Question Booklet Sl. No. GMAT(T) Æ>fÅ Õæü×ý çÜ ÔZ«§æþ¯èþ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ èþÆæÿ»ôý Móü {§æþÐèþ$$ DEPARTMENT OF STATE EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING NO. 4, 100 FT. RING ROAD, BANASHANKARI, 3RD STAGE, BANGALORE – 560 085 G¯þ.sìý.GÜ.C./G¯þ.G .G .GÜ. ç³ÈæüË$, ¯èþÐèþ ºÆÿ 2011 NTSE / NMMS EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER 2011 ç³{Mæü – 1/PAPER – I ÝëÐèþ*¯èþÅ Ðèþ*¯èþíÜMæü ÝëÐèþ$Ææÿ¦Å ç³Èæü / GENERAL èþÆæÿVæü – 8/CLASS – 8 MENTAL ABILITY TEST REGISTER NO : Üç Ðèþ$Äæý$ : 90 °Ñ$ÚëË$ C XÏÙ / ðþË$Væü$ TIME : 90 MINUTES ENGLISH / TELUGU 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . ѧéÅÆæÿ$¦ËMæü$ çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ ³ç Èæü {´ëÆæÿ ¿æýÐðþ$O¯þè èþæü×ý D {ç³Ôèý² ³ç #çÜM¢ üæ ÌZ Ðèþ$${¨ ^èþºyæþ°, Ìôý§é _ÇW´ùÆÿ$$¯èþ Ìôý§é H§ðþO¯é ç³#r Ìôý°Ñ Ððþ$$§æþËVæü$ A Ôé˯èþ$ Ò$Ææÿ$ ç³Èìü ^èþ$MøÐéÍ. ò³O ÐésìýÌZ H§ðþO¯é §øçÙ Mæü°í³ _¯èþ^ø §é°° Ðéç³çÜ$Þ ^óþíÜ ÐóþÆóÿ {ç³Ôèý² ç³#çÜ¢M>°² ¡çÜ$MøÐéÍ. 90 {ç³Ôèý²Ë$VæüË {ç³Ôèý² ³ç {MæüÌZ ÑyìþV> (OMR) K GÐþ$ BÆÿ Eèþ¢Ææÿ ç³{Mæü Mæü*yæþ$Mö°Ðèþ# ¨. K GÐþ$ BÆÿ (OMR) ïÙsý Ðèþ$$Q ç³#rÌZ AyìþW¯èþ çÜÐèþ*^éÆ>Ë°² sìý° (§éQË$ çÜ QÅ, ç³Èæü Ðèþ*«§æþÅÐèþ$ , Í Væü, ´ëuæÿÔéË Ñ«§æþ , ÐèþÆæÿY , A VæüÐðþOMæüËÅ íܦ Ððþ$$§æþËVæü$¯èþÑ) çÜÇV>Y ° í³ ÐésìýMìü çÜ º «¨ _¯èþ A Mðü˯èþ$ ° ´ëÍ. A°² {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ èþç³µ°çÜÇ, {ç³ {ç³Ôèý²Mæü$ JMæü A Mæü E r$ ¨. ³ç È> Üç Ðèþ$Äæý$ ÌZ : • {ç³ {ç³Ôèý²¯èþ$ gê{Væüèþ¢V> ^èþ§æþÐèþ yìþ. ç Æðÿ¯O þè JMæü fÐéº$¯èþ$ Mæü¯èþ$Vö¯èþ yìþ. • {ç³ {ç³Ôèý²Mæü$ CÐèþÓºyìþ¯èþ ¯éË$Væü$ fÐéº$ËÌZ Ü • K GÐþ$ BÆÿ (OMR) ç³#rÌZ {ç³ {ç³Ôèý² çÜ QÅMæü$ çÜÇ´ùÐèþ# fÐéº$¯èþ$ Væü$Ç¢ ^èþyé°Mìü CÐèþÓºyìþ¯èþ ¯éË$Væü$ Ðèþé¢Ë ò³MO üì Üç Æðÿ¯O þè Ðèþ颰² ±Í/¯èþË$ç³# C Mæü$ VæüË »êÌý´ëÆÿ$$ sý ò³¯þ Ðèþ*{èþ Eç³Äñý*W _ Væü$Ææÿ$¢ ^óþÄæý$ yìþ. • E§é : 20 Ðèþ {ç³Ôèý² Äñý$$MæüP çÜÆðÿO¯èþ fÐéº$ {MæüÐèþ$ çÜ QÅ 3 AÆÿ$$¯èþ^ø K GÐþ$ BÆÿ (OMR) Ùï sý Äñý$$MæüP {MæüÐèþ$çÜ QÅ 20 Ðèþ$$ §æþÆæÿ D Ñ«§æþ V> ±Í/¯èþË$ç³# »êÌý´ëÆÿ$$ sý ò³¯þ Eç³Äñý*W _ Ðèþ颰² Væü$Ææÿ$¢ ^óþÄæý*Í. D Mìü §æþ ^èþ*í³ _¯èþ Ñ«§þæ V> Üç ç³NÆæÿ ~ V> ° ´ëÍ. 20. 1 2 3 4 (C¨ E§éçßýÆæÿ×ýMæü$ Ðèþ*{èþÐóþ$) JMæü {ç³Ôèý²Mæü$ fÐéº$V> JMæüsìýMæü sôý GMæü$PÐèþ Ðèþé¢Ë¯èþ$ Væü$Ææÿ$èþ$ ^óþÜí ¯èþ^ø AÌê sìý fÐéº$˯èþ$ èþç³V> ç³ÇVæü×ìý _ A MæüÐèþ$$Ë$ CÐèþÓºyæþÐèþ#. _èþ$¢ç³° MöÆæÿMæü$ M>Wé˯èþ$ {ç³Ôé² ç³#çÜ¢Mæü ÌZ° _ÐèþÆæÿÌZ ^óþÆæÿayæþÐðþ$O ¨. {ç³Ôé² ç³#çÜ¢Mæü ÌZ° Ñ$Wͯèþ H ¿êVæü ÌZ Mæü*yé Ò$Ææÿ$ H Ñ«§æþÐðþ$O¯èþ Væü$Ææÿ$¢Ë$ ^óþÄæý$Mæü*yæþ§æþ$.þ K GÐþ$ BÆÿ (OMR) ïÙsýÌZ °ÇªÙç t Üç ˦ ÌZ A¿æýÅǦ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ Væü¨ ³ç ÆæÿÅÐóþæüMæü$yæþ$ èþç³µMæü$ yé çÜ èþMæü ^óþÄæý*Í. ç³È> AÐèþ«¨ Ðèþ$$Wíܯèþ èþÆæÿ$Ðéèþ fÐéº$Ë$ Væü$Ç¢ _¯èþ K GÐþ$ BÆÿ ïÙsý¯èþ$ Væü¨ ³ç ÆæÿÅÐóþæüMæü$ËMæü$ Jí³µ ^éÍ. ç³È> Væü¨ÌZç³ÍMìü M>ÅÌýMæü$ÅÌôýrÆÿ, Ððþ$$»ñýOÌý¸ù¯þ˯èþ$ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ C M> Gr$Ðèþ sìý GË[M>t°Mü Eç³MæüÆæÿ×êË$ óþÐèþyæþ °õÙ¨ ^èþyæþÐðþ$O¯èþ¨. K GÐþ$ BÆÿ (OMR) ïÙsý ° ç³yé°Mìü çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : • {ç³ {ç³Ôèý²Mæü$ JMóüJMæü çÜÆðÿO¯èþ fÐéº$ E r$ ¨ • Ðèþé¢Ë°² sìý° ±Í/¯èþË$ç³# »êÌý´ëÆÿ$$ sý ò³¯þø Ðèþ*{èþÐóþ$ ° ´ëÍ fÐéº$¯èþ$ ° í³¯èþ èþÆæÿ$Ðéèþ Ðèþ*Ææÿayé°Mìü {ç³Äæý$² ^èþMæü yìþ. • Ðèþé¢ËÌZ° çÜ QÅË$ Mæü¯èþºyæþMæü$ yé Ðèþ颰² çÜ ç³NÆæÿ~ V> ° ´ëÍ. • fÐéº$ ç ³ {è þ ò³O ¯ è þ Ðó þ Æó ÿ Gr$Ðè þ sì ý Væ ü $Ææ ÿ $¢ Ë $/Xè þ Ë$ Ìô ý §é ^è þ $Mæ ü PË$ Æ>Äæý$Mæü*yæþ§æþ$. fÐéº$ ç³{MæüÌZ Mæü¯èþºyæþ$ »êÆÿMøyþËò³O¯èþ Gr$Ðèþ sìý Væü$Ææÿ$¢Ë$ ^óþÄæý$Mæü*yæþ§æþ$. VæüÇçÙx A MæüÐèþ$$Ë$ : 90 MAX. MARKS : 90 Instructions to Candidates 1. Immediately after the commencement of the Examination check 2. 3. 4. 