. [BHP, BMOSC] Borschev, Vladimir and Barbara H. Partee. 1998. Formal and lexical semantics and the genitive in negated existential sentences in Russian. In Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 6: The Connecticut Meeting 1997, ed. Želiko Boskovic, Steven Franks and William Snyder, 75-96. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications. [BHP, BMOSC, NODE] Borschev, Vladimir and Barbara H. Partee. 1999. Semantic types and the Russian genitive modifier construction. In Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics: The Seattle Meeting 1998, ed. K. Dziwirek et al. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications. [BHP, BMOSC, NODE, BOX?] Borschev, Vladimir and Barbara H. Partee. 1999. Semantika genitivnoj konstrukcii: raznye podxody k formalizacii [Semantics of genitive construction: different approaches to formalization]. In Ekaterina V. Rakhilina and Yakov G. Testelets (eds.) Tipologija i teorija jazyka: Ot opisanija k ob" jasneniju. K 60-letiju Aleksandra Evgen'evia Kibrika [Typology and Linguistic Theory: From Description to Explanation. For the 60th birthday of Aleksandr E. Kibrik], 159-172. Moscow: Jazyki Russkoj Kul'tury. [BHP, BMOSC] Burton, Strang. 1997. Past Tense on nouns as death, destruction, and loss. In Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society 27, ed. K. Kusumoto. Amherst: GLSA, University of Massachusetts. [BHP, BMOSC, NODE] Cardinaletti, Anna. 1998. On the DEFICIENT/STRONG opposition in possessive systems . University of Venice Working Papers in Linguistics 8.1:65-110. Also to appear in Studies on the Determiner Phrase, ed. A. Alexiadou and Ch.Wilder. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [MJS, BHP, BOX] Carnap, Rudolf. 1952. Meaning postulates. Philosophical Studies 3: 65-73. [BHP] Cheng, Lisa: paper from Feb. 2000 DP/NP workshop Cantonese and Mandarin Noun Phrases” Chinese [MJS] “Bare Possessors in Chvany, C.V. 1977. Syntactically derived words in lexicalist theory: Toward a restudy of Russian morphology. Folia Slavica 1: 42-58. Columbus, Ohio. [Section 4: Possessive adjectives, pp 51-53] [BOX, BMOSC(2), BHP] 3 Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 Cinque, G. (1994) On the evidence for partial NP-movement in the Romance DP. In Paths Towards Universal Grammar, ed. G. Cinque et al., 85-110. Washington D.C.: Georgetown Univ. Press. Clark, Eve V. 1978. Locationals: Existential, locative, and possessive constructions . In Universals of Human Language, ed. J. H. Greenberg, 85-126. Stanford: Stanford University Press. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX] Copestake, Ann and Ted Briscoe. 1995. Semi-productive polysemy and sense extension. Journal of Semantics 12:15-67. [BHP] Copestake, Ann. 1992. The Representation of Lexical Semantic Information. Doctoral dissertation, University of Cambridge. Distributed as CSRP 280. [BHP] Corbett, G. 1981. Syntactically derived words: Evidence from Sorbian. Slavonic Studies 15:13-17. Melbourne. [CBHP, CBOX] Corbett, G. 1987. The morphology/syntax interface: Evidence from possessive adjectives in Slavonic. Language 63.2:299-345. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX, NODE] Corbett, G.G. 1995. Slavonic's closest approach to Suffix Copying: the possessive adjective. In Double-case: Agreement by Suffixaufnahme, ed. Franz Plank. New York : Oxford University Press. [BHP, BMOSC(2)] Cresswell, Max J. 1996. Semantic Indexicality [Chs. 1-4]. Dordrecht: Kluwer. [BHP, BOX] Dahl, Östen and Masja Koptjevskaja-Tamm. To appear. Kinship in grammar. To appear in Dimensions of Possession, ed. Michael Herslund, Irène Baron, and Finn Sørensen. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX] De Bruin, Jos and Remko Scha. 1988. The interpretation of relational nouns. 26th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Proceedings of the Conference. ACL. 25-32. [BMOSC] De Wit, Petra and Maaike Schoorlemmer. 1996. Prenominal arguments in Russian, Dutch and German. In ZAS Papers in Linguistics 5:184-202. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX] De Wit, Petra. 1997. Genitive Case and Genitive Constructions. Doctoral dissertation, University of Utrecht. Utrecht: UiL OTS, Utrecht University. [BHP?] Delsing, Lars-Olof .1993. The Internal Structure of Noun Phrases in the Scandinavian Languages: A Comparative Study. Doctoral dissertation, University of Lund. [Ch. 3: Basic noun phrase structure]. [BHP] Dowty, David. 1979. Word Meaning and Montague Grammar. Dordrecht: Reidel. [BHP, NODE] 4 Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 Dowty, David. 1993. Adjunct-to-argument reanalysis in a dynamic theory of grammar. Unpublished paper, Ohio State University. [BHP] Dowty, David. 