Half the weight of aluminum -‐ Stronger and

Richard Adams, Chief Technical Officer and Senior Vice President James Sorensen, Technical and Business Development Manager, Structural Composites Cobert Perreault, Manufacturing Engineering Manager Sarly Richardson, Product Development Technician Supervisor Renee MacPherson, Technology and Compliance Administrator CPS Technologies www.alsic.com Lightweight MMC Sandwich panels CPS Technologies has developed several new metal matrix composite (MMC) materials and material combinaHons. One of which is the combinaHon of MMC and hollow ceramic shells to make lightweight sandwich structures. We have produced ¼” thick 24x24 inch (6 x 600 x 600 mm) panels with a density one-­‐third less than aluminum (1.8 g/cc vs. 2.7 g/cc) but with a bending sHffness that is greater than aluminum. This is because the ceramic-­‐fiber reinforced face sheets have more than two Hmes the sHffness of aluminum. This material/structural configuraHon is ideally suited for making structural components that require reduced weight and increased sHffness. Fire resistant MMC foil sheet Recent tests of our ceramic-­‐fiber reinforced aluminum foil demonstrate remarkable fire resistance. One-­‐half mm thick (thin!) aluminum-­‐MMC sheet resisted the direct impingement of a propane torch for five minutes (see below). It could have gone much longer, but we stopped the test at 5 minutes. This compares with 30-­‐seconds to burn through a plain aluminum sheet of the same thickness. Lightweight aluminum 40% lighter than convenAonal AL We have succeeded in producing metal matrix composites comprised of an Al matrix filled with hollow ceramic “bubbles” to create structures that weigh 40% less than aluminum. In combinaHon with integral strong fiber-­‐reinforced skins, these are ideally suited for structural components requiring reduced weight and increased sHffness. This material has the toughness and resistance to abrasion of metal and could be used in automoHve or aircra` firewalls, fire resistant access panels or doors, or in enclosures to protect criAcal equipment (or people). Perhaps containers for lithium baaeries or fire resistant elevators. New requirements for fire resistant elevators are being discussed by relevant authoriHes and this material is light weight and doesn’t require much thickness. We have already made 0.5mm sheets up to 600 x 600 mm (2 `. x 2 `.) and can go much larger. This Panel was made with 3 mm Diameter Hollow Silicon-­‐Carbide Shells. The Hollow Microsphere Filled Aluminum has Unique Energy Absorbing ProperAes When Crushed A compression test of the microsphere filled aluminum (in a specific structural geometry) showed the unique stress-­‐strain behavior that is shown below. This led us to believe that it might have good energy absorbing properHes at high loading such as explosive blast. Further tesHng showed that a layer of this material in front of a steel plate greatly reduces the impulse load as compared to the impulse imparted to the steel plate without the lightweight layer. Cross SecAon Face Sheets Sec$on of 24 x 24 inch (600 x 600 mm) Sandwich Panels with Lightweight Core and Ceramic-­‐Fiber Reinforced Face Sheets. The Panels are 1/3 Lighter than Aluminum but S$ffer in Bending. Ceramic with MMC knives and blades CPS Technologies develops unique structures by laminaHng layers of ceramic and metal matrix composite. One applicaHon for this new technology is blades for knives or other cuJng tools. In the case of a knife, the ceramic would be in the center with the supporHng MMC layers on the outside. Then the blade could be sharpened like a convenHonal knife blade. The result is a lightweight composite knife with a durable ceramic blade. ApplicaHons range from kitchen knives to a lightweight high performance tacHcal knife for special operaHons. We Exposed ½ mm Thick Pieces of Fiber-­‐Reinforced Aluminum to a Propane Torch for 5 Minutes. The Fiber-­‐Reinforced Aluminum Showed Merely DiscoloraEon AFer 5 Minutes, but the Aluminum Sheet Burned Through in 30 Seconds. Lightweight, sAff tubes We have demonstrated the ability to produce tubes made with ceramic fiber-­‐reinforced aluminum sheet stock that is rolled and riveted to make lightweight, sHff structures. Tubes have exhibited heat resistance and heat shielding properHes. Microsphere Filled Aluminum has Unique Stress-­‐Strain Behavior which Absorbs Energy Blast and structural panels Floor decking, crush zones, decreased NVH in aircra` and automobiles, along with enhanced blast protecAon from IEDs in military vehicles are envisioned by varying the combinaHons of fiber and bubble filled MMC. Laminate with Ceramic (Alumina) in the Center and Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) Surface Plies. This ConstrucEon is Appropriate For ConvenEonal Sharpened Blades. Bending and RiveEng of 0.5 mm Foil to Produce Lightweight, SEff, Fire-­‐Resistant Tubes The “Bubble” Filled Aluminum may be Combined with Fiber-­‐Reinforced Face sheets to Produce a Very SEff, Lightweight Panel. In this Example, Titanium Honeycomb was Included as an AddiEonal Element -­‐ Half the weight of aluminum -­‐ Stronger and sAffer than steel -­‐ Fire resistance and heat shielding properAes www.JECcomposites.com