5. that this question booklet does not have any unprinted or torn or missing pages or items etc. If so, get it replaced by another Question Booklet. The sealed question booklet containing 90 questions enclosed with the OMR answer sheet is given to you. Fill up the general information in OMR sheet such as (Register No., Medium, Sex, Type of school, Category, Disability status etc.) Darken the concerned blocks in OMR sheet for the above information (Shading). All questions are compulsory, each question carry one mark. During the examination, • Read the questions carefully. • Determine the correct answer from out of the four available choices given under each question. • Completely darken/shade the relevant oval against question No. in the OMR answer sheet, using blue/black point pen. • Ex: In an question paper if Sl. No. 3 is correct answer for Question No. 20, then darken OMR answer sheet using blue/ black point pen as follows. 20. 1 2 3 4 (This is an example only) 6. If more than one oval is darkened for a given question, such answer is treated as wrong and no marks will be given. 7. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Question Booklet at the end. You should not make any marking on any other part of the Question Booklet. 8. The candidate and Room Supervisor should sign in the OMR sheet. 9. Candidate should return the OMR answer sheet to the room supervisor before leaving the examination hall. 10. The calculator, mobiles and any other electronic equipment are not allowed inside the examination hall. 11. Instructions to fill up the OMR sheets : • There is only one correct answer for each question. • All entries in the oval must be shaded with blue/black ball point pen only. Do not try to alter the entry. • Oval should be darkened completely so that the numeral inside the oval is not visible. • Do not make any stray marks on OMR sheet. 12. No marking should be made on the bar codes appearing in the OMR answer sheet. GMAT(T) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 2 *GMATT* *GMATT* GMAT(T) {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 1 – 3 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : CÐèþÓºyìþ¯èþ çÜ QÅ {Ôóý×ìýÌZ èþò³Oµ¯èþ çÜ Qůèþ$ Mæü¯èþ$Vö¯èþ yìþ. Questions 1 – 3 Directions : Find the wrong number in the given number series. 1. 8, 15, 24, 35, 48, 62 1) 8 2) 24 3) 35 4) 62 1. 8, 15, 24, 35, 48, 62 1) 8 2) 24 3) 35 4) 62 2. 130, 222, 342, 520, 738 1) 222 2) 342 3) 520 4) 738 2. 130, 222, 342, 520, 738 1) 222 2) 342 3) 520 4) 738 3. 326, 166, 86, 56, 26, 16 1) 166 2) 86 3) 56 4) 26 3. 326, 166, 86, 56, 26, 16 1) 166 2) 86 3) 56 4) 26 {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 4 – 8 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : CÐèþÓºyìþ¯èþ _{èþ ÌZ çÜ*_ _¯èþ ÆóÿRêVæü×ìýèþ BMæüèþ$Ë çÜ Qůèþ$ ÌñýMìüP ^èþ yìþ. Questions 4 – 8 Directions : Count the number of specified geometric shapes in the given figures. 4. How many rectangles are there in the given figure? 1) 2) 3) 4) 4. CÐèþÓºyìþ¯èþ AMæüÌZ G°² ©Ææÿ ^èþèþ$Ææÿ{ÝëË$¯é²Æÿ$$ ? 1) 2) 3) 4) 10 9 6 5 3 10 9 6 5 *GMATT* GMAT(T) 5. How many squares are there in the given figure? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5. 1) 2) 3) 4) 12 11 10 8 6. 6. How many triangles are there in the given figure? 1) 2) 3) 4) 7. 4 16 12 10 8 CÐèþÓºyìþ¯èþ BMæüÌZ G°² çÜÐèþ*¯é èþÆæÿ ^èþèþ$Ææÿ$ÂgêË$¯é²Æÿ$$ ? 1) 2) 3) 4) 6 7 9 10 12 11 10 8 CÐèþÓºyìþ¯èþ BMæüÌZ G°² {¿æý$gêË$¯é²Æÿ$$ ? 1) 2) 3) 4) 16 12 10 8 7. How many parallelograms are there in the given figure? 1) 2) 3) 4) CÐèþÓºyìþ¯èþ BMæüÌZ G°² ^èþèþ$Ææÿ{ÝëË$¯é²Æÿ$$ ? 6 7 9 10 *GMATT* GMAT(T) 8. How many semicircles are there in the given figure? 8. CÐèþÓºyìþ¯èþ BMæüÌZ G°² AÆæÿ®Ðèþé¢Ë$¯é²Æÿ$$ ? 1) 8 1) 8 2) 10 3) 12 2) 10 3) 12 4) 16 4) 16 Questions 9 – 11 {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 9 – 11 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : Mì ü ¨ {ç ³ Ôè ý ²Ë$ CÐè þ Óºyì þ ¯è þ Ðè þ *{Mæ ü ËMæ ü $ B«§éÆæÿ V> E¯é²Æÿ$$. {ç³ AæüÆæÿ ÑË$Ðèþ §é° ³ç Mìü¢ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ çÜ¢ ¿êËÌZ E¯èþ² çÜ QÅË Væü$×ý˺® . E§éçßýÆæÿ×ý : “N” AæüÆæÿ ÑË$Ðèþ 4×3=12 Directions: The following questions are based on the given matrix. The value of each letter is the product of its row and column numbers. Example: The value of letter “N” is 4×3=12 9. 