Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Deepening MTBF and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project Finance Division, Ministry of Finance UCEP Cheyne Tower (2nd floor), 25 Segunbagicha, Dhaka-1000 Bangladesh BIDDING DOCUMENT For Supply, Installation and Services of Servers, Fabric Switches, Load Balancer, Oracle and Windows Software Lot-A: Database Servers Infrastructure and Oracle Software Lot-B: Application Servers, Load Balancer, Fabric Switches and Windows Software Single-Stage Bidding Grant No: TF 095283-BD Project ID: P117248 Invitation for Bid No: DMTBF/Server/368/12-13/1988 Issued on: September 12, 2013 Bidding Package No: G-81 BIDDING DOCUMENT (SINGLE-STAGE) Issued on: September 12, 2013 for the Procurement of : Supply, Installation and Services of Servers, Fabric Switches, Load Balancer, Oracle and Windows Software IFB No: DMTBF/Server/368/12-13/1988 Date: September 12, 2013 Project: Deepening Medium Term Budget Framework (DMTBF) and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project (Project-A) under Strengthening Public Expenditure Management Program Purchaser: Finance Division, Ministry of Finance represented by the Project Director, Deepening Medium Term Budget Framework (DMTBF) and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project (Project-A) under Strengthening Public Expenditure Management Program v CONTENTS Section I. Instructions to Bidders (ITB)................................................................................5 Table of Clauses ...................................................................................................................6 Section II. Bid Data Sheet (BDS) .........................................................................................43 Section III. Eligible Countries for the Provision of Goods, Works, and Services in Bank-Financed Procurement ................................................................................................59 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract.......................................................................61 Table of Clauses .................................................................................................................62 Section V. Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) ............................................................137 Notes on preparing the Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) .......................................137 Table of Clauses ...............................................................................................................139 Section VI. Technical Requirements (including Implementation Schedule) .................157 Servers Infrastructure and Windows solution ..................................................................161 Background ..........................................................................................................................162 1. 2. 3. 4. The Purchaser..........................................................................................................162 Business Objectives of the Purchaser .....................................................................162 Scope of the Procurement .......................................................................................163 Acronyms Used in These Technical Requirements ................................................163 Existing Scenario..................................................................................................................165 5. 6. Introduction .............................................................................................................165 Current Systems ......................................................................................................165 Overview ...............................................................................................................................167 7. 8. Developmental Analysis .........................................................................................167 General Summary of Requirement..........................................................................173 LOT-A Database Servers ....................................................................................................176 9. 10. 11. 12. General Requirements:............................................................................................176 Technical Qualification criteria ..............................................................................177 DATABASE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTION (OPTION – 1 OR OPTION – 2)178 OPTION – 1 ............................................................................................................178 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 12.4. 12.5. 12.5.1. Database Machine for Production Data Centre (DC)................................................................178 Database Machine for Disaster Data Center (DR) ....................................................................181 Additional Database Machine for Production Data Centre (For DC) .......................................184 RDBMS Specification for DC & DR :.........................................................................................187 Summary of Hardware and Software License ............................................................................194 Database Machine at DC.......................................................................................................194 12.5.2. 12.5.3. 12.6. 12.7. 12.8. 12.9. 12.10. 13. OPTION – 2 ............................................................................................................205 13.1. 13.2. 13.3. 13.4. 13.4.1. 13.4.2. 13.4.3. 13.5. 13.6. 13.7. 13.8. 13.9. 14. Database Machine at DR ...................................................................................................... 194 Additional Database Machine at DC .................................................................................... 195 Management Servers (1 unit at DC and 1 unit at DR)............................................................... 195 Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DC and 1 unit at DR) ............................................................ 196 Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DC) ................................................................................. 198 Backup Storage Appliance: (1 unit at DR) ............................................................................... 201 Training and Training Material ............................................................................................ 204 Number of Core Analysis for option-2 DB Machines: ............................................................... 205 Database Servers for Production site [1 unit cluster solution at DC] ...................................... 206 Database Server for Disaster recovery site [ 1 Unit at DR ]..................................................... 209 RDBMS Specification for DC & DR : ........................................................................................ 212 Summary of Hardware and Software License ....................................................................... 218 Database Machine hardware & software at DC ................................................................... 219 Database Machine at DR ...................................................................................................... 220 Management Servers (1 unit at DC and 1 unit at DR)............................................................... 220 Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DC and 1 unit at DR) ............................................................ 221 Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DC) ................................................................................. 222 Backup Storage Appliance: (1 unit at DR) ............................................................................... 226 Training and Training Material ................................................................................................ 229 Resource Allocation ................................................................................................230 LOT-B Application Servers ..............................................................................................231 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. General Requirements:............................................................................................231 Technical Qualification criteria ..............................................................................231 SCOPE OF WORK .................................................................................................233 Resource Allocation ................................................................................................233 Documentation Requirements .................................................................................234 19.1. 19.2. 20. END-User documents: ............................................................................................................... 234 Technical Documents: ............................................................................................................... 234 Production Datacentre (At Secretariat) ...................................................................235 20.1. 20.2. 20.3. 20.4. 20.5. 20.6. 20.7. 20.8. 20.9. 20.10. 20.11. 20.12. 20.13. 20.14. 21. 21.1. 21.2. 21.3. 21.4. 21.5. 21.6. Application server (4 Unit for DC) ............................................................................................ 235 Report Server (1 Unit for DC) ................................................................................................... 236 Test and Development (1 Unit for DC) ...................................................................................... 238 Data Centre Management Server (1 Unit for DC)..................................................................... 240 Primary Domain Controller (1 Unit for DC) ............................................................................. 241 Additional Domain Controller (1 Unit for DC) ......................................................................... 243 Patch Management Server: (1 Unit for DC) .............................................................................. 245 Mail Server: (1 Unit for DC) ..................................................................................................... 246 Backup Tape System: ( 1 Unit for DC) ...................................................................................... 248 Blade Chassis for DC (if blade solution) .............................................................................. 249 InfiniBand switch: ( 1 Unit for DC) ...................................................................................... 250 Existaing SAN Switches Extended ( At DC) .......................................................................... 251 Load Balancer & Application Delivery Controllers (1 Unit for DC).................................... 252 Power Strip (5 Units at DC).................................................................................................. 256 Disaster Recovery Datacentre ( At CGA) ...............................................................256 Application Server (4 Unit for DR) ............................................................................................ 256 Report Server (1 Unit for DR) ................................................................................................... 258 Additional Domain Controller (1 Unit for DR) ......................................................................... 260 Mail Server(1 Unit for DR) ........................................................................................................ 262 Test and Development (1 Unit for DR) ...................................................................................... 263 Data Centre Management Server (1 Unit for DR) ..................................................................... 265 Preface vii 21.7. 21.8. 21.9. 21.10. 22. 22.1. 22.2. 23. 24. 24.1. 24.2. 25. 25.1. 26. 26.1. 26.2. 26.3. InfiniBand switch (1 Unit for DR) ..............................................................................................266 Blade Chassis for DR (if blade solution) ....................................................................................267 Load Balancer & Application Delivery Controllers (1 Unit for DR) .........................................268 Power Strip (5 Units at DR)...................................................................................................276 Microsoft Enterprise Agreement for Windows Licenses including Software Assurance ................................................................................................................276 Windows Software Licenses requirement calculation.................................................................278 Windows Licenses including Software Assurance ......................................................................278 Disaster Recovery Solution for Application server (Hyper-V). ..............................279 Training on Microsoft Solution. .............................................................................281 Local Training: ...........................................................................................................................282 Foreign Training: .......................................................................................................................293 Microsoft Premier Support: ....................................................................................302 Details of Microsoft Services Premier Support ..........................................................................302 Implementation service for Installation and commissioning: .................................304 Microsoft Exchange Solution (DC & DR): .................................................................................305 Unified Communication Solution with Microsoft Lync Server (DC & DR) ................................310 System Management Solution with Microsoft System Center .....................................................318 Service Level Agreement for Lot-A and Lot-B .................................................................329 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction .............................................................................................................331 Formal Definition of this Document .......................................................................331 Readership...............................................................................................................331 Applicable and Reference Documents ....................................................................331 Period of validity.....................................................................................................331 Changes to the Service ............................................................................................331 Delivery Requirements ...........................................................................................331 SERVICE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................332 SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS ...............................................................................332 SECURITY REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................337 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................338 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................................338 DISPUTE RESOLUTION ......................................................................................338 GLOSSARY OF DEFINITIONS ............................................................................339 AGREEMENT .....................................................................................................................340 Appendix-A .........................................................................................................................341 APPENDIX B .......................................................................................................................341 Scope of Agreement .............................................................................................................342 Services and Requests Covered Under This Agreement ..................................................342 1. Technical Support: ............................................................................................345 2. CHANGES TO SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) ...............................346 3. PROCESSES AND PROCEDURES RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT 347 4. METRICS...............................................................................................................348 The Organization will provide designated Organization resources to act as devicespecific points of contact for each device deployed. Duties will include: .................... 351 E. Implementation Schedule ...........................................................................................352 Section VII. Sample Forms ................................................................................................377 Notes to Bidders on working with the Sample Forms .....................................................378 Table of Sample Forms ....................................................................................................381 1 Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Deepening MTBF and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project Finance Division, Ministry of Finance UCEP Cheyne Tower (2nd floor) 25 Segunbagicha, Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh International Competitive Bidding Invitation for Bids (IFB) Date: September 12, 2013 BANGLADESH Deepening Medium Term Budget Framework and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project (Project A) under Strengthening Public Expenditure Management Program Grant Number: TF 095283-BD, Project ID: P117248 IFB Title: Supply, Installation and Services for Servers, Fabric Switches, Load Balancer, Oracle and Windows Software (Lot-A: Database Servers Infrastructure and Oracle Software; and Lot-B: Application Servers, Load Balancer, Fabric Switches and Windows Software) IFB Number: DMTBF/Server/368/12-13/1988 Date: September 12, 2013 Contract: Supply, Installation and Services for Servers, Fabric Switches, Load Balancer, Oracle and Windows Software (Lot-A: Database Servers Infrastructure and Oracle Software; Lot-B: Application Servers, Load Balancer, Fabric Switches and Windows Software) Contract Package No.: G-81 1. This Invitation for Bids (IFB) follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) for this project that appeared in UNDB online on 09 June 2010. 2. The People’s Republic of Bangladesh has received a Multi-Donor Trust Fund Grant from UKaid, European Union (EU), Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (KEN), Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) which is being administered by International Development Association (IDA) toward the cost of Deepening Medium Term Budget Framework and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project (Project-A) under Strengthening Public Expenditure Management Program (SPEMP) and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this Grant to payments under the agreement(s) resulting from this IFB: Supply, Installation and Services for Servers, Fabric Switches, Load Balancer, Oracle and Windows Software (Lot-A: Database Servers Infrastructure and Oracle Software; Lot-B: Application Servers, Load Balancer, Fabric Switches and Windows Software), IFB Number: DMTBF/Server/368/12-13/1988, Date: September 12, 2013. 2 Invitation for Bids 3. The Finance Division, Ministry of Finance serves as the implementing agency for the project and now invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders for Supply, Installation and Services for Servers, Fabric Switches, Load Balancer, Oracle and Windows Software (Lot-A: Database Servers Infrastructure and Oracle Software; Lot-B: Application Servers, Load Balancer, Fabric Switches and Windows Software). 4. Bidding will be conducted using the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, edition of May 2004 and Revised in October 2006, and is open to all Bidders eligible as defined in these Guidelines, that meet the following minimum qualification criteria: (a) The Bidder for each lot must have been in business for the last three (03) years to be substantiated by submission of copies of Trade License or membership certificate from statutory institution or trade-body; (b) The Bidder must have completed minimum one (01) successful contract for Lot-A and two (02) for Lot-B involving supply, installation and technical support for Information System and installation of servers and fabric switches in last three (03) years to be substantiated by submission of completion certificate from the relevant authority; (c) The Bidder must demonstrate present minimum average annual turnover of US$80,00,000 equivalent calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed within last three (03) years for Lot-A and US$37,00,000 for Lot-B. Documentary evidence shall include payment certificates from relevant authorities, certified financial statements/audit reports for the concerned years; (d) The Bidder must demonstrate minimum US$32,00,000 equivalent present liquid asset and/or line of credit for Lot-A and US$15,00,000 for Lot-B, net of current commitments. Documentary evidence shall be certified Bank Statement, audit reports/financial statements, banker’s certificate for specific credit lines available for this contract, if awarded; (e) For each Lot the Bidder or local agent of the Bidder must have at least three (03) years proven experience in providing warranty support services; (f) For each Lot the local agent’s relationship with the Principal/Manufacturer shall be at least three (03) years to be evidenced by notarized copy of the Agreement; (g) The Bidder must enclose location/addresses of existing service centers and help desks together with service facilities the centers have; and (h) The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that the Goods it offers meet usage requirement. 5. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Project Director, Deepening MTBF and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project, Finance Division, Ministry of Finance, UCEP Cheyne Tower (2nd floor), 25 Segunbagicha, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh, Email: and inspect the bidding documents at the address given below from 10:00AM to 03:00PM Bangladesh Invitation for Bids 3 Standard Time. A pre-bid meeting which potential bidders may attend will be held on October 9, 2013 at 11:00AM Bangladesh Standard Time. 6. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested Bidders on submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of Bangladesh Taka 7,000 or in US Dollar 100. The method of payment will be Bank Draft/ Pay Order from a scheduled Bank located in Dhaka for Bangladesh Taka and Cashier's Check or Bank Draft drawn on a local scheduled Bank. The Bidding Documents will have to be collected by authorized representative only. 7. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 02:00PM Bangladesh Standard Time on November 7, 2013. The amount of Bid Security required is Bangladesh Taka Six Million Three Hundred Thousand (BDT6,300,000) or in US Dollar Eighty Thousand (US$80,000) for Lot-A and Bangladesh Taka Three Million (BDT3,000,000) or in US Dollar Thirty Six Thousand and Five Hundrerd (US$36,500) for Lot-B (or equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency). Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below at 02:30PM Bangladesh Standard Time on November 7, 2013. 8. The attention of prospective Bidders is drawn to (i) the fact that they will be required to certify in their bids that all goods and software are either covered by a valid license or was produced by the Bidder and (ii) that violations are considered fraud, which can result in ineligibility to be awarded World Bank-financed contracts. Ekram Ahmed Project Director Deepening MTBF and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project Finance Division, Ministry of Finance UCEP Cheyne Tower (2nd floor) 25 Segunbagicha, Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh Telephone No. +88 02 8391131-3, Fax No. +88 02 8391136 e-mail: ekramahmed1458@ 5 SECTION I. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (ITB) (Single-Stage Bidding) 6 Section I. Instructions to Bidders Table of Clauses A. General ................................................................................................................................8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Scope of Bid and Bidding Process ..............................................................................8 Source of Funds ..........................................................................................................8 Fraud and Corruption ..................................................................................................9 Eligible Bidders ........................................................................................................11 Eligible Goods and Services .....................................................................................12 Qualifications of the Bidder ......................................................................................13 Cost of Bidding .........................................................................................................16 Site Visit ...................................................................................................................16 B. The Bidding Documents ..................................................................................................16 9. 10. 11. Content of Bidding Documents ................................................................................16 Clarification of Bidding Documents and Pre-bid Meeting .......................................17 Amendment of Bidding Documents .........................................................................18 C. Preparation of Bids ..........................................................................................................18 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Language of Bid ........................................................................................................18 Documents Comprising the Bid ................................................................................18 Bid Prices ..................................................................................................................20 Bid Currencies ..........................................................................................................23 Documents Establishing the Conformity of the Information System to the Bidding Documents ................................................................................................................23 Securing the Bid ........................................................................................................24 Period of Validity of Bids .........................................................................................26 Format and Signing of Bid ........................................................................................27 D. Submission of Bids ...........................................................................................................28 20. 21. 22. 23. Sealing and Marking of Bids ....................................................................................28 Deadline for Submission of Bids ..............................................................................28 Late Bids ...................................................................................................................28 Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bids ................................................28 E. Bid Opening and Evaluation ...........................................................................................30 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Opening of Bids by Purchaser...................................................................................30 Clarification of Bids ..................................................................................................31 Preliminary Examination of Bids ..............................................................................31 Conversion to Single Currency .................................................................................32 Evaluation and Comparison of Bids .........................................................................32 Domestic Preference .................................................................................................38 Contacting the Purchaser ..........................................................................................38 F. Postqualification and Award of Contract ......................................................................38 31. Postqualification .......................................................................................................38 Section I. Instructions to Bidders 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 7 Award Criteria ..........................................................................................................39 Purchaser’s Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award ..........................................39 Purchaser’s Right to Accept Any Bid and to Reject Any or All Bids.......................39 Notification of Award ...............................................................................................39 Signing of Contract ...................................................................................................40 Performance Security ................................................................................................40 Adjudicator ...............................................................................................................40 8 Section I. Instructions to Bidders Instructions to Bidders A. GENERAL 1. Scope of Bid and Bidding Process 2. Source of Funds 1.1 The Purchaser named in the BDS and the SCC for GCC Clause 1.1 (b) (i), or its duly authorized Purchasing Agent if so specified in the BDS (interchangeably referred to as “the Purchaser” in these Bidding Documents), invites bids for the supply and installation of the Information System (IS), as briefly described in the BDS and specified in greater detail in these Bidding Documents. 1.2 The title and identification number of the Invitation for Bids (IFB) and resulting Contract(s) are provided in the BDS. 1.3 Throughout the Bidding Documents, the term "in writing" means communicated in written form (e.g. by mail, e-mail, fax, telex) with proof of receipt, and the term "days" means calendar days unless a different meaning is evident from the context. 1.4 If the BDS so provides, alternative procedures forming part or all of what is commonly known as e-Tendering are available to the extent specified in, or referred to by, the BDS. 2.1 The Borrower named in the BDS has applied for or received a loan or credit (as identified in the BDS, and called a “loan” in these Bidding Documents) from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development or the International Development Association (called “the Bank” in these Bidding Documents) equivalent to the amount indicated in the BDS toward the cost of the Project specified in the BDS. The Borrower intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan to eligible payments under the Contract for which these Bidding Documents are issued. 2.2 Payment by the Bank will be made only at the request of the Borrower, or the Borrower’s executing agency, and upon approval by the Bank in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of that agreement. The Loan Agreement prohibits a withdrawal from the loan account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of the Bank, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than the Borrower shall derive Section I. Instructions to Bidders 9 any rights from the Loan Agreement or have any claim to the loan proceeds. 3. Fraud and Corruption 3.1 It is the Bank’s policy to require that Borrowers (including beneficiaries of Bank loans), as well as bidders, suppliers, and contractors and their subcontractors under Bank-financed contracts, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts.1 In pursuance of this policy, the Bank: (a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows: (i) “corrupt practice”2 is the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party; (ii) “fraudulent practice”3 is any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other benefit or to avoid an obligation; (iii) “collusive practice”4 is an arrangement between two or more parties designed to achieve an improper purpose, including to influence improperly the actions of another party; (iv) “coercive practice”5 is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the party to influence improperly the actions of a party; (v) “obstructive practice” is (aa) deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering or 1 In this context, any action taken by a bidder, supplier, contractor, or a sub-contractor to influence the procurement process or contract execution for undue advantage is improper. 2 “Another party” refers to a public official acting in relation to the procurement process or contract execution]. In this context, “public official” includes World Bank staff and employees of other organizations taking or reviewing procurement decisions. 3 A “party” refers to a public official; the terms “benefit” and “obligation” relate to the procurement process or contract execution; and the “act or omission” is intended to influence the procurement process or contract execution. 4 “Parties” refers to participants in the procurement process (including public officials) attempting to establish bid prices at artificial, non competitive levels. 5 A “party” refers to a participant in the procurement process or contract execution. 10 Section I. Instructions to Bidders concealing of evidence material to the investigation or making false statements to investigators in order to materially impede a Bank investigation into allegations of a corrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practice; and/or threatening, harassing or intimidating any party to prevent it from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the investigation; or (bb) acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the Bank’s inspection and audit rights provided for under sub-clause 3.1 (e) below. 3.2 (b) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the bidder recommended for award has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructive practices in competing for the contract in question; (c) will cancel the portion of the loan allocated to a contract if it determines at any time that representatives of the Borrower or of a beneficiary of the loan engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices during the procurement or the execution of that contract, without the Borrower having taken timely and appropriate action satisfactory to the Bank to address such practices when they occur; (d) will sanction a firm or individual, including declaring ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a Bank-financed contract if it at any time determines that the firm has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructive practices in competing for, or in executing, a Bank-financed contract; and (e) will have the right to require that a provision be included in bidding documents and in contracts financed by a Bank loan, requiring bidders, suppliers, and contractors and their sub-contractors to permit the Bank to inspect their accounts and records and other documents relating to the bid submission and contract performance and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Bank. Furthermore, Bidders shall be aware of the provision stated in Clause 9.8 and Clause 41.2 of the General Conditions of Contract. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 4. Eligible Bidders 11 3.3 Any communications between the Bidder and the Purchaser related to matters of alleged fraud or corruption must be made in writing. 3.4 By signing the Bid Submission Form, the Bidder represents that it either is the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights in the hardware, software or materials offered, or that it has proper authorization and/or license to offer them from the owner of such rights. For the purpose of this Clause, Intellectual Property Rights shall be as defined in GCC Clause 1.1 (c) (xvii). Willful misrepresentation of these facts shall be considered a fraudulent practice subject to the provisions of Clauses 3.1 through 3.4 above, without prejudice of other remedies that the Purchaser may take. 4.1 A Bidder, and all parties constituting the Bidder, may have the nationality of any country, subject to the restrictions specified in Section III, Eligible Countries. A Bidder shall be deemed to have the nationality of a country if the Bidder is a citizen or is constituted, incorporated, or registered and operates in conformity with the provisions of the laws of that country. 4.2 If a prequalification process has been undertaken for the Contract(s) for which these Bidding Documents have been issued, only those Bidders may participate that had been prequalified and continue to meet the eligibility criteria of this Clause. A prequalified Joint Venture may not change partners or its structure when submitting a bid. 4.3 A firm may be excluded from bidding if: 4.4 (a) it was engaged by the Purchaser to provide consulting services for the preparation of the design, specifications, or other documents to be used for the procurement of the Information System described in these Bidding Documents; or (b) it is a government-owned enterprise in the Borrower’s country, unless it can establish that it (i) is legally and financially autonomous and (ii) operates under commercial law. No dependent agency of the Borrower or SubBorrower shall be permitted to bid. A firm that has been determined to be ineligible by the Bank in relation to the Bank Guidelines On Preventing and Combating Fraud and Corruption in Projects Financed by IBRD Loans and IDA 12 Section I. Instructions to Bidders Credits and Grants shall be not be eligible to be awarded a contract. 4.5 5. Eligible Goods and Services A firm or individual is or will be disqualified from participation in this bidding if, at any time from advertisement of the bidding until and including contract award, the firm or individual is under: (a) a suspension by the Purchaser agreed by the Bank as a result of execution of a Bid-Securing Declaration pursuant to ITB Clause 17.6 in another Bank-financed procurement, or under a suspension by the Purchaser for other reasons that have been agreed by the Bank; or (b) a declaration of ineligibility by the Bank in accordance with ITB Clause 3.1 (d). The list of individuals and firms debarred from participating in World Bank projects is available at, or (c) a sanction imposed by the United Nations Security Council, as mentioned in ITB Clause 2.2. 4.6 A firm or other entity that is ineligible according to any of the above provisions of this Clause, may also not participate as a Joint Venture partner, or as Subcontractor for or supplier of goods, works or services. If a bid becomes materially incomplete after removing ineligible entities, the bid may be disqualified. 4.7 Bidders shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility satisfactory to the Purchaser, as the Purchaser shall reasonably request. 5.1 For the purposes of these Bidding Documents, the Information System means all: (a) the required information technologies, including all information processing and communications-related hardware, software, supplies, and consumable items that the Supplier is required to supply and install under the Contract, plus all associated documentation, and all other materials and goods to be supplied, installed, integrated, and made operational (collectively called “the Goods” in some clauses of the ITB); and (b) the related software development, transportation, insurance, installation, customization, integration, commissioning, training, technical support, maintenance, repair, and other services necessary for proper operation of Section I. Instructions to Bidders 13 the Information System to be provided by the selected Bidder and as specified in the Contract. 6. Qualifications of the Bidder 5.2 Funds from Bank loans are disbursed only for expenditures for an Information System made up of goods and services provided by nationals of, and produced in or supplied from, eligible source countries as defined in Section III, Eligible Countries. An Information System is deemed to be produced in a certain country when, in the territory of that country, through software development, manufacturing, or substantial and major assembly or integration of components, a commercially recognized product results that is substantially different in basic characteristics or in purpose or utility from its components. 5.3 For purposes of this clause, the nationality of the Bidder is distinct from the country in which the Information System and its goods components are produced or from which the related services are supplied. 6.1 By submission of documentary evidence in its bid, the Bidder must establish to the Purchaser’s satisfaction: (a) that it has the financial, technical, and production capability necessary to perform the Contract, meets the qualification criteria specified in the BDS, and has a successful performance history. If a prequalification process has been undertaken for the Contract(s) for which these Bidding Documents have been issued, the Bidder shall, as part of its bid, update any information submitted with its application for prequalification; (For the purposes of establishing a Bidder’s qualifications, and unless stated to the contrary in the BDS, the experience and / or resources of any Subcontractor will not contribute to the Bidder’s qualifications; only those of a Joint Venture partner will be considered.) (b) that, in the case of a Bidder offering to supply key goods components of the Information System, as identified in the BDS, that the Bidder does not itself produce, the Bidder is duly authorized by the producer to supply those components in the Purchaser’s country under the Contract(s) that may result from this bidding; (This will be accomplished by including Manufacturer’s Authorizations in the bid, based on the sample found in Section VII.) 14 Section I. Instructions to Bidders 6.2 (c) that, if a Bidder proposes Subcontractors for key services if and as identified in the BDS, these Subcontractors have agreed in writing to serve for the Bidder under the Contract(s) that may result from this bidding; and (d) that, in the case of a Bidder not doing business within the Purchaser’s country, the Bidder is or will be (if awarded the Contract) represented by an Agent in that country who is equipped and able to carry out the Bidder’s maintenance, technical support, training, and repair obligations prescribed in the General and Special Conditions of Contract, and/or Technical Requirements. Bids submitted by a Joint Venture of two or more firms as partners shall also comply with the following requirements: (a) the bid shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners; (b) one of the partners shall be nominated as being in charge, and this nomination shall be evidenced by submitting a power of attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of all the partners; (c) the partner in charge shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all partners of the Joint Venture, and the entire execution of the Contract, including payment, shall be done exclusively with the partner in charge; (d) the partner or combination of partners that is responsible for a specific component of the Information System must meet the relevant minimum qualification criteria for that component; (e) a firm may submit bids either as a single Bidder on its own, or as partner in one, and only one, Joint Venture. If, as a result of the bid opening pursuant to ITB Clause 24, this requirement is not met, all bids involving the firm as a single Bidder or Joint Venture partner will be disqualified; (f) all partners of the Joint Venture shall be liable jointly and severally for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract terms, and a statement to this effect shall be included in the authorization mentioned under ITB Clause 6.2 (b) above, in the bid as well as in the Contract (in case of a successful bid). Section I. Instructions to Bidders 6.3 15 If a Bidder intends to subcontract major items of supply or services, it shall include in the bid details of the name and nationality of the proposed Subcontractor for each of those items and shall be responsible for ensuring that any Subcontractor proposed complies with the requirements of ITB Clause 4, and that any Goods or Services components of the Information System to be provided by the Subcontractor comply with the requirements of ITB Clause 5 and the related evidence required by ITB Clause 13.1 (e) (iii) is submitted. Bidders are free to list more than one Subcontractor against each item. Quoted rates and prices will be deemed to apply, whichever Subcontractor is appointed, and no adjustment of the rates or prices will be permitted. The Purchaser reserves the right to delete any proposed Subcontractor from the list. This shall be done prior to Contract signature, by deleting such unacceptable Subcontractors from Appendix 3 to the Contract Agreement, which shall list the approved Subcontractors for each item prior to Contract signature. Subsequent additions and deletions from the list of approved Subcontractors shall be performed in accordance with GCC Clause 20 (as revised in the SCC, if applicable) and Appendix 3 to the Contract Agreement. For the purposes of these Bidding Documents, a Subcontractor is any vendor or service provider with whom the Bidder contracts for the supply or execution of any part of the Information System to be provided by the Bidder under the Contract (such as the supply of major hardware, software, or other components of the required Information Technologies specified, or the performance of related Services, e.g., software development, transportation, installation, customization, integration, commissioning, training, technical support, maintenance, repair, etc.). 6.4 A firm which is a Bidder, whether as a single Bidder or as a partner in a Joint Venture, cannot be a Subcontractor in other bids, except for the supply of commercially available hardware or software by the firm, as well as purely incidental services such as installation/configuration, routine training, and ongoing maintenance/support. If the BDS for ITB Clause 6.1 (a) allows the qualification of Subcontractors nominated for certain components to be taken into account in assessing the Bidder’s overall qualifications, any Subcontractor so nominated by any Bidder is automatically disqualified from being a Bidder itself or a partner in a Joint Venture. The same will normally apply to firms that have provided Subcontractor agreements for certain services pursuant to ITB Clause 6.1 (c). Non-compliance may result in the rejection of all bids in which the affected firm 16 Section I. Instructions to Bidders participates as Bidder or as partner in a Joint Venture. As long as in compliance with these provisions, or as long as unaffected by them due to not participating as Bidder or as partner in a Joint Venture, a firm may be proposed as a Subcontractor in any number of bids. If the BDS for ITB 28.1 permits the submission of bids for Subsystems, lots, or slices, then the provisions of this Clause 6.4 apply only to bids for the same Subsystem(s), lot(s), or slice(s); 7. Cost of Bidding 7.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid, and the Purchaser will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs. 8. Site Visit 8.1 The Bidder may wish to visit and examine the site or sites of the Information System and obtain for itself, at its own responsibility and risk, all information that may be necessary for preparing the bid and entering into the Contract. The costs of visiting the site or sites shall be at the Bidder’s own expense. 8.2 The Purchaser will arrange for the Bidder and any of its personnel or agents to gain access to the relevant site or sites, provided that the Bidder gives the Purchaser adequate notice of a proposed visit of at least fourteen (14) days. Alternatively, the Purchaser may organize a site visit or visits concurrently with the pre-bid meeting, as specified in the BDS for ITB Clause 10.2. Failure of a Bidder to make a site visit will not be a cause for its disqualification. 8.3 No site visits shall be arranged or scheduled after the deadline for the submission of the Bids and prior to the award of Contract. B. THE BIDDING DOCUMENTS 9. Content of Bidding Documents 9.1 The contents of the Bidding Documents are listed below and should be read in conjunction with any addenda issued in accordance with ITB Clause 11: Section I Instructions to Bidders (ITB) Section II Bid Data Sheet (BDS) Section III Eligible Countries for the Provision of Goods, Works, and Services in Bank-Financed Procurement Section IV General Conditions of Contract (GCC) Section I. Instructions to Bidders 17 Section V Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) Section VI Technical Requirements (including Implementation Schedule) Section VII Sample Forms 9.2 Bidders are expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, specifications, and other information in the Bidding Documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the Bidding Documents or to submit a bid not substantially responsive to the Bidding Documents in every respect will be at the Bidder’s risk and may result in the rejection of its bid. 9.3 The Invitation for Bids is not formally part of the Bidding Documents and is included for reference only. In case of inconsistencies, the actual Bidding Documents shall prevail. 10. Clarification of 10.1 A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Documents may notify the Purchaser in writing at the Bidding Documents Purchaser’s address and by one of the means indicated in the and Pre-bid BDS. Similarly, if a Bidder feels that any important provision in Meeting the documents will be unacceptable, such an issue should be raised as soon as possible. The Purchaser will respond in writing to any request for clarification or modification of the Bidding Documents that it receives no later than twenty-one (21) days prior to the deadline for submission of bids prescribed by the Purchaser. Copies of the Purchaser’s response (including an explanation of the query but not identifying its source) will be sent to all prospective Bidders that received the Bidding Documents from the Purchaser. 10.2 When specified in the BDS, the Purchaser will organize and Bidders are welcome to attend a pre-bid meeting at the time and place indicated in the BDS. The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and answer questions on any matter that may be raised at this stage, with particular attention to issues related to the Technical Requirements. Bidders are requested to submit any questions in writing to reach the Purchaser not later than one week before the meeting. Questions and answers will be transmitted in accordance with ITB Clause 10.1. Minutes of the meeting, including the questions raised and responses given, together with any responses prepared after the meeting, will be transmitted without delay to all those that received the Bidding Documents from the Purchaser. Any modification to the Bidding Documents listed in ITB Clause 9.1, which may become necessary as a result of the pre-bid meeting, shall be made by the 18 Section I. Instructions to Bidders Purchaser exclusively by issuing an Addendum pursuant to ITB Clause 11 and not through the minutes of the pre-bid meeting. 11. Amendment of Bidding Documents 11.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Purchaser may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, amend the Bidding Documents. Later amendments on the same subject modify or replace earlier ones. 11.2 Amendments will be provided in the form of Addenda to the Bidding Documents, which will be sent in writing to all prospective Bidders that received the Bidding Documents from the Purchaser. Addenda will be binding on Bidders. Bidders are required to immediately acknowledge receipt of any such Addenda. It will be assumed that the amendments contained in such Addenda will have been taken into account by the Bidder in its bid. 11.3 In order to afford prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids, in which case, the Purchaser will notify all Bidders in writing of the extended deadline. C. PREPARATION OF BIDS 12. Language of Bid 12.1 The bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and documents related to the bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Purchaser shall be written in the language specified in the BDS, or, if the BDS so provides, in either one of two languages specified there. Any printed literature furnished by the Bidder as part of its bid may be in a language not specified in the BDS, as long as such literature is accompanied by a translation of its pertinent passages into the language of the bid, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the bid, the translation shall govern. 13. Documents Comprising the Bid 13.1 The bid submitted by the Bidder shall comprise: (a) Bid Submission Form completed and signed by a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the Contract; (b) all Price Schedules duly completed in accordance with ITB Clauses 14, 15, and 18 and signed by a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the Contract; (c) if required, Bid-securing Declaration or Bid Security Section I. Instructions to Bidders 19 furnished in accordance with ITB Clause 17; (d) written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the bid to commit the Bidder, in accordance with ITB Clause 19.2; (e) Attachments: (i) Attachment 1: Bidder’s Eligibility In the absence of prequalification, documents establishing to the Purchaser’s satisfaction the Bidder’s eligibility to bid, including but not limited to documentary evidence that the Bidder is legally incorporated in a territory of an eligible source country as defined under ITB Clause 4; (ii) Attachment 2: Bidder’s Qualifications Documentary evidence establishing to the Purchaser’s satisfaction, and in accordance with ITB Clause 6, that the Bidder is qualified to perform the Contract if its bid is accepted. In the case where prequalification of Bidders has been undertaken, and pursuant to ITB Clause 6.1 (a), the Bidder must provide evidence on any changes in the information submitted as the basis for prequalification or, if there has been no change at all in said information, a statement to this effect; Any Manufacturer’s Authorizations and Subcontractor agreements specified as required in the BDS for ITB Clauses 6.1 (b) and 6.1 (c); (iii) Attachment 3: Eligibility of Goods and Services Documents establishing, to the Purchaser’s satisfaction, that the Goods and Services components of the Information System to be supplied, installed, and/or performed by the Bidder are eligible Goods and Services as defined under ITB Clause 5. If awarded the Contract, the Bidder shall submit for such components of the Information System evidence of eligibility, which shall be confirmed by a certificate of origin issued at the time of shipment; (iv) Attachment 4: Conformity of the Information System to the Bidding Documents Documentary evidence establishing to the Purchaser’s satisfaction, and in accordance with ITB 20 Section I. Instructions to Bidders Clause 16, that the Goods and Services components of the Information System to be supplied, installed, and/or performed by the Bidder conform to the Bidding Documents; (v) Attachment 5: Proposed Subcontractors A list of all major items of Goods or Services that the Bidder proposes to purchase or subcontract from others, and the name and nationality of the proposed Subcontractor, including vendors, for each of those items; (vi) Attachment 6: Intellectual Property A list of: (1) all Software included in the Bidder’s bid, assigning each item to one of the software categories defined in GCC Clause 1.1 (c): (A) System, General Purpose, and Application Software; and (B) Standard and Custom Software. (2) all Custom Materials, as defined in GCC Clause 1.1 (c), included in the Bidder’s bid. All Materials not identified as Custom Materials shall be deemed Standard Materials, as defined in GCC Clause 1.1 (c). Re-assignments among the Software and Materials categories, if necessary, will be made during the implementation of the Contract according to GCC Clause 39 (Changes to the System). 14. Bid Prices 14.1 All Goods and Services identified in the Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table and the Recurrent Cost Sub-Table in Section VII (Forms 2.5 and 2.6), and all other Goods and Services proposed by the Bidder to fulfill the requirements of the Information System, must be priced separately in the format of the same tables and summarized in the corresponding Cost Summary Tables in the same Section. Prices must be quoted in accordance with the instructions provided in Section VII for the various cost tables, in the manner specified below. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 21 14.2 The price of items that the Bidder has left blank in the cost tables provided in Section VII shall be assumed to be included in the price of other items. Items omitted altogether from the cost tables shall be assumed to be omitted from the bid and, provided that the bid is substantially responsive, an adjustment to the bid price will be made during evaluation in accordance with ITB Clause 28.6 (c) (iii). 14.3 Unit prices must be quoted at a level of detail appropriate for calculation of any partial deliveries or partial payments under the contract, in accordance with the Implementation Schedule in Section VI, and with GCC and SCC Clause 12 – Terms of Payment. Bidders may be required to provide a breakdown of any composite or lump-sum items included in the Cost Tables. 14.4 The prices for Goods components of the System are to be expressed and shall be defined and governed in accordance with the rules prescribed in the edition of Incoterms specified in the BDS, and quoted in the appropriate columns of the cost tables of Section VII as follows: (a) Goods supplied from outside the Purchaser’s country: Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the prices shall be quoted on a CIP (named place of destination) basis, exclusive of all taxes, stamps, duties, levies, and fees imposed in the Purchaser’s country. The named place of destination and special instructions for the contract of carriage are as specified in the BDS. In quoting the price, the Bidder shall be free to use transportation through carriers registered in any eligible countries. Similarly, the Bidder may obtain insurance services from any eligible source country. (b) Locally supplied Goods: Unit prices of Goods offered from within the Purchaser’s Country, shall be quoted on an EXW (ex factory, ex works, ex warehouse or off-the-shelf, as applicable) basis, including all customs duties, levies, fees, sales and other taxes incurred until delivery of the Goods, but excluding all VAT or sales and other taxes and duties/fees incurred for the Goods at the time of invoicing or sales transaction, if the Contract is awarded. (c) Inland transportation: Unless otherwise stated in the BDS, inland transportation, 22 Section I. Instructions to Bidders insurance and related local costs incidental to the delivery of the Goods to the designated Project Sites must be quoted separately as a Service item in accordance with ITB Clause 14.5, whether the Goods are to be supplied locally or from outside the Purchaser’s country, except when these costs are already included in the price of the Goods, as is, e.g., the case, when ITB Clause 14.4 (a) specifies CIP, and the named places of destination are the Project Sites. 14.5 The price of Services shall be quoted in total for each service (where appropriate, broken down into unit prices), separated into their local and foreign currency components. Prices must include all taxes, duties, levies and fees whatsoever, except only VAT or other indirect taxes, or stamp duties, that may be assessed and/or apply in the Purchaser’s country on/to the price of the Services invoiced to the Purchaser, if the Contract is awarded. Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the prices must include all costs incidental to the performance of the Services, as incurred by the Supplier, such as travel, subsistence, office support, communications, translation, printing of materials, etc. Costs incidental to the delivery of the Services but incurred by the Purchaser or its staff, or by third parties, must be included in the price only to the extent such obligations are made explicit in these Bidding Documents (as, e.g., a requirement for the Bidder to include the travel and subsistence costs of trainees). 14.6 Prices for Recurrent Costs beyond the scope of warranty services to be incurred during the Warranty Period, defined in SCC Clause 29.4 and prices for Recurrent Costs to be incurred during the Post-Warranty Period, defined in SCC Clause 1.1. (e) (xii), shall be quoted as Service prices in accordance with ITB Clause 14.5 on the Recurrent Cost Sub-Table in detail, and on the Recurrent Cost Summary Table in currency totals. Recurrent costs are all-inclusive of the costs of necessary Goods such as spare parts, software license renewals, labor, etc., needed for the continued and proper operation of the System and, if appropriate, of the Bidder’s own allowance for price increases. 14.7 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder’s performance of the Contract and not subject to increases on any account. Bids submitted that are subject to price adjustment will be rejected. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 15. Bid Currencies 23 15.1 Prices shall be quoted in the following currencies: (a) The Bidder may quote its prices for all Information Technologies, associated Goods, and Services to be supplied from outside the Purchaser’s Country in the currencies of countries eligible according to Section III. If the Bidder wishes to be paid in a combination of different currencies, it must quote unit prices accordingly, but no more than three foreign currencies may be used. (b) Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the Bidder shall express its prices for such Information Technologies, associated Goods, and Services to be supplied locally (i.e., from within the Purchaser’s Country) in the currency of the Purchaser’s Country. 16.1 Pursuant to ITB Clause 13.1 (e) (iv), the Bidder shall furnish, as 16. Documents part of its bid, documents establishing the conformity to the Establishing Bidding Documents of the Information System that the Bidder the Conformity proposes to supply and install under the Contract. of the Information 16.2 The documentary evidence of conformity of the Information System to the System to the Bidding Documents shall be in the form of written Bidding descriptions, literature, diagrams, certifications, and client Documents references, including: (a) the Bidder’s technical bid, i.e., a detailed description of the Bidder’s proposed technical solution conforming in all material aspects with the Technical Requirements (Section VI) and other parts of these Bidding Documents, overall as well as in regard to the essential technical and performance characteristics of each component making up the proposed Information System; (b) an item-by-item commentary on the Purchaser’s Technical Requirements, demonstrating the substantial responsiveness of the Information System offered to those requirements. In demonstrating responsiveness, the commentary shall include explicit cross references to the relevant pages in the supporting materials included in the bid. Whenever a discrepancy arises between the item-byitem commentary and any catalogs, technical specifications, or other preprinted materials submitted with the bid, the item-by-item commentary shall prevail; (c) a Preliminary Project Plan describing, among other things, the methods by which the Bidder will carry out its overall 24 Section I. Instructions to Bidders management and coordination responsibilities if awarded the Contract, and the human and other resources the Bidder proposes to use. The Plan should include a detailed Contract Implementation Schedule in bar chart form, showing the estimated duration, sequence, and interrelationship of all key activities needed to complete the Contract. The Preliminary Project Plan must also address any other topics specified in the BDS. In addition, the Preliminary Project Plan should state the Bidder’s assessment of what it expects the Purchaser and any other party involved in the implementation of the Information System to provide during implementation and how the Bidder proposes to coordinate the activities of all involved parties; (d) a written confirmation that the Bidder accepts responsibility for the successful integration and interoperability of all components of the Information System as required by the Bidding Documents. 16.3 For purposes of the commentary to be furnished pursuant to ITB Clause 16.2 (b), the Bidder shall note that references to brand names or model numbers or national or proprietary standards designated by the Purchaser in its Technical Requirements are intended to be descriptive and not restrictive. Except where explicitly prohibited in the BDS for specific items or standards, the Bidder may substitute alternative brand/model names or standards in its bid, provided that it demonstrates to the Purchaser’s satisfaction that the use of the substitute(s) will result in the Information System being able to perform substantially equivalent to or better than that specified in the Technical Requirements. 17. Securing the Bid 17.1 The BDS for this Clause specifies whether bids must be secured, and if so, whether by a Bid-Securing Declaration or by a Bid Security. If a Bid Security is required or optional, the BDS also specifies the amount. 17.2 Securing the bids shall be substantially in accordance with the related sample forms included in Section VII or other forms approved by the Purchaser prior to bid submission. Bids must remain secured for a period of 28 days beyond the validity period of the bids, as extended, if applicable, in accordance with ITB Clause 18.2. In case of a Bid Security, it shall also: (a) at the Bidder’s option, be in the form of either a certified check, letter of credit, or a bank guarantee from a banking Section I. Instructions to Bidders 25 institution, or a bond issued by a surety; (b) be issued by a reputable institution selected by the Bidder and located in any eligible country; if the institution issuing the security is located outside the Purchaser’s Country, it shall have a correspondent financial institution located in the Purchaser’s Country to make the security enforceable; (c) be payable promptly upon written demand by the Purchaser in case any of the conditions listed in ITB Clause 17.6 is/are invoked; (d) be submitted in its original form; copies will not be accepted. 17.3 The Bid-Securing Declaration or the Bid Security of a Joint Venture shall be issued in the name of the Joint Venture submitting the bid provided the Joint Venture has legally been constituted, or else it shall be issued in the name of all partners proposed for the Joint Venture in the bid. Sanctions due to a breach of the terms of a Bid-Securing Declaration pursuant to ITB Clause 17.6 will apply to all partners to the Joint Venture. 17.4 If a Bid-Securing Declaration or Bid Security is required in accordance with ITB Clause 17.1, any bid not accompanied by a substantially acceptable Bid-Securing Declaration or Bid Security in accordance with ITB Clauses 17.2 and 17.3, shall be rejected by the Purchaser as non-responsive. 17.5 Unless executed or forfeited pursuant to ITB Clause 17.6, BidSecuring Declarations, if any, will expire for, or Bid Securities, if any, will be returned as promptly as possible to, (a) all Bidders upon annulment of the bidding pursuant to ITB Clause 34; (b) Bidders refusing a request to extend the period of validity of their bids pursuant to ITB Clause 18.2; (c) the successful Bidder once it has signed the Contract Agreement and furnished a valid Performance Security as required; (d) the unsuccessful Bidders at the same time as in (c), that is, when they are informed about the successful establishment of the contract with the successful Bidder. 26 Section I. Instructions to Bidders 17.6 The Bid-Securing Declaration, if any, may be executed, or the Bid Security, if any, may be forfeited: (a) if a Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid Submission Form or any extension of validity the Bidder has agreed to pursuant to ITB Clause 18.2; or (b) in the case of the successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails to: (i) (ii) sign the Contract Agreement in accordance with ITB Clause 36; or furnish the Performance Security in accordance with ITB Clause 37. 17.7 If a bid security is not required in the BDS, and (a) if a Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Letter of Bid Form, except as provided in ITB 18.2, or (b) if the successful Bidder fails to: sign the Contract in accordance with ITB 36; or furnish a performance security in accordance with ITB 37; the Borrower may, if provided for in the BDS, declare the Bidder disqualified to be awarded a contract by the Employer for a period of time as stated in the BDS. 18. Period of Validity of Bids 18.1 Bids shall remain valid, at a minimum, for the period specified in the BDS after the deadline date for bid submission prescribed by the Purchaser, pursuant to ITB Clause 21. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Purchaser as nonresponsive. For the convenience of Bidders, the BDS spells out the minimal original expiration dates for the validity of the bid and, if applicable pursuant to ITB Clause 17.1, for securing the bid. However, Bidders are responsible for adjusting the dates in the BDS in accordance with any extensions to the deadline date of bid submission pursuant to ITB Clause 21.2. 18.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the bid validity period, the Purchaser may request that the Bidders extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. The request and the responses to the request shall be made in writing. A Bidder may refuse the request without risking execution of the Bid-Securing Declaration or forfeiting the Bid Security, but in this case the bid will be out of the competition for the award. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 27 Except as provided in ITB Clause 18.3, a Bidder agreeing to the request will not be required or permitted to modify its bid, but will be required to ensure that the bid remains secured for a correspondingly longer period, pursuant to ITB Clause 17.2. 18.3 In the case of fixed price contracts, if the award is delayed by a period exceeding fifty-six (56) days beyond the expiry of the initial bid validity, the contract price will be adjusted as specified in the request for extension. Bid evaluation will be based on the bid prices without taking into consideration the above correction. 19. Format and Signing of Bid 19.1 The Bidder shall prepare an original and the number of copies/sets of the bid specified in the BDS, clearly marking each one as “ORIGINAL BID,” “COPY NO. 1,” “COPY NO. 2,” etc., as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between them, the original shall govern. 19.2 The original and all copies of the bid, each consisting of the documents listed in ITB Clause 13.1, shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder. The authorization must be in writing and included in the bid pursuant to ITB Clause 13.1 (d). The name and position held by each person signing the authorization must be typed or printed below the signature. All pages of the bid, except for unamended printed literature, shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the bid. 19.3 The bid shall contain no interlineations, erasures, or overwriting, except to correct errors made by the Bidder, in which case such corrections shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the bid. 19.4 The Bidder shall furnish in the Bid Submission Form (a sample of which is provided in the Sample Forms Section of the Bidding Documents) information regarding commissions or gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid to agents relating to this procurement and to the execution of the Contract should the Bidder be successful. 28 Section I. Instructions to Bidders D. SUBMISSION OF BIDS 20. Sealing and Marking of Bids 20.1 The Bidder shall seal the original and each copy of the bid in separate envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as “ORIGINAL BID” and “COPY NO. [number].” The envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope. 20.2 The inner and outer envelopes shall (a) be addressed to the Purchaser at the address given in the BDS, and (b) bear the loan/Project name indicated in the BDS for ITB Clause 2.1, the Invitation for Bids title and number, and the Contract name(s), as indicated in the BDS for ITB Clause 1.2, and the statement “DO NOT OPEN BEFORE [ time and date],” to be completed with the time and date specified in the BDS for ITB Clause 24.1. 20.3 The inner envelopes shall also indicate the name and address of the Bidder so that the bid can be returned unopened in case it is declared “late.” 20.4 If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required by ITB Clause 20.2 above, the Purchaser will assume no responsibility for the bid’s misplacement or premature opening. If the outer envelope discloses the Bidder’s identity, the Purchaser will not guarantee the anonymity of the bid submission, but this disclosure will not constitute grounds for bid rejection. 21. Deadline for Submission of Bids 21.1 Bids must be received by the Purchaser at the address specified in the BDS for ITB Clause 20.2 no later than the time and date stated in the BDS. 21.2 The Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for submission of bids by amending the Bidding Documents in accordance with ITB Clause 11.3, in which case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser and Bidders will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended. 22. Late Bids 22.1 Any bid received by the Purchaser after the bid submission deadline prescribed by the Purchaser in the BDS for ITB Clause 21, will be rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder. 23. Withdrawal, Substitution, and 23.1 The Bidder may withdraw, substitute, or modify its bid after submission, provided that written notice of the withdrawal, substitution, or modification is received by the Purchaser prior to Section I. Instructions to Bidders Modification of Bids 29 the deadline prescribed for bid submission. All notices must be duly signed by an authorized representative and shall include a copy of the authorization (the power of attorney) in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 19.2. 23.2 All notices of withdrawal, substitution, or modification shall (a) be addressed to the Purchaser at the address named in the BDS for ITB Clause 20.2 (a), and (b) bear the Contract name, the IFB Title and IFB Number, and the words “BID WITHDRAWAL NOTICE”, BID SUBSTITUTION NOTICE”, or “BID MODIFICATION NOTICE”. 23.3 A notice may also be sent by electronic means such as fax or email, but in this case must include a scan of the mailing receipt showing both the sender's and receiver's addresses for the signed hardcopy of the notice, and a scan of the power of attorney. 23.4 Bids requested to be withdrawn in accordance with ITB 23.1 shall be returned unopened to the Bidders. Bid withdrawal notices received after the bid submission deadline will be ignored, and the submitted bid will be deemed to be a validly submitted bid. 23.5 The substitution or modification of the bid shall be prepared, sealed, marked, and dispatched as follows: (a) The Bidders shall provide an original and the number of copies specified in the BDS for ITB Clause 19.1 of any substitution or modification to its bid, clearly identified as such, in two inner envelopes duly marked “BID SUBSTITUTION -- ORIGINAL” or “BID MODIFICATION -ORIGINAL” and “BID SUBSTITUTION -- COPIES” or “BID MODIFICATION -- COPIES.” The inner envelopes shall be sealed in an outer envelope, which shall be duly marked “BID SUBSTITUTION” or “BID MODIFICATION”. (b) Other provisions concerning the marking and dispatch of a bid substitution or modification shall be in accordance with ITB Clauses 20.2, 20.3, and 20.4. 23.6 No bid may be withdrawn, substituted, or modified in the interval between the bid submission deadline and the expiration of the bid validity period specified by the Bidder in the Bid Submission Form, or any extension thereof agreed to by the Bidder. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval may result in the execution of the Bid-Securing Declaration, if any, or 30 Section I. Instructions to Bidders forfeiture of the Bid Security, if any, pursuant to ITB Clause 17.6. E. BID OPENING AND EVALUATION 24. Opening of Bids by Purchaser 24.1 The Purchaser will open all bids, including withdrawals, substitutions, and modifications, in public, in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend, at the time, on the date and at the place specified in the BDS. Bidders’ representatives shall sign a register as proof of their attendance. 24.2 First, envelopes marked “BID WITHDRAWAL NOTICE” shall be opened and read out and the envelope with the corresponding bid shall not be opened, but returned to the Bidder. No bid withdrawal shall be permitted unless the corresponding withdrawal notice contains a valid authorization to request the withdrawal and is read out at bid opening. Next, envelopes marked “BID SUBSTITUTION NOTICE” shall be opened and read out and exchanged with the corresponding bid being substituted, and the substituted bid shall not be opened, but returned to the Bidder. No bid substitution shall be permitted unless the corresponding substitution notice contains a valid authorization to request the substitution and is read out at bid opening. Envelopes marked “BID MODIFICATION NOTICE” shall be opened and read out with the corresponding bid. No bid modification shall be permitted unless the corresponding modification notice contains a valid authorization to request the modification and is read out at bid opening. Only bids that are opened and read out at bid opening shall be considered further. 24.3 Bids shall be opened one at a time, reading out: the name of the Bidder and whether there is a modification; the total bid price including any unconditional discounts, and, if applicable, the prices and unconditional discounts for Subsystems, lots, or slices; the presence or absence of a Bid-Securing Declaration or a Bid Security if one was required; any conditional discounts offered for the award of more than one Subsystem, lot, or slice, if the BDS for ITB Clause 28.1 permits such discounts to be considered in the bid evaluation; and any other such details as the Purchaser may consider appropriate. 24.4 Bids and modifications that are not opened and read out at bid opening shall not be considered for further evaluation, irrespective of the circumstances. These bids, including any bids validly withdrawn in accordance with ITB Clause 24.2, will Section I. Instructions to Bidders 31 promptly be returned, unopened, to their Bidders. 24.5 The Purchaser will prepare minutes of the bid opening, including the information disclosed to those present in accordance with ITB Clause 24.3. The minutes will promptly be distributed to all Bidders that met the deadline for submitting bids. 25. Clarification of 25.1 During the bid evaluation, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of its bid. The request for Bids clarification and the response shall be in writing, and no change in the price or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered, or permitted. 26. Preliminary Examination of Bids 26.1 The Purchaser will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether required sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the bids are generally in order. In the case where a prequalification process has been undertaken for the Contract(s) for which these Bidding Documents have been issued, the Purchaser will ensure that each bid is from a prequalified Bidder, and in the case of a Joint Venture, that partners and structure of the Joint Venture are unchanged from those in the prequalification. 26.2 Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price, which is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, or between added or subtracted subtotals and totals, the unit or subtotal price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected, unless in the opinion of the Purchaser there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unit or subtotal prices, in which case the line item total as quoted shall govern and the unit price or sub-total shall be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words will prevail, unless the discrepancy is the result of a typo/error for which the correction is self-evident to the Purchaser. If the Bidder with the Lowest Evaluated Bid does not accept the correction of errors, the bid shall be rejected. 26.3 The Purchaser may waive any minor informality, nonconformity, or irregularity in a bid that does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any Bidder. 26.4 Prior to the detailed evaluation, the Purchaser will determine whether each bid is of acceptable quality, is complete, and is substantially responsive to the Bidding Documents. For 32 Section I. Instructions to Bidders purposes of this determination, a substantially responsive bid is one that conforms to all the terms, conditions, and specifications of the Bidding Documents without material deviations, exceptions, objections, conditionalities, or reservations. A material deviation, exception, objection, conditionality, or reservation is one: (i) that limits in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of the Information System; or (ii) that limits, in any substantial way that is inconsistent with the Bidding Documents, the Purchaser’s rights or the successful Bidder’s obligations under the Contract; or (iii) the acceptance of which would unfairly affect the competitive position of other Bidders who have submitted substantially responsive bids. 26.5 If a bid is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the Purchaser and may not subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of the nonconformity. The Purchaser’s determination of bid responsiveness will be based on the contents of the bid itself. 27. Conversion to Single Currency 27.1 For evaluation and comparison purposes, the Purchaser shall convert all bid prices expressed in various currencies and amounts into a single currency specified in the BDS, using the selling exchange rate established by the source and on the date also specified in the BDS. 28. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids 28.1 The Purchaser will evaluate and compare the bids that have been determined to be substantially responsive, pursuant to ITB Clause 26. The evaluation will be performed assuming either that: (a) the Contract will be awarded to the lowest evaluated Bidder for the entire Information System; or (b) if specified in the BDS, Contracts will be awarded to the Bidders for each individual Subsystem, lot, or slice defined in the Technical Requirements whose bids result in the lowest combined evaluated price for the entire System. In the latter case, discounts that are conditional on the award of more than one Subsystem, lot, or slice may be offered in bids. However, such discounts will only be considered in the price evaluation if so confirmed in the BDS. 28.2 To be considered for Contract award, Bidders must have submitted bids (a) for which detailed bid evaluation using the same standards Section I. Instructions to Bidders 33 for compliance determination as listed in ITB Clauses 26.3 and 26.4 confirms that the bids are commercially and technically responsive, and include the hardware, Software, related equipment, products, Materials, and other Goods and Services components of the Information System in, substantially, the full required quantities for the entire Information System or, if allowed in the BDS for ITB Clause 28.1, the individual Subsystem, lot or slice bid on; and (b) that offer Information Technologies that are proven to perform up to the standards promised in the bid by having successfully passed the performance, benchmark, and/or functionality tests the Purchaser may require, pursuant to ITB Clause 31.2. 28.3 The Purchaser’s evaluation of a bid will be made on the basis of prices quoted in accordance with ITB Clause 14 (Bid Prices). 28.4 If indicated by the BDS, the Purchaser’s evaluation of responsive bids will take into account technical factors, in addition to cost factors. An Evaluated Bid Score (B) will be calculated for each responsive bid using the following formula, which permits a comprehensive assessment of the bid price and the technical merits of each bid: B≡ Clow T (1 − X ) X + C Thigh where C = Evaluated Bid Price C low = the lowest of all Evaluated Bid Prices among responsive bids T = the total Technical Score awarded to the bid Thigh = the Technical Score achieved by the bid that was scored highest among all responsive bids X = weight for the Price as specified in the BDS The bid with the highest Evaluated Bid Score (B) among responsive bids shall be termed the Lowest Evaluated Bid and is eligible for Contract award, provided the Bidder was prequalified and/or it was found to be qualified to perform the Contract in accordance with ITB Clause 31 (Postqualification). 34 Section I. Instructions to Bidders 28.5 If, in addition to the cost factors, the Purchaser has chosen to give weight to important technical factors (i.e., the price weight, X, is less than 1 in the evaluation), that cannot be reduced to life-cycle costs or pass/fail criteria, the Total Technical Points assigned to each bid in the Evaluated Bid Formula will be determined by adding and weighting the scores assigned by an evaluation committee to technical features of the bid in accordance with the criteria set forth below. (a) The technical features to be evaluated are generally defined below and specifically identified in the BDS: (i) Performance, capacity, or functionality features that either exceed levels specified as mandatory in the Technical Requirements; and/or influence the lifecycle cost and effectiveness of the Information System. (ii) Usability features, such as ease of use, ease of administration, or ease of expansion, which influence the life-cycle cost and effectiveness of the Information System. (iii) The quality of the Bidder’s Preliminary Project Plan as evidenced by the thoroughness, reasonableness, and responsiveness of: (a) the task and resource schedules, both general and specific, and (b) the proposed arrangements for management and coordination, training, quality assurance, technical support, logistics, problem resolution, and transfer of knowledge, and other such activities as specified by the Purchaser in Section VI (Technical Requirements) or proposed by the Bidder based on the Bidder’s experience. (b) Feature scores will be grouped into a small number of evaluation categories, generally defined below and specifically identified in the BDS, namely: (i) The technical features that reflect how well the Information System meets the Purchaser’s Business Requirements (including quality assurance and riskcontainment measures associated with the implementation of the Information System). (ii) The technical features that reflect how well the Information System meets the System’s Functional Section I. Instructions to Bidders 35 Performance Standards. (iii) The technical features that reflect how well the Information System meets the General Technical Requirements for hardware, network and communications, Software, and Services. (c) As specified in the BDS, each category will be given a weight and within each category each feature may also be given a weight. (d) During the evaluation process, the evaluation committee will assign each desirable/preferred feature a whole number score from 0 to 4, where 0 means that the feature is absent, and 1 to 4 either represent predefined values for desirable features amenable to an objective way of rating (as is the case for, e.g., extra memory, or extra mass storage capacity, etc., if these extras would be conducive for the utility of the system), or if the feature represents a desirable functionality (e.g., of a software package) or a quality improving the prospects for a successful implementation (such as the strengths of the proposed project staff, the methodology, the elaboration of the project plan, etc., in the bid), the scoring will be 1 for the feature being present but showing deficiencies; 2 for meeting the requirements; 3 for marginally exceeding the requirements; and 4 for significantly exceeding the requirements. (e) The score for each feature (i) within a category (j) will be combined with the scores of features in the same category as a weighted sum to form the Category Technical Score using the following formula: k S j ≡ ∑ t ji ∗ w ji i =1 where: tji = the technical score for feature “i” in category “j” wji = the weight of feature “i” in category “j” k = the number of scored features in category “j” k and ∑w ji =1 i =1 (f) The Category Technical Scores will be combined in a 36 Section I. Instructions to Bidders weighted sum to form the total Technical Bid Score using the following formula: n T ≡ ∑ S j ∗Wj j =1 where: Sj = the Category Technical Score of category “j” Wj = the weight of category “j” as specified in the BDS n = the number of categories n and ∑W j =1 j =1 28.6 The Evaluated Bid Price (C) for each responsive bid will be determined as the sum of the Adjusted Supply and Installation Costs (P) plus the Recurrent Costs (R); where the Adjusted Supply and Installation Costs (P) are determined as: (a) The price of the hardware, Software, related equipment, products, Materials and other Goods offered from within or from outside the Purchaser’s Country, in accordance with ITB 14.4; plus (b) The total price for all software development, transportation, insurance, installation, customization, integration, Commissioning, testing, training, technical support, repair, and other Services, in accordance with ITB 14.5; (c) with adjustments for: (i) Deviations proposed to the Implementation Schedule in the Technical Requirements resulting in delayed completion of the entire Information System, if permitted in the BDS and provided they do not exceed the maximum permissible delay period specified in the BDS. For evaluation purposes, a pro rata increase of the total Supply and Installation Costs will be added using the percentage(s) specified in the BDS for each week of delay. Bids offering deliveries beyond the maximum permissible delay specified may be rejected. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 37 (ii) Deviations taken to the Contract payment schedule specified in the SCC. If deviations are permitted in the BDS, for evaluation purposes the total Supply and Installation Costs will be increased pro rata by the amount of interest that could otherwise be earned on the amount of any payments that would fall due under the proposed schedule earlier than the schedule stipulated in the SCC, at the interest rate specified in the BDS. (iii) Goods and Services that are required for the Information System but have been left out or are necessary to correct minor deviations of the bid will be added to the total Supply and Installation Costs using costs taken from the highest prices from other responsive bids for the same Goods and Services, or in the absence of such information, the cost will be estimated at prevailing list prices. If the missing Goods and Services are a scored technical feature, the relevant score will be set at zero. (iv) Corrections to errors in arithmetic, in accordance with ITB Clause 26.2. (v) (d) Any discounts offered for the award of more than one Subsystem, lot, or slice, if the BDS for ITB Clause 28.1 permits the consideration of discounts in the price evaluation. The Recurrent Costs (R) are reduced to net present value and determined using the following formula: R≡ N+M R x ∑ x x = 1 (1 + I ) where N = number of years of the Warranty Period, defined in SCC Clause 29.4 M = number of years of the Post-Warranty Services Period, as defined in SCC Clause 1.1.(e) (xii) x = an index number 1, 2, 3, ... N + M representing each year of the combined Warranty Service and Post-Warranty Service Periods. Rx = total Recurrent Costs for year “x,” as recorded in 38 Section I. Instructions to Bidders the Recurrent Cost Sub-Table. I = discount rate to be used for the Net Present Value calculation, as specified in the BDS. 29. Domestic Preference 29.1 No margin of domestic preference will apply. 30. Contacting the Purchaser 30.1 From the time of bid opening to the time of Contract award, if any Bidder wishes to contact the Purchaser on any matter related to the bid, it should do so in writing. 30.2 If a Bidder tries to directly influence the Purchaser or otherwise interfere in the bid evaluation process and the Contract award decision, its bid may be rejected. F. POSTQUALIFICATION AND AWARD OF CONTRACT 31. Postqualification 31.1 The Purchaser will determine at its own cost and to its satisfaction whether the Bidder (including Joint Venture Partners, and any Subcontractors for which the BDS for ITB Clause 6.1 (a) permits that their qualifications count towards the required Bidder qualifications) that is selected as having submitted the Lowest Evaluated Bid is qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily, in accordance with ITB Clause 6. If a prequalification process was undertaken for the Contract(s) for which these Bidding Documents were issued, the Purchaser will determine in the manner described above that no material changes have occurred after the prequalification that negatively affect the ability of the Bidder that has submitted the Lowest Evaluated Bid to perform the Contract. 31.2 Pursuant to ITB Clauses 6 and 16, and as additionally may be specified in the BDS, the determination will evaluate the Bidder’s financial, technical, design, integration, customization, production, management, and support capabilities and will be based on an examination of the documentary evidence of the Bidder’s qualifications, as well as other information the Purchaser deems necessary and appropriate. This determination may include visits or interviews with the Bidder’s clients referenced in its bid, site inspections, and any other measures. If so specified in the BDS, at the time of postqualification the Purchaser may also carry out tests to determine that the performance or functionality of the Information System offered meets those stated in the Technical Requirements. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 39 31.3 An affirmative postqualification determination will be a prerequisite for award of the Contract to the Lowest Evaluated Bidder. A negative determination will result in rejection of the Bidder’s bid, in which event the Purchaser will proceed to the next lowest evaluated Bidder to make a similar determination of that Bidder’s capabilities to perform satisfactorily. 32. Award Criteria 32.1 Subject to ITB Clause 34, the Purchaser will award the Contract to the Bidder whose bid has been determined to be substantially responsive and the Lowest Evaluated Bid, provided further that the Bidder has been determined to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily, pursuant to ITB Clause 31. 33. Purchaser’s Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award 33.1 The Purchaser reserves the right at the time of Contract award to increase or decrease, by the percentage(s) indicated in the BDS, any of the following: (a) the quantity of substantially identical Subsystems; or (b) the quantity of individual hardware, Software, related equipment, Materials, products, and other Goods components of the Information System; or (c) the quantity of Installation or other Services to be performed, from that originally specified in the Technical Requirements (as amended by any Addenda issued pursuant to ITB Clause 11), without any change in unit prices or other terms and conditions. 34. Purchaser’s Right to Accept Any Bid and to Reject Any or All Bids 34.1 The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to Contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the Bidders. 35. Notification of Award 35.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, the Purchaser shall notify the successful Bidder, in writing, that its bid has been accepted. 35.2 Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed, the notification of award shall constitute a binding Contract. 35.3 The Purchaser shall promptly publish in UNDB online and in dgMarket the results, identifying the bid and lot numbers and the following information: (i) name of each Bidder who submitted a bid; (ii) bid prices as read out at bid opening; (iii) name, 40 Section I. Instructions to Bidders evaluated price and, if the bidding conditions included scoring for technical quality, the technical score of each bid that was evaluated; (iv) name of Bidders whose bids were rejected and the reasons for their rejection; and (v) name of the winning Bidder, the price it offered, as well as the duration and summary scope of the contract awarded. After publication of the award, unsuccessful Bidders may make a request in writing to the Purchaser for a debriefing seeking explanations on the grounds on which their bids were not selected. The Purchaser shall promptly respond in writing to any unsuccessful Bidder who, after publication of contract award, requests a debriefing. 35.4 Upon the successful Bidder furnishing the signed Contract Agreement and the Performance Security pursuant to ITB Clause 37, the Purchaser will promptly notify each unsuccessful Bidder, and will discharge all remaining Bid Securities, if any, as provided in ITB Clause 17.5 (c) and (d). 36. Signing of Contract 36.1 At the same time as the Purchaser notifies the successful Bidder that its bid has been accepted, the Purchaser will send the Bidder the Contract Agreement provided in the Bidding Documents, incorporating all agreements between the parties. 36.2 As soon as practically possible, but no more than twenty-eight (28) days following receipt of the Contract Agreement, the successful Bidder shall sign and date it, and return it to the Purchaser. 37. Performance Security 37.1 As soon as practically possible, but no more than twenty-eight (28) days following receipt of notification of award from the Purchaser, the successful Bidder shall furnish the Performance Security in accordance with the GCC, using the Performance Security form provided in the Bidding Documents or another form acceptable to the Purchaser. 37.2 Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirements of ITB Clause 36 or ITB Clause 37.1 shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and, if and as applicable, execution of the Bid-Securing Declaration or forfeiture of the Bid Security, in which event the Purchaser may make the award to the next lowest evaluated bid submitted by a qualified Bidder or call for new bids. 38. Adjudicator 38.1 Unless otherwise stated in the BDS, the Purchaser proposes that the person named in the BDS be appointed as Adjudicator under the Contract to assume the role of informal Contract dispute mediator, as described in GCC Clause 6. In this case, a résumé Section I. Instructions to Bidders 41 of the named person is attached to the BDS. The proposed hourly fee for the Adjudicator is specified in the BDS. The expenses that would be considered reimbursable to the Adjudicator are also specified in the BDS. If a Bidder does not accept the Adjudicator proposed by the Purchaser, it should state its non-acceptance in its Bid Submission Form and make a counterproposal of an Adjudicator and an hourly fee, attaching a résumé of the alternative. If the successful Bidder and the Adjudicator nominated in the BDS happen to be from the same country, and this is not the country of the Purchaser too, the Purchaser reserves the right to cancel the Adjudicator nominated in the BDS and propose a new one. If by the day the Contract is signed, the Purchaser and the successful Bidder have not agreed on the appointment of the Adjudicator, the Adjudicator shall be appointed, at the request of either party, by the Appointing Authority specified in the SCC clause relating to GCC Clause 6.1.4, or if no Appointing Authority is specified there, the Contract will be implemented without an Adjudicator. 43 SECTION II. BID DATA SHEET (BDS) 44 Section II. Bid Data Sheet Bid Data Sheet The following specific information relating to the System to be procured and the procurement procedures that will be used shall complement, supplement, or amend the provisions in the Instructions to Bidders (ITB). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS) shall prevail over those in the ITB. A. GENERAL ITB 1.1 Name of Purchaser: Finance Division, Ministry of Finance represented by the Project Director, Deepening Medium Term Budget Framework (DMTBF) and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project (Project-A) under Strengthening Public Expenditure Management Program Name of authorized Purchasing Agent: “none” Description of the System for which bids are invited: Supply, Installation and Services for Servers, Fabric Switches, Load Balancer, Oracle and Windows Software (Lot-A: Database Servers Infrastructure and Oracle Software; LotB: Application Servers, Load Balancer, Fabric Switches and Windows Software) ITB 1.2 Title of IFB: Supply, Installation and Services for Servers, Fabric Switches, Load Balancer, Oracle and Windows Software (Lot-A: Database Servers Infrastructure and Oracle Software; Lot-B: Application Servers, Load Balancer, Fabric Switches and Windows Software) Number of IFB: DMTBF/Server/368/12-13/1988 Date: September 12, 2013 Name of resulting Contract(s): Package No. 81 Supply, Installation and Services for Servers, Fabric Switches, Load Balancer, Oracle and Windows Software (Lot-A: Database Servers Infrastructure and Oracle Software; LotB: Application Servers, Load Balancer, Fabric Switches and Windows Software) ITB 1.4 Alternative e-Tendering procedures: are not available in this procurement. ITB 2.1 Name of the Borrower: The People’s Republic of Bangladesh Loan or credit number: TF 095283-BD Loan or credit amount: US$67.1666 million Section II. Bid Data Sheet 45 Name of Project: Deepening MTBF and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project (Project-A) under Strengthening Public Expenditure Management Program (SPEMP) ITB 6.1 (a) Qualification requirements for Bidders are: (a) The Bidder for each lot must have been in business for the last three (03) years to be substantiated by submission of copies of Trade License or membership certificate from statutory institution or trade-body; (b) The Bidder must have completed minimum one (01) successful contract for Lot-A and two (02) for Lot-B involving supply, installation and technical support for Information System and installation of servers and fabric switches in last three (03) years to be substantiated by submission of completion certificate from the relevant authority; (c) The Bidder must demonstrate present minimum average annual turnover of US$80,00,000 equivalent calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed within last three (03) years for Lot-A and US$37,00,000 for Lot-B. Documentary evidence shall include payment certificates from relevant authorities, certified financial statements/audit reports for the concerned years; (d) The Bidder must demonstrate minimum US$32,00,000 equivalent present liquid asset and/or line of credit for LotA and US$15,00,000 for Lot-B, net of current commitments. Documentary evidence shall be certified Bank Statement, audit reports/financial statements, banker’s certificate for specific credit lines available for this contract, if awarded; (e) For each Lot the Bidder or local agent of the Bidder must have at least three (03) years proven experience in providing warranty support services; (f) For each Lot the local agent’s relationship with the Principal/Manufacturer shall be at least three (03) year to be evidenced by notarized copy of the Agreement; (g) The Bidder must enclose location/addresses of existing service centers and help desks together with service facilities the centers have; and (h) The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that the Goods it offers meet usage requirement. 46 ITB 6.1 (b) Section II. Bid Data Sheet Manufacturer's Authorizations for Information Technologies - except for those technologies which the Bidder itself manufactures are required for the following types/categories: all active (i.e. powered) equipment and all software ITB 6.1 (c) If the Bidder proposes to use Subcontractors for the provision of certain key services, written agreements by the proposed firms to provide these services in case of contract(s) resulting from this bidding are required for the following types/categories of services: none B. THE BIDDING DOCUMENTS ITB 10.1 Purchaser’s / duly authorized Purchasing Agent’s address: Ekram Ahmed Project Director Deepening Medium Term Budget Framework and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project (Project-A) UCEP Cheyne Tower (2nd floor) 25 Segunbagicha, Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh Telephone No. 8391131-3, Fax No. 8391136 e-mail: ekramahmed1458@ ITB 10.2 Dates, times, and places for the pre-bid meeting: Date: October 9, 2013 Time: 11.00AM Bangladesh Standard Time Place: Deepening Medium Term Budget Framework and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project Office UCEP Cheyne Tower (2nd floor) 25 Segunbagicha, Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh C. PREPARATION OF BIDS ITB 12.1 The language of the bid and of all correspondence and documents related to it is: English ITB 14.1 Depending on whether recurrent cost items are required or not, state the following: Recurrent cost items are required. ITB 14.4 The Incoterms edition is Incoterms 2010 by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) — ICC rules for the use of domestic and international trade terms published in Section II. Bid Data Sheet 47 January 1, 2011 by the International Chamber of Commerce, 38 Cours Albert 1er, 75008 Paris, France. ITB 14.4 (a) For foreign goods priced on a CIP (named place of destination) basis: (i) The contract of carriage shall include the cost of unloading the goods at destination, as well as payment by the Supplier of the cost of custom formalities, duties, taxes or other charges payable on the foreign Goods for their transit through any country other than the Purchaser's country. (ii) The named place of destination shall be the Finance Division, Ministry of Finance, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka and Office of the Controller General of Accounts, Dhaka. ITB 14.4 (c) Not Applicable ITB 14.5 Not Applicable ITB 14.7 Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be: fixed ITB 15.1 (b) The currency to be used for quoting prices of the Goods and Services components of the System offered locally (i.e., from within the Purchaser’s Country), as well as local currency expenditures for local technical support, training, maintenance, transportation, insurance, and other local services incidental to delivery, installation and operation of the System, is: Bangladesh Taka ITB 16.2 (c) In addition to the topics described in ITB Clause 16.2 (c), the Preliminary Project Plan must address the following topics: (a) Project Organization and Management Plan (b) Delivery and Installation Plan (c) Knowledge Transfer Plan (d) Training Plan (e) Pre-Commissioning and Operational Acceptance Plan (f) Warranty Service Plan (g) Task, Time and Resource Schedules (h) Post-Warranty Service Plan 48 Section II. Bid Data Sheet (i) Technical Support Plan (j) Detailed Site Survey Repots (k) Detailed Local Area Network Design (l) Detailed Wide Area Network Design Further details regarding the required contents of each of the above chapters are contained in Section VI Technical Requirements ITB 16.3 In the interest of effective integration, cost-effective technical support, and reduced re-training and staffing costs, Bidders are required to offer specific brand names and models for the following limited number of specific items: none. ITB 17.1 Bids need to be secured by a Bid Security. For Local Bidders: Bid shall include a Bid Security in the form of Bank Guarantee issued by a Scheduled Bank located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. For foreign Bidders: Bank Guarantee may be issued by a Bank located outside Bangladesh through a correspondent Scheduled Bank located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The format of Bank Guarantee is included in Section VII Sample Forms (Form 4A). The amount of Bid Security required is: For Lot-A: Bangladesh Taka six million and three hundred thousand (BDT6,300,000) or US Dollar eighty thousand (US$80,000) or equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency. For Lot-B: Bangladesh Taka two million and nine hundred thousand (BDT3,000,000) or US Dollar thirty six thousand and five hundred (US$36,500) or equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency. ITB 17.7 If the Bidder incurs any of the actions prescribed in ITB Clause 17.7 (a) or (b), the Borrower will declare the Bidder ineligible to be awarded contracts by the Employer for a period of: Not Applicable. ITB 18.1 The bid validity period shall be: One hundred and twenty (120) days after the deadline for bid submission, as specified below in reference to ITB Clause 21. Accordingly, each bid shall be valid through: the actual date of the expiration of the bid Section II. Bid Data Sheet 49 validity period: March 7, 2014. If Bidders have to secure bids pursuant to ITB Clause 17.1, add: Accordingly, a bid with a Bid Security that expires before: the actual date of the expiration of the Bid-Securing Declaration or Bid Security, i.e., twenty-eight (28) days after the end of the bid validity period shall be rejected as non-responsive. ITB 19.1 Required number of bid copies, besides the original: one electronic copy in Compact Disc will be required D. SUBMISSION OF BIDS ITB 20.2 (a) The address for bid submission is: Deepening Medium Term Budget Framework and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project Office UCEP Cheyne Tower (2nd floor) 25 Segunbagicha, Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh ITB 21.1 Deadline for bid submission is: November 7, 2013 at 2.00PM Bangladesh Standard Time E. BID OPENING AND EVALUATION ITB 24.1 Time, date, and place for bid opening are: Time: 2.30PM Bangladesh Standard Time Date: November 7, 2013 Place: Deepening Medium Term Budget Framework and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project Office UCEP Cheyne Tower (2nd floor) 25 Segunbagicha, Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh ITB 27.1 The currency chosen for the purpose of converting to a common currency is: Bangladesh Taka The source of exchange rate is: Selling rate (BC) at Sonali Bank Limited, Principal Branch, Dhaka, Bangladesh on the date of submission of the bid. For the currency that is not quoted by Sonali Bank Limited, that shall be first converted to US Dollar using Exchange Rate quoted by Wall Street Journal of the same date then that US Dollar will be converted to 50 Section II. Bid Data Sheet Bangladesh Taka using Sonali Bank’s Exchange Rate. In case Wall Street Journal is not available on that date, Exchange Rate of next available date of the same journal shall be used. The date of exchange rate determination is: the date of submission of the bid. In case that no exchange rates are available on this date from the source indicated above, the latest available exchange rates from the same source prior to this date will be used. ITB 28.1 Bids for Subsystems, lots, or slices of the overall Information System: will be accepted. Bids are being invited on a lot-by-lot basis. Lot-A: Database Servers Infrastructure and Oracle Software Lot-B: Application Servers, Load Balancer, Fabric Switches and Windows Software Discounts for the award of multiple Subsystems, lots, or slices: will be considered in bid evaluation. ITB 28.4 The bid evaluation will take into account technical factors in addition to cost factors. The weight of the Price (“X” multiplied by 100 in the Evaluated Bid Score formula) = 0.70 (seventy percentage) ITB 28.5 (a),(b) The technical evaluation categories and the features to be evaluated within each category are as follows: 1. Servers i. Experience in similar work ii. Deployment plan iii. Certified professionals iv. Database administration v. Virtualization and Clustering Expert 2. Warranty 3.Support Service Plan Section II. Bid Data Sheet 51 (c),(e),(f) The evaluation weights for categories and technical features within categories are: Lot-A Sl. Technical Criteria of participating bidder 1. Software Certified Expert: Bidder must have at least one ORACLE certified Professional from each category in below. a) Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) Database Administrator on Oracle 9i or 10g or 11g b) Oracle Database 10g or 11g Certified Expert on Real Application Clusters (RAC) c) Oracle Database 10g or 11g Performance Tuning Certified Expert Copy of relevant certificate must be provided as proof of their experience. Experts for Implementation and Operation: i. The participating bidder shall have at least one Certified Implementation Specialist who has significant experience on the proposed Hardware in the provision of server partitioning, RAC clustering, diagnostics and tuning. ii. The participating bidder shall assign at least two (2) Engineers during the contract period where at least one Certified Hardware engineer for the proposed hardware solution and a certified oracle 11g expert. The participating bidder shall provide relevant document and certificate with the proposal. Support Service: The participating bidder has the capability of providing support 24/7 support including parts replacement along with the certified engineers. Bidder shall provide similar type of customer experience record with the proposal for the support service and submit details of support steps. Storage Experience: The bidder must have Data replication and Database migration experience of High volume of storage. At least one implementation experiences of Data replication and Database migration in Active/Active 2. 3. 4. Total Weighting factor 100% 5% 5% 2.5% 2.5% 52 Section II. Bid Data Sheet 5. 6. mode or Active/Passive mode of database servers between two datacenters. Oracle Backup Management: The bidder must have dedicated Backup & Recovery management team consisting of at least one person with at least 2 years of experience in similar type of solution. Also Bidder should have sufficient experience in “Active Data Guard” and “Oracle Secure Backup” in DC/DR environment. If the participating bidder is Sole Distributor or Distributor or Highest level of partnership of the proposed Hardware manufacturer; relevant certificate and contact details should be provided with proposal shall carry the weight. Lot-A 2.5% 2.5% Option 1 or Option 2 Hardware 7. DATABASE SERVER 20% 8. Management Servers (1 unit at DC) 5% 9. Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DC ) 5% 10. Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DC ) 11. Management Servers (1 unit at DR) 5% 12. Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DR) 13. Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DR) 5% 5% 5% Oracle Software’s 14. Oracle Enterprise Database Enterprise Edition 15% 15. Real Application Clusters 3% 16. Partitioning 2% 17. OEM Diagnostic Pack 2% 18. OEM Turning Pack 2% 19. Oracle Secure Backuup 2% 20. Oracle Active Data Guard 3% Training Expert 21. Training Lot-B 1% Section II. Bid Data Sheet 53 Sl. Technical Criteria of participating bidder 1. Windows Software Certified Expert: Bidder must have at least one Windows certified Professional from each category in below. d) Certified Professional of Private Cloud deployment e) Certified Professional of SCVMM deployment f) Certified Professional of SCCM & SCOM deployment g) Certified Expert on Real Application Clusters (RAC) deployment Copy of relevant certificate must be provided as proof of their experience. Experts for Implementation and Operation: i. The participating bidder shall have at least one Certified Implementation Specialist who has significant experience on the proposed Hardwares in the provision of server installation and partitioning, diagnostics and tuning. 2. 3. 4. 5. ii. The participating bidder shall assign at least two (2) Engineers during the contract period where at least one Certified Hardware engineer for the proposed hardware solution and a certified Microsoft solution expert. The participating bidder shall provide relevant document and certificate with the proposal. Stock Experience: The participating bidder must have sufficient spares of similar product kept for the other customers as suggested by Manufacturer. The record of documentation carries the weight and evidence shall provide with the proposal. Support Service: The participating bidder has the capability of providing support 24/7 support including parts replacement along with the certified engineers. Bidder shall provide similar type of customer experience record with the proposal for the support service and submit details of support delivery steps. Virtualization & Communication: Total Weighting factor 100% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 54 Section II. Bid Data Sheet The participating bidder should have expertise on i. Hyper-V replication, Private Cloud, Synchronization and Windows live migration, System center 2012 ii. Exchange Server and Lync Servers planning implementation & operation experience. Certificates and the record of documentation of above expertise carry the weight and evidence shall be provided with the proposal. 6. If the participating bidder is Sole Distributor or Distributor or Highest level of partnership of the proposed Hardware manufacturer; relevant certificate and contact details should be provided with proposal shall carry the weight. 2.5% Hardware 7. Application server (4 Unit for DC & 4 Unit for DR ) 20% 8. Report Server (1 Unit for DC & 1 Unit for DR ) Test and Development Server (1 Unit for DC & 1 Unit for DR) Data Centre Management Server (1 Unit for DC & 1 Unit for DR) Primary Domain Controller (1 Unit for DC) Additional Domain Controller (1 Unit for DC & 1 Unit for DR) Patch Management Server: (1 Unit for DC) 10% 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Mail Server: (1 Unit for DC & 1 Unit for DR) 15. Backup Tape System: (1 Unit for DC) 16. Blade Chassis (if blade solution - 1 Unit for DC & 1 Unit for DR) 17. Fabric switches: ( 2 Unit for DC & 1 Unit for DR) 18. Load Balancer & Application Delivery Controllers (1 Unit for DC &1 Unit for DR) Software 19. Experience on Double-Take Solution 20. Microsoft Premier Support service experience. 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 5% 5% 2.5% 2.5% 5% 5% 5% Scores will be awarded only after the minimum requirement is met and the relative technical scores will be based on the qualities/performances/values of each technical criterion. If the Section II. Bid Data Sheet 55 bidder provides highest or best products or services, the maximum score will be given to the bidder and the remaining bidder(s) will be given scores in proportion. ITB 28.6 (c) (i) The Purchaser will not accept deviations in the schedule of installation and commissioning specified in the Implementation Schedule. ITB 28.6 (c) (ii) The Purchaser: will not accept deviations in the payment schedule in the SCC. ITB 28.6 (d) If the BDS for ITB 14.1 above indicates that recurrent cost items are not required, delete this BDS entry for ITB Clause 28.6 (d); otherwise: Interest Rate (I) for net present value calculations of recurrent costs = ten (10%) percent per annum. F. POSTQUALIFICATION AND AWARD OF CONTRACT ITB 31.2 As additional postqualification measures, the Information System (or components/parts of it) offered by the Lowest Evaluated Bidder may be subjected to the following tests and performance benchmarks prior to Contract award: the Purchaser will examine documentary evidence including visits and interviews with the Bidder’s client referenced in its bid, site inspection, witnessing performances and functionalities of the installed systems and verification of other relevant information that the Purchaser deems necessary and reasonable. ITB 33.1 Percentage for quantity increase or decrease: 20% (twenty percent) ITB 38.1 The proposed Adjudicator is: Mr. Naim Islam Mohammad Alamgir, IT professional. The proposed hourly fee is Bangladesh Taka Five Thousand (BDT5,000) only. The expenses that would be considered reimbursable to the Adjudicator are: all dispute-related telephone, fax, and other communications costs, as well as all costs associated with trips to the site(s). 56 Section II. Bid Data Sheet Résumé of the proposed Adjudicator. Section II. Bid Data Sheet 57 59 SECTION III. ELIGIBLE COUNTRIES FOR THE PROVISION OF GOODS, WORKS, AND SERVICES IN BANK-FINANCED PROCUREMENT 60 Section III. Countries Eligible for Bank-Financed Procurement Eligible Countries for the Provision of Goods, Works, and Services in Bank-Financed Procurement 1. Eligible for this procurement are firms of, and goods manufactured in, all countries except countries, if any, listed in the following restrictions. 2. In accordance with para. 1.8 (a) of the Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, firms of a Country or goods manufactured in a Country may be excluded if (i) as a matter of law or official regulation, the Borrower’s Country prohibits commercial relations with that Country, provided that the Bank is satisfied that such exclusion does not preclude effective competition for the supply of the goods or works required, or (ii) by an Act of Compliance with a Decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, the Borrower’s Country prohibits any import of goods from that Country or any payments to persons or entities in that Country. 3. For the information of borrowers and bidders, at the present time firms, goods and services from the following countries are excluded from this bidding: With reference to paragraph (i) above: the State of Israel With reference to paragraph (ii) above: the State of Israel 61 SECTION IV. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 62 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract Table of Clauses A. Contract and Interpretation ...........................................................................................64 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Definitions.................................................................................................................64 Contract Documents..................................................................................................72 Interpretation .............................................................................................................72 Notices ......................................................................................................................75 Governing Law .........................................................................................................76 Settlement of Disputes ..............................................................................................76 B. Subject Matter of Contract .............................................................................................78 7. 8. 9. 10. Scope of the System ..................................................................................................78 Time for Commencement and Operational Acceptance ...........................................79 Supplier’s Responsibilities .......................................................................................79 Purchaser’s Responsibilities .....................................................................................81 C. Payment.............................................................................................................................83 11. 12. 13. 14. Contract Price............................................................................................................83 Terms of Payment .....................................................................................................83 Securities ...................................................................................................................84 Taxes and Duties .......................................................................................................85 D. Intellectual Property ........................................................................................................86 15. 16. 17. Copyright ..................................................................................................................86 Software License Agreements...................................................................................87 Confidential Information...........................................................................................89 E. Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning, and Acceptance of the System ..........91 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Representatives .........................................................................................................91 Project Plan ...............................................................................................................93 Subcontracting ..........................................................................................................93 Design and Engineering ............................................................................................94 Procurement, Delivery, and Transport ......................................................................97 Product Upgrades ....................................................................................................100 Implementation, Installation, and Other Services ...................................................101 Inspections and Tests ..............................................................................................101 Installation of the System ........................................................................................102 Commissioning and Operational Acceptance .........................................................103 F. Guarantees and Liabilities .............................................................................................107 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Operational Acceptance Time Guarantee ...............................................................107 Defect Liability .......................................................................................................108 Functional Guarantees.............................................................................................111 Intellectual Property Rights Warranty.....................................................................111 Intellectual Property Rights Indemnity ...................................................................112 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 33. 63 Limitation of Liability .............................................................................................115 G. Risk Distribution ............................................................................................................115 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Transfer of Ownership ............................................................................................115 Care of the System ..................................................................................................115 Loss of or Damage to Property; Accident or Injury to Workers; Indemnification..117 Insurances................................................................................................................118 Force Majeure .........................................................................................................120 H. Change in Contract Elements .......................................................................................122 39. 40. 41. 42. Changes to the System ............................................................................................122 Extension of Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance ....................................126 Termination .............................................................................................................127 Assignment .............................................................................................................136 64 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract General Conditions of Contract A. CONTRACT AND INTERPRETATION 1. Definitions 1.1 In this Contract, the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated below. (a) contract elements (i) “Contract” means the Contract Agreement entered into between the Purchaser and the Supplier, together with the Contract Documents referred to therein. The Contract Agreement and the Contract Documents shall constitute the Contract, and the term “the Contract” shall in all such documents be construed accordingly. (ii) “Contract Documents” means the documents specified in Article 1.1 (Contract Documents) of the Contract Agreement (including any amendments to these Documents). (iii) “Contract Agreement” means the agreement entered into between the Purchaser and the Supplier using the form of Contract Agreement contained in the Sample Forms Section of the Bidding Documents and any modifications to this form agreed to by the Purchaser and the Supplier. The date of the Contract Agreement shall be recorded in the signed form. (iv) “GCC” means the General Conditions of Contract. (v) “SCC” means the Special Conditions of Contract. (vi) “Technical Requirements” means the Technical Requirements Section of the Bidding Documents. (vii) “Implementation Schedule” means the Implementation Schedule Sub-section of the Technical Requirements. viii) “Contract Price” means the price or prices defined in Article 2 (Contract Price and Terms Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 65 of Payment) of the Contract Agreement. (ix) “Procurement Guidelines” refers to the edition specified in the SCC of the World Bank Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits. (x) (b) “Bidding Documents” refers to the collection of documents issued by the Purchaser to instruct and inform potential suppliers of the processes for bidding, selection of the winning bid, and Contract formation, as well as the contractual conditions governing the relationship between the Purchaser and the Supplier. The General and Special Conditions of Contract, the Technical Requirements, and all other documents included in the Bidding Documents reflect the Procurement Guidelines that the Purchaser is obligated to follow during procurement and administration of this Contract. entities (i) “Purchaser” means the entity purchasing the Information System, as specified in the SCC. (ii) “Project Manager” means the person named as such in the SCC or otherwise appointed by the Purchaser in the manner provided in GCC Clause 18.1 (Project Manager) to perform the duties delegated by the Purchaser. (iii) “Supplier” means the firm or Joint Venture whose bid to perform the Contract has been accepted by the Purchaser and is named as such in the Contract Agreement. (iv) “Supplier’s Representative” means any person nominated by the Supplier and named as such in the Contract Agreement or otherwise approved by the Purchaser in the manner provided in GCC Clause 18.2 (Supplier’s Representative) to perform the duties delegated by the Supplier. (v) “Subcontractor” means any firm to whom any of the obligations of the Supplier, including preparation of any design or supply of any 66 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract Information Technologies or other Goods or Services, is subcontracted directly or indirectly by the Supplier. (vi) “Adjudicator” means the person named in Appendix 2 of the Contract Agreement, appointed by agreement between the Purchaser and the Supplier to make a decision on or to settle any dispute between the Purchaser and the Supplier referred to him or her by the parties, pursuant to GCC Clause 6.1 (Adjudication). (vii) “The World Bank” (also called “The Bank”) means the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) or the International Development Association (IDA). (c) scope (i) “Information System,” also called “the System,” means all the Information Technologies, Materials, and other Goods to be supplied, installed, integrated, and made operational (exclusive of the Supplier’s Equipment), together with the Services to be carried out by the Supplier under the Contract. (ii) “Subsystem” means any subset of the System identified as such in the Contract that may be supplied, installed, tested, and commissioned individually before Commissioning of the entire System. (iii) “Information Technologies” means all information processing and communicationsrelated hardware, Software, supplies, and consumable items that the Supplier is required to supply and install under the Contract. (iv) “Goods” means all equipment, machinery, furnishings, Materials, and other tangible items that the Supplier is required to supply or supply and install under the Contract, including, without limitation, the Information Technologies and Materials, but excluding the Supplier’s Equipment. Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 67 (v) “Services” means all technical, logistical, management, and any other Services to be provided by the Supplier under the Contract to supply, install, customize, integrate, and make operational the System. Such Services may include, but are not restricted to, activity management and quality assurance, design, development, customization, documentation, transportation, insurance, inspection, expediting, site preparation, installation, integration, training, data migration, Precommissioning, Commissioning, maintenance, and technical support. (vi) “The Project Plan” means the document to be developed by the Supplier and approved by the Purchaser, pursuant to GCC Clause 19, based on the requirements of the Contract and the Preliminary Project Plan included in the Supplier’s bid. The “Agreed and Finalized Project Plan” is the version of the Project Plan approved by the Purchaser, in accordance with GCC Clause 19.2. Should the Project Plan conflict with the Contract in any way, the relevant provisions of the Contract, including any amendments, shall prevail. (vii) “Software” means that part of the System which are instructions that cause information processing Subsystems to perform in a specific manner or execute specific operations. (viii) “System Software” means Software that provides the operating and management instructions for the underlying hardware and other components, and is identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Systems Software. Such System Software includes, but is not restricted to, micro-code embedded in hardware (i.e., “firmware”), operating systems, communications, system and network management, and utility software. (ix) “General-Purpose Software” means Software that supports general-purpose office and 68 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract software development activities and is identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be GeneralPurpose Software. Such General-Purpose Software may include, but is not restricted to, word processing, spreadsheet, generic database management, and application development software. (x) “Application Software” means Software formulated to perform specific business or technical functions and interface with the business or technical users of the System and is identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Application Software. (xi) “Standard Software” means Software identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Standard Software. (xii) “Custom Software” means Software identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Custom Software. (xiii) “Source Code” means the database structures, dictionaries, definitions, program source files, and any other symbolic representations necessary for the compilation, execution, and subsequent maintenance of the Software (typically, but not exclusively, required for Custom Software). (xiv) “Materials” means all documentation in printed or printable form and all instructional and informational aides in any form (including audio, video, and text) and on any medium, provided to the Purchaser under the Contract. (xv) “Standard Materials” means all Materials not specified as Custom Materials. Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 69 (xvi) “Custom Materials” means Materials developed by the Supplier at the Purchaser’s expense under the Contract and identified as such in Appendix 5 of the Contract Agreement and such other Materials as the parties may agree in writing to be Custom Materials. Custom Materials includes Materials created from Standard Materials. (xvii) “Intellectual Property Rights” means any and all copyright, moral rights, trademark, patent, and other intellectual and proprietary rights, title and interests worldwide, whether vested, contingent, or future, including without limitation all economic rights and all exclusive rights to reproduce, fix, adapt, modify, translate, create derivative works from, extract or re-utilize data from, manufacture, introduce into circulation, publish, distribute, sell, license, sublicense, transfer, rent, lease, transmit or provide access electronically, broadcast, display, enter into computer memory, or otherwise use any portion or copy, in whole or in part, in any form, directly or indirectly, or to authorize or assign others to do so. (xviii) “Supplier’s Equipment” means all equipment, tools, apparatus, or things of every kind required in or for installation, completion and maintenance of the System that are to be provided by the Supplier, but excluding the Information Technologies, or other items forming part of the System. (d) activities (i) “Delivery” means the transfer of the Goods from the Supplier to the Purchaser in accordance with the current edition Incoterms specified in the Contract. (ii) “Installation” means that the System or a Subsystem as specified in the Contract is ready for Commissioning as provided in GCC Clause 26 (Installation). (iii) “Pre-commissioning” means the testing, checking, and any other required activity that may be 70 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract specified in the Technical Requirements that are to be carried out by the Supplier in preparation for Commissioning of the System as provided in GCC Clause 26 (Installation). (iv) “Commissioning” means operation of the System or any Subsystem by the Supplier following Installation, which operation is to be carried out by the Supplier as provided in GCC Clause 27.1 (Commissioning), for the purpose of carrying out Operational Acceptance Test(s). (v) “Operational Acceptance Tests” means the tests specified in the Technical Requirements and Agreed and Finalized Project Plan to be carried out to ascertain whether the System, or a specified Subsystem, is able to attain the functional and performance requirements specified in the Technical Requirements and Agreed and Finalized Project Plan, in accordance with the provisions of GCC Clause 27.2 (Operational Acceptance Test). (vi) “Operational Acceptance” means the acceptance by the Purchaser of the System (or any Subsystem(s) where the Contract provides for acceptance of the System in parts), in accordance with GCC Clause 27.3 (Operational Acceptance). (e) place and time (i) “Purchaser’s Country” is the country named in the SCC. (ii) “Supplier’s Country” is the country in which the Supplier is legally organized, as named in the Contract Agreement. (iii) “Project Site(s)” means the place(s) specified in the SCC for the supply and installation of the System. (iv) “Eligible Country” means the countries and territories eligible for participation in procurements financed by the World Bank as defined in the Procurement Guidelines. (Note: Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 71 The World Bank maintains a list of countries from which Bidders, Goods, and Services are not eligible to participate in procurement financed by the Bank. The list is regularly updated and can be obtained from the Public Information Center of the Bank or its web site on procurement. A copy of the list is contained in the Section of the Bidding Documents entitled “Eligible Countries for the Provision of Goods, Works, and Services in Bank-Financed Procurement”). (v) “Day” means calendar day of the Gregorian Calendar. (vi) “Week” means seven (7) consecutive Days, beginning the day of the week as is customary in the Purchaser’s Country. (vii) “Month” means calendar month of the Gregorian Calendar. (viii) “Year” means twelve (12) consecutive Months. (ix) “Effective Date” means the date of fulfillment of all conditions specified in Article 3 (Effective Date for Determining Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance) of the Contract Agreement, for the purpose of determining the Delivery, Installation, and Operational Acceptance dates for the System or Subsystem(s). (x) “Contract Period” is the time period during which this Contract governs the relations and obligations of the Purchaser and Supplier in relation to the System, as specified in the SCC. (xi) “Defect Liability Period” (also referred to as the “Warranty Period”) means the period of validity of the warranties given by the Supplier commencing at date of the Operational Acceptance Certificate of the System or Subsystem(s), during which the Supplier is responsible for defects with respect to the System (or the relevant Subsystem[s]) as 72 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract provided in GCC Clause 29 (Defect Liability). (xii) “The Post-Warranty Services Period” means the number of years defined in the SCC (if any), following the expiration of the Warranty Period during which the Supplier may be obligated to provide Software licenses, maintenance, and/or technical support services for the System, either under this Contract or under separate contract(s). (xiii) “The Coverage Period” means the Days of the Week and the hours of those Days during which maintenance, operational, and/or technical support services (if any) must be available. 2. Contract Documents 2.1 Subject to Article 1.2 (Order of Precedence) of the Contract Agreement, all documents forming part of the Contract (and all parts of these documents) are intended to be correlative, complementary, and mutually explanatory. The Contract shall be read as a whole. 3. Interpretation 3.1 Governing Language 3.1.1 All Contract Documents and related correspondence exchanged between Purchaser and Supplier shall be written in the language specified in the SCC, and the Contract shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with that language. 3.1.2 If any of the Contract Documents or related correspondence are prepared in a language other than the governing language under GCC Clause 3.1.1 above, the translation of such documents into the governing language shall prevail in matters of interpretation. The originating party, with respect to such documents shall bear the costs and risks of such translation. 3.2 Singular and Plural The singular shall include the plural and the plural the singular, except where the context otherwise requires. 3.3 Headings The headings and marginal notes in the GCC are included for ease of reference and shall neither constitute a part of the Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 73 Contract nor affect its interpretation. 3.4 Persons Words importing persons or parties shall include firms, corporations, and government entities. 3.5 Incoterms Unless inconsistent with any provision of the Contract, the meaning of any trade term and the rights and obligations of parties thereunder shall be as prescribed by the current Incoterms (“Incoterms 2000” or a more recent version if and as published). Incoterms are the international rules for interpreting trade terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce, 38 Cours Albert 1er, 75008 Paris, France. 3.6 Entire Agreement The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Purchaser and Supplier with respect to the subject matter of Contract and supersedes all communications, negotiations, and agreements (whether written or oral) of parties with respect to the subject matter of the Contract made prior to the date of Contract. 3.7 Amendment No amendment or other variation of the Contract shall be effective unless it is in writing, is dated, expressly refers to the Contract, and is signed by a duly authorized representative of each party to the Contract. 3.8 Independent Supplier The Supplier shall be an independent contractor performing the Contract. The Contract does not create any agency, partnership, joint venture, or other joint relationship between the parties to the Contract. Subject to the provisions of the Contract, the Supplier shall be solely responsible for the manner in which the Contract is performed. All employees, representatives, or Subcontractors engaged by the Supplier in connection with the performance of the Contract shall be under the complete control of the Supplier and shall not be deemed to be employees of the Purchaser, and nothing contained in the 74 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract Contract or in any subcontract awarded by the Supplier shall be construed to create any contractual relationship between any such employees, representatives, or Subcontractors and the Purchaser. 3.9 Joint Venture If the Supplier is a Joint Venture of two or more firms, all such firms shall be jointly and severally bound to the Purchaser for the fulfillment of the provisions of the Contract and shall designate one of such firms to act as a leader with authority to bind the Joint Venture. The composition or constitution of the Joint Venture shall not be altered without the prior consent of the Purchaser. 3.10 Nonwaiver 3.10.1 Subject to GCC Clause 3.10.2 below, no relaxation, forbearance, delay, or indulgence by either party in enforcing any of the terms and conditions of the Contract or the granting of time by either party to the other shall prejudice, affect, or restrict the rights of that party under the Contract, nor shall any waiver by either party of any breach of Contract operate as waiver of any subsequent or continuing breach of Contract. 3.10.2 Any waiver of a party’s rights, powers, or remedies under the Contract must be in writing, must be dated and signed by an authorized representative of the party granting such waiver, and must specify the right and the extent to which it is being waived. 3.11 Severability If any provision or condition of the Contract is prohibited or rendered invalid or unenforceable, such prohibition, invalidity, or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provisions and conditions of the Contract. 3.12 Country of Origin “Origin” means the place where the Information Technologies, Materials, and other Goods for the System were produced or from which the Services are supplied. Goods are produced when, through manufacturing, processing, Software development, or substantial and major Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 75 assembly or integration of components, a commercially recognized product results that is substantially different in basic characteristics or in purpose or utility from its components. The Origin of Goods and Services is distinct from the nationality of the Supplier and may be different. 4. Notices 4.1 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, all notices to be given under the Contract shall be in writing and shall be sent, pursuant to GCC Clause 4.3 below, by personal delivery, airmail post, special courier, cable, telegraph, telex, facsimile, electronic mail, or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), with the following provisions. 4.1.1 Any notice sent by cable, telegraph, telex, facsimile, electronic mail, or EDI shall be confirmed within two (2) days after dispatch by notice sent by airmail post or special courier, except as otherwise specified in the Contract. 4.1.2 Any notice sent by airmail post or special courier shall be deemed (in the absence of evidence of earlier receipt) to have been delivered ten (10) days after dispatch. In proving the fact of dispatch, it shall be sufficient to show that the envelope containing such notice was properly addressed, stamped, and conveyed to the postal authorities or courier service for transmission by airmail or special courier. 4.1.3 Any notice delivered personally or sent by cable, telegraph, telex, facsimile, electronic mail, or EDI shall be deemed to have been delivered on the date of its dispatch. 4.1.4 Either party may change its postal, cable, telex, facsimile, electronic mail, or EDI addresses for receipt of such notices by ten (10) days’ notice to the other party in writing. 4.2 Notices shall be deemed to include any approvals, consents, instructions, orders, certificates, information and other communication to be given under the Contract. 4.3 Pursuant to GCC Clause 18, notices from/to the Purchaser are normally given by, or addressed to, the Project Manager, while notices from/to the Supplier are normally given by, or addressed to, the Supplier's Representative, or in its absence its deputy if any. If there is no appointed Project Manager 76 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract or Supplier's Representative (or deputy), or if their related authority is limited by the SCC for GCC Clauses 18.1 or 18.2.2, or for any other reason, the Purchaser or Supplier may give and receive notices at their fallback addresses. The address of the Project Manager and the fallback address of the Purchaser are as specified in the SCC or as subsequently established/amended. The address of the Supplier's Representative and the fallback address of the Supplier are as specified in Appendix 1 of the Contract Agreement or as subsequently established/amended. 5. Governing Law 5.1 The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the country specified in the SCC. 6. Settlement of Disputes 6.1 Adjudication 6.1.1 If any dispute of any kind whatsoever shall arise between the Purchaser and the Supplier in connection with or arising out of the Contract, including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, any question regarding its existence, validity, or termination, or the operation of the System (whether during the progress of implementation or after its achieving Operational Acceptance and whether before or after the termination, abandonment, or breach of the Contract), the parties shall seek to resolve any such dispute by mutual consultation. If the parties fail to resolve such a dispute by mutual consultation within fourteen (14) days after one party has notified the other in writing of the dispute, then, if the Contract Agreement in Appendix 2 includes and names an Adjudicator, the dispute shall, within another fourteen (14) days, be referred in writing by either party to the Adjudicator, with a copy to the other party. If there is no Adjudicator specified in the Contract Agreement, the mutual consultation period stated above shall last twenty-eight (28) days (instead of fourteen), upon expiry of which either party may move to the notification of arbitration pursuant to GCC Clause 6.2.1. 6.1.2 The Adjudicator shall give his or her decision in writing to both parties within twenty-eight (28) days of the dispute being referred to the Adjudicator. If the Adjudicator has done so, and no notice of intention to Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 77 commence arbitration has been given by either the Purchaser or the Supplier within fifty-six (56) days of such reference, the decision shall become final and binding upon the Purchaser and the Supplier. Any decision that has become final and binding shall be implemented by the parties forthwith. 6.1.3 The Adjudicator shall be paid an hourly fee at the rate specified in the Contract Agreement plus reasonable expenditures incurred in the execution of duties as Adjudicator, and these costs shall be divided equally between the Purchaser and the Supplier. 6.1.4 Should the Adjudicator resign or die, or should the Purchaser and the Supplier agree that the Adjudicator is not fulfilling his or her functions in accordance with the provisions of the Contract, a new Adjudicator shall be jointly appointed by the Purchaser and the Supplier. Failing agreement between the two within twenty-eight (28) days, the new Adjudicator shall be appointed at the request of either party by the Appointing Authority specified in the SCC, or, if no Appointing Authority is specified in SCC, the Contract shall, from this point onward and until the parties may otherwise agree on an Adjudicator or an Appointing Authority, be implemented as if there is no Adjudicator. 6.2 Arbitration 6.2.1 If (a) the Purchaser or the Supplier is dissatisfied with the Adjudicator’s decision and acts before this decision has become final and binding pursuant to GCC Clause 6.1.2, or (b) the Adjudicator fails to give a decision within the allotted time from referral of the dispute pursuant to GCC Clause 6.1.2, and the Purchaser or the Supplier acts within the following fourteen (14) days, or (c) in the absence of an Adjudicator from the Contract Agreement, the mutual consultation pursuant to GCC Clause 6.1.1 expires without resolution of the dispute and the Purchaser or the 78 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract Supplier acts within the following fourteen (14) days, then either the Purchaser or the Supplier may act to give notice to the other party, with a copy for information to the Adjudicator in case an Adjudicator had been involved, of its intention to commence arbitration, as provided below, as to the matter in dispute, and no arbitration in respect of this matter may be commenced unless such notice is given. 6.2.2 Any dispute in respect of which a notice of intention to commence arbitration has been given, in accordance with GCC Clause 6.2.1, shall be finally settled by arbitration. Arbitration may be commenced prior to or after Installation of the Information System. 6.2.3 Arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of procedure specified in the SCC. 6.3 Notwithstanding any reference to the Adjudicator or arbitration in this clause, (a) the parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under the Contract unless they otherwise agree; (b) the Purchaser shall pay the Supplier any monies due the Supplier. B. SUBJECT MATTER OF CONTRACT 7. Scope of the System 7.1 Unless otherwise expressly limited in the SCC or Technical Requirements, the Supplier’s obligations cover the provision of all Information Technologies, Materials and other Goods as well as the performance of all Services required for the design, development, and implementation (including procurement, quality assurance, assembly, associated site preparation, Delivery, Pre-commissioning, Installation, Testing, and Commissioning) of the System, in accordance with the plans, procedures, specifications, drawings, codes, and any other documents specified in the Contract and the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan. Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 8. Time for Commencement and Operational Acceptance 9. Supplier’s Responsibilities 79 7.2 The Supplier shall, unless specifically excluded in the Contract, perform all such work and / or supply all such items and Materials not specifically mentioned in the Contract but that can be reasonably inferred from the Contract as being required for attaining Operational Acceptance of the System as if such work and / or items and Materials were expressly mentioned in the Contract. 7.3 The Supplier’s obligations (if any) to provide Goods and Services as implied by the Recurrent Cost tables of the Supplier’s bid, such as consumables, spare parts, and technical services (e.g., maintenance, technical assistance, and operational support), are as specified in the SCC, including the relevant terms, characteristics, and timings. 8.1 The Supplier shall commence work on the System within the period specified in the SCC, and without prejudice to GCC Clause 28.2, the Supplier shall thereafter proceed with the System in accordance with the time schedule specified in the Implementation Schedule in the Technical Requirements Section and any refinements made in the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan. 8.2 The Supplier shall achieve Operational Acceptance of the System (or Subsystem(s) where a separate time for Operational Acceptance of such Subsystem(s) is specified in the Contract) within the time specified in the SCC and in accordance with the time schedule specified in the Implementation Schedule in the Technical Requirements Section and any refinements made in the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan, or within such extended time to which the Supplier shall be entitled under GCC Clause 40 (Extension of Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance). 9.1 The Supplier shall conduct all activities with due care and diligence, in accordance with the Contract and with the skill and care expected of a competent provider of information technologies, information systems, support, maintenance, training, and other related services, or in accordance with best industry practices. In particular, the Supplier shall provide and employ only technical personnel who are skilled and experienced in their respective callings and supervisory staff who are competent to adequately supervise the work at hand. 80 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 9.2 The Supplier confirms that it has entered into this Contract on the basis of a proper examination of the data relating to the System provided by the Purchaser and on the basis of information that the Supplier could have obtained from a visual inspection of the site (if access to the site was available) and of other data readily available to the Supplier relating to the System as at the date twenty-eight (28) days prior to bid submission. The Supplier acknowledges that any failure to acquaint itself with all such data and information shall not relieve its responsibility for properly estimating the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the Contract. 9.3 The Supplier shall be responsible for timely provision of all resources, information, and decision making under its control that are necessary to reach a mutually Agreed and Finalized Project Plan (pursuant to GCC Clause 19.2) within the time schedule specified in the Implementation Schedule in the Technical Requirements Section. Failure to provide such resources, information, and decision making may constitute grounds for termination pursuant to GCC Clause 41.2. 9.4 The Supplier shall acquire in its name all permits, approvals, and/or licenses from all local, state, or national government authorities or public service undertakings in the Purchaser’s Country that are necessary for the performance of the Contract, including, without limitation, visas for the Supplier’s and Subcontractor’s personnel and entry permits for all imported Supplier’s Equipment. The Supplier shall acquire all other permits, approvals, and/or licenses that are not the responsibility of the Purchaser under GCC Clause 10.4 and that are necessary for the performance of the Contract. 9.5 The Supplier shall comply with all laws in force in the Purchaser’s Country. The laws will include all national, provincial, municipal, or other laws that affect the performance of the Contract and are binding upon the Supplier. The Supplier shall indemnify and hold harmless the Purchaser from and against any and all liabilities, damages, claims, fines, penalties, and expenses of whatever nature arising or resulting from the violation of such laws by the Supplier or its personnel, including the Subcontractors and their personnel, but without prejudice to GCC Clause 10.1. The Supplier shall not indemnify the Purchaser to the extent that such liability, damage, claims, fines, penalties, and expenses were caused or contributed to by a Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 81 fault of the Purchaser. 10. Purchaser’s Responsibilities 9.6 The Supplier shall, in all dealings with its labor and the labor of its Subcontractors currently employed on or connected with the Contract, pay due regard to all recognized festivals, official holidays, religious or other customs, and all local laws and regulations pertaining to the employment of labor. 9.7 Any Information Technologies or other Goods and Services that will be incorporated in or be required for the System and other supplies shall have their Origin, as defined in GCC Clause 3.12, in a country that shall be an Eligible Country, as defined in GCC Clause 1.1 (e) (iv). 9.8 The Supplier shall permit the Bank and/or persons appointed by the Bank to inspect the Supplier’s offices and/or the accounts and records of the Supplier and its sub-contractors relating to the performance of the Contract, and to have such accounts and records audited by auditors appointed by the Bank if required by the Bank. The Supplier’s attention is drawn to Sub-Clause 41.2.1(c), which provides, inter alia, that acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the Bank’s inspection and audit rights provided for under SubClause 9.8 constitute a prohibited practice subject to contract termination (as well as to a determination of ineligibility under the Procurement Guidelines) 9.9 Other Supplier responsibilities, if any, are as stated in the SCC. 10.1 The Purchaser shall ensure the accuracy of all information and/or data to be supplied by the Purchaser to the Supplier, except when otherwise expressly stated in the Contract. 10.2 The Purchaser shall be responsible for timely provision of all resources, information, and decision making under its control that are necessary to reach an Agreed and Finalized Project Plan (pursuant to GCC Clause 19.2) within the time schedule specified in the Implementation Schedule in the Technical Requirements Section. Failure to provide such resources, information, and decision making may constitute grounds for Termination pursuant to GCC Clause 41.3.1 (b). 10.3 The Purchaser shall be responsible for acquiring and providing legal and physical possession of the site and access to it, and for providing possession of and access to all other areas reasonably 82 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract required for the proper execution of the Contract. 10.4 If requested by the Supplier, the Purchaser shall use its best endeavors to assist the Supplier in obtaining in a timely and expeditious manner all permits, approvals, and/or licenses necessary for the execution of the Contract from all local, state, or national government authorities or public service undertakings that such authorities or undertakings require the Supplier or Subcontractors or the personnel of the Supplier or Subcontractors, as the case may be, to obtain. 10.5 In such cases where the responsibilities of specifying and acquiring or upgrading telecommunications and/or electric power services falls to the Supplier, as specified in the Technical Requirements, SCC, Agreed and Finalized Project Plan, or other parts of the Contract, the Purchaser shall use its best endeavors to assist the Supplier in obtaining such services in a timely and expeditious manner. 10.6 The Purchaser shall be responsible for timely provision of all resources, access, and information necessary for the Installation and Operational Acceptance of the System (including, but not limited to, any required telecommunications or electric power services), as identified in the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan, except where provision of such items is explicitly identified in the Contract as being the responsibility of the Supplier. Delay by the Purchaser may result in an appropriate extension of the Time for Operational Acceptance, at the Supplier’s discretion. 10.7 Unless otherwise specified in the Contract or agreed upon by the Purchaser and the Supplier, the Purchaser shall provide sufficient, properly qualified operating and technical personnel, as required by the Supplier to properly carry out Delivery, Pre-commissioning, Installation, Commissioning, and Operational Acceptance, at or before the time specified in the Technical Requirements Section’s Implementation Schedule and the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan. 10.8 The Purchaser will designate appropriate staff for the training courses to be given by the Supplier and shall make all appropriate logistical arrangements for such training as specified in the Technical Requirements, SCC, the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan, or other parts of the Contract. 10.9 The Purchaser assumes primary responsibility for the Operational Acceptance Test(s) for the System, in Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 83 accordance with GCC Clause 27.2, and shall be responsible for the continued operation of the System after Operational Acceptance. However, this shall not limit in any way the Supplier’s responsibilities after the date of Operational Acceptance otherwise specified in the Contract. 10.10 The Purchaser is responsible for performing and safely storing timely and regular backups of its data and Software in accordance with accepted data management principles, except where such responsibility is clearly assigned to the Supplier elsewhere in the Contract. 10.11 All costs and expenses involved in the performance of the obligations under this GCC Clause 10 shall be the responsibility of the Purchaser, save those to be incurred by the Supplier with respect to the performance of the Operational Acceptance Test(s), in accordance with GCC Clause 27.2. 10.12 Other Purchaser responsibilities, if any, are as stated in the SCC. C. PAYMENT 11. Contract Price 11.1 The Contract Price shall be as specified in Article 2 (Contract Price and Terms of Payment) of the Contract Agreement. 11.2 The Contract Price shall be a firm lump sum not subject to any alteration, except: (a) in the event of a Change in the System pursuant to GCC Clause 39 or to other clauses in the Contract; (b) in accordance with the price adjustment formula (if any) specified in the SCC. 11.3 The Supplier shall be deemed to have satisfied itself as to the correctness and sufficiency of the Contract Price, which shall, except as otherwise provided for in the Contract, cover all its obligations under the Contract. 12. Terms of Payment 12.1 The Supplier’s request for payment shall be made to the Purchaser in writing, accompanied by an invoice describing, as appropriate, the System or Subsystem(s), Delivered, Precommissioned, Installed, and Operationally Accepted, and by documents submitted pursuant to GCC Clause 22.5 and upon 84 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract fulfillment of other obligations stipulated in the Contract. The Contract Price shall be paid as specified in the SCC. 12.2 No payment made by the Purchaser herein shall be deemed to constitute acceptance by the Purchaser of the System or any Subsystem(s). 12.3 Payments shall be made promptly by the Purchaser, but in no case later than forty five (45) days after submission of a valid invoice by the Supplier. In the event that the Purchaser fails to make any payment by its respective due date or within the period set forth in the Contract, the Purchaser shall pay to the Supplier interest on the amount of such delayed payment at the rate(s) specified in the SCC for the period of delay until payment has been made in full, whether before or after judgment or arbitration award. 12.4 All payments shall be made in the currency(ies) specified in the Contract Agreement, pursuant to GCC Clause 11. For Goods and Services supplied locally, payments shall be made in the currency of the Purchaser’s Country, unless otherwise specified in the SCC. 12.5 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, payment of the foreign currency portion of the Contract Price for Goods supplied from outside the Purchaser’s Country shall be made to the Supplier through an irrevocable letter of credit opened by an authorized bank in the Supplier’s Country and will be payable on presentation of the appropriate documents. It is agreed that the letter of credit will be subject to Article 10 of the latest revision of Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, published by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris. 13. Securities 13.1 Issuance of Securities The Supplier shall provide the securities specified below in favor of the Purchaser at the times and in the amount, manner, and form specified below. 13.2 Advance Payment Security 13.2.1 As specified in the SCC, the Supplier shall provide a security equal in amount and currency to the advance payment, and valid until the System is Operationally Accepted. Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 85 13.2.2 The security shall be in the form provided in the Bidding Documents or in another form acceptable to the Purchaser. The amount of the security shall be reduced in proportion to the value of the System executed by and paid to the Supplier from time to time and shall automatically become null and void when the full amount of the advance payment has been recovered by the Purchaser. The way the value of the security is deemed to become reduced and, eventually, voided is as specified in the SCC. The security shall be returned to the Supplier immediately after its expiration. 13.3 Performance Security 13.3.1 The Supplier shall, within twenty-eight (28) days of the notification of Contract award, provide a security for the due performance of the Contract in the amount and currency specified in the SCC. 13.3.2 The security shall be a bank guarantee in the form provided in the Sample Forms Section of the Bidding Documents, or it shall be in another form acceptable to the Purchaser. 13.3.3 The security shall automatically become null and void once all the obligations of the Supplier under the Contract have been fulfilled, including, but not limited to, any obligations during the Warranty Period and any extensions to the period. The security shall be returned to the Supplier no later than twenty-eight (28) days after its expiration. 13.3.4 Upon Operational Acceptance of the entire System, the security shall be reduced to the amount specified in the SCC, on the date of such Operational Acceptance, so that the reduced security would only cover the remaining warranty obligations of the Supplier. 14. Taxes and Duties 14.1 For Goods or Services supplied from outside the Purchaser’s country, the Supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, stamp duties, license fees, and other such levies imposed outside the Purchaser’s country. Any duties, such as importation or customs duties, and taxes and other levies, payable in the Purchaser’s country for the supply of Goods and Services from outside the Purchaser’s country are the 86 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract responsibility of the Purchaser unless these duties or taxes have been made part of the Contract Price in Article 2 of the Contract Agreement and the Price Schedule it refers to, in which case the duties and taxes will be the Supplier’s responsibility. 14.2 For Goods or Services supplied locally, the Supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties, license fees, etc., incurred until delivery of the contracted Goods or Services to the Purchaser. The only exception are taxes or duties, such as value-added or sales tax or stamp duty as apply to, or are clearly identifiable, on the invoices and provided they apply in the Purchaser’s country, and only if these taxes, levies and/or duties are also excluded from the Contract Price in Article 2 of the Contract Agreement and the Price Schedule it refers to. 14.3 If any tax exemptions, reductions, allowances, or privileges may be available to the Supplier in the Purchaser’s Country, the Purchaser shall use its best efforts to enable the Supplier to benefit from any such tax savings to the maximum allowable extent. 14.4 For the purpose of the Contract, it is agreed that the Contract Price specified in Article 2 (Contract Price and Terms of Payment) of the Contract Agreement is based on the taxes, duties, levies, and charges prevailing at the date twenty-eight (28) days prior to the date of bid submission in the Purchaser’s Country (also called “Tax” in this GCC Clause 14.4). If any Tax rates are increased or decreased, a new Tax is introduced, an existing Tax is abolished, or any change in interpretation or application of any Tax occurs in the course of the performance of the Contract, which was or will be assessed on the Supplier, its Subcontractors, or their employees in connection with performance of the Contract, an equitable adjustment to the Contract Price shall be made to fully take into account any such change by addition to or reduction from the Contract Price, as the case may be. D. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 15. Copyright 15.1 The Intellectual Property Rights in all Standard Software and Standard Materials shall remain vested in the owner of such rights. Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 87 15.2 The Purchaser agrees to restrict use, copying, or duplication of the Standard Software and Standard Materials in accordance with GCC Clause 16, except that additional copies of Standard Materials may be made by the Purchaser for use within the scope of the project of which the System is a part, in the event that the Supplier does not deliver copies within thirty (30) days from receipt of a request for such Standard Materials. 15.3 The Purchaser’s contractual rights to use the Standard Software or elements of the Standard Software may not be assigned, licensed, or otherwise transferred voluntarily except in accordance with the relevant license agreement or as may be otherwise specified in the SCC. 15.4 As applicable, the Purchaser’s and Supplier’s rights and obligations with respect to Custom Software or elements of the Custom Software, including any license agreements, and with respect to Custom Materials or elements of the Custom Materials, are specified in the SCC. Subject to the SCC, the Intellectual Property Rights in all Custom Software and Custom Materials specified in Appendices 4 and 5 of the Contract Agreement (if any) shall, at the date of this Contract or on creation of the rights (if later than the date of this Contract), vest in the Purchaser. The Supplier shall do and execute or arrange for the doing and executing of each necessary act, document, and thing that the Purchaser may consider necessary or desirable to perfect the right, title, and interest of the Purchaser in and to those rights. In respect of such Custom Software and Custom Materials, the Supplier shall ensure that the holder of a moral right in such an item does not assert it, and the Supplier shall, if requested to do so by the Purchaser and where permitted by applicable law, ensure that the holder of such a moral right waives it. 15.5 The parties shall enter into such (if any) escrow arrangements in relation to the Source Code to some or all of the Software as are specified in the SCC and in accordance with the SCC. 16. Software License Agreements 16.1 Except to the extent that the Intellectual Property Rights in the Software vest in the Purchaser, the Supplier hereby grants to the Purchaser license to access and use the Software, including all inventions, designs, and marks embodied in the Software. 88 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract Such license to access and use the Software shall: (a) be: (i) nonexclusive; (ii) fully paid up and irrevocable (except that it shall terminate if the Contract terminates under GCC Clauses 41.1 or 41.3); (iii) valid throughout the territory of the Purchaser’s Country (or such other territory as specified in the SCC); and (iv) subject to additional restrictions (if any) as specified in the SCC. (b) permit the Software to be: (i) used or copied for use on or with the computer(s) for which it was acquired (if specified in the Technical Requirements and/or the Supplier’s bid), plus a backup computer(s) of the same or similar capacity, if the primary is(are) inoperative, and during a reasonable transitional period when use is being transferred between primary and backup; (ii) as specified in the SCC, used or copied for use on or transferred to a replacement computer(s), (and use on the original and replacement computer(s) may be simultaneous during a reasonable transitional period) provided that, if the Technical Requirements and/or the Supplier’s bid specifies a class of computer to which the license is restricted and unless the Supplier agrees otherwise in writing, the replacement computer(s) is(are) within that class; (iii) if the nature of the System is such as to permit such access, accessed from other computers connected to the primary and/or backup computer(s) by means of a local or wide-area network or similar arrangement, and used on or copied for use on those other computers to the extent necessary to that access; Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 89 (iv) reproduced for safekeeping or backup purposes; (v) customized, adapted, or combined with other computer software for use by the Purchaser, provided that derivative software incorporating any substantial part of the delivered, restricted Software shall be subject to same restrictions as are set forth in this Contract; (vi) as specified in the SCC, disclosed to, and reproduced for use by, support service suppliers and their subcontractors, (and the Purchaser may sublicense such persons to use and copy for use the Software) to the extent reasonably necessary to the performance of their support service contracts, subject to the same restrictions as are set forth in this Contract; and (vii) disclosed to, and reproduced for use by, the Purchaser and by such other persons as are specified in the SCC (and the Purchaser may sublicense such persons to use and copy for use the Software), subject to the same restrictions as are set forth in this Contract. 16.2 The Standard Software may be subject to audit by the Supplier, in accordance with the terms specified in the SCC, to verify compliance with the above license agreements. 17. Confidential Information 17.1 Except if otherwise specified in the SCC, the "Receiving Party" (either the Purchaser or the Supplier) shall keep confidential and shall not, without the written consent of the other party to this Contract (“the Disclosing Party”), divulge to any third party any documents, data, or other information of a confidential nature (“Confidential Information”) connected with this Contract, and furnished directly or indirectly by the Disclosing Party prior to or during performance, or following termination, of this Contract. 17.2 For the purposes of GCC Clause 17.1, the Supplier is also deemed to be the Receiving Party of Confidential Information generated by the Supplier itself in the course of the performance of its obligations under the Contract and relating to the businesses, finances, suppliers, employees, or other contacts of the Purchaser or the Purchaser’s use of the System. 90 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 17.3 Notwithstanding GCC Clauses 17.1 and 17.2: (a) the Supplier may furnish to its Subcontractor Confidential Information of the Purchaser to the extent reasonably required for the Subcontractor to perform its work under the Contract; and (b) the Purchaser may furnish Confidential Information of the Supplier: (i) to its support service suppliers and their subcontractors to the extent reasonably required for them to perform their work under their support service contracts; and (ii) to its affiliates and subsidiaries, in which event the Receiving Party shall ensure that the person to whom it furnishes Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party is aware of and abides by the Receiving Party’s obligations under this GCC Clause 17 as if that person were party to the Contract in place of the Receiving Party. 17.4 The Purchaser shall not, without the Supplier’s prior written consent, use any Confidential Information received from the Supplier for any purpose other than the operation, maintenance and further development of the System. Similarly, the Supplier shall not, without the Purchaser’s prior written consent, use any Confidential Information received from the Purchaser for any purpose other than those that are required for the performance of the Contract. 17.5 The obligation of a party under GCC Clauses 17.1 through 17.4 above, however, shall not apply to that information which: (a) now or hereafter enters the public domain through no fault of the Receiving Party; (b) can be proven to have been possessed by the Receiving Party at the time of disclosure and that was not previously obtained, directly or indirectly, from the Disclosing Party; (c) otherwise lawfully becomes available to the Receiving Party from a third party that has no obligation of confidentiality. 17.6 The above provisions of this GCC Clause 17 shall not in any way modify any undertaking of confidentiality given by Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 91 either of the parties to this Contract prior to the date of the Contract in respect of the System or any part thereof. 17.7 The provisions of this GCC Clause 17 shall survive the termination, for whatever reason, of the Contract for three (3) years or such longer period as may be specified in the SCC. E. SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, TESTING, COMMISSIONING, AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE SYSTEM 18. Representatives 18.1 Project Manager If the Project Manager is not named in the Contract, then within fourteen (14) days of the Effective Date, the Purchaser shall appoint and notify the Supplier in writing of the name of the Project Manager. The Purchaser may from time to time appoint some other person as the Project Manager in place of the person previously so appointed and shall give a notice of the name of such other person to the Supplier without delay. No such appointment shall be made at such a time or in such a manner as to impede the progress of work on the System. Such appointment shall take effect only upon receipt of such notice by the Supplier. Subject to the extensions and/or limitations specified in the SCC (if any), the Project Manager shall have the authority to represent the Purchaser on all day-to-day matters relating to the System or arising from the Contract, and shall normally be the person giving or receiving notices on behalf of the Purchaser pursuant to GCC Clause 4. 18.2 Supplier’s Representative 18.2.1 If the Supplier’s Representative is not named in the Contract, then within fourteen (14) days of the Effective Date, the Supplier shall appoint the Supplier’s Representative and shall request the Purchaser in writing to approve the person so appointed. The request must be accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae for the nominee, as well as a description of any other System or non-System responsibilities the nominee would retain while performing the duties of the Supplier’s Representative. If the Purchaser does not object to the appointment within fourteen (14) days, the Supplier’s Representative shall be deemed to have been 92 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract approved. If the Purchaser objects to the appointment within fourteen (14) days giving the reason therefor, then the Supplier shall appoint a replacement within fourteen (14) days of such objection in accordance with this GCC Clause 18.2.1. 18.2.2 Subject to the extensions and/or limitations specified in the SCC (if any), the Supplier’s Representative shall have the authority to represent the Supplier on all day-to-day matters relating to the System or arising from the Contract, and shall normally be the person giving or receiving notices on behalf of the Supplier pursuant to GCC Clause 4. 18.2.3 The Supplier shall not revoke the appointment of the Supplier’s Representative without the Purchaser’s prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If the Purchaser consents to such an action, the Supplier shall appoint another person of equal or superior qualifications as the Supplier’s Representative, pursuant to the procedure set out in GCC Clause 18.2.1. 18.2.4 The Supplier’s Representative and staff are obliged to work closely with the Purchaser’s Project Manager and staff, act within their own authority, and abide by directives issued by the Purchaser that are consistent with the terms of the Contract. The Supplier’s Representative is responsible for managing the activities of its personnel and any subcontracted personnel. 18.2.5 The Supplier’s Representative may, subject to the approval of the Purchaser (which shall not be unreasonably withheld), at any time delegate to any person any of the powers, functions, and authorities vested in him or her. Any such delegation may be revoked at any time. Any such delegation or revocation shall be subject to a prior notice signed by the Supplier’s Representative and shall specify the powers, functions, and authorities thereby delegated or revoked. No such delegation or revocation shall take effect unless and until the notice of it has been delivered. 18.2.6 Any act or exercise by any person of powers, functions Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 93 and authorities so delegated to him or her in accordance with GCC Clause 18.2.5 shall be deemed to be an act or exercise by the Supplier’s Representative. 18.3 Objections and Removals 18.3.1 The Purchaser may by notice to the Supplier object to any representative or person employed by the Supplier in the execution of the Contract who, in the reasonable opinion of the Purchaser, may have behaved inappropriately, be incompetent, or be negligent. The Purchaser shall provide evidence of the same, whereupon the Supplier shall remove such person from work on the System. 18.3.2 If any representative or person employed by the Supplier is removed in accordance with GCC Clause 18.3.1, the Supplier shall, where required, promptly appoint a replacement. 19. Project Plan 19.1 In close cooperation with the Purchaser and based on the Preliminary Project Plan included in the Supplier’s bid, the Supplier shall develop a Project Plan encompassing the activities specified in the Contract. The contents of the Project Plan shall be as specified in the SCC and/or Technical Requirements. 19.2 The Supplier shall formally present to the Purchaser the Project Plan in accordance with the procedure specified in the SCC. 19.3 If required, the impact on the Implementation Schedule of modifications agreed during finalization of the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan shall be incorporated in the Contract by amendment, in accordance with GCC Clauses 39 and 40. 19.4 The Supplier shall undertake to supply, install, test, and commission the System in accordance with the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan and the Contract. 19.5 The Progress and other reports specified in the SCC shall be prepared by the Supplier and submitted to the Purchaser in the format and frequency specified in the Technical Requirements. 20. Subcontracting 20.1 Appendix 3 (List of Approved Subcontractors) to the Contract Agreement specifies critical items of supply or 94 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract services and a list of Subcontractors for each item that are considered acceptable by the Purchaser. If no Subcontractors are listed for an item, the Supplier shall prepare a list of Subcontractors it considers qualified and wishes to be added to the list for such items. The Supplier may from time to time propose additions to or deletions from any such list. The Supplier shall submit any such list or any modification to the list to the Purchaser for its approval in sufficient time so as not to impede the progress of work on the System. The Purchaser shall not withhold such approval unreasonably. Such approval by the Purchaser of a Subcontractor(s) shall not relieve the Supplier from any of its obligations, duties, or responsibilities under the Contract. 20.2 The Supplier may, at its discretion, select and employ Subcontractors for such critical items from those Subcontractors listed pursuant to GCC Clause 20.1. If the Supplier wishes to employ a Subcontractor not so listed, or subcontract an item not so listed, it must seek the Purchaser’s prior approval under GCC Clause 20.3. 20.3 For items for which pre-approved Subcontractor lists have not been specified in Appendix 3 to the Contract Agreement, the Supplier may employ such Subcontractors as it may select, provided: (i) the Supplier notifies the Purchaser in writing at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to the proposed mobilization date for such Subcontractor; and (ii) by the end of this period either the Purchaser has granted its approval in writing or fails to respond. The Supplier shall not engage any Subcontractor to which the Purchaser has objected in writing prior to the end of the notice period. The absence of a written objection by the Purchaser during the above specified period shall constitute formal acceptance of the proposed Subcontractor. Except to the extent that it permits the deemed approval of the Purchaser of Subcontractors not listed in the Contract Agreement, nothing in this Clause, however, shall limit the rights and obligations of either the Purchaser or Supplier as they are specified in GCC Clauses 20.1 and 20.2, in the SCC, or in Appendix 3 of the Contract Agreement. 21. Design and Engineering 21.1 Technical Specifications and Drawings 21.1.1 The Supplier shall execute the basic and detailed design and the implementation activities necessary for successful installation of the System in compliance Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 95 with the provisions of the Contract or, where not so specified, in accordance with good industry practice. The Supplier shall be responsible for any discrepancies, errors or omissions in the specifications, drawings, and other technical documents that it has prepared, whether such specifications, drawings, and other documents have been approved by the Project Manager or not, provided that such discrepancies, errors, or omissions are not because of inaccurate information furnished in writing to the Supplier by or on behalf of the Purchaser. 21.1.2 The Supplier shall be entitled to disclaim responsibility for any design, data, drawing, specification, or other document, or any modification of such design, drawings, specification, or other documents provided or designated by or on behalf of the Purchaser, by giving a notice of such disclaimer to the Project Manager. 21.2 Codes and Standards Wherever references are made in the Contract to codes and standards in accordance with which the Contract shall be executed, the edition or the revised version of such codes and standards current at the date twenty-eight (28) days prior to date of bid submission shall apply unless otherwise specified in the SCC. During Contract execution, any changes in such codes and standards shall be applied after approval by the Purchaser and shall be treated in accordance with GCC Clause 39.3. 21.3 Approval/Review of Technical Documents by the Project Manager 21.3.1 The Supplier shall prepare and furnish to the Project Manager the documents as specified in the SCC for the Project Manager’s approval or review. Any part of the System covered by or related to the documents to be approved by the Project Manager shall be executed only after the Project Manager’s approval of these documents. GCC Clauses 21.3.2 through 21.3.7 shall apply to 96 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract those documents requiring the Project Manager’s approval, but not to those furnished to the Project Manager for its review only. 21.3.2 Within fourteen (14) days after receipt by the Project Manager of any document requiring the Project Manager’s approval in accordance with GCC Clause 21.3.1, the Project Manager shall either return one copy of the document to the Supplier with its approval endorsed on the document or shall notify the Supplier in writing of its disapproval of the document and the reasons for disapproval and the modifications that the Project Manager proposes. If the Project Manager fails to take such action within the fourteen (14) days, then the document shall be deemed to have been approved by the Project Manager. 21.3.3 The Project Manager shall not disapprove any document except on the grounds that the document does not comply with some specified provision of the Contract or that it is contrary to good industry practice. 21.3.4 If the Project Manager disapproves the document, the Supplier shall modify the document and resubmit it for the Project Manager’s approval in accordance with GCC Clause 21.3.2. If the Project Manager approves the document subject to modification(s), the Supplier shall make the required modification(s), and the document shall then be deemed to have been approved, subject to GCC Clause 21.3.5. The procedure set out in GCC Clauses 21.3.2 through 21.3.4 shall be repeated, as appropriate, until the Project Manager approves such documents. 21.3.5 If any dispute occurs between the Purchaser and the Supplier in connection with or arising out of the disapproval by the Project Manager of any document and/or any modification(s) to a document that cannot be settled between the parties within a reasonable period, then, in case the Contract Agreement includes and names an Adjudicator, such dispute may be referred to the Adjudicator for determination in accordance with GCC Clause 6.1 (Adjudicator). If such dispute is referred to an Adjudicator, the Project Manager shall give instructions as to whether and if so, how, performance of the Contract is to proceed. Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 97 The Supplier shall proceed with the Contract in accordance with the Project Manager’s instructions, provided that if the Adjudicator upholds the Supplier’s view on the dispute and if the Purchaser has not given notice under GCC Clause 6.1.2, then the Supplier shall be reimbursed by the Purchaser for any additional costs incurred by reason of such instructions and shall be relieved of such responsibility or liability in connection with the dispute and the execution of the instructions as the Adjudicator shall decide, and the Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance shall be extended accordingly. 21.3.6 The Project Manager’s approval, with or without modification of the document furnished by the Supplier, shall not relieve the Supplier of any responsibility or liability imposed upon it by any provisions of the Contract except to the extent that any subsequent failure results from modifications required by the Project Manager or inaccurate information furnished in writing to the Supplier by or on behalf of the Purchaser. 21.3.7 The Supplier shall not depart from any approved document unless the Supplier has first submitted to the Project Manager an amended document and obtained the Project Manager’s approval of the document, pursuant to the provisions of this GCC Clause 21.3. If the Project Manager requests any change in any already approved document and/or in any document based on such an approved document, the provisions of GCC Clause 39 (Changes to the System) shall apply to such request. 22. Procurement, Delivery, and Transport 22.1 Subject to related Purchaser's responsibilities pursuant to GCC Clauses 10 and 14, the Supplier shall manufacture or procure and transport all the Information Technologies, Materials, and other Goods in an expeditious and orderly manner to the Project Site. 22.2 Delivery of the Information Technologies, Materials, and other Goods shall be made by the Supplier in accordance with the Technical Requirements. 22.3 Early or partial deliveries require the explicit written consent 98 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract of the Purchaser, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 22.4 Transportation 22.4.1 The Supplier shall provide such packing of the Goods as is required to prevent their damage or deterioration during shipment. The packing, marking, and documentation within and outside the packages shall comply strictly with the Purchaser’s instructions to the Supplier. 22.4.2 The Supplier will bear responsibility for and cost of transport to the Project Sites in accordance with the terms and conditions used in the specification of prices in the Price Schedules, including the terms and conditions of the associated Incoterms. 22.4.3 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the Supplier shall be free to use transportation through carriers registered in any eligible country and to obtain insurance from any eligible source country. 22.5 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the Supplier will provide the Purchaser with shipping and other documents, as specified below: 22.5.1 For Goods supplied from outside the Purchaser’s Country: Upon shipment, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser and the insurance company contracted by the Supplier to provide cargo insurance by telex, cable, facsimile, electronic mail, or EDI with the full details of the shipment. The Supplier shall promptly send the following documents to the Purchaser by mail or courier, as appropriate, with a copy to the cargo insurance company: (a) two copies of the Supplier’s invoice showing the description of the Goods, quantity, unit price, and total amount; (b) usual transportation documents; (c) insurance certificate; (d) certificate(s) of origin; and Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 99 (e) estimated time and point of arrival in the Purchaser’s Country and at the site. 22.5.2 For Goods supplied locally (i.e., from within the Purchaser’s country): Upon shipment, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser by telex, cable, facsimile, electronic mail, or EDI with the full details of the shipment. The Supplier shall promptly send the following documents to the Purchaser by mail or courier, as appropriate: (a) two copies of the Supplier’s invoice showing the Goods’ description, quantity, unit price, and total amount; (b) delivery note, railway receipt, or truck receipt; (c) certificate of insurance; (d) certificate(s) of origin; and (e) estimated time of arrival at the site. 22.6 Customs Clearance (a) The Purchaser will bear responsibility for, and cost of, customs clearance into the Purchaser's country in accordance the particular Incoterm(s) used for Goods supplied from outside the Purchaser’s country in the Price Schedules referred to by Article 2 of the Contract Agreement. (b) At the request of the Purchaser, the Supplier will make available a representative or agent during the process of customs clearance in the Purchaser's country for goods supplied from outside the Purchaser's country. In the event of delays in customs clearance that are not the fault of the Supplier: (i) the Supplier shall be entitled to an extension in the Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance, pursuant to GCC Clause 40; (ii) the Contract Price shall be adjusted to compensate the Supplier for any additional storage charges that the Supplier may incur as a result of the delay. 100 23. Product Upgrades Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 23.1 At any point during performance of the Contract, should technological advances be introduced by the Supplier for Information Technologies originally offered by the Supplier in its bid and still to be delivered, the Supplier shall be obligated to offer to the Purchaser the latest versions of the available Information Technologies having equal or better performance or functionality at the same or lesser unit prices, pursuant to GCC Clause 39 (Changes to the System). 23.2 At any point during performance of the Contract, for Information Technologies still to be delivered, the Supplier will also pass on to the Purchaser any cost reductions and additional and/or improved support and facilities that it offers to other clients of the Supplier in the Purchaser’s Country, pursuant to GCC Clause 39 (Changes to the System). 23.3 During performance of the Contract, the Supplier shall offer to the Purchaser all new versions, releases, and updates of Standard Software, as well as related documentation and technical support services, within thirty (30) days of their availability from the Supplier to other clients of the Supplier in the Purchaser’s Country, and no later than twelve (12) months after they are released in the country of origin. In no case will the prices for these Software exceed those quoted by the Supplier in the Recurrent Costs tables in its bid. 23.4 During the Warranty Period, unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the Supplier will provide at no additional cost to the Purchaser all new versions, releases, and updates for all Standard Software that are used in the System, within thirty (30) days of their availability from the Supplier to other clients of the Supplier in the Purchaser’s country, and no later than twelve (12) months after they are released in the country of origin of the Software. 23.5 The Purchaser shall introduce all new versions, releases or updates of the Software within eighteen (18) months of receipt of a production-ready copy of the new version, release, or update, provided that the new version, release, or update does not adversely affect System operation or performance or require extensive reworking of the System. In cases where the new version, release, or update adversely affects System operation or performance, or requires extensive reworking of the System, the Supplier shall continue to support and maintain the version or release Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 101 previously in operation for as long as necessary to allow introduction of the new version, release, or update. In no case shall the Supplier stop supporting or maintaining a version or release of the Software less than twenty four (24) months after the Purchaser receives a production-ready copy of a subsequent version, release, or update. The Purchaser shall use all reasonable endeavors to implement any new version, release, or update as soon as practicable, subject to the twenty-four-month-long stop date. 24. Implementation, Installation, and Other Services 24.1 The Supplier shall provide all Services specified in the Contract and Agreed and Finalized Project Plan in accordance with the highest standards of professional competence and integrity. 24.2 Prices charged by the Supplier for Services, if not included in the Contract, shall be agreed upon in advance by the parties (including, but not restricted to, any prices submitted by the Supplier in the Recurrent Cost Schedules of its Bid) and shall not exceed the prevailing rates charged by the Supplier to other purchasers in the Purchaser’s Country for similar services. 25. Inspections and Tests 25.1 The Purchaser or its representative shall have the right to inspect and/or test any components of the System, as specified in the Technical Requirements, to confirm their good working order and/or conformity to the Contract at the point of delivery and/or at the Project Site. 25.2 The Purchaser or its representative shall be entitled to attend any such inspections and/or tests of the components, provided that the Purchaser shall bear all costs and expenses incurred in connection with such attendance, including but not limited to all inspection agent fees, travel, and related expenses. 