A Review of the Development in the Field of Fiber Optic

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)
A Review of the Development in the Field of Fiber Optic
Communication Systems
Prachi Sharma1, Suraj Pardeshi2, Rohit Kumar Arora3, Mandeep Singh4
Global R&D Centre, Aryabhatta Crompton Greaves Ltd. Mumbai, India
Electrical & Instrumentation Deptt. Thapar University Patiala, Punjab
Optical underwater Communication is an effective
alternative to current underwater technology especially in
some particular environments such as shallow, coastal
and fresh inland water where the use of this approach is
useful to overcome all the shortcomings related to the use
of acoustic communication and to allow a wide adoption
of underwater monitoring systems [3]. Both the
transmission capacity and flexibility in optical network
design can significantly be improved using wavelength
division multiplexing (WDM) systems [4]. Due to
economic advantages, maturing technology, and high
information capacity, single-mode fiber- optic
transmission media will be embedded in future
telecommunications networks. A desirable feature for
these future optical networks would be the ability to
process information directly in the optical domain for
purposes of multiplexing, demultiplexing, filtering,
amplification, and correlation. Optical signal processing
would be advantageous because potentially it can be
much faster than electrical signal photon-electron-photon
conversions. Several new classes of optical networks are
now emerging [5]. For example, code-division multiple
access (CDMA) networks using optical signal processing
techniques were recently introduced [6]-[13]. The optical
telecommunications, are the transmission medium that
have been recently considered as very attractive to build
links for T/Transfer [14], offering much better
performance compared with the satellite links. This is
because of unsurpassed propagation symmetry in both
directions that is displayed by the optical fibers.
A number of projects are devoted to applying the
optical fibers to transmit either the light modulated by the
electrical signals from an atomic clock [15]–[20] or a
highly coherent optical carrier generated by the optical
standard [21]–[23].Throughout the world, serious efforts
are undertaken to setup the fiber-optic networks on an
international scale dedicated to comparison of distant
clocks and dissemination of the T/Signals.
The paper is organised as follows. Section II deals
with Evolution of Fiber Optics. Section III, describes
Optical fiber. Section IV Presents Review of
Development in Fiber Optic Communication and finally
the Conclusions and Discussion are given in section V.
Abstract—This paper presents a review of the latest
research and development in the field of fibre optic
communication system. Remarkable developments can be
seen in the field of optical fibre communication in the last
decade. Wide-bandwidth signal transmission with low
latency is emerging as a key requirement in a number of
applications, including the development of future exaflopscale supercomputers, financial algorithmic trading and
cloud computing. Optical fibres provide unsurpassed
transmission bandwidth, Optical fibre is now the
transmission medium of' choice for long distance and high
bit rate transmission in telecommunications networks.
Keywords— Applications,
bandwidth, fiber optic,
and telecommunications
The Optical fiber communications have changed our
lives in many ways over the last four decades there is no
doubt that low-loss optical transmission fibers have been
critical to the enormous success of optical
communications technology. There is no doubt that lowloss optical transmission fibers have been critical to the
enormous success of optical communications technology.
In the telecommunication sector, the so-called passive
optical network was proposed for the already envisioned
fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) network. This network relied
heavily on the use of passive optical splitters. These
splitters were fabricated from standard single-mode
fibers (SMFs). Although FTTH, at a large scale, did not
occur until decades later, research into the use of
components for telecommunications applications
continued. The commercial introduction of the fiber optic
amplifier in the early 1990s revolutionized optical fiber
transmissions. With amplification, optical signals could
travel hundreds of kilometres without regeneration [1].
The performance of any communication system is
ultimately limited by the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of
the received signal and available bandwidth. This
limitation cans be stated more formally by using the
concept of channel capacity introduced within the
framework of information theory [2].
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)
The research phase of fiber-optic communication
systems started around 1975.
The first generation of light wave systems operated
near 0.8 m and used GaAs semiconductor lasers. After
several field trials during the period 1977–79, such
systems became available commercially in 1980 [24].
They operated at a bit rate of 45 Mb/sand allowed
repeater spacing of up to 10 km.
The larger repeater spacing compared with 1-km
spacing of coaxial systems was an important motivation
for system designers because it decreased the installation
and maintenance costs associated with each repeater.
The second-generation of fiber-optic communication
systems became available in the early 1980s,but the bit
rate of early systems was limited to below 100 Mb/s
because of dispersion in multimode fibers [25]. This
limitation was overcome by the use of single-mode
A laboratory experiment in 1981 demonstrated
transmission at 2 Gb/s over 44 km of single-mode fiber
[15]. The introduction of commercial systems soon
followed. By1987, second-generation light wave
systems, operating at bit rates of up to 1.7 Gb/s with a
repeater spacing of about 50 km, were commercially
available. Third-generation light wave systems operating
at 2.5 Gb/s became available commercially in 1990. Such
systems are capable of operating at a bit rate of up to 10
Gb/s [26].
