Lubricants Centre Eye/Face Protection Policy

Safety Policies
Issue Date:
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Review Date:
Jan. 28, 1998
Feb. 3, 2016
Lubricants Centre Eye/Face Protection
The purpose of this policy is to provide additional detail on eye/face protection requirements to
be worn by all individuals entering and/or working in the Lubricants Centre facility as referenced
in «Lubricants Centre Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy» - #168.
Please refer to «Lubricants Centre Eye Protection Selection, Use and Recommendations
Chart» - #11463 for a list of eye protection approved for Petro-Canada Lubricants Centre and
the appropriate eye protection to be worn for each type of hazard.
This policy will identify areas and/or tasks that are exempt from these requirements as well as
the process for obtaining prescription eyewear where applicable.
This policy applies to all individuals entering and/or working at the Petro-Canada Lubricants
Centre facility located at 385 Southdown Rd. Mississauga, Ontario.
As a general rule, wearing of CSA approved safety glasses with side shields is mandatory in all
operating areas of the Lubricants Centre as a minimum form of eye protection. All Individuals
working in areas where there is the potential of eye injury are required to ensure that they are
wearing the appropriate type of eye/face protection for the task they are performing. When
indoubt about the appropriate type of eye protection please refer to «Lubricants Centre Eye
Protection Selection, Use and Recommendations Chart» - #11463. For further clarification,
ask your supervisor or EH&S department.
The use of contact lenses is permitted in all areas of the Lubricant Centre.
Note: Contact lens wearers must wear approved Safety Glasses or appropriate eye
protection as prescribed by the work and this policy.
Tinted safety eyewear may be worn as protection from the sun for outdoor work however they
have the potential to reduce visibility if worn indoors. Therefore, unless required for the task
being performed, tinted CSA approved eye protection must not be worn inside buildings.
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Safety Policies
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Review Date:
Jan. 28, 1998
Feb. 3, 2016
Exempt Locations
All individuals must wear protective eye/face protection appropriate to their work environment
at all times. There may be instances where designated eye/face protection will be required in
exempt locations. Detailed exemptions if any have been identified in the departmental
breakdown in the sections below. However, based on the risk of injury, the following areas /
functions are exempt from this Policy:
 When you first enter (reporting for work) or leave the plant for the day (completion of
workday / assignment) as long as you remain on the main walkways / sidewalks,
designated routes within the Lubeplex building, roads or in offices and control rooms,
 While travelling along the sidewalks from the Administration Buildings through the Core
Area to the Skills Centre, Health Centre, Cafeteria / Change-house, Jacobs Changehouse, Maintenance building (including Trailers) and/or the Lubeplex offices as
identified in the «Lubricants Centre Mississauga Route Map» - #2688 for the express
purposes of attending meetings, appointments and/or lunch breaks,
 Designated smoke circles within the Lubricants Centre,
 Offices, Control Rooms and associated hallways contained within the, Administration
Buildings, Lubeplex, Maintenance, and Operations buildings,
 Cafeteria and/or Change-houses,
 Inside covered motor vehicles,
 Mail and/or courier drivers dropping off or picking up parcels as long as they are not
required to enter an operating area.
As can be expected, not all situations can be anticipated and/or identified, however the type of
personal eye/face protective equipment required will depend on the nature of the exposure and
the likelihood of injury. The individual must ensure that the proper PPE is worn and when in
doubt err on the side of caution. It is better to be over protected than under protected (i.e. wear
goggles instead of safety glasses). Therefore, the two main considerations in determining the
requirement for a particular piece of PPE are:
1. Location: Different areas within the Lubricants Centre present different risks. Where a
particular risk is known (e.g. caustic exposure) relevant PPE will be mandatory for all
individuals within that area.
2. Task: Certain tasks require specific PPE which, may be in addition to the minimum
requirement for the area (e.g. welder’s face shield, goggles, etc.). If work permit is to be
issued, the Permit Issuer and Acceptor shall identify which PPE is required to complete the
task, and shall ensure the use of this equipment through regular observations of the task(s)
being performed.
Please refer to «Lubricants Centre Eye Protection Selection, Use and Recommendations
Chart» - #11463 for more details in regards to selection of safety eyewear.
It is important to note that spoggles must be equipped with a tight-fitted head strap that would
provide a snug fit to the face. Spoggles without tight-fitting headstraps cannot be used for dust
protection and should only be classified as Class 1, not Class 2a.
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Safety Policies
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Review Date:
Jan. 28, 1998
Feb. 3, 2016
Petro-Canada Lubricants provide non-prescription safety eyewear for individuals performing
work at the Lubricants Centre which are available through our Stores Department. All nonprescription safety eyewear used in Petro-Canada Lubricants Centre must be approved by
the EH&S Department and used as intended (i.e. no alterations).
CSA approved prescription eyewear are available for full time Petro-Canada Lubricants Centre
employees and provided for by the Company. Process for obtaining prescription eyewear can be
found at the end of this policy. A prescription eyewear subsidy is not provided for temporary,
students or contract employees.
Under NO circumstances is non-CSA approved eyewear permitted to be worn in an
operating area as primary eye protection without the proper over glasses or goggles being
worn. Over-glasses or goggles are available through our Stores Department.
Legal Requirement
s. 24 of the Construction Projects – o. Reg. 213/91 Part II states: “A worker shall use protection
appropriate in the circumstances when there is a risk of eye injury to the worker.”
s. 81 of the Industrial Establishment – Reg. 851 states: “A worker exposed to eye injury shall
wear eye protection appropriate in the circumstances.”
