12 - www.americanflagpole.com Courtyard Series – ESS ESS Standard Features • Gold Anodized Aluminum Ball • Cast Aluminum Single Stationary Truck Assembly with Aluminum Pulley • Complete External Halyard Assembly - Rope Halyard - #10 Polypropylene - Two Heavy-Duty Stainless Steel Swivel Snap Hooks - Two Neoprene Snap Hook Covers • 9” Heavy-Duty Aluminum Cleat • Spun Aluminum Flash Collar • PVC Ground Sleeve External Single Stationary Rope Halyard The Courtyard Series from American Flagpole offers flagpoles with heights from 15’ to 35’ which are ideal for residential homes, small businesses and commercial complexes. An External Stationary version of our Architectural Elite Series, these economical flagpoles are manufactured to the same stringent quality standards as all American Flagpole products. Optional Features • Shoe Base Designs for surface mount installations are available with Courtyard Series – ESS Flagpoles with butt diameters larger than 3" • Locking Cleat and Halyard Covers Gold Anodized Aluminum Ball External Stationary Truck Rope Halyard Mounting Height Two Stainless Steel Swivel Snap Hooks with Neoprene Covers Cleat Butt Diameter Spun Aluminum Collar PVC Ground Sleeve ESS - External Single Stationary Max Max Catalog Mounting ButtTop Wall Set Flagpole Flagpole Max Wind Speed Wind Speed Number HeightDiaDiaThicknessDepth Sections Weight Flag Size w/FlagNo Flag ESS15B31 ESS20B31 ESS20B41 ESS25B31 ESS25B41 ESS30B41 ESS30B51 ESS35B51 15' 20' 20' 25' 25' 30' 30' 35' 3" 3" 4" 3" 4" 4" 5" 5" 1.875" 1.875" 1.875" 1.875" 3" 3" 3" 3" .125" .125" .125" .125" .125" .125" .125" .125" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-6" 2'-6" 3'-0" 3'-0" 3'-6" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 48 60 82 75 88 106 128 149 3' x 5' 4' x 6' 4' x 6' 5' x 8' 5' x 8' 6' x 10' 6' x 10' 6' x 10' 110 80 100 60 80 60 75 65 150 105 125 85 100 80 95 75