1997. Adjunct-to-argument reanalysis in a dynamic theory of grammar: The problem of prepositions. Paper presented at the Blaubeuren Semantics CCG/adj-arg Conference, University of Tübingen, March 1997. [BHP] Dowty, David. 1999. The adjunct/complement distinction in a Dynamic Categorial Grammar. Handout for Paper presented at the conference “Approaching the Grammar of Adjuncts”, University of Oslo. September 1999. [BHP, BMOSC] Dowty, David. 2000. The dual analysis of adjuncts/complements in categorial grammar. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 17. pp. xx-xx. [BMOSC] Engelhardt, Miriam and Helen Trugman. 1998. D as a source of adnominal genitive in Russian. In Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 6: The Connecticut Meeting 1997. ed. Želiko Boskovic, Steven Franks and William Snyder, 114-133. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications. [BHP] Engelhardt, Miriam: 2000. The Projection of Argument-taking nomials[sic]. NLLT 18.1, 41-88. Hebrew [MJS] Escribano, José Luis González. 1995. On the incompatibility of genitives and restrictive relative clauses: an explanation within the theory of principles and parameters. Linguistics 33, 711-740. [BMOSC] Freeze, Ray. 1992. Existentials and other locatives. Language 68:553-595. [BHP, NODE] Franco, Jon and Alazne Landa (handout 2000), External possession in the left periphery of sentence structure. Handout, 4th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Indiana University, November 2000. [BMOSC] Fried, Mirjam. 1999. From interest to ownership: A constructional view of external possessors. In External Possession, ed. D.L. Payne and I. Barshi, 473-504. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [BHP, BOX] Fukui, N. and M. Speas. 1986. Specifiers and projections . MITWPL 8:128-172. [BHP, BOX, NODE, L830] Gentile, Sarah. 2000. On the Acquisition of Leftward-Building Recursive Possessive Structures in English. B.A. Honors thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. [BHP, MJS, BOX] Gerdts, Donna B. 1999. Mapping possessors: Parameterizing the external possession construction. In External Possession, ed. D.L. Payne and I. Barshi, 137-163. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [BHP, BOX] 5 Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 Godard, Danièle. 1992. Extraction out of NP in French. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 10:233-277. [BHP, BOX, MJS] Goldberg, Adele. 1995. Constructions: A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. [BHP] Gorodkova, N.V. and E.V.Rakhilina. 2000. O valentnoj strukture predmetnyx imen. [On the valency structure of concrete nouns.] Naucno-Texniceskaja Informacija, Serija 2: Informacionnye Processy i Sistemy, No. 4, 25-36. [BMOSC] Grimshaw, Jane. 1990. Argument Structure. Cambridge: MIT Press. [BHP, NODE] Grosu, A. 1988. On the distribution of genitive phrases in Rumanian. Linguistics 26, 931949. Guéron, J. 1995. On HAVE and BE. In Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society 25, ed. J. Beckman. Amherst: GLSA, University of Massachusetts. [BHP, BMOSC(2), BOX, NODE] Guisti, G. 1997. The categorical status of determiners. In The New Comparative Syntax, ed. Haegeman, 95-124. Longman. English, Italian [MJS] Haider, H., Susan Olsen, and Sten Vikner. 1995. Introduction. In Studies in Comparative Germanic Syntax, ed. H. Haider, S. Olsen and S. Vikner. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 1-45. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX] Hale, Ken. 1981. Preliminary remarks on the grammar of part-whole relations in Warlpiri. In Studies in Pacific Languages and Cultures in Honour of Bruce Biggs, ed. Jim Hollyman and Andrew Pawley. Auckland: Ling. Soc. of New Zealand. 333-344. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX, MJS, L830] Haspelmath, Martin. 1999. Explaining article-possessor complementarity: Economic motivation in noun phrase syntax. Language 75.2: 227-243. [MJS, BHP, BOX, NODE] Haspelmath, Martin. 1999. External possession in a European areal perspective. In External Possession, ed. D.L. Payne and I. Barshi, 109-135. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [BHP, BOX] Hazout, Ilan. 2000. Adjectival genitive constructions in Modern Hebrew. The Linguistic Review 17.2, 29-52. Hebrew [MJS, BMOSC, BOX, L830] Hazout, Ilan: 1995. Action nominalizations and the Lexicalist Hypothesis. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 13.4, 355-404. Hebrew [MJS] Heim, I. and A. Kratzer. 1998. Semantics in Generative Grammar. Oxford: Blackwell. [BHP] 6 Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 Heine, Bernd. 