Cu 19/33kV MV cables with Longitudinal Water-Blocking System Standard 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 AS/NZS 1429.1 1 Construction: 1 Cu conductor 3 XLPE insulation 5 Semi conductive water-blocking tape 8 Non-woven fabric tape 2 Conductor screen 4 Insulation screen 6 Cu wire screen and Cu equalising tape 9 PVC inner sheath 7 Non-hydroscopic filler 10 HDPE outer sheath Application: Cables are designed for fixed installation, for laying in the ground, for indoor applications and in cable ducts. Properties: Rated voltage U0/U (kV) Test voltage (kV) 19/33 76 Max.short-circuit temperature (°C) +250 Operating cond. temperature (°C) +90 Temperature range for handling (°C) -35 up to +90 Min. temperature for laying (°C) -20 temperature (°C) -35 Color of insulation Color of inner / outer sheath Packaging Natural Client Requirement Steel Drums Cu 19/33kV Technical details No. of cores Conductor diameter Insulation thickness Diameter over insluation Approx. screen area (mm2) (mm) (mm) (mm) 3x50 8.1 8 3x70 9.6 3x95 Overall diameter appr. Cable mass Radius of bend Radius of bend during installation set in position (mm) Nominal thickness of PVC/HDPE sheath (mm) (mm) (kg/km) (mm) (mm) 26.3 67.9 1.5/2.1 75.5 5386 1888 1133 8 28.0 67.9 1.5/2.2 79.4 6240 1985 1191 11.3 8 29.6 67.9 1.6/2.2 82.9 7215 2073 1244 3x120 12.8 8 31.0 67.9 1.6/2.3 86.2 8196 2155 1293 3x150 14.15 8 32.5 67.9 1.7/2.4 89.6 9202 2240 1344 3x185 15.9 8 34.3 67.9 1.7/2.5 93.8 10587 2345 1407 3x240 18.1 8 36.3 67.9 1.8/2.6 98.4 12489 2460 1476 3x300 20.3 8 38.7 67.9 1.8/2.7 103.9 14637 2598 1559 3x400 23.0 8 41.5 67.9 2.0/2.8 110.5 17540 2763 1658 3x500 26.2 8 44.7 67.9 2.0/2.9 117.8 21082 2945 1767 Cu 19/33kV Current ratings Continuous current-carrying capacity (A) In air Fault current carrying capacity for 1 second In ground No. of cores Solid bond (mm2) Solid bond Solid bond Solid bond Solid bond Cond. Scr. (kA) (kA) 3x50 195 205 145 195 160 7.15 10.0 3x70 245 260 190 240 205 10.0 10.0 3x95 295 315 225 290 245 13.6 10.0 3x120 340 365 260 330 280 17.1 10.0 3x150 380 410 290 365 310 21.4 10.0 3x185 440 475 330 345 350 26.4 10.0 3x240 520 560 385 485 410 34.4 10.0 3x300 595 645 440 550 465 42.9 10.0 3x400 685 745 525 625 545 57.2 10.0 3x500 780 840 595 700 615 71.5 10.0 Cu 19/33kV Electrical parameters No. of cores Conductor DC resistance at 20℃ Conductor AC resistance at 50Hz and 90℃ Inductive reactance at 50Hz and 90℃ Insulation resistance at 20℃ Conductor to screen capacitance Charging current per phase Dielectric loss per phase Maximum dielectric stress Screen DC resistance at 20℃ Zero sequence resistance at 20℃ Zero sequence react at 50Hz (mm2) (Ω/km) (Ω/km) (Ω/km) (MΩ.km) (µF/km) (A/km) (W/km) (kV/km) (Ω/km) (Ω/km) (Ω/km) 3x50 0.387 0.496 0.143 18000 0.134 0.801 60.9 4.03 0.273 1.51 0.0781 3x70 0.268 0.344 0.134 16000 0.15 0.896 68.1 3.79 0.273 1.08 0.0696 3x95 0.193 0.248 0.125 15000 0.165 0.984 74.8 3.61 0.273 1.01 0.0807 3x120 0.153 0.197 0.12 14000 0.179 1.07 81.1 3.48 0.273 0.97 0.0757 3x150 0.124 0.160 0.116 13000 0.191 1.14 86.8 3.38 0.273 0.94 0.0722 3x185 0.0991 0.128 0.112 12000 0.207 1.32 97.3 3.28 0.273 0.917 0.0647 3x240 0.0745 0.0986 0.108 11000 0.228 1.36 103 3.17 0.273 0.891 0.0627 3x300 0.0601 0.0796 0.104 9700 0.249 1.48 113 3.08 0.273 0.876 0.0594 3x400 0.0470 0.0636 0.101 8800 0.275 1.64 125 2.99 0.273 0.865 0.0558 3x500 0.0373 0.0515 0.0974 8000 0.300 1.79 136 2.93 0.273 0.855 0.0525 All rights reserved. Any unauthorized usage, redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the content in any form will constitute an infringement of copyright. The data are only indicative and should not be considered a binding representation or warranty from nkt cables concerning a product's properties or usability. The data page is not exhaustive and should be read in conjunction with nkt cables other product data sheets, whether published or not. nkt cables reserves the right to change the data page without prior notice.