:trtf Prl`"""!l· 1!111.

.\ rn:,.urx X [ 11.
.T. C. Botha, Attomc-t, t'ort Btlllnfort.
Hl•adman .Jamff! ~gqotJOng1\11nll, Hraldto"n Fmgo J.ocation , Fort
('harlt'S Sinxn, Jnto·rp11·h·r, ) l aj.tiolmte'R Court , Furl ll.nufort .
(Hea<lman Xolih11w Xrnpttyi h<·ing in atll·uclnurc.)
.\.\\ '. H. l'n .. tcm, \lnj!islmtc•, ~tntll·rluirn.
Jo'. ('. Hou•fic·ld, '"'" ,\ga·ul, l'tuttt>rlwim.
\\'. R. \\'nrrt·u, Jo'nrmtr, Stntll·rlu·im .
•J. A. llart\', 1-' anru·r, Htuttc•rlll'irn.
K .\[. \\'nrrtn , Jo'arn~t·r, :-:tuttrrhr·im.
('. A. Edwanl~. Farrurr, StuttcorJa.,tm.
Rt•·· Jl c•lrorl< J. \l•rlwttc r, BNiin .\l~ionary Socl•·ty, JJ4,th"l Mwion
~tntion, Stuttrrlwim
Rolx•Ji Skllljllna, XaiiH• Ft~rmrr, Stntterhdrn.
Philip J>lan~. llmg"'ah M~AAinn Stntion, "lullcrhcim•
. to<'! 'Xeku, Warthurg H•owcn P , Stullerheirn •
•John .\lnxingo, loi•lrugc>, !'tutt!'rlll'irn.
Ca••ood .\lnull'lwa, !'tult!'rlll'im.
l'l·lnr• So)!a, Stutttc-rht·irn.
H<·•· A IIROI'tl\\nrt h. l'n "' tc·riau :\lini~ll·r, lo'ort
4. Tlw CommiMion mljnnnu•l a't 4 ~~~ JDll .
Prl'"""!l· 1!111.
1. All tht• mrmlwr11 nf till' l'nmmwu>n, \\ith tho rxc'C'ptinu nr \l1 "'· \\'~ela
l'nltin<, wcm p~rnt
:!. The \linntl'il or '"" pn•\'ion4 llll~·tuag \\I"' n-at! IIIII I cunfirrnNI ,
3. ExMuinntion of wltn~!'>!
Tht• [ollm•iug wrtllCI!!I., \\crt' •~mined , .-ir :
1'. R. ( ' hlllmt'l'l!, ~lngllltratc•, \'ldoria
•1 B Lief,.Jclt , !'upt of :\atinl l.oc11llon~, \'ictoria 1-::Stt
,\ Lres('ul>ug ••arnru, \ 'ictoria East .
He,· . •J . lA 111111\ , \1 •.\., '"'""'"'"· \'r~torin 1-:Ut .
ltruclmnn l'atu ~l••rnn , \'il'loriu Fin~o l..()('ntion , \ ' rc 10na i':.Ut .
Ht•admnn \lrlani \ 'c·la , ~lt·lnni '• IA<"ahon, \'idoria t~•v.t
\laxmilhlll C:n?t·, l.ovt•lnlt· ~J ...... um Station, \'ictori" K.. t
11t·admnn KntlO<'k Mgijimn. \ 'idorin }'ingo Lo<mlinn. \'rdurl" 1~111 .
Li1.ana, :'<IIJilln'• L<>C"a1inn . Yi<•tuna Ea..t.
(Ei~thl othrr 1\utin~ IH·tn)l 111 utll·ndanc!l.}
0 ('. II. !'trong, ~lngistrate. l'lll<·.krn trom •
(.n..·n, ,JJ'.• I<"ftfnur, ~tod<c·rL•trom .
Hn·.•\ . Faure, Jl H f1aurrh , l!~rtzl>l(. Sto<·ktruolrom
\\', '1'. Lan11, Jo'nnru r, Stockenstrom.
loaac An'll•ls, llott«"nlot 1-'arrnt'l', Stockclll'trom.
Hnns Botha. llott<ntot T.ot hol•h·r. Stock!'D$Ironr •
. tam"" z\IJA , XntiH•Lotholdt'r, !'tock!'nstrom.
4, 1la~ C'.ornmi ion II<I)OIImtd nt 3 .1!i p.m.
•:ut .
.-\ .r.
Mh }'tliMiflry, 1!\U ,
I. All the OI(•Oll><•fll or thl' C'ommiMion, 'llith thr I'X(WJIIIOII or ~le&ra.C'ollins
and \Yc-Mrl•. \H'rt' pre !'Itt.
2. The ~lima I<'I or 1ht• pn·vinus mtttinp; wrrc n•ad ami C<•nfirrnrd .
3. ('on idl•rutiun n{ proposul• in n·p;ar<l to thll tli.tricta in n'l'p<:d or ... hicb
nicl•·ncl! \\&• takt·n nt King \\'illiam'a ' l'o11n
Ht'ISOin... l to maku the rollollilllt l'l'('C)Olm('ndntiot~. Vi7-:
EAST Lo~oo:s .
Area : The_, \\bole d~lri~t . t'Jtcepting :
(I) ll1c scla.luk'<l X at in &1'l'81'.
\'niire Amu:
(2) l'a11nle Kraal Immimnt~ I.or.ation (u marked in bluo
J><'IICII on I l1c fiiR p ).
(I } and (2) aloo'"·
'The whole di•tri~t !'Xtcpting the Town•lnp and Commonage of
Kei.•kama ]I<M·k and >~lith other portion~ a11 ma) lw determined aft<'r furthc•r ('On•idcration.
4. Thr Commi••ion adjourn('() at I p.m.
NfltiJ·f Arra:
lith F'fiA"Uflr!l· l!ll4.
1. All thr membe~ of th!' <'ommi..•ion, with the exception of MC!I'"'· \Ve--el•
aut! Collin•, were pre<ent.
2. The Minut~ of the pr<•viou• UIM·ting 'litre read and confimlrd
:1. R('l!OIH'<I, that tho ('haimlall '"' authori•ed to reply to the matiNs whi<·h
ha•ll>t><'n rcfrll"!'d to thr Commissin11 h, tht• &-crt·tan· for Xati'l'e Affail", \'iz. :
(n) :'\Tinute, clllted !lth .January. l!ill. "the fam• "High MendoWJI," Qu('('n•·
(/1) :\Tinutc, dated 23rd D('<·c·tUIK·r, 1!113, rf the ('ala Re:;erre, Xalanga
(r) ~Iinut«'. dated 2nd Jnnunry, I !Ill r~ :\fount Coke Out,pan, King William'•
(tf) J\linnt<•, dated 3rd DC'N•mht·r, 1111:1. rf c·omplnint by Hcndmnn Elwn!'zcr
Mhlambi•o concerning tho houndnry of his Location.
(t) .\linutr, rlatro l•t D<'<>c•mlwr. 1111:1. on tho 1-mbject of llllwm'K Loc•ntion:
C:razing fa<'ilities: Applil'lltion for mcm1 land.
({) .\finute, datro 23rd Dt'<'t·mh•·r, 1!11:1. rt the claim.~ of the Amantincl<> tril>!',
King William·~ Toun.
(g) )linutc, elated 4th D<-<·<·mll(•r, l!tl:l, "the t•ncroachmcnt of J..ot~ on ('ro'"'
Land-, Bodiam, Bell and llamhurg, l'oodie di,trict.
(h) '\!mutt•, dated J!lth .fanuary. 1!111, rt Xqumeya Location, Kintt \\"illiam'11
(i) '\l inut<>, elated 22nd Dtuml.er, 1!11:1, re :\Iatomela'~ Location l'NI!Iir.
(j) .\linutc, datoo 4th DN·rmlx·r, 11113. rt Boundary dispute X)lllli•o·~
Location and P('(ldie To'lln Commonage>.
•\1 o the .\linute. elated !'lth !\ov<'mbc•r, 1!11:1, from the )[agi•tmto of Fort
Hc•aufort on the subjP<"I of n ~~·filion from certain Nativco for Rurvcycd
plotH on the Fort Beaufort Conunonngc or other relief.
I. C'onsiel<'ration of pro~nl• in rt'l-(llrtl to the diRtricta in ro<pcct of which
c•violt•ut'Cl wn~ taken at King \Villicun'K Town:
Hc'l<oln<l to make the follo'll in~t 1\"<'ClOIIIIc·nrlnt ions, Yiz. :
(I) 11•c,eht..lult•IXatin•lll\'·"'· \\iththeex('('ptionofthoXative
allotm<'flts north of the I-cnvorka stream.
(2) The "hole' of t"nmxc-ha LoCation.
(3) The Rarnnyibi I..o\8.
(4) Fann!\ Xo.<. 13r. and 3tl!l.
.Yon.Ynfit·e Area,: The re..t of the diJOtrict, including the Kative allotmc:ontA north
of the Jscnyorka ~trcnm. Thlll'e to be addoo to tho European an•n of Bratm•chweig.
(b) Mid<llcdrift .
.YIIIit·e Art!U:
The whole di•trirt. t•xrcpting:
(I) The To"n•hip and Commonage of ~l.ddlodnft.
(2) The •Ur'l'l')'(-d lot~ around Fort White (bordered in red
pencil 011 the mn p).
S011.\"nti1·r Arws: (I) and (:!) abo'I'C.
(c) K'i~koma IIOtk .
The who!<' di.•tri<"t, t·xt'epting:
.Yalit-e Arw:
(I) The To'llnship and Commonage of Ke~kamn H~k.
(2) The Debe Neck allotments (bordered m red penc1l on
tho map)
So11.\'ntir·( Artnll: (I) and (2) above.
.Ynlit'C Aren:
[I' .0. 22-'JII.]
.\'alit' Artn6:
(I) 'O.e edtt"IUINI ~ativto IIITAS.
(2) Thf' , illagre of Woolridge and Bell IOf.!••tlll'r "ith their
~p•-cti''" CornmonRgl'l!, an• I till' 1111rn•undmg land honll-n'<l
in hluo pt 11<'11.
(:1) TnllliJN'ttl•ll! l'nor1 !<'on~! Ht'>l'r\ ~.
(4) Th~ Out~pau l!nuth of tlw Blu•• or X'"'" HiHr,
(ll) .Junction fBrlll nrul fnm,. "C'lifTunl," " lll~hnt .. tlm" nnrl
,\'msSatireArrtU: n,n rwt of''"'
:o-n'TTl Rllt:l)l
X nlir~ A rta.t :
(I) 'J'hc ~M:hl"duh"l :\ath·ll an'M.
(2) Fanu llt't'k•l
'11m hi•l• nge an!ll and the 1\• i Hn·er fanru to Joe ldt nv"r for
furtl11•r inv""t igatinn_•
1\'o'lll It,.,
J;'urthN lll""'ligntiOtlll to ll(lrnza•l" In n-~ard to tit< 1\oi HtHr
fam111 nrul tho l111ul l)ing l><:tiHil'll K"rl•·gh•llut pnn nn<l
~looipla•tlft l..of·t•tinn
rn11T lh:At
,\'n/it·e tlrfn•:
(I) Thn Adu•lul"'l :\nth" t•tc••·
'flu~ n,.t of tho district.
(Z) '11m farm " l'uulals."
(I) 'll•e ~~ehrduhl<i ~&tho art"811.
(21 Thl' ltmd 1.) mg l>et"ll<'ll <luckka or ~·cera Hlvr.r and
Mahandla'~ IAX"ation (hordel'f'<l m hlue Jlrtlerl on tho mnp) •
•\'on Xottrc A rta~ • 'llte mot of the •lilltrict
.Valit-e . lrnu :
Tim "hulo• •hotrict, indutlmg the 'I'O\\I~~hlp 1u1d l'omm••nAg(!, to
bo 1l<'<·lan•l a ;\'tulrnl Arm
5, Ht'll<.lln,.l tltRI ~Jr. A K <:iltiiiJ\11, ,\ll!li.ot.ftnt \lugilltrM.,, l\111g \\'1lluun '1!
11ppomh•l 118 811 o\J!I<f'l!~or 10 thfl Conuni.•!tdon fur tltf1 1"")10!11 or in•p.uring
intn :1ncl n·porting "I""' (u) tlw t&•h illnhlhty or otlu•n~i8o of inelu<lmg nn) ur all of
tl111 Kl'i Rin•r fnnn• in t lm 14lthrart, ~luth•rhcim amll\omgha Ill\ IAiotJJIIII n :'\ath o
"""'· (b) tho propaoecl luu-' <'f ,), IDIII'('lllion IK-tween •:urnpcam and ~&In• m tlut
ht•lo·"~ anm, ~tuttf'rheim, ant! (e) tht> O('t'UJ>alloll af land 1.)111!1 hct11n:n th!'l )\',. •
h'l!lta Out.; pan nwl tht• llootplaat.! l.ocntion, Komgha dll!tn< t
II. The Cornmh<sion tuiJOUnt<d at I I'm , to metot agam lu ( ap• 'l'v'IUI on tho
lOth illl!tant.
'l'n\\11, lt<l
Cope 1'01l'fl, IOI/1 Ftbntary, 1!11 .. .
I. The Connni ton mft 111 tht Ot,..eral l'osl OIII('C hulldmg, C.J"' Tmon, a t
10.311 a.m.
:.!, All the llll'ntl>t·1'11 or tiff• ('urmnL.... ion, \\tth thfl lll<CJ>linn ol ~.r \\Ill . 1\('AIIIIIOJit
and <:em·ral .Bul')t•·r, "t•n• pn'I!Ntt.
3. In the a!.srnre of thl' l'ltairman, l~lonrl Stanlot1l "
volro to tho r.hnlr.
4. Th" ::llmnlt'l! nf thu pn•vioul! nuetmg \\Cro read RIKI conflrmnl.
6. Examination uf \\ttnt'N('JI.
Tho follo\\ing \\ltn ~ \\elll CX&IIllneo;l, v1z.
::ienator the lion. M Campbell, llount l<::dgtOOnlbt-!.
~nator tbe Hon. '1'. ,1, ~el, Oraigland• Orm'tO.n
tl. 'The .\cting IJlalrrntul sne an aerount of 'the
J>erlonncd l•y the O>m·
mission in the :E astern I 'ro\ mce.
i. Tb<• Commt •Inn adjoumtool at 1~.!6 p.m.
201/o Ftbruary, 11114.
1. All the members of tho Commi>•ion, with tlw exception of Sir Wm. Beaumont
and Cen(>rnf Burg~r. were pl'OI't•nt.
2. Tho Minut<'ll of tho previous m!'<'ting llrrc read and con6rmed.
3. E:s:aminRtion of witn&<~es.
The following witne;,es were examined, viz. ·
flenator tho Ron. H. G. Stuart, :Marquard, Diatri~t Winburg.
~·m~tor thr Hon. M. J. Beukt·, P.O. Outlook, Di•trict '\'rodt'.
r, Di.qtrict
~nator Colonel tho Hon. ,J. ,J Byron C:.:\I.G., Westmin.t(>
Thaba 'Xchu.
flenator tho Ron. C. n. Marni•, Ho~hol.
&nator tht> Hon. H. ])otgicter, Zastron, Rouxvillo.
4 . Tho Commi ion adjourned Rt 12.15 p.m.
:!3rd Ptbruary, 1914.
I. All the members of thu Commi.t<sion , with tho exception of Sir Wm. Beaumont
&nd General Burgtr, were prusnet.
2. 'l'he Minntee of the previolll! m~oeting \\t·m read and confirmed.
3. Examinatio n of witne..Res.
Tht• following witnesses were examinoo, viz.
~mator tht> Hon. H . D. Wint~r, .&.k"Ourt. Xatal
Hon. W. F. Clayton, )l.L.A., Koarn.•ney, ~atal.
A. FawcuK, M.L.A., Umlazi, .l\atal.
4. 'l'be Corumis.•ion adjourned at 12 noon.
24th FtiJ11A4ry. 1914.
1. All the mrmhel'!! of lht' ('ommi••ion , with tho e>xception of Sir Wm . .Beaumont
and G<'nt·ral Burger, were prt:-<l'nt.
2. Tbt )Iinutl'l! of tht• p1cviou, mf'rtin~~: \\CI'\J read and confirmed.
3. Examinatio n of 11itn08~o-.
Tho following witneRSCR wt•re examinL'<I, viz. :
)I. W. ~fyburgh, ~t.L.A., Paulpietel'!! burg, Natal.
S.:nator the Hoo. G. G. :\Iunnik, Pieter;burg , Tramvaal.
C. Hen\\ood, )f.L.A., :\Iayvillc, Durban.
4. The Commi.•sion adjourned at 3 p.m.
2.'\lh Ftbruary, 1!\ I 4.
1. All the mcmb<·r.< of tlw ( 'ommi.-•ion, with tho oxeeption of Sir Wm. Beaumont
and Gt'ncral Burger, were prOI!cnt.
2. The :\Iinut<'OI of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
3. Examinatio n of witno.;,e<.
Tlw following 11 itoess "a.~ examined, viz. :
T. Boyd~ll. )!.L.A., Durban.
4. The Commi••ion adjourned at 12 noon.
26th FtbriUiry, 19H.
1. All the mcmben~ of the C'ommill•ion, with the uxeeption of Sir Wm. Beaumont
and General Burger, were present.
2. Examinatio n of witnO><,CI!.
Tho following witnes.•es were examined, viz. :
General Tobias Smuf-'1, M.L.A., Ermelo, Transvaal.
\V. W. J. J. Bezuidenho ut, M.L.A., Heidelberg , 'fran><vaal.
G. J. W du Toit, M.L.A., lliddelburg , Tmnsvaal.
3. The Commt,..•ion ro,e at 12 noon.
Febru.ary, 1914.
1. All the membcn1 o{ the Commi"ion , with tho exception of Sir Wm. Beaumont
and General Burger, were pre,.ent.
(U.G. 22-1.6.]
x: II.
2. Eu.minatiou of wiu-.
The foUowing wi~ tn"re examined m. :
Seoator the Hoo. W. P. &hreiner, K C., C.II.G., Linford, Newlands, ~pe.
R. G. Nicbollon, M.L.A., Nyll!troo1~, Waterberg.
P. G. W . Grobler, M.I•.A., Rustenbu District.
3. Tbe CommiMicn I'OI!e at 12.30 p.m.
I. All the membeno ofthe l'ommiMion, wi the exception of Rir Wm. Beaumont
and Mr. C'ollins, were pre~~ent.
2. The- Minute& of the mf'etingw of the S':Mh, 26th and 27th Ff'bruary, 11114,
•ere rNd and confirmt'd.
3. TI1e Sf!cn-tary n!lld a Minuh• from the~ retary for Native Aftaino, datt'd lllh
February, 11114, forwarding for th11 infonna~ un of the ('orumiaion a ropy of a
petition from Mr. J>ube on the subjeoet of thti operation <1f the Native. Land Al't,
~t.her '1\ilh a copy of the f:mrmment 'A n•J>Iy tbemo.
4. K1u1mination of " i t . _.
Th" following w i t - wt'n. uamined, viz. :
U. Wllitakf'r, li.L.A., King Willian 1 Town.
J. A. Venter, li.L.A., llordn!cht.
J. M. Radf'meyer, li.L.A., Humllll*lorp .
U. H. W . \\'-Ia, li.J,..A., Vryburf!.
ll. The ~mmiMion roee at 3.46 p.m.
MoreA, 11114.
I. Alit be memben of the< 'ommieeion, ••I the "-'t'eplion of Sir \\'m flt.&umunt
and Mr. <..:ollinA, "ere preeent.
