Exploring Atoms, Molecules and Ions

Exploring Atoms, Molecules and Ions
Name ______________________________
Group _______
Matter in our universe is made up of tiny, individual particles called atoms. Atoms are made up of even
smaller particles called proton, neutron, and electron.
Exploring atoms and sub-atomic particles
Open the PhET simulation Build an atom. Click on the “Atom” icon. Expand the box labeled “net charge”.
1. Pick up a proton and drop it inside the smaller blue circle. Which element have you made and what is its net
2. Pick up another proton and drop it inside the smaller blue circle. Which element have you made and what is
its net charge?
3. Pick up one more proton and drop it inside the smaller blue circle. Which element have you made and what
is its net charge?
4. Pick up one more proton and try to place it outside of the small blue circles. What happens?
5. Put all the protons back into the bucket. Repeat steps 1 - 4 with neutrons. Describe what happens.
6. Put all the neutrons back into the bucket. Repeat steps 1 - 4 with electrons and describe what happens.
7. Answer the following questions based on your observations from steps 1 - 6.
What is the charge of:
Each proton?
Each neutron?
Each electron?
Where in the atom are the protons located?
Where in the atom are the neutrons located?
Where in the atom are the electrons located?
Which sub-atomic particles, protons, neutrons or electrons, determine the type of element? Justify your
Check with your instructor before proceeding
Clear your atom and expand the box labeled “mass number”.
8. Add a proton to your atom. Record the mass number.
Mass number after 1 proton __________________
Mass number after 2 protons _________________
9. Keep the protons in the atom and add a neutron. Record the mass number
Mass number after 1 neutron __________________
Mass number after 2 neutrons__________________
10. Keep the protons and neutrons in the atom and add an electron. Record the mass number.
Mass number after 1 electron __________________
Mass number after 2 electrons _________________
11. Based on the observations above, what mass number would you assign to each proton, neutron and
12. If you know the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom, how would you calculate the mass
number of the atom?
Check with your instructor before proceeding
When atoms become charged, they form ions. Ions are building blocks of ionic compounds such as the table salt
that we sprinkle on French fries. An ion with a positive charge is called a cation; an ion with a negative charge is
called an anion.
13. Prediction: How can an atom become positively charged? How can it become negatively charged?
14. In the simulation, try to create the following atoms or ions. Draw a schematic diagram in the space below.
A neutral lithium atom
(with 4 neutrons)
A lithium ion with + 1 charge
(with 4 neutrons)
A lithium ion with – 1 charge
(with 4 neutrons)
Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different mass numbers.
15. Prediction: Based on the definition of isotopes and what you have learned from the simulation, what can
you predict about the number of protons and neutrons in different isotopes of the same element?
Different isotopes of the same element have ___________ (same or different) number of protons;
Different isotopes of the same element have ___________ (same or different) number of neutrons.
Open the PhET simulation Isotopes and atomic mass. Expand the box labeled “symbol”.
16. Build the following isotopes in the simulation.
Symbol of isotope
# of protons
# of neutrons
17. What can you tell about the atom represented by the following symbol?
Is there any redundant information in the above symbol?
Check with your instructor before proceeding
# of electrons
Building models of atoms, isotopes and ions with the atomic board
Each group will need one atomic model board and a set of colored beads.
18. Using your understanding of atoms, isotopes and ions, construct models of the following atoms or ions on
the atomic model board. Use orange beads as protons, clear beads as neutrons, and green beads as
electrons. After you’re done, draw a schematic diagram of each atom or ion below.
A neutral oxygen atom with a symbol of 8 O
A lithium 3 Li ion with + 1 charge.
Is it a cation or an anion?
A fluorine 9 F ion with −1 charge.
Is it a cation or an anion?
Check with your instructor before proceeding
Some matter such as helium in carnival balloons consist of individual atoms. Other matter consists of building
blocks with more than one atom. Two atoms of the same kind can combine to form molecules such as O2 that
we breathe. Molecules that consist of only ONE type of atom are called an element. Other examples of elements
include N2 and H2. Atoms of different kinds can also combine to form molecules such as the water (H2O) we drink
and the sugar (C12H22O11) we enjoy in candies. These molecules consist of more than one type of atom, which
make them compounds. Other examples of compounds include carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO).
Open the PhET simulation Build a molecule.
