Plastic Fiber Components (PFC) Application Note 5342 Introduction Optical-Mechanical Design Optical communications offer important advantages over electrical transmission links. The following characteristics make the technology particularly attractive for a wide range of applications:· The product range builds upon proven fabrication technology 5 mm LEDs. The task of coupling the device to the fiber is given over to the housing, the design is shown in Figure 8a. • Insensitivity to electromagnetic interference· A particular advantage of the Avago PFCs is the housing aperture into which a standard plastic fiber (external diameter of 2.2 mm) may be introduced without having to remove the cladding. This has the additional benefit of automatically aligning the fiber on the chip. • Voltage decoupling between emitter and detector· • Security against tapping· • No sparking at fiber ends or breaks· • No ground loops Yet despite the many potential application areas arising from these advantages, the use of optical glass fiber is restricted due to its relatively high cost. Where demands are for medium bit rates and distances, by far the more cost effective solution today is offered by Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) in combination with Avago Plastic Fiber Components (PFC) emitters and detectors. These low cost components permit the use of plastic fibers even in the most cost-sensitive applications, such as: • Industrial and medical networks • Motor controls, links between power and control units • Replacement of connections with copper wire and optocoupler (within cabinets) • High voltage optocouplers • Automotive bus applications • Building information and control systems The Avago PFC product range consists of three different emitter diodes (SFH450, SFH750, and SFH756) and three optodetectors (SFH250, SFH350 and SFH551/1). Whatever the system requirements, a combination of Avago PFCs may be selected to provide the optimal solution. detectors are shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Bit Rate versus Transmission Span Sticking the component and the fiber together results in a permanent connection, which not only saves on space but also is very cost effective. Should a temporary connection be required, the PFCs are also available in a housing with a mounting screw (see Figure 8b). This option has numerous advantages: • The cladding need not be removed • A connector on the fiber is not necessary • The plastic fiber is connected by a simple turn of the screw cap • The screw cap cannot be removed (loss-proof ) • The component is suitable for automatic board assembly • The fiber itself does not turn when the cap is screwed tight • Every plastic fiber with an external diameter of 2.2 mm and an internal diameter of 1 mm can be used • Small housing dimensions • The housing protects photodetectors from external light sources The emitters are mounted in grey housing and the detectors in a black one. Two mounting pins are provided on the housing for firm attachment to boards. Electrical and Optical Characteristics of PFCs Table 2. Parameters of PFC Photodetectors Both the emitters and detectors display the same electrical characteristics of standard optoelectronic devices. They may be operated in a temperature range of –40° C to +85° C. Characteristics of the Emitter Diodes Different technologies employed in chip fabrication lead to significant variation in parameters for the various emitter diodes. All the emitters distinguish themselves in offering high output power coupled into the plastic fiber, low fiber attenuation and long lifetimes. Table 1 gives a summary of the most important device parameters, where Pin is the output power coupled into the fiber, and tr and tf are the rise and fall switching times for the optical signal. Table 1. Parameters of the PFC Emitters Sensitivity 660 nm (950 nm) SFH350 Phototrasistor 0.25 (0.3) 80 (120) Switching Level SFH551/1 Integrated Photodetector Unit A/W 6 µW Phototransistor SFH350 The phototransistor SFH350 is a very cost effective photodetector. In operation it yields a high output current even at low optical input power. Its performance is limited by low switching speeds. The external base connector on the SFH350 may be used to divert current using a base-emitter resistor, with the following advantages: Part SFH450 SFH750 SFH756 Unit • Reduction of the collector-emitter cut-off current Wavelength 950 660 660 nm • Reduction of the switch off time Typ. Pin(IF = 10 mA) 90 9 200 µW tr 10%/90% 1000 120 80 • Suppression of noise signals and signals with low power tf 90%/10% 1000 50 80 ns As the temperature