Heavy Quark Physics in Heavy-Ion collisions: experiments, phenomenology and theory ECT* - European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas Open-charm production measurements in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC Paola Pagano Salerno University & INFN, Italy on behalf of the ALICE Collaboration Outline Physics motivations Detector layout Analysis technique Measurements in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions Conclusions and perspectives 2 Physics Motivation: why heavy flavors? Because of their large mass (mc ≈1.5 GeV/c2, mb ≈ 5 GeV/c2) charm and beauty quarks are produced at the early stages of the collisions in hard parton scattering processes They interact with the QCD high-density medium but flavor is conserved in this interaction Destruction or creation in the medium is difficult Heavy quarks experience the whole evolution of the system 3 Heavy flavors in p-Pb collisions Test cold nuclear matter (CNM) effects: Modification of Parton Distribution Functions Shadowing K.J.Eskola et al., JHEP 0904(2009)65 Gluon saturation, Color Glass Condensate H.Fuji & Watanabe, NPA 915(2013)1 Energy loss in cold nuclear matter I.Vitev at al., PRC 75(2007)064906 kT broadening X.N.Wang, PRC 61 (2000)064910 reference for Pb-Pb collisions 4 Heavy flavors in Pb-Pb collisions Study the interaction with the medium: Parton energy loss depends on the parton color charge and mass, in-medium energy density and temperature, and in-medium path length Investigated through the Nuclear Modificaton Factor Expect: ΔEg >ΔEu,d,s>ΔEcharm>ΔEbeauty π D B RAA(pT) < RAA(pT) < RAA(pT) ? Dokshitzer & Kharzeev,PLB 519 (2001) 199 Adil & Vitev PLB 649 (2007)139 5 Heavy flavors in Pb-Pb collisions Study the interaction with the medium: Initial spatial anisotropy → azimuthally anisotropic momentum distribution non-central collisions → anisotropy dominated by elliptic flow ν2 low pT: ν2 sensitive to the system collective expansion high pT: ν2 sensitive to the path-length dependence of in-medium parton energy loss 6 A Large Ion Collider Experiment ALICE is well suited for HF measurements at the LHC in a wide momentum and rapidity range VZERO (event characterization) 2.8<η<5.1, -3.7<η<-1.7 Magnetic Field |η|<9, B=0.5 T -4<η<-2.5, B<0.7 T 7 A Large Ion Collider Experiment Central Barrel D0 → K-π+ (cτ = 123 μm, BR = 3.88 ± 0.05 %) D+ → K-π+π+ (cτ = 312 μm, BR = 9.13 ± 0.19%) D*+→ D0π+ (strong decay , BR = 67.7 ±0.5 %) Ds→φ π+ → K-K+π+ (cτ = 150 μm, BR = 2.28 ± 0.12%) Covered in this talk D mesons |y|<0.5, pT>1GeV/c TOF:π/K/p ID TPC: tracking, π/K/p ID ITS: vertexing, tracking 8 A Large Ion Collider Experiment Central Barrel HF decay electrons |y|<0.8,pT>0.5 GeV/c TOF:e ID TPC: tracking, e ID EMCAL: e ID, trigger TRD: eID ITS: vertexing, tracking c, b → e + X b → e+X c, b → μ+ X R.Averbeck’s talk Muon Spectrometer HF decay muons 2.5<y<4.0, pT>2 GeV/c Absorbers Muon CPCs: tracking Muon RPCs: µ ID, trigger 9 D-meson reconstruction in ALICE: Analysis strategy Reconstruction and selection of secondary vertex topologies, that have a significant separation from the primary vertex D-meson candidates selected applying kinematical and topological cuts: pT and impact parameter of single tracks, cosine of pointing angle, distance between primary and secondary vertex, … 10 D-meson reconstruction in ALICE: Analysis strategy Particle identification (using TOF and TPC information) in order to reduce the combinatorial background, especially at low pT Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 29 (2014) 1430044 Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 29 (2014) 1430044 11 D-meson reconstruction in ALICE: Analysis strategy Invariant mass analysis in order to extract raw yields in various pT intervals D+ D0 p-Pb @5.02 TeV D*+ Ds+ To calculate the cross section ,raw yields are corrected for acceptance x efficiency, as 12 well as for the feed-down from B decays to calculate the cross section. Results in p-Pb collisions @ 5.02 TeV D mesons: pT-differential RpPb 0 D • • D+ D0 D*+ D+ Ds+ No significant difference between the RpPb of the four D-meson species RpPb consistent with unity in 1 < pT < 24 GeV/c within the uncertainties Phys.Rev.Lett. 113 (2014) 232301 Average D0,D+,D*+ Results described within uncertainties by theoretical calculations that include initial-state effects: NLO pQCD with EPS09 nuclear PDF Nucl. Phys. B 373 (1992) 295 , JHEP 04 (2009)065 Color Glass Condensate arXiv:1308.1258 Model including energy loss in cold nuclear matter, nuclear shadowing and kT-broadening Phys. Rev. C 80 (2009) 054902 14 Nuclear Modification Factor RpPb D meson HF decay e HF decay μ (forward rapidity) Phys.Rev.Lett. 113 (2014) 23, 232301 Similar trend for D mesons, electrons and muons from heavy-flavor decays Good agreement with theoretical calculations that include initial-state effects No indication for large cold nuclear matter effects at high pT 15 Multiplicity dependence of open charm yields D0 Self-normalized D-meson yields increase with charged-particle multiplicity Similar trend observed in pp and p-Pb collisions 16 D-meson QpPb To investigate possible multiplicity dependent modification of the pT spectra in p-Pb collisions w.r.t. pp collisions Q mult pPb ( pT ) = But several biases are present in the determination mult (dN pPb / dpT )i N coll i dN pp / dpT of <Ncoll> in p-Pb collisions: Multiplicity bias, Jet veto bias, Geometrical bias. Bias depends on the estimator used for the multiplicity determination V0A : < Ncoll> obtained from Glauber model. ZN:< Ncoll> obtained from Hybrid approach Multiplicity distribution fitted with Negative Define event classes based on the energy deposited by Pb-spectator neutrons in the ZDC Binomial Distribution (NBD)-Glauber fit. < Ncoll> obtained by scaling the minimum bias value using the ratio of the multiplicities measured at midrapidity. 17 D-meson QpPb: results D0,D*+ V0A ZN Average QpPb of D0 and D*+ show a residual bias with the V0A estimator that is reduced when using the ZN one. Using the ZN estimator no multiplicity dependent modification of D meson production relative to pp collisions, is observed within uncertainties 18 Results in Pb-Pb collisions @ 2.76 TeV Nuclear Modification Factor RAA(pT) Average D0, D+, D*+ at high pT suppression in most central collisions less suppression in peripheral collisions 30-50% 0-7.5% D0 D+ D*+ 20 Nuclear Modification Factor RAA(pT) Average D0, D+, D*+ p-Pb RpPb compatible with 1 for pT>2GeV/c: no indication for cold nuclear matter effects within uncertainties for pT ≥ 2 GeV/c Pb-Pb 40-80% Pb-Pb 0-20% EPS09 nuclear PDF parametrization predicts small shadowing for Pb–Pb collisions JHEP 09 (2012) 112 Phys.Rev.Lett. 113 (2014) 23, 232301 No suppression in p-Pb collisions, the suppression observed in Pb-Pb collision is a final–state effect due to hot and dense medium. 