9. As per directions given, find the group of letters with the lowest total. çÜ*^èþ¯èþ {ç³M>Ææÿ H AæüÆæÿ Væü$ ç³# Ððþ$$èþ¢ Mæü°çÙt V> E r$ ¨. Columns 2 3 Columns 4 2 3 A E O 3 A E O 4 G N P 1) 2) 3) 4) 4 2 B M T Rows Rows 2 B M T 3 4 G N P BOAT TAME GATE TENT 1) 2) 3) 4) 5 BOAT TAME GATE TENT *GMATT* GMAT(T) 10. As per directions given, find the group of letters with the highest total. 1) ATPOG 2) BMNET 3) PEGNO 4) MAETB 10. çÜ*^èþ¯èþ {ç³M>Ææÿ , H AæüÆæÿ Væü$ ç³# Ððþ$$èþ¢ VæüÇçÙt V> 11. As per directions given, sum of letters “ABGENO” is 1) 61 2) 57 3) 51 4) 41 11. E r$ ¨. 1) 2) 3) 4) ATPOG BMNET PEGNO MAETB çÜ*^èþ¯èþ {ç³M>Ææÿ , “ABGENO” Ë Ððþ$$èþ¢ 1) 2) 3) 4) 61 57 51 41 {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 12 – 16 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : Mìü §æþ CÐèþÓºyìþ¯èþ {ç³Ôèý²ËÌZ Ðèþ$*yæþ$ çÜ QÅË$/ f r çÜ QÅË$/AæüÆ>Ë Væü$ ç³#Ë$ JMóü Ñ«§æþ V> E¯é²Æÿ$$. JMæüsìý Ðèþ*{èþ ÑÀ¯èþ² V> E ¨. ÑÀ¯èþ² V> E¯èþ²§é°° Væü$Ç¢ ^èþ yìþ. Questions 12 – 16 Directions : In the following questions, three numbers / pair of numbers / group of letters are alike, while one is different. Identify the one which is different. 12. 12. 1) 2) 3) 4) 108 120 204 218 1) 2) 3) 4) 108 120 204 218 1) 2) 3) 4) 22, 20, 18, 14, 1) 2) 3) 4) 125, 216, 343, 729, 10 9 10 18 1) 2) 3) 4) J V S N H T Q L 1) 2) 3) 4) STYLUS CRYING PHYSIC RHYTHM 13. 13. 1) 2) 3) 4) 22, 20, 18, 14, 68 58 56 44 68 58 56 44 14. 14. 1) 2) 3) 4) 125, 216, 343, 729, 10 9 10 18 15. 15. 1) 2) 3) 4) J V S N H T Q L E Q N I A M R E C O T G F R W J 16. 16. 1) 2) 3) 4) STYLUS CRYING PHYSIC RHYTHM 6 E Q N I A M R E C O T G F R W J *GMATT* GMAT(T) {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 17 – 18 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : Mìü §æþ CÐèþÓºyìþ¯èþ {ç³Ôèý²ËÌZ Ðèþ$*yæþ$ _{éË$ JMóü Ñ«§þæ V> E¯é²Æÿ$$. JMæüsìý Ðèþ*{þè ÑÀ¯èþ² V> E ¨. ÑÀ¯èþ² V> E¯èþ²§é°° Væü$Ç¢ ^èþ yìþ. Questions 17 – 18 Directions: In the following questions, three figures are alike, while one is different. Identify the one which is different. 17. 18. 1 2 3 7 4 *GMATT* GMAT(T) {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 19 – 21 Üç *^èþ¯èþË$ : D Mìü ¨ {ç³Ôèý²ËÌZ° Üç RêÅ Üç Ðèþ$*àË$ CÐèþÓºyìþ¯èþ °Äæý$Ðèþ*ËÌZ JMæü§é°° AËÐèþÆæÿ^èþ$Mö¯èþ²¨. {ç³ {ç³Ôèý²ÌZ° çÜ RêÅçÜÐèþ$*àË$ AËÐèþÆæÿ^èþ$Mö¯èþ² çÜÇÄñý$O¯èþ °Äæý$Ðèþ*˯èþ$ Væü$Ç¢ ^èþ yìþ. I. JMæü çÜ QÅ Äñý$$MæüP ÐèþÆæÿY ¯èþ$ yìþ çÜ QÅMæü$ Æðÿ yæþ$Æðÿr$Ï ¡íÜÐóþíܯèþ II. JMæü çÜ QÅ Äñý$$MæüP ç$¯èþ ¯èþ$ yìþ çÜ QÅ ÐèþÆ>Y°² ¡íÜÐóþíܯèþ III. çÜ QÅÌZ çÜV>°² çÜ QÅ ÐèþÆ>Y°² Mæü*yìþ¯èþ IV. çÜ QÅ ç$¯é°Mìü 3 MæüÍí³¯èþ Questions 19 – 21 Directions : In the following questions, one of the rules below has been applied to the set of numbers. Identify the correct rule applied to set of numbers in each question. I. Subtract twice the number from its square II. Subtract square of the number from its cube III. Add half of the number to its square IV. Add three to the cube of a number 19. 18, 48, 100, 186 1) I 2) II 3) III 4) IV 3) III 4) IV 3) III 4) IV 19. 18, 48, 100, 186 1) I 20. 18, 39, 68, 105 1) I 2) II 2) II 1) I 1) I {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 22 – 23 2) II 3) III 4) IV 2) II 3) III 4) IV çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : Mìü ¨ çÜÒ$MæüÆæÿ×ê°² AÆæÿ¦Ðèþ èþ M>Ðèþyé°Mìü (*) C_a¯èþ ^ør Mìü ¨ C_a¯èþ ÐésìýÌZ H {MæüÐèþ$ çÜ*Mæü¢Ððþ$O¯èþ§ø Æ>Äæý$ yìþ. 22. 40 * 30 * 50 * 20 1) + , = , – 2) – , = , + 3) = , + , – 4) + , – , = 22. 40 * 30 * 50 * 20 +,=,– –,=,+ =,+,– +,–,= 23. 60 * 12 * 8 * 5 * 8 1) + , = , × , – 23. 60 * 12 * 8 * 5 * 8 1) 2) 3) 4) 4) IV 21. 4, 11, 30, 67 Questions 22 – 23 Directions: In place of (*) insert the correct sequence of signs, choosing from the alternatives, to make a correct equation. 1) 2) 3) 4) 3) III 20. 18, 39, 68, 105 21. 