offas written were barracks atDeepcut Iheirdeaths suspec recruits army ofthese buttheparents suicide, atleges soldier Asaformer slaughtered. theywere expert ballistics one easy, been have would mulder theshootings thetruthbehind heknows betieves 0'Neitl byEamonn Investigation I THEHtrALDf^cAzNEr G.6 the bmcks over the pasLdeede Ineach6e Bntish Amv claimed ihc r€cruits di.d lrom sclfinflidea nnc touds. lul the laniliss relxe to accpt this. They have quesiions &at +ill hAlcn i ben as{ered Thc faces and ndes of thc fou. dead Sem Aenbn, vho died in 1995i soldier chelyl Janes, vho died the sd€ year; CeoII Cray, who died in 2001 dd Janes colinson. ftom Pedh. vho died in 2002 e beconinc "Al the end olthe dav 6xed in the DubIc nind. says we're loob;g for a lull public i.quirr. Jin Collinson Yvonne nods 'n agreenent: 'nve ve had a SuEcJ Police investigalion qli.h rook 15months and costC1m.But it srill hasnr told us whar happened t. our son 'fte fmilies adee that Lhevanous inquiries md invesriEaUo;s have failcd to dsre; tleir questions. Even a sovement o.deied inde p;ndent rcYiew seems ro bc havine problcds 7 tneir losswaspd ofsomethingbigg€r ietr ng q'tne$e. to testfy rmnL s"mn. a Tl)ey&e conncctedto threcother tmilies aored\icened qho speqalkA,i LaUisrn vho losr children 't the Deercni arnJ saysIe has yaluable inadmaljon .elating to m in and Yvdnne Collinson are sorled to tbe skin. spea$ ofrain poud aganstthe qndow ofthe I'erth.cslauanr where they s . There are leiv custoneB: naYbe halfa dorcn iovjal businessnen lin hdsio shout10nale hinsela i e a r d a b o v et h e h a c k e r o u n d nusic:"Were ...the.. prcnts of P.ivate. lmcs. . Collinson . . .w h o . . d i e d . . a t . . .D c . P c u t . on. Mdch ...23.d ...2002."The busin€ssnen\ heads snap tP when they h€d Lhis.Thei. Iauelr ing stopsMd their voicesdrop The Collinsons are. t t.aether jndependcnt exaninaridn he carried oul insideDeeDcutldacks,butheisnotkeenon rooearnebsforethe F"ic'v he bonly qrU ng t; iedLfr belo'e i tu lpubhctud cit ,nqurfl Yei he nidt he the one Pcnon who can p.ovc v}.rher ihe soldies connitcd suicide - as or nor In his nosl llre auihorlties miintain derailed inte.viewyer. swa.n has bld The H d a l d M a s a z i n e c a t e g o . i c a l l yt h a l r h e cunent explanation oithe dealhs is 100 per cent*ronc Hiswords.reuneqdivocaLznd w*e thid parries ;volv.d dd blDr: rh; " n Nas ndrdef in all lou cases Tbe Collinsonc niehtmarc begar wilh a ldock on rhe doorofJin's Pertbsli.enonc early on the morning of sundal March 2'1, 2002. On lhe doorsieD was a .eiirod dDv naior vith news oa17 icr-old lanPcs dcath "an accident Ar_finr bp it lin had to br$I the nervs to the cotrple's younser chiidren, Stua.t Md Claire: hc sats il look Then hc hin fou. aii.npls to say th. *o(k had ro calllvonne. who*as lnjng in the > ! N GiHEsturBrer NEt COVERSTORY > souh{est of Enelmd vilh a new ldrrei lnitiallv sherefrsed to acRpt d1ens Imes hadbe; qin her 24ho6 uuer' hed bai bridt ud opbnstic, margrg plms to buv a 6. Eventu5ll, a mY otncer dd chaPrd dved at her hou!