(BET – 11) Sl. No. : B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./B.B.M./B.H.M. ENTRANCE TEST, ELIGIBILITY TEST 2011–2012. HALL TICKET No. : Signature of the Candidate (Name of the candidate) Signature of the Invigilator Time : Two hours Max. Marks : 100 Min. Marks for Pass : 35 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. Clearly write your Hall Ticket Number in the space provided without corrections or overwriting. If any correction is made, get it certified by the invigilator. You are prohibited from writing your name or Hall Ticket No. on any part of the Question paper cum answer booklet except in the space provided. 2. This question paper cum answer booklet consists of Five Sections of D and E. Each Section carries 20 Marks. 3. Candidates have to write either Telugu Or Hindi from Section B and they should not write both Hindi and Telugu. Candidates choosing ‘Telugu’ as their second language should attempt Question 3 and Question 4 of Section B in Telugu only. Those who wants to answer second language other than ‘Telugu’ should attempt Hindi questions namely Question 3 and Question 4 under Section B. 4. You have to write answers only in the space provided against each question. Separate answer sheets will not be supplied. Question paper cum answer booklet should be returned to the invigilator after the examination. 5. Use blue or black ink pen only. 6. Any rough work should be done in the space provided at the end of the question paper booklet. A, B, C, A¿æýÅÆæÿ$¦$¦ËMæü$ çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. °ÆóÿªÕ…_¯èþ çܦËÐèþ$$ÌZ ™èþ糚Ë$ ÌôýMæü$…yé Ò$ àÌŒý sìýMðüPr$t ¯èþ…ºÆæÿ$ çܵçÙt…V> {ÐéÄæý$…yìþ. ™èþ糚Ë$ §öÇϯèþrÏÆÿ$$™óþ Ò$ C°ÓhÌôýrÆæÿ$ ^óþ™èþ Ñ«¨V> çÜ…™èþMæüÐèþ$$ ^óþÆÿ$$…^èþ…yìþ. Ò$ õ³Ææÿ$V>°, àÌŒý sìýMðüPr$t ¯èþ…ºÆæÿ$ V>° ò³O¯èþ °ÆóÿªÕ…_¯èþ çܦËÐèþ$$ÌZ ™èþç³µ {ç³Ôèý²&fÐéº$ ç³{™èþÐèþ$$ò³O Ðèþ$ÆðÿMæüPyé {ÐéÄæý$Æ>§æþ$. D {ç³Ôèý²&fÐéº$ ç³{™èþ…ÌZ A, B, C, D Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ E A¯óþ I§æþ$ òÜ„æü¯èþ$Ï E¯é²Æÿ$$. {糆 òÜ„æü¯èþ$Mæü$ 20 Ðèþ*Ææÿ$PË$. òÜ„æü¯Œþ B ÌZ ™ðþË$Væü$ V>°, íßý…© V>° {ÐéÄæý$ÐèþÌñý¯èþ$. Æðÿ…yæþ* {ÐéÄæý$Mæü*yæþ§æþ$. yìþ{XÌZ ¨Ó¡Äæý$ ¿êçÙV> ™ðþË$Væü$ MøÆæÿ$Mæü$¯óþ A¿æýÅÆæÿ$¦Ë$ òÜ„æü¯Œþ B ÌZ° 3Ðèþ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ 4Ðèþ {ç³Ôèý²ËMæü$ ™ðþË$Væü$ÌZ çÜÐèþ*«§é¯èþ… {ÐéÄæý$ÐèþÌñý¯èþ$. ¨Ó¡Äæý$ ¿êçÙV> C™èþÆæÿ ¿êçÙ˯èþ$ ¡çÜ$Mö¯èþVøÆæÿ$ A¿æýÅÆæÿ$¦Ë$ òÜ„æü¯Œþ B ÌZ íßý…©ÌZ 3Ðèþ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ 4Ðèþ {ç³Ôèý²ËMæü$ çÜÐèþ*«§é¯éË$ {ÐéÄæý$ÐèþËíÜ Ðèþ#…r$…¨. Ò$ fÐéº$Ë$ {ç³Ôèý²Ë {Mìü…§æþ CÐèþÓºyìþ¯èþ çܦËÐèþ$$ÌZ Ðèþ*{™èþÐóþ$ {ÐéÄæý$ÐèþÌñý¯èþ$. Rêä fÐéº$ ç³{™éË$ A§æþ¯èþÐèþ$$V> CÐèþÓºyæþÐèþ#, ç³È„æü A¯èþ…™èþÆæÿÐèþ$$ D {ç³Ôèý²&fÐéº$ ç³{™é°² C°ÓhÌôýrÆæÿ$Mæü$ Ñ«¨V> CÐèþÓ…yìþ. ±ËÐèþ$$ Ìôý§é ¯èþËÏ° íÜÆ> Ðèþ*{™èþÐóþ$ Ðéyæþ…yìþ. D {ç³Ôèý²&fÐéº$ ç³{™èþÐèþ$$ _ÐèþÆæÿÌZ C_a¯èþ Rêä {糧óþÔèýÐèþ$$ÌZ Ðèþ*{™èþÐóþ$ rough–work ^óþÄæý$…yìþ. (BET – 11) QUESTION PAPER CUM ANSWER BOOKLET ELIGIBILITY TEST — 2011–2012 Time : Two hours Max. Marks : 100 Min. Marks for Pass : 35 SECTION A — GENERAL ENGLISH (20 marks) 1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below : (5 × 2 = 10) India is a country of villages. About 70 percent of its population lives in villages. Despite large scale industrialisation and a large number of development programmes, the face of rural India has remained almost unchanged. Although there are certain development schemes for the rural areas but their benefits have been cornered by the rural rich. The Integrated Rural Development Programme launched by government in 1978-79 is claimed to be designed for a better deal for the rural poor. (a) Where do the majority of population live in India? (b) Expand IRDP. (c) When was the IRDP launched? (d) Why was IRDP designed? 