4, 11, 30, 67 1) I 2) II +,=,×,– –,=,×,+ –,+,=,× =,×,+,– 2) – , = , × , + 3) – , + , = , × 4) = , × , + , – 8 *GMATT* GMAT(T) Questions 24 – 25 Directions: When the numbers and the signs are interchanged as given in the {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 24 – 25 Üç *^èþ¯èþË$ : C_a¯èþ Üç Qůèþ$ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ _àý²Ë¯èþ$ éÆæÿ$Ðèþ*Ææÿ$ ^óþíÜ Æ>íܯèþç³#yæþ$ Mìü ¨ ÐésìýÌZ H¨ çÜÆðÿO¯èþ {MæüÐèþ$ ? question, find which of the following equations are correct. 24. 4 Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ 2 ; – Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ × 24. 4 and 2; – and × 1) 6 – 4 × 8 = 2 1) 6 – 4 × 8 = 2 2) 8 – 2 × 6 = 4 2) 8 – 2 × 6 = 4 3) 12 × 8 – 2 = 4 3) 12 × 8 – 2 = 4 4) 16 × 8 – 4 = 2 4) 16 × 8 – 4 = 2 25. 3 Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ 6 ; + Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ ÷ 25. 3 and 6; + and ÷ 1) 72 + 9 ÷ 6 = 3 1) 72 + 9 ÷ 6 = 3 2) 24 + 8 ÷ 6 = 3 2) 24 + 8 ÷ 6 = 3 3) 24 ÷ 12 + 3 = 6 3) 24 ÷ 12 + 3 = 6 4) 32 + 4 ÷ 3 = 6 4) 32 + 4 ÷ 3 = 6 Question 26 {ç³Ôèý² 26 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : Væü$Ææÿ$¢Ë¯èþ$ Mìü §æþ C_a¯èþ Ñ«§æþ V> Ðèþ*Ça¯èþ H çÜÒ$MæüÆæÿ×ý çÜ*Mæü¢Ððþ$O¯èþ¨ ? – º§æþ$Ë$V> × × º§æþ$Ë$V> ÷ ÷ º§æþ$Ë$V> + + º§æþ$Ë$V> = Directions: When the signs are changed as shown, which of the following equations is correct ? – to × × to ÷ ÷ to × × to = 26. 26. 1) 8 – 2 + 6 ÷ 5 × 2 1) 8 – 2 + 6 ÷ 5 × 2 2) 8 ÷ 2 – 6 × 5 + 2 2) 8 ÷ 2 – 6 × 5 + 2 3) 8 × 2 ÷ 6 + 5 – 2 3) 8 × 2 ÷ 6 + 5 – 2 4) 8 + 2 × 6 – 5 ÷ 2 4) 8 + 2 × 6 – 5 ÷ 2 9 *GMATT* GMAT(T) {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 27 – 29 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : Mìü ¨ {ç³Ôèý²ËÌZ C_a¯èþ _{èþ ÌZ° {ç³ gêÑ$¡Äæý$ BM>ÆæÿÐèþ$$ JMøP Væü$ ç³#¯èþ$ çÜ*_çÜ$¢ ¨. Questions 27 – 29 Directions: The following questions are based on the figure below in which each geometric shape represents a group. 27. Which number represents the students who play only cricket ? H çÜ QÅ {MìüMðüsý Br¯èþ$ Ðèþ*{èþÐóþ$ Byóþ ѧéÅÆæÿ$¦Ë¯èþ$ çÜ*_çÜ$¢ ¨ ? 1) 9 1) 9 2) 8 2) 8 3) 5 3) 5 4) 2 4) 2 27. who play cricket, hockey and basketball? H çÜ QÅ {MìüMðüsý àMîü Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ »êòÜPsý»êÌý Br˯èþ$ Byóþ ѧéÅÆæÿ$¦Ë¯èþ$ çÜ*_çÜ$¢ ¨ ? 1) 3 1) 3 2) 4 2) 4 3) 6 3) 6 4) 9 4) 9 28. 28. Which number represents the students 10 *GMATT* GMAT(T) 29. 29. Which of the following choices does “9” represent? Mìü ¨ ÐésìýÌZ ‘9’ §óþ°° çÜ*_çÜ$¢ ¨. 1) {MìüMðüsý Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ àMîü Br˯èþ$ Ðèþ*{èþÐóþ$ Byóþ ѧéÅÆæÿ$¦Ë$. 2) àMîü Ðèþ*{èþÐóþ$ Byóþ ѧéÅÆæÿ$¦Ë$. 3) {MìüMðüsý Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ àMîü Br˯èþ$ Ðèþ*{èþÐóþ$ Byóþ ѧéÅÆæÿ$¦Ë$ M>°ÐéÆæÿ$. 4) {MìüMðüsý Br¯èþ$ Ðèþ*{èþÐóþ$ Byóþ ѧéÅÆæÿ$¦Ë$ M>°ÐéÆæÿ$. 1) Students who play only cricket and hockey 2) Students who play hockey only 3) Non-students who play cricket and hockey 4) Non-students who play only cricket Questions 30 – 32 Directions: Complete the following letter series by choosing the correct sequence from the given alternatives. {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 30 – 32 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : Mìü ¨ AæüÆæÿ {Ôóý×ý$ËÌZ Rêä˯èþ$ çÜ*Mæü¢Ððþ$O¯èþ Ðésìýø ° ç³ yìþ. 30. r_ss_t_ _uu_v 30. r_ss_t_ _uu_v 1) rrttv 1) rrttv 2) rsttu 2) rsttu 3) srtvt 3) srtvt 4) rsstv 4) rsstv 31. xy_x_zxy_ _ yz 31. xy_x_zxy_ _ yz 1) zyzx 1) zyzx 2) zxzy 2) zxzy 3) yzxz 3) yzxz 4) xzyz 4) xzyz 32. m_n_nnm_nm_ _ 32. m_n_nnm_nm_ _ 1) mnmnm 1) mnmnm 2) nmnmn 2) nmnmn 3) nmnnn 3) nmnnn 4) mmnmn 4) mmnmn 11 *GMATT* GMAT(T) {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 33 – 35 Questions 33 – 35 Directions: Complete the following number series by choosing the correct number from the given alternatives. çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : Mìü ¨ {Ôóý×ý$ËÌZRêäçܦÌêËÌZ E ^èþVæüÍW¯èþ çÜ QÅË$. 33. 24, 61, 122, 213, ?, 509 1) 275 2) 340 3) 425 4) 460 33. 24, 61, 122, 213, ?, 509 1) 275 2) 340 3) 425 4) 460 34. 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, ?, ?, 22 1) 14, 17 2) 16, 18 3) 15, 20 4) 18, 21 34. 