2. The Minute~! of the previo111 meetif18 "re l'f'&<l and oonflrmtd,
3. The Acting Chairman (<'olonel Stanloid) reportt'd that in the- at-nee of
Geoeral Schalk Burger and .Mr. \\'_.., who • ere otherwlt!C engapd, he examlmocl,
by virtuf' of the · Reeolution taken by the (' mmiaaion on the 29th .January IMI
(par. II), the following witn- on the 3rd M h, 11114, vir.. :
H. A. Oliver, li.L.A., Kimberley.
Dr. A. H . Watkinl, M.L.A., Barkly Wst.
H . ll. lleyler, li.L.A., Weenen, Nat
4 , The Acting Chairman 1111bmitt.ed for~ consideration of the <'ommis@inn a
draft itinerary in roepect of the Transvaal
~lved that the itinerary be adopted,
aitliJll!ll in the Tranavaal to rom·
mence in Pretoria on T.-day, the 14th Apnl , 1914.
ll. •:xamination of w i t - :
The following w i t - were examined, fi&. :
Senator ('olonelthe Hon . F. W. A. jngmeilter, I>,H,O., l'urt l'ih~J... t"l"'
I', G. )Iaraia, )I.L.A., Hope Town.
T . L. Schre~r. li.L.A., Tembuland.
6. The Commi.ioo roee at 12 ooon.
I . The <:ommiMioo met in the l'nion Bu11dinp, Prf'toria, at 10 a m.
2. All the memben of the C'ommiasion, with tbe uception of lleneral Schalk
BUJ8er, were pi'Mellt.
3. The M.inutee of the previo111 meeting ere 1'-.d and oonfirml'd.
. 4. The Chairman 1ubmittt'd the R:epon oi' ~ Sub-<:ommiaeion, oonsieting of
him~~elf and llr. A . H . Stanfonl, appomt«< t(1 Ylllit tbe Tr:anskeJ&D Territories.
Memben having bad oopife of the Report 1 pplitd to tbem it .... t&km u I"NNI
(VNk Appendix X.)
6. <'olonel Staofonl reported that : In
of the ...._.lut.ion adopted on thn
211th, January Jut (Art. ~), the fo~wing wit..IMM were eumined m <'.ape To• n
by o-ral Burger aad IWuelf, na. :
On the 5th .lfarch, 1914.
Senator the Rt. Ron. Sir Frederick i\loor, K.C.li.G., Greystooe.~, Natal.
,J. G. King, li.L.A., Griqunland East.
Senator the Hon. J. A. Joubert, Amersfoort, Dist. Wakkerstroom.
On the 6Jh ,lfarch, 1914-.
.r. J. Alberts, .M.L.A .. , Stnnderton.
H. Mentz, i\1.L.A., Pietcrshurg.
H. C. W. Verm88S, .\f.L.A., Li~htenburg.
Rev. A. C. :\lyovane, S('{'r~tary of the Native Vigilance (',ommittee, GraaffReinet (accompanied by thre<' others).
&>nator the Ron. A . ,J. Fuller, Toilll' River, C.P.
,J. van der \\'alt. )!.L.A , J>r!'toria Di•t.
General Burger ldt fur J.ydc·nhurj( thc ~ame day.
Otl the 9th .1/arrh, 1911, Colmwl ~Ianford rt'<'('in•d a deputation from the Cape
of Good Hope Di..trict of tht> \\'t•slcyun \lrthndist C'hurch of South Africa, consisting
of the Hcv. George Robson, H!·\. '1'. K \lunoh, and Rev. W. Smith FoAAitt, and
took the evidence of the R!',-. Roht.on. ('nJx• Town, and the Rev. Foggitt, Wynherg.
The following further w itnc><~t·B wt•r1• t•xnmint>d by him on the date.~ ,(liven :
011 t/11' lOth Narch, 1914.
Senator tho Hon. K N. Oroblor, l'hillippolis, O.F.S.
Senator the Hon. J?. A. Jt.•JohnKtono, Charlestow·n, Natal.
On II" 1illl Jfarch, 1911.
Senator the Hon. Sir ,Jamt·>~ Li<'!(l' Hulett, Durban.
Senator the Hon. ,J. ( '. Krugh :\lidd!'lburg, Tran.~vaal.
G . A. Louw, :\IL.A., ('ol<··l><'rfl
E. E. Dower, ~r<·tary for ~attn• AllaiN for the Union of South Africa.
On the llith Jfarch, 1911.
E . E. Dower, &ocretar,\ for :\ati,·t• .\ffaiN (continuation of examination).
Colonel Stanford procl-<•df'd to rt•Jxlrt that, on Friday, th~ 27th .llarch, in aCl'Ordnnce with the Chairman's reque.. t, hr ll'ft ('liP<' Town for Kny~na, Humanlldorp, and
Port Jo;liznlX'th. in connection "ith C('rtnin rcpre.,entations made to thr Commi!lllion
from tho><c centre:;. He Kuhmitt('(] a ~cparnto report in connection tlwr('with,
whirh lw n•I\C] to the (.'ommiH<ion. ( l'ir/t Appt•llflix X.)
n . At•J•otNTMtNT OF DnAu(IHT<\t ,~ To Tn& Co:.~uss1oN:
Ht'solvl'<l that the ('hairmnn intervi1m lh<' Transvaal Survoyor-C:<•nt"ral in
thr matter, and therenft<"r r<'JKlrt to tlw C'ommit<~<ion.
i . The St-cretMy rt>ad a l<'tl<'r, dntro lth \rarcb, 191-l, from the S!'cr<'tnry to
thf' 1-itutt<'rh('im Fanne~· As,o!'iatinn on tlw <JUC.~tion of the e\·iden<'<' gh•en hefore
the <Jomrni><-<ion by reprosentatiw.,. nf th11 A-;ociation.
The N-<.·retary directed to n·pl) .
K. Th<' ~retary read a letter from tlw ~lagistrate of Barberton, dated 2ith
'ltm·h, 1914 . •Uilli:<'Sting that Bnrt.erton otlkial< •hou.ld give evidence at Lydenburg
in•lo•.ul of at )Jiddelburg.
Ordt·nod thnt <'ennin tn•tuiri!"' bt• mndc in connection therc\\ilh.
U. The ('onuni><ion arljoumed 1\t I p.m
15/h April, 1014.
I. All the members of thl'
were present.
:!. The )linut~ of the previouA mN•ting were read and confirmed.
3 The Chairman submitted n )linutl' dcalin11; with the general principles on
"hicb the reoommtndatio~q of tht Commi••ion should be based. The ('ommi••ion
I, Ari-ing out of the :\!in\lt(';! uf,ith~ previous meeting, the Chairman reported
that he had 6<'<·n the Trans,·aal Sur\'(·vor-(;eneral, who would endeavour to II('('Ure
tht M'T\'ICC!I of a eomp<'lcnt Dr~u~tht~man for the C()mmis;•ion.
:1. The Stocretary submittt><l :
(n ) t't•rtain Jette!'< r<'<'t•in'<l{frnm tradeN in the Transkei on the I!Ul·stion
of the position nf Tradin!(JStlltions in the Transkeian Territories.
(b) A l!ltt!'r dated ;!nd .\pril lU II, from tlw l'l•ntrnl l>uunund Syndi~atc•,
Ltd., 1; 11 the <JUI'•Iirm uf dPdaring thr HivN·sidr 'rrmn•hip n~ar
Prc•turin a native art• ' ·
(r) .\ letter, dated l:lth Ft loruury, l!H4 , fron~ t hid Kat~c·ni Toi~, King
\\'illiam'd To""· pra)ing fur thr. re•torahon of <·•·rl un '"" plfl('<'l! of
lAnd "hith had l>e<>n cut niT frnrn Toi-.e's f.ooat Jnll
The-se communication.~ having !..•ell ac·kno\\ le<IJ(f'<l, tl11• r·ont•·nll! '"'rt' <lui)
fl. Tlw &ocrctary read a J\linutt•, rllltc"<lllth April, Jill I, fr~uu tlu• N'<·rt·tur~· fur
Sativc Affail'd, on the que~tion of tho propu~ed pur~htV<O by 11111 •.vc'l! of .tho ~emumd<'r
of the farm Htrvdfontcin, No. I 21, .\lnric•n lli,trict, nnd \\fit! K" c•n chn'<'llon• M to
lh<' naturt• nf tho r<'ply to he ~<'nl
i . The ('omml!<.,~ion ro"!' nt I~ nt>t>ll ,
ltilh .I pril, I 'II I
I • •\11 tlu mc•mlx·n< of till' ( 'wnuu sum '"''" pruh nt
~- The• 'linult ~ C>f the pn.·vion• mc~·t in!( \H·r..• rc'11•1 1\1111 t•c•ulirlnf'<l.
:1. E:o.cunin<Ltion of witnt"AAOil,
Tlw following witn~st'l< wcrc• 1'\IUIUnt~l vi-..:
Ht•nat<~r tho lton. ''· J). \\', \\'ulmnnm<, J'rdnriu lliot
II. R01<c• lnm'!!, :l!ngi,trntc• 1111tl .\ntivu ('ommi iuuPr, l'rduri.< .
\\'. A King. Sub-Xativc• l'ununissi<>Ju·r, l'rc•tuna.
,J , ,\<lch•on. Rctmg Sub .\ati" ('mutnk•io~~t·r, llauuuo 'a Kra ol
In tht• .lflt·nooun a dc·putatJon of tohont 11MI (hit f lltmdtmn nlltl Xath t
from tht•l're«ona Uislri<·t wa.' "-'<'t·iH•I nntltlor ,.,;,J, nc<•of tiro follol\uJg mrh\ld uali
wa.< takc·u , \ l l, :
('hid J.'t·IIC \lahlangu, \\'t·ll(l'ic~t·n r.Jt U!Ot Pretoria
Ht•gt·nt ( ;t•orgc :\Iaknpan, )11\klll>lllletnd
l'hic•f <'nrl Kckana, J.A.•(•U\\ knwl, l>i><t. l'n·tm m.
Ht•gt•nt Pal<'<li :'\Iathioo, Knrn•c•lnngt<·
( 'lud Hohcrl .\Loopi, ~t·bildpntlfcmh·iu .
Ht•g•·nt Zakkiet< :llathibc:, \lnlhit•ht.. tntl.
( 'lucf .\brl\ham :\lamagalw, c;rcyhn~J>a;l
llt•aclman :'l!athcw Lcgoati, Bultfontcin !!'13,
'l'lu• <"hairman having addressed tht uati\t.., thl') \\tlholt;m .
4 . Tl ... ('mnmi&... ion adjoumt...l at 1. 1/i 11 rn .
17/h. April, 1!11·1 .
I. All tho mt•mbcn; of tho C'onuni>~~tion, \lith till' t'\t•t•ptinu of C:t•Jtt·r.ll Bu rgc·r
nnd .\lr. <'ullin<, \\ t•rc pl'()f<enl
2. 'l'ht• .\Linuh.. of tho pruviou" llle<'tin~~: '"'"' n:acl 11ncl <'<llllirnttltl .
3. 'l'lw St'('rutary road a ~Linuto dRtod ltith .\pnl, 1!11 t . from the Tro'L"aal
Surwyor·(;ctlt'ml to the effect that tltt• ec·n·ices of )lr. ,\, \',~loom a dmughtHman
,..idinK inl'n·toria, can be obtam...lat a ~~alary of £3u per month, pht~ l l'~. IIO\\llnt,
for c·n-n· clay 111, j, a kent from l'rNonn on chit,..
!{,.,".,lw;l to uppoint .\Ir. \'crduorn IL~ tlnutl!ht',.mr\11 to tlot• IJomtn •on 111 term~
o£ 'C<'tion :l (2) nf Act 27 of 1913.
4. In rt'<llOIIMt' to the gencrul mvitntinn to th~ put.liP, nl.uut :!II ~:ur<•JM~IIIM
a~d 40 Xntin.,. mndl.' their appc:nttllll'l' , nmlthc ,.,·idcnt·t of thu fnllu11ing 1111 ta kt·u,
Ht•\', F • •f. Bri,coc, \\'t·~l<'\1111 .\lethO<I~:;t \li-•1u11 ~let\ , 'I'ran.• \ aal l'ro·
'incc, Pretoria.
He\·. Goorge Wca\ind, \\'ftOh•vnn \fr·thodist ~IISIIJOn
ICt,), l'ranl!\'aal
l'rov ince, Pretoria.
f{,.,.. B. Brid&!Dan, T,rans\ nnl :'lliasi~mary .-\.ssocfut10n, .Johanne~burg.
Hc·\', <. H. Hamilton, 1mti5\'0AI \lli!8tonary· .-\~muon , .Johann• lmr11.
II. Schlocman Tran.-.·aal \lll!l!innar) A "<<Ciation, ,Jnhnn111-sburg.
(\lr. K. Hack, of the Transvnnl :\~iR.•ionary· A""O<·intinn , l.. mg in nttt nd&nrt .)
.). 1•'. ~o B<.:r~ Attorney_, Pn.:ton,a.' repn_;-cntiJJg th1 1·:\ltlun Tu11n•hip. 111~1r
\ crecmgmg, the RIHn<tdtl lo,.nsh•p, nt'llr l'retonn , tl" 1-:uton ~mall
Fann11, near\'el'l.'(!nigit1g and the F..en<tt> Ru•t To11 IL~Inp ucar l'rotcna.
Johan B. Wolmarans, Eel'8te Rust Township, near Pretoria.
(Mr. C. J. Easton, owner of Evaton Town~hip being in attendance.)
Colonel Donaldson, Chairman, Central Diamond Syndicate, Ltd., ,JohannCt!burg, re Riverside Township.
[At this stage the Chairman left, being deputed to take the evidcn(·o of th<• native~.
and ('olonel Stanford took the Chair.]
A. K. K. Viljoon, Farmer, Blaauwbank, Di.l!t. Pretoria.
JJ. L. Malherbe, Attorney (of the firm of Rooth & Wessel•, Prt'loria).
P. L. Uy11,
ElanclR Hivicr, DiRt. Pretoria.
5. The Commil<sion adjourned at 1 p.m.
Ermelo, 28th April, 1914.
1. The Comtni&lion met in the Court HoMe, Ermelo, at 9 a.m.
2. All the membel'l! of the Commission, with the exception of General Schalk
Burger and Colonel Staniord, were present.
3. The Minutes of the previous meeting wcro read and confirmed.
4. Tho Chairman reported that on Friday morning, the 17th April, after
leaving tho mooting of the Commi'lSion to take tho evidence of tho nntive:! a.-sembled
in the Central Court, Union Buildings, the following individuals were <>xamined by
him, viz.:
S. :\I. )fnkgatho, President of the 'l'ransvaal Native Council, Yi<'c-P•'l':<id~nt
o( tho S.A.. Native Congt·es~ (General Dealer), Pretoria.
E. ll. Chake, Gouernl Secretary of the Transvaal Nntive Uouncil, Interpreter, Pretoria.
,J. D. Malrue (Native), Pretoria.
,J. 0. van Wyk (Coloured), Pre;~ident of tho Pretoria Land Syndicate.
In the afternoon he interviewed the following natives from the Johannesburg
Distrid on behnU of the Commission, after the Commis~ion had adjourned, viz. :
Henry R. Ngcayiya, Seerctary of tho Ethiopian Church, Klip~pt·uit,
Levi J. i\lvabaza, Editor of "Mlomo," Johannesburg.
Elias i\fnhlazo, Farmer, Evaton.
Jeremiah ll'keveba, Farmer, K.lipspruit.
Jonas Msala, Farmer, Elandsfonlein.
George i\lotblomelo, Farmer, Johanne.~ burg Dist.
After a full discussion of the interest<> of the natives under the Act it was
arranged that they should embody their views in a written statement, and send it
to the Secretary to be submitted to the Commission and filed of record.
The Chairman proceeded to report that in terms of the programme adopted
for the Trsnsvaal, he and Mr. We.<sels went to Standcrton, where they took the
C\<idence of the following witnesses, on the 218t April, 1914, viz.:
H. F. D. Papenius, i\Iagistmte, Standerton.
0. W. Staten, lligistrate, Heidelberg.
Kommandnnt Gert Claassens, F.C., Farmer, Standerton Dist.
A. J. Keil!lake, Farmer, Standerton Dist.
In the afternoon there were about 50 natives present from the Standerton and
Heidelberg Districts. The scope of the Commission's work was explained by the
Chairman to them, whereupon the following individuals were examined, viz. :
Rev. E. D. Bolani, Wesleyan Methodist Church, Stauderton.
Jacob Molani, Labourer, Standerton.
Chief Booi A.bafumi, Mapora Tribe, Standerton Dist.
Jhlameni (Swazi), Native Tenant, Standerton Dist.
Bernard Ben Bahani, Heidelberg.
Thomas lllorris Dambuzi, Heidelberg.
Mr. We«seb thereupon addressed the natives.
After NOme questions had been put and replied to, the native.q withdrew. The
evidence of the Rev. H. ~Iuller, Berlin )Iission Society, Heidelberg District, was
thereupon taken.
[U.G. 22-'16.)
On the 22nd April, 1!114, lht~l•\'i<lt•lll'<' of the following witrws"e.o \IM lllk<•n, vi1..:
('. Griffith. )la~ori•trrrt~. \\'nkk1·1'!!l r<M>III
.1. ,J. (;J"('vling, Fanm·r \\'nkkt•n•t room Dist.
Wm. GiiiCApit•, Faruwr, \\'nkk;•.-,.troom Di•t.
'1' . •Joostc, AHJ<t. ~lll!(t•lmh· \'olk,l'u•l.
1~. Stnrbcn, H<'lin.~l Fnruwr, \'ulk~<rUHI.
The ('haimran and ~lr. \\'(-.....1, r••turnt~l to Protorin fll(l fullowin~t morning
and, in I'Ompany with ~lr \\'nlmtrnu'", \'i.ilt·<l !Ill' Ri\'eNidr ami l•:•·n~h• Hu•t Town·
~hip•• in thl' afh·rnoon.
~lr. \\'e.-,el, rc·turm•l to llln<·mfont<·in the ,nme Pnninl(.
On Frirl11y, tlrF '!.ttl• .lpril, tht• ('hninnnn and Gt·nl'ral &balk Burgr·r t•xamint'<l
tho following \\ilnt"'•e- at tlw l'ninn lluil<lin~:•. \'il.. :
\\'m. Pott, (~l'nl'rnl \btlolj[l'r or tho ll•·n<lerFon 'l'rarL" lUll ~:..tnlf'll, .Johann•~hur),(.
II .\ Bailt•\', :-i<'<'n·t •n uf till• 'l'ntllHturl l.nrul lh1 n•·n;' ,\~~S<><·intiun
Tlw Chaim1an r~·purtl'<l furilll'r that in lllll'!;tl.ln<·u of tlw 'l'rnm\lusl ltin£·rary
lw and \lr ('ollin• nwt nt Ernwlu "" rlu nft< rnuun uf tho :!ith ,\prillltlll took thn
t•\·idt·nN• of the following \\iltu"""'' in fill' l'ourt lfuu•l•, \'i1 . :
X J. BJ"('ytenbndt .1.1'., Fnrnu·r, JJi•t. J~rmelo.
A. 0. K .Pit•n111tr, )lnl(t ... tmtt•, Jo:ruwlo.
,J. 'R. nuhrlllllnn, l•'arnwr, l•:rnwlu.
A. (;, Kle\'llhtlllK, 1•'.(' nrul Rc·•idl'nt J.P., \'lc•i I'IMIII, l•:rnwlo.
\\' A.•Jo;•lwrt, ~'nrnwr, Ernwlu l>i~t.