25.3 Should the inspected or tested components fail to conform to the Contract, the Purchaser may reject the component(s), and the Supplier shall either replace the rejected component(s), or make alterations as necessary so that it meets the Contract requirements free of cost to the Purchaser. 25.4 The Project Manager may require the Supplier to carry out any inspection and/or test not specified in the Contract, provided that the Supplier’s reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the carrying out of such inspection and/or test shall be added to the Contract Price. Further, if such 102 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract inspection and/or test impedes the progress of work on the System and/or the Supplier’s performance of its other obligations under the Contract, due allowance will be made in respect of the Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance and the other obligations so affected. 25.5 If any dispute shall arise between the parties in connection with or caused by an inspection and/or with regard to any component to be incorporated in the System that cannot be settled amicably between the parties within a reasonable period of time, either party may invoke the process pursuant to GCC Clause 6 (Settlement of Disputes), starting with referral of the matter to the Adjudicator in case an Adjudicator is included and named in the Contract Agreement. 26. Installation of the 26.1 As soon as the System, or any Subsystem, has, in the opinion of the Supplier, been delivered, Pre-commissioned, and made System ready for Commissioning and Operational Acceptance Testing in accordance with the Technical Requirements, the SCC and the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan, the Supplier shall so notify the Purchaser in writing. 26.2 The Project Manager shall, within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the Supplier’s notice under GCC Clause 26.1, either issue an Installation Certificate in the form specified in the Sample Forms Section in the Bidding Documents, stating that the System, or major component or Subsystem (if Acceptance by major component or Subsystem is specified pursuant to the SCC for GCC Clause 27.2.1), has achieved Installation by the date of the Supplier’s notice under GCC Clause 26.1, or notify the Supplier in writing of any defects and/or deficiencies, including, but not limited to, defects or deficiencies in the interoperability or integration of the various components and/or Subsystems making up the System. The Supplier shall use all reasonable endeavors to promptly remedy any defect and/or deficiencies that the Project Manager has notified the Supplier of. The Supplier shall then promptly carry out retesting of the System or Subsystem and, when in the Supplier’s opinion the System or Subsystem is ready for Commissioning and Operational Acceptance Testing, notify the Purchaser in writing, in accordance with GCC Clause 26.1. The procedure set out in this GCC Clause 26.2 shall be repeated, as necessary, until an Installation Certificate is issued. Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 103 26.3 If the Project Manager fails to issue the Installation Certificate and fails to inform the Supplier of any defects and/or deficiencies within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the Supplier’s notice under GCC Clause 26.1, or if the Purchaser puts the System or a Subsystem into production operation, then the System (or Subsystem) shall be deemed to have achieved successful Installation as of the date of the Supplier’s notice or repeated notice, or when the Purchaser put the System into production operation, as the case may be. 27. Commissioning and Operational Acceptance 27.1 Commissioning 27.1.1 Commissioning of the System (or Subsystem if specified pursuant to the SCC for GCC Clause 27.2.1) shall be commenced by the Supplier: (a) immediately after the Installation Certificate is issued by the Project Manager, pursuant to GCC Clause 26.2; or (b) as otherwise specified in the Technical Requirement or the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan; or (c) immediately after Installation is deemed to have occurred, under GCC Clause 26.3. 27.1.2 The Purchaser shall supply the operating and technical personnel and all materials and information reasonably required to enable the Supplier to carry out its obligations with respect to Commissioning. Production use of the System or Subsystem(s) shall not commence prior to the start of formal Operational Acceptance Testing. 27.2 Operational Acceptance Tests 27.2.1 The Operational Acceptance Tests (and repeats of such tests) shall be the primary responsibility of the Purchaser (in accordance with GCC Clause 10.9), but shall be conducted with the full cooperation of the Supplier during Commissioning of the System (or major components or Subsystem[s] if specified in the SCC and supported by the Technical Requirements), to ascertain whether the System (or major component or Subsystem[s]) conforms to the Technical Requirements and meets the standard of performance 104 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract quoted in the Supplier’s bid, including, but not restricted to, the functional and technical performance requirements. The Operational Acceptance Tests during Commissioning will be conducted as specified in the SCC, the Technical Requirements and/or the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan. At the Purchaser’s discretion, Operational Acceptance Tests may also be performed on replacement Goods, upgrades and new version releases, and Goods that are added or field-modified after Operational Acceptance of the System. 27.2.2 If for reasons attributable to the Purchaser, the Operational Acceptance Test of the System (or Subsystem[s] or major components, pursuant to the SCC for GCC Clause 27.2.1) cannot be successfully completed within the period specified in the SCC, from the date of Installation or any other period agreed upon in writing by the Purchaser and the Supplier, the Supplier shall be deemed to have fulfilled its obligations with respect to the technical and functional aspects of the Technical Specifications, SCC and/or the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan, and GCC Clause 28.2 and 28.3 shall not apply. 27.3 Operational Acceptance 27.3.1 Subject to GCC Clause 27.4 (Partial Acceptance) below, Operational Acceptance shall occur in respect of the System, when (a) the Operational Acceptance Tests, as specified in the Technical Requirements, and/or SCC and/or the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan have been successfully completed; or (b) the Operational Acceptance Tests have not been successfully completed or have not been carried out for reasons that are attributable to the Purchaser within the period from the date of Installation or any other agreed-upon period as specified in GCC Clause 27.2.2 above; or (c) the Purchaser has put the System into production or use for sixty (60) consecutive days. If the System is put into production or use in this Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 105 manner, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser and document such use. 27.3.2 At any time after any of the events set out in GCC Clause 27.3.1 have occurred, the Supplier may give a notice to the Project Manager requesting the issue of an Operational Acceptance Certificate. 27.3.3 After consultation with the Purchaser, and within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the Supplier’s notice, the Project Manager shall: (a) issue an Operational Acceptance Certificate; or (b) notify the Supplier in writing of any defect or deficiencies or other reason for the failure of the Operational Acceptance Tests; or (c) issue the Operational Acceptance Certificate, if the situation covered by GCC Clause 27.3.1 (b) arises. 27.3.4 The Supplier shall use all reasonable endeavors to promptly remedy any defect and/or deficiencies and/or other reasons for the failure of the Operational Acceptance Test that the Project Manager has notified the Supplier of. Once such remedies have been made by the Supplier, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser, and the Purchaser, with the full cooperation of the Supplier, shall use all reasonable endeavors to promptly carry out retesting of the System or Subsystem. Upon the successful conclusion of the Operational Acceptance Tests, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser of its request for Operational Acceptance Certification, in accordance with GCC Clause 27.3.3. The Purchaser shall then issue to the Supplier the Operational Acceptance Certification in accordance with GCC Clause 27.3.3 (a), or shall notify the Supplier of further defects, deficiencies, or other reasons for the failure of the Operational Acceptance Test. The procedure set out in this GCC Clause 27.3.4 shall be repeated, as necessary, until an Operational Acceptance Certificate is issued. 27.3.5 If the System or Subsystem fails to pass the Operational Acceptance Test(s) in accordance with GCC Clause 27.2, then either: 106 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract (a) the Purchaser may consider terminating the Contract, pursuant to GCC Clause 41.2.2; or (b) if the failure to achieve Operational Acceptance within the specified time period is a result of the failure of the Purchaser to fulfill its obligations under the Contract, then the Supplier shall be deemed to have fulfilled its obligations with respect to the relevant technical and functional aspects of the Contract, and GCC Clauses 30.3 and 30.4 shall not apply. 27.3.6 If within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the Supplier’s notice the Project Manager fails to issue the Operational Acceptance Certificate or fails to inform the Supplier in writing of the justifiable reasons why the Project Manager has not issued the Operational Acceptance Certificate, the System or Subsystem shall be deemed to have been accepted as of the date of the Supplier’s said notice. 27.4 Partial Acceptance 27.4.1 If so specified in the SCC for GCC Clause 27.2.1, Installation and Commissioning shall be carried out individually for each identified major component or Subsystem(s) of the System. In this event, the provisions in the Contract relating to Installation and Commissioning, including the Operational Acceptance Test, shall apply to each such major component or Subsystem individually, and Operational Acceptance Certificate(s) shall be issued accordingly for each such major component or Subsystem of the System, subject to the limitations contained in GCC Clause 27.4.2. 27.4.2 The issuance of Operational Acceptance Certificates for individual major components or Subsystems pursuant to GCC Clause 27.4.1 shall not relieve the Supplier of its obligation to obtain an Operational Acceptance Certificate for the System as an integrated whole (if so specified in the SCC for GCC Clauses 12.1 and 27.2.1) once all major components and Subsystems have been supplied, installed, tested, and commissioned. 27.4.3 In the case of minor components for the System that by their nature do not require Commissioning or an Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 107 Operational Acceptance Test (e.g., minor fittings, furnishings or site works, etc.), the Project Manager shall issue an Operational Acceptance Certificate within fourteen (14) days after the fittings and/or furnishings have been delivered and/or installed or the site works have been completed. The Supplier shall, however, use all reasonable endeavors to promptly remedy any defects or deficiencies in such minor components detected by the Purchaser or Supplier. F. GUARANTEES AND LIABILITIES 28. Operational Acceptance Time Guarantee 28.1 The Supplier guarantees that it shall complete the supply, Installation, Commissioning, and achieve Operational Acceptance of the System (or Subsystems, pursuant to the SCC for GCC Clause 27.2.1) within the time periods specified in the Implementation Schedule in the Technical Requirements Section and/or the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan pursuant to GCC Clause 8.2, or within such extended time to which the Supplier shall be entitled under GCC Clause 40 (Extension of Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance). 28.2 If the Supplier fails to supply, install, commission, and achieve Operational Acceptance of the System (or Subsystems pursuant to the SCC for GCC Clause 27.2.1) within the time for achieving Operational Acceptance specified in the Implementation Schedule in the Technical Requirement or the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan, or any extension of the time for achieving Operational Acceptance previously granted under GCC Clause 40 (Extension of Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance), the Supplier shall pay to the Purchaser liquidated damages at the rate specified in the SCC as a percentage of the Contract Price, or the relevant part of the Contract Price if a Subsystem has not achieved Operational Acceptance. The aggregate amount of such liquidated damages shall in no event exceed the amount specified in the SCC (“the Maximum”). Once the Maximum is reached, the Purchaser may consider termination of the Contract, pursuant to GCC Clause 41.2.2. 28.3 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, liquidated damages payable under GCC Clause 28.2 shall apply only to the failure to achieve Operational Acceptance of the System (and Subsystems) as specified in the Implementation Schedule in the Technical Requirements and/or Agreed and Finalized 108 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract Project Plan. This Clause 28.3 shall not limit, however, any other rights or remedies the Purchaser may have under the Contract for other delays. 28.4 If liquidated damages are claimed by the Purchaser for the System (or Subsystem), the Supplier shall have no further liability whatsoever to the Purchaser in respect to the Operational Acceptance time guarantee for the System (or Subsystem). However, the payment of liquidated damages shall not in any way relieve the Supplier from any of its obligations to complete the System or from any other of its obligations and liabilities under the Contract. 29. Defect Liability 29.1 The Supplier warrants that the System, including all Information Technologies, Materials, and other Goods supplied and Services provided, shall be free from defects in the design, engineering, Materials, and workmanship that prevent the System and/or any of its components from fulfilling the Technical Requirements or that limit in a material fashion the performance, reliability, or extensibility of the System and/or Subsystems. Exceptions and/or limitations, if any, to this warranty with respect to Software (or categories of Software), shall be as specified in the SCC. Commercial warranty provisions of products supplied under the Contract shall apply to the extent that they do not conflict with the provisions of this Contract. 29.2 The Supplier also warrants that the Information Technologies, Materials, and other Goods supplied under the Contract are new, unused, and incorporate all recent improvements in design that materially affect the System’s or Subsystem’s ability to fulfill the Technical Requirements. 29.3 In addition, the Supplier warrants that: (i) all Goods components to be incorporated into the System form part of the Supplier’s and/or Subcontractor’s current product lines, (ii) they have been previously released to the market, and (iii) those specific items identified in the SCC (if any) have been in the market for at least the minimum periods specified in the SCC. 29.4 The Warranty Period shall commence from the date of Operational Acceptance of the System (or of any major component or Subsystem for which separate Operational Acceptance is provided for in the Contract) and shall extend for the length of time specified in the SCC. Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 109 29.5 If during the Warranty Period any defect as described in GCC Clause 29.1 should be found in the design, engineering, Materials, and workmanship of the Information Technologies and other Goods supplied or of the Services provided by the Supplier, the Supplier shall promptly, in consultation and agreement with the Purchaser regarding appropriate remedying of the defects, and at its sole cost, repair, replace, or otherwise make good (as the Supplier shall, at its discretion, determine) such defect as well as any damage to the System caused by such defect. Any defective Information Technologies or other Goods that have been replaced by the Supplier shall remain the property of the Supplier. 29.6 The Supplier shall not be responsible for the repair, replacement, or making good of any defect or of any damage to the System arising out of or resulting from any of the following causes: (a) improper operation or maintenance of the System by the Purchaser; (b) normal wear and tear; (c) use of the System with items not supplied by the Supplier, unless otherwise identified in the Technical Requirements, or approved by the Supplier; or (d) modifications made to the System by the Purchaser, or a third party, not approved by the Supplier. 29.7 The Supplier’s obligations under this GCC Clause 29 shall not apply to: (a) any materials that are normally consumed in operation or have a normal life shorter than the Warranty Period; or (b) any designs, specifications, or other data designed, supplied, or specified by or on behalf of the Purchaser or any matters for which the Supplier has disclaimed responsibility, in accordance with GCC Clause 21.1.2. 29.8 The Purchaser shall give the Supplier a notice promptly following the discovery of such defect, stating the nature of any such defect together with all available evidence. The Purchaser shall afford all reasonable opportunity for the Supplier to inspect any such defect. The Purchaser shall afford the Supplier all necessary access to the System and the site to enable the Supplier to perform its obligations under 110 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract this GCC Clause 29. 29.9 The Supplier may, with the consent of the Purchaser, remove from the site any Information Technologies and other Goods that are defective, if the nature of the defect, and/or any damage to the System caused by the defect, is such that repairs cannot be expeditiously carried out at the site. If the repair, replacement, or making good is of such a character that it may affect the efficiency of the System, the Purchaser may give the Supplier notice requiring that tests of the defective part be made by the Supplier immediately upon completion of such remedial work, whereupon the Supplier shall carry out such tests. If such part fails the tests, the Supplier shall carry out further repair, replacement, or making good (as the case may be) until that part of the System passes such tests. The tests shall be agreed upon by the Purchaser and the Supplier. 29.10 If the Supplier fails to commence the work necessary to remedy such defect or any damage to the System caused by such defect within the time period specified in the SCC, the Purchaser may, following notice to the Supplier, proceed to do such work or contract a third party (or parties) to do such work, and the reasonable costs incurred by the Purchaser in connection with such work shall be paid to the Purchaser by the Supplier or may be deducted by the Purchaser from any monies due the Supplier or claimed under the Performance Security. 29.11 If the System or Subsystem cannot be used by reason of such defect and/or making good of such defect, the Warranty Period for the System shall be extended by a period equal to the period during which the System or Subsystem could not be used by the Purchaser because of such defect and/or making good of such defect. 29.12 Items substituted for defective parts of the System during the Warranty Period shall be covered by the Defect Liability Warranty for the remainder of the Warranty Period applicable for the part replaced or three (3) months, whichever is greater. 29.13 At the request of the Purchaser and without prejudice to any other rights and remedies that the Purchaser may have against the Supplier under the Contract, the Supplier will offer all possible assistance to the Purchaser to seek warranty Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 111 services or remedial action from any subcontracted thirdparty producers or licensor of Goods included in the System, including without limitation assignment or transfer in favor of the Purchaser of the benefit of any warranties given by such producers or licensors to the Supplier. 30. Functional Guarantees 30.1 The Supplier guarantees that, once the Operational Acceptance Certificate(s) has been issued, the System represents a complete, integrated solution to the Purchaser’s requirements set forth in the Technical Requirements and it conforms to all other aspects of the Contract. The Supplier acknowledges that GCC Clause 27 regarding Commissioning and Operational Acceptance governs how technical conformance of the System to the Contract requirements will be determined. 30.2 If, for reasons attributable to the Supplier, the System does not conform to the Technical Requirements or does not conform to all other aspects of the Contract, the Supplier shall at its cost and expense make such changes, modifications, and/or additions to the System as may be necessary to conform to the Technical Requirements and meet all functional and performance standards. The Supplier shall notify the Purchaser upon completion of the necessary changes, modifications, and/or additions and shall request the Purchaser to repeat the Operational Acceptance Tests until the System achieves Operational Acceptance. 30.3 If the System (or Subsystem[s]) fails to achieve Operational Acceptance, the Purchaser may consider termination of the Contract, pursuant to GCC Clause 41.2.2, and forfeiture of the Supplier’s Performance Security in accordance with GCC Clause 13.3 in compensation for the extra costs and delays likely to result from this failure. 31. Intellectual Property Rights Warranty 31.1 The Supplier hereby represents and warrants that: (a) the System as supplied, installed, tested, and accepted; (b) use of the System in accordance with the Contract; and (c) copying of the Software and Materials provided to the Purchaser in accordance with the Contract do not and will not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights held by any third party and that it has all necessary rights or at its sole expense shall have secured in writing all transfers 112 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract of rights and other consents necessary to make the assignments, licenses, and other transfers of Intellectual Property Rights and the warranties set forth in the Contract, and for the Purchaser to own or exercise all Intellectual Property Rights as provided in the Contract. Without limitation, the Supplier shall secure all necessary written agreements, consents, and transfers of rights from its employees and other persons or entities whose services are used for development of the System. 32. Intellectual Property Rights Indemnity 32.1 The Supplier shall indemnify and hold harmless the Purchaser and its employees and officers from and against any and all losses, liabilities, and costs (including losses, liabilities, and costs incurred in defending a claim alleging such a liability), that the Purchaser or its employees or officers may suffer as a result of any infringement or alleged infringement of any Intellectual Property Rights by reason of: (a) installation of the System by the Supplier or the use of the System, including the Materials, in the country where the site is located; (b) copying of the Software and Materials provided the Supplier in accordance with the Agreement; and (c) sale of the products produced by the System in any country, except to the extent that such losses, liabilities, and costs arise as a result of the Purchaser’s breach of GCC Clause 32.2. 32.2 Such indemnity shall not cover any use of the System, including the Materials, other than for the purpose indicated by or to be reasonably inferred from the Contract, any infringement resulting from the use of the System, or any products of the System produced thereby in association or combination with any other goods or services not supplied by the Supplier, where the infringement arises because of such association or combination and not because of use of the System in its own right. 32.3 Such indemnities shall also not apply if any claim of infringement: (a) is asserted by a parent, subsidiary, or affiliate of the Purchaser’s organization; (b) is a direct result of a design mandated by the Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 113 Purchaser’s Technical Requirements and the possibility of such infringement was duly noted in the Supplier’s Bid; or (c) results from the alteration of the System, including the Materials, by the Purchaser or any persons other than the Supplier or a person authorized by the Supplier. 32.4 If any proceedings are brought or any claim is made against the Purchaser arising out of the matters referred to in GCC Clause 32.1, the Purchaser shall promptly give the Supplier notice of such proceedings or claims, and the Supplier may at its own expense and in the Purchaser’s name conduct such proceedings or claim and any negotiations for the settlement of any such proceedings or claim. If the Supplier fails to notify the Purchaser within twentyeight (28) days after receipt of such notice that it intends to conduct any such proceedings or claim, then the Purchaser shall be free to conduct the same on its own behalf. Unless the Supplier has so failed to notify the Purchaser within the twenty-eight (28) days, the Purchaser shall make no admission that may be prejudicial to the defense of any such proceedings or claim. The Purchaser shall, at the Supplier’s request, afford all available assistance to the Supplier in conducting such proceedings or claim and shall be reimbursed by the Supplier for all reasonable expenses incurred in so doing. 32.5 The Purchaser shall indemnify and hold harmless the Supplier and its employees, officers, and Subcontractors from and against any and all losses, liabilities, and costs (including losses, liabilities, and costs incurred in defending a claim alleging such a liability) that the Supplier or its employees, officers, or Subcontractors may suffer as a result of any infringement or alleged infringement of any Intellectual Property Rights arising out of or in connection with any design, data, drawing, specification, or other documents or materials provided to the Supplier in connection with this Contract by the Purchaser or any persons (other than the Supplier) contracted by the Purchaser, except to the extent that such losses, liabilities, and costs arise as a result of the Supplier’s breach of GCC Clause 32.8. 32.6 Such indemnity shall not cover 114 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract (a) any use of the design, data, drawing, specification, or other documents or materials, other than for the purpose indicated by or to be reasonably inferred from the Contract; (b) any infringement resulting from the use of the design, data, drawing, specification, or other documents or materials, or any products produced thereby, in association or combination with any other Goods or Services not provided by the Purchaser or any other person contracted by the Purchaser, where the infringement arises because of such association or combination and not because of the use of the design, data, drawing, specification, or other documents or materials in its own right. 32.7 Such indemnities shall also not apply: (a) if any claim of infringement is asserted by a parent, subsidiary, or affiliate of the Supplier’s organization; (b) to the extent that any claim of infringement is caused by the alteration, by the Supplier, or any persons contracted by the Supplier, of the design, data, drawing, specification, or other documents or materials provided to the Supplier by the Purchaser or any persons contracted by the Purchaser. 32.8 If any proceedings are brought or any claim is made against the Supplier arising out of the matters referred to in GCC Clause 32.5, the Supplier shall promptly give the Purchaser notice of such proceedings or claims, and the Purchaser may at its own expense and in the Supplier’s name conduct such proceedings or claim and any negotiations for the settlement of any such proceedings or claim. If the Purchaser fails to notify the Supplier within twenty-eight (28) days after receipt of such notice that it intends to conduct any such proceedings or claim, then the Supplier shall be free to conduct the same on its own behalf. Unless the Purchaser has so failed to notify the Supplier within the twenty-eight (28) days, the Supplier shall make no admission that may be prejudicial to the defense of any such proceedings or claim. The Supplier shall, at the Purchaser’s request, afford all available assistance to the Purchaser in conducting such proceedings or claim and shall be reimbursed by the Purchaser for all reasonable expenses incurred in so doing. Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 33. Limitation of Liability 115 33.1 Provided the following does not exclude or limit any liabilities of either party in ways not permitted by applicable law: (a) the Supplier shall not be liable to the Purchaser, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, for any indirect or consequential loss or damage, loss of use, loss of production, or loss of profits or interest costs, provided that this exclusion shall not apply to any obligation of the Supplier to pay liquidated damages to the Purchaser; and (b) the aggregate liability of the Supplier to the Purchaser, whether under the Contract, in tort or otherwise, shall not exceed the total Contract Price, provided that this limitation shall not apply to any obligation of the Supplier to indemnify the Purchaser with respect to intellectual property rights infringement. G. RISK DISTRIBUTION 34. Transfer of Ownership 34.1 With the exception of Software and Materials, the ownership of the Information Technologies and other Goods shall be transferred to the Purchaser at the time of Delivery or otherwise under terms that may be agreed upon and specified in the Contract Agreement. 34.2 Ownership and the terms of usage of the Software and Materials supplied under the Contract shall be governed by GCC Clause 15 (Copyright) and any elaboration in the Technical Requirements. 34.3 Ownership of the Supplier’s Equipment used by the Supplier and its Subcontractors in connection with the Contract shall remain with the Supplier or its Subcontractors. 35. Care of the System 35.1 The Purchaser shall become responsible for the care and custody of the System or Subsystems upon their Delivery. The Purchaser shall make good at its own cost any loss or damage that may occur to the System or Subsystems from any cause from the date of Delivery until the date of Operational Acceptance of the System or Subsystems, pursuant to GCC Clause 27 (Commissioning and Operational Acceptance), excepting such loss or damage arising from acts or omissions of the Supplier, its employees, or 116 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract subcontractors. 35.2 If any loss or damage occurs to the System or any part of the System by reason of: (a) (insofar as they relate to the country where the Project Site is located) nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation, radioactive contamination, a pressure wave caused by aircraft or other aerial objects, or any other occurrences that an experienced contractor could not reasonably foresee, or if reasonably foreseeable could not reasonably make provision for or insure against, insofar as such risks are not normally insurable on the insurance market and are mentioned in the general exclusions of the policy of insurance taken out under GCC Clause 37; (b) any use not in accordance with the Contract, by the Purchaser or any third party; (c) any use of or reliance upon any design, data, or specification provided or designated by or on behalf of the Purchaser, or any such matter for which the Supplier has disclaimed responsibility in accordance with GCC Clause 21.1.2, the Purchaser shall pay to the Supplier all sums payable in respect of the System or Subsystems that have achieved Operational Acceptance, notwithstanding that the same be lost, destroyed, or damaged. If the Purchaser requests the Supplier in writing to make good any loss or damage to the System thereby occasioned, the Supplier shall make good the same at the cost of the Purchaser in accordance with GCC Clause 39. If the Purchaser does not request the Supplier in writing to make good any loss or damage to the System thereby occasioned, the Purchaser shall either request a change in accordance with GCC Clause 39, excluding the performance of that part of the System thereby lost, destroyed, or damaged, or, where the loss or damage affects a substantial part of the System, the Purchaser shall terminate the Contract pursuant to GCC Clause 41.1. 35.3 The Purchaser shall be liable for any loss of or damage to any Supplier’s Equipment which the Purchaser has authorized to locate within the Purchaser's premises for use in fulfillment of Supplier's obligations under the Contract, except where such loss or damage arises from acts or Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 117 omissions of the Supplier, its employees, or subcontractors. 36. Loss of or Damage to Property; Accident or Injury to Workers; Indemnification 36.1 The Supplier and each and every Subcontractor shall abide by the job safety, insurance, customs, and immigration measures prevalent and laws in force in the Purchaser’s Country. 36.2 Subject to GCC Clause 36.3, the Supplier shall indemnify and hold harmless the Purchaser and its employees and officers from and against any and all losses, liabilities and costs (including losses, liabilities, and costs incurred in defending a claim alleging such a liability) that the Purchaser or its employees or officers may suffer as a result of the death or injury of any person or loss of or damage to any property (other than the System, whether accepted or not) arising in connection with the supply, installation, testing, and Commissioning of the System and by reason of the negligence of the Supplier or its Subcontractors, or their employees, officers or agents, except any injury, death, or property damage caused by the negligence of the Purchaser, its contractors, employees, officers, or agents. 36.3 If any proceedings are brought or any claim is made against the Purchaser that might subject the Supplier to liability under GCC Clause 36.2, the Purchaser shall promptly give the Supplier notice of such proceedings or claims, and the Supplier may at its own expense and in the Purchaser’s name conduct such proceedings or claim and any negotiations for the settlement of any such proceedings or claim. If the Supplier fails to notify the Purchaser within twenty-eight (28) days after receipt of such notice that it intends to conduct any such proceedings or claim, then the Purchaser shall be free to conduct the same on its own behalf. Unless the Supplier has so failed to notify the Purchaser within the twenty-eight (28) day period, the Purchaser shall make no admission that may be prejudicial to the defense of any such proceedings or claim. The Purchaser shall, at the Supplier’s request, afford all available assistance to the Supplier in conducting such proceedings or claim and shall be reimbursed by the Supplier for all reasonable expenses incurred in so doing. 36.4 The Purchaser shall indemnify and hold harmless the Supplier and its employees, officers, and Subcontractors from any and all losses, liabilities, and costs (including losses, liabilities, and costs incurred in defending a claim 118 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract alleging such a liability) that the Supplier or its employees, officers, or Subcontractors may suffer as a result of the death or personal injury of any person or loss of or damage to property of the Purchaser, other than the System not yet achieving Operational Acceptance, that is caused by fire, explosion, or any other perils, in excess of the amount recoverable from insurances procured under GCC Clause 37 (Insurances), provided that such fire, explosion, or other perils were not caused by any act or failure of the Supplier. 36.5 If any proceedings are brought or any claim is made against the Supplier that might subject the Purchaser to liability under GCC Clause 36.4, the Supplier shall promptly give the Purchaser notice of such proceedings or claims, and the Purchaser may at its own expense and in the Supplier’s name conduct such proceedings or claim and any negotiations for the settlement of any such proceedings or claim. If the Purchaser fails to notify the Supplier within twenty-eight (28) days after receipt of such notice that it intends to conduct any such proceedings or claim, then the Supplier shall be free to conduct the same on its own behalf. Unless the Purchaser has so failed to notify the Supplier within the twenty-eight (28) days, the Supplier shall make no admission that may be prejudicial to the defense of any such proceedings or claim. The Supplier shall, at the Purchaser’s request, afford all available assistance to the Purchaser in conducting such proceedings or claim and shall be reimbursed by the Purchaser for all reasonable expenses incurred in so doing. 36.6 The party entitled to the benefit of an indemnity under this GCC Clause 36 shall take all reasonable measures to mitigate any loss or damage that has occurred. If the party fails to take such measures, the other party’s liabilities shall be correspondingly reduced. 37. Insurances 37.1 The Supplier shall at its expense take out and maintain in effect, or cause to be taken out and maintained in effect, during the performance of the Contract, the insurance set forth below. The identity of the insurers and the form of the policies shall be subject to the approval of the Purchaser, who should not unreasonably withhold such approval. (a) Cargo Insurance During Transport as applicable, 110 percent of the price of the Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 119 Information Technologies and other Goods in a freely convertible currency, covering the Goods from physical loss or damage during shipment through receipt at the Project Site. (b) Installation “All Risks” Insurance as applicable, 110 percent of the price of the Information Technologies and other Goods covering the Goods at the site from all risks of physical loss or damage (excluding only perils commonly excluded under “all risks” insurance policies of this type by reputable insurers) occurring prior to Operational Acceptance of the System. (c) Third-Party Liability Insurance On terms as specified in the SCC, covering bodily injury or death suffered by third parties (including the Purchaser’s personnel) and loss of or damage to property (including the Purchaser’s property and any Subsystems that have been accepted by the Purchaser) occurring in connection with the supply and installation of the Information System. (d) Automobile Liability Insurance In accordance with the statutory requirements prevailing in the Purchaser’s Country, covering use of all vehicles used by the Supplier or its Subcontractors (whether or not owned by them) in connection with the execution of the Contract. (e) Other Insurance (if any), as specified in the SCC. 37.2 The Purchaser shall be named as co-insured under all insurance policies taken out by the Supplier pursuant to GCC Clause 37.1, except for the Third-Party Liability, and the Supplier’s Subcontractors shall be named as co-insured under all insurance policies taken out by the Supplier pursuant to GCC Clause 37.1 except for Cargo Insurance During Transport. All insurer’s rights of subrogation against such co-insured for losses or claims arising out of the performance of the Contract shall be waived under such policies. 37.3 The Supplier shall deliver to the Purchaser certificates of insurance (or copies of the insurance policies) as evidence 120 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract that the required policies are in full force and effect. 37.4 The Supplier shall ensure that, where applicable, its Subcontractor(s) shall take out and maintain in effect adequate insurance policies for their personnel and vehicles and for work executed by them under the Contract, unless such Subcontractors are covered by the policies taken out by the Supplier. 37.5 If the Supplier fails to take out and/or maintain in effect the insurance referred to in GCC Clause 37.1, the Purchaser may take out and maintain in effect any such insurance and may from time to time deduct from any amount due the Supplier under the Contract any premium that the Purchaser shall have paid to the insurer or may otherwise recover such amount as a debt due from the Supplier. 37.6 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, the Supplier shall prepare and conduct all and any claims made under the policies effected by it pursuant to this GCC Clause 37, and all monies payable by any insurers shall be paid to the Supplier. The Purchaser shall give to the Supplier all such reasonable assistance as may be required by the Supplier in connection with any claim under the relevant insurance policies. With respect to insurance claims in which the Purchaser’s interest is involved, the Supplier shall not give any release or make any compromise with the insurer without the prior written consent of the Purchaser. With respect to insurance claims in which the Supplier’s interest is involved, the Purchaser shall not give any release or make any compromise with the insurer without the prior written consent of the Supplier. 38. Force Majeure 38.1 “Force Majeure” shall mean any event beyond the reasonable control of the Purchaser or of the Supplier, as the case may be, and which is unavoidable notwithstanding the reasonable care of the party affected and shall include, without limitation, the following: (a) war, hostilities, or warlike operations (whether a state of war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemy, and civil war; (b) rebellion, revolution, insurrection, mutiny, usurpation of civil or military government, conspiracy, riot, civil commotion, and terrorist acts; Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 121 (c) confiscation, nationalization, mobilization, commandeering or requisition by or under the order of any government or de jure or de facto authority or ruler, or any other act or failure to act of any local state or national government authority; (d) strike, sabotage, lockout, embargo, port congestion, lack of usual transportation and communication, shipwreck, shortage or restriction epidemics, quarantine, and plague; (e) earthquake, landslide, volcanic activity, fire, flood or inundation, tidal wave, typhoon or cyclone, hurricane, storm, lightning, or other inclement weather condition, nuclear and pressure waves, or other natural or physical disaster; (f) failure, by the Supplier, to obtain the necessary export permit(s) from the governments of the Country(s) of Origin of the Information Technologies or other Goods, or Supplier’s Equipment provided that the Supplier has made all reasonable efforts to obtain the required export permit(s), including the exercise of due diligence in determining the eligibility of the System and all of its components for receipt of the necessary export permits. import restriction, means of public industrial dispute, of power supply, 38.2 If either party is prevented, hindered, or delayed from or in performing any of its obligations under the Contract by an event of Force Majeure, then it shall notify the other in writing of the occurrence of such event and the circumstances of the event of Force Majeure within fourteen (14) days after the occurrence of such event. 38.3 The party who has given such notice shall be excused from the performance or punctual performance of its obligations under the Contract for so long as the relevant event of Force Majeure continues and to the extent that such party’s performance is prevented, hindered, or delayed. The Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance shall be extended in accordance with GCC Clause 40 (Extension of Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance). 38.4 The party or parties affected by the event of Force Majeure shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate the effect of the event of Force Majeure upon its or their performance of the 122 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract Contract and to fulfill its or their obligations under the Contract, but without prejudice to either party’s right to terminate the Contract under GCC Clause 38.6. 38.5 No delay or nonperformance by either party to this Contract caused by the occurrence of any event of Force Majeure shall: (a) constitute a default or breach of the Contract; (b) (subject to GCC Clauses 35.2, 38.3, and 38.4) give rise to any claim for damages or additional cost or expense occasioned by the delay or nonperformance, if, and to the extent that, such delay or nonperformance is caused by the occurrence of an event of Force Majeure. 38.6 If the performance of the Contract is substantially prevented, hindered, or delayed for a single period of more than sixty (60) days or an aggregate period of more than one hundred and twenty (120) days on account of one or more events of Force Majeure during the time period covered by the Contract, the parties will attempt to develop a mutually satisfactory solution, failing which, either party may terminate the Contract by giving a notice to the other. 38.7 In the event of termination pursuant to GCC Clause 38.6, the rights and obligations of the Purchaser and the Supplier shall be as specified in GCC Clauses 41.1.2 and 41.1.3. 38.8 Notwithstanding GCC Clause 38.5, Force Majeure shall not apply to any obligation of the Purchaser to make payments to the Supplier under this Contract. H. CHANGE IN CONTRACT ELEMENTS 39. Changes to the System 39.1 Introducing a Change 39.1.1 Subject to GCC Clauses 39.2.5 and 39.2.7, the Purchaser shall have the right to propose, and subsequently require, the Project Manager to order the Supplier from time to time during the performance of the Contract to make any change, modification, addition, or deletion to, in, or from the System (interchangeably called “Change”), provided that such Change falls within the general scope of the System, does not constitute unrelated work, and Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 123 is technically practicable, taking into account both the state of advancement of the System and the technical compatibility of the Change envisaged with the nature of the System as originally specified in the Contract. A Change may involve, but is not restricted to, the substitution of updated Information Technologies and related Services in accordance with GCC Clause 23 (Product Upgrades). 39.1.2 The Supplier may from time to time during its performance of the Contract propose to the Purchaser (with a copy to the Project Manager) any Change that the Supplier considers necessary or desirable to improve the quality or efficiency of the System. The Purchaser may at its discretion approve or reject any Change proposed by the Supplier. 39.1.3 Notwithstanding GCC Clauses 39.1.1 and 39.1.2, no change made necessary because of any default of the Supplier in the performance of its obligations under the Contract shall be deemed to be a Change, and such change shall not result in any adjustment of the Contract Price or the Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance. 39.1.4 The procedure on how to proceed with and execute Changes is specified in GCC Clauses 39.2 and 39.3, and further details and sample forms are provided in the Sample Forms Section in the Bidding Documents. 39.1.5 Moreover, the Purchaser and Supplier will agree, during development of the Project Plan, to a date prior to the scheduled date for Operational Acceptance, after which the Technical Requirements for the System shall be “frozen.” Any Change initiated after this time will be dealt with after Operational Acceptance. 39.2 Changes Originating from Purchaser 39.2.1 If the Purchaser proposes a Change pursuant to GCC Clauses 39.1.1, it shall send to the Supplier a “Request for Change Proposal,” requiring the Supplier to prepare and furnish to the Project 124 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract Manager as soon as reasonably practicable a “Change Proposal,” which shall include the following: (a) brief description of the Change; (b) impact on the Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance; (c) detailed estimated cost of the Change; (d) effect on Functional Guarantees (if any); (e) effect on any other provisions of the Contract. 39.2.2 Prior to preparing and submitting the “Change Proposal,” the Supplier shall submit to the Project Manager an “Change Estimate Proposal,” which shall be an estimate of the cost of preparing the Change Proposal, plus a first approximation of the suggested approach and cost for implementing the changes. Upon receipt of the Supplier’s Change Estimate Proposal, the Purchaser shall do one of the following: (a) accept the Supplier’s estimate with instructions to the Supplier to proceed with the preparation of the Change Proposal; (b) advise the Supplier of any part of its Change Estimate Proposal that is unacceptable and request the Supplier to review its estimate; (c) advise the Supplier that the Purchaser does not intend to proceed with the Change. 39.2.3 Upon receipt of the Purchaser’s instruction to proceed under GCC Clause 39.2.2 (a), the Supplier shall, with proper expedition, proceed with the preparation of the Change Proposal, in accordance with GCC Clause 39.2.1. The Supplier, at its discretion, may specify a validity period for the Change Proposal, after which if the Purchaser and Supplier has not reached agreement in accordance with GCC Clause 39.2.6, then GCC Clause 39.2.7 shall apply. 39.2.4 The pricing of any Change shall, as far as Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 125 practicable, be calculated in accordance with the rates and prices included in the Contract. If the nature of the Change is such that the Contract rates and prices are inequitable, the parties to the Contract shall agree on other specific rates to be used for valuing the Change. 39.2.5 If before or during the preparation of the Change Proposal it becomes apparent that the aggregate impact of compliance with the Request for Change Proposal and with all other Change Orders that have already become binding upon the Supplier under this GCC Clause 39 would be to increase or decrease the Contract Price as originally set forth in Article 2 (Contract Price) of the Contract Agreement by more than fifteen (15) percent, the Supplier may give a written notice of objection to this Request for Change Proposal prior to furnishing the Change Proposal. If the Purchaser accepts the Supplier’s objection, the Purchaser shall withdraw the proposed Change and shall notify the Supplier in writing of its acceptance. The Supplier’s failure to so object to a Request for Change Proposal shall neither affect its right to object to any subsequent requested Changes or Change Orders, nor affect its right to take into account, when making such subsequent objection, the percentage increase or decrease in the Contract Price that any Change not objected to by the Supplier represents. 39.2.6 Upon receipt of the Change Proposal, the Purchaser and the Supplier shall mutually agree upon all matters contained in the Change Proposal. Within fourteen (14) days after such agreement, the Purchaser shall, if it intends to proceed with the Change, issue the Supplier a Change Order. If the Purchaser is unable to reach a decision within fourteen (14) days, it shall notify the Supplier with details of when the Supplier can expect a decision. If the Purchaser decides not to proceed with the Change for whatever reason, it shall, within the said period of fourteen (14) days, notify the Supplier accordingly. Under such circumstances, the Supplier shall be entitled to reimbursement of all 126 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract costs reasonably incurred by it in the preparation of the Change Proposal, provided that these do not exceed the amount given by the Supplier in its Change Estimate Proposal submitted in accordance with GCC Clause 39.2.2. 39.2.7 If the Purchaser and the Supplier cannot reach agreement on the price for the Change, an equitable adjustment to the Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance, or any other matters identified in the Change Proposal, the Change will not be implemented. However, this provision does not limit the rights of either party under GCC Clause 6 (Settlement of Disputes). 39.3 Changes Originating from Supplier If the Supplier proposes a Change pursuant to GCC Clause 39.1.2, the Supplier shall submit to the Project Manager a written “Application for Change Proposal,” giving reasons for the proposed Change and including the information specified in GCC Clause 39.2.1. Upon receipt of the Application for Change Proposal, the parties shall follow the procedures outlined in GCC Clauses 39.2.6 and 39.2.7. However, should the Purchaser choose not to proceed or the Purchaser and the Supplier cannot come to agreement on the change during any validity period that the Supplier may specify in its Application for Change Proposal, the Supplier shall not be entitled to recover the costs of preparing the Application for Change Proposal, unless subject to an agreement between the Purchaser and the Supplier to the contrary. 40. Extension of Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance 40.1 The time(s) for achieving Operational Acceptance specified in the Schedule of Implementation shall be extended if the Supplier is delayed or impeded in the performance of any of its obligations under the Contract by reason of any of the following: (a) any Change in the System as provided in GCC Clause 39 (Change in the Information System); (b) any occurrence of Force Majeure as provided in GCC Clause 38 (Force Majeure); (c) default of the Purchaser; or Section IV. General Conditions of Contract (d) 127 any other matter specifically mentioned in the Contract; by such period as shall be fair and reasonable in all the circumstances and as shall fairly reflect the delay or impediment sustained by the Supplier. 40.2 Except where otherwise specifically provided in the Contract, the Supplier shall submit to the Project Manager a notice of a claim for an extension of the time for achieving Operational Acceptance, together with particulars of the event or circumstance justifying such extension as soon as reasonably practicable after the commencement of such event or circumstance. As soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of such notice and supporting particulars of the claim, the Purchaser and the Supplier shall agree upon the period of such extension. In the event that the Supplier does not accept the Purchaser’s estimate of a fair and reasonable time extension, the Supplier shall be entitled to refer the matter to the provisions for the Settlement of Disputes pursuant to GCC Clause 6. 40.3 The Supplier shall at all times use its reasonable efforts to minimize any delay in the performance of its obligations under the Contract. 41. Termination 41.1 Termination for Purchaser’s Convenience 41.1.1 The Purchaser may at any time terminate the Contract for any reason by giving the Supplier a notice of termination that refers to this GCC Clause 41.1. 41.1.2 Upon receipt of the notice of termination under GCC Clause 41.1.1, the Supplier shall either as soon as reasonably practical or upon the date specified in the notice of termination (a) cease all further work, except for such work as the Purchaser may specify in the notice of termination for the sole purpose of protecting that part of the System already executed, or any work required to leave the site in a clean and safe condition; (b) terminate all subcontracts, except those to be assigned to the Purchaser pursuant to GCC Clause 41.1.2 (d) (ii) below; 128 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract (c) remove all Supplier’s Equipment from the site, repatriate the Supplier’s and its Subcontractors’ personnel from the site, remove from the site any wreckage, rubbish, and debris of any kind; (d) in addition, the Supplier, subject to the payment specified in GCC Clause 41.1.3, shall (i) deliver to the Purchaser the parts of the System executed by the Supplier up to the date of termination; (ii) to the extent legally possible, assign to the Purchaser all right, title, and benefit of the Supplier to the System, or Subsystem, as at the date of termination, and, as may be required by the Purchaser, in any subcontracts concluded between the Supplier and its Subcontractors; (iii) deliver to the Purchaser all nonproprietary drawings, specifications, and other documents prepared by the Supplier or its Subcontractors as of the date of termination in connection with the System. 41.1.3 In the event of termination of the Contract under GCC Clause 41.1.1, the Purchaser shall pay to the Supplier the following amounts: (a) the Contract Price, properly attributable to the parts of the System executed by the Supplier as of the date of termination; (b) the costs reasonably incurred by the Supplier in the removal of the Supplier’s Equipment from the site and in the repatriation of the Supplier’s and its Subcontractors’ personnel; (c) any amount to be paid by the Supplier to its Subcontractors in connection with the termination of any subcontracts, including any cancellation charges; (d) costs incurred by the Supplier in protecting the System and leaving the site in a clean and safe condition pursuant to GCC Clause 41.1.2 (a); and Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 129 (e) the cost of satisfying all other obligations, commitments, and claims that the Supplier may in good faith have undertaken with third parties in connection with the Contract and that are not covered by GCC Clauses 41.1.3 (a) through (d) above. 41.2 Termination for Supplier’s Default 41.2.1 The Purchaser, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies it may possess, may terminate the Contract forthwith in the following circumstances by giving a notice of termination and its reasons therefore to the Supplier, referring to this GCC Clause 41.2: (a) if the Supplier becomes bankrupt or insolvent, has a receiving order issued against it, compounds with its creditors, or, if the Supplier is a corporation, a resolution is passed or order is made for its winding up (other than a voluntary liquidation for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction), a receiver is appointed over any part of its undertaking or assets, or if the Supplier takes or suffers any other analogous action in consequence of debt; (b) if the Supplier assigns or transfers the Contract or any right or interest therein in violation of the provision of GCC Clause 42 (Assignment); or (c) if the Supplier, in the judgment of the Purchaser, has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructive practices, in competing for or in executing the Contract, including but not limited to willful misrepresentation of facts concerning ownership of Intellectual Property Rights in, or proper authorization and/or licenses from the owner to offer, the hardware, software, or materials provided under this Contract. For the purposes of this Clause: 130 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract (i) “corrupt practice”1 is the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party; (ii) “fraudulent practice”2 is any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other benefit or to avoid an obligation; (iii) “collusive practice”3 is an arrangement between two or more parties designed to achieve an improper purpose, including to influence improperly the actions of another party; (iv) “coercive practice”4 is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the party to influence improperly the actions of a party; (v) “obstructive practice” is (aa) deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering or concealing of evidence material to the investigation or making false statements to investigators in order to materially impede a Bank investigation into allegations of a corrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practice; and/or threatening, harassing or intimidating any party to prevent it from 1 “Another party” refers to a public official acting in relation to the procurement process or contract execution]. In this context, “public official” includes World Bank staff and employees of other organizations taking or reviewing procurement decisions. 2 A “party” refers to a public official; the terms “benefit” and “obligation” relate to the procurement process or contract execution; and the “act or omission” is intended to influence the procurement process or contract execution. 3 “Parties” refers to participants in the procurement process (including public officials) attempting to establish bid prices at artificial, non competitive levels. 4 A “party” refers to a participant in the procurement process or contract execution. Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 131 disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the investigation; or (bb) acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the Bank’s inspection and audit rights provided for under Sub-Clause 9.8. 41.2.2 If the Supplier: (a) has abandoned or repudiated the Contract; (b) has without valid reason failed to commence work on the System promptly; (c) persistently fails to execute the Contract in accordance with the Contract or persistently neglects to carry out its obligations under the Contract without just cause; (d) refuses or is unable to provide sufficient Materials, Services, or labor to execute and complete the System in the manner specified in the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan furnished under GCC Clause 19 at rates of progress that give reasonable assurance to the Purchaser that the Supplier can attain Operational Acceptance of the System by the Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance as extended; then the Purchaser may, without prejudice to any other rights it may possess under the Contract, give a notice to the Supplier stating the nature of the default and requiring the Supplier to remedy the same. If the Supplier fails to remedy or to take steps to remedy the same within fourteen (14) days of its receipt of such notice, then the Purchaser may terminate the Contract forthwith by giving a notice of termination to the Supplier that refers to this GCC Clause 41.2. 41.2.3 Upon receipt of the notice of termination under GCC Clauses 41.2.1 or 41.2.2, the Supplier shall, either immediately or upon such date as is specified in the notice of termination: (a) cease all further work, except for such work as 132 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract the Purchaser may specify in the notice of termination for the sole purpose of protecting that part of the System already executed or any work required to leave the site in a clean and safe condition; (b) terminate all subcontracts, except those to be assigned to the Purchaser pursuant to GCC Clause 41.2.3 (d) below; (c) deliver to the Purchaser the parts of the System executed by the Supplier up to the date of termination; (d) to the extent legally possible, assign to the Purchaser all right, title and benefit of the Supplier to the System or Subsystems as at the date of termination, and, as may be required by the Purchaser, in any subcontracts concluded between the Supplier and its Subcontractors; (e) deliver to the Purchaser all drawings, specifications, and other documents prepared by the Supplier or its Subcontractors as at the date of termination in connection with the System. 41.2.4 The Purchaser may enter upon the site, expel the Supplier, and complete the System itself or by employing any third party. Upon completion of the System or at such earlier date as the Purchaser thinks appropriate, the Purchaser shall give notice to the Supplier that such Supplier’s Equipment will be returned to the Supplier at or near the site and shall return such Supplier’s Equipment to the Supplier in accordance with such notice. The Supplier shall thereafter without delay and at its cost remove or arrange removal of the same from the site. 41.2.5 Subject to GCC Clause 41.2.6, the Supplier shall be entitled to be paid the Contract Price attributable to the portion of the System executed as at the date of termination and the costs, if any, incurred in protecting the System and in leaving the site in a clean and safe condition pursuant to GCC Clause 41.2.3 (a). Any sums due the Purchaser from the Supplier accruing prior to the date of termination shall be deducted from the amount to be paid to the Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 133 Supplier under this Contract. 41.2.6 If the Purchaser completes the System, the cost of completing the System by the Purchaser shall be determined. If the sum that the Supplier is entitled to be paid, pursuant to GCC Clause 41.2.5, plus the reasonable costs incurred by the Purchaser in completing the System, exceeds the Contract Price, the Supplier shall be liable for such excess. If such excess is greater than the sums due the Supplier under GCC Clause 41.2.5, the Supplier shall pay the balance to the Purchaser, and if such excess is less than the sums due the Supplier under GCC Clause 41.2.5, the Purchaser shall pay the balance to the Supplier. The Purchaser and the Supplier shall agree, in writing, on the computation described above and the manner in which any sums shall be paid. 41.3 Termination by Supplier 41.3.1 If: (a) the Purchaser has failed to pay the Supplier any sum due under the Contract within the specified period, has failed to approve any invoice or supporting documents without just cause pursuant to the SCC, or commits a substantial breach of the Contract, the Supplier may give a notice to the Purchaser that requires payment of such sum, with interest on this sum as stipulated in GCC Clause 12.3, requires approval of such invoice or supporting documents, or specifies the breach and requires the Purchaser to remedy the same, as the case may be. If the Purchaser fails to pay such sum together with such interest, fails to approve such invoice or supporting documents or give its reasons for withholding such approval, fails to remedy the breach or take steps to remedy the breach within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the Supplier’s notice; or (b) the Supplier is unable to carry out any of its obligations under the Contract for any reason attributable to the Purchaser, including but not limited to the Purchaser’s failure to provide 134 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract possession of or access to the site or other areas or failure to obtain any governmental permit necessary for the execution and/or completion of the System; then the Supplier may give a notice to the Purchaser of such events, and if the Purchaser has failed to pay the outstanding sum, to approve the invoice or supporting documents, to give its reasons for withholding such approval, or to remedy the breach within twenty-eight (28) days of such notice, or if the Supplier is still unable to carry out any of its obligations under the Contract for any reason attributable to the Purchaser within twenty-eight (28) days of the said notice, the Supplier may by a further notice to the Purchaser referring to this GCC Clause 41.3.1, forthwith terminate the Contract. 41.3.2 The Supplier may terminate the Contract immediately by giving a notice to the Purchaser to that effect, referring to this GCC Clause 41.3.2, if the Purchaser becomes bankrupt or insolvent, has a receiving order issued against it, compounds with its creditors, or, being a corporation, if a resolution is passed or order is made for its winding up (other than a voluntary liquidation for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction), a receiver is appointed over any part of its undertaking or assets, or if the Purchaser takes or suffers any other analogous action in consequence of debt. 41.3.3 If the Contract is terminated under GCC Clauses 41.3.1 or 41.3.2, then the Supplier shall immediately: (a) cease all further work, except for such work as may be necessary for the purpose of protecting that part of the System already executed, or any work required to leave the site in a clean and safe condition; (b) terminate all subcontracts, except those to be assigned to the Purchaser pursuant to Clause 41.3.3 (d) (ii); (c) remove all Supplier’s Equipment from the site and repatriate the Supplier’s and its Section IV. General Conditions of Contract 135 Subcontractor’s personnel from the site. (d) In addition, the Supplier, subject to the payment specified in GCC Clause 41.3.4, shall: (i) deliver to the Purchaser the parts of the System executed by the Supplier up to the date of termination; (ii) to the extent legally possible, assign to the Purchaser all right, title, and benefit of the Supplier to the System, or Subsystems, as of the date of termination, and, as may be required by the Purchaser, in any subcontracts concluded between the Supplier and its Subcontractors; (iii) to the extent legally possible, deliver to the Purchaser all drawings, specifications, and other documents prepared by the Supplier or its Subcontractors as of the date of termination in connection with the System. 41.3.4 If the Contract is terminated under GCC Clauses 41.3.1 or 41.3.2, the Purchaser shall pay to the Supplier all payments specified in GCC Clause 41.1.3, and reasonable compensation for all loss, except for loss of profit, or damage sustained by the Supplier arising out of, in connection with, or in consequence of such termination. 41.3.5 Termination by the Supplier pursuant to this GCC Clause 41.3 is without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Supplier that may be exercised in lieu of or in addition to rights conferred by GCC Clause 41.3. 41.4 In this GCC Clause 41, the expression “portion of the System executed” shall include all work executed, Services provided, and all Information Technologies, or other Goods acquired (or subject to a legally binding obligation to purchase) by the Supplier and used or intended to be used for the purpose of the System, up to and including the date of termination. 41.5 In this GCC Clause 41, in calculating any monies due from the Purchaser to the Supplier, account shall be taken of any 136 Section IV. General Conditions of Contract sum previously paid by the Purchaser to the Supplier under the Contract, including any advance payment paid pursuant to the SCC. 42. Assignment 42.l Neither the Purchaser nor the Supplier shall, without the express prior written consent of the other, assign to any third party the Contract or any part thereof, or any right, benefit, obligation, or interest therein or thereunder, except that the Supplier shall be entitled to assign either absolutely or by way of charge any monies due and payable to it or that may become due and payable to it under the Contract. 137 SECTION V. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (SCC) Notes on preparing the Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) The SCC are analogous to the Bid Data Sheet (BDS) in that they are used to specify in one place all the important information, deletions, changes, and additions relating to a standard part of the Bidding Documents necessary to provide proper contractual coverage for a particular Information System (System). In this instance, the deletions, changes, and additions relate to the General Conditions of Contract (GCC). Users should avoid in general, however, introducing major changes to the GCC. The standard GCC provisions provide a balanced framework within which a System can be supplied and installed that is fair to both the Purchaser and the successful Bidder. Major changes can upset this balance and therefore will require the clearance of the Regional Procurement Advisor. As for the BDS, illustrative sample text and explanatory notes are provided for each Special Condition to assist the Purchaser in preparing more appropriate and focused SCC. Much of the sample text may be adopted directly. The Purchaser may have to modify or expand the suggested text, however, to accommodate the specific circumstances of the Purchaser, the Purchaser’s Country and/or the System the Purchaser wishes to procure. In particular, the Purchaser must ensure that the SCC clearly and completely specify: (a) all the Contract-specific information that the GCC explicitly state will be specified in the SCC (e.g., governing law and language, names of the Purchaser and the Supplier, currency(ies) of payment); (b) any modifications to the GCC that are required so that the Contract fits the specific circumstances of the System (e.g., details of the operational acceptance tests that will be carried out or the specific nature of any maintenance service obligations that the Supplier will have to carry out); (c) and any GCC clause, sub-clause that is non-applicable and should be deleted; (d) any additional Contract conditions called for by the specific nature of the procurement and the risks associated with it, which are not adequately covered by the standard GCC. Since the SCC complete, complement, and extend the GCC, the structure of the SCC presented here is designed to mirror that of the GCC themselves. For ease of use, most, if not all SCC clauses should be explicitly linked to specific standard GCC clauses and sub-clauses and be presented in the same sequence. The Purchaser should take great care to maintain and verify the accuracy of all cross references used linking the two sections. Also, in preparing the SCC, the Purchaser should avoid at all costs introducing duplications and/or contradictions between the SCC and the GCC. When such contradictions occur, the SCC prevail over the GCC, but in the process they create ambiguity and confusion that can undermine the Purchaser’s ability to exercise its rights under the Contract. In addition to maintaining the harmony between the SCC and the GCC, the Purchaser should also ensure that the Technical Requirements (and the Implementation Schedule that is part of the Technical Requirements) and the SCC remain internally consistent. 138 Section V. Special Conditions of Contract These SBD are written so that a single Contract can cover, if needed, all the supply and service responsibilities potentially required throughout the life-cycle of a typical Information System, including: (a) The period covering the supply, Delivery, Pre-commissioning, Installation, Commissioning, and Operational Acceptance of the System; (b) The Warranty Period, following Operational Acceptance, during which the System is in use and the Supplier remains liable for the repair of any defects that are discovered in the System, and to provide any other Services specified in these SCC; and (c) The Post-Warranty Services Period, during which the Supplier is obligated to provide those Goods and Services that were: (i) identified in the Recurrent Cost Sub-Table and (ii) specified in Clause 7.3 of the SCC as obligations of the Supplier. These obligations may include, for example: providing software licenses annually, emergency repair and other technical support, hardware and software maintenance, etc. To the extent that the items in the Post-Warranty Services Period can be classified as normal recurrent operational costs of the Purchaser (as compared with one-time costs associated with the Contract), the ability of the World Bank to finance them may be affected, since normally such costs are the responsibility of the Borrower. Provided, however, the World Bank has established so-called Country Financing Parameters with the country of the Purchaser, an enlarged scope might exist for financing recurrent costs by the World Bank in accordance with the Financing Guidelines of April 2004. In order to reduce the administrative complexity of contracts, recurrent and other cost items not financed by the World Bank but taken into consideration in the Evaluated Bid Price should be acquired under separate, free-standing contract(s) between the Purchaser and the Supplier (or other suppliers). These contracts are either self-financed or financed by other lenders. However such costs are financed, it is in the Purchaser’s interest to carefully identify the key recurrent cost items that are likely to be required in the Bidding Documents and invite Bidders to quote for them in competition, because more economic prices are likely to result. In addition to specifying these items in the Recurrent Cost Sub-Table of the Bidding Document and incorporating them into the bid evaluation process specified in the ITB and BDS, the Purchaser must also specify the technical and other features of these recurrent obligations in the Technical Requirements and/or the SCC. For example, the coverage period, the required response times, and how the maintenance services are carried out all need to be defined. Section V. Special Conditions of Contract 139 Table of Clauses A. Contract and Interpretation .........................................................................................141 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Definitions (GCC Clause 1) ....................................................................................141 Contract Documents (GCC Clause 2) .....................................................................142 Interpretation (GCC Clause 3) ................................................................................142 Notices (GCC Clause 4)..........................................................................................142 Governing Law (GCC Clause 5) .............................................................................142 Settlement of Disputes (GCC Clause 6) .................................................................143 B. Subject Matter of Contract ...........................................................................................143 7. 8. 9. 10. Scope of the System (GCC Clause 7) .....................................................................143 Time for Commencement and Operational Acceptance (GCC Clause 8) ..............144 Supplier’s Responsibilities (GCC Clause 9) ...........................................................144 Purchaser’s Responsibilities (GCC Clause 10).......................................................145 C. Payment...........................................................................................................................145 11. 12. 13. 14. Contract Price (GCC Clause 11) .............................................................................145 Terms of Payment (GCC Clause 12) ......................................................................145 Securities (GCC Clause 13) ....................................................................................147 Taxes and Duties (GCC Clause 14) ........................................................................148 D. Intellectual Property ......................................................................................................148 15. 16. 17. Copyright (GCC Clause 15) ....................................................................................148 Software License Agreements (GCC Clause 16) ....................................................148 Confidential Information (GCC Clause 17) ............................................................149 E. Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning, and Acceptance of the System ........149 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Representatives (GCC Clause 18) ..........................................................................149 Project Plan (GCC Clause 19) ................................................................................150 Subcontracting (GCC Clause 20)............................................................................151 Design and Engineering (GCC Clause 21) .............................................................152 Procurement, Delivery, and Transport (GCC Clause 22) .......................................152 Product Upgrades (GCC Clause 23) .......................................................................152 Implementation, Installation, and Other Services (GCC Clause 24) ......................152 Inspections and Tests (GCC Clause 25) .................................................................153 Installation of the System (GCC Clause 26) ...........................................................153 Commissioning and Operational Acceptance (GCC Clause 27) ............................153 F. Guarantees and Liabilities .............................................................................................153 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Operational Acceptance Time Guarantee (GCC Clause 28)...................................153 Defect Liability (GCC Clause 29)...........................................................................153 Functional Guarantees (GCC Clause 30) ................................................................154 Intellectual Property Rights Warranty (GCC Clause 31) ........................................154 Intellectual Property Rights Indemnity (GCC Clause 32).......................................154 140 Section V. Special Conditions of Contract 33. Limitation of Liability (GCC Clause 33) ................................................................154 G. Risk Distribution ............................................................................................................154 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Transfer of Ownership (GCC Clause 34) ...............................................................154 Care of the System (GCC Clause 35) .....................................................................155 Loss of or Damage to Property; Accident or Injury to Workers; Indemnification (GCC Clause 36) .....................................................................................................155 Insurances (GCC Clause 37) ...................................................................................155 Force Majeure (GCC Clause 38) ............................................................................155 H. Change in Contract Elements .......................................................................................156 39. 40. 41. 42. Changes to the System (GCC Clause 39) ...............................................................156 Extension of Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance (GCC Clause 40) .......157 Termination (GCC Clause 41) ................................................................................157 Assignment (GCC Clause 42) .................................................................................157 Section V. Special Conditions of Contract 141 Special Conditions of Contract The following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall supplement or amend the General Conditions of Contract (GCC). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions of the SCC shall prevail over those in the General Conditions of Contract. For the purposes of clarity, any referenced GCC clause numbers are indicated in the left column of the SCC. A. CONTRACT AND INTERPRETATION 1. Definitions (GCC Clause 1) GCC 1.1 (a) (ix) The applicable edition of the Procurement Guidelines is dated: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits: May 2004 and Revised in October 2006 (“Procurement Guidelines”). GCC 1.1 (b) (i) The Purchaser is: Finance Division, Ministry of Finance represented by the Project Director, Deepening Medium Term Budget Framework (DMTBF) and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project (Project-A) under Strengthening Public Expenditure Management Program. GCC 1.1 (b) (ii) The Project Manager is: Mr. Ataur Rahman, Deputy Project Director. GCC 1.1 (e) (i) The Purchaser’s Country is: Bangladesh. GCC 1.1 (e) (iii) The Project Site(s) are: Finance Division, Ministry of Finance, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka and Office of the Controller General of Accounts, Dhaka. GCC 1.1 (e) (x) The Contract shall continue in force until the Information System and all the Services have been provided unless the Contract is terminated earlier in accordance with the terms set out in the Contract. GCC 1.1. (e) (xii) The Post-Warranty Services Period is: twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the Warranty Period. The bidders shall provide separate pricing for Post-Warranty Services as mentioned in the technical specification as a mandatory requirement. Post-Warranty Services price will not be considered in the evaluation process. The Purchaser may elect 142 Section V. Special Conditions of Contract to take Post-Warranty Services from the successful bidder or from any other bidder or may not take post-warranty service at all. 2. GCC 2 Contract Documents (GCC Clause 2) There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 2. 3. GCC 3.1.1 Interpretation (GCC Clause 3) The Contract's governing language is: English. 4. GCC 4.3 Notices (GCC Clause 4) Address of the Project Manager: Deepening Medium Term Budget Framework and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project (Project-A) Office UCEP Cheyne Tower (2nd floor) 25 Segunbagicha, Dhaka 1000 Telephone No. 8391131-3, Fax No. 8391136 e-mail: ekramahmed1458@ Bangladesh Fallback address of the Purchaser: Deepening Medium Term Budget Framework and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project (Project-A) Office UCEP Cheyne Tower (2nd floor) 25 Segunbagicha, Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh Telephone No. 8391131-3, Fax No. 8391136 e-mail: ekramahmed1458@ 5. GCC 5.1 Governing Law (GCC Clause 5) The Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of: Bangladesh. Section V. Special Conditions of Contract 6. GCC 6.1.4 143 Settlement of Disputes (GCC Clause 6) The Appointing Authority for the Adjudicator is: (a) If the Supplier is foreign (including a Joint Venture when at least one partner is foreign): International Chamber of Commerce (b) If the Supplier is local: President of the Institution of Engineers in consultation with the Executive Director of the Bangladesh Computer Council. If the Supplier is foreign (including a Joint Venture when at least one partner is foreign), the Contract shall contain the following provision: Arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of arbitration of: the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). These rules, in the version in force at the time of the request for arbitration, will be deemed to form part of this Contract. If the Supplier is a national of the Purchaser's country, the Contract shall contain the following provision: Any dispute between the Purchaser and a Supplier arising in connection with the present Contract shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the laws of the Purchaser’s country that is The Arbitration Act (Act No. 1 of 2001) of Bangladesh. B. SUBJECT MATTER OF CONTRACT 7. GCC 7.3 Scope of the System (GCC Clause 7) The Supplier’s obligations under the Contract will include the following recurrent cost items, as identified in the Recurrent Cost tables in the Supplier’s Bid: the recurrent cost items/services that are included in the Contract; also provide cross reference to the place in the Technical Requirements where each item/service is specified in detail. The Supplier agrees to supply spare parts required for the operation and maintenance of the System, as stated below, for the: three (3) years beginning with Operational Acceptance. Moreover, the 144 Section V. Special Conditions of Contract price of such spare parts shall be those specified in the spare parts price schedule submitted by the Suppler as part of its bid. These prices shall include the purchase price for such spare parts and other costs and expenses (including the Supplier’s fees) relating to the supply of spare parts. 8. Time for Commencement and Operational Acceptance (GCC Clause 8) GCC 8.1 The Supplier shall commence work on the System within: seven (7) days from the Effective Date of the Contract. GCC 8.2 Operational Acceptance will occur on or before: Operational Acceptance date consistent with the Implementation Schedule in the Technical Requirements Section. 9. GCC 9.9 Supplier’s Responsibilities (GCC Clause 9) The Supplier shall have the following additional responsibilities: 1. To provide a project manager 2. To provide a person as focal point. 3. To deliver ready stock & spare parts at customer premises. 4. Supplier shall provide and employ only technical personnel who are skilled and experienced in their respective callings and supervisory staff who are competent to adequately supervise the work at hand. 5. The Supplier shall be responsible for timely provision of all resources, information, and decision making under its control that are necessary to reach a mutually Agreed and Finalized Project Plan 6. Laptop with Console cable 7. Tools Box Section V. Special Conditions of Contract 145 8. Crimpers for patch cord and Tester for UTP cables checkup. 9. Fiber splicer 10. Necessary fiber cables and UTP cables 11. Suitable vehicles for transporting server equipments 12. Ladder to use at Data Centers 13. RMS digital meter 14. Earthling meter to checkup grounding 15. Trolley for transporting related equipments 16. Fork lifter to handle heavy weight server/rack. 10. GCC 10.12 Purchaser’s Responsibilities (GCC Clause 10) The Purchaser shall have the following additional responsibilities: none. C. PAYMENT 11. GCC 11.2 (b) Adjustments to the Contract Price shall be as follows: none 12. GCC 12.1 Contract Price (GCC Clause 11) Terms of Payment (GCC Clause 12) Subject to the provisions of GCC Clause 12 (Terms of Payment), the Purchaser shall pay the Contract Price to the Supplier according to the categories and in the manner specified below. Only the categories Advance Payment and Complete System Integration relate to the entire Contract Price. In other payment categories, the term "total Contract Price" means the total cost of goods or services under the specific payment category. Within each such category, the Contract Implementation Schedule may trigger pro- 146 Section V. Special Conditions of Contract rata payments for the portion of the total Contract Price for the category corresponding to the goods or services actually Delivered, Installed, or Operationally Accepted, at unit prices and in the currencies specified in the Price Schedules of the Contract Agreement. (a) Advance Payment Not Applicable (b) Information Technologies, Materials, and other Goods, with the exception of Custom Software and Custom Materials: sixty percent (60%) of the total or pro-rata Contract Price for this category against Delivery ten percent (10%) of the same price against Installation ten percent (10%) of the same price against Operational Acceptance. (c) Custom Software and Custom Materials: sixty percent (60%) of the total or pro-rata Contract Price for this category against Installation twenty percent (20%) of the same price against Operational Acceptance. (d) Services other than Training: eighty percent (80%) of the pro-rata Contract Price for services performed will be paid monthly in arrears, on submission and Purchaser’s approval of invoices. (e) Training thirty percent (30%) of the total Contract Price for training services at the start of the full training program fifty percent (50%) of the pro-rata Contract Price for training services performed will be paid monthly in arrears, on submission and approval of appropriate invoices. (f) Complete System Integration twenty percent (20%) of the entire Contract Price, exclusive of all Recurrent Costs, as final payment against Operational Acceptance of the System as an integrated whole. Section V. Special Conditions of Contract (g) 147 Recurrent Costs one hundred percent (100%) of the price of the services actually delivered will be paid monthly in arrears, on submission and Purchaser’s approval of invoices. GCC 12.3 The Purchaser shall pay to the Supplier interest on the delayed payments at a rate of: LIBOR +2% for foreign currency and Bangladesh Bank Short Term (90 days) Treasury Bill Auction rate +2% for local currency per annum. GCC 12.4 For Goods and Services supplied locally, the Purchaser will pay the Supplier in: Bangladesh Taka. GCC 12.5 Payment for Goods supplied from outside the Purchaser’s Country shall be in the form of: an irrevocable letter of credit. 13. Securities (GCC Clause 13) GCC 13.2.1 The Supplier shall provide within twenty-eight (28) days of the notification of Contract award an Advance Payment Security in the amount and currency of the Advance Payment specified in SCC for GCC Clause 12.1 above. Not Applicable GCC 13.2.2 The reduction in value and expiration of the Advance Payment Security are calculated as follows: Not Applicable GCC 13.3.1 The Performance Security shall be denominated in the currency or currencies of the contract for an amount equal to: ten (10) percent of the Contract Price, excluding any Recurrent Costs. GCC 13.3.4 During the Warranty Period (i.e., after Operational Acceptance of the System), the Performance Security shall be reduced to: five (5) percent of the Contract Price, excluding any Recurrent Costs. 148 Section V. Special Conditions of Contract 14. GCC 14 Taxes and Duties (GCC Clause 14) There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 14. D. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 15. Copyright (GCC Clause 15) GCC 15.3 The Purchaser may assign, license, or otherwise voluntarily transfer its contractual rights to use the Standard Software or elements of the Standard Software, without the Supplier’s prior written consent, under the following circumstances: none. GCC 15.4 The Purchaser’s and Supplier’s rights and obligations with respect to Custom Software or elements of the Custom Software are as follows: not applicable. The Purchaser’s and Supplier’s rights and obligations with respect to Custom Materials or elements of the Custom Materials are as follows: not applicable GCC 15.5 No software escrow contract is required for the execution of the Contract 16. GCC 16.1 (a) (iii) Software License Agreements (GCC Clause 16) The Standard Software license shall be valid: throughout the territory of the Purchaser’s Country. GCC 16.1 (a) (iv) Use of the software shall be subject to the following additional restrictions: none. GCC 16.1 (b) (ii) The Software license shall permit the Software to be used or copied for use or transferred to a replacement computer: provided the replacement computer falls within approximately the same class of machine and maintains approximately the same number of users, if a multi-user machine. Section V. Special Conditions of Contract 149 GCC 16.1 (b) (vi) The Software license shall permit the Software to be disclosed to and reproduced for use (including a valid sublicense) by: other necessary and appropriate support entities and terms, subject to the same restrictions set forth in this Contract. GCC 16.1 (b) (vii) In addition to the persons specified in GCC Clause 16.1 (b) (vi), the Software may be disclosed to, and reproduced for use by Purchaser’s authorized staff subject to the same restrictions as are set forth in this Contract. GCC 16.2 The Supplier’s right to audit the Standard Software will be subject to the following terms: none 17. Confidential Information (GCC Clause 17) GCC 17.1 There are no modifications to the confidentiality terms expressed in GCC Clause 17.1. GCC 17.7 The provisions of this GCC Clause 17 shall survive the termination, for whatever reason, of the Contract for: the period specified in the GCC. E. SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, TESTING, COMMISSIONING, AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE SYSTEM 18. Representatives (GCC Clause 18) GCC 18.1 The Purchaser’s Project Manager shall have the following additional powers and / or limitations to his or her authority to represent the Purchaser in matters relating to the Contract no additional powers or limitations. GCC 18.2.2 The Supplier’s Representative shall have the following additional powers and / or limitations to his or her authority to represent the Supplier in matters relating to the Contract no additional powers or limitations. 150 Section V. Special Conditions of Contract 19. GCC 19.1 Project Plan (GCC Clause 19) Chapters in the Project Plan shall address the following subject: (a) Project Organization and Management Plan (b) Delivery and Installation Plan (c) Training Plan (d) Pre-commissioning and Operational Acceptance Testing Plan (e) Warranty Service Plan (f) Task, Time, and Resource Schedules (g) Post-Warranty Service Plan (if applicable) (h) Technical Support Plan (if applicable) (i) Other relevant issues Further details regarding the required contents of each of the above chapters are contained in the Technical Requirements, Section VI. GCC 19.2 Within thirty (30) days from the Effective Date of the Contract, the Supplier shall present a Project Plan to the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall, within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the Project Plan, notify the Supplier of any respects in which it considers that the Project Plan does not adequately ensure that the proposed program of work, proposed methods, and/or proposed Information Technologies will satisfy the Technical Requirements and/or the SCC (in this Clause 19.2 called “non-conformities” below). The Supplier shall, within five (5) days of receipt of such notification, correct the Project Plan and resubmit to the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall, within five (5) days of resubmission of the Project Plan, notify the Supplier of any remaining non-conformities. This procedure shall be repeated as necessary until the Project Plan is free from non-conformities. When the Project Plan is free from non-conformities, the Purchaser shall provide confirmation in writing to the Supplier. This approved Project Plan (“the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan”) shall be contractually binding on the Purchaser and the Supplier. GCC 19.5 The Supplier shall submit to the Purchaser the following reports: (a) Monthly (Quarterly) progress reports, summarizing: Section V. Special Conditions of Contract 151 (i) results accomplished during the prior period; (ii) cumulative deviations to date from schedule of progress milestones as specified in the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan; (iii) corrective actions to be taken to return to planned schedule of progress; proposed revisions to planned schedule; (iv) other issues and outstanding problems; proposed actions to be taken; (v) resources that the Supplier expects to be provided by the Purchaser and/or actions to be taken by the Purchaser in the next reporting period; (vi) other issues or potential problems the Supplier foresees that could impact on project progress and/or effectiveness. GCC 20 (b) monthly log of service calls and problem resolution 20. Subcontracting (GCC Clause 20) There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 20. 152 Section V. Special Conditions of Contract 21. Design and Engineering (GCC Clause 21) GCC 21.2 The Contract shall be executed in accordance with the edition or the revised version of all referenced codes and standards current at the date as specified in the GCC. GCC 21.3.1 The Supplier shall prepare and furnish to the Project Manager the following documents for which the Supplier must obtain the Project Manager’s approval before proceeding with work on the System or any Subsystem covered by the documents. (a) detailed site surveys; (b) detailed IP Network of servers, fabric switches, and servers design; (c) cable layout design between servers and racks (d) cable layout design between fabric switches and racks (e) cable layout design between load balancers and racks 22. Procurement, Delivery, and Transport (GCC Clause 22) GCC 22.4.3 The Supplier shall be free to use transportation through carriers registered in any eligible country and shall obtain insurance from any eligible source country. GCC 22.5 The Supplier shall provide the Purchaser with shipping and other documents as specified in the GCC. 23. GCC 23.4 24. GCC 24 Product Upgrades (GCC Clause 23) The Supplier shall provide the Purchaser: with all new versions, releases, and updates to all Standard Software during the Warranty Period, for free, as specified in the GCC. Implementation, Installation, and Other Services (GCC Clause 24) There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 24. Section V. Special Conditions of Contract 25. 153 Inspections and Tests (GCC Clause 25) There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 25. GCC 25 26. Installation of the System (GCC Clause 26) There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 26. GCC 26 27. Commissioning and Operational Acceptance (GCC Clause 27) GCC 27.2.1 Operational Acceptance Testing shall be conducted in accordance with System or the Subsystems, the tests, the test procedures, and the required results for acceptance. GCC 27.2.2 If the Operational Acceptance Test of the System, or Subsystem(s), cannot be successfully completed within no more than one hundred and forty (140) days from the date of Installation or any other period agreed upon by the Purchaser and the Supplier, then GCC Clause 27.3.5 (a) or (b) shall apply, as the circumstances may dictate. F. GUARANTEES AND LIABILITIES 28. Operational Acceptance Time Guarantee (GCC Clause 28) GCC 28.2 Liquidated damages shall be assessed at one half of one (0.5%) percent per week. The maximum liquidated damages are ten (10%) percent of the Contract Price, or relevant part of the Contract Price if the liquidated damages apply to a Subsystem. GCC 28.3 Liquidated damages shall be assessed only with respect to achieving Operational Acceptance. 