Paper accqpted for presentation at 2003 IEEE Bologna PowerTech Conference, June 23-26, Bologna, Italy String and Module Integrated Inverters for Single-phase Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems - A Review J. M. A. Myrzik, and M. Calais, Member, IEEE possible future trends. Index Terms--Inverters, grid connected photovoltaic power syslems connected PV inverters available on the European market and to outline future trends in this rapidly developing technology. The paper is organized as follows. Section I1 describes PV system designs and discusses safety aspects concerning transformerlesstopologies. Then some commercially available inverter topologies are presented and discussed and an overview on market shares, price and efficiency developments is given. Section 111 outlines new developmentsincluding new system designs such the ‘team’ and ‘Multi-string’ inverter concept and discusses new transformerlesstopologies. Section IV summarisesthe main fmdings and developments. 11. COMMERCIALLYAVAILABLE INVERTERTOPOLOGIES A. Systems Design Aspects Before discussing inverter topologies we fmt defme three inverter families, which are related to specific PV system designs: central inverters, module integrated or module orientated inverters and string inverters. These inverter families are highlighted in Fig. 1. In the middle of the 1980’s the market for PV grid connected systems developed with central inverters of several kilowatts in size being the most common. The topologies of these inverters were based on inverters used in the drive system industry and were not optimised for the PV application. Beginning of the 1990’s, results of research programs, such as the IDDO Roof Program in Germany [1,2], highlighted technology deficiencies and drawbacks of systems with central inverters became apparent. These included Mismatching losses by using Maximum Power Point (MPP) conaol for a large group of PV modules; Losses and risk of electrical arc in DC wumg; and Poor expandability and adaptability to customers’ requirements, due to little or no design flexibility. In order to avoid these problems, a modular system technology was introduced. Additional advantages of a modular system concept are: Cost reductions and reliability improvements by using similar components; Simpler system design and installation by combining standard units; and Simpler faultfinding. The smallest possible grid connected PV system unit is a PV module with a module-integrated inverter. In this case, mismatching losses are minimised, since load matching for the individual PV module is achieved through its inverter. Additionally, DC wiring is minimised. However, there are drawbacks concerning efficiency due to the low power ratings involved and replacements in case of inverter faults may be difficult and expensive. Also, cost per watt remains high unless,mass-productionis possible. With the pressure to increase system efficiencies while simultaneously reducing costs, the string orientated or string inverter was introduced on the market in the mid 1990’s. String inverters are designed for a system configuration of one string of PV modules and can be seen as a compromise between module integrated and central inverter concepts. As Fig. 1 shows, the string concept bas since remained popular. Advancements in semiconductor and filter components have lead to inverter efficiency improvements but with maximum efficiencies for string inverters ranging today from 94 to above 97 %, there is little room for further improvement. PV inverter companies therefore seem to be focusing more on efficiency improvements and cost reduction through new PV systems concepts such as the team concept and master-slave concept, which are discussed in more detail in Section 111. These concepts combine the advantages of the string technology with the lower cost solution of the central inverters. Further goals are to increase the overall system efficiency, to reduce the harmonic distortions and to enhance monitoring features. [4,5,13,16,19] B. Are tramformerless inverters a risk f o r customers? In the past few years the market share for transformerless inverters has steadily increased. Topologies without transformer generally have higher efficiencies and may be cheaper than comparable inverters with transformers. Both are crucial advantages to make PV systems more competitivewith traditional generation. The main disadvantage, however, is the direct connection of the PV array to the grid without galvanic isolation. Depending on the inverter topology this may cause fluctuations of the potential between the PV array and ground. 11111IK l Y r n N (I, Fig 1: PV inverters available in 1994 and 2003. These fluctuations may have sine or square wave behaviour at grid frequency or even switching frequency. They generate two effects: 1. The surface of the PV array forms a capacitor, with respect to ground, which is energised by the fluctuating potential. A person, connected to ground and touching the PV array, may conduct the capacitive current to ground, causing an electrical hazard to the person involved. 