DTC-IM drive with 5-level hybrid cascaded h-bridge inverter Didarul Islam, C.M.F.S. Reza Power Electronics and Renewable Energh Research Lab Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia didarul0101@gmail.com Abstract—Due to control simplicity and easy applicability DTC has become popular and adopted in many industrial applications. But it still suffers from a few drawbacks like- comparatively large torque ripple in a low speed range and its performance is highly depended on speed of the motor and hysteresis bands of torque and flux ripple. To address these problems, this paper represents a direct torque control (DTC) strategy for induction motor (IM), utilizing hybrid cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter (HMLI) extending the idea of basic two level DTC proposed by Takahashi. Simulation results shows that the DTC drive performance has been considerably improved in terms of lower torque and flux ripple and less THD. These have been evaluated by simulation and compared with the basic DTC developed by Takahashi and other DTC proposed to date. Key words: DTC, Multilevel inverter, Induction motor, VSI. I. INTRODUCTION Direct torque control (DTC) induction motor drive is becoming more popular day by day due to its fast dynamic response and robustness to the variation of the machine parameters without using the current controller [1-4]. It is evident that the high torque ripple problems allied with the basic DTC system can be reduced by efficiently increasing the output resolution of the inverter. In literature, many methods has already been introduced to address this problem such as zero state modulation [5], space vector modulation (SVM) [6] and the application of multilevel inverter [7]. These modified schemes generally provide better performance in terms of torque and flux smoothing with added switching losses and power circuit complexity. Modified switching table with a four level hysteresis controller for flux and torque has been proposed to improve the DTC-IM drive performance [8]. The torque ripple problem comes with the hysteresis controller and look-up based switching signal generator has been deal with the inclusion of PI controller and the SVM inverter [9]. The SVM-DTC drive imitate the advantage of basic DTC with the torque and flux ripples minimization afforded by the SVM strategies, but it c 978-1-4799-4315-9/14/$31.00 2014 IEEE Prof. Dr. Saad Mekhilef Power Electronics and Renewable Energh Research Lab Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia saad@um.edu.my needs powerful processor and runs at higher switching frequency. In other study proposed for DTC control scheme fed by multilevel inverter utilizing the mathematical equations for SVM and predictive control strategy for selecting the voltage vector rather than look-up table. Significant improvement of flux ripple as well as torque ripple has been found. But the uses of mathematically complex equation, however, requires high power computational processor particularly if the voltage levels are high [10, 11]. For this drawback some researcher preferred to use look-up table based switching signal generation [2] . Advantage of these approaches is simplicity yet good dynamic response. But these approaches are somewhat limited to three level neutral point clamp (NPC) multilevel inverter. The other version of this type is flying capacitor (FC) inverter [12], which is also limited to three levels. In this paper, a 5-level hybrid cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter is used with lookup table based DTC drive. However, the application of multilevel inverter, which is the main focus of this work, increases the number of voltage vectors utilized to regulate the torque and flux. Three main multilevel inverter topology has been found in industrial application; flying capacitors (FC), cascaded H-bridge (CHB) and neutral point clamped (NPC) [13]. Simple design and modular structure of cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter has the inherent advantages among these inverter topologies. This topology is suitable for asymmetrical multilevel inverter implementation. Supplying different value of dc voltage to different cascaded cell higher number of levels can be achieved for an inverter circuit. With “c” H-bridge cells in each arm, maximum possible number of levels by an inverter is 3c and it can be generated when the dc supply voltages of the cascaded cells are chosen by ratio three [14]. In the following section, concept of multilevel inverter is introduced. Section-III graphically illustrates the voltage vectors and inverter state; followed by a brief description of DTC with five level inverter in section-IV. Sections V describe the simulation result of proposed DTC and following section concludes the paper. 332 II. CASCADED H-BRIDGE MLI Cascaded H-bridged cell is one of the basic MLI. Advantage of this structure is its modular structure where the inverter contains small identical cell. But it requires high number of isolated DC supply. k-cell in each arm of inverter has (2k+1) voltage level and it needs 3k isolated DC supply. In the proposed method high voltage stage is replaced with slandered six switch topology thus it reduces the total number of DC supple by 2. As a result required number of dc supply becomes 3k-2. Structure of the five level cascaded hybrid bridge multilevel inverter (CHBMI) introduced in this paper has been shown in Figure 1. High voltage main stage is consisting of conventional six switch inverter each of its phases is connected in series with H-bridge medium voltage stage. High voltage stage is supplied by only one dc supply whereas medium voltage stage is supplied by 3 isolated dc supply. Medium voltage supply is identical with those of asymmetrical MLI but owing to the lower voltage levels cost of the stage is much lower compared to main high voltage stage. As a result significant reduction of dc supply cost can be achieved by this topology [5]. To determine the output voltage levels of used topology in Figure 1, any output phase (A, B or C) voltage with respect to negative terminal of main stage is considered. Therefore output voltage levels varies in between (3+1)Vs=4Vs to (0-1)Vs = 1Vs with uniform stepping of Vs. Thus it forms a 5-level inviter. Figure 1: 5-level cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter feeding induction motor. III. VOLTAGE VECTORS AND INVERTER STATES Switching variable of the MLI represented by ሾୟୠୡ ǡ ୟୠୡ ሿ where X is (0 or 1) whereas Y is (-1, 0 and +1). States of the high and medium stages are determined by ୟୠୡ and ୟୠୡ respectively. Output voltage vector can be calculated using following equation (1) where ୟୠ ǡ ୠୡ ǡ ୡୟ represent line to line voltage and ୟ୬ ǡ ୠ୬ ǡ ୡ୬ represent phase voltage. ୟ െ ୠ ୟ െ ୠ ୟୠ ୠୡ ൩ ൌ ͵ ୠ െ ୡ ൩ ୠ െ ୡ ൩ ୡୟ ୡ െ ୟ ୡ െ ୟ (1) Phase voltages of the Y-connected load is represented by the following equation (2) ୟ୬ ୟୠ െ ୡୟ ʹ െͳെͳ ͵ୟ ୟ ଵ ୠ୬ ൩ ൌ ୠୡ െ ୟୠ ൩ ൌ ౩ െͳ ʹ െͳ൩ ͵ ୠ ୠ ൩ ଷ ଷ ୡ୬ ୡୟ െ ୠୡ െͳെͳ ʹ ͵ୡ ୡ (2) The voltage vector realized by Park’s transformation is given in (3) ͳ ୢ ቂ ቃ ൌ ୯ Ͳ െ ͳൗʹ ξ͵ൗ ʹ െ ͳൗʹ ୟ୬ ୠ୬ ൩ െξ͵ൗ ʹ ୡ୬ (3) Substituting (2) into (3) gives ͳ ୢ ቂ ቃ ൌ ୱ ୯ Ͳ െ ͳൗʹ ξ͵ൗ ʹ െ ͳൗʹ ͵ୟ ୟ ͵ୠ ୠ ൩ െξ͵ൗ ʹ ͵ୡ ୡ (4) Equation (4) can be used to generate any voltage vector from any inverter switching state. Voltage vector diagram for 5 levels inverter can be drawn by superposition of individual stage vector diagram. First vector diagram of the two-level inverter main stage has been drawn. Then on each tip of the vectors one complete vector diagram of the three-level medium stage voltage vector has been supper imposed. The final vector diagram is shown in Figure 2 . Figure 2: 5-level inverter voltage vector diagram. There are 53 phase voltage combination is possible for 5level inverter with ሺ െ ͳሻ ͳ ൌ ͳ unique voltage vector. Number of the inverter levels is represented by ‘’. It gives 2014 IEEE 9th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA) 333 more degree of choice to select the