€. That Ms when the aooalins 'Back; @Iry hit hone in his ?erin, s lm Put lns hsd "Don t hads dd weEt.the Etird major said: we don t l$ow whY lhs€ nD vodrfa;afl. " tr rhe mindFthad aLeadv v6;c ladsdo'aaidenf ro infeftd suicide ;}jm;ed fton "la;es was n, best nate, saYsIin now "Eew6ny66!laddi€'Thedhestartsrocrr' dd walksacms the reslaudt tte aDoloaises r".;oke;d @Iect himselt Y"om€ si"es a sadsnile dd st@s silendydt a,trhe rain Fatrol had allesedlt previ@sly .Nered, od was only 30cn fron the fencethev wer€ "I neri to *n& @ud s a natrer of cose qerre,lly pissd ofiwh€n I se where ny son "How could tbev ;6 foud, sayshs farhs T b e r e a r e ; i h e r q u e s t i o n st o o T h e collinsons wt to lnN how ther songo! tne rine $at allegedlykill€d hin: h€ wasn t old enoudh to c,4 a wearn The Bentons in r.nd;n now dflqinq ft.n in h4lrh, wt Lo IoN whv tbei! son was on suard dury $e didlt he &ed. And Des Jmes, rhe fath€r of dfirfot Chd/ Imes, is eustratedby tle la* 'Therc s no nati6n abouthisdaqbteis daih cldity aboutwbat bappded, *hich is whv we needa DUbLcin@irv, h€ sEts Thetolie hav€told c6fi dd Dime Grav that a DsrholoAlc,l profile thev(med out on hewa notsuiftlal rh.n J;d sonaoncfuded This hothm thm teribly. Sifinrein d Indid rcqrau.dr nd lheir homein Hachrev, €st Lndon, aierodqsit to drebamcl's,G€ofi sk lvhy won t somebodyput +ir hud! upMd say,Y8, you sonw.s DudeFd ? r u ;ll vou whv- b€dule theamy hs Pu(lnat s"dde Le;n my so-' bs toe-d retusesto tale it ofi. Sone people tav I n a g.ievirg hfier dd l n bittar td tMst€d, bur I n not biner dd i'n not twjsted, I just wt to loow the bntl. And ,ll ofthe signspoint to ny son he nain enrra.c€ to De€pctrt ofhcialtlnoM bmcl€insE€y as rb€ Princess Royel Bmacks, Deepcui- is oftfl PmtecledbYtwo teenagerecruit, caFYinglrttle more ihm tothes mi clipbouds onlv ihoseag€d 17Jds md six mdrns or old€r de elowed to iryweapons ahe uea smou ndug the bo6es lus€ hoses wealtiry ldg€ 6 d:iscre€dy dirre€dy wealtht: bracis is aboud, closeto ndjvirh sared&i@ys c;;d_gou cous6 The M25 is re&hab1€ withi! a quarier ot d hou. T h e f a m i l i e sa r e n o t h a P P Yw i t h l h e Ceotr dd Dide Grat, the Pde.ts or at leadone dother dead)oMs Deep.ditcruit,,have hounesleld thusfBr,althoDgh Sun€t Poiice s;ect of rhe investrgstiont by"final accomsnied meon a rs udd med eer reporrHe h,s be€n welcomed:lheir h$faiher,diedaeed17inseptmber2001 incidenGhadbeenobs6Fd wi$ joining lne amY te erTosed a .atalogue of bullying h. v,s a bov H. mu,t haveweLchedthe Mrhin the bmacks. Ite No MoD bord! ot inquirv Dio the F6l two deathsrePod€dthe @ruiEnd ;d@ sOtina sars hi! {ath( r,;b;r known Lhen.and Lttle elee Two we drive m a loop uosd tle bmacls eDons focus€donthe my's dutt it whitehal miehterTe't vhrchde smsllerthe vou .i.e.p] towardsre@iis to ensft qrlneEbl€ ial€s only ten ninlles Wepdl' nw LheoE Bui the e6 de!s,wha€ tnebodesofceofcn, md voueders dont @mnit suicid€ idDli€s fel th€seinquines de locl€d into a hier lmd Colin$n w€refoud lhebuid grevour.ebrod ''suicid€mindsef od do nothng ro lell thd ins'sasmaLsqui. delached lwouded bv somelmdsmpedgftn uea! hN dd wht their childr€n died Geoff GnY hs