LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS °C degree Celsius AC alternating current J gamma ACC Air Combat Command (USAF) O lambda ACCESS µ micron advanced cosmic-ray composition experiment for space station µA microampere ACHR acetylcholine receptor µF microfarad ACIPS advanced collective integrated protection system µJ microjoule ACM attitude control module µJ/cm microjoules per square centimeter ACT active control technology µm micrometer ACT/FHS µsec microsecond active control technology/flying helicopter simulator : ohm ACTD 1–D one-dimensional advanced concept technology demonstration 2–D two-dimensional ACTIVE 3–D three-dimensional advanced control technologies for integrated vehicles 3P prefragmented, programmable, proximity ACTS Advanced Communication Technologies and Services ACVs air cushion vehicles AD air defense AdAPT Adaptive Aircraft Performance Technology ADN ammonium dinitramide ADN ammonium dinitrimide ADP adenosine diphosphate ADS advanced distributed system ADS air defense suppression ADSRC Advanced Distributed Simulation Research Consortium ADTS asynchronous digital transmission system AEDC Arnold Engineering Development Center A ampere Å angstrom A&EM armaments and energetic materials A/D analog to digital A/O acoustic/optic A/sec amperes per second AAAV advanced amphibious assault vehicle AAN Army After Next ABA American Bankers Association ABATE ACTS Broadband Aeronautical Terminal and Experiment ABCS Army Battle Command System ABE autonomous Benthic explorer AEOS advanced electro-optical system ABEC Annular Bearing Engineers Committee AES advanced encryption standard AES all-electric ship ABIS Advanced Battlespace Information System AES auger electron microscope ABL airborne laser AETWG ABS antilock braking system Armaments and Energetic Materials Technology Working Group ACR-1 AEW aircraft early warning AIAA AFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountant AFB Air Force Base AFBMA Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association AIM Advanced INFOSE Machine AIM Air Intercept Missile AFC alkaline fuel cell AIM™ Advanced INFOSEC Machine AFIS Automatic Fingerprint Identification System AIN aluminum indium nitride AIP air-independent power AFIT Air Force Institute of Technology AIP air-independent propulsion AFM atomic force microscopy AISI American Iron and Steel Institute AFOSR Air Force Office of Scientific Research AIST Agency of Industrial Science and Technology (Japan) AFOSR/EOARD Air Force Office of Scientific Research/European Office of Aerospace Research and Development AIWS advanced interdiction weapon system AJ anti-jam Air Force Research Laboratory AL Albania Air Force Research Laboratory/Propulsion Directorate Al-Li aluminum-lithium ALPS assembly-line processing system AFS atomic frequency standard ALU arithmetic logic unit AFSAB Air Force Science Advisory Board AM antimaterial AFSOC Air Force Special Operations Command Am americium AM amplitude modulation AFSPC Air Force Space Command AMB active magnetic bearings AFV armored fighting vehicle AM0 air mass zero AG Australia Group AM1.5 air mass 1.5 Ag silver AMC Army Materiel Command AGARD Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development AMC Air Mobility Command (USAF) AGB advanced gun barrel AMCOM U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command AgGaSe2 silver gallium selenide AMD antimissile defense AGL above ground level AMGS advanced material gun system AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association AMMO azidomethylmethyloxetane AGR advanced gas reactor AMP adenosine mono-phosphate AGT aboveground test AMR amorphous magnetoresistive AGT advanced gun technology AMRAAM advanced medium-range air-to-air missile Ah ampere-hour AMRL AHRS attitude and heading reference system Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory (Australia) AMR amorphous magnetoresistive AHS automated highway system AMTEC AI artificial intelligence alkali metal thermal-to-electric converter AMTI airborne moving target indication AFRL AFRL/PR ACR-2 amu atomic mass unit AN ammonium nitrate ANL ARTEMIS Advanced Relay and Technology Mission Satellite Argonne National Laboratory As arsenide ANMO azidonitratomethyloxetane A-S antispoofing ANN artificial neural network AS4/T-500 carbon filter designations ANNG Anti-Navire Nouvelle Génération ASARS ANSI American National Standards Institute Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Systems ASC Accredited Standard Committee ANTEC alkali-metal thermal-to-electrical converter ASCM advanced spaceborne computer modular AOC air operations center ASCM antiship cruise missile AP access point ASDL AP ammonium perchlorate Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory (Georgia Institute of Technology) AP antipersonnel ASDL AP armor piercing asymmetrical digital subscriber line APAM antipersonnel/antimaterial ASE amplified spontaneous emission APB antimatter particle beam a-Si amorphous silicon APC armored personnel carrier ASIC APDU Application Protocol Data Units application-specific integrated circuit APFSDS armor piercing, fin-stabilized, discarding sabot AS-15s Russian cruise missile ASMD antiship missile defense APG Aberdeen Proving Ground (Maryland) ASRI Australian Space Research Institute APG automated password generator ASRP APGM autonomous precision-guided munition Adaptive Spectral Reconnaissance Program ASTAMIDS airborne stand-off minefields detection system API application program interface APOD aerial port of debarkation ASTM APPN IBM’s Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking® American Society for Testing and Materials ASTMP APS active protection system Army Science and Technology Master Plan APS advanced photon source ASTWG Aeronautics Systems Technology Working Group APS American Physical Society ASUW antisurface warfare AR Argentina ASW antisubmarine warfare Ar argon AT antitank ARDEC Army Research, Development, and Engineering Center AT Austria ArF argon fluoride ATA Advanced Technology Attachment ARL Army Research Laboratory ATAC Advance Technology Aircraft ARO Army Research Office ATACMS Army Tactical Missile System ARPA Advanced Research Project Agency ATACS advanced tank cannon system ATAR Advanced Technology Assessment Report ATC air traffic control ACR-3 ATCC American type culture collection BASS ATD advanced technology demonstration bulk avalanche semiconductor switch BAT brilliant antitank ATD Advanced Technology Development BATES Battlefield Artillery Target Engagement System ATE automatic test equipment BCIS ATF automatic terrain following battlefield combat identification system ATGW antitank guided weapon BCMO bischloromethyloxetane ATIC advanced thin ionization calorimeter BDA battle damage assessment BDNPA bis(2,2-dinitropropyl) formal and acetal BDNPF bis(2,2-dinitropropyl) formal ATIP Asia Technical Information Program ATIRCM advanced tactical infrared countermeasures BDU battle dress uniform BE Belgium ATL advanced tactical laser BEAMTAP ATM asynchronous transfer mode Broadband and Efficient Adaptive Method for TTD Array Processing ATM automated teller machine BEC Bose-Einstein condensates ATP adenosine triphosphate BER bit error rate ATR air turbo ramjet BFV Bradley fighting vehicle ATR automatic target recognition BG Bulgaria AU Australia BGO bismuth germanate Au gold BHEGA bis-2-hydroxyethylglycolamide AUTODIN Automatic Digital Network BHP brake horsepower AUV autonomous underwater vehicle BICMOS AUV autonomous unmanned vehicle bipolar complementary metal oxide semiconductor AVIRIS airborne visible/infrared imaging spectrometer BIDS biological integrated detection system AVLIS atomic vapor laser isotope separation system BIFF battlefield identification friend or foe AVS automated vapor sampling BIT broadband information technology AW advanced weapons systems BIT bismuth titanate AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System BITA butylene imine trimesamide (polyfunctional aziridine amides with isophthalic, trimesic) B magnetic induction BITE built-in-test-equipment B/C biological and chemical BITS binary digits Ba barium BITWG Biological Technology Working Group BACT best available control technology BJT bipolar junction transistor BAMO bis(azidomethyl)oxetane BL biosafety level BAPO phosphine oxide BLOS beyond line of sight bar 0.987 atmospheres BLSR bidirectional line-switched ring BASE beta alumni solid electrolyte BLU 80/B Bigeye Weapon BMD Ballistic Missile Defense ACR-4 BMDO Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (now MDA) C3 command, control, and communications BN boron nitride C3CM BNCP cis-bis(5-nitrotetrazolato) pentaamminecobalt (iii) perchlorate command, control, and communications countermeasures C3I BNMO bis(nitratomethyl)oxetane command, control, communications, and intelligence BNO butadienitrileoxide C4 BOBBA 8 bis(2-methyl aziridinyl)-2-(2hydroxypropanoxy)propylamino phosphine oxide command, control, communications, and computation C4I command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence BOL beginning of life C4I2 BOOM binocular omnidirectional-oriented monitor command, control, communications, computing, intelligence, and information systems BOSS bistable optically controlled semiconductor switch C4IFTW C4I for the warrior C4ISR BP black powder C4I, surveillance, and reconnaissance bps bits per second BR bacteriorhodopsin BR Brazil BRDF bidirectional reflectance distribution function BRM CA Canada CA Certification Authority CAA Clean Air Act CAA Concepts Analysis Agency (Army) CAC common access card biological response modifier CAD chemical agent detector BRWL bistatic radar for weapon location CAD computer-aided design BSC biological safety cabinet CAE common application environment BTJ buried triple junction CAE computer-aided engineering BTTN butanetrioltrinitrate CAEP China Academy of Engineering Physics CAEPE Centre d’Achèvement et d’Essais des Propulseurs et Engins BTU British thermal unit 2 BTU/ft BTU per square foot BuNENA butyl-2-nitratoethyl nitramine CAG carrier aircraft group BV battlefield visualization CAI computer-aided inspection BVP blood volume pressure cal calorie BVR beyond visual range cal/cm2 calories per square centimeter BW biological weapon(s) cal/cm2-sec BWB blended wing/body calories per square centimeter second BWC Biological Weapons Convention CAM chemical agent monitor BWO backward wave oscillator CAM computer-aided manufacturing BWR boiling water reactor CANDU Canadian deuterium uranium (reactor) C Celsius temperature; centigrade CAP combat air patrol C/A course acquisition CAPI cryptographic application interface C2 command and control CARC chemical agent resistant coating C2I command, control, and intelligence CASA Construcciones Aeronauticas S.A. (Spain) ACR-5 CAS Chemical Abstract Service CCS common channeling signaling CAS close air support CCTV closed-circuit television CAS computer-aided servicing CCW counter-clockwise CAS/M computer-aided servicing/ maintenance Cd cadmium CD compact disk CAT computer-aided testing CD Compton diode CAT computerized axial tomography CD critical diameter CATOX catalytic oxidation CD critical dimension CATT controlled avalanche transit-time triode CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CATTB Component Advanced Technology Test Bed CdHgTe cadmium mercury telluride CAV common aero vehicle CDISS Centre for Defence and International Security Studies CAVE computer automatic virtual environment CDL chemical double layer CB coherent bremsstrahlung CDMA code division multiple access CB chemical and biological CDPD Cellular Digital Packet Data CBC cipher block chaining CD–ROM compact-disc read-only memory CBDCOM Chemical Biological Defense Command (Army) CDs Compton diodes CDT critical developing technology CBEFF Common Biometric Exchange File Format CdTe cadmium telluride CDU control and display unit CBM conventional ballistic missile CdZnTe cadmium zinc telluride c-BN cubic boron nitride CE chemical energy CBPS chemically and biologically protected shelter CE computing element CEA CBRIF Chemical Biological Incident Response Force Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique (The French Atomic Energy Commission) CBRN Chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological weapons CEC California Energy Commission CEC CBW chemical and biological warfare Cooperative Engagement Capability CC combinatorial chemistry CECOM cc cubic centimeters Communications-Electronics Command (Army) C–C carbon-carbon CEM computational electromagnetics CCD charge-coupled device CEP CCD closed-cycle diesel circular error probable; circle of equal probability CCITT International Consultative Committee for Telephone and Telegraph CEPT Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administration CCL Commerce Control List CERCLA CCM computer-controlled machines Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act CCM counter-countermeasures CEREM CCMS Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (NATO) Le Centre d’Études et de Recherches sur les Matériaux ACR-6 CERT Computer Emergency Response Team CIS copper indium diselenide CISC complex instruction set computing CFB cipher feedback CIWG CFC chlorofluorocarbon Combat Identification Working Group CFD computational fluid dynamics CJ commodity jurisdiction CFHAT composite fire hazard analysis tool CJCSI CFIT controlled flight into terrain Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction CFL coupled ferrite lines CKEM compact kinetic energy missile CFRP carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic CL Chile CGA column grid array CL–14 CGA computer-generated actor 5,7-diamino-4,6-dinitrobenzofurazane-1-oxide CH Switzerland CL–20 hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane CHEMEX chemical exchange process CL–20/HNIW hexanitro-hexaazaisowurtzitane CHER catalytic heat exchanger/reactor CLC cholesteric liqiud crystal CHESS Cornell High-Energy Synchrotron Source CLO counter low observable CLOS command-line-of-sight CHIPS Clearing House Interbank Payments System CLT critical layer thickness CM configuration management CHPS Combat Hybrid Power Systems CM countermeasures CHSSI Common High Performance Computing Software Support Initiative cm centimeter CMC ceramic matrix composite CHTWG Chemical Technology Working Group CMIP common management information protocol CIAC Computer Incident Advisory Capability CMIS Center for Mathematical and Information Sciences (Australia) CIAM Central Institute of Aviation Motors (Russia) CMISE common management information service element CIC combat information center CMM coordinate measuring machine CICA Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants CMOL CMIP over logical link control CMOS complementary metal oxide semiconductor CID charge injection device CID combat identification CMOT CIDDS combat identification dismounted soldier common management information service over TCP/IP CMOT CIF3 chlorine trifluoride complementary metal oxide technology CINO Office of the Chief Inspector of Naval Ordnance (United Kingdom) CMP chemical mechanical planarization CMST common management information services over TCP/IP CIP cold isostatic pressing CMU Carnegie Mellon University CIP cold isostatic press CMVP CIP carbonyl iron powder Cryptographic Module Validation Program CIRSC Computer Security Incident Response Capability cmW centimeter wave CMW centimeter wave CIRST Computer Incident Response Team CN China ACR-7 CNA Center for Naval Analyses CNC computer numeric(al) control CNE CPCI Computer program configuration item Centre National d’Études Spatiales (Frence Space Agency) CPE customer premises equipment CPS Certificate Policy Statement CNM customer network management CPU central processing unit CNO Chief of Naval Operations CR channeling radiation CNRM Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques CR Czech Republic CRAD contract research and development CNRS Centre National de Recherche Scientifique CRDA commercial research and development agreement CNS central nervous system CREATIS CNT carbon nanotube CNT Counterspace CNTD controlled nucleation thermal decomposition Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement de l'Image et du Signal (Center for Research and Applications in Image and Signal Processing) CO carbon monoxide CREB cyclic AMP response element binding CRÈME cosmic ray effects on microelecronics CRL Communications Research Laboratory (Japan) CO central office CO Colombia CO commanding officer CO2 carbon dioxide Co-60 Cobalt-60 CRM corrosion-related magnetic COBRA collection of broadcasts from remote assets CRT cathode-ray tube CRW Canard Rotor Wing COC combat operations center CRYPTO cryptographic COCOM Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Strategic Export Controls CS Czechoslovakia CSE Communications Security Establishment COI Communities of interest CSERIAC COIL chemical oxygen iodine lasers Crew System Ergonomics Information Analysis Center COLEX column exchange CSIRO COM/SATCOM communications/satellite communications Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Australia) COMINT communication intelligence CSIS COMM communication Center for Secure Information Systems (George Mason University) COMSEC communications security CSNSM CONUS Continental United States Centre de Spectrométrie Nucléaire et de Spectrométrie de Masse CO–OP Consortium for Optical and Optoelectronic Technologies in Computing CSP chip-scale packaging CSU channel service unit CT computerized tomography COP common operational picture COTS commercial off-the-shelf CP 2-(5-cyanotetrazolato) pentaammine-cobalt (iii) perchlorate CPB charged particle beam CT Computed Tomography CTA column and grid array CTBT Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty CTE coefficient of thermal expansion ACR-8 CTIS central tire inflation system DCE distributed computing environment CTP common tactical picture DCID CTP composite theoretical performance Director Central Intelligence Directive CTP computer theoretical performance DCN data communication networks CTPB carboxyl-terminated polybutadiene DCOR deterministic combat model code CTWS case telescoped weapon system DCS digital cross-connect systems Cu copper DD/DT CU Cuba deuterium deuterium/deuterium tritium CURV cable-controlled underwater recovery vehicle DDL data description language DDOS distributed denial of service CVD chemical vapor deposition DDR&E CVDS continuous variable dynamic system Director of Defense Research & Engineering DDT CW chemical warfare deflagration to detonation transition CW chemical weapon(s) DDUS Deep Depth UNDEX Simulator CW clockwise DE directed energy CW continuous wave DE discrete event CWC Chemical Weapons Convention DE Germany (ISO) CXRD coaxial X-ray diode DE ATAC Directed Energy Advanced Technology Aircraft CZ convergence zone DEA data encryption algorithm DECADE DNA X-ray simulator program D deuterium DECON decontamination D* spectral detectivity DEDS discrete event dynamic system D/A digital to analog deg/hr degrees/hour D2O deuterium oxide (heavy water) DEMO demonstration DAB-P digital audio baseband processor DEMP dispersed electromagnetic pulse DAC digital to analog converter DERA DAF diaminofarazan Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (United Kingdom) DARO Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office DERA Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (UK) DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DES data encryption standard DES distributed energy store DAS defensive aid suite DET distributed explosive DATB diaminotrinitrobenzene DEW directed energy weapon dB decibel DF deuterium fluoride DBC direct bonded copper DF DBD delayed breakdown device difluor: methyl phosphonyl difluoride dBm decibel referred to 1 milliwatt DFAD digital feature analysis data DBR distributed Bragg reflectance DFE diferrocenylethane DBRN data-based referenced navigation DFE direction-finding equipment DC direct current DGA DCC digital cross-connect system Direction Générale de l’Armement (French Defense Procurement Agency) ACR-9 DGNSS differential global navigation satellite system DGPS differential Global Positioning System DGZ designated ground zero DH DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide DN bearing bore in mm multiplied by speed in rpm DNA Defense Nuclear Agency (now part of DTRA) Diffie-Hellman DNA deoxyribonucleic acid DHG oxalohydroxamic acid DNGU dinitroglycoluril DHHS Department of Health and Human Services DNHR dynamic nonhierarchical routing DNS Doppler Navigation System DHV Demonstrateur Hyper Veloce (Aerospatiale missile) DNS Domain Name System DIA Defense Information Agency DNSS Defense Navigation Satellite System DIAL differential absorption LIDAR DOB depth of burst DIC dispositif d’identification au combat DOC Department of Commerce DIMES Delft Institute of Microelectronics and Submicron Technology (Netherlands) DoD Department of Defense DODD Department of Defense Directive DoDI Department of Defense Instruction DINGU dinitroglycoluril DOE Department of Energy DIPAM diaminohexanitrobiphenyl DOF depth of focus DIRCM defensive infrared countermeasures DOJ Department of Justice DOS Denial of Service [attack] DIS distributed interactive simulation DOS Department of State DISA Defense Information Systems Agency DOT Department of Transportation DIVX digital video express DQ detection quotient DIW detection, identification, warning DRAM dynamic random access memory DK Denmark DRBG Deterministic random bit generator DKTWG Directed Energy and Kinetic Energy Technology Working Group DRDO Defence Research and Development Organisation (India) DL Discrete logarithm DLC diamond-like carbon DLC digital loop carrier DLC drop loop carrier DLL dynamic link library DLR Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft und Raumfahrt (German Aerospace Center) DLR German Aerospace Center DME distance-measuring equipment DML data modification language DMS Defense Messaging System DMS diluted magnetic semiconductors DRE Defence Research Establishment DREAM directed radio-frequency energyassessment model DRES Defense Research Establishment Suffield (Canada) DREV Defence Research Establishment Valcartier (Canada) DRM dead-reckoning module DRM Digital Rights Management ds digital signature DS digital signals DS directionally solidified DS–0 digital signal level 0 DSA digital signature algorithm ACR-10 DSA/DH Digital