Cu 38/66kV HV cables with Longitudinal Water-Blocking System Standard 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 AS/NZS 1429.2 1 Construction: 1 Copper compact conductor or Milliken conductor 3 XLPE insulation 5 Semi conductive water-blocking tape 7 Non-conductive water-blocking tape 2 Semi-conductive screen tape and Extruded conductor screen 4 Insulation screen 6 Cu wire screen and Cu equalising tape 8 APL sheath 9 HDPE outer sheath and Graphite coat Application: Cables are designed for fixed installation, for laying in the ground, for indoor applications and in cable ducts. Properties: Rated voltage U0/U (kV) 38/66 Min. temperature for laying (°C) -20 Max.short-circuit temperature (°C) +250 temperature (°C) -35 Operating cond. temperature (°C) +90 Temperature range for handling (°C) -35 up to +90 Color of insulation Color of inner / outer sheath Packaging Natural Client Requirement Steel Drums Cu 38/66kV Technical details No. of cores Conductor diameter Insulation thickness Diameter over insluation Approx. screen area Overall diameter appr. Cable mass (mm) Nominal thickness of APL/HDPE sheath (mm) (mm2) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 1x120 12.8 13 41.8 116.3 0.25/2.6 1x150 14.2 12 44.1 116.3 1x185 15.9 12 43.9 1x240 18.1 12 1x300 20.3 1x400 Radius of bend set in position (mm) Permissable pulling force (kg/km) Radius of bend during installation (mm) 55.1 55.1 1102 827 8.4 0.25/2.6 54.5 4384 1090 818 10.5 116.3 0.25/2.6 57.2 4822 1144 858 12.95 45.9 116.3 0.25/2.7 59.4 5429 1188 891 16.80 11 46.3 116.3 0.25/2.7 59.8 5947 1196 897 21 23.0 11 49.1 116.3 0.25/2.8 62.8 6867 1256 942 28 1x500 26.0 11 52.3 116.3 0.25/2.9 66.2 7996 1324 993 35 1x630 30.0 11 55.8 116.3 0.25/3.0 69.9 9525 1398 1049 44.10 1x800 34.2 10 58.6 116.3 0.25/3.1 72.8 11508 1456 1092 56 1x1000 39.5 10 62.9 116.3 0.25/3.2 77.4 13383 1548 1161 70 1x1200 43.5 10 69.5 116.3 0.25/3.3 84.2 15540 1684 1263 84 1x1600 49.2 10 74.0 116.3 0.25/3.5 89.2 19618 1784 1338 112 1x2000 55.2 10 80.0 116.3 0.25/3.7 95.6 23596 1912 1434 140 1x2500 61.5 10 86.3 116.3 0.25/3.9 102.3 28490 2046 1535 175 [kN] Cu 38/66kV Current ratings Continuous current-carrying capacity (A) In air Fault current carrying capacity for 1 second In ground No. of cores Solid bond (mm2) Solid bond Solid bond Solid bond Cond. Scr. (kA) (kA) 1x120 415 435 375 356 17.2 16.5 1x150 468 492 385 366 21,5 16,5 1x185 480 500 415 400 26.5 16.5 1x240 560 590 480 460 34.3 16.5 1x300 640 680 540 530 42.9 16.5 1x400 740 770 610 600 57.2 16.5 1x500 840 890 690 680 71.5 16.5 1x630 970 1020 770 760 90.1 16.5 1x800 1100 1160 850 840 114 16.5 1x1000 1270 1340 970 960 143 16.5 1x1200 1390 1470 1050 1030 172 16.5 1x1600 1958 2055 1363 1294 229 16.5 1x2000 2196 2305 1494 1419 286 16.5 1x2500 2510 2635 1704 1618 357.5 16.5 Cu 38/66kV Electrical parameters No. of cores Conductor DC resistance at 20℃ Conductor AC resistance at 50Hz and 90℃ Inductive reactance at 50Hz and 90℃ Conductor to screen capacitance Screen DC resistance at 20℃ Zero sequence resistance at 20℃ Zero sequence react at 50Hz (mm2) (Ω/km) (Ω/km) (Ω/km) (µF/km) (Ω/km) (Ω/km) (Ω/km) 1x120 0.153 0.196 0.163 0.116 0.162 0.142 0.090 1x150 0.124 0.160 0.158 0.124 0.162 0.137 0.088 1x185 0.0991 0.127 0.156 0.133 0.162 0.132 0.084 1x240 0.0754 0.0973 0.150 0.144 0.162 0.129 0.081 1x300 0.0601 0.0781 0.140 0.172 0.162 0.123 0.078 1x400 0.047 0.0618 0.134 0.189 0.162 0.110 0.073 1x500 0.0366 0.0489 0.130 0.204 0.162 0.101 0.069 1x630 0.0283 0.039 0.122 0.232 0.162 0.0928 0.062 1x800 0.0221 0.0318 0.117 0.263 0.162 0.0872 0.058 1x1000 0.0182 0.0241 0.115 0.274 0.162 0.0808 0.056 1x1200 0.015 0.0202 0.113 0.298 0.162 0.0778 0.055 1x1600 0.0113 0.0156 0.112 0.326 0.162 0.0678 0.053 1x2000 0.0090 0.0129 0.110 0.356 0.162 0.0608 0.051 1x2500 0.0073 0.0110 0.097 0.387 0.162 0.0575 0.047 All rights reserved. Any unauthorized usage, redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the content in any form will constitute an infringement of copyright. The data are only indicative and should not be considered a binding representation or warranty from nkt cables concerning a product's properties or usability. The data page is not exhaustive and should be read in conjunction with nkt cables other product data sheets, whether published or not. nkt cables reserves the right to change the data page without prior notice.