ITU - Telecommunication Standardization Sector (PLEN) STUDY GROUP 15 Temporary Document 48-E Original: English Geneva, Switzerland, 12-23 October Question: 4/15 SOURCE: Marcos Tzannes, Editor G.996.1 Aware, Inc. Tel: 781-276-4000 FAX: 781-276-4001 E-mail: TITLE: G.996.1 draft (G.test) _______________________________________________ ABSTACT This temporary document contains the draft for G.996.1. 1 INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T Draft G.996.1 TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS AND MEDIA TEST PROCEDURES FOR DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER LINE (DSL) TRANSCEIVERS Draft ITU-T Recommendation G.996.1 (Previously ìCCITT Recommendationî) 2 (date) FOREWORD The ITU-T (Telecommunication Standardization Sector) is a permanent organ of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, March 1-12, 1993). ITU-T Recommendation G.996.1 was prepared by ITU-T Study Group 15 (1997-2000) and was approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on the xxth of xx 199x. ___________________ NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression ìAdministrationî is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. ††ITU††199x 3 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. 4 Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7 8 9 Scope References Definitions Abbreviations Test procedures and laboratory set-up 5.1 ADSL Operation with splitters 5.1.1 Laboratory set-up 5.1.2 Crosstalk Test 5.1.3 Impulse Noise Test 5.1.4 POTS interference Test 5.2 ADSL operation without a splitter at the ATU-R 5.2.1 Laboratory Setup 5.2.2 Crosstalk Test 5.2.3 Impulse Noise Test 5.2.4 POTS interference Test 5.3 POTS QOS testing 5.3.1 Telephone Circuitry 5.3.2 Test conditions 5.3.3 Summary of Test Procedure Test loops 6.1 Local loop configurations 6.1.1 North American Test Loops 6.1.2 European Local Test Loops 6.1.3 Test loops in an environment co-existing with TCM-ISDN DSL 6.2 In-home wiring models Power spectral density of crosstalk disturbers 7.1 Simulated DSL PSD and induced NEXT 7.2 Simulated HDSL PSD and induced NEXT 7.3 Simulated T1 line PSD and induced NEXT 7.4 Simulated ADSL downstream PSD and induced NEXT and FEXT 7.4.1 FEXT 41 7.4.2 NEXT 7.5 Simulated ADSL upstream PSD and induced NEXT and FEXT 7.5.1 FEXT 45 7.5.2 NEXT 7.6 ETSI A, -ETSI B and Euro-K crosstalk 7.7 Power spectral density of crosstalk disturbers in an environment coexisting with 7.7.1 Simulated TCM-ISDN DSL PSD and induced NEXT and FEXT 7.7.2 Simulated HDSL PSD and induced NEXT 7.7.3 Simulated downstream ADSL PSD and induced NEXT and FEXT 7.7.4 Simulated upstream ADSL PSD and induced NEXT Characteristics of impulse noise waveforms Phone Model Structures for Testing DSL systems without a splitter at the ATU-R 9.1 Off phone hook model #1 9.2 Off Hook phone model #2 9.3 On hook phone model 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 16 16 17 17 17 21 25 34 36 36 37 39 40 43 45 45 47 TCM-ISDN DSL49 50 52 54 58 60 67 67 68 69 5 1. Scope This Recommendation describes the testing procedures for ITU ADSL Recommendations. The testing procedures described in this Recommendation include methods for testing ADSL transceivers in the presence of crosstalk from other services, impulse noise and POTS signaling. Test loops and in-home wiring models are specified for different regions of the world for use during ADSL performance testing. Other ADSL Recommendations reference this document for testing procedures and configurations. This Recommendation does not specify performance requirements for these other Recommendations. This Recommendation only specifies the procedures for measuring the performance requirements for a particular Recommendation. 2. References 3. Definitions downstream: ATU-C to ATU-R direction upstream: ATU-R to ATU-C direction. Splitter: a filter that seperates the high frequency signals (ADSL) from the voice band signals. Voice band: The frequency band from 0-4 kHz. Voice band services: POTS and all data services that use the voice band. 4. Abbreviations ADC ADSL ATU-C ATU-R BER CO DAC DMT: DSL ES FEXT kbit/s NEXT QOS POTS PSD RMS RT ⊕ XT analog to digital converter asymmetric digital subscriber line ADSL Transceiver Unit, Central office end ADSL Transceiver Unit, Remote terminal end Bit Error Rate central office digital to analog converter discrete multitone digital subscriber line Errored Seconds fear end crosstalk kilo bits per second near end crosstalk Quality of service Plain old telephone service power spectral density Root Mean Squared remote terminal exclusive-or; modulo-2 addition Crosstalk 5. Test procedures and laboratory set-up The methods in this document test ADSL system transmission performance. These laboratory methods evaluate a system’s ability to minimize digital bit errors caused by interference from: 6 • • • • crosstalk coupling from other systems; background noise; impulse noise; POTS signaling. These potential sources of impairment are simulated in a laboratory set-up that includes test loops, test sets, and interference injection equipment, as well as the test system itself. The crosstalk and impulse noise interfering signals are simulations that are derived from a consideration of real loop conditions and measurements. The test procedure is to inject the interference into the test loops and measure the effect on system performance by a bit error test simultaneously run on the system information channels. For crosstalk an initial, or reference, power level for the interference represents the expected worst case. If the interference power can be increased without exceeding a specified error threshold, the system has a positive performance margin. Performance margin, expressed in dB, is the difference between the interference level at which the error threshold is reached, and the reference (or 0 dB) level. In the case of impulse noise, an increasing interference level is similarly applied up to the error threshold, and the estimated performance is computed from this information. Because the impulse noise characteristics of the loop plant are not completely understood, the estimation method is based on measured data from several sites. The estimated number of error-causing impulses is compared to a specified errored-seconds (ES) criterion. The test procedure makes separate determinations of crosstalk margins and impulse error thresholds, although a background crosstalk interference is applied during impulse tests. The POTS measurement uses a number of signaling and alerting activities done with real phones and CO lines, and also has crosstalk interference present. The BER test sets check for ES or a BER threshold. 5.1 ADSL Operation with splitters 5.1.1 Laboratory set-up Figure 1 shows the test setup for measuring performance margins for the downstream channel in ADSL systems with splitters. Figure 2 shows the test setup for measuring performance margins for the upstream channel in ADSL systems with splitters. The test system consists of a central office transceiver (ATU-C), a remote end transceiver (ATU-R), and associated splitters. The two transceivers are connected together by the test loop. Calibrated simulated crosstalk is injected through a high impedance network across the tip and ring of the loop at the input of one of the transceivers. Impulse noise from a waveform generator is similarly injected. Crosstalk and impulses are injected at the ATU-R for downstream tests, and at both the ATU-C for upstream channel tests. For downstream testing, as shown in Figure 1, pseudo-random binary data from the transmitter of the bit error rate (BER) test set is presented at the downstream channel input of the ATU-C. The downstream channel output from the ATU-R is connected to the receiver of the same or a similar BER test set. The test set measures BER or errored-seconds (ES), as needed. Similar error testing is done in the upstream direction at the rate needed for the particular system under test (see Figure 2). A telephone set is connected to the telephone jack of the splitter at the ATU-R end, and a working telephone line circuit is connected to the telephone jack on the splitter at the ATU-C end. 7 Downstream channel error test ATU-C ATU-R Splitter Test loop Σ Downstream channel error test Splitter Hi-Z Hi-Z CO line circuit POTS Set attenuator Simulated Crosstalk Noise attenuator Impulse waveform generator Figure 1: Laboratory test set-up for measuring performance margins for the downstream channel with splitters Upstream channel error test ATU-C ATU-R Splitter Σ Test loop Hi-Z Upstream channel error test Splitter Hi-Z CO line circuit POTS Set attenuator Simulated Crosstalk Noise attenuator Impulse waveform generator Figure 2: Laboratory test set-up for measuring performance margins for the upsteam channel with splitters 5.1.2 Crosstalk Test Crosstalk testing is performed to evaluate the performance of DSL systems in the presence of crosstalk from other services in the loop. 8 Crosstalk Injection Simulated crosstalk, XT (NEXT and/or FEXT) is introduced into the test loop at the ATU-R so as to achieve the appropriate voltage level without disturbing the impedance of the test loop or the transceiver. This is done with a balanced series feed of high impedance. One method for both test and calibration is shown in Figure 3. The Thevenin impedance of all noise-coupling circuits connected to the test loop shall be greater than 4000 ohms. The simulated XT should ideally have the power and spectral density defined by the equations for PNEXT or PFEXT in section 7. It is acknowledged, however, that if the method of generating the simulated XT is similar to that shown in Figure 3, then its accuracy will depend on the design of the filter used to shape the white noise. Therefore a calculated XT PSD may be defined for which a tolerance on f0 of +2% is allowed at each null. Then the accuracy of the simulated XT shall be within +1 dB of the calculated XT for all frequencies at which the calculated value is less than 45 dB below the peak value. The total power of the simulated XT shall be within +0.5 dB of the specified value using the same calibration termination. The crest factor of the simulated XT shall be at least 5. The simulated XT PSD shall be verified using the calibration termination shown in Figure 3 and a selective voltmeter or true RMS meter with a bandwidth of approximately 3 kHz. For DSL and HDSL crosstalk the circuit shall be calibrated for 1.3 dB less crosstalk than specified in section 7, in order to compensate for the use of 100 ohm terminations instead of 135 ohms. high impedance coupling circuit bandwidth 12kHz-2MHz ≤ 15 dBm 75 Ω unbal <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> 5.1kΩ transformer NEXT filter 1.8kΩ 0 TO 120 dB 0.5 dB steps ↔ tip −−− 2.2kΩ ring 75 Ω unbal 1800 Ω bal 5.1kΩ To test loop - −−−−−−− white noise generator attenuator 75 Ω Z=11.2 k Ω > Calibration termination connect instead of test loop > R loop 100 Ω R rec 100Ω Figure 3: High impedance crosstalk injection circuit Care should be taken when specifying the white noise generator in Figure 3; consideration should be given to the following factors: • The probability distribution of the peak amplitude: The noise shall be Gaussian within all frequency bands; • Crest factor: The crest factor is an indication of the number of standard deviations to which the noise follows a Gaussian distribution; the required minimum crest factor is 5. • The frequency spectrum: If the noise is generated using digital methods the sequence repetition rate will affect the correlation of the samples, and hence the frequency spectrum. Crosstalk Injection for TCM-ISDN environment For testing transmission performance of an ADSL system conforming to Annex C (ADSL operating in an environment co-existing with TCM-ISDN DSL), the calibrated simulated TCM-ISDN DSL NEXT PSD and TCM-ISDN DSL FEXT PSD defined in section 7 shall be alternately injected in burst mode as specified in 9 Figure 4, which is the same as the TCM-ISDN DSL signal transceiver scheme. The value of X in the figure may be fixed during testing transmission performance. The specified error threshold and minimum performance margin shall be met for an arbitrary value of X in the range of 6 ≤ X ≤ 40 . 