Grading Policy - Crawford Middle School

Adopted 12/3/12
Second Reading Waived: 12/3/12
Amended on 2/4/13
Effective date: August 2013
Crawford Middle School Grading, Homework and Missing Assignments
Grading Policy
In an effort to focus more clearly on student learning it is necessary to have a grading policy that is fair,
consistent, and meaningful. The following guidelines are to be implemented.
Summative Assessments 60% (minimum of 2 per quarter)
30% (minimum of 8 per quarter)
0% to 10% (no minimum, optional)
If homework is not counted as part of the grade, then the value of 10% is to be added to the
classwork category.
Homework - independent practice completed outside of class.
Classwork - may include but not limited to class work, daily or weekly assignments, quizzes, extended
response questions or other writing assignments not considered assessments, smaller projects
Summative Assessments – may include but not limited to major projects, unit tests, chapter tests,
essays, quizzes, extended response questions, research papers and other writing assignments
By interim reports, teachers are to record at least 4 classwork grades and 1 summative assessment in
their grade books.
Grade Reporting
The school will send grade reports home eight times during the school year. All reports will be sent home
by way of the student, but the final report card will be mailed home. Parents not receiving grades reports
from their student may come to the school to obtain copies. Parents may also stay informed of grades and
attendance by accessing the online student data collection program. (Directions for using this program
are located on the Crawford Middle School web page under parent information.)
Grading Scale and Grade Point Averaging
A Superior
92% - 100%
B Above Average
83% - 91%
C Average
74% - 82%
D Below Average
65% - 73%
F Failing
64% or below
Promotion to the Next Grade
Fayette County School Board Policy will be followed by Crawford Middle School which states that for a
student to be promoted to the next grade he/she must pass at least three of the four core subjects and
three-fourths (6 out of 8 nine- week grading periods) of the elective courses taken that school year. AE
will be counted as a Pass/Fail class and will not be included in the student’s grade point average (GPA).
Conduct Grades
For each nine weeks, teachers also assign conduct comments based on student behavior in the classroom.
Conduct comments do not include student conduct outside of the classroom. The conduct comments are
as follows:
O = Outstanding
Conduct beyond what is expected
S = Satisfactory
Generally acceptable conduct
N = Needs improvement
Conduct needs improving
U = Unsatisfactory
Frequent disruptive behavior
Homework Policy and Practices
The school faculty believes that homework plays an important role in the education of each student as a
meaningful follow-up to classroom instruction.
 Homework will be assigned by teachers according to the abilities and needs of the students and
will therefore vary among subject areas and teachers
 All students are required to read at least 20 minutes each night as monitored through AR.
 Students are expected to have assignments complete by assigned due date
 It is the responsibility of the student to get missed work from his/her teachers
1. Excused absences – Students absent from school due to an excused absence will have the same
number of days absent to turn in missed work for full credit.
2. Suspensions out of school – In case of students suspended out of school, major tests (e.g. finals or
unit tests) and major projects or term papers may be made up for full credit. All other grades will
be entered as zeros including; classwork, homework, and participation.
Missing Assignments
All missing assignments, including homework, will be recorded as missing in the online student data
collection program. Missing work will be accepted with the following restrictions:
 All students should have the opportunity to complete missing assignments in a supervised setting
 If a student is missing three (3) consecutive assignments the teacher will make contact with the
parent/guardian by the preferred method of communication
 All assignments recorded as missing will appear as zeros until they are completed or the nine weeks
 When a student is failing a class the teacher will notify the parent/guardian with a documented form
of communication such as email, letter, phone call or another type of documented communication.
This communication should be recorded in the online student data collection system.