Signature Algorithm – Diffie-Hellman E/O electro/optical EA electronic attack DS–I digital signal level 1 EAA Export Administration Act DSL digital subscriber line EADS DSMAC digital scene matching area correlation European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company EAL evaluation assurance level DSMP Defense Meteorological Satellite Program EAR Export Administration Regulations DS–N digital signal hierarchy EB electron beam DSP Defense Support Program EBDW electron-beam direct writer DSP digital signal processor (processing) e-beam electron beam EBPVD DSRO Defense Science Research Organization (India) electron-beam physical vapor deposition EBR-II Experimental Breeder Reactor II DSS Digital Signature Standard EC electronics and countermeasures DSTL Developing Science and Technologies List EC European Commission ECAAM DSTO Defense Science and Technology Organization (Australia) electrochemically assisted arc machine ECAE equal channel angular extension DSU data service unit E-Cash electronic cash DSV deep submersible vehicle ECB Electronic Codebook DT deuterium tritium ECC elliptic curve cryptography DTAP Defense Technology Area Plan ECCM DTE data terminal equipment electronic counter-counter measures DTED digital terrain elevation data ECCN DTG dry-tuned gyroscope Export Control Classification Number DTG dynamically tuned gyroscope ECD Eurocopter Deutschland DTIC Defense Technical Information Center ECDSA elliptic curve digital signature algorithm DTO Defense Technology Objective ECM electronic countermeasure DTR data transfer rate ECMWF European Centre for MediumRange Weather Forecasts DTRA Defense Threat Reduction Agency ECR electron cyclotron resonance DU depleted uranium ECS electrostatic chucks DU digitized unit ED electric drive DUV deep ultraviolet EDFA erbium doped/fiber amplifier DVD digital video disk EDM electrical discharge machines DZ Algeria EDO extended data out EDP electric dipole potential E energy EDP electric dipole-produced EEC European Economic Community EEG electroencephalogram EELV evolved expendable launch vehicle e e.b.b n § 1 · limit of ¨1 ¸ as n approaches © n ¹ infinity equivalent blackbody ACR-11 EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read-only memory EMS Energy-Management System EMK electromagnetic weapon EES Escrowed Encryption Standard ENA energetic neutral atom EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation ENTWG EFP explosively formed penetrator Energy Systems Technology Working Group EFPI extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer EO electro-optical Eo sublimation energy EG Egypt EO-1 Earth Orbiter-1 EGI embedded Global Positioning System inertial EO-2 Earth Orbiter-2 EGM Earth gravitational model EOCCM electro-optical counter-countermeasures EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service EOCM electro-optical countermeasures EHF extremely high frequency EOD explosive ordnance disposal EIA Electronic Industries Association EOL end-of-life EID electromagnetic induction detection EOS equation of state EP electronic protection ELAPS equivalent laminated plate solution EPA Environmental Protection Agency ELEX electro-exchange EPC electronic power conditioner ELF extremely low frequency EPLRS ELFE extremely low-frequency electromagnetic enhanced position location reporting system EPR electron paramagnetic resonance ELFE extremely low-frequency emission EPRI Electric Power Research Institute ELINT electronic intelligence EPROM ELPRS enhanced position location reporting system erasable programmable read-only memory EPS environmental protection system ELTWG Electronics Technology Working Group ER electro-rheological ERA explosive reactive armor EM electromagnetic ERC Energy Research Corporation EMC electromagnetic compatibility ERCIM EMCDB elastomer modified-cost doublebased propellants European Research Consortium for Information and Mathematics ERINT Extended Range Interceptor EMD engineering and manufacturing development EROS Earth Resources Observation Systems EMHD explosive magnetohydrodynamic ERP effective radiated power EMHDG explosive magnetohydrodynamic generator ERS electrically reconfigurable ship ERS–1 Earth Research Satellite EMI electromagnetic induction ES electronic suppression EMI electromagnetic interface ESA electronic safe and arm EMI electromagnetic interference ESA European Space Agency EMIS electromagnetic isotope separation ESD electrostatic discharge EMK electromagnetic ESF energy storage flywheel EML electromagnetic launch ESG EMP electromagnetic pulse electrostatically supported gyroscope ACR-12 ESL equivalent series inductance ESM extended scattering mode ESM F3I form, fit, function, and interchangeable electronic support measure FA functional areas ESO European Southern Observatory FAA Federal Aviation Administration ESPRIT European Strategic Program on Research in Information Technology FAC fast-acting closure FAC forward air controller FACE Futur Avion de Combat Européen (French aircraft) ESR equivalent series resistance ESRP European Supersonic Research Program FACETS flywheel attitude, control, energy transmission, and storage ESSM Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile FADEC ET electrothermal full authority digital electronic engine controls ETC electrothermal-chemical FADS flush air data aystem ETDL Electronic Technology and Devices Laboratory FAE fuel-air explosives FALCON fuel-air line charge ordnance neutralizer ETH Eidgenössisches Technische Hochschule FAR false acceptance rate ETK electrothermal gun FAR false-alarm rate ETNO European Telecommunications Network Operators FAST field-adaptable systems technology FBCB2 ETS Engineering Test Satellite Force XXI Battle Command Brigade-and-Below ETS engineering test stand FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute FBL fly-by-light FBL/PBW fly-by-light/power-by-wire EU Eötvös unit FBM fleet ballistic missile EU European Union FBW fly-by-wire EUCLIDES Extreme UV Concept Lithography Development System FCC Federal Communications Commission EURESCOM European Institute for Research and Strategic Studies in Telecommunications FCG flux-compression generator FCS flight control system EUT end user terminal FCV future combat vehicle EUV extreme ultraviolet FDA Food and Drug Administration EUVL extreme ultraviolet lithography FDDI fast digital data interconnect eV electron volt FDIR EV electronic vehicle fault detection, isolation, and recovery EVA extravehicular activity FDM frequency division multiplexing EVM environmental vapor monitor FDTD finite difference time domain EW electronic warfare FEA finite element analysis FEBA forward edge of the battle area F Fahrenheit FEFO bis-2-fluoro-2,2-dinitroethylformal F farad FEL free electron laser f/max maximum frequency FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency f/min minimum frequency ACR-13 FET field effect transistor FPKI Federal Public Key Infrastructure FFI Forsvarets Forsknings Institutt fps feet per second FFRDC Federally Funded Research and Development Center FR France FRP Federal Radionavigation Plan FFT fast Fourier transform FRP fiber-reinforced plastic FGAN Forschungsgesellschaft für Angewandte Naturwissenschaften e.V. FRR false-rejection rate FSAP full-spectrum attack protection FHA Federal Highway Administration fsec femtosecond FHS flying helicopter simulator FSCS Future Scout and Cavalry System FI Finland FSS frequency selective surface FIB focused ion beam FSU Former Soviet Union FID flame ionization detector FTA Foreign Technology Assessment FIFV future infantry fighting vehicle FTIR Fourier transform infrared FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard FTIT fan turbine inlet temperature ft-lb foot-pound FIR far infrared FTW for the warrior FIS field ion spectrometry FVTD finite volume time domain FIV future infantry vehicle FWHM full width at half maximum FLAR forward-looking automotive radar FXR flash X ray FL field LADAR FY Fiscal Year FLC ferroelectric liquid crystal FLIR forward-looking infrared radar g gram FLS forward-looking sonar g FM field manual measure of acceleration of gravity [32 feet per second2 (9.8 m/second2)] FM frequency modulation G agents nerve agents FMM Fast Multi-pole Method G&G geodetic and geophysical fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging G–7 group of seven industrial nations G–8 G–7 nations plus Russia FMS foreign military sales Ga gallium FMS force modeling and simulation GA tabun (nerve agent) FOC final operating capability GaAs gallium arsenide FOG fiber-optic gyroscope GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid FOGM fiber-optic guided missile Gal Galileo FOPEN foliage penetration GAM GPS-aided munition FORTÉ fast on-orbit recording of transient events GaN gallium nitride GAO General Accounting Office FOV field of view GAP glycidylazide polymer FPA focal plane array GAUSS FPD flame photometric detector Global Augmentation for Satellite Systems FPD flat panel display GB sarin (nerve agent) FPE fluoropolyester Gbits/s gigabits per second FPGA field programmable gate-array GBL ground-based laser ACR-14 GBq gigabecquerel GR Greece GC gas chromatography GRACE GCCS global command and control system Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment GRC John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field [NASA (formerly the Lewis Research Center)] GCHQ Government Communications Headquarters, UK GD soman (nerve agent) GRMS gravity root mean square GDP gross domestic product GRP glass-reinforced plastic GDSS group decision support system GS ground systems Ge germanium GSA General Services Administration GE Germany GSAC gas seal auxiliary closure GEO geosynchronous Earth orbit GSC-IS GeV giga electron volts Government Smart CardInteroperability Specification GF Galis Field GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center GFE government-furnished equipment GSI Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH GFLOPS giga (109) floating point operations per second GSLV geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle GHz gigahertz (109 hertz) GSM GHz/sec gigahertz per second global system for mobile communication GIG global information grid GSR galvanic skin response GIS Geographic Information System GST glutathione S-transferase GLONASS Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System (Russian) GSTAMIDS ground standoff mine detection system GLONASST GLONASS system time GSTS Ground Station Tailoring System GM Geodetic Mission (GEOSAT) GSTWG gm gram Ground Systems Technology Working Group GMCC ground mobile command center GTD geometric theory of diffraction GMP good manufacturing practices GTE gas turbine engines GMR giant magnetoresistive GTN General Technology Note GMTI ground moving-target indication GTO gate turn-off GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System GTO geosynchronous transfer orbit GOPS giga (billion) operations per second GUI graphical user interface GVC ground combat vehicle GOST Gosudarstvennyi Standard GW gigawatt GP genetic polymorphism Gy GPa gigapascals GPA one megabar Gray (gy) is a unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation equal to 1 joule per kilogram of absorber GPC general-purpose