shoM me eltrads tron A thi.k, bdba.C-wirtopPed fen@ofec Uttle pdLeclionto itspdineter Thelfge gat€swe corespondencehe obtuned betw€entbe r}aL,even sroDat@ uDoteded ed sedodyoncere_ polie dd amy which indsted the Poli.e of t}e in"estigations, b€tore one wr *here ou son s fl€t noi:ial occcions. wuld be food dead. eys Ceo6, Pointinettuougnine t€liev€d s end r€suh ofsuicide lhe outcome.But rhe Coli$ons od Gnvs ferce to a comer Na ,€d a tdge tree dd doth* fence.Bevond that is a cnck€r Pitch bav€recendyb@ncontact€dby srev lolice vlich bordeb a civild housing estate The .ffi..n md dked onesrjons,i.diating thdt baftck cm b€ enteredliom a multitude of s@e sort of invesrigationis still continuing Th@ havebeeninquesh into th,re. out or loations. indudrngnedbi w@ds' oroE the @ Sem Bentont althousl bncLed *alls ol the lonsing developnent the fou d@!hs. of ch€rrl lror€ction is mininal Ask tor a tour of the m.orded )! sucid€. ile dea$s g i v e no p e n w e r e C r a y a n d C e o f { blt log,on I a m e t udl rebdtr the MoD pl&e dd vox, Imes Colinsors deathl* stiXto roile i ntemetdd you@ doMrMdatugNY verdrcL!. r. r[. subi€ciolu inqu€st.A]tnonehthe 6si cl€rge debned nap eee of N. sooner have we arriv€d $a. two inou€sts took little n;r€ tnd an hour to be coun in soldeE DUIup Dside LhegaL€sin a @ can oD;neddd closed.the coroners wh€n it eventuw e h d Dv o u ? " $ e ys h o u t O d s o n d i e d i n woljn{ €Dects Collinsont, *eek. here ;J w€ re qsiting pnvaklv shod! "lh ta-k;s;lac. Lola.t at lesr three ihe Fniles clain the nquaLs,LEedvneu DiMe Cray.ThesoldeE absorbtheir'loma h,vevFlded moreque'ions thanthev bave tion. Mve, then l€ale s rastr tneYalnd lor exmple: TheirstNod€atls droseof SemB.nton 6sw;r€d. Tal€ s€d Benton!, little ms.jred aboutthe bulyinele sufered, :nd chenllm€s, in l99s ot v.L otler m€di, mvesbe,lionshavesugge5led south€ndof th€b@cks ThelaterdeaLhs cenff Grav and Ines C.lmson happened ihd bamck buUi6 @uld hae nurdeEd Lhen Also,Sd stld netes of eachother at Lhelorth etrd- vicm md cdd€d up thehllugs A bonulr msconceDtionis that the dead Bentm wasfoud 'ith frv€bdlei s in his toEo Lhree uponesideud Mon Lheo$er-sd re"ldirs**e roud lmokms,bdceoE ,nd Imes were foud within a stone'stltow t h e r er , , e r i o u s d F p u L ea m o n gb a l l G l i c r wting to krl of tie me$ In Jdess es€ 160 eeeds oar whetl.r lom@ne ssault duestsvere in the messat a wed.rbg recep_ th;belves coulddoths wiih the SA80 ion NoroneMqrcltoned onedrd.ontact rine h€ is alleaedto ]Eve us€d Tr€W tlutei a Terional AmY sldiq the CollinsonslaLerto saythev d h.ard a gun: K*aldywho s@ed in thereg'nd s-iv fton they inieryiryed only then v* I;nes s bodv ms foud done someEees, from i995'2000. ld€w Ss vhen thet were v;ds Eom !h; btrsvmain road: G€oA' bodt lrod top,Jima.dYrcnneCotLinson ;as lteralv in lhe openwhenrt Ms fomd Ctockwis€ Janes;lh€ althe!dvesideoltheirson betw€d a fte md tha p€rimetd re.@ Anv docmdis r€v€alit tookr€paled sedchesio Deepculadry bana.*sln sun€vr Prival€riqhll se.ondlrcm find hin, yet he wds in an ma tne sedcn lam€. coltinsontlrcnl d, 10ftEBER^LDMAGAaNET'6G bofi ar DeD.ul. lte rcdtls inslan@sofhuly_ ina dd er5 hedd S@ were vtdm of one nut he clm tht *-roor o6ia r wtiqir. 