800 UIDSL (= 2.5 ms) X UIDSL 377 UIDSL (46-X) UIDSL 377 UIDSL period A period C peri od A period B period C period C period A: DSL NEXT noise injection period B: DSL FEXT noise injection period C: DSL XT noise non-injection 6 X 40 Note: 1 UI DSL = 3.125 µs Figure 1.tcm: TCM-ISDN DSL crosstalk injection met Figure 4: TCM-ISDN DSL crosstalk injection method Crosstalk test method Before testing, the ADSL units are trained with the required crosstalk interference present. The simulated crosstalk power is injected at the appropriate reference level. This power level is considered the 0 dB margin level for that type and number of disturbers. For example, the 0 dB margin level for 24-disturber DSL NEXT is –52.6 dBm. Margin measurements are made by changing, in whole dB steps, the power level of the crosstalk injected at the transceiver and monitoring the BER over the test loops. A tested system has positive margin for a given type of crosstalk on a given loop if the system was able to operate at the specified BER with injected crosstalk power greater than the 0 dB margin level. The criteria for margin level determination shall include a check that the ADSL unit can train at the margin level. The minimum testing times to determine BERs with 95% confidence are shown in table 50. Table 50 - Minimum test time for crosstalk Bit Rate Minimum test time above 6 Mbit/s 100 seconds 1.544 Mbit/s to 6 Mbit/s 500 seconds less than 1.544 Mbit/s 20 minutes 5.1.3 Impulse Noise Test Impulse noise testing is performed to evaluate the performance of DSL systems in the presence impulse noise. 10 Impulse noise injection The same coupling circuit as is used in is used for impulse noise injection. The amplitude level of the impulses may be measured with an oscilloscope. Impulse noise test method Before testing, the ADSL units are trained with the required crosstalk interference. The test procedure consists of injecting the selected impulse wave form at varying amplitude levels and random phase. At each level the impulse is applied 15 times with a spacing of at least one second while an error measurement is made on the ADSL channels. The amplitude (ue) in millivolts at which half the impulses cause an error is determined for each wave form. Using the above amplitude determinations, the following equation gives the estimated probability that a second will be errored: E = 0.0037 P(u>ue1) + 0.0208 P(u>ue2) , for 5 mV= ue = 40 mV where: P(u>ue) = 25 2 ue P(u>ue) = 0. 625 ue , for ue> 40 mV ue1 refers to waveform 1 ue2 refers to waveform 2 The resulting probability of errored seconds (ES) value shall be less than 0.14%. 5.1.4 POTS interference Test POTS interference test is performed to evaluate the performance of DSL systems is the presence of POTS signaling. POTS interference injection The interference due to POTS service on the same line is generated by use of actual telephones and central office circuits connected in the normal way to the system under test. The following POTS signaling and alerting activities shall be performed: • • • • Call phone at ATU-R and allow to ring 25 times; Pick up ringing phone at ATU-R, 25 times; Perform off-hook and on-hook activity on phone at ATU-R, 25 times; Perform pulse and tone dialing. POTS interference test method Before testing, the ADSL units are trained with the required crosstalk interference. Signaling disturbances are created through use of the CO line connected to the splitter at the ATU-C, and the telephone set connected to the telephone jack of the splitter at the ATU-R. During these activities the ADSL channels shall be monitored while noting any test conditions that cause errored seconds. 11 5.2 ADSL operation without a splitter at the ATU-R 5.2.1 Laboratory Setup Figure 5 shows the test setup for measuring performance margins for the downstream channel in ADSL systems without a splitter at the ATU-R. Figure 6 shows the test setup for measuring performance margins for the upstream channel in ADSL systems without a splitter at the ATU-R. The test system consists of a central office transceiver (ATU-C), a remote end transceiver (ATU-R), and splitter at the ATU-C. The two transceivers are connected together by the test loop and the in-home wiring model. Calibrated simulated crosstalk is injected through a high impedance network across the tip and ring of the loop at the input of one of the transceivers (when injecting crosstalk at the ATU-R, the high impedance network should be connected between the test loop and the in-home wiring model). Impulse noise from a waveform generator is similarly injected. Crosstalk and impulses are injected at the ATU-R for downstream tests, and at both the ATU-C for upstream channel tests. For downstream testing, pseudo-random binary data from the transmitter of the bit error rate (BER) test set is presented at the downstream channel input of the ATU-C. The downstream channel output from the ATU-R is connected to the receiver of the same or a similar BER test set. The test set measures BER or errored-seconds (ES), as needed. Similar error testing is done in the upstream direction both at the rates needed for the particular system under test. A working telephone line circuit is connected to the telephone jack on the splitter at the ATU-C end. At the ATU-R end telephones may be added add places in the in-home wiring model. Downstream channel error test ATU-C ATU-R Splitter Test loop Hi-Z In-home wiring model Σ Downstream channel error test Hi-Z CO line circuit attenuator Simulated Crosstalk Noise attenuator Impulse waveform generator Figure 5: Laboratory test set-up for measuring performance margins for the downstream channel without a splitter at the ATU-R 12 Upstream channel error test ATU-C ATU-R Splitter Σ In-home wiring model Test loop Hi-Z Upstream channel error test Hi-Z CO line circuit attenuator Simulated Crosstalk Noise attenuator Impulse waveform generator Figure 6: Laboratory test set-up for measuring performance margins for the upstream channel without a splitter at the ATU-R 5.2.2 Crosstalk Test Crosstalk testing is performed to evaluate the performance of DSL systems in the presence of crosstalk from other services in the loop. Crosstalk Injection Simulated crosstalk, XT (NEXT and/or FEXT) is introduced into the test loop as described in Crosstalk Injection for TCM-ISDN environment For testing transmission performance of an ADSL system conforming to Annex C (ADSL operating in an environment co-existing with TCM-ISDN DSL), the calibrated simulated TCM-ISDN DSL NEXT PSD and TCM-ISDN DSL FEXT PSD defined in section 7 shall be injected into the test loop as described in section Crosstalk test method Crosstalk testing shall be performed as described in 5.2.3 Impulse Noise Test Impulse noise testing is performed to evaluate the performance of DSL systems in the presence impulse noise. 13 Impulse noise injection The same coupling circuit as is used in is used for impulse noise injection. The amplitude level of the impulses may be measured with an oscilloscope. Impulse noise test method Impulse noise testing shall be performed as described in 5.2.4 POTS interference Test POTS interference test is performed to evaluate the performance of DSL systems is the presence of POTS signaling. POTS testing without a splitter at the ATU-R The interference due to POTS service on the same line is generated by use of a telephone model structure and central office circuits connected in the normal way to the system under test. The telephone structure is described in section 9 and should be connected to the appropriate points in the in-home wiring model (see section 7.2). . The following POTS signaling and alerting activities shall be performed: • • • Call ATU-R phones and allow to ring 25 times; Pick up ringing phone “A” (see Figure 12) and hold in off-hook position; Return phone “A” to on-hook position; Repeat above steps 25 times. POTS testing without a splitter at the ATU-R Before testing, the ADSL units are trained with the required crosstalk interference. Signaling disturbances are created through use of the CO line connected to the splitter at the ATU-C, and the telephone model structure connected to telephone jacks in the in-home wiring model (see section 7.2). During the signaling activities described in section the system is tested by measuring: • the time required to achieve errorless transmission after a signaling event has occurred (measure fast retrain time) • the data rates in the on hook and off hook states Note that in the first on-hook to off hook transition the retrain time will be much longer since a full initialization is required in order to generate the off-hook profile that is matched to phone “A”. Subsequent onhook to off-hook transitions should use a fast retrain and the stored profile for phone “A”. 5.3 POTS QOS testing 5.3.1 Telephone Circuitry Figure 7 shows a simplified block diagram of a typical telephone, with signal flow direction indicated by arrows in the connections between blocks. Signal flow on the left side of the 2W/4W hybrid is generally bidirectional, and nonlinear distortion generated in this area can result in reflected harmonic and intermodulation components appearing across Tip and Ring. Signal flow on the right side of the hybrid is generally unidirectional. Nonlinear distortion of DSL signals in the speaker driver can result in audible energy at the speaker, but will generally not result in energy seen on the local loop. The microphone interface, of course, isn’t exposed to DSL energy in the first place, so nonlinear distortion in that area is not an issue. 