computer GPIC general-purpose integrated circuit H hour GPR ground-penetrating radar HA hemagglutinin GPS Global Positioning System HAB high-altitude burst GPtS Global Positioning and Time System HAN hydroxylamine nitrate HAN hydroxylammonium nitrate ACR-15 HAP hazardous air pollutant HHS Health and Human Services HAP hydroxylammonium perchlorate HIIS heavy ions in space HARV high alpha research vehicle HIL hardware-in-the-loop HAWK homing all the way killer HIP hot isostatic pressing HAZMAT hazardous materials HIP hot isostatic press HBIW hexabenzyl-hexaazaisowurtzitane HIPER-KIDS HBO hyperbaric oxygen high-performance kiosk and desktop system HBT hetero-bipolar transistors HIPPI HCI human computer interface high-performance peripheral interface HDDR high-density digital recording HITL hardware-in-the-loop HDL high-level development language HISTEC high-stability engine-control (Boeing program) HDO singly deuterated water HK Hong Kong HDTV high-definition television HLA high-level architecture HE high explosive HLA major histo compatibility HE human engineering HLOS horizontal line of sight HEAP Human Effects Advisory Panel HMAC hashing for message authentication HEAT high explosive antitank HMD helmet-mounted display HEDM high-energy density material HMMWV HEL high-energy laser high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle HEMP high electromagnetic pulse HMO health maintenance organization HEMP high-altitude electromagnetic pulse HMX cyclotetramethylene-tetranitramine HEMT high electron mobility transistor HMX Octogen HEO highly elliptical orbit HNF hydrazinium nitroformate HEPA high-efficiency particulate air HNDT holographic nondestructive testing HERF high-energy radio frequency HNIW hexanitro-hexaazaisowurtzitane HEST High-Explosive Simulation Technique HNO3 nitric acid HNS hexanitrostilbene HET horizontal emplacement test HOB height of burst HEU highly enriched uranium HOE holographic optical element HEV hybrid-electric vehicles hp horsepower Hf Hafnium (isomer) HPC high-performance computing HF high frequency HPC high-pressure compressor HF hydrogen fluoride HPCMO HF hydrofluoric acid High Performance Computer Modernization Office HFCG helical flux compression generator HPCN HFET heterostructure field-effect transistor high-performance computing and networking HPE high-power electronics HfF4 hafnium fluoride HPG homopolar generator HFIP hexafluoroisoproxanol HPI high-power impulse HFSW high-frequency sky wave HPL high-power laser Hg mercury HPM high-power microwave HgCdTe mercury cadmium telluride ACR-16 HPSLT High-Power Semiconductor Laser Technology Program HYPR Hypersonic Propulsion Technology Program (Japan) HPVI hypervelocity impact HySET HRG hemispherical resonator gyroscope Hydrocarbon Scramjet Engine Technology HRR high-range resolution HYSWAS HRR-GMTI high-range resolution ground moving- target indication high-yield small waterplane area ship Hz hertz HR-SEM high-resolution scanning electron microscope I/O input/output circuit HSCT high-speed civil transport I2 image intensifier HSD high strength to density I2L integrated injection logic HSDB high-speed data bus I 2 image intensification 2 HSE high-speed encryption IR power HSI human systems integration IA Information Age HSI human systems interface IA information assurance HSI hyperspectral imagery IAB Internet Activities Board HSP heat shock protein IACR HSR High-Speed Research Program (NASA) International Association for Cryptographic Research IADS integrated air defense system HST Hubble Space Telescope IAEA HST hypersonic transport International Atomic Energy Agency HSTAMIDS hand-held standoff mine detection system IAEL International Atomic Energy List IAG high-temperature gas-cooled reactor International Association of Geodesy IAI Israeli Aircraft Industries HTL host technical liaison IALA HTML hypertext markup language International Association of Lighthouse Authorities HTO singly tritiated water IBIA International Biometric Industry Association IBM International Business Machines IC Iceland [IS - (ISO)] IC integrated circuit IC intelligence community IC2–SIP International Command and Control Systems Interoperability Project HTGR HTPB hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene HTS high-temperature superconducting HTS high-temperature synthesis HTT horizontal tunnel test HTU handheld terminal unit HU Hungary HUD head-up display HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization HVI hypervelocity impact ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile HVOF high-velocity oxy-fuel ICD interface control document HVWS Hypervelocity Weapon System ICE integrated command environment HWR heavy water reactor ICO Intelligent Combat Outpost HY high yield ICR intercooled recuperated ICRGT intercooled recuperated gas turbine ACR-17 ICS intercommunications system IM&C ICT (Fraunhofer) Institute for Chemical Technology (Germany) information system management and control IMEC Industrial Microelectronics Center ICt incapacitating concentration time IMETS Integrated Meteorological System ID identification IMF intelligent minefield ID incapacitating dose IMINT Imagery Intelligence ID Indonesia IMPATT IDE integrated drive electronics impact avalanche transit-time triode IDEA International Data Encryption Algorithm IMS ion mobility spectrometry IMT industrial materials and technology IDL interactive data language IMU inertial measurement unit IDS Intrusion detection system in. inch IE Ireland IN India IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers In indium INAV integrated navigation IEMP internal EMP INCITS IETF Internet Engineering Task Force International Committee for Information Technology Standards IF intermediate frequency IND improvised nuclear device IFF identification friend or foe INFO COM information communications IFOV instantaneous field of view INFO EXCH information exchange IFS indirect fire system INFOSEC information security IFSAR interferometric synthetic aperture radar INFOSEC TWG Information Security Technology Working Group IFV infantry fighting vehicle INFOWAR information warfare IGEB Interagency GPS Executive Board InGaAs indium gallium arsenide IGBT insulated gate bipolar transit INMARSAT IGBT isolated gate bipolar transistor International Marine/Maritime Satellite IHAS integrated helmet assembly subsystem INMS integrated network management systems IHCE Institute of High Current Electronics (Russia) InP indium phosphorus INPASS INS Passenger Accelerated Service System IHE insensitive high explosive IHPRPT Integrated High Payoff Rocket Propulsion Technology INS Immigration and Nationalization Service IHPTET Integrated High Performance Turbine Engine Technology INS inertial navigation system InSb indium antimonide IIL International Industrial List Internet international computer network IL Industrial List INU inertial navigation unit ILL Institut Max von Laue–Paul Langevin IO information operations IOM Institute of Medicine ILS instrument landing system Ip impulse IM insensitive munitions IP Information processing IM instant messaging IP internet protocol ACR-18 IP isostatic pressing ISS International Space Station IPC intermediate-pressure compressor ISSMO IPFN integrated pulse-forming network International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization IPN Institut de Physique Nucléaire ISU inertial sensor unit IPR impulse response IT information technologies IPS integrated power system IT Italy IQ Iraq It total impulse IR infrared ITAG inertial terrain-aided guidance IR Iran ITAR IR&D independent research and development International Traffic in Arms Regulations ITL IRA impulse radiating antenna NIST’s Information Technology Laboratory IRAD independent research and development ITRF International Terrestrial Reference Frame IRCM infrared countermeasures ITS Intelligent Transport System IRCOM Institut de Recherche en Communications Optiques et Microondes ITSEC Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria ITTWG Information Technology Technology Working Group ITU International Telecommunications Union IV Initialization Vector IW information warfare IWG Interagency Working Group IXC interexchange carrier J joule IRE Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics (Russia) IRFPA infrared focal plane array IRIG Interrange Instrumentation Group IRSS Infrared Search System IRST infrared search and track IRU inertial reference unit IS Iceland IS information system ISA Industry Standard Architecture ISA inertial sensor assembly ISAR inverse synthetic aperture radar ISAS Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (Japan) ISDN ISIT ISL J/cc joules per cubic centimeter J/gm joules/gram J/kg joules per kilogram J/pulse joules per pulse JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff integrated services digital network JDA Japan Defense Agency Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology JDAM Joint direct attack munition JDIS Joint Distributed Information System JEM Japanese Experiment Module JFCC Japan Fine Ceramics Center JHU/APL Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory France-German Research Institute of Saint Louis ISO International Standards Organization ISP Internet Service Provider Isp specific impulse JINR Joint Institute of Nuclear Research ISR intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance JMA Japan Meteorological Agency JMAT ISS integrated sensor suite Joint Service Medium-Caliber Automatic Gun Technology Group ACR-19 JNLWP Joint Nonlethal Weapons Program kcal kilocalorie JP Japan kD kilodaltons JP jet propulsion KDN potassium dinitramide JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group KE kinetic energy JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory KEM kinetic energy missile JPO Joint Program Office Keto-RDX JSB Japan storage battery 2,4,6-trinitro-2,4,6-triazacyclohexanone JSF Joint Strike Fighter keV kilo electron volt JSFWC Joint Staff Future Warfighting Capability KEW kinetic energy weapon kG kilogauss Joint Service lightweight integrated suit technology kg kg/dm kilograms per cubic decimeter JSOW Joint standoff weapon kg/kW kilogram per kilowatt JSRIM Joint Services Requirement for Insensitive Munitions kg/N kilogram/Newton JSTARS Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System KGD known good die kHz kilohertz JSW Joint standoff weapon kJ kilojoule JT joule-thomson KKV kinetic kill vehicle JTIDS Joint Tactical Distribution Information System KLEXT K-mixing, low-energy, X-ray triggering JTMD Joint Theater Missile Defense km kilometer JTR Joint Tactical Radio km/sec kilometers per second JTRS Joint Tactical Radio System kN kilonewton JUXOCO Joint Unexploded Ordnance Coordination Office KOH potassium hydroxide KP North Korea JV Joint Vision kPa kilopascal (0.00987 atmospheres) JWSTP Joint Warfighting Science and Technology Plan Kr krypton JSLIST kilogram 3 KR South Korea krad(Si) kilorads (in silicon) KrF krypton-fluoride KRS key recovery system KSHV Kaposi Sarcoma HV ksi thousand pounds per square inch kt kiloton (yield) k magnetomechanical coupling+ factor K Kelvin temperature K thousand (kilo) K–6 2,4,6-trinitro-2,4,6-triazacyclohexanone kA kiloamperes kT kiloton kA/cm2 