1997. Possession: Cognitive Sources, Forces, and Grammaticization. (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 83). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [BHP] Hellan, Lars. 1980. Toward an Integrated Theory of Noun Phrases. Doctoral dissertation, University of Trondheim. [extract only. BHP, BMOSC] Heycock, Caroline and Anthony, Kroch. 1998. Inversion and equation in copular sentences. In Papers in Linguistics 10, ed. A. Alexiadou, N. Fuhrhop, U. Kleinhenz, and P. Law, 71-87. Berlin: Zentrum fuer allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft. [BHP] Heycock, Caroline and Anthony, Kroch. 1999. Pseudocleft connectivity: Implications for the LF interface level. Linguistic Inquiry 30: 327-364. [BHP, NODE] Higgins, F.R. Notes 1996. Modified version of pp 17-21 of class notes, Ling 754, Spring 1996, Section 3: Deverbal nouns as a source of embedded relative clauses. Ms, UMass . [BHP, BMOSC]. Includes discussion of the problematic construction ‘presents of her choosing’, ‘difficulties of your own making’. Horseherder, Nicole. 1998. A Binding-Theoretic Analysis of Navajo Possessor yi-. MA Thesis, University of British Columbia. Navajo [MJS] Iatsko, Viatscheslav A. 2000. Possessive and Existential Sentences in Russian and in English. PhiN [Philologie im Netz] 14, ed. Paul Gévaudan, Hiltrud Lautenbach, Peter Schneck and Dietrich Scholler, 1-15. Dowloadable from [BOX] Ingria, Robert J.P. and Leland M. George. 1993. Adjectives, nominals, and the status of arguments. In Semantics and the Lexicon, ed. James Pustejovsky, 102-127. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [BHP, BMOSC(2), BOX] Iordanskaja, Lidia and Igor Mel’chuk. 19xx. *Glaza Maši golubye vs. Glaza u Maši golubye: Choosing between two Russian constructions in the domain of body parts. In: Henryk Birnbaum and Michael S. Flier, eds., The Language and Verse of Russia: In Honor of Dean S. Worth on his Sixty-fifth Birthday [= UCLA Slavic Studies, New Series, v.2], Moscow: Vostocnaja Literatura Publishers, 147-171. Reprinted in: Mel’cuk, I.A. (1995) The Russian Language in the Meaning-Text Perspective. [= Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, Sonderband 39]. Moskau-Wien: Škola “Jazyki Russkoj Kul’tury”. 135-164. [BMOSC] Ivic@, M. 1986. On referential strategies: Genitivization vs. adjectivization in SerboCroatian. Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 54/55:23-27. Karl-Marx-Universität, Leipzig. [CBHP,CBOX] Jackendoff, Ray. 1997. The Architecture of the Language Faculty. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [BHP] Janda, L.A. 1998. Coming, going, being there: The genitive case in Czech and Russian. Handout of talk presented at Princeton in April 1998. [BMOSC] 7 Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 Janda, L.A. Peircean semiotics and cognitive linguistics: A case study of the Russian genitive. To appear in Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Language and Peircean Sign Theory. [BMOSC, BOX] Jensen, Per Anker and Carl Vikner. 1994. Lexical knowledge and the analysis of Danish genitive constructions . In Topics in Knowledge-based NLP Systems, ed. S.L. Hansen and H. Wegener, 37-55. Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur. [BHP, BMOSC(2) BOX] Jensen, Per Anker and Carl Vikner. 1996. The double nature of the verb have. In LAMBDA 21, OMNIS Workshop 23-24 Nov. 1995, 25-37. Institut for Datalingvistik, Handelshøjskolen i København. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX] Knorina, L.V. 1985. Ob interpretacii genitivnyx konstrukcij [On the interpretation of genitive constructions]. Theses of the workshop “Semiotic foundations of intellectual activity. Moscow: VINITI. [BHP, BMOSC] Knorina, L.V. 1988. Klassifikacija leksiki i slovarnye definicii [Lexical classification and dictionary definitions]. In Nacional'naja specifika jazyka i ee otraženie v normativnom slovare, ed. Ju.N. Karaulov, 60-63. Moskva: Nauka. [BHP, BMOSC] Knorina, L.V. 1989. Gentivnye sravnenija v poezii Pasternaka [Genitive similes in the poetry of Pasternak]. In Stilistika i poetika [Stylistics and Poetics]. Moskva. [BHP, BMOSC] Knorina, L.V. 1990. Narushenija sochetajemosti i raznovidnosti tropov v genitivnoj konstrukcii [Violations of cooccurrence and varieties of tropes in genitive construction]. In Contradictions and Anomalies of Text, 115-124. Moscow. [BHP, BMOSC] Knorina, L.V. 1996. The range of biblical metaphors in smikhut. Moscow Linguistic Journal 3: 80-94. [BHP] Koenig, Jean-Pierre. 1999. French body-parts and the semantics of binding. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 17: 219-265. [BHP, BMOSC(2), MJS, BO X] Kolliakou, Dimitra. 