14 Within the bidirectional line interface, most components are on the side of the hook switch away from Tip and Ring. This includes the vast majority of sources of nonlinear distortion, which are isolated from the loop when the telephone is on-hook. Tip Ring Bidirectional line interface (including hook switch) Unidirectional speaker driver 2W - 4W Hybrid Unidirectional microphone interface Figure 7: Typical telephone signal flow Measurement Criteria The following criteria must be incorporated when evaluating interference between DSL and POTS channels for a splitterless DSL technology: • The primary configuration for measurement of channel interference shall be with one or more telephone devices in an off-hook condition. Most of the circuitry in a typical telephone (including, in nearly all cases, any components which cause nonlinear distortion of a DSL signal) is located on the telephone side of the hook switch, and is isolated from DSL signals when the phone is on-hook (see Figure 7). While measurement of energy in the POTS band during on-hook conditions is an appropriate parameter for both splitterless and conventional ADSL systems, it is not sufficient by itself for evaluation of splitterless systems - in fact, it is considerably less meaningful than measurements taken with phones off-hook. • Interference measurements must include the sound pressure output at the telephone speaker. It is not sufficient to measure the nonlinear and intermodulation components generated across Tip and Ring, as some or all of the distortion can take place on the four-wire side of the telephone hybrid, causing audible noise at the speaker even in the absence of audio band energy on the line. Direct measurement of electrical power at the speaker terminals may not be sufficient due to varying speaker conversion characteristics. For POTS modem and facsimile devices, other measurements related to performance degradation would of course replace a sound pressure measurement. • Interference measurements should also include components generated across Tip and Ring. Excessive harmonic content on the line may result in reduced performance or even failure to connect in the downstream direction over longer loops. • There is a broad range of telephone devices which must be accommodated by any splitterless DSL solution. Test results based on a narrow sampling of devices will not accurately reflect performance in the field. Test results presented should include the types and numbers of devices used, to provide some indication of how representative the database may be. 15 5.3.2 Test conditions The configuration used for testing line coding technologies for interference with off-hook telephones is shown in Figure 19. A control telephone (with microphone disconnected) is routed through a POTS network simulator to provide switching and signaling functions for the POTS connection. The POTS network simulator shall be capable of introducing GSTN-band electrical noise as is commonly available in simulators designed to test dial modems per V.56bis. The other side of the POTS network simulator is routed through a central office POTS splitter to isolate the DSL channel from the POTS network simulator. The DSL/POTS combined port of the CO POTS splitter is routed through a wideband local loop simulator to the local telephone and the local (ATU-R ) line code transmitter, which transmits an upstream signal using the line code under test. The central office line code transmitter (ATU-C) is connected to the appropriate port on the CO POTS splitter. A condenser microphone is acoustically coupled to the telephone handset by positioning it approximately 1 mm away from and aligned with the center axis of the handset speaker. The space between the microphone and the speaker is left unsealed. The microphone and handset are placed in an isolated environment to minimize ambient noise. Sound levels from the handset speaker are measured using a sound level meter, using B weighting per IEC 651 and slow response time. The zero dB sound power reference is 20 µPascals. A signal analyzer is used to view the signal characteristics directly across Tip and Ring using a differential high impedance probe . This analyzer is used to set and verify signal levels from the line code transmitter and to verify test conditions. For each test case, a POTS connection is established and the sound output of the telephone speaker is recorded without a DSL signal present to establish a control level. Some Recommendations specify or allow the use of an a filter in series with the local telephone (e.g. customer premise POTS splitter, in-line filter, etc). The position of this optional filter is shown in the figure with a dashed box. ATU-C Remote Telephone GSTN Central Office Simulator POTS Splitter ATU-R Subscriber Loop Signal Level Analyzer Filter Local Telephone Sound Level Meter Signal Level Analyzer Figure 8: Test configuration 5.3.3 Summary of Test Procedure 1 ATU-C/ATU-R transmitters are off. GSTN simulator noise is off. Remote telephone is quiet. Loop length is zero. 2 A GSTN connection is established between remote telephone and local telephone. 3 The acoustic energy of the local telephone speaker is measured* for reference: SP1. (this establishes the acoustic noise floor as measured at the local telephone) 4 The GSTN noise is turned on at the acceptable GSTN service dBrn level of the GSTN service requirement**. 5 The acoustic energy of the local telephone speaker is measured: SP2***. (SP2 is thus the acoustic equivalent of the acceptable GSTN service noise on this particular telephone.) 16 6 GSTN simulator noise is turned off. ATU-C/ATU-R transmitters are turned on at their prescribed transmit levels. 7 The acoustic energy of the local telephone speaker is measured: SP3. . The test result is the difference between SP2 and SP3 in dB. If the test result is positive, i.e. SP3 < SP2, then the DSL equipment does not introduce audio noise in excess of that allowed by the GSTN service for the local telephone used. Test Variations: A. The GSTN requirement may have two dBrn thresholds that require testing. For example, <20 dBrnC may represent preferred service and >30 dBrnC may be unacceptable service. 6 Test loops 6.1 Local loop configurations 6.1.1 North American Test Loops 17 13500' T1.601 Loop #7 ATU-C ATU-R 26 AWG 1500 26 AWG 3000 ft T1.601 Loop #9 ATU-C 1500 26 AWG 6000 26 AWG 1500 26 AWG 1500 ATU-R 26 AWG 26 AWG 1500' 26 AWG T1.601 Loop #13 ATU-C 9000' 2000' 26 AWG 24 AWG ATU-R 500' 24 AWG 400 26 AWG CSA Loop #4 ATU-C CSA Loop #6 ATU-C 800 26 AWG 550 ft 6250 26 AWG 26 AWG 800 ATU-R 26 AWG 9000 ATU-R 26 AWG 800' 24 AWG 10700' CSA Loop #7 ATU-C ATU-R 24 AWG 12000 CSA Loop #8 ATU-C ATU-R 24 AWG 6000 mid-CSA Loop ATU-C ATU-R 26 AWG < 10' CSA Loop #0 ATU-C ATU-R 26 AWG 18 T1.601 Loop #1 16,500’ 1,500’ 26 AWG 24 AWG ATU-C ATU-R 1,500’ 24 AWG 3,000’ 13,500’ T1.601 Loop #2 ATU-C ATU-R 24 AWG 26 AWG 6,000’ 9,000’ T1.601 Loop #5 ATU-C ATU-R 24 AWG 26 AWG Shortened T1.601 Loop #7 1,500’ 26 AWG 11000' ATU-C ATU-R 26 AWG Figure 9: North American Test loop NOTES: 1. Lengths are in feet (‘) 2. AWG = American Wire Gauge Resistance and insertion loss Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 provide the calculated resistance and insertion loss between 100 ohm terminations of the loops shown in . Table 1: Resistance and insertion loss values for test loops at 700 F Loop # Resistance (ohms) Frequency (kHz) Insertion loss (dB) 20 40 T1.601 # 7 1127 29.8 36.7 T1.601 # 9 877 27.6 36.4 T1.601 # 13 909 26.6 34.1 CSA # 4 634 17.6 22.0 CSA # 6 751 20.0 24.4 CSA # 7 562 17.3 20.9 CSA # 8 630 19.2 22.8 Mid-CSA 501 13.3 16.2 100 45.2 52.5 47.9 29.6 30.1 26.8 27.7 20.0 200 52.8 47.5 48.3 39.6 35.2 33.6 34.4 23.4 260 57.3 55.7 55.7 40.1 38.2 37.8 38.3 25.4 300 60.2 62.0 61.3 42.5 40.2 38.6 40.8 26.8 400 67.7 60.3 62.2 49.2 45.1 43.1 46.9 30.1 500 74.8 71.5 71.4 50.2 49.9 49.9 52.4 33.2 600 81.7 72.2 74.1 53.8 54.4 57.9 57.4 36.3 780 93.0 82.7 85.3 55.7 62.0 60.2 65.4 41.3 1100 110 96.2 100 70.7 73.6 72.7 77.8 49.1 780 1100 Table 2: Resistance and insertion loss in dB for test loops at 900 F Loop # Resistance (ohms) Frequency (kHz) Insertion loss (dB) 20 40 100 200 260 300 400 500 600 19 T1.601 # 7 T1.601 # 9 T1.601 # 13 CSA # 4 CSA # 6 CSA # 7 CSA # 8 Mid-CSA 20 1176 915 948 658 784 586 657 523 30.6 28.4 27.4 18.0 20.5 17.9 19.8 13.8 37.9 37.5 35.2 22.6 25.2 21.6 23.6 16.7 46.9 53.4 49.0 30.4 31.2 27.7 28.7 20.7 54.6 49.1 49.9 40.3 36.4 34.0 35.4 24.2 59.1 57.2 57.2 41.0 39.4 38.7 39.3 26.2 62.1 63.1 62.5 43.5 41.4 39.5 41.8 27.6 69.6 61.9 63.7 50.0 46.4 44.1 47.9 30.9 76.6 72.8 72.8 50.9 51.1 50.9 53.5 34.0 83.4 73.6 75.6 54.3 55.6 58.8 58.6 37.1 95.0 84.2 87.0 56.6 63.3 61.4 66.8 42.2 113 98.1 102 71.6 75.2 74.0 79.4 50.1 Table 3: Resistance and insertion loss in dB for test loops at 1200 F Loop # Resistance (ohms) Frequency (kHz) Insertion loss (dB) 20 40 T1.601 # 7 1250 31.9 39.6 T1.601 # 9 972 29.5 39.1 T1.601 # 13 1008 28.5 36.8 CSA # 4 704 18.9 23.8 CSA # 6 833 21.4 26.3 CSA # 7 623 18.7 22.6 CSA #8 699 20.7 24.8 Mid-CSA 555 14.4 17.5 100 49.4 54.7 50.7 32.2 32.8 29.1 30.2 21.8 200 57.4 51.5 52.3 41.9 38.2 36.2 36.9 25.5 260 61.8 59.5 59.5 42.8 41.2 40.0 40.8 27.5 300 64.8 65.0 64.5 45.2 43.2 43.2 43.3 28.8 400 72.3 64.1 66.0 51.5 48.2 45.5 49.4 32.1 500 79.3 74.4 74.9 52.8 52.9 52.5 55.1 35.1 600 86.1 75.7 77.9 56.0 57.4 60.2 60.4 38.3 780 97.9 86.4 89.4 58.7 65.3 63.2 68.8 43.5 1100 116 101 105 74.1 77.5 76.0 81.7 51.6 Primary constants The primary constants R, L, C, and G of both polyethylene insulated cable (PIC) and pulp insulated cable, at 0° F, 70° F, and 120° F, are specified in Annex G of T1.601-1992. The variation of R and L with frequency can be accurately modeled as follows R = (roc^4 +ac.f^2)^0.25, L = (L0 + L8 .xb)/(1 + xb), xb = (f/ /fm )^b and where The six coefficients for 24 and 26 AWG PIC cable (per kft at 70° F) are given in Table 4. Table 4: Coefficients for calculation of R and L (24 and 26 AWG PIC at 70° F) 24 AWG 26 AWG roc 0.0537 .0836 ac .000386 .001034 L0 .1873 .1867 L8 .1292 .1343 Fm .6973 .8696 b .8188 .8472 For PIC cable the C values are constant with frequency (15.72 nF/kft), and the G values are negligibly small. 6.1.2 European Local Test Loops The variation of the primary line constants (R, L and C) with frequency for the different reference cable types are given in Table 6 and Table 7. Note that G is assumed zero. The RLC values are quoted per km at a temperature of 20°C and are measured values that have been smoothed. The variation of R and L with frequency can be accurately modeled as follows and where R = (roc^4 +ac.f^2)^0.25, L = (L0 + L8 .xb)/(1 + xb), xb = (f/ /fm )^b The six coefficients for the cable types referenced in Figure 10 are given in Table 8. Note also that there are adjustable sections (marked 'X') in 21 Figure 10. The nominal lengths of these sections are shown Table 5. The lengths of the sections are based on the reference RLC values for each cable type shown in tables Table 6 and Table 7. For repeatability of measurement results, however, the lengths of these section length shall be adjusted to give the overall insertion loss given in tables H.5 to H.8. Insertion loss is measured at 300 kHz with 100 Ω (balanced resistive) source and termination impedances ATU-R (note 1) ATU-C (note 1) 0 km; null loop loop # 0 loop # 1 X km 0.4 mm X km loop # 2 0.5 mm 1.5 km loop # 3 X km • 0.4 mm 0.5 mm loop # 4 0.5 km • 0.5 km • 0.9 mm loop # 6 • 4.0 km • 0m • .75 km 0.32 mm 0.4 mm 0.5 km BT 0.4 mm X km • 0.4 mm 0.5 mm 1.25 km X km • 0.4 mm X km • 0.4 mm 1.1 km 0.2 km • 0.5 mm 0.9 mm loop # 8 • 0.63 mm 0.5 km X km 0.4 mm 0.5 km 0.63 mm loop # 7 • 0.5 mm 0.63 mm loop # 5 1.5 km 0.2 km 0.32 mm X km • 0.4 mm 0.5 km BT 0.4 mm Notes: 1. These test loops are shown with the ATU-Rs on the left; this is the European convention, which is in contrast to fig. 38, where the ATU-Rs are on the right. 2. All cable is Polyethylene insulated; 3. 