3 (e) 2. Do you think that rural people are rich? Translate the following passage into Telugu : (10) Shakespeare compares the world to a stage. All men and women are actors. They play their parts. They come and go in turn. Each part is an act in the drama of human life. The human drama consists of seven acts. They are the childhood, the school-boy, the lover, the soldier, the judge, the comic figure and lastly the old man. Birth is the entrance and death is the exist of this human drama. (BET – 11) 4 SECTION B Attempt either TELUGU or HINDI : (20 marks) TELUGU 3. {Mìü…¨ ÑçÙÄæý*°² gê{Væü™èþ¢V> ^èþ§æþÐèþ…yìþ. §é° {Mìü…§æþ C_a¯èþ {ç³Ôèý²ËMæü$ çÜÐèþ*«§é¯éË$ {ÐéÄæý$…yìþ : (5 × 2 = 10) ºçÜ-ÐóþÔèýÓ-Ææÿ$yæþ$ Ðèþ*¨-Æ>k, Ðèþ*§é…º A¯óþ {»êçßýÃ×ý §æþ…ç³-™èþ$-ËMæü$ ¯èþ…¨-Móü-ÔèýÓ-Ææÿ$yìþ A…Ôèý… ÐèþËÏ f°Ã…^é-yæþ$. _¯èþ² ™èþ¯èþ…ÌZ¯óþ gêq° AÄæý*Åyæþ$. ÐèþNÆæÿ~-ÐèþÅ-Ðèþ-çܦ¯èþ$ «¨MæüP-Ç…^éyæþ$. Eç³-¯èþ-Äæý$-¯é¨ {»êçßýÃ×ý MæüÆæÿÃͲ †ÆæÿçÜP-Ç…^éyæþ$. ™èþÍϧæþ…{yæþ$-˯èþ$ Ñyìþ_ Ððþãå-´ùÆÿ$$ MæüâêÅ×ý Mæür-Mæü…ÌZ ¼fj-Ë$yìþ Ðèþ$…{†V> E¯èþ² ™èþ¯èþ Ðóþ$¯èþ-Ðèþ*-Ðèþ$ C…sìýMìü ^óþÆæÿ$-Mö-¯é²yæþ$. Ðóþ$¯èþÐèþ*Ðèþ$ ™èþ¯èþ Mæü$Ðèþ*Æðÿ¢ AÆÿ$$¯èþ Væü…V>…º¯èþ$ ºçÜ-Ðèþ¯èþ² Mìü_a ò³…yìþÏ ^óþÔ>yæþ$. Æ>gê-Ýë¦-¯èþ…ÌZ E§øÅVæü… Cí³µ…^éyæþ$. {MæüÐèþ$…V> Ðèþ*Ðèþ$-V>Ç A¯èþ…™èþÆæÿ… Ðèþ$…{† AÄæý*Åyæþ$. ÒÆæÿ-ÔðýOÐèþÐèþ$™èþ {ç³^é-Æ>-°Mìü ™èþ¯èþ çÜÆæÿÓ-ÝëÓ°² Ñ°-Äñý*-W…^éyæþ$. ÒÆæÿ-ÔðýOÐèþ Mæü$r$…»ê°² ¯é¯é-ÐèþÆæÿ~ çÜÑ$Ã-ã-™èþ…V> §óþÔèý-Ðèþ$…™é ÐéÅí³…ç³ ^óþÔ>-yæþ$. ºçÜÐóþ-ÔèýÓ-Ææÿ$yæþ$ Mæü¯èþ²-yæþ…ÌZ Ðèþ$à-MæüÑ. Ðèþ$«§æþ$-Ææÿ-V>-Äæý$Mæü$yæþ$. BÄæý$¯èþ ¯éË$Væü$ Ë„æüË Ðèþ^èþ-¯éË$ ¿æýMìü¢-X-™é-Ë$ {ÐéíÜ-¯èþr$Ï ^ðþº$-™èþ$…sêÆæÿ$. ºçÜ-Ðóþ-ÔèýÓ-Ææÿ$yæþ$ ™èþ¯èþ Ðèþ^èþ-¯é-˯èþ$ V>¯èþ… ^óþçÜ$¢…sôý {ÔZ™èþË$ ç³Ææÿ-Ðèþ-Ôèý$ÌñýO BÄæý$-¯èþMæü$ A¯èþ$-Äæý*Ðèþ$$ËÄôý$ÅÐé-Ææÿ-r. (a) ºçÜ-Ðóþ-ÔèýÓ-Ææÿ$yìþ ™èþÍϧæþ…{yæþ$Ë õ³ÆóÿÏ-Ñ$-sìý? (b) ºçÜ-Ðóþ-ÔèýÓÆæÿ$yìþ ¿êÆæÿÅ õ³Æóÿ-Ñ$-sìý? (c) ºçÜ-Ðóþ-ÔèýÓ-Ææÿ$yæþ$ H Ðèþ$™é°² {ç³^éÆæÿ… ^óþÔ>-yæþ$? (d) ºçÜ-Ðóþ-ÔèýÓÆæÿ$yæþ$ H ¿êçÙÌZ MæüÑ-™éÓË$ {ÐéÝë-yæþ$? 