2a ho6 befor Sem s d€athhe Ms in rovisl geiaMy fom.'Tou @uldnurd* sonmne ad 'frhe back with it at DeDcut," saF Hutei Eate@ opetrrfd be asy to geta fw ruds ;EMdlea;e tesL.'ge als ax€cesUat @pon od almdition logbook were in&cuate: ''Cetlrnc a ft,pon @ easy Aiid Sed s dath, headds.aibrnrJecol]egue toldlimltN ''ihey rere all r8ld i.lo a @n dd 6ven a 'His latnmorr ofs€mPs, stdito sti& to. ''H; strn€d Lappy bee$€ !€ P6 ahotrtto heryllm6 ! hndy sat LheYdmve ta reach the thEueh a blizld inolesr inro her dath, dly b nnd th; prceedin$ had starteddly. A vFl tFftJr€thecm€is colm aen @ened, amordins ro docmdts |hey later .h-".d tj'€ amt bad hd defi clasified * suicide Nobodrloos whal her lbte ofnind 6. Hd lati4, Des,saJ5d€b tn€ mosl bdic foHric lash w noLdoneo thebody,which to the I foud with a singlegusbot mmd "lh€re is no lac€ ud a nne Uing netrby widoF thartherine ,ctuauyldled m, dauEh L€r'he sas, 'Even if it ihd, there! alsono sderce;h€ actuatlyfrFd it. tvho ,!ked rhe 6ct she *hat evide.ce th@ is ro supporr 'N@e @lmjtred !tricide he sa)6. Th.F hrve beenclaimsrn the mediath3t Ch€ry|v6 *xual] erJdsd or hassed while aLDaeDcut Whl€ hs father r€s this njd't hav€ bid d,e cse, h€ looss or no lolid aiden@. What bed@slow is rbariNtances ofhoEilic ablse ar D€e!.Dl including sexMl abus, weE detailed in a sllft, Policeinves ti@tion wlnch @eiv€d Mdespr€ad pubLicity in Novenber 2004.The police r€corded 173 atle4tion, of brutd1ity, mcludine nine of aleted mDe. Lol€nt incidantsincludeda rec;uir b;,trs fored to swim throuch a cespool;@e beDgNault€d bYagsg w€r ing gx nslc Md dorher beinghug @t ol a windw 40 fel abow lne grud In October 2004.t€slie Skner a fomer Fdmg ituhutorat De€por, w tmd guiltv betw€en1992ed r99Z His wicribs were ,I ared betw€en17ed 2r rhr€e ot the atiacks NmeoldEsealesad@i tmdatD€epdr. incidentsorasiultswodd havemetoLA}lt badnot thepd€nrs of the lod remits who died d DdFat b6 Fesing lor m$d WhenD6 Jme! visit€d Depcut to seetl€ sene oi chiryls death. he sa)5 he ws IASKED:'H0WISY0UR DEEPCUT:IH BASICFACTS Des J.nes with a PhotograDh h.e aid a rirle ly nq iearby rheE rP DerdislomaLlykioM66e 1,5002,0msoLdieEmw 'hbuo TH€ II{OUIRIE5 Ll{r_E$_I.!gAIl0_I9!ll!9.?1.-#riff#"*[*:i#j#"r 'WHAI .* "; ,he,. i;; s;* p"i..*p.n.d IHEOFFICER SAID: s€ai Bsbnaidcher/Jam6 ft e* E*iru*",lu lrVlltLbeiD-tr.z-tiltE.B_0Dx-*"x*ffi 0ilE-$H0I'DBAW.Y-0.UR ;"'l,xl;n**ri:*rffi,"',t1; C(INCLUSI0NS' OWN r""j:-*n*Hiy,;r*1rr:*: -J[tcotults{lll hav€vmished. "A fenale oser at the Po nort€n r€called this very clffilt" eis Des, -Jrt dother m,le ofier [6lso present] mndn t ftnenber dris. Ite lemal€ viti'€ss ct€dlr recollected hm{Uins, Iabetlng dd flils rhe bullet, yet n has dever ben seen again. Is lhis bugline amy ph.ti@ or a conspincy?D6 isnl sft. ThemsBd Dmuedii. hesvs the inquesrinto che'vl 3 a.r$ lru rcpp€d up D 60 -i",Les AnoPen "SEev Polie's initial involvenent was zerc." D;s adds.A civilid paliceforce shodd tu d inqunr into anydeol onmilitary prcF ertv. but ;th De@l tls€ is mm fo doubt