2. The voltage fluctuations generate electric and magnetic fields around the PV array (electromagnetic interference) The seriousness of these effects has been an area of concern and controversial discussion over the past years. Meanwhile different studies [15,21] show that the impact of PV systems with transformerless inverters on electromagnetic interference is usually negligible and does not pose a hazard. However, with respect to capacitive currents certain recommendations on inverter and PV system design should be followed to prevent dangerous current levels (above -10 A). A recent paper from the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems in Germany [21] discusses the electrical hazard in case of a person touching the surface of a PV array. The capacitance between the point of contact and a single PV module has been calculated to range between 100 - 400 pF. For the single PV module case, and depending on the transformerless topology and the applied switching method, a current of max. 0.2 mA could flow through the human body. When considering larger PV arrays with ungrounded structures, the maximum possible current increases as the surface area of the PV array increases. The capacitance for larger ungrounded PV arrays has been found to be 50 150nFkW for glass-faced modules and up to IuFkW for thin-film modules. Currents of several mA can then occur. However, it is important to note, that by grounding the PV array structure the respective parasitic capacitance is reduced and with this the associated hazardous current. Additionally, the type of transformerlesstopology and the applied switching scheme influence the magnitude and type of voltage fluctuation at the PV array with respect to ground. A detailed discussion of these is given in [21] and some examples on recommended topologies and switching schemes are presented in the following. When following the recommendations on grounding the PV array structure, topology and switching scheme choice, along with the use of Class I1 equipment, transformerless PV system do not present an increased hazard compared to PV systems with transformers. Inverting element + Voltage PV array voltage has to be boosted with a further 1 The element. way these three functions are sequenced within an inverter design detdmines the choice of semiconductor and Finer ~ l [ ~ l " t - ~ lnverling element + Current wave shaping+ VoRage adjustment , 1 - j=E--p-p% Flying Inductor lnveiier Utility Grid Filter -~ s2 53 ?sat tPlS ,w .... m, ZoDd ~ 2 m . ~ nm ~ _ _ _ 2md Yea. Fig. 6: Flying inductor inverter [24,25] converter) configuration, it is used for energy storage, which increases the size and costs of the magnetic component and reduces the efficiency. The advantage of this topology however is that the negative of the PV array can he directly connected to the (grounded) grid neutral. The undesired voltage fluctuations between PV m a y and ground as discussed in Subsection B are therefore kept at a minium. Fig. 7 shows a neutral point diode clamped inverter with a boost converter at its input. The inverter operates as follows. For generating the positive half-wave, a PWM control switches SI and S2 on to produce a positive inverter output voltage and S2 and S3 on to provide a zero inverter output voltage. For the negative half-wave S3 and S4 are switched on to generate a negative inverter output voltage and S2 and S3 are switched on to generate a zero inverter output voltage. In this way, the topology produces a unipolar or three-level inverter output waveform. The mid point of the DC bus can he connected to the grid neutral, which minimises voltage fluctuation between the PV array and ground. However, each DC bus capacitor voltages needs to be higher than the grid voltage amplitude at all times which explains the additional boost stage at the input of the inverter. Fig. 8. Average European efficiency development of singlephase PV inverters (1998-2003). topologies as presented in [26]. From 1994 to 2003 their average maximum efficiency increased from 93.5% to 96.5% and from 93.4% to 95.8%, respectively. However, a PV inverter rarely operates at maximum efficiency due to the varying intensity of solar radiation. The European efficiency qeumprovides a means to compare the energy output of different inverters operating under typical European irradiation conditions. In consideration of the frequencies of the different hdiation values, an average qNm valid for central Europe is given as: qeuo = 0 . 0 3 ~ ~ + 0 . 0 6 ~ ~ o + 0 . 1 3 ~qio+O.48qso+ ~~+0.1 + 0.2 qlw (1) where qqis the efficiency of the inverter at xy% of the rated power. Based on the evaluation of different market surveys given in [3,9,11-13,191, the development of average qeu for different PV inverter topology types is shown in Fig. 8. Interesting is the steady increase since 2000/2001. In comparison, the average maximum efficiencies (not shown in Fig. 8) have stagnated in the last three years. One reason could he that the effort to increase maximum efticiencies above current levels is contrary to reducing costs. It seems that D. Efjiciencies companies are rather focusing on improving the efficiency at The highest maximum efficiencies are achieved with line low power levels of existing topologies or on improving commutated and self-commutated transformerless inverter system efficiencies. These and other mends are discussed in Section 111. E. Prices Prices for single-phase PV inverters have significantly decreased (by around 50%) during 1994 and 2002 and Fig. 9 shows this development. Although the growth rate of the indushy exceeded 50% per annum in 2002 [13], Fig. 9 indicates that prices stagnated or even slightly increased in 2003. Possibly the introduction of the Euro in 2002 may have been of influence. It is also interesting to note, that prices for PV inverters are still up to 50% higher than those for inverters for drive systems. Fig. 9 also shows 2003 prices for different topology types ranging from 0.5 Euro/Wattoc for --i~~~_i--.