5 (BET – 11) (e) 4. ºçÜ-Ðóþ-ÔèýÓ-Ææÿ$yæþ$ G°² Ðèþ^èþ-¯éË$ {ÐéÝë-yæþ$? (5 × 2 = 10) Rêä˯èþ$ ç³NÇ…ç³#Ðèþ$$ : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) _Ë$MæüË$, VøÆæÿ$Ðèþ…MæüË$ ™èþÐèþ$ —————— Ðèþ˯èþ º…«¨…糺yæþ$™èþ$¯èþ²Ñ. (1) çÜÓÆæÿ… (2) ÆðÿMæüPË$ (3) DMæüË$ (4) Ææÿ…Væü$Ë$ °f… —————— Ìê…sìý-¨. (1) °ç³š (2) ±Ææÿ$ (3) ¿æý*Ñ$ (4) BM>Ôèý… GÐèþ-ÇMìü ÐéÆóÿ ——————. (1) Væü…V> -¡-Æóÿ (2) Äæý$Ðèþ$$¯é ¡Æóÿ (3) Mæü–Úë~ ¡Æóÿ (4) ò³¯é² ¡Æóÿ Mæü{Ææÿ ÑÆæÿVæü Mæü*yæþ-§æþ$ —————— ^éÐèþ-Mæü*-yæþ-§æþ$. (1) ™óþË$ (2) ™ö…yæþ (3) ´ëÐèþ$$ (4) ^óþç³ çÜç³¢-çÜÓ-Æ>-Ë$ —————— Mìü çÜ…º…«¨…_-¯èþ-Ñ. (1) ¯érÅ-Ðèþ$$ (2) Ýëíßý™èþÅ… (3) Mæüâæý-Ë$ (4) çÜ…X-™èþ… (BET – 11) 6 HINDI 3. ZrMo {X`o J`o n§{º$`m| H$mo n‹T>H$a àíZm| H$m g_mYmZ {b{I`oŸ& (5 × 2 = 10) ^dZ {Z_m©U H$s H$bm H$mo dmñVwH$bm H$mo H$hVo h¡& dmñVw Ho$ OmZZodmbo AmMm`m] H$mo dmñVw{dX H$hVo h¡& H$bm Ho$ Xmo A§J h¡& nmH$ b{bV H$bm, Xÿgar Cn`moJr H$bm? dmñVw H$bm _| b{bV H$bm Am¡a Cn`moJr H$bm-XmoZm| H$m {_lU h¡& AnZo Xoe _| _§{Xa, amO_hb, XþJ© Am{X dmñVw H$bm H$mo gwÝXa CXmhaU h¡& (a) dmñVw H$bm Š`m h¡? (b) dmñVw{dX H$m¡Z h¡? (c) H$bm Ho$ {H$VZo A§J h¡? (d) dmñVw H$bm _| {H$Z XmoZm| H$m {_lU h¡? (e) AnZo Xoe _| dmñVw H$bm Ho$ Š`m CXmhaU h¡? 7 (BET – 11) 4. (5 × 2 = 10) ZrMo {X`o J`o dmŠ`m| H$m nyaU H$a|Ÿ& (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) AbH$ZÝXm CÎmamM§b _| ————————— h¡& (1) ~hVm (2) ~hVr (3) ~hoJm (4) ~h|Jo Amg_mZ na ————————— M_H$Vo h¡& (1) Vmao (2) ~mXb (3) {M{S>`m| (4) ~\©$ adrÝÐZmW Q>oJya Zo JrVm§Obr ————————— aMZm H$s& (1) H$m (2) Zo (3) Ho$ (4) H$so aOZrJÝYm amV ———————— {IbVo h¡& (1) H$m (2) Ho$ (3) _| (4) go emhOhm± Zo VmO_hb ————————— & (1) {gbdm`m (2) ~Zdm`m (3) IwXdm`m (4) {Jadm`m (BET – 11) 8 SECTION C — GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (20 marks) (i) INDIAN POLITY — (10 marks) 5. Answer the following questions in the given space : (5 × 2 = 10) D {Mìü…¨ {ç³Ôèý²ËMæü$ °ÆóÿªÕ…_¯èþ çܦËÐèþ$$ÌZ fÐéº$Ë$ {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$ : (a) Governor. VæüÐèþ-Ææÿ²ÆŠÿ. (b) Gram Sabha. {V>Ðèþ$ çÜ¿æý. (c) Fundamental Rights. {´ë«§æþ-Ñ$Mæü çßýMæü$P-Ë$. 