coefficient is positive for phototransistors, this in some measure compensates for the negative coefficient of the emitter diodes, assuming that the ambient temperature of the emitter and receiver are the same. The SFH450 emits in the infrared range, whereas the SFH750 and SFH756 emit visible light in the red range, namely at 660 nm, which is optimal for plastic fiber. The choice of emitter for a particular application is dealt with in Systems with PFC Diodes (page 5), where system issues are discussed. The output power coupled into the fiber is measured using a standard plastic fiber of numerical aperture 0.47 and length approximately 30 cm, for a forward current of 10 mA. It should be noted that this power is not transmitted over long distances. As a consequence the first few meters of a long length of fiber appear to have higher attenuation (see Connecting the PFCs to the Fiber Emitter, page 6). The optical power does not rise linearly over the entire operating range. At low currents the optical power rises more than proportionately with the current; at higher currents, saturation sets in. With respect to the effect of device temperature, all emitter diodes have negative temperature coefficients. As a result the output power coupled into the fiber decreases at higher temperatures. Characteristics of the Photodetectors Within the PFC range, three photodetectors are available: a fast PIN-Photodiode (SFH250), a phototransistor (SFH350) and an integrated photodetector with TTL-output (SFH551/1). The main parameters of the photodetectors are summarized in Table 2. 2 Part SFH250 PINPhotodiode Photodiode SFH250 The photodiode SFH250 has a switching time of 10 ns (with 50 Ω for Popt = 50 µW), which makes it the fastest available detector. When driving a load of greater than 200 Ω, the capacitance of the diode also determines the switching time. Temperature dependence of IP is less than that for a phototransistor. The photodiode SFH250 has lower, negative temperature coefficients for wavelengths of 565 or 500 nm. At 950 nm wavelength, the coefficient becomes positive. Digital Receiver SFH551/1 A simple design of the electronic circuitry is an essential step for the implementation of low cost optical links. In many cases optical emitters can be directly driven by logic gates through a resistor for adjusting the current. On the receiver side, however, a special low-noise amplifier is required due to the small photocurrent. Thus, receivers with integrated preamplifiers have succeeded to realize simple and low cost transmission links. For this purpose Avago offered the SFH551 (not for new design), which stood the test in many applications. Now this receiver is replaced by the upgrade version (SFH551/1) which is compatible in pinning and identical in most of its properties. It was the goal of the SFH551/1 development to improve its performance with respect to noise and dynamics. The features of the SFH551/1 are now discussed in detail. Principle of the Digital Receiver An integrated optical receiver in an optical transmission system (Figure 2) comprises the following units: Using a built-in lens, the light leaving the plastic fiber is focused onto the photodiode of the IC. The photodiode integrated in the device converts the received light into photocurrent. The preamplifier converts the photocurrent into voltage. Usually, a transimpedance amplifier is applied. A resistor in the amplifiers feed-back loop determines the currentvoltage conversion. To avoid pulse disturbance, the amplifier has to offer a linear performance over the entire power -range of the received light. The comparator following the signal path converts the signal to a logic signal. Here, the preamplifiers output voltage is compared to a reference voltage and the decision to set the output high or low is made. As the signal may be noisy, a (small) undefined voltage range occurs around the reference level. Typical input signals go through this range very fast and no degradation of the output signal can be observed. However, if the signal slowly increases towards the decision threshold, the output can run into undefined states. Thus, noise peaks may occur with amplitudes reaching the switching threshold of the following stages. To remove this effect, the SFH551/1 is equipped with a Schmitt trigger which works with different thresholds. If the output is ’off’ a high signal level is required for switching to the on-state, whereas a lower level has to be reached to switch back to the off-state. Therefore, the probability is greatly reduced that small noise signals cause unwanted switching errors. Vref Vcc Data Vcc