R<'v. 0. Prozc..ky. ~;\'811/(Ciic·nl l.uthl'rnn C'hnrc·h Ernu·ln, ('arulirll\ nml
l«·v. Edward I>uw•tnn, \\'~lc·ynn "<'thocli•t 'li •ious, J.;rrudu, (nmlina
and Bet hal. (.\IMllll ~!I nat i\'tl!l \\"f'l''t! pn'flt·nt n·prc"c•nh•l lry tim la..t
two '~<itm'l'!.'<l'>! .)
\\' E. Peadwy, \lagi•tmt••, l'ic·t. Rl'tid.
L. G Gill<·-pic•, Farnwr arul l.nncl .\~o·nt, Pirt R•·tu•f.
f>. The S..'t'n•lnl') '<nhruith•l n ll'tt<·r dah•l 20th April, 1111·1, from tin !'tnln\1
\\'at<•rbt!rg Farmen;' .\ ..UCllllrun h'<JUI'IIIing tlw ({Hnmh. i(Jn tu takc• 1~i•l•hrl' from
tht• Wat<"rberg District at Xyl•trunm in-tend of at Pil'tt·l'>hnr~r .
RCt-olvcd, that the CornrnlkSion n•it 1'\yl-troom on \lundu;\ , tlu IMh \lny,
11114, for tlw purpo,.t· or t.1king c•vi!lc·nN• from thl' Waterbt·rg l>istli<'f ,
tltnt it
he· optional for the public of Wah•rlwrg tu llll't•l tho C'ommi•Mi<>lt •·it 111'1 ut x,,l•llciOIII
un tlu1t daft'. or nt PiPit•l'flhurg on 1-'11! nrdr1y, t ht• :!:lrd ~lny
u. The ('hairmnn !<Uhmith•l fnr the t·nn•irll'mtion or tlw ( 'urnrni..iun a •lrnrt
itin~rnry in re<ped of thl' Xatnll'ru\·rnc·c•.
R(?oolved, that tlw itinl"rnry he n<loptt..~l , the sittin~ 111 .:\otnl tu t·urrunrnco at
Durban on \Yednes<lay, tho "th .Jul~, 1!111 .
7. Examination of w1tn~ .
The following witm1!>-t't! \\CI'I.' t'\&rninNI. \'iz.:
L. ~. Gillespie, Farnwr nn<l !..and \~t~nt, Pit·! HI'!Jef (• ontllauatlon of
\\' K Peaclwy. )lngi.trntt•, l'il'l Ht'ti1·f (rontinuntion uf t \arnination).
1<'. A. Lamm!'rding, F~rmc·r, l'ic•t Ht"tit·f
Rev. K. Dedcking. Luthl'fl\11 \li.. ion, 7-<-mMin..:•po>~t , l'u·t H«•t•d.
I. \\'. Ferreira, Furnwr, l'i<•l Hl'tid.
A. B. Herold, Mnj.til«tmtc•, ('tlrulinn.
H. Steyn. Jt'armer, ('amlinn. lli•t.
.1. ~. Preddy. }'nrnwr. ( \1rulinr\ Di~t.
F. Bateman. 'l'l'l.ldt•r, \\"armbath~. <:arolina.
\\'. G. van E. &huurman. )laj(ist mte, Bl"thal.
J. D. Xnudc, Farmer, Bethal.
D. Xaude, Farmer, Bcthal.
Repl't"'l"ntati•CA from uatht'6 from the Di,trict- of Ennelo 111"1 !lethal ~··"'
thereupon rcceh·ed, there bcinl( ahout Ill pre-ent. After the !!COpe of the l'omrnt~·
tiion 's. work !•a.cl bcot-n cxplaine«l tu tlwtn hy tlot• Cham nan, t lw folio" ing were
C'\&IDIJIOO, '1'17.. :
Rev. George Wm. :\kosr, Wft!lt·)n.n )fethodi.-t C'lml"('h, ~<:maelo.
Jonah llsiman~. n. idcnt at Spill:kop, Ermelo.
William llolaza, I'OI!ident at :O.pit7.kop, Errnelo.
Jeremiah Sengo, EvangeliHt, Weo<leyan .Methodist Church, Errnelo.
,Jeremiah Ngwenya., Tenant, Bl011bokapruit, Bethal Dist.
Mnkomane Ntawcni, Nativo Squatter, Bethal (rcpreo<cnting ('hie•£ ~lapooh,
Pretoria. Dist.).
Stanton Nzoyi, Lotholdt•r, IA.lHiio Township, Bethal DiAt.
Jacob Hlaiywnko, Evnngt•list, Grrman Lutheran Miss ion, H!'l hal.
M. The <:ommi.~sion adjournt'<l lit ·~ 15 p.m.
Xyl~troom, Hilla
.!lay, 1914.
1. The Commi."-•ion met in the <'ourt Room of the Sub·Natin· ('omrni"-•ioner,
Nyl•troom, at 9.30 a.m.
2 . All the members of tho Commi iou , 11 ith the exception of c:crwrol &halk
Burg('r, "ere p!'ll"ent
a. Till· .\linute- of the fll'l'VIUII< lll!'<'liu~ \\('1'0 read and t•oufinru d.
1. The C'hairman r<'JXH'It•l thnt iu Jllll'>llltiii<'O of the pmgr·amm<' llltiJIJK'<l out
for the Tran~\·aal, .\tr. \\'l.,.~t·l• aud ho prtK't't'(lt'<l to Ru~tenburg, wlll'n' tlwy nrrivtod
on 'J'hun«<ay afternoon, the 30th Apr·il, 1111·~. Tho same afternoon w company
with tlw Magi11trate ()Jr. A ling) and tlw Huh ~tit ivt• CommisRiorwr (~lr. llt•m•worth),
th<'y paid a. vU.it to .\lagutostad, rwnr RuHh·nburg.
Tho next morning, l11t Ma.y, they oxnmint'<l the follo"ing 11 itnt.>-.•1'" in tht• Court
Hou.<', Ru~tcnburg, viz. :
R. F. Aling, .\lagistrato, Ru•tt•nburg.
H. D. Hemswortlt, :->ub· Native ('ommi,.sioner, Rustenhurg.
Rev. J. C. E . .Pcnzhom, llcnrlanu... bur~ )fu.,ion St.'\tion, \lnj(ai<XI.l<l.
('. ,J. du Plessi.~ • .l<'anncr, Ru•h'nburg Dbt.
In thl' aftemoon. in ~pollllc to the g<·nernl im;tation to the puhli< , .tbout 20
Euror><·an~ and 120 .Satin'S madu tlwir appooronce. .Vter )lr. Wt st·l~ h11d t·~·
plRirwcl the •OOpe of the Commi..•ion'fi t·IIIJUiry, M well as the object~ of till' J\~t. the
lollu\1 ing \\Cro examined, viz ·
A. P. Conradic. Farmer, Hu•tcnburg .Uist.
G. Behrens, F.<.:., Furmt·r, Ru•t<·nburg Dist.
D. J. Kotze, Attornt•y, Ru•ll•nuurg Uist.
Chief AuguAt .lllokhatlo, l\lagllll~~tad, lhr11tenburg Dist.
C'hief ,Joshua Lcgoalo, alitut Hntll<'gttai, J!artuOOtltfont<•in, Hu-tt•nhllrl( lli•t.
Chief Gert )[abolane, Riotfont('in, Rustenburg DiAl.
f'hief Filim llfogale, IVolhuh•n<kop, H.u!!tenburg Dist.
<'hicf Dederick )logalo, Hultfonlt•in , Rustenburg Dist.
Chief Johannl'oi .i\la.mognlo, Bcthanio, Ru.stenburg Di•t.
Tho mooting wao thereupon ntldr,.,.,('() by the Chairman.
The following mom.ing an infonnal di•cu,,..ion took plll(:e lwt \\t-en \!c.-•N.
Hem-worth, Behrens, J. )!alan, dn 1'106l<L<, \\'a.-,.e~ and hillliiclf 111 H')o:llnl to tho
arcM pro~e<l to be ..et 118idc for X a tin·· in the Ru;;tcnburg Di•tril't .
.-.. The Sccretaryqubmitt<'(l :
(a) A letter, dated lith )Jay, 1!111, from the Secretary, 'fran, \'Ita! \gricultural Union, on tlw que.~tion of amending the itinerary of till' Com·
mission as far 118 lh6 Transvaal Province is concernod.
(b) A lett-er, dat.cd 2nd )lay, 11)14, from the 'franl!voal Land Own~...•
Association, on tho subjoot of tho evidence of Govt•rnnwnt Officinls
being given in public.
(c) A Uinute, dak'<l lOth March, 1914, from tho Heen•tnry for illative
Affairs on tho subject of tho Grave.> of Zulu Chief• in 1ht• Babnnango
District in N a. tal.
6. Examination of witnn-•Otl.
The following mtne.;o;e.o \\Crc e~amined, viz. :
J. B. Skirving, )Jngiotrato and .:\ati>o ColllDlk.-ioncr, .:\) J,t room.
\\'. J. S. Driver, ~ub·:ol'ati\'e Commi•,..ioner, Xyl-troom.
D. W. Hook, Sub-Xati,·c <'ommi,•ioner, Potgietersrt4<t.
ln the afternoon about a dozt·n Europtan.:~ and 36 Xatin-s from thu \\'nterJx,rg
Di.!trict made their appearance, and the c,·idcnce of the following \I liB t.tl,,·u,, iz.:
Andriet> Hennanu>< 0~) •t•r, Chairman of the Town Couru·il nwl Fnrmcr,
I l .G. 22-'16.]
A. de A. Doni,thorJ>f!, R.•pru<~ntative uf thl'l <'•·ntral \\'Mt<·rt.erg Farmrlll'
~Iajor Doyle, Rt·prt•wutnti,.,. uf tlu• rt·ntral \\'at<·rlwrg Jo'arm<'no' .\88ociation.
D. J>. van ROOJl'll , I<'.C '., Furnwr, P otgi<•tcnmast.
RN•. R. Jert.~~n. Berlin .\lilll!immry Rocil•ty, ~fiddt•lfont••in '(vl•tmom.
R<'''· W. KratiJ'~, Bl!rlin 'lilll!ionnry Hol'il·ty, Pot!!it·lt·oona-t
('olonel Rtanford thel'l'upon t•xplaitll'd th~ ~COP" of tlw ('ur~uni~~~<iun'~ \\ntk tu
till' ~atin.,., aftt•r whi<'h tlw t•viclt·ru·t~ nl tho following\\~~~ l•tkc•11 , ~ i1.:
lll•atlnum ,\pril ~hmt~tnan, "l'ic·VIIn.'l\·n~riffc,,'' \\'nll'rht:·rg
Sub-Hcadman.Johlutlll-'8 l'c1010rnpi, l'unn~1!icle. WaterlH•rg lh t .
~uh-Headmnu ~!ort·nlll Mn~nclihodu, J>uikrr River, \\"ntml~trg lli;ct.
Suh·HMdman lkitH·ng \1 1kgM, " Pic·\1ln-Trtlt'ri1To•, \\'at• tlK rg llL•t.
Chief Samuol .\laher,ro, l>.unam, Bobibidi area, \\ atcrhcrg l>..t .
After an addrus~ by <'olotwl Stanfnrd, I h<' 11111:t inC! di fK·l"!lcd .
i. The Commi..§ion
ru••• at li,J5 fUll,
.llt~y, IIIII.
1. 'l'he C'..onuni~~ion nwt in tlw ('ourt !lou•<•, PictNMbnrg , nt Ill n 111,
2. All tho nwmlwn. of tho ('ommi""iou wt•tt• pn•,wnt,
:1. Tho .\finutt>s of the• pn·t·inus
wt·rt• n·ntl nn<l •·nnf1rmt<l,
4. Examination of wiht\'118<'8,
'fhe following "itm1!S<'8 "'''ttl •·xamiued, \"i7.. :
G. A. \\1tE'(.•Iwri~ht, C',\I,C:,, \lagi8tratt~ and Xntivo· <'ommwiow r, I'J(·t•n·
.1. T. de V. ~mit, I.-~an•l lt~Bpeetor, l'i•·tl'll!burg.
Re". J. W'edC'fJOhl lt.·rlin ~h ion ~iocil'ty, Roodt•wal l'it tcrillourg•
.J. Di~ke, Jo'nrmc·r, HqofCl't·ntnth • of Low GouniiJ Purr"' no' .h.<oclntlon,
Picte~hurl( .
•J. Leversagc, F~trmc·r, \\'nnl Oliphant , Pit·h·n!hurg.
P. L. Vogt•l , Fnrnwr, l'it·h-noburg.
0 .f. J. du 'foit, Farmer, I'il•h·rabnl)l.
;\(. C. Espaeh, Farmer, Piolclllburg.
D. J. de Villiol"ll, J<'arm!'r, rcpr01<enting Wnnl <:mol Spc•lonl.c·u.
Hev. 1!'. R('utcr, Berlin )li&oion So<•it·t v l'it•t('t"hurg l>ilit.
t'. Hofmeyr, J.'armer, )JnrabMtJI<l. ·
Rev. Canon Famwr, 1-:n~lt•h C'hun·b, l'it·lersburg.
'1'. Kleinenbcf'l!, .\l.J>.<'., Lnw .\r;~.cnt , Pic·lt>l'!hnrg.
li. The C'ommi:-~ion ndjournt•l 111 1. 1r. p.m.
:!0/la .llay, 1914.
I. The Commi~sion met in tlw <'ourt llou•c, Picten;burg, nt !I n.rn.
:! All the member< of tim C'onuniKSion \\ere prest·ut.
3. Rl-solvoo, after dclilx·ration tl111t ( :t·twral Rchalk Bu~cr nne I \lr, l'olliiL~
he dt•ll•gatro to take the evidcnt·l· nt \liclth•lbul")( on &tunhl) thu 1:1111 .June, I!It 1.
4. Tht• Commi..~><ion rcN•in~l n dt•putation of Chief,, l!t·ntlmt•n null 1"-00(Ih• ol tl111
Pietvooburg District. numbt•ring nbout too, nnclnftl•r an nclclr<··i hv ('olnnel ~tnnfonl
th~ evidence of the following \I'M tnkl•n, \'iz ,:
Chief )falabooh.
Chief ~IoWaba.
Chief Paduli )!phatlele.
Chief K.ibi.
Chief :\Iamabul, )Iamahul's l.ocation.
Chid J. S. ~lamabool.
Chief Jack Eland Lth,aha.
Chief Ramagoop.
Headman Ramabocya Rnrnagocp.
C'hief Lekgalc, Gyfcrkuil.
Sub-Headman )Ialoha, ~Ialaboch '" Location.
Chief l\1atlaba.
Headman Mapcct~i, 1\[atlaba Tribe.
Chief llfodjadje.
Phillipus Bopape, Owner of Native farm Doornfontein.
Chief Mamahiela.
Headman l\1aja.
lnduna Mamabolo.
Before the nativcs dispersed, Colonel Stanford again addressed a few wordR
to them.
The following Europeans were thereupon examined, viz. :
H. D. :\I. Stanford, Sub-Native Commissioner, Ha.enertaburg .
.J. ('. V. Lyle, Rub-Native Commissioner, Groot SpelonkPn.
('. N. )fanning, ~ub-Native CommU.sioner, Pietersburg.
K '1'. Stubbs, l\1agiHtratl' and Native Commisaioner, Louis Trichardt.
L. K K.raW!e, Pre•idcnt of Chamber of Commerce, Pieter"Sburg.
II. A. Key, Sub-~ati,•c Commissioner, J..ouis 1'richardt.
('. I. E. Harr·i<'s, Rub-Native Commi~sion!'r, RibMa.
JJ. .J. Grobler, Farmer, Louis Trichardt.
R. A. Antrobus. Land Surveyor, Louis Trichardt.
W. E. McKechnie, Farmer and Storekeeper, Louis Trichardt.
Dr. J\L J. A. dcg Ligncri>1, :\[edical Supt. of Elim Hospital.
Rev. Th. &:hwcllnus, Berlin ]\fission, Sibasa.
Rev. P. RosRet, Swil's ]\fission, Farm Valdczia, Klipfontcio.
5. The Commission adjoumed at 4.45 p.m.
22nd May, 1914.
1. The Commisaion met in the Court House, Piotersburg, at 10 a.m.
2. All the members of tho Commission were prcsont.
3. Tho Minutes of the pre\'ious meeting were read and confirmed.
4. 'l'he Secretary read a Jetter, dated .5th ::\fay, 1914, from H. Lutgen and two
others, Traders in the Pietersbu.rg District, in regard to the position of Trading
Stations in ~ative Area.~.
The Secretary to acknowledge.
5. The Secretary submitted a Minute, dated 12th :\fay, l!ll4, from the Secretary
for Native Affairs, forwarding a copy of a communiration fromlllr. A. ' 1'. clu PJC!<qiH,
asking for the Commisaion's decision in regar·d to the Petition of the Oriqua~ that
certain farms be transferred to them.
The Secretary was instructed to reply.
6. Examination of witncsses.
The evidence of the following witness was taken, viz. :
D. J. du Preez, Farrner, Dist. Pietel'l!burg.
7. The Commi&;ion deliberated till 11.30 a.m. and then adjoumed.
23rd May, 1914.
1. The Commis.•ion met in the Court House, Pietersburg. at !>.30 a.m.
2. All the members of the Commission were prcsent.
3. '!'he Commissioners deliberated, and thereupon received a deputation of
Chiefs, Headmen and People of the Waterbcrg District, numbering about 40, Mr.
Skirving, the Native Commissioner of Watc.>rberg, and Mr. Hook, Sub-Native
Commissioner, Potgietersrust. being in attendance.
After an address by tho Chainnan, the ovid once of the following" a." taken, viz. :
Chief Klasa Makapan.
Chief Zebediela.
Chief 1\[ankopan 1\Tasibi.
Chief Solomon i\Iaraba. ~
Headman Lukas Eland.~
At this stage, 11.30 a.m., the Chairman was delegated to take evidence, the
other Commissione~'>'~ departing for Haenertsburg.
[U.G. 22-'16.]
Ar•·r.,.urx .XIII.
Loui& Tri(ltartft, 2611• .llay, Hll4 .
1. 'l'he Commission met in front uf tht• ('ourt Hou•t•, Louis 'frirhardt , at
2.45 p.m.
. .
, .
2. All the mcm1Jl'l11 of tlw tomnUI<l'IOil, 111th the c;~;<·(•p!lon of ,\lr. ( olhns, wwo
:l. The ('onunission rt'(•t•ivt'(l nhuut :;un ('hid•, Hcatlml'n nud l't'Uplt• from
tlw ZoutpiUt•hl'rg Dh•trict, und nflcr au uddrt.'tlll by tho Chairmun, took tlwt·vi<ll'nt·o
of tlw following, viz. :
('hirf )lpcfu.
<'hie{ Sibru.n.
Chief )lpafuri.
Chil'l &-nthimula.
Chief Shikunda.
Chid Rru;inJZnnt·.
Induna ~Ian•mo.
lnduna Phillip.
lnduna Pit•t B<wli.
AfiN nn nddr<•s"' hy ('olmwl !'it11ulunl, tiiC' uutl\'(':1 di.<JW'I'!<(o(l .
·1. The ('ommi•~ion rt•tirt•<l tu tlw ('uurt H<Kllll of the :-iuh ·Xnt in <'munliKIIiotlf'r,
Loui• 'l'rit·hnrdt, wher<• nhout ·Ill l•:umpt'llltM hnd USi'cmhlt~l. .\fh·r 1111 tuhlm!ll hy
tho <.:huirmnn, the cviflt'IWI' uf till' fnlhm ing "na tnkt·n, viz.:
H. P. ,J. Dan<'<'l, Altom•·).} H•·prt"'t·nting till' S.A l'urt.1. Zuutt•u•• lwr~;
P ,J. Goo-en, F'arnll'r,
C. E. Schlc-~ingt•r, Fnmll'r
Dr. G. G. Hay,
1 Ht·prtll't·ntlng tlw I!r11lth f!onun•ll•l<l uf the
S. 1' .•r. Danerl ,
~lunit·lpalitr of Louis 'frichal'llt.