1 km = 3.28 kft; 4. BT = Bridged tap (i.e., section of unterminated cable) Figure 10: ETSI Test loops 22 Loop # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Loop insertion loss 36dB @ 300kHz Nominal value of adjustable length 'X' (km) 2,55 3,40 1,40 0,90 1,45 1,30 0,60 0,75 Loop insertion loss 36dB @ 300kHz Nominal value of adjustable length 'X' (km) 2,55 3,40 1,40 0,90 1,45 1,30 0,60 0,75 Loop insertion loss 51dB @ 300kHz Nominal value of adjustable length 'X' (km) 3,60 4,80 2,45 1,90 2,50 2,35 1,60 1,80 Loop insertion loss 61dB @ 300kHz Nominal value of adjustable length 'X' (km) 4,30 5,70 3,15 2,65 3,20 3,05 2,20 2,50 Table 5: Examples of Loop set insertion loss, nominal lengths for European testing Table 6: RLC values for 0.32, 0.4, and 0.5 mm PE cables Freq kHz 0. 2.5 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 100. 150. 200. 250. 300. 350. 400. 450. 500. 550. 600. 650. 700. 750. 800. 850. 900. 950. 1000. 1050. 1100. 0.32 mm C=40 nf/km R ohm/km 409.000 409.009 409.140 409.557 410.251 411.216 412.447 422.302 437.337 456.086 477.229 499.757 522.967 546.395 569.748 592.843 615.576 637.885 659.743 681.138 702.072 722.556 742.601 762.224 781.442 800.272 818.731 836.837 L mH/km 607.639 607.639 607.639 607.639 607.639 607.639 607.639 607.631 607.570 607.327 606.639 605.074 602.046 596.934 589.337 579.376 567.822 555.867 544.657 534.942 526.991 520.732 515.919 512.264 509.503 507.415 505.831 504.623 0.4 mm C=50 nF/km R ohm/km 280.000 280.007 280.110 280.440 280.988 281.748 282.718 290.433 302.070 316.393 332.348 349.167 366.345 383.562 400.626 417.427 433.904 450.027 465.785 481.180 496.218 510.912 525.274 539.320 553.064 566.521 579.705 592.628 L mH/km 587.132 587.075 586.738 586.099 585.322 584.443 583.483 577.878 571.525 564.889 558.233 551.714 545.431 539.437 533.759 528.409 523.385 518.677 514.272 510.153 506.304 502.707 499.343 496.197 493.252 490.494 487.908 485.481 0.5 mm C=50 nF/km R ohm/km 179.000 179.015 179.244 179.970 181.161 182.790 184.822 199.608 218.721 239.132 259.461 279.173 298.103 316.230 333.591 350.243 366.246 381.657 396.528 410.907 424.835 438.348 451.480 464.258 476.71 488.857 500.720 512.317 L mH/km 673.574 673.466 672.923 671.980 670.896 669.716 668.468 661.677 654.622 647.735 641.208 635.119 629.489 624.309 619.557 615.202 611.211 607.552 604.192 601.104 598.261 595.639 593.217 590.975 588.896 586.966 585.169 583.495 23 NOTE: G = 0 at all frequencies. Table 7: RLC values for 0.63 and 0.9 mm PE cables Freq kHz 0. 2.5 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 100. 150. 200. 250. 300. 350. 400. 450. 500. 550. 600. 650. 700. 750. 800. 850. 900. 950. 1000. 1050. 1100. 0.63 mm C = 45 nF/km R ohm/km 113.000 113.028 113.442 114.737 116.803 119.523 122.768 143.115 164.938 185.689 204.996 222.961 239.764 255.575 270.533 284.753 298.330 311.339 323.844 335.897 347.542 358.819 369.758 380.388 390.734 400.816 410.654 420.264 L mH/km 699.258 697.943 693.361 687.008 680.714 674.593 668.690 642.718 622.050 605.496 592.048 580.960 571.691 563.845 557.129 551.323 546.260 541.809 537.868 534.358 531.212 528.378 525.813 523.480 521.352 519.402 517.609 515.956 0.9 mm C = 40 nF/km R ohm/km 55.000 55.088 56.361 59.941 64.777 70.127 75.586 100.769 121.866 140.075 156.273 170.987 184.556 197.208 209.104 220.365 231.081 241.326 251.155 260.615 269.745 278.577 287.138 295.452 303.538 311.416 319.099 326.602 L mH/km 750.796 745.504 731.961 716.775 703.875 692.707 682.914 647.496 625.140 609.652 598.256 589.504 582.563 576.919 572.237 568.287 564.910 561.988 559.435 557.183 555.183 553.394 551.784 550.327 549.002 547.793 546.683 545.663 NOTE – G = 0 at all frequencies. Table 8: Coefficients for calculation of R and L 0.32 mm 0.4 mm 0.5 mm 0.63 mm 0.9 mm 24 roc .4090 .2800 .1792 .113 .0551 ac .3822 .0969 .0561 .0257 .0094 L0 .6075 .5873 .6746 .6994 .7509 L8 .5 .4260 .5327 .4772 .5205 fm .6090 .7459 .6647 .2658 .1238 b 5.269 1.385 1.195 1.0956 .9604 6.1.3 Test loops in an environment co-existing with TCM-ISDN DSL To test the performance of the G.dmt/G.lite system, the test loops specified in Figure 11 shall be used. Note that there are adjustable sections (marked “X”) in the figure. The nominal lengths of these sections corresponding to each loop coverage are shown in Table 9. The lengths of the sections are based on the reference RLC values for each cable type shown below. The calculated overall loop insertion loss at 300 kHz and dc loop resistance are also provided in Table 9. Customer Customer Loop TCM #1 Premises Central Office 0 km null loop Loop TCM # 0 Premises 5.0 km 0.9 mm polyethylene insulated X km 0.65 mm paper insulated Central Office 0.1 or 0.3 or 0.5 km BT 0.65 mm polyethylene insulated Customer Loop TCM #2 Premises 1.5 km 0.65 mm polyethylene insulated Central Office X km 0.4 mm paper insulated all combinations of three BT lengths (ten configurations including non-BT case) {0, 0} {0.1, 0.1} {0.3, 0.3} {0.5, 0.5}{0.1, 0.3} {0.1, 0.5} {0.3, 0.5}{0.3, 0.1} {0.5, 0.1} {0.5, 0.3} Customer Loop TCM #3 Premises Central 1.0 km Office 0.32 mm polyethylene insulated Customer X km 0.65 mm paper insulated Central Office Customer X km 0.4 mm paper insulated Central Office Loop TCM # 4 Premises Loop TCM # 5 Premises i X km 0.4 mm polyethylene insulated : Test loops in an environment co-existing with TCM-ISDN DSL Figure 11: Test loop in an enviroment co-existing with TCM-ISDN DSL 25 Table 9: Loop-set insertion loss and noimnal lengths Table 1.tcm: Loop-set insertion loss and nominal lengths Loop insertion loss Loop Nominal value Loop insertion loss d.c. loop (160 kHz) TCM # of "X" (300 kHz) resistance 26.0 dB 1 0.42 km 36.1 dB 314 ohms (60% coverage) 2 1.32 km 34.6 dB 518 ohms 3 0.78 km 31.9 dB 642 ohms 4 3.62 km 37.0 dB 376 ohms 5 2.07 km 34.0 dB 567 ohms 37.0 dB 1 1.95 km 51.8 dB 474 ohms (90% coverage) 2 2.19 km 49.0 dB 758 ohms 3 1.75 km 45.6 dB 910 ohms 4 5.15 km 52.7 dB 536 ohms 5 2.94 km 48.3 dB 807 ohms 50.0 dB 1 3.76 km 70.3 dB 662 ohms (99% coverage) 2 3.23 km 66.0 dB 1041 ohms 3 2.91 km 61.7 dB 1227 ohms 4 6.97 km 71.2 dB 724 ohms 5 3.97 km 65.3 dB 1090 ohms 65.0 dB 1 5.85 km 91.7 dB 879 ohms (99.9% coverage) 2 4.42 km 85.6 dB 1368 ohms (for G.lite only) 3 ---------------------------4 9.06 km 92.6 dB 941 ohms 5 5.16 km 84.9 dB 1417 ohms Note-1: The values in the table for Loop TCM # 2 are given by considering only the section terminated by Customer Premises and Central Office, on condition of detaching the bridge taps(BTs); The ef fect on theoverall insertion loss characteristics caused by the BTs isnot taken into account. Note-2: Test loopsof the 60-99% coverage are f or the use of G.dmt performance testing. Test loops of the 60-99.9% coverage are for the use of G.lite performance testing. The performance objective f or G.dmt/G.lite testing is10-7 BER with 6 dB (G.dmt) and 4 dB (G.lite) margins with -140 dBm/Hz background noise and with X T noises defined in section 6.3.1. It isnot necessarily required to comply with NEX T/FEXT PSL values (NPSL n/FPSLn) def ined in section 8.tcm f or test loopsof the 99.9% coverage. The resultant net data rates may be given asa f unction of NPSLn/FPSLn values for thiscase. Note-3: TCM #3 f or 99.9% coverage isremoved from the list becausethe d.c. loop resistance isgreater than 1500 ohms. Primary line constants The primary line constants are R, L, C, and G. The variation of R, L , and G with frequency can be accurately calculated by the equations shown below. The coefficients for the calculation of R, L, and G are given in Table 10. The equations below give the value of R in ohm/m, L in H/m, G in mho/m, C in F/m, and f in Hz by using the coefficient values shown in the table. Note that the capacitance C is assumed constant with frequency (C = 50 pF/m). The primary line constants (R, L, G, and C) calculated by the equations below for the cable types referenced in Figure 11 are shown in Table 12, Table 13, Table 14, Table 15, Table 16, as a function of frequency, where the values are indicated R in ohm/km, L in µH/km, G in µmho/km, C in nF/km, f in kHz, and at a temperature of 20ºC. 26 R = 2( Ri + Rn + Rns ) L = 2( La + Li + Ln + Lns) [ohm / m] [ H / m] G = ω C tan δ [mho / m] C = 50 × 10 − 12 [ F / m] 1 (R) Ri = 2 f i πr σ 1+ J0( 1 1+ j δ = 2 Re[ r 1+ 2δ πr σ J1 ( δ j j r) ] r) 1+ j J1 ( r) 1 1 1 + j ( R) δ = Re[ − ] Rn = f r n 1+ j δ πσd 2 πσd 2 J0( r) δ 1+ j J1 ( r) 1 4 1+ j ( R) δ ] 4 fn = Re[− Rns = r 1+ j δ πσd 2 πσd 2 J0( r) δ d µ La = 0 ln( ) r 2π 1+ j J0 ( r) µ r µ0 ( L) µ δ δ Li = fi = Re[ − ] 2π 2π (1 + j )r J (1 + j r ) 1 δ 1+ j J2( r) µ0 r 2 ( L) µ0 r 2 δ Ln = − ( ) fn = − ( ) Re[− ] 1+ j 2π d 2π d J0 ( r) δ 1+ j J2( r) µ0 r 2 µ0 r 2 ( L) δ Lns = − ( ) 4 fn = − ( ) 4 Re[− ] 1+ j 2π d 2π d J0 ( r) δ where ω = 2 πf ; angular frequency r ; the radius of a conductor σ ; conductivi ty of copper (conductor) δ = 2 ; skin depth ω σ µ r µ0 d = 2 2 (r + co) ; the distance between the conductor centers of a pair co ; the insulator thickness of a wire µ r ; relative permeabili ty of copper (conductor) µ 0 ; permeabili ty of vacuum 27 Table 10: Coefficients for calculation of R and L Coefficient Paper 0.4mm 0.5mm -3 r(m) 0.2 x 10 co(m) 0.09 x 10-3 polyethylen 0.65mm 0.9mm -3 0.325 x 10 0.11 x 10-3 0.17 x 10-3 0.25 x 10 -3 0.32mm 0.45 x 10 -3 0.16 x 10 0.24 x 10-3 µr(H/m) 0.4mm -3 0.2 x 10 0.05 x 10-3 0.5mm -3 0.9mm 0.325 x 10 0.15 x 10-3 0.20 x 10-3 0.25 x 10 0.13 x 10-3 0.65mm -3 -3 0.45 x 10-3 0.27 x 10-3 1 µ0(H/m) 4π x 10 σ(mho/m) -7 5.8 x 107 tan δ 2.5 x 10 -2 4.0 x 10-4 5.0 x 10-4 The variant of R and L with frequency can be accurately modeled as follows. The five coefficients for the cable types referenced in Figure 11 are given in Table 11. The approximate equations below give the values of R in ohm/m, L in H/m, G in mho/m, C in F/m, and f in Hz by using the coefficient values shown in the table. R = (roc + ac × f ) 4 L = xa + xb × f G = ωC tan δ 2 1 2 1 4 [ohm / m] + xc × f C = 50 × 10 −12 1 3 [ H / m] [mho / m] [ F / m] Table 11: Coefficients calculation of R and L (at 20C) T a b le 3 .t c m : C o e ff ici e n t s c a lc u la t i o n o f R a n d L (a t 2 0 º C ) C ab l e ty p e P aper ac xa 0 .4 mm 2 .6 8 8 x 1 0 - 1 ro c 2 .2 6 7 x 1 0 -1 3 6 .8 3 4 x 1 0 -7 -2 . 0 9 4 x 1 0 -1 0 7 .2 0 5 x 1 0 -1 0 0 .5 mm 1 .7 2 4 x 1 0 - 1 9 .3 7 4 x 1 0 -1 4 7 .3 5 1 x 1 0 -7 1 . 9 3 0 x 1 0 -1 1 -2 . 3 3 0 x 1 0 -9 0 .6 5 m m 1 .0 4 1 x 1 0 - 1 2 .7 8 7 x 1 0 -1 4 8 .0 0 6 x 1 0 -7 xc 2 .6 9 6 x 1 0 -1 0 - 5 .3 4 0 x 1 0 - 9 mm 5 .5 8 9 x 1 0 -2 7 .1 8 0 x 1 0 -1 5 8 .3 0 4 x 1 0 - 7 5 .1 1 1 x 1 0 -1 0 - 8 .1 6 1 x 1 0 - 9 0 .3 2 m m 4 .1 7 5 x 1 0 -1 6 .9 9 8 x 1 0 -1 3 6 .0 0 3 x 1 0 - 7 - 3 .9 1 9 x 1 0 -1 0 3 .0 8 1 x 1 0 - 9 0 .4 2 .7 1 4 x 1 0 -1 1 .7 0 5 x 1 0 -1 3 7 .2 5 7 x 1 0 - 7 - 2 .0 5 9 x 1 0 -1 0 9 .6 7 8 x 1 0 - 1 0 0 .9 mm mm 1 .7 4 2 x 1 0 -1 7 .3 4 6 x 1 0 -1 4 7 .6 1 8 x 1 0 - 7 - 1 .5 4 7 x 1 0 -1 1 - 1 .6 5 6 x 1 0 - 9 0 .6 5 m m 1 .0 4 8 x 1 0 -1 2 .4 3 6 x 1 0 -1 4 8 .1 3 9 x 1 0 - 7 2 .3 5 4 x 1 0 -1 0 - 4 .8 0 1 x 1 0 - 9 0 .9 5 .6 3 0 x 1 0 -2 6 .4 8 6 x 1 0 -1 5 8 .4 0 7 x 1 0 - 7 4 .8 1 6 x 1 0 -1 0 - 7 .7 2 1 x 1 0 - 9 P o ly e t h y le n e 0 . 