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, ?, ?, 22 1) 14, 17 2) 16, 18 3) 15, 20 4) 18, 21 35. 1/5, 2/15, 4/45, ? , 16/405 1) 12/60 2) 12/75 3) 8/125 4) 8/135 35. 1/5, 2/15, 4/45, ? , 16/405 1) 12/60 2) 12/75 3) 8/125 4) 8/135 {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 36 – 38 Questions 36 – 38 Directions: Complete the figural series, choosing the correct figure from the given alternatives. 36. çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : C_a¯èþ ÐésìýÌZ çÜÇÄñý$O¯èþ _{é°² Ðèþ# _ {Ôóý×ìý° ç³NÇ¢ ^óþÄæý$ yìþ. 12 *GMATT* GMAT(T) 37. 38. ? 1 2 3 13 4 *GMATT* GMAT(T) {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 39 – 40 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : {Mìü ¨ çÜ RêÅ çÜÐèþ$*àËMæü$ çÜÆðÿO¯èþ çÜÐèþ$*à°² ´ùËa yìþ. Questions 39 – 40 Directions: In the following questions, given is a set of numbers. From the alternatives, choose the set that is similar to the given set. 39. 67, 128, 219 1) 59, 120, 211 2) 24, 61, 122 3) 16, 54, 128 4) 4, 11, 30 39. 67, 128, 219 1) 59, 120, 211 2) 24, 61, 122 3) 16, 54, 128 4) 4, 11, 30 40. 324, 144, 225 1) 196, 121, 169 2) 100, 256, 484 3) 441, 900, 324 4) 289, 400, 361 40. 324, 144, 225 1) 196, 121, 169 2) 100, 256, 484 3) 441, 900, 324 4) 289, 400, 361 {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 41 – 42 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : Mìü ¨ {ç³Ôèý²ËÌZ {ç³ AæüÆ>°Mìü JMæü çÜ Qůèþ$ C_a, Ððþ$$颰Mìü çÜÇ ´ùËa yìþ. 41. L E T ¯èþ$ çÜ*_ ^óþ çÜ Qůèþ$ C_a¯èþ §é°ÌZ H¨ çÜÇ´ùÐèþ#¯èþ$ ? Questions 41 – 42 Directions: The following questions are based on addition, where each letter is given a number code. 41. Find the number which represents L E T choosing from the alternatives. LEM +MELT 9 9 99 1) 450 2) 940 3) 405 4) 504 1) 2) 3) 4) LEM +MELT 9 9 99 450 940 405 504 ¯èþ$ çÜ*_ ^óþ çÜ Qůèþ$ C_a¯èþ §é°ÌZ H¨ çÜÇ´ùÐèþ#¯èþ$ ? 42. S E T 42. Find the number which represents S E T choosing from the alternatives. ENT +TENS 1867 1) 631 2) 641 3) 436 4) 384 1) 2) 3) 4) 14 ENT +TENS 1867 631 641 436 384 *GMATT* GMAT(T) Questions 43 – 45 Directions: The following questions are based on figures given below. Each circle represents one item. Match the figure with items in the questions on the basis of their relationship. {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 43 – 45 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : Mìü ¨ {ç³Ôèý²ËMæü$ C_a¯èþ BM>Æ>Ë B«§éÆæÿ V> {ç³ Ðèþèþ¢Ðèþ$* çÜ*_ ^èþºyìþ¯èþ¨. {ç³Ôèý²ËMæü$ çÜÇç³yóþ BM>Æ>˯èþ$ ´ùËa yìþ. 43. Villagers, Artists, Accountants 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) F 43. 44. Indians, Christians, Sri Lankans 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 44. 45. Yellow Colour, Sunflowers, Roses 1) B 2) C 3) D 4) E 45. {V>Ò$×ý$Ë$, MæüâêM>Ææÿ$Ë$, MæüÆæÿ×ýÐèþ$$ (AMú sñý sý) 1) 2) 3) 4) ¿êÆæÿ¡Äæý$$Ë$, {MðüçÜ¢Ðèþ#Ë$, }Ë MæüÐéÆæÿ$ 1) 2) 3) 4) A B C D ç³çÜ$ç³#Ææÿ Væü$ ; çÜ*ÆæÿÅM> ç³#Ðèþ#Ó ; Væü$Ìê¼ç³#Ðèþ#Ó 1) 2) 3) 4) 15 A B C F B C D E *GMATT* GMAT(T) Questions 46 – 50 Directions : Complete the given analogy by {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 46 – 50 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : C_a¯èþ ÑË$ÐèþËÌZ RêäËÌZ Ðèþ# yæþÐèþËíܯèþ °çÙµ¢ 糧鰲 Æ>Äæý$ yìþ. selecting the correct answer from the alternatives. 46. 16 : 65 :: 36 : ? 46. 16 : 65 :: 36 : ? 1) 217 2) 146 3) 85 4) 75 1) 217 2) 146 3) 85 4) 75 47. 5 : 75 :: 10 : ? 1) 100 2) 200 3) 300 4) 400 47. 5 : 75 :: 10 : ? 1) 100 2) 200 3) 300 4) 400 48. 216 : 81 :: 512 : ? 48. 216 : 81 :: 512 : ? 1) 100 1) 100 2) 64 3) 48 2) 64 3) 48 4) 36 4) 36 49. XZTV : ? :: RTNP : LNHJ 49. XZTV : ? :: RTNP : LNHJ 1) TRPN 1) TRPN 2) RTNO 3) RPTN 2) RTNO 3) RPTN 4) RTNP 4) RTNP 50. behk : ORUX :: mkig : ? 50. behk : ORUX :: mkig : ? 