THE SDK Not all SDKs are created equal The MoPub SDK is built to reliably handle the ad request, rendering, and reporting for sophisticated mobile advertising businesses. Our SDK is open source; the lightweight library gives complete transparency unlike closed SDKs that can crash your app or conflict with other libraries. You also can customize your integration or troubleshoot issues without waiting for third-party help. Access 175+ demand sources in one SDK The MoPub SDK is designed to maximize value with a minimal footprint. We offer two base versions of the library and the ability to add any network partner through our open source framework. One lightweight base SDK instantly connects your app to over 175 Demand Side Platforms (DSPs) and server-toserver ad networks. + The bundled SDK provides access to these three key networks without having to integrate each SDK individually. GETTING STARTED MoPub also gives the ability to work with any network using third-party SDKs and adaptors, many of which are pre-built. (c) 2015 MoPub, Inc. 2015 MoPub, Inc. ©(c) 2016 MoPub, Inc. Twitter and the Twitter Twitterand andthe theTwitter Twitterlogo logoare aretrademarks trademarksor orregistered registeredtrademarks trademarksof ofTwitter, Twitter,Inc. Inc.All Allthird thirdparty partylogos logosand andtrademarks trademarksincluded includedare arethe theproperty propertyof oftheir theirrespective respectiveowners. owners. Twitter logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Twitter, Inc. All third party logos and trademarks included are the property of their respective owners. This Thisdata dataisisprovided provided"AS "ASIS" IS"and andfor forinformation informationpurposes purposesonly, only,and andwhile whileefforts effortsare aremade madeto toensure ensureaccuracy, accuracy,errors errorsmay mayarise. arise. Case Study | June 2013 | @mopub | @mopub THE SDK The MoPub SDK offers additional features that provide increased revenue opportunities, greater transparency, and more control. SUPPORT HIGH VALUE AD FORMATS RELIABLY PASS ALL THE DATA THAT MATTERS CONTROL WHAT YOUR USERS SEE The bundled SDK provides access to these three key networks without having to integrate each SDK individually. MoPub passes key variables like approved device IDs, location, and operating system to maximize the value of each impression. The SDK automatically blocks unacceptable ad formats such as pop-ups and auto-redirect ads. Our SDK also includes a Creative Flagger that helps you identify inappropriate ads within the app. When you choose MoPub, you’ll gain access to our team of mobile experts, dedicated to delivering unparalleled customer service and partnering with you to meet your revenue goals. GETTING STARTED The flexibility and reliability of MoPub’s open-source SDK provides developers a solid platform to manage their ad supported applications. Download the SDK now at © 2016 MoPub, Inc. TWITTER, MOPUB and the Bird logo are trademarks of Twitter, Inc. or its affiliates. All third party logos and trademarks included are the property of their respective owners. | @mopub