5 28 xb mm Table 12: RLC values for 0.4 and 0.5 mm paper insulated cables Table m: RLC values for 0.4 and 0.5 mm paper insulate d c abl es Frequenc y (kHz ) 0.4mm C=50nF/km R(ohm/ km) L(µ H /km ) 0.5mm C=50nF/km R(ohm/km) L(µ H /km ) 0.00 274.41 664.51 175.62 661.75 2.50 274.42 664.51 175.64 661.73 10.00 274.62 664.42 175.97 661.52 20.00 275.28 664.15 176.99 660.85 30.00 276.36 663.69 178.68 659.74 40.00 277.87 663.07 180.99 658.24 50.00 279.78 662.27 183.88 656.37 100.00 294.75 656.09 204.86 643.13 150.00 316.56 647.33 231.49 627.35 200.00 342.22 637.42 258.98 612.46 250.00 369.40 627.46 285.41 599.57 300.00 396.69 618.03 310.31 588.68 350.00 423.38 609.41 333.73 579.47 400.00 449.19 601.65 355.79 571.61 450.00 474.02 594.68 376.61 564.83 500.00 497.90 588.42 396.34 558.92 550.00 520.87 582.79 415.08 553.73 600.00 542.99 577.69 432.93 549.13 650.00 564.30 573.06 449.98 545.03 700.00 584.86 568.84 466.34 541.34 750.00 604.72 564.98 482.06 538.02 800.00 623.92 561.42 497.22 535.00 850.00 642.50 558.15 511.88 532.24 900.00 660.52 555.11 526.09 529.71 950.00 678.00 552.30 539.88 527.38 1000.00 694.99 549.69 553.30 525.23 1050.00 711.52 547.25 566.38 523.23 1100.00 727.62 544.96 579.14 521.37 29 Table 13: RLC values for 0.65 and 0.9 mm paper insulated cables Table 5.tcm: RLC values for 0.65 and 0.9mm papaer insulated cables Frequency (kHz) 30 0.65mm C=50nF/km R(ohm/km) L(µH/km) 0.9mm C=50nF/km R(ohm/km) L(µH/km) 0.00 103.92 684.18 54.20 686.87 2.50 103.95 684.15 54.27 686.73 10.00 104.45 683.60 55.20 684.79 20.00 106.02 681.89 57.98 679.07 30.00 108.52 679.19 62.04 670.97 40.00 111.83 675.66 66.81 661.83 50.00 115.78 671.51 71.88 652.64 100.00 140.25 647.61 96.11 616.45 150.00 165.42 626.69 116.50 594.37 200.00 188.55 610.67 133.77 579.83 250.00 209.58 598.33 148.81 569.58 300.00 228.77 588.57 162.27 561.93 350.00 246.38 580.67 174.61 555.98 400.00 262.68 574.16 186.08 551.17 450.00 277.89 568.69 196.86 547.19 500.00 292.19 564.04 207.06 543.81 550.00 305.73 560.02 216.77 540.90 600.00 318.64 556.51 226.06 538.36 650.00 331.01 553.41 234.97 536.11 700.00 342.90 550.65 243.55 534.10 750.00 354.37 548.17 251.83 532.30 800.00 365.47 545.92 259.84 530.67 850.00 376.23 543.88 267.60 529.18 900.00 386.68 542.00 275.14 527.82 950.00 396.85 540.27 282.47 526.57 1000.00 406.77 538.67 289.61 525.41 1050.00 416.44 537.19 296.58 524.33 1100.00 425.88 535.81 303.38 523.33 Table 14: RLC values for 0.32, 04 and 0.5 mm polyethelene insulated cables Table 6.tcm: RLC values for 0.32, 0.4mm and 0.5mm polyethylene insulated cables 0.32mm C=50nF/km L(µH/km) 0.4mm R(ohm/km) C=50nF/km L(µH/km) 0.5mm R(ohm/km) C=50nF/km Freq (kHz) R(ohm/km) L(µH/km) 0.00 428.76 624.66 274.41 716.20 175.62 703.89 2.50 428.77 624.66 274.42 716.19 175.64 703.88 10.00 428.92 624.62 274.59 716.13 175.91 703.70 20.00 429.41 624.48 275.12 715.91 176.79 703.14 30.00 430.23 624.26 276.02 715.55 178.23 702.23 40.00 431.37 623.94 277.25 715.05 180.20 700.98 50.00 432.83 623.54 278.83 714.42 182.66 699.43 100.00 444.67 620.31 291.19 709.50 200.68 688.42 150.00 463.20 615.30 309.35 702.50 223.85 675.19 200.00 486.98 608.97 330.92 694.53 248.16 662.55 250.00 514.44 601.81 354.05 686.44 271.91 651.46 300.00 544.17 594.24 377.58 678.73 294.59 641.96 350.00 575.05 586.61 400.91 671.59 316.14 633.82 400.00 606.26 579.16 423.72 665.08 336.56 626.79 450.00 637.24 572.03 445.91 659.18 355.93 620.66 500.00 667.67 565.31 467.42 653.82 374.32 615.28 550.00 697.37 559.03 488.25 648.94 391.79 610.53 600.00 726.25 553.18 508.41 644.49 408.45 606.30 650.00 754.29 547.75 527.90 640.42 424.36 602.52 700.00 781.52 542.72 546.76 636.68 439.60 599.12 750.00 807.95 538.05 565.01 633.23 454.24 596.04 800.00 833.64 533.70 582.67 630.05 468.35 593.25 850.00 858.61 529.65 599.77 627.10 481.98 590.69 900.00 882.92 525.88 616.36 624.36 495.18 588.35 950.00 906.60 522.34 632.44 621.82 508.00 586.20 1000.00 929.68 519.03 648.07 619.45 520.46 584.20 1050.00 952.21 515.92 663.27 617.23 532.60 582.35 1100.00 974.20 513.00 678.07 615.15 544.44 580.62 31 Table 15: RLC values for 065 mm and 0.9 mm polyethelyne cables Table 7.tcm: RLC values for 0.65mm and 0.9mm polyethylene insulated cables Frequency (kHz) 32 0.65mm C=50nF/km 0.9mm C=50nF/km R(ohm/km) L(µH/km) R(ohm/km) L(µH/km) 0.00 103.92 707.72 54.20 703.89 2.50 103.95 707.69 54.26 703.77 10.00 104.41 707.19 55.14 701.96 20.00 105.84 705.66 57.75 696.66 30.00 108.14 703.22 61.57 689.13 40.00 111.17 700.03 66.08 680.63 50.00 114.81 696.28 70.89 672.04 100.00 137.50 674.59 94.16 637.90 150.00 161.20 655.37 113.97 616.72 200.00 183.24 640.46 130.78 602.67 250.00 203.43 628.83 145.41 592.72 300.00 221.91 619.57 158.49 585.30 350.00 238.88 612.03 170.48 579.52 400.00 254.58 605.79 181.62 574.85 450.00 269.22 600.55 192.09 570.98 500.00 282.98 596.08 202.00 567.70 550.00 296.00 592.23 211.44 564.88 600.00 308.41 588.86 220.46 562.41 650.00 320.29 585.88 229.12 560.22 700.00 331.71 583.23 237.45 558.28 750.00 342.73 580.85 245.50 556.53 800.00 353.40 578.69 253.28 554.94 850.00 363.73 576.73 260.82 553.50 900.00 373.78 574.93 268.14 552.18 950.00 383.55 573.27 275.27 550.96 1000.00 393.07 571.73 282.20 549.83 1050.00 402.36 570.31 288.97 548.79 1100.00 411.44 568.98 295.58 547.81 Table 16:G values Table 8.tcm: G values Frequency (kHz) 0.4, 0.5, 0.65, 0.9 mm 0.32mm 0.4, 0.5, 0.65, 0.9 mm polyethylene (µmho/km) polyethylene (µmho/km) paper (µmho/km) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 19.64 0.31 0.39 10.00 78.54 1.26 1.57 20.00 157.08 2.51 3.14 30.00 235.62 3.77 4.71 40.00 314.16 5.03 6.28 50.00 392.70 6.28 7.85 100.00 785.40 12.57 15.71 150.00 1178.10 18.85 23.56 200.00 1570.80 25.13 31.42 250.00 1963.50 31.42 39.27 300.00 2356.19 37.70 47.12 350.00 2748.89 43.98 54.98 400.00 3141.59 50.27 62.83 450.00 3534.29 56.55 70.69 500.00 3926.99 62.83 78.54 550.00 4319.69 69.12 86.39 600.00 4712.39 75.40 94.25 650.00 5105.09 81.68 102.10 700.00 5497.79 87.96 109.96 750.00 5890.49 94.25 117.81 800.00 6283.19 100.53 125.66 850.00 6675.88 106.81 133.52 900.00 7068.58 113.10 141.37 950.00 7461.28 119.38 149.23 1000.00 7853.98 125.66 157.08 1050.00 8246.68 131.95 164.93 1100.00 8639.38 138.23 172.79 33 6.2 In-home wiring models Phone B 10 feet 100 feet NID 10 feet ATU-R 60 feet 100 feet Phone C Phone A Figure 12: Customer premise in-home wiring model #1 Note that phone “A” will be used for off-hook testing. 34 Area Coverage House (Detached and Apartment houses) (Note-1 and -2) 60% 5m Office building (N ote-1 and -2) 89 m Phone A Phone A ATU -R Typically 0.5 mm untwisted single-pair wire (N ote-3) Typically 0.4 mm twisted pair wire (non quad configuration) (Note-3) Connecting cord (Typically 3 m) (Note-4) Connecting cord (Typically 3 m) (Note-4) NID 90% ATU-R NID RJ-11 2m 4m Phone A RJ-11 110 m 70 m 70 m 3m ATU-R ATU-R Phone B Phone B 5m Phone A ATU-R Phone B 2m 180 m Phone A 180 m 4m 99% Phone A 5m 3m 7m Phone B Phone A 216 m 84 m 3m Phone A 84 m ATU-R Phone B ATU-R ATU-R ATU-R Phone B Phone B 10 m Phone A 300 m 5m Phone B ATU-R 5m Phone A 300 m Phone B ATU-R Phone B Note-1: In-home wiring modes in the figure is to be substituted for the box labeled “customer premises” in the test loops (Figure 2.tcm) for G.lite system performance test, where system performance should be tested with one phone (Phone A) off-hook. It is not required for G .dmt system performance test to comply with in-home wiring models defined in the figure. Note-2: A linear phone model is provided for testing purpose of G.lite system performance, w here only steadystate impedances are considered and transients are not considered. An off-hook impedance model for Phone A is shown in Figures 3.1.tcm, 3.2.tcm, and 3.3.tcm. A n on-hook impedance model for Phone A and Phone B is shown in Figures 3.4.tcm and 3.5.tcm. Notice that the phone impedance models are moderate ones; are not typical or representative or average or worst. They are specified to provide a unified test condition so as to validate test results comparison. Test results do not guarantee G.lite system performance for any cases of splitterless operation. Note-3: The equations to calculate primary line constants R, L, C, and G with frequency for in-home wiring cables are shown in section 7.1.3. The coefficients for the calculation are given in Table 8.1.tcm. Notice that the inhome wiring cables defined in Figure 3.tcm do not adopt a quad structure despite that the cables defined in the Figure 2.tcm adopt a quad structure, so the distance between the conductor centers of a pair “d” used in the equations is to be “d = 2 (r+co)”; Sqrt[2] is not multiplied as in the case of a quad-structured cable. Note-4: The insertion loss characteristics of a 3 m connecting cord is shown in Figure 3.6.tcm. Figure 3.tcm: In-home wiring models in an environment co-existing with TCM-ISDN DSL 35 7 Power spectral density of crosstalk disturbers Crosstalk margin measurements were made for four types of disturbers, DSLs, HDSLs, T1s and ADSL lines. DSL, HDSL, and ADSL crosstalk is from pairs in the same binder group; T1 crosstalk is from pairs in an adjacent binder group 7.1 Simulated DSL PSD and induced NEXT The power spectral density (PSD) of Basic Access DSL disturbers is expressed as: PSD DSL-Disturber = K DSL × 2 × fo πf 2 sin fo πf fo 2 × 1 f 1+ f3dB 4 , f 3dB = 80 kHz, 0 ≤ f < ∞ 2 where f o = 80 kHz, KDSL = 5 Vp × , V p = 2. 50 Volts and R = 135 Ohms 9 R This equation gives the single-sided PSD; thjat is, the integral of PSD, with respect to f, from 0 to infinity, gives the power in Watts. PSDDSL-Disturber is the PSD of an 80 kbaud 2B1Q signal with random equiprobable levels, with full-baud square-topped pulses and with 2nd order Butterworth filtering ( f3dB = 80 kHz). The PSD of the DSL NEXT can be expressed as: 3 PSDDSL− NEXT = PSDDSL− Disturber x n f 2 0 ≤ f < ∞, n = 1, 10, 24, 49 1 14 1.134 × 10 1 x4 = 14 4.950 × 10 1 x10 = 13 2.849 × 10 1 x24 = 13 1.677 × 10 where: x1 = The integration of PSD DSL-Disturber and PSD DSL-NEXT over various frequency ranges of interest are presented in Table 17. 36 Table 17: DSL transmit and DSL-induced NEXT power Frequency Range Transmit Power dBm 0–0.16 MHz 0–0.32 MHz 0–1.544 MHz 0–3 MHz 0–10 MHz 13.60 13.60 13.60 13.60 13.60 NEXT Power dBm 24 disturber –52.62 –52.62 –52.62 –52.62 –52.62 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 Frequency (Hz) Figure 13: 24-disturber DSL NEXT 7.2 Simulated HDSL PSD and induced NEXT The PSD of HDSL disturbers is expressed as: 2 PSD HDSL- Disturber = KHDSL × × fo πf sin fo πf fo 2 2 × 1 f 1+ f 3dB 8 , f 3dB = 196 kHz, 0 ≤ f < ∞ 2 where f o = 392kHz, K HDSL = 5 Vp , V p = 2. 