21 Nuclear Modification Factor RAA(pT) Ds+ suppressed by a factor 3-4 for 8<pT<12 GeV/c Ds + Average D0, D+, D*+ More statistic is needed at low pT where an enhancement of Ds+/D due to coalescence is predicted Kunetsova, Rafelski EPJ C 51 (2007) 113 He et al. PRL 110 (2013) 112301 Andronic et al. PLB 659 (2008) 149 22 Nuclear Modification Factor RAA(pT) Average D0, D+, D*+ 30-50% 0-7.5% HF decay e, μ (forward rapidity) HF decay e, μ 0-10% Results compatible with HF decay electrons (|y|<0.6) HF decay muons (2.5<y<4.0) •17/03/2015 • • 23 16 Mass hierarchy: RAA(pT) D vs π ΔEg>ΔEu,d,s>ΔEcharm>ΔEbeaut π D RAA(pT) < RAA(pT) ? y Average D-meson and π RAA are compatible within uncertainties Considerations: D0,mesons Average• D D+, D*+ Charged particles π Different shape of parton momentum spectra Different fragmentation functions Contribution of soft processes at low pT Djordjevic, PL B734(2014)286 Wicks et al., NP A872(2011)265 Comparison not conclusive, more precise measurements of the transverse momentum dependence are required 24 Mass hierarchy: RAA(pT) D vs B ΔEg >ΔEu,d,s>ΔEcharm>ΔEbeauty D B RAA(pT) < RAA(pT) ? • D-meson RAA is lower than RAA of J/ψ from B decays measured by CMS • Caveat: measurements pT and y interval • D mesons Non-prompt J/Ψ Average D mesons CMS-PAS-HIIN-12-014 Difference between D mesons and non-prompt J/Ψ is described by pQCD model including quark-mass dependent energy loss Djordjevic, PL B734 (2014) 286-289 It is also consistent with other models e.g. MC@HQ-EPOS, TAMU model 25 Elliptic flow ν2 D mesons Charged particles Average v2 of the three D-meson species larger than zero in 2 < pT < 6 GeV/c with a significance of 5.7 σ v2 comparable in magnitude to that of inclusive charged particles ( dominated by light-flavor hadrons) in 2 < pT < 6 GeV/c Physics Letters B 719 (2013) 18–28 PRL 111, 102301 (2013) Positive v2 suggests that low pT charm quarks participate in the collective motion of the system A positive v2 is also observed for pT > 6 GeV/c but a proper study of the path-length dependence of partonic energy loss via ν2 measurements needs more statistics 26 Comparison with models Central Pb-Pb collisions PRL 111, 102301 (2013) Semi-central Pb-Pb collisions PR C90(2014)034904 TAMU elastic: PL B735(2014)445; Cao, Qin, Bass: PR C88(2013)044907; WHDG rad+coll: NP A872(2011)265; MC@sHQ+EPOS: PR C89(2014)014905; Vitev, rad+dissoc: PR C80(2009)054902; POWLANG: JP G38(2011)124144; BAMPS: PL B717(2012)430 Simultaneous description of the large suppression of D mesons in central collisions and their anisotropy in non-central collisions is challenging for theoretical models 27 Conclusions Excellent performance of ALICE for heavy-flavor measurements, thanks to tracking, vertexing and PID D-meson cross section in p-Pb collisions: No indication for large cold nuclear matter effects at high pT For the ZN estimator (the less biased), no evidence of multiplicity dependent modification of D-meson production in p-Pb w.r.t pp collisions has been observed, within uncertainties. D-meson production in Pb-Pb collisions: Strong suppression at high pT in the most central collisions with respect to binary scaled pp collisions, due to parton-energy loss in the medium, consistent with the expected parton-mass dependence ν2>0 in 2≤ pT≤ 6 GeV suggests that low-pT charm quarks participate in the collective motion of the system Simultaneous measurements of ν2 and RAA are a tool to constrain models 28 Perspectives With RUN II (More statistics available and increased beam energy) Improve D0, D+, D*+ measurements precision, extending the coverage to lower and higher pT Perform measurements for rare charmed hadrons Ds+, Λc+ New hadrons, e.g. Ξc+, become accessible With ALICE Experiment Upgrade (2018) •17/03/2015 Unique HF measurements will be available A.Dainese’s talk 29 •17/03/2015 Back up 30 Feed down subtraction