kiloamperes per cm2 KTA potassium titanyl arsenate kA/ns kiloampere per nanosecond ktap KAIST Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology one thousand dyne centimeters per second KTP potassium titanyl phosphate kbar kilobar kV kilovolt kbit kilobit kV/cm kilovolts per centimeter kbps kilobits per second kV/m kilovolts per meter ACR-20 kV/mil kilovolts per mil LED light-emitting diode kV/mm kilovolts per millimeter LEED low-energy electron diffraction kV/ns kilovolts per nanosecond LEL low-energy laser KW Kuwait LEMP lightning electromagnetic pulse kW kilowatt LEO low-Earth orbit kWe kilowatt (electric) LETI kWh/kg kilowatt-hours per kilogram Laboratoire d’Electronique, de Technologie de l’Information (The Electronics and Information Technology Laboratory) l liter LEU low enriched uranium L water beam attenuation length LFC laminar flow control l/d length-to-diameter LGG light gas gun L/D lift/drag LH2 liquid hydrogen LAAS local area augmentation system Li lithium LADAR laser detection and ranging Li-ion lithium-ion LADAR laser radar LICA 12 LAER lowest achievable emission reductions neopentyl(dially)oxy-tri(dioctyl) phosphato titanate LIDAR light detection and ranging LAN local area network LIHE laser-initiated high explosive LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory LIS laser isotope separation LANS local area network system LLI Liebheer Aerospace Lindenberg LASER light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation LLL low light level LASERCOM laser communications LLLTV low light level TV LAV light armored vehicle LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory lb/hp-hr pounds per horsepower-hour LLRC low repetition rate capacitors lb/kW pounds per kilowatt LLS laser line scanner LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory LMDS local multi-channel distribution service LB/TS large blast/thermal simulator LMFBR liquid metal fast breeder reactor LC liquid crystal LMR liquid metal reactor LCAC landing craft, air cushion LMRS LCD liquid crystal display long-term mine reconnaissance system LCI load commutated inverter LMS least mean square LCP liquid crystal polymer LMT large mmW telescope LCS laser cross section LNA low-noise amplifier LCt lethal concentration time LNG liquefied natural gas LD lethal dose LO low observable LDCs lesser developed countries LOCAAS Low-Cost Antiarmor System LE low explosive LOCAAS LEAF law enforcement access field Low-Cost Autonomous Attack System LEC local exchange carrier LORAN long-range aid to navigation LED laser-emitting diode LOS line of sight ACR-21 LOSAT m2 line-of-sight antitank 3 square meter LOTWG Lasers and Optics Technology Working Group m cubic meter MA mega-ampere LOVA low-vulnerability ammunition mA milliampere LOX liquid oxygen MA mobile assistant LP liquid propellant mA/cm2 milliamps per square centimeter LPCVD low-pressure chemical vapor deposition MAb monoclonal antibody LPD low probability of detection MABS military application of blast simulation LPG liquefied petroleum gas MAC message authentication code LPI low probability of intercept MAC modified auxiliary closure LPI/LPD low probability of intercept/low probability of detection MAE medium altitude endurance LPT low power transceiver MAFET Microwave and Analog Front-End Technology LPTF Laboratoire Primaire du Temps et des Fréquences MAGIC Multimission Advanced Ground Intelligent Control LRC inductor, resistor, capacitor MAGLEV magnetic levitated LRERI Lviv Radio Engineering Research Institute (Ukraine) MAGT MOS-assisted gate thyristor LRF laser range finder MAJCOM Major Command (U.S. Air Force) LRR lower reposition rate MALDI matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization LRU line replaceable unit MAN metropolitan area network LSTAT life support for trauma and transport MANPADS Man-Portable Air Defense System LTBT limited test ban treaty MAP Microwave Anisotropy Probe LTE local thermal equilibrium MAPO tris-1-(2-methyl)aziridinyl phosphine oxide LTS low-temperature superconductivity MAPS LU Luxembourg Millimeter Wave Analysis of Passive Signature LUCE Laser Utilizing Communications Equipment MASER Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation LVIS launch vibration isolation system MASINT LWIM low-power wireless microsensors Measurement and Signature Intelligence LWIR long-wave infrared MAV micro air vehicle LWIR long wavelength infrared MAXRD impedance matched X-ray diode LWR laser warning receiver Mb Mega bits LY Libya MB Mega bytes MBB Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm (Germany) MBBAY a specific X-ray blowoff code MBCS Meteor Burst Communications System m meter m milli (10–3) M million; as prefix, Mega M&C management and control MBE molecular beam epitaxy M&S modeling and simulation MBG multiband gap m/sec; m/s meters per second Mbit/sec megabits/second ACR-22 Mbps megabytes per second MEDEVAC medical evacuation MBT main battle tank megarad(Si) million rads (in silicon) Mbytes megabytes MEL medium-energy laser MC molten carbonate MEL-ARI Microelectronics Advanced Research Initiative MC-1 chemical bomb MCA multi-chip assembly MEM microelectromechanical MCAGCC Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center MEMS microelectromechanical systems MEO medium-Earth Orbit MCFC molten carbonate fuel cell MEO middle Earth orbit MCG magnetocumulative generator MEOMS MCH methylcyclohexane micro-electrooptical-mechanical systems MCH methylcyclohexane MER message error rate MCM mine countermeasure MESA MCM multichip module microsystems and engineering science applications MCM–C multichip modules–ceramic MESMA Module d’Energie Sous-Marin Autonome MCM–C/D multichip modules–ceramic/ deposited Met meteorology MET molecular electronic technology Methyl bis(2-methylaziridinyl)methylamino MCM–D multichip modules–deposited MCM–L multichip modules–laminated MCM–L/D multichip modules–laminated/ deposited METI Ministry of Economic Trade and Industry (Japan) MCNC Microelectronic Center of North Carolina (University) METWG Biomedical Technology Working Group MCP massively concurrent processing MeV million electron volts MCS modular charge system MFC magnetic field compression MCT mercury cadmium telluride MFCG MCT Militarily Critical Technologies magnetic flux compression generator MCT MOS-controlled thyristor MFL multiple-folded laser MCTL Militarily Critical Technologies List MFR Multi-Function Radar MFSW medium-frequency sky wave MCTP Militarily Critical Technologies Program MFS3 multifunction staring sensor suite MCXO microcomputer-compensated oscillator MFTWG Manufacturing and Fabrication Technology Working Group MDA Missile Defense Agency Mg magnesium MDP multidisciplinary design optimization mg milligram mg/cc milligrams per cubic centimeter 2 MDS magneto-dynamic storage mg/cm milligrams per square centimeter MEA More Electric Aircraft MHD magnetohydrodynamic MEADS Medium Extended Air Defense System MHD-EMP magnetohydrodynamic electromagnetic pulse MED magneto-electric dynamic MHPCC MEDAL Mine Warfare Environmental Decision Aids Library Maui High Performance Computing Center MHz megahertz ACR-23 MIB management information base MIC microwave integrated circuit MICLIC mine clearing line charge MICOM U. S. Army Missile Command MICV mechanized infantry combat vehicle MIEM Master Information Exchange MOU (U.S.–UK) MIJ meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and interception mil one one-thousandth of an inch MILO magnetic insulated line oscillator MILSATCOM Military Satellite Communications MILSPEC military specification MILSTAR MMIC microwave/millimeter-wave monolithic integrated circuit MMIC miniaturized monolithic integrated circuit MMIC monolithic microwave integrated circuit mmIC millimeter-wave IC MMM Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology (Division of NCAR) MMMW monolithic microwave millimeter wave MMST Microelectronics Manufacturing Science and Technology MMT Methods of Manufacturing Technologies military, strategic, tactical, and relay (satellite) mmw millimeter wave MMW multi-megawatt MIL-STD Military Standard MMWTIS MIMP Mesoscale Interface Mapping Project millimeter wave targeting and imaging system MN mega-newton min minutes MNS mine neutralization system MIPS million instructions per second MOCVD MIPS multimission image processing subsystem metallo organic chemical vapor deposition MOCVD MIR mid infrared metal oxide chemical vapor deposition MIS management information system MoD MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom) MOD means of delivery (of WMD) MJ megajoule Modem modulator/demodulator mJ millijoule MOE micro-optical element ml milliliter MOEMS ML Munitions List (Wassenaar Arrangement) micro-optics-electromechanical system MOLLE modular lightweight load-carrying equipment MLC Military Load Class MLI midlife improvement MOM method of moment MLIS molecular laser isotope separation MOO MUD, object-oriented MLRS multiple launch rocket system MOOTW military operations other than war MLS microwave landing system MOPP mission-oriented protective posture mm millimeter MOPS million operations per second mm2 square millimeter MOS metal-oxide semiconductor MMC metal matrix composite MOSFET metal-oxide semiconductor fieldeffect transistor MOTS micro-optical table systems Mots modified off-the-shelf MOU Memorandum of Understanding MMD mass medium diameter MMH monomethyl hydrazine ACR-24 MOUT military operations in urban terrain MOVPE metal organic vapor phase epitaxy MPa megapascals MPEG Moving Pictures Expert Group MPF multipurpose fuze mph miles per hour MPI mean point of impact MPM microwave power modules MPNTP Master Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Plan MPQS multi polynomial quadratic sieve MPT Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (Japan) MPTB MSTAR moving and stationary target acquisition radar MSTWG Marine Systems Technology Working Group MSX midcourse space experiment Mt megaton MT metric ton MTBF mean time between failures MTBOH mean time between overhaul MTCR Missile Technology Control Regime MTF modulation transfer function MTI moving target indication microelectronics and photonics testbed MTO Microsystems Technology Office (DARPA) MPTWG Materials and Processing Technology Working Group Mtops million theoretical operations per second MPU microprocessor unit MTSAT multifunctional transport satellite MR magnetoresistive MTTF mean time to failure mrad milliradians MUD multiple user dimensions Mrad(Si) million rads (in silicon) MURAT Munitions à Risques Atenues mrem millirem MV megavolt MRI magnetic resonance imaging MV muzzle velocity MRL multiple rocket launcher MV/cm megavolts per centimeter MRMS Millimeter Wave Reflectivity Measurement System MV/ns megavolts per nanosecond MVA megavolt-amperes mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid MVRS muzzle velocity radar system MRTD Machine-readable travel documents MVS Multiple Virtual System MW megawatt MS marine systems mW milliwatt MS mass spectrometry mW/cm2 milliwatts per centimeter squared ms millisecond MWCG multiwave Cerenkov generator MSCM military systems, components, and materials MWh/kg megawatt hours per kilogram MSE mobile subscriber equipment MWIR medium wavelength