1) ZXVT 1) 2) 3) 4) 2) WXVT 3) ZXUV 4) NQTV 16 ZXVT WXVT ZXUV NQTV *GMATT* GMAT(T) Questions 51 – 53 Directions: Complete the given figural analogy by selecting the correct answer from the alternatives. {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 51 – 53 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : Mìü §æþ C_a¯èþ _{éËMæü$ çÜÆðÿO¯èþ _{é°² ´ùËa yìþ. 51. ? 1 2 3 52. 17 4 *GMATT* GMAT(T) 53. {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 54 – 56 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : C_a¯èþ Ðèþ*{MæüËÌZ RêäV>Ðèþ#¯èþ² çÜ¦Ë ÌZ çÜÆðÿO¯èþ çÜ Qůèþ$ Ðèþ# ^èþ yìþ.ý Questions 54 – 56 Directions: Find the missing number in the given matrices. 54. 28 20 18 65 36 47 126 ? 104 1) 44 2) 42 3) 40 4) 32 54. 28 20 18 65 36 47 126 ? 104 1) 44 2) 42 3) 40 4) 32 55. 50 40 70 1) 2) 3) 4) 60 30 30 90 80 70 60 55. 50 40 70 1) 2) 3) 4) 60 30 30 90 80 70 60 56. 10 15 20 1) 2) 3) 4) ? 8 70 5 75 4 60 75 80 95 56. 10 15 20 1) 2) 3) 4) ? 8 70 5 75 4 60 75 80 95 90 ? 90 18 90 ? 90 *GMATT* GMAT(T) Questions 57 – 60 Directions: Find the correct mirror image for the following problem figures from the alternatives. {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 57 – 60 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : C_a¯èþ _{éËMæü$ çÜÆðÿO¯èþ {ç³¼ »ê°² G¯èþ$²Mö° Æ>Äæý$ yìþ. 57. 58. 1 2 59. 19 3 4 *GMATT* GMAT(T) 60. Questions 61 – 63 Directions: The letters in the words given below are coded using symbols. The symbols are in the same order as the letters. Identify the symbols for each letter and find correct answer in the following questions. NEAT – θ β δ π {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 61 – 63 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : Mìü ¨ 糧éË$ AæüÆæÿ çÜ MóüéËø çÜ*_ ^èþºyìþ ¨. {ç³ AæüÆæÿ çÜ MóüèþÐèþ$$ Væü$Ç¢ _ C_a¯èþ {ç³Ôèý²ËMæü$ çÜÆðÿO¯èþ çÜÐèþ*«§é¯é°² Væü$Ç¢ ^èþ yìþ. NEAT – θ β δ π GAP – ψ δ μ GAP – ψ δ μ BUMP – σ η λ μ BUMP – σ η λ μ TIRE – π ξ φ β TIRE – π ξ φ β 61. PAINT can be coded as 1) π δ ξ θ μ 2) μ θ ξ δ π 3) μ δ ξ θ π 4) θ δ ξ π μ 61. PAINT Äñý$$MæüP çÜ MóüèþÐèþ$$ 1) π δ ξ θ μ 2) μ θ ξ δ π 3) μ δ ξ θ π 4) θ δ ξ π μ 62. GAME can be coded as 1) ψ δ λ β 2) δ ψ β λ 3) β ψ δ λ 4) λ δ β ψ 62. GAME Äñý$$MæüP çÜ MóüèþÐèþ$$ 1) ψ δ λ β 2) δ ψ β λ 3) β ψ δ λ 4) λ δ β ψ 63. The code ξ λ σ φ η β represents the word 1) BUMPER 2) IMBRUE 3) GARNET 4) NATURE 63. çÜ Móüèþ ξ λ σ φ η β §óþ°° çÜ*_ ^óþ 糧æþ ? 1) 2) 3) 4) 20 BUMPER IMBRUE GARNET NATURE *GMATT* GMAT(T) {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 64 – 67 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : Mìü ¨ {ç³Ôèý²ËÌZ C_a¯èþ çÜ QÅËMæü$ çÜÇç³yóþ »Ðèþ$ÃÌZ Ðèþ¨Í¯èþ Qä˯èþ$ ç³NÈ¢¢^óþÄæý$ yìþ. Questions 64 – 67 Directions: In the following questions, numbers in the figures are related. Find their relationship and choose the missing number from the alternatives. 64. 64. 30 40 35 20 24 10 25 24 15 20 ? 10 24 24 19 1) 2) 3) 4) 24 19 14 10 1) 2) 3) 4) 24 19 14 10 65. 20 5 6 24 30 2 3 45 18 3 7 ? 1) 2) 3) 4) 24 30 36 42 1) 2) 3) 4) 24 30 36 42 1) 2) 3) 4) 63 56 49 35 1) 2) 3) 4) 63 56 49 35 66. 21 *GMATT* GMAT(T) 67. 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) 3 4 6 12 3 4 6 12 {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 68 – 71 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : C_a¯èþ _{èþ ÌZ Ðèþ¨Í¯èþ ¿êV>°² çÜÆðÿO¯èþ çÜÐèþ*«§é¯èþ ø ç³NÈ¢¢ ^óþÄæý$ yìþ. Questions 68 – 71 Directions: Find the missing part of the given figure from the alternatives. 68. 69. 70. ? 1 2 22 3 4 *GMATT* GMAT(T) 71. {ç³Ôèý² 72 Question 72 Directions: If the parts of the figure in the question given below are joined, so that the dots are in the centre of the figure, find which one of the following figures given as alternatives is formed. Üç *^èþ¯èþË$ : C_a¯èþ {ç³Ôé² _{èþ ÌZ° ¿êV>°² ^èþ$MæüPË _{èþ ÌZ° Ðèþ$«§þæ Å¿êV>°Mìü Ðèþ^óþarr$Ï fèþ³ç Ææÿ_¯èþ {Mìü ¨ ÐésìýÌZ H¨ çÜÆðÿO¯èþ¨ ? 72. {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 73 – 74 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : Mìü ¨ {ç³Ôèý²ËÌZ JMæü 糧é°Mìü Ýë MóüMæü Ææÿ*´ë°² Üç *_ ^èþyæþÐðþ$O¯þè ¨. A§óþ Ýë MóüMæü Ææÿ*´ë°² C_a¯èþ 糧éËMæü$ H¨ çÜÆðÿO¯èþ§ø Mæü¯èþ$MøP yìþ ? Questions 73 – 74 Directions: In the following questions, a word is coded as shown. Find how the given word can be represented in the same code. ¯èþ$ JMæü Ýë MóüMæü Ææÿ*ç³ JHCW A° çÜ*_ _¯èþ FIRE ¯èþ$ GÌê çÜ*_Ýë¢Ææÿ$ ? 