1995. Definites and Possessives in Modern Greek: An HPSG Syntax for Noun Phrases. Doctoral dissertation, University of Edinburgh. [BHP, BOX] Kolliakou, Dimitra 1998. A compositional approach to Modern Greek ‘weak form’ possessives. In Lexical and Constructional Aspects of Linguistic Explanationed, ed. Gert Webelhuth, Jean-Pierre Koenig, and Andreas Kathol, 31-46. Stanford: Stanford University. [BOX, BHP, BMOSC] Kolliakou, Dimitra, 1999. De-Phrase extractability and Individual/Property denotation. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 17.4, 713-781 [BOX, BHP, BMOSC] 8 Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 Koptjevskaja- Tamm, Maria and Aleksej Šmelev. 1994. 'Alešina s Mašej stat'ja ' (o nekotoryx svojstvax russkix "pritjazatel'nyx prilagatel'nyx"). [Alješa and Maša’s article (on some properties of the Russian “adjectival possessives”)]. Scando-Slavica 40:209228. [BHP, BMOSC] Koptjevskaja- Tamm, Maria. 1995. Possessive and relational forms in Chukchi. In Double-case:Agreement by Suffixaufnahme, ed. F. Plank. New York: Oxford University Press, 301-321. [BHP, BMOSC(2)] Krasil’šcik, I.S. and E.V.Rakhilina. 1992. Predmetnye imena v sisteme “Leksikograf” [Concrete nouns in the system “Lexicograph”]. Naucno-Texniceskaja Informacija, Serija 2: Informacionnye Processy i Sistemy, No. 9, 24-31. [BMOSC] Landman, Fred and Barbara H. Partee. 1984. Weak NPs in HAVE sentences. Ms. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. [BHP] Larson, R. 1998. Events and modification in nominals. In Proceedings from Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) VIII, ed. D. Strolovitch and A. Lawson. Ithaca: Cornell University. [BHP, BOX, NODE] Larson, Richard and Sungeon Cho. 1999. Temporal adjectives and the structure of possessive DPs. Proceedings of WCCFL 18. Cambridge: Casadilla Press. [BHP, BOX, NODE] Lascarides, A. and A. Copestake. 1995. The pragmatics of word meaning. In Proceedings from SALT V, ed. M. Simons and T. Galloway, 204-221. Ithaca: Cornell University. [BHP, NODE] Lascarides, Alex and Nicholas Asher. 1993. Temporal interpretation, discourse relations and commonsense entailment. Linguistics and Philosophy 16: 437-493. [BHP, NODE] Levin, Beth. 1993. English Verb Classes and Alternations. Chicago: Chicago University Press. [BHP, NODE] Link, Godehard. 1983. The logical analysis of plurals and mass terms: a latticetheoretical approach. In Meaning, Use and Interpretation of Language, ed. R. Bauerle, C. Schwarze and A. von Stechow, 302-323. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. [BHP, 720BOX] Longobardi, G. 1994. Reference and proper names: A theory of N-movement in syntax and Logical Form. Linguistic Inquiry 25: 609-665. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX] Longobardi, Giuseppe. 2000. The Structure of DPs: Some principles, parameters and problems . In The Handbook of Contemporary Syntactic Theory, ed. M. Baltin and C. Collins, 562-603. Blackwell. [MJS, BOX, L830] Lötzsch, R. 1965. Das sog. Possessivadjektiv im Slavischen, speziell im Sorbischen, und seine Stellung im System der Redeteile. Forschungen und Fortschritte 39:377-379. [CBHP, CBOX] 9 Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 Lyons, Christopher. 1986. The syntax of English genitive constructions . Journal of Linguistics 22:123-143. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX, NODE] Makarova, S. Ja. 1954. “Roditel’nyj padež prinadležnosti v russkom jazyke XI-XVII vv.” [Genitive of possession in the Russian language of the 11th-17th centuries”.] In Trudy Instituta Jazykoznanija AN SSSR III, 7-31. [None; cited in Richards 1976.] Manning, Christopher D. and Ivan S. Sag, 1998. Dissociations between argument structure and grammatical relations. In Lexical and Constructional Aspects of Linguistic Explanation, ed. Gert Webelhuth, Jean-Pierre Koenig, & Andreas Kathol, 63-78. Stanford University. [BOX, BHP, BMOSC] Montague, Richard. 1973. The proper treatment of quantification in ordinary English. In Formal Philosophy, ed. R.H. Thomason, 247-270. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1974. [BHP, NODE] Montague, Richard. 1974. Formal Philosophy: Selected Papers of Richard Montague, ed. Richmond Thomason. New Haven: Yale University Press. [BHP, NODE] Müller, Ana Lúcia. 1996. A estrutura do sintagma nominal com argumentos genitivos. Cad.Est.Ling., Campinas (31) Jul/Dez. 1996: 71-89. [BMOSC] Müller, Ana. 1997. The Grammar of Possessive Forms in Brazilian Portuguese. Doctoral dissertation, University of São Paulo. [BHP] Müller, Ana Lúcia. 