~~~-i transformerless topologies and up to 2.6 Euro/Wattm for module-integrated inverters. Fig. 7 Neutral point diode clamped inverter [21]. l ................. .......... ...................................................... U.2% Fig. 10: Market shares of different inverter topologies based on a market survey of turnkey solar systems [30]. the past years. This has lead to cost reductions in production and installation of PV systems. String inverter power ratings have grown alongside the PV module ratings and are now generally higher than a few years ago. Growth in the demand for larger string and central inverter concepts has not stopped module integrated or module orientated inverter developments and a number of new models have become available in 2003. Research in this field concenhlltes on reducing costs and implementing new, mostly resonant switched topologies [ZO]. The implementation of three-phase inverters in the power range of several kilowatts has been discussed for quite some time hut little has eventuated. Although three-phase inverters have some advantages over single-phase inverters, it seems that customer demand is too low for this technology in this power range. The main advantage is that the need for large electrolytic capacitors in the DC input circuit are significantly reduced, which limits the lifetime of the inverter and increases the cost of single-phase inverter. Generally, cost reduction is still the main goal of the PV inverter industry. However other desirable features include simpler installation, better monitoring and faultfinding, improved reliability and efficiencies and safety. The following suh-sections examine new PV system concepts and inverter topologies addressing these issues. developments in the PV module industry where size and peak power rating of PV modules have continuously increased over A. Team-Concept This concept, mentioned in [13,31], combines the string technology with the master-slave concept. A combination of several string inverters working with the team concept is shown in Fig. 11. At very low irradiation the complete PV array is connected to one inverter only. With increasing solar radiation the PV array is divided into smaller string units until every string inverter operates close to its rated power. In this mode every string operates independently with its own MPP controller. At low solar radiation the inverters are controlled in a master-slave fashion. Simulation results indicated a higher energy output of about 4%. Actual measurements on a 123 kW test-field showed that the simulation results can be exceeded [3 I]. DCBUI (>650 V I + I I I ACCcndon - Communication Fig. 11. Theteamconcept [13,31]. B. Multi String Inverters The Multi String inverter concept [ 5 ] , [32] (see Fig. 12) has been developed to combine the advantage of higher energy yield of a string inverter with the lower costs of a central inverter, Lower power DC/DC converters are connected to individual PV strings. Each PV string has its own MPP tracker, which independently optimises the energy output from each PV string. To expand the system within a certain power range only a new string with a DCiDC converter has to be included. All DCDC converters are connected via a DC bus through a central inverter to the grid. The central inverter is a PWM inverter based on the well-known and cheap GIFT technology already used in drive systems and includes all supervisory and protection functions. Depending on the size of the string the input voltage ranges between 125 to 750 V. The inverter has a maximum power rating of 5 kW and became available in 2002. C. The HERIC-Concept In transformerless single-phase inverter bridges, as shown in Fig. 5(a), different PWM switching patterns can be used. By using bipolar PWM (the bridge voltage switches between +Vpv and -Vpv) the diagonal switch-pairs are switched alternately. The operation can be described as follows: In order to generate the positive output sine-wave S1 and S4 are closed and the inductor current in the output filter increases The inductor current consists of the average (50Hz sine-wave) load current and of a triangle ripple (at switching frequency) current component provoked by the on and off times of the switches. If S1, S4 are switched off, the switches S2 and S3 are switched on (after a certain blanking time has occurred) and the inductor current can decrease. In this time the ripple current of the inductor flows back into the source via the freewheeling circuit, which includes the switches S2, S3 and the input electrolytic filter capacitor. This causes additional losses in the switches and capacitor. These losses become significant, as the load current is zero or quite low. In this case the average part of the inductor current is zero but the ripple part is still high and circulates as a “reactive” current inside the freewheeling circuit. These losses are mainly