73. HEAT 73. If H E A T is coded as J H C W then F I R E can be represented as: 1) S R V V 2) H L T H 3) U V E R 4) I L U H 1) 2) 3) 4) 23 SRVV HLTH UVER I LU H *GMATT* GMAT(T) 74. WATER A¯óþ 糧鰲 JNGRE A° çÜ*_ _¯èþ STEAM ¯èþ$ GÌê çÜ*_Ýë¢Ææÿ$ ? 1) H G V Z N 2) E G R N J 3) F G R N Z 4) Z G N R F 74. If WATER is coded as JNGRE then S T E A M can be represented as: 1) H G V Z N 2) E G R N J 3) F G R N Z 4) Z G N R F {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 75 – 77 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : A, B, C, D Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ E Ë$ JMæü MæüâêÔéË Ñ§éÅÆæÿ$¦Ë$ a) A Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ B Ë$ ¿oMæü ÔéçÜ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ ÆæÿÝëÄæý$¯èþ ÔéÝë˯èþ$ A«§æþÅÄæý$¯èþ ^óþÝë¢Ææÿ$. b) C Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ D Ë$ ÆæÿÝëÄæý$¯èþ ÔéçÜ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ Væü×ìýèþ ÔéçÜ A«§æþÅÄæý$¯èþ ^óþÝë¢Ææÿ$. c) D Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ A Ë$ GË[M>t°MüÞ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ ¿oMæü ÔéçÜ A«§æþÅÄæý$¯èþ ^óþÝë¢Ææÿ$ d) E Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ B Ë$ Væü×ìýèþ ÔéçÜ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ GË[M>t°MüÞ A«§æþÅÄæý$¯èþ ^óþÝë¢Ææÿ$. 75. H ѧéÅǦ GMæü$PÐèþ ÑçÙÄæý*Ͳ A«§þæ ÅÄæý$¯èþ ^óþÝë¢yæþ$ ? Questions 75 – 77 Directions: A, B, C, D and E are students in a college a) A and B study both Physics and Chemistry b) C and D study both Chemistry and Mathematics c) D and A study both Electronics and Physics d) E and B study both Mathematics and Electronics 75. Which student studies the most number of subjects ? 1) E 2) D 3) B 4) C 1) E 2) D 3) B 4) C 76. A, D Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ C Ë$ Ðèþ$$Væü$YÆæÿ* A«§æþÅÄæý$¯èþ ^óþõÜ 76. Common subject A, D and C study is : 1) Chemistry 2) Mathematics 3) Physics 4) Electronics ÑçÙÄæý$ H¨ ? 1) ÆæÿÝëÄæý$¯èþ ÔéçÜÐèþ$$ 2) Væü×ìýèþ ÔéçÜÐèþ$$ 3) ¿oMæü ÔéçÜÐèþ$$ 4) GË{M>t°MüÞ 77. The pair of students who study only two subjects are: 1) A, D 2) B, C 3) C, E 4) E, D 77. Mìü ¨ H fèþ ѧéÅÆæÿ$¦Ë$ Æðÿ yæþ$ ÑçÙÄæý*Ͳ Ðèþ*{èþÐóþ$ A«§æþÅÄæý$¯èþ ^óþÝë¢Ææÿ$ ? 1) 2) 3) 4) 24 A, D B, C C, E E, D *GMATT* GMAT(T) Questions 78 – 79 {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 78 – 79 Directions : In the following questions two Üç *^èþ¯èþË$ : {Mìü ¨ Æðÿ yæþ$ _{éͲ {ç³Ôé² _{éË$V> CÐèþÓºyìþ¯èþ¨. figures are given as problem figures. Find which ÒsìýÌZ Ððþ$$§æþr _{é°² Æðÿ yæþÐèþ _{èþ ò³O Ðèþ# _¯èþ of the following alternative figures would be C_a¯èþ ÐésìýÌZ çÜÆðÿO¯èþ §é°° G¯èþ$²Mø yìþ. formed, if the first figure is superimposed on the second figure. 78. 79. 25 *GMATT* GMAT(T) {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 80 – 81 Questions 80 – 81 Directions: In the following questions a problem figure is given. The problem figure is hidden in one of the figures given as alternatives. Find the figure in which the problem figure is hidden. çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : C_a¯èþ {ç³Ôé² _{èþ Mìü ¨ ¯éÍY sìýÌZ H§ø JMæü §é°ÌZ §éWÐèþ# ¨. B §éW¯èþ _{é°² Mæü¯èþ$MøP yìþ. 80. 81. {ç³Ôèý² 82 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : ç³ Mæügý A ¯èþ$ yìþ èþ*Ææÿ$µ ÐðþOç³#Mæü$ ¯èþyìþ_ B ¯èþ$ ^óþÆðÿ¯èþ$. B ¯èþ$ yìþ §æþìü×ý Ððþ³çO # ¯èþyìþ_ C ¯èþ$ ^óþÆðÿ¯èþ$. C ¯èþ$ yìþ DÔé¯éÅ°Mìü ¯èþyìþ_ D ¯èþ$ ^óþÆðÿ¯èþ$. D ¯èþ$ yìþ Eèþ¢Æ>°Mìü ¯èþyìþ_ E ¯èþ$ ^óþÆðÿ¯èþ$. D {Mìü ¨ H _{èþÐèþ$$ ç³ Mæügý ¯èþyìþ_¯èþ §éÇ° Which of the following diagrams represent çÜ*_çÜ$¢ ¨ ? Question 82 Directions: Pankaj starts from point A and walks east to point B. From point B he walks south to point C. From point C he walks northeast to point D. From point D he walks north to point E. Pankaj’s route? 