ACCOUNT TRANSFER FORM Ameritrade TO TRANSFER YOUR EXISTING ACCOUNT TO TD AMERITRADE lnstitutional Account # Advisor Code Case # PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR LATEST STATEMENT. ureanng Numoer: Social Security Numberffax lD: EPersonal llndividual Trust ! Limiteo Liability Company I Rotn tRn figg f] (Non-Qualified) flEstate flCorporate l.toint EPa(nership/lnvestmentClub ETraditional lRA,/Rollover IRA Qualiried Retirement Plan Employer Plan Type: ESEPIRA ESimplelRA ECoverdell ESA I Beneficiary IRA lother: INFORMATION ON THE ACCOUNT YOU ARE TRANSFERRING FROM Ac@unt Number Account Title/Registralion as shown on your staiement: Name of Delivering Firm Physical Address of Fin Telephone Number (requiredr: (no PO BOX): lne E Oualified Retirement Plan club Esep tnn E simple IRA Has SIMPLE IRA been lunded for at least two years? Trust E Limiteo Liabitity Company llndividual (Non-Qualitied) ElPersonat lJoint EEstate E [Corporate ElTraditional lRA,/Rollover ERotn Employer Plan Type: Partnership/lnvestment [Yes IRA ICoverdell ESA I Eruo Beneficiary IRA LIST THE ASSETS YOU WANT TO TRANSFER A. Transfer from an ACAT eligible Brokerage Firm, Bank, lnsurance/Annuity Co., Trust Co., or Transfer Agent - Check box for full or partial transfer. For partial transfers, list descriptions of assets and shares. Unless otherwise indicated, TD Ameritrade will transfer in full. Please note - The ACAT system does not allow for liquidation requesls. To place trades, please contact your current custodian prior to submitting the transfer request. Most banks, insurancelannuity, and trust companies require original welink signature mailed to TD Ameritrade. lf transfening in Alternative lnvestments, please obtain a copy of the Transfer ln Only Alternative lnvestment Client Gustody Agreement from your Advisor, the terms of which will apply to our custody of your Alternative lnvestments. No signature is required. El Full Transfer - To transfer entire account, check box skip to Section 4 (if applicable), then to the Signature and EI Partial Transfer - List specific security. lf bonds are being transfened, please supply the Bond CUSIP. Section. D€scription of Asset Quanttty (Parlial tran sfers only) (lndicate # ot shares or "ALLJ Descriptlon of Assot (P a rtia I tran sfers on ly) For additional securities, see attached list. r ilililil ilil ilil ilil ilil Iilil ililililil ilil ilil Page l of 5 Quarttty (lndicate # of *]€,res or iqll? fi TDAr 9582 REV 07/15 Annuity/Life lnsurance Policy: I have an annuity or life insurance policy I wish to liquidate and have the proceeds sent to TD Ameritrade. Please choose one option: E E E E Please redeem and terminate entire contract or policy on my behalf. I understand that penalties may apply. Please redeem and terminate entire contract or policy on my behatf. The entire contract or policy is penalty-free. Please redeem only the penalty-free amount of Please withdraw a partial amount of $-. $-. The entire contract or policy is penalty-free. Certificates of Deposit (CDs): I Redeem my CD immediately. E Redeem my CD at maturity. Maturity date: bank not to roll over the CD to a new term. I understand that penalties may apply for any withdrawals prior to maturity Submit request at least 21 days prior to maturity. Please advise your Dividend Reinvestment Plan: I I am transferring positions in Book Entry form and liquidating accumulated fractional shares B. Transfer from a Mutual Fund company - Unless otherwise indicated, TD Ameritrade will transfer all shares in kind and reinvest your dividends and capital gains. I acknowledge that ineligible proprietary mutual funds and all no-load money market funds cannot be transferred in kind and must be liquidated by the mutual fund company. Fund Name or Symbol Fund Account Number Quantity (ldicate # of shares @ Handfing (Check one) "Nl) E !Transfer my shares Sell my shares, transfer cash EReinvested shares ICash ! !Transfer my shares Sell my shares, transfer cash EReinvestedshares ICash Transfer my shares my shares, transfer cash EReinvestedshares !Cash Transfer my shares my shares, transfer cash EReinvestedshares ECash Transfer my shares my shares, transfer cash EReinvestedshares ECash ! flSell ! flSell ! ISell For additional mutual funds, see attached list. Crcdit Gains .nd Dividondg aB (Check one if tanslering dtares) E To transfer Money Markels, please indicate the Money Market name or symbol if available Page 2 of 5 Liquidate Money Maftetl EAil E Only: $_ TDA| 9582 REV 07/15 reby authorize a transfer from the account of to the account at TD Ameritrade