Lubricants Centre Requirements
Visitors and Office Workers:
Visitors and office workers will normally not have the required eye protection and must
therefore be restricted to offices, sidewalks in the core area and control rooms. It will be the
responsibility of the person receiving a visitor to ensure that appropriate PPE is obtained and
used if the individual(s) are expected to go outside of this core area.
Visitors and Office workers, must as a minimum wear safety eye protection when leaving the
“Core Area” to attend meetings and/or appointments in the Production Area Control Rooms and
Operations Buildings/offices, provided they remain on the roadways. Under no circumstances
are individuals permitted to enter a Production or Operating Area without the proper PPE
required for that area.
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Safety Policies
Issue Date:
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Review Date:
Jan. 28, 1998
Feb. 3, 2016
Production, Maintenance, Lubeplex and National Warehouse Areas (Operating Areas):
All individuals entering and/or working in any of the operating areas (i.e. Production,
Maintenance, Lubeplex and National Warehouse Areas) are required to wear appropriate safety
eye/face protection. All individuals must also wear protective eye/face protection appropriate to
their work environment at all times. The exemptions noted in this policy only apply while the
individual(s) are in these designated locations. Unless identified as an exempt location / task,
NO individual(s) are permitted to enter an operating area (excluding control room) or
maintenance shop without approved safety eye/face protection.
Care and Maintenance
Lens cleaning
 Always use water or lens cleaning fluid specific to your lens type.
 By using a wet method of cleaning, you will "float" the dirt away rather than scratch it
into your lens.
Replace worn parts
 Lenses and filters that are pitted or scratched should be replaced.
 Pitted or scratched lenses and filters may impair vision and reduce impact resistance.
Protect your eyewear
 To prolong the life of your eye protectors, store them in a clean/ dry location between
periods of use.
Always wear the appropriate eyewear for the job being performed; this could go a long way to
prevent any injuries.
Ensure protective eyewear fits properly and is well maintained. Most important: WEAR IT! The
best safety equipment in the world is no good unless you use it.
Process for Obtaining CSA approved Prescription Eyewear
CSA approved prescription eyewear with polycarbonate lenses is available to all full time
Petro-Canada Lubricants Centre employees who are required to enter an operating area on an
ongoing basis in the execution of their normal job function. CSA approved over-glasses or
goggles are available for those employees who must enter an operating area on an infrequent
Lubricants Centre has selected the vendor responsible for the administration of our safety
eyewear policy. In order to ensure that prescription eyewear meets CSA standards a pre-selected
list of frames has been agreed upon. If tinting of the lenses are required based on the nature of
the work the employee performs, Gray 80 tint is available only upon prior approval of the Team
Leader/Manager. NOTE: Employees will not be permitted to make any substitutions or
modifications to type, selection and/or options.
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Safety Policies
Issue Date:
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Review Date:
Jan. 28, 1998
Feb. 3, 2016
Eligible employees may only receive the subsidy for one (1) pair of full prescription glasses
(regular glasses) and/or one (1) pair of inserts if required for full face respirators/SCBA face
mask once every two (2) years. If two pairs are selected they must be for the same prescription
(i.e. reading, distance or bifocal). All full prescription eyewear covered by this policy must
have side shields permanently attached.
Should employee require a replacement within the two-year period, the employee must provide
reasons to his/her Team Leader/Manager, who based on the facts, may or may not approve the
replacement purchase subsidy. Should the Team Leader/Manager agree to provide a
replacement under this policy he/she must sign the Authorization / Requisition form section 2
“Signature of person responsible for authorizing special cases” before form is approved and
given to employee.
The company will pay for the full cost (excluding eye examination) for prescription eyewear
only for those purchased in accordance with this policy.
Employees eligible under this policy requiring prescription safety eyewear will contact
Maintenance Department’s Systems Administrator.
The Administrator will maintain a list of eligible employee including date(s) when prescription
eyewear authorization form was issued. The Administrator will verify that employee is eligible
to receive the subsidy. Once verification has been made the Administrator will complete the
Authorization form with all applicable information and sign and/or obtain necessary approvals
prior to giving to employee. Prior written approval from the employee’s Team Leader/Manager
is required for ALL deviations from the standard protocol.
The Administrator will also provide a list of approved locations where CSA approved safety
eyewear can be purchased in or near the employees preferred geographical location.
Once the authorization form has been completed, the employee will take this form along with
their prescription to one of the designated locations to make their frame selection from an
approved list of frame styles. NOTE: Employees will not be permitted to make any
substitutions or modifications to type, selection and/or options.
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Issue Date:
Revision #:
Revision Date
Review Date:
Safety Policies
Jan. 28, 1998
Feb. 3, 2016
Summary of Changes
• Added references to TIPS Procedure 11463: Lubricants Centre Eye Protection Selection,
Use and Recommendations Chart
Place an "X" in ALL Applicable Boxes
Training: (Is Training required?)
How will training be delivered?
Electronic via Active Learner
Group Session - Attendance Sheet
If training not required, give reason:
• Minor Changes
• Not part of an active curriculum
• Other:
Curriculum: (List all that apply)
What job positions will this apply to:
ie: Tech Levels, Supervisors, Leaders, Engineers, Analysts, Handlers etc
Question Bank:
QB Status:
New QB
Revised QB
No Changes to QB
QB not required
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