1998. O significado da ordem dos pronomes possessivos no sintagma nominal. Revista da ANPOLL 4, Jan-Jun 1998, 11-37. [BMOSC] Munn, Alan. 1995. The possessor that stayed close to home . In Proceedings of WECOL 24, ed. V. Samiian and J. Schaeffer, 181-195. [BHP, BMOSC(2), BOX] O'Connor, Mary Catherine. 1996. The situated interpretation of possessor-raising. In Grammatical Constructions: Their Form and Meaning, ed. Masayoshi Shibatani and Sandra A. Thompson, 125-156. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [BMOSC] Ouhalla, Jamal. 1998. Possession in Sentences and Noun Phrases. Ms., Queen MaryLondon University. Downloadable from: [BHP, BOX] Paduceva, E.V. 1984. Pritjažatel'noe mestoimenie i problema zaloga otglagol'nogo imeni. [Possessive pronouns and the problem of voice of the deverbal noun]. In Problemy Strukturnoj Lingvistiki 1982, ed. V.P. Grigor'ev, 50-66. Moskva: Nauka. [BHP, BMOSC] Paducheva, E.V. 1992. Taxonomic categories and the semantics of aspectual opposition. In Temporal Reference, Aspect and Actionality. Vol. I, ed. P.M. Bertinetto et al., 71-90. Rosenberg and Seiler. [BHP, BMOSC] 10 Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 Paducheva, E.V. 1997. Verb categorization and the format of a lexicographic definition. In Recent Trends in Meaning-Text Theory, ed. L.Wanner. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [BHP, BMOSC] Partee, Barbara and Emmon Bach. 1981. Quantification, prono uns and VP anaphora. In Formal Methods in the Study of Language, ed. J. Groenendijk, T. Janssen, M. Stokhof, 445-481. Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum. [BHP] Partee, Barbara and Mats Rooth. 1983. Generalized conjunction and type ambiguity. In Meaning, Use and Interpretation of Language, ed. R. Bauerle, C. Schwarze and A. von Stechow, 361-383. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. [BHP] Partee, Barbara H. 1999a. Copula inversion puzzles in English and Russian. In Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics: The Seattle Meeting 1998, ed. K. Dziwirek et al. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications. Also to appear in UMOP 23: Issues in Semantics and its Interface, ed. Kiyomi Kusumoto and Elisabeth Villalta. [BHP, NODE] Partee, Barbara H. 1999b. Weak NP’s in HAVE sentences. In JFAK [a Liber Amicorum for Johan van Benthem on the occasion of his 50th Birthday; CD-ROM], ed. J. Gerbrandy, M. Marx, M. de Rijke, and Y. Venema. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam. Available: [BHP] Partee, Barbara H. and Vladimir Borschev. 1998. Integrating lexical and formal semantics: Genitives, relational nouns, and type -shifting. In Proceedings of the 2nd Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic, and Computation, ed. R. Cooper and Th. Gramkrelidze. 229-241. Tbilisi: Center on Language, Logic, Speech, Tbilisi State University. [BHP, BOX] Partee, Barbara H. and Vladimir Borschev. 2000. Genitives, relational nouns, and the argument-modifier distinction. In ZAS Papers in Linguistics 17, ed. Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen, Ewald Lang, and Claudia Maienborn, 177-201. Berlin: Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung. [BHP, BOX] Partee, Barbara H. and Vladimir Borschev. In press. Possessives, favorite, and coercion. To appear in ESCOL 99 Proceedings, ed. Rebecca Daly and Anastasia Riehl. Ithaca: Cornell University. [BHP, CBOX] Partee, Barbara H. and Vladimir Borschev. In press. Some puzzles of predicate possessives. To appear in Festschrift for Ferenc Kiefer, ed. R.M. Harnish and Istvan Kenesei John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam. [BHP, BOX] Partee, Barbara H. and Vladimir Borschev. 2000. Genitives, relational nouns, and the argument- modifier distinction. In Approaching the Grammar of Adjuncts [ZAS Papers in Linguistics 17], ed. C. Fabricius-Hansen, E. Lang and C. Maienborn, 177-201. Berlin: Humboldt University. [BHP, CBOX] 11 Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 Partee, Barbara. 1983. Genitives, have, and relational nouns. Handout for a talk, Amsterdam, June 1983. [BHP] Partee, Barbara. 1983/1997. Uniformity vs. versatility: the genitive, a case study. Appendix to Theo Janssen, 1997. Compositionality. In The Handbook of Logic and Language, ed. Johan van Benthem and Alice ter Meulen, 464-470. Elsevier. [BHP] Partee, Barbara. 1986. Ambiguous pseudoclefts with unambiguous be. In Proceedings of NELS l6, ed. S. Berman, J.-W. Choe, J. McDonough, 354-366. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. [BHP, NODE] Partee, Barbara. 1987. Noun phrase interpretation and type-shifting principles. In Studies in Discourse Representation Theory and the Theory of Generalized Quantifiers. GRASS 8, ed. J. Groenendijk, D. de Jongh, and M. Stokhof, 115-143. Dordrecht: Foris. [BHP, CBOX] Partee, Barbara. 