The best performance is achieved using dispersionshifted fibers in combination with lasers oscillating in a
single longitudinal mode. A drawback of third-generation
1.55-m systems is that the signal is regenerated
periodically by using electronic repeaters spaced apart
typically by 60–70 km. The fourth generation of light
wave systems makes use of optical amplification for
increasing the repeater spacing and of wavelengthdivision multiplexing (WDM) for increasing the bit rate.
By 1996, not only transmission over 11,300 km at a bit
rate of 5 Gb/s had been demonstrated by using actual
submarine cables [27], but commercial transatlantic and
transpacific cable systems also became available. The
fifth generation of fiber-optic communication systems is
concerned with extending the wavelength range over
which a WDM system can operate simultaneously. The
conventional wavelength window, known as the C band,
covers the wavelengthrange 1.53–1.57m. It is being
extended on both the long- and short-wavelength sides,
resulting in the L and S bands, respectively. The Raman
amplification technique can be used for signals in all
three wavelength bands. Moreover, a new kind of fiber,
known as the dry fiber has been developed with the
property that fiber losses are small over the entire
wavelength region extending from 1.30 to 1.65 m [28].
An optical fiber is a cylindrical dielectric waveguide
made of low-loss materials, usually fused silica glass of
high chemical purity. The core of the waveguide has a
refractive index slightly higher than that of the outer
medium, the cladding, so that light is guided along the
fiber axis by total internal reflection.
Fiber optics is a medium for carrying information from
one point to another in the form of light. Unlike the
copper form of transmission, fiber optics is not electrical
in nature. A basic fiber optic system consists of
transmitting device that converts an electrical signal into
a light signal, an optical fiber cable that carries the light,
and a receiver that accepts the light signal and converts it
back into an electrical signal. The complexity of a fiber
optic system can range from very simple (i.e., local area
network) to extremely sophisticated and expensive (i.e.,
long distance telephone or cable television trucking). For
example, the system shown in Figure 1 could be built
very inexpensively using a visible LED, plastic fiber, a
silicon photo detector, and some simple electronic
Figure 1: Basic fiber optic communication system [29]
We can categorize the fiber optic communication in
two categories:
1. Step Index
a. Single Mode
b. Multimode
2. Guided Index
Step Index:
These types of fibers have sharp boundaries between
the core and cladding, with clearly defined indices of
refraction. The entire core uses single index of refraction.
Single Mode Step Index:
Single mode fiber has a core diameter of 8 to 9
microns, which only allows one light path or mode.
Multimode Step-Index Fiber:
Multimode fiber has a core diameter of 50 or 62.5
microns (sometimes even larger). It allows several light
paths or modes.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)
This causes modal dispersion – some modes take
longer to pass through the fiber than others because they
travel a longer distance.
Multimode Graded-Index Fiber
Graded-index refers to the fact that the refractive index
of the core gradually decreases farther from the centre of
the core. The increased refraction in the centre of the core
slows the speed of some light rays, allowing all the light
rays to reach the receiving end at approximately the same
time, reducing dispersion.
f) Potential low cost: The glass which provides the
optical fiber transmission medium is made from sand. So,
in comparison to copper conductors, optical fiber offers
the potential for low cost line communication.
Disadvantage of Optical Fiber Communication:
a) It requires a higher initial cost in installation
b) Although the fiber cost is low, the connector and
interfacing between the fiber optic costs a lot.
c) Fiber optic requires specialized and sophisticated tools
for maintenance and repairing [29]
Attenuation and pulse dispersion represent the two
most important characteristics of an optical fiber that
determine the information-carrying capacity of a fiber
optic communication system. The decrease in signal
strength along a fiber optic waveguide caused by
absorption and scattering is known as attenuation.
Attenuation is usually expressed in dB/km.
Franz Fidler et al. [31] reviewed of technologies,
theoretical studies, and experimental field trials for
optical communications from and to high-altitude
platforms (HAPs). Using lightweight and compact
terminals, optical inter satellite links and orbit-to ground
links are already operable [32]–[34], the latter suffering
from cloud coverage [35], harsh weather conditions, and
atmospheric Turbulence [36]. Current research also
investigates optical communications from or to highaltitude platforms (HAPs) [37], [38]. HAPs are aircraft or
airships situated well above the clouds at typical heights
of 17 to 25 km, where the atmospheric impact on a laser
beam is less severe than directly above ground [35]. As
depicted in Fig. 3, optical links between HAPs, satellites,
and ground stations are envisioned to serve as broadband
backhaul communication channels if data from various
sensors or RF communication terminals onboard the
HAP is to be transmitted, or if an HAP works as a data
relay station.