9 (BET – 11) (d) Political Corruption. Æ>f-MîüÄæý$ AÑ-±-†. (e) Election Commission. G°²-MæüË çÜ…çœ$…. (ii) CURRENT AFFAIRS — (10 marks) 6. Answer the following questions in the space given : D {Mìü…¨ {ç³Ôèý²ËMæü$ °ÆóÿªÕ…_¯èþ çܦËÐèþ$$ÌZ fÐéº$Ë$ {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$ : (a) Environmental Pollution. ç³Æ>Å-Ðèþ-Ææÿ×ý M>Ë$-çÙÅ…. (BET – 11) 10 (5 × 2 = 10) (b) Terrorism. E{Væü-Ðé-§æþ…. (c) Need for primary education. {´ë«§æþ-Ñ$Mæü ѧæþÅ BÐèþ-ÔèýÅ-Mæü-™èþ. (d) Information Right Act. çÜÐèþ*-^éÆæÿ çßýMæü$P ^èþrt…. 11 (BET – 11) (e) SHGs (Self Help Groups). çÜÓÄæý$… çÜà-Äæý$Mæü º–…§éË$. SECTION D — GENERAL APTITUDE (20 marks) (i) REASONING — (10 marks) 7. (5 × 2 = 10) Select the correct answers for the following : D {Mìü…¨ Ðé°Mìü çÜÇÄñý$O¯èþ çÜÐèþ*«§é¯èþÐèþ$$Ë$ Væü$Ç¢…^èþ$Ðèþ$$ : (a) Find out the word which is different from the others D {Mìü…¨ ÐésìýÌZ ÑÀ¯èþ²Ððþ$O¯èþ Ðèþ*r¯èþ$ Væü$Ç¢…^èþ$-Ðèþ$$ (1) Mango (2) Ðèþ*Ñ$-yìþ (3) »Ÿ´ëµ-Æÿ$$ Apple (4) Äæý*í³ÌŒý (b) Papaya Almond »ê§é-Ðèþ$$ Find out the word, which is different from the others D {Mìü…¨ ÐésìýÌZ À¯èþ²-Ððþ$O-¯èþ¨ H¨? (1) Fish (2) ^óþç³ (3) Ððþ$$çÜ-Í Shark (4) ÚëÆŠÿP (BET – 11) Crocodile Goat Vö-{Æðÿ 12 (c) Find the missing number in the sequence D {Mìü…¨ {MæüÐèþ$…ÌZ ÌZí³…_¯èþ A…Mðü¯èþ$ Væü$Ç¢…^èþ$-Ðèþ$$ 10, 25, 55, 115 (d) (1) 240 (2) 300 (3) 235 (4) 250 The Fourth term in the given sequence is D {Mìü…¨ {MæüÐèþ$…ÌZ 4 Ðèþ 糧æþ-Ðèþ$$¯èþ$ Væü$Ç¢…^èþ$-Ðèþ$$ ACB, BDC, CED (e) (1) DFE (2) BBA (3) DAB (4) AFD Find out the next number in the sequence D A…MðüË {MæüÐèþ$…ÌZ ™èþ§æþ$-ç³Ç A…Mðü¯èþ$ Væü$Ç¢…^èþ$-Ðèþ$$ 9, 16, 25 (1) 50 (2) 49 (3) 36 (4) 64 (ii) NUMERICAL ABILITY — (10 marks) 8. (5 × 2 = 10) Select the correct answer for the following : D {Mìü…¨ Ðé°Mìü çÜÇÄñý$O¯èþ çÜÐèþ*«§é¯èþÐèþ$$ Væü$Ç¢…^èþ$Ðèþ$$ : (a) A price of 4 oranges is equal to the price of 2 apple. How many number of oranges he can purchase if he has 8 apples? ¯éË$Væü$ MæüÐèþ$Ìê-M>-Äæý$Ë «§æþÆæÿ Æðÿ…yæþ$ Äæý*í³ÌŒý «§æþÆæÿ-ËMæü$ çÜÐèþ*-¯èþÐèþ$$. G°-Ñ$¨ Äæý*í³ÌŒý M>Äæý*-Ë-Mæü$ G°²- MæüÐèþ$Ìê-M>-Äæý$Ë$ ÐèþÝë¢-Æÿ$$? (1) 16 (2) 18 (3) 19 (4) 17 13 (BET – 11) (b) A father is 60 years old. His daughter is 30 years old. Find out the ratio between their ages JMæü ™èþ…{yìþ ÐèþÄæý$çÜ$Þ 60 çÜ…Ðèþ™èþÞÆ>Ë$. A™èþ° Mæü$Ðèþ*Æðÿ¢ ÐèþÄæý$çÜ$Þ 30 çÜ…Ðèþ™èþÞÆ>Ë$. ÐéÇ ÐèþÄæý$çÜ$ÞË Ðèþ$«§æþÅ °çÙµ†¢ G…™èþ? (c) (1) 3:2 (2) 3:1 (3) 2:1 (4) 4:3 A cow is brought for Rs. 5,000 and sold for Rs. 7,500. Find the gain percentage JMæü BÐèþ#¯èþ$ Ææÿ*. 5,000 Mæü$ Mö°, Ææÿ*. 7,500 Mæü$ AÐðþ$ïèþ$. ´÷…¨¯èþ Ìê¿æý-Ô>-™èþ-Ðèþ$$¯èþ$ Mæü¯èþ$-Vö-¯èþ$-Ðèþ$$ (1) (3) (d) 50% 60% (2) (4) 45% 35% A farm has 400 cows. If the percentage of black cows is 20%. What is the number of white cows. JMæü ç³Ôèý$-Ô>ËÌZ 400 BÐèþ#Ë$ E¯é²Æÿ$$. ÐésìýÌZ 20% ¯èþËÏ BÐèþ#Ë$ Ñ$W-Í-¯èþÑ ™ðþËÏ BÐèþ#-Ë$. ™ðþËÏ BÐèþ#-Ë çÜ…QÅ G…™èþ? (e) (1) 300 (2) 320 (3) 280 (4) 350 A boy purchased 20 Pencils 30 pens with a total cost of Rs. 400. If the cost of Pencil is Rs. 5 each. What is the cost of each Pen? JMæü »êË$yæþ$ 20 ò³°Þ-Ë$, 30 MæüË-Ðèþ$$Ë$ Ææÿ*. 400 Mæü$ Mö¯é²yæþ$. JMæü ò³°ÞË$ Qȧæþ$ Ææÿ*. 5 AÆÿ$$-™óþ, A™èþ-yæþ$ Mö¯èþ² JMæü MæüË… Qȧæþ$ G…™èþ? (1) Rs. 8 (2) Ææÿ*. 8 (3) Ææÿ*. 12 Rs. 10 (4) Ææÿ*. 10 (BET – 11) Rs. 12 Rs. 15 Ææÿ*. 15þ 14 SECTION E — SCIENCE (20 marks) (i) PHYSICAL SCIENCE — (10 marks) 9. (10 × 1 = 10) Select the correct answer for the following : D {Mìü…¨ Ðé°Mìü çÜÇÄñý$O¯èþ çÜÐèþ*«§é¯èþÐèþ$$¯èþ$ Væü$Ç¢…^èþ$Ðèþ$$ : (a) Bell metal is an alloy of Væü…r-ÌZ-çßýÐèþ$$ D {Mìü…¨ Ðésìý Ñ${Ôèý-Ðèþ$-Ðèþ$$ (1) Copper + Tin (2) ÿÆ>W + ™èþVæü-Ææÿ-Ðèþ$$ (3) Æ>W + Äæý$Ôèý-§æþ-Ðèþ$$ Copper + Silver (4) Æ>W + Ððþ…yìþ (b) Copper + Zinc Copper + Lead -Æ>W + ïÜçÜ-Ðèþ$$ At what temperature does water attain maximum density? H EÚù~{Væü™èþ Ðèþ§æþª ±Ææÿ$ A™èþÅ-«¨Mæü Ýë…{§æþ™èþ MæüÍW E…r$…¨? (c) (1) 0°C (2) 2°C (3) 4°C (4) 10°C The components which are mainly responsible for distruction of Ozon are KgZ¯èþ$ ´÷Ææÿ¯èþ$ Ñ_e-¯èþ²Ðèþ$$ ^óþçÜ$¢¯èþ² 糧é-Æ>¦-ËÌZ Ððþ$$§æþ-sìý-¨ (1) CFC (2) MøÏÆø-ç³NÏÆŠÿ M>Ææÿ¾¯ŒþÞ (3) yìþ.yìþ.sìý. CH4 (4) Ñ$£óþ¯Œþ (d) DDT NOX BMðüOÞyŠþ B‹œ ¯ðþO{sZ-f¯Œþ The colour of copper sulphate is M>ç³ÆŠÿ çÜÌôý¹sŒý H Ææÿ…Væü$ÌZ E…r$…¨ (1) Blue (2) ±Ë… (3) Red G-Ææÿ$-ç³# Green (4) BMæü$-ç³-^èþa Yellow -ç³-çÜ$ç³# ç³^èþa 15 (BET – 11) (e) Telephone was invented by sñýÍ-¸ù¯èþ$¯èþ$ Mæü¯èþ$-Vö-¯èþ²¨ GÐèþ-Ææÿ$? (1) A. Graham Bell (2) G. {Væüçßý…»ñýÌŒý (3) £é-Ðèþ$‹Ü AÌêÓ Gyìþ-çܯŒþ Madam Curie (4) Ðóþ$yæþÐŒþ$ Mæü*ÅÈ (f) Thomas Alva Edison Robert Hook Æ>ºÆŠÿt çßý$MŠü Dry ice is the solidified form of ´÷yìþ IçÜ$ D {Mìü…¨ ÆæÿÝë-Äæý$-¯é-°Mìü çœ$±-¿æý-Ñ…_¯èþ íܦ† (1) Carbon dioxide (2) M>Ææÿ¾¯ŒþyðþO BMðüOÞyŠþþ (3) òßýO{yø-f¯Œþ ò³Æ>-MðüOÞyŠþ Sodium Peroxide (4) Ýùyìþ-Äæý$… ò³OÆ>MðüOÞyŠþ (g) Hydrogen peroxide Water vapour ±sìý BÑ-Ç If there were no atmosphere the sky would appear Ðé™é-Ðèþ-Ææÿ×ý… ÌôýMæü$…sôý, BM>-ÔèýÐèþ$$ D Ææÿ…Væü$ÌZ Mæü°µ-çÜ$¢…¨ (1) Red (2) G{Ææÿ-V> (3) ±Ë…V> Black (4) ý¯èþËÏ-V> (h) Blue White ™ðþËÏ-V> Identify the ore of aluminium AË*Å-Ñ$-°Äæý$… ËÀ…^óþ Q°-gê°² Væü$Ç¢…^èþ$-Ðèþ$$ (1) Galena (2) VðüÎ-¯é (3) íܯèþ-»êÆŠÿ Pyrites (4) ò³OÆðÿOsŒýÞ (BET – 11) Cinnabar Bauxite »êMðüOÞsŒý 16 (i) The gas which is abundant in atmosphere is Ðé™é-Ðèþ-Ææÿ×ý…ÌZ GMæü$P-ÐèþV> Ë¿æýÅ-Ðèþ$Äôý$Å V>Å‹Ü H¨? (1) Nitrogen (2) ¯ðþO{sZ-f¯Œþ (3) B-MìüÞ-f¯Œþ Carbondioxide (4) M>Ææÿ¾¯Œþ yðþO BMðüOÞyŠþ (j) Oxygen Sulphurdioxide çÜ˹Ɗÿ yðþO BMðüOÞyŠþ Identify the element which is not radio active D {Mìü…¨ ÐésìýÌZ ÆóÿyìþÄñý* Äæý*MìütÐŒþ M>° Ðèþ$*Ë-M>°² Væü$Ç¢…^èþ$-Ðèþ$$ (1) Radon (2) Æ>y鯌þþ (3) Sodium Ýùyìþ-Äæý$… Thorium (4) «§øÇ-Äæý$… Uranium Äæý$$Æóÿ-°-Äæý$… (ii) NATURAL SCIENCE — (10 marks) 10. (10 × 1 = 10) Choose the correct answer for the following : D {Mìü…¨ Ðé°Mìü çÜÇÄñý$O¯èþ çÜÐèþ*«§é¯èþÐèþ$$¯èþ$ Væü$Ç¢…^èþ$Ðèþ$$ : (a) Manufacture of cheese is based on which activity? k¯èþ$² ™èþÄæý*-ÈÌZ Ñ°-Äñý*Væü ç³yóþ ç³{Mìü-Äæý$ (1) Bacterial (2) »êMîüt-Ç-Äæý$ÌŒý (3) BËYÌŒý