J. Bank.<. S<-ttlrr, l>~<t l.outiNollsl>ell(.
A. N-hneider. Farnll'r. lli•t Zouqwon•l><'flt.
('. Fripp, :-;ur.·eyor, l..oui• Tnc·hanit.
5. Tho Commi~~ion lUSt> at 5.211 p.m.
I. 'l'ht• ('ommi~sion nwt in tl1!1 ('our! Hou,<', Lydt•nhurg , at II 11 m.
2. All tho mcmbcn< of tlw ('mnmi><l'inn ll'l'rt' prt't'l'lll.
:1. The :\lilllrl<">~ of tht• mt·Ptinh"' of thu :!:!ml, :!:lnl and :!lith :'ll11y, 1!114, WNI•
mul and confirmNI.
4. The Chairman n·tKlrl<•l that aftc•r tlu~ Commi&!inntr< luul ldt Cor llaeuo rll·
hur~o: on l'aturday. the 23nl )lay, the follcm iug natin~ fnmr tl"' \\' .. tcrl>ei'J! Ul!ltrict
wt·n· t•xomint<l by him, 1i1..:
Headman Ed\lanl ('l~uH•.
Headman Comcliu• )faknpnn,
Htmdman Aaron ~lawa , 7.auclfontl'in.
Headman s.~ul :\lkl(ukn.
Lehau (Satin petty !'hi..ftuint'88).
lfl'admnn ~1iC"hacl.
llt'adman G<'ntlemnn ('haam·.
Tho ('hnirmon prQC'Cl'<il'<lto n•t>Ort that in pur-tranct> of thtl "ishl'll of tho ('.om·
mi••ionen<, he held a confcn•u•·•• 11 ith thtl ~llli\'C C'ommi,.,.imwr of WatNlx·rg and
tho Hub-Native CommiSHiOIWn< of Potgit•tt•n<rust and Pit!t•ll!hurg to •li cll!<ll thn
propo.NI delimitation.
The only alteration propn•t•l \1M tho extl·rt<ion of the art'4 in tho \\'att·rltt·flt
Distrid >0 ns to m<"et the ~ortlwm hourulnry of the prop<l<!4.'<1 .\noa :\u, 1 111 tht
I'ietcn<burg Di.strict.
It wa. abo sugg<.'><ttd that then•
no ohJ" lion to am· Xo.tht• .\n!R aouth of
lntitudc :!:i d~ exdlt<i\'o of th<• Springbok Sc·ltlem~nt~
(Proposal~ rxplninMI on map. )
r.. Examination of "itnl"'SCS,
The follo\\;ng witnt~-•~ \H·ro t·\Rutinod, \ iz. :
U. R. Hunt, Sub Xallw t'ommi!<!liouer, &kukinilllnd (Mr. YeatCI! IX'uag 111
Arrr:.lfml Xlll
H. }'. Griffith, ~ub-Nativt> Commiaeion!'r, Pilgrims Rl'llt.
C:raham f'ross, AI08iltant )lagiAtrate, Pilgrims Re8t.
P. C. tochran, Magil!tratf'. Baroorton.
c:. ]), \\"hl"''lwright , l'ub-Native C'omm~~ioner, Barb<-rton.
Major J. R. Hamilton, Ward!'n, Sabie ' arne R~rvt-, f'abic.
Cl. D. :!\Jentz, Asloistant MagiKtrate, L~ cnburg.
\\". Wagner, Mining ('ommil!l!iont-r, J>iltpims Rest.
c:. (', Schoeman, Jo'arrnl'r, I,ydenburg .ll>ist.
Hev. J. H. Winwr, lli1111ionary, Lutheljt.n Church, Sckukinilancl.
<'apt. G. J. Elphirk, fo'armt'r, Barbertoln Dist.
('. ('urft'\', Farmt>r, RariH'rton Dist.
.J. G. Suthcrlarul, :!\lanager of Moodie's Gold Mining 4: Exploration C'O.,
:-arnut·l HuUc.r, Fannrr, Barllt'rton.
fl. The C'ommimon f'O@t• at 4 !ft p.m.
:11tU. .tlay, 1914.
I. 'l'hn C'ornrniAAion nu•t at tl111 C'ourt House, Lyden burg, at 9 a.m.
All tht' rnt-miK"rs of tht• C'mnmii!Sion, with hi' exception of Colnrwl l't11ufonl,
wt·rt• prt!lwnt.
a. Tlw ( 'ornrni!IHimt l'f'<'t'i\'1•1 a clc•JIIfllltinn of hief•. }f('adnu•n Rrul JM'f1plt• from
tho I>i•trii'IR of r.yclt·nhnrg and Bllrht·rton, numh~lring 81Ktut fifty indivilluaiM, llllfl,
aftt•r anllclclrt'>!!l by llr. \\"t"&t·l~. thl' t•viclt·nee of t Jhe follm•ing wutak1•n , viz.:
Hegt•nt ~lkuuzi , n•prcscuting Chief !'tlatumu, Barb<-rton Dist .
( hit'f :!\lbundula, Harb<-rton Uist .
Chief Kgnlokoo, Lyclenburg Dist.
Headman Mnnat hanyane, n pmot'iltmg Clnt'f &kukuni, I.ydonJ.urg Uiet .
l'hief llanok, L:nlf'nhurg f)ist .
< hief )fatchl'il, Pilgrims Rl'ilt Sub-Diatrit t.
Chi,.f Roman , Pilgrims ltl'i!t l"uh-Distri1~t.
( hid l'itlari, }>iJI{rims ltt'llt l"uh·Ditttri<'llo
! tu..r )lil'ha, L~·clt•nhurg Dist.
K :\(. )fakgatho, )fnpeli Tribe, Lawyer Pretoria.
Bl'fon' tht' nali\'1'8 disJll'l'l!t~l tlwy Wt'l't' 11dd
I by the C'hairman.
4 .•\ tlt·putation of 12 Eumpt.arl.!l frum tht• Di rid of Lyclt•nhurg "'"" thc•l't'UJJOn
n~·t·in~l hv the CorumiAAion and, after an 11cldn
by ~lr. Collins, tho cvidt•m·e of
tht• follo"ing ".,. taken, viz.:
1'. B. Hwart, ··arrnc·r, lrottrid L)<lt•nburg .
•1. Ni!'u'W·t'nhui7.o, fo'.C', Famll'r, Ward ~atoclponrt.
II. J>. ,Jan.eo, ••.('., ~·armer, Hist Lydi•nhurg.
:;, H. <'t.lt'tzre, Farmer, Dist. L)denburg.
David &hOt'man, fo'arm .. r, OU.t. Lydenburg.
•1. )f. de Beer, Fannt'r, I>U.t Lydenburg.
C. T. Rabie, Soli!'ator and Jo'armer, Dil<t. Lyd!'nhurg.
After an acldrc;.,.. hy Mr. \\'t-·18, thtl dt'putation lt'ft , and thf' •·viclt•nf'll of Col.
F. II. !>amant, <'.B., D.KO ., Magi•trah•, Lydt'nbu~rg, wa. takt'n.
:-•. Tht' Comrni..t.•ion adjoumNI at 12.40 p.m . 1to mt>et again at Durban on Nth
July, 11114.
11/h Jt.ty, 191
1. The C'ommi...,.ion met iu tht• Lihrsry of tht' ~cw Law ('ourt~ . Durban,
at In am.
2. All the mcmbelll of tlw l't•mm~ion, "ith the t'Xeeption of Ut•nt'l'lll &balk
II urger and ('olonel ~tanfnnl,
3. The )linutt'8 of the me<"ting. of the 2!1th au•l 311tb )fay, 1!11 4, wt·rc mad
and oonfinned
4 )lr. <'ollin5 rt'flOrltlll that iu IH'Onlanee "ith the n'801utiora JIAHiled by the
C'ommission on :?ttth )lay, 1!114, l:t~•cral :o:.-halk Burger and ht' •·i•itt'<l Middelburg.
Traruwaal. on !\aturday, thf! 13th .Junt•, 1!114, and took the e•·idenLoc thf're of both
an'l'itetl "ltiiC>!SCS and the ~neral public, Euro)X'&D and Native.
Lt·.o. ~:!-'lfi.)
The m~~ting was ~~tid in the Court House, Middelburg at 0 a'" , ancl, after
General BuJ"1:er had briefty outlined the provU.iorL~ of ~he Act~ farM tIre I om mission
w111 ronceme<l the following witn- 11ero examrnt'<l, VIZ. :
1'. lE. 'Schutte, F.C., and Farmer, "l'itkyk" 4211, Pok,.. ronn.
1'. l'. Allaart, Gt>neral Agt>nt, Midddbui'Jl.
11. 1'. de .Jager, Fammr, Klt•infmrtein, ~liddelhurg.
11. H. Joubert , Chaimum, Dist. Cummittee, S.A. Part ,\',
(These four gentlt•mt•n \ll'nl portion of a dtopu(atinn RJII"'iut-.lto 1(1\ ''
evi l'nre before tht l'tomnrir!Bion, the foiiO\>ing being tht• rt'mainlng nll'nalM·Ill
the f, vi7..; 1'. 1•. )JilL<, W. Schroder, 0. T. \"liD Nielwrk, 1'••1. \an dr•r
e, and Jo'••1. Bn>\tenbach.)
.1. ~t. de Kook, Jo'.l'. and' Farmer, "l1itk)k.' 411, &Jon_~ HiHr ward, ~lidrld·
burg Dist.
•1. H. Ht'rold, Magistrate lliddt'lburg.
T. 'Edwards, !'ub :Sati"' l~ommlssioner, )Jiddelburg.
ll rwing !lt'Rnl tho evidence of th" fo~uropeans, the m«"etlng WM adJOilnlCd for
the purpose of taking th~ ,,,;dt'II!'C nf nRtivt'JI!, of •hom tht'm "ero IIOmfllifty pl'l'l!mt ,
nn•l tlw fnl e>• in~-: "t'nl examinttl :
.Ia ita, ('hit•f of tho X<kbtbo Midtl••lhurg Dist.
~I kapolt•, ('hitf of the Baped1 Trihe (Hrakfont"in) •
.\1 t81'be, Headnuon, n•pn..,.ntatlve of Chief Se~ati.
Tlw t• lt•nre having IK't'll ''""'l'll'tt'<l, the mooting '111M adjouno.-1 at I J> m,
r;, The Secretary read a )linn!<•, dated 2oth .Jun.,, 1!114, (rum tho ~1erotary
for NRtive lfairs on the qnr!l!tlon of th•• irrriW.ion of the {arms llopmu·ll and ()nrn
fi..td (~:.Otcot Division), and Jo:.iena (l..o11er Turta lliatrict ) "itlun a :\Rtivo Area.
ll. Exap1ination of witn-.
The fo' o•ing 11itn- 'III'P.re eumhwd, • i1. :
G. \\'. Armstrong, Aet i1111 C'bief Magistrate, ])urban.
G. \'. F.88ery, AMiotant ~lagitltratf', Pineto1n1.
Father W. Wanger, Mariannhnt Trappillt Monaaln).
Father S. F..ut'r, )lariannhill Trappi8t MOIUII!tery.
Jo'. X. 8te\'CJI8, SuJI"f"boor of l.ot"".atiollll and llohuion Rt'M'n-1'11!, Durban
Division. etc., Lr Pmkom&all.
JV· A. T. Bryant, Roman ratholic l'bureh, Pinetmu1.
In ref! !"Me to the general im·ihttion to thf' European put.la" tlw follu•ln •
gentiNnen inade their appearance and their evidenee Will takt•n, "~·:
,J. l..appin, Jo'anner, Pinetown.
Jo; Peniston, Rt'tino<l fo'armrr, Eootrourt lli•il!inn.
H \\'00<1 , Jo'armt•r and Storekeeper, l'mlui l>iv. (I'.C I, )lariaunlorll).
\\'. R. Gonion , late Magiatrale Mapumulo, (:!Oil, Manon lto.d , Durban).
,J. H. Gonion , Jo'anner, Pmvoti I>itotrkt.
7. The l'ommisllion adjourned at 4 p m.
9tA J.Zy, 1914.
I. All the memlw.n of thfO Comnu.Mion, 'llllth too e.1:orptiou of <:r..uoral &balk
Hurger ancil l'oloncl Stanford, 'll'tlftl pnoRnt.
:!. Th, )linut.!S of the previo1111 mcoeting •-ere read and confirmed.
:1. Thf! l'ccn•tar.> f't'R(I a Minu~. dated lith ,June, 1014 from the 8ocl'1'tan
fnr ::'\iath·e !t\ffail'l!, forwanJing for the information of the IJommiM1on cop) of COf•
m~pondi'IIJI' lll'twccn thl' To,.... l'lrrk , lnd""• and hillli!t'lf CUI the IJIIf'll!llon of tho
rumoul'l'<l un·hAAe of land for natlvt'll in the lnd"" Diatrict.
&c~tary sul:mitted ll'tter:w, dated 29th .\lay and 7t.h .Juno, 11114, from
tim A~ta!1 :'tfagts~rat<>, S..ymnur, 111kmg for I!Ome rl'munerat.lon in n:'l!pt'llt of tho
pn·tNlrataor by h1m of th" map of tho SttX'kenstnom ll"trict in a•-cordanc" '1>1lh
the instruQ,iorL~ contained in the <'ircular Minute from th•• ~1'1'tal') fur .1\atl\
.\ffail'l!, datt'd 3(lth .fun!', 1!11!1.
The Secn•tal')' was inMtmctcd to%ropl) to thtl efft.d that tho Comm15&1011 bo
unable t<> r'l't'ommcnd l"''muneration.
r;, Exnmination of ,.;~.
were uamined, vi&..
Tin• followi1111
M. R. X. Mathew, llagietrate Jnanda (\'emlam).
•1.•1. Hugman, Solicitor, \·erulam.
.., _ _
J. \\'. Whittaker, l'iupcrvisor of Locations aod Miaeion .._,.n·t'l,
\Y. A. C'a~ bell, Sugar Planter, Mount Edgecombe.
A. J. S. ~ arit~. Magistrate, Lower Tugela (Stanger).
H. E. E~q ry, Planter and Agent, Natal Land and Colonisation Company,
Lowe Tugela.
,J. A. Tw ·o, Farmer and lllanager, Tinley l\Innor Sugar F.-state (Hulett
& Sor ). LowerTugcla.
Colonel 1• ·end Addi"on, Sugar Planter, l!~arm Addington, Dist. Lower
Tugc ~G. W. Ar l.~trong, Acting Chief :\lagistratc, Durban (further examination).
The Rev. V. C. Wilcox, Baptist Church, " TembaJjhJe" Mission Station,
Estco rt Divi•ion.
0. Tht• Comru •ion ro,c at 4 p.m.
Ill/It .July, 1!114.
I. All the mer ben~ of the Commi"ion, with the exception of General Schalk
Burger nnd Colon Rtnnford. were prt·scnt.
2. Examinutio of witne~scs;
Tho following ·itm·,s~~ w('re exnminl'd, viz.:
D .•/. C'. iJullt'y, .\lagi~trnte. i\[npumulo.
Hev 11.
L<'isegnng, Hupt. Xonn•ginn lllisRion Soeiety, Upumulo MiR•ion
Statio , )Jnpumulo Di•t.
H. L. Ge~~ero, A'"t. )fagistrate, Jndwcdwo (lnnndn Divi•ion).
At thi" ,.t,\g<• t t e ('omrnission rctir<'d to the fin~t ('riminnl Court Room, \\hero
about 2110 Chiefs, lt•admen nnd proplc from thl' distri(•ts of l'rnlnzi (Durban),
lnnndn, Lower 'J'u •In und 'lnpumulo had 1\'"t•mbl<'<l.
:\Jr. Ad,lison , 'hil'f Xntive ('ommis<iorwr. Xatnl Provim·t•, introduced tho
Commission to tlw rntiv!'><, and nfter the Chairman had explained the Rcope of tho
Commis-ion ', t·m1u y as well a>< tht• ohjN'ts of th~ .\ct, the cvidcn<·c o! the following
wa~ tnk('Jl , Yiz
('h icf X clijiloY n, To.-i Tribe. Lower 'l'ugcla.
( 'hicf Xtl u~rl(l' Cdc Tribe, l"mlazi Dh·ision
Chic! :\y1 ·ana Xkiz<• Tribc, ~lnpumulo Division.
C'hil•f Sot bc, Xnrsw 11 Triht•, lndwcdwc Di><trict.
Chief 'Ia ti. ~wt·r 'I'ngt•lt\ T>ivi•ion.
Chit•f Tin Ol(lt•, Tolnnn 'l'rilw. l'mlnzi Dh·i... ion.
Chid .Jnr ~ll(t'Obeln. Xtuli Tribe. )[apumulo Dh·ision.
Chid ~Ia lhlakayi•c. Qadi Tribe. )fapumulo and Jndwcdwc Dists.
C'hit·f ~Jnl mba. Qwah<' Tribe Lower 'l'ugcln Division.
('hid Xk'l antshi. :\yu~wn Tribe, t'mlnzi Divi•ion.
C'hi<'f Sw mann. x,·.u,wa Trihc. ~lnpumulo Divi•ion.
C'hid .Jol ~rtemlni. Tcmbt• Tribe. l'mlnzi Division.
'fhl• nntt,·<·, ' rf<' tlwrt•upon rc-nddrts-('d hy the C'hairman. followed by :llr.
\\'OS•eJ, .
In the nftt·rnqpn tht> t•Yidence of the following witn()sse• was taken by the
Chnirmnn and ~lr. \\\••,t'l<, Yiz . :
Xative Xlronkwanu , Pmsuncluzi. )li"ion 1-'tation (Divi•ion Jnnnda).
Chari<·, q bc Tt•at·hcr, l'rnlazi Division.
Xatin• Xi t<"wn, (:ardt.•rwr, Lower Tugcla DiYi<ion.
Xtlti\·e Q•lncliganP, Cdl• 'l'ribP. luanda Divi;.ion.
Rc\· \\'n" :llaknmi, Congn:gntionnl )linistcr, Durban.
3. Thc ('omml •ion ro•e nt 4 p.m. to mct>t agnin at Empangeni on Tuesday,
tho 14th July, 101 .
Empm>9t11i, 14th J111y, lUlL
I. 'J'he C.:Omn •ion ml'l in the Court House, Empangcni, nt 10 a.m.
2. All the m~ ben< of the Com mi.--ion were present.
3. Tho :\linut of the mcdings of the Oth nnd lOth July, 1911, were read and
(I" H . ".!:! - ')h
,\ ,.,., ~un: \I II.
4. Examination of \\itnl'l!;lo"':
The follow;ng witru'!lll'"' wt•rt• t•,amiru"l. ~·iT.
R. ill. Tanrwr, ~lnl(i•lmlt•, Lo\\t•r l mfoloz1 ( bmp.111J.(t•lll).
R . \\' Anol<•n"lll n·pn·•wntinl{ tht• Emr~•n~tcnl 111111 l>11!f rlC't l•'••rmer.;'
,\ ..,.<l<'iation. Emplllli(I'Ui.
R . F. Lognn, n•pn.,.t•nlinl( till' EmJ~Ingt·ni 111111 IJi,fli<'f Fnrnwr•' .\<u<ociation, Empnnl(t•ni.