ah;ut wh€ther thii occmd etrectively.It is now lqom that thee bad b€en at lest ta reord€d suicide attenpts,t the bmcks > Polea€nMbei9nwniqa'.dby Bdhded'si|hthe!kmsoibulymg byAdami96m'iheamdi0re5 frlbe6i|edoutby'hehlmanIghb r.6.6rHEHRroMsdNE 1l STORY COVER > LetNscn the dealh ofscd Denk,n hJunc r995 and arat oI Chc.yl lames in Novcnber {he sme vea., ^.d since 1995 the L.rmcks hrlcneldi3 courls na.tial lor !..lcni L,ehi! iour let. in spne olhariog ahadv de,trvrth death olsean lsnton, thc rhp..ntovsial dmv +ill mor. or less i.ok charge on rhc src;ndvhen.horyl,lhr' fhc tunP \F'n t s l n t n o N n b 3 \ L cl l o r c n n ( l t P d ' L l r l n l t , l e "Nothing Nas done i' Dlace." cl trx D.s ;rlcdreaic. surey PDlice lEvc admittcd thal n years later the cnys Nere lett rvilh $mila. concc.ns. lhcY too fFL' g \en nn nlomDt,,_i' t h P L r. . n s i n q d e s t 3, n , r r r e t h t had beentold thoYdidn t ldres.\ .e.rrirc leg.l ..PresentlLioD Ten ninrtcs [einrc \f evcntinto $e inquP{, rve Mrc told. There s a ule oipapers lrom thc coroner's .fncoi I rninlyoid thei.."s.vs Disne Clray.She clains lhat aml Ntncsscs {ho.ntered tho dock ivere otcn! corchcd dd D.omDtedvia legrLsdvisers Thc Lrajrr.ipt of thc proc.{dines, nevor s c . n p u b l i t L Jh r [ . \ l i d ' b ' n s F x d ' , o l t ft\eiis thJterrher htc !t n cl'ror 'rl) in trr' norni'a ofSeprcnber 17.2001. shots Nerc nP$RtDeep tr onc he-d n;, Lhe;6*^ \ o l d ' . r r . J j u n r r r o u ' p d t u r . C P . l t C i J yN h ' naa be.n on pxtrol shials mu.d ih. nessmarked Acco.di.g to MoD d.cuder* ''renii.icd rvhic} I bavebecn slrom, oneol LieoffslouPrcuc! sJrn hrlPd ir JlterlrPaF r o E A r 5 h . t s M d L p d \l m g C n n i \ v r s m $ i n g rt',ihe.ho,Led T m r.Fd! | rm n J, yh' killl $hcn.le'l'.LJ Lr r s.nioi .rl Lor , n i r . d o n t h c s c e n e .T h e s x n . o l i c e r ' s thathismen on a lhird $veep er.idencestates ol$eaEa,havinglailcd lolocaie(;.ofsbodl 'nrfomed ne llit ihey had n' Dd h.dd voicp! inside thc lcnce aFa This oGcerlalerspoke lo an.Lhersoldic.shtroned l t h . s J t . s h " t " l . l L t r L i t l r c 'l , r l s P . n s u n* b o d yf r n G o L nh f t t o . g l ' r d h q l n J L y t r . o ' s pilch trhich adjorns thc.Iircos rn.itckd mP* 1 'npounn \no hP 'tJtcmeith m J p f , i t . b r l , s ' n t l ' i si r l * ' l \ ' ' e o n . n n n ! r C DssDrterhcse chnns. the dmy arth..itres insisteil cso[ Cny had .omnifrcd suicrdPand discouted anv Lhird panYhvolv.nBnl ]?t eeoHtnldn'P m"drsroh; muth.; 'rc r$ 'oe!!le H . , l " l nhid , a m rlr. hL,lA.' 3r" 'nd LIe I [* " Nh. rh.r *e,€ - "h' rl,ev {er€ thcre lte 5aidolber soldi.6 sonetimos ' camcd suckssiihllEn jL,siin rLnoiher pecrlia.ity lion ihc 'nquesi ]v^s rhe m.nLjon of a m)sGnoB neue dFrglL to bs M hs}nm. Nho had tsned ur, 3t tl,e gates eadicr in the e\eninc seekingcnlrr.CeofrMd hc .".rhersoldidhld.onGonle.lhim NasnL. soldicr bui lN.d on lheb3s3 II' lhe amv s o{T ren.icted d..unenh, th. nd rs rec;dcd as h'vins beol drunk .nd dccP\' rbusire lo ths voung ldie$ \|h.n asked Nhal thelroblem N$L!a s.nnnoficei he reDllcd: rhesc . s wont lct me inb nI