29. Defect Liability (GCC Clause 29) GCC 29.1 For Software, exceptions or limitations to the Supplier’s warranty obligations shall be as follows: None. GCC 29.3 (iii) The Supplier warrants that the following items have been released to the market for the following specific minimum time periods: No specific 154 Section V. Special Conditions of Contract minimum time requirements are established for this Contract other than that the Information Technologies must have been previously released to the market. GCC 29.4 The Warranty Period (N) shall begin from the date of Operational Acceptance of the System or Subsystem and extend for: thirty (36) months. GCC 29.10 During the Warranty Period, the Supplier must commence the work necessary to remedy defects or damage within the time mentioned in the Service Level Agreement (SLA) upon notification. 30. There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 30. GCC 30 31. Intellectual Property Rights Warranty (GCC Clause 31) There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 31. GCC 31 32. GCC 32 Intellectual Property Rights Indemnity (GCC Clause 32) There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 32. 33. GCC 33 Functional Guarantees (GCC Clause 30) Limitation of Liability (GCC Clause 33) There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 33. G. RISK DISTRIBUTION 34. GCC 34 Transfer of Ownership (GCC Clause 34) There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 34. Section V. Special Conditions of Contract 35. GCC 35 36. 155 Care of the System (GCC Clause 35) There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 35. Loss of or Damage to Property; Accident or Injury to Workers; Indemnification (GCC Clause 36) GCC 36 There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 36. 37. Insurances (GCC Clause 37) GCC 37.1 (c) The Supplier shall obtain Third-Party Liability Insurance in the amount of Bangladesh Taka three million (BDT 3,000,000) with deductible limits of no more than Bangladesh Taka one hundred thousand (BDT 100,000). The insured Parties shall be the supplier and the purchaser. The Insurance shall cover the period from beginning date, relative to the Effective Date of the Contract until expiration date, relative to the Effective Date of the Contract or its completion. GCC 37.1 (e) The Supplier shall obtain Worker’s Compensation Insurance in accordance with the statutory requirements of Bangladesh. Specifically: Bangladesh Taka two million (BDT 2,000,000). The Insurance shall cover the period from beginning date, relative to the Effective Date of the Contract until expiration date, relative to the Effective Date of the Contract or its completion. The Supplier shall obtain Employer’s Liability Insurance in accordance with the statutory requirements of Bangladesh. The Insurance shall cover the period from beginning date, relative to the Effective Date of the Contract expiration date, relative to the Effective Date of Contract or its completion. 38. GCC 38 Force Majeure (GCC Clause 38) There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 38. 156 Section V. Special Conditions of Contract H. CHANGE IN CONTRACT ELEMENTS 39. GCC 39 Changes to the System (GCC Clause 39) There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 39. Section V. Special Conditions of Contract 40. GCC 40 Extension of Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance (GCC Clause 40) There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 40. 41. GCC 41 Termination (GCC Clause 41) There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 41. 42. GCC 42 157 Assignment (GCC Clause 42) There are no Special Conditions of Contract applicable to GCC Clause 42. Section V1. Technical Requirements SECTION VI. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (INCLUDING IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE) 157 Section V1. Technical Requirements 158 Contents Section VI. Technical Requirements (including Implementation Schedule) .................157 Servers Infrastructure and Windows solution ..................................................................161 Background ..........................................................................................................................162 1. 2. 3. 4. The Purchaser..........................................................................................................162 Business Objectives of the Purchaser .....................................................................162 Scope of the Procurement .......................................................................................163 Acronyms Used in These Technical Requirements ................................................163 Existing Scenario..................................................................................................................165 5. 6. Introduction .............................................................................................................165 Current Systems ......................................................................................................165 Overview ...............................................................................................................................167 7. 8. Developmental Analysis .........................................................................................167 General Summary of Requirement..........................................................................173 LOT-A Database Servers ....................................................................................................176 9. 10. 11. 12. General Requirements:............................................................................................176 Technical Qualification criteria ..............................................................................177 DATABASE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTION (OPTION – 1 OR OPTION – 2) .................................................................................................................................178 OPTION – 1 ............................................................................................................178 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 12.4. 12.5. 12.5.1. 12.5.2. 12.5.3. 12.6. 12.7. 12.8. 12.9. 12.10. 13. OPTION – 2 .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 13.1. 13.2. 13.3. 13.4. 13.4.1. 13.4.2. 13.4.3. 13.5. 13.6. 13.7. 13.8. 13.9. 14. Database Machine for Production Data Centre (DC) ................................................................ 178 Database Machine for Disaster Data Center (DR) .................................................................... 181 Additional Database Machine for Production Data Centre (For DC if required) ..................... 184 RDBMS Specification for DC & DR : ......................................................................................... 187 Summary of Hardware and Software License............................................................................. 194 Database Machine at DC ....................................................................................................... 194 Database Machine at DR ....................................................................................................... 194 Additional Database Machine at DC (If Required) ............................................................... 195 Management Servers (1 unit at DC and 1 unit at DR)................................................................ 195 Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DC and 1 unit at DR) ............................................................. 196 Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DC) .................................................................................. 198 Backup Storage Appliance: (1 unit at DR) ................................................................................ 201 Training and Training Material ............................................................................................. 204 Number of Core Analysis for option-2 DB Machines: ................................................................ 205 Database Servers for Production site [1 unit cluster solution at DC] ....................................... 206 Database Server for Disaster recovery site [ 1 Unit at DR ]...................................................... 209 RDBMS Specification for DC & DR : ......................................................................................... 212 Summary of Hardware and Software License ........................................................................ 218 Database Machine hardware & software at DC .................................................................... 219 Database Machine at DR ....................................................................................................... 220 Management Servers (1 unit at DC and 1 unit at DR)................................................................ 220 Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DC and 1 unit at DR) ............................................................. 221 Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DC) .................................................................................. 222 Backup Storage Appliance: (1 unit at DR) ................................................................................ 226 Training and Training Material ................................................................................................. 229 Resource Allocation ................................................................................................229 Section V1. Technical Requirements 159 LOT-B Application Servers ..............................................................................................231 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. General Requirements:............................................................................................231 Technical Qualification criteria ..............................................................................231 SCOPE OF WORK .................................................................................................233 Resource Allocation ................................................................................................233 Documentation Requirements .................................................................................234 19.1. 19.2. 20. END-User documents: ................................................................................................................ 234 Technical Documents: ................................................................................................................ 234 Production Datacentre (At Secretariat) ...................................................................235 20.1. 20.2. 20.3. 20.4. 20.5. 20.6. 20.7. 20.8. 20.9. 20.10. 20.11. 20.12. 20.13. 20.14. 21. Application server (4 Unit for DC) ............................................................................................. 235 Report Server (1 Unit for DC) .................................................................................................... 236 Test and Development (1 Unit for DC) ....................................................................................... 238 Data Centre Management Server (1 Unit for DC)...................................................................... 240 Primary Domain Controller (1 Unit for DC) .............................................................................. 241 Additional Domain Controller (1 Unit for DC) .......................................................................... 243 Patch Management Server: (1 Unit for DC) ............................................................................... 245 Mail Server: (1 Unit for DC) ...................................................................................................... 246 Backup Tape System: ( 1 Unit for DC) ....................................................................................... 248 Blade Chassis for DC (if blade solution) ............................................................................... 249 InfiniBand switch: ( 1 Unit for DC) ....................................................................................... 250 SAN Switches Extended ( At DC) ........................................................................................... 251 Load Balancer & Application Delivery Controllers (1 Unit for DC)..................................... 252 Power Strip (5 Units at DC)................................................................................................... 256 Disaster Recovery Datacentre ( At CGA) ...............................................................256 21.1. 21.2. 21.3. 21.4. 21.5. 21.6. 21.7. 21.8. 21.9. Application Server (4 Unit for DR) ............................................................................................. 256 Report Server (1 Unit for DR) .................................................................................................... 258 Additional Domain Controller (1 Unit for DR) .......................................................................... 260 Mail Server(1 Unit for DR) ......................................................................................................... 262 Test and Development (1 Unit for DR) ....................................................................................... 263 Data Centre Management Server (1 Unit for DR) ...................................................................... 265 InfiniBand switch (1 Unit for DR) .............................................................................................. 266 Blade Chassis for DR (if blade solution) .................................................................................... 267 Load Balancer & Application Delivery Controllers (1 Unit for DR).......................................... 268 LOAD BALANCER planning. .............................................................................................................................. 273 21.10. 22. Power Strip (5 Units at DR) ................................................................................................... 276 Microsoft Enterprise Agreement for Windows Licenses including Software Assurance ................................................................................................................276 22.1. 22.2. 23. 24. Windows Software Licenses requirement calculation ................................................................. 278 Windows Licenses including Software Assurance ...................................................................... 278 Disaster Recovery Solution for Application server (Hyper-V). ..............................279 Training on Microsoft Solution. .............................................................................281 24.1. Local Training: ........................................................................................................................... 282 24.1.1. 24.1.2. 24.2. System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) .............................................................................. 282 System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) ................................................................................... 289 Foreign Training: ....................................................................................................................... 293 System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) ............................................................................................ 293 Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud with System Center 2012: ................................................................ 296 25. 25.1. 26. 26.1. 26.2. 26.3. Microsoft Premier Support: ....................................................................................302 Details of Microsoft Services Premier Support .......................................................................... 302 Implementation service for Installation and commissioning: .................................304 Microsoft Exchange Solution (DC & DR): ................................................................................. 305 Unified Communication Solution with Microsoft Lync Server (DC & DR) ................................ 310 System Management Solution with Microsoft System Center ..................................................... 318 Service Level Agreement for Lot-A and Lot-B .................................................................329 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................331 Section V1. Technical Requirements 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 160 Formal Definition of this Document .......................................................................331 Readership...............................................................................................................331 Applicable and Reference Documents ....................................................................331 Period of validity.....................................................................................................331 Changes to the Service ............................................................................................331 Delivery Requirements ...........................................................................................331 SERVICE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................332 SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS ...............................................................................332 SECURITY REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................337 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................338 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................................338 DISPUTE RESOLUTION ......................................................................................338 GLOSSARY OF DEFINITIONS ............................................................................339 AGREEMENT .....................................................................................................................340 Appendix-A .........................................................................................................................341 APPENDIX B .......................................................................................................................341 Scope of Agreement .............................................................................................................342 Services and Requests Covered Under This Agreement ..................................................342 NAME AND DESCRIPTION OF PRIMARY SERVICE. .................................................................................... 342 DESCRIPTION OF MAINTENANCE PROGRAM. ............................................................................................ 342 DESCRIPTION OF MONITORING SERVICE.................................................................................................... 342 1. Technical Support: ...............................................................................................345 2. CHANGES TO SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) ................................346 3. PROCESSES AND PROCEDURES RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT 347 4. METRICS...............................................................................................................348 Section V1. Technical Requirements 161 SERVERS INFRASTRUCTURE AND WINDOWS SOLUTION This document provides information to be procured to use in Finance Division to understand the Infrastructure standard requirement. Section V1. Technical Requirements 162 BACKGROUND 1. The Purchaser 1.1.1. The Purchaser is the Finance Division under the Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh a sovereign Republic, member of the United Nations and the World Bank. Deepening Medium-Term Budget Framework and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project (DMTBF Project) is one of the three constituent projects under umbrella program “Strengthening of Public Expenditure Management Program” or SPEMP. The project aims to deepen and institutionalize the MTBF and build a more strategic and performance oriented budget management process, while strengthening financial accountability across the expenditure management cycle. 1.1.2. The project supports fundamental reforms of operational budget management functions in both central units and line ministries. Enhanced budget process and financial accountability is likely to improve the allocate and operational efficiency in public expenditure management which in turn will enable better provision of key public services in support of the Government’s social and economic policy objectives. The objectives of the Project are as follows: 1.1.3. 1.1.4. • Modernize long term strategic planning and policy development • Institutionalize and deepen the MTBF approach • Improve budget classification for more effective budget management • Effective Public Debt Management • Improve the linkages between procurement, planning and budgeting • Integrated budgeting, accounting, and monitoring functions at the LM level • Consolidation of IBAS towards a modern integrated budget and accounting system Policy and overall coordination of the project rests on the Project Management and Coordination Unit (PMCU) headed by the Project Director. The overall implementation responsibilities of the project are entrusted on the Project Director. He is being assisted by the management consultancy firm named PDP Australia Pty Ltd and other Consultants recruited by the PMCU. Procurement aspect against this project will be handled by the Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC) at the Finance Division. The TEC will be assisted by the Technical Sub-Committee. The Contract shall be awarded after obtaining approval of the Ministry of Finance. 2. Business Objectives of the Purchaser 2.1. For improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public financial management service delivery the Finance Division of the Ministry of Finance has been implementing a project named Deepening MTBF and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project. As a key factor in the delivery of the goal, an integrated Section V1. Technical Requirements 163 Budget and Accounting System (iBAS) is operational at the main budget and accounting centers of the Ministry of Finance (MoF). A Data Center (DC) at Bangladesh Secretariat and Disaster Recovery Site (DRS) at CGA office support the operation of the iBAS system. The goal of automation is to increase the effectiveness of the user and enable the user to produce more effective communications for the completion of their assigned tasks. 2.2. The acquisition of Servers, LAN, WAN, Internet and related services will contribute to the existing automation process. These will support the day to day objectives and procedures of iBAS. It will provide the Purchaser personnel the tools, infrastructure and training to become skilled in the use of iBAS to automate the processes of financial management. 2.3. The introduction of latest technology will start to enable the purchaser to build technology skills that will enable the user to perform their work in a more effective and efficient manner. The responsibilities of the affected personnel will not change; however, the manner of working will be based on current automated practices. 3. Scope of the Procurement The main objective of these packages is to purchase servers systems and its maintenance support service to ensure smooth operation of iBAS system on which Budgeting, Accounting, Enterprise Resource Planning, Data Warehouse, etc and Office Automation application will run smoothly at Internet and Intranet to give support Upazilla, DDU. CAO’s, DAO’s, MTBF’s and DCA’s. There are numerous Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) in 36 MTBF’s, all CAOs, all DCAs, and all DAOs. Primary Data Centre located in the Finance Division (Data Center) and the Disaster Recovery Site (DRS) located at the Comptroller General of Accounts building at Segunbagicha, Dhaka are directly connected with fibre optic cable backbone to which listed servers will run. Data will be synchronously backed up (online real time) at the DRS so that in the event of a disaster the operation can be continued from the DRS in the shortest possible time without any loss of data. Double-Take Backup and Restore Management Software are in place for the existing systems (M.S exchange and DB). 4. Acronyms Used in These Technical Requirements Term Bps Cps CGA DBMS DOS Dpi DC DRS Ethernet FD GB Hz Explanation bits per second characters per second Controller General of Accounts Database Management System Disk Operating System dots per inch Datacentre Disaster Recovery Site IEEE 802.3 Standard LAN protocol Finance Division Gigabyte Hertz (cycles per second) Section V1. Technical Requirements Term HA IEEE ISO KB kVA LAN lpi lpm MB MTBF NIC NOS ODBC OLE OS PCL ppm PS RAID RAM RISC SCSI SNMP SLA SQL TCP/IP V Explanation High Availability Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers International Standards Organization Kilobyte Kilovolt ampere Local area network lines per inch lines per minute Megabyte Mean time between failures Network interface card Network operating system Open Database Connectivity Object Linking and Embedding Operating system Printer Command Language pages per minute PostScript -- Adobe page description language Redundant array of inexpensive disks Random access memory Reduced instruction-set computer Small Computer System Interface Simple Network Management Protocol Service Level Agreement Structured Query Language Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol Volt 164 Section V1. Technical Requirements 165 EXISTING SCENARIO 5. Introduction The current Ministry of Finance iBAS system is being redeveloped and enhanced to provide a quality Financial Management System for the Government of Bangladesh under the DMTBF project. An important aspect of the project is to provide upgraded network, hardware and software to support the enhanced system. Much of the current equipment and software is 7 years old and more, and has never been upgraded. The servers are now reaching the end of their useful life. The risk of hardware failure increases exponentially in relation to the age of the hardware, and there is also the possibility that expansion of systems and users will render the servers incapable of handling the load. Because a primary aim of the project is to centralize the Financial Management systems and allow access from across the nation to one system, it is vital that the correct level of support systems is in place to cope with the increased demand. Technology has made significant advances over the past 7 years, and it is proposed to make the best use of current technologies to reduce the overall hardware footprint, and also reduce power consumption and heat output, thus effecting savings to the environmental costs of providing power and air-conditioning for the Datacentres. CURRENT ESTIMATION OF LOAD The current number of users for iBAS is approximately 500, or 1000 at peak times, such as budget preparation. Estimated TPS is 20. When iBAS++ is implemented, the number of users will increase significantly, but we have estimated an increase of concurrent usage by a factor of 3, giving a peak tps of 60. Assuming a record size of 2048 bytes, this gives peak throughput of 40 Kbs. 6. Current Systems Below is a table of the current systems: MoF CGA APPLICATION SERVER DELL POWEREDGE 6850 APPLICATION SERVER OS PROC RAM WINDOWS 2003 2003 R2 ENTERPRISE 4 x INTEL XEON CPU 3.0 GHz 12 Gb INTERNAL DISK AVAILABLE DISK 2 x 73 Gb RAID 1 482/800 DATABASE SERVER DELL POWEREDGE 6850 WINDOWS 2003 2003 R2 ENTERPRISE 4 x INTEL XEON CPU 3.0 GHz 16 Gb INTERNAL DISK AVAILABLE DISK 2 x 73 Gb RAID 1 344/900 REPORTING SERVER IBM 3600 R2 OS PROC RAM INTERNAL DISK 2 x 73 Gb RAID 1 AVAILABLE DISK DATABASE SERVER OS PROC RAM DELL POWEREDGE 6850 WINDOWS 2003 2003 ENTERPRISE 2 x INTEL XEON CPU 3.0 GHz 8 Gb DELL POWEREDGE 6850 WINDOWS 2003 2003 ENTERPRISE 2 x INTEL XEON CPU 3.0 GHz 8 Gb OS PROC RAM INTERNAL DISK 2 x 73 Gb RAID 1 AVAILABLE DISK R2 Section V1. Technical Requirements 166 OS PROC RAM INTERNAL DISK AVAILABLE DISK EMAIL SERVER OS PROC RAM INTERNAL DISK AVAILABLE DISK DOMAIN (ROOT) DELL POWEREDGE 6850 EMAIL SERVER WINDOWS 2003 OS 4 X INTEL XEON CPU 3.0 GHz PROC 8 Gb RAM INTERNAL 2 x 73 Gb RAID 1 DISK 300/400 AVAILABLE DISK DELL POWEREDGE 6850 WINDOWS 2003 2 X INTEL XEON CPU 3.0 GHz 4 Gb DELL POWEREDGE 2950 DOMAIN CONTROLLER WINDOWS 2003 OS 2 x INTEL XEON CPU 3.0 GHz PROC 2 Gb RAM INTERNAL 2 x 73 Gb RAID 1 DISK AVAILABLE DISK DELL POWEREDGE 2950 WINDOWS 2003 2 x INTEL XEON CPU 3.0 GHz 2 Gb CONTROLLER OS PROC RAM INTERNAL DISK AVAILABLE DISK DOMAIN CONTROLLER OS PROC RAM INTERNAL DISK AVAILABLE DISK DELL POWEREDGE 2950 WINDOWS 2003 1 x INTEL XEON CPU 3.0 GHz 2 Gb 2 x 73 Gb RAID 1 ISA SERVER ISA DELL POWEREDGE 2950 SERVER WINDOWS 2003 1 x INTEL XEON CPU 3.0 GHz 2 Gb OS PROC RAM INTERNAL DISK AVAILABLE DISK KVM TAPE BACKUP 2 x 73 Gb RAID 1 2 x 73 Gb RAID 1 OS PROC RAM INTERNAL DISK AVAILABLE DISK 2 x 73 Gb RAID 1 DELL POWEREDGE 2950 WINDOWS 2003 1 x INTEL XEON CPU 3.0 GHz 2 Gb 2 x 73 Gb RAID 1 SERVER RACK WITH KVM SERVER RACK WITH KVM AUTOLOADER TAPE DRIVE EMC STORAGE 3000 GB SAN SWITCH AUTOLOADER TAPE DRIVE EMC STORAGE 3000 GB SAN SWITCH The current system performance indicates that in most instances, the current servers and infrastructure is handling the current load adequately, apart from slowness when CPU peaks at 70%, and when memory is reaching high levels. Section V1. Technical Requirements 167 OVERVIEW 7. Developmental Analysis OVERALL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Where possible it is planned to virtualize. Working from the center outwards: • The first requirement is for a Database and Storage solution. • The next layer out is the Applications layer. • Third layer is the Support and Utility layer. • Finally there is the Access and Network layer. DATABASE AND STORAGE Database solution will be based on an Oracle platform, running in-house databases developed under the application of .NET architecture. APPLICATIONS Applications have been developed in-house to access the database. Hardware is required to house the applications. This should be in the form of blade servers (where possible) housed in a chassis to further reduce power and air-conditioning requirements. SUPPORT AND UTILITY Support systems, such as Backup and Restore, Systems Monitoring and Management, Environment Monitoring, HelpDesk, Domain Controllers, are required to provide these services. Also, ancillary equipment such as Tape Libraries and tapes. It is anticipated that Domain Controllers and Test Server will be rack servers outside of the virtualized environment. ACCESS AND NETWORK Webservers, Mail, network configuration and hardware.. Networking components will be based on 10 GbE and Fibre and Infiniband. Infiniband is to be used to provide accelerated channels at the application layer and database layer. Section V1. Technical Requirements 168 SIZING We have some information relating to the anticipated requirements of the new iBAS system, as follows as per assumption basis: INPUTS # of divisions 7 # of districts 57 # of upazilas 500 # of working hours/day 8 # of working days/week 5 # of working weeks/year 52 1 GB (per disk manufacturers) 100000000 0 iBAS Transaction Users # of PCs in CAO 150 # of PCs in districts 400 # of PCs in upazilas 800 # of PCs in CGA 50 # of PCs Misc 100 # of PCs for Budget Prep 200 Total PCs 1700 iBAS non-transaction users # of PCs for reporting 150 (line ministries) Casual end users 25000 ASSUMPTIONS Frequency of Use (interactions) minute hour day week year iBAS transaction users 1 60 480 2400 124,800 Reporting 0.1 6 48 240 12,480 Casual end users 0.0063 0.375 3 15 780 Interactions per transaction 1 Peak factor 2 hour day week year PROJECTIONS Transactions minute CAO 150 9,000 72,000 360,000 18,720,000 Districts 400 24,000 192,000 960,000 49,920,000 Upazilas 800 48,000 384,000 1,920,00 0 99,840,000 CGA 50 3,000 24,000 120,000 6,240,000 Section V1. Technical Requirements Misc 100 Budget Prep 169 6,000 48,000 240,000 12,480,000 200 12,000 96,000 480,000 24,960,000 Total transactions 1700 102,00 0 816,000 4,080,00 0 212,160,00 0 Reporting 15 Casual 156.3 9,375 75,000 375,000 19,500,000 Total non-transactions 171 10,275 82,200 411,000 21,372,000 Grand Total 1871 112,27 5 898,200 4,491,00 0 233,532,00 0 Peak Total 3743 Peak Transactions/sec 62 65 Peak Transactions/min 3743 3900 % 20 more DISK PROJECTIONS "Size" of transaction, bytes 2048 Years 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 478.27 956.55 1,434.82 1,913.09 2,391.37 4,782.7 4 7,174.1 0 Transaction (GB) storage, cumulative APPLICATION ARCHITECTURE RATIONALE Part of the project is to provide an environment suitable for housing the iBAS++ system. This has required sizing of environmental systems: Power, Cooling etc. In order to minimize power and cooling requirements, we have looked at solutions which draw the least amount of power. The optimal solution for this is the use of blade servers, which are housed in a chassis. The chassis provides all of the environmental requirements for the servers, in the most efficient and effective manner. We have also looked at integrated systems for running the database layer of the systems, which will further reduce the requirements of power and cooling. Another benefit of integrated systems are that they are pre-configured to provide the optimized service in terms of computing power and I/O throughput. Because I/O is one of our key factors in the system design, an integrated database solution will provide a favorable solution. Furthermore, at the application and access layers, all of the servers proposed are standardized on a specific server model. To ensure maximum I/O at application server levels we have included PCI Flash cards on servers where relevant to accelerate the system besides SSD facilities at storage. Because the anticipated requirement is for a significantly larger number of concurrent users, at the application layer we propose running a number of instances of the applications in a virtual pool, managed via a Load Balancing system. The application queries/updates received Section V1. Technical Requirements 170 from the user can then be allocated via the Load Balancer and the virtualization software, on a round-robin basis, to each instance of the application. This will avoid bottlenecks in the traffic throughput. To further reduce bottlenecks, Report requests will be handled by a separate system and database, thus maximizing the resources available to the Production iBAS++ system. It will be important that the applications are optimised to take advantage of this design. Users access the application layer via internet or intranet, having gone through the necessary validation and authentication features. Packets pass through a Load Balancer into the VM Application layer. The load balancer / virtualization software allocates the packet to an instance of the application in the virtualized server resource pool. There are multiple instances of the applications to allow for quick access and no delay. In the event of a hypervisor failing, the other hypervisors in the resource pool will be able to take on the load of the failed hypervisor with no interruption to service. This architecture allows for 4 separately accessed versions of each application with full path redundancy, hardware redundancy, and failover to DR as a final measure. Queries are then passed to the Database layer for database processing, before being returned to the user. The architecture has been based on speed and I/O throughput. The main processing power required is at the database layer, and this is catered for by a separate and different part of the infrastructure from the application layer. Apart from the hardware requirements, we will also need to ensure that the correct software and number of software license is in place to enable us to effectively utilise the architecture. Software requirements for the database platform, including utility products; Operating Systems; VM software at all relevant levels; Backup and Restore software; Replication software; Management software for systems, hardware, network, traffic, security, environment and applications all need to be accurately sized. A service management system which covers Software Licensing, Hardware Inventory, Change Management, Incident Management, Configuration Management, with Key Performance Indicators and Service Levels should be procured, and a Service Manager should be appointed to monitor, manage and report on Service Levels. It is equally important that once the system is up and running in Live Mode that there is an on-going level of support and maintenance from the Vendors projected over a minimum period of 3 years. Service level Agreements need to be agreed with the Vendor and implemented. Because of the high level of redundancy built into the systems, we should anticipate availability at 99.5%. Response times to incidents, hardware faults, etc will be agreed with the Vendor and implemented. We should look to a response time within 2 hours, and a resolution time within 8 hours in most instances, with a minimum response time of 30 minutes and resolution of 2 hours for serious issues. Vendor will also provide appropriate training in specific areas, such as the Virtualization platform and Load Balancer management. As the iBAS++ system is mission-critical to the MoF, we have a Disaster Recovery solution in place. This is the final level of redundancy. The Disaster Recovery datacentre is situated in the CGA building, and will house a range of redundant servers, which will take over the running of the iBAS++ system if there is a catastrophic site failure at the Secretariat. It is therefore essential that such a failover is as seamless as possible. To this end, systems at MoF will be replicated across to CGA in real time. There will be a complete range of services available at CGA to cope with this, although without the full level of hardware redundancy in Section V1. Technical Requirements 171 place at MoF. The Load Balancing system will be able to point users to the DR site as necessary automatically. Users will not be required to point to the different site themselves. The overall solution includes a fully functional backup system. Because of the potentially large amounts of data involved, the backup will be initially to a disk-based backup store. Tape backups can then be carried out offline. Note that tapes should not be stored on-site at MoF. Our recommendation is that the tapes are stored at an offsite facility. It may be necessary to implement a process for this. Section V1. Technical Requirements 172 Figure: Servers Diagram Section V1. Technical Requirements 173 8. General Summary of Requirement See the details in each Section Lot-A Option 1 Hardware DATABASE SERVER Management Servers (1 unit at DC) Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DC ) Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DC ) Management Servers (1 unit at DR) Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DR) Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DR) Oracle Software’s Oracle Enterprise Database Enterprise Edition Real Application Clusters Partitioning OEM Diagnostic Pack OEM Turning Pack Oracle Secure Backuup Oracle Active Data Guard Resource Allocation Two Expert Training Oracle Database on Oracle 11g Real Application Clusters (RAC) and Oracle implement partitioning on Oracle 11g Database Administrator and Performance Tuning on Oracle 11g System Administration on Operating System & Hardware Engineering Systems Oracle Active Data Guard Administration and oracle secure backup Technology sharing study tour Option 2 Hardware DATABASE SERVER Management Servers (1 unit at DC) Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DC) Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DC) Management Servers (1 unit at DR) Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DR) Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DR) Oracle Software’s Oracle Enterprise Database Enterprise Edition Real Application Clusters Partitioning OEM Diagnostic Pack OEM Turning Pack Reference Section V1. Technical Requirements See the details in each Section Oracle Secure Backuup Oracle Active Data Guard Resource Allocation Two Expert Training Oracle Database on Oracle 11g Real Application Clusters (RAC) and Oracle implement partitioning on Oracle 11g Database Administrator and Performance Tuning on Oracle 11g System Administration on Operating System & Hardware Engineering Systems Oracle Active Data Guard Administration and oracle secure backup Technology sharing study tour Lot-B Hardware Application server (4 Unit for DC) Application server ( 4 Unit for DR ) Report Server (1 Unit for DC ) Report Server (1 Unit for DR) Test and Development (1 Unit for DC) Test and Development (1 Unit for DR ) Data Centre Management Server (1 Unit for DC) Data Centre Management Server (1 Unit for DR) Primary Domain Controller (1 Unit for DC) Additional Domain Controller (1 Unit for DC) Additional Domain Controller (1 Unit for DR) Patch Management Server: (1 Unit for DC) Mail Server: (1 Unit for DC) Mail Server: (1 Unit for DR) Backup Tape System: (1 Unit for DC) Blade Chassis (if blade solution - 1 Unit for DC) Blade Chassis (if blade solution - 1 Unit for DR) InfiniBand switch: ( 1 Unit for DC) InfiniBand switch: (1 Unit for DR) SAN Switches Extended ( At DC) Load Balancer & Application Delivery Controllers (1 Unit for DC) Load Balancer & Application Delivery Controllers (1 Unit for DR ) Power Strip (5 Units at DC) Power Strip ( 5 Units at DR) Resource Allocation Two Expert Windows Licenses including Software Assurance CoreCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL DvcCAL CoreCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL UsrCAL ExchgEntCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL DvcCAL wSrvcs ExchgEntCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL UsrCAL wSrvcs 174 Reference Section V1. Technical Requirements See the details in each Section LyncSVrEnCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL DvcCAL LyncSVrEnCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL UsrCAL LyncSvrPlusCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL DvcCAL LyncSvrPlusCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL UsrCAL WinSvrDataCtr ALNG LicSAPk MVL 2Proc WinSvrStd ALNG LicSAPk MVL 2Proc ExchgSvrStd ALNG LicSAPk MVL LyncSvr ALNG LicSAPk MVL SysCtrDatactr ALNG LicSAPk MVL 2 Proc SysCtrCltMgmtAte ALNG LicSAPk MVL PerOSE SysCtrStd ALNG LicSAPk MVL 2Proc Disaster Recovery Solution for Application server (One Hyper-V to another Hyper-V Double-Take Solution) Microsoft Premier Support. 204 hours for Microsoft Premier support Local Training: SCCM SCOM Foreign Training: SCVMM Deployment of Private Cloud. Windows Implementation Service 208 hours support for implementation 175 Reference Section V1. Technical Requirements 176 LOT-A DATABASE SERVERS 9. General Requirements: 1. Language Support: All information technologies must provide support for the English. Specifically, all display technologies and software must support the ISO character set and perform sorting according to Bangladesh Standard. 2. DATES: All information technologies MUST properly display, calculate, and transmit date data, including, but not restricted to 21st-Century date data. Required Date formats are DD-MM-YYYY, DD-Month-YYYY, Month DD, YYYY etc. where DD, MM and YYYY represent two-digit date value, twodigit month value and four-digit year value respectively as prescribed by Gregorian calendar and Bangla Academy for Bengali calendar. 3. Electrical Power: All active (powered) equipment must operate on voltage range 220v +/- 20v and frequency range 50Hz +/- 2Hz. All active equipment must include power plugs standard in BANGLADESH. 4. Environmental: Unless otherwise specified, all equipment must operate in environments of 04 to 45 degrees centigrade, 20 to 95 percent relative humidity, and 0 to 40 grams per cubic meter of dust. 5. Safety: Unless otherwise specified, all equipment must operate at noise levels no greater than 52 decibels. All electronic equipment that emits electromagnetic energy must be certified as meeting US FCC class B or EN 55022 and EN 50082-1, or equivalent, emission standards. 6. The offered brand should be amongst the top 5 (five), according to the most recent assessment of a reputed global market analyst, such as ‘Gartner’. 7. Licensing for all software (where applicable) must be registered through Regional Headquarters, under which Bangladesh falls, of the global software vendors for ensuring convenient upgrade facility and renewal (as and when necessary) by the time of operational acceptance test is completed. Service and maintenance should be provided locally for the project period including post warranty support services. 8. The Bidder should provide authorization letter(s) from the respective hardware and software vendor(s). 9. The bidder must submit the bid for all the components with detailed specification as per defined Technical, Financial, Legal & General requirements. In case of incomplete or insufficient data the bid may be considered as non-responsive Section V1. Technical Requirements 10. 177 Technical Qualification criteria Sl. Technical Criteria of participating bidder 22. Software Certified Expert: Bidder must have at least one ORACLE certified Professional from each category in below. h) Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) Database Administrator on Oracle 9i or 10g or 11g i) Oracle Database 10g or 11g Certified Expert on Real Application Clusters (RAC) j) Oracle Database 10g or 11g Performance Tuning Certified Expert Copy of relevant certificate must be provided as proof of their experience. 23. Experts for Implementation and Operation: iii. The participating bidder shall have at least one Certified Implementation Specialist who has significant experience on the proposed Hardware in the provision of server partitioning, RAC clustering, diagnostics and tuning. iv. The participating bidder shall assign at least two (2) Engineers during the contract period where at least one Certified Hardware engineer for the proposed hardware solution and a certified oracle 11g expert. The participating bidder shall provide relevant document and certificate with the proposal. 24. Support Service: The participating bidder has the capability of providing support 24/7 support including parts replacement along with the certified engineers. Bidder shall provide similar type of customer experience record with the proposal for the support service and submit details of support steps. 25. Storage Experience: The bidder must have Data replication and Database migration experience of High volume of storage. At least one implementation experiences of Data replication and Database migration in Active/Active mode or Active/Passive mode of database servers between two datacenters. 26. Oracle Backup Management: The bidder must have dedicated Backup & Recovery management team consisting of at least one person with at least 2 years of experience in similar type of solution. Also Bidder should have sufficient experience in “Active Data Guard” and “Oracle Secure Backup” in DC/DR environment. 27. If the participating bidder is Sole Distributor or Distributor or Highest level of partnership of the proposed Hardware manufacturer; relevant certificate and contact details should be provided with proposal shall carry the weight. Lot-A Total Weighting factor 100% 5% 5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Option 1 or Option 2 Hardware 28. DATABASE SERVER 29. Management Servers (1 unit at DC) 20% 30. Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DC ) 31. Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DC ) 5% 5% 5% Section V1. Technical Requirements Sl. 178 Technical Criteria of participating bidder 32. Management Servers (1 unit at DR) 33. Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DR) Total Weighting factor 100% 5% 5% 5% 34. Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DR) Oracle Software’s 35. Oracle Enterprise Database Enterprise Edition 15% 36. Real Application Clusters 3% 37. Partitioning 2% 38. OEM Diagnostic Pack 2% 39. OEM Turning Pack 2% 40. Oracle Secure Backuup 2% 41. Oracle Active Data Guard 3% Training Expert 42. Training 1% 11. DATABASE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTION (OPTION – 1 OR OPTION – 2) The bidder will either choose A) OPTION – 1 B) OPTION – 2 Bidders should not contrast or compare between the architecture solutions of above two categories. 12. OPTION – 1 12.1. Level Database Machine for Production Data Centre (DC) Description M Quality Certifications M Category M Warranty Requirement Safety: UL/cUL, CE, BSMI, GOST R, S-Mark, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-07 2nd Ed, CCC EMC: CE, FCC, VCCI, ICES, KCC, GOST R, BSMI Class A, AS/NZ 3548, CCC Internationally reputed top five pre-engineered Machine (with Database Server, Database Storage and RDBMS) as per benchmark result within same configuration. Bidder/Tenderer may attach those document with the submitted bid/tender as evidence The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level i. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Description 179 Requirement (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty and this support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. This support shall also include 24 x 7 support for proposed storage software and major upgrades for those software. Required minimum two (2) Database Server and specification for each Server Brand To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Model To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Country of origin To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Country of To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Manufacture Form Factor Rack mount with the Rail Kit Type of Processor E5-2690 XEON Processor or higher Processor clock 2.9 GHz or Higher speed No of processors Min. 02 (Two) physically Core per processor Min. 8 (Eight) Chipset Intel C602J or higher System Bus (GT/s) Min. 8 or higher Cache Memory Min. 20 MB L3 cache per Processor Bus Architecture Min. 64-Bit RAM Min. 128 GB Memory RAM type True 1600-MHz Low-Voltage RDIMM’s Internal HDD bus SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) interface type Internal HDD Min. 4X300 GB (10K RPM) SAS Hot-Plug able Hard Disk Capacity Drives or Higher per server , If 600GB(15K RPM) is available supply 600GB(15K RPM) instead of 300GB Power Supply 2 x Redundant Hot Swappable Power Supplies Drive Bays To be mentioned by bidders Expansion Slot Four PCIe 3.0 slots or more to be mentioned by bidders I/O Port Minimum 4 x 1GbE/10GbE Base-T Ethernet Ports and Minimum 2 x 10GbE Ethernet SFP+ Ports per server InfiniBand port 2 x QDR (40Gb/s) Ports Video RAM To be mentioned by bidders Host Bus 2 ports with 40Gbps bandwidth each Adapter/Host Channel Adapter Certification Safety: UL/cUL, CE, BSMI, GOST R, S-Mark, CSA EMC: CCC, CE, FCC, VCCI, ICES, C-Tick, KCC, GOST R, BSMI Class Operating System Oracle Enterprise Linux or Solaris ii. Required 3 Storage for Database and Specification for each Storage: Brand Model Country of Origin Country of Manufacture Form Factor No of CPU To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder Rack mount with the Rail Kit Minimum 36 CPU cores for SQL processing Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M M No of PCI flash card Flash cache M Usable Storage capacity Drive interface Host Ports InfiniBand Switches Storage Controller M M M M M power systems, Controller M Metric of High Performance Disks M M Power Supply Dynamic Capacity Expansion Storage Software M M Metric of High Performance M Spares Kit should Include: 180 Requirement 12 PCI flash cards 4.8 TB must be database aware and smart. Should be writeable 9.5TB i.e Minimum 36 x 600 GB 15,000 RPM High Performance disks The storage shall be End-to-end 40Gbps capable technology Minimum Six 40Gbps host ports 2 x 36 port QDR (40 Gb/sec) InfiniBand Switches Minimum 3 controllers, battery backed cache 512MB for each controller • It shall support hot plugging and hot swapping of all components on-line (i.e. disks, power supplies) with no disruption to any application. • The storage array shall be fully redundant, highly available with redundant components (power supply etc.). Disk bandwidth: 5.4 GB/s Disk IOPS: 10,800 Disk data capacity (raw): 21.6 TB Disk data capacity (usable): 9.5 TB (mirror) Flash bandwidth: 21.5 GB/s Flash read IOPS : 375,000 Flash write IOPS: 250,000 Flash data capacity (raw): 4.8 TB Data load rate: 4 TB/hour 2 x Redundant Hot Swappable Power Supplies Yes Should be capable of offloading database load by quickly process database queries and return only the relevant rows and columns to the database server Minimum Cache Read IOPS : Up to 375,000 Database Flash IOPS Minimum Disk Reads IOPS : Up to 10800 Database Disk IOPS Minimum Write IOPs : Rack Type Setup, Measured as Data Loading 4TB/hr Minimum Cached Reads MB/s : 21.5 GB/s Minimum Disk Reads MB/s : 5.4 GB/s • 1 x 600 GB High Performance disks • 1 x 400 GB Smart Flash Cache cards • InfiniBand cables • Ethernet switch for administration of the Database Machine • 2 x Redundant Power Distributions Units (PDUs) • 42U rack packaging Spare parts included in the proposal to be owned by and retained at customer premises. iii. Server Rack for Database and storage: M M M M M M M Brand Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture PDU Power cable Description M Management Switch TIA/EIA recommended rack and same brand as server To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. 2 x 10KVA PDU 30 Power extension (UK Type) Rack should be perforated at front side and measurement is [800(W)X42U(H)X1000mm(D)]. It should comply with TIA/EIA standard and datacentre standard. 48 port management port and connections to all Database Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level M Description Accessories 181 Requirement Bidders Response servers, Storages and Swiches Hi-Volt power cable, Cooling Fans, All sides should be metallic along with front door, castor wheel and Rear Door iv. Required minimum two (2) SAN/HCA Switches and specification for each SAN/HCA Switch M M M M Brand Model Country of Origin Country of Manufacture Country of Assemble Chassis Power Supply ports Characteristics of port Port Speed High availability features M M M M M M M M Management and communication port To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder Should be mentioned Should be mentioned Redundant Power supply Switch should have 36 Ports active All port modules shall be hot-swappable 40Gbps Redundant power supplies and fans, Redundant fabric management, should support active/hot-standby dual-manager configuration Switch shall have integrated Ethernet and/or Serial port for management & communication. v. Accessories: M Related Items M Installation & deployment 12.2. Level Product catalogue and manual, Power cables , any other cables, switch , SFP+, etc. related to it should cover within the package including original Software’s licenses with CD/DVD media. The participating bidder shall provide one certified Implementation Specialist from the proposed hardware manufacturer who has significant experience on the proposed Hardware in the provision of server partitioning, RAC clustering, diagnostics and tuning. Deployment shall run complete the successful implementation and commissioning. Database Machine for Disaster Data Center (DR) Description M Quality Certifications M Category M Warranty Requirement Safety: UL/cUL, CE, BSMI, GOST R, S-Mark, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-07 2nd Ed, CCC EMC: CE, FCC, VCCI, ICES, KCC, GOST R, BSMI Class A, AS/NZ 3548, CCC Internationally reputed top five pre-engineered Machine (with Database Server, Database Storage and RDBMS) as per benchmark result within same configuration. Bidder/Tenderer may attach those document with the submitted bid/tender as evidence The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level i. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Description 182 Requirement renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty and this support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. This support shall also include 24 x 7 support for proposed storage software and major upgrades for those software Required minimum two (2) Database Server and specification for each Server Brand To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Model To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Country of origin To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Country of To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Manufacture Form Factor Rack mount with the Rail Kit Type of Processor E5-2690 XEON Processor or higher Processor clock 2.9 GHz or Higher speed No of processors Min. 02 (Two) physically Core per processor Min. 8 (Eight) Chipset Intel C602J or higher System Bus (GT/s) Min. 8 or higher Cache Memory Min. 20 MB L3 cache per Processor Bus Architecture Min. 64-Bit RAM Min. 128 GB Memory RAM type True 1600-MHz Low-Voltage RDIMM’s Internal HDD bus SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) interface type Internal HDD Min. 4X300 GB (10K RPM) SAS Hot-Plug able Hard Disk Capacity Drives or Higher per server , If 600GB(15K RPM) is available supply 600GB(15K RPM) instead of 300GB Power Supply 2 x Redundant Hot Swappable Power Supplies Drive Bays To be mentioned by bidders Expansion Slot Four PCIe 3.0 slots or more to be mentioned by bidders I/O Port Minimum 4 x 1GbE/10GbE Base-T Ethernet Ports and Minimum 2 x 10GbE Ethernet SFP+ Ports per server InfiniBand port 2 x QDR (40Gb/s) Ports Video RAM To be mentioned by bidders Host Bus 2 ports with 40Gbps bandwidth each Adapter/Host Channel Adapter Certification Safety: UL/cUL, CE, BSMI, GOST R, S-Mark, CSA EMC: CCC, CE, FCC, VCCI, ICES, C-Tick, KCC, GOST R, BSMI Class Operating System Oracle Enterprise Linux or Solaris ii. Required 3 Storage for Database and Specification for each Storage: Brand Model Country of Origin Country of Manufacture Form Factor No of CPU No of PCI flash card Flash cache To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder Rack mount with the Rail Kit Minimum 36 CPU cores for SQL processing 12 PCI flash cards 4.8 TB , must be database aware and smart. Should be writeable Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level M M M M M Description Requirement Usable Storage capacity Drive interface Host Ports InfiniBand Switches Storage Controller 9.5TB i.e Minimum 36 x 600 GB 15,000 RPM High Performance disks The storage shall be End-to-end 40Gbps capable technology Minimum Six 40Gbps host ports 2 x 36 port QDR (40 Gb/sec) InfiniBand Switches Minimum 3 controllers, battery backed cache 512MB for each controller • It shall support hot plugging and hot swapping of all components on-line (i.e. disks, power supplies) with no disruption to any application. • The storage array shall be fully redundant, highly available with redundant components (power supply etc.). Disk bandwidth: 5.4 GB/s Disk IOPS: 10,800 Disk data capacity (raw): 21.6 TB Disk data capacity (usable): 9.5 TB (mirror) Flash bandwidth: 21.5 GB/s Flash read IOPS : 375,000 Flash write IOPS: 250,000 Flash data capacity (raw): 4.8 TB Data load rate: 4 TB/hour 2 x Redundant Hot Swappable Power Supplies Yes M power Controller M Metric of High Performance Disks M M Power Supply Dynamic Capacity Expansion Storage Software M 183 systems, M Metric of High Performance M Spares Kit should Include: Should be capable of offloading database load by quickly process database queries and return only the relevant rows and columns to the database server Minimum Cache Read IOPS : Up to 375,000 Database Flash IOPS Minimum Disk Reads IOPS : Up to 10800 Database Disk IOPS Minimum Write IOPs : Rack Type Setup, Measured as Data Loading 4TB/hr Minimum Cached Reads MB/s : 21.5 GB/s Minimum Disk Reads MB/s : 5.4 GB/s • 1 x 600 GB High Performance disks • 1 x 400 GB Smart Flash Cache cards • InfiniBand cables • Ethernet switch for administration of the Database Machine • 2 x Redundant Power Distributions Units (PDUs) • 42U rack packaging Spare parts included in the proposal to be owned by and retained at customer premises. iii. Server Rack for Database and storage: M M M M M M M Brand Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture PDU Power cable Description M Management Switch M Accessories TIA/EIA recommended rack and same brand as server To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. 2 x 10KVA PDU 30 Power extension (UK Type) Rack should be perforated at front side and measurement is [800(W)X42U(H)X1000mm(D)]. It should comply with TIA/EIA standard and datacentre standard. 48 port management port and connections to all Database servers, Storages and Swiches Hi-Volt power cable, Cooling Fans, All sides should be metallic along with front door, castor wheel and Rear Door Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description 184 Requirement Bidders Response iv. Required minimum two (2) SAN/HCA Switches and specification for each SAN/HCA Switch M M M M Brand Model Country of Origin Country of Manufacture Country of Assemble Chassis Power Supply ports Characteristics of port Port Speed High availability features M M M M M M M M Management and communication port To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder Should be mentioned Should be mentioned Redundant Power supply Switch should have 36 Ports active All port modules shall be hot-swappable 40Gbps Redundant power supplies and fans, Redundant fabric management, should support active/hot-standby dual-manager configuration Switch shall have integrated Ethernet and/or Serial port for management & communication. v. Accessories: M Related Items M Installation & deployment Product catalogue and manual, Power cables , any other cables, switch , SFP+, etc. related to it should cover within the package including original Software’s licenses with CD/DVD media. The participating bidder shall provide one certified Implementation Specialist from the proposed hardware manufacturer who has significant experience on the proposed Hardware in the provision of server partitioning, RAC clustering, diagnostics and tuning. Deployment shall run complete the successful implementation and commissioning. 12.3. Additional Database Machine for Production Data Centre (For DC) NB: This additional database machine will only be considered if expansions of the systems within two (2) years necessitate the procurement of additional processing power and storage. However, it is necessary for the bidder shall include this requirement in overall package and quote it separately but purchaser reserve the right to receive this part of the package at any time within two (2) years or not. When it necessary to deliver; Purchaser will notify to the bidder before 3 months prior to the deadline or earlier. Level Description M Quality Certifications M Category M Warranty Requirement Safety: UL/cUL, CE, BSMI, GOST R, S-Mark, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-07 2nd Ed, CCC EMC: CE, FCC, VCCI, ICES, KCC, GOST R, BSMI Class A, AS/NZ 3548, CCC Internationally reputed top five pre-engineered Machine (with Database Server, Database Storage and RDBMS) as per benchmark result within same configuration. Bidder/Tenderer may attach those document with the submitted bid/tender as evidence The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level i. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Description 185 Requirement from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty and this support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. This support shall also include 24 x 7 support for proposed storage software and major upgrades for those software Required minimum two (2) Database Server and specification for each Server Brand To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Model To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Country of origin To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Country of To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Manufacture Form Factor Rack mount with the Rail Kit Type of Processor E5-2690 XEON Processor or higher Processor clock 2.9 GHz or Higher speed No of processors Min. 02 (Two) physically Core per processor Min. 8 (Eight) Chipset Intel C602J or higher System Bus (GT/s) Min. 8 or higher Cache Memory Min. 20 MB L3 cache per Processor Bus Architecture Min. 64-Bit RAM Min. 128 GB Memory RAM type True 1600-MHz Low-Voltage RDIMM’s Internal HDD bus SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) interface type Internal HDD Min. 4X300 GB (10K RPM) SAS Hot-Plug able Hard Disk Capacity Drives or Higher per server , If 600GB(15K RPM) is available supply 600GB(15K RPM) instead of 300GB Power Supply 2 x Redundant Hot Swappable Power Supplies Drive Bays To be mentioned by bidders Expansion Slot Four PCIe 3.0 slots or more to be mentioned by bidders I/O Port Minimum 4 x 1GbE/10GbE Base-T Ethernet Ports and Minimum 2 x 10GbE Ethernet SFP+ Ports per server InfiniBand port 2 x QDR (40Gb/s) Ports Video RAM To be mentioned by bidders Host Bus 2 ports with 40Gbps bandwidth each Adapter/Host Channel Adapter Certification Safety: UL/cUL, CE, BSMI, GOST R, S-Mark, CSA EMC: CCC, CE, FCC, VCCI, ICES, C-Tick, KCC, GOST R, BSMI Class Operating System Oracle Enterprise Linux or Solaris ii. Required 3 Storage for Database and Specification for each Storage: Brand Model Country of Origin Country Manufacture of To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M M M M Form Factor No of CPU No of PCI flash card Flash cache M Usable Storage capacity Drive interface Host Ports InfiniBand Switches Storage Controller M M M M M power Controller M Metric of High Performance Disks M M Power Supply Dynamic Capacity Expansion Storage Software M systems, M Metric of High Performance M Spares Kit should Include: 186 Requirement Rack mount with the Rail Kit Minimum 36 CPU cores for SQL processing 12 PCI flash cards 4.8 TB , must be database aware and smart. Should be writeable 9.5TB i.e Minimum 36 x 600 GB 15,000 RPM High Performance disks The storage shall be End-to-end 40Gbps capable technology Minimum Six 40Gbps host ports 2 x 36 port QDR (40 Gb/sec) InfiniBand Switches Minimum 3 controllers, battery backed cache 512MB for each controller • It shall support hot plugging and hot swapping of all components on-line (i.e. disks, power supplies) with no disruption to any application. • The storage array shall be fully redundant, highly available with redundant components (power supply etc.). Disk bandwidth: 5.4 GB/s Disk IOPS: 10,800 Disk data capacity (raw): 21.6 TB Disk data capacity (usable): 9.5 TB (mirror) Flash bandwidth: 21.5 GB/s Flash read IOPS : 375,000 Flash write IOPS: 250,000 Flash data capacity (raw): 4.8 TB Data load rate: 4 TB/hour 2 x Redundant Hot Swappable Power Supplies Yes Should be capable of offloading database load by quickly process database queries and return only the relevant rows and columns to the database server Minimum Cache Read IOPS : Up to 375,000 Database Flash IOPS Minimum Disk Reads IOPS : Up to 10800 Database Disk IOPS Minimum Write IOPs : Rack Type Setup, Measured as Data Loading 4TB/hr Minimum Cached Reads MB/s : 21.5 GB/s Minimum Disk Reads MB/s : 5.4 GB/s • 1 x 600 GB High Performance disks • 1 x 400 GB Smart Flash Cache cards • InfiniBand cables • Ethernet switch for administration of the Database Machine • 2 x Redundant Power Distributions Units (PDUs) • 42U rack packaging Spare parts included in the proposal to be owned by and retained at customer premises. iii. Server Rack for Database and storage: M M M M M M M Brand Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture PDU Power cable Description TIA/EIA recommended rack and same brand as server To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. 2 x 10KVA PDU 30 Power extension (UK Type) Rack should be perforated at front side and measurement is [800(W)X42U(H)X1000mm(D)]. It should comply with TIA/EIA Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level 187 Description M Management Switch M Accessories Requirement Bidders Response standard and datacentre standard. 48 port management port and connections to all Database servers, Storages and Swiches Hi-Volt power cable, Cooling Fans, All sides should be metallic along with front door, castor wheel and Rear Door iv. Required minimum two (2) SAN/HCA Switches and specification for each SAN/HCA Switch M M M M Brand Model Country of Origin Country of Manufacture Country of Assemble Chassis Power Supply ports Characteristics of port Port Speed High availability features M M M M M M M M Management and communication port To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder To be mentioned by the bidder Should be mentioned Should be mentioned Redundant Power supply Switch should have 36 Ports active All port modules shall be hot-swappable 40Gbps Redundant power supplies and fans, Redundant fabric management, should support active/hot-standby dual-manager configuration Switch shall have integrated Ethernet and/or Serial port for management & communication. v. Accessories: M Related Items M Installation & deployment 12.4. S. No. 1. Product catalogue and manual, Power cables , any other cables, switch , SFP+, etc. related to it should cover within the package including original Software’s licenses with CD/DVD media. The participating bidder shall provide one certified Implementation Specialist from the proposed hardware manufacturer who has significant experience on the proposed Hardware in the provision of server partitioning, RAC clustering, diagnostics and tuning. Deployment shall run complete the successful implementation and commissioning. RDBMS Specification for DC & DR : Feature Requirement (Essential OR Desired) The system will be an industry E standard and leading Relational Database Management system (RDBMS). 2. 3. The RDBMS E Will provide multiplatform/ OS support for the ease of application portability. The database will include features E with which the database can be recovered in minimal time Quantity CPU /Min User License Perpetual Remarks (please justify Customization) Section V1. Technical Requirements S. No. 4. 5. Feature 188 Requirement (Essential OR Desired) From user errors for example user accidentally drops an important Master table or even the Database. The database will support non- E escalating row level locking& support multi-version read consistency and provides concurrency Whereby readers don't block writers and writers don’t block readers The database will have a complete E management tool so that Optimizes database memory structures based upon runtime workload, i.e. to tune memory structures as well as automated storage management of data, storage management, mirroring, stripping freeing the DBA from manual storage management. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The database will remain available more than 99.9% of the time running with no degradation. The database will support referential integrity. Data redistribution within the RDBMS will not involve downtime when additional resources are added to the DB platform as a part of an expansion. The DB platform will not require the DBA to determine the physical location of each table index partition or simple table space; it shall be managed by database itself. The DB platform will be capable of supporting system expansion to cater to the increasing growth of data volumes of up to 30,000 clearing / Day, without unloading/reloading data, without making changes into load utilities, production jobs and packages. The RDBMS solution will be designed so that hardware and software failures are handled without the entire system going offline. The entire system in this context means the Data Center (DC) and the Disaster Recovery System (DRS). E E E E E E Quantity CPU /Min User License Perpetual Remarks (please justify Customization) Section V1. Technical Requirements S. No. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 189 Feature Requirement (Essential OR Desired) The RDBMS solution will be able to scale to multiple nodes with a shared storage using a single database using clustering. The clustering solution must provide Active-Active clustering. The RDBMS architecture will allow seamless addition to Processing power and storage. It must also support server level load balancing at database tier. The DB platform will support features of built in hardware Redundancy, fault tolerance and ability to handle any single point of failure. The DB platform will support seamless integration of failed units That has been repaired. The RDBMS will be continuously available even in case of failure within the system at unit level or CPU level or other subsystem level. The RDBMS offered will have features to setup remote disaster recovery systems. The DB Platform will allow parallelism for all operations like loading, query ,database administration/management operations like backup, restore, creation& updates of index, creation &refresh of materialized views etc. Disaster Recovery Systems site will be 'ON' at all times. In order to avoid idle hardware, the features must allow the DRS site to be used for activities such as testing, reporting etc. while it continuously applies changes transmitted by primary database. The database will have support for partitioning of heavy table data transparent to the application. The offered RDBMS Solution will provide productionready Management tool. The database will have the capability E E E E E E E E E E E Quantity CPU /Min User License Perpetual Remarks (please justify Customization) Section V1. Technical Requirements S. No. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Feature of comprehensive online schema reorganization/redefinition The RDBMS solution will provide index organized table capability to increase performance and must support reverse key index Implementation along with support for built in advanced queuing capability without additional costs. The RDBMS solution will support the capabilities to do diagnostic on both database activities and hardware capabilities to provide correlation between database usages and hardware performance and capability to tune database structure, database instance and also SQL statement for improved performance. The RDBMS solution will support a single interface for management console and other tools to provide easy management of the system including clusters. The RDBMS solution will provide single interface for simplified management and administration. The RDBMS solution will support simple user-friendly GU l tools for database administration and management. The RDBMS solution will support performance and workload dashboards. The RDBMS solution will support query metrics repository for tuning analysis, resource accounting and capacity planning. The management of DB platform will not be dependent on availability of any particular node in the system and management / administration shall continue in the event of failures. The DB platform will support the ability to automatically perform Workload management. The DB platform will support mixed workload ca ability, simultaneous support for load (real time/near real- 190 Requirement (Essential OR Desired) E E E E E E E E E E Quantity CPU /Min User License Perpetual Remarks (please justify Customization) Section V1. Technical Requirements S. No. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Feature time and bulk) as well as query (simple &complex) operations in addition to maintenance work. The DB platform will support query p prioritization feature. The DB platform will support dynamic resource allocation at runtime for query operations is present based on resources needed, without any manual intervention. The system will allow for limiting resource usage like IO, CPU etc. by the administrator. The optimization of the queries in the DB platform will be automated. The optimization of queries in the DB platform will automatically parallelize queries. The DB platform will support query tuning without any manual intervention. The DB platform will support query optimizer, which supports Pipeline parallelism that allows operators to start getting result sets without having to wait for previous operator to finish. The DB Platform shall provide linear scalability without diminishing performance, across growing volume of data, users, queries, complexity of queries, database administration etc. (RDBMS & OS). The solution must be able to control the execution of database commands including DDL and DML access and must be able to use environmental parameters like IP Address or Time as authentication mechanisms The solution must not require Agent installation at the database server and must ensure security policies to be enforced even if the system is accessed from the console; i.e. firewalls are bypassed The solution should provide real time query access to DR site without stopping data synchronization with 191 Requirement (Essential OR Desired) E E E E E E E E E E E Quantity CPU /Min User License Perpetual Remarks (please justify Customization) Section V1. Technical Requirements S. No. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Feature production site. The solution should automatically detect and repair data block corruption The solution should provide powerful security controls for protecting applications and sensitive data. Prevent privileged users from accessing application data, restricts ad-hoc database changes and enforce control over how, when and where application data can be accessed. The solution must be able to restrict access to business information on a need-to-know basis and able to control the execution of database commands including DDL and DML access and as well as audited. Must be flexible enough to restrict access to an entire application schema or a subset of tables. This functionality should be part of RDBMS kernel. The database should have support for partitioning of heavy table data transparent to the application. RDBMS should support hash-hash composite partitioning of tables The database system should provide automatic database performance diagnosis and should automatically maintain workload history facilities and history performance analysis SQL Access Advisor and Automatic SQL Tuning advisor must be available along with Real-time SQL monitoring The solution should eliminate the need for manual tuning by comprehensive solution for application and SQL tuning The solution shall provide details of the RDBMS regarding the query execution path in a graphical manner to aid understanding of the query execution process Bioinformatics analysis like ANOVA analysis, BLAST, Hypothesis testing available. 192 Requirement (Essential OR Desired) E E E E E E E E E E Quantity CPU /Min User License Perpetual Remarks (please justify Customization) Section V1. Technical Requirements S. No. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 193 Feature Requirement (Essential OR Desired) SQL Analytics features like Complex calculations with MODEL clause, Compute frequent item sets, Cumulative Aggregates, functions like NTILE, PIVOT, percentage, RANK, Row Number must be available. Security feature like Basic Auditing, Column Access Control, Database Role support, Encrypted Large object data, Encryption APIs, Fine Grained Auditing including DML support, Hardware-Based Master Key Protection, Label Security, Maintain a long term history of data changes, Password Policies, Row level security must be available Automated and integrated data protection and disaster recovery, Automatic failover, Automatic resynchronization after network is restored, Automatic resynchronization of old primary database after a failover, Cascaded standbys, Switchover and Zero data loss capability must available. Online Backup, DDL, Index creation, index reorganization, recovery & restore, table move, segment shrink, table redefinition & reorganization and rebalance from storage removal is available. Failure reporting capability. E Automated Point In Time Recovery, Automated, disk-based backup, Automatic Data File Creation, Backup Compression, Backup Throttling block Level Media Recovery, Duplexed Backups, Incrementally Updated backups facility available. The DB platform will be a unified solution of database server, operating system, storage and associated management tool. The DB platform will be preconfigured with servers, storage, OS & RDBMS in a rack type setup. The DB platform will be able to support multi-generation hardware E E E E E E E E Quantity CPU /Min User License Perpetual Remarks (please justify Customization) Section V1. Technical Requirements S. No. 194 Feature Requirement (Essential OR Desired) Quantity CPU /Min User License Perpetual Remarks (please justify Customization) to coexist to avoid hardware redeployment keeping in mind future upgrades or expansions to ensure investment protection. 12.5. Summary of Hardware and Software License Bidder Shall Comply with the Minimum DB licenses required for the proposed Database Server based on No of processor/Minimum user licenses. 12.5.1. Database Machine at DC Hardware Components Database Machine warranty Hardware performing Software Software Components 1Yr support Y 2Yr support Y 3Yr support 4Yr support 5Yr support Machine Unit s 1 Y Y Y Disk Drive 36 Y Y Y Y Y Metric Metric Compl y Units Database Licenses Core Oracle Database Software Oracle Database Enterprise Edition ORACLE ENTERPRISE MANAGER OPS CENTER 12C Oracle Real Application Clusters NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y Oracle Partitioning NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y Oracle Management Options Oracle OEM Diagnostic Pack NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y Oracle OEM Tuning Pack NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y Oracle Backup Management Oracle Secure Backup Drive 4 Y Y Y Y Y NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y Disaster Recovery Oracle Active Data Guard 12.5.2. Database Machine at DR Hardware Components Database Machine warranty Hardware performing Software Software Components 2Yr support Y 3Yr support 4Yr support 5Yr support Y Y Y Machine 1 1Yr support Y Disk Drive 36 Y Y Y Y Y Metric Unit s NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y Metric Units Database Licenses Core Oracle Database Software Oracle Database Enterprise Edition ORACLE ENTERPRISE MANAGER OPS CENTER 12C Oracle Real Application Clusters Comply Section V1. Technical Requirements 195 Oracle Partitioning NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y Oracle Management Options Oracle OEM Diagnostic Pack NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y Oracle OEM Tuning Pack NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y Disaster Recovery Oracle Active Data Guard NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y 12.5.3. Additional Database Machine at DC NB: This additional database software’s will only be considered if expansions of the systems within two (2) years necessitate the procurement of additional processing power and storage. However, it is necessary for the bidder shall include this requirement in overall package and quote it separately but purchaser reserve the right to receive this part of the package at any time within two (2) years or not. When it necessary to deliver; Purchaser will notify to the bidder before 3 months prior to the deadline or earlier. Hardware Components Database Machine warranty Hardware performing Software Software Components 2Yr support Y 3Yr support 4Yr support 5Yr support Y Y Y Machine 1 1Yr support Y Disk Drive 36 Y Y Y Y Y Metric Unit s Metric Units Comply Database Licenses Core Oracle Database Software Oracle Database Enterprise Edition ORACLE ENTERPRISE MANAGER OPS CENTER 12C Oracle Real Application Clusters NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y Oracle Partitioning NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y Oracle Management Options Oracle OEM Diagnostic Pack NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y Oracle OEM Tuning Pack NUP 400 Y Y Y Y Y Disaster Recovery Oracle Active Data Guard NUP 400 Y Y Y N N 12.6. Level Management Servers (1 unit at DC and 1 unit at DR) Description M Quality M Brand M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form Factor Processor M M Requirement ISO 9001/9002 for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Rack mount with the Rail Kit Minimum 2x Eight-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2690 (20M Cache, 2.90 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or more capacity or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level M M Description M Cache Memory Quick Path Interconnect RAM M Hard Disk Drive M RAID M M Chassis Form Factor Optical Drive M M M M M M M NIC Expansion Slot Graphics/Video Bays Power Supply Cooling Fan Remote Management M M OS System supported OS M Virtualization (manager and Server) Cluster ware Warranty M M 12.7. Level 196 Requirement Bidders Response 20 MB Cache per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s 32 GB DDR3 RAM Min 1066/1333 MHz expandable to min 256GB 2 x 600 GB , 10K RPM, SAS hot swappable Serial Attached (SAS) Hard Disk Expandable up to 8 Disk drives or more Raid controller with min 512 MB Battery backed cache should support RAID level 0, 1, 5, 10 2U Rack Mountable with rails Internal DVD-RW Drive, factory fitted or Remote DVD/Storage (RKVMS) supported Four(4) x Port 1/10G Ethernet NIC. Minimum four(4) PCI Express 3.0 slots Integrated graphics controller with minimum 8 MB Memory Min 8 hot plug hard drive Bays Hot Plug Redundant Power Supply Redundant cooling fan Enterprise class remote management card with dedicated network port Remote KVM and Remote storage mapping shall support Require enterprise class Management software. (for management /monitoring/Administration of hardware and software) Oracle Linux Windows, VM, Enterprise Linux Edition, Solaris 10, Oracle Ent. Linux ,Redhat, SUSE etc. Unlimited VM with Virtual Manager Software (Enterprise Edition) Linux Cluster ware or Oracle Linux Cluster ware The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty and this support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DC and 1 unit at DR) Description M Quality M Brand M M Model Country of origin Requirement ISO 9001/9002 for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level M M M M M Description Country of Manufacture Form Factor Processor M Cache Memory Quick Path Interconnect Ram M Hard Disk Drive M RAID M M M Expansion Slot Chassis Form Factor Optical Drive M M M M M M M M NIC HBA Card HCA Graphics/Video Bays Power Supply Cooling Fan Remote Management M M OS System supported OS M Virtualization (manager and Server) Cluster ware Warranty M M 197 Requirement To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Rack mount with the Rail Kit Minimum 2x Eight-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2690 (20M Cache, 2.90 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or more capacity or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 20 MB Cache per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s 64 GB DDR3 RAM Min 1066/1333 MHz expandable to min 256GB 4 x 600 GB , 10K RPM, SAS hot swappable Serial Attached (SAS) Hard Disk Expandable up to 8 Disk drives or more Raid controller with min 512 MB Battery backed cache should support RAID level 0, 1, 5, 10 Minimum six (6) PCI Express 3.0 slots 2U Rack Mountable with rails Internal DVD-RW Drive, factory fitted or Remote DVD/Storage (RKVMS) supported Four(4) x Port 1/10G Ethernet NIC 1x dual port 10Gbps FC Cards 2 x 40Gbps IB HCA (for connecting Database machines) Integrated graphics controller with minimum 8 MB Memory Min 8 hot plug hard drive Bays Hot Plug Redundant Power Supply Redundant cooling fan Enterprise class remote management card with dedicated network port Remote KVM and Remote storage mapping shall support Require enterprise class Management software. (for management /monitoring/Administration of hardware and software) Oracle Linux Windows, VM, Enterprise Linux Edition, Solaris 10, Oracle Ent. Linux ,Redhat, SUSE etc. Unlimited VM with Virtual Manager Software (Enterprise Edition) Linux Cluster ware or Oracle Linux Cluster ware The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty and this support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements 12.8. Level Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DC) Description M Quality M Brand M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form Factor Hardware Specifications M M M Controller M CPUs per Controller M Cache M Cache / Memory for Entire System M M M Storage Operating System Client Operating System Support External Connectivity Interface M Chassis M M M M M M M M 198 Power supply File Level Protocol Support Block level Protocol Support Raid Level Supported Disk Supported Disk Storage required Capacity Disk Scalability Reliability Requirement ISO 9001/9002 for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five backup storage appliance manufacturers smoothly run with pre-engineered Machine. Bidder should submit relevant documents. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Rack mount with the Rail Kit comes with standard Rack. SAN and NAS Storages Solution 2 x Controller System (4 x Intel Xeon E7-4820 8-Core, 2GHz, 105W, 512GB RAM) Intel Xeon based CPU 8 cores (2 GHz) per CPU or better 4 CPUs per Controller 8 x 73GB SSDs ( 8 x 73GB) - Write 4 x 512GB SSD (4 x 512GB) - Read 512GB Memory Read Cache : as per above Write Cache : as per above Preferred to have Read and Write cache Separately Operating System shall be storage-optimized distribution of UNIX/LINUX Storage system should support Red Hat Linux, Oracle Linux, Windows Server 2008/2012 or higher Four x 1 Gbps Ethernet and expandable up to 8 (NFS and ISCSI Supported) per controller 2 x 40Gbps ports per controller (2 x IB card ) 20-Meter High-Bandwidth QSFP/passive Optical Cable 4x QDR Ethernet QSFP Transceiver 2 x 8Gb FC Cards and 2 x cables (10m Cables to connect to SAN switch) 1 Management Port 2 x 10G Ports including 10G SFP+ Bidder will deliver all related cables and transceiver required to connect with interfaces. Storage system should be Rack Mountable Should provide a rack for the storage system Should provide rack mount kits for the storage system 2 x Power supplies NFS v2/v3/v4, CIFS, HTTP, WebDAV, FTP/SFTP/FTPS iSCSI, Fibre Channel, IP over Infiniband , RDMA over Infiniband iSER, SRP Striping, mirroring, triple-mirroring single-parity RAID, doubleparity RAID, triple-parity RAID, wide stripes 300GB/600GB (15K RPM), 3TB (7.2KRPM) 40 x 600GB (15K RPM) 44 x 3TB (7.2KRPM) 800 disk Drive or above The storage having Redundant, hot-swappable controllers , Power Supplies, cooling fans and disks. Individual disk drive slot power control facilities. Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Licensing M M RAID Support Supported OS M Array Management Software M Storage Software M Storage Software Feature M Snapshots M M Clone Replication M Licenses M M M De-duplication Thin Provision Compression M M Quota management Directory services Plugin Data security Antivirus Plug-in Via ICAP Network services Dynamic Routing M M M M M WebDev Protocol Support 199 Requirement All licenses for the above storage system should be configured & provided for the entire system capacity by the storage vendor from Day ONE Storage system should support RAID 0,1,10, 3,5,6 Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2008; Linux; VMWare; ESX; Solaris INCLUDED The management software will enable to manage the whole storage system from a single point. There should be a single OS to manage the storage system Features and Services (Required to include Licenses and 24 x 7 Software subscription) for the proposed hardware configuration Host Integration Tool including Remote Setup Wizard , Host Software For Windows and Host Software For VMware, Hyperv, Array Software supports all the mention required features and support un-limited license without further additional costs. Support Thin Provision, Snapshot, Clone, Remote Replication feature to provide disaster recovery and business Continuity. Non-Disruptive array addition and removal; Multi-Path I/O; Automatic load balancing , Storage Tiering, Online Data and Volume Movement, Automatic load balancing of volumes across RAID Types; Read only, ,Restore, Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Support (VSS) minimum 16 snapshots per source volume shall be supported Read/write (clone) 1:N, N:1, manual, scheduled, continuous Replication to lower end Storage in Same family Replication Licenses (async/sync) Snapshow Licenses Inline, block-level de-duplication Thin Provision should be supported. Normal Compression LZJB (Fastest) GZIP-2 (Fast) GZIP (Default) GZIP-9 (Best Compression) Oracle EHCC (optional) user based quota , volume based quota Microsoft AD, LDAP, NIS including (Authentication and Authorization, Quota management) Checksum data and metadata, antivirus quarantine Storage system should support and interoperable with all major virus guards (including Sophos) NTP, DHCP, SMTP The RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is a distance-vector dynamic routing protocol that is used by the appliance to automatically configure optimal routes based on messages received from other RIP-enabled on-link hosts (typically routers). The appliance supports both RIPv1 and RIPv2 for IPv4, and RIPng for IPv6. (Optional) The HTTP service provides access to file systems using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols and the HTTP extension WebDAV (Web based Distributed Authoring and Versioning). This allows clients to access shared file systems through a web browser, or as a local file system if their client software Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M NDMP Backup M M Management and Monitoring Monitoring M Management M Monitoring Tool M M M M M M Monitoring and Analytics Analytics Capabilities Set1 (Example) M Analytics Capabilities Set2 (Example) M Analytics Capabilities Set3 (Example) M M Software Automated serviceability Support and Maintenance M M M M M Warranty/Support 200 Requirement supports it. The NDMP (Network Data Management Protocol) service enables the system to participate in NDMP-based backup and restore operations controlled by a remote NDMP client called a Data Management Application (DMA) Storage should have NDMP backup facility for all logical volumes and restore facility NDMP v3/v4 protocol Supported Backups and Normal Backup For Symantec Netback up, Oracle Secure Backup , Tivoli Backup Storage system should have software utilities which would provide pro active maintenance of disk drives, bad blocks, system check etc. The software should be provided from Day ONE. BUI based and CLI Based Via HTTPS, SSH, SNMP v1/v2c, IPMI Role based Access Control Work Flow automation Appliance should provide real time monitoring/alerting tool to monitor i/o performance The monitoring tool should be capable of reporting allocation patterns/ and analyzing i/o behaviour Detailed Hardware View Management Dashboards The monitoring tool should be capable of defining alerts and threshold levels for events on i/o performance, volume capacity changes, and hardware and software related events and relaying alerts as emails. Details Analytics module (for system tuning and debugging); Dashboard monitoring for key system performance metrics Network based Analytics Network bytes/sec NFSv3 operations/sec Disk operations/sec CPU utilization "NFS operations/sec" "NFS operations/sec by type" "NFS operations/sec of type read by client" "NFS operations/sec of type read for client broken down by filename Analytics by protocol Cache related Analytics Application level Analytics Client/User based analytics Vendor shall provide all related software to replicate etc "Phone Home" capability with automatic case creation, configurable alerts Support and Maintenance for Hardware and Software Availability of Principal Manufacturer’s technical Assistance/ Support Center access and Support Service on 24Hrs x 365 Days basis. (for HW and Software) Software Version Upgrades and Bug fixes Hardware Replacement within eight (04) hours from the failure The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description 201 Requirement Bidders Response starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty and this support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. 12.9. Level Backup Storage Appliance: (1 unit at DR) Description M Quality M Brand M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form Factor Hardware Specifications M M M Controller M CPUs per Controller M Cache M Cache / Memory for Entire System M M M Storage Operating System Client Operating System Support External Connectivity Interface Requirement ISO 9001/9002 for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five backup storage appliance manufacturers smoothly run with pre-engineered Machine. Bidder should submit relevant documents. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Rack mount with the Rail Kit comes with standard Rack. SAN and NAS Storages Solution 2 x Controller System (4 x Intel Xeon E7-4820 8-Core, 2GHz, 105W, 512GB RAM) Intel Xeon based CPU 8 cores (2 GHz) per CPU or better 4 CPUs per Controller 8 x 73GB SSDs ( 8 x 73GB) - Write 4 x 512GB SSD (4 x 512GB) - Read 512GB Memory Read Cache : as per above Write Cache : as per above Preferred to have Read and Write cache Separately Operating System shall be storage-optimized distribution of UNIX/LINUX Storage system should support Red Hat Linux, Oracle Linux, Windows Server 2008/2012 or higher Four x 1 Gbps Ethernet and expandable up to 8 (NFS and ISCSI Supported) per controller Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Chassis M M M M M M Power supply File Level Protocol Support Block level Protocol Support Raid Level Supported M M Disk Supported Disk Storage required Capacity Disk Scalability Reliability M Licensing M M RAID Support Supported OS M Array Management Software M Storage Software M Storage Software Feature M Snapshots M M Clone Replication M Licenses 202 Requirement 2 x 40Gbps ports per controller (2 x IB card ) 20-Meter High-Bandwidth QSFP/passive Optical Cable 4x QDR Ethernet QSFP Transceiver 2 x 8Gb FC Cards and 2 x cables (10m Cables to connect to SAN switch) 1 Management Port 2 x 10G Ports including 10G SFP+ Bidder will deliver all related cables and transceiver required to connect with interfaces. Storage system should be Rack Mountable Should provide a rack for the storage system Should provide rack mount kits for the storage system 2 x Power supplies NFS v2/v3/v4, CIFS, HTTP, WebDAV, FTP/SFTP/FTPS iSCSI, Fibre Channel, IP over Infiniband , RDMA over Infiniband iSER, SRP Striping, mirroring, triple-mirroring single-parity RAID, doubleparity RAID, triple-parity RAID, wide stripes 300GB/600GB (15K RPM), 3TB (7.2KRPM) 40 x 600GB (15K RPM) 44 x 3TB (7.2KRPM) 800 disk Drive or above The storage having Redundant, hot-swappable controllers , Power Supplies, cooling fans and disks. Individual disk drive slot power control facilities. All licenses for the above storage system should be configured & provided for the entire system capacity by the storage vendor from Day ONE Storage system should support RAID 0,1,10, 3,5,6 Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2008; Linux; VMWare; ESX; Solaris INCLUDED The management software will enable to manage the whole storage system from a single point. There should be a single OS to manage the storage system Features and Services (Required to include Licenses and 24 x 7 Software subscription) for the proposed hardware configuration Host Integration Tool including Remote Setup Wizard , Host Software For Windows and Host Software For VMware, Hyperv, Array Software supports all the mention required features and support un-limited license without further additional costs. Support Thin Provision, Snapshot, Clone, Remote Replication feature to provide disaster recovery and business Continuity. Non-Disruptive array addition and removal; Multi-Path I/O; Automatic load balancing , Storage Tiering, Online Data and Volume Movement, Automatic load balancing of volumes across RAID Types; Read only, ,Restore, Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Support (VSS) minimum 16 snapshots per source volume shall be supported Read/write (clone) 1:N, N:1, manual, scheduled, continuous Replication to lower end Storage in Same family Replication Licenses (async/sync) Snapshow Licenses Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M M M De-duplication Thin Provision Compression M M Quota management Directory services Plugin Data security Antivirus Plug-in Via ICAP Network services Dynamic Routing M M M M M WebDev Protocol Support M NDMP Backup M Management and Monitoring M 203 Requirement Inline, block-level de-duplication Thin Provision should be supported. Normal Compression LZJB (Fastest) GZIP-2 (Fast) GZIP (Default) GZIP-9 (Best Compression) Oracle EHCC (optional) user based quota , volume based quota Microsoft AD, LDAP, NIS including (Authentication and Authorization, Quota management) Checksum data and metadata, antivirus quarantine Storage system should support and interoperable with all major virus guards (including Sophos) NTP, DHCP, SMTP The RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is a distance-vector dynamic routing protocol that is used by the appliance to automatically configure optimal routes based on messages received from other RIP-enabled on-link hosts (typically routers). The appliance supports both RIPv1 and RIPv2 for IPv4, and RIPng for IPv6. (Optional) The HTTP service provides access to file systems using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols and the HTTP extension WebDAV (Web based Distributed Authoring and Versioning). This allows clients to access shared file systems through a web browser, or as a local file system if their client software supports it. The NDMP (Network Data Management Protocol) service enables the system to participate in NDMP-based backup and restore operations controlled by a remote NDMP client called a Data Management Application (DMA) Storage should have NDMP backup facility for all logical volumes and restore facility NDMP v3/v4 protocol Supported Backups and Normal Backup For Symantec Netback up, Oracle Secure Backup , Tivoli Backup Monitoring Storage system should have software utilities which would provide pro active maintenance of disk drives, bad blocks, system check etc. The software should be provided from Day ONE. M Management M Monitoring Tool BUI based and CLI Based Via HTTPS, SSH, SNMP v1/v2c, IPMI Role based Access Control Work Flow automation Appliance should provide real time monitoring/alerting tool to monitor i/o performance The monitoring tool should be capable of reporting allocation patterns/ and analyzing i/o behaviour Detailed Hardware View Management Dashboards The monitoring tool should be capable of defining alerts and threshold levels for events on i/o performance, volume capacity changes, and hardware and software related events and relaying alerts as emails. Details Analytics module (for system tuning and debugging); M M M M M Monitoring and Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description Analytics Analytics Capabilities Set1 (Example) M M Analytics Capabilities Set2 (Example) M Analytics Capabilities Set3 (Example) M M Software Automated serviceability Support and Maintenance M M M M M Warranty/Support 12.10. 