19. A. Build the following molecules from atoms. Try out different ways atoms are connected together. After you
build a molecule, drag and drop it into the bin underneath the molecule name. Only atoms connected
correctly can be dropped into the bin.
B. After the correctly connected molecules are dropped into the bins, click on the “3D” button to see what
each molecule looks like. Check out both “space-filling” and “ball-and-stick” models. Draw the ball-and-stick
model of each molecule in the space below.
Hydrogen (H2)
Water (H2O)
Oxygen (O2)
Nitrogen (N2)
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
20. List some different features that you see from the ball-and-stick models of the five molecules above.
Building molecules with a molecular model set.
21. Obtain a molecular model set. Figure out what atoms different color of balls represent and what different
sticks (white, short grey, long grey) are for. Build the ball-and-stick models of the five molecules on the
previous page.
22. Below is the structure of ethylene, the monomer used to make both high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and
low-density polyethylene (LDPE). Use the molecular model set to build the ball-and-stick model of an
ethylene molecule. Show the lab instructor the model you build.
Electrolyte and nonelectrolyte
Do you remember drinking Pedialyte when you came down with a stomach virus and had diarrhea? Your doctor
most likely recommended drinking Pedialyte to keep you hydrated. Have you ever wondered what is in
Pedialyte? Why didn’t your doctor just ask you to drink water to stay hydrated? In this unit, you will explore
something in Pedialyte called electrolyte, which helps replace fluids and minerals that are lost when you have
diarrhea with or without vomiting. You will also learn the difference between electrolyte and noneletrolyte.
Open the PhET simulation Sugar and Salt Solution.
23. Grab the light bulb with electrodes and place the electrodes inside the water tank. Does the light bulb
light up? Offer an explanation.
24. Add some salt to the water tank by shaking the salt shaker. What happened? Add some more salt.
Record your observations. Try to explain what you just saw.
25. Click the button “remove salt” (found inside the tank). Select “sugar” on the upper right corner. Add
some sugar to the water tank. What happened? Add some more sugar. Record your observations. Try to
explain what you just saw.
26. On the upper left corner of the simulation, select the “micro” tab. Add some sodium chloride (NaCl),
the chemical name for table salt, to the water tank. Describe what you saw. Now, re-think what
happened with the light bulb when you added salt to the water tank. Can you offer a better explanation
for what you saw in Q #24? (Hint: what do the green and the purple ball represent in the simulation?)
27. Click the “remove solute” button. Select “sucrose” in the “solute” box on the upper right corner. Add
some sucrose (chemical name for sugar) to the water tank. Describe what you saw. Now, re-think what
happened with the light bulb when you added sugar to the water tank. Can you offer a better
explanation for what you saw in Q #25?
28. Table salt (NaCl) is an example of “electrolyte” and sugar (sucrose) is an example of nonelectrolyte.
Based on your observation in this simulation, describe the difference between “electrolyte” and
What happens at the microscopic level when they are dissolved in water:
Difference in conductivity (macroscopic level) when they are dissolved in water:
29. Go to the workstation by the left-hand side of the sink where you will find an LED and a battery taped
to a piece of wood. Is the LED lit?
a. Dip the electrodes into the beaker labeled DI water. Does the LED light up? Try to offer an
b. Dip the electrodes into the beaker labeled tap water. Does the LED light up? Try to offer an
30. Go to the workstation by the right-hand side of the sink where a light bulb is plugged into the wall
outlet with a pair of electrodes. Is the light bulb lit?
a. Add 200 mL of DI water to the beaker labeled “salt solution test”. Dip the electrodes into the
beaker. Add a little bit of table salt into the beaker. Allow the table salt to dissolve. Record what
happened. Add some more salt and allow to dissolve. Record what happened. After you are done,
remove the electrodes from the beaker and pour the solution in the beaker down the drain. Rinse
the beaker with tap water first. Then rinse with DI water for the next group.
b. Add 200 mL of DI water to the beaker labeled “sugar solution test”. Dip the electrodes into the
beaker. Add a little bit of sugar into the beaker. Allow the sugar to dissolve. Record what happened.
Add some more sugar and allow to dissolve. Record what happened. Add some more. Anything
different? After you are done, remove the electrodes from the beaker and pour the solution down
the drain. Rinse the beaker with tap water first. Then rinse with DI water for the next group.