DELHI ETJORAIL CORPOR ATIQ (A Joint Venture of Govt. Of India & Govt. Of Delhi) Sub; Statemmt of AtuuiiLImmo y aWe Propertyi,.Return for the Year Ending,.31L12L13 'k 6-' 1. Name of Officer (in Full) c}-i 2. Employee Number 3. Date of Birth (dd/nirn/yy) .j) 4. Department 2¶ 5. Present Designation 6. Present Basic Pay (Rs.) 7. Present Pavscale tc O LI 6SO N. Nature of Employment (Direct Recruit/Deputation/Reemployed) 9. Parent Organisation (if Deputafionist) -- 10. Date of Joining DMRC as an Executive (dd/mm/yy) 9J C 2)2-_ S.No. J Name & 'Location Present If not own Mode of Acquiring Annual Remarks Details of Details Value name, state Property, whether Income (if any) Property of in the owner's by purchase, lease, from Property Rupees name and mortgage, Property relationship inheritance, gift or (Rs.) with Govt. otherwise with date Employee of acquisition and name details of persons from whom it is açquircd 1 2 4 3 5 7 6 8 3:9-. ?W\A JI000bOo 2cz,Lp c) -'r Dte A-lcJ 02- Tjr 2CL/.2.59 -cJ-en' )Vil4 N vt--s aACec,1 Vt- Cui1r 1"VIh K,NibL)Lt sr ),I AV V-o Su.Th ©V) rcQm VjH Certified that I have been regularly submitting the Immovable Property Rety'ns and no rtum for any year is outstanding. (Ern oyeSignature) Date: jC0 -øR Mobile No.: • Strike Out the Columns which are not applicable • Use an extra sheet for additional information / /