Figure 2: Optical Fiber Modes [30]
Advantage of Optical Fiber Communication:
a) Enormous potential bandwidth: The optical carrier
frequency has a far greater potential transmission BW
than metallic cable systems.
b) Small size and weight: Optical fiber has small
diameters. Hence, even when such fibers are covered
with protective coating they are far smaller and lighter
than corresponding copper cables.
c) Electrical Isolation: Optical fibers which are
fabricated from glass or sometimes a plastic polymer are
electrical insulators and unlike their metallic counterpart,
they do not exhibit earth loop or interface problems. This
property makes optical fiber transmission ideally suited
environments as fiber created no arcing or spark hazard
at abrasion or short circuits.
d) Signal security: The light from optical fiber does not
radiate significantly and therefore they provide a high
degree of signal security. This feature is attractive for
military, banking and general data transmission i.e.
computer networks application.
e) Low transmission loss: The technological
developments in optical fiber over last twenty years has
resulted in optical cables which exhibits very low
attenuation or transmission loss in comparison with best
copper conductors.
Fig. 3. Laser communication scenarios from HAPs.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)
Maria Espinosa Bosch et al. [39] reviewed consists of
papers mainly reported in the last decade and presents
about applications of optical fiber biosensors.
Discussions on the trends in optical fiber biosensor
applications in real samples are enumerated. Recently,
Llobera et al. [40] presented the characterization and
optimization of flexible transducers with demultiplexing
properties, suitable for on-chip detection.
Lucas et al. [41] functionalize the surface of
chalcogenide Te–As–Se fibers with live human lung cells
that can act as sensitizer for the detection on micro molar
quantities of toxic agents. First it presented how the
hydrophobic behaviour of chalcogenide glass affects the
spectroscopic properties of chalcogenide fibers.
Naughton et al. [42] described the development of a fibre
optic sensor, based on immobilized nitrophenol that was
of potential use for the continuous monitoring of OH
radical production. Misiakos et al. [43] described an
optical affinity sensor based on a monolithic
optoelectronic transducer, which integrated on a silicon
die thin optical fibers (silicon nitride) along with selfaligned light-emitting diodes (LED) and photo detectors
(silicon p/n junction).
F. Poletti et al. [44] represented the first experimental
demonstration of fibre-based wavelength division
multiplexed data transmission at close to (99.7%) the
speed of light in vacuum.
Jing Zhou et al. [45] presented a systematic analysis of
the security factors of OICl's physical layer, i.e. all-fiber
communication networks Infrasture (OIel) for power grid
application as shown in Figure 4.
Furthermore, there is no obvious difference whether
distributed feedback (DFB) laser (with line width less
than 5 MHz) or external cavity laser (ECL) (with line
width less than 100 kHz) is used.
Fig. 5. Principle for the bidirectional full-duplex optical/wireless
integration system in the E-band.
EA: electrical amplifier, PD: photo detector, pow. det.: power
detector, WG: waveguide, HA: horn antenna,
DML: directly-modulated laser, BS: base station[46]
Lijia Zhang et al. [47] A novel multi-amplitude
minimum shift keying (MAMSK) orthogonal frequency
division multiplexing (OFDM) signal was proposed for
60-GHz radio-over-fiber (RoF) access system. It can
increase the tolerance toward frequency offset of an
OFDM signal due to the faster roll-off side-lobe. In the
experiment, a 3.21-Gb/s 2AMSK-OFDM signal is
transmitted over 22 km single mode fiber (SMF) and 5 m
air link successfully as shown in figure 6.
Fig. 6. Experimental setup of proposed scheme (MZM: MachZehnder
Fig.4. Framework of the optic-based information
Modulator, PD: photodiode. EA: electrical amplifier. LPF: low pass
Xinying Li et al. [46] for the first time, they proposed
and experimentally demonstrated mm-wave generation in
the E-band based on photonics generation technique. they
also experimentally demonstrated a bidirectional fullduplex optical/wireless integration system in the E-band
with 1.5-m wireless delivery, in which 2- and 2.5-Gb/s
error-free OOK signals are independently carried by 74and 84-GHz mm-wave carriers and transmitted in two
opposite directions at the same time.
Wei Xu et al. [48] a simple fiber optical sensor system
used to measure the refractive index (RI) was proposed.
It only consisted of one optical source, one 2×2 optical
coupler with two fiber sensing ends, and one mechanical
1× 2 optical switch that is controlled by the drive voltage
applied on it. Schematic diagram of RI sensor system
based on the 1 × 2 optical switch is given in Figure 7.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)
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The main objective of this paper is to review of the
latest research and development in the field of fiber optic
Fiber optics is a major building block in the
telecommunication infrastructure. Its high bandwidth
capabilities and low attenuation characteristics make it
ideal for gigabit transmission and beyond.
The different types of fiber and their applications, light
sources and detectors, couplers, splitters, wavelengthdivision multiplexers, and state-of-the-art devices used in
the latest high-bandwidth communication systems have
been presented.
Fiber-optic biosensors will play a significant role in
the development of biosensors because they can be easily
miniaturized and integrated for the determination of
different target compounds in a wide variety of
application fields, such as industrial process and
environmental monitoring, food processing, and clinical
applications. Recently developed various application of
fiber optic have been discussed.
The growth of the fiber optics industry over the past
five years has been explosive. Analysts expect that this
industry will continue to grow at a tremendous rate well
into the next decade and beyond.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)
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