70 Volts, and R = 135 Ohms × 9 R This equation gives the single-sided PSD; that is, the integral of PSD, with respect to f, from 0 to infinity, gives the power in Watts. PSDHDSL-Disturber is the PSD of a 392 kbaud 2B1Q signal with random 37 equiprobable levels, with full-band sguare-topped pulses and with 4-th order Butterworth filtering ( f3dB = 196 kHz ). The PSD of the HDSL NEXT can be expressed as: 3 PSDHDSL− NEXT = PSDHDSL− Disturber x n f 2 , 0 ≤ f < ∞, n = 1, 10, 24, 49 The integration of PSDHDSL-Disturber over various frequency ranges of interest is presented in Table 18 along with the induced NEXT power. Table 18: HDSL transmit and induced NEXT power Frequency Range Transmit Power dBm 0–0.196 MHz 0–0.392 MHz 0–0.784 MHz 0–1.544 MHz 0–1.568 MHz 0–3 MHz 13.44 13.60 13.60 13.60 13.60 13.60 NEXT Power 10 disturbers dBm –46.9 –46.3 –46.3 –46.3 –46.3 –46.3 -90 -95 -100 -105 -110 -115 -120 -125 -130 -135 -140 -145 -150 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 Frequency (Hz) Figure 14: 10–disturber HDSL NEXT 38 700000 800000 7.3 Simulated T1 line PSD and induced NEXT The PSD of the T1 line disturber is assumed to be the 50% duty–cycle random Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) code at 1.544 Mbit/s. The single–sided PSD has the following expression. πf sin V 2P 2 f o × PSDT1−Disturber = RL f o πf fo 2 2 πf sin × 2 fo 1 f 6 1+ f 3dB × 2 f , f 2 + f3 dB 2 0 ≤ f <∞ The total power of the transmit T 1 signal is computed by: PT1−total = 2 1 Vp 4 RL It is assumed that the transmitted pulse passes through a low–pass shaping filter. The shaping filter is chosen as a third order low–pass Butterworth filter with 3–dB point at 3.0 MHz. The filter magnitude squared transfer function is: Hshaping( f ) = 2 1 6 f 1+ f 3dB In addition, the coupling transformer is modeled as a high–pass filter with 3–dB point at 40 kHz as: 2 f2 H Transformer( f ) = 2 f + f3dB2 Furthermore, it is assumed that Vp = 3.6 Volts, RL = 100 Ohms, and fo = 1.544 MHz. The PSD of the T1 NEXT can be expressed as: 3 PSDT1− NEXT = PSDT1− Disturber x n f 2 , 0 ≤ f < ∞, n = 1, 10, 24, 49 The T1 transmit and T1–induced NEXT power using n–crosstalk models (Xn) are presented in Table 19. Table 19: T1 transmit and induced NEXT power with shaping and coupling transformer Frequency Range 0–1.544 MHz 0–3 MHz Transmit Power dBm 14.1 14.57 NEXT Power 4 disturbers dBm –34.7 –32.8 NEXT Power 24 disturbers dBm –30.0 –28.1 39 . -85 -90 24-disturber -95 -100 4-disturber -105 -110 -115 -120 -125 -130 -135 -140 -145 -150 0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000 1200000 1400000 Frequency (Hz) Figure 15: 4 and 24–disturber T1 NEXT For testing, the T1 interferer power and the PSD curve are adjusted downward by a total of 15.5 dB to allow for the adjacent binder effect and an averaging factor which accounts for non–collocation of the T1 and ADSL terminals. 7.4 Simulated ADSL downstream PSD and induced NEXT and FEXT The PSD of ADSL disturbers is expressed as: PSD ADSL-Disturber = K ADSL × 2 × fo πf sin f o πf fo 2 2 × |LPF ( f )|2 × | HPF( f )|2 , 0≤ f <∞ where f o = 2.208 × 10 6 Hz, K ADSL = 0.1104Watts, This equation gives the single sided PSD, where KADSL is the total transmitted power in Watts for the downstream ADSL transmitter before shaping filters, and is set such that the ADSL PSD will not exceed the maximum allowed PSD. fo is the sampling frequency in Hz and 2 LPF ( f ) = 40 f hα 36 , f h = 1.104 × 10 6 Hz , α = = 11.96 α α f + fh 10 log(2) is a fourth order low pass filter with a 3 dB point at 1104 kHz, and f α + f lα , f l = 4000 Hz , f h = 25875 Hz , α = HPF ( f ) = α f + f hα 2 57.5 f 10 log h fl = 7.09 is a fourth order high pass filter with a 3 dB point at 20 kHz, separating ADSL from POTS. With this set of parameters the PSDADSL is the PSD of a downstream transmitter that uses all the channels. 7.4.1 FEXT The FEXT loss model is: | HFEXT ( f )|2 = | Hchannel ( f )|2 × k × l × f 2 where Hchannel (f) is the channel transfer function, k is the coupling constant and is 3.083x10–20 for 10, 1% worst-case disturbers, l is the coupling path length in feet and equals 9000 ft for CSA #6, and f is in Hz. The FEXT noise PSD is therefore: PSDADSL − FEXT = PSDADSL × | HFEXT ( f )| 2 The integration of PSDADSL and PSDADSL–FEXT over the various frequency ranges is presented Table 20. Figure 16 shows the theoretical PSD of 10 disturber downstream ADSL FEXT on CSA loop #6 using the PSD model described above. Figure 17 shows the theoretical PSD of 49 disturber downstream ADSL FEXT on T1.601 loop 7 using the PSD mask from G.lite Annex A Table 20: ADSL and ADSL-FEXT power with shaping and coupling transformer Frequency Range 0–1.104 MHz 0–2.204 MHz 0–4.416 MHz Transmit Power DBm 18.99 19.15 19.15 FEXT Power 10 disturbers dBm –69.61 –69.61 –69.61 41 -90 -95 -100 -105 -110 -115 -120 -125 -130 -135 -140 -145 -150 0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000 Fequency (Hz) Figure 16: 10–disturber downstream ADSL FEXT on CSA 6 using the PSD model from section 7.4 42 Figure 17: 49-disturber downstream ADSL FEXT on T1.601 Loop 7 using the PSD mask from G.lite Annex A. 7.4.2 NEXT The PSD of the ADSL NEXT into the upstream can be expressed as PSDADSL-NEXT = PSDADSL-Disturber × (x (n)f 1.5 ) for n = 1,10,24,49 where x(n) is defined in section 7.1. The integration of the induced NEXT over the band from 0 to 1.104 Mhz for n = 49 is –25.4 dBm. Figure 18 shows the theoretical PSD of 49 disturber downstream ADSL NEXT for the non-overlapped ADSL mask. 43 Figure 18: 49-disturber downstream ADSL NEXT into the upstream using the PSD mask from G.lite Annex A 44 7.5 Simulated ADSL upstream PSD and induced NEXT and FEXT 7.5.1 FEXT The FEXT loss model is: H FEXT ( f ) = H channel ( f ) × k × l × f 2 2 2 where Hchannel (f) is the channel transfer function, k is the coupling constant and is 8 × 10-20× (n/49)0.6 for n<50 or 3.083 × 10-20 for 10, 1% worst-case disturbers, l is the coupling path length in feet, f is in Hz. The FEXT noise PSD is therefore: PSD ADSL− FEXT = PSD ADSL− Disturber × H FEXT ( f ) 2 The integration of the induced FEXT over the band from 0 to 1.104 MHz for n=49 and using T1.601 loop 7 is –81.8 dBm, and -83.7 for n=24. Figure 19 shows the theoretical PSD of 49-disturber upstream ADSL FEXT on T1.601 loop #7. Figure 19: Theoretical 49-disturber upstream ADSL FEXT on T1.601 Loop 7 using the PSD mask from G.lite Annex A. 7.5.2 NEXT 45 The upstream ADSL signal nominally occupies the band from 25 to 138 kHz, but the upper sidelobes of the pass–band signal beyond 138 kHz may also contribute to the NEXT into the downstream signal. Their effect will depend on the method of anti–aliassing used in the remote transmitter. The PSD of the upstream ADSL NEXT can be expressed as: 3 PSDADSL − NEXT = PSDADSL,us − Disturber xn f 2 , 0≤ f <∞ where x10 = 3.3982 10 –14 and f is in Hz. PSDADSL,us – disturber is difficult to define precisely because of the various sidelobes of the passband signals The PSD of ADSL disturbers is expressed as: PSDADSL -Disturber = K ADSL × 2 × fo where f o = 276 × 10 3 Hz, K ADSL πf sin fo 2 × | LPF ( f ) | 2 × | HPF ( f ) | 2 , 2 πf fo = 0.0437 Watts , 0≤ f <∞ This equation gives the single sided PSD, where KADSL is the total transmitted power in Watts for the upstream ADSL transmitter before shaping filters, and is set such that the ADSL PSD will not exceed the maximum allowed PSD. f0 is the sampling frequency in Hz and 2 LPF ( f ) = f hα 24 , f h = 138 × 10 3 Hz , α = = 20.32 α α 10 log(181.125 / 138) f + fh is a low pass filter with a 3 dB point at 138 kHz and 24 dB attenuation at 181.125 kHz, and 2 HPF ( f ) = f α + f lα , f l = 4000 Hz , f h = 25875 Hz , α = f α + f hα 59.5 f 10 log h fl = 7.34 is a high pass filter with 3 dB points at 4 and 25.875 kHz and 59.5 dB attenuation in the voice band, separating ADSL from POTS. With this set of parameters the PSDADSL-Disturber is the PSD of an upstream transmitter that uses all the sub-carriers. Figure 20 shows the theoretical PSD of 10–disturber upstream ADSL NEXT into the downstream. 46 -90 -95 -100 -105 -110 -115 -120 -125 -130 -135 -140 -145 -150 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 Frequency(Hz) Figure 20: 10–disturber upstream ADSL NEXT into the downstream using the PSD model from section 7.5.2. 7.6 ETSI A, -ETSI B and Euro-K crosstalk The power spectral density of the crosstalk noise sources used for performance testing is given in Figure 21 for -ETSI A, and in Figure 22 for ETSI B. ETSI A includes discrete tones, which represent radio frequency interference that is commonly observed, especially on wire pairs routed above ground. Further details of the specification of these noise models are shown in Table 21, Table 22 and Table 23. The resulting wideband noise power over the frequency range 1 kHz to 1.5 MHz for model A is –49.4±0.5 dBm and for model B is –43.0±0.5 dBm. The noise probability density function should be approximately Gaussian with a crest factor = 5. The accuracy of the power spectral density shall be within ±1 dB over the frequency range 1 kHz to 1.5 MHz, when measured with a resolution bandwidth of 1 kHz. 47 10 discrete tones PSD (dBm/Hz) −100 −110 −120 −40 dB/decade slope −130 −140 −150 1 10 100 1000 Freq. (kHz) Figure 21: Single sided noise power spectral density into 100 Ω for ETSI A Table 21: Co-ordinates for noise ETSI A Freq. kHz 1 79.5 795 1500 PSD dBm/Hz -100 -100 -140 -140 Table 22: Tone frequencies and powers for noise ETSI A Freq. kHz 99 207 333 387 531 603 711 801 909 981 48 Power dBm -70 -70 -70 -70 -70 -70 -70 -70 -70 -70 PSD (dBm/Hz) −70 −80 −20 dB/decade slope −90 −100 −40 dB/decade slope −110 −120 −130 1 10 100 1000 kHz Figure 22: Single sided noise power spectral density into 100 Ω for ETSI B Table 23: Co-ordinates for noise ETSI B Freq. kHz 1 10 300 711 1500 PSD dBm/Hz –80 –100 –100 –115 –115 PSD µV/√Hz 31.62 3.16 3.16 0.56 0.56 The EURO-K model has a floor at -140dBm/Hz, its maximum at -94dBm/Hz between 135kHz and 260kHz. Below 135kHz it rolls off towards the floor at +7dB/ decade. Above 260kHz it rolls off towards the floor at 75dB/ decade. Note that Euro-K is based on a re-calculation of ETSI A crosstalk interference at the ATU-C end. It basically removes the secondary HDSL NEXT effects which are exploited at the ATU-R end by noise ETSI A but which do not apply at the ATU-C end. 7.7 Power spectral density of crosstalk disturbers in an environment coexisting with TCM-ISDN DSL Crosstalk margin measurements are made for three types of disturbers from pairs in the same binder group; TCM-ISDN DSL, HDSL and ADSL lines. Note: The term “ADSL” is used to indicate both G.dmt and G.lite, unless otherwise stated. 49 7.7.1 Simulated TCM-ISDN DSL PSD and induced NEXT and FEXT The PSD of Basic Rate Access (BRA) DSL disturbers using a Time Completion Multiplex (TCM) method is expressed as: PSDDSL - Distuerber = KDSL × 2 f × [sin(π )]2 × f0 f0 f 2 )] 1 2f 0 × f 2 f 4 (π ) 1+ ( ) f 3 dB 2f 0 [sin(π where f in Hz , f 0 = 320 × 103 Hz , f 3dB = 2 × f 0 , KDSL = (0 ≤ f < ∞) V 0 P2 , V 0 P = 6.00 volts and R = 110 ohms 4R The equation PSDDSL-Disturber gives the single-sided PSD of a 320 kbaud Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) signal with random continuous symbol sequence, with 50% duty-cycle pulses and with 2nd order low-pass Butterworth filtering (f3dB = 640 kHz). DSL NEXT The PSD of the DSL NEXT can be expressed as: 3 − NPSLn − PSD DSL − NEXT = PSD DSL − Distuerber × 10 10 × f NXT 2 × f where f in Hz, f NXT = 160 × 10 3 Hz 3 2 (0 ≤ f < ∞) The crosstalk loss as the result of multiple interfering pairs is known as the Power Sum Loss (PSL), and 99% cumulative (1% worst case) values are adopted for ADSL performance test. PSL values vary depending on the number of disturber pairs, the insulation material of the pair conductors (paper, polyethylene), and line conditioning states (pair selection conditions) for DSL installation into a cable pair in the same binder. NEXT Power Sum Loss for the disturber pair number of “n” is abbreviated to “NPSLn”. The values of NPSLn are defined in the following. The NPSL24 value of 47.0 dB is for the case of the paper insulated cable and intra-quad line conditioning state. The NPSL24 value of 52.5 dB is for the case of the paper insulated cable and inter-quad line conditioning state. The value of 52.5 dB is for the case that interfering and interfered transmission systems are different; from DSL to ADSL and vice versa. The NPSL24 value of 49.5 dB is for the case of the polyethylene insulated cable and intra-quad line conditioning state. The NPSL24 value of 53.5 dB is for the case of the polyethylene insulated cable and inter-quad line conditioning state. The value of 53.5 dB is for the case that interfering and interfered transmission systems are different; from DSL to ADSL and vice versa. The integration of PSDDSL-Disturber and PSDDSL-NEXT over various frequency ranges are presented in Table 24 for the case of the paper insulated cable with intra-quad line conditioning state. 