infrared msec (ms) millisecond MWIR midwave infrared MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center (NASA) MX Mexico MSIMD multiple single instruction multiple data n nano N newton MSIS Multi-Sensor Integration System ND n-dimensional MSSS Maui Space Surveillance Site (Air Force) N.B. nota bene N/m2 newtons per square meter ACR-25 NA numerical aperture NCP network control point Na sodium NCTR non-cooperative target recognition NACA National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics NCW network-centric warfare Nd neodymium NACC North Atlantic Cooperation Council Nd:YAG neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet NAD Navy Area TBMD NDE nondestructive evaluation NAE National Academy of Engineering NDGPS NAI® Network Associates, Incorporated National Differential Global Positioning System NAL National Aerospace Laboratory (Japan) NDI nondestructive inspection NDRE NAMRU Naval Medical Research Unit Norwegian Defense Research Establishment NAS National Academy of Sciences NDT nondestructive test NAS network attached storage NDT&E nondestructive test and evaluation NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NDU non-digitized unit NDUL Nuclear Dual-Use List (NSG) NASDA National Space and Development Agency (Japan) NE network element NE northeast NEDO New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization NELS Northern European LORAN System NAT Network address translation NATIBO North American Technology and Industrial Base Organization NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NAV navigation NAVSAT navigation satellite NEM nanoelectromechanical NAVSEA Naval Sea Systems Command NEMO Naval EarthMap Observer NAWC Naval Air Warfare Center NEMP nuclear electromagnetic pulse NB narrow band NEMS nanoelectromechanical systems nuclear, biological, and chemical NEP noise equivalent power N/cm newtons per square centimeter NEPE nitrate ester plasticized polyether NC numerically controlled NETD NCA national command authorities noise-equivalent temperature difference NCAC National Crash Analysis Center (George Washington University) NF New Forum NFS Network File System NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research NFS number field sieve NG nitroglycerin NCARAI Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency NCES Net Centric Enterprise Services NGIC NCIC National Center for Intelligent Computing National Ground Intelligence Center NGL next-generation lithography NCIS National Clinical Information System nH/A nanohenries per ampere National Center for Manufacturing Science nHz nanohertz Ni nickel NBC 2 NCMS ACR-26 NIC network interface card NIH National Institutes of Health NIIRS NOCINCO China North Chemical Industries Corporation National Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale NOEL Nonlinear Electronics Laboratory NOL Naval Ordnance Laboratory NIJ National Institute of Justice NONA nonanitroterphenyl NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency NOS network operations centers NOSC Naval Ocean Systems Center NIMH nickel metal hydride NOx oxides of nitrogen NIMIC NATO Insensitive Munitions Information Center NOx nitrogen oxide NIR near infrared NP neutral particle NIRIM National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials NP nonproliferation NPB neutral particle beam NIS Network Information Services NPT Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NQ nitroguanidine NQR nuclear quadrupole resonance NJIT New Jersey Institute of Technology NRAC Naval Research Advisory Committee nK nanokelvin NRC National Research Council NL Netherlands NRC National Response Center NLO nonlinear optical NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NLR National Aerospace Laboratory (Netherlands) NRDEC Natick Research, Development and Engineering Center NLW nonlethal weapon NRL Naval Research Laboratory nm nanometer NRO National Reconnaissance Office NM network management NRT near real time NMD National Missile Defense NS nuclear systems nmi nautical mile NS&E nanoscale science and engineering NMIH nickel metal hydride NSA National Security Agency NMMO 3-nitratomethyl-3-methyloxetane NSAN nonstabilized ammonium nitrate NMP New Millenium Program NSC Natick Soldier Center (U.S. Army) nmph nautical miles per hour nsec (ns) nanosecond NMR nuclear magnetic resonance NSF National Science Foundation NMRCI National Microelectronics Research Centre, Ireland NSG Nuclear Suppliers Group NSIAD NMRS Near-Term Mine Reconnaissance System National Security and International Affairs Division NSLS National Synchrotron Light Source NNI National Nanotechnology Initiative NSOM NNWS non-nuclear weapons states nearfield optical scanning microscopy NO Naval Operations NSRC Naval Surface Research Center NO Norway NSTC NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Science and Technology Council NSTWG Nuclear Systems Technology Working Group NOC network operations center ACR-27 NSWC Naval Surface Warfare Center OCR organic cooled reactor nT nanotesla Octal aluminum octadecanoate NTA Netwrok Address Translation Octal HMX/TNT mixtures NTI/O nontraditional input/output ODP oxygen depleting potential NTL Nuclear Trigger List (supplement of NSG) OE opto-electronics OEIC optoelectric integrated circuit NTO nitrogen tetroxide OFHC oxygen-free high conductivity NTO 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one OI optical interconnection NTRS National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors OICETS Optical Inter-orbit Communications Engineering Test Satellite NTT Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Corporation OJT on-the-job training NTTC National Technology Transfer Center (NASA) OLAP on-line analytical processing OLE object linking and embedding NTW Navy Theater Wide OLETC NUDET nuclear denotation Office of Law Enforcement Technology Commercialization NUST National University of Sciences and Technology (China) OLTP on-line transaction processing OMV orbit maneuvering vehicles ONERA Office National d’Études et de Recherches Aerospatiale ONR Office of Naval Research ONTA 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one OODA observe-orient-decide-act NUWC Naval Undersea Warfare Center NV night vision NVG night vision goggles NVLAP National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program NVS night vision system OOT object-oriented technologies NWC Naval Weapons Center OOTW operations other than war NWE nuclear weapons effects OPC optical proximity correction NWES nuclear weapons effects simulation OPO optical parametric oscillator NWS nuclear weapons state OPR Office of Primary Responsibility NZ New Zealand OPSEC operations security ORASIS Optical Real-Time Adaptive Signature Identification System ORD operational requirements document ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORU operational resource unit O/S Operating System OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe O&M operation and maintenance O&S operation and support O2–I oxygen iodine OASDSOLIC Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict OAV organic air vehicle OC optical carrier OCAR Office of Crash Avoidance Research OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration OCCM optical counter-countermeasures OSI open systems interconnetion OCM optical countermeasures OSL optically stimulated luminescence Optical character reader OSP Orbital/Sub-Orbital Program OTH over the horizon OCR ACR-28 OTM on the move PD photo detectors OTS off the shelf PDA Personal data assistant OTV orbital transfer vehicle PDA pulsed disk alternator PDE pulse-detonation engine P phosphide PDL Page Description Language P2P Peer-to-peer PDMS polydimethylsiloxane Pa pascal PE piezoelectric PA phosphoric acid PEBB power electronic building block Pa/s pascals per second PEFC polymer electrolyte fuel cell PAC-3 Patriot Advanced Capability-3 PEFC PAFC phosphoric acid fuel cell proton exchange fuel cell polymer electrolyte fuel cell PAHO Pan-American Health Organization PEIP programmable embeddable INFOSEC product PAI pathogenicity island PEK polyether ketone PALs permissive action links PEM proton exchange membrane PAM penetration-augmented munition PEMFC PAR precision approach radar proton exchange membrane fuel cell Patriot Phased Array Tracking Intercept on Target PEMS pico-electromechanical systems PET positron emission tomography PB particle beam PET pulsed electrothermal PBAA polybutadiene-acrylic acid PETN pentaerythritol tetranitrate PBAN polybutadiene-acrylic acidacrylonitrile PEX paste extrudable explosive PFN pulse-forming network PbS lead sulphide PFPAE perfluorinated polyalkyl ether PbSe lead selenide PGM An end-user program PbSnTe lead tin telluride PGM precision-guided munition PBV post-boost vehicle PGN polyglycidylnitrate PBW power by wire PGP Pretty Good Privacy PBX plastic-bonded explosive PGU power-generation unit PC personal computer PH Philippines PCB printed circuit board PHLASH PCN polycrystalline cubic boron nitride Phone Home Link for Autonomous Spacecraft Handling PCDE polycyanodifluoroaminoethyleneoxide PHM Prognostics and Health Management PCL passive coherent location PIN personal identification number pCLC polymeric cholesteric liquid crystal PIN positive-intrinsic-negative diode PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association PIO pilot-induced oscillation PIR passive infrared PCR polymerase chain reaction PIV Particle-Imaging Velocimetry PCRC photochemical reaction system PK Pakistan PCS personal communications system PKI public key infrastructure PCSS photoconductive solid-state switching PL Poland ACR-29 PLGR Precision Lightweight GPS Receiver PSAM phase-stabilized ammonium nitrate PSD power spectral density PM permanent magnet psf pounds per square foot PM phase modulation psi pounds per square inch PM photomultiplier psia pounds per square inch absolute PM Program Manager psig pounds per square inch gauge PMC polymer matrix composite PSM phase-shifting masks PMT photomultiplier tube PSO peace support operation PNT positioning, navigation, and time PSP plasma separation process PNTP precision network time protocol PSVN public switched voice networks PNTWG Positioning, Navigation, and Time Technology Working Group PT Portugal POE point of entry PTD physical theory of diffraction POF plastic optical fibers PT&F precise time and frequency poly-GLYN poly(nitatromethyloxirane) PTI precision targeting identification POS/NAV position/navigation PTR photo-thermo-refractive POSITIME position and time PtSi platinum silicide POSTECH Pohang University of Science and Technology (South Korea) POTS PTT postal, telephone, and telegraph PTTI precise time and time intervals plain ordinary telephone system Pu plutonium ppb parts per billion PUREX ppm parts per million plutonium uranium recovery by extraction PPM proton precession magnetometer PV photovoltaic PPS precise positioning service PV/W pressure-volume/weight pps pulses per second PVC polyvinyl chloride (H2CCHCI)x ppt parts per trillion PVD physical vapor deposition PPT pulsed plasma thruster PVF2 polyvinylidine fluoride PRBG pseudo-random bit generator PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone PRC People’s Republic