R ev. M. F llorl(t'll, ,\l l,.,.ionnry, Lutlwrlln ( 'hun·h, Emp.•ngt·ni ,\liSJ<ion
Htation, Emp11111(!•11i.
A. B. llnrrin)(lun ,\lngistlilll', lllahi'·'·
.J ('ro<by, 1-otort·k•~·JM'r, :\lnkmH'. lllahi'"' Uh i~l\111.
llnuulnn \la~ti•t rail·, l'homiJO.
H . A.
'F. Toppin, Hnhl,.•r l'laut••r l'l.ombo.
H. :\1, Barkt·r, :\ln~~>tratt·. ln)(""""ma
1'. <'. Harrigun, Troolo•r, ::\I•IJ>Uin, Tonga)n..,l , lngv.n\ nm '·
About 11111 Chit· Is, lnolunRA nwl poop),. from tht• I >U.tnctll uf I.O\\t ~ l 111~ol~i,
Hlabi•a. l'bomi>O nnd ln)l\\11\ 1111111 "''" thl'l'·ent••n n'<'C'I\L•I h) tho l<>r.nmi!;SIOII
outside the ('ourt !lou,., nnd aft•·r 1111 1ulolm<S by t:Oiolll'l '-tunfurol t)u, <•\ldo•n<·o of
the follow;n~ wa. tnkt·n ';, :
('hi<•f llumt·l\\t'lli, Birt•la 'l'riltt·, IAmt·r l'rnfuJ, .. i
C'hief ~J.. iyllnn. 'I'Pmh'u 'l'ribt•, l.o\11'1' l'mfulu~i.
R<>gcnt ' iaknncln. ('t•bt•kulu Tnt:~·· LoiH·r l'rufuln!'i .
C'hi<'f )ltnhomlm, ~lpnkiiii)'UIII' I rilK', n.....n ,, I I 1., lllnltiK<l;
('hid Ntomininu~l11n ~lclhll'l•h•• Trilw, Ht,.wr\1• .\1 I , lllalwm .
({'hid :\ln)·umha, lllnlma 'l'riiK•, lllAlniiJI an<l l'hio•f \ltd.t·lo 1i, lllllhisa
Trilx·. lllaluilt 1 l><·iug in nth·n<lant'tl)
('hid )J,hnwli, 'h•·ni Tnl..,, Ht'f't·rH• :"\\'1, l'IMomiHo
('hi<'f Zidhl~·lt•, ~I Rinnktm' Triho, H•11<·no X I I I l'hnmloO,
f'ltief lio~tolf·' ,X,umnlo 'l'nl><•, H<!SCnc XI\'., l loomho.
Induna Xtlhlontlhlo (l'~~tlt•r l'hu·f Xgwnna•K·), TongAinu•l, lngun' uma.
Chi!'f Jnduna ~lloli (l'rult•r Chid Xg\\BIIll! ••), Tongnlau•l.
Colonel Stanfunl tlll'n'lii><HI n• uldroosf.'t'l th" nntrH'ti.
5. The C'ommig;.ion rO'II nt 4 I ~ p.m. to llll'tl agnin 111 E•ho\\tl on tho ltith
July, 1014.
H,ltmrt, 16//o ./lll!J, ltll4.
I. The Commi,>~ion ml'l in tlw ('ourt llou•t', F.o!hn\lt', nt tn
2. All the memlx:r. of 1111' ('ommit<l'ion ,,..,, prt'l!t·ut.
3. The ~linut('ll of t he• pn•,·tom mt-elltll( wrn· nrul a Uti conlirm!'<l.
4. Examination of \\itnt '"'·
The following "itr""""l'8 \\t·rc t'\nnHu<•l , 1iz ·
T. A . •Jaek110n, ~lngt~trotc, Xkan•lhla.
Elia.-. Titll.!!tad, 1-'arnu•r an•l !'>towkC<'JICf, Xtmg\\t• .:\kandhla
Rev. L. )f. Titlt'fltad !\'orwegmn \lissionary, gkomiJI" Xkundhla .
H ..J. Colenhnu~<h·r, ~l ngi$lralt•, J:-:ntonJanem {\lo !moth)
.J. F. llullrr, ~I 1'.1'., 1-'llrmer, ~lclmoth
Sir <'hariCM Sauu•lt-1'><, K (',~!.G , \'lakbult, \l!'lrnotb .
R. II. Addi•cm, ('Jurf .\'ati\·t• <'ummi.-siontr, I'INtnnnntlltu'JZ
Jam~ Gib.ton, l>i•trkt !\'ntin• ('onunis.siOil!'r for Zulnlan•l l~ho"''·
Rev;'\ W l..t•t•. ~l_i~ioru&ry, ('hu~~ of Engll&n<l, 1\\\luna~nl'.ll , \ldmoth.
C. U. l'oxon, ~ltlj("trc\tc, )ltunzun.
C. J . H. \ V<'Ix:r. Fnrnwr n nd Storckt"<·p~:r, Gllll(llltllolo\'tl \ltunllni.
Rev. Nil'l Branvdt, Xnr\\ t•J.dnn )ltS•ion, l.nt hct11n ( hurd•, Mtunr.iui
Re\'. Father A. Rou<srt Homan l'atholic 'list!ion ErnoHm f:ir>roindhlonr
• '
C. F. Hignett, .\lagistn•t<•, f:•ho"c
\Y. ~ \'lin <ler Plauk I Hcp~ntatil·ts of f:O.bowc Fam1fn' .o\ ociation,
C. 1'. Adam•
Rev. P. A RO<t.Hh, .!\'onaegia.n MISSion ~let\' 1-Ahowt
· '
G. H. Hulo·tt, )I P.<'., 1-'amter Eilho"c
. Outaide the Court ~~~~~~ Aonw 3~1,Chiefll, ln•lulUI.S and pooplo from tho Distnct~ of Esbowe. )ltnnwn, Ent<'lnjantni an<l ::\1tan<ihla "t'N I'«'CIVcd h) the l'om·
X I J T.
mtS810n. Mr. Gibson, District ~ative Commissioner, Zululand, introduced the
Commi....,ioneN, and after an address by the Chairman, the evidence of the foUowing
was taken, viz. :
C'hic£ Bulingwe, M pungosf! Tribe, Entonjaneni.
Chief Nkantini, Zulu, Goedgetrouw, Entonjnneni.
Rev. ~lbiya, Entonjancni (i\lehnoth).
C'hit'f Lokotwnyo, l\facambani Tribe, Reserves 1a and 8, i\Itunzini.
Chief Ngokownna, \lkwanazi Tribe, RC!Ierve 9.
lntluna Xtuqwini (l'('prcsenting Chief l\fuo), Cunu Tribe, Reserve XIX.,
Alexander )[t!lhnli, Knnyili TrilX', R<'k<'rve XIX .. Xkandhlo..
lnduna )fzwangl'd wn, Biyela TrilX'. N<"Rcrve XIX., Nkandhla.
l'hiof ~Iascynna, Mngwaza Tribl', Richtcnweld, Entonjancni (l\Ielmoth).
l'hit•f Mfungt'lwa, Xo.tn, Resen•e XVI
!'hit'£ l\lbango. l\1 J)llllji.O>iC Trib<'. Rt'><t•rve XVII., !<.:..<howe.
Chief Xapthali C'eli (E.•howe .\li-.ion). He><crve XXI., }:<hO\H~.
Xntiv~ Hoye, E•ho11t•.
Dit'k Sibi.-C teprt·,t•nting )[papnla Chri>;tian Community, E'<howc.
Jntluna Xfuzewa, E"hollt'.
Tho ('hnirman thcrt•upuH n•·addro;;Mctl tlw nnlives, who then cliHpCI'!ied.
5. 'l'lw Commission ndjoumcd nt l'i.l.'l p.m. to meet nguin ut Port Shel"l'llOnG
on the 20th July, !!114.
I ilh .}1(/y, 1!1 I I .
The ('ommi"ion vi-itt"<l .\lelmoth in t·ompauy with tlw lcx-al -'lagi.~trntc, ~lr.
Colen bmcult·r.
'1.01/t ./1/ly, 1!)14.
1. Tlw ('ummi."ion md in the Court Hou•l', Port Sht'J"'Iom•, at 2.30 p.m.
2 • •\lithe mcml>eN of the ('ommi.--ion, with the exc<"ptiun of Generaii::K·hnlk
Burgl'r, wl'!·v pre;ent.
a. Tlw )linute>; of tlw pn·,;olll> mt"Cting wt·n· read and confirmed.
4. ExMninntion of witnt•,sCH.
'fhC' following witnt··~~·~ 11en• cxnmint~l. viz. :
11. Snngmci.•h•r, Acting Magi•tratt•. llnrding, Alfrt'(l Uivi•ion.
! ' 'I. J.:thericlgt•. Pn·siclent of tlw .\lfrt·cl <'ounty F~rnwn.' .\~soeiation nnd
.\griculturul N><·it·ly . Hardin!(.
\\', A. Hutchinson , ,J.P., Farmer, .\Irrtocl Di1·i$ion.
A. (;. Prentic<', .J J>., Farmer, Harding.
,\ . II. G. Blnmt•v, Farmer, t'mzumhi, Lower t'mzimkulu.
ii. 'J'ht• Cornmi>sion ro~t' nt :uo p.m.
.l!tl!f, I !ll I.
I ••\11 tht· mt:mlJ<.·n. n£ t lw ('ommi-•inn, "it h the cxt·<·ption nf Ocncral 1'<-hnU..
BU'}'(('I', 1\t'Fl' pre;t•Jll.
2. Tlw 'linntCH of the pn·vioth ml'<'ting 1\l'I'C read ami confirn!l'd.
:1 Rt~t'h·M:
"'J'hnt )Jr. ( 'ullinN be authorist'(l to viNil thG J>Ortions of tho Barberton
and Lyd~nhurg Di><lrit·ts that have bC)(•n propo~ed to hc:o •t•t apart as nntivc
nrea<. and l'('port In the Commi-•ion."
i . He<;o]nd:
·• That a t-ommunication be acldn·,,ctl to the Sc<·retary for LandA
'll!lj(t.,.ting that anJ 11ction for tht' cli~posnl of lnnd to 1-:uroi>eans in the
lng,,a,·umn Di•trid. Zululand, lx• deferrl.'d pending tht• d~ision of Parli~·
mt•nt on the Commi"ion's Report."
5. J~xnmination or witrwss('<.
Tht• following witnet<<C~ were examint'<l, vi.-.. :
t'ha.<. )It'Kenzit', .\,.si._,tnnt :l!agistrntt'. L'rnzinto, Alcxnndm Divi.•ion.
\\', Thoro-on .Fnrnwr, Gmzinto.
F. X Xebon. }'nnrwr, l'mtwalumi, .\lexnndra Di,·i.~ron .
Rc1• F. Suter s .\ (;t·ncral J&sion, Dumisa, Alexandrl\ Division.
[ U .U. '!:!-'lll.l
,\1'1'1 ~Ill X \Ill
.1<'. ~- Stt•vt•ns, Supcrvi.,ol' uf Luc·at io11• an<l )li"i"" Hl\'I'I'H!I, ,\k•xnntlra and
l:mlnzi l)i,·i•ion•. I...o•11·r l'm knnul:t~ (furt h1·r I''" minat ion).
l~nrrN, )fagi,trat<•, hnpt>.
('olond \\' ••\molt, Fnmll·r, lli~h Flat-, Jxopo
Rt•\', 1'. T. Hurgt"'-' ('hun'h of En~o~lantl , Hil!h Flnt11, I :o..npo.
Wm. <:rn\'. Farnwr, High Flnt,; , hupo.
<:t'<trgt• c•;,u\'in. )lngi•tn\lt•, Port l'h•·1"'tont>, l..<n\t·r Pm1imkul11.
1'. II l't 1111rt. !-iupcn-i•or of l~·•·ntiun•, Lnw!'r l'mzitnkulu.
('.II. ~litdwll .. J.P., )1.)'.(' Fnt·uu•• Di>t. l..<J\\I'r l'mzimkulu.
,J. 1•'. H\'1 hmnn, Fnnner, l'urt Hht•t"tont•.
Rt•\' K. B. Knrlson, Swt•<li•h Zulu "i••ion, Pot1 Sh<'l .. tnnc·.
'1'. Staph·ton. Farnwr. l'mznmhi 1.<>\\t•r l'mzimkulu.
t: .\ Ld1r, Farmtr, Loll<·r l'ntzimkulu
Hn. F. T . Fu~<·. !nt<-matiouul llnlinl"'-' l'nion J.,.mur l ' 11t1imkulu .
II. ,\. Cilsun , Farmer. l..o\11'1' l'm1imkulu.
Ht•\', K . )lt·i-tcr. LuthN1111 )li •tOn, l..c>\\t·r l'mz.intkulu ,
6. Th< ('onuui~•iun rllf'c at 4.:111 p.m.
}'. .\,
'22n•l./uly, 1!111.
1. All tht• m 1·mh<·,.. uf tlw !'ouunigsinn, lli!h till' 1·x•·•·p!ion nf t:o·nt·n•l ~X·hnlk
13urgcr, \H'rt' pn••wnl.
2. Tlw ~linut•"' of the pn·,·iou~ llll't'lin~ot '"!!'' rt·tul ntul < oulirmotl
:l. About :wu <'hi<·f•, Htndmo1 an• I J><'<opl•· fmm tlw I>h isions of l.o\ll'r l 'mzim ·
kulu, .\lfn~l. lxopo nn<l .\lcxan<lra, "''nl rc<'eiH~I by !Itt Gmnm ion out i<l" tilt'
roun Hoth!'. Tht•\' \\CI'C introtlw t.'tl lw \lr. Fllrn·r, .'lagistrntt• of IXOJIO, nut! aft er
au nddl'('68 br tht• {ltairmart, tht• IHtttH:S rt·ltrc<l fur n tinw to <l~•ru tlon uatn m u(
the cvidt•llt'l.'tulw gin·nl\nd to 11ppoiut th·h·gatt-s.
lrt the mrllntimt· thl' l'\'itlt-nct· of
('olotll'l .J. Hoy~ ton, Txopn lli" i•inn , ""' tuJ..c·n.
Tho nntin". hnving appoinh'l t lu·it tlo•lo•gnlt.,., I"'' Hitlt·uo·t• of I lot folltl\l ing
will< tnkt•n, viz . ;
('ltit·f .'l~th<>f(llll!l, ('dt• Tri!J,., I"""'' Pmzimkulu.
Hcn<lnum Philip :\!taka, I>hltulhln Triloc, l~'lntlo\\ ncr, lAO I~~ I h<i•ion.
('hid )IU.kofirti, Kuw Trilot•, lxopo Di\isintt.
('hid .\latula<lhla. )lkul;.o Tlihe, lxopo l>i,ision .
!'hi<·f ,Julll.~lt•, .'Inkolwa Tliht•, l'tnl\\&lumi \IL<Sion ltll!enc,,\lcxnn< lm.
lh·a•lmnn Qalaku, I>umn Tril><•, .\lfn~l l>i\'i<ion.
('olond :-itnnfonl tht•n·upnn •ulolno;s~.-1 tltu lllltino;;, fullu\\t••l "·' thu l 'luurmnn .
4. Tht\ ('ouuni••ion adjourm•lnt 12.1a 1•.m. to mwtu~rliu ttl i'll'l<·t·m•tritlimrg
on the llth l'c>ptt•mlwr, 1!114.
Pirt,mrrril:bury, ll'tdll".!dny, 1!1/h .1fny, I :II li.
I. Thl.' !'hnirman, ('oloncl Stanfonl and \lr. \\"es.•rl• \\t•n• prt'licnt.
!!. Tltt• )linutcs of the pn'\'iou~ meeting n.wlaud ronfirnwd ,
3. The C'hnirmart repone<! :
(a) Owing to the outhrt·Ak of tht• Eumpc..'\n \\'ar ami Hthdhon 111 ::iOuth
Africn. the GoH'rttnll'nt intimatl'<l that thu )fagi!.tratnl {'()U)<I n o t
lt'IL\'0 thrir scat• of Mngis!nlrit.,., uml in ,·it•\\ of tl11• Rhtturmnl t·onth ·
lions cxi~ting in AuJ!US! , l!ll·l, tlw stocoml ;\ntnl ititwnor\' st·t..~lnll'(l
to taku plucc in &-l>l<'tnhcr ha1l In he .tlmndont~l.
(b) ~ince the la.-t m('('littg I!C\'01111 rhnngts in the staff hntl taken place,
naml'ly .
(i) ~I-nger T")tlllm hnd Leen tron•f•·rl'l'<l to tbt lnoomo T a x
Otlke. Cape Tu\\'D, from the :!ttb .\ugust, 1014. Xo I!Ucet'fiSor
had been nppointt.'t I.
(ii) ::llr. H. J. Barker, on compktion of the IIOla> of, vadcncc hn•l been
tmn.•fcrred to tbo Uc(cn•·o l>opartrutnt from lat !ktoLcr, l!tl l.
Arrangcmcnt11 had htcn nuulu for ltissrrvicCI! lltlh tho Commi §io n
during tbo pn-.cnt tour,
(iii) ~lr. C'. _)I. Hoffe luul bc<·n trnn,.frn!.'tl to the Ollkc of tbc )linUi tcr
of Railways from tho htlkeember, l!tlt.
(iv) :\lr. C. E. Viljocn transferred to the Office of the Attorn ey-General,
Cape Town, from 18th February, 1915.
(v) ~lr. R. S. Medford had been appointed Secretary in succession to
:\[r. Viljocn without detaching him from the Native Affail'1!
(vi) The aerviccs of ?llr. Y<'rcloorn, M Draughtaman, had been temporarily terminated from 1st March, 1915, nnd his re-employment
on l11t ,\lay, 1015, sanctioned for the preparation of a map for use
on tho tour.
(vii) The servieCR of ~11'1!. W nllenstein, of the Administrator's Office, bad
been placed at tho disposal of the Commission from the 1st
December, 1914, to as.~ist in the work of typing.
(c) In view of the fnct that the Commh<sion would be unable to furnish
Parliament with a report before the 19th J une, 1915, the Minister of
Xntivc Affairs was aakcd to move for an extension of time in terms
of ~ection lrt'O (2) of the NativC!l Land Act, I 913, and on the 13th
April, Hllr., the Houije of Assembly adopted the folJo,ving resolution:
"That the period within which the Commission, appointed in
term• of ><•ction two of the Xativc>~ Land Act, 1913, is required to
1·ompletc it.~ enquiry nnd present it~ reports and recommendations,
he !'Xt!•ndt·d from tho 20th June, I!)J.;, to the 19th June, 1916."
'l'ht• S<:nalt• roncurn~l in thi~ rc.•olution on the 16th April, 1915.
4. 'fhc H<><·rctary r<·port• that the )fagi~tratc~ of )fnritzburg and Camperdown
woul1l he unabl~ tu ntt1·nd the prc-ent meeting owing to tax collections.
G. R<.,.ul"od:
'' That in vit•\\ of r<•rtnin )fagi~trat<'S being unable to attend before
tht.• <'ommi,.,•inn during tht' pr<•scnt itinerary on account of their being on
tax·tnur collt~·tiuns, thc Chairman bc deputed to take the evidence of those
oflit·inl" at sonw futurl' and convenient opportunitie.."
0. Tho ( 'hnirmnu rt•portt11 thnl )fr. C'ollin>< is on ncti\'C "crvico in German
South-Wt:><t .\£rica.
'· 'flw following \1 itn('oos~ were cxnmincd :
(11) .\fr. •J. P. 1--ymon<, F<trnwr, C'laridgc, )[aritzburg.
(I•) .\lr .r. s. Hcnkd , C'on,crvator of Foi'<'St•, :Xntnl Conservancy.
