CURRICULUM VITAE VARNA.P PADMALAYAM, NAYADIPARA, KOTTAKKAL.P. O, MALAPPURAM (DT) KERALA, PIN: 676503 Mob:9496095231 Email ID: Post Applied for: - Staff Nurse Total Year of Experience: - Three year and one month Period Institution Designation Nature of work 8-Feb-2016 TO 9-feb-2017 Govt.medical college, Thrissur Staff Nurse Surgery Operation theatre (Surgery,ENT,OMFS,Plastic Surgery) 2-Jun-2017 TO 1-june 2018 Govt.medical college, Thrissur Staff Nurse Emergency Operation theatre (Surgery, Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics,ENT,OPH,Paediatrics) 1-August- 2018 To still working Govt.Medical college, Thrissur Staff nurse Medicine casualty, surgery casualty, Trauma ICU ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Qualifications S.S.L.C Institution Govt. Rajah’s HSS Kottakkal,Malappuram Year 2009 Remark 90% H.S.S Govt. Rajah’s HSS Kottakkal,Malappuram 2011 90% PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS QUALIFICATIONS INSTITUTION YEAR REMARKS Bachelor of science in nursing of nursing, Thrissur 2011-2015 Second class Professional Registration Kerala nurses and Midwives council 2016 KL03201600042 PERSONAL DETAILS Name : Varna P Husband : Saneesh V.N Nationality : Indian Gender : Female Date of birth : 08th April 1993 Marital status : Married LANGUAGES KNOWN To Speak: English, Malayalam & Hindi To Read and Write: English, Malayalam & Hindi PASS PORT DETAILS Passport Number : N8566051 Date of Issue : 08/03/2016 Date of Expiry : 09/03/2026 Place of Issue : Malapuram EXPERIENCE TYPES OF CASES FOR WHICH NURSING CARE IS GIVEN BY ME Cardiology: Hypertension, Myocardial infarction, Arrhythmia, RHD, Endocarditis, Pulmonary stenosis, Embolism, Cor-pulmonale, Cardiomyopathy, Pericarditis, Cardiac arrest, CAD, ACS, etc. Hematology: Sickle cell anemia, Bleeding and thrombotic disorders. Neurological: Aneurysms, CVA complications, epilepsy, dementia, TIA, parkinsonism, meningitis, encephalitis, brain hemorrhages, myasthenia gravis, GBS, IC bleed, etc. Rheumatologic: Arthritis, Gout, SLE, etc. Respiratory: Upper and lower respiratory tract infections, pneumonia, apnea, dyspnea, asthma, TB, CA lung, pleural effusion, respiratory failure, COPD, tracheostomy, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary edema, etc. Gastrointestinal: Gastritis, peptic ulcer, alcoholic liver disease, hepatitis A & B, ADD, IBD, etc. Care of patients with: CBD, RTF, tracheostomy, ICD, ascetic tapping, EVD, peritoneal dialysis, patients in ventilator etc. Emergency and intensive care in; MI, Arrhythmia, snake bite, pulmonary embolism, hepatic encephalopathy, shock, DSH, SDH, etc. REFERENCES Prof. Latha R The principal of nursing, Thrissur Mob: 9447225434 Mrs. Bindu k. Nair Asst. Professor of nursing Thrissur Mob; 9447886935 DECLARATION I hereby declare that the above written particular is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place: Malappuram Date: 27-09-2019 VARNA.P