desired voltage vector for control purpose. Voltage vector produced by a 5-level CHBMI is shown in Figure 2 on d-q plane. Each vector has been drawn along with its switching state. For medium stage first two digits represent phase ‘A’ upper switch S1 and S3. Similarly next two digits stand for phase ‘B’ and last two digits for phase ‘C’. For high state, first digits stand for phase ‘A’ and goes respectively for other two phase. IV. DTC WITH ASYMMETRIC 5-LEVEL MLI Configuration of the basic DTC proposed by Takahashi and Noguchi [4] is illustrated in figure 4. In these method measured terminal voltage are utilized to estimate the instantaneous value of the flux and torque and thereby an optimal switching vector is selected to directly control the torque. However, the only drawback for this control is the staggered motion of the rotor due to the use of voltage vector fed by VSI. But this 3 level VSI is limited to offer few number of voltage vectors irrespective to the torque demand. There by same voltage vector is selected for large and small torque and the flux error. Option of selecting the voltage vector can be greatly enhanced by 5-level asymmetrical MLI. A. Vector Selection Strategy for the Proposed DTC Torque can be controlled by retaining the stator flux constant and speeding up the rotation of the flux linkage as quickly as possible. Amplitude and rotation of the stator flux can be maintained constant by selecting proper inverter voltage vectors. Inverter voltage vector can be defined as: ୱ ൌ ୟ୬ ୠ୬ ୨ሺଶȀଷሻ ୡ୬ ୨ሺସȀଷሻ ୱ ൌ ሾͳ ୨ሺଶȀଷሻ ୨ሺସȀଷሻ ሿሾୟ୬ ୠ୬ ୡ୬ ሿ (5.a) (5.b) Using equation (2) and after algebraic manipulation it becomes as follows: ୱ ൌ ౩ ଷ ͳ ୨ሺଶȀଷሻ ൩ ୨ሺସȀଷሻ ʹ െͳെͳ ͵ୟ ୟ െͳ ʹ െͳ൩ ͵ୠ ୠ ൩ െͳെͳ ʹ ͵ୡ ୡ (5.c) When the stator winding is fed by an inverter as shown in Figure 1, voltageୟ୬ can be determined by the state of the switches (S1, S2, S3 and S4) of medium stage phase and high stage switches (S13 and S14). Similarly the voltage ୠ୬ and ୡ୬ can be determined from the state of their respective switches. Phase ‘A’ of medium stage full bridge consists of switches S1, S2, S3 and S4 and connected to dc voltage Vs. Main stage of the inverter is a conventional six switch (S13…S16) inverter and supplied by 3Vs. Each arm of the six switch inverter is cascaded with corresponding phase of the medium stage. Switching state and output voltage of phase ‘A’ of this topology has been shown in Table 1. State of S2, S4 and S14 has been skipped as they are always complimentary to S1, S3 and S13 respectively to avoid short-circuit of dc source. For phase ‘B’ and ‘C’ similar switching table can be presented. TABLE 1: SWITCHING TABLE OF PHASE ‘A’ Figure 3: Basic DTC block diagram As then number of available voltage vector is high, it offers more degree of freedom to select proper voltage vector to regulated torque and flux. Thus the dynamic behavior of torque and flux is improved. Figure 4 shows the block diagram of proposed DTC scheme. S13 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 S1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 S3 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Xa 0 1 -1 0 0 1 -1 0 Ya 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Output 0 Vs -Vs 0 3Vs 4Vs 2Vs 3Vs Equation (5.c) has been expressed in terms of switching variable Xa, Xb….Yc. However, these variables can be further represented as function of switching state as follows: ୟ ሺଵଷ ሻ אሼͲǡͳሽ ֜ ୟ ሺଵଷ ሻ ൌ ଵଷ ୟ ሺଵ ǡ ଷ ሻ אሼെͳǡ Ͳǡͳሽ ֜ ୟ ሺଵ ǡ ଷ ሻ ൌ ଵ െ ଷ Where אሼͲǡͳሽ Therefore equation (5.c) can be represent as Figure 4: Block diagram of proposed DTC scheme. 