(r) .\[r. H \\'. <'omin,, Albert Full• (Farml'r).
(tl) .John .\loon, Campt.•Nlo11n (Fanner).
(1) .J. 1•'. ln~o:ram, Acting ~~n~istratc, Lions River.
(j) ,Jauws Kinp;. Fnrmc·r, Lit>ns Ri\"cr.
(g) )t,.,.. Ezra :Xuttnll. Superint<'ndent of \\'e•lcynn )fL•~ion~.
(I•) <:corl(e ~lo". (locdn•rwachte, ~Iaritzburg.
(i) W. Combrink. ,J.P., Lincoln Farm. Richmond.
s. The ('ommi-.•ion adjournc<l at I p.m. until 2.30 p.m.
n. On rc-a.,,cmbling at 2.30 p.m 'omc fifty Chief• and Headmen from the
dislri<·t- of Piet<'rmaritzburg. Lions Hin·r. C'nmperdown, Richmond and Jmpendhlo
atl<'ndt.><l nn invitntion, and about 200 other native:! were pr~ent.
10. :\lr. H. H . Addison, C'hicf Xntivc C'ommi...,•ioner, introdu<'ed the Commi,;-ion.
11. 'J'hc Chnirmnn addn·"ed the A-..cmbly.
1:!. C'olon<'l Stnnford nddre-•ed thc A'-rmbly.
13. 'fhe <'ommi--ion ndjournu<l for half nn hour to !'nabll' the nativ<'>l to select
dclc·gatl.'ll to place t~1cir view~ bcf?rc th<' ('ommi~sion.
tl. On n·<umpllon, the follo"mg tcndcrt'<l t.'VIdenel':
Chit·!~ ~H·phen )Iini. Kristinn Lutayi, )Igolomb<'ni, Bubulo, Mququka,
:\laphangw<', Ht'\' :\I'Ptalu, David rete. Po<rlt Gumcde and Josiah
1:.. The C'ommi--1011 ntljoum(.'<luntil 10 n.m .. Thur>day. 20th ) l ay, 1915.
Tl.ur<dfl!l· 20111 Jfay, 1!115.
I. 'fhe Gomm~~ion nu•l at Ill a.m.
:!. 'fhn :\linutl of tlw Jlfl)\'ious mel'li!1g Wl'rc rend an~l ronfirnll'd.
3. The folio\\ ill!! witlll"l" wt•re CXIlllllll(.'<l:
(o) s. Harrt-on, .:\lnjt:istrnh.' of Rirhmond.
(b) .J. F. t lark, \lnlli-tr.ltt• of l'olt•la.
[I'll. ?'!-'I e..]
(d ,J, F. Alexander, Jo'amwr ami .Attorney, Bul\\t•r.
(d\ I«-\', W. R. Moodie, Bul\\<'r, MiMiouary.
{4 C. ('. Lewia, Fannl!r, llar..ruuut, lmJM·ndhlt•.
Miseew H. 10:. Colt•r\8" 111111 A. ~1. ('ol(·ll•n.
( ) Rev. J. D. Taylnr, l mp<~hH•ni.
( Rev. Bishnp F. Hnlll'h, IX , Burgt•r Stn"t•t, i'il'lt•rmuritthiii'JI:.
4. Th C'ommi.o.oinn a•ljn11r111•l nt ·I 4/i p.m.
Friday :.! l~t .Uav, IIIIa.
The dommiMion \'isite-1 llonmhrook an•l 1111<1 a m«>ling. at •hitb al>Out a
dozen Eun>pnM and lr~l natrH., iiiNlded .
The me<>ting "&8 ad·l~ '·~ the f haimlRII and Mr w......cl.
Tho fullo11ing made J'(!marb
.J, Comrie, R f'omnc, !:. l'ornri•• Jf . 1-:. llingay, H. f, l'-'rnJ"''"r• ll.n id
llolt-fe, DWiclhlc, l'1loamu, Tt•nclc•, and ~lafohla.
The 0 mmission ,iJ.itt~l Kranlf.kop on the• :!.fth ~lay, l!llro,
(,'rr,y/nii'H, :.!5//,
1. 'l'h ('ommi~U<inn nwt at Jlln rn.,nllmt·mlw·n~••xr·ept I 'ol. f 'ollniA l11mg pr •·tat.
2. ~I' 111tt'8 of t lw pn•\'111118 mr<·hng """'""" rontimrr•l
follo,..ing •itm~ ,.,.,.. t•lCiunlnl'tl •
(lll 1:. W • .ArlamAon, \IRg .. tmt<•, l 'm,·oti.
(l!) J. <'. Be<-kt•r.
(:II W.•J. ~. X<"wmanh
(•I) E ..J. van Roo\', .1 I' anti f.' I', \'aalkranlt.. l"m,ott
(l•l I', W. Rarter, )tag~~~tratt', Krantzkop.
(IJ) Rev. ,) . ..Utnrp.
C'l) I~ )1. n. nn Rooycn, "l'i•oothonw" ~·arm
(I~) R. 1'..Mart•·n•, .1.1'. ",lammtrdal " Fann.
<!Pl 1'. R . \'ermaak , ,J.I' llarteht't'lltfontem Krant~kop
4. 'fh Oommiuion adjoumt'CI at I p.m.
r.. 0 ro........,mhling at 2.30 p.m, tho ('hainnan, aft•·r th•• t ':tunmial<m ha•llo« 11
h~· tht• ~lagiotrnh•, "'"'""'"~! 11 mtlt•ling <1f tlurty or forty t hi<'f< nnd
HNltlmt'n with about IIMI otlll'r nntinJS.
tl. 1'1 nativl'!O ,_,.,.. Mkl'<l to •ll'liheratt:' ancl noply to the <'ommi •lmalatcr.
7. Tht following wrtn•"'""' ,.,.,., t•xarnined:
{Ia) \\'. H . Schutw, .\ctmg )(agu•tratt,
Harm, cr.
(I~) W. L' Jo::O.trang•• ,J I' fnn I.Hii (Xe!'" Jfanou•r)
~. The follo•in~ nail\"' IU!d~.. l the Commi..... ion
(ta) l'hief Z•aaiman of Xc• llaOO\'I'r.
{•~) \'elemu n•amando of Xe• Jlano\er
11. t'ololll'l Stanfonl a<ldrt'lllle<l the natu .....
10. Tbe f'ommwion a<ljournrd at 4 311 p m.
II. On \\'ednt'llday, 26th May, IDili the Nocrt~· aubmitt..•d a cornmumcatlon
to the Cor. misloion n..-ei\1'<1 from till' To•'lr 11crk, l'ictl'rmnriu~burg, rcll\tlve to tho
prot<~tion of tht• catC'hnu nt 1111'8 of tho dt~ '8 water supply and tlw Z•aartkop
l..ot:'Aiion, nd ro<'<'i\'00 illAirurtion• 18 tu tin roply to h•n•ent.
12. ' ~~ Rev •• lnhn Dubt:• and tim f':hil'f Xatin• f~onuni88iorur (Mr A!l•hson)
WC'ro I'XI ·nl'<l at tht•lattt·r·~ oftke in l'i<•h·rmaritzburg nt :!,3(1 I'm on \\'.-1m •lay,
21ltb llal Hila.
13. • ho <:ommiMion adjoum('ll until thi'O 27th ~lay, 11115.
F.llcowrl, 21tlt May, 1915.
I. The (~mmilllllion mt't at !.M p m., all membtns being pro!ent eXet'pt Q>loncl
2. The llinutee of the prev1o111 mceUJ18 ..-ere fl.'&d and oonfirmro.
3. The following 1 n t - wero examiood :
{CI) F. E. Foxon, Magiatraw, Eorkourt.
<M &onator thfl Hon. H. n. Winter.
4. Tho H<-cn·tary laid bcfon· tlw Commission a !memorandum Mlcing that
memb<·l'!l disC'u~ and decide on tlw futuro mowment~ or the CommiB.•ion after the
condu8ion of tho tour.
On tho motion of Colonel ~tanford, til(' following r rolution was adopt<'<l :
"That after the eonch~<ion of the pre~ent our the C'ommi~11ion meet
at Bloemfontein on the l ~t !X·ptcmbcr, Hll5, t~ consider and decide upon
tho native and J:uropean aT(•M to be I'('(;Ommemdod in the Cape nnd tho
Ornnge Frc<> Stale J>rovinrCI!."
5, Tlw Commi...-ion adjoumNI at 4.45 p.m. until thll 28th llay. IIIII>.
2klh .llay, 1!1111.
I. Tht• LQrnmi-sion met 11! 10.2:\a.m.,all mcmbcn~
pn--ent except ('olonl'l
2. Till' :\f~tgi•tnM of 1-:0t<-ourt intro<lm·od tlw
Chid• 11111! Jh·adm(·n nnd about lOCI otlwr nativt'll.
:1. 'l'ht• <'hnirmnn addn'88Nl th~ nntin11.
·1. C'hil'f t'mbnyi a•kt-d for time In l't·ply tn tlw C'hni 1an'K remark•.
:i. 'I'll<' C'nmmi<silln n•tiN'fl tn tlw ('nurt llonw, '' )l('n he :\Jinutt-.; of tht• prt•viollij
mN·t ing w ••ru n•,ld nncl l'<>nlirnu-.1.
fi Tho following witn~,,. \\Nil •·"uniu'"l
(11) R. II. Ralfc, !lt•nvv Tn...•, Eott-uurt .
(/,) 1•', A. f'rt-eman, .\~·ling \lugiAirRt<•, \\'t•,•non.
(C') H. llray, Ell~r-lic. \\'<'C'IIt·n .
7. The folio" ing C'hids and 1"-"''l'lf• •polw •
! 'hids l'mba~·i, I.u;;uhu, Xgoulalmna, \'uta, lhndl', Sihhamu arul . \lfnd
X aha .
' C'olonel :-taufonl ndcln.-.wl tho natiH11.
II. The fnllnw ing witm""'"' "t•re ''"'mil•l•l :
(a) ,\lfre<l Ht·mlcn~on. C'.\1 c:.
(b) T E. Chapman, l'r; >;icl;·ur, Farmc•l"!!' .\~·<>elintinn, )lcKJi Hi\'l·r.
10. Tlw C'nmmi•<ion n<ljnunu•l nl I p.m.
I Tlu• !'ommission ru~t nt
Wn!.'!CL, n~~<l <'olonl'l C'ollins.
Ill am ., all mtmlwJ'o h··ing pn..t·nt <"t<·cpt )lt.
:! Tlao i\huut~" of tht• pn·' ions ntc-ctmg "'·n n'R<I un<l ronfinne<l.
:1 Tlw follow1ng "it ne;s!'l< \1 <'~ <'a min,. I
(a) l'•tcr Hul(o, ~lagistmtc, Klip Hinr.
(b) Lucas ~le~<·r. forlll<'r.
(c) W. ::">lacdoORicl, Farnu r, l>oompnort, Klip Rinr.
(d) L W. Christopher, ,.\).lent oncl nmHyan<·er1 Larly,mith.
(1') Re\·. ('.D. Hohin-on, J..ncl~'l!mith iu rhar~l.' ~If mi,~ion work nt :">fodder·
(C 'nlund Stanford took tlu.• du1ir <luring nhst•m·t• uf S \\'. Bt·numont.)
(f) '1'. C:. R. Stc\'t·ns, l<'tlrmt·•. l'llt~chun.
('I) S. K Kamhula, \\'ntt·N \1<·1'1 ( nnefnntt•in
{!'lir \\•, Ht.'Rnmont n"'umtxl tlw I' hair)
1. ' l'hc Commi<;;ion adjmornt'<l at l:!.r,u p.m .
6. '11t" ('orumission fl"llmNI at :!.:ln p.m., ancl <ounw Ill ('hid~ nne! rlh<mt 100
natiVl'a nttcn<l<•tl.
15. 'lho .\lngistrntt• inti'Ollucc.xl the !'ommi....•r<>tl to tl e natin....
7. t'olond ~tanford n•ldl't'SSc-.1 the nati"'"·
1> The followmg: ruldrt.'5!le<l tht• Comm~ ion :
f:oorge i'..ondakc, <'hiefs Hh(·\U , \lbek" 1 Thro]lhiJu,, Xtnml"·ls, Timoth)'
Kurnalo, and .\drian \lsunang.
'' t'olon<'l :-ranfor.t replied tn the pomts l'lti.•t~l.
IU. 'l'h•• ( hairman <lll<ln~e<l tht• nss•·rnhl~.
II . 'l'hl' C'ummi--iun n•ljomnc-.1 nl l ,;,u p.m.
[ I t • • :!:..'- 'lit.]
.\ 1'1'1
\Ill X
'\ll I.
Dundu. 'l'ur..,/ay, 1&/ Ju11r, IHI!i .
1. Tiw ('ommi ...,ion nwt at HI 11 111 ., nil m~mlot·rK hl'ing prt'l'<·nt <·x~t'pt ;\[r.
We.<><<.>is allll Colonel ('ollin~.
!?. 'fh~ ;\finutl'i' of th<• pn·\·inns rnN·tinl( wt•re n·ad tuul conlinnr<l.
3 After di•cu.-ion , tlw loll•'" ing ro..nlution \IRS urlopttd on tIll' mot ion o l
Colorwl l'tunford •
"That the (.'hnirmnn '"' requC>~t<~l tu vi•it nt hi• eonnnit·n•·•• thn
1'0\\ II Land 011 till' ,,.,, .... or tlw Bt•rg in t '"' lli~t rid ..r K<IN>Urt ."
4. 'l'lw following wit>ll'""'"' " ..,... t'\lllnira~l :
(11) C. 0. (:rinin , .\flll(i,tratt·. llt·lpmnknar.
(b) (; , D C:ile•. .\lnJ[i•tm!t·. "it·Wtll,tlt•.
(r) .1. X. Crook , Solidtor \'t•\\<·••llt•.
(d) ~ . \\'. Rt·vnold ·, ~t•\H:aollt·
(r) P .1 1', .\dcnclorll, .:\t·\H'.t•lh•, "ountain \ ' i• " · lng 1ganc ~t.tl ion .
Ul Thoma.. Allx·rt HoJ,.,m, BookkC<"pH, Xt·w"n•tlt•.
(g) Rt•v. Fnthrr }'onl, Xt'\H'n.<tll•.
f'ynney, .\fnl(i•tnttc•, lmJM>I<Illll.
(i) A. E. de R. L11hi-tnur, l•rhuur .\j!c·nt l>un<lr·l',
(j) l•'. Hnvill<.>, W11.r•hlmuk l•'1n·mt•r.,< """'K'IIItwn
(k) A. 0 . \'inc~nt Fnrrur·r·, n•pn.,.t•ntinj.! llil(gt·r"l"II'Jl Jo'arm<·l'll' A RSodntion, Dri<•hm·k , 1'.0 . l lnllnhRtN•r, llun<lr'<'.
(/) '1'. ,J, .J. van Roc>FII • Fnrult'r, \lt·lrnll< Xn . :!, <.'.<• \h \\'ootl , 'J'n)~idr•
Station, Dundw.
(111) C'hit·f Gnmulakr, l'luiip :\1t·mhu, Elijnh Xnln , Iwac \lnlm;.r, r<·prN!t'lll·
(It) 0
inl( the South .\fri<-1111 Xnti,·c t'onl(mJ.•, .:\r•\\ ra•tlt• llrnnch.
5. 'l'iu· C'onunission ndjuumc'<l Ill I Ill 1>.111.
6. On nH•t·tmg ngt\in nt ~.:In p.m. thl.'l C'onuni.,.ion ro!C'I'iv«l • nmr• :!u or :111 Chil'!i
and nlmut !!llll other native·•.
7. 'l'ht• C'hninnnn adclN·•-<~1 till' 111\tiVt'l<.
H. 'l'ht• ftlllnwing Chi(•fs •JMikt' :
l'hi..! Xaptholi (;ult• (lluruh•••), ~kuku (lh·lpmuknur), Xg<Jft111Z.11111 ( fiiiJ ~l·
f••na), Goj!u ({'tn•·ht ), "lll<lnnt·zwc• (llnrult'<'), l 'nk1111~ nnhann (Xt·W·
t·1111ti<') ; Hf'a<lmnn :\I<JIIII'IU (t'tt<>cht ). Itt v , ,\ \ltinkuli , Ra•ldot•, 11ntl
!l. C'olmwl ~tanfonl n·pli<.'<l tt> th11 point- rai C<l
ltl. 'flu• l'ommi-•inn ntljunrll<'<l nt ~ .;;u p.lll.
Jl'rtlnr-l!rltly, :!uri Ju11r, l!ll!i,
1. 'l'hn C'onuni.-,ion nwt 111 10 run., all nwrnl><·n< l><'illg pr< •·nt eJCr <'pt " r.
\\'"",eJ• nn•l C'olonel C'ommarulant ((rllin• .
2. Tho ) l inute- of tlw J>l't'\'iouJ< rn<'<'ting wert n•a•l n111l ronfirmtcl.
3. Tiw followinl( "itnt'S!!t'll \\t•rt• t•xnnllnl'<l :
(a) c: \\'.Wilson , )IR~tisl mit ll•·l'g'·illt•.
(b) ,J H. K. Fnrn·r \tu..:i><tralt· Xqutu .
(r) \'en. Arehdt•nt·on .Juh11•nn, .\rehdcnt·on n( Zululnrul, ~•JIIIll .
(rl) A. Bnrklie, l-ltorl'l•<'l'Jlt'r, X<tntu.
(r) I I. ,J. K. RO><slcr, Editor of lzwi In Kiti, I luruh;•,
Ul A. ,J. Brand. )lngi•trnt<•, l'tr-Locht.
(If) ;\[. .J. (;n·gory , .J.P., 1111(1 F.C'., Fri•dii!CIIIIngtl, 1',0 , <11• llnm, l'trcdrt.
(/•) A . '1'. dc .Jog,·r, 1-'aruwr, E1·nknntlRng, !'trt:'< ht .
4. Th<' ('ommi.,-ion ndjoumcd nt I p.m.
:i. The Commi.--ion rL~uru<.'<l nt Z au p.m., an•l tltc fo llo1"ing n3tin'!! aul<l resscd
the C'ummi•sion :
Chid~ l•MC )lol<•ft•. ~hunzonwamlhlu nn<l \fpiyako ; nntl Indunns Lnlifn,
Garden Knmbult•, ~rhM\1 nntl l"mvila.
6. ('oloawl Stanford nddr<"'''"' th~ Chic!•. I mlunM amlnntins ()rt'$Cnt.
7. '!'he <:onunis.,ion cxnminl'<l .\lr. L. A. C'ros•~. At•t ing "•gi•tratt•, Dund<'<'.
ll. The Commi••ion ndjounwd nt a.:\11 p.m.
A,.,.•,\uJx x rrr.
l'ryhrid, 3rtl.lwii', 1915.
I, The Commission mc·t at 2.3:; p.m .• nil membcn~ being pn:,.<•nt except )fr .
..ves~el~ and Coi.-Comman dnut VoUins.
!!. 'l'hr following witn®c"' were cxnmiucd :
(n) B. f'ull'nbrand<·r , )lagistmt<•. \'ryheid.
(1,) 'flu Ht. He,·. Wilmot Yy,·pn. Bishop of Zululnnd, Yryheid.
(c) H!•\', \\". H llallo\H-,.., Yrylwiel
(tl) Hun . C'. ,f. Birkl'n<tock, .i.J>.. lllobanl', Yrvheid.
(') 1>. ,\dnmson, \lnl(i•trnte, Pnulpictersbu rg. ·
3. The Commi •ion adjounwd at 5.20 p.m.
tt/o Junt, 1015.