GND Figure 2. Optical Transmission Line with Integrated Optical Receiver Vref Vcc Schmitt-Trigger Data Vref Vcc Differential amplifier Cref Figure 3. Circuitry of the SFH551/1 with Built in Schmitt Trigger 3 TTL-Output Inverting ooopopr GND How the DC-Coupled Receiver with a Fixed Threshold Works The form of the signal that is internally delivered from the transimpedance amplifier to the decision circuit considerably determines the performance of the receiver. This form itself is determined by the optical receiver signal and its processing in the preamplifier. The received optical signal is determined by the following items: • Bias light caused by scattering or residual emission of the transmitter in the switched off state • Rise and fall times depending on the transmitters control signal, the transmitter’s speed and possibly effects from the transmission link • Pulse amplitude depending on emission power and the loss of the optical transmission link. The preamplifier integrated in the SFH551/1 is designed for wide bandwidth. Consequently no considerable disturbance occurs within its linear working range. Depending Where the Fixed Decision Threshold Crosses... If the input signal is too small and does not reach the decision threshold, the decision circuit does not change its output state. A short peak exceeding the threshold results in a correspondingly short output pulse. If the level of the input signal is very high this results in early transition to the on-state and a delayed transition to the off-state. Consequently, the delay of the electrical signal caused by the falling edge of the optical signal is longer than the delay of the rising edge (optical signal). If the transmitter signal is DC-biased (at logical zero) or additional light hits the receiver, the noise signal is shifted to the decision threshold. In the case of the SFH551 (without Schmitt trigger) unwanted pulses may occur at the output. Using a SFH551/1 with its built-in Schmitt trigger eliminates this problem. Highly biased signals (at logical zero) cause permanent switching to the on-state and therefore prohibit data transmission for both the SFH551 (not for new designs) and the SFH551/1. 4 The effects described above demonstrate, that the performance of the optical receiver can only fully be described if the level and form of the optical input signal are taken into account. Limits of the Receiver Operation Dynamic range: An important figure for the application of an optical receiver is the dynamic range, defining the range between smallest and highest signal level in which perfect operation is assured. As described above noise pulses can occur at the receiver output: • If no light is received (negative peaks on high level) • If the input power is close to or below the specified limit of 4 µW (positive peaks on low level) As these noise pulses occur randomly, they are hard to detect, requiring a modern storage oscilloscope. The measurement has shown, that the receiver switches at an input level as low as 2 µW. In order to avoid noise as described above, a switching level of 4 µW for nearly error free operation has been specified in the data sheet. SFH551/1: minimal light power As described above, the SFH551/1 contains a Schmitt trigger. To ensure safe operation, the limit of the switching-threshold was shifted to 5 μW. Compared to the SFH551 this appears as a lower sensitivity, but taking the very low bit error rate into account the transmission system can be reliably operated with less system margin. Due to possible coupling losses, a value of 6 μW is specified in the datasheet. On request a low cost option (SFH551/1 -2) with switching level < 10 μW is available. SFH551/1: maximal light power The SFH551/1 offers a considerably increased dynamic range. Using conventional plastic fiber transmitter diodes overdriving is practically impossible. Depending on the system application a limit is given by pulse disturbances in time depending on the pulse form and increasing with the input level at high input power. It is recommended not to exceed a signal level of 400 μW. For higher levels the pulse form has to be checked in the circuit individually. Hints for the Application in an Electronic Circuit Systems with PFC Diodes Power supply Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) For printed circuit board mounting it has to be taken into account that the SFH551 and SFH551/1 are fast electronic circuits. A blocking capacitor (100 nF) is obligatory for the SFH551 (not for new designs) and recommended for the SFH551/1. As both circuits can be operated at 5 V voltage, a noisy power supply can be