82. A E B A C C D 1 A B B E C E D B A E D 2 C 3 26 4 D *GMATT* GMAT(T) {ç³Ôèý²Ë$ 83 – 84 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : JMæü ºçÜ$Þ ºyìþ ¯èþ$ yìþ ç³ÕaÐèþ*°Mìü 2 Mìü. Ò$. {ç³Äæý*×ìý _. {MìüMðüsý Br Ððþ$O§é¯é°² ^óþÇ ¨. èþÆæÿ$Ðéèþ Mæü$yìþÐðþOç³# ÇW 4 Mìü. Ò$. {ç³Äæý*×ìý _ àçÜtË$ ^óþÇ ¨. §é° èþÆæÿ$Ðéèþ GyæþÐèþ$ ÐðþOç³# ÇW 2 Mìü. Ò$. {ç³Äæý*×ìý _ ç#sý »êÌý Br Ððþ$O§é¯é°² ^óþÇ ¨. 83. How far did the bus travel from the 83. ºyìþ ¯èþ$ yìþ ç #sý»êÌý Br Ððþ$O§é¯èþ ÐèþÆæÿMæü$ G èþ§æþ*Ææÿ school to the football stadium? {ç³Äæý*×ìý _ ¨ ? 1) 10 kms 1) 10 Mìü. Ò$ 2) 8 kms 2) 8 Mìü. Ò$ 3) 6 kms 3) 6 Mìü. Ò$ 4) 4 kms 4) 4 Mìü. Ò$ 84. Which direction is the school with 84. ç#sý»êÌý Br Ððþ$O§é¯é°Mìü ºyìþ H ¨Mæü$P¯èþ Ðèþ# ¨ ? reference to the football stadium ? 1) BVóü²Äæý$ 1) South-East 2) DÔé¯èþÅ 2) North-East 3) ¯ðþÆO ÿæ $ 3) South-West 4) ÐéÄæý$$ÐèþÅ 4) North-West Questions 83 – 84 Directions: A bus starts from the school and travels 2 kms west to reach the cricket stadium. After which it takes a right turn and travels 4 kms to reach the hostel. The bus then takes a left turn and travels 2 kms to reach the football stadium. {ç³Ôèý² 85 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : Mìü ¨ {ç³Ôé² _{èþ ¯èþ$ JMæü ç$¯éM>Ææÿ ÌZMìü Ðèþ*Ça¯èþ C_a¯èþ ¯éÍY sìýÌZ H¨ çÜÆðÿO¯èþ¨ ? Question 85 Directions: When the question figure is folded into a cube, find which one of the cubes among the alternatives is formed. 85. 27 *GMATT* GMAT(T) {ç³Ôèý² 86 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : JMæü ç$¯èþ Äñý$$MæüP G§æþ$sìý Ðèþ$$RêË$ Mìü ¨ Ñ«§æþ V>Ðèþ#¯é²Æÿ$$. Question 86 Directions: The opposite faces of a cube are as shown. 6 , 3 , 5 2 4 86. Among the alternatives given, identify which one of the figures represents the unfolded cube. 6 1 4 2 86. 5 1 2 4 5 1 2 4 3 5 6 2 1 4 3 2 3 6 3 4 {ç³Ôèý² 87 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : JMæü Ðèþ$°íÙ 100 Ayæþ$Væü$Ë çÜ¢ ¿ê°² GMæü$Pèþ$¯é²yæþ$. Cèþ¯èþ$ {ç³ °Ñ$Úë°Mìü 15 Ayæþ$Væü$Ë$ GMìüP 10 Ayæ þ $Væ ü $Ë$ Mì ü ¨Mì ü gêÆæÿ$éyæþ$. AÆÿ$$óþ Aèþ¯èþ$ çÜ¢ ¿ê°² G°² °Ñ$ÚëÌZÏ GMæüPVæüËyæþ$ ? 87. 87. 22 19 18 17 1) 2) 3) 4) Question 88 Directions: A 20 feet × 16 feet room is laid with coloured tiles measuring 1 foot ×1 foot at its border. If the width of the border is 1 foot, how many tiles are there in the border ? 22 19 18 17 {ç³Ôèý² 88 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : 20 Ayæþ$Væü$Ë$ × 16 Ayæþ$Væü$Ë$. MöËèþË$¯èþ² JMæü Væü¨ ¯óþËò³O 1Ayæþ$Væü$ × 1 Ayæþ$Væü$Ðèþ#¯èþ² Ææÿ Væü$ sñýOË$¯èþ$ Væü¨ ^èþ$r*tÐèþ# _¯èþ G°² sñýOË$ÏÐèþ# ^èþÐèþ^èþ$a ? 88. 1) 2) 3) 4) D ç$¯é°² Ñyæþ©íܯèþ Mìü ¨ ¯éÍY sìýÌZ H¨ çÜÆðÿO¯èþ¨ Væü$Ç¢ ^èþ yìþ. 5 Question 87 Directions: A man is climbing a pole 100 feet high. Each minute he climbs up 15 feet but slips down 10 feet. How many minutes will he take to reach the top of the pole? 1) 2) 3) 4) 1 6 3 1 , 88. 72 70 68 64 1) 2) 3) 4) 28 72 70 68 64 *GMATT* GMAT(T) {ç³Ôèý² 89 çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : {ç³Ôé² _{èþ ÌZ° ^èþ$MæüPË XèþËÌZ õ³ç³Ææÿ$ Ðèþ$yìþ_. ¯èþËÏÆæÿ Væü$ Ðóþíܯèþ ^ør Mæüèþ¢Ç _¯èþç³#yæþ$, õ³ç³Ææÿ$ Ðèþ$yæþèþ¯èþ$ Ñí³µ¯èþç³yæþ$ Mìü ¨ ÐésìýÌZ H _{èþ çÜÆðÿO¯èþ¨ Mæü¯èþ$Vö¯èþ$Ðèþ$$ ? Question 89 Directions: The dotted lines in the question figures indicate where a sheet of paper is folded and the shaded part shows the shape in which the folded paper is cut. After cutting, if the sheet is unfolded find which one of the figures given in alternatives appears. 89. 29 *GMATT* GMAT(T) {ç³Ôèý² 90 Question 90 Directions: If the following question figure is çÜ*^èþ¯èþË$ : Mìü ¨ {ç³Ôé² _{èþ ¯èþ$ {Ðèþ$$RêM>Ææÿ ÌZ Ðèþ$yæþ_¯èþç³#yæþ$ Mìü ¨ H BM>Ææÿ HÆæÿµyæþ$èþ$ ¨ ? folded, in three dimensional shapes, find which one of the shapes among the alternatives appear. 90. 1 2 3 30 4 *GMATT* GMAT(T) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 31 GMAT(T) SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 32 *GMATT*