50 Table 24: TCM-ISDN DSL transmit and induced NEXT power Table 9.tcm: TCM-ISDN DSL transmit and induced NEXT power Frequency Range Transmit Power NEXT Power NPSL24= 47.0 dB 0 ~ 640 kHz 0 ~ 1280 kHz 0 ~ 1920 kHz 0 ~ 2560 kHz 0 ~ 3200 kHz 18.6 dBm 18.6 dBm 18.6 dBm 18.6 dBm 18.6 dBm -27.3 dBm -26.8 dBm -26.7 dBm -26.7 dBm -26.7 dBm PSD [dBm/Hz] -30 -40 PSDDSL-Disturber -50 -60 -70 -80 PSD DSL -NEXT (NPSL24 = 47.0 dB) -90 -100 -110 -120 0 320 640 960 1280 1600 1920 2240 2560 Frequency (kHz) Figure 4.tcm: 24-distur ber TCM-I SDN DSL NEXT Figure 23: 24 disturber TCM-IDSN DSL NEXT DSL FEXT The PSD of the DSL FEXT can be expressed as: − FPSLn −1 −2 PSD DSL − FEXT = PSD DSL − Distuerber × H channel ( f , d ) × 10 10 × d FXT × f FXT × d × f 3 3 where f in Hz , d in meter , f FXT = 160 × 10 Hz , d FXT = 1.0 × 10 meters 2 2 (0 ≤ f < ∞ ) Hchannel(f,d) is the channel transfer function, “d” is the coupling path distance in meter, and depends on test loops defined in section 7.1. The power sum of PSDDSL-FEXT is required for the test loops of mixed type connection. FEXT Power Sum Loss for the disturber pair number of “n” is abbreviated to “FPSLn”. The 99% cumulative values of FPSLn are defined in the following. 51 The FPSL24 value of 45.0 dB is for the case of the paper insulated cable and both intra-quad and inter-quad line conditioning states. The value of 45.0 dB is for the case that interfering and interfered transmission systems are different; from DSL to ADSL and vice versa. The FPSL24 value of 51.0 dB is for the case of the polyethylene insulated cable and both intra-quad and interquad line conditioning states. The value of 51.0 dB is for the case that interfering and interfered transmission systems are different; from DSL to ADSL and vice versa. The integration of PSDDSL-Disturber and PSDDSL-FEXT over various frequency ranges are presented in Table 25 for the case of the 0.4 mm gauge paper insulated cable with intra-quad line conditioning state and with d = 2.07 x 103, 2.94 x 103, 3.97 x 103, and 5.16 x 103 meters. Table 25: TCM-ISDN DSL transmit and induced FEXT power Table 10.tcm: TCM-ISDN DSL transmit and induced FEXT power Frequency Transmit FEXT Power (FPSL24 = 45.0 dB) Range 0 ~ 640 kHz 0 ~ 1280 kHz 0 ~ 1920 kHz 0 ~ 2560 kHz 0 ~ 3200 kHz PSD [dBm/Hz] -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 -160 -170 -180 -190 -200 0 Power 18.6 dBm 18.6 dBm 18.6 dBm 18.6 dBm 18.6 dBm d= 2.07 km -50.3 dBm -50.3 dBm -50.3 dBm -50.3 dBm -50.3 dBm d = 2.07 km d= 2.94 km -59.5 dBm -59.5 dBm -59.5 dBm -59.5 dBm -59.5 dBm d= 3.97 km -70.4 dBm -70.4 dBm -70.4 dBm -70.4 dBm -70.4 dBm PSDDSL-FEXT (FPSL24 = 45.0 dB) d = 2.94 km d = 3.97 km d = 5.16 km 320 640 960 1280 Frequency (kHz) Figure 5.tcm: 24-disturber TCM-ISDN DSL FEXT Figure 24: 24 distrurber TCM-ISDN DSL FEXT 7.7.2 Simulated HDSL PSD and induced NEXT The PSD of HDSL disturbers is expressed as: 52 d= 5.16 km -82.7 dBm -82.7 dBm -82.7 dBm -82.7 dBm -82.7 dBm PSDHDSL - Distuerber = KHDSL × 2 × f0 f 2 )] 1 f0 × f f 8 (π ) 2 1+ ( ) f0 f 3 dB [sin(π where f in Hz , f 0 = 392 × 103 Hz , f 3dB = (0 ≤ f < ∞) f0 5 V 0 P2 , KHDSL = × , V 0 P = 2.70 volts and R = 135 ohms 2 9 R The equation PSDHDSL-Disturber gives the single-sided PSD of a 392 kbaud 2B1Q signal with random continuous equiprobable level symbol sequence, with 100% duty-cycle pulses and with 4-th order low-pass Butterworth filtering (f3dB = 196 kHz). The PSD of HDSL NEXT can be expressed as: 3 − NPSLn − PSD HDSL− NEXT = PSD HDSL − Distuerber × 10 10 × f NXT 2 × f where f in Hz, f NXT = 160 × 10 3 Hz 3 2 (0 ≤ f < ∞ ) The 99% cumulative values of NPSLn are defined in the following. The NPSL24 value of 47.0 dB is for the case of the paper insulated cable and intra-quad line conditioning state. The NPSL24 value of 52.5 dB is for the case of the paper insulated cable and inter-quad line conditioning state. The value of 52.5 dB is for the case that interfering and interfered transmission systems are different; from HDSL to ADSL and vice versa. The NPSL24 value of 49.5 dB is for the case of the polyethylene insulated cable and intra-quad line conditioning state. The NPSL24 value of 53.5 dB is for the case of the polyethylene insulated cable and inter-quad line conditioning state. The value of 53.5 dB is for the case that interfering and interfered transmission systems are different; from HDSL to ADSL and vice versa. The integration of PSDHDSL-Disturber and PSDHDSL-NEXT over various frequency ranges are presented in Table 26 for the case of the paper insulated cable with intra-quad line conditioning state. Table 26: HDSL transmit and induced NEXT power Table 11.tcm: HDSL transmit and induced NEXT power Frequency Range Transmit Power NEXT Power (NPSL24= 47.0dB) 0 ~ 196 kHz 0 ~ 392 kHz 0 ~ 784 kHz 0 ~ 1568 kHz 0 ~ 3136 kHz 13.4 dBm 13.6 dBm 13.6 dBm 13.6 dBm 13.6 dBm -37.4 dBm -36.8 dBm -36.8 dBm -36.8 dBm -36.8 dBm 53 PSD [dBm/Hz] -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 -160 -170 -180 PSDHDSL-Disturber PSDHDSL-NEXT (NPSL24 = 47.0 dB) 0 588 784 980 Frequency (kHz) Figure 6.tcm: 24-disturber HDSL NEXT 196 392 1176 Figure 25: 24 disturber HDSL NEXT 7.7.3 Simulated downstream ADSL PSD and induced NEXT and FEXT The PSD of the downstream G.dmt/G.lite disturbers is expressed as: 2 f sin ð 1 2 f 0 1 × × PSD ADSL,ds-Distuerber =K ADSL ,ds × × N 12 2 f0 f f f HP 3 dB ð 1 + 1 + f f0 f LP 3 dB f f where f in Hz, f 0 = 2.208 × 10 6 Hz, f LP 3 dB= 0 ( for G.dmt ) , f LP 3 dB= 0 ( for G.lite), 2 4 3 f HP 3 dB = 25.875 × 10 Hz , N = 8 ( for EC ) , (0 ≤ f < ∞ ) f HP 3 dB = 138 × 10 3 Hz , N = 16 ( for FDM ) , K ADSL,ds = 0.1104 watts (corresponding to the maximum pass − band PSD of − 40dB / Hz ) The equation PSDADSL,ds-Disturber gives the single-sided PSD with 6-th order low-pass Butterworth filtering (fLP3dB = 1104 kHz (G.dmt) or 552 kHz (G.lite)), rejecting stop-band PSD and with N-th order high-pass filtering (fHP3dB = 25.875 kHz, N = 8 (EC) or 138 kHz, N= 16 (FDM)), separating ADSL signal from POTS signal for EC, or separating ADSL downstream signal from ADSL upstream signal for FDM. Downstream ADSL NEXT into the upstream The PSD of the downstream G.dmt/G.lite NEXT into the upstream can be expressed as: 54 3 − NPSLn − PSD ADSL,ds − NEXT = PSD ADSL, ds − Distuerber × 10 10 × f NXT 2 × f 3 2 (0 ≤ f < ∞ ) where f in Hz, f NXT = 160 × 10 3 Hz The 99% cumulative values of NPSLn are defined in the following. The NPSL24 value of 47.0 dB is for the case of the paper insulated cable and intra-quad line conditioning state. The NPSL24 value of 53.5 dB is for the case of the paper insulated cable and inter-quad line conditioning state. The value of 53.5 dB is for the case that interfering and interfered transmission systems are identical; from ADSL to ADSL. The NPSL24 value of 49.5 dB is for the case of the polyethylene insulated cable and intra-quad line conditioning state. The NPSL24 value of 55.5 dB is for the case of the polyethylene insulated cable and inter-quad line conditioning state. The value of 55.5 dB is for the case that interfering and interfered transmission systems are identical; from ADSL to ADSL. The integration of PSDADSL,ds-NEXT over various frequency ranges are presented in Table 27 (G.dmt, FDM) and Table 28 (G.lite, FDM) for the case of the paper insulated cable with intra-quad line conditioning state. Table 27: Downstream G.dmt (FDM) transmit and induced NEXT power Table 12.tcm: Downstream G.dmt (FDM) transmit and induced NEXT power Frequency Range Transmit Power NEXT Power (NPSL24 = 47.0 dB) 0 ~ 1104 kHz 0 ~ 2208 kHz 0 ~ 4416 kHz 18.4 dBm 18.5 dBm 18.5 dBm -20.4 dBm -20.0 dBm -20.0 dBm Table 28: Downstream G.lite (FDM) transmit and induced NEXT power Table 13.tcm: Downstream G.lite (FDM) transmit and induced NEXT power Frequency Range Transmit Power NEXT Power (NPSL24 = 47.0 dB) 0 ~ 552 kHz 0 ~ 1104 kHz 0 ~ 2208 kHz 15.5 dBm 15.8 dBm 15.8 dBm -26.7 dBm -25.9 dBm -25.9 dBm 55 PSD [dBm / Hz] -30 -40 P SD A DS L ,d s-D is tu rber -50 -60 -70 P SD A DS L ,d s-N EX T (NPSL 2 4 = 47.0 dB ) -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 0 276 552 828 1104 1380 1656 1932 2208 Frequency (kHz) Figure 7.tcm: Downstream 24-disturber G.dmt (FDM) NEXT Figure 26: Downstream 24 disturber G.dmt (FDM) NEXT PSD [dBm/Hz] -30 -40 PSDADSL,ds-Disturber -50 -60 -70 PSDADSL,ds-NEXT (NPSL 24 = 47.0 dB) -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 0 276 552 828 1104 1380 1656 1932 2208 Frequency (kHz) Figure 8.tcm: Downstream 24-disturber G.lite (FDM) NEXT Figure 27: Downstream 24 disturber G.lite (FDM) NEXT Downstream ADSL FEXT into the downstream The PSD of the downstream G.dmt/G.lite FEXT into the downstream can be expressed as: 56 − FPSLn 2 −1 −2 PSD ADSL, ds − FEXT = PSD ADSL, ds − Distuerber × H channel ( f , d ) × 10 10 × d FXT × f FXT × d × f where f in Hz , d in meter , f FXT = 160 × 10 3 Hz , d FXT = 1.0 × 10 3 meters 2 (0 ≤ f < ∞ ) The 99% cumulative values of FPSLn are defined in the following. The FPSL24 value of 45.0 dB is for the case of the paper insulated cable and intra-quad line conditioning states. The FPSL24 value of 45.5 dB is for the case of the paper insulated cable and inter-quad line conditioning states. The value of 45.5 dB is for the case that interfering and interfered transmission systems are identical; from ADSL to ADSL. The FPSL24 value of 51.0 dB is for the case of the polyethylene insulated cable and intra-quad line conditioning states. The FPSL24 value of 53.0 dB is for the case of the polyethylene insulated cable and inter-quad line conditioning states. The value of 53.0 dB is for the case that interfering and interfered transmission systems are identical; from ADSL to ADSL. The integration of PSDADSL,ds-Disturber and PSDADSL,ds-FEXT over various frequency ranges are presented in Table 29 (G.dmt, FDM) and Table 30 (G.lite, FDM) for the case of the 0.4 mm gauge paper insulated cable with intra-quad line conditioning state and with d = 2.07 x 103, 2.94 x 103, 3.97 x 103, and 5.16 x 103 meters. Table 29: Downstream G.dmt (FDM) transmit and induced FEXT power Table 14.tcm: Downstream G.dmt (FDM) transmit and induced FEXT power Frequency Transmit FEXT Power (FPSL24 = 45.0 dB) Range Power d= 2.07 km d= 2.94 km d= 3.97 km d= 5.16 k m 0 ~ 1104 kH z 18.4 dB m -54.9 dBm -66.5 dB m -79.5 dB m -94.2 dBm 0 ~ 2208 kH z 18.5 dB m -54.9 dBm -66.5 dB m -79.5 dB m -94.2 dBm 0 ~ 4416 kH z 18.5 dB m -54.9 dBm -66.5 dB m -79.5 dB m -94.2 dBm Table 30: Downstream G.lite (FDM) transmit and induced FEXT power Table 15.tcm: Downstream G.lite (FDM) transmit and induced FEXT power Frequency Transmit FEXT Power (FPSL24 = 45.0 dB) Range Power d= 2.07 km d= 2.94 km 0 ~ 552 kHz 15.5 dBm -55.2 dBm -66.5 dBm 0 ~ 1104 kHz 15.8 dBm -55.1 dBm -66.5 dBm 0 ~ 2208 kHz 15.8 dBm -55.1 dBm -66.5 dBm d= 3.97 km -79.5 dBm -79.5 dBm -79.5 dBm d= 5.16 km -94.2 dBm -94.2 dBm -94.2 dBm 57 PSD [dBm/Hz] -100 -110 -120 -130 PSDADSL,ds-FEXT (FPSL 24 = 45.0 dB) d= 2.07 km -140 -150 -160 -170 -180 d= 2.94 km -190 -200 d= 5.16 km d= 3.97 km 0 276 552 828 1104 Frequency (kHz) Figure 9.tcm: Downstream 24-disturber G.dmt (FDM)FEXT Figure 28: Downstream 24 disturber G.dmt (FDM) FEXT PSD [dBm/Hz] -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 -160 -170 -180 -190 -200 0 PSDADSL,ds-FEXT (FPSL24 = 45.0 dB) d= 2.07 km d= 2.94 km d= 3.97 km d= 5.16 km 276 552 828 1104 Frequency (kHz) Figure 10.tcm: Downstream 24-disturber G.lite (FDM) FEXT Figure 29: Downstream 24 disturber G.lite (FDM) FEXT 7.7.4 Simulated upstream ADSL PSD and induced NEXT The single-sided PSD of the upstream G.dmt/G.lite disturbers can be assumed as: 58 PSD ADSL,us-Distuerber =K ADSL ,us 2 f sin ð 1 2 f 0 × × × 2 f0 f f ð 1 + f LP 3 dB f0 × 1 16 f 1 + HP 3dB f where f in Hz, f 0 = 276 × 10 3 Hz, f LP 3 dB=138 × 10 3 , f HP 3 dB=25.875 × 10 3 Hz , 8 (0 ≤ f < ∞ ) K ADSL ,us = 0.02187 watts (corresponding to the maximum pass − band PSD of − 38dB / Hz ) The PSD of the upstream G.dmt/G.lite NEXT into the downstream can be expressed as: n 3 − NPSL − PSD ADSL,us − NEXT = PSD ADSL ,us − Distuerber × 10 10 × f NXT 2 × f where f in Hz, f NXT = 160 × 10 3 Hz 3 2 (0 ≤ f < ∞ ) The 99% cumulative values of NPSLn are defined in the following. The NPSL24 value of 47.0 dB is for the case of the paper insulated cable and intra-quad line conditioning state. The NPSL24 value of 53.5 dB is for the case of the paper insulated cable and inter-quad line conditioning state. The value of 53.5 dB is for the case that interfering and interfered transmission systems are identical; from ADSL to ADSL. The NPSL24 value of 49.5 dB is for the case of the polyethylene insulated cable and intra-quad line conditioning state. The NPSL24 value of 55.5 dB is for the case of the polyethylene insulated cable and inter-quad line conditioning state. The value of 55.5 dB is for the case that interfering and interfered transmission systems are identical; from ADSL to ADSL. The integration of PSDADSL,us-Disturber and PSDADSL,us-NEXT over various frequency ranges are presented in Table 31 for the case of a paper insulated cable with intra-quad line conditioning state. Table 31: Upstream G.dmt/G.lite transmit and induced NEXT power Table 16.tcm: Upstream G.dmt/G.lite transmit and induced NEXT power Frequency Range Transmit Power NEXT Power (NPSL24= 47.0dB) 0 ~ 138.000 kHz 0 ~ 181.125 kHz 0 ~ 224.250 kHz 10.9 dBm 11.0 dBm 11.0 dBm -40.9 dBm -40.6 dBm -40.6 dBm 59 PSD [dBm/Hz] -30 -40 -50 PSDADSL,us-Disturber -60 -70 -80 PSDADSL,us-NEXT (NPSL24 = 47.0dB) -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 0 25.875 138 181.125 224.25 267.375 310.5 Frequency (kHz) Figure 11.tcm: Upstream 24-disturber G.dmt/G.lite NEXT Figure 30: Upstream 24 disturber G.dmt/G.lite NEXT 8 Characteristics of impulse noise waveforms The two test impulse waveforms are shown in Figure 31 and Figure 32. Table 32 and Table 33 contain the impulse wave amplitude given in millivolts at 160 nanosecond time intervals. The specific means of generating these waveforms for test purposes is left to the implementor. 60 20 10 A m p l 0 i t u d e (mV) - 10 - 20 0.125 0.130 0.135 0.140 0.145 0.150 Time (msec) Figure 31: Test impulse 1 40 A 20 m p l i 0 t u d e - 20 (mV) - 40 0.125 0.130 0.135 0.140 0.145 0.150 Time (msec) Figure 32: Test impulse 2 61 Table 32: Impulse number 1 Interval # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 62 Amplitude mV 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.9590 –0.4795 –1.2787 –1.1188 –1.4385 –1.5984 –2.2377 –1.4385 7.6721 6.7131 –16.6229 –12.9467 18.7008 9.5902 –13.5861 –5.2746 –6.3934 –1.9180 23.0164 3.9959 –23.4959 –3.1967 4.3156 –3.0369 10.7090 2.2377 –12.9467 3.1967 1.9180 –9.9098 5.5943 5.9139 –6.7131 2.3975 1.2787 –8.4713 2.5574 2.8771 –6.0738 2.2377 1.7582 Interval # 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Amplitude m –6.3934 1.7582 2.2377 –4.9549 2.2377 1.7582 –5.5943 1.4385 2.3975 –3.6762 1.4385 0.4795 –5.7541 –0.4795 0.3197 –3.3566 2.3975 2.3975 –3.1967 0.7992 0.6393 –3.5164 1.1188 1.7582 –2.3975 1.2787 0.9590 –3.3566 0.0000 0.1598 –3.0369 1.1188 1.5984 –2.0779 0.1598 0.3197 –2.5574 0.1598 0.1598 –2.0779 0.6393 0.9590 –1.7582 –0.1598 –0.6393 –3.0369 –0.3197 0.4795 –1.4385 0.4795 Interval # 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 Amplitude mV 0.1598 –1.7582 0.1598 0.4795 –1.2787 0.7992 1.2787 –0.7992 0.0000 –0.3197 –2.2377 –1.1188 –0.7992 –1.5984 0.1598 0.4795 –0.9590 0.0000 –0.3197 –1.5984 0.0000 0.4795 –0.7992 0.4795 0.7992 –0.9590 –0.9590 –0.4795 –0.6393 0.4795 1.1188 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Table 33: Impulse number 2 Interval # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Amplitude mV 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 –0.6404 0.9606 0.1601 –5.4433 –12.3276 –12.1675 0.0000 5.2832 0.1601 –20.8128 –45.3078 –46.7487 –28.9778 –13.4483 0.6404 0.9606 –14.4089 –13.7685 –9.4458 –17.4507 –2.5616 26.5763 16.1699 –17.7709 –17.1305 13.6084 27.0566 18.0911 14.2488 5.6034 –8.1650 12.4877 37.3029 9.6059 –18.8916 5.1231 22.2537 1.1207 –0.9606 20.4926 14.2488 Interval # 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Amplitude mV 0.6404 15.5295 18.8916 –3.8424 –3.0419 11.6872 –0.3202 –7.5246 13.4483 18.4113 –0.4803 –3.0419 9.7660 11.2069 4.0025 0.6404 0.6404 1.7611 3.3621 5.6034 7.8448 2.5616 –4.6428 0.6404 10.7266 8.3251 1.9212 3.6823 4.3227 0.3202 2.7217 7.2044 3.2020 –2.7217 –1.4409 1.2808 1.4409 0.8005 0.1601 0.0000 1.1207 1.1207 0.6404 1.1207 0.6404 –1.1207 –0.8005 0.1601 –1.2808 –1.4409 Interval # 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Amplitude mV 0.6404 0.6404 –0.4803 –0.3202 –0.9606 –2.8818 –2.5616 –0.8005 –0.4803 –0.8005 –0.4803 –0.9606 –1.1207 –0.6404 –0.4803 –0.9606 –1.4409 –1.6010 –1.2808 –0.9606 –0.9606 –1.2808 –1.1207 –1.1207 –1.4409 –1.4409 –1.4409 –2.0813 –2.4015 –1.9212 –1.4409 –1.1207 –1.2808 –1.9212 –2.2414 –2.2414 –2.5616 –3.0419 –3.0419 –2.5616 –1.2808 –0.1601 –0.6404 –2.5616 –3.2020 –3.0419 –2.5616 –2.0813 –1.4409 –1.6010 63 Table 33: Impulse number 2 (continued) Interval # 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 64 Amplitude mV –1.9212 –1.9212 –2.0813 –2.4015 –2.5616 –2.5616 –1.9212 –1.6010 –1.6010 –1.9212 –1.9212 –2.0813 –2.2414 –2.5616 –2.7217 –2.2414 –1.2808 –1.2808 –2.2414 –3.0419 –2.8818 –2.5616 –2.2414 –1.9212 –1.9212 –2.2414 –2.5616 –2.7217 –2.5616 –2.4015 –2.2414 –2.0813 –1.7611 –1.6010 –1.7611 –2.2414 –3.0419 –3.2020 –2.7217 –1.9212 –1.2808 –0.9606 –1.1207 –2.0813 –2.8818 –3.0419 –2.7217 –2.7217 –2.0813 –1.4409 Interval # 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 Amplitude mV –0.8005 –0.9606 –1.6010 –2.4015 –2.5616 –2.8818 –2.7217 –1.9212 –1.1207 –0.9606 –1.1207 –1.4409 –1.7611 –2.4015 –2.5616 –2.2414 –1.7611 –1.7611 –1.4409 –0.9606 –0.8005 –0.9606 –1.6010 –2.2414 –2.4015 –2.2414 –1.9212 –1.4409 –0.4803 0.0000 –0.6404 –1.6010 –1.7611 –1.6010 –1.9212 –1.9212 –1.4409 –0.4803 0.0000 0.0000 –0.6404 –1.6010 –2.4015 –1.9212 –0.9606 –0.4803 –0.1601 –0.1601 0.0000 –0.8005 Interval # 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 Amplitude mV –1.2808 –1.6010 –1.6010 –1.4409 –0.4803 0.4803 0.4803 –0.4803 –0.9606 –1.1207 –1.4409 –1.2808 –0.1601 0.3202 0.0000 –0.4803 –0.4803 –0.4803 –0.6404 –0.4803 –0.1601 0.0000 0.0000 –0.1601 –0.1601 –0.4803 –0.6404 –0.3202 0.1601 0.4803 0.3202 –0.1601 –0.3202 –0.4803 –0.6404 –0.4803 0.1601 0.6404 0.6404 0.4803 0.0000 –0.6404 –0.6404 –0.4803 –0.1601 0.4803 0.6404 0.4803 0.6404 0.4803 Table 33: Impulse number 2 (continued) Interval # 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 Amplitude mV –0.1601 –0.9606 –0.9606 –0.1601 0.6404 0.8005 0.8005 0.4803 0.1601 –0.1601 –0.3202 –0.1601 0.0000 0.1601 0.6404 0.8005 0.6404 0.4803 0.0000 –0.4803 –0.4803 0.1601 0.8005 0.8005 0.6404 0.1601 0.4803 0.4803 0.3202 –0.3202 –0.4803 0.0000 0.6404 1.1207 1.2808 0.6404 0.1601 –0.1601 0.0000 0.0000 0.1601 0.3202 0.8005 1.2808 1.2808 0.9606 0.1601 –0.8005 –0.9606 –0.1601 Interval # 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 Amplitude mV 0.8005 1.4409 1.6010 1.2808 0.6404 0.0000 –0.4803 –0.6404 0.0000 0.8005 1.4409 1.6010 1.2808 0.6404 0.0000 –0.4803 –0.1601 0.1601 0.9606 1.4409 1.6010 1.1207 0.3202 –0.4803 –0.4803 0.1601 0.8005 1.1207 1.1207 0.9606 0.6404 0.1601 0.0000 0.1601 0.6404 1.1207 0.9606 0.6404 0.6404 0.6404 0.3202 0.0000 0.4803 1.1207 1.1207 0.6404 0.1601 0.0000 0.1601 0.8005 Interval # 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 Amplitude mV 0.9606 0.6404 0.4803 0.6404 0.6404 0.4803 0.3202 0.1601 0.3202 0.4803 0.9606 1.2808 0.9606 0.1601 –0.1601 0.0000 0.4803 0.8005 0.6404 0.4803 0.8005 0.8005 0.4803 0.1601 0.0000 0.0000 0.1601 0.3202 0.6404 0.9606 0.8005 0.3202 0.1601 0.0000 0.1601 0.1601 0.1601 0.1601 0.6404 1.1207 0.9606 0.4803 0.0000 –0.3202 –0.3202 0.0000 0.1601 0.6404 0.9606 0.8005 65 Table 33: Impulse number 2 (continued) Interval # 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 66 Amplitude mV 0.6404 0.0000 –0.8005 –0.8005 0.0000 0.4803 0.6404 0.6404 0.8005 0.6404 Interval # 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 Amplitude mV 0.0000 –0.9606 –1.1207 –0.4803 0.4803 1.1207 1.1207 0.6404 0.0000 0.0000 Interval # 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 Amplitude mV 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 9 Phone Model Structures for Testing DSL systems without a splitter at the ATU-R 9.1 Off phone hook model #1 Off hook phone model #1 was generated for testing in the TCM-ISDN noise environment. It could be used for testing in other noise environments as well. 67 9.2 Off Hook phone model #2 Off hook phone model #2 was generated for testing in the splitterless North American noise environment. It could be used for testing in other noise environments as well. R2 R1 C Figure 33: Simple Model of an Off-Hook Telephone (R1 = 720Ω, R2 = 183Ω, C = 4300pF) 68 1600Ω 1400Ω 1200Ω 1000Ω 20 mA 800Ω 600Ω 400Ω Model, 35 mA 200Ω 0Ω 10KHz 100KHz 1MHz Figure 34: Off-Hook Impedance of Telephone “B” Compared with Model 9.3 On hook phone model This on hook phone model was generated for testing in the TCM-ISDN noise environment. It could be used for testing in other noise environments as well. 9.4 Zon C3 C3 = 500 [pF] Figure 3.5.tcm: On-hook impedance model 69 Table 8.1.tcm: Coefficients for calculation of primary line constants for in-home wiring cables Coeff i ci ent 0.5 mm untwi sted si ngl e- pai r wi re 0.4 mm twi sted pai r w ir e r (m) 0.25 x 10 -3 0.2 x 10 -3 co (m) 0.75 x 10 -3 0.15 x 10 -3 µ r (H/m) 1 µ 0 (H /m) 4 π x 10 σ (mho/m) 5.8 x 107 tan δ 5.0 x 10 C ( F/m) 55 x 10 -7 -4 -1 2 Note: d = 2 ( r + co) Loss [dB/ 3 m] 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 30 100 1000 Frequency [kHz] Figure 3.6.tcm: Insertion loss characteristics of 3 m connecting cord 70 71