connected via a resistor building a low pass filter together with the capacitor. Despite this means, the full output level can be reached, if the pull up resistor is connected to Vcc. The most common type of fiber consists of a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) core approximately 970 µm thick with 30 µm thick cladding made of fluoride-containing carbon polymer. Given the refractive indices of the core and cladding are 1.492 and 1.417 respectively, the numerical aperture is 0.47 and the fiber acceptance angle 56°. With a PVC or PE protecting sheath the POF has a total diameter of 2.2 mm. How to select the pull-up resistor To keep the current consumption low, a high value within the possible range is usually chosen. For very fast systems it might be important to work with the minimal value. The calculation of the minimal value, however, should not be performed with the maximal output current. For the SFH551 (not for new designs) the minimal value is 330 Ω (VCC = 5 V). The SFH551/1 can also be operated with this value, although 390 Ω is recommended here. Signal Delay The redesign of the receiver has resulted in a small increase of the delay times. This becomes clear if the pulse form of the SFH551/1 is taken into account. The rising edge is fast and; the delay time increases only for a very small light power. Figure 5 shows that the delay of the electrical signal caused by the falling edge of the optical signal is longer than the delay of the rising edge (optical signal). These fibers are obtainable from many manufacturers. The CUPOFLEX fibers, data for which is given in the appendix, are typical of the POFs available. The appendix also gives the typical attenuation as a function of wavelength. Of the two attenuation minima in the visible spectrum, the one in the red region at = 650 nm is suitable for distances up to 100 m. Due to the low quantum efficiency of the green emitter, the attenuation minimum at 570 nm is unsuitable for communications applications. Moreover, the switching times of the red emitters are significantly lower, and the degradation is less than for green emitters. In spite of the high attenuation of POF in the IR-spectrum (4 dB/m), infrared emitters (SFH450) can still produce sufficient power levels at the fiber end over a few meters to be of practical use. Plastic optical fiber made of PMMA can be used in ambient temperatures of –20° up to +85° C. For lower temperatures (down to –50° C) the constraint of mechanical flexibility has to be taken into account. Fibers for higher temperatures, up to 100° C, such as those necessary for automotive applications, are in development. When using POF, the bend radius should not be less than 20 mm, as otherwise the fiber attenuation increases. Smaller radii are possible using fibers with higher numerical aperture. 250 Light off [ns] Light on [ns] tphl, tplh [ns] 200 LED Driving Current tpLH Figure 4. Definition of the Delay Times 5 100 50 Output tpLH 150 0 6 45 84 123 161 200 239 277 316 355 Popt (µW) 394 432 471 Figure 5. Measured Signal Delay vs the Level of Received Light. SFH756 on the Transmitter Side Treatment of Fiber Ends Detector Due to the thick diameter of POF it is easier to handle than glass fiber. Thus for very short distances where plenty of allowance has been made for attenuation, it is possible to cleave the fiber using a sharp edged blade. For longer stretches wet polishing the fiber end with 600 grain sandpaper yields greatly improved results. To achieve very flat surfaces at the fiber ends, the fiber should be cut with a blade heated to 160 - 180° C or the clean cut fiber end may be pressed for 2 - 4 seconds on to a plate heated to 100 - 140°C. Avago recommends that the manufacturer recommendations be followed. Due to the lens of the detector’s housing, virtually all the input radiation is focused on to the chip. Connecting the PFCs to the Fiber Emitter When current flows in the forward direction the emitter diode emits optical radiation. The task of the housing is to bundle the output radiation so that the greater portion of it is coupled into the fiber. The components are intended for use with plastic fibers and thus the data regarding optical coupling into and out of the fiber refers to standard plastic fiber with a core diameter of 1 mm and a numerical aperture (NA) of 0.47. So that as much as possible of the radiation emitted within this angle falls upon the fiber, the radiation is concentrated on the fiber using a built-in reflector and a lens. The chip in the SFH756 is a large area radiating chip with the bonding ball in the centre. Therefore not just one position