1996. The development of formal semantics in linguistic theory. In The Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory, ed. Shalom Lappin, 11-38. [BHP] Payne, Doris L. and Immanuel Barshi. 1999. External possession: What, where, how, and why. In External Possession, ed. D.L. Payne and I. Barshi, 3-29. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX, MJS, L830] Pereltsvaig, Asya. 1998. Compounds in Modern Hebrew. Ms, McGill University. Downloadable from: [BHP, BOX] Plank, F. 1992. Possessives and the distinction between determiners and modifiers with special reference to German. Journal of Linguistics 28, 453-468. [CBHP, CBOX] Podlesskaya, Vera I. and Ekaterina V. Rakhilina. 1999. External possession, reflexivization and body parts in Russian. In External Possession. [Typological Studies in Language, Vol. 39], ed. Doris Payne and Immanuel Barshi, 505-521. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. [BHP, BOX] Polinsky, Maria and Bernard Comrie. 1999. External possession: What, where, how, and why. In External Possession, ed. D.L. Payne and I. Barshi, 523-541. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [BHP, BOX] Pustejovsky, James. 1993. Type coercion and lexical selection. In Semantics and the Lexicon, ed. J. Pustejovsky, 73-94. Dordrecht: Kluwer. [BHP] Pustejovsky, James. 1995. The Generative Lexicon. Cambridge: MIT Press. [BHP] Radford, Andrew. 1990. Syntactic Theory and the Acquisition of English Syntax: The Nature of Early Child Grammars of English. Oxford: Blackwell. [includes discussion of and theorizing about the acquisition of possessives. BHP doesn’t have it.] 12 Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 Rakhilina, E.V. 1991. Predmetnye imena i imena predikatov [Concrete nouns and names of predicates.] Naucno-Texniceskaja Informacija, Serija 2: Informacionnye Processy i Sistemy, 1991 No. 5, 29-31. [BMOSC] Rakhilina, E.V. 1991. Prilagatel’nye skvoz’ prizmu sušcesvitel’nyx i vice versa [Adjectives through the prism of nouns and vice versa]. Naucno-Texniceskaja Informacija, Serija 2: Informacionnye Processy i Sistemy, 1991 No. 9, 26-28. [BMOSC] Rakhilina, E.V. 1992. Leksiceskoe znacenie i kommunikativnaja struktura (k postanovke problemy) [Lexical meaning and communicative structure (towards the posing of the problem)]. Naucno-Texniceskaja Informacija, Serija 2: Informacionnye Processy i Sistemy, 1992 No. 6, 27-30. [BMOSC] Rakhilina, E.V. 1996. Semantika possesivnosti i vopros (o russkoj lekseme cej) [The semantics of possessives and questions (on the Russian lexeme cej ‘whose’)] NaucnoTexniceskaja Informacija, Serija 2: Informacionnye Processy i Sistemy, 1996 No. 4, 2126. [BMOSC] Rakhilina, E.V. ms. 2000. Moj, tvoj i semantika posessivnosti [My, your and the semantics of the possessive]. Ms, Moscow: VINITI. [BMOSC] Rakhilina, E. and V. Plungian. 1994. Semantic types of object nouns: Grammar, lexicology, and cognitive interpretation. In Dialogue '95: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Computational Linguistics, ed. R.G. Bukharaev et al., 252-258. Kazan. [BHP] Ramos, Eliane B. 2000. Acquisition of Noun Phrase Structure in Children with Specific Language Impairment. Doctoral dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. [BHP, BOX] Rappaport, Gilbert. 1992. On the adnominal genitive and the structure of noun phrases in Russian and Polish. In Linguistique et slavistique: Melanges offerts a Paul Garde, ed. M. Guirard-Weber and C. Zaremba, 241-262. Paris: Institut d’études slaves. [BHP, BMOSC(2), MJS, BOX] Rappaport, Gilbert. 19xx. Extraction from the Polish noun phrase in comparative perspective. To be published as (2000) Extraction from nominal phrases in Polish and the theory of Determiners. Journal of Slavic Linguistics. Special issue devoted to Polish syntax, ed. by Piotr Banski and Ewa Willim. [BHP, BMOSC, MJS, BOX] Rappaport, Gilbert. 1998. The Slavic noun phrase. Position paper for Comparative Slavic Morphosyntax. Retrieved Jan. 4, 1999 from Comparative Slavic Morphosyntax on the World Wide Web: early version of Rappaport (2000) The Slavic noun phrase. In Comparative Slavic Morphosyntax, ed. George Fowler. Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. [BHP, BOX] Rappaport, Gilbert. 2000. The Slavic noun phrase. To appear in: Comparative Slavic Morphosyntax, ed. George Fowler. Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. [BMOSC] 13 Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 Richards, K.R. 1976. Toward a history of the possessive in literary Russian: The demise of the possessive adjective. In Papers from the Parasession on Diachronic Syntax, Chicago Linguistic Society, ed. S.B. Steever et al., 260-73. Chicago. [BHP, BMOSC] Ritter, E. 1991. Two functional Categories in NPs: Evidence from Modern Hebrew. Syntax and Semantics 25, 37-62, Academic Press. Hebrew [MJS] Ritter, Elizabeth and Sara Thomas Rosen. 1993. Deriving causation. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 11: 519-555. [BHP, MJS, BOX] Roeper, T. 1999. Leftward movement. In MITWPL 34, ed. V. Lin, C. Krause, B. Bruening, and K. Arregi. [BHP, BOX] Roeper, Thomas. 2000. Inherent binding and the syntax/lexicon interface. In Lexical Specification and Insertion, ed. Peter Coopmans, Martin Everaert, and Jane Grimshaw, 305-328. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co. [BHP, BMOSC(2), MJS, L830, BOX] Roeper, T. and A. van Hout. 2000. The impact of nominalization on passive, -able and middle: Burzio’s Generalization and feature- movement in the lexicon. MITWPL. [BHP, BOX] Ross, Malcolm. 1998. Proto-Oceanic adjectival categories and their morphosyntax. Oceanic Linguistics 37.1 , 85-119. [BMOSC] Ross, Malcolm. 1998. Possessive- like attribute constructions in the Oceanic languages of Northwest Melanesia. Oceanic Linguistics 37.2 , 234-276. [BMOSC] Rozwadowska, B. 1993. Configurational hypothesis and Polish noun phrases. Paper presented at the 27th Conference on Cross Language Studies and Contrastive Linguistics. Rydzyna, Poland. [CBHP, CBOX] Ru* z& ic&ka, Rudolf. 1996. Structural and communicative hierarchies in participial adjuncts. In Discourse and Meaning, ed. B.H. Partee and P. Sgall, 337-345. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [BHP, BOX] Ru* z& ic&ka, Rudolf. 1997. Puzzling nominal phrases in Upper Sorbian and Slovak. Le&topis 44:223-231. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX] Sag, Ivan A. & Daniele Godard, 1994. Extraction of "de"-phrases from the French DP. NELS 24, vol. 2, 519-541. [BOX, BHP, BMOSC] Schafer, Robin. 1995. The SLP/ILP distinction in have-predication. In Proceedings from Semantics and Linguistic Theory V, ed. M. Simons and T. Galloway, 292-309. Ithaca: Cornell University Department of Linguistics. [BHP, NODE] Schafer, Robin. ms. 1997. Encoding categorical judgments in have clauses. Ms., University of Massachusetts. [BMOSC] 14 Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 Schoorlemmer, Maaike. 1995. Participial Passive and Aspect in Russian. Doctoral dissertation. Utrecht: OTS. [BMOSC] Schoorlemmer, Maaike. 1998a. There is no such thing as a Passive Nominal. Ms.UiL OTS Utrecht. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX] Schoorlemmer, Maaike. 1998b. Complex event nominals in Russian: Properties and readings. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 8.2: 205-254. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX] Schoorlemmer, Maaike. 1998c. Possessors, articles and definiteness. In: Artemis Alexiadou and Chris Wilder (eds.) Possessors, Predicates and Movement in the Determiner Phrase. Series: Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today, Vol. 22. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 55-86. [BMOSC, BOX] Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1977. Some remarks on noun phrase structure. In Formal Syntax, ed. Culicover, Wasow and Akmajan, 285-316. New York: Academic Press. [BHP, BOX, MJS] [About partitives and pseudopartitives in English, among other things] Seymour, D.M. 1995. New women’s suitcase: The possessive-adjective switch. Presented at the 1995 LSA meeting. [request made to Tom for reacquisition] Shlonsky, Ur. 19xx. The form of Semitic noun phrases. Ms., University of Geneva. Downloadable from: [BHP, BOX] Siegel, Muffy. 1976. Capturing the Russian adjective. In Montague Grammar, ed. B. Partee, 293-309. New York: Academic Press. [BHP, NODE] Siloni, Tal. 1994. Noun Phrases and Nominalization, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Geneva. Hebrew [MJS] Siloni, Tal. 1998. Adjectival constructs and inalienable constructions. Ms., Tel- Aviv University. Downloadable from: [BHP, BMOSC, BOX] Siloni, Tal. ms. 2000. Prosodic case checking domain: the case of constructs. Ms. TelAviv University. Downloadable from [BMOSC] Stockwell, Robert P., Paul Schachter, and Barbara H. Partee. 1973. The Major Syntactic Structures of English. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX, NODE] [Chapter 11: Genitives. pp 672-716.] Storto, Gianluca, 2000. Indefinite possessives are indefinite, after all. SALT 10, Cornell. [BMOSC handout] Storto, Gianluca. To appear. Double genitives aren’t (quite) partitives. To appear in the Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistic Society 36. Chicago: CLS Publications. [BMOSC] 15 Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 Storto, Gianluca. To appear. On the structure of indefinite possessives. To appear in Semantics and Linguistic Theory [SALT] 10. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. [BMOSC] Storto, Gianluca. Ms. 2000. Issues in the semantics of possessive constructions. Dissertation prospectus, UCLA. [BMOSC?] Švedova, N.Ju. 1980. Russkaja Grammatika. Akademija nauk SSSR, Institut russkogo jazyka. Moskva: Nauka. [BHP] Szabolcsi, Anna. 1981. The possessive construction in Hungarian. Acta Linguistica Scientiarum Academiae Hungaricae 31. 261-289. [BHP] Szabolcsi, Anna. 1983. The possessor that ran away from home. The Linguistic Review 3: 89-102. [BHP, BOX, NODE] Szabolcsi, Anna. 1994. The noun phrase. In Syntax and Semantics 27: The Syntactic Structure of Hungarian, ed. F. Kiefer and K. É. Kiss, 179-275. New York: Academic Press. Hungarian [BHP, MJS, BOX] Taylor, John R. 1996. Possessives in English. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [I don’t have the book but I have a copy of a forthcoming review (I don’t know where) by Chris Barker and Maria Polinsky. – BHP] Toivonen, Ida. 2000. The morphosyntax of Finnish possessives. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 18: 579-609. [BMOSC] Tremblay, M. 1991. The syntax of possession. In Views on Phrase Structure, ed. Leffel and Bouchard. Kluwer. French [MJS] Trubetzkoy, N.S. (1939) Le rapport entre le déterminé, le déterminant et le défini. In Mélanges de linguistique offerts à Charles Bally, 75-82. Geneva. [publisher?] Uehara, Keiko. 1999. External possession constructions in Japanese: A psycholinguistic perspective. In External Possession, ed. D.L. Payne and I. Barshi, 45-74. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [BHP, BOX, MJS, L830] Valois, Daniel, 1991. The internal syntax of DP and adjective placement in French and English, NELS 21, 367-381. [BOX, BHP, BMOSC] Veselovská, Ludmila. 1998. Possessive movement in the Czech nominal phrase. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 8.2: 255-300. [BHP, NODE?] Vikner, Carl and Per Anker Jensen. 1999. A semantic analysis of the English genitive: Interaction of lexical and formal semantics. Ms., Copenhagen and Kolding, Denmark. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX] Weiss, Daniel. 1995. Remarks on Chapter 6. In: Mel’cuk, I.A. (1995) The Russian Language in the Meaning-Text Perspective. [= Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, 16 Genitives/Possessives Reading List 08/14/02 Sonderband 39]. Moskau-Wien: Škola “Jazyki Russkoj Kul’tury”. 165-167. [BMOSC] [Note: Chapter 6 =Iordanskaja, Lidia and Igor Mel’chuk. 19xx. *Glaza Maši golubye vs. Glaza u Maši golubye: Choosing between two Russian constructions in the domain of body parts.] Williams, Edwin. 1981. Argument structure and morphology. Linguistic Review 1:81114. [BHP, NODE?] Williams, Edwin. 1983. Semantic vs. syntactic categories. Linguistics and Philosophy 6: 423-446. [BHP, NODE] Willim, Ewa. 1995. The syntax of noun phrases in Polish: Linearization parameters. In Proceedings of LP’94, ed. B. Palek, 166-189. Charles University Press. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX] Willim, Ewa. 1997. On N-movement in Polish noun phrases. In Proceedings of LP’96, ed. B. Palek, 325-331. Charles University Press. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX] Worth, Dean. 1961. Transformation criteria for the classification of predicative genitive constructions in Russian. International Conference on Machine Translation of Languages and Applied Language Analysis: Proceedings of the Conference held at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, on September 5-8. 726-735. [BMOSC] Zimmermann, I. 1991. The subject in noun phrases. In Syntax und Semantik der Substantivgruppe, ed. Ilse Zimmermann, 33-68. Berlin: Akademie. [CBHP, CBOX] Zimmermann, I. 1993. The syntax of “possessor” phrases. In The Parametrization of Universal Grammar, ed. Gisbert Fanselow, 201-225. [BHP, BMOSC, BOX] Zimmermann, T.E. 1993. Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen von Bedeutungspostulaten. Linguistische Berichte 146:263-282. [BHP] Zimmermann, T.E. ms. 1995. Possessivpronomina und die Zweiteilung des Lexicons. Manuscript, University of Tübingen. [BMOSC] Zlatic, Larisa. To appear. The Morpho-syntax of Slavic possessives. Proceedings of the 36th Chicago Linguistic Society Annual Meeting. Chicago: University of Chicago. [CBHP, CBOX] Zribi-Hertz, Anne. 1997. On the dual nature of the English possessive marker in Modern English. Journal of Linguistics, 33-2. [MJS] 17