for (Detiwring Ac@unt fidelRegistation) tD Amadllade A@ount fiaelReeisnatkn) Account Oxne/s Signature: Ac€ount Coownor's Signature: TD Ameritrade, the party losing ownership of the assets at when transferring from a joint account at a contra firm to an individual account account at TD Ameritrade, please attiach a notarized letter of aulhorization must sign section 4. lf the party losing ownership does not have an provide a copy is a resuh of.a name change for an account owner, please signed by the party losing ownersnip-ot the assets. lf the discrepancy Further documentation may be required, depending on the situation' of the legal document such as a marriage certificate, divorce decree, etc. ffirementaccount,lhaue","ndedthe-pplicableplansothatitnamesTDAmeritradeClearing,lnc.asa successor custodian. all asse. is in my account ln klnd to TD Amerltrade' I underst'and Unless otherwlse lndicated in the lnstruc,tions abo\re, please transfur with or without penalties, such assets may not be transferred within the transferable, readily not are in my account assets that to the extent any time frames required by applicable regulations. you to liquidate any non-transferable proprietary money market fund assets that unless otherwise indicated in the insrudions abow, I authorize fees due TD Ameritrade clearing, lnc. I authorize you to deduct any oubtanding io balance credit the resulting are part of my account and transfer in the account is insumcient balance if credit or the balance, credit a contiain not does you from the credit balance in my account. lf my account lf assets in_ my account to the extent necessary to satisfy that obligation' to satisfy any outstanding Ees due you, I authorize you to liqukJate the you to transfer them in good delinerable form' including possession, I initrua piv.ior in are in my account vorr certificates or other instrumonts purpose of sale, when and as direc-ted successor custodLn to transfer them in its name for the afiixing any necessary tax waivers, to enable the your books inslrudion, you will cancel all open orders for my account on by me. I understand that upon receiving a copy of ihis transfer Account Ot/vnafs Printed Name: Date: Acrount Oryune/s Signatur€: Account rf,ner's Printed Name (l nacessary): Account Coown€r's Signature (if nacessryI. Account Co-Owner's Printed Name (ff necossary): Account CoOwner's Signature (if necessary): Plan Administrator Signatur€ (optional): ffiPbasebeadviSedt'"troa'n",ir"o"ctearing,lnc.willaccepttheaboecaptionedaccountassucc6soroJ$odian. Date: Succ$sor Custodian Aithorized Signature: Page 3 of 5 TDA| 9582 REV 07/15 FOR TD AMERITRADE USE ONLY: Receiving Firm lnformation Clearing Firm: TD Ameritrade Clearing, lnc. Tax lD Number: 47-0533629 Name and Address: TD Amerihade, lnc. Attn: Transfer of Acmunts Departmenl 200 S 108th Ave Omaha NE 68154 All deliveries MUST include client name and TD Ameritrade, lnc. ("TD Ameritrade') accounl number DTC # OT88 Physical Delivery of Securities TD Ameritrade C,earing, lnc. FBO Client Name and Account Number PA Box 2226 omaha. NE 68103-2226 200 S 108th Ave Omaha, NE 68154-2631 PTC lnstructions are: BKNYCATP Federal Book Entry (for exanple, Treasury Notes) BK of NYo/Ameritrade ABA #021000018 Fed Wired Monies lf yourlinancial institution is located in th€ unlled States, wire lo: Wells Fargo Bank, NA 420 N,4ontgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94104 ABA transit routing # 12000248 Fo. crodil lo: TD Ameritrade Clearing, lnc. Account * 4123214 561 'For beneft of: You. ninedigit TD Ameritrade account number Your name Your address ' Raqwed lot tinely and accotate pacesing ol It your linancial institution is located outside the United Stalos, wire lo: First National Bank of Omaha 16th & Dodge Streets Omaha. NE 68102 ABA # 104000016 Swifl Code / BIC: FNBOUS44XXX (lf your bank requires it) For credlt lo: TD Ameritrade Clearing, lnc. Account # 1924641 'For benelil of: Your nine{igit TD Ameritrade account numt€r Your name Your address ' Roquircd lar tin6t ahd arcudte ptmsing ar teur Contact TD Ameritrade, and not the banks, with questions about wire iransfers. Foaward Checks TD Amerilrade Clearing, lnc. FBO Client Name and Account Number PO BOX 919031 San Diego, CA 92191-9031 5010 Wateridge Vista Drive San Diego, CA 92421-5175 Mutual Fund Registration TD Ameritrade, lnc. Tax lD Number: 47-0533629 FBO Client's Name and Account Number PO Aox 2226 Omaha, NE 68103-2226 Broker/Dealer: TO Ameritrade, lnc. 200 S 108th Ave Omaha, NE 68154-2631 Options Options Clearing Corporation: OCC #0777 Cost Basis lnformation ('"Required'*) TD Ameritrade is a CBRS Pa.liclpant Mailing Address (for Transfer Statements and general questions) TD Ameritrade PO Box 2209 Omaha. NE 68103-2209 Or Fax Number: 1-E66-468-6268 Please include the clbnt's nane and TD Ametitrade account numbet in all conespondence_ Page 4 of 5 T0Al 9582 REV 07/15 ACCOUNT TRANSFER FORM Ameritrade lnstitutional lnstructions to transfer securities, mutual funds, or other assets to your TD Ameritrade lnstitutional account: . Complete Seclrons 1-5 of the attached Transfer Form. For new accounts, a new account application must also be completed. . Sec{ion 1 - TD Ameritade lnstitutional Accounl lnformation complete your TD Ameritrade account registration information- Firm's account regislration information. . Seclion 2 - Delivering Firm lnformation complele Delivering -for requiremenls. Depending on where the assels are coming in from, please ' Section 3 - lransfer detaalsi see below complete sectjon 3A or 38. . Section 3A - Brokerage Fi.m Transfer ' For full account transfers, complete Section 3A, then the Discrepancies of Account Name and Type Seclion 4 (if applicable) and sign in Section 5. . For partial account transfe.s, complete Section 3A, lisl description of asset, number of shares or 'all,'lhen the Discrepancies of Account Name and Type Section 4 (if applicable) and sign in Section 5. lf you're transferring part of your account, list only the assets you want transJerred lo TD Amentrade in sectton. Brokerage Fi.m, Bank, lnsurance/Annuily Co., Trust Co., or Transfer Agont . To transfer a Money Market Account, please complete this section. ' To tGnsfer the proceeds of a matLrring CD, initiale your transfer at least two to &ree weeks before the maturity date. . To transfer an Annuity or Life lnsurance Policy, please check the appropriate box. . To kansfer shares in book entry form, usually associated with a Dividend Reinveslment Plan, check the app.opriate box. ' Please note:fractional shares will be laquidated and lransferred as cash. . section 3B - Mut!al Fund Company Transfer . For fuit transfers - indicate all and mark transfer shares "in-kind" or liquidale and send proceeds. . For partial transfers - list individual fund name, number of shares, lransfer in-kind, or liquidate and send proceeds. . Call TD Ameritrade lnstitutional at 800-431-3500 to make sure the mutualfund is transferable to TD Amerilrade. Over 13,000 funds are availabie. . Send a separate Transfer Form for each mutualfund company (for example, Vanguard, Fidelity, Berger, etc.) from which youle translerring. Photocopy our form if necessary or call for additional forms. ' Section 4 . Section . - Discrepancies of Account type and name, if applicable. Please note that not all carrying firms will accepl this seclion to allow a kansfer between unlike tilles. The ultimate discretion to allow a transfer between unlike titles lies with the carrying cuslodian. 5 - Signatures - all parties listed on the account registralion information must sign. Please verify lhat the Social Securi9 Number and the title of the accounl at TD Ameritrade are exactly lhe same as the account al lhe other institution. Section 6 - Letter of Acceptance to be completed by TD Amerilrade if needed. IMPORTANT Pl6ase attach a COPy ot the mosl reaent statement from the institution you are transferrlng from. The statement should be from within lhe past six monlhs lo best display the most accuralo holdings. Please note the stalemenl is used lo process your aequest so an accurate statement allows for best resulls. Do not use this form lo transfer betlveen TD Ameritrade accounts. Roth lRA - ln order lo convert your Traditional IRA at another firm to a Roth IRA at TD Ameritrade, please convert lo lhe Rolh lRA with your existing custodian and then complete a t.ansfer to a Roth IRA at ID Ameritrade. ' ' ' lF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE Contact your advisor Need more foms? Photocopy lhis form. call us, or visit our websile at for additionatforms Address: lnstltutional 919094 9219I-9094 Mailing TD Amerit.ade PO BOX San Diego, CA lnvestmenl Products: Nol FDIC lnsured ' Ovemight Address: TO Ameritrade lnsfitutional 5010 Wateridge Visla Drive San Diego, CA No Bank Guarantee 92121-5775 " TM|95O2 REV 07/15 Mav Lose Vatue TD Ame.itrade lnstitutional, Division of rD Amedtrade, lnc. and rD Amerirrade clearing, lnc., members FtNRA,/stpc. TD Ameritrade is a trademarkjoinfly owned by TD Ameritrade lp company rnc. and rhe Toronro-Dominion Bank. O 2015 TD Ameritrade tp Company, lnc. A rights reserved. Used with permission. Page 5 of 5