between chip and fiber core (indicated by the lens) is possible for optimum coupling, as shown in Figure 6. Dimensioning the Emitter Driver and the Detector The Emitter Driver The emitter is stimulated into emission by current flowing in the forward direction. There are several possibilities for the design of the driver circuit, which has the task of adjusting and stabilizing the current flow. In Figure 7 the basic types of driver circuits are given. In the simplest example (Figure 7a) the emitter diode is connected in series with a resistance Rs to the supply voltage Vs. The current If is dependent of the forward voltage Vf of the diode: If = (Vs – Vf )/Rs The diode may also be driven using the output transistor of a TTL gate or a separate driver transistor (Figure 7b), in which case the collector-emitter voltage should be taken into account. In this configuration the current passed through by the transistor is given as: If = (Vs – Vf – Vce)/Rs In order to keep the current and thus the optical power constant, it is preferable to control the current flow (Figure 7c). For this example, as with the others, it is necessary to ensure than sufficient voltage is provided. One of the diagrams in the emitter data sheet shows the dependency of the forward voltage Vf on the current. Since Vf may reach 3 V for currents of 300 mA, the maximum duty cycle may be limited by the supply voltage. Lens Light Emitting Area Figure 6. Lens Position in the Transmitter In Characteristics of the Emitter Diodes (page 1) it was already pointed out that the optical power which can be coupled into the fiber is measured using a standard plastic fiber with a numerical aperture of 0.47 and of length approximately 30 cm. The power defined in this way is not transmitted along large lengths (> 3 m) of fiber. For long stretches of fiber the first meters therefore apparently exhibit a higher level of attenuation. This can be taken into account by adding 2 dB to the attenuation incurred due to the length of the fiber itself. Another important parameter when dimensioning the driver is the permissible pulse load. It is clear from the relevant diagram in the data sheet, that in regard to power loss, peak currents of up to 1 A are possible for short duty cycles. Whether this peak current can be used, depends on the available supply voltage. Figure 7. Types of Emitter Diode Driver Circuits 6 Detector Recommendations for Mounting When dimensioning the detector it is necessary to establish the dynamic range, ie. the relation between the minimum current required and the maximum permissible current. When soldering it should be ensured that the components is not overheated. Given a distance of 2 mm between the component and the soldering point, when using a soldering iron the maximum permissible temperature is 300° C for at most 3 s. In the case of flow and dip soldering the maximum temperature is 260° C for up to a 5 s period. System Planning In order to demonstrate the process of system planning, an example of the design of an optical transmission system over a long distance using the SFH551/1 detector will be discussed. According to the data sheet, the SFH551/1 detector has a dynamic range of around 18 dB. This range must be attributed to the various levels of attenuation along the fiber and the tolerance of the emitter power. Attenuation in plastic fiber over long distances for light of wavelength 660 nm is of the order 0.3 dB/m. However the first section of fiber exhibits higher attenuation (around 2 dB additional to the regular losses in the first meters). Since the emitter power is measured and specified using a short length of fiber, the effect needs to be taken into account (see Connecting the PFCs to the Fiber Emitter, page 6 ). The following example demonstrates how a PFC system with a length of 50 m should be driven: Table 3 Planning of a Transmission Line Detector power 22.0 dBm 50 m distance at 0.3 dB/m 15.0 dB Additional attenuation of first few meters 2.0 Needed emitter power without tolerances 5.0 dBm Further effects which contribute to the reduction of the operating range: Temperature (–20 to 45°C) 1.0 Aging 2.0 Range of emitter power distribution 1.5 Emitter power 0.5 dB dBm Thus the configuration in this example requires at minimum an emitter 890 µW output power achievable with SFH756 driven by 50 mA peak current. For easy planning SFH551/1 with SFH756 the following table for recommended drive current in SFH756 may be used: Table 4 Easy Planning of a Transmission Line SFH551/1 with SFH756 7 Maximum Length 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m Needed Peak Current 5 mA 10 mA 20 