responsible for a low efficiency at low load. In order to reduce the losses Fig. 12. Multi siring inverter [5,32] unipolar P W M (bridge voltage switches between +Vpv, Vpv = 0, and -VPV) is commonly used in PV inverters. Due to the required cosp = 1 a one-phase-chopping can be used. With this switching pattern only the switches SI and S3 are switched at high frequency while S2 and S4 are switching at 50Hz. For example at positive grid voltage S4 is permanently on while SI is switching at e.g. 20 kHz. If SI is closed the inductor current increases. If S1 opens the inductor current commutes in its freewheeling circuit consisting of S4, the antiparallel diode of S2, the filter and the load. In this case the ripple current remains within the load circuit and cannot flow back into the DC source. The significant disadvantage of this switching method is that the potential between the PV array connection points and ground jumps with 50 Hz between +VPVand zero (or -Vpv and zero respectively) and additional EMC filtering is required. A new topology called Highly Efficient Reliable Inverter Concept ( E R I C ) is proposed in [2122]. Two additional freewheeling branches as shown in Fig. 13 extends the common well-known PWM inverter topology. These branches - yj#sj s2 L1 S4 D1 S6 Fig. 13. The HERIC Inverter [21,22]. i - topologies are proposed in [17]. These topologies are based on a parallel-series connection of two buck-boosting converters as Cuk, D2 or Zeta converters and their versions with high frequency transformers. Examples are given in Fig. 14. Common P W M controllers can control the switches. In order I to realize a linear control function the input inductance should I operate in the discontinuous conduction mode while the output inductance carries a continuous load current. Due to zeta mnvener the higher voltage and current stress of the semiconductors and input inductor the efficiency of these inverters is approx. I 1.5% lower than that of string inverters available on the market. Their important advantagehowever is the reduction of magnetic material of approx. 40%. This has a significant impact on the price. These topologies are suitable for applications where the PV array voltage is lower than the grid voltage. I I As most other transformerlesstopologies theses topologies ! cause fluctuations of the PV array potential with respect to Fig. 14. Topologies derived 60m Cuk, Zeta, and D2ground. In 1231 a new topology is described which achieves a I Converters [171. fixed potential between PV array and ground. Instead of are switching with 50 Hz respectively to the polarity of the I connecting two of the same converters (2 Cuk, 2 Zeta or 2 D2 sinusoidal output values. This allows to short circuit the converters) the new topology is derived from a series-parallel reactive current and 'to keep it within the load circuit. The part connection of a Cuk converter with a Zeta-converter as shown load efficiency in a h g e below 20% of the nominal power is in Fig. 15. Due to the voltage inverting behaviour of the Cuk3 4 % higher comp+ed to other PWM concepts. This has a converter a fxed potential can be achieved between PV strong impact on the overall system efficiency and systems I generator and ground. In order to generate the positive sinedesign. Achievable maximum efficiency is approx. 98% for a wave of the output current the inverter operates as a Zeta3kW inverter. A further advantage of this topology is, that the converter: S1 is switching at high 6equency and S2, S4 are bipolar voltage switdhing method causes a sinusoidal potential permanently closed, D2 operates as free-wheeling diode. To (at 50 Hz and an amblitude of % Ved) at the connectors of the generate the negative half-wave of the output current the PV generator. The Fraunhofer Institute has developed the inverter operates as Cuk-converter: S2 is switched at high concept and the first,inverter of 1.4 kW will be entering the at frequency, S1, S3 are permanently closed, and D1 operates as the end of 2003. 6eewheeliig diode. In [23] other variations of this topology D. New topologies using two buck-boosting converters in are shown, which also enable resonant switching. ' I. I parallel-series connection I Costs reduction is one of the main goals in the PV inverter industry, especially lat small string and module orientated or integrated inverters ?here the price per watt is still high. Their efficiencies and costs suffer either 60m the second converter in cascade conneciion or from the transformer which is required to boost the mostly low PV array voltage to grid voltage level. In orher to avoid this kind of connection new I PV Anay - 1 - - IV. SUhlhlARY This review has focussed on small (<6 kW) grid connected single-phase PV inverters. The recent market developments and the variety of inverter topologies available have been presented. It was found that the prices of these inverters have fallen by about 50% over the last decade and that relatively cheap and efficient transformerless inverters now have a market share of about 55%. Their topologies and apparent risks are discussed. Due to limits being reached in individual inverter electrical and cost efficiencies, Multi String and team concepts have been introduced to achieve improved system performance and reduce costs. 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