I. The C'ommillllion nwt nt 10 a.m., nil membl'l'!l \wing pr<'><!.'nt I'Xccpt Mr.
Col. Commandan t Collins.
:!. 'fhc :\linutes o{ the pre,·iott- mCI'tinj( were read nnd conflrml'd.
3. ' l'he St.'(·rdary brought bdorc the ('ommi.-•ion tlw question M the retention
of Mr. U11rkc•r's ~t·rvi<·os, 111111, nfl<'r clillcu••ion, the follo11 ing rcsolut ion was adopted
on tIll' motion of <.;ulmwl Stanford ·
'"l1o11t the &:'(·Jdan· be authori-ed to n:tnin the MCr\,jces of :\fr.
Harker all< r the eornplt ti'on of thc• t rnn.,cription of cvidc•ncc for such time
IL! in tl•c upmion of till' C'hnirmnu may be nc~·t.,sary for the puri»'C
l'lof'<·kinjl nne! proof rt·oHiing at hi• ordinary •nlnry."
4. 'J'hc follo11ing "itnr- ,., \IC•ee cxotmint•d:
(a) .\ 11. Omham, \lagidratl', )luhlabatini.
(b) T. II <:.arbult, )lngi•trate, Xgot~<he.
(r) !{,., , S. Ban11, 'li!!llionnry, H<•1\ntlinnnnn Alliance :\fi~~iun, I.ou\\'l!bnrg.
\Yt'S!cl~ and
li. 'l'h11 Comnn •inn adjounu~l n~ 11 .·15 11.111.
11. Tlu• (lonnnil inn lf'>lllllt•l at 2.30 p.m.
i. Till• follu~>mg \\itnei!St'Ol ~>t·ro cxnmirwd:
(11) ~. E. 11<•11\\00<I, .\ltorney, \'rylll'id.
(b) \\'. \\' Xdhlo""· \'ryheid EnKt.
C:. Fuord, .\ttorrll'Y• Yrylwicl.
(d) L. ,J, Fourie, 'Fnrm('r, ~ooitl(c'<laeht, Vr)·lll'icl.
(•) H. \\', :-hnrpc, )lmt·r, \'rylwiel Ea.•t.
>l, .\Jr. R. C'ulc·nhnuul~r • .\lnl!'istrnte of \'ryheitl \Ill< re-exnminc•d,
!1. Till' C'onuni~<Sion adjonrr!l'd at 4.:10 p.m.
·'al mlny, :>11• ./ "'''· 191.'>.
A mcl'ting of ht•t wt'Cil 2u nml :lO C'hit•fs with Xnti\'C Headmen and some 200
pcopll took plac·t• nt 10.20 am.
'J'ho )lagistralt• of YT)·hcitl introduec~l the C'ommis•ion.
'J'hc Chairman aclelrt'-·<~1 th<' natin'll.
'!'he follo"ing n .• tin., •pokt
;\[nguluclhlnn a (oftkinl witness, \'ryheid), Chief ~Iapo,·eln (Yryhcid),
Jlc•ndman Ziclungu (\'ryllt'ill), Chief Vu"indhu (P aulpietersbc•·g),
Ht•ICim.•n t:kobollO (\'rvheid) W. \\'. Xdhlovu (Vryheid East), Acting
('J id .\lcitc>kc· <'hhlabatini) C'hief :\lqiniseni (.\Iahlabatini) , Chief
);~eJoli (.\lahlabnttniJ .
t'olonc•l Stnnfon.l nddnosscd the nntln"<.
'l'hl' Cornmi••ion ndjourm~l at 1.20 p.m.
IJioanfoJicin, .ll01ulay, 2.'\1" Ortobcr, I !11:..
~ir \\'illiam fll'lttrmont, C'hninnnn, Hon. ( '. If. \\'t'R-~cl•, Senator Colonel Stanford
an•l ('olond Collin•.
1. The )linutcs o£ thl.' pn·\iou· mcc·tiug weee rc.1tl nn<l confirme-d.
(I ·'' '!:!
.\c•c•nucx '\liT.
2. 1'hc ('hainnnn r<'portod thnt in tN'""' of the C'ommis>!ion'H ro>iolution of the
19th :\Jay, 1915. lw had taken tho evidc•nct• of the following gcntl<'m~n nt Pietermaritzburg on th<' 22nd July, 1915:
(a) )[r. ,J .•J. ,Jackson. )1agi.•tratc of <.:nmperdown.
(b) )Jr. II. von Gerard, A.«,i<tant ) l ngistmtc of Pictermnritzburg.
Further, that aflt'r c·on~ultation with tht• <'hic·f :\lagi.,tmtc, Xatal, lw had come to
tlw conclu.ion that tht' cvidcn<'C of the )lagistmt<.,. of Tmpendhlc.', :\'d,,nndwe and
Bnbanango would not further a.<sibt the Commis.•ion to any great c.'Xknt, and he had
<l<'cided not to inc·ur th<' <'Xpense of summoning those• official~ to ]>ietc•rmaritzburg
for the purpo~l' of l(iving evidence.
:l. 'fhc C'hnirnuu1 laid be·forc the('onunit~t~ion a letter from tlw lion. 1•'. S. i\lalan,
d atoo the 11th AuguHt, Hllii, relative to thc.> Oovernmcnt'~ Yicws u>< to the ~<cope of
the ('ommi•sion's Roport
Di~ctt'-ion tn•ut·cl, and tht> ~retnry \\Its clin-ctoo to <cncl n fcmnal ack"Tlowlc'(l!(mcnt.
4. Thc> <'hnirrnan h\icl hdore tlw ('onuni-sion n lc·ttcr. datc'(l thr l:lth August,
I m;,. from the lion. F ~. )lalnn. requ<"tinl( that c·c·rtain matter- aiTc·<"ting the> Zwartkops Location be• "'IXll'h'(l upon.
Rcsolvoo that tht• matter be held ov<'r.
5. The <'hitirnuw lnid before the ('ommi~~ion a letter, dat<..'<l th~ :lrd August,
1015, from tht• Billhop of Zululand, rcctut'><linp; that certain written ob•crvations be
appended tO tJW vcrhn\ ('\' idence tendered by him h<'fore the ('~mmi~RiOll
After dis<'u,•ion nnd conRideration, it wo;; ~olvoo that a (ormnl arknowloogment be ~ent to hi~ T..ord•hip.
G. The ('hairman lnid before the Commis.-ion th<' Report of ) Jr • .\. E. Gilfillan,
.\s,<"•or appointe~! to inv!':'tigate ce>rtain nr·<•ns in the i'tuth·rlwim, Komjlha and
C<lthcart Di.•trict-.
7. The C'hainnnn r<']lOrtcd that at the reque-st of the Tmruwnnl J..nndo\\nel'l!'
As•ociation he• had np;re•<'d to receive cc•rtain ~<'lc-ctNI members for the purpose of
placing the A.'lijOCinlion'H viowo before the ('ommU.•ion on the 2Kth Oclobc>r, 1915.
8. 'fhe Sccrl'tary r<'JlOrted that J\lr. H .•J. Barker had becn n•lt•Med to Msumo
duty" ith the Provine• in! AclminiRtration ('ommis•ion.
9. The Sc't'rctary lnid before th<' ('ommi~~ion n letter datNI the 12th August,
1015, from the i<ccretnry for Xath·e AffacrH rN1uMing that a prop<l<lt'<l exchange of
certain land in the Klip River Location for a portion of the Ponwroy to\\ nlands
be rt>ported upon by the Commi~-ion.
10. The Commi•"ion delibcmted upon ;\Jr. t:ilfillnn's Rc.>port , th:tt gentlc>man
hcing p~ent.
Re;lolvoo :
(a) "'l'hnt llw native-ownoo farms in thc Great Kei Vall<•y in th<' di.~tricts
of ~tuttt•c·hcim, Komghcl nncl ( 'ntlwnrt !)(' pmvi•ionnlly r<'gardoo as
fallinl( in ll European area."
(b) t'olond ~tnnfonl. •econded by ('uloncl l'ollins, propo••<'<> that ~Ir.
Gilfillan'>~ rc-eommendations r(•garclin,:t tht> hidtngt• "t•C'Iion,, he provi•ionally accepted.
The Chairman proJlO>e<l that the f,iden~e -ection• l>e rcgardoo
as a neutral area.
<'olont>l l'tanford', propo.cition agrel'd to.
(c) Colonel Htanford, secondt>d by Colonel ('olliru;, move:; that l\fr. Gilfillan'~ recommendation be proviHionally accepted, namcly, that the
land lying between tho Kwel<•m OutApan and the Mooiplna't~ Location
in the cli>~trict of Komgha, a. in<licatNI on th<' map, ho provi~ionally
dN'Inrt'(l a nnti\'(' area."
Agreed to.
II. 'fhe Commi-•ion adjoumoo at 4.:141 p.m.
Tue.•day, 26th Orlnlur, I!II;;.
Sir Wm. Beaumont, Chairman, C'olond Stanford and Colond Collins.
I. 'l'ht> ('ommis~ion met at 10 a.m.
2. The Commission deliberated, ::l'lr. Gilfillan being in attendance, and the follow·
ing resolutions were adopted :
E11ropeanArea: The whole district excepting
(i) The scheduled areas.
(ii) Pam'<le Kraal Immigrants' Location (as marked in bluo pencil on
tho map).
Native Area8: (i) and (ii) as above.
Native Area8: (i) The scheduled areas.
(ii) The land lying between the Gnckka or N'cera River and Mabandla's
Location (bordered in blue pencil on the map).
European Area8 :'fhe rest of the district.
Native Area8: (i) The scheduled areas.
(ii) The villages of Wooldridge and Bell, together with their respective
common ages and the surrounding land bordered in blue pencil.
(iii) Trumpeters Poort Forest Reserve.
(iv) The outs pan south of the Blue or Xoso River.
(v) Junction farm and the farms Clifford, Bishopton and Heaton.
European Area: The rest of the District.
WILLJA~r's TowN.
I. Tamacha.
Salit·e A reaR: (i) The scheduled native areas with the exception of the native allot·
ment~ north of the Isenyorka stream.
(ii) That portion of the Umnxesha Location not under the jurisdiction
of the Village ::l'lanagement Board.
(iii) The Ramnyibi Lot~.
(iv) Farms Nos. 135 and 309, the Race Course Farm, and the Stud
European A reM: The rest of the sub·district, including the native allotments north
of tho Isenyorka stream. These allotments to be added to the
European area of Braunschweig.
!1. Jfiddledr ift.
Sative Areas: The whole sub·district excepting
(i) The Township and Commonage of i\Iiddledrift.
(ii) The surveyed lots around Fort White (bordered in red pencil on the
Et1ropean Areas: (i) and (ii) above.
,\'alive Areas: The whole sub-district excepting :
(i) The Township and Commonage of Keiskama Hock.
(ii) The Debe Neck allotments (bordered in red pencil on the map).
Et1ropean Areas: (i} and (ii) above.
(d) KINO
Satit·e Areas: The scheduled areas.
European Areas: The rest of the Dis~rict.
(Sote.-The farm Umdala to be the subject of a subsidiary report.)
European Areas: The whole District, excepting
(i) The Kamastone and Oxkraal Locations, including the Katberg
Outs pan.
(ii) The farm High Meadows.
(iii) Shiloh Mission Station (including the portion granted to the
Moravian Mission Society).
(iv) Lesseyton Mission Station and the three farms Xama, Tabata and
Bam bani.
Satit·e Area.,: (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) above.
[ l .. H. 2:!-'lfi. ]
.\•·•·•·' '"x x r rr.
(fl) CATffC'AR'r.
The )lis~ ion Rtation of GoRhen (including the portion granted to tho
)foravian Mi••ion f.:ocieh•).
European Area: The remaind<>r of the Distri('(.
(Resolutions of 29.1.11 and 26. HJ.l!i amended.)
3. The Commi~sion deliberat<'d in rcgard to the Distri<'ts of Rtockcn~trom nnrl
\\'odehoust•. and it wn.' resolwd that fnrtlwr c·onsiderntion b<' given to thc"e district!!
at a Inter dati'.
4. )fr. \\'csJiCh< attended tlw Commission for 11 Nhort time in the rnornin!(.
!i. Till' ('ommi•sion ncljounwd at 4.:ln p.m.
Natire Areas:
27111 Ortobrr, I!JI!i.
Sir Wm. Bean mont. ('hnirmnn, Tlw I Jon. C'. H. Wt•<<t'l•, <'olOJwl Htnnfo1tl nne!
Colonel Collin•.
1. The ('omrnis•ion met at 10 n.m.
2. The ('ommission ddibc.onJtl~lnnd thll following r~olution• were ndoptccl:
Satir·e Arras: (i) l'mhlnnga T..ocntion.
(ii) The nren bounded by and inc·luding the following farms· ~o. 12,
Blo<'k :1; No. 18,l31ock 3; ~o. 3, Block :1; Xo. 2, BIO<'k 3, No. lo,
.Bio<'k :1; No. lc, Block 3; ~o. t:l, Block 2; No. 1•1, l31ock 2;
No. JO Block 2: No. l4n, Block 1; No. lolA, Block I; No. I lc,
Block 2; No. II A, Block 2 : ~o. 8, l31ock 3 ; No. llA, TlJock 3; Xo.
J(t,, Block 3; and No. 10, Blo<'k :1, ns mnrk{'{l nn map
(b) OLE~ Onm· .
.Ya/ir·t Artlt:
The sehC'rluiNl area.
F:uroptan Area: The whole District, in vio" of the fnct that "<'olourcd Pel'l!onR" or
pcn;ons of mix('(! European race havo in tlw <'npc Provinrl• tho
Hamc right" under the ~ntin·~ Lnncl Al·t n.• Europc.•nn•.
(1/) £1 rnrllrf.
Xati1•e Arrll:
The whole District cxc·cpting
(i) The l!t•Nchcl 'l'ownship.
(ii) Tho Commonage Rcsen•c.
F:uropean Area : (i) and (ii) above.
(e) X.\J,AXG \,
XatiL·e Area:
The whole Di.~trict out,. ide the limit.< of the Cain Town Commonage.
Europwn Area : Tho C'ala 'l'own•hip and its Town ('ommonnA:l'.
(j) XQ.WAKWt:.
ll'alit·e Area:
The whole District oubid<' tlw limit.s ol th<' tm\n c.·ommonnge, but
not including the Blyth Plnntntion.
Euro}Jtan Area: (i) Tho area cornpri>;cd within the limits of tlw
To\\ n
(ii) The Blyth Plantation.
{fl) l,')!1'A1'A.
European Arra: The town.ship, commonage and surveyed farms, but not inrluding
the farm 'l'ynlnra granted to Chief Dnlindwbo.
The remainder of the District. inrlucling t'hc farm Tynlnrn.
(h) PoRT ST. Jonxs.
Salil'e Arta: The whole Dil!trict except thl' sun·eyed nwa ~pecinlly ncquirecl for
European occupation.
Europea11 Area : The exception abo\'e.
Xatire Area:
Europmn .l rrn : Tlw who!!' District.
.\l'l'nu1x XII I
further n.,oh·e.l that thr nati\'(• nnas in m<pl~t of tin· following
:i. It
t.listrictil he th~l as sth<>lulcc l in the ,\ct :
n~ElR, Elli.. t<lltlc·, Engl'oho, 1-1ag•lu1T. ldut)IIR, Libodt•, LW!iki~iki,
,\It, Ayl iff, ~It. Pl•·tdt~r. ~It . Frt·r<', )(CJIIIUiuli. N~ttJt•lt•ni, Ht. ~lark.., Taban.
kulu, 1 mo, \\'1llo\\ nlc•, (Jumhu, 811(1 T1<0lo.
" · The Commission dt•hi)Cmted 111 nognrtl to tho follollinJ!, and rttioln'<l to dedtle
cs at a later dah• : Elliot, Ruttc•rwort h, ~latatiel~ ami Kentani.
tinnily in th06C
r. . Tlw Co1 mi!llliOn ndjournl~l ut 4.45 p.m.
'l'hurlday, 2-Yio t:k/cbtr, J!tl,i.
!'1r Wtn . IIOaumont , <"hnirman, !:c·Jit'ral Burgc:r, Coloud 1-'tnufonl nnd ('oiOIIl'l
C'.oll m ....
I . 'l'hll Cozumwion Ill< t at HI am.
:!. 'l'ht• \li1 11tt:s of tlu• prc·vious mediug 11c·n• read nnd conlirmc1l,
:1. ,\t this singu ~lr Wtlil!'t·ls took his H'lll.
4 . ' l'he follu"ing gcntl••mco, n•pi"CC!('uting tho Tran~nutl L.'lndollm•r s' .A'!So<·in·
lion, \\ere reeeiH•I In· tho I 'ommission :
(n) ~h. II. S. 1.)'1>1111, \iC't•·l 'loairmnn uf ExecutiH• ('ommittc;•.
\\", !'ott , ('hnirmnu nl Di•lril'l ,\gc•wy ('ommittc•t•.
(IJ) ~I
(c) Mr, II • •\. Baily, ~n·IRrj .
' fho deputation intirnatC'II tbat 1 hoy 11 isbrd to npf'('8r iu ~upport oft he follo11ing
rt'!lolntimL•, "hleh had hc!Nl acloplt,.J hy the .\as()('iatio n:
" ' 'hut thi~ ~pHcial <:1'1\l'rlll :l!rc·ting n£ the nu·mh~n< of tltt' 'fmn•vMI
J.andn'II11C111' A <>t•iation , rt•JIII'fit• thl'l (lonrnnwn t :
(11) " T o mnk<' prmi•ion for8llf~uanlinfllht• right Aof pnnt!COIIIIN'Il I••
rniucml~ awl tlw •·xploitation ther<'Of iu laud pri•·lltdy Ollnl'<l
••hkh IIIII;\ he ind111lt•l 'llithin till' limit• of nuy nn·11 proclaimt1l n.•
n Xati\'to Arl'•l und1·1· .\1'1 27 of I !113.
(6) " If J"l'(JUin"l MO to clo hy tlw mnl<'r to 1''-I'"'JlriBII' tmy prit'alt•l)··
O'l\n{•llnw l which ma\' !Jc inclmh'<lll tthin thl' limitl! of am anoa
prndnimc~ I a.• a Xi\liv~· ,\rea uruh·r .\ct :!i nf WI :1
" In any 1''-J>roprintinn uf privnll'ly·own<111nnd inl·mmt·cti onwith
tht~ £orm11tiun of u Xntin• .\tt•n undt·r ,\c·t :!i of 1!11:1, to 'JX'<'illlly
exclude from expmpristio n sn<l to n'!«<·n-e to the pth·ate 011nc•n
t h('n'Of t hu nlo(hts of •udr ""Ill'!'!! to milll'r&l• and I ht• llet'<'!!SIII'Y
right• tl'<l'lin·d for tlu• l'Xploitatio n tht·rmf."
'l'hu cll'puttjhnu u~t'<l t lll'ir \'it·\\ 'I! in •upport of thi• n'llolutiou, nnd aft<•r di•CIL<sron \\ttluln·" · (l'id~ now print<'<l onp.. gc Ii-lii of :llillltlt•• of E•·id<·JI('t•.)
r.. Tho Go1omi.••sion dc·hht.>rat<>l , ancl the follu••ing n"Oiution.• 1\Cro ndoplt'<l:
(11) ,\1 .\TAT!t;t-t:.
Tht• 'rhl!dnh•l nn•tlM.