of China PW penetrating weapon PRC photochemical reaction center PWM pulse width modulation PRCS photochemical reaction center synthesis/structure PWR pressurized water reactor PWSC preferred weapon system concept PRD pinch reflex diode PYX picrylaminodinitropyridine PRF pulse repetition frequency PZT lead zicronate titanate PRNG Pseudo-random number generator PROM programmable read-only memory Q PRPB Propulsion Directorate/Battery Branch a figure of merit for a resonant circuit Q&A question and answer PRS plasma radiation source QA/QC quality assurance/quality control ps picosecond QAM quadrature amplitude modulation PSA pressure swing absorption QC quality control performance-seeking aircraft control QD quantum dot QED quantum electrodynamics PSAC ACR-30 QIP quantum information processing RCM reciprocating chemical muscle QIPC quantum information processing/ communication RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act QKD Quantum key distribution RCS radar cross section QNOS quantum nano-optics of semiconductors RD&E research, development, and engineering QW quantum well RDA QWIP quantum well infrared photodetector representational difference analyses RDC relative dielectric constant RDEC Research, Development, and Engineering Center R range R&D research and development RDF Rapid Deployment Force R/W read/write RDG relativistic diffraction generator RA Registration Authority RDT&E rad hard radiation hardened research, development, test, and evaluation rad(Si) radiation absorbed dose (in silicon) RDX cyclotri-methylenetrinitramine rad(Si)/sec rads (si) per second RESTORE Reconfigurable Systems for Tailless Fighter Aircraft RADAR radio detecting and ranging RET resolution enhancement techniques rads radiation absorbed dose REVCON RADX cyclotri-methylenetrinitramine Revolutionary Concepts (NASA project) RAID random array of independent devices RF, r f radio frequency rf/mmW RAID rapid assessment and initial detection Radio Frequency/Millimeter Wave (Facility) RFC request for comments RAID redundant array of independent disks RFI radio frequency interference RaLa radioactive lanthanum RFID radio-frequency identification RAM radar absorbing materials RFP Request for Proposal RAM random access memory RAMICS rapid airborne mine clearance system RAP rocket-assisted projectile RAS Russian Academy of Sciences RAS radar-absorbing structure RASER RFQ radio frequency quadruple RHA rolled homogeneous armor RIAA Recording Industry Association of American RIE reactive ion etching RIMMP Research and Seeker Emulation Radar radar instrument for measurement of land vehicle movement parameters RISC reduced instruction set computers RBG random bit generation RKA relativistic klystron amplifier RBLOS regional beyond-line-of-sight RKA Russian Space Agency RBMK (Russian) high-power pressuretube reactor RLG ring laser gyroscope RC resistance-capacitance RLV reusable launch vehicle RC Ron’s Code RMP reprogrammable microprocessor RCA Radar for Collision Avoidance RMS remote minehunting system rms root mean square ACR-31 RNA ribonucleic acid s second RNG Random number generator S RO reverse osmosis siemen (unit of electrical conductivity) RO Romania S&H survivability and hardening ROC receiver operating characteristic S&R search and rescue ROC Taiwan – Republic of China S&T science and technology ROE rules of engagement S&TW surveillance and threat warning ROIC readout integrated circuit S/A selective availability ROM read-only memory S/cm siemens per centimeter ROV remotely operated vehicles S-HTTP Secure HTTP RPC Remote procedure call S/m siemens per meter RPG rocket-propelled grenade S/N signal to noise (ratio) RPM rapid prototype manufacturing SA Saudi Arabia RPM, rpm revolutions per minute SA situational awareness RPV remotely piloted vehicle SA/CID RSA Rivest, Shamir, Adelman situational awareness/combat identification RSC Rocket Space Corporation (Russia) SAA South Atlantaic Anomaly RSCAAL remote sensing chemical agent alarm SABER situational awareness beacon with reply RSMD radar sensor for maintaining the distance SABRE shallow water assault breaching SACLOS RSST rapid synthesis and simulation tool semi-automatic command to line of sight RSTA reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition SACMA Suppliers of Advanced Composite Materials Association RSVP reduced ship’s crew by virtual presence SADARM sense and destroy armor SADL FAC RTD resonant tunneling diodes situational awareness data link forward air controller RTG radioistope thermoelectric generators SAE Society of Automotive Engineers SAF safing, arming, and fuzing secure and fast encryption routine RTI run-time infrastructure SAFER RTK real-time kinematic SAFF safing, arming, fuzing, and firing RTTY radio teletype SAFOR semi-automated forces RU Russia SAM self-assembling membrane RV reentry vehicle SAM surface-to-air missile RV remote vehicles SAMPEX RW Rabin-Williams Solar Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer RW rotary wing SAN storage area network RWC real-world computing SAR search and rescue SAR synthetic aperture radar SAS Survivable Adaptive System SATCOM communication satellite SAW surface acoustic wave Sb antimony (stibium) ACR-32 SBEON space-based electro-optical network SE static electric SE Sweden SBIR Small Business Innovation Research SEE single event effect SBIR small business innovative research SE&I systems engineering and integration SBIRS Space-Based Infrared System SEA statistical energy analysis SBL space-based laser sec second SBR space-based radar SECOMS SBU Sensitive, but UNCLASSIFIED satellite EHF communications for mobile multimedia services SBV space-based visible SEFI single-event fault-interrupt SC single crystal SELEX SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition system systemic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment SELT sheet-explosive loading technique scattering with angular limitation projection electron-beam lithography SEM scanning electronic microscope SEMI Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International simplified collective detection equipment SEP Société Européenne de Propulsion SEP spherical error probable Sep system enhancement package SES surface effect ships SCALPEL SCDE SCGT simple-cycle gas turbine SCI Sensitive Compartmented Information SCM scanning capacitance microscopy SET single electron tunneling SCM systems, components, and materials SET single event transients SET synchronizing enabling technologies SCO split cavity oscillator SCPE simplified collective protection equipment SEU single-event upset SEV surface-effect vehicles SCPS Space Communication Protocol Standard SF superfluorescence SFAP SCR silicon controlled rectifier space-frequency adaptive processor Scramjet supersonic combustion ramjet SFC specific fuel consumption SCSI small computer system interface SFODB Spaceborne Fiber-Optic Data Bus SCSI Society for Computer Simulation International SG Singapore SGC Security Classification Guide SCTWG Signature Control Technology Working Group SGEMP system-generated electromagnetic pulse SCUBA self-contained underwater breathing apparatus SGML Standard Graphics Markup Language SCUD western name for early Soviet missile system SHA-1 secure hashing algorithm SDH synchronous digital hierarchy SHF super-high frequency SDN software defined network SHORAD Short-Range Air Defence SDO State Design Office (Ukraine) SHPL super high power laser SDT spin-dependent tunneling Si silicon SE spontaneous emission ACR-33 SI Système Internationale d’Unités (The International System of Units) SMA shape memory alloy SMART Smart Materials Actuated Rotor Technology SIA Semiconductor Industry Association SMC Space and Missile Systems Center (U.S. Air Force) SiC silicon carbide SMC/T&E SiGe silicon germanium Space and Missile Systems Center Test and Evaluation Directorate SiGeB silicon-germanium boron SMI SiGeC silicon-germanium carbon structure of management information SIGINT signals intelligence SMNP SILEX Semiconductor Laser Intersatellite Link Experiment simple management network protocol SMP shape memory polymer SIM Subscriber identity module SMP symmetrical multiprocessor SIMD single instruction, multiple data SMPT Simple Mail Transport Protocol SIMOX separation by the implantation of oxygen SMR specialized mobile radio SMS system management system SiN silicon nitride SN sensors and navigation SINCGARS single-channel ground and airborne radio system SNL Sandia National Laboratory SNM special nuclear material SINS ships inertial navigation systems SNMP SiO2 silicon dioxide simple network management protocol SiOC silicon oxycarbide SNPE SIP SINCGARS Improvement Program Société Nationale des Poudres et Explosifs SNR signal-to-noise ratio SIPE soldier integrated protective ensemble SO solid oxide SOA safe operating area SIPRNET Secret Internet Protocol Router Network SOF Special Operations Force SIS signal in space SOFC solid oxide fuel cell SIT silicon intensified target SOFRADIR Société Française de Détecteurs Infrarouge SK Slovakia SOHO small office/home office SKIPPER a specific lagrangian ground motion code SOI silicon on insulator SLAC Stanford Linear Accelerator SONET synchronous optical network SLAM selectable lightweight attack munition SOS Secure operating system SOS silicon-on-sapphire SLAM standoff land attack missile SOTV solar orbit transfer vehicle SLAR side-looking airborne radar SP self propelled SLM spatial light modulator SP solid propellant SLOC sea line of communication SP Special Publication SLR satellite laser ranging SP Spain [ES - (ISO)] SLS side-looking sonar SPA Software Publishers Association SLUFAE surface-launched fuel air explosive SPAWAR SLV space-launch vehicle Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command ACR-34 SPD severe plastic deformation SPDT single point diamond turning SPE SSDC Space and Strategic Defense Command (U.S. Army) synchronous payload envelope SSG SPECT single photon emission computerized tomography conventional-powered guided missile submarine SSGN SPEEDES synchronous parallel environment for emulation and discrete-event simulation nuclear-powered guided missile submarine SSK conventional-powered attack submarine SPES synchronous payload envelopes SSL Secure Sockets Layer SPF/DB superplastic forming/diffusion bonding SSM semi-solid metalworking SSME Space Shuttle Manned Explorer SPFC solid polymer electrolyte fuel cell SSN submarine, nuclear attack SpG specific gravity SSNS solid-state navigation system SPH smoothed particle hydrodynamics SSOP shrink small outline package SPLAT spray lead at target SSR secondary surveillance radar SPM scanning probe microscopy SST supersonic transport SPO System Program Office SSTO single-stage-to-orbit SPOD seaport of debarkation SSTWG SPOT Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre Space Systems Technology Working Group STANAG standardization agreement SPP security practices policy STAP SPS Standard Positioning Service space-time adaptive processor; space-time adaptive processing SQC statistical quality control STFD spatial time-frequency distribution SQUID superconductive quantum interference device STIO Space Technology Integration Office SR Slovak Republic STM