li._,sc." lle lxt.r shoured ilEL lhe sotdiers 'uselcssl e$" Iihasbee. dainedihi! Nsre nanvas a civilimnremanb$ed.r l)..pcrt: :unl indc.d n'.li m cmplotee lvas b.sed thcre, thc the onlv one olhis kin.l in th3 Uli.ll'i fmilv firvc also heard il sucqc{cdilrl rnis tlPmd{asmhullla stoNis a.ovorDdd f"-;pr r.d{,..over soldier\!hod sorved in Norlher. iieland ind {as hcing easedb3ck into nom.l milii:ry lne. ^ niliLary sou.ce Nho s.ned ai Dccpcurin lhe mid r990s.and Nho askednoi ,"g*e*.dde Ro([ o! rlonorr of the Year 2004 UK Award for Business Exc€llence2001 uK Kitchen Marketing Retaile.of tie Year 2000 Desiqnerof the Year 1998 of th€ Year 1997 l0-12 West Netherton str€et Kilmarno<k, AYrshne KAl 4AU fel: 01553 s30838 (20 minuies from Glasgow) Eg^ 'l2rHEHs^rMAGI7NLr..5c .THEREISNO EVIDEIICETHE RIFLEACTUAILY KITLEDMY DAUGHTER' - DES JAt'lES tob€ide,nedtoldneofsucbsoflicdwho Ms besed tlEre 6 Darr ofa eadiutnent tue clained rin, lm @ Drcaffie.Ihe ianutled *boreg,ldlydinbed,Mterto*€r :r DemL dd sDied on soldie6 witn a tetes;ic rine sisli In the ofEcial trusolt eon d; in@*t. aothd soldier n ecorded as saJ.ngrb',t after GeoEaccmpm€d the drunl€n ad ebusN€ Inshmd" into the bamck' bedmed s!,bted ud sbted tlEt he tholehr he !a5 rxA or romelbrng like lher'. Signi6@tlr, at no tin€ duing the otr'onlan@ or relaying ofthe md inb tne btr'lding dd heiilebt t hmer s a frl€lib € on abuie and l n s l e a d . h e p r l e d a l d !'tDuse' irside ihe dmmded acre$ to li o6cd m€ss ta.ility. Repeat€dafl€mPts to hck doM thE l]w hav€failed one oI the bi@elr ,hocksfd rhe bmnv Ms leroc at the;qu€st lhatcFoEhadnot one rni tu; bdl€r-h..les in his forehead. Thev then odliln t ak for a nrylost-mortm.tue son bad b€en@nared but do not a@pt he kil€dhin*U. rhere s@ o$d oddnd}3 d his body tm. The {bnily sp€ci6@Iy askedto se rhei! dead 5on.but wletr thev Mined hnn thev noticed he had mtrk! doud hi! neckandt Dronoucedblackeve lsddto hin, tt look; tileld re ban in, fuht, boniy lad, saF Geo6,brsqod! at onre chiling dd affectio;ate."None ofit look€dridt." Lelt Ge.tlandDlaneGEvMnttoknowlh€ rruthaioltrheirsonGeollsdoath.abde: 4en asa boyeeoff Grayw.nted lo bea soGier Four d.ys .fter the 6ray5 had beentaced *ith a nes of@nnicd{ eviddc fton ftd soD! indn6t, ihe C,llinsom in Perthlemed th€ir so; had died at Deep.ui. lmes vas foud daad6!m a tincle esshoL wosd ns vhere ceoss bodyMr dis@er€d Hehad mas ih€ seodic6 benEbIffaj@d As;j!, the; is .onflictins eudenc€ about hN dd whm he died. The cdEal odditv h the 6d he shothinerat aI since,be€u* he nontlts, he Msn t Ms ud€r 17v6 dd six"vvh.t thet nitialv old oough toi:rry a riJle. told ne w,! that hed been in $e eurd_ iouse ud he d boNed a sun, sayshonne 'Ihd tlEy chdCed it ad stid he'd Collinson, bomved a gu fton a ou€ague. No sDeciallor€nsic inu€stigationwas cmied ;uL folowins Lh€d€ath ud, lile rhe oth6, Ims @ im€diar€t clased bY th€ amy as a sui.ide victin. The hnjlt were aD;lled. Th€re B no conlacttiih Srev 14 .lavs after P;tie util I contaded tbem 'Ard then they Jmes di€d, says Yvonne .'me to n€ witi tle adrud€: aou son has Liledhimself-qet ov€rit.' d Im€st