Fungal (4) 眅VæüÌŒý (b) Algal Viral ÐðþOÆæÿÌŒý What is the fastest growing plant? A† ÐóþVæü-Ðèþ$$V> G¨Vóü Ððþ$$MæüP H¨? (1) Casurina (2) çÜÇÓ ^ðþr$t (3) Eucalyptes Äæý$*MæüÍç³t‹Ü Bamboo (4) Ððþ§æþ$-Ææÿ$ Palm tree ™ésìý ^ðþr$t 17 (BET – 11) (c) What causes ‘Malaria’ fever? Ðèþ$ÌôýÇÄæý* fÓÆæÿ… G…§æþ$Mæü$ ÐèþçÜ$¢…¨? (1) Mosquito (2) §øÐèþ$ ÐèþË-¯èþ (3) ±sìý ÐèþË-¯èþ Food (4) BàÆæÿ… ÐèþË-¯èþ (d) Water Vegetables Mæü*Ææÿ-V>-Äæý$Ë ÐèþË-¯èþ The waste from blood in human beings is purified by Ðèþ$°íÙ ÆæÿMæü¢…ÌZ° Ðèþ$Í-¯é°² Ôèý$¨® ^óþõܨ H¨? (1) Kidney (2) Ðèþ$*{™èþ-í³…yæþ… (3) Væü$…yðþ Liver (4) M>Ìôý-Äæý$… (e) Heart Lungs Fí³-Ç-†-™èþ$¢-Ë$ The white cottony structure often appearing on moist bread is a ™èþyìþ Æösñýt Ò$§æþ ™ðþËÏV> §æþ*¨-ÐèþÌñý HÆæÿµyóþ 糧é-Ææÿ¦-Ðèþ$$ (1) Fungus (2) 眅Væü‹Ü (3) BÌôýY Virus (4) ÐðþOÆæÿ‹Ü (f) Algae Bacterium »êÅMîüt-Ç-Äæý$… Which of the following described as a pachyderm? Ðèþ$…§æþ-Ððþ$O¯èþ ^èþÆæÿÃ-Ðèþ$$- VæüË f…™èþ$-Ðèþ° §óþ°-¯èþ…§æþ$-Ææÿ$? (1) Horse (2) Væü${Ææÿ-Ðèþ$$ (3) H¯èþ$-Væü$ Crocodile (4) Ððþ$$çÜ-Í (BET – 11) Elephant Goat Ðóþ$Mæü 18 (g) Mitochondria is also called as Ððþ$OsŸ-Rê…{yìþ-Äæý*¯èþ$ D Ñ«§æþ-Ðèþ$$V> Mæü*yé A…sê-Ææÿ$ (1) Power Houses of the cell (2) Mæü×ý ÔèýM>¢Å V>Æ>-Ë$ (3) ÌñýOÝù-gZÐŒþ$ Cristae (4) {MìüïÜt (h) Lysosome Chromosome {MøÐðþ*-gZÐŒþ$ The chief controlling organ of the Human Body Ðèþ$°-íÙ° °Äæý$…{†…^óþ ÔèýÈÆæÿ ¿êVæüÐèþ$$ H¨? (1) Brain (2) Ððþ$§æþ-yæþ$ (3) -F-í³-Ç-†-™èþ$¢-Ë$ Heart (4) Væü$…yðþ (i) Lungs Kidney Ðèþ$*{™èþ-í³…yé-Ë$ Bats find their way during night time by Væü¼¾ÌêË$ Æ>{™èþ$-Ë…§æþ$ D ç³{MìüÄæý$ §éÓÆ> çÜ…^èþ-Ç…^èþ VæüË$-Væü$-™é-Æÿ$$ (1) Perception (2) ^èþ*^èþ$r (3) ÆðÿMæüP-Ë$ Smell (4) ÐéçÜ-¯èþ (j) Wings Echo-Location {糆-«§æþÓ° Tearing teeth are Òsìý° `Ë$a ç³âæý$åV> Væü$Ç¢-Ýë¢-Ðèþ$$ (1) Incisors (2) Ðèþ$$…§æþ$-ç³-âæý$å (3) Premolars -§æþ…™é-ËMæü$ Ððþ¯èþ$Mæü E…yóþ ç³âæý$å Molars (4) §æþ…™é-Ë$ Canines MøÆæÿ-ç³-âæý$å —————————— 19 (BET – 11) ROUGH WORK (BET – 11) 20