204 Requirement Bidders Response Dashboard monitoring for key system performance metrics Network based Analytics Network bytes/sec NFSv3 operations/sec Disk operations/sec CPU utilization "NFS operations/sec" "NFS operations/sec by type" "NFS operations/sec of type read by client" "NFS operations/sec of type read for client broken down by filename Analytics by protocol Cache related Analytics Application level Analytics Client/User based analytics Vendor shall provide all related software to replicate etc "Phone Home" capability with automatic case creation, configurable alerts Support and Maintenance for Hardware and Software Availability of Principal Manufacturer’s technical Assistance/ Support Center access and Support Service on 24Hrs x 365 Days basis. (for HW and Software) Software Version Upgrades and Bug fixes Hardware Replacement within eight (04) hours from the failure The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty and this support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Training and Training Material Bidder should propose local training at Dhaka city for the following modules: No of Participants 16 10 6 4 4 10 Name of Training Duration Oracle Database on Oracle 11g Real Application Clusters (RAC) and Oracle implement partitioning on Oracle 11g Database Administrator and Performance Tuning on Oracle 11g System Administration on Operating System & Hardware Engineering Systems Oracle Active Data Guard Administration and oracle secure backup 80 hour 80 hour Technology sharing study tour at Singapore or Malaysia for DMTBF Technical Core committee. 80 hour 80 hour 80 hour 5 days Section V1. Technical Requirements 205 The recommended training should consider as 50% theoretical including questionnaire/assignment on class and 50% practical for each participant. It should cover the certification for the above courses. This training module should also cover the offered server and its software as well as hand on training to expertise on the offered resources. To get the approval from authority; winner Bidder should submit details of training topics and content after discussion with purchaser. Bidder should supply training material, declare suitable venue and arrange necessary original vendor certified training material, food refreshment for all trainee during the training session. Those training differentiate candidates in the marketplace by providing a competitive edge through proven expertise. Up-to-date training and field experience certified trainers are recommended. For 5 days Technology sharing study tour; Bidder shall arrange two appointments to the organizations either at Singapore or Malaysia where similar type of robust systems has been running smoothly for three years. Their recommendation based on this workshop enhances the future improvement of the Systems smooth operation. However; Bidder shall make all appropriate logistical arrangements (both way airfare i.e Return AirTicket, visa fee, local transportation, airport pickup, 3-star hotel accommodation for each participant in single room, food, US$100 per diem per participant) for such workshop. Bidder should include all those facilities and details quote the same. 13. OPTION – 2 13.1. Number of Core Analysis for option-2 DB Machines: Example is given to identify the required cores and models: DB Size (TB) Systems (1TB -TPCH) Cores (QphH) (QphH) /Cores =[Y] IBM Power 780 ( IBM POWER7 - 4.14 GHz ) 1 32 164,747 5,148.34 HP Integrity Superdome 2 (Itanium 1.73 GHz ) SPARC T5-4 Server (T5 - 3.6 GHz) 1 64 140,181 2,190.33 3 64 409,721 6,401.89 To be mention by the bidder for any other Manufacturer if required. Public Results /tpch_result_detail.asp?id=11012 1501 /tpch_result_detail.asp?id=11004 2601 /tpch_result_detail.asp?id=11306 0701 Required QphH per node =[X] No# of Cores per node required for 164K QphH = [X]/[y] 140000 27 140000 64 140000 22 Section V1. Technical Requirements 206 13.2. Database Servers for Production site [1 unit cluster solution at DC] Level Description Requirement M Quality M Brand M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Server type ISO 9001/9002 for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer. The offered server along with OS shall be certified to run the Oracle 11g database system. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest TPC rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. M M M M Form factor Performance Capacity of System Scalability M TPC-H benchmarking M M M Processor Type Processor speed Core per processor Chipset No of Processor Total # of Threads No of Core M Memory (RAM) M Cache Memory M Hard Disk M M M M Database Server (Minimum 2 Node Cluster with 4 Physical Partitions in each Node) Each physical server shall be configured with licenses to create more partitions in future at no additional cost. Rack Mountable/Blade Architecture Bidder should submit Manufacturer benchmarking document of offered system for the Transaction per second capacity against the oracle 11g database system. The Manufacturer Model quoted for a clustered system should have expandability capacity minimum 400% of the offered cores. As for example: 1. If each node is 32 core then bidder may select such a model of 64 core and the model of same node should support a cluster system where core capacity is 32*400% = 128 core. or 2. If each node is 32 core then bidder may select such a model where core capacity is 32*400% = 128 core for a cluster system. Each Node shall require minimum 140,000 QphH@1000GB to meet the TPC-H benchmarking ( To comply with this benchmark bidder shall provide suitable size system with regards to processors and cores according to analysis mentioned above. Bidder/Tenderer must attach supporting documentation with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. 64 Bit, RISC Processor Minimum 2.5GHz RISC/EPIC or substantially equivalent to be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Number of cores per processor can be 8 or above To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer to follow the “Number of Core Analysis for option-2 DB Machines” Each NODE equipped with at least 512 GB DDR3 memories but the full system will have expandability option to minimum 4TB DDR3 RAM. Must offer the highest available cache for the offered system and to be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Each node should have Internal Hard disk 8 X 600GB 10,000 RPM (Minimum) SAS/FC Disk Drive with Mirroring Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M M M I/O Slot System Memory Bandwidth (GB/s) System I/O Bandwidth (GB/s) LAN Adapter M FC Adapter M HCA card M DVD ROM M M Power supply Operating System M Cluster Software M Management Software M High availabilitystandard server features M Requirement for Operating Systems (internal or external). To be specify by the bidder/tenderer. To be specify by the bidder/tenderer. To be specify by the bidder/tenderer. Each node shall have Min 8 X 10Gb Network port. Adapter level redundancy shall be maintained. Each node shall have Min 4 X Dual Port 8Gb FC Adapter. Adapter level redundancy shall be maintained. 2 x 40Gbps IB HCA (for connecting SAN/ Infiniband switch) including all connecting cables. 1x DVD-RW or equivalent device attached by which the requirement will be fulfilled. Redundant power supplies and cooling fans 64-bit UNIX Operating System with unlimited user license along with the following features: The vendor should guarantee the O/S backward compatibility with oracle 11g database. Any configuration change in one partition should not affect any other partition unless desired An error in one partition should not bring the entire system or other partitions down Each partition should be upgradeable separately and independently without affecting other partitions. Partition management software having dynamic configuration feature with GUI / Web interface. Management Consoles, for the same to be provided. Redundant service processors with automatic failover Redundant system clocks with dynamic failover Hot-swappable disk bays Hot-plug/blind-swap PCI slots Hot-add I/O drawers Hot-plug power supplies and cooling fans Dynamic Processor Deallocation Dynamic deallocation of logical partitions and PCI bus slots C++ Software for UNIX should be included Vendor must propose a two-node cluster Software. Vendor must quote OS based Cluster software The proposed cluster ware solution should provide: Automatic package re-insertion In flight transaction re-injection No loss of session for user or batch process during failover. Committed and uncommitted inflight transaction to be protected. The cluster solution must be able to provide fail over to the other system triggered by failures in: Hardware Operating System Partition Application Please include Server Management Software tool for simplifies server setup, health monitoring, power and thermal control, and for remote administration 2N (N+N) redundant power supplies N+1 fans (or greater depending on the load) Online, replaceable, and redundant OA, utilities, clock, and 207 Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Capacity on Demand capabilities M Authentication M Accessories should Include M Spares Kit should Include: M Installation & deployment M Warranty Requirement service processor subsystems Fault Tolerant Crossbar Fabric built on dynamic multipathing and end-to-end retry technology ECC on caches, Memory ECC, and double-chip spare ECC, re-tries, and Link Width Reduction on data paths Automatic de-configuration of memory and processors I/O Advanced Error Recovery, and I/O isolation off Crossbar Fabric Support Physical Partition (Electrical Isolation) and Virtual Partition Support: Instant Capacity on Demand Temporary Instant Capacity on Demand Global Instant Capacity on Demand System must be configurable to up to 4 partitions / domains. Each partition / domain must not share any system resource (eg. CPU socket / Memory / I/O) with other partition / domain. Each partition / domain must be capable of independent booting, patching, upgrades and states of operating system kernel. System must not have any CPU / Memory / I/O overhead when more partitions and domains are hosted in the server. Different parts of the system must be certified with brand company and should have Parts No. on each Part. • 2 x Redundant Power Distributions Units (PDUs) within offered Rack including all required cables. • 8 port (8GB) active SAN Switch with required cables. • Database server should come with Rack (same brand of supplied Server) where confirm the facilities of KVM Switch, LCD rack Monitor, KVM Adapters of each port of KVM switch, FC cables, UTP patch cords, etc. • Rack should be perforated at front side and measurement is [800(W)X42U(H)X1000mm(D)]. It should comply with TIA/EIA standard and datacentre standard. • 1 x 600 GB High Performance disks • 1 x 400 GB Smart Flash Cache cards • 1x FC Card • Ethernet switch for administration of the Database Machine • 1 x Redundant Power Distributions Units (PDUs) • Spare parts included in the proposal to be owned by and retained at customer premises. The participating bidder shall provide one certified Implementation Specialist from the proposed hardware manufacturer who has significant experience on the proposed Hardware in the provision of server partitioning, RAC clustering, diagnostics and tuning. Deployment shall run complete the successful implementation and commissioning. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full 208 Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description Requirement 209 Bidders Response support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty and this support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. 13.3. Database Server for Disaster recovery site [ 1 Unit at DR ] Level Description Requirement M Quality M Brand M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Server type ISO 9001/9002 for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer. The offered server along with OS shall be certified to run the Oracle 11g database system. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest TPC rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. M M M M Form factor Performance Capacity of System Scalability M TPC-H benchmarking M M M Processor Type Processor speed Core per processor Chipset No of Processor Total # of Threads No of Core M Memory (RAM) M M M M Database Server (Minimum 2 Node Cluster with 4 Physical Partitions in each Node) Each physical server shall be configured with licenses to create more partitions in future at no additional cost. Rack Mountable/Blade Architecture Bidder should submit Manufacturer benchmarking document of offered system for the Transaction per second capacity against the oracle 11g database system. The Manufacturer Model quoted for a clustered system should have expandability capacity minimum 400% of the offered cores. As for example: 3. If each node is 32 core then bidder may select such a model of 64 core and the model of same node should support a cluster system where core capacity is 32*400% = 128 core. or 4. If each node is 32 core then bidder may select such a model where core capacity is 32*400% = 128 core for a cluster system. Each Node shall require minimum 140,000 QphH@1000GB to meet the TPC-H benchmarking ( To comply with this benchmark bidder shall provide suitable size system with regards to processors and cores according to analysis mentioned above. Bidder/Tenderer must attach supporting documentation with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. 64 Bit, RISC Processor Minimum 2.5GHz RISC/EPIC or substantially equivalent to be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Number of cores per processor can be 8 or above To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer to follow the “Number of Core Analysis for option-2 DB Machines” Each NODE equipped with at least 512 GB DDR3 memories Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Cache Memory M Hard Disk M M M I/O Slot System Memory Bandwidth (GB/s) System I/O Bandwidth (GB/s) LAN Adapter M FC Adapter M HCA card M DVD ROM M M Power supply Operating System M Cluster Software M Requirement but the full system will have expandability option to minimum 4TB DDR3 RAM. Must offer the highest available cache for the offered system and to be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Each node should have Internal Hard disk 8 X 600GB 10,000 RPM (Minimum) SAS/FC Disk Drive with Mirroring for Operating Systems (internal or external). To be specify by the bidder/tenderer. To be specify by the bidder/tenderer. To be specify by the bidder/tenderer. Each node shall have Min 8 X 10Gb Network port. Adapter level redundancy shall be maintained. Each node shall have Min 4 X Dual Port 8Gb FC Adapter. Adapter level redundancy shall be maintained. 2 x 40Gbps IB HCA (for connecting SAN/ Infiniband switch) including all connecting cables. 1x DVD-RW or equivalent device attached by which the requirement will be fulfilled. Redundant power supplies and cooling fans 64-bit UNIX Operating System with unlimited user license along with the following features: The vendor should guarantee the O/S backward compatibility with oracle 11g database. Any configuration change in one partition should not affect any other partition unless desired An error in one partition should not bring the entire system or other partitions down Each partition should be upgradeable separately and independently without affecting other partitions. Partition management software having dynamic configuration feature with GUI / Web interface. Management Consoles, for the same to be provided. Redundant service processors with automatic failover Redundant system clocks with dynamic failover Hot-swappable disk bays Hot-plug/blind-swap PCI slots Hot-add I/O drawers Hot-plug power supplies and cooling fans Dynamic Processor Deallocation Dynamic deallocation of logical partitions and PCI bus slots C++ Software for UNIX should be included Vendor must propose a two-node cluster Software. Vendor must quote OS based Cluster software The proposed cluster ware solution should provide: Automatic package re-insertion In flight transaction re-injection No loss of session for user or batch process during failover. Committed and uncommitted inflight transaction to be protected. The cluster solution must be able to provide fail over to the other system triggered by failures in: Hardware Operating System Partition Application 210 Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description Requirement M Management Software M High availabilitystandard server features M Capacity on Demand capabilities M Authentication M Accessories should Include M Spares Kit should Include: Please include Server Management Software tool for simplifies server setup, health monitoring, power and thermal control, and for remote administration 2N (N+N) redundant power supplies N+1 fans (or greater depending on the load) Online, replaceable, and redundant OA, utilities, clock, and service processor subsystems Fault Tolerant Crossbar Fabric built on dynamic multipathing and end-to-end retry technology ECC on caches, Memory ECC, and double-chip spare ECC, re-tries, and Link Width Reduction on data paths Automatic de-configuration of memory and processors I/O Advanced Error Recovery, and I/O isolation off Crossbar Fabric Support Physical Partition (Electrical Isolation) and Virtual Partition Support: Instant Capacity on Demand Temporary Instant Capacity on Demand Global Instant Capacity on Demand System must be configurable to up to 4 partitions / domains. Each partition / domain must not share any system resource (eg. CPU socket / Memory / I/O) with other partition / domain. Each partition / domain must be capable of independent booting, patching, upgrades and states of operating system kernel. System must not have any CPU / Memory / I/O overhead when more partitions and domains are hosted in the server. Different parts of the system must be certified with brand company and should have Parts No. on each Part. • 2 x Redundant Power Distributions Units (PDUs) within offered Rack including all required cables. • 8 port (8GB) active SAN Switch with required cables . • Database server should come with Rack (same brand of supplied Server) where confirm the facilities of KVM Switch, LCD rack Monitor, KVM Adapters of each port of KVM switch, FC cables, UTP patch cords, etc. • Rack should be perforated at front side and measurement is [800(W)X42U(H)X1000mm(D)]. It should comply with TIA/EIA standard and datacentre standard. • 1 x 600 GB High Performance disks • 1 x 400 GB Smart Flash Cache cards • 1x FC Card • Ethernet switch for administration of the Database Machine • 1 x Redundant Power Distributions Units (PDUs) • Spare parts included in the proposal to be owned by and retained at customer premises. M Installation & deployment M Warranty The participating bidder shall provide one certified Implementation Specialist from the proposed hardware manufacturer who has significant experience on the proposed Hardware in the provision of server partitioning, RAC clustering, diagnostics and tuning. Deployment shall run complete the successful implementation and commissioning. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) 211 Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description 212 Requirement Bidders Response period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty and this support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. 13.4. S. No. RDBMS Specification for DC & DR : Feature Requirement (Essential OR Desired) 1. The system will be an industry E standard and leading Relational Database Management system (RDBMS). 2. 3. 4. 5. The RDBMS Will provide multiplatform/ OS support for the ease of application portability. The database will include features with which the database can be recovered in minimal time From user errors for example user accidentally drops an important Master table or even the Database. The database will support nonescalating row level locking& support multi-version read consistency and provides concurrency Whereby readers don't block writers and writers don’t block readers The database will have a complete management tool so that E E E E Optimizes database memory structures based upon runtime workload, i.e. to tune memory structures as well as automated storage management of data, storage management, mirroring, stripping freeing the DBA from manual storage management. 6. 7. The database will remain available E more than 99.9% of the time running with no degradation. The database will support referential E integrity. Quantity CPU /Min User License Perpetual Remarks (please justify Customization) Section V1. Technical Requirements S. No. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 213 Feature Requirement (Essential OR Desired) Data redistribution within the RDBMS will not involve downtime when additional resources are added to the DB platform as a part of an expansion. The DB platform will not require the DBA to determine the physical location of each table index partition or simple table space; it shall be managed by database itself. The DB platform will be capable of supporting system expansion to cater to the increasing growth of data volumes of up to 30,000 clearing / Day, without unloading/reloading data, without making changes into load utilities, production jobs and packages. The RDBMS solution will be designed so that hardware and software failures are handled without the entire system going offline. The entire system in this context means the Data Center (DC) and the Disaster Recovery System (DRS). The RDBMS solution will be able to scale to multiple nodes with a shared storage using a single database using clustering. The clustering solution must provide Active-Active clustering. The RDBMS architecture will allow seamless addition to Processing power and storage. It must also support server level load balancing at database tier. The DB platform will support features of built in hardware Redundancy, fault tolerance and ability to handle any single point of failure. The DB platform will support seamless integration of failed units That has been repaired. The RDBMS will be continuously available even in case of failure within the system at unit level or CPU level or other subsystem level. E E E E E E E E E Quantity CPU /Min User License Perpetual Remarks (please justify Customization) Section V1. Technical Requirements S. No. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 214 Feature Requirement (Essential OR Desired) The RDBMS offered will have features to setup remote disaster recovery systems. The DB Platform will allow parallelism for all operations like loading, query ,database administration/management operations like backup, restore, creation& updates of index, creation &refresh of materialized views etc. Disaster Recovery Systems site will be 'ON' at all times. In order to avoid idle hardware, the features must allow the DRS site to be used for activities such as testing, reporting etc. while it continuously applies changes transmitted by primary database. The database will have support for partitioning of heavy table data transparent to the application. The offered RDBMS Solution will provide productionready Management tool. The database will have the capability of comprehensive online schema reorganization/redefinition The RDBMS solution will provide index organized table capability to increase performance and must support reverse key index Implementation along with support for built in advanced queuing capability without additional costs. The RDBMS solution will support the capabilities to do diagnostic on both database activities and hardware capabilities to provide correlation between database usages and hardware performance and capability to tune database structure, database instance and also SQL statement for improved performance. The RDBMS solution will support a single interface for management console and other tools to provide easy management of the system including clusters. E E E E E E E E E Quantity CPU /Min User License Perpetual Remarks (please justify Customization) Section V1. Technical Requirements S. No. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 215 Feature Requirement (Essential OR Desired) The RDBMS solution will provide single interface for simplified management and administration. The RDBMS solution will support simple user-friendly GU l tools for database administration and management. The RDBMS solution will support performance and workload dashboards. The RDBMS solution will support query metrics repository for tuning analysis, resource accounting and capacity planning. The management of DB platform will not be dependent on availability of any particular node in the system and management / administration shall continue in the event of failures. The DB platform will support the ability to automatically perform Workload management. The DB platform will support mixed workload ca ability, simultaneous support for load (real time/near realtime and bulk) as well as query (simple &complex) operations in addition to maintenance work. The DB platform will support query p prioritization feature. The DB platform will support dynamic resource allocation at runtime for query operations is present based on resources needed, without any manual intervention. The system will allow for limiting resource usage like IO, CPU etc. by the administrator. The optimization of the queries in the DB platform will be automated. The optimization of queries in the DB platform will automatically parallelize queries. The DB platform will support query tuning without any manual intervention. The DB platform will support query optimizer, which supports E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Quantity CPU /Min User License Perpetual Remarks (please justify Customization) Section V1. Technical Requirements S. No. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Feature Pipeline parallelism that allows operators to start getting result sets without having to wait for previous operator to finish. The DB Platform shall provide linear scalability without diminishing performance, across growing volume of data, users, queries, complexity of queries, database administration etc. (RDBMS & OS). The solution must be able to control the execution of database commands including DDL and DML access and must be able to use environmental parameters like IP Address or Time as authentication mechanisms The solution must not require Agent installation at the database server and must ensure security policies to be enforced even if the system is accessed from the console; i.e. firewalls are bypassed The solution should provide real time query access to DR site without stopping data synchronization with production site. The solution should automatically detect and repair data block corruption The solution should provide powerful security controls for protecting applications and sensitive data. Prevent privileged users from accessing application data, restricts ad-hoc database changes and enforce control over how, when and where application data can be accessed. The solution must be able to restrict access to business information on a need-to-know basis and able to control the execution of database commands including DDL and DML access and as well as audited. Must be flexible enough to restrict access to an entire application schema or a subset of tables. This functionality should be part of RDBMS kernel. 216 Requirement (Essential OR Desired) E E E E E E E Quantity CPU /Min User License Perpetual Remarks (please justify Customization) Section V1. Technical Requirements S. No. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 217 Feature Requirement (Essential OR Desired) The database should have support for partitioning of heavy table data transparent to the application. RDBMS should support hash-hash composite partitioning of tables The database system should provide automatic database performance diagnosis and should automatically maintain workload history facilities and history performance analysis SQL Access Advisor and Automatic SQL Tuning advisor must be available along with Real-time SQL monitoring The solution should eliminate the need for manual tuning by comprehensive solution for application and SQL tuning The solution shall provide details of the RDBMS regarding the query execution path in a graphical manner to aid understanding of the query execution process Bioinformatics analysis like ANOVA analysis, BLAST, Hypothesis testing available. SQL Analytics features like Complex calculations with MODEL clause, Compute frequent item sets, Cumulative Aggregates, functions like NTILE, PIVOT, percentage, RANK, Row Number must be available. Security feature like Basic Auditing, Column Access Control, Database Role support, Encrypted Large object data, Encryption APIs, Fine Grained Auditing including DML support, Hardware-Based Master Key Protection, Label Security, Maintain a long term history of data changes, Password Policies, Row level security must be available Automated and integrated data protection and disaster recovery, Automatic failover, Automatic resynchronization after network is restored, Automatic resynchronization of old primary database after a failover, Cascaded E E E E E E E E E E Quantity CPU /Min User License Perpetual Remarks (please justify Customization) Section V1. Technical Requirements S. No. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Feature 218 Requirement (Essential OR Desired) Quantity CPU /Min User License Perpetual Remarks (please justify Customization) standbys, Switchover and Zero data loss capability must available. Online Backup, DDL, Index creation, E index reorganization, recovery & restore, table move, segment shrink, table redefinition & reorganization and rebalance from storage removal is available. Failure reporting capability. E Automated Point In Time Recovery, Automated, disk-based backup, Automatic Data File Creation, Backup Compression, Backup Throttling block Level Media Recovery, Duplexed Backups, Incrementally Updated backups facility available. The DB platform will be a unified solution of database server, operating system, storage and associated management tool. The DB platform will be preconfigured with servers, storage, OS & RDBMS in a rack type setup. The DB platform will be able to support multi-generation hardware to coexist to avoid hardware redeployment keeping in mind future upgrades or expansions to ensure investment protection. 13.4.1. E E E E Summary of Hardware and Software License Bidder should propose the correct number of licenses according to processor per users to ensure Ministry of Finance remains compliant. Bidder shall comply with the minimum oracle database licenses required for the proposed DB Server based on the following method (Table 5.4.1) for individual manufacturer. Details of Oracle Core Processor Licensing Factor (Updated 2013) specified in Oracle website ( Bidder should supply 75% of the total user licenses but 25% user licenses will supply within two(2) years when required. This additional 25% of user licenses database software will only be considered if expansions of the systems within 2 years necessitate the additional processing power and storage. However, it is necessary for the bidder to include this requirement in overall package and quote it separately for 25% but purchaser reserve the right to procure this part of the package at any time within two years or not. When it necessary to deliver; Purchaser will notify to the bidder before 3 months prior to the deadline or earlier. Table: 5.4.1 Section V1. Technical Requirements 219 Vendor and Processor Number of Core offered in System (Example) Core Processor Licensing Factor (Details in Oracle Website) Calculation of Processor license No of User license per Processor license Total No of User license required for Database Server =P =A =B C=A*B =D Total=C*D INTEL IBM RISC SPARK T5 RISC HP Integrity Superdome 2/Intel Itanium 9300 series; Intel Itanium 9500 series So on for other type of processor 32 64 64 64 0.50 1.00 0.50 1.00 16 64 32 64 25 25 25 25 400 1600 800 1600 N.B “Number of core” specified in this table is an example of license in a system. 13.4.2. Hardware Components Database Machine warranty Software Components Database Machine hardware & software at DC Metric Machine 3Yr support 4Yr support 5Yr support Y 2Yr support Y Y Y Y 1Yr support Units 1 Metric Comply Units Database Licenses Core Oracle Database Software Oracle Database Enterprise Edition ORACLE ENTERPRISE MANAGER OPS CENTER 12C Oracle Real Application Clusters NUP Follow Table: 5.4.1 and insert value Y Y Y Y Y NUP Y Y Y Y Y Oracle Partitioning NUP Y Y Y Y Y Oracle Management Options Oracle OEM Diagnostic Pack NUP Y Y Y Y Y Oracle OEM Tuning Pack NUP Follow Table: 5.4.1 and insert value Follow Table: 5.4.1 and insert value Follow Table: 5.4.1 and insert value Follow Table: 5.4.1 and insert value Follow Table: 5.4.1 and insert value Y Y Y Y Y Oracle Backup Management Oracle Secure Backup Drive 4 Y Y Y Y Y NUP Follow Table: 5.4.1 and insert value Y Y Y Y Y 3Yr support 4Yr support 5Yr support Y Y Y Disaster Recovery Oracle Active Data Guard 13.4.3. Hardware Components Database Machine Software Components Database Machine at DR Metric Units Machine 1 Metric Units 1Yr support Y 2Yr support Y Comply Section V1. Technical Requirements 220 Database Licenses Core Oracle Database Software Oracle Database Enterprise Edition ORACLE ENTERPRISE MANAGER OPS CENTER 12C Oracle Real Application Clusters NUP Follow Table: 5.4.1 and insert value Y Y Y Y Y NUP Y Y Y Y Y Oracle Partitioning NUP Follow Table: 5.4.1 and insert value Follow Table: 5.4.1 and insert value Y Y Y Y Y Oracle Management Options Oracle OEM Diagnostic Pack NUP Y Y Y Y Y Oracle OEM Tuning Pack NUP Follow Table: 5.4.1 and insert value Follow Table: 5.4.1 and insert value Y Y Y Y Y Disaster Recovery Oracle Active Data Guard NUP Follow Table: 5.4.1 and insert value Y Y Y Y Y 13.5. Level Management Servers (1 unit at DC and 1 unit at DR) Description M Quality M Brand M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form Factor Processor M M M M M Cache Memory Quick Path Interconnect Ram M Hard Disk Drive M RAID M M M Expansion Slot Chassis Form Factor Optical Drive M M M M M M M NIC HBA Card HCA Graphics/Video Bays Power Supply Cooling Fan Requirement ISO 9001/9002 for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Rack mount with the Rail Kit Minimum 2x Eight-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2690 (20M Cache, 2.90 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or more capacity or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 20 MB Cache per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s 32 GB DDR3 RAM Min 1066/1333/1600MHz expandable to min 256GB 4 x 600 GB , 10K RPM (15K RPM if available), SAS hot swappable Serial Attached (SAS) Hard Disk Expandable up to 8 Disk drives or more Raid controller with min 512 MB Battery backed cache should support RAID level 0, 1, 5, 10 Minimum six (6) PCI Express 3.0 slots 2U Rack Mountable with rails Internal DVD-RW Drive, factory fitted or Remote DVD/Storage (RKVMS) supported Two(2) x Dual port 10G Ethernet NIC 1x dual port 10Gbps FC Cards Two port 40Gbps IB HCA (for connecting Database machines) Integrated graphics controller with minimum 8 MB Memory Min 8 hot plug hard drive Bays Hot Plug Redundant Power Supply Redundant cooling fan Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level 221 Description Requirement M Remote Management M M OS System supported OS M Virtualization (manager and Server) Cluster ware Warranty Enterprise class remote management card with dedicated network port Remote KVM and Remote storage mapping shall support Require enterprise class Management software. (for management /monitoring/Administration of hardware and software) Oracle Linux Windows, VM, Enterprise Linux Edition, Solaris 10, Oracle Ent. Linux ,Redhat, SUSE etc. Unlimited VM with Virtual Manager Software (Enterprise Edition) Linux Cluster ware or Oracle Linux Cluster ware The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three(3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty and this support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. M M 13.6. Level Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DC and 1 unit at DR) Description M Quality M Brand M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form Factor Processor M M M M Bidders Response M Cache Memory Quick Path Interconnect Ram M Hard Disk Drive M RAID M Expansion Slot Requirement ISO 9001/9002 for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Rack mount with the Rail Kit Minimum 2x Eight-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2690 (20M Cache, 2.90 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or more capacity or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 20 MB Cache per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s 64 GB DDR3 RAM Min 1066/1333/1600MHz expandable to min 256GB 4 x 600 GB , 10K RPM(15K RPM if available), SAS hot swappable Serial Attached (SAS) Hard Disk Expandable up to 8 Disk drives or more Raid controller with min 512 MB Battery backed cache should support RAID level 0, 1, 5, 10 Minimum six (6) PCI Express 3.0 slots Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level 222 Description Requirement M M Chassis Form Factor Optical Drive M M M M M M M M NIC HBA Card HCA Graphics/Video Bays Power Supply Cooling Fan Remote Management M M OS System supported OS M Virtualization (manager and Server) Cluster ware Warranty 2U Rack Mountable with rails Internal DVD-RW Drive, factory fitted or Remote DVD/Storage (RKVMS) supported Two(2) x Dual port 10G Ethernet NIC 1x dual port 10Gbps FC Cards Two port 40Gbps IB HCA (for connecting Database machines) Integrated graphics controller with minimum 8 MB Memory Min 8 hot plug hard drive Bays Hot Plug Redundant Power Supply Redundant cooling fan Enterprise class remote management card with dedicated network port Remote KVM and Remote storage mapping shall support Require enterprise class Management software. (for management /monitoring/Administration of hardware and software) Oracle Linux Windows, VM, Enterprise Linux Edition, Solaris 10, Oracle Ent. Linux ,Redhat, SUSE etc. Unlimited VM with Virtual Manager Software (Enterprise Edition) Linux Cluster ware or Oracle Linux Cluster ware The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three(3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty and this support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. M M 13.7. Level Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DC) Description M Quality M Brand M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form Factor Hardware Specifications Controller CPUs per Controller M M M M Bidders Response Requirement ISO 9001/9002 for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five backup storage appliance manufacturer for pre-engineered Machine To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Rack mount with the Rail Kit comes with standard Rack. SAN and NAS Storages Solution 2 x Controller System with high memory. Intel Xeon based CPU Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Cache M Storage Operating System Client Operating System Support External Connectivity Interface M M M Chassis M M M M M M M M Power supply File Level Protocol Support Block level Protocol Support Raid Level Supported Disk Supported Disk Storage required Capacity Disk Scalability 223 Requirement 8 cores per CPU or better 4 CPUs per Controller 8 x 73GB SSDs ( 8 x 73GB) - Write 4 x 512GB SSD (4 x 512GB) – Read Operating System shall be storage-optimized distribution of UNIX/LINUX Storage system should support Red Hat Linux, Oracle Linux, Windows Server 2008/2012 or higher Four x 1 Gbps Ethernet and expandable up to 8 (NFS and ISCSI Supported) per controller 2 x 40Gbps ports per controller (2 x IB card ) 20-Meter High-Bandwidth QSFP/passive Optical Cable 4x QDR Ethernet QSFP Transceiver 2 x 8Gb FC Cards and 2 x cables (10m Cables to connect to SAN switch) 1 Management Port 2 x 10G Ports including 10G SFP+ Bidder will deliver all related cables and transceiver required to connect with interfaces. Storage system should be Rack Mountable Should provide a rack for the storage system Should provide rack mount kits for the storage system 2 x Power supplies NFS v2/v3/v4, CIFS, HTTP, WebDAV, FTP/SFTP/FTPS iSCSI, Fibre Channel, IP over Infiniband , RDMA over Infiniband iSER, SRP Striping, mirroring, triple-mirroring single-parity RAID, doubleparity RAID, triple-parity RAID, wide stripes 300GB/600GB (15K RPM), 3TB (7.2KRPM) 40 x 600GB (15K RPM) 44 x 3TB (7.2KRPM) 800 disk Drive or above Reliability The storage having Redundant, hot-swappable controllers , Power Supplies, cooling fans and disks. Individual disk drive slot power control facilities. Licensing All licenses for the above storage system should be configured & provided for the entire system capacity by the storage vendor from Day ONE M RAID Support Storage system should support RAID 0,1,10, 3,5,6 M Supported OS Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2008; Linux; VMWare; ESX; Solaris Array Management Software INCLUDED The management software will enable to manage the whole storage system from a single point. There should be a single OS to manage the storage system M M M M Storage Software Storage Software Feature Features for the proposed hardware configuration with un-limited license without further additional costs. Host Integration Tool including Remote Setup Wizard , Host Software For Windows and Host Software For VMware, Hyperv, Array Software supports all the mention required features and support un-limited license without further additional costs. Support Thin Provision, Snapshot, Clone, Remote Replication Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Snapshots M M Clone Replication M Licenses M M M De-duplication Thin Provision Compression M M Quota management Directory services Plugin Data security Antivirus Plug-in Via ICAP Network services Dynamic Routing M M M M 224 Requirement feature to provide disaster recovery and business Continuity. Non-Disruptive array addition and removal; Multi-Path I/O; Automatic load balancing , Storage Tiering, Online Data and Volume Movement, Automatic load balancing of volumes across RAID Types; Read only, ,Restore, Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Support (VSS) minimum 16 snapshots per source volume shall be supported Read/write (clone) 1:N, N:1, manual, scheduled, continuous Replication to lower end Storage in Same family Replication Licenses (async/sync) Snapshow Licenses Inline, block-level de-duplication Thin Provision should be supported. Normal Compression LZJB (Fastest) GZIP-2 (Fast) GZIP (Default) GZIP-9 (Best Compression) Oracle EHCC (optional) user based quota , volume based quota Microsoft AD, LDAP, NIS including (Authentication and Authorization, Quota management) Checksum data and metadata, antivirus quarantine Storage system should support and interoperable with all major virus guards (including Sophos) NTP, DHCP, SMTP The RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is a distance-vector dynamic routing protocol that is used by the appliance to automatically configure optimal routes based on messages received from other RIP-enabled on-link hosts (typically routers). The appliance supports both RIPv1 and RIPv2 for IPv4, and RIPng for IPv6. (Optional) The HTTP service provides access to file systems using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols and the HTTP extension WebDAV (Web based Distributed Authoring and Versioning). This allows clients to access shared file systems through a web browser or as a local file system if their client software supports it. The NDMP (Network Data Management Protocol) service enables the system to participate in NDMP-based backup and restore operations controlled by a remote NDMP client called a Data Management Application (DMA) Storage should have NDMP backup facility for all logical volumes and restore facility NDMP v3/v4 protocol Supported Backups and Normal Backup For Symantec Netback up, Oracle Secure Backup , Tivoli Backup Features for the proposed hardware configuration with un-limited license without further additional costs. M WebDev Protocol Support M NDMP Backup M Management and Monitoring M Monitoring Storage system should have software utilities which would provide pro active maintenance of disk drives, bad blocks, system check etc. The software should be provided from Day ONE. M Management BUI based and CLI Based Via HTTPS, SSH, SNMP v1/v2c, IPMI Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level M Description Monitoring Tool M M M M M M Monitoring and Analytics Analytics Capabilities Set1 (Example) M Analytics Capabilities Set2 (Example) M Analytics Capabilities Set3 (Example) M Software M Automated serviceability Support and Maintenance M M M M M Warranty/Support 225 Requirement Role based Access Control Work Flow automation Appliance should provide real time monitoring/alerting tool to monitor i/o performance The monitoring tool should be capable of reporting allocation patterns/ and analyzing i/o behaviour Detailed Hardware View Management Dashboards The monitoring tool should be capable of defining alerts and threshold levels for events on i/o performance, volume capacity changes, and hardware and software related events and relaying alerts as emails. Details Analytics module (for system tuning and debugging); Dashboard monitoring for key system performance metrics Network based Analytics Network bytes/sec NFSv3 operations/sec Disk operations/sec CPU utilization "NFS operations/sec" "NFS operations/sec by type" "NFS operations/sec of type read by client" "NFS operations/sec of type read for client broken down by filename Analytics by protocol Cache related Analytics Application level Analytics Client/User based analytics Vendor shall provide all related software to replicate etc with un-limited license without further additional costs. "Phone Home" capability with automatic case creation, configurable alerts Support and Maintenance for Hardware and Software Availability of Principal Manufacturer’s technical Assistance/ Support Center access and Support Service on 24Hrs x 365 Days basis. (for HW and Software) Software Version Upgrades and Bug fixes Hardware Replacement from the failure should follow the SLA. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty and this support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements 13.8. Level Backup Storage Appliance: (1 unit at DR) Description M Quality M Brand M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form Factor Hardware Specifications Controller M M M M CPUs per Controller M Cache M Storage Operating System Client Operating System Support External Connectivity Interface M M M Chassis M M M M M M M M M 226 Power supply File Level Protocol Support Block level Protocol Support Raid Level Supported Disk Supported Disk Storage required Capacity Disk Scalability Requirement ISO 9001/9002 for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five backup storage appliance for pre-engineered Machine To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Rack mount with the Rail Kit comes with standard Rack. SAN and NAS Storages Solution 2 x Controller System with high memory. Intel Xeon based CPU 8 cores per CPU or better 4 CPUs per Controller 8 x 73GB SSDs ( 8 x 73GB) - Write 4 x 512GB SSD (4 x 512GB) – Read Operating System shall be storage-optimized distribution of UNIX/LINUX Storage system should support Red Hat Linux, Oracle Linux, Windows Server 2008/2012 or higher Four x 1 Gbps Ethernet and expandable up to 8 (NFS and ISCSI Supported) per controller 2 x 40Gbps ports per controller (2 x IB card ) 20-Meter High-Bandwidth QSFP/passive Optical Cable 4x QDR Ethernet QSFP Transceiver 2 x 8Gb FC Cards and 2 x cables (10m Cables to connect to SAN switch) 1 Management Port 2 x 10G Ports including 10G SFP+ Bidder will deliver all related cables and transceiver required to connect with interfaces. Storage system should be Rack Mountable Should provide a rack for the storage system Should provide rack mount kits for the storage system 2 x Power supplies NFS v2/v3/v4, CIFS, HTTP, WebDAV, FTP/SFTP/FTPS iSCSI, Fibre Channel, IP over Infiniband , RDMA over Infiniband iSER, SRP Striping, mirroring, triple-mirroring single-parity RAID, doubleparity RAID, triple-parity RAID, wide stripes 300GB/600GB (15K RPM), 3TB (7.2KRPM) 40 x 600GB (15K RPM) 44 x 3TB (7.2KRPM) 800 disk Drive or above Reliability The storage having Redundant, hot-swappable controllers , Power Supplies, cooling fans and disks. Individual disk drive slot power control facilities. Licensing All licenses for the above storage system should be configured & provided for the entire system capacity by the storage vendor from Day ONE Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level M M M M Description Storage system should support RAID 0,1,10, 3,5,6 Supported OS Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2008; Linux; VMWare; ESX; Solaris Array Management Software INCLUDED The management software will enable to manage the whole storage system from a single point. There should be a single OS to manage the storage system Storage Software Storage Software Feature M Snapshots M M Clone Replication M Licenses M M M De-duplication Thin Provision Compression M M Quota management Directory services Plugin Data security Antivirus Plug-in Via ICAP Network services Dynamic Routing M M Requirement RAID Support M M M 227 M WebDev Protocol Support M NDMP Backup Features for the proposed hardware configuration with un-limited license without further additional costs. Host Integration Tool including Remote Setup Wizard , Host Software For Windows and Host Software For VMware, Hyperv, Array Software supports all the mention required features and support un-limited license without further additional costs. Support Thin Provision, Snapshot, Clone, Remote Replication feature to provide disaster recovery and business Continuity. Non-Disruptive array addition and removal; Multi-Path I/O; Automatic load balancing , Storage Tiering, Online Data and Volume Movement, Automatic load balancing of volumes across RAID Types; Read only, ,Restore, Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Support (VSS) minimum 16 snapshots per source volume shall be supported Read/write (clone) 1:N, N:1, manual, scheduled, continuous Replication to lower end Storage in Same family Replication Licenses (async/sync) Snapshow Licenses Inline, block-level de-duplication Thin Provision should be supported. Normal Compression LZJB (Fastest) GZIP-2 (Fast) GZIP (Default) GZIP-9 (Best Compression) Oracle EHCC (optional) user based quota , volume based quota Microsoft AD, LDAP, NIS including (Authentication and Authorization, Quota management) Checksum data and metadata, antivirus quarantine Storage system should support and interoperable with all major virus guards (including Sophos) NTP, DHCP, SMTP The RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is a distance-vector dynamic routing protocol that is used by the appliance to automatically configure optimal routes based on messages received from other RIP-enabled on-link hosts (typically routers). The appliance supports both RIPv1 and RIPv2 for IPv4, and RIPng for IPv6. (Optional) The HTTP service provides access to file systems using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols and the HTTP extension WebDAV (Web based Distributed Authoring and Versioning). This allows clients to access shared file systems through a web browser or as a local file system if their client software supports it. The NDMP (Network Data Management Protocol) service enables the system to participate in NDMP-based backup and Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description 228 Requirement restore operations controlled by a remote NDMP client called a Data Management Application (DMA) Storage should have NDMP backup facility for all logical volumes and restore facility NDMP v3/v4 protocol Supported Backups and Normal Backup For Symantec Netback up, Oracle Secure Backup , Tivoli Backup Features for the proposed hardware configuration with un-limited license without further additional costs. M Management and Monitoring M Monitoring Storage system should have software utilities which would provide pro active maintenance of disk drives, bad blocks, system check etc. The software should be provided from Day ONE. M Management M Monitoring Tool BUI based and CLI Based Via HTTPS, SSH, SNMP v1/v2c, IPMI Role based Access Control Work Flow automation Appliance should provide real time monitoring/alerting tool to monitor i/o performance The monitoring tool should be capable of reporting allocation patterns/ and analyzing i/o behaviour Detailed Hardware View Management Dashboards The monitoring tool should be capable of defining alerts and threshold levels for events on i/o performance, volume capacity changes, and hardware and software related events and relaying alerts as emails. Details Analytics module (for system tuning and debugging); Dashboard monitoring for key system performance metrics Network based Analytics Network bytes/sec NFSv3 operations/sec Disk operations/sec CPU utilization "NFS operations/sec" "NFS operations/sec by type" "NFS operations/sec of type read by client" "NFS operations/sec of type read for client broken down by filename Analytics by protocol Cache related Analytics Application level Analytics Client/User based analytics Vendor shall provide all related software to replicate etc with un-limited license without further additional costs. "Phone Home" capability with automatic case creation, configurable alerts Support and Maintenance for Hardware and Software M M M M M M Monitoring and Analytics Analytics Capabilities Set1 (Example) M Analytics Capabilities Set2 (Example) M Analytics Capabilities Set3 (Example) M Software M Automated serviceability Support and Maintenance M M M M M Warranty/Support Availability of Principal Manufacturer’s technical Assistance/ Support Center access and Support Service on 24Hrs x 365 Days basis. (for HW and Software) Software Version Upgrades and Bug fixes Hardware Replacement within eight (08) hours from the failure The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description 229 Requirement Bidders Response period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty and this support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. 13.9. Training and Training Material Bidder should propose local training at Dhaka city for the following modules: No of Participants 20 10 6 4 4 10 Name of Training Duration Oracle Database on Oracle 11g Real Application Clusters (RAC) and Oracle implement partitioning on Oracle 11g Database Administrator and Performance Tuning on Oracle 11g System Administration on Operating System & Hardware Engineering Systems Oracle Active Data Guard Administration and oracle secure backup 80 hour 80 hour Technology sharing study tour at Singapore or Malaysia for DMTBF Technical Core committee. 80 hour 80 hour 80 hour 5 days The recommended training should consider as 50% theoretical including questionnaire/assignment on class and 50% practical for each participant. It should cover the certification for the above courses. This training module should also cover the offered server and its software as well as hand on training to expertise on the offered resources. To get the approval from authority; winner Bidder should submit details of training topics and content after discussion with purchaser. Bidder should supply training material, declare suitable venue and arrange necessary original vendor certified training material, food refreshment for all trainee during the training session. Those training differentiate candidates in the marketplace by providing a competitive edge through proven expertise. Up-to-date training and field experience certified trainers are recommended. For 5 days Technology sharing study tour; Bidder shall arrange two appointments to the organizations either at Singapore or Malaysia where similar type of robust systems has been running smoothly for three years. Their recommendation based on this workshop enhances the future improvement of the Systems smooth operation. However; Bidder shall make all appropriate logistical arrangements (both way airfare i.e Return AirTicket, visa fee, local transportation, airport pickup, 3-star hotel accommodation for each participant in single room, food, US$100 per diem per participant) for such workshop. Bidder should include all those facilities and details quote the same. 14. Resource Allocation • The Bidder must submit as part of their proposal a detailed plan including required manpower to support the supplied Hardware and Software. Manpower can be changed with the advance approval of the Purchaser but sufficient resources must be available to cover such instances as resignation or unavailability of allocated support staff. The participating bidder shall assign at least two (2) Engineers during the contract period where at least one Certified Hardware engineer for the proposed hardware solution and a certified oracle 11g expert. The participating bidder shall provide relevant document and certificate with the proposal. Section V1. Technical Requirements 230 • To give instant support service and maintenance works; Bidder should dedicate minimum of two qualified engineers during the office hour for Lot-A with the approval of purchaser. Section V1. Technical Requirements 231 LOT-B APPLICATION SERVERS 15. General Requirements: 1. Language Support: All information technologies must provide support for the English. Specifically, all display technologies and software must support the ISO character set and perform sorting according to Bangladesh Standard. 2. DATES: All information technologies MUST properly display, calculate, and transmit date data, including, but not restricted to 21st-Century date data. Required Date formats are DD-MM-YYYY, DD-Month-YYYY, Month DD, YYYY etc. where DD, MM and YYYY represent two-digit date value, two-digit month value and four-digit year value respectively as prescribed by Gregorian calendar and Bangla Academy for Bengali calendar. 3. Electrical Power: All active (powered) equipment must operate on voltage range 220v +/- 20v and frequency range 50Hz +/- 2Hz. All active equipment must include power plugs standard in BANGLADESH. 4. Environmental: Unless otherwise specified, all equipment must operate in environments of 04 to 45 degrees centigrade, 20 to 95 percent relative humidity, and 0 to 40 grams per cubic meter of dust. 5. Safety: Unless otherwise specified, all equipment must operate at noise levels no greater than 52 decibels. All electronic equipment that emits electromagnetic energy must be certified as meeting US FCC class B or EN 55022 and EN 50082-1, or equivalent, emission standards. 6. The offered brand should be amongst the top 5 (five), according to the most recent assessment of a reputed global market analyst, such as ‘Gartner’. 7. Licensing for all software (where applicable) must be registered through Regional Headquarters, under which Bangladesh falls, of the global software vendors for ensuring convenient upgrade facility and renewal (as and when necessary) by the time of operational acceptance test is completed. Service and maintenance should be provided locally for the project period including post warranty support services. 8. The Bidder should provide authorization letter(s) from the respective hardware and software vendor(s). 9. The bidder must submit the bid for all the components with detailed specification as per defined Technical, Financial, Legal & General requirements. In case of incomplete or insufficient data the bid may be considered as non-responsive 16. Technical Qualification criteria Sl. Technical Criteria of participating bidder 21. Windows Software Certified Expert: Bidder must have at least one Windows certified Professional from each category in below. k) Certified Professional of Private Cloud deployment l) Certified Professional of SCVMM deployment m) Certified Professional of SCCM & SCOM deployment n) Certified Expert on Real Application Clusters (RAC) deployment Total Weighting factor 100% 5% Section V1. Technical Requirements Sl. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Technical Criteria of participating bidder Copy of relevant certificate must be provided as proof of their experience. Experts for Implementation and Operation: iii. The participating bidder shall have at least one Certified Implementation Specialist who has significant experience on the proposed Hardwares in the provision of server installation and partitioning, diagnostics and tuning. iv. The participating bidder shall assign at least two (2) Engineers during the contract period where at least one Certified Hardware engineer for the proposed hardware solution and a certified Microsoft solution expert. The participating bidder shall provide relevant document and certificate with the proposal. Stock Experience: The participating bidder must have sufficient spares of similar product kept for the other customers as suggested by Manufacturer. The record of documentation carries the weight and evidence shall provide with the proposal. Support Service: The participating bidder has the capability of providing support 24/7 support including parts replacement along with the certified engineers. Bidder shall provide similar type of customer experience record with the proposal for the support service and submit details of support delivery steps. Virtualization & Communication: The participating bidder should have expertise on i. Hyper-V replication, Private Cloud, Synchronization and Windows live migration, System center 2012 ii. Exchange Server and Lync Servers planning implementation & operation experience. Certificates and the record of documentation of above expertise carry the weight and evidence shall be provided with the proposal. If the participating bidder is Sole Distributor or Distributor or Highest level of partnership of the proposed Hardware manufacturer; relevant certificate and contact details should be provided with proposal shall carry the weight. 232 Total Weighting factor 100% 5% 5% 5% 5% 2.5% Hardware 27. Application server (4 Unit for DC & 4 Unit for DR ) 20 28. Report Server (1 Unit for DC & 1 Unit for DR ) 10 29. Test and Development Server (1 Unit for DC & 1 Unit for DR) 2.5 30. Data Centre Management Server (1 Unit for DC & 1 Unit for DR) 2.5 31. Primary Domain Controller (1 Unit for DC) 2.5 32. Additional Domain Controller (1 Unit for DC & 1 Unit for DR) 2.5 33. Patch Management Server: (1 Unit for DC) 2.5 Section V1. Technical Requirements Sl. Technical Criteria of participating bidder 233 Total Weighting factor 100% 34. Mail Server: (1 Unit for DC & 1 Unit for DR) 5 35. Backup Tape System: (1 Unit for DC) 5 36. Blade Chassis (if blade solution - 1 Unit for DC & 1 Unit for DR) 2.5 37. 2.5 39. Fabric switches: ( 2 Unit for DC & 1 Unit for DR) Load Balancer & Application Delivery Controllers (1 Unit for DC &1 Unit for DR) Software Experience on Double-Take Solution 40. Microsoft Premier Support service experience. 38. 17. 5 5 5 SCOPE OF WORK Following requirements define the scope of work of this tender. • The Selected Bidder will be responsible for the supply, installation, Integration, testing and commissioning of all equipment and components in the said location. • The Selected Bidder will be responsible for the supply all patch cable, fibre patch cord, power cable related to hardware implementation. For datacentre decoration, every connecting cable should be organized with rack. • Selected Bidder must ensure that the supplied equipment is fully operational, new and performs properly and meet the Technical Specification. • At the time of installation and commissioning, Selected Bidder must provide Comprehensive system documentation of system deployed including diagrams, labelling, schematics, configuration and manuals etc. • Selected bidder shall be responsible for minimum five year services (operation & maintenance) as per SLA clauses for all the equipment provided, without any extra cost or hidden charges. 18. Resource Allocation • The Bidder must submit as part of their proposal a detailed plan including required manpower to support the supplied Hardware and Software. Manpower can be changed with the advance approval of the Purchaser but sufficient resources must be available to cover such instances as resignation or unavailability of allocated support staff. • To give instant support service and maintenance works; Bidder should dedicate minimum of two qualified engineers during the office hour for Lot-B with the approval of purchaser. Section V1. Technical Requirements 234 19. Documentation Requirements 19.1. END-User documents: The Bidder should provide detail information regarding the documentation that will be supplied with the system. The following minimum documentation (hard copy and soft copy) on the proposed systems must be made available in English: A. Project Documentation • Project Management Controls • Project Plans • Implementation Controls • Quality Controls • Scope Management Controls • Progress Reports B. System Documentation • Requirement Specifications • Technical Specifications • System Descriptions & Specifications • Installation Manuals • System Administration Guide • Maintenance Documentation C. User Documentation • Training Requirements • Training Documentations • User Guides • Administrator Documentations • Transaction Processing Guidelines • Operational Processing Guidelines • Operational Procedures • Error Correction Procedures D. Testing Specifications 19.2. Technical Documents: • • • • Documentation should be consistent with international standards Documentation should be user-friendly Documentation should be indexed Diagrams and schematics should be provided where possible to facilitate practical understanding. The Vendor must assure on-going documentation updates Technical documentation appropriate to the hardware and systems that are being provided must be made available in both hard copy and soft copy (CD-ROM). A commitment to providing updated versions must be given. Section V1. Technical Requirements 235 20. Production Datacentre (At Secretariat) 20.1. Application server (4 Unit for DC) Level Description M Quality M Brand M M M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form factor Processor Type M M M No of cores No of Processor Chipset M Memory (RAM) M M M Cache Memory QPI Speed Internal Hard Disk M M M M PCIe Flash card DVD ROM I/O Slots RAID Card M I/O Interface M Remote Management card Power supply Supported Operating System & Virtualization Software M M M M Operating System support Management Software Requirement ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Rack Mountable RACK server or Blade server Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-4650 (20M Cache, 2.70 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or E5-4650L (20M Cache, 2.60 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 8 cores per processor 4 Processors. Industry Standard Intel or equivalent internationally reputed industry standard and widely used Chipset Minimum 256 GB DDR3 1333MHz RDIMMs with Expandability 20MB L3 Cache (Minimum) per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s QPI Speed Min 4 X 600GB 15,000 RPM (Minimum) Hot Plug 2.5 SAS Disk Drive with RAID 10 Min 1 X 320GB SLC SSD PCIe Flash card Manufacturer factory fitted DVD-ROM/DVD-RW Minimum Four(4) I/O expansion slots RAID Card with 512MB Flash Backed/Battery Backed write Cache and supports RAID 10 • 1x Dual port 1/10Gb Ethernet Network Adapter including 1Gb and 10Gb SFP+ with required cables connecting to Cisco Nexus 5548UP switch • 1 X 8 GB Dual Port Fiber Channel Host Bus Adapter including Multimode Fiber and SFP+ • Min 40Gb/s speed 1x Dual port InfiniBand HCA card (Vendor shall supply all SFP+ modules , fiber cables to match with offered IB switch .) 1 X IP based Remote Management card. Redundant power Supply Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Windows Server Hyper V Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Oracle Solaris Oracle Linux Oracle VM VMware Microsoft/equivalent Internationally reputed, Industry standard and widely used proprietary Operating System Bidder should include Server Management Software tool for simplifies server setup, health monitoring, power and thermal control, and for remote administration Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Availability M Industry Standard Compliance M Security Features M Authentication M Accessories M Warranty 20.2. Level 236 Requirement Bidders Response High-efficiency, hot-plug, redundant power supplies; hotplug drive bays; hot-plug redundant fans; interactive LCD screen; extended thermal support; ENERGY STAR® compliant; CD/DVD for Required Driver and RAID ACPI 2.0. Compliant PCIE Compliant PXE Support WOL Support Physical Address Extension (PAE) Support USB 2.0 Support Power-on password Keyboard password External USB port enable/disable Network Server Mode Serial interface control Administrator's password Removable CD-ROM or DVD drive Different parts of the system must be certified with brand company and should have Parts No. on each Part. Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner Report Server (1 Unit for DC) Description M Quality M Brand M M M Model Country of origin Country of Requirement ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M M Manufacture Form factor Processor Type M M M No of cores No of Processor Chipset M Memory (RAM) M M M Cache Memory QPI Speed Internal Hard Disk M M M M PCIe Flash card DVD ROM I/O Slots RAID Card M I/O Interface M Remote Management card Power supply Supported Operating System & Virtualization Software M M M Management Software M Availability M Industry Standard Compliance M Security Features 237 Requirement Rack Mountable RACK server or Blade server Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-4650 (20M Cache, 2.70 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or E5-4650L (20M Cache, 2.60 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 8 cores per processor 4 Processors. Industry Standard Intel or equivalent internationally reputed industry standard and widely used Chipset Minimum 256 GB DDR3 1333MHz RDIMMs with Expandability 20MB L3 Cache (Minimum) per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s QPI Speed Min 8 X 600GB 15,000 RPM (Minimum) Hot Plug 2.5 SAS Disk Drive with RAID 10 Min 1 X 320GB SLC SSD PCIe Flash card Manufacturer factory fitted DVD-ROM/DVD-RW Minimum four(4) I/O expansion slots RAID Card with 512MB Flash Backed/Battery Backed write Cache and supports RAID 10 • 1x Dual port 1/10Gb Ethernet Network Adapter including 1Gb and 10Gb SFP+ with required cables connecting to Cisco Nexus 5548UP switch • 1 X 8 GB Dual Port Fiber Channel Host Bus Adapter including Multimode Fiber and SFP+ • Min 40Gb/s speed 1x Dual port InfiniBand HCA card (Vendor shall supply all SFP+ modules , fiber cables to match with offered IB switch.) 1 X IP based Remote Management card. Redundant power Supply Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Windows Server Hyper V Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Oracle Solaris Oracle Linux Oracle VM VMware Bidder should include Server Management Software tool for simplifies server setup, health monitoring, power and thermal control, and for remote administration High-efficiency, hot-plug, redundant power supplies; hotplug drive bays; hot-plug redundant fans; interactive LCD screen; extended thermal support; ENERGY STAR® compliant; CD/DVD for Required Driver and RAID ACPI 2.0. Compliant PCIE Compliant PXE Support WOL Support Physical Address Extension (PAE) Support USB 2.0 Support Power-on password Keyboard password Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Authentication M Accessories M Warranty 20.3. Level 238 Requirement Bidders Response External USB port enable/disable Network Server Mode Serial interface control Administrator's password Removable CD-ROM or DVD drive Different parts of the system must be certified with brand company and should have Parts No. on each Part. Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Test and Development (1 Unit for DC) Description Requirement M Quality ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance M Brand Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. M M M To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form factor Processor Type M M No of cores No of Processor Chipset M Memory (RAM) Rack Mountable RACK server or Blade server Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2690 (20M Cache, 2.90 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or more capacity or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 8 cores per processor 2 Processors. Industry Standard Intel or equivalent internationally reputed industry standard and widely used Chipset Minimum 128 GB DDR3 1333MHz RDIMMs with Expandability Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M M M Cache Memory QPI Speed Internal Hard Disk M M M DVD ROM I/O Slots RAID Card M I/O Interface M Remote Management card Power supply Supported Operating System & Virtualization Software M M M Management Software M Availability M Industry Standard Compliance M Security Features M Authentication M Accessories M Warranty 239 Requirement 20MB L3 Cache (Minimum) per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s QPI Speed Min 4 X 600GB 15,000 RPM (Minimum) Hot Plug 2.5 SAS Disk Drive with RAID 10 Manufacturer factory fitted DVD-ROM/DVD-RW Minimum Four (4) I/O expansion slots RAID Card with 512MB Flash Backed/Battery Backed write Cache and supports RAID 10 2x Dual (2) port 1Gb Ethernet Network Adapter (Must support Teaming and VLAN) 1x Dual port FC adapter 1 X IP based Remote Management card. Redundant power Supply Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Windows Server Hyper V Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Oracle Solaris Oracle Linux Oracle VM VMware Bidder should include Server Management Software tool for simplifies server setup, health monitoring, power and thermal control, and for remote administration High-efficiency, hot-plug, redundant power supplies; hotplug drive bays; hot-plug redundant fans; interactive LCD screen; extended thermal support; ENERGY STAR® compliant; CD/DVD for Required Driver and RAID ACPI 2.0. Compliant PCIE Compliant PXE Support WOL Support Physical Address Extension (PAE) Support USB 2.0 Support Power-on password Keyboard password External USB port enable/disable Network Server Mode Serial interface control Administrator's password Removable CD-ROM or DVD drive Different parts of the system must be certified with brand company and should have Parts No. on each Part. Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description 240 Requirement Bidders Response service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. 20.4. Level Data Centre Management Server (1 Unit for DC) Description Requirement M Quality ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance M Brand Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. M M M To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form factor Processor Type M M No of cores No of Processor Chipset M Memory (RAM) M M M Cache Memory QPI Speed Internal Hard Disk M M M DVD ROM I/O Slots RAID Card M I/O Interface M Remote Management card Power supply Supported Operating System & Virtualization Software M M Rack Mountable RACK server or Blade server Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2690 (20M Cache, 2.90 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or more capacity or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 8 cores per processor 2 Processors. Industry Standard Intel or equivalent internationally reputed industry standard and widely used Chipset Minimum 128 GB DDR3 1333MHz RDIMMs with Expandability 20MB L3 Cache (Minimum) per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s QPI Speed Min 4 X 600GB 15,000 RPM (Minimum) Hot Plug 2.5 SAS Disk Drive with RAID 10 Manufacturer factory fitted DVD-ROM/DVD-RW Minimum Four (4) I/O expansion slots RAID Card with 512MB Flash Backed/Battery Backed write Cache and supports RAID 10 2x Dual (2) port 1Gb Ethernet Network Adapter (Must support Teaming and VLAN) 1x dual port FC adapter 1 X IP based Remote Management card. Redundant power Supply Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Windows Server Hyper V Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Oracle Solaris Oracle Linux Oracle VM VMware Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Management Software M Availability M Industry Standard Compliance M Security Features M Authentication M Accessories M Warranty 20.5. Level 241 Requirement Bidders Response Bidder should include Server Management Software tool for simplifies server setup, health monitoring, power and thermal control, and for remote administration High-efficiency, hot-plug, redundant power supplies; hotplug drive bays; hot-plug redundant fans; interactive LCD screen; extended thermal support; ENERGY STAR® compliant; CD/DVD for Required Driver and RAID ACPI 2.0. Compliant PCIE Compliant PXE Support WOL Support Physical Address Extension (PAE) Support USB 2.0 Support Power-on password Keyboard password External USB port enable/disable Network Server Mode Serial interface control Administrator's password Removable CD-ROM or DVD drive Different parts of the system must be certified with brand company and should have Parts No. on each Part. Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Primary Domain Controller (1 Unit for DC) Description Requirement M Quality ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance M Brand Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. M Model To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level 242 Description Requirement To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. M M Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form factor Processor Type M M M No of cores No of Processor Chipset M Memory (RAM) M M M Cache Memory QPI Speed Internal Hard Disk M M M DVD ROM I/O Slots RAID Card M I/O Interface M Remote Management card Power supply Supported Operating System & Virtualization Software M M M M M Management Software M Availability M Industry Standard Compliance M Security Features M Authentication Rack Mountable RACK server or Blade server Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2690 (20M Cache, 2.90 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or more capacity or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 8 cores per processor 2 Processors. Industry Standard Intel or equivalent internationally reputed industry standard and widely used Chipset Minimum 64 GB DDR3 1333MHz RDIMMs with Expandability 20MB L3 Cache (Minimum) per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s QPI Speed Min 4 X 300GB 15,000 RPM (Minimum) Hot Plug 2.5 SAS Disk Drive with RAID 10 Manufacturer factory fitted DVD-ROM/DVD-RW Minimum Four (4) I/O expansion slots RAID Card with 512MB Flash Backed/Battery Backed write Cache and supports RAID 10 2 X Dual (2) port 1Gb Ethernet Network Adapter (Must support Teaming and VLAN) 1 X IP based Remote Management card. Redundant power Supply Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Windows Server Hyper V Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Oracle Solaris Oracle Linux Oracle VM VMware Bidder should include Server Management Software tool for simplifies server setup, health monitoring, power and thermal control, and for remote administration High-efficiency, hot-plug, redundant power supplies; hotplug drive bays; hot-plug redundant fans; interactive LCD screen; extended thermal support; ENERGY STAR® compliant; CD/DVD for Required Driver and RAID ACPI 2.0. Compliant PCIE Compliant PXE Support WOL Support Physical Address Extension (PAE) Support USB 2.0 Support Power-on password Keyboard password External USB port enable/disable Network Server Mode Serial interface control Administrator's password Removable CD-ROM or DVD drive Different parts of the system must be certified with brand Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Accessories M Warranty 20.6. Level 243 Requirement Bidders Response company and should have Parts No. on each Part. Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Additional Domain Controller (1 Unit for DC) Description Requirement M Quality ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance M Brand Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. M M M To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form factor Processor Type M M No of cores No of Processor Chipset M Memory (RAM) M M M Cache Memory QPI Speed Internal Hard Disk M M M DVD ROM I/O Slots RAID Card Rack Mountable RACK server or Blade server Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2690 (20M Cache, 2.90 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or more capacity or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 8 cores per processor 2 Processors. Industry Standard Intel or equivalent internationally reputed industry standard and widely used Chipset Minimum 64 GB DDR3 1333MHz RDIMMs with Expandability 20MB L3 Cache (Minimum) per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s QPI Speed Min 4 X 300GB 15,000 RPM (Minimum) Hot Plug 2.5 SAS Disk Drive with RAID 10 Manufacturer factory fitted DVD-ROM/DVD-RW Minimum Four (4) I/O expansion slots RAID Card with 512MB Flash Backed/Battery Backed write Cache and supports RAID 10 Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M I/O Interface M Remote Management card Power supply Supported Operating System & Virtualization Software M M M Management Software M Availability M Industry Standard Compliance M Security Features M Authentication M Accessories M Warranty 244 Requirement 2 X Dual (2) port 1Gb Ethernet Network Adapter (Must support Teaming and VLAN) 1 X IP based Remote Management card. Redundant power Supply Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Windows Server Hyper V Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Oracle Solaris Oracle Linux Oracle VM VMware Bidder should include Server Management Software tool for simplifies server setup, health monitoring, power and thermal control, and for remote administration High-efficiency, hot-plug, redundant power supplies; hotplug drive bays; hot-plug redundant fans; interactive LCD screen; extended thermal support; ENERGY STAR® compliant; CD/DVD for Required Driver and RAID ACPI 2.0. Compliant PCIE Compliant PXE Support WOL Support Physical Address Extension (PAE) Support USB 2.0 Support Power-on password Keyboard password External USB port enable/disable Network Server Mode Serial interface control Administrator's password Removable CD-ROM or DVD drive Different parts of the system must be certified with brand company and should have Parts No. on each Part. Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements 20.7. Level 245 Patch Management Server: (1 Unit for DC) Description Requirement M Quality ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance M Brand Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. M M M To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form factor Processor Type M M M No of cores No of Processor Chipset M Memory (RAM) M M M Cache Memory QPI Speed Internal Hard Disk M M M DVD ROM I/O Slots RAID Card M I/O Interface M Remote Management card Power supply Supported Operating System & Virtualization Software M M M Management Software M Availability Rack Mountable RACK server or Blade server Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2690 (20M Cache, 2.90 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or more capacity or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 8 cores per processor 2 Processors. Industry Standard Intel or equivalent internationally reputed industry standard and widely used Chipset Minimum 128 GB DDR3 1333MHz RDIMMs with Expandability 20MB L3 Cache (Minimum) per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s QPI Speed Min 4 X 600GB 15,000 RPM (Minimum) Hot Plug 2.5 SAS Disk Drive with RAID 10 Manufacturer factory fitted DVD-ROM/DVD-RW Minimum Four (4) I/O expansion slots RAID Card with 512MB Flash Backed/Battery Backed write Cache and supports RAID 10 2 X Dual (2) port 1Gb Ethernet Network Adapter (Must support Teaming and VLAN) 1x 8Gb FC card 1 X IP based Remote Management card. Redundant power Supply Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Windows Server Hyper V Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Oracle Solaris Oracle Linux Oracle VM VMware Bidder should include Server Management Software tool for simplifies server setup, health monitoring, power and thermal control, and for remote administration High-efficiency, hot-plug, redundant power supplies; hotplug drive bays; hot-plug redundant fans; interactive LCD screen; extended Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Industry Standard Compliance M Security Features M Authentication M Accessories M Warranty 20.8. Level 246 Requirement thermal support; ENERGY STAR® compliant; CD/DVD for Required Driver and RAID ACPI 2.0. Compliant PCIE Compliant PXE Support WOL Support Physical Address Extension (PAE) Support USB 2.0 Support Power-on password Keyboard password External USB port enable/disable Network Server Mode Serial interface control Administrator's password Removable CD-ROM or DVD drive Different parts of the system must be certified with brand company and should have Parts No. on each Part. Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number. This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Mail Server: (1 Unit for DC) Description Requirement M Quality ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance M Brand Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form factor Processor Type To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. M M Bidders Response Rack Mountable RACK server or Blade server Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-4650 (20M Cache, 2.70 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or E5-4650L (20M Cache, Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M M M No of cores No of Processor Chipset M Memory (RAM) M M M Cache Memory QPI Speed Internal Hard Disk M M M DVD ROM I/O Slots RAID Card M I/O Interface M Remote Management card Power supply Supported Operating System & Virtualization Software M M M Management Software M Availability M Industry Standard Compliance M Security Features M Authentication M Accessories 247 Requirement 2.60 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 8 cores per processor 4 Processors. Industry Standard Intel or equivalent internationally reputed industry standard and widely used Chipset Minimum 128 GB DDR3 1333MHz RDIMMs with Expandability 20MB L3 Cache (Minimum) per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s QPI Speed Min 4 X 600GB 15,000 RPM (Minimum) Hot Plug 2.5 SAS Disk Drive with RAID 10 Manufacturer factory fitted DVD-ROM/DVD-RW Minimum Four (4) I/O expansion slots RAID Card with 512MB Flash Backed/Battery Backed write Cache and supports RAID 10 • 1x Dual port 1/10Gb Ethernet Network Adapter including 1Gb and 10Gb SFP+ with required cables connecting to Cisco Nexus 5548UP switch • 1x 8 GB Dual Port Fiber Channel Host Bus Adapter including Multimode Fiber and SFP+ 1X IP based Remote Management card. Redundant power Supply Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Windows Server Hyper V Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Oracle Solaris Oracle Linux Oracle VM VMware Bidder should include Server Management Software tool for simplifies server setup, health monitoring, power and thermal control, and for remote administration High-efficiency, hot-plug, redundant power supplies; hotplug drive bays; hot-plug redundant fans; interactive LCD screen; extended thermal support; ENERGY STAR® compliant; CD/DVD for Required Driver and RAID ACPI 2.0. Compliant PCIE Compliant PXE Support WOL Support Physical Address Extension (PAE) Support USB 2.0 Support Power-on password Keyboard password External USB port enable/disable Network Server Mode Serial interface control Administrator's password Removable CD-ROM or DVD drive Different parts of the system must be certified with brand company and should have Parts No. on each Part. Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level M Description Warranty 20.9. Level 248 Requirement Bidders Response adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number. This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Backup Tape System: ( 1 Unit for DC) Description Requirement M Quality ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance M Brand Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form Factor Brand Model Mounting Interface Tape Cartridges supply Number of Drive Slots Cartridge Characteristics Cartridge Media Type Cartridge Substrate Cartridge physical Capacity Drive Technology Minimum Number of Drives Maximum Capacity (2:1 compression) To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Rack mount with the Rail Kit Internationally reputed brand To be mentioned by the Bidder Rack Mounted FC Interface 8Gb speed Hundred (100) LT05 Data and 5 cleaning cartridge Minimum two (2) Up to 48 Linear serpentine recording half-inch cartridge Metal Particle (MP) Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN) 1.5 TB ( uncompressed) each data tape cartridge 1.5 TB Native; 3.0 TB with 2:1 compression LTO-5 Ultrium 2 (Ultrium) Up to 72 TB (LTO-5) compressed 2:1 with LTO Ultrium 5; 36 TB native Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Barcode Reader M M Encryption capability Connectivity M Management M Accessories M M Warranty 20.10. 249 Requirement Bidders Response Standard but Bar codes may also be required for each tape cartridge. Bidder shall facilitate those and quote the same. AES 256-bit Offered Tape Library provides 8Gbps native FC connectivity to SAN switches. Offered Tape Library provides web based remote management. Supplier shall provide all necessary cables , FC adapter, SFP, patch cord etc Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number. This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Blade Chassis for DC (if blade solution) Level Description Requirement M Form factor M Power Supplies M Cooling fans Modular enclosure holds minimum six (6) full-height, twelve(12) half-height, or twenty four (24) quarter-height blade servers Minimum six hot-plug power supplies Supported power supply configurations include: • 3+3 and 2+2 (AC redundancy) • 2+1, 3+1, 4+2, and 5+1 (power supply redundancy) • 2+0 and 3+0 (non-redundant mode) Minimum Nine (9) hot-pluggable, redundant fan modules M Input device M I/O modules M Management Front Control Panel with interactive Graphical LCD: • Supports initial configuration wizard • Local server blade, enclosure, and module information and troubleshooting Two USB Keyboard/Mouse connections and one Video connection (required for Avocent®, iKVM switch to enable these ports) for local front “crash cart” console connections that can be switched between blades Minimum six total blade I/O modules for three fully redundant fabrics that take advantage of a fully passive midplane that can scale up to 8.4 Tbps with current technologies featuring 1/10 Gb Ethernet to servers, 40Gb Ethernet to top-of-rack switches, Fibre Channel 8 Gb, and InfiniBand QDR/FDR10/FDR . (This is specified in server specification.) One (standard) or a second optional (redundant) Chassis Bidder’s Response Section V1. Technical Requirements M Accessories M Warranty 20.11. Level Management Controller(s) Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number. This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. InfiniBand switch: ( 1 Unit for DC) Description M Quality M Brand M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture No of port Form factor InfiniBand HCA supported switch feature M M M 250 M Feature M Accessories Requirement ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five infiniband fabric switch manufacturer or OEM as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Maximum 36 port Rack Mountable The servers listed here has PCI express 3.0 technology where each server listed with IB card should support FDR 56Gb/s or 40Gb/s InfiniBand switch but make sure that offered FDR 56Gb/s IB HCA card should compatible with offered FDR 56Gb/s InfiniBand Switch or offered 40Gb/s IB HCA card should compatible with offered 40Gb/s InfiniBand Switch. Industry-leading, switch platform in performance, power, and density Highest ROI - designed for energy and cost savings Ultra low latency Granular QoS for Cluster, LAN and SAN traffic Quick and easy setup and management Maximizes performance by removing fabric congestions Fabric Management for cluster and converged I/O applications Manageable switch Vendor will supply all SFP+ modules and cables to connect servers specified in document and switches. Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level M Description Warranty 20.12. Level Description Quality M M M M Brand Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Requirement M M Requirement Bidders Response The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number. This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Existaing SAN Switches Extended ( At DC) M M 251 FC fibre 16 pieces Warranty Requirement ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Brocade Brocade 300 To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. We have existing Brocade 300 series 24 port SAN switch in place where 8 ports have active licenses. So we require 16 port active licenses as well as SFP modules in same switch. Vendor will provide 10 Meter fibre connecting to SAN switch and server. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months (for the products and services having one year full warranty period) starting with the completion of the one-year full Warranty (onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the products and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after first year full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty and support coverage document and this support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements 252 20.13. Load Balancer & Application Delivery Controllers (1 Unit for DC) Level Description Requirement M Quality M Brand M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Type ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance. Internationally reputed top 10 load balancer manufacturer as per Gartner. Bidder must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. M Hardware M L4 throughput L7 throughput Power Supply M M M M Load balancing Features To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Server Load Balancer with Application Delivery Controllers including global load balancer Should be appliance based solution with high performance purpose built hardware. The appliance should have minimum 4 GB RAM but better is highly desirable. The appliance should have minimum 4x1GbE copper ports, 2x1GbE SFP ports (SX Fiber incl.), 2x10GbE SFP+ ports include SFP+ modules. The appliance should have minimum 10 Gbps of throughput without any additional hardware and licences. The appliance should support minimum 3M concurrent connection and scalable to 4M without any additional hardware. The appliance should provide full ipv6 support and OEM should be IPv6 gold-certified. OEM should be listed vendor for ipv6 phase-2 certification. To be mention by the bidder To be mention by the bidder Dual power supply and having Input voltage capacity: 220V, Frequency: 50-60Hz The appliance should support layer 2 to layer 7 load balancing The appliance should support server load balancing algorithms i.e. round robin, weighted round robin, least connection, Persistent IP, Hash IP, Hash Cookie, consistent hash IP, shortest response, proximity, snmp, SIP session ID, hash header etc. should support one arm, reverse and transparent proxy mode deployment scenarios and should support nested layer7 and l4 policies. Should maintain server persistency based on source ip and destination ip, http header, url, cookie and SSL ID. The appliance should support multi port, scripted and custom health check with content verification Should provide application & server health checks for well known protocols i.e. ARP, ICMP, TCP, DNS, RADIUS, HTTP/HTTPS, RTSP etc.. The appliance should have and/or relationship to check various dependencies for the application delivery Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Clustering and failover M SSL acceleration Features Requirement should support layer4 and layer 7 load balancing for HTTP/HTTPS, FTP/FTPS, SIP, RTSP , RDP, TCP, TCPS and UDP protocols Should support minimum 100 Servers & Maximum 2000 Servers for load balancing Should support graceful shut down of real services Should provide comprehensive and reliable support for high availability based on Per VIP based Active-active & active standby unit redundancy mode. Statefull session failover with Connection mirroring support Appliance should not have any limitations for connection mirroring Should support USB base FFO link to synchronize configuration at boot time of HA or HA with cross cable. Support for multiple communication links for real-time configuration synchronizations including HA group, gateway health check, decision rules, SSF sessions etc.. and heartbeat information should have support for secondary communication link for backup purpose should support floating IP address and group for statefull failover support. Appliance should have support 256 floating ip address for a floating group should support built in failover decision conditions including unit failover, group failover and reboot should also have option to define customized rules for gateway health check - the administrator should able to define a rule to inspect the status of the link between the unit and a gateway Configuration synchronization at boot time and during run time to keep consistence configuration on both units. Should provide Secure online application delivery using hardware-based high performance SSL acceleration with minimum 2 Gbps of SSL throughput without further license. The appliance should support minimum 15,000 SSL TPS without any additional hardware & without further license. The appliance should support Certificate format as "OpenSSL/Apache, *.PEM", "MS IIS, *.PFX", and "Netscape, *.DB". The appliance should have additional hardware card to perform the SSL offloading / acceleration for 1024 and 2048 bit certificates. The appliance should support use of password protect 253 Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Security and Application Acceleration Requirement Certificate/Private Key backup/restore to/from local disk or remote TFTP server, and through WebUI The appliance should support Self generates CSR (Certificate Signing Request), self-signed Certificate and private key for specified host. The appliance should support customization for SSL Error pages. The appliance should support HTTP to HTTPS location header rewrite for enhanced application delivery support The appliance should have end to end ssl support to act as a SSL Server and/or as SSL Client Should support client certificate verification, certificate bases access control, CRL's (HTTP, FTP ,LDAP) and OSCP protocol Should provide performance optimization using TCP connection multiplexing, TCP buffering and IEEE 802.3ad link aggregation. should support TCP optimization options including windows scaling, timestamp & Selective Acknowledgement for enhanced TCP transmission speed. TCP optimization option configuration should be defined on per virtual service basis not globally. Appliance should provide real time Dynamic Web Content Compression to reduce server load. should provide selective compression for Text, HTML, XML, DOC, Java Scripts, CSS, PDF, PPT, and XLS Mime types. should provide have provision to define policy to skip compression for selected trouble URL (RegEx, Web Objects) for the specified Virtual. should provide Advanced high performance memory/packet based Web cache; fully integrated with HTTP/HTTPS should provide support for customized cache rules including max object size, TTL objects, refresh time interval etc.. should provide detailed cache access statistics based on ip or http hosts should support cache refresh with CLI, XML-RPC input commands and "PURGE" request The appliance should support transparent, layer 7 proxy and triangular mode support The appliance should support L7 rule based application firewall to protect the internal applications within base license Should provide 2 GB dedicated storage capacity in RAM 254 Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Global Load balancing Features M Management M Accessories M Installation & Requirement without any additional hardware & without further license. Should support 700Mbps compression from day one without any additional hardware & without further license. Appliance should have security features like reverse proxy firewall, Syn-flood and dos attack protection features from the day of installation without any additional hardware & without further license. The offered appliance licenses should support datacentre site selection feature to provide global load balancing features for disaster recovery and site redundancy without any additional hardware & without further license. Should support tight integratation with SLB devices without sacrificing the ability to work in a heterogeneous environment of DNS-capable networking products The appliance should support global server load balancing algorithms including · Weighted round robin · Weighted Least Connections · Administrative Priority · Geography · Proximity · Global Connection Overflow (GCO) · Global Least Connection (GLC) · IP Overflow (IPO) The appliance should support multi-port, scripted and custom health check with content verification Should support application & server health checks for well-known protocols i.e. ARP, ICMP, TCP, DNS, RADIUS, HTTP/HTTPS, RTSP etc.. The appliance should support and/or relationship to check various dependencies for the application delivery The appliance should have extensive report like http squid or customized http logging with inbuilt tcpdump and log collecting functionality The appliance should have SSH CLI, Direct Console, SNMP, Single Console per Cluster, XML-RPC with inbuilt reporting. The appliance should be dual bootable to fall back to last working configuration The appliance should support alerting mechanism like mail, Syslog and SNMP. Vendor shall supply all 1GbE & 10GbE fibre SFP+ modules for each unit, Rack mount Kit, cables etc. to connect servers specified in document and switches in rack. Certified Expertise from main Manufacturer will install & 255 Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description Configuration M Support Service M Warranty 20.14. 