body ro test sMb ddi;tions for senal asault provedneg,Liveon the adqce of th€ Gny fanlt, wirh whm lney d mde ontad, tIe Collinsonsdid not remde then son. which allNed then to hav€ his emins exlMed in 2002 for Pathologisrs from Glssq Uni6iry ro rRxmine tl'en Evidene ;mdsed showg the rin€ toud on hjr FM. hadb*tr Dlacedintohis handestt€r fic; di€d. rhere;a. also evidencehe d suffeed a brcl@ jaw bef@ heB hled. ''I'11r€Utou hov th€ Bntish amv treated -Thrre dty5 alitr '", "uyr ji- coll,"ro. Imes s fderal I ph@€d DeeFut dd sloke to a senioroft€r I said, HNhtouinvesti gariongoinginto my sons dath? He $id, lvhar inestigati@? On€ body.oneshot.dF$ vou om conclu,ids.fiar's whaLI ws rold the Bntish @v deal ;. rhe.lme ltarslN wiLh y;u They Civeyou a Ered Fr€rd den ajierudds they drcp yon tle a hot polato Or rEybe not BotI $e CoIDMs dd th€ cd*hPlwe thevhaw rendvb€en uder !n;e .nce N€isibo6 ofthe cnF in Haclnev saw two men in suir! by then houseat 1.3oan;whd chalenAed,they prcdlced oftcial IDs. At the fanilys request, > OrisWilliamsFl TeamChronograph: Record-breaking Style. Snap it on and youle ready to so: the Ork 'ioilliamFl Tean Chronosraph frts the wrist per fecdy. lt has an innovative dsisn with two-precc $ainle$$eelcse, nexibleluss,andrubber$rap in vertica tyF r'e"d \rop r.L- a .econdlooL " '* '-no" t' " d,al tr .l.o ofie' r rac ome'e' d an addr'o-al ton(ron Ano so wrh Or.. F,sh M.(h L'e ofr' ul "atch pr11" of the BM'q/ 'lqilliaruFl Tean. @ -' since@1s04€rcMD!^crzNE l3 STORY OOVER ' ScotlandYardha imtaled a panicbtrttonin thei hone. Tbe Colinsons had tlen }oue sspt by lolim for bueeagnevics a ldp ud thone w€redesbYed. Drme udY rd Yvome Couinsd elch h€ard a rcice on then eachoihq Dhonewh€n they were talking to"Didvou{et ;bout DeeDdt af€nalewho eid$aa whe; ihey eid a sening soldieis ]rme. The cd* ale remdv le@ed ihat one of Aen r(m;fosrddd&; hadbetr onracted bv suftv Polce dd sl{ed about ther ulbring;s The, ry tbey md di,-e'{Gter child w drstsBFd at the nahft ol tne qu* to ihe tions,od de *dinsfom.I{lnplaints hd€pendent Polie Conplaints Comission- he alDoinhnentof the well-h()M hm; nshs lawer NidDld Blale m;dererlentFiw octo coriduct oithe ddrB hs bed weL,medbv soneofthe6niU6. Ofioncm nthe reluctance of Fru* sv@, one of the IGY wibr4ses, to testit belorert. Swr js rheonly indepddent exped to hare enteed Depet: he spe six w*ts thm @fyirE out tesls in sPed6jJauuy 200s.In the!sr, ttF balistiF '\lJastul Ft hs sdd he ftlt the da$r urc he is going Ftbd tbd suicids: nry,l()vmr, on tle re@rdto sayrbeywm nunter ln m uDubUshed lctt€r to Blalc, DNed ro ne by r s'ourceclose to tle inveatigatior, "I have no inrdtior olletting Srun wftes: tne MoD sd the gwerment valk awaY' tmm tle iniutice of D€@tut dd oth€. aj@ _aleeed suicides or cmpr inv;lved in lhe voDs remils ... which I m satisfiedwft D ird;rd*d." tn conclusionhesrates:Tou enenies * ndy dd strdg Dd }old high ofrce, dd every bit of inlombon wil be IinCteeth." exbact€d,nd*like Duing sdersl intewim with ne, Swam clained aI fou re@irs at D@pdt were nurdmd. IIis dclusion, hesaF, is lased on In scientiic €yidencenow ir