Correction for beauty feed-down based on FONLL pQCD calculation JHEP 1210 (2012) 137 In case of p-Pb (Pb-Pb), the RpPb (RAA) of B mesons have also been taken into account assuming that the nuclear modification factors for feed-down and prompt D mesons are equal S.Wicks,W.Horowitz, M.Djordjevic & M.Gyulassy, for systematics in p-Pb 0.9<RAAfeed-down/RAAprompt<1.3 in Pb-Pb -1/3<RAAfeed-down/RAAprompt<3 Nucl.Phys. A783 (2007) 493 N.Armesto, A.Dainese, C.A.Salgado,U.A. Wiedemann, Phys. Rev. D71 (2005) 0540 In p-Pb from 4% to 40% depending on pT and D-meson species In Pb-Pb from 5% at low pT to 15% at high pT • 31 Systematics in PbPb measurements • 32 D0, D+, D*+ Average RAA of D mesons in the 0–20% centrality class compared to the expectation from NLO pQCD with nuclear shadowing JHEP 09 (2012) 112 EPS09 nuclear PDF parametrization predicts small initial state effects for Pb–Pb collisions Cold nuclear matter effects smaller than uncertainties for pT ≥ 3 GeV/c •17/03/2015 D0, D+, D*+ • • 33 27 Elliptic flow ν2 Event Plane Method D meson azimuthal angle relative to event plane in-plane ]-(π/4),(π/4)] and ]-(3π/4),(5π/4)] out-of-plane ]-(π/4),(3π/4)] and ]-(5π/4),(7π/4)] Other methods used to measure D-meson elliptic flow: Scalar Product method Two-particle cumulant method • 34 Physics motivations: ΛC in Pb-Pb collisions Excess of baryons with respect to mesons, measured with STAR at RHIC and ALICE at the LHC in the light sector, suggests hadronization via coalescence of constituent quarks •17/03/2015 Expected performance with ITS upgrade (Monte Carlo studies) What about charm sector? The measurement of the Λc yield relative to D mesons in Pb-Pb collisions would address the baryon over meson ratio in the heavy-quark sector 35 • 29 + ΛC →pK-π+ in pp and p-Pb collisions Analysis based on the reconstruction of displaced decay vertices Reduce the combinatorial background via topological selection and identification of the decay •In suf f sig particles na icien l an db t se ack parati o gro und n of LOOSE TOPOLOGICAL CUTS cτ(ΛC+) is only 60 µm, small compared to resolution on the vertex position provided by the current ITS Particle Identification (PID), to identify p, K, π, essential for this analysis • Background reduced by a factor 100 applying PID! Bayesian approach to combine response of TPC and TOF Maximum probability criterion to identify tracks uniquely •17/03/2015 36 • 30 + ΛC K0 →pK-π+ in pp and p-Pb collisions from pairs of opposite-sign tracks forming a vertex •Secondary V0 vertex displaced from the interaction vertex •Positive track S reconstructed Tracks selected according to topological cuts • A third track identified as a proton is attached to the K0S •Negative track •DCA •d0(positive track) • θ Pointing angle •Primary vertex •d0(negative track) to form the ΛC+ candidate A clear K0S signal in minv(π+,π-) limits the combinatorial background, despite of low B.R. Particle Identification (PID), to identify p, essential for this analysis Background is suppressed by a factor 20 using PID! Detector used: TOF and TPC Approach: number of sigma cuts •17/03/2015 37 • 31 Comparing the pT and rapidity differential trends Compared to a prediction based on FONLL y-differential D0 cross section multiplied by R_pA vs. y of D mesons from MNR+EPS09 • 38 D-meson reconstruction in ALICE: Analysis strategy Invariant mass analysis in order to extract raw yields in different pT intervals D0 D+ D*+ D s+ Raw yields are corrected for acceptance x efficiency, as well as for the feed-down • from B decays to calculate the cross section. •17/03/2015 39