256 Requirement Bidders Response configure it remotely & configure the systems based on the basis of customer WAN architecture for smooth operation and follow the described in LOAD BALANCER planning section. This support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. This support shall also include 24 x 7 support for proposed hardware and major upgrades for it software. Bidder facilities the 24 x 7 supports remote support service & phone call from Principal manufacturer and deliver their local support instant basis when necessary. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number. This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Power Strip (5 Units at DC) Bidder should supply all required power strips with the supplied hardware’s. Level M M M M M Description Form factor Brand Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Feature M Requirement Bidder’s Response UK Type three pin flat power strip Internationally reputed top five power strip To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. i) Eight (8) gangs, surge protector, dry contact relay, fuse, ii) Two meter extension cable, iii) Input voltage: 220V, Frequency: 50Hz iv) Working Temperature: 0~40C, Relative Humidity: 20~80% v) Warranty: Three (3) years 21. Disaster Recovery Datacentre ( At CGA) 21.1. Application Server (4 Unit for DR) Level Description M Quality M Brand Requirement ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level M M M Description M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form factor Processor Type M M M No of cores No of Processor Chipset M Memory (RAM) M M M Cache Memory QPI Speed Internal Hard Disk M M M M PCIe Flash card DVD ROM I/O Slots RAID Card M I/O Interface M Remote Management card Power supply Supported Operating System & Virtualization Software M M M Management Software M Availability M Industry Standard Compliance 257 Requirement evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Rack Mountable RACK server or Blade server Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-4650 (20M Cache, 2.70 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or E5-4650L (20M Cache, 2.60 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 8 cores per processor 4 Processors. Industry Standard Intel or equivalent internationally reputed industry standard and widely used Chipset Minimum 256 GB DDR3 1333MHz RDIMMs with Expandability 20MB L3 Cache (Minimum) per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s QPI Speed Min 4 X 600GB 15,000 RPM (Minimum) Hot Plug 2.5 SAS Disk Drive with RAID 10 Min 1 X 320GB SLC SSD PCIe Flash card Manufacturer factory fitted DVD-ROM/DVD-RW Minimum Four(4) I/O expansion slots RAID Card with 512MB Flash Backed/Battery Backed write Cache and supports RAID 10 • 1x Dual port 1/10Gb Ethernet Network Adapter including 1Gb and 10Gb SFP+ with required cables connecting to Cisco Nexus 5548UP switch • 1 X 8 GB Dual Port Fiber Channel Host Bus Adapter including Multimode Fiber and SFP+ • Min 40Gb/s speed 1x Dual port InfiniBand HCA card (Vendor shall supply all SFP+ modules , fiber cables to match with offered IB switch .) 1 X IP based Remote Management card. Redundant power Supply Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Windows Server Hyper V Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Oracle Solaris Oracle Linux Oracle VM VMware Bidder should include Server Management Software tool for simplifies server setup, health monitoring, power and thermal control, and for remote administration High-efficiency, hot-plug, redundant power supplies; hotplug drive bays; hot-plug redundant fans; interactive LCD screen; extended thermal support; ENERGY STAR® compliant; CD/DVD for Required Driver and RAID ACPI 2.0. Compliant PCIE Compliant PXE Support WOL Support Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Security Features M Authentication M Accessories M Warranty 21.2. Level 258 Requirement Bidders Response Physical Address Extension (PAE) Support USB 2.0 Support Power-on password Keyboard password External USB port enable/disable Network Server Mode Serial interface control Administrator's password Removable CD-ROM or DVD drive Different parts of the system must be certified with brand company and should have Parts No. on each Part. Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number. This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Report Server (1 Unit for DR) Description M Quality M Brand M M M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form factor Processor Type M M M No of cores No of Processor Chipset Requirement ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance. Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Rack Mountable RACK server or Blade server Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-4650 (20M Cache, 2.70 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or E5-4650L (20M Cache, 2.60 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 8 cores per processor 4 Processors. Industry Standard Intel or equivalent internationally reputed industry standard and widely used Chipset Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Memory (RAM) M M M Cache Memory QPI Speed Internal Hard Disk M M M M PCIe Flash card DVD ROM I/O Slots RAID Card M I/O Interface M Remote Management card Power supply Supported Operating System & Virtualization Software M M M Management Software M Availability M Industry Standard Compliance M Security Features M Authentication M Accessories 259 Requirement Minimum 256 GB DDR3 1333MHz RDIMMs with Expandability 20MB L3 Cache (Minimum) per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s QPI Speed Min 8 X 600GB 15,000 RPM (Minimum) Hot Plug 2.5 SAS Disk Drive with RAID 10 Min 1 X 320GB SLC SSD PCIe Flash card Manufacturer factory fitted DVD-ROM/DVD-RW Minimum four(4) I/O expansion slots RAID Card with 512MB Flash Backed/Battery Backed write Cache and supports RAID 10 • 1x Dual port 1/10Gb Ethernet Network Adapter including 1Gb and 10Gb SFP+ with required cables connecting to Cisco Nexus 5548UP switch • 1 X 8 GB Dual Port Fiber Channel Host Bus Adapter including Multimode Fiber and SFP+ • Min 40Gb/s speed 1x Dual port InfiniBand HCA card (Vendor shall supply all SFP+ modules , fiber cables to match with offered IB switch .) 1 X IP based Remote Management card. Redundant power Supply Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Windows Server Hyper V Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Oracle Solaris Oracle Linux Oracle VM VMware Bidder should include Server Management Software tool for simplifies server setup, health monitoring, power and thermal control, and for remote administration High-efficiency, hot-plug, redundant power supplies; hotplug drive bays; hot-plug redundant fans; interactive LCD screen; extended thermal support; ENERGY STAR® compliant; CD/DVD for Required Driver and RAID ACPI 2.0. Compliant PCIE Compliant PXE Support WOL Support Physical Address Extension (PAE) Support USB 2.0 Support Power-on password Keyboard password External USB port enable/disable Network Server Mode Serial interface control Administrator's password Removable CD-ROM or DVD drive Different parts of the system must be certified with brand company and should have Parts No. on each Part. Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level M Description Warranty 21.3. Level Requirement Bidders Response The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number. This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Additional Domain Controller (1 Unit for DR) Description M Quality M Brand M M M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form factor Processor Type M M M No of cores No of Processor Chipset M Memory (RAM) M M M Cache Memory QPI Speed Internal Hard Disk M M M DVD ROM I/O Slots RAID Card M I/O Interface M Remote Management card Power supply Supported M M 260 Requirement ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Rack Mountable RACK server or Blade server Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2690 (20M Cache, 2.90 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or more capacity or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 8 cores per processor 2 Processors. Industry Standard Intel or equivalent internationally reputed industry standard and widely used Chipset Minimum 64 GB DDR3 1333MHz RDIMMs with Expandability 20MB L3 Cache (Minimum) per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s QPI Speed Min 4 X 300GB 15,000 RPM (Minimum) Hot Plug 2.5 SAS Disk Drive with RAID 10 Manufacturer factory fitted DVD-ROM/DVD-RW Minimum Four (4) I/O expansion slots RAID Card with 512MB Flash Backed/Battery Backed write Cache and supports RAID 10 2 X Dual (2) port 1Gb Ethernet Network Adapter (Must support Teaming and VLAN) 1 X IP based Remote Management card. Redundant power Supply Microsoft Windows Server Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description Requirement Operating System & Virtualization Software Microsoft Windows Server Hyper V Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Oracle Solaris Oracle Linux Oracle VM VMware Bidder should include Server Management Software tool for simplifies server setup, health monitoring, power and thermal control, and for remote administration High-efficiency, hot-plug, redundant power supplies; hotplug drive bays; hot-plug redundant fans; interactive LCD screen; extended thermal support; ENERGY STAR® compliant; CD/DVD for Required Driver and RAID ACPI 2.0. Compliant PCIE Compliant PXE Support WOL Support Physical Address Extension (PAE) Support USB 2.0 Support Power-on password Keyboard password External USB port enable/disable Network Server Mode Serial interface control Administrator's password Removable CD-ROM or DVD drive Different parts of the system must be certified with brand company and should have Parts No. on each Part. Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number. This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. M Management Software M Availability M Industry Standard Compliance M Security Features M Authentication M Accessories M Warranty 21.4. Level M 261 Bidders Response Mail Server(1 Unit for DR) Description Quality Requirement ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Brand M M M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form factor Processor Type M M No of cores No of Processor Chipset M Memory (RAM) M M M Cache Memory QPI Speed Internal Hard Disk M M M DVD ROM I/O Slots RAID Card M I/O Interface M Remote Management card Power supply Supported Operating System & Virtualization Software M M M Management Software M Availability M Industry Standard Compliance 262 Requirement Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Rack Mountable RACK server or Blade server Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-4650 (20M Cache, 2.70 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or E5-4650L (20M Cache, 2.60 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 8 cores per processor 4 Processors. Industry Standard Intel or equivalent internationally reputed industry standard and widely used Chipset Minimum 128 GB DDR3 1333MHz RDIMMs with Expandability 20MB L3 Cache (Minimum) per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s QPI Speed Min 4 X 600GB 15,000 RPM (Minimum) Hot Plug 2.5 SAS Disk Drive with RAID 10 Manufacturer factory fitted DVD-ROM/DVD-RW Minimum Four (4) I/O expansion slots RAID Card with 512MB Flash Backed/Battery Backed write Cache and supports RAID 10 • 1x Dual port 1/10Gb Ethernet Network Adapter including 1Gb and 10Gb SFP+ with required cables connecting to Cisco Nexus 5548UP switch • 1x 8 GB Dual Port Fiber Channel Host Bus Adapter including Multimode Fiber and SFP+ 2X IP based Remote Management card. Redundant power Supply Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Windows Server Hyper V Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Oracle Solaris Oracle Linux Oracle VM VMware Bidder should include Server Management Software tool for simplifies server setup, health monitoring, power and thermal control, and for remote administration High-efficiency, hot-plug, redundant power supplies; hotplug drive bays; hot-plug redundant fans; interactive LCD screen; extended thermal support; ENERGY STAR® compliant; CD/DVD for Required Driver and RAID ACPI 2.0. Compliant PCIE Compliant PXE Support WOL Support Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Security Features M Authentication M Accessories M Warranty 21.5. Level 263 Requirement Bidders Response Physical Address Extension (PAE) Support USB 2.0 Support Power-on password Keyboard password External USB port enable/disable Network Server Mode Serial interface control Administrator's password Removable CD-ROM or DVD drive Different parts of the system must be certified with brand company and should have Parts No. on each Part. Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number. This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Test and Development (1 Unit for DR) Description M Quality M Brand M M M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form factor Processor Type M M No of cores No of Processor Chipset M Memory (RAM) Requirement ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Rack Mountable RACK server or Blade server Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2690 (20M Cache, 2.90 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or more capacity or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 8 cores per processor 2 Processors. Industry Standard Intel or equivalent internationally reputed industry standard and widely used Chipset Minimum 128 GB DDR3 1333MHz RDIMMs with Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M M M Cache Memory QPI Speed Internal Hard Disk M M M DVD ROM I/O Slots RAID Card M I/O Interface M Remote Management card Power supply Supported Operating System & Virtualization Software M M M Management Software M Availability M Industry Standard Compliance M Security Features M Authentication M Accessories M Warranty 264 Requirement Expandability 20MB L3 Cache (Minimum) per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s QPI Speed Min 4 X 600GB 15,000 RPM (Minimum) Hot Plug 2.5 SAS Disk Drive with RAID 10 Manufacturer factory fitted DVD-ROM/DVD-RW Minimum Four (4) I/O expansion slots RAID Card with 512MB Flash Backed/Battery Backed write Cache and supports RAID 10 2x Dual (2) port 1Gb Ethernet Network Adapter (Must support Teaming and VLAN) 1x Dual port FC adapter 1 X IP based Remote Management card. Redundant power Supply Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Windows Server Hyper V Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Oracle Solaris Oracle Linux Oracle VM VMware Bidder should include Server Management Software tool for simplifies server setup, health monitoring, power and thermal control, and for remote administration High-efficiency, hot-plug, redundant power supplies; hotplug drive bays; hot-plug redundant fans; interactive LCD screen; extended thermal support; ENERGY STAR® compliant; CD/DVD for Required Driver and RAID ACPI 2.0. Compliant PCIE Compliant PXE Support WOL Support Physical Address Extension (PAE) Support USB 2.0 Support Power-on password Keyboard password External USB port enable/disable Network Server Mode Serial interface control Administrator's password Removable CD-ROM or DVD drive Different parts of the system must be certified with brand company and should have Parts No. on each Part. Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description 265 Requirement Bidders Response this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number. This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. 21.6. Level Data Centre Management Server (1 Unit for DR) Description M Quality M Brand M M M M M Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Form factor Processor Type M M No of cores No of Processor Chipset M Memory (RAM) M M M Cache Memory QPI Speed Internal Hard Disk M M M DVD ROM I/O Slots RAID Card M I/O Interface M Remote Management card Power supply Supported Operating System & Virtualization Software M M Requirement ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer as per latest Gartner rating. Bidder/Tenderer must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Rack Mountable RACK server or Blade server Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2690 (20M Cache, 2.90 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) or more capacity or equivalent internationally reputed , industry standard and widely used Processor 8 cores per processor 2 Processors. Industry Standard Intel or equivalent internationally reputed industry standard and widely used Chipset Minimum 128 GB DDR3 1333MHz RDIMMs with Expandability 20MB L3 Cache (Minimum) per processor Minimum 8.00 GT/s QPI Speed Min 4 X 600GB 15,000 RPM (Minimum) Hot Plug 2.5 SAS Disk Drive with RAID 10 Manufacturer factory fitted DVD-ROM/DVD-RW Minimum Four (4) I/O expansion slots RAID Card with 512MB Flash Backed/Battery Backed write Cache and supports RAID 10 2x Dual (2) port 1Gb Ethernet Network Adapter (Must support Teaming and VLAN) 1x Dual port FC adapter 1 X IP based Remote Management card. Redundant power Supply Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Windows Server Hyper V Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Oracle Solaris Oracle Linux Oracle VM VMware Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Management Software M Availability M Industry Standard Compliance M Security Features M Authentication M Accessories M Warranty 21.7. Level 266 Requirement Bidders Response Bidder should include Server Management Software tool for simplifies server setup, health monitoring, power and thermal control, and for remote administration High-efficiency, hot-plug, redundant power supplies; hotplug drive bays; hot-plug redundant fans; interactive LCD screen; extended thermal support; ENERGY STAR® compliant; CD/DVD for Required Driver and RAID ACPI 2.0. Compliant PCIE Compliant PXE Support WOL Support Physical Address Extension (PAE) Support USB 2.0 Support Power-on password Keyboard password External USB port enable/disable Network Server Mode Serial interface control Administrator's password Removable CD-ROM or DVD drive Different parts of the system must be certified with brand company and should have Parts No. on each Part. Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number. This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. InfiniBand switch (1 Unit for DR) Description M Quality M Brand M M Model Country of origin Requirement ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five InfiniBand switch manufacturer To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level M Description M M M Country of Manufacture No of port Form factor InfiniBand HCA supported switch feature M Feature M Accessories M Warranty 21.8. 267 Requirement Bidders Response To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Maximum 36 port Rack Mountable Most of the servers listed here has PCI express 3.0 technology where each server listed with IB card should support FDR 56Gb/s or 40Gb/s InfiniBand switch but make sure that offered FDR 56Gb/s IB HCA card should compatible with offered FDR 56Gb/s InfiniBand Switch or offered 40Gb/s IB HCA card should compatible with offered 40Gb/s InfiniBand Switch. Industry-leading, switch platform in performance, power, and density Highest ROI - designed for energy and cost savings Ultra low latency Granular QoS for Cluster, LAN and SAN traffic Quick and easy setup and management Maximizes performance by removing fabric congestions Fabric Management for cluster and converged I/O applications Manageable switch Vendor will supply all SFP+ modules and cables to connect servers specified in specification document and offered switches. Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number. This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. Blade Chassis for DR (if blade solution) Level Description Requirement M Quality M Brand M Model ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top five server manufacturer brand suits to offered blade servers as per Gartner rating. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Bidder’s Response Section V1. Technical Requirements M Country of origin To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. M To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. M Country of Manufacture Form Factor M Power Supplies M Cooling fans M Input device M I/O modules M Management M Accessories M Warranty 268 Modular enclosure holds minimum six (6) full-height, twelve(12) half-height, or twenty four (24) quarter-height blade servers Minimum six hot-plug power supplies Supported power supply configurations include: • 3+3 and 2+2 (AC redundancy) • 2+1, 3+1, 4+2, and 5+1 (power supply redundancy) • 2+0 and 3+0 (non-redundant mode) Minimum Nine (9) hot-pluggable, redundant fan modules Front Control Panel with interactive Graphical LCD: • Supports initial configuration wizard • Local server blade, enclosure, and module information and troubleshooting Two USB Keyboard/Mouse connections and one Video connection (required for Avocent, iKVM switch to enable these ports) for local front “crash cart” console connections that can be switched between blades Minimum six total blade I/O modules for three fully redundant fabrics that take advantage of a fully passive midplane that can scale up to 8.4 Tbps with current technologies featuring 1/10 Gb Ethernet to servers, 40Gb Ethernet to top-of-rack switches, Fibre Channel 8 Gb, and InfiniBand QDR/FDR10/FDR . (This is specified in server specification.) One (standard) or a second optional (redundant) Chassis Management Controller(s) Should deliver with all necessary UK type power cords, adapters, data cables, connectors, CDs, manuals, brackets accessories, wire managers, Registration or warranty card etc. comes in a package. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number. This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. 21.9. Load Balancer & Application Delivery Controllers (1 Unit for DR) Level Description Requirement M Quality M Brand M Model ISO 9001/9002 or higher for manufacturer, FCC Class B, Energy Star for quality assurance Internationally reputed top 10 load balancer manufacturer as per latest Gartner. Bidder must attach latest Gartner rating with the submitted bid/tender as evidence. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description Requirement M To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. M Country of origin Country of Manufacture Type M Hardware M To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. Server Load Balancer with Application Delivery Controllers including global load balancer Should be appliance based solution with high performance purpose built hardware. The appliance should have minimum 4 GB RAM but better is highly desirable. The appliance should have minimum 4x1GbE copper ports, 2x1GbE SFP ports (SX Fiber incl.), 2x10GbE SFP+ ports include SFP+ modules . The appliance should have minimum 10 Gbps of throughput without any additional hardware and licences. The appliance should support minimum 3M concurrent connection and scalable to 4M without any additional hardware. The appliance should provide full ipv6 support and OEM should be IPv6 gold-certified. OEM should be listed vendor for ipv6 phase-2 certification. M M M M L4 throughput L7 throughput Power Supply Load balancing Features To be mention by the bidder To be mention by the bidder Dual power supply and having Input voltage capacity: 220V, Frequency: 50-60Hz The appliance should support layer 2 to layer 7 load balancing The appliance should support server load balancing algorithms i.e. round robin, weighted round robin, least connection, Persistent IP, Hash IP, Hash Cookie, consistent hash IP, shortest response, proximity, snmp, SIP session ID, hash header etc. should support one arm, reverse and transparent proxy mode deployment scenarios and should support nested layer7 and l4 policies. Should maintain server persistency based on source ip and destination ip, http header, url, cookie and SSL ID. The appliance should support multi port, scripted and custom health check with content verification Should provide application & server health checks for well known protocols i.e. ARP, ICMP, TCP, DNS, RADIUS, HTTP/HTTPS, RTSP etc.. The appliance should have and/or relationship to check various dependencies for the application delivery should support layer4 and layer 7 load balancing for HTTP/HTTPS, FTP/FTPS, SIP, RTSP , RDP, TCP, TCPS 269 Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Clustering and failover M SSL acceleration Features Requirement and UDP protocols Should support minimum 100 Servers & Maximum 2000 Servers for load balancing Should support graceful shut down of real services Should provide comprehensive and reliable support for high availability based on Per VIP based Active-active & active standby unit redundancy mode. Statefull session failover with Connection mirroring support Appliance should not have any limitations for connection mirroring Should support USB base FFO link to synchronize configuration at boot time of HA or HA with cross cable. Support for multiple communication links for real-time configuration synchronizations including HA group, gateway health check, decision rules, SSF sessions etc.. and heartbeat information should have support for secondary communication link for backup purpose should support floating IP address and group for statefull failover support. Appliance should have support 256 floating ip address for a floating group should support built in failover decision conditions including unit failover, group failover and reboot should also have option to define customized rules for gateway health check - the administrator should able to define a rule to inspect the status of the link between the unit and a gateway Configuration synchronization at boot time and during run time to keep consistence configuration on both units. Should provide Secure online application delivery using hardware-based high performance SSL acceleration with minimum 2 Gbps of SSL throughput without further license. The appliance should support minimum 15,000 SSL TPS without any additional hardware & without further license. The appliance should support Certificate format as "OpenSSL/Apache, *.PEM", "MS IIS, *.PFX", and "Netscape, *.DB". The appliance should have additional hardware card to perform the SSL offloading / acceleration for 1024 and 2048 bit certificates. The appliance should support use of password protect Certificate/Private Key backup/restore to/from local disk or remote TFTP server, and through WebUI The appliance should support Self generates CSR 270 Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Security and Application Acceleration Requirement (Certificate Signing Request), self-signed Certificate and private key for specified host. The appliance should support customization for SSL Error pages. The appliance should support HTTP to HTTPS location header rewrite for enhanced application delivery support The appliance should have end to end ssl support to act as a SSL Server and/or as SSL Client Should support client certificate verification, certificate bases access control, CRL's (HTTP, FTP ,LDAP) and OSCP protocol Should provide performance optimization using TCP connection multiplexing, TCP buffering and IEEE 802.3ad link aggregation. should support TCP optimization options including windows scaling, timestamp & Selective Acknowledgement for enhanced TCP transmission speed. TCP optimization option configuration should be defined on per virtual service basis not globally. Appliance should provide real time Dynamic Web Content Compression to reduce server load. should provide selective compression for Text, HTML, XML, DOC, Java Scripts, CSS, PDF, PPT, and XLS Mime types. should provide have provision to define policy to skip compression for selected trouble URL (RegEx, Web Objects) for the specified Virtual. should provide Advanced high performance memory/packet based Web cache; fully integrated with HTTP/HTTPS should provide support for customized cache rules including max object size, TTL objects, refresh time interval etc.. should provide detailed cache access statistics based on ip or http hosts should support cache refresh with CLI, XML-RPC input commands and "PURGE" request The appliance should support transparent, layer 7 proxy and triangular mode support The appliance should support L7 rule based application firewall to protect the internal applications within base license Should provide 2 GB dedicated storage capacity in RAM without any additional hardware & without further license. Should support 700Mbps compression from day one without any additional hardware & without further license. 271 Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Global Load balancing Features M Management M Accessories M Installation & Configuration M Support Service Requirement Appliance should have security features like reverse proxy firewall, Syn-flood and dos attack protection features from the day of installation without any additional hardware & without further license. The offered appliance licenses should support datacentre site selection feature to provide global load balancing features for disaster recovery and site redundancy without any additional hardware & without further license. Should support tight integratation with SLB devices without sacrificing the ability to work in a heterogeneous environment of DNS-capable networking products The appliance should support global server load balancing algorithms including · Weighted round robin · Weighted Least Connections · Administrative Priority · Geography · Proximity · Global Connection Overflow (GCO) · Global Least Connection (GLC) · IP Overflow (IPO) The appliance should support multi-port, scripted and custom health check with content verification Should support application & server health checks for well-known protocols i.e. ARP, ICMP, TCP, DNS, RADIUS, HTTP/HTTPS, RTSP etc.. The appliance should support and/or relationship to check various dependencies for the application delivery The appliance should have extensive report like http squid or customized http logging with inbuilt tcpdump and log collecting functionality The appliance should have SSH CLI, Direct Console, SNMP, Single Console per Cluster, XML-RPC with inbuilt reporting. The appliance should be dual bootable to fall back to last working configuration The appliance should support alerting mechanism like mail, Syslog and SNMP. Vendor shall supply all 1GbE & 10GbE fibre SFP+ modules for each unit, Rack mount Kit, cables etc. to connect servers specified in document and switches in rack. Certified Expertise from main Manufacturer will install & configure it remotely & configure the systems based on the basis of customer WAN architecture for smooth operation and follow the described in LOAD BALANCER planning section. This support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. This support shall also include 24 x 7 support for proposed 272 Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Warranty Requirement 273 Bidders Response hardware and major upgrades for it software. Bidder facilities the 24 x 7 supports remote support service & phone call from Principal manufacturer and deliver their local support instant basis when necessary. The Post Warranty service period is twenty four (24) months starting with the completion of the three(3) years full warranty(onsite covering everything with parts and service) period including all maintenance and support for the system from the date of commissioning and acceptance. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide all services indicated in GCC 1.1.(e) (xii). The post warranty services for the product and services to be supplied in this package shall be included in this contract. This service to be provided on an on-going twelve (12) months renewal basis after three (3) years full support with parts & services coverage. Renewal process shall have to submit manufacturer warranty, part number. This support coverage document and support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal manufacturer and local partner. LOAD BALANCER planning. We are planning to have 4 physical servers at DC and 4 physical servers at DR. Each Application server should have 4 VM. Purchaser should design Live Migration to each other as Active-Active or Active-Passive mode based on application requirement using System Centre latest version. Bidder shall install and configured Server load balancer after completion of all Hyper-V installation and configuration to integrate with Server Load balancer. Detailed logical solution diagram below: Section V1. Technical Requirements 274 Section V1. Technical Requirements 275 Figure: Figure: Migrating Virtualized Applications between Data Centres with Hyper-V. Brief description about this solution: Hyper-V Live Migration provides powerful solutions for improving IT agility through virtualization. Server Load balancer Application Delivery Controller integrates with Hyper-V Live Migration to take this agility even further. By combining both solutions, users can perform efficient live migrations of virtual machines and their storage, between data centres thousands of miles apart. Hyper-V Live Migration enables users to move live virtual machines (VMs) from one server to another. Hyper-V Live Migration normally requires that migration be restricted within a single local Hyper-V Server cluster and layer 2 network domains. Furthermore, Hyper-V Live Migration performance is sensitive to network latency and bandwidth, which historically prevented long-distance Hyper-V Live Migration events. This solution overcomes both challenges by intelligently managing application network traffic and accelerating the transmission between sites. The result is that previously impossible migrations between distant sites are now fast, reliable, and secure The solution delivery requires the following four key benefits: • Local traffic control: Existing application client connections are redirected seamlessly, automatically, and securely before, during, and after the Hyper-V Live Migration events. • Global traffic control: New application client connections are directed intelligently and automatically to the new data centre, in tandem with the local traffic control mechanism once Hyper-V Live Migration is complete. • Acceleration: In order to maximize the performance of the data transfers, WAN links are accelerated using protocol optimization, compression, duplication, and encryption. Acceleration of Hyper-V Live Migration is what enables successful migration despite network latency between data centers that might be thousands of miles apart. • Orchestration: The solution is integrated using APIs for a seamless migration process. It can be easily integrated with any orchestration engine. Section V1. Technical Requirements 276 Figure: Here applications are ACTIVE-ACTIVE but load balancer should work as ACTIVE-PASSIVE 21.10. Power Strip (5 Units at DR) Bidder should supply all required power strips with the supplied hardware’s. Level M M M M M M Description Form factor Brand Model Country of origin Country of Manufacture Feature Requirement Bidder’s Response UK Type three pin flat power strip Internationally reputed top five power strip To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. To be stated by the bidder/tenderer. vi) Eight (8) gangs, surge protector, dry contact relay, fuse, vii) Two meter extension cable, viii) Input voltage: 220V, Frequency: 50Hz ix) Working Temperature: 0~40C, Relative Humidity: 20~80% x) Warranty: Three (3) years 22. Microsoft Enterprise Agreement for Windows Licenses including Software Assurance Bidder is responsible to select/hire the Microsoft Large Account Resellers (LAR) who is authorized in Bangladesh to sell Microsoft Enterprise Agreement in favour of MINISTRY OF FINANCE, GOVERNMENT OF BANGLADESH. The Microsoft Enterprise Agreement provides for lowest pricing levels to the Government Purchasing. To solicit proposals from authorized Microsoft Large Account Resellers (LAR) who is authorized to sell Microsoft Enterprise Agreement products and services to the MINISTRY OF FINANCE, GOVERNMENT OF BANGLADESH. Section V1. Technical Requirements 277 Microsoft Enterprise Agreement will follow the law of Bangladesh and MINISTRY OF FINANCE; GOVERNMENT OF BANGLADESH will be the authority of contract. To complete this process “Deepening the Medium Term Budget Framework and strengthening Financial Accountability Project ( will represent MINISTRY OF FINANCE, GOVERNMENT OF BANGLADESH to complete the necessary activities to fulfil the contact and sign. To supply copy of Microsoft LAR authorise certificate within the proposal. Bidder will deliver all required Microsoft products under this contract. Any future product required for Ministry of Finance; Bidder will quote prices which will be the lowest and contract authority will verify those prices with other LAR holder in Bangladesh. To keep the secure accessibility of “Web account of MICROSOFT ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT” delegated to FSMU administrators of Finance Division, Ministry of Finance. They will provide ISO to the desired systems along with S/N. Termination of Contract: MINISTRY OF FINANCE shall be entitled to terminate MICROSOFT ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT and PREMIER SUPPORT contract by giving notice to the successful Bidder in case: a) Successful Bidder fails to integrate/implement/give support as per the requirements of tender. In such eventuality, successful Bidder will refund to contract value in respect of licenses for Microsoft CORE CAL Suite, which are not implemented. b) Successful bidder fails to provide maintenance services as per terms and conditions agreed hereunder and/or fail to fulfil any of its obligations enumerated hereunder. In such eventuality, Successful Bidder shall refund to contract value the proportionate maintenance charges received in advance, if any, for the remaining period c) In the eventuality of termination of contract, MINISTRY OF FINANCE, GOVERNMENT OF BANGLADESH shall have the right to avail the services of any other person for the purpose without any let or hindrance from successful Bidder. d) In the eventuality of termination of contract, besides claiming refund of amount as above, MINISTRY OF FINANCE, GOVERNMENT OF BANGLADESH shall have a right to claim liquidated Damages as decided by arbitrator. e) Any other valid reason decided by contract authority. Section V1. Technical Requirements 22.1. SI 278 Windows Software Licenses requirement calculation Server No of CPU Windows server 2012 standard Windows server 2012 Enterprise No of HyperV 2 1 2 System Center 2012 Standard for server ML 2 1 2 3 DC Management Servers (1 unit at DC and 1 unit at DR) Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DC and 1 unit at DR) Application server (1 Unit for DC) 4 2 4 2 4 Application server (1 Unit for DC) 4 2 4 2 5 Application server (1 Unit for DC) 4 2 4 2 6 Application server (1 Unit for DC) 4 2 4 2 7 Report Server (1 Unit for DC) 4 2 4 2 8 Test and Development (1 Unit for DC) Data Centre Management Server (1 Unit for DC) 2 1 2 Primary Domain Controller (1 Unit for DC) 2 1 2 Additional Domain Controller (1 Unit for DC) 2 1 2 Patch Management Server: (1 Unit for DC) 2 1 2 Mail Server: (1 Unit for DC) 4 1 2 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 System Center 2012 DataCenter for server ML 8 1 8 2 DR 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 Application Server (1 Unit for DR) 4 2 4 2 Application Server (1 Unit for DR) 4 2 4 2 Application Server (1 Unit for DR) 4 2 4 2 Application Server (1 Unit for DR) 4 2 4 2 Report Server (1 Unit for DR) 4 2 4 2 Additional Domain Controller (1 Unit for DR) 2 1 2 Mail Server(1 Unit for DR) 4 Test and Development (1 Unit for DR) 2 Data Centre Management Server (1 Unit for DR) No of Licenses Required 2 1 2 68 28 8 2 2 1 8 6 88 21 4 Section V1. Technical Requirements 22.2. 279 Windows Licenses including Software Assurance Bidder should quote the below specified licenses (“Core CAL Suite” , “User CAL” & “Enterprise CAL Suite”) under Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA) in favour of “Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh” via Microsoft LAR under the Enterprise Agreement. Details information of Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA) is given in earlier section. Bidder shall not load the licenses via LAR without permission of Purchaser to minimize the unnecessary time without implementation. Part no Product Description Product Name W0600022 W0600445 PGI00267 PGI00268 7AH00281 7AH00282 YEG00396 YEG00397 P7107280 P7305897 31202177 5HU00215 T6L00237 T9L00222 MFF00502 CoreCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL DvcCAL CoreCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL UsrCAL ExchgEntCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL DvcCAL wSrvcs ExchgEntCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL UsrCAL wSrvcs LyncSVrEnCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL DvcCAL LyncSVrEnCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL UsrCAL LyncSvrPlusCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL DvcCAL LyncSvrPlusCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL UsrCAL WinSvrDataCtr ALNG LicSAPk MVL 2Proc WinSvrStd ALNG LicSAPk MVL 2Proc Core CALClient Access License Core CALClient Access License Exchange Enterprise CAL Exchange Enterprise CAL Lync Server Ent CAL Lync Server Ent CAL Lync Server Plus CAL Lync Server Plus CAL Windows Server Datacenter Windows Server Standard Exchange Server Standard ExchgSvrStd ALNG LicSAPk MVL LyncSvr ALNG LicSAPk MVL SysCtrDatactr ALNG LicSAPk MVL 2 Proc SysCtrStd ALNG LicSAPk MVL 2Proc SysCtrCltMgmtAte ALNG LicSAPk MVL PerOSE Device CAL User CAL 200 QTY Unit Price Per Year in USD 200 50 200 50 200 50 60 50 60 20 10 20 10 10 10 6 30 4 Lync Server 4 System Center DataCenter 4 Sys Ctr Standard Client Management Suite Client ML 21 25 Sub Total Vat 4% Total Payable in Yr. 1 Total Payable in Yr. 2 Total Payable in Yr. 3 Grand Total Payable in 3 Years 23. Disaster Recovery Solution for Application server (Hyper-V). Solution should goes beyond periodic backup to provide accessible and affordable data protection, ensure minimal data loss, and enable immediate recovery from any disaster or Line Total in USD Section V1. Technical Requirements 280 system outage. Purchaser has the disaster recovery solution environment with Double-Take and will need to go for Double-Take VM solution. It should utilize patented replication and failover technology that continuously captures byte-level changes as they happen and replicates those changes to one or more target servers at any location, locally or at recovery site miles away. Level Description Requirement M Requirement Solution required only for two web applications hosted in IIS within virtual environment. One hyper-V (VM) contain web application located at production site and another Hyper-v(VM) located at disaster site need to require double-take solution for fail over & recovery M Features Need M Failover M Failback Real-time application and data protection. • Asynchronous Replication. • Continuously capture byte-level changes as they occur and replicate only those changes to DR server. (Replicating only the file changes rather than copying an entire file) • Failover executed in minutes, not hours, and supports dissimilar hardware. • Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service integration allows you to schedule and recover from up to 64 point-in-time copies of data on your physical or virtual target. • No distance limits for DR server. • Near-zero data loss. • Features one-click failover and restore • Ensures easy installation and optimized configuration • Presents centralized reporting and analysis • Failover Server Name and IP address. • Failover DNS Records. • Start-up application services on DR machine. • Users can reconnect within minutes of failure. • Failover can occur across a LAN, WAN and even NAT. Failback Source Identity. • Bring Source Applications Online. • Users Reconnect within Minutes. • Start Replication and resume Failover Monitoring for Continued Protection. M Installation M Support Service Installation to be done by the remote control support from double-take. Bidder shall have to submit double-take support service contract for each year. This support shall include 24 x 7 supports from Principal developer and local partner. Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Figure: Disaster recovery solution Figure: Network Diagram for Disaster Recovery Solution 24. Training on Microsoft Solution. 281 Section V1. Technical Requirements 24.1. 282 Local Training: Training and Training Materials: Bidder shall provide vendor certified training material, stationery and food refreshment during the training. Transportation and Venue will be agreed. Bidder will use high skilled vendor certified trainer who has sound credentials in providing similar training courses and submit the proof of same. Practical training will include participants setting up the environment and configuring various scenarios. Courses: 1. System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), formerly Systems Management Server (SMS), is a systems management software product by Microsoft for managing large groups of Windows-based computer systems. Configuration Manager provides remote control, patch management, software distribution, operating system deployment, network access protection, and hardware and software inventory. 2. System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) is a cross-platform data center management system for operating systems and hypervisors. It uses a single interface that shows state, health and performance information of computer systems. It also provides alerts generated according to some availability, performance, configuration or security situation being identified. The Bidder should propose local training at Dhaka for System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) & System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) of System Center 2012. Total number of trainees is Ten (10). Training will be theoretical and practical. Purchaser technical team and bidder technical team should finalize course contents according to Microsoft standard guideline and practical lab. The Purchaser will designate appropriate staff for the training courses to be given by the training provider and Bidder shall make all appropriate logistical arrangements for such training as specified below: Item Description System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) 1 2 Duration in Hours Qty (no. of participant) 40 10 40 10 Rate per person in USD Line Total in USD 24.1.1. System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) Description This outline is subject to change anytime and bidder & purchaser IT team should finalize the course contents after the contract award. However, this instructor-led course provides participants with the knowledge to successfully maintain System Center Configuration Manager. This instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to configure and manage a System Center 2012 Configuration Manager site and its associated site systems in the role of Configuration Manager Administrators. Objective After completing this course, participants will be able to: Section V1. Technical Requirements 283 • Describe the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager feature set. • Discover and organize resources. • Manage the Configuration Manager client. • Manage inventory and software metering. • Query and report data. • Manage software deployments by using packages and programs. • Create and deploy applications. • Manage application deployment. • Deploy and manage software updates. • Implement System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection. • Deploy operating systems by using System Center 2012 Configuration • Manage compliance settings on devices. • Manage mobile devices. • Configure Wake On LAN, Power Management, and Remote Control. Prerequisites Manager. Before attending this course, participants must have system administrator–level working knowledge of: • • • • • • • • Networking fundamentals, including TCP/IP and Domain Name System (DNS). Active Directory principles and management. Windows Server management including Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2. Microsoft Windows client fundamentals. Deployment, configuration, and troubleshooting for Windows-based personal computers/ Microsoft SQL Server 2008 including Reporting Services. Basic Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) concepts. Desired: Have a base-level understanding of System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Course Outline Module1 Overview of System Center 2012 Configuration Manager This module describes the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager feature set and explains how to manage sites by using the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Console. Module2 Discovering and Organizing Resources This module explains how to configure discovery methods, configure boundaries and boundary groups, manage user and device collections, and implement role-based security. Lessons Configuring Resource Discovery • Configuring Boundaries and Boundary Groups • Configuring User and Device Collections • Configuring Role-Based Administration Lab : Configuring Resource Discovery and Boundaries • Lessons • Introduction to System Center 2012 Configuration Manager • Overview of the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Architecture • Overview of the Configuration Manager Section V1. Technical Requirements Console Tools for Monitoring and Troubleshooting a Configuration Manager Site Lab : Exploring the Configuration Manager Console Exploring the Configuration Manager Console Searching in the Configuration Manager Console Lab : Monitoring and Troubleshooting a Configuration Manager Site Configuring Status Summarizers Managing Components by Using Configuration Manager Service Manager Monitoring Site and Component Status Reviewing Log Files by Using Configuration Manager Trace Log Tool After completing this module, participants will be able to: • Describe the purpose and functionality of System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. • Describe the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager architecture. • Identify and locate the management features available in the Configuration Manager console. • Identify and use the tools available to monitor and troubleshoot a Configuration Manager site. Managing the Configuration Module4 Manager Client This module explains how to configure client deployment methods, configure client settings, and monitor client status. • Module3 284 Configuring Active Directory Discovery Methods Configuring Boundaries and Boundary Groups Lab : Configuring User and Device Collections Creating a Device Collection Creating a User Collection Configuring a Maintenance Window Lab : Configuring Role-Based Administration Configuring a New Scope for Toronto Administrators Configuring a New Administrative User After completing this module, participants will be able to: • Configure resource discovery. • Configure boundaries and boundary groups. • Configure user and device collections. • Configure role-based administration. Managing Inventory and Software Metering This module explains how to configure and manage hardware and software inventory, monitor inventory data flow, and use Asset Intelligence and software metering. Lessons • • Overview of the Configuration Manager Client Deploying the Configuration Manager Client Lessons • • Overview of Inventory Collection Configuring Hardware Section V1. Technical Requirements Managing Client Settings Configuring and Monitoring Client Status Lab : Deploying the Configuration Manager Client Preparing the Site for Client Installation Deploying the Configuration Manager Client by Using Client Push Installation Deploying the Configuration Manager Client by Using Group Policy (Optional) Lab : Managing Client Agent Settings Configuring Client Settings Lab : Configuring and Monitoring Client Status Configuring and Monitoring Client Communication and Health Status After completing this module, participants will be able to: • Describe the requirements for installing the Configuration Manager 2012 client. • Describe the site roles and methods used to deploy the Configuration Manager client. • Describe how to configure the client settings. • Describe how to monitor client health. Querying and Reporting Data Module6 This module explains how to create queries and run reports by using SQL Server Reporting Services Inventory Configuring Software Inventory Managing Inventory Collection Configuring Asset Intelligence Configuring Software Metering Lab : Configuring and Managing Inventory Collection Configuring Hardware Inventory Configuring Software Inventory Lab : Configuring and Managing Asset Intelligence Preparing the Site for Asset Intelligence Configuring Asset Intelligence Customizing Asset Intelligence Viewing Asset Intelligence Reports Lab : Configuring Software Metering Configuring Software Metering After completing this module, participants will be able to: • Describe inventory collection. • Configure and collect hardware inventory. • Configure and collect software inventory. • Manage inventory collection. • Configure Asset Intelligence. • Configure software metering. Lessons Lessons Introduction to Queries Managing Queries Configuring SQL Server Reporting Services Lab : Creating and Running Queries Creating Data Queries Creating Status Message Queries Lab : Configuring Reporting Configuring a Reporting Services Point After completing this module, participants will be able to: • Describe data and status Configuring Software Distribution • Configuring Packages and Programs • Distributing Content to Distribution Points • Deploying Programs to Configuration Manager Clients Lab : Managing Software Deployment by Using Packages and Programs Preparing the Infrastructure for Software Deployment Creating a Package and Configuring Programs • • Module5 285 • • • • • • • Managing Software Deployments by Using Packages and Programs This module explains how to create and deploy packages and programs. • Section V1. Technical Requirements • • Module7 message queries. Configure and manage data and status message queries. Configure and manage SQL Server Reporting Services in Configuration Manager. Creating and Deploying Applications Module8 This module explains how to create and deploy applications by using the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager application model. 286 Distributing Content to a Distribution Point Deploying a Program to Configuration Manager Clients After completing this module, participants will be able to: • Describe the software distribution process and configure software distribution settings. • Configure packages and programs. • Distribute content to distribution points. Deploy programs to Configuration Manager clients Managing Application Deployment This module explains how to configure application deployment requirements, application supersedence, application un-installation, and multiple deployment types. Lessons Overview of Application Management • Creating Applications • Deploying Applications • Configuring the Application Catalog Lab : Creating and Deploying an Application Creating and Deploying a Required Application Creating and Deploying an Available Application Lab : Deploying Applications from the Application Catalog Installing and Configuring the Application Catalog Creating and Deploying Applications to the Application Catalog Installing Applications from the Application Catalog After completing this module, participants will be able to: • Describe application management Configuration Manager. • Create applications. • Deploy applications. • Configure the Application • Lessons Configuring Requirements and Dependencies for Deployment Types • Configuring Multiple Deployment Types and User Device Affinity • Managing Applications Lab : Advanced Application Deployment Creating User Device Affinity Creating Applications with Requirements Deploying Required Applications to Users Creating an Application with Multiple Deployment Types Lab : Managing Application Supersedence and Removal Using Application Supersedence Uninstalling the Excel Viewer Application After completing this module, participants will be able to: • Describe the requirements and dependencies for deployment types. • Configure multiple deployment • Section V1. Technical Requirements 287 Catalog. • Module9 Deploying and Managing Software Module10 Updates This module explains how to deploy and manage software updates. Lessons Overview of Software Updates • Preparing the Configuration Manager Site for Software Updates • Managing Software Updates • Configuring Automatic Deployment Rules • Monitoring and Troubleshooting Software Updates Lab : Configuring the Site for Software Updates Configuring and Synchronizing the Software Update Point Lab : Deploying and Managing Software Updates Determining Software Update Compliance Deploying Software Updates to Clients Configuring Automatic Deployment Rules After completing this module, participants will be able to: • Describe how the software updates feature integrates with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. • Prepare a Configuration Manager site for software updates. • Manage software update evaluation and deployment. • Configure automatic deployment rules. • Monitor and troubleshoot software updates. Managing Operating System Module12 types and user device affinity. Manage applications by uninstalling and replacing applications using application supersedence. Implementing Endpoint Protection in Configuration Manager 2012 This module explains how to integrate and implement System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager • Module11 Lessons Overview of Endpoint Protection in Configuration Manager • Configuring and Monitoring Endpoint Protection Policies Lab : Implementing Endpoint Protection Configuring the Endpoint Protection Point and Client Settings Configuring and Deploying Endpoint Protection Policies Monitoring Endpoint Protection After completing this module, participants will be able to: • Describe how Endpoint Protection is used to detect and remediate malware and security vulnerabilities. • Configure and monitor Endpoint Protection policies. • Managing Compliance Settings Section V1. Technical Requirements Deployment This module explains how to deploy operating systems by using the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager infrastructure. 288 This module explains how to manage configuration items and baselines to assess and remediate the compliance of settings on devices. Lessons Lessons Overview of Operating System Deployment • Preparing the Site for Operating System Deployment • Capturing an Operating System Image • Deploying an Operating System Lab : Preparing the Environment for Operating System Deployment Configuring the Network Environment for Operating System Deployment Managing Site System Roles Used to Support Operating System Deployment Managing Packages to Support Operating System Deployment Lab : Building and Capturing a Reference Image Creating a Build and Capture Task Sequence Capturing the Reference Computer Lab : Performing an In-Place Upgrade Preparing the Operating System Image Creating a Task Sequence to Deploy an Image Deploying an Image After completing this module, participants will be able to: • Describe operating system deployment. • Prepare a site for operating system deployment. • Capture operating system images. • Deploy operating systems. Managing Mobile Devices Module14 This module explains how to configure the mobile device management settings. • Module13 Introduction to Compliance Settings • Configuring Compliance Settings • Viewing Compliance Results Lab : Managing Compliance Settings Managing Configuration Items and Baselines Viewing Compliance Settings Reports Using Remediation in Compliance Settings Using Compliance Information to Create Collections After completing this module, participants will be able to: • Describe the Compliance Settings feature. • Configure the Compliance Settings feature. • View compliance results. • Configuring Wake On LAN, Power Management, and Remote Control This module explains how to configure Wake On LAN, Power Management Section V1. Technical Requirements 289 policies, and Remote Control. Lessons Configuring Mobile Device Management • Configuring a Public Key Infrastructure • Depth Management of Mobile Devices • Deploying Applications to Mobile Devices Lab : Configuring PKI for Configuration Manager Creating Certificate Templates for Configuration Manager Deploying Certificates for Configuration Manager Lab : Managing Mobile Devices Preparing the Infrastructure for Mobile Device Management Enrolling a Mobile Device Managing Compliance Settings for a Mobile Device Deploying an Application to a Mobile Device After completing this module, participants will be able to: • Configure mobile device management. • Configure a public key infrastructure (PKI). • Describe how you can use depth management to manage supported mobile devices. • Deploy applications to mobile devices. • Lessons Configuring Wake On LAN Overview of Out of Band Management • Configuring Power Management Settings • Configuring Remote Control Lab : Configuring Power Management Settings Applying a Power Management Plan Lab : Configuring Remote Control Configuring the Remote Tools Client Settings and Permissions Managing Desktops by Using Remote Control After completing this module, participants will be able to: • Configure the Wake On LAN feature. • Describe out of band management. • Configure power management settings. • Configure Remote Control features. • • 24.1.2. System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) Description This outline is subject to change anytime and bidder & purchaser IT team should finalize the course contents after the contract award. However, this instructor-led course provides participants with the knowledge to successfully maintain the System Center Operations Manager (SCOM). This course should provide instructor-led participants with the knowledge to successfully design and deploy Microsoft's System Center 2012- Operations Manager (SCOM). In this course, participants are introduced to the basic theory of service monitoring. Participants also learn about configuration, deployment, monitoring, and operation. Upon course completion, participants will have the skills necessary to manage Operations Manager for maximum business benefit of Ministry of Finance. This course Section V1. Technical Requirements 290 incorporates case-studies and hands-on learning opportunities so participants can practice applying business solutions to real-world scenarios. Objectives After completing this course, participants will be able to: • • • • • • • • • Design and Build a Production Service Monitoring Program Configure and administer Operations Manager 2012 Design monitoring deployment for Microsoft and non-Microsoft scenarios Deploy monitoring for servers, applications and services Deploy monitoring for UNIX/Linux and Network Devices Tune monitors and rules for maximum benefit Automate Operations Manager with PowerShell Meet and exceed SLA's in order to bring value to business partners Integrate Operations Manager with other tools Prerequisites Before taking this course, participants should have pre-requisite technical knowledge in the following areas: • • • • • • • • Windows Server® 2008 R2 operating system Active Directory® Domain Services (AD DS) Familiarity with data center management processes Previous work with IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Previous work with Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) Experience with PowerShell and SQL Server and SQL Server Reporting Services Knowledge of previous versions of Operations Manager helpful Knowledge of the product(s) that you plan to monitor Course Outline Module1 Introduction to Service Monitoring and the System Center 2012 Suite Lessons: • System Center 2012 Overview • Service Monitoring Overview • Documenting the Service Monitoring Program Objectives: Module2 Introduction to Operations Manager 2012 Lessons: • Designing an Operations Manager Environment • Operations Manager Console Tour • The Operations Manager Agent Objectives: • • • • • Understand and document a monitored environment Understand the differences between servers, applications and services Understand and document SLA's Understand and define "Health" for a monitored environment Describe the members of the SM team • • • • • • Explain how to size and scale Operations Manager 2012 Define the number of management groups Create a profile of the monitored environment Explain proactive versus reactive monitoring Prepare an active directory Prepare security, users, and Section V1. Technical Requirements • • • • • 291 Define the SLA notification levels Identify SM team member roles Clarify SM team member role responsibilities Define the SC 2012 products Describe how the SC 2012 products interact • • • • • Module3 Configuring Operations Manager 2012 Module4 Lessons: • • • • groups Size and configure SQL 2008 R2 for SCOM Locate the different parts of the console Locate the Operations Manager agent Identity the different components of the agent Identify configuration changes via the Windows registry Monitoring Basics Lessons Notifications (Subscribers, Channels, and Subscriptions) "Run As" Configuration Security - Setting Up User Roles General Settings • • • • • Objectives Monitoring Basics Agent Deployment Management Pack Deployment Rules, Monitors, Overrides, and Tasks Types of Endpoints to Monitor Objectives Implement notification configuration Run as configuration Explain role-based security Explain Discovery Configure the general settings Module5 Advanced Monitoring Lessons: • • • • • UNIX/LINUX Network Device Monitoring Application Performance Monitoring Management Pack Creation and Version Control PowerShell Integration and Automation Objectives Explain when to create new MP's Over-ride sealed MP's Create new MP's Module6 Understand templates, rules, monitors and discovery attributes Initiate agent deployment Describe agentmonitored endpoints Describe agentless monitored endpoints Initiate network device monitoring Tuning Lessons: • • • • Basics of Management Pack Tuning Rules and Monitors Thresholds and Baselines Overrides Objectives: Download sealed MP's from Microsoft Deploy sealed MP's from Microsoft Tune sealed management packs Set and use thresholds Section V1. Technical Requirements Module7 292 Compare and contrast sealed versus unsealed MP's Utilize version control Explain an overview of the Operations Manager shell Describe the uses for PowerShell in Operations Manager Create automated response to alerts Monitor UNIX/Linux Establish a N-tier monitoring solution Establish application performance monitoring (.Net Framework) Create synthetic transactions Create end-to-end performance monitoring Distribute application service level targets Describe how sound processes and practices translate into met SLA's Put new services into production Reporting, Dashboards, and Capacity Management Module8 Establish monitor baselines Beyond Operations Manager 2012 Lessons: Lessons: • • • • SCOM Data Warehouse Creating Reports Dashboards and SharePoint Web Parts Capacity Planning with Operations Manager 2012 Objectives: Manage new and existing reports Create reports Create dashboards and web parts Plan for capacity management with Operations Manager Use reporting data to gauge capacity and forecast Configure data collection for capacity • • • Service Manager Orchestrator Integration with Virtual Machine Manager Objectives: Build task automation with Orchestrator 2012 Create auto tickets in Service Manager 2012 Share operations data with other service management applications Section V1. Technical Requirements 24.2. 293 planning Describe capacity planning reporting Foreign Training: Training and Training Materials: Bidder shall provide vendor certified training material, stationery during the training. Venue will be provided by course provider agreed upon purchaser. Bidder will use high skilled vendor certified trainer who has sound credentials in providing similar training courses. Practical training will include participants setting up the environment and configuring various scenarios. Courses: 1. System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM). 2. Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud with System Center 2012 The Bidder should propose foreign training at Singapore or Indonesia or Malaysia depending on course availability for “System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM)” and “Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud” with System Center 2012. Total number of trainees is four (4) to be trained in groups of two at any one time. Training will be more practical than theoretical. Purchaser technical team and bidder technical team should finalize course contents according to Microsoft standard guideline and practical lab. The Purchaser will designate appropriate staff for the training courses to be given by the training provider and Bidder shall make all appropriate logistical arrangements (both way airfare, visa fee, local transportation, airport transfer, 3-star hotel accommodation for each participant in single room, food, US$100 per diem per trainee and cost to be included individually for each item in the cost schedule.) for such training as specified below: Item 1 2 Description System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud with System Center 2012 Duration in Hours Qty (no. of participant) 40 4 40 4 Rate per person in USD Line Total in USD System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) Description: This outline is subject to change anytime and bidder & purchaser IT team should finalize the course contents after the contract award. However, this instructor-led course provides participants with the knowledge to successfully maintain Virtual Machine manager within Ministry of Finance DataCenter. In this course, participants are introduced to the various Systems Center products and provide a deepdive into SCVMM. Upon course completion, participants will be able to architect and deploy Virtual Machine Manager. This course incorporates case-studies and hands-on learning opportunities so participants can practice applying business solutions to real-world scenarios. Objectives After completing this course, participants will be able to: Section V1. Technical Requirements 294 • Install and Configure Virtual Machine Manager • Use the Virtual Machine Manager and the System • Administer Virtual Machine Manager • Configure Private Cloud • Leverage Templates and Profiles Prerequisites Center Suite Before taking this course, participants should have pre-requisite technical knowledge in the following areas: • • • • • • Windows Server 2008 [R2] Hyper-V version 2 Active Directory PowerShell version 2 SQL 2005 or higher experience Knowledge of the previous version of Virtual Machine Manager is helpful. Course Outline Module1 Introduction to the System Center 2012 Suite • • • • Module3 Define a Private Cloud Describe how Microsoft's System Center products fit into the concept of a private cloud Describe the functionality of each System Center product Describe Private Cloud Scenarios Install and Configure VMM Server • • • • • • • • • Module2 Prerequisites VMM Server VMM Console VMM Database VMM Self-Service Portal VMM Library Server VMM Hosts Installation walk-through LAB Introduction to System Center Virtual Machine Manger 2012 Describe the main features of SCVMM 2012 • Design Scenarios • Deployment scenarios • Hypervisor Requirements • Storage Requirements • Network Requirements • Third-Party Integration • Xen Server support • VMWare support Fabric Resources • Module4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hosts Hyper-V Bare-Metal Installation Clusters XenServer VMWare Networking Logical Networks IP address pools Load Balancers Storage LUNs Storage Classifications Storage Pools Library Servers and Shares LAB Section V1. Technical Requirements Module5 Configure Load Balancers Module7 MSFT NLB available by default • Install configuration provider for 3rd party - F5, Brocade, Citrix • Prerequisites • Logical Network • IP Pools and VIP templates • LAB Create Virtual Machine 295 Module6 • • • • • • • Module9 • • • • • • • Module11 • Module13 Include "View Script" in every lab. LAB Configure Service Templates • • Module15 Run As Accounts User Roles Delegated Admins Read-Only Admins Self-Service Users Ports and Protocols LAB PowerShell Components • Service Template Designer LAB Monitoring and Reporting • • • • • • • Module8 Blank Disk Existing VHD Existing VM VM Template P2V or V2V LAB Configuring Security Operations Manager Integration Monitoring Jobs Troubleshooting and Create a Private Cloud Configure VM Templates • • • • • Module1 0 Selecting fabric resources Select library resources Set Capacity LAB Source Existing Template Existing VHD Existing VM LAB Configure Guest OS & Hardware Profiles Memory CPUs Network Adapters and connections • Optical Drive • Guest OS Profile • Computer Name • Local Admin Password • Product Key • OS version • Domain • Server Roles • LAB Configure Application Profiles • • • Module1 2 Module1 4 Module1 6 Server App-V Web Deploy SQL DAC Scripted Installations LAB Performance Maintenance • • • • • Update Compliance Dynamic Optimization Power Optimization PRO Tips LAB Troubleshooting • • • • • • • • • Installation Logs VMM Configuration Analyzer WMI for VMM Virtual Machine Recovery Tool Section V1. Technical Requirements 296 Repairing Jobs Module17 System Center 2012 Service Pack 1 • • • Changes in pre-requisites Functionality Enhancements LAB MS Product Support Reporting Tool • VMM Error Codes • LAB Summary session for Question & Answer. • Module1 8 Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud with System Center 2012: Description This outline is subject to change anytime and bidder & purchaser IT team should finalize the course contents after the contract award. However, this instructor-led course provides participants with the knowledge to successfully maintain design, install and configure a private cloud, including how to configure and deploy the application infrastructure as well as the key components of System Center 2012 that are necessary for delivering services on the private cloud infrastructure. This course provides direction on producing a high-level design that accounts for requirements for the private cloud environment. Participants will learn how to configure and deploy the application infrastructure, how to configure a preboot execution environment (PXE) server, an update server, and a software update baseline. Participants will learn how to sequence and deploy an application virtually, and how to build the core components that are necessary for delivering services in the infrastructure. They will also allocate resources and grant access to the private cloud. Additionally, participants will learn how to monitor the private cloud, and setup, configure, and integrate the core System Center 2012 Service Manager Components into the private cloud infrastructure. Participants will learn how to configure a service catalog and publish this catalog to the self-service portal. They will also gain the knowledge required to deploy and configure System Center 2012 - Data Protection Manager (DPM) and Orchestrator in a private cloud, and integrate these products with other System Center 2012 components. This course utilizes pre-release software in the virtual machine for the labs. Prerequisites Before attending this course, participants must already have the following technical knowledge: • • • • • • • • Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system. Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). Networking experience. Working knowledge of previous versions of System Center products. Microsoft SharePoint configuration. Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V. Familiarity with data center management processes. Storage area networks (SANs). Objective After completing this course, participants will be able to: • • • • • • • Plan for the private cloud. Configure and deploy the private cloud infrastructure. Extend and maintain the private cloud infrastructure. Configure virtual application delivery. Create the private cloud building blocks. Deploy and access the first business unit private cloud. Monitor the private cloud infrastructure. Section V1. Technical Requirements • • • • • 297 Extend and customize monitoring of the private cloud infrastructure. Implement service management for the private cloud. Configure a private cloud service catalog. Protect the private cloud infrastructure. Automate and standardize the private cloud. Course Outline Module 1 Planning for the Private Cloud Module 2 • Understanding the Private Cloud • Requirements for Deploying a Private Cloud • Overview of VMNM Architecture and Components • Installing and Upgrading VMM • Configuring VMM Security and Roles • Understanding Host Groups Lab : Configuring and Deploying the Private Cloud Infrastructure • Designing the Private Cloud Infrastructure • Overview of System Center 2012 • Components • Deploying Hyper-V Host Cluster with VMM Reviewing and Configuring Hosts Configuring Host Groups Configuring User Roles and Run As Accounts • Configuring Library Servers • Preparing the Private Cloud Infrastructure • Deploying a New Virtual Machine After completing this module, participants will be able to: • • • • Planning for the Private Cloud Lab : Creating a Hyper-V Cluster with Virtual Machine Manager After completing this participants will be able to: • • • • • Module 3 module, Describe the private cloud. Describe the requirements for deploying a private cloud. Design private cloud components. Deploy a private cloud infrastructure with System Center 2012. Deploy Hyper-V clustering with VMM. Extending and Maintaining the Private Cloud Infrastructure • Overview of the PXE and Update Server Roles • Deploying Bare-Metal Hyper-V Host Servers • Configuring the Update Server Role • Creating and Using an Update Baseline Lab : Maintaining the Private Cloud Infrastructure • • • Configuring a PXE Server in VMM Configuring an Update Server Role in VMM Configuring a Software Update Baseline in VMM Configuring and Deploying the Private Cloud Infrastructure • • • • Module 4 Describe VMM architecture and components. Install and upgrade VMM. Configure VMM security and roles. Understand host groups. Configuring Virtual Application Delivery • Dynamic Application Deployment Overview • Web Deployment Packages • Server Application Virtualization Overview • Configuring Server App-V Components • Sequencing and Deploying Virtual Applications • Lab: Configuring Virtual Application Delivery Lab : Configuring Virtual Application Delivery • Configuring the Server App-V Sequencer Section V1. Technical Requirements After completing this participants will be able to: • • • • • Module 5 298 module, Describe how VMM integrates with WDS and WSUS to provide PXE and Update server roles. Describe how to deploy baremetal Hyper-V host servers. Describe how to maintain updates within the VMM fabric. Configure the Update server role. Create and remediate a software update compliance baseline Creating the Private Cloud Building Blocks • Configuring Guest Operating System Profiles • Configuring Hardware Profiles • Configuring SQL Server Using SQL Server Profiles • Configuring Application Profiles • Configuring Virtual Machine Templates • Configuring the Self-Service User Role Lab: Creating the Private Cloud Building Blocks Configuring a Guest Operating System Profile • Configuring a Hardware Profile • Configuring a SQL Server Profile • Configuring an Application Profile • Configuring Virtual Machine Templates • Configuring Security and Server Roles for the Web Console After completing this module, participants will be able to: • • • • • • • Configuring the Server App-V Agent • Sequencing an Application • Testing the Server App-V Package Deployment After completing this module, participants will be able to: • Configure guest operating system profiles. Configure hardware profiles. Deploy SQL Server using SQL Server profiles. Configure application profiles for a deployment. Configure virtual machine templates. Configure self-service portal users. Describe dynamic application deployment. • Create web deployment packages by using the Web Deployment Tool. • Configure the Server App-V agent and sequencer. • Sequence and then test a Server App-V virtualized application. Deploying and Accessing a • Module 6 Private Cloud • Understanding Private Cloud Computing • Installing and Configuring App Controller • Creating and Managing Services and Service Templates Lab: Deploying and Accessing a Private Cloud Creating and Configuring a Private Cloud • Configuring App Controller • Creating, Deploying, and Managing Services After completing this module, participants will be able to: • • • • Describe a business unit private cloud. Install and configure App Controller. Create and manage services and service templates. Section V1. Technical Requirements Module 7 Monitoring the Infrastructure 299 Private Cloud Module 8 • Operations Manager Architecture and Security • Configuring the SharePoint Server Portal • Upgrading Operations Manager • Configuring Notifications • Configuring Management Packs • Configuring Integration with • System Center 2012 Lab: Monitoring the Private Cloud Infrastructure Using the Monitoring Templates Understanding Distributed Application Monitoring Lab : Extending and Customizing Monitoring of the Private Cloud Infrastructure • • Configuring the SharePoint Console • Creating Custom Monitoring • Configuring a Distributed Application Model • Configuring Service Level Monitoring • Delivering Monitoring Views • Validating Monitoring After completing this module, participants will be able to: • Deploying Agents Deploying and Configuring Monitoring Management Packs • Configuring Notifications • Configuring VMM Integration • Configuring DPM Integration After completing this module, participants will be able to: • • Describe Operations Manager architecture and security considerations. • Upgrade from Operations Manager 2007 R2 to System Center 2012 – Operations Manager. • Describe the notification options available in Operations Manager. • Install, configure, and upgrade management packs. • Install and configure Operations Manager integration with VMM and DPM. Implementing Service Management for the Private Cloud • Module 9 Extending and Customizing Monitoring of the Private Cloud Infrastructure System Center Service Manager Architecture Overview • Upgrading Service Manager • Understanding Service Manager Work Items • Configuring System Center Service Manager Connectors • Configuring Notifications • Understanding Incident and Problem Management Lab : Implementing Service Management for the Private Cloud • • • • • Configuring Connectors Configuring the Service Catalog Configuring Basic Settings Configuring Incident and Problem Management Settings • • • Module10 Integrate Operations Manager data into a SharePoint portal. Describe how to use monitoring templates. Implement distributed application monitoring. Configuring Catalog a Private Cloud Service What Is a Service Catalog? Cloud Service Process Management Pack Overview • Configuring Service Request Fulfillment • Configuring Service Offerings • Service Level Management Lab : Configuring a Private Cloud Service Catalog • • • • • • Installing the System Center Cloud Services Process Pack Configuring Services Roles and Settings Creating a Private Cloud Request Offering Creating an Incident Request and Adding it to the Private Cloud Offering Section V1. Technical Requirements • Configuring Notifications After completing this module, participants will be able to: • • • • • • Setup and configure the core components of Service Manager. Plan an upgrade from Service Manager 2010 R2 to System Center 2012 - Service Manager. Describe the various work items and their relationships with each other. Configure the Service Manager connectors. Configure notifications. Understand incident and problem management. 300 Configuring Service Level Management After completing this module, participants will be able to: • • • • • • Describe the service catalog and how it is implemented in Service Manager. Configure the Cloud Services Process Management Pack. Configure service request fulfillment. Configure service offerings. Use service level management. Section V1. Technical Requirements Module 10 Protecting the Infrastructure 301 Private Cloud • Planning DPM Deployment • Data Protection Manager Architecture and Security • Upgrading Data Protection Manager • Configuring Data Protection Manager for Protection of the Private Cloud • Configuring Application Protection for the Private Cloud • Restoring Applications to the Private Cloud Lab : Protecting the Private Cloud Infrastructure Creating a Storage Pool Deploying Protection Agents Automatically • Deploying Protection Agents Manually • Creating and Configuring a Hyper-V Protection Group • Creating and Configuring a SQL Protection Group • Configuring SQL Self-Service Recovery • Restoring Data from a SQL Protection Group. • Using SQL Self-Service Recovery to Restore a Database After completing this module, participants will be able to: • • • • • • • Module 12 Describe Data Protection Manager Architecture and security considerations. Plan an upgrade from Data Protection Manager 2010 R2 to System Center 2012 - Data Protection Manager. Configure the components required to provide protection for the private cloud infrastructure. Configure protection of key applications within the private cloud infrastructure. Restore key applications within the private cloud infrastructure. Configuring the Cloud Services Process Pack • • • • Implementing the Cloud Services Process Pack Service Level Management Lab: Configuring the Cloud Service Module 11 Automating and Standardizing the Private Cloud System Center Orchestrator Overview • Deploying and Configuring Core Components • Configuring Integration Packs • Creating Runbooks • Executing a Runbook from Service Manager Lab : Automating the Private Cloud • Creating a Runbook Server and Configuring Integration Packs • Configuring a Template to Deploy the SCOM and DPM Agents • Configuring Runbook to Protect All Resources on a Server • Configuring Runbook to Deploy Users • Creating a Virtual Machine Request Template After completing this module, participants will be able to: • • • • • • Describe key components of System Center Orchestrator. Describe how to deploy and configure key Orchestrator components in a private cloud. Configure the System Center integration packs in Orchestrator. Create runbooks. Configure Service Manager to execute runbooks. Section V1. Technical Requirements 302 Process Pack However, if required, purchaser technical team and bidder should finalize course contents again according to Microsoft standard guideline and practical lab after the bid awarded. 25. Microsoft Premier Support: Microsoft Services Premier Support team should provide service on 24 hours-a-day, seven days-aweek basis to help migrate to new technologies more efficiently with expert guidance and support. It will enhance IT staff’s skills with training and knowledge transfer. Microsoft experts will help us keep our technology healthy by providing a wide range of services including IT staff training, health and risk assessments, and best practices. It should reduce costs by solving IT issues faster through remote and on-site support and minimize critical support incidents and secure the server environment through health and risk assessments. It should achieve competitive advantage in the marketplace by implementing Microsoft best practices and Improve end user productivity through supporting to enable product feature and reduced downtime. Bidder will arrange to deal directly for contract with Microsoft for the Microsoft Premier Support service. SI 1 2 3 Description (1 year contract) Support Account Management Support Assistance Problem Resolution Support TOTAL Hours The requirement is for a 1 year contract based on a Total of 204 hours where Problem Resolution Support time to be considered as minimum 100 hours With Microsoft Premier Support from Microsoft Services shall deliver: •Accelerated response times—to speak to the correct subject matter expert’s right when need them •Access to a global network of experts with unmatched knowledge of Microsoft products •Direct assistance with planning, rollouts, and rigorous health checks and remediation services •Operations assessments to help streamline processes, including security measures and resource allocation •Hands-on training and knowledge transfer to help increase IT staff expertise and improve alignment between business goals and IT investments. 25.1. Details of Microsoft Services Premier Support Activities Details Support Account Management Relationship • Delivers a direct relationship with Microsoft. • Provides trusted advisors to help improve the alignment between business and IT. • Helps to understand and optimize the use of support benefits • Helps increase performance and availability of mission-critical systems and minimize the cost of downtime. • Helps with strategic planning to maximize IT investments Support Assistance • Offers exclusive access to knowledgePrevent sharing and best practices. • Provides advanced technical training to help IT staff act proactively and to develop crisis-management skills. • Helps identify and control platform risks before they become threats. Features • • • • • • • • • • • Service delivery plan Remediation planning Operational guidance from subject matter experts Monthly reporting and trending advice Escalation management Account representative On-site resources available Knowledge sharing Health checks, risk assessment programs, and reviews Remediation services Proactive information Section V1. Technical Requirements 303 distribution Helps maximize productive use of technology to increase platform flexibility • Microsoft Premier Online and agility. • Product support workshops • Provides access to the world’s top • Workshops and Workshop Microsoft subject matter experts. PLUS Problem Resolution Support Fix • Offers peace of mind so personnel are • Hands-on collaboration ready to react when problems arise. • Problem-resolution services • Maximizes the value of existing • 24/7 Critical situation resources and responds to changing IT escalation management and business demands. • Rapid on-site support • Covers non-service-related integration issues between on-premises and cloudbased solutions. • Helps decreases resolution time during crisis with direct involvement from Microsoft MoF IT team will decide how & when they will use Microsoft premiere support services with the request of Bidder and training course content will be finalize agreed by both parties(MoF IT team & Microsoft). Not more than 16 participants joint the courses and training will be a part of Microsoft premiere support services and bidder should not quote extra amount for it. MoF IT team will notify Microsoft premiere support team for the time escalation and planning agreed upon both parties. • Section V1. Technical Requirements 26. 304 Implementation service for Installation and commissioning: Bidder should hire Microsoft Large Account Resellers (LAR) for Installation and commissioning purpose considered here 250 hours’ time to complete the implementation and quote the same. This activity is additional but the bidder shall quote this requirement, but the purchaser reserves the rights to choose whether this option is taken up or not in the bidding process. Installation and commissioning Primary DataCenter Disaster Datacenter Planning & Design (Hours) Deployment & Commissioning (Hours) Deployment Commissioning (Hours) 6 16 16 Exchange Server Migration 6 16 16 Lync Server System Center Configuration Manager System Center Operation Manager System Center Data Protection Manager System Center Service Manager System Center Virtual Machine Manager System Center Orchestrator 6 16 16 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Scope of work Active Directory Migration Application Server Implementation TOTAL 16 8 8 8 42 104 104 & This activity will be carried out in conjunction with Ministry of Finance IT team and bidder provided Technical team of Microsoft Large Account Resellers (LAR). Finance Division requires the design and deployment of each item specified in below sections and hours allocated specified above. The latest based solution should be offered for Exchange, Lync, System center, etc. servers located at DC and DR. Whenever primary server is subject to failure, the secondary server will take over and work independently. The servers on Hyper-V environment must be designed with HA (High Availability) within DC, architecture must be designed to facilitate a redundancy and Site Disaster Recovery requirement which should also work on Hyper-V environment. Bidder/Purchaser technical team should install and configure systems specified above and give support for the provided servers according to agreed approval during the implementation period. Details feature of deployment is given in below for each item. Section V1. Technical Requirements 26.1. Level M 305 Microsoft Exchange Solution (DC & DR): Description Solution Summary Requirement Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or latest version at DC and DR 1. Finance Division requires the design and implementation of a new Microsoft Exchange 2013 System(s). The latest based solution should be offered for two physical servers; one located at DC and one located at DR. Primary mail server independently works in DC which will replicate to secondary mail server located at DR. Whenever primary server is subject to failure, the secondary server will take over the mail system and work independently. Solution will also include migration of all existing users’ inboxes from existing mail server to new mail server. The new Microsoft Exchange server on Hyper-V environment must be designed with HA (High Availability) within DC, architecture must be designed to facilitate a redundancy and Site Disaster Recovery requirement which should also work on Hyper-V environment. Mail and Communications requirements must also have, but should not be limited to, latest version of Lync Server (2013). The solution must include the installation and configuration of a proposed OWA presence, back- Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description Scope of Works 306 Requirement ups and fail over to CGA’s Disaster Recovery site. Bidder/Purchaser technical team should install and configure Microsoft Exchange server and give support for the provided servers according to agreed approval. Design, implement, configure and test a central high-availability Microsoft Exchange platform to support the following client access methods: Outlook Web Access, Exchange ActiveSync for mobile devices, Outlook Anywhere, VPN. The Exchange design, implementation and configuration should resolve the following requirements: • The solution provided should be compatible to Digital Certificates in MS Outlook & Outlook Web Access. • The E-Mail Solution should provide appropriate clustering to provide server and application redundancy. • The E-Mail Solution should enable configuration of Deleted item recovery for end-user mail management. FSMU administrators will define the maximum period for which the mails, that have been removed from the recycle bin, be kept for the end user to recover. • The E-Mail Solution should support standard protocols like MAPI, POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, HTTPS, etc. for mail access and relay. • The E-Mail Solution should support features for Mail delivery commands to setup catchall, forwarding, “Forward to host” – push mail to another account on same/ different server, etc. • Compliance: The E-Mail Solution should have inbuilt engine to enforce standard security compliances & regulation policies requirements on all mail transactions. • Some of the requirements are listed below: • Message Life Cycle Management for administration and compliance purposes. • Journaling of messages, distribution lists, user(s), etc. for auditing. • Mailbox(s) search based on query, content or phrase, URL, user, IP, etc. • Upon the event of a failure of the primary Email server, the Emails should be automatically redirected towards the secondary Email server. • The secondary Email server should scan Emails for spam and viruses. • The secondary Email server should ensure that the Emails are not lost during unexpected downtime or when the primary Email server is too busy. • The secondary Email should keep checking the primary Email server continuously till it detects that the primary Email server is available. • The proposed solution should be design for 3000 inboxes so that it can accommodate future scalability. • Primary and secondary Mailbox server is a member of a DAG; the Mailbox Databases on that server can be copied to other members of the DAG: a collection of mailbox servers that use continuous replication to update database copies, communicate to manage failures and can provide automatic failover to recover from a variety of issues that can affect individual components, databases, servers and datacentres. Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description 307 Requirement Functional Specifications Address Book Anywhere Access Web Access Mobile Access Calendaring Security Features It should be displayed in alphabetical order. Address Book should be user friendly i.e. Addresses should be searched through display name, last name, etc. The E-Mail, Instant Messaging and Video Conferencing Solutions should be accessible from the LAN, WAN and the Internet (via VPN). Web interface for accessing the mails through browser from LAN, WAN and Internet via any browser and from any device. The E-Mail, Instant Messaging and Video Conferencing Solutions should be configured for Push-based emails to mobile devices. • The E-Mail, Instant Messaging and Video Conferencing Solutions should support an integrated, user-friendly, calendaring feature that is able to support requirements as listed below: Record Meeting Requests, Forward Meeting Requests and Generate Alerts. • Shared/Group Calendars, Schedule Reminders, Flexible Events. • Multiple Authors, Overlapping Event checking. • It should be able to suggest best timing for meetings based on participants’ availability by using Scheduling Assistant, Attendance Confirmation. • Import from Calendar, Diary System. • Schedulable Out of Office. • Group collaboration features. • Tasks & Notes feature using rich mail client. • Scheduling Assistant for suggesting best meeting time. • Resource scheduling for conference rooms, projectors, etc. The product should have wide administrative capabilities to maintain control over calendaring. • The E-Mail, Instant Messaging and Video Conferencing Solutions should support English as well as other languages. • The E-Mail Solutions should be configured for Security Policy (Password Policies, etc.) enforcement and Remote Erase capability for Smartphone to protect data. The E-Mail solution should support end to end encryption of data; i.e. Client-Server and Server-Server Encryption features for confidential messaging over all the mail transactions. The encryption features should be able to prevent spoofing, various malpractices, etc. It should also support Start TLS encryption at gateway level. Messaging Client and Server should support Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME), enabling users to digitally sign and encrypt emails and attachments. • The software of the solution must have built-in malware filtering capabilities which will help to protect our network from malicious software transferred through email messages. • All messages sent or received by Exchange server are scanned for malware (viruses and spyware). If malware is detected, the message is deleted. • Must have capability of Notifications which, once Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description Permission Availability Administrative Features Exchange Administration Center (EAC) In-Place Archiving, retention, and eDiscovery Mail flow 308 Requirement configured, will be sent to senders or administrators when an infected message is deleted and not delivered. Administrator also can choose to replace infected attachments with either default or custom messages that notify the recipients of the malware detection. • The solution must have extremely precise permissions models based on the roles of administrators and users. High availability of the E-Mail Service. Availability of the email services should be minimum 99.9% uptime. The E-Mail Solutions should: • Provide management from a single console. It should also support remote management. • Be able to provide graphical performance statistics using performance monitor. • Provide for command line based, easy to use administration & scripting interface for all administrative tasks. • Allow administrators to manage individual domains like Users, quotas, groups, etc. • Provide administrative groups for granular delegation of messaging administration across the organization. • Support activity and error logging, mail delivery statistics and message tracking. • Support Problem diagnosis controls. • Support health monitoring to generate periodic reports about the health of the system, security status, etc. • Be able to enforce email retention settings on users so emails can be retained, archived, deleted as per the policies. • Provide Mail Log Report – reports on number of mails including attachments sent / received by user; by date / Month / year;– also logs on top 100 sent / received in volume and in size. • Support administration control over encrypting / decrypting user’s password. • Support multiple mail queues for quick mail delivery. • Support Network Time Synchronization. • List view. • Add/Remove columns to the Recipient list view. • Secure the ECP virtual. • Public Folder. • Notifications. • Role Based Access Control (RBAC) User. • Unified Messaging. • In-Place: • In-Place eDiscovery for Federated search, Query-based In-Place Hold, Export search results ,Keyword, KQL, InPlace eDiscovery and Hold. • Search across primary and archive mailboxes in Outlook Web. • Archive Lync content. • Retention policies for Support for Calendar and Tasks retention. Improved ability to retain items for a specified period. • Transport pipeline. • Routing. Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description Requirement Recipients Sharing collaboration and Integration SharePoint Lync with and Integration with IRM (Information Right Management) Clients and mobile Unified Messaging Batch moves 309 Connectors. Set-Send Connector. Edge Transport. Group naming. Auditing reports. Message tracking. Public folders. Site mailboxes. Recipients > Shared Mailboxes. Exchange 2013 integration with SharePoint 2013 to allow users to collaborate more effectively by using site mailboxes. • Lync Server 2013 should archive content in Exchange 2013 and use Exchange 2013 as a contact store. • Discovery Managers should perform In-Place eDiscovery and Hold searches across SharePoint 2013, Exchange 2013, and Lync 2013 data. • OAuth authentication allows partner applications to authenticate as a service or impersonate users where required. • Must have capability to integrate MS Lync with Exchange OWA. • The solution must have the capability to integrate with IRM solutions (ex. AD RMS) in future. • The solution must have the capability for automatic IRM protection. • Must have the capability to create protection rule. • Different predicates to automatically apply IRM protection. The Outlook Web App user interface is new and optimized for tablets and smartphones as well as desktop and laptop computers. New features include apps for Outlook, which allow users and administrators to extend the capabilities of Outlook Web App; Contact linking, the ability for users to add contacts from their LinkedIn accounts; and updates to the look and features of the calendar. • • • • • • • • • • Unified Messaging in Exchange contains essentially the voice mail features. The solution should have the option to provision to enable voice mail features for end users. mailbox The new batch move architecture features the following High availability and site resilience enhancements: • Ability to move multiple mailboxes in large batches. • Email notification during move with reporting. • Automatic retry and automatic prioritization of moves. • Primary and personal archive mailboxes can be moved together or separately. • Option for manual move request finalization, which allows you to review a move before you complete it. • Periodic incremental syncs to migrate the changes. • Managed availability. • Managed store. • Support for multiple databases per disk. • Automatic reseed. • Automatic recovery from storage failures. Bidders Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description Requirement • • • • Availability, Scalability and Supportability 310 • • • • • Bidders Response Lagged copy enhancements. Single copy alert. DAG network auto-configuration. NLB for CAS. Software Standards The software must be latest version. The software patches must be available. The required hotfix must be obtainable when required. The software must be upgradeable, reconfigurable and capacity expendable. The support for the software must be available for the project lifecycle. 26.2. Unified Communication Solution with Microsoft Lync Server (DC & DR) Level M Description Summary Solution Scope of Work M Platform Support Requirement Microsoft Lync Server 2013 or latest version at DC and DR. Two Lync servers could even be used to split the load of 5000 users in a location where 2500 are homed on each server and both servers are paired (backup for each other). The build list would look something like this: 2 x Lync Server 2013 servers (paired with each other in the same site or stretched between a primary and DR site); 2 x Lync Server 2013 Edge servers; 2 x Office Web App servers (WAC). Deploy and enable technologies and consolidate functionality with a single platform for Unified Communication by Microsoft Lync 2013. Specifically, deploy a new unified communications platform that will give end users secure access to communications resources regardless of location and combine the instant messaging (IM) and presence capabilities with web, audio conferencing and voice capabilities. There must be provision to expand the deployed solution for enterprise voice (ex. PSTN integration) and other features/roles like Archiving, Monitoring in future. The proposed solution must be run on client-server computing architecture. The client system would be compatible version of Windows, Mobile platform and proponent in conjunction with MoF IT teamproponent in conjunction with MoF IT team and MoF IT team will list down all the supported platforms for both PC and mobile devices for the proposed solution. Proposed solution by proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team must include an isolated, highly available clustered database platform (e.g. Real Application Cluster, SQL Failover Cluster). Please clearly mention whether the proposed solution is ODBC compliant or not. Proposed solution must be integrated with enterprise directory service (Active Directory Domain Service), Mail Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M Enterprise Scalability M Integrated Solution Architectural Design 311 Requirement Service (Microsoft Exchange 2013) and Microsoft SharePoint of MOF. The solution should have a single client interface for all types of MS Lync Server 2013 meetings, including both scheduled meetings and unplanned meetings. The solution must have web based client application which is a browser-based version of MS Lync 2013 that allows people who do not have a MS Lync Server 2013 account and have not installed MS Lync 2013 to participate in meetings. The solution must have the option to download Microsoft Lync 2013 Attendee client that enables users without Microsoft Lync 2013 client to attend meetings. The solution should have simple URLs for joining meetings, dial-in conferencing, and administrative tasks for operational efficiency and ease. The solution system must support Microsoft applications and services, including SharePoint and Exchange support, including integration with the company’s latest version of Office. The proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team in conjunction with MoF IT team has to propose a solution to implement an Enterprise Communication system for Ministry of Finance to serve a total number of users. The proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team must provide data on performance and availability in largescale environments (i.e. MOF has multiple regional offices in a single site domain). The proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team should provide detailed capacity planning considering standard practice around the globe for specified number of users. For example, 100% users for IM and Presence, 50% users for group chatting, 20% users for Audio conferencing, 10% users for Video conferencing etc. (for concurrent participation). Submit references of customers with contact details who have live instances of Microsoft Lync 2013 solutions that have been implemented. The proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team must identify and list down the necessary components/ modules/ products/ connectors/drivers to build the solution proposed. The proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team must include required software or hardware based load balancer to build highly available platform as part of the proposed solution. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team has to explain in detail the System Management tools that have been integrated with the solution, and how these tools have been integrated. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team has to provide a detailed alerting function based on events such as exceptions and other security-related events, including but not limited to: a. User activity auditable to individual user; b. Success/failure of login and logout; c. Multiple access attempts; d. Application restart/shutdown; Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level 312 Description Requirement e. Other configurations for alerting – Customization. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team has to explain for each of the products that make up the solution, if the application offers a facility to timeout requests. Can the timeouts be configurable? The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team has to provide full documentation describing any administration processes that are required to manage the system. M M Unified Communication Instant Messaging The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide details of its proposed instant messaging solution. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide details of the functionality built into the IM system to record IM messages for audit, record and compliance purposes. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall also identify the functionality available to the IM user and the system administrator. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall identify IM functionality for messaging groups of users. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall confirm the maximum delay between submission of an IM and the receipt by the message recipient or group of IM users. This overall delay figure should be split between the time to ‘up-load’ the information to the IM server and the time for end stations to poll or receive the message. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide details of the user interface for IM using a PC or laptop (both Microsoft Windows and Apple iOS), tablet (i.e. iPad, Galaxy tab) and all smart mobile phone (for example having platform iOS, Android, Symbian, Windows etc.). The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide full details of virtual desktop environments supported. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide details of the ‘IM engine’ software operating system. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall also detail the virtual server environments that are supported. Note the term ‘IM engine’ refers to all software and hardware used by the IM system other than the client software. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall confirm the manufacturer’s policy towards supporting the above operating systems and future new releases. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide evidence that this policy has been achieved in the past. For example, detail the release dates of operating systems and the release of presence clients supported on the OS. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide details of where a similar Unified Communications System has been integrated with MS Active Directory to drive IM from a definitive enterprise data source. Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level M Description Presence 313 Requirement The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide full details of the integration with third-party IM services or systems (including any Internet based IM services). The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall also provide full details of any software licensing and/or certificate issues. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide full details of the interface and security functionality to enable IM collaboration externally with partner or supplier organizations. The solution should have a message archiving feature to archive the content of IM messages for all users in MOF, or for only certain users. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide details of its proposed solution to provide presence functionality. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall confirm the sources of presence information: • Video conferencing (detailing any third party systems supported); • Mobile phone; • Network log-on through laptop or PC; • Other. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide details of the different user presence states identified by the system. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall also identify any variation dependent on the source. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall confirm the maximum delay between a change in a system user’s presence status and presentation of the presence information to system users. This overall delay figure should be split between the time to ‘up-load’ the information to the presence server and the time for dissemination to end stations. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide details of the user interface for presence using a PC or laptop and a mobile phone. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide details of how the presence status is integrated with Microsoft Outlook. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide details of how the presence status is altered if the user is actively engaged on other activity (video call, IM, working in a separate application). The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall confirm whether the presence client is a stand-alone application or provides other functionality. i.e. softphone or Instant Messaging functionality. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide details of the ‘presence engine’ software operating system. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall also detail the virtual server environments that are supported. Note the term ‘presence engine’ refers to all software and hardware used by the presence system other than the client software. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description 314 Requirement confirm its policy towards supporting the above operating systems and future new releases. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide evidence that this policy has been achieved in the past. For example, detail the release dates of operating systems and the release of presence clients supported on the OS. M M Conferencing Design Overview M Conference Size M Conference Participation The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall propose a solution which is able to accommodate the variety of different audio conferences indicated by the historical data above. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team may wish to propose a hybrid solution incorporating a dedicated solution for smaller conferences and a bespoke service for large conferences. Any breakpoints or overlaps used to differentiate a large conference from a small conference must be stated. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide a “small conference” solution which will allow the organizers to book manage and conduct the conferences with no additional input required from the participants. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall provide a “large conference” solution which will allow the organizers of large or more complex teleconferences to book conferences with managed services from the participants to organize manage and conduct the conference on MOF’s behalf; a typical conference of this nature might be a press conference. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team need to provide detail about how a conference is initiated and controlled from the single client interface. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team need to provide detail about how many participants can take place in a conference. Any restrictions on the participant’s location (e.g. internal or external). The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team has to clearly specify if there are limitations or disadvantages with this form of conference. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe the sequence of events when a new person dials in to a conference including the following options: (a) the new participant is able to join the on-going conference directly (b) the new participant is admitted to a conference lobby area from where the person controlling the conference is able to admit the new participant into the meeting. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe the different devices which might be used to access a conference both internally and externally. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe the conference participant registration process, how the process shall operate and how participant roles can be assigned and maintained. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe how the solution is able to host multiple conferences simultaneously. Any limit on the number of simultaneous conferences (whether limited by number of Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level M Description Conference Booking 315 Requirement conferences or total number of participants) must be stated. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe how long in advance of a predetermined meeting time conference participants are able to connect using the meeting details, this shall include what the conference participants experience while waiting for the conference to commence. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe what happens when a conference is terminated, but participants are still connected. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe the various methods by which conference participants joining and leaving the conference are announced and how these announcements can be controlled by the conference organizer including any ability to mute them if required. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe how participants who might be disconnected are disconnected from ‘able to reconnect’ to a conference in the same way that they initially joined. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall state the maximum number of participants who can connect to a single conference. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall state the maximum number of conferences which can be held concurrently. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall state the maximum number of participants who can be connected concurrently to all conferences. Any restrictions on the locations of the participants (e.g. external or internal) must be described. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe how new participants can be announced electronically on screens, to both all participants in the conference and just to the conference chairperson. The solution shall have the control by which an organizer can limit the maximum number of participants who can request to join in to a single conference. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe how the conference facilities can be booked and managed in the same way for a physical meeting room. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe how the teleconferencing facility will be booked by MOF employees. Any integration with Microsoft Exchange should be detailed. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe if the proposed solution can automatically identify the number of participants and if this is less than a specific number (e.g. three) will suggest that the meeting could be undertaken without recourse to the teleconference facility. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe how the solution will automatically notify all meeting invitees of the relevant teleconference facilities including conference codes or PINs (including notifying the meeting organizer of the relevant PIN code for controlling the meeting). All of the information should be Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level M Description Conference Management/Control 316 Requirement up to date (this includes supplying up to date local access numbers and latest conference access codes and PIN codes). The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe how the conference organizer within the MOF is able to dial out to participants and include (connect) them in the conference, any limitations on this facility must be stated. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe how a conference organizer is able to dial out and invite a new participant to join the conference without this transaction being heard by the other conference participants. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe how conferences can be controlled by the conference organizer including the following: • The ability to admit participants into the conference when the conference commences; • The ability to remove participants from the conference when the conference ends; • The ability to admit participants and remove specific participants part way through a conference; • The ability to identify all participants in the conference (both by the conference organizer and by other conference participants); • The ability for conference participants to be identified as a name rather than a telephone number (how this is achieved shall be described); • The ability for a conference organizer to redial a participant who might have become disconnected; • The ability for a conference participant to reconnect with a conference should they become disconnected; • Any other facilities offered by the proposed solution. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe how a conference is secured so that unauthorized participants are unable to access or control the conference: (a) before the conference commences, (b) after the conference has started. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe the method by which conference organizers are able to reconnect to a conference if they become accidentally disconnected. In the event of a conference organizer becoming disconnected, the Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe the effect that will have on the remaining conference participants. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe how the proposed solution might record the conference and store it for later editing, playback or transcription. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe how this can be synchronized with any visual record of the conference, such as presentations, slide shows, desktop sharing, or video. Any additional costs associated with this service must be clearly identified. Any additional infrastructure requirement must be stated. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe their managed conference facility where the Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level 317 Description M Video Conference M Software Standards Availability, Scalability and Supportability Requirement participants shall manage the conference, monitoring participants and ensuring that any necessary action is taken to ensure that the meeting progresses without interruption. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe all facilities available for the conference organizer or secretary to monitor and manage the conference if required. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team must state if their proposed solution integrates with Adobe Connect version 8, and how this is achieved, including identifying any limitations which might apply. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team must state any other platforms with which their solution integrates. The solution must have the video conferencing feature for user experience by incorporating video into the unified client so that scheduling a meeting with video or escalating to video spontaneously is seamless and easily operable. The solution must support multiple participants in a video call or a conference, the active speaker is displayed in the main video window and other users will be displayed in the video window as well. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team need to ensure smooth and seamless video conference facility in all the regional office of MOF. Describe all the necessary preparation/involvement from both MOF and proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team. The proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team has to offer a compatible device to avail a panoramic view (maximum number of participants) for the video conference ensuring smoothness and efficiency (i.e. bandwidth, equipment etc.). The proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team has to ensure an eagle eye view for one (01) conference room proposing all the required accessories and ensuring standard video quality. The Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team shall describe the options for developing and expanding the use of video technologies using the proposed solution. If additional services are required to achieve this they must be clearly identified. • • • • • The software must be latest version. The software patches must be available. The required hotfix must be obtainable when required. The software must be upgradeable, reconfigurable and capacity expendable. The support for the software must be available for the project lifecycle. Response Section V1. Technical Requirements 26.3. Level 318 System Management Solution with Microsoft System Center Description M Summary Solution Requirement M Scope of Work M Summary Specification Requirement Requirement System Management Solution with Microsoft System Centre 2012 (or latest version) at DC and DR . It should install in Datacentres to provide all of it’s components: • App Controller • Operations Manager • Orchestrator • Service Manager • Virtual Machine Manager • Data Protection Manager • Endpoint Protection • Configuration Manager Currently there will one (1) physical server for System Center; all components, but there must be provision for the future for high availability of hardware or software failure across datacenter(s), i.e. provision for DR site where DR will be a synchronised service site also. The Vendor is to provide an integrated management platform that helps us to easily and efficiently manage our datacenters, client devices, and hybrid cloud IT environments. In terms of manageability, cost and ROI, we will drive with Microsoft System Center 2012. The proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team is to deploy System Center 2012 platform to offer comprehensive management of applications, services, physical resources, hypervisors, software defined networks, configuration, and automation. The proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team is to deploy the components (Configuration Manager, Operation Manager, Virtual Machine Manager, Data Protection Manager, End Point, Service Manager, App Controller and Orchestrator) of System Center 2012 with standard administrative configuration whereas development and future administrative tasks will be managed in-house by MoF.. System Center 2012 or latest must provide a common selfservice experience that will easily configure, deploy, and manage virtual machines and services across private and public clouds. • Virtual Machine Manager should provide service templates to help standardize application blueprints. • Service template should typically include specifications for the hardware, operating system, and application packages that compose the service. • Support for multiple package types for Microsoft .NET applications, including MS Deploy for web tier (IIS) and Microsoft Server Application Virtualization (Server App-V) for application tier. • It should specify application configuration requirements like topology, elasticity and scale-out rules, health thresholds, and upgrade rules. • It should provide server App-V, a unique technology in Virtual Machine Manager, optimize applications for private cloud deployments by abstracting the application from the underlying OS and virtual infrastructure. • App Controller offers application owners a single view to manage application services and virtual machines, whether they are on-premises or cloud-based System Centre Configuration Manager Plan and End Point Protection • Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description Key Features Maintaining 319 Requirement Expert should install and must deploy the update to the production servers in a reliable and efficient way. These include: • Using Windows Server Update Services (WSUS): WSUS provides a way to automatically deploy crucial updates and security rollups to computers throughout a network, without requiring you to visit each computer or write script. • Using Systems Management Server (SMS): SMS is an enterprise management tool for delivering configuration and change management of Microsoft Windows server and workstation operating systems. Bringing patch management servers up to date with the latest patches is part of the patch management cycle. The patch management cycle begins again by knowing when new security vulnerabilities are found and missing security updates become available. Keeping these servers up to date with the latest security patches involves this entire cycle. Performing Security Assessments Facilities MBSA to regularly check for security vulnerabilities and to identify missing patches and updates. Schedule MBSA to run daily and analyse the results to take action as needed. Scope of work for SCCM Design and deploy System Centre Configuration Manager 2012(SCCM-2012) and System Centre End Point Protection 2012(SCEP-2012) and other necessary components. Design and Implementation of the centralized Patch Management solution, centralized Server/Desktop/Laptop Hardware and Software Inventory, Software Metering, Remote Software Distribution, Remote Troubleshooting and Remote OS deployment for 4,000+ desktops scalability. Design should be part of the Active Directory design and optimized for Ministry of Finance network architecture. Central SCCM server and Database server should be implemented. Distribution Servers should be part of the Hyper-V workload at the remote Offices. Patch Management solution should segregate the desktops, laptops and servers and enable flexibility for the patches. All the patches and application should be installed seamlessly without user intervention. Patch Management configuration and settings should be optimally set during non-peak hours. Asset Management configuration and reports should be according to Ministry of Finance specific requirements. Detailed report on the Software and Hardware inventory and metering should be provided for all the desktops/laptops and servers. Appropriate audit configuration and reports should be generated as per the Ministry of Finance requirements. Provision for custom tags/details should be provided as per Ministry of Finance requirements. Software distribution should provide facility to use MSI packages. The entire SCCM 2012 configuration should be as per Ministry of Finance approved requirements. Configuration must be scalable for over 4,000 machines. Key Assumptions MINISTRY OF FINANCE will provide to the successful proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team, information on network capacity, utilization, line speeds and the number of devices at each physical location that can be used as a basis for design decisions. A fully routed network is in place at each building or major site and Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description Technical Specifications Requirement 320 Requirement has been allocated a unique IP address range(s). All client workstations that will be incorporated into the SCCM environment have been installed with an OS greater than or equal to Windows XP SP3 and servers have been installed with an OS greater than or equal to Windows 2003 RTM and are configured to use TCP/IP as their primary network protocol. All Windows account domains will be used to store all machine and user accounts in a single forest. Consideration for non-AD registered workstations and locations not on MINISTRY OF FINANCE Network should be made. Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT teams should design and Implement the following: Centralized patch management solution; Centralized Server/Desktop/Laptop hardware and software; inventory, Software Metering, Remote Software distribution; Rremote Troubleshooting and remote OS Deployment for 4,000+ desktops Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT teams should design SCCM 2012 as part of the Active Directory design and optimized for Ministry of Finance network architecture. Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT teams should harden the Operating System before the installation of application as per Ministry of Finance security policy. Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT teams should design and implement Central SCCM server and Database server and distribution servers should be part of the Hyper-V workload at the regional offices. Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT teams should provide Patch Management solution which will segregate the desktops, laptops and servers for the patches. Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT teams should provide and implement all the patches and applications should be installed without user intervention. Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT teams should configure the SCCM 2012 server for Patch Management configuration and the settings optimally set for non-peak hours. The desktop management agent on the distributed workstation should not be reflected as part of “Add /Remove program”. SCCM 2012 solution should be a complete GUI based Configuration change. The solution should take advantage of the Organization / Division Unit Structure. The performance, availability and reliability of the proposed solution should be manageable centrally. It should be possible from a centralized management console to monitor the health and performance counters of the Desktop management application (Along with the underlying OS, Directory and Database) like starting and stopping of all Desktop management server services, including critically dependent services such as Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), Internet Information Server (IIS), and database. Any critical service stops, service failures, performance thresholds, status messages, and site system status should be able to raise alerts. The hardware inventory items for collection must be customizable. The solution must include pre-defined reports that allow comprehensive reporting against hardware information. There should be provisions to create customized reports and solution Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description Design Disaster 321 Requirement should provide secure access to reports based on Active Directory user credentials. The Inventory collection for Hardware should be very granular, based on Asset Intelligence for effective decision making process. The solution must be capable of providing inventory of all software installed on the workstation with versions etc. Installed Software / Applications should be available from multiple methods like file information on the workstation, Registry contents and Add/Remove Programs. The solution should provide advanced level of Software Identification and Categorization through a Knowledge Catalog: The application detection technique should go beyond the standard “Add/ Remove Programs”, “Registry scanning” etc. and should be able to identify software which does not register itself in the traditional way like “Add Remove program”, registry entry etc. The solution should offer facility for basic License Monitoring facilities like tracking License usage, managing computers with their Application License Status across the enterprise and delivering License compliance reporting (Entitled versus installed) etc. It should help us to take informed decision for License reconciliation exercises. Active Directory integration is also required to build Laptop / Desktop Location awareness and to identify the nearest point of patch distribution for efficient WAN BW utilization. The proposed Solution should support handheld devices like Windows Mobile etc. Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT teams should design and implement the asset management configuration and reports should be according to Ministry of Finance specific requirements. Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT teams should provide detailed report on the software and hardware inventory and metering for all the desktops/laptops and servers. Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT teams should setup appropriate audit configuration and generate reports as per the Ministry of Finance requirements. Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT teams should provision for custom tags/details as per Ministry of Finance requirements. The- solution should allow Software distribution to use MSI packages. Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT teams should follow the entire SCCM 2012 configuration as per Ministry of Finance approved Requirements. Proponent in conjunction with MoF IT teams must provide a project plan that details the tasks and effort estimated for both the successful proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team and MINISTRY OF FINANCE staff. Project plan to cover SCCM and SCEP configuration and deployment. The successful proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team will be expected to provide a design document that clearly outlines the proposed MINISTRY OF FINANCE configuration, functionality, options and staff responsibilities with the allocated servers proposed here. The Design will also set out the UA (User Accepted) test and acceptance criteria The successful proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team will deploy and test SCCM 2012 in a lab environment to validate the design to their own environment to get approval from the purchaser. The successful proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team must Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description Recovery Plan Operations 322 Requirement provide DR scenarios for both Primary and Secondary servers. DR plan must include information on what must be backed up and restored, and any application specific requirements for performing that backup and restore. The successful proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team must provide instructions on how to operate and maintain the system, including troubleshooting. Instructions on how to image machines, re-image existing and perform OS upgrades. The successful proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team must install the SCCM client on the designated computers in one site for design validation. The successful proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team must work with MINISTRY OF FINANCE staff to develop WIN 7 desktop that utilizes SCCM. Knowledge Transfer M Solution Summary Requirement M Network Monitoring: M Application Monitoring: M Operating System Solution must be capable of deploying the SCCM client via client push The successful proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team must provide demonstration to MINISTRY OF FINANCE ITS Staff of the SCCM in the following areas: • Security Patch Management; • Software Deployment; • Operating System Deployment/capture; • Asset Management - Hardware and Software Inventory; • Reporting; • Remote Control. System Centre Operation Manager (SCOM) The proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team must design and deploy the SCOM in such a way that will help organization to monitor computers, networks, and applications. In our organization, Operations Manager operators will be the first level of monitoring and support and are limited in the possible actions they can take. This level is sometimes called Tier I support or “front-end support” or “help desk.” As the operator, they ust have provision to be notified when there is an alert, and they should be first to have the opportunity to react to an alert as needed. Technical Features Requirement of SCOM Operations Manager must provide the ability to discover and monitor network routers and switches, including the network interfaces and ports on those devices and the virtual LAN (VLAN) that they participate in. There must be provision to delete discovered network devices and prevent the deleted network devices from being rediscovered the next time discovery runs. Operations Manager must monitor Internet Information Services (IIS)-hosted .NET applications from server- and client-side perspectives to get details about application performance and reliability that can help pinpoint root causes of incidents. There must provision to specify settings, the types of events to collect, the performance goals to measure, and servers to monitor, .NET Application Performance Monitoring reveals how web-based applications are running. Capability to see how frequently a problem is occurring, how a server was performing when a problem occurred, and the chain of events related to the slow request or method that is raising exceptions. Operations Manager must monitor Microsoft and Unix based operating systems. Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description 323 Requirement Monitoring: M Performance and Scale M Web Console M Dashboard Views M Creating Dashboard Views Display Dashboard Views in SharePoint M M Must have capability to configure resource pool in future expansion which will contain only management servers and provide the ability to distribute workloads across multiple management servers, such as availability, network device monitoring, distributed monitor health rollup, and group calculation. • The solution must have provisional capability to split workload among all management servers in a management group, which provides high availability without requiring a cluster in future expansion. Operations Manager must have web console that is optimized for faster load times and provides access to the dashboards. The dashboard views must have combined multiple panels of information in a single view. In Operations Manager, we must have option to add the new dashboard views to My Workspace and the Monitoring workspace. Dashboard views must have custom layouts and nested dashboard views. • The Operations Manager web part will display specified dashboard views and must have provision to add to Microsoft SharePoint 2010 sites in future. In Operations Manager, provision to perform privileged operations on UNIX-based and Linux-based computers using unprivileged Run As accounts. • Capability to avoid the need for UNIX or Linux root passwords to be known on the management server, and retain the privilege control entirely within the domain of the UNIX or Linux administrator. • PowerShell cmdlets for performing agent maintenance functions on UNIX-based and Linux-based computers, allowing for scripting and background operations. The operation console should have Tasks pane, and include Navigation Tasks that makes it easy to open views for a selected object. • UNIX- and LinuxBased Computers M Operations Console M Monitoring Windows Services Built on the .NET Framework Operations Manager should have the ability to monitor Windows Services, not just IIS-hosted applications M Integration with Team Foundation Server Support Database Server Heartbeat Monitoring Operation Manager should have capability to integrate with Team Foundation Server M M M Summary Requirement Operation Manager must support Microsoft and Oracle Database Server to monitor Must monitor heartbeat of Windows and Unix based systems System Centre Data Protection Manager The proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team is to provide effective solution for data protection across the datacentre for Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description 324 Requirement servers OS, database and applications with System Center 2012 Data Protection Manager (DPM). M Technical Features Requirement M Protection Requirement M Summary Requirement M M Technical Specification Requirement Deploying VMM M M Cross Platform Networking The solution must have Disk-based data protection and recovery. There should be feature of Command-line scripting using Windows PowerShell. The proponent in conjunction with MoF IT team must follow Enterprise deployment methods for distributing the DPM agent. Must have capability for Enterprise monitoring of DPM with Operations Manager. Capability of Tape-based backup and archive solutions. Disaster recovery solutions, which provides bare-metal recovery of servers running Windows. • File data from volumes, shares, and folders. • Application data, such as Microsoft Exchange Server storage groups, Microsoft SQL Server databases, Windows SharePoint Services farms, and Microsoft Virtual Server and its virtual machines. • Files for workstations running Windows XP Professional SP2 and all Windows Vista editions except Home. • Files and application data on clustered servers. • System state for protected file and application servers. System Centre Virtual Machine Manager The bidder/purchaser IT team is to provide a management solution for the virtualized datacenter, enabling us to configure and manage our virtualization host, networking, and storage resources in order to create and deploy virtual machines and services. The solution should support Microsoft and Unix based operating systems. Integration with Windows Server 2012 which delivers numerous Microsoft Hyper-V features, as follows: • Large virtual machines; • Clusters that can support a larger numbers of nodes; • Storage management through SMI-S (Storage Management Initiative – Specification). Ability to manage VMware vSphere and Citrix XenServer. • Must have ability to create and manage virtual machine networking, including network virtualization and virtual local area networks (VLANs) for network isolation. • Management of the Hyper-V extensible switch, including deployment and configuration of virtual switch extensions using a new logical switch concept. • Support for network virtualization that includes support for using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to assign customer addresses using Network Virtualization with Generic Routing Encapsulation (NVGRE) to virtualize the IP address of a virtual machine. • Software-defined networking with support for Hyper-V network virtualization and switch extension management. This allows a constant network configuration in the datacenter. Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description Requirement • • • M Storage and Disk • • • • • • M Virtual Machine • • • • • • • • • • • • • M Live Migration 325 • • • Introduction of a logical switch that allows management of individual switch instances across multiple Hyper-V hosts as a single entity. Ability to deploy and manage third-party switch extensions, such as Cisco and InMon. Support for Host vNIC configuration. Must support Integration with third-party SANs and filebased storage on Windows Server 2012 File server. Support for auto (dynamic) iSCSI target systems, such as the Dell EqualLogic PS Series. System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager supports only static iSCSI target systems. Support for thin provisioning of logical units through VMM. Support for using a virtual hard disk that is in the .vhdx format as the base operating system image. Support for startup disk selection as part of operating system deployment. Enhanced default auto disk selection logic as part of operating system deployment. Support for deployment of services to virtual machines in a domain or workgroup that does not have a trust relationship with the domain of the VMM management server. Support for the deployment of services to virtual machines that are not connected, where the service instance does not have network connectivity to the VMM management server, to a VMM library server, or to both. Deploying a virtual machine as part of a service and creating a SQL Server profile, added support for SQL Server 2012 as an instance of Microsoft SQL Server. Support for adding Windows Server 2012 roles and features when creating and deploying services, such as the Windows Server Update Services role. Deployment of application packages. Support of IIS application hosts. Support for the new version of the virtual hard disk format that is introduced in Windows Server 2012. This new format is referred to as VHDX. Convert a virtual hard disk for a virtual machine that is deployed to a Windows Server 2012-based host from the .vhd to .vhdx virtual hard disk format. The conversion includes any associated checkpoints. Use VMM to "rapidly provision" any virtual machines that use VHDX-based virtual hard disks from SAN-copy capable templates. Must have library server. Support for provisioning a physical computer as a Hyper-V host. Linux-based virtual machines supportability. Ability to configure availability options for virtual machines on Hyper-V host clusters by using the VMM console, without having to open Failover Cluster Manager. There must be a feature for Live Migration inside and outside a cluster. Live migration between nodes in two different clusters, between nodes within a cluster, or between nodes in different clusters. Storage migration, which allows for the migration of virtual machine storage. Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description Requirement • • M Integration with Operation Manager M Network Virtualization M Summary Requirement M M M Self-Service Portal Service Catalog and Service Requests M Integration with VMM and Orchestrator M Service Level Agreement Support for Incident and Service Requests Release Management Parallel Activity Support Parent – Child Support for Incident and Release Management M M M 326 Live VSM. By using live virtual system migration (VSM) migration of both virtual machines and storage in a single action. Concurrent live migration. Option for multiple concurrent live migrations of virtual machines and storage. Must have an allowable number of concurrent live migrations which can be configured manually. • Ability to use Operations Manager to view information related to application hosts, load balancers, and user roles while also being able to monitor virtual machines, services, host systems, network adapters, and other elements of the fabric. • Generate reports that track the resource usage of each configured service or service user, to aid in capacity planning. Must have capability for Network virtualization which will provide the ability to run multiple virtual network infrastructures, potentially with overlapping IP addresses, on the same physical network. System Centre Service Manager (SCSM) The bidder/purchaser and MoF IT team team will deploy System Center 2012 Service Manager which will provide an integrated platform for automating and adapting our organization’s IT service management best practices such as incident and problem resolution, change control, and asset lifecycle management. Technical Features Requirement: Integration with SharePoint for self service. Easily Service Requests by end users. There must be powerful automation engine that can perform a wide range of service requests for our users coupling this with Orchestrator. • There must be the capability to dynamically build forms, based on the user inputs defined when the request offering is created. • Must have Orchestrator web service that allows Service Manager 2012 to initiate Runbooks, though that is another discussion. These connectors will allow us to import data from both of these products for use within Service Manager. • The VMM Connector imports objects such as clouds, templates and VMs from VMM. • SLA calendar that can be used so that we can have SLAs based on specified support hours. • Option to create multiple calendars i.e. standard users might have SLAs set for business hours only while executives get 24 x 7 support and have SLAs defined accordingly. There must have option for release management. • • Parallel activities must be supported in workflows. Ability to define parent and child relationships with incidents and releases. This also allows Service Manager to be configured such that when we resolve the parent incident, the linked child incidents will also get resolved automatically. Response Section V1. Technical Requirements Level Description M System Center Data Warehouse M Knowledgebased risk management Central management packs Business alignment functionality M M M M M Summary requirement Custom automation M Cross-platform integration M End-to-end orchestration M Extensible structure 327 Requirement Must have Data Warehouse reporting facility that will be used by Service Manager. It imports data from Service Manager, Configuration Manager, Ops Manager and VMM into a single data warehouse for reporting. The solution should collect information from several sources for solution support while also evaluating risks associated with making suggested changes. There should be a separate central management pack to help administrators control and customize the solution process. Should have capability for SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), which provides simple reporting capabilities for enhanced performance monitoring. System Centre Orchestrator (SCO) The bidder/purchaser and MoF IT team team will deploy a workflow management solution with System Center 2012 Orchestrator for the data center which will allow us to automate the creation, monitoring, and deployment of resources in our environment and reduce the burden of performing multiple tasks and procedures to keep the health of our computing environment up-to-date and our business running. The bidder/purchaser and MoF IT team team will deploy the workflow management solution in an integrated solution using the graphical user-interface Runbook Designer to create reliable, flexible, and efficient end-to-end solutions in the IT environment. The bidder/purchaser and MoF IT team team have to ensure following tasks: • Automate processes in the data center, regardless of hardware or platform. • Automate IT operations and standardize best practices to improve operational efficiency. Technical Specification Requirement: • Should provide consolidated tools to build, test, debug, deploy, and manage automation in the environment. • Should provides an environment with shared access to common data. • Feature to evolve and automate key processes between groups and consolidate repetitive manual tasks. • Capability to enforce best practices for incident, change, and service management. • Must have ability to integrate with System Center, other Microsoft products, and non-Microsoft products to enable interoperability across the data center. • Capability of management of complex cross-domain processes. • Capability to combine software, hardware, and manual processes into a seamless system The solution must ensure that it provides extensible integration to any system through the Orchestrator Integration Toolkit. Response Section V1. Technical Requirements 328 Section V1. Technical Requirements SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT FOR LOT-A AND LOT-B 329 331 1. Introduction 1.1 Formal Definition of this Document /1 This document is the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the service. It specifies the agreed level of services to be provided for the service, and penalties to be applied in the event of failure to meet that level of service. 1.2 Readership /1 This document is intended for all participants in the provided service namely a. The Authority Procuring the service Ministry of Finance, Govt of Bangladesh b. The service provider: c. The service user xxxxxxxxxxxx Ministry of Finance IT Department 1.3 Applicable and Reference Documents #1 Technical Specification 1.4 Period of validity #2 This document is valid from xx/xx/xxxx, and shall be applicable for a period of 36 months. Any changes to the document within this period must have the agreement of all concerned parties. 1.5 Changes to the Service #3 Special requests and improvements will be discussed at monthly service meetings, and formalised in writing. #4 Any changes to the document within this period must have the agreement of all concerned parties. #5 Changes to this document may occur with the implementation of additional hardware or software, or the reduction in current hardware and/or software, or because of changes in the organisational structure. 2. Delivery Requirements a. A network monitoring and maintenance service is to be provided at the address defined in Appendix A to the specification defined in Appendix B. b. The service is required to be fully operational at the defined service level on (i) DD/MM/YYYY. This is dependent upon the datacentre being fully prepared in readiness for service delivery, including the provision of a fully functioning environment, and all necessary equipment being in place and implemented. The provider will notify the customer contact before (ii) DD/MM/YYYY of the required details of the customer’s servers. The customer will provide those details as requested before (iii) DD/MM/YYYY 332 Section VI. Technical Requirements c. Failure by the provider to meet dates in (b (i)) above will be penalised at a percentage reduction rate of 40%. If the provider is unable to meet the date (b (i)) solely because of slip in the date (b (i)), the customer shall in any case be liable to billing for the service from the date (b (i)). 3. SERVICE REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Service Hours a. The service is required to be available full time, except for planned downtime. b. Any requirement for planned downtime must be notified to the customer not less than seven days in advance. c. A maximum of 15 minutes planned downtime in any calendar month is permitted. Any excess will be treated as service failure. Service hours will be 8:00AM to 6:00 Sunday – Thursday. Outside of these hours, Organization will inform Vendor of requirements to extend hours up to 21:00, or beyond, or for weekend working. Service Provider individual activities: Time Server Management 8:00am-6.00pm Sunday - Thursday Server Monitoring 24x7x365 Onsite Labour 8:00am-6.00pm Sunday - Thursday Remote Labour All Other Times TABLE 1 – MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING HOURS 3.2 Service Parameters a. Availability, measured by aggregating downtime over successive 12-month intervals from the date of commencement of service… b. Shall be not less than 99.8%. c. Downtime shall be measured by automatic logging, to a resolution of 15 min or better. d. A penalty, as shown in Table 4 below, relating to the percentage cost of the overall support requirement(monthly/yearly), shall be payable for each 0.02% below the target service level. 4. SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Support Hours a. The service will be fully supported 08:00 – 18:00 Bangladesh Time Sunday-Thursday. Weekend and other out of hours support is applicable if necessary with prior notice. b. Support calls will be accepted at any time, but if received outside the supported hours there is no obligation to act upon the call until the next supported period, unless the issue is raised as critical - i.e. total system or site unavailable. In these circumstances, issue must be escalated and treated as Priority 1. Section VI. Technical Requirements 4.2 333 Support Procedures Activity Outline Description Frequency Included in Agreement General Document software and hardware changes As performed YES Monitor server systems. Continuous YES Evaluate and analyze trends in issues Monthly YES Monthly reports of work accomplished, work in progress, etc. to Finance IT. Monthly YES Ensure that all server services are running Daily/hourly YES Keep Service Packs, Patches and Hotfixes current as per company policy Monthly YES Check event log of every server, identify any potential issues As occurs YES Monitor hard drive free space on server via SNMP or WMI Daily/hourly YES Reboot servers if needed As needed YES Run defrag and chkdsk on all drives As needed YES Scheduled off time server maintenance As needed YES Install software upgrades on supplied items As needed YES Check status of backup system Daily YES Alert office server administrator to dangerous conditions As needed YES As needed YES As Needed YES Systems -Memory running low -Hard drive showing sign of failure -Hard drive running out of disk space -Controllers losing interrupt -Network Cards, FC, Inifiniband cards report unusual collision activity -Any replacements required Applications Overall application disk space management Disaster Recovery Disaster Recovery of Server(s) 334 Section VI. Technical Requirements Support and Maintenance coverage: Hardware support and maintenance should cover but not be limited to the following: • • • • • • • • • Servers and server components Disk Drives Flash cards Switches:- SAN, Ethernet, Infiniband Ethernet /FIBER Transceivers/Receivers etc. Cards/HBSa/HCAs:- Ethernet, FC, Infiniband, Remote Management, RAID Load Balancer Tape system Blade Chassis and components (if used) Spare parts and Replacement Procedure Supply of common replaceable items to be available locally, preferably held on-site. Vendor to provide solution for other parts with rapid response. Call logging a. Support calls will be accepted from any authorised user of the service. b. Open Problem Reports will be progressed according to escalation procedure. c. A Problem Report will be raised for all calls, unless the caller agrees that this is unnecessary. Service calls can be taken 8:00AM to 6:00 Sunday – Thursday. Outside of these hours, Organization will inform Vendor of requirements to extend hours up to 21:00, or beyond, or for weekend working. Service Provider individual activities: Time Server Management 8:00am-6:00pm Sunday – Thursday Servers & Fabric switches Monitoring 24x7x365 Onsite Labour 8:00am-6:00pm Sunday – Thursday Remote Labour Relevant Times TABLE 2 – SUPPORT HOURS Service Request Escalation Procedure 1. Support request is received 2. Trouble ticket is created 3. Issue is identified and documented in help desk system 4. Issue is qualified to determine if it can be resolved through Tier 1 Support If issue can be resolved through Tier 1 Support: 5. Level 1 resolution -issue is worked to successful resolution 6. Quality control – issue is verified to be resolved to client’s satisfaction 7. Trouble ticket is closed, after complete problem resolution details have been updated in help desk system Section VI. Technical Requirements 335 If the issue cannot be resolved through Tier1 Support: Issue is escalated to Tier 2 Support 8. Issue is qualified to determine if it can be resolved by Tier 2 Support If issue can be resolved through Tier 2 Support: 9. Level 2 resolution -issue is worked to successful resolution 10. Quality control – issue is verified to be resolved to client’s satisfaction 11. Trouble ticket is closed, after complete problem resolution details have been updated in help desk system If issue cannot be resolved through Tier2 Support: Issue is escalated to Tier 3 Support 12. Issue is qualified to determine if it can be resolved through Tier 3 Support If issue can be resolved through Tier 3 Support: 13. Level 3 resolution -issue is worked to successful resolution 14. Quality control – issue is verified to be resolved to Client’s satisfaction 15. Trouble ticket is closed, after complete problem resolution details have been updated in help desk system If issue cannot be resolved through Tier3 Support: Issue is escalated to Onsite Support 16. Issue is qualified to determine if it can be resolved through Onsite Support If issue can be resolved through Onsite Support: 17. Onsite resolution -issue is worked to successful resolution 18. Quality control – issue is verified to be resolved to Client’s satisfaction 19. Trouble ticket is closed, after complete problem resolution details have been updated in help desk system If issue cannot be resolved through Onsite Support: 20. I.T. Manager Decision point – request is updated with complete details of all activity performed Exclusions The Services do not include maintenance or repair necessitated by: · Accidents such as fire, lightning or floods. · Theft or loss of the Equipment . Power facilities failure · Fluctuation in electricity supply 4.3 Support Parameters a. b. c. The time for initial response to a problem shall be not more than one hour on average. Full service as defined shall be restored within three hours on average. Repair shall be completed within one day on average. d. A penalty shall be payable for each percentage point by which the above are not met, measured monthly, as shown in Table 4. 336 Section VI. Technical Requirements Response and Resolution Times The following table shows the targets of response and resolution times for each priority level during standard operational hours: ISSUE Service not available (all users and Priority Response time (hours/minutes) Resolution time (hours/minutes) Escalation threshold 1 Within 10 minutes ASAP – Best Effort 30 minutes 1 Within 30 minutes ASAP – Best Effort 1 Hr 2 Within 1 Hr Within 4 working Hrs 4 Hrs 3 within 4 Hrs Within 8 Working Hrs 8 Hrs (hours/minutes) functions unavailable) Significant degradation of service (large number of users or business critical functions affected) Limited degradation of service (limited number of users or functions affected, business process can continue) Small service degradation (business process can continue, one user affected). TABLE 3 – RESPONSE AND RESOLUTION TIMES . Support Tiers The following details and describes the Support Tier levels: Support Tier Description Tier 1 Support: All support incidents begin in Tier 1, where the initial trouble ticket is created, the issue is identified and clearly documented, and basic hardware/software troubleshooting is initiated. Tier 2 Support: All support incidents that cannot be resolved with Tier 1 Support are escalated to Tier 2, where more complex support on hardware/software issues can be provided by more experienced engineers. Section VI. Technical Requirements 337 Tier 3 Support: Support incidents that cannot be resolved by Tier 2 Support are escalated to Tier 3, where support is provided by the most qualified and experienced Engineers who have the ability to rd collaborate with 3 party (Vendor) support engineers to resolve the most complex issues. 75 70 65 60 55 % Penalty50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 98.6 98.8 99 99.2 99.4 99.6 99.8 100 % Availabilty TABLE 4 – PENALTY GRAPH 4.4 Performance Remedies a) In the event that the Vendor fails to fulfil any of the service delivery requirements, the Vendor shall, at the request of Finance Division, and without prejudice to Finance Division’ other rights and remedies, arrange all such additional resources as are necessary to fulfil the said service delivery requirements as early as practicable thereafter at no additional charge to Finance Division. b) In the event that the Vendor fails to fulfil all of the service delivery requirements then a penalty payment will apply on a sliding scale as shown in Table 4 above pertaining to each service/system affected. 5. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS Security Confirm that backup has been performed on a daily basis Daily YES Monitor for unusual activity among users Ongoing YES Verify system log and report to authority if any unusual access attempt occurred several times. As required YES 338 Section VI. Technical Requirements a. The provider will adhere to the security provisions specified in document xxx. b. Physical security of the customer premises is the customer’s responsibility. 6. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS a. Monitoring data shall be subject to the same availability as the service parameter being monitored. b. Monitoring records shall be kept for 12 months and shall be available for inspection on demand. c. Unavailability of monitoring data shall be subject to an additional penalty equal to that for the service parameter being monitored. 7. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS a. A monthly report up to the last day of each calendar month will be produced containing information relating to: • Service calls – number, resolution, within SLA, outstanding calls • Server performance and capacity and availability • Required maintenance activities This monthly report will be presented at the monthly service review to be held in the first week of the following month. b. Late delivery or missing content will be subject to a penalty of 1% of contract cost per day delayed. c. Monthly service reviews will be held at the customer premises, with Service Provision representatives present, either in person, or on conference call. 8. DISPUTE RESOLUTION In the event of a service outage where the responsibility is unclear, priority should be given to restoring service rather than determining responsibility. In the event of a dispute, the burden of proof will be upon any party who is delinquent in respect of monitoring or reporting obligations covering the incident. Where a dispute results in failure to restore service within the allotted time, the Ministry of Finance might reserve the right to bring in external experts to resolve the problem and charge the cost to the disputing parties as a further penalty. Section VI. Technical Requirements 339 9. GLOSSARY OF DEFINITIONS Term Meaning : Description Availability The time the service is available for normal use over a period, as a ratio of the duration of the period Escalation Managerial escalation: to appeal for a decision level higher than in a normal procedure in order to complain of an anomaly in the execution of the service. This is an exceptional procedure engaged by a user or the service requester. Anybody who is not satisfied with the service or a person providing the service can escalate the problem at any time. Operational escalation: to make use of means more and more important and/or specialised in order to solve a problem or to answer a question, including the associated reporting. This is a normal intervention procedure under the control of the Service Provider. Failure Failure is defined as any condition that results in loss of functionality or performance of the service that affects at least one user, subject to the general exclusions Latency The time between the issuing of a request and its fulfillment Maintenance To keep the system subject to maintenance working, i.e., identify and correct malfunctions of the hardware and software of the system. MTTR Maximum Time To Recover: It is the maximum time taken to recover from a failure MTBF Mean Time Between Failures, the average time for which the system is operational before it is subject to failure SLA Service Level Agreement Service recovery Service recovery is deemed to have been effected when the service has been restored, and the service can resume normally, if necessary by reconfiguration Problem Report Means by which a user’s problem is registered by the Help Desk of the service provider and tracked until the problem is solved to the satisfaction of the user. 340 Section VI. Technical Requirements AGREEMENT T he under s igned par ties her eby agr ee to the Ser vic e levels def ined in this doc um ent f ollowed by APPENDIX - A, B Signed: Date: O n behalf of supplier or ganization ________________________ ________________________ _____________________ Signed: Date: O n behalf of Ministr y of F inance Section VI. Technical Requirements 341 APPENDIX-A For the contract: LOT-A LOT-B LOCATION The equipment to be provided, installed, commissioned and thereafter monitored and supported will be located at the Primary Datacentre at the Ministry of Finance building, located in the Secretariat campus in Dhaka, Bangladesh; and at the secondary Disaster Recovery Datacentre located in the Office of Controller General of Accounts (CGA) building in Segunbagicha, Dhaka, Bangladesh. APPENDIX B SPECIAL CONDITIONS PERTAINING TO LOT-A Because of the critical and technical nature of the requirements for LOT-A, which focusses on the database solution for iBAS++ system for the Ministry of Finance, the requirement is for two (2) database support specialists to be accommodated on site at the Ministry of Finance building, Secretariat complex. These specialists will be required for a minimum of the first 12 months from the commencement of the contract, and the requirement may be extended for a further period. This will be reviewed at the end of the initial 12 month period. These specialists will be the contact for Ministry of Finance for all issues and matters relating to the equipment and services required under LOT-A. Response times for resolutions for issues raised in relation to the equipment and services under LOT-A will be treated a Priority 1 issues, and response and escalation times will be followed as set out in the terms of this document. GENERAL CONDITIONS PERTAINING TO LOT A AND LOT B 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Support Service Level Agreement (SLA) is to formalize an arrangement between DMTBF under Ministry of Finance (hereinafter, the Organization) and <NAME OF VENDOR> (hereinafter, the Vendor) to deliver equipment and support services, at specific levels of support, and at an agreed-upon cost. This SLA is intended to provide details of the provision of equipment and support services by <NAME OF VENDOR>. This SLA will evolve over time, with additional knowledge of the client requirements, as well as the introduction of new devices and services into the support portfolio provided by <NAME OF VENDOR>. 342 Section VI. Technical Requirements SCOPE OF AGREEMENT The following equipment and services are provided in response to the proposal submitted by the Vendor to the Organization in accordance with a Request for Proposals for the DMTBF under Ministry of Finance . SERVICES AND REQUESTS COVERED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT T he f ollowing s er vic es ar e pr ovided by the Vendor to the O r ganization: NAME AND DESCRIPTION OF PRIMARY SERVICE. T his is all- inc lus ive c ons um able s upplies . of equipm ent, m aintenanc e, par ts , tr avel, and all DESCRIPTION OF MAINTENANCE PROGRAM. Pr eventative m aintenanc e s hall be per f or m ed as the f r equenc y pr es c r ibed by the m anuf ac tur e. O ngoing m aintenanc e to r es olve is s ues c aus ed by f aulty equipm ent will be c ar r ied out under the ter m s of this SLA doc um ent. DESCRIPTION OF MONITORING SERVICE. Monitor ing of s ys tem s and s er vic es hous ed in the 2 c entr al loc ations s tated will be m aintained ac c or ding to the ter m s of this SLA. Is s ues will be r ais ed by Vendor Suppor t s taf f when m onitor ing s ys tem s f lag er r or s in s ys tem s and s er vic es . STATEMENT OF VENDOR RESPONSE TIME. T he guar anteed r es pons e tim e f ollowing any s er vic e c all s hall be f our ( 4) bus ines s hour s or les s , nor m al bus ines s hour s ( 8 a.m . – 6:00 p.m ., Sunday T hur s day) . T he r es pons e tim e begins when the r eques t is logged with the Vendor ’s pr oblem - tic k eting s ys tem and is s topped when the tec hnic ian logs the ar r ival at the equipm ent s ite and m eets with the Key O per ator . STATEMENT OF SERVICE AVAILABILITY. T he guar anteed r es pons e tim e f ollowing any s er vic e c all is f our ( 4) bus ines s 1 hour s or les s . If the Vendor is unable to r es pond to any s er vic e c all within f our ( 4) hour s f r om the tim e the c all was plac ed, penalties AS ST AT ED IN T HE Agr eem ent s hall c om e into ef f ec t.T he m inim um ac c eptable level of uptime f or any devic e s hall be 99.8% as deter m ined by the f ollowing f or m ula: 1 If the call can be satisfactorily resolved via telephone support, it shall be deemed an acceptable vendor response. Section VI. Technical Requirements 343 Uptime = (Total Time1 – Lost Time2)/Total Time x 100% 1 2 If uptime for a device or service falls within the 99.7-99.8% range during any twenty (20) working day period, the charge to the Organization shall be reduced or credited by up to 25% on that device or service. If uptime for a device or service falls within the 99.6-99.7% range for any twenty (20) working day period, the charge to the Organization shall be reduced or credited by up to 40%. If a device experiences less than 99.6% uptime during three (3) consecutive twenty (20) working day periods, the Vendor will replace the device with an equivalent device for the remaining term of the contract at no additional cost to the Organization. If a technician cannot satisfactorily repair a machine fault within two (2) business days, the Vendor shall provide or loan multifunctional printer equal to the existing model. The Vendor shall ensure that the loaned device connects to the network. This loaned device shall be provided at no additional cost to the Organization, including no additional delivery costs, until the existing device is fully operational and functioning in the intended manner. In the event a device has had more than three (3) service calls for the same fault in any quarter period, a Service Supervisor/Manager shall evaluate the performance of the device and fully correct all problems with the device. If that device then requires a further service call for the same fault within the next 90 days, the Vendor will remove the device and loan the department a similar or equivalent model until the problem device is repaired and tested at the Vendor’s service facility. All penalties apply to any device that falls below 99.6% uptime for any twenty (20) working day period. i. All equipment moves/relocations shall be at no charge. This includes off-site storage if required, removal, re-install, testing, and training.] ii. All requests for support for non-business hours shall be deemed to be After-Hours Support. After-Hours Support will be provided free-of-charge if the Vendor is notified 24 hours in advance of the request for After-Hours Support.] iii. On-site training shall be provided with each piece of equipment. Key Operators and selected users shall be trained for each device and all retraining shall be provided as needed. Training shall include device functionality and usage, special features, and service call generation. Additional functionality added later will be included with the upgrade, including but not limited to networking, and scanning.] Total Time = Available time for 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. for 20 days (10 hours x 20 days = 200). Note – at certain times, extended hours of service and support will be required. From April – June, service and support will be required from 08:00 – 21:00 at the primary site. During June, usually the last 2 weeks of the month, extended support hours between 08:00 and 22:00 (and possibly beyond) will be required at both the primary and the secondary site. These additional hours will be confirmed by the Organization with 7 days prior notice. Lost Time = Lost time in hours. The total elapsed time, within a ten (10) hour per day, between the limits of 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Sunday – Thursday, excluding public holidays that the equipment is unable to function in accordance with the specification for reasons attributable to equipment failure or withdrawal of equipment for remedial maintenance repair or testing. Lost Time shall commence upon notification by the Customer to the Vendor’s specified service dispatch of a fault condition which prevents full utilization of the equipment and shall end when the equipment is powered up and ready to execute Customer’s work, and the fault call has been logged as complete by the servicing technician. Resolution times will not take into account delays caused by strikes and demonstrations or inclement weather. 344 Section VI. Technical Requirements iv. Vendor support staff shall be available after market support of networking devices and assisting the Organization’s staff. This includes conducting site surveys and proposing devices or deployment strategies.] v. All device deletions, additions, and modifications shall be at the same cost rates. Deletions may not exceed 3% of the installed base per year. Additions and modifications will be at a cost rate commensurate with the service model. vi. New or changed processes, practices, or policies that affect the Organization support team and that have an impact on the service shall be presented to the Organization to understand, learn, and follow. All changes shall be coordinated with the Organization. vii. Reporting shall be presented monthly to encompass all service activity per device by function. Reporting content shall be responsive to the Organization’s requirements.] viii. When an upgrade to an existing device is released; includes operating system upgrades, device upgrades, software upgrades, and manufacturer-required upgrades (Manufacturer requires the Vendor to upgrade in order to maintain Vendor support.), the upgrade shall be coordinated with the preventative maintenance service calls or scheduled with the Organization to reduce downtime. ix. If a device cannot be repaired on-site, a replacement of equal capability may be introduced to lessen downtime. If the device is un-repairable, a replacement of like or greater capability will be provided for the remaining term of the agreement. If a device will be down for more than 30 hours (3 business days), the device shall have a temporary placement. Section VI. Technical Requirements 345 1. TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Warranty Service: All Hardware equipment and Software should have a warranty period that is in conformance with the specifications supplied in the Technical Specification. During the Warranty Period, the Bidder will be responsible for the repair, replacement, support of all malfunctioning equipment and software supplied under this Bid. The Bidder shall provide on-site support when necessary for Warranty Period. Repair and replacement of equipment should be completed to the satisfaction of the Purchaser within the times specified in Maintenance Service Level. • • • The Bidder should provide proper documentation from product manufacturer that confirms 24x7x365 support The Bidder should provide hot-line support. The Bidder should ensure maintenance support between the guaranteed resolutions times mentioned in the Service Levels. Failing of the resolution time, a penalty of one half of one percent (0.5%) of the cost of the related units shall be charged per day for nonconformance of the supplied Hardware, Software and services. User support / hot line: The bidder should maintain the following user support: a. The Bidder must have service capability in each location including DC and DRS. b. A suitable Helpdesk and Service Center must be established to ensure a high level of service. Manpower requirements for Helpdesk and Service Centers shall be specified by the Bidder. c. The Bidder should provide trained, experienced and certified technical manpower for onsite support. d. Service records must be maintained at the Helpdesk for both hardware and software warranty support. In addition, calls to the Helpdesk must be tracked including the disposition and subsequent resolution of problem. These records are to be reviewed monthly with the Purchaser. e. A satisfactory stock of spare parts/ complete units (list of spare parts/complete unit should be attached with proposal) must be maintained for support of all items supplied in this tender. An inventory stock of spare parts status should be maintained and reviewed by the Purchaser on a monthly basis. f. Availability of all parts must be assured for a minimum of the same version or compatible higher version for five (05) years from the date of system acceptance. 346 Section VI. Technical Requirements 2. CHANGES TO SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) Termination of Agreement The Organization may terminate this agreement without penalty if the Vendor repeatedly violates the terms of this agreement. In such an event the Organization shall give the Vendor 30 days written notice of intent to terminate, delivered to the Vendor. Non-Appropriation Funds for this service are payable from Organization appropriations. While the Organization intend to make every effort for continued funding for the period of this contract, in the event no funds (or insufficient funds) are appropriated and budgeted in any fiscal year for payments due under this contract, then the Organization shall immediately notify the Vendor of such occurrence, and this shall create no further obligation of the Organization as to such current or succeeding fiscal year and shall be null and void, except as to the portions of payments herein agreed-upon for funds which shall have been appropriated and budgeted. In such event, this service shall terminate without penalty or expense to the Organization of any kind whatsoever on the last day of the year for which appropriations were received. Amendment to Agreement Any amendment to the Terms and Conditions of this agreement would require the approval of the Vendor and the <relevant Organization executive>. The amendment of the agreement would take place through an addendum to this agreement and the recording of that addendum in an Appendix of this agreement. There will be an opportunity on a monthly basis to make adjustments to this SLA. The Vendor and the Organization should work together to make changes at that time. New Applications or Devices New applications and versions implemented during the term of this agreement will move into the Vendor’s support model through the Vendor’s process. The Vendor will be responsible for initiating and ensuring completion of the appropriate process. These applications will be incorporated into the inventory of applications supported in Appendix A of the Statement of Work. Changes to the inventory of applications supported will be reviewed on a regular basis, and if need be, changes to the SLA will follow the process described in the Amendment to Agreement section above. Section VI. Technical Requirements 347 3. PROCESSES AND PROCEDURES RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT Call Management Process The Vendor’s problem-ticket system will be used by all support team levels (where approval and technical access has been granted) to record and track all problem reports, inquiries, or other types of calls received by support. This provides the Vendor with the ability to provide metrics with regard to this SLA. SLA Funding Agreement Billing for services provided under this agreement will be accomplished through direct billing to the Vendor under the terms and conditions of the appropriate Purchase Order raised for these services. All overage costs shall be itemized on an invoice per device with reporting of the associated user accounts. Addenda There are currently no addenda to this agreement. Any future addenda will be referenced in the Statement of Work through an Addendum Log in Appendix A of the Statement of Work. (Note: an Appendix must be written for each addendum) 348 Section VI. Technical Requirements 4. METRICS Metrics Reporting Regular reporting will be provided monthly by the Vendor to the Organization on available metrics as related to target performance. These reports are expected to be produced by the Vendor’s problemticket system, which will detail ticket management performance against SLA targets in the Vendor’s case management process. General Terms and Conditions Term of Agreement This agreement is in effect upon the date of acceptance of this agreement and ends on the latest date specified in any terms of the Statement(s) of Work submitted by the Vendor and agreed to by the Organization. Organizations This agreement is between the Organization and the Vendor, as named on the cover of this agreement. Approvals In order to make this agreement operational, approvals as per Appendix B of the Statement of Work must be in place. (Note: SOW Appendices are created for each new contract) Key Contacts Key contacts are shown in Appendix B of the Statement of Work. (Note: SOW Appendices are created for each new contract) Annex A – Definitions Support Request For the purposes of this agreement, a Support Request is generally defined as a request for support to fix a defect in existing device or a request for support that involves functionality of the stated device. Work Order For the purposes of this agreement, a Work Order is generally defined as any request to make modifications to the functionality of an existing system or any request to add functionality to an existing system. Such requests are only covered under this agreement if under five (5) days of effort. Levels of Support Only two levels of support are provided under this agreement. These levels, which are integrated into the Vendor’s support process, are defined as follows: Standard Coverage and After-Hours Coverage. Both levels are inclusive within the contract with no further cost. This is support provided by the appropriate Vendor help desk when it receives the Support Request from the Organization. This represents generalist support. If this level of support cannot resolve the problem, the Support Request is passed to the Vendor’s Level-2 supports, which is then passed to the support specialists. Section VI. Technical Requirements 349 Support Requests are taken by the Help Desk as follows: Help Desks Hours Standard Coverage 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Bangladesh time, Sunday – Thursday (After hours, leave a voice message for a return call the following business day.) After-Hours Coverage 6:01 p.m. – 8:00 a.m., Bangladesh time, Sunday – Thursday plus weekends and Public Holidays Phone Contact TABLE 5 – HELP DESK COVERAGE During critical processing periods, support is extended to after-hours for agreed-upon periods of support are requested by the Organization contacting the Vendor. The Organization shall notify the vendor 24 hours in advance by phone or e-mail. Annex B – Roles and Responsibilities The Vendor The Vendor has the following general responsibilities under this agreement: The Vendor will conduct business in a courteous and professional manner with the Organization. The Vendor will use its own appropriate help desk to provide Level-1 support, including creating problem tickets and work orders and assigning responsibility to the appropriate Level-2 Vendor resource. The Vendor will use its own appropriate internal group to provide Level-2 server support services. The Vendor will obtain the Organization’s approval before ticket closure. Once a support request has been submitted, the Vendor will make itself available to work with the Organization support resource assigned to the support request. The Vendor will attempt to resolve problems over the phone on first call. The Organization’s end-users will not contact the Vendor’s support resources directly to report a problem. All problem calls must be logged through the appropriate help desk. The Vendor will provide all necessary and requested documentation, information, and knowledge capital to the Organization prior to the start of support of a new device or functionality. The Organization The Organization has the following general responsibilities under this agreement: The Organization will conduct business in a courteous and professional manner with the Vendor. The Organization will provide all information required to open a support request. The Organization will log all information from the Vendor required to establish contact information, document the nature of the problem and the Vendor’s hardware/network environment (as applicable).There are several roles deployed within the Organization that are integral to the provision of equipment and support services by the Vendor. These roles include the following: Program Manager 350 Section VI. Technical Requirements The Organization’s Program Manager works as a point of contact for all activities relating to the transition of a new or modified device from a Vendor development team to the Organization’s support team and the decommissioning of supported devices. Reporting to the Organization’s Management, the Program Manager is responsible for planning, coordinating, and overseeing the transition of new devices into support, including: Liaising between the Organization and the Vendor’s team and project managers Liaising with the Organization’s user departments Ensuring all required documentation, information, and knowledge capital has been prepared as per transition checklist and turned over prior to the start of support for a new application Managing all activities relating to transition: Identifying resource requirements Identifying all access requirements Meeting with the Vendor team to set up timeline and develop transition/deployment plans Reviewing training plans for Key Operators and users Negotiating resource assignments with Organization staff. Handling billable services to the Vendor: Ensuring that SLA targets are met (coordinating all activities to ensure all tasks are performed in a consistent manner and on schedule) Ensuring all work is performed according to the agreed-upon work methods and standards that are in effect within the Organization and the Vendor Acting as point of escalation for issues beyond usual scope Participating directly in the production of the associated deliverables. IT Operations Manager The Organization IT Operations Manager will provide the overall direction of the activities required from the Organization’s Information Services Department, participate directly in the associated deliverables, and will negotiate with the Vendor’s support manager regarding the introduction of enhancements and the scheduling of tasks. The IT Operations Manager will report to the Organization Program Manager, with duties that include: Liaising with other Organization groups Assessing the workload for each support request and assigning work to the team member having the appropriate technical knowledge Assisting in conducting all root-cause analysis and bug-fix isolation and resolution activities, and associated documentation for the individual tasks, as assigned by the Organization Program Manager Acting as a point of contact for all issues for the Organization’s infrastructure Determining (for enhancements) the potential high-level effort for all changes Identifying all tasks associated with each support request and deriving estimates for the completion of each task for Organization staff and resources Conducting and participating in testing with the Vendor as needed Providing knowledge transfer to key Organization support specialist on regular basis. Key Operator Section VI. Technical Requirements The Organization will provide designated Organization resources to act as device-specific points of contact for each device deployed. Duties will include: Liaising with the users on service requests Acting as a point of contact for all issues related to their specific device Assisting with Vendor support staff in problem resolution Generating service requests Transferring training and knowledge of their specific device to users as needed. 351 352 Section VI. Technical Requirements E. Implementation Schedule Section VI. Technical Requirements 353 Implementation Schedule Table System, Subsystem, or lot number: Package No. G-81: Lot-A and Lot-B Line Item No. 0 Subsystem / Item Project Plan requirement) (mandatory Configuration Table No. Site / Site Code -- -- Delivery (Bidder to specify in the Preliminary Project Plan) Installation (weeks from Effective Date) Acceptance (weeks from Effective Date) Liquidated Damages Milestone -- W6 no Lot-A INSTALLATION OF DATABASE SERVER AND STORAGE CONFIGURATION HARDWARE/FABRIC W12 OF yes W20 CONFIGURATION OF SOFTWARE W22 INSTALLATION AND MIGRATION OF DATABASE (will be done by the bidder and the Purchaser) W24 REPLICATION TESTING W24 yes no PERFORMANCE /BENCHMARK TESTING WITH PURCHASER’S DATABASE AND OTHER HARDWARES ORACLE TRAINING yes W16 no no W25 W1 W35 no 354 Section VI. Technical Requirements Line Item No. Configuration Table No. Subsystem / Item Site / Site Code Delivery (Bidder to specify in the Preliminary Project Plan) ACCEPTANCE OF IBAS++ APPLICATION TESTING WITH DATABASE SERVER (will be done by the Purchaser only) Installation (weeks from Effective Date) W24 W32 W32 no WK 12 Lot-B INSTALLATION OF SERVERS/FABRIC SWITCHES/LOAD BALANCEER Yes WK 15 CONFIGURATION OF SERVERS/FABRIC SWITCHES/LOAD BALANCEER WK 18 PERFORMANCE AND BENCHMARK TESTING W20 OF Yes W20 APPLICATIONS Yes no (purchaser’s responsibility) WINDOWS SOFTWARE INCLUDING AGREEMENT Liquidated Damages Milestone no OPERATIONAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE SYSTEM AS AN INTEGRATED WHOLE FOR LOT-A MIGRATION SOFTWARE Acceptance (weeks from Effective Date) WK22 DELIVERY W17 W19 W22 no Section VI. Technical Requirements Line Item No. 355 Configuration Table No. Subsystem / Item Site / Site Code Delivery (Bidder to specify in the Preliminary Project Plan) WINDOWS TRAINING PREMIER SUPPORT OPERATIONAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE SYSTEM AS AN INTEGRATED WHOLE FOR LOT-B Note: Acceptance (weeks from Effective Date) W12 W1 DIISASTER RECOVERY SOFTWARE (APPLICATION) INSTALATION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING MICROSOFT SERVICE Installation (weeks from Effective Date) Liquidated Damages Milestone no no W24 WK28 WK30 W17 no W31 Refer to the System Inventory Table(s) below for the specific items and components that constitute the Subsystems or item. Refer to the Site Table(s) below for details regarding the site and the site code. - - indicates not applicable. “ indicates repetition of table entry above. 356 Section VI. Technical Requirements System Inventory Table (Supply and Installation Cost Items) [ insert: identifying number ] System, Subsystem, or lot number: Package No. G-81: Lot-A and Lot-B Line item number: [ specify: relevant line item number from the Implementation Schedule (e.g., 1.1) ] [ as necessary for the supply and installation of the System, specify: the detailed components and quantities in the System Inventory Table below for the line item specified above, modifying the sample components and sample table entries as needed. Repeat the System Inventory Table as needed to cover each and every line item in the Implementation Schedule that requires elaboration. ] Component No. Component Lot-A Option 1 DATABASE SERVER 1. Oracle Softwares 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. Oracle Enterprise Database Enterprise Edition Real Application Clusters Partitioning OEM Diagnostic Pack Relevant Technical Specifications No. Additional Site Information (e.g., building, floor, department, etc.) -- Quantity As per Technical Specification Section VI. Technical Requirements Component No. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 357 Component OEM Turning Pack Oracle Secure Backuup Oracle Active Data Guard Management Servers (1 unit at DC) 3. Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DC ) 4. Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DC ) 5. Management Servers (1 unit at DR) 6. Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DR) 7. Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DR) 8. Training 9. 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. Oracle Database on Oracle 11g Real Application Clusters (RAC) and Oracle implement partitioning on Oracle 11g Database Administrator and Performance Tuning on Oracle 11g System Administration on Operating System & Hardware Engineering Systems Relevant Technical Specifications No. Additional Site Information (e.g., building, floor, department, etc.) Quantity 358 Section VI. Technical Requirements Component No. 9.5. Component Oracle Active Data Guard Administration and oracle secure backup Option 2 DATABASE SERVER 10. Oracle Softwares 11. 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. 11.4. 11.5. 11.6. 11.7. 12. 13. 14. Oracle Enterprise Database Enterprise Edition Real Application Clusters Partitioning OEM Diagnostic Pack OEM Turning Pack Oracle Secure Backuup Oracle Active Data Guard Management Servers (1 unit at DC) Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DC) Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DC) Relevant Technical Specifications No. Additional Site Information (e.g., building, floor, department, etc.) Quantity Section VI. Technical Requirements Component No. 359 Component Quantity Backup/Media Servers (1 unit at DR) 16. Backup Storage Appliance (1 unit at DR) 17. Resource Allocation 18. Training 19. 19.1. 19.2. 19.3. 19.4. 19.5. Oracle Database on Oracle 11g Real Application Clusters (RAC) and Oracle implement partitioning on Oracle 11g Database Administrator and Performance Tuning on Oracle 11g System Administration on Operating System & Hardware Engineering Systems Oracle Active Data Guard Administration and oracle secure backup Lot-B 21. Additional Site Information (e.g., building, floor, department, etc.) Management Servers (1 unit at DR) 15. 20. Relevant Technical Specifications No. Application server (4 Unit for DC ) Application server ( 4 Unit for DR ) As per Technical Specification 360 Section VI. Technical Requirements Component No. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Component Report Server (1 Unit for DC ) Report Server (1 Unit for DR) Test and Development (1 Unit for DC) Test and Development (1 Unit for DR ) Data Centre Management Server (1 Unit for DC) Data Centre Management Server (1 Unit for DR) Primary Domain Controller (1 Unit for DC) Additional Domain Controller (1 Unit for DC) Additional Domain Controller (1 Unit for DR) Patch Management Server: (1 Unit for DC) Mail Server: (1 Unit for DC) Mail Server: (1 Unit for DR) Backup Tape System: (1 Unit for DC) Blade Chassis (if blade solution - 1 Unit for DC) Relevant Technical Specifications No. Additional Site Information (e.g., building, floor, department, etc.) Quantity Section VI. Technical Requirements Component No. 361 Component Relevant Technical Specifications No. Additional Site Information (e.g., building, floor, department, etc.) Quantity “ 1 Blade Chassis (if blade solution - 1 Unit for DR) 36. InfiniBand switch: ( 1 Unit for DC) 37. InfiniBand switch: (1 Unit for DR) 38. SAN Switches Extended ( At DC) 39. Load Balancer & Application Delivery Controllers (1 Unit for DC) 40. Load Balancer & Application Delivery Controllers (1 Unit for DR ) 41. Power Strip (5 Units at DC) 42. Power Strip ( 5 Units at DR) 43. Resource Allocation 44. Windows Licenses including Software Assurance 45. 45.1. CoreCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL DvcCAL 45.2. CoreCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL UsrCAL 45.3. ExchgEntCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL DvcCAL wSrvcs 45.4. ExchgEntCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL UsrCAL wSrvcs 362 Section VI. Technical Requirements Component No. 46. 47. Component 45.5. LyncSVrEnCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL DvcCAL 45.6. LyncSVrEnCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL UsrCAL 45.7. LyncSvrPlusCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL DvcCAL 45.8. LyncSvrPlusCAL ALNG LicSAPk MVL UsrCAL 45.9. WinSvrDataCtr ALNG LicSAPk MVL 2Proc 45.10. WinSvrStd ALNG LicSAPk MVL 2Proc 45.11. ExchgSvrStd ALNG LicSAPk MVL 45.12. LyncSvr ALNG LicSAPk MVL 45.13. SysCtrDatactr ALNG LicSAPk MVL 2 Proc 45.14. SysCtrCltMgmtAte ALNG LicSAPk MVL PerOSE 45.15. SysCtrStd ALNG LicSAPk MVL 2Proc Disaster Recovery Solution for Application server (One Hyper-V to another Hyper-V Double-Take Solution) Microsoft Premier Support for 204 hours. Relevant Technical Specifications No. Additional Site Information (e.g., building, floor, department, etc.) Quantity Section VI. Technical Requirements Component No. 363 Component Relevant Technical Specifications No. Local Training: 48. 48.1. 48.2. SCCM SCOM Foreign Training: 49. 49.1. 49.2. SCVMM Deployment of Private Cloud. Windows Implementation Service 50. 50.1. 50.2. Note: - - indicates not applicable. “ indicates repetition of table entry above. Additional Site Information (e.g., building, floor, department, etc.) Quantity 364 Section VI. Technical Requirements System Inventory Table (Recurrent Cost Items) [ insert: identifying number ] System, Subsystem, or lot number: Package No. G-81: Lot-A and Lot-B Line item number: [ specify: relevant line item number from the Implementation Schedule (e.g., z.1) ] [ as necessary for the supply and installation of the System, specify: the detailed components and quantities in the System Inventory Table below for the line item specified above, modifying the sample components and sample table entries as needed. Repeat the System Inventory Table as needed to cover each and every line item in the Implementation Schedule that requires elaboration. ] Component No. 1. Component Hardware Maintenance Relevant Technical Specifications No. Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 … Yn Incl. in Incl. in Incl. in all items, all sites … main server & WAN Warranty Warranty Warranty Incl. in all items, all sites all items, all sites all items, all sites none none HQ HQ HQ … 2. 2.1 2.2 Software Licenses and Updates: System and General-Purpose Software Warranty Application, Standard, and Custom Software Incl. in Warranty … 3. Technical Services HQ HQ Section VI. Technical Requirements Component No. Component 365 Relevant Technical Specifications No. Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 … Yn 3.1 Sr. Systems Analyst 80 days 40 days 20 days 10 days 0 0 3.2 Sr. Programmer 20 days 40 days 60 days 40 days 0 0 3.3 Sr. Network Specialist, …. etc. -- 20 days 20 days 0 0 0 … Note: 4. Telecommunications Services … … … ... … … 5. [Other recurrent services, if any] … … … … … … - - indicates not applicable. “ indicates repetition of table entry above. 366 Section VI. Technical Requirements Site Table(s) System, Subsystem, or lot number: Package No. G-81: Lot-A and Lot-B [ specify: the detailed information regarding the site(s) at which the System is to be operated ] Site Code Site HQ Headquarters R1 Region 1 R1.1 Region 1 Head Office R1.2 ABC Branch Office R1.3 DEF Branch Office City / Town / Region Primary Street Address Drawing Reference No. (if any) Section VI. Technical Requirements 367 Table of Holidays and Other Non-Working Days [ specify: the days for each month for each year that are non-working days, due to Holidays or other business reasons (other than weekends). ] Month 2013 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 As per government calendar As per government calendar ... 20zz 368 Section VI. Technical Requirements F. REQUIRED FORMAT OF TECHNICAL BIDS 5.1 5.2 5.3 Description of Information Technologies, Materials, Other Goods, and Services 5.1.0 The Bidder must provide detailed descriptions of the essential technical, performance, or other relevant characteristics of all key Information Technologies, Materials, other Goods, and Services offered in the bid (e.g., version, release, and model numbers). Without providing sufficient clear detail, Bidders run the risk of their bids being declared non-responsive. 5.1.1 To assist in the bid evaluation, the detailed descriptions should be organized and cross referenced in the same manner as the Bidder’s item-by-item commentary on the Technical Requirements described in Section 5.2 below. All information provided by cross reference must, at a minimum, include clear titles and page numbers. Item-by-Item Commentary on the Technical Requirements 5.2.0 The Bidder must provide an item-by-item commentary on the Purchaser’s Technical Requirements, demonstrating the substantial responsiveness of the overall design of the System and the individual Information Technologies, Goods, and Services offered to those Requirements, see ITB Clause 16.2 (b). 5.2.1 In demonstrating the responsiveness of its bid, the Bidder is strongly urged to use the Technical Responsiveness Checklist provided in Section G of the Technical Requirements. Failure to do so, increases significantly the risk that the Bidder’s Technical Bid will be declared technically non-responsive. Among other things, the checklist should contain explicit cross references to the relevant pages in the Bidder’s Technical Bid. Preliminary Project Plan 5.3.0 The Bidder must prepare a Preliminary Project Plan describing, among other things, the methods and human and material resources that the Bidder proposes to employ in the design, management, coordination, and execution of all its responsibilities, if awarded the Contract, as well as the estimated duration and completion date for each major activity. The Preliminary Project Plan must also address the topics and points of emphasis specified in SCC Clause 19 including any additional items stated in the Bid Data Sheet for ITB Clause 16.2 (c). The Preliminary Project Plan should also state the Bidder’s assessment of the major responsibilities of the Purchaser and any other involved third parties in System supply and installation, as well as the Bidder’s proposed means for coordinating activities by each of the involved parties to avoid delays or interference. Section VI. Technical Requirements 5.4 369 5.3.1 In addition to the topics and points of emphasis, the Preliminary Project Plan MUST address what steps will be taken if there is a failure; how project progress will be reported; etc. 5.3.2 The Preliminary Project Plan must be submitted in Microsoft Office Document or Microsoft Project format (.doc or .mpp) in electronin copy in CD, in addition to hard copy. Confirmation of Responsibility for Integration and Interoperability of Information Technologies 5.4.0 The Bidder must submit a written confirmation that, if awarded the Contract, it shall accept responsibility for successful integration and interoperability of all the proposed Information Technologies included in the System, as further specified in the Bidding Document. 5.5 Knowledge Transfer Plan 5.5.0 The bidder must submit a Knowledge Transfer Plan (KTP) for each lot following the requirement mentioned in the technical specification and its implementation processes for effectively transferring the technical know-how necessary for managing the respective or individual systems to the Purchaser. The plan must include the following issues: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Project Plan Server and switch Design & Drawings Data and Electrical Cabling Configuration and Customization, where applicable Testing Implementation Training Maintenance Execution of the above plans, processes and actions must be evidenced during and after implementation. 370 Section VI. Technical Requirements G. TECHNICAL RESPONSIVENESS CHECKLIST Note on Preparation of the Checklist for Purchasers: The following is a sample format that is designed to help Bidders quickly understand: (a) the Technical Specification given in the Technical Requirements; (b) whether each Requirement is mandatory or only “preferred”; and (c) to ensure that each Bidder includes along with a specific response to the Purchaser, a cross reference to the supporting information provided elsewhere in its Technical Bid. It is important that the tables be prepared carefully and completely, with accurate references to the relevant section and paragraph numbers in the Technical Requirements so that Bidders will be more likely to submit complete information, particularly regarding the mandatory and scored Requirements. In preparing each Checklist entry, Purchasers should start with an abbreviated text of each Requirement so that Bidders can quickly confirm that they are responding to the right Requirement. Inconsistencies between the Checklist and the referenced section in the Technical Requirements should be avoided. Giving Bidders a revisable, “electronic” version of the Checklist as part of the Bidding Document will enhance the completeness of bids. Section VI. Technical Requirements 371 Technical Responsiveness Checklist Note to Bidders: The following Checklist is provided to help the Bidder organize and consistently present its Technical Bid. For each of the following Technical Requirements, the Bidder must describe how its Technical Bid responds to each Requirement. In addition, the Bidder must provide cross references to the relevant supporting information, if any, included in the bid. The cross reference should identify the relevant document(s), page number(s), and paragraph(s). The Technical Responsiveness Checklist does not supersede the rest of the Technical Requirements (or any other part of the Bidding Documents). If a requirement is not mentioned in the Checklist that does not relieve the Bidder from the responsibility of including supporting evidence of compliance with that other requirement in its Technical Bid. One- or two-word responses (e.g. “Yes,” “No,” “Will comply,” etc.) are normally not sufficient to confirm technical responsiveness with Technical Requirements. M represents “Mandatory”, P represents “Preferred”, D represents “Desirable”. The bidders will prepare their bids following the Technical Requirements (Section VI) In addition, the following Project Management Documents will be required Level M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Requirements END-User documents: The Bidder should provide detail information regarding the documentation that will be supplied with the system. The following minimum documentation (hard copy and soft copy) on the proposed systems must be made available in English: A. Project Documentation Project Management Controls Project Plans Implementation Controls Quality Controls Scope Management Controls Progress Reports B. System Documentation Requirement Specifications Technical Specifications System Descriptions & Specifications Installation Manuals System Administration Guide Maintenance Documentation C. User Documentation Training Requirements Training Documentations User Guides Administrator Documentations Response 372 Level M M M M M M M M M M M M Section VI. Technical Requirements Requirements Transaction Processing Guidelines Operational Processing Guidelines Operational Procedures Error Correction Procedures D. Testing Specifications Technical Documents: Documentation should be consistent with international standards Documentation should be user-friendly Documentation should be indexed Diagrams and schematics should be provided where possible to facilitate practical understanding. The Vendor must assure on-going documentation updates The Vendor must supply the documentation of the applications on optical disks or other digital media together with the system for its updating as changes are introduced Technical documentation appropriate to the hardware and systems that are being provided must be made available in both hard copy and soft copy (CD-ROM). A commitment to providing updated versions must be given. Response Section VI. Technical Requirements 373 H. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1. Existing Information Systems / Information Technologies (Not Used) Attachment 2. Site Drawings and Site Survey Information (Not Used) Attachment 3. Sample Reports, Data Entry Forms, Data, Coding Schemes, Etc. (Not Used) Attachment 4. Relevant Legal Codes, Regulations, Etc. (Not Used) Attachment 5. Available Training Facilities (Not Used) Attachment 6. The Purchaser’s Project and Corporate Management Structure 374 Section VI. Technical Requirements Attachment 6. The Purchaser’s Project and Corporate Management Structure Project and Corporate Management Structure The IT implementation process will be organised for maximum effectiveness with full senior management involvement. Structures will be in place for decision-making, communication, and management. Factors to be considered are: • The complexity of the Project • The culture of the organisation and willingness to accept change • The skills available and required • The capacity of Finance Ministry to absorb change Project Manager The Finance division will designate a Project Manager who shall assist the Project Director in the implementation of the contract with the supplier. The Supplier shall engage a Project Manager (PM) for successful implementation of the project. The PM’s role is to provide Project Management services for the implementation and s/he will report to the Project Director or his delegated representatives on project status, progress, risks identified, and issues. The Project manager will also coordinate the activities of all projects teams. Each project within this project will have a FD appointed Project Manager (Team leader), Task Force and project team. The Project Manager will report to the Project Manager as and when required, and in such format, as the Project Manager will decide. Task Force The composition of the Task Force will depend on the project being undertaken. In a Business project, the composition will be primarily of appropriate business managers and staff, while in a Technical project, technical experts will be involved. Section VI. Technical Requirements 375 A Task Force consists of the project manager, and a small number of expert team members who represent the business owners' view. The expert team members are selected for their knowledge, skills and suitability to the particular project. The Task Force may be multi-layered in that it may contain both senior line management, who will provide the business direction, and also officers, who will carry out the detailed work of the project. The Task Force is the project management team. These are permanently appointed until the end of the project. Each task force must have, as a minimum, one member of the ICT unit on the team. The Task Force experts will have specific delegated authority to make decisions on the PD’s behalf. In the event of uncertainty or ambiguity, the Task Force will in the first instance, refer to the systems nominated Business Owner for guidance. If this remains an open issue, the project manager will refer the issue to the Counterpart Project Manager for resolution. Project Team The Project team members may be sourced from the Contractor, FD user staff, and FD IT staff, depending on need and skills required and available. These will be part-time secondments, although there may be occasional need for a full time secondment. 377 SECTION VII. SAMPLE FORMS 378 Section VII. Sample Forms Notes to Bidders on working with the Sample Forms The Purchaser has prepared the forms in this section of the Bidding Documents to suit the specific requirements of the System being procured. They are derived from the forms contained in the World Bank’s Standard Bidding Documents for the Supply and Installation of Information Systems. In its bid, the Bidder must use these forms (or forms that present in the same sequence substantially the same information). Bidders should not introduce changes without the Purchaser’s prior written consent (which may also require the clearance of the World Bank). If the Bidder has a question regarding the meaning or appropriateness of the contents or format of the forms and/or the instructions contained in them, these questions should be brought to the Purchaser’s attention as soon as possible during the bid clarification process, either at the pre-bid meeting or by addressing them to the Purchaser in writing pursuant to ITB Clause 10. The Purchaser has tried to provide explanatory text and instructions to help the Bidder prepare the forms accurately and completely. The instructions that appear directly on the forms themselves are indicated by use of typographical aides such as italicized text within square brackets as is shown in the following example taken from the Bid Submission Form: Duly authorized to sign this bid for and on behalf of [ insert: name of Bidder ] In preparing its bid, the Bidder must ensure all such information is provided and that the typographical aides are removed. The sample forms provide a standard set of documents that support the procurement process as it moves forward from the stage of bidding, through Contract formation and onto Contract performance. The first set of forms must be completed and submitted as part of the bid prior to the deadline for bid submission. These include: (i) the Bid Submission Form; (ii) the Price Schedules; (iii) the Manufacturer’s Authorizations and key Subcontractor agreements; (iv) the List of Proposed Subcontractors; (v) the form(s) for securing the bid (if and as required); and other forms as found in sub-sections 1 through 4 of this Section VII of the Bidding Documents. • Bid Submission Form: In addition to being the place where official confirmation of the bid price, the currency breakdown, the completion date(s), and other important Contract details are expressed, the Bid Submission Form is also used by the Bidder to confirm - in case adjudication applies in this Contract - its acceptance of the Purchaser’s proposed Adjudicator, or to propose an alternative. If the bid is being submitted on behalf of a Joint Venture, it is essential that the Bid Submission Form be signed by the partner in charge and that it be supported by the authorizations and power of attorney required pursuant to ITB Clause 6.2. Given widespread concern about illegal use of licensed software, Bidders will be asked to certify in the Bid Submission Form that either the Software included in the bid was developed and is owned by the Bidder, or, if not, the Software is covered by valid licenses with the proprietor of the Software. • Price Schedules: The prices quoted in the Price Schedules should constitute full and fair compensation for supply, installation, and achieving Operational Acceptance of Section VII. Sample Forms 379 the System as described in the Technical Requirements based on the Implementation Schedule, and the terms and conditions of the proposed Contract as set forth in the Bidding Documents. Prices should be given for each line item provided in the Schedules, with costs carefully aggregated first at the Subsystem level and then for the entire System. If the Price Schedules provide only a summary breakdown of items and components, or do not cover some items unique to the Bidder’s specific technical solution, the Bidder may extend the Schedules to capture those items or components. If supporting price and cost tables are needed for a full understanding of the bid, they should be included. Arithmetical errors should be avoided. If they occur, the Purchaser will correct them according to ITB Clause 26.2 (ITB Clause 38.2 in the two-stage SBD) without consulting the Bidder. Major omissions, inconsistencies, or lack of substantiating detail can lead to rejection of a bid for commercial non-responsiveness. Presenting prices according to the breakdown prescribed in the Price Schedules is also essential for another reason. If a bid does not separate prices in the prescribed way, and, as a result, the Purchaser cannot apply the domestic preference provision described in ITB Clause 29 (ITB Clause 41 in the two-stage SBD), if they are applicable in this bidding, the Bidder will lose the benefit of the preference. Once bids are opened, none of these problems can be rectified. At that stage, Bidders are not permitted to change their bid prices to overcome errors or omissions. • Manufacturer’s Authorizations and written agreements by key Subcontractors: In accordance with ITB Clauses 6.1 (b) and (c), a Bidder may be required to submit, as part of its bid, Manufacturer’s Authorizations in the format provided in the Bidding Documents, and agreements by Subcontractors proposed for key services, for all items specified in the Bid Data Sheet. There is no particular format (or sample form) for Subcontractor agreements. • List of Proposed Subcontractors: In accordance with ITB Clause 6.3, a Bidder must submit, as part of its bid, a list of proposed subcontracts for major items of Technologies, Goods, and/or Services. The list should also include the names and places of registration of the Subcontractors proposed for each item and a summary of their qualifications. • List of Software and Materials: In accordance with ITB Clause 13.1 (e) (vi) (ITB Clauses 13.1 (c) (vi) and 25.1 (e) (vi) in the two-stage SBD), Bidders must submit, as part of their bids, lists of all the Software included in the bid assigned to one of the following categories: (A) System, General-Purpose, or Application Software; or (B) Standard or Custom Software. Bidders must also submit a list of all Custom Materials. If provided for in the Bid Data Sheet, the Purchaser may reserve the right to reassign certain key Software to a different category. • Qualification information forms: In accordance with ITB Clause 6, the Purchaser will determine whether the Bidder is qualified to undertake the Contract. This entails financial, technical as well as performance history criteria which are specified in the BDS for ITB Clause 6. The Bidder must provide the necessary information for the 380 Section VII. Sample Forms Purchaser to make this assessment through the forms in this sub-section. The forms contain additional detailed instructions which the Bidder must follow. • Securing the bid: If the BDS for ITB Clause 17 (ITB Clause 29 in the two-stage SBD) requires that bids be secured, the Bidder shall do so in accordance with the type and details specified in the same ITB/BDS Clause, either using the form(s) included in these Sample Forms or using another form acceptable to the Purchaser. If a Bidder wishes to use an alternative form, it should ensure that the revised format provides substantially the same protection as the standard format; failing that, the Bidder runs the risk of rejection for commercial non-responsiveness. Bidders need not provide the Performance Security and Advance Payment Security with their bids. Only the Bidder selected for award by the Purchaser will be required to provide these securities. The following forms are to be completed and submitted by the successful Bidder following notification of award: (i) Contract Agreement, with all Appendices; (ii) Performance Security; and (iii) Advance Payment Security. • Contract Agreement: In addition to specifying the parties and the Contract Price, the Contract Agreement is where the: (i) Supplier Representative; (ii) if applicable, agreed Adjudicator and his/her compensation; and (iii) the List of Approved Subcontractors are specified. In addition, modifications to the successful Bidder’s Bid Price Schedules are attached to the Agreement. These contain corrections and adjustments to the Supplier’s bid prices to correct errors, adjust the Contract Price to reflect – if applicable - any extensions to bid validity beyond the last day of original bid validity plus 56 days, etc. • Performance Security: Pursuant to GCC Clause 13.3, the successful Bidder is required to provide the Performance Security in the form contained in this section of these Bidding Documents and in the amount specified in accordance with the SCC. • Advance Payment Security: Pursuant to GCC Clause 13.2, the successful Bidder is required to provide a bank guarantee for the full amount of the Advance Payment - if an Advance Payment is specified in the SCC for GCC 12.1 - in the form contained in this section of these Bidding Documents or another form acceptable to the Purchaser. If a Bidder wishes to propose a different Advance Payment Security form, it should submit a copy to the Purchaser promptly for review and confirmation of acceptability before the bid submission deadline. The Purchaser and Supplier will use the following additional forms during Contract implementation to formalize or certify important Contract events: (i) the Installation and Operational Acceptance Certificates; and (ii) the various Change Order forms. These and the procedures for their use during performance of the Contract are included in the Bidding Documents for the information of Bidders. Section VII. Sample Forms 381 Table of Sample Forms 1. Bid Submission Form (Single-Stage Bidding) ..............................................................383 2. Price Schedule Forms .....................................................................................................387 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Preamble .................................................................................................................388 Grand Summary Cost Table ....................................................................................390 Supply and Installation Cost Summary Table .........................................................391 Recurrent Cost Summary Table ..............................................................................394 Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table [ insert: identifying number ]................395 Recurrent Cost Sub-Table [ insert: identifying number ] .....................................399 Country of Origin Code Table ................................................................................401 3. Other Bid Forms and Lists.............................................................................................402 3.1 Manufacturer’s Authorization .................................................................................403 3.2 List of Proposed Subcontractors .............................................................................404 3.3 Software List ...........................................................................................................405 3.4 List of Custom Materials ........................................................................................406 3.5.1 General Information Form ......................................................................................407 3.5.2 General Information Systems Experience Record ..................................................408 3.5.2a Joint Venture Summary........................................................................................409 3.5.3 Particular Information Systems Experience Record ...............................................410 3.5.3a Details of Contracts of Similar Nature and Complexity ......................................411 3.5.4 Summary Sheet: Current Contract Commitments / Work in Progress ..................412 3.5.5 Financial Capabilities..............................................................................................413 3.5.6 Personnel Capabilities .............................................................................................415 3.5.6a Candidate Summary .............................................................................................416 3.5.7 Technical Capabilities .............................................................................................417 3.5.8 Litigation History ....................................................................................................418 4. Bid-Securing Declaration ...............................................................................................419 4A. Bid Security (Bank Guarantee) ..................................................................................420 4B. Bid Security (Bid Bond) ...............................................................................................421 5. Contract Agreement .......................................................................................................422 Appendix 1. Appendix 2. Appendix 3. Appendix 4. Appendix 5. Appendix 6. Supplier’s Representative...........................................................................426 Adjudicator.................................................................................................427 List of Approved Subcontractors ...............................................................428 Categories of Software ...............................................................................429 Custom Materials .......................................................................................430 Revised Price Schedules ............................................................................431 382 Section VII. Sample Forms Appendix 7. Minutes of Contract Finalization Discussions and Agreed-to Contract Amendments ...........................................................................................................432 6. Performance and Advance Payment Security Forms ..................................................433 6.1 6.2 Performance Security Form (Bank Guarantee) .......................................................434 Advance Payment Security Form (Bank Guarantee) ..............................................435 7. Installation and Acceptance Certificates ......................................................................436 7.1 7.2 Installation Certificate .............................................................................................437 Operational Acceptance Certificate ........................................................................438 8. Change Order Procedures and Forms ..........................................................................439 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Request for Change Proposal Form ........................................................................440 Change Estimate Proposal Form .............................................................................442 Estimate Acceptance Form .....................................................................................444 Change Proposal Form ............................................................................................446 Change Order Form ................................................................................................448 Application for Change Proposal Form ..................................................................450 Section VII. Sample Forms 383 1. BID SUBMISSION FORM (SINGLE-STAGE BIDDING) Date: Loan/Credit No.: IFB: Contract: [ Bidder insert: date of bid ] [ Purchaser insert: number ] [ Purchaser insert: IFB title and number ] [ Purchaser insert: name of Contract ] To: Project Director Deepening Medium Term Budget Framework and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project (Project-A) UCEP Cheyne Tower (2nd floor) 25 Segunbagicha, Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh Telephone No. 8391131-3, Fax No. 8391136 E-mail: ekramahmed1458@ Dear Sir or Madam: Having examined the Bidding Documents, including Addenda Nos. [ insert numbers ], the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to supply, install, achieve Operational Acceptance of, and support the Information System under the above-named Contract in full conformity with the said Bidding Documents for the sum of: plus [ insert: amount of local currency in words ] ([ insert: amount of local currency in figures from corresponding Grand Total entry of the Grand Summary Cost Table ]) [ insert: amount of foreign currency A in words ] ([ insert: amount of foreign currency A in figures from corresponding Grand Total entry of the Grand Summary Cost Table ]) [ as appropriate, add the following ] plus [ insert: amount of foreign currency B in words ] ([ insert: amount of foreign currency B in figures from corresponding Grand Total entry of the Grand Summary Cost Table ]) plus [ insert: amount of foreign currency C in words ] ([ insert: amount of foreign currency C in figures from 384 Section VII. Sample Forms corresponding Grand Total entry of the Grand Summary Cost Table ]) or such other sums as may be determined in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. The above amounts are in accordance with the Price Schedules attached herewith and made part of this bid. We undertake, if our bid is accepted, to commence work on the Information System and to achieve Installation and Operational Acceptance within the respective times stated in the Bidding Documents. If our bid is accepted, and if these Bidding Documents so require, we undertake to provide an advance payment security and a performance security in the form, in the amounts, and within the times specified in the Bidding Documents. [ As appropriate, include or delete the following paragraph ] “We accept the appointment of [ Purchaser insert: name of proposed Adjudicator from the Bid Data Sheet ] as the Adjudicator.” [ and delete the following paragraph, or, as appropriate, delete the above and include the following, or, if no Adjudicator is stated in the Bid Data Sheet, delete both the above and the following ] “We do not accept the appointment of [ Purchaser insert: name of proposed Adjudicator from the Bid Data Sheet ] as the Adjudicator, and we propose instead that [ insert: name ] be appointed as Adjudicator, whose résumé and hourly fees are attached.” We hereby certify that the Software offered in this bid and to be supplied under the Contract (i) either is owned by us, or (ii) if not owned by us, is covered by a valid license from the proprietor of the Software. We agree to abide by this bid, which, in accordance with ITB Clauses 13 and 16, consists of this letter (Bid Submission Form) and the enclosures listed below, for a period of [ Purchaser insert: number from Bid Data Sheet ] days from the date fixed for submission of bids as stipulated in the Bidding Documents, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted by you at any time before the expiration of that period. Commissions or gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid by us to agents relating to this Bid, and to Contract execution if we are awarded the Contract, are listed below: Name and Address of Agent Etc. Amount and Currency [if none, state: “none”] Purpose of Commission or Gratuity Section VII. Sample Forms 385 Until the formal final Contract is prepared and executed between us, this bid, together with your written acceptance of the bid and your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you may receive. Dated this [ insert: ordinal ] day of [ insert: month ], [ insert: year ]. Signed: Date: In the capacity of [ insert: title or position ] Duly authorized to sign this bid for and on behalf of [ insert: name of Bidder ] ENCLOSURES: Price Schedules Bid-Securing Declaration or Bid-Security (if and as required) Signature Authorization [plus, in the case of a Joint Venture Bidder, list all other authorizations pursuant to ITB Clause 6.2] Attachment 1. Bidder’s Eligibility Attachment 2. Bidder’s Qualifications (including Manufacturer’s Authorizations and Subcontractor agreements if and as required) Attachment 3. Eligibility of Goods and Services Attachment 4. Conformity of the Information System to the Bidding Documents Attachment 5. Proposed Subcontractors Attachment 6. Intellectual Property (Software and Materials Lists) [if appropriate, specify further attachments or other enclosures] 386 Section VII. Sample Forms Bid Table of Contents and Checklist Note: Purchasers should expand and modify (as appropriate) the following table to reflect the required elements of the Bidder’s bid. As the following note to Bidders explains, it is in both the Purchaser’s and Bidder’s interest to provide this table and accurately fill it out. Note: Bidders should expand and (if appropriate) modify and complete the following table. The purpose of the table is to provide the Bidder with a summary checklist of items that must be included in the bid as described in ITB Clauses 13.1 and 16, in order for the bid to be considered for Contract award. The table also provides a summary page reference scheme to ease and speed the Purchaser’s bid evaluation process. Item Bid Submission Form...................................................... Price Schedules ............................................................... Bid-Securing Declaration / Bid-Security (if and as required) .......................................................................... Signature Authorization (for Joint Ventures additionally including the authorizations listed in ITB Clause 6.2) .... Attachment 1 ................................................................... Attachment 2 ................................................................... Manufacturer’s Authorizations ................................. Subcontractor agreements ......................................... Attachment 3 ................................................................... Attachment 4 ................................................................... Attachment 5 ................................................................... Attachment 6 ................................................................... ......................................................................................... present: y/n page no. Section VII. Sample Forms 387 2. PRICE SCHEDULE FORMS Note: in information systems procurement, the Contract Price (and payment schedule) should be linked as much as possible to achievement of operational capabilities, not just to the physical delivery of technology. 388 Section VII. Sample Forms 2.1 Preamble Note: Purchasers should highlight any special requirements of the System and Contract in a Preamble to the Price Schedules. The following is an example of one such preamble. General 1. The Price Schedules are divided into separate Schedules as follows: 2.2 Grand Summary Cost Table 2.3 Supply and Installation Cost Summary Table 2.4 Recurrent Cost Summary Table 2.5 Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table(s) 2.6 Recurrent Cost Sub-Tables(s) 2.7 Country of Origin Code Table [ insert: any other Schedules as appropriate ] 2. The Schedules do not generally give a full description of the information technologies to be supplied, installed, and operationally accepted, or the Services to be performed under each item. However, it is assumed that Bidders shall have read the Technical Requirements and other sections of these Bidding Documents to ascertain the full scope of the requirements associated with each item prior to filling in the rates and prices. The quoted rates and prices shall be deemed to cover the full scope of these Technical Requirements, as well as overhead and profit. 3. If Bidders are unclear or uncertain as to the scope of any item, they shall seek clarification in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders in the Bidding Documents prior to submitting their bid. Pricing 4. Prices shall be filled in indelible ink, and any alterations necessary due to errors, etc., shall be initialed by the Bidder. As specified in the Bid Data Sheet, prices shall be fixed and firm for the duration of the Contract. 5. Bid prices shall be quoted in the manner indicated and in the currencies specified in ITB Clauses 14 and 15 (ITB Clauses 27 and 28 in the two-stage SBD). Prices must correspond to items of the scope and quality defined in the Technical Requirements or elsewhere in these Bidding Documents. 6. The Bidder must exercise great care in preparing its calculations, since there is no opportunity to correct errors once the deadline for submission of bids has passed. A single error in specifying a unit price can therefore change a Bidder’s overall total bid price substantially, make the bid noncompetitive, or subject the Bidder to possible loss. Section VII. Sample Forms 389 The Purchaser will correct any arithmetic error in accordance with the provisions of ITB Clause 26.2 (ITB Clause 38.2 in the two-stage SBD). 7. Payments will be made to the Supplier in the currency or currencies indicated under each respective item. As specified in ITB Clause 15.1 (ITB Clause 28.1 in the twostage SBD), no more than three foreign currencies may be used. The price of an item should be unique regardless of installation site. 390 Section VII. Sample Forms 2.2 Grand Summary Cost Table [ insert: Local Currency ] Price 1. Supply and Installation Costs (from Supply and Installation Cost Summary Table) 2. Recurrent Costs (from Recurrent Cost Summary Table) 3. Grand Totals (to Bid Submission Form) Name of Bidder: Authorized Signature of Bidder: [ insert: Foreign Currency A ] Price [ insert: Foreign Currency B ] Price [ insert: Foreign Currency C ] Price Section VII. Sample Forms 391 2.3 Supply and Installation Cost Summary Table System or Subsystem number: [ if a multi-lot procurement, insert: Subsystem number; otherwise state “entire System procurement” ] [ as necessary for supply, installation, and achieving Operational Acceptance of the System, specify items in the Table below, modifying, deleting, or expanding the sample line items and sample table entries as needed. ] Costs MUST reflect prices and rates quoted in accordance with ITB Clauses 14 and 15 (ITB Clauses 27 and 28 in the two-stage SBD). Supply & Installation Prices Locally supplied items Line Item No. Subsystem / Item Supply and Installation Cost SubTable No. [ insert: Local Currency ] Price [ insert: Local Currency ] Price [ insert: Foreign Currency A] Price [ insert: Foreign Currency B] Price [ insert: Foreign Currency C] Price -- -- -- -- -- 0 Project Plan -- 1 Headquarters Subsystem 1 1.1 Hardware, LAN & General-Purpose Software 1 1.2 Database System 1 1.3 Training 1 2 Region 1 Branch Offices Subsystems Items supplied from outside the Purchaser’s Country 2 392 Section VII. Sample Forms Supply & Installation Prices Locally supplied items Line Item No. Subsystem / Item Supply and Installation Cost SubTable No. 2.1 Hardware, LAN & General-Purpose Software 2 2.2 Training 2 j Region J Branch Offices Subsystems j.1 Hardware, LAN & General-Purpose Software j.2 Subsystem Design and Programming Services j.3 Training j “ “ : k WAN and integrated database access Subsystems k k.1 WAN “ k.2 Database Access Software “ k.3 Training “ [ insert: Local Currency ] Price Items supplied from outside the Purchaser’s Country [ insert: Local Currency ] Price [ insert: Foreign Currency A] Price [ insert: Foreign Currency B] Price [ insert: Foreign Currency C] Price Section VII. Sample Forms 393 Supply & Installation Prices Locally supplied items Line Item No. Supply and Installation Cost SubTable No. Subsystem / Item [ insert: Local Currency ] Price Items supplied from outside the Purchaser’s Country [ insert: Local Currency ] Price [ insert: Foreign Currency A] Price [ insert: Foreign Currency B] Price [ insert: Foreign Currency C] Price : m Data Conversion Service m SUBTOTALS TOTAL (To Grand Summary Table) Note: - - indicates not applicable. “ indicates repetition of table entry above. Refer to the relevant Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table for the specific components that constitute each Subsystem or line item in this summary table Name of Bidder: Authorized Signature of Bidder: 394 Section VII. Sample Forms 2.4 Recurrent Cost Summary Table System or Subsystem number: [ if a multi-lot procurement, insert: Subsystem number, otherwise state “entire System procurement” ] [ as necessary for the operation of the System, specify items in the Table below, modifying the sample line items and sample table entries as needed. ] Costs MUST reflect prices and rates quoted in accordance with ITB Clauses 14 and 15 (ITB Clauses 27 and 28 in the two-stage SBD). Line Item No. Z Subsystem / Item Recurrent Cost SubTable No. [ insert: Local Currency ] Price [ insert: Foreign Currency A ] Price [ insert: Foreign Currency B ] Price [ insert: Foreign Currency C ] Price Recurrent Cost Items z.1 Headquarters Recurrent Cost Items n.1 z.2 Region 1 Recurrent Cost Items n.2 Subtotals (to Grand Summary Table) Note: Refer to the relevant Recurrent Cost Sub-Tables for the specific components that constitute the Subsystem or line item in this summary table. Name of Bidder: Authorized Signature of Bidder: Section VII. Sample Forms 2.5 395 Supply and Installation Cost Sub-Table [ insert: identifying number ] System or Subsystem number: [ if a multi-lot procurement, insert: Subsystem number; otherwise state “entire System procurement” ] Line item number: [ specify: relevant line item number from the Supply and Installation Cost Summary Table (e.g., 1.1) ] [ as necessary for supply, installation, and achieving Operational Acceptance of the System, specify: the detailed components and quantities in the Sub-Table below for the line item specified above, modifying the sample components and sample table entries as needed. Repeat the Sub-Table as needed to cover each and every line item in the Supply and Installation Cost Summary Table that requires elaboration. ] Prices, rates, and subtotals MUST be quoted in accordance with ITB Clauses 14 and 15 (ITB Clauses 27 and 28 in the two-stage SBD). Unit prices for the same item appearing several times in the table must be identical in amount and currency. Unit Prices / Rates Supplied Locally Compo- Component Country Quannent Description of Origin tity No. Code 1.1 Hardware – Finance Department 1.1.1 Supply of Advanced workstations 1.1.2 1.1.3 -- -- 4 Standard Workstations 12 High-speed Laser Printer 1 Total Prices Supplied from outside the Purchaser’s Country [ insert: local currency] [ insert: local currency] -- -- [ insert: [ insert [ insert: foreign foreign foreign currency currency currency A] B] C] -- -- -- Supplied Locally Supplied from outside the Purchaser’s Country [ insert: [ insert: local local currency] currency] [ insert: foreign currency A] [ insert: foreign currency B] [ insert: foreign currency C] 396 Section VII. Sample Forms Unit Prices / Rates Supplied Locally Compo- Component Country Quannent Description of Origin tity No. Code 1.1.4 1.1.5 Standardspeed Laser Printer Continuousfeed Printer Total Prices Supplied from outside the Purchaser’s Country [ insert: local currency] [ insert: local currency] [ insert [ insert: [ insert: foreign foreign foreign currency currency currency C] A] B] 3 3 1.1.6 Design and Programming Services related to Financial Report :1.1.7 Local transport and insurance 2. LAN Headquarters -- -- -- -- -- -- 2.1 Supply of Wiring Closet Hardware -- -- -- -- -- -- 2.1.1 Hubs 7 Supplied Locally Supplied from outside the Purchaser’s Country [ insert: [ insert: local local currency] currency] [ insert: foreign currency A] [ insert: foreign currency B] [ insert: foreign currency C] Section VII. Sample Forms 397 Unit Prices / Rates Supplied Locally Compo- Component Country Quannent Description of Origin tity No. Code Total Prices Supplied from outside the Purchaser’s Country [ insert: local currency] [ insert: local currency] [ insert [ insert: [ insert: foreign foreign foreign currency currency currency C] A] B] 2.1.2 Punch-down panel 7 2.1.3 Uninterrupted Power Supply (small) 7 2.1.4 Lockable Equipment Rack 7 2.2 In-Building Wiring -- -- -- -- -- -- 2.2.1 Server Room -- -- -- -- -- -- Dedicated Telephone Lines (data) 2 nodes -- -- -- -- -- : 2.2.2 Backbone and Risers (Fiber optic) 28 nodes 2.2.3 Departmental Wiring -- Supplied Locally Supplied from outside the Purchaser’s Country [ insert: [ insert: local local currency] currency] [ insert: foreign currency A] [ insert: foreign currency B] [ insert: foreign currency C] 398 Section VII. Sample Forms Unit Prices / Rates Supplied Locally Compo- Component Country Quannent Description of Origin tity No. Code Total Prices Supplied from outside the Purchaser’s Country [ insert: local currency] [ insert: local currency] [ insert [ insert: [ insert: foreign foreign foreign currency currency currency C] A] B] Finance Department 40 nodes 2.3 In-Building Wiring (Goods) -- -- -- -- -- -- 2.4 Local transport and insurance for Region 1 sites 3. Supply of GeneralPurpose Software -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Subtotals (to [ insert: line item ] of Supply and Installation Cost Summary Table) Note: - - indicates not applicable. Name of Bidder: Authorized Signature of Bidder: Supplied Locally Supplied from outside the Purchaser’s Country [ insert: [ insert: local local currency] currency] [ insert: foreign currency A] [ insert: foreign currency B] [ insert: foreign currency C] Section VII. Sample Forms 399 2.6 Recurrent Cost Sub-Table [ insert: identifying number ] Lot number: [ if a multi-lot procurement, insert: lot number, otherwise state “single lot procurement” ] Line item number: [ specify: relevant line item number from the Recurrent Cost Summary Table (e.g., z.1) ] Currency: [ specify: the currency of the Recurrent Costs in which the costs expressed in this Sub-Table are expressed ] [ as necessary for operation of the System, specify: the detailed components and quantities in the Sub-Table below for the line item specified above, modifying the sample components and sample table entries as needed. Repeat the Sub-Table as needed to cover each and every line item in the Recurrent Cost Summary Table that requires elaboration. ] Costs MUST reflect prices and rates quoted in accordance with ITB Clauses 14 and 15 (ITB Clauses 27 and 28 in the two-stage SBD). Unit prices for the same item appearing several times in the table must be identical in amount and currency. Maximum all-inclusive costs (for costs in [ insert: currency ]) Component No. Component Y1 Y2 Y3 Incl. in Warranty Incl. in Warranty 1. Hardware Maintenance Incl. in Warranty 2. Software Licenses & Updates Incl. in Warranty 2.1 System and GeneralPurpose Software Incl. in Warranty 2.2 Application, Standard and Custom Software Incl. in Warranty 3. Technical Services 3.1 Sr. Systems Analyst 3.2 Sr. Programmer Y4 ... Yn Sub-total for [ insert: currency ] 400 Section VII. Sample Forms Maximum all-inclusive costs (for costs in [ insert: currency ]) Component No. Component Y1 3.3 Sr. Network Specialist, ….. etc. 4. Telecommunications costs [to be detailed] 5. [Identify other recurrent costs as may apply] Y2 Y3 Y4 ... Yn Annual Subtotals: Sub-total for [ insert: currency ] -- Cumulative Subtotal (to [ insert: currency ] entry for [ insert: line item ] in the Recurrent Cost Summary Table) Name of Bidder: Authorized Signature of Bidder: Section VII. Sample Forms 401 2.7 Country of Origin Country Code Country of Origin Code Table Country of Origin Country Code Country of Origin Country Code 402 Section VII. Sample Forms 3. OTHER BID FORMS AND LISTS Section VII. Sample Forms 403 3.1 Manufacturer’s Authorization Invitation for Bids Title and No.: [If applicable:] Lot, Slice, Subsystem No(s).: To: ________________________________ WHEREAS _______________________________________ who are official producers of _______________________________________________ and having production facilities at __________________________________________________________ do hereby authorize __________________________________________________________________ located at _____________________________________________________ (hereinafter, the “Bidder”) to submit a bid and subsequently negotiate and sign a Contract with you for resale of the following Products produced by us: . We hereby confirm that, in case the bidding results in a Contract between you and the Bidder, the above-listed products will come with our full standard warranty. Name In the capacity of Signed Duly authorized to sign the authorization for and on behalf of : ________________________ Dated on _______________________________ day of ______________________, ______. Note: This authorization should be written on the letterhead of the Manufacturer and be signed by a person with the proper authority to sign documents that are binding on the Manufacturer. 404 Section VII. Sample Forms 3.2 Item List of Proposed Subcontractors Proposed Subcontractor Place of Registration & Qualifications Section VII. Sample Forms 405 3.3 Software List (select one per item) Software Item System Software GeneralPurpose Software Application Software (select one per item) Standard Software Custom Software 406 Section VII. Sample Forms 3.4 List of Custom Materials Custom Materials Section VII. Sample Forms 407 3.5.1 General Information Form All individual firms and each partner of a Joint Venture that are bidding must complete the information in this form. Nationality information should be provided for all owners or Bidders that are partnerships or individually owned firms. Where the Bidder proposes to use named Subcontractors for highly specialized components of the Information System, the following information should also be supplied for the Subcontractor(s), together with the information in Forms 3.5.2, 3.5.3, 3.5.3a, 3.5.4, and 3.5.5. Joint Ventures must also fill out Form 3.5.2a. 1. Name of firm 2. Head office address 3. Telephone Contact 4. Fax Telex 5. Place of incorporation / registration Year of incorporation / registration Nationality of owners¹ Name Nationality 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ¹/ To be completed by all owners of partnerships or individually owned firms. 408 Section VII. Sample Forms 3.5.2 General Information Systems Experience Record Name of Bidder or partner of a Joint Venture All individual firms and all partners of a Joint Venture must complete the information in this form with regard to the management of Information Systems contracts generally. The information supplied should be the annual turnover of the Bidder (or each member of a Joint Venture), in terms of the amounts billed to clients for each year for work in progress or completed, converted to U.S. dollars at the rate of exchange at the end of the period reported. The annual periods should be calendar years, with partial accounting for the year up to the date of submission of applications. This form may be included for Subcontractors only if the Bid Data Sheet for ITB Clause 6.1 (a) explicitly permits experience and resources of (certain) Subcontractors to contribute to the Bidder’s qualifications. A brief note on each contract should be appended, describing the nature of the Information System, duration and amount of contract, managerial arrangements, purchaser, and other relevant details. Use a separate page for each partner of a Joint Venture, and number these pages. Bidders should not enclose testimonials, certificates, and publicity material with their applications; they will not be taken into account in the evaluation of qualifications. Annual turnover data (applicable activities only) Year¹ Turnover US$ equivalent 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ¹/ Commencing with the partial year up to the date of submission of bids Section VII. Sample Forms 409 3.5.2a Joint Venture Summary Names of all partners of a Joint Venture 1. Partner in charge 2. Partner 3. Partner 4. Partner 5. Partner 6. etc. Total value of annual turnover, in terms of Information System billed to clients, in US$ equivalent, converted at the rate of exchange at the end of the period reported: Annual turnover data (applicable activities only; US$ equivalent) Partner 1. Partner in charge 2. Partner 3. Partner 4. Partner 5. Partner 6. Etc. Totals Form Year 1 3.5.2 page no. Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 410 Section VII. Sample Forms 3.5.3 Particular Information Systems Experience Record Name of Bidder or partner of a Joint Venture On separate pages, using the format of Form 3.5.3a, the Bidder is requested to list contracts of a similar nature, complexity, and requiring similar information technology and methodologies to the contract or contracts for which these Bidding Documents are issued, and which the Bidder has undertaken during the period, and of the number, specified in the BDS for ITB Clause 6.1 (a). Each partner of a Joint Venture should separately provide details of its own relevant contracts. The contract value should be based on the payment currencies of the contracts converted into U.S. dollars, at the date of substantial completion, or for ongoing contracts at the time of award. Section VII. Sample Forms 411 3.5.3a Details of Contracts of Similar Nature and Complexity Name of Bidder or partner of a Joint Venture Use a separate sheet for each contract. 1. Number of contract Name of contract Country 2. Name of Purchaser 3. Purchaser address 4. Nature of Information Systems and special features relevant to the contract for which the Bidding Documents are issued 5. Contract role (check one) Prime Supplier Joint Venture 6. Subcontractor Partner in a Amount of the total contract/subcontract/partner share (in specified currencies at completion, or at date of award for current contracts) Currency 7. Management Contractor Currency Currency Subcontract: $_______; Partner share: $_______; Equivalent amount US$ Total contract: $_______; 8. Date of award/completion 9. Contract was completed _____ months ahead/behind original schedule (if behind, provide explanation). 10. Contract was completed US$ _________ equivalent under/over original contract amount (if over, provide explanation). 11. Special contractual/technical requirements. 12. Indicate the approximate percent of total contract value (and US$ amount) of Information System undertaken by subcontract, if any, and the nature of such Information System. 412 Section VII. Sample Forms 3.5.4 Summary Sheet: Current Contract Commitments / Work in Progress Name of Bidder or partner of a Joint Venture Bidders and each partner to an Joint Venture bid should provide information on their current commitments on all contracts that have been awarded, or for which a letter of intent or acceptance has been received, or for contracts approaching completion, but for which an unqualified, full completion certificate has yet to be issued. Name of contract 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. etc. Purchaser, contact address/tel./fax Value of outstanding Information System (current US$ equivalent) Estimated completion date Average monthly invoicing over last six months (US$/month) Section VII. Sample Forms 413 3.5.5 Financial Capabilities Name of Bidder or partner of a Joint Venture Bidders, including each partner of a Joint Venture, shall provide financial information to demonstrate that they meet the requirements stated in the BDS for ITB Clause 6.1 (a). Each Bidder or partner of a Joint Venture shall complete this form. If necessary, separate sheets shall be used to provide complete banker information. A copy of the audited balance sheets shall be attached. Autonomous subdivisions of parent conglomerate businesses shall submit financial information related only to the particular activities of the subdivision. Banker Name of banker Address of banker Telephone Contact name and title Fax Telex Summarize actual assets and liabilities in U.S. dollar equivalent (at the rates of exchange current at the end of each year) for the previous five calendar years. Based upon known commitments, summarize projected assets and liabilities in U.S. dollar equivalent for the next two calendar years, unless the withholding of such information by stock market listed public companies can be substantiated by the Bidder. Financial information in US$ equivalent Actual: Projected: Previous five years Next two years 5 1. Total assets 2. Current assets 3. Total liabilities 4. Current liabilities 5. Profits before taxes 6. Profits after taxes 4 3 2 1 1 2 414 Section VII. Sample Forms Specify proposed sources of financing, such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means, net of current commitments, available to meet the total construction cash flow demands of the subject contract or contracts as indicated in the BDS for ITB Clause 6.1 (a). Source of financing Amount (US$ equivalent) 1. 2. 3. 4. Attach audited financial statements—including, as a minimum, profit and loss account, balance sheet, and explanatory notes—for the period stated in the BDS for ITB Clause 6.1 (a) (for the individual Bidder or each partner of a Joint Venture). If audits are not required by the laws of Bidders' countries of origin, partnerships and firms owned by individuals may submit their balance sheets certified by a registered accountant, and supported by copies of tax returns, Section VII. Sample Forms 415 3.5.6 Personnel Capabilities Name of Bidder For specific positions essential to contract management and implementation (and/or those specified in the Bidding Documents, if any), Bidders should provide the names of at least two candidates qualified to meet the specified requirements stated for each position. The data on their experience should be supplied on separate sheets using one Form 3.5.6a for each candidate. Bidders may propose alternative management and implementation arrangements requiring different key personnel, whose experience records should be provided. 1. Title of position Name of prime candidate Name of alternate candidate 2. Title of position Name of prime candidate Name of alternate candidate 3. Title of position Name of prime candidate Name of alternate candidate 4. Title of position Name of prime candidate Name of alternate candidate 416 Section VII. Sample Forms 3.5.6a Candidate Summary Name of Bidder Position Candidate Prime Candidate information Name of candidate Alternate Date of birth Professional qualifications Present employment Name of Employer Address of Employer Telephone Contact (manager / personnel officer) Fax Telex Job title of candidate Years with present Employer Summarize professional experience over the last twenty years, in reverse chronological order. Indicate particular technical and managerial experience relevant to the project. From To Company/Project/ Position/Relevant technical and management experience Section VII. Sample Forms 417 3.5.7 Technical Capabilities Name of Bidder The Bidder shall provide adequate information to demonstrate clearly that it has the technical capability to meet the requirements for the Information System. With this form, the Bidder should summarize important certifications, proprietary methodologies, and/or specialized technologies which the Bidder proposes to utilize in the execution of the Contract or Contracts. 418 Section VII. Sample Forms 3.5.8 Litigation History Name of Bidder or partner of a Joint Venture Bidders, including each of the partners of a Joint Venture, shall provide information on any history of litigation or arbitration resulting from contracts executed in the last five years or currently under execution. A separate sheet should be used for each partner of a Joint Venture. Year Award FOR Name of client, cause of litigation, and matter in Disputed amount or AGAINST dispute (current value, US$ Bidder equivalent) Section VII. Sample Forms 419 4. BID-SECURING DECLARATION IFB: [insert: title and number of IFB] To: [insert: name and address of Purchaser] We, the undersigned, declare that: We understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a Bid-Securing Declaration. We accept that we, and in the case of a Joint Venture all partners to it, will automatically be suspended from being eligible for participating in bidding for any contract with you for the period of time of [Purchaser insert: number of months or years], in case of, and starting from the date of, breaching our obligation(s) under the bidding conditions due to: (a) withdrawing our bid, or any part of our bid, during the period of bid validity specified in the Bid Submission Form or any extension of the period of bid validity which we subsequently agreed to; or (b) having been notified of the acceptance of our bid by you during the period of bid validity, (i) failing or refusing to execute the Contract Agreement, or (ii) failing or refusing to furnish the performance security, if required, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. We understand this Bid-Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not the successful Bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of your notification to us of the name of the successful Bidder; or (ii) twenty-eight days after the expiration of the period of bid validity. If the submission of alternative bids was permitted, and in case we did submit one or more alternative bids, this Bid-Securing Declaration applies to these parts of our bid as well. Signed: [insert: signature of person whose name and capacity are shown below] Name: [insert: name of person signing the Bid-Securing Declaration], in the capacity of [insert: legal capacity of person signing the Bid-Securing Declaration] Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of: [insert: name of Bidder] Dated on ____________ day of __________________, 20__ [add Corporate Seal (where appropriate)] [Note to Bidders: Joint Ventures need to ensure that, their Bid-Securing Declaration meets the requirements for Joint Ventures as stated in the ITB Clause on "Securing the Bid".] 420 Section VII. Sample Forms 4A. BID SECURITY (BANK GUARANTEE) ________________________________ [insert: Bank’s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office] Beneficiary: [insert: Name and Address of Purchaser] Date: [insert: date] BID GUARANTEE No.: [insert: Bid Guarantee Number] We have been informed that [insert: name of the Bidder] (hereinafter called "the Bidder") has submitted to you its bid dated [insert: bid date] (hereinafter called "the Bid") for the execution of [insert: name of contract] under Invitation for Bids No. [insert: IFB number]. Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a bid guarantee, and that the bid guarantee automatically covers any alternative bids included in the Bid, if the Bidder is permitted to offer alternatives and does so. At the request of the Bidder, we [insert: name of Bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of [insert: amount in figures] ([insert: amount in words]) upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Bidder is in breach of its obligation(s) under the bid conditions, because the Bidder: (a) has withdrawn the Bid (or any parts of it) during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder in the Bid Submission Form or any extension of the period of bid validity which the Bidder subsequently agreed to; or (b) having been notified of the acceptance of the Bid by you during the period of bid validity, (i) failed or refused to execute the Contract Agreement, or (ii) failed or refused to furnish the performance security, if required, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Bidder is the successful bidder, upon our receipt of copies of the contract signed by the Bidder and the performance security issued to you upon the instruction of the Bidder; or (b) if the Bidder is not the successful bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a copy of your notification to the Bidder of the name of the successful bidder; or (ii) twenty-eight days after the expiration of the Bid's validity. Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at the office on or before that date. This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 458. _____________________________ [Signature(s)] [Note to Bidders: Instructions on amount and currency can be found in the ITB Clause and BDS for "Securing the Bid." Joint Ventures need to also ensure that their Bank Guarantee meets the requirements for Joint Ventures as provided in the same Clause.] Section VII. Sample Forms 421 4B. BID SECURITY (BID BOND) BOND NO.: ______________________ BY THIS BOND, [insert: name of Bidder] as Principal (hereinafter called “the Principal”), and [insert: name, legal title, and address of surety], authorized to transact business in [insert: name of Purchaser's country], as Surety (hereinafter called “the Surety”), are held and firmly bound unto [insert name of Purchaser] as Obligee (hereinafter called “the Purchaser”) in the sum of [insert amount of Bond in currency, figures and words], for the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, we, the said Principal and Surety, bind ourselves, our successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS the Principal has submitted a written bid to the Purchaser dated the ___ day of ______, 20__, for the execution of [insert: name of contract] (hereinafter called "the Bid”). If the Principal was permitted by the bidding conditions to submit alternative bid(s) and did so, then these are deemed part of the Bid and thus covered by this Bond. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that if the Principal: (a) withdraws the Bid (or any parts of it) during the period of the Bid's validity specified in the Bid Submission Form, or any extension of the period of the Bid's validity the Principal subsequently agreed to, notice of which to the Surety is hereby waived; or (b) having been notified of the acceptance of the Bid by the Purchaser during the period of the Bid's validity, (i) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Agreement, or (ii) fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, if required, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders; then the Surety undertakes to immediately pay to the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of the Purchaser's first written demand, without the Purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the Purchaser shall state that the demand arises from the occurrence of any of the above events, specifying which event(s) has/have occurred. The Surety hereby agrees that its obligation will remain in full force and effect up to and including the date 28 days after the date of expiration of the Bid's validity. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have caused these presents to be executed in their respective names this ____ day of ____________ 20__. Principal: _______________________ Surety: ______________________________ [add Corporate Seal(s) (where appropriate)] _______________________________ ____________________________________ [Signature] [Signature] _______________________________ ____________________________________ [state: printed name and title] [state: printed name and title] [Note to Bidders: Instructions on amount and currency can be found in the ITB Clause and BDS for "Securing the Bid." Joint Ventures need to also ensure that their Bid Bond meets the requirements for Joint Ventures as provided in the same Clause.] 422 Section VII. Sample Forms 5. CONTRACT AGREEMENT THIS CONTRACT AGREEMENT is made the [ insert: ordinal ] day of [ insert: month ], [ insert: year ]. BETWEEN (1) [ insert: Name of Purchaser ], a [ insert: description of type of legal entity, for example, an agency of the Ministry of . . . ] of the Government of [ insert: country of Purchaser ], or corporation incorporated under the laws of [ insert: country of Purchaser ] and having its principal place of business at [ insert: address of Purchaser ] (hereinafter called “the Purchaser”), and (2) [ insert: name of Supplier], a corporation incorporated under the laws of [ insert: country of Supplier] and having its principal place of business at [ insert: address of Supplier ] (hereinafter called “the Supplier”). WHEREAS the Purchaser desires to engage the Supplier to supply, install, achieve Operational Acceptance of, and support the following Information System [ insert: brief description of the Information System ] (“the System”), and the Supplier has agreed to such engagement upon and subject to the terms and conditions appearing below in this Contract Agreement. NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows: Article 1. Contract Documents 1.1 Contract Documents (Reference GCC Clause 1.1 (a) (ii)) The following documents shall constitute the Contract between the Purchaser and the Supplier, and each shall be read and construed as an integral part of the Contract: (a) This Contract Agreement and the Appendices attached to the Contract Agreement (b) Special Conditions of Contract (c) General Conditions of Contract (d) Technical Requirements (including Implementation Schedule) (e) The Supplier’s bid and original Price Schedules (f) [ Add here: any other documents ] Section VII. Sample Forms 1.2 423 Order of Precedence (Reference GCC Clause 2) In the event of any ambiguity or conflict between the Contract Documents listed above, the order of precedence shall be the order in which the Contract Documents are listed in Article 1.1 (Contract Documents) above, provided that Appendix 7 shall prevail over all provisions of the Contract Agreement and the other Appendices attached to the Contract Agreement and all the other Contract Documents listed in Article 1.1 above. 1.3 Definitions (Reference GCC Clause 1) Capitalized words and phrases used in this Contract Agreement shall have the same meanings as are ascribed to them in the General Conditions of Contract. Article 2. 2.1 Contract Price and Terms of Payment Contract Price (Reference GCC Clause 1.1(a)(viii) and GCC Clause 11) The Purchaser hereby agrees to pay to the Supplier the Contract Price in consideration of the performance by the Supplier of its obligations under the Contract. The Contract Price shall be the aggregate of: [ insert: amount of foreign currency A in words ], [insert: amount in figures ], plus [ insert: amount of foreign currency B in words ], [insert: amount in figures ], plus [ insert: amount of foreign currency C in words ], [insert: amount in figures ], [ insert: amount of local currency in words ], [ insert: amount in figures ], as specified in the Grand Summary Price Schedule. The Contract Price shall be understood to reflect the terms and conditions used in the specification of prices in the detailed price schedules, including the terms and conditions of the associated Incoterms, and the taxes, duties and related levies if and as identified. Article 3. Effective Date for Determining Time for Operational Acceptance 3.1 Effective Date (Reference GCC Clause 1.1 (e) (ix)) The time allowed for supply, installation, and achieving Operational Acceptance of the System shall be determined from the date when all of the following conditions have been fulfilled: (a) This Contract Agreement has been duly executed for and on behalf of the Purchaser and the Supplier; (b) The Supplier has submitted to the Purchaser the performance security and the advance payment security, in accordance with GCC Clause 13.2 and GCC Clause 13.3; (c) The Purchaser has paid the Supplier the advance payment, 424 Section VII. Sample Forms in accordance with GCC Clause 12; (d) [ specify here: any other conditions, for example, opening/confirmation of letter of credit ]. Each party shall use its best efforts to fulfill the above conditions for which it is responsible as soon as practicable. Article 4. 3.2 If the conditions listed under 3.1 are not fulfilled within two (2) months from the date of this Contract Agreement because of reasons not attributable to the Supplier, the parties shall discuss and agree on an equitable adjustment to the Contract Price and the Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance and/or other relevant conditions of the Contract. 4.1 The Appendixes listed below shall be deemed to form an integral part of this Contract Agreement. 4.2 Reference in the Contract to any Appendix shall mean the Appendixes listed below and attached to this Contract Agreement, and the Contract shall be read and construed accordingly. Appendixes APPENDIXES Appendix 1. Appendix 2. Appendix 3. Appendix 4. Appendix 5. Appendix 6. Appendix 7. Supplier’s Representative Adjudicator [if there is no Adjudicator, state “not applicable”] List of Approved Subcontractors Categories of Software Custom Materials Revised Price Schedules (if any) Minutes of Contract Finalization Discussions and Agreed-to Contract Amendments Section VII. Sample Forms 425 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Purchaser and the Supplier have caused this Agreement to be duly executed by their duly authorized representatives the day and year first above written. For and on behalf of the Purchaser Signed: in the capacity of [ insert: title or other appropriate designation ] in the presence of For and on behalf of the Supplier Signed: in the capacity of [ insert: title or other appropriate designation ] in the presence of CONTRACT AGREEMENT dated the [ insert: number ] day of [ insert: month ], [ insert: year ] BETWEEN [ insert: name of Purchaser ], “the Purchaser” and [ insert: name of Supplier ], “the Supplier” 426 Section VII. Sample Forms Appendix 1. Supplier’s Representative In accordance with GCC Clause 1.1 (b) (iv), the Supplier’s Representative is: Name: [ insert: name and provide title and address further below, or state “to be nominated within fourteen (14) days of the Effective Date” ] Title: [ if appropriate, insert: title ] In accordance with GCC Clause 4.3, the Supplier's addresses for notices under the Contract are: Address of the Supplier's Representative: [ as appropriate, insert: personal delivery, postal, cable, telegraph, telex, facsimile, electronic mail, and/or EDI addresses. ] Fallback address of the Supplier: [ as appropriate, insert: personal delivery, postal, cable, telegraph, telex, facsimile, electronic mail, and/or EDI addresses. ] Section VII. Sample Forms 427 Appendix 2. Adjudicator In accordance with GCC Clause 1.1 (b) (vi), the agreed-upon Adjudicator is: Name: [ insert: name ] Title: [ insert: title ] Address: [ insert: postal address ] Telephone: [ insert: telephone ] In accordance with GCC Clause 6.1.3, the agreed-upon fees and reimbursable expenses are: Hourly Fees: [ insert: hourly fees ] Reimbursable Expenses: [ list: reimbursables ] Pursuant to GCC Clause 6.1.4, if at the time of Contract signing, agreement has not been reached between the Purchaser and the Supplier, an Adjudicator will be appointed by the Appointing Authority named in the SCC. 428 Section VII. Sample Forms Appendix 3. List of Approved Subcontractors The Purchaser has approved use of the following Subcontractors nominated by the Supplier for carrying out the item or component of the System indicated. Where more than one Subcontractor is listed, the Supplier is free to choose between them, but it must notify the Purchaser of its choice sufficiently in advance of the time when the subcontracted work needs to commence to give the Purchaser reasonable time for review. In accordance with GCC Clause 20.1, the Supplier is free to submit proposals for Subcontractors for additional items from time to time. No subcontracts shall be placed with any such Subcontractors for additional items until the Subcontractors have been approved in writing by the Purchaser and their names have been added to this list of Approved Subcontractors, subject to GCC Clause 20.3. [ specify: item, approved Subcontractors, and their place of registration that the Supplier proposed in the corresponding attachment to its bid and that the Purchaser approves that the Supplier engage during the performance of the Contract. Add additional pages as necessary. ] Item Approved Subcontractors Place of Registration Section VII. Sample Forms 429 Appendix 4. Categories of Software The following table assigns each item of Software supplied and installed under the Contract to one of the three categories: (i) System Software, (ii) General-Purpose Software, or (iii) Application Software; and to one of the two categories: (i) Standard Software or (ii) Custom Software. (select one per item) Software Item System Software GeneralPurpose Software Application Software (select one per item) Standard Software Custom Software 430 Section VII. Sample Forms Appendix 5. Custom Materials The follow table specifies the Custom Materials the Supplier will provide under the Contract. Custom Materials Section VII. Sample Forms 431 Appendix 6. Revised Price Schedules The attached Revised Price Schedules (if any) shall form part of this Contract Agreement and, where differences exist, shall supersede the Price Schedules contained in the Supplier’s Bid. These Revised Price Schedules reflect any corrections or adjustments to the Supplier’s bid price, pursuant to the ITB Clauses 18.3, 26.2, and 33.1 (ITB Clauses 30.3, 38.2, and 45.1 in the two-stage SBD). 432 Section VII. Sample Forms Appendix 7. Minutes of Contract Finalization Discussions and Agreed-to Contract Amendments The attached Contract amendments (if any) shall form part of this Contract Agreement and, where differences exist, shall supersede the relevant clauses in the GCC, SCC, Technical Requirements, or other parts of this Contract as defined in GCC Clause 1.1 (a) (ii). Section VII. Sample Forms 6. PERFORMANCE AND ADVANCE PAYMENT SECURITY FORMS 433 434 Section VII. Sample Forms 6.1 Performance Security Form (Bank Guarantee) ________________________________ [insert: Bank’s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office] Beneficiary: [insert: Name and Address of Purchaser] Date: [insert: date] PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE No.: [insert: Performance Guarantee Number] We have been informed that on [insert: date of award] you awarded Contract No. [insert: Contract number] for [insert: title and/or brief description of the Contract] (hereinafter called "the Contract") to [insert: complete name of Supplier] (hereinafter called "the Supplier"). Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a performance guarantee is required. At the request of the Supplier, we hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum(s) not exceeding [insert: amount(s)1 in figures and words] upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing declaring the Supplier to be in default under the Contract, without cavil or argument, or your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein. On the date of your issuing, to the Supplier, the Operational Acceptance Certificate for the System, the value of this guarantee will be reduced to any sum(s) not exceeding [insert: amount(s)1 in figures and words]. This remaining guarantee shall expire no later than [insert: number and select: of months/of years (of the Warranty Period that needs to be covered by the remaining guarantee)] from the date of the Operational Acceptance Certificate for the System,2 and any demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date. This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 458, except that subparagraph (ii) of Sub-article 20 (a) is hereby excluded. _______________________ [Signature(s)] 1 The bank shall insert the amount(s) specified and denominated in the SCC for GCC Clauses 13.3.1 and 13.3.4 respectively, either in the currency(ies) of the Contract or a freely convertible currency acceptable to the Purchaser. 2 In this sample form, the formulation of this paragraph reflects the usual SCC provisions for GCC Clause 13.3. However, if the SCC for GCC Clauses 13.3.1 and 13.3.4 varies from the usual provisions, the paragraph, and possibly the previous paragraph, need to be adjusted to precisely reflect the provisions specified in the SCC. Section VII. Sample Forms 6.2 435 Advance Payment Security Form (Bank Guarantee) (Not Used) [insert: Bank’s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office] Beneficiary: [insert: Name and Address of Purchaser] Date: [insert: date] ADVANCE PAYMENT GUARANTEE No.: Number] [insert: Advance Payment Guarantee We have been informed that on [insert: date of award] you awarded Contract No. [insert: Contract number] for [insert: title and/or brief description of the Contract] (hereinafter called "the Contract") to [insert: complete name of Supplier] (hereinafter called "the Supplier"). Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, an advance payment in the sum of [insert: amount in numbers and words, for each currency of the advance payment] is to be made to the Supplier against an advance payment guarantee. At the request of the Supplier, we hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total the amount of the advance payment referred to above, upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing declaring that the Supplier is in breach of its obligations under the Contract because the Supplier used the advance payment for purposes other than toward the proper execution of the Contract. It is a condition for any claim and payment to be made under this guarantee that the advance payment referred to above must have been received by the Supplier on its account [insert: number and domicile of the account]. For each payment after the advance payment, which you will make to the Supplier under this Contract, the maximum amount of this guarantee shall be reduced by the ninth part of such payment.1 At the time at which the amount guaranteed becomes nil, this guarantee shall become null and void, whether the original is returned to us or not. This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 458. ______________________ [Signature(s)] 1 This sample formulation assumes an Advance Payment of 10% of the Contract Price excluding Recurrent Costs, and implementation of the main option proposed by this SBD in the SCC for GCC Clause 13.2.2 for gradually reducing the value of the Advance Payment Security. If the Advance Payment is other than 10%, or if the reduction in amount of the security follows a different approach, this paragraph would need to be adjusted and edited accordingly. 436 Section VII. Sample Forms 7. INSTALLATION AND ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATES Section VII. Sample Forms 437 7.1 Installation Certificate Date: [ insert: date ] Loan/Credit Number: [ insert: loan or credit number from IFB ] IFB: [ insert: title and number of IFB ] Contract: [ insert: name and number of Contract ] To: [ insert: name and address of Supplier ] Dear Sir or Madam: Pursuant to GCC Clause 26 (Installation of the System) of the Contract entered into between yourselves and the [ insert: name of Purchaser ] (hereinafter the “Purchaser”) dated [ insert: date of Contract ], relating to the [ insert: brief description of the Information System ], we hereby notify you that the System (or a Subsystem or major component thereof) was deemed to have been correctly installed on the date specified below. 1. Description of the System (or relevant Subsystem or major component: [ insert: description ] 2. Date of Installation: [ insert: date ] Notwithstanding the above, you are required to complete the outstanding items listed in the attachment to this certificate as soon as practicable. This letter shall not relieve you of your obligation to achieve Operational Acceptance of the System in accordance with the Contract nor of your obligations during the Warranty Period. For and on behalf of the Purchaser Signed: Date: in the capacity of: [ state: “Project Manager” or state the title of a higher level authority in the Purchaser’s organization ] 438 Section VII. Sample Forms 7.2 Operational Acceptance Certificate Date: [ insert: date ] Loan/Credit Number: [ insert: loan or credit number from IFB ] IFB: [ insert: title and number of IFB ] Contract: [ insert: name of System or Subsystem and number of Contract ] To: [ insert: name and address of Supplier ] Dear Sir or Madam: Pursuant to GCC Clause 27 (Commissioning and Operational Acceptance) of the Contract entered into between yourselves and the [ insert: name of Purchaser ] (hereinafter the “Purchaser”) dated [ insert: date of Contract ], relating to the [ insert: brief description of the Information System ], we hereby notify you the System (or the Subsystem or major component identified below) successfully completed the Operational Acceptance Tests specified in the Contract. In accordance with the terms of the Contract, the Purchaser hereby takes over the System (or the Subsystem or major component identified below), together with the responsibility for care and custody and the risk of loss thereof on the date mentioned below. 1. Description of the System (or Subsystem or major component): description ] 2. [ insert: Date of Operational Acceptance: [ insert: date ] This letter shall not relieve you of your remaining performance obligations under the Contract nor of your obligations during the Warranty Period. For and on behalf of the Purchaser Signed: Date: in the capacity of: [ state: “Project Manager” or higher level authority in the Purchaser’s organization ] Section VII. Sample Forms 439 8. CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES AND FORMS Date: [ insert: date ] Loan/Credit Number: [ insert: loan or credit number from IFB ] IFB: [ insert: title and number of IFB ] Contract: [ insert: name or System or Subsystem and number of Contract ] General This section provides samples of procedures and forms for carrying out changes to the System during the performance of the Contract in accordance with GCC Clause 39 (Changes to the System) of the Contract. Change Order Log The Supplier shall keep an up-to-date Change Order Log to show the current status of Requests for Change and Change Orders authorized or pending. Changes shall be entered regularly in the Change Order Log to ensure that the log is kept up-to-date. The Supplier shall attach a copy of the current Change Order Log in the monthly progress report to be submitted to the Purchaser. References to Changes (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Request for Change Proposals (including Application for Change Proposals) shall be serially numbered CR-nnn. Change Estimate Proposals shall be numbered CN-nnn. Estimate Acceptances shall be numbered CA-nnn. Change Proposals shall be numbered CP-nnn. Change Orders shall be numbered CO-nnn. On all forms, the numbering shall be determined by the original CR-nnn. Annexes 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Request for Change Proposal Form Change Estimate Proposal Form Estimate Acceptance Form Change Proposal Form Change Order Form Application for Change Proposal Form 440 Section VII. Sample Forms 8.1 Request for Change Proposal Form (Purchaser’s Letterhead) Date: [ insert: date ] Loan/Credit Number: [ insert: loan or credit number from IFB ] IFB: [ insert: title and number of IFB ] Contract: [ insert: name of System or Subsystem or number of Contract ] To: [ insert: name of Supplier and address ] Attention: [ insert: name and title ] Dear Sir or Madam: With reference to the above-referenced Contract, you are requested to prepare and submit a Change Proposal for the Change noted below in accordance with the following instructions within [ insert: number ] days of the date of this letter. 1. Title of Change: [ insert: title ] 2. Request for Change No./Rev.: [ insert: number ] 3. Originator of Change: [ select Purchaser / Supplier (by Application for Change Proposal), and add: name of originator ] 4. Brief Description of Change: [ insert: description ] 5. System (or Subsystem or major component affected by requested Change): [ insert: description ] 6. Technical documents and/or drawings for the request of Change: Section VII. Sample Forms Document or Drawing No. 441 Description 7. Detailed conditions or special requirements of the requested Change: description ] 8. Procedures to be followed: 9. [ insert: (a) Your Change Proposal will have to show what effect the requested Change will have on the Contract Price. (b) Your Change Proposal shall explain the time it will take to complete the requested Change and the impact, if any, it will have on the date when Operational Acceptance of the entire System agreed in the Contract. (c) If you believe implementation of the requested Change will have a negative impact on the quality, operability, or integrity of the System, please provide a detailed explanation, including other approaches that might achieve the same impact as the requested Change. (d) You should also indicate what impact the Change will have on the number and mix of staff needed by the Supplier to perform the Contract. (e) You shall not proceed with the execution of work related to the requested Change until we have accepted and confirmed the impact it will have on the Contract Price and the Implementation Schedule in writing. As next step, please respond using the Change Estimate Proposal form, indicating how much it will cost you to prepare a concrete Change Proposal that will describe the proposed approach for implementing the Change, all its elements, and will also address the points in paragraph 8 above pursuant to GCC Clause 39.2.1. Your Change Estimate Proposal should contain a first approximation of the proposed approach, and implications for schedule and cost, of the Change. For and on behalf of the Purchaser Signed: Date: in the capacity of: [ state: “Project Manager” or higher level authority in the Purchaser’s organization ] 442 Section VII. Sample Forms 8.2 Change Estimate Proposal Form (Supplier’s Letterhead) Date: [ insert: date ] Loan/Credit Number: [ insert: loan or credit number from IFB ] IFB: [ insert: title and number of IFB ] Contract: [ insert: name of System or Subsystem and number of Contract ] To: [ insert: name of Purchaser and address ] Attention: [ insert: name and title ] Dear Sir or Madam: With reference to your Request for Change Proposal, we are pleased to notify you of the approximate cost of preparing the below-referenced Change in accordance with GCC Clause 39.2.1 of the Contract. We acknowledge that your agreement to the cost of preparing the Change Proposal, in accordance with GCC Clause 39.2.2, is required before we proceed to prepare the actual Change Proposal including a detailed estimate of the cost of implementing the Change itself. 1. Title of Change: [ insert: title ] 2. Request for Change No./Rev.: [ insert: number ] 3. Brief Description of Change (including proposed implementation approach): [ insert: description ] 4. Schedule Impact of Change (initial estimate): [ insert: description ] 5. Initial Cost Estimate for Implementing the Change: [insert: initial cost estimate] Section VII. Sample Forms 6. 443 Cost for Preparation of Change Proposal: [ insert: cost in the currencies of the Contract ], as detailed below in the breakdown of prices, rates, and quantities. For and on behalf of the Supplier Signed: Date: in the capacity of: [ state: “Supplier’s Representative” or other higher level authority in the Supplier’s organization ] 444 Section VII. Sample Forms 8.3 Estimate Acceptance Form (Purchaser’s Letterhead) Date: [ insert: date ] Loan/Credit Number: [ insert: loan or credit number from IFB ] IFB: [ insert: title and number of IFB ] Contract: [ insert: name of System or Subsystem and number of Contract ] To: [ insert: name of Supplier and address ] Attention: [ insert: name and title ] Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby accept your Change Estimate and agree that you should proceed with the preparation of a formal Change Proposal. 1. Title of Change: [ insert: title ] 2. Request for Change No./Rev.: [ insert: request number / revision ] 3. Change Estimate Proposal No./Rev.: [ insert: proposal number / revision ] 4. Estimate Acceptance No./Rev.: [ insert: estimate number / revision ] 5. Brief Description of Change: [ insert: description ] 6. Other Terms and Conditions: In the event that we decide not to order the Change referenced above, you shall be entitled to compensation for the cost of preparing the Change Proposal up to the amount Section VII. Sample Forms 445 estimated for this purpose in the Change Estimate Proposal, in accordance with GCC Clause 39 of the General Conditions of Contract. For and on behalf of the Purchaser Signed: Date: in the capacity of: [ state: “Project Manager” or higher level authority in the Purchaser’s organization ] 446 Section VII. Sample Forms 8.4 Change Proposal Form (Supplier’s Letterhead) Date: [ insert: date ] Loan/Credit Number: [ insert: loan or credit number from IFB ] IFB: [ insert: title and number of IFB ] Contract: [ insert: name of System or Subsystem and number of Contract ] To: [ insert: name of Purchaser and address ] Attention: [ insert: name and title ] Dear Sir or Madam: In response to your Request for Change Proposal No. [ insert: number ], we hereby submit our proposal as follows: 1. Title of Change: [ insert: name ] 2. Change Proposal No./Rev.: [ insert: proposal number/revision ] 3. Originator of Change: [ select: Purchaser / Supplier; and add: name] 4. Brief Description of Change: [ insert: description ] 5. Reasons for Change: [ insert: reason ] 6. The System Subsystem, major component, or equipment that will be affected by the requested Change: [ insert: description ] 7. Technical documents and/or drawings for the requested Change: Section VII. Sample Forms Document or Drawing No. 8. 447 Description Estimate of the increase/decrease to the Contract Price resulting from the proposed Change: [ insert: amount in currencies of Contract ], as detailed below in the breakdown of prices, rates, and quantities. Total lump sum cost of the Change: Cost to prepare this Change Proposal (i.e., the amount payable if the Change is not accepted, limited as provided by GCC Clause 39.2.6): 9. Additional Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance required due to the Change: [ insert: amount in days / weeks ] 10. Effect on the Functional Guarantees: [ insert: description ] 11. Effect on the other terms and conditions of the Contract: [ insert: description ] 12. Validity of this Proposal: for a period of [ insert: number ] days after receipt of this Proposal by the Purchaser 13. Procedures to be followed: (a) You are requested to notify us of your acceptance, comments, or rejection of this detailed Change Proposal within [ insert: number ] days from your receipt of this Proposal. (b) The amount of any increase and/or decrease shall be taken into account in the adjustment of the Contract Price. For and on behalf of the Supplier Signed: Date: in the capacity of: [ state: “Supplier’s Representative” or other higher level authority in the Supplier’s organization ] 448 Section VII. Sample Forms 8.5 Change Order Form (Purchaser’s Letterhead) Date: [ insert: date ] Loan/Credit Number: [ insert: loan or credit number from IFB ] IFB: [ insert: title and number of IFB ] Contract: [ insert: name of System or Subsystem and number of Contract ] To: [ insert: name of Supplier and address ] Attention: [ insert: name and title ] Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby approve the Change Order for the work specified in Change Proposal No. [ insert: number ], and agree to adjust the Contract Price, Time for Completion, and/or other conditions of the Contract in accordance with GCC Clause 39 of the Contract. 1. Title of Change: [ insert: name ] 2. Request for Change No./Rev.: [ insert: request number / revision ] 3. Change Order No./Rev.: [ insert: order number / revision ] 4. Originator of Change: [ select: Purchaser / Supplier; and add: name ] 5. Authorized Price for the Change: Ref. No.: [ insert: number ] Date: [ insert: date ] Section VII. Sample Forms 449 [ insert: amount in foreign currency A ] plus [ insert: amount in foreign currency B ] plus [ insert: amount in foreign currency C ] plus [ insert: amount in local currency ] 6. Adjustment of Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance: [ insert: amount and description of adjustment ] 7. Other effects, if any: [ state: “none” or insert description ] For and on behalf of the Purchaser Signed: Date: in the capacity of: [ state: “Project Manager” or higher level authority in the Purchaser’s organization ] For and on behalf of the Supplier Signed: Date: in the capacity of: [ state “Supplier’s Representative” or higher level authority in the Supplier’s organization ] 450 Section VII. Sample Forms 8.6 Application for Change Proposal Form (Supplier’s Letterhead) Date: [ insert: date ] Loan/Credit Number: [ insert: loan or credit number from IFB ] IFB: [ insert: title and number of IFB ] Contract: [ insert: name of System or Subsystem and number of Contract ] To: [ insert: name of Purchaser and address ] Attention: [ insert: name and title ] Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby propose that the below-mentioned work be treated as a Change to the System. 1. Title of Change: [ insert: name ] 2. Application for Change Proposal No./Rev.: [ insert: date ] 3. Brief Description of Change: [ insert: description ] 4. Reasons for Change: [ insert: description ] 5. Order of Magnitude Estimation: [ insert: amount in currencies of the Contract ] 6. Schedule Impact of Change: [ insert: description ] 7. Effect on Functional Guarantees, if any: [ insert: description ] [ insert: number / revision] dated: Section VII. Sample Forms 8. 451 Appendix: [ insert: titles (if any); otherwise state “none” ] For and on behalf of the Supplier Signed: Date: in the capacity of: [ state: “Supplier’s Representative” or higher level authority in the Supplier’s organization ]