his posessi@. "no rhe 6e of s€D B.nron, he alleges, my shootirg alp€rrs codd do tbe shot pattm. the Ea@ will not allo{ it." ct€ryllmd,hesarE, al€g€dltshoth*r in rhe e)t. Agdn, li(e Be on, shealegedy used the sA80. Ite @rEidses should h8re *it€d on the righLhed side olld face but ! llvthe Ithdl wloudintot ianirirllv udcrm u *c,inmi cei tor them to sh@athmsdG in the elt. [s relyhed ofi! US police 66. Usu.lly ifthe shot js in tbe eyeit n6s ii'e nud* ''!ve slso did vrious r€sts to sbN she lvine d(]M when she di€d The Ddt_ 6nt do.i€; sh;wed tlat bits ot the bulets u@ fosd in hd head,wlich is very umud for tlat kind ofmud. rtis tE}es ne suspectit €n i e sA80 that @ usedto hll Id "lP As for CeofiGrayl @e, S\mn clains, ws shotaboveach aebrcq wlici is wirrualv inoo$ible to reDfute b@u* hemdd haE sbJied dropp;s d<M ILothe Smudl withot a doubt,le 6 murderEd.Sir ruds were 6rcd dd .ix carhidgp @ss v@ foDd at tle sde. No nngprprintn'g or otner bsts were eq dm€ on the su. Youc@ot do this to )osef- The bmel of dte crln w slNed ' inlo hs f,@. Ite p$itioning w sb_aige. n. dras simild conclusiobeabauta third Drtv beinE Dresebr ar lmes collineon 5 ;t.'ri ln r,hr;mse he shootshinseu uder the chin. But when y@ hle [in this *emio] you've got airbone bl@d in iine drcpletsi th€re's a 6ne nin of blmd, if ]@ lik€. ri slould snnoud hin, but it doesn't- There € deiritely a tbidpdt] ldFeling alongside Swafi's claitu, it .hould be eid, so I sbowed Dr lmes Thome, frcm Lhe UniversnY of o{ torcnsic.. a cop, Stothclyde s delethst ofoe oftbe reportsSsEtr miSinaxt gep,red for rhe fmilies [t] n uique in my 3n"yd "the@dusioroN .RrnenF ThmsE. but n rsdinculr b s* ctd ed uj@biAb; now they de d;ved fton the indins - the hct@l b€sisforthe conclcions is nisins. This that slyleolprese ation is vert diffftnt jiom 'sw, demuded in scidtinc presentations. howad. ba dained to arl6t oner€lativeof a D€dut ucbn I spoketo thathedeubotely prese;ied obtusdtad hndi,ss to contue rhe adnontres. He told ne he *ould only presmt publicinquiry,od that histulnndinestoafi he fded if he Dresmtedibd i anyaltmatire setti4 theiuthoriti€s wdd 6nd a MJ of rubbishingor ignoftg the ryidene He 'ko r.ld me rh€ scientifrc meterial he clains backsup his explosiveclains h* bed opied onto "CDs which e€ distriblted inter mtionalr". The sme clain @ mde in his lIWAS MURDER INAtt F(lUR cAsEs' -rRrxKsw l{lt, E]OENT BAUFNCS St.ndingnexttotheirson 5 gravein P€rth, Yvonne ed lin Collinson are preoccnpied "Our with the basicquestionsabouthis deadr sonG fomd with son@ne elses gu acos hscbest.'sarst(ode.'HeMsneveriNed ' wfth a tu ; $e niqnt he died. Ai diey teDdJMe! s eE e on dte bleat est oI sDtuc davs. thev ecal bow o.€ f€male od;t at ihe-h,n€.Jwept rhroushthe*hole cqenony. Orly IMes, the elding father, noticedheri i! @ he{ho srepredforwud to bdd her his henldeto wip€ aMy the t@s. For! norent he md l&tnne snil€ toCetn€r 'It€n they gl,nce mud the at the mmory gnveJard. Tnere m no b€n@lent deelate htll]h g6hrs today.Jusrmqd€t dosts 6d Not aI of tle famili6 de onvinced by .r"pr,.*01738 630259 w\tol/,v.ja netcarter n.@.cHEruDilah, NE15