mA 30 mA 40 mA When soldering particular care should be taken so that the component is not subject to any mechanical stress. When bending the connection pins, the packaging should not be loaded in any way. The soldered components may be cleaned using organic solvents, with an alcohol base, a base of certain fluorohydrocarbons or a mix of the two. Under no circumstance should solvents or solvent mixtures be used which contain chorohydrocarbons or ketones, since these can attack or dissolve the housing. Reliability Degradation For optoelectronic emitters, the emitted radiation power reduces over the component’s lifetime. This effect is known as ageing. It is dependent on the technology of the diode system, the load current If and the ambient temperature TA. If one defines the failure criteria as a 50% (–3 dB) fall in output power relative to the start value, the lifetime of the PFC emitter is more than 105 khours. Emitter Diode Permissible Current Load When the emitter diode is in operation most of the electrical input power (Uf x If ) is converted into heat. The temperature of the semiconductor chip and the packaging rises as a consequence. On grounds of reliability, the chip should not be heated above the maximum permitted for the depletion layer. This in turn yields a maximum power loss, dependent on the ambient temperature, which cannot be exceeded (refer to the relevant data sheets). These values are valid for DC operation. Significantly better operating conditions are possible by using the emitter diodes in pulse operation, as the average power decreases inversely proportional to the duty cycle. However this means that the maximum forward current If can be increased for shorter pulse widths and/or longer duty cycles, as shown in the Permissible Pulse Load plot in the data sheets. These plots give the maximum permissible forward current dependent on the pulse width for an ambient temperature TA of 25° C. The duty cycle parameter D (ratio of pulse width to cycle period) given as D = ‘n/T. For very short pulse widths (10 s) and small duty factor (1:200) a current up to 20 times greater than the maximum direct current is permissible for PFC emitter diodes. Even in the range of 100 ms and a duty cycle of 1:5 a doubling of the forward current may be reached, thereby raising the power coupled into the fiber by a factor two with the SFH450 and a factor 2.5 with the SFH750 in comparison with DC operation. Permissible Mechanical Load The fiber optic components SFH250, SFH350, SFH450, SFH750, SFH756 and SFH551/1 are designed in such a way, that they can cope with a heavy mechanical load, as required in automotive applications. The following tests have been successfully conducted on all the above components: • Oscillation test (according to DIN IEC Teil 2 - 6, Test Fc) • Schock test (according to IEC 68-2-27, Test Ea) In these tests diodes were employed with a fiber of approximately 5 cm in length. They were soldered to a board and subjected to oscillations and schocks (single impulses) in the three orthogonal axes. The oscillation frequency was varied between 10 and 500 Hz with an acceleration of 5 g’s. Package Outlines .093 (2.35) .087 Surface not flat Anode .100 (2.54) Cathode .181 (4.6 ) .071 (1.8) .047 .187 (4.75) .177 .307 (7.8) .201 (5.1) .295 (7.5) 1.142 (29) .354 (9.0) 1.063 (27) .323 (8.2) .217 (5.5) a.SFH250, SFH750, SFH450 .362(9.20) 346 (8.80) .953 (24.20) .937 (23.80) (9.00) (8.60) .138 ±.020 (3.5 ±.5) .024 (0.60) .024 (0.60) .016 .300 (7.62) Screw-on connector b. SFH350V Figure 8. Design of the PFC Housing 8 .200 (5.08) .100 (2.54) Dimensions in inches (mm) Disclaimer The information herein is given to describe certain components and shall not be considered as a guarantee of characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved.We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits, descriptions and charts stated herein. Warnings Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types inquestion please contact your nearest Avago Technologies Office. Avago Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Avago Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustainand/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons maybe endangered. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Avago Technologies Office ( For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site: Avago, Avago Technologies, and the A logo are trademarks of Avago Technologies in the United States and other countries. Data subject to change. Copyright © 2005-2010 Avago Technologies. All rights reserved. Obsoletes AV01-0746EN AV02-2647EN - September 16, 2010