334 ୱ ሺଵ ǡ ଷ ǥ ଵ ሻ ൌ ͳ ʹ െͳെͳ ͵ଵଷ ଵ െ ଷ ౩ ୨ሺଶȀଷሻ ൩ െͳ ʹ െͳ൩ ͵ଵହ ହ െ ൩ ଷ െͳെͳ ʹ ͵ଵ ଽ െ ଵଵ ୨ሺସȀଷሻ 2014 IEEE 9th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA) (6) Using equation (6) any voltage vector can be calculated if the switching states are known. Combined switching vector along with their switching state has already been shown in Figure 2. However, to select the desired voltage vector it has been labeled as shown in Figure 5 and thereby a look up table has been constructed. Figure 5 is the representing only one sector. It shows that that the vector 8 can be achieved by three different switching states. This redundancy actually opens up a scope to optimize the switching frequency of main stage and switching losses. However to optimize the switching losses a technique proposed [15] has been adopted to its reference value. Both error signals have been processed through its respective hysteresis controller to generate the index of 3D look-up table consist of 61 possible voltage vector. For flux hysteresis 5% of the nominal flux is taken as the hysteresis band whereas for torque hysteresis 10% of the nominal torque has been taken as the torque hysteresis band. Using the above indexes generated by the hysteresis comparator along with sector number a predefined voltage vector is selected. Following statute has been used to select voltage vector for a given sector. A pictorial explanation has been shown in Figure (shaded triangle, sector 1 and odd sector). For a positive torque demand vector situated above the sector boundary (shaded triangle) has been used and for negative vectors below the sector boundary has been selected. Each group of vector connected by thick lines represents a particular flux demand. The higher the absolute value of the torque the far the vector goes from the sector boundary (creating the higher load angle). e.g. 38<39<40<41 For higher flux demand vector with higher amplitude has been selected. e.g. 41-40-39-39,60-59-58-57 for maximum positive flux and 11-10-2-0-6-16-15 for zero flux whereas 4544-43-23,33-55-54-53 for maximum negative. 01 10 00 0 10 10 00 01 10 00 01 0 00 1 0 10 1 00 00 10 01 1 01 10 00 0 01 0 00 1 00 1 00 0 01 10 00 00 0 60 11 0 110 1 00 0 10 00 35 10 1 0 17 1 00 01 00 0 00 1 01 1 00 16 10 01 0 00 0 00 0 10 01 00 36 37 00 0010 0 01 10 00 00 10 10 00 0 10 0 59 00 00 01 00 10 01 00 10 0 1 00 00 01 10 0 00 1 00 00 01 33 00 001058 00 01 0 00 1 55 34 00 54 11 0 00 0 0 10 1 00 53 00 0 10 01 10 00 0 10 00 01 10 00 0 00 1 1 00 0 00 1 00 00 01 1 00 0 10 10 1 01 00 00 01 0 10 00 00 01 0 00 1 1 00 1 1 00 10 0 0 00 00 1 00 38 19 0 0 10 0 56 10 01 00 For any sector, estimated flux has been compared with its nominal value and flux error ሺȲୣ୰୰ ሻ is determined. In similar way torque error ሺୣ୰୰ ሻ signal has been generated by comparing 11 7 18 10 01 00 Where Ȳ୶ and Ȳ୷ are the real and imaginary component of estimated flux respectively. Ʌis the angle of rotating flux in d-q plane. 20 00 0 1 00 32 0 10 0 (7.b) 39 0 01 00 00 0 6 1 10 10 01 00 01 00 0010 0 00 00 0 ͳʹǤͷሻ െ ͳͷ୭ ߠ െͳͺͲ୭ 21 10 0 10 10 0 5 15 31 10 ͲǤͷሻ െ ͳͷ୭ Ʌ ൏ ͳͺͲ୭ 8 0 01 0 01 10 00 10 0 01 1 001 00 0010 0 00 0 14 52 0 2 1 00 40 00 0 01 9 0 10 00 0 01 10 30 10 4 00 0010 00 3 01 00 0010 00 0 41 22 10 01 00 13 23 11 0 00 0 0 1 00 29 51 11 42 10 0 0 01 28 00 0 10 01 00 50 24 00 0010 12 01 0 01 00 00 01 0 10 00 43 0 01 00 00 0 ଷ 10 0 49 10 01 00 ሺ ଷ 27 0 10 ሺ (7.a) 48 0 00 ሻ 44 25 26 0 ൌቐ ஏ౮ 45 47 00 Ʌ ൌ ሺ ஏ౯ 46 10 0 B. Flux and Torque Control Strategy With several choices in hand to select the desired voltage vector, a proper selection scheme must be adopted to achieve the desired dynamic torque response and to keep the switching loss as low as possible. It has been mentioned in previous section, 5-level inverter offers 61 useable voltage vectors. Therefore the d-q plane of the voltage vector is subdivided into 12 sectors with 30o of each started from -15o. Empirical rules has been used and investigation shows that a 4 level torque hysteresis along with 8 level torque hysteresis utilize the highest number of available voltage vector in d-q plane. Sector has been calculated using following set of equation. A similar strategy can be drawn for even sector with the above procedure. 10 01 Figure 5: a. labeled vector diagram of proposed MLI b. Zoomed version of shaded triangle 00 . 00 01 10 57 Figure 6: vector selection of sector -1 (Shaded Triangle (150 to +150)) V. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Simulation has been done using MATLAB/Simulink.. Sampling time has been kept limited for real time implementation in future. Same parameter for both conventional and proposed DTC scheme has been used. 2014 IEEE 9th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA) 335 Bandwidth of the stator flux controller has been set to ±5% of the reference stator flux which is ±0.1Wb, whereas a hysteresis band of ±0.9Nm has been set for the torque controller. For the proposed multilevel version of the DTC, flux and torque hysteresis controller has been sub-divided according to figure 7(a) and 7(b) respectively. (a) (d) (b) (e) Index 4 3 2 1 (c) 0 (f) T 0 Ͳ1 Ͳ2 Ͳ3 (b) Figure 8: Simulation result based on proposed MLI based DTC Ͳ4 Figure 7: Simulation result based on proposed MLI based DTC (a) (d) The dc-bus voltage has been selected to 400 Vdc for the case of basic DTC and for its multilevel counterpart the main stage dc-bus voltage has been kept to 300 Vdc whereas medium stage is one third of its main stage. (b) (e) Figure 8 represent the steady state character of the IM controlled under the proposed DTC scheme. The mechanical speed has been kept to =50 rad/s and Tl=1 Nm .load torque has been applied. Stator phase-A voltage and phase-B voltage has been separately shown in figure 8(a) and 8(b) for clarity. Stator 3-phase current has been shown in figure 8(c) where figure 8(d), 8(e) and 8(f) representing the sector selection and flux ripple and the electromagnetic torque respectively. A comparison between 8(e) with respect 8(d) highlight the demagnetizing effect that appears repetitively at the beginning of each even sector which then over compensated in the next sector. As a result of that small spike appeared with an interval of two sectors. (c) (f) Figure 9: Simulation result based on basic DTC scheme (a) Figure 9(a)-(b), 9(c), 9(d), 9(e), 9(f) consecutively represent the phase voltage, phase current, sector succession, flux ripple and torque ripple when basic DTC scheme is applied. From Figure 8, it is evident that the proposed system outperforms in terms of flux and torque ripple to its counterpart of conventional DTC scheme shown in Figure 9. Selection of the voltage vector in the proposed DTC scheme solely depends on the torque error and flux error. These means the gradient of the torque ripple (or flux) depend on the magnitude error of the torque ripple (or flux). Therefore the probability of overextend outside the hysteresis band for the torque is reduced. 336 2014 IEEE 9th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA) (b) 1.83 Figure 10: THD analysis of proposed DTC at speed 500rpm 2 [2] 82% 2.6% 14.2% 61% 0.71 70% 0.34 1 0.5 [1] 1.12 1.5 REFERENCE 0 Torque Flux DTC MLI DTC Basic THD % Reduction [3] [4] [5] [6] Figure 11: Quantitative result in terms of torque (N-m) and flux (Wb) ripple and percentage THD of stator current. [7] Figure 9(f) shows the torque response of conventional DTC using six switch inverter. The torque ripple band in this case is about 1.12 N-m. Figure 8(f) is the proposed MLI version of DTC. In this instant the torque ripple is 0.34 N-m. Therefore using this topology and control about 70% torque ripple has been reduced. In both case the load torque and speed demand has been kept same. [8] FFT analysis of the stator current for both proposed DTC and convention DTC has been performed and shown in figure 10(a) and 10(b) respectively. A comparative study in terms of torque (N-m), flux (Wb) and THD (%) has been shown in figure 11 and found that a significant improvement has been achieved in all the parameters. [9] [10] [11] [12] I. CONCLUSION In this paper a DTC scheme utilizing 5 levels cascaded Hbridge MLI has been proposed. Thanks to 61 suitable voltage vector combination inherently generated by the MLI which facilitate the control strategy of proposed DTC scheme. Conception of basic DTC scheme has been modified and extended for five levels inverter. 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