scanning tunneling microscope SR-12 ammonium dinitraminide STM synchronous transport module SRA shop-replaceable assembly STO science and technology objective SRAM short-range attack missile STO scientific technology objective SRAM static random access memory STOL short takeoff and landing SRBM short-range ballistic missile STOM ship-to-objective maneuver SREMP source region electromagnetic pulse STOW synthetic theater of war STP solar thermal propulsion SRS stimulated Raman scattering STP standard temperature and pressure SRTM Shuttle Radar Topography Mission STRICOM SS signaling system U.S. Army Stimulation, Training, and Instrumentation Command SS space system STS Satellite Tracking System SSA Ship Support Agency STS stockpile-to-target sequence SSA solid-state amplifier STS synchronous transport signal SSB conventional-powered ballistic missile submarine STTR small business technology transfer program SSB single sideband STW Surveillance and Threat Warning SSBN submarine ballistic missile nuclear SUNY State University of New York ACR-35 SURTASS surveillance towed array sensor systems TATB triaminotrinitrobenzene (hightemperature explosive) SUSOPS sustained operations TAV transatmospheric vehicle SWAS small water plane area ship TB tuberculosis SWATH small waterplane area twin hull TBC thermal barrier coating SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications TBM theater ballistic missile TBMD theater ballistic missile defense SWIR short wavelength infrared TBN tactical ballistic missile SwRI Southwest Research Institute TBP tri-n-butyl-phosphate SWS subwavelength structured Tc critical temperature SY Syria Tc superconducting temperature (high Tc = 77 K, low Tc = 4 K) T tesla Tc transition temperatures t ton Tc transmit clock/telemetry combiner T tritium TCM trajectory correctable munition T&E test and evaluation TCP/IP T, P, and I test, production, and inspection transmission control protocol/ internet protocol T/P TOPEX/POSEIDON TCSEC T/R transmit and receive trusted computer system evaluation criteria T/S Teraflops per second TCT time-critical targeting T/T transceiver TCXO temperature-compensated crystal oscillator T/W thrust-to-weight (ratio) TDA time to double amplitude TacMedCS Tactical Medical Coordination System TDD target detection device TACMS Tactical Missile System TDEA triple data encryption algorithm TACOM Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command (U.S. Army) TDES Triple Data Encryption Standard TDI time delay and integration TADIL tactical data information link TDM time division multiplexing TADMUS tactical decision-making under stress TDMA time division multiple access TDOA time difference of arrival TAGN triaminoguanidinenitrate TDRI TAIW tetraacetyldibenzylhexaazaisowurtzitane Technical Research and Development Institute (Japan) TDRSS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System TAPS tunnel and pipe seal TARDEC Tank Automotive Research, Development, and Engineering Command Te telluride TE thermoelectric TE transverse electric TARFS three axis of rotation flight simulator TEGDN triethyleneglycoldinitrate TAS thallium arsenic selenide TEL transporter/erector launcher TASER Tom A. Swift's Electric Rifle TEM transmission electron microscopy TAT 1,3,5,7-tetraacetyl-1,3,5,7-tetraazacyclooctane TEM transverse electromagnetic TEMPEST transient electromagnetic pulse emanations standard ACR-36 TEPAN tetraethylenepentamineacrylonitrile TNAD 1,4,5,8-tetranitro-1,4,5,8-tetraazadecalin TEPANOL tetraethylenepentamineacrylonitrileglycidol TNAZ 1,1,3-trinitroazetidine TNEOC polynitroorthocarbonate TE–PVD thermal evaporation—physical vapor deposition TNGU tetranitroglycoluril TNO Nederlandse Organisatie Voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research) TNO-PML The Netherlands Organization for Science and Technology–Prins Maurits Laboratory TERCOM terrain contour matching TERM–KE tank extended range munitionkinetic energy TERPROM terrain profile matchup TES Tactical Exploitation System Tetryl trinitro-phenylmethylnitramine TEU technical escort unit TNPDU tetranitropropanediurea TeV tera electron volt TNT trinitrotoluene TFC transverse field compensation TOC tactical operations center TFT thin-film transistor TOPS total object processing system Tg glass transition temperature Torr TGSM terminally guided submunition pressure equivalent of 1 millimeter of mercury TH Thailand TOW THAAD Theater High-Altitude Area Defense tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided (antitank missile) TPB triphenyl bismuth ThAD tetranitrotetraaradecalin TPL towed pinger locator THEL tactical high-energylaser TPP theoretical peak performance THz terahertz TPV thermophotovoltaics TI target identification TR target recognition TI thermal imaging TR transition radiation Ti titanium TR Turkey TID total incident dose TRACER Tactical Reconnaissance Armoured Combat Equipment Requirement TRADOC U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command TIR total indicated reading TIS total integrated scattering TIS trusted information system TLD thermoluminescent dosimetry TRANET Transit Network (U.S. Navy) TLE target location error TRANSEC transmission security TLGC transfer line gas chromatography TRAPATT TM transverse magnetic trapped plasma avalanche transittime triode TMD Theater Missile Defense TREE TMN telecommunication management network transient radiation effects on electronics TRIGAT Tri-lateral Antitank Guided Weapon TRI–TAC Tri-Services-Tactical Communications TRMA traceability, reliability, maintainability, and availability TMP trimethylol propane TMS thermomechanical shock TN thermonuclear TN Tunisia ACR-37 TRMM Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (NASA satellite) UFPA Universidade Federal do Pará (Brazil) TRP Technology Reinvestment Program UGS unattended ground sensors UGS unattended ground systems TSA temperature swing adsorption UGT underground testing TsAGI Russian Central Aero- and Hydrodynamic Institute UGV unmanned ground vehicle TSOP thin small outline package UGWET underground nuclear weapons effects test TSR thermostructural response UGWET TSS telecommunications system sector underground weapons evaluation and testing TT&C telemetry tracking and controls UHCA ultrahigh-capacity airliner TTO Technology Transition Office UHF ultrahigh frequency TTP tactics, techniques, and procedures UHV ultrahigh vacuum TTP trusted third party UK United Kingdom TUGV tactical unmanned ground vehicle ULSI ultra-large-scale integration Tupolev ANTK A.N. Tupolev Scientific and Technological Aviation Complex UN United Nations UNDEX underwater explosion TV television uPa/g micropascal per gram TVC thrust vector control UPC unit processing code TVOPA (tris vinoxypropane adduct) 1,2,3tris(1,2-bis(difluoro-amonio) ethoxy)propane UPS uninterruptible or uninterrupted power supply TVSS toroidal volume search sonar UPS uninterruptible power system TW Taiwan URL Uniform Resource Locator TW terawatt USA U.S. Army TW throw weight USAF U.S. Air Force TW toxin weapon USAMRIID TWG Technology Working Group United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases TWT traveling wave tube USARTTC U.S. Army Redstone Technical Test Center U uranium USASMDC United States Army Space and Missile Command UA Ukraine USB Universal Serial Bus UAV unmanned aerial vehicle USCG U.S. Coast Guard UAV unmanned air vehicle USD (AT&L) UCAR University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics UCAV uninhabited combat air vehicle USG United States Government UDMH unsymmetrical dimethyl lydrazine USMC United States Marine Corps UDP user datagram protocol USML United States Munition List UEP underwater electric potential USN U.S. Navy UF6 uranium hexafluoride USNO United States Naval Observatory UFCV ultra-fast closing valve USSPACECOM United States Space Command ACR-38 USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics VMS vehicle management system VN Vietnam USW undersea warfare VNL Virtual National Laboratory UTC coordinated universal time VOC volatile organic compounds UTD uniform theory of diffraction VOR UTS ultimate tensile strength very-high-frequency omnidirectional range UUV unmanned underwater vehicle VPB vacuum power booster UV ultraviolet VPI vertical plane imaging UWB ultra-wideband VPN virtual private network UXGA ultra extended graphics array VR virtual reality UXO unexploded ordnance VSAT very-small-aperture terminal VSHORAD Very Short-Range Air Defence V Agents nerve agents VTOL vertical takeoff and landing V volt VTR video tape recorder V&V verification and validation VUV vacuum ultraviolet V/m volts per meter VVA verification, validation, and authentication V/sec volts per second V–A volt-ampere VWF variable message format VBAD Vehicle Blinde d’Appui VX chemical nerve agent VCEI Virtual Card Edge Interface VCN voice communications network W watt 2 VCR videocassette recorder W/cm watts per square centimeter VCSEL vertical cavity surface emitting laser W/in watts per inch W/kg watts per kilogram VDD voltage drain drain W/L watt per liter VE Venezuela W/s watts per second VEMASID vehicle magnetic signature duplicators WA Cat Wassenaar Arrangement—DualUse List Category VETRONICS vehicle electronics WA ML VHF very high frequency Wassenaar Arrangement— Munitions List VHN Vickers hardness WA Wassenaar Arrangement VHSIC very high-speed integrated circuit WAAS wide-area augmentation system VIS visible WAM wide-area mine VLCI vehicle limiting cone index WANS wide-area network system VLCT very large commercial transport WAS wide-area search VLF very low frequency WB wide band VLSI very large-scale integrated WCS wearable computer system VLSI very large-scale integration WDDI wire-distributed data interface VLWIR very long-wave infrared WDM wavelength division multiplexing VM Virtual Machine We/kg watts (electric) per kilogram VMF variable message format WET weapons effects test VMS Multiple Virtual System ACR-39 WETWG Weapons Effects and Countermeasures Technology Working Group WGS World Geodetic System w-h/kg watt-hour per kilogram WHO World Health Organization Whr/kg watt-hour per kilogram Whr/L watt-hour per liter WII world information infrastructure Wi-Fi Wireless fidelity WLAN Wireless Local Area Network WMD weapons of mass destruction WORM write once/read many WP white phosphorus WPAFB Wright-Patterson Air Force Base WRA weapon replacement assembly WSMR White Sands Missile Range WSQ wavelet scalar quantization WTC Worldwide Technology Capability WTEC World Technology Evaluation Center WWAN Wireless Wide Area Network WWI World War I WWMCCS Worldwide Military Command and Control System WWW Worldwide Web X9 ANSI Financial Service X9F1 ANSI Financial Service, Cryptographic Standards and Tools Working Group XCBF XML Common Biometric Format XML Extensible Markup Language XO crystal oscillator XOR Exclusive-OR XPS photoelectron spectroscopy XTE X-ray Timing Explorer YAG yttrium/aluminum garnet YBCO yttrium barium copper oxide YSGG yttrium scandium gallium garnet Z atomic number ZA South Africa ZCS zero current switching ZGP zinc germanium phosphide Zn zinc ZNP zero-knowledge proofs ZnS zinc sulfide ZnSe zinc selenide ZrF4 zirconium fluoride ZVS zero voltage switching ACR-40