The farm~ l'rn·p<"<·t , Rirhmotul , Xoqahn. Xkandi. Xahaink11t- ,
to~,·tlll'r '"th t '"' nn•a bontul('(l by '""I includin~t the farm•
H<><·h('(lnk. Zun·kn , .\!angnlort•. 'lount Fn'<l. Ramkaknle , Wood·
land•. l'plamk 'l'lm Eyrie, ,1\;qnt•be, l.lrc>r Park, l\1nkomcrin g,
land unnnmrcl on map hchH·•·n thl' H..... utolaud boundary anti
:llahlangala'~ Ln<atinu Rl"oc·rn· the Ht·lrt'at, Gll'n Alfred. Tramor<', Dt• S.·huur. l'cx·h~t (;!lOr!(<' Hcrht·rt. Hnr:ry Ebdcn, Charles
Brow nh•P, Etheldalt•, Walla<·<·, La Gmng<•. Mont Plni><ir, Lot <\,
~lafub<-m's , Rollnncl. Gort 's Retr<'nt. lll'rmitngt• , C'arl•nthl',
Tikatikong and Xkaudi :a' imlit·ated on map.
(iii) 11te farm \l,uminj! .
(i1r) William Xtloka's J.o<·ation, bt.•ing ('ro" 11 Land adjoining Kaka's
Location Resen·l.' .
Europtan A reM : The rt'mainclrr of tho Di,tril'l.
Jo:uropcau Arc : Th~ 11 holt• Uistril'l.
(() Itt \1.\:00~ll()ltl' .
.Yulit·~ .Ar«h : 11) The •clwclnlt~l arc-a.~.
(ici) '11tc .\!i.-ion !'tatioJL• of C1ark-on and Charlottenh nrg.
Cji) 'l'hl' two pit!n·s of fro" 11 Land known a.'" <:ops "adjoining .
EuropeartArra,r: 'l'he n·•t of the District.
p• <1 . ?~--'HL)
(d) l'oRT .ELJ7_\Bt:Tu.
/l'otirt ..lrta:
European .I rea :
Xt·\1 Bri~htmr l.<•'ntinn (Farm, Crndo<·k l'lnNlllrul
clt•firu~l hy ('np<' l'r<•c·lnmntion Xo. 126 of 1!1113.
Tlw n .... t o! t h<• f)j, t ric·t
Dt·nll'arty), a."
(r) K•os~A.
European Area: Tlw \\holt• lli•tril't.
(/) II ~;rmt:IIT .
'fhl' stlu~luh1l nn·n~.
.\'ulin ·'"''":
ti. The ('ommi,,ion nl•o rl<·liiK·rutt'<l in n·).(nnl to
Harkly \\'e-t and l"ih·nhnll•'·
Fridu!f '!.111/,
the~ l>i.~t
ril'l• u! l'rm.imkuln,
Orlol~tr, 1~1;;.
Sir \\'m. Bt•numont, C'h.rirnurn,tiiC' Hun .<' H
Stanfonl and <'olonel ('ollrrr<.
<!t·rwralllurgt·r, rolont'l
I. 'J'he ('ommi~sion nwt nt l!l n.nr.
:!. 'fhe ~Jinutt's of tlw pnoviouK lii<'N inl( WNl' rc•a<l and l'Onlinn<•d.
:1. 'l'hc Comrni•sion •lt•lillt'ml!•l. nnd tlw folloninl( moolution• wrr<1 adopt<•d:
(11) "()t
"l' l'rRIItt;.
l.<l('lltion .
f:ump!llll .lrt<l: Thl' n'l!t of tim lli•t ri<'t.
.\'11/il'e .lr"':
t •ltZf\IKl"l.t"•
The• \\holt• ann (rndtulrn).( Fon·-t lh"'<'r\l't!) "'thin the follu"ing
hounclari<!ll, hut unt inrluding the f.mns (nr l'"rtions or !arm~)
m('ntionr.l <18 l•nrnclnrir"':
On lilt II'~' bountl<-d hy B('lfa.;t, Hatlnr!llt, SltHu•lu•ngll, portion
of Rooipoort to thr• wc·~t of the Gongununu Hinr. Ht·n\\t•ll. J.onF·
ridge, Killnrtw~· . Rokf'by Park, Snow<lown. Arnulrl•, B('ntam,
Schoonhovt•n, Nit•z lloutfontcin. ~looi 111nnt" l'illnN(ont<•in, Dric
!onlt•in. Bultfontt·in Gowan Lt·a. Ea.•t('rn port ion of 'l'l~t·c·!ontt·in
.Bnlbirnit•. Krumtlra•li , Rt•ndsrlnle and Gayhrool..
On"''- S1Jrlll1 hourult'fl by Bos~hhoek. the Provint·t• of ~lllal, Jo:ru;t.
land. Commons \ 'allt·y, Pnffrulder Hoek, Strytlurn•!ontl•in, l'itkijk,
Hluku and thtl J>nwin('n o! Xatal
0111Ar J:" •I huunrblln· <:lourc.,.tcr, Ht~l!nnl, c;roott•llll("k, Thornv
Bu•h \ 'aalkop Honrlt•irnni. Thec Kloo!, Hossl'll Fonh in, \\"int<'~·
hock Tht• llighlaruJ,, Drit'!ontein, \\"uoclsirlt•, lllnmhamMnga,
~ft.hluana , Hinr Hank. llt""'·ni ancl t bo• l 'mzrrnkulu Hi Hr.
Ont/lt Xortf, hourulecl h~ tht• Gan~11tni Hin•r, I:.lg•·rton, Hl\t·r·
si<l<'. ~litldldon, lldwll~·n, Lnn~!ord, Brighton, ~r•lor, l'mganotuttl
tlw GIIRnJ(ani nrul lnrlowana Rin-rs.
Tht' n.,.t of tlw lli•tri<'l.
(r) li.IHKI.Y \\'.r:;sT,
Natit·e Arra:
!ollo\\in~ boundnrit.,., hut unt itwluding the
furrn• nwnt rOJu·d RH houndnri~ :
On"'' .\"nr/1, hornult·<l by the Division of \'rylmr)(.
On the ll"t~l bounrlt'fl h~· the !arms 14 01', II. :\0, l.o '1:\, Ill.
)IX, 17. )IX, X.\\". IIi, X.W. 4l, and X.\\". 1!1.
011tA• Smllh 111rd J-:a•l bounded by the Hart" Hivcr.
The n.~t of tho l>i.'!tril't.
The un•a within tlw
(d) """·
.Valil't A read:
The <ehe.Juled area,•.
:The !\'Ill of the Ui<trict.
(e) IvaVJLU.
Ntlliw ..4,.. : (i) lluemaae Natift Ba.n, Gathloee Nath•e ...._, aad the farm
(ii) 'l'lle whole u.. (uolucliDc the to11'1111hip of Kuruman aad commonlip of 8,000 morpa, appro::limately, attached thereto) bouDded
b7 aDd illoludiDc the following :
P.dncnr, RatbYeD, Pemyn, Veoten Rut, Gamolilio, ~
I11n11D11D Natift &..Ye, Lower IlllWIIAD Native ~. Iana-
Cftnna B..ft, Yale, Banud, llau)'edinl Nat.ift ~
Aoad, u-o&h, Nnmi, Cornwell, B.a. IWyhiU, GrootqufoateiD Nalive a.-., ................ Dadlam, Bartebe.tllalt,
a-t., llalama Kstbla, 'DiriDt. Letclllllachu, Bailybrith,
1'1aaauo., Wlaite Lldiea, Wi..,U... Pwtenham, Nptlabmo,
Kobop, BeadeD, Shiptoo,llorpeth, Chicbn
Wood, ud Dawlilh
A'vroptaJI Alreu: (i) lturumaa 1'cnm.hip with - - . p of 8,000 mOIJIIII appoltimatel)'.
(ii) The reat ol the Diltriet oat.ide ol the N&t.i" Area.
(/) Van17Jt0.
Nat it-tAr
:(I) The area bounded by IIIII IDcludirlg the followm, :
SbeerDe., Detblolr, BMbant, Eohup, KilclaN, Carlow, BaDdy
Plat, Collial, Allae, Ooaatable, 8etabeo Crown Relrerve, llorolnreo
Clown Ra.ft, Haftllt, <Mapden, Bowden, Jrpam, Chippenham,
Jlillhaok, o- Bulk, Rllodaa, Barooan, A.cot, Kokomenc, Maretoa, Ha,-, Tbonnriclr, Bat.._, Albury, BeNwood, Laupr- . Coron, T.aut&, Paddoo, a.re ~t. Bep, Meden.... Putaey, Wupaft, Dorcllelter, AIJinadoa, Bray, Sonning,
Twio....... Jlulcnr &Del mae.-.
(ai) ~ VW Native a--.
(iii) x..o-& Maim &..Ye, Gapitia N&t.ift a--, ud LiDopea
Iifa&in a.-..
(iv) Oamaroaa Natift a-.e, Ditaepiuc N&t.ift Reller.., Keang
Na&in a-m ud llotitoa NMive Re.ene.
(v) ~!.,Native s-on, llatlabea CrowD Raerve, Algien Crown
, Jaoblldnai Native R..ve IIIII Geneea Native
F.vrOJHG• , . : The rwt of the Diltrict.
.Vatit"t A,..•: (i) The farme Blaoldlea&h, Bedmoad'a Hoek, Beoepl, Nimrod'• Vlei,
Daly'• Pill ·
&lie Fin& Raihray Onat bouDded oa the
north by the
River, CJD the wed by the Di'Villoa of Vr,baqJ C1D the by a nn!Pt JiDe froiD the -tem beleon
OOIDIDOII to tile ,.,_ lla)'M &Del Weet EDd to tbe -tllern
beJ1con - - t o the ru- 8eaepl &Del N'IIIU'Od'e Vlei, oa the
..t by the , _ 8eoepl, :Redmond'• Hoek and B1eelrbeatb ;
aDd tbatportioa of t.bel'intRailway
Grant boaDCiecl oa the aortb by the llolopo NMin Reaerve and
on the-t.-tb ud NJit by~ f&I'IIII:Harriet. Beq.~.
llutin•• Buah, Blleadal, 8teiJhoolte, Kromdraai, Elibink,
Thornwood, Arran, Ilfracombe anc£ ll'reedom, and the farm
8etJaF1i Na&in Relerve, the W~ Kraal Reaerve, the
fum IAtMa, &Del the 8et1atJo1i Crow a-...
The rwt ol &lie .Dia&rict.
(u) Tbe
J.'vrop«~JI A,.. :
(I) TAUliO •
•\'.Uit"t .Are~ :
(•I Tile T&aJII Natift a-ve • An8J8d.
F.vroJ*I•.dre~: Tile .-aiDder ol the Diltrict.
4 The Commjepon adjouaed a& U6 p.m.
[I G. 1!2-'lti.)
Sir Wm. Beau111011t (Chairman), the Hon. ('. H. w_.IA , ncneral Burger,
CWooel Stanford aad Ooloael Collil».
I. The Qem!eeion met at 10 a m
I. The IIlii.._ of the pre'rioua JMrting wm1 reed and oonftnnt'd
3. '1'111 <Mm'-loo deliberated, and the following l!rommcndationt< .. e-re
(o) KK!fTAlfl.
The whole of the diAtrlct , wit!~ the exception of the KentAni
Nllliw Arera:
ToWilllhip, town rommonap ljpd plantation, and Jo'arm No. 611.
g_,.,. Arera : The Kentani ToWilllhip, town commollllfl'll and plantation and
Farm No. 611.
(b) Bt"'TB&woml.
N.aw ..4,..: The whole diltriet, f'llt'f'pt (i) tho• Municipal AJT.a.
(il) lbeka Fllftllt R-ne and
(tii) The Entblambe> Ward ncludinf! Lola 76, l.f.A, I!A 12, II, IIA,
I Ia, lOA, 10, II, 9A, 6, 6A, 7, 1A, 24, 23, h.
B•roptG• .4rera: (i), (ii) and (iii) abon.
Nalfc.e .dreu : (i) Wit&ieohoPk Native ~rve.
(ii) Een~ lliaalon Station.
The n.t of the di.trict.
g_,_,. ....... :
Fann Bleebokfontetn No Kl.
Baropet~a ..trera: The ll'eBI of the diet net
(t) K1100lf8T.AD,
Famt Gomeliudal No. 1!0.
Bwroptt~a ..trera : The ftllt of the diatrirt.
(/) FAt RIUiliiiTH •
..Valire .dre~U: Poort.;-lam No. 12.'1, .Jakba: put No. 299,
No. 2711.
NalifJ8 .drera:
Ewopeoa Arera: The 1'1111 ol the diltriet
Doomborok No. JIM, Droog~ No. 121, Wmkelhaak No 120.
Ewropetn~.drera: The n.t of the dietric:t.
Frillpwaasd No. 67.
Nlllit~ ..trera :
B•roptG• Arera : The ftllt of the diltric:t.
.\"alire .dreu:
(i) EDII:l.orBl'IIO
Bethany Mitoeioa Station.
Baropet~a .drera : The re.t of the dietrict.
NalifJ8 .drera:
(}) TluBA 'NCHIJ.
NlllifJ8 .dreu: (i) The Tbaba'Ncha Native Raerve:
(ii) The Seliba Native R.orve and
(iii) the following fanM :
RamahuiAihe No. 47, &llltlnlet.~io. 611, Liboba No. 611, Rootfontein
No. 60, Dipherong No. 62, A ~rieefontein No. 63, MMt'na No. IU,
Vaalkop No. 86, Palmietfon ~n No. 67 Momto Xu. 611, Omrn•
houvel No. 69, Goedhoop No, 70, 810t'1111!pntit No. 72, :Saau~.
poort No. 74, ~o!Aiane No. 7G, 'Wt~brfttAprutt No 77 Dnndkop
No. 78, Fonteinboek No. 84 llloeheunyane No fiG, (lo!K-hen No
1?1 • Gama~, No ~0!, Tba~ Patchoa No. JOO Klipfontein
No. 110, Kicldel Erf No. 114, Batervley No. 11:; Walhoek No
H6, Dakpoort No. 117, Moolpluu No. 118, Wtlgebooapruit
No. Ul, Rietfontein No. 1191 Golllllliooaie Drift No. 124 \~tetoria
No. 127, Keloendrift No. I , Leeawfontein No. 1211' Makoto
No. 136, Bnkfontein No. 14 Tafelkop No. 141, Baat~rda Poet
No. 147, BultplutA No. Ill Balaclava No. 100, Brereton No.
e No. 245, Koomlaode No. 282,
180, Driftplut. No. II I, G
lA'!Iaka .t\o. ~!17, 'IPft•lu•nl( Xo. 314, ~IO<•ipau No. 324, Paradp
'lurnlmlt Xu. 1!13, \'JaJ..plaat• Xu.
un. Znaiplaata '!1\o.
'llot-oak•uJt• Xu. 4HI, :\httlap<tn<:ng :\o. 41i5, Mn..imo No.
4!tu, Zaaiplnnt- ''A" Xu. 401, Lct>.ego Xo. ·1112, I..t•thoko No.
·1!13, 'llol(oknrc Xo. 411·1, Buitcmclo Xo. 4115, Zeta No. ~ I 0, Kappa
Xo. ,jJ7. l><'lla Xo ..ilK, lloikiHt<·o Xo. ll07, Scgopocho No. GOB.
1-:tlrOJJiflll , )rw • The n.,.t of I ht' di•lrid.
·1. ' l'ho t'oq1mis-ion mljnurnt•l nt 1:!.2:i p.m.
Prtloria, ll'tdnudtty, :lrd Soumhtr, I!JI.'i.
PRE.'<f-"'T :
l:'ir Wm. Beaumont, Colonel Stanford and Colonel Collinl'.
I. ' l'ht• Commi,.,•ion met at HI a.m.
!!. 'l'ho 'linllt<"S of tho prt•\ion• rut'(·\111>!' \\crc read and t'Onfirmcd.
:1. '11" Contmi- inn cleliho·mt"'l ru.cl pruvi,ionally ngn'<•l upon t<·rtnin OT<'I\i
mohr tf o'<l on the map hciug 1 • gunll'l ·•· .'\.tfi' t· Areas iu the 7.outpau•h(·rg aud
l'ict• Jllhurg l>i rid"' Trnu~\'11111.
I. 'l'lu l'c ·t<ITJ 1111, iustrndt·d to uht11in, if llO><iblc, lht' utlt·udnut·o of tho
)1Jtgi8llntu of I ·tcr,.burg and .\lr·. ~lt·ult..
li. 'l'hc <'o mi"ion ndjoumt~l nt 4.:10 Jl.lll.
Tlotr.<dll!f, .It/, Sonmber, 1!11.3.
:;ir \\'m. ~l8uuwnt, <'hnirmnn, lion. ('. H. \\'<..,.,cL-, t:~ucml 11111gu·, t'olom·l
!'tanfunl nu<l l'<•loncl l'olhH!!.
I. 'l'hc ('ommi--ion met nt Itt a.tn.
2. The \lin Ute- of tlw Jll't'\ltlll!! llt~tiu;,: lll'll' n::ul, nntt·tt<lt•l arttl t·oulirm"l.
:1. Tltu i'>o."<·ntary uns dut·t·t.-ltu urraugc· for tht• atlt·ndaun· of .\l r. ,J, ~le\\t'JI·
htllltl of L) d(·nburg, Mr. Dl'iH r s,:\,1 ., ::\~ 1-truom. nnd, failinl( huu, .\lr . Hook,
S.\.1'., l'utgicten-,.nr•l, mul also \Jr. llt·lll•llorih. :-;.:\.<'., Hu•knhut!f.
I. Till' t'umni-.iun dl'irhc·mtc•lund ttgrt·t<lllllOII N·rtninart•a, iuth1• l'id\•n<burg,
Zuni panRIJ\·rg. J' rctorin, Hu,ft•uhur!(, .'larit-u, \\'ult•rbl'rg and Lidrtt·nhurg l>i •trict><,
a• murJ,cd on t e map, bciug n·gnrd\•cl n- Xrttivo Area~.
:.. Thol'ommi.,,ionacljournt~lnt 4.31i p.m.
N ortltJIJtr, 1015.
Sir \\'rn. Be. uwoHt,l'hninuan, thcllon.l'. H. \\\-....,L•, Ccncntlllurgur, ( 'okm<·l
:;taufonl nod 0Jiouel Collins.
I. 'i'he Coarulli.-ion mel nl to a.m.
2. The )linutc.. of lht• IJI't'\'iott• lllt~·ting l<'l'll' l'C&d aud conlirntt•l.
:J. 'l'ht' Commio..•ion tldihcn<tt'<l, ('ulorl\'1 .\lt·ntz, )!.L.A., )lr (', .\ . Wht·t•luright,
~lal(islmto of l'icten;bul).(, nml \lr, 1>. \\' Hook, l'ub·Xntiw !'omnri>··iont•r of
l'ot~til'lt•rlii'U•I, l~cing iu uttendum·c· clurm~ puriion of !hl' ddihuatiuu. 111111 ugrt·(:d
tt(Hlll ('('rtuin arc~& bciug pro' i~ionull~ ••·gunlt~la.~ Native Arl'IIM in thl• J)istrict. of
Zoutptm><bt•rg, 'cteJ'I<burg ami L) clt·uhurg.
·1. The l'ecretary ""' in>< I n~t·ll•l to c·ndt·•l\·uur to 'l'\:lll'c lht• utlt·udam·t• of Mr.
E.l'. l:'tubb•, )lngi.>tmtc of Zout Jlllll•ht·tg,
G. Thol'ommk.•ion li<ljoum,,(ut 4.:10 p.m.
srr \\ m. Beaumout, (,'hainnlln, the !lou. C. H. \\'l~'d' , Gt·ttt·rr•l Bu~cr, t'olont-1
stanford and Ool. Collins.
1. The Coounission met at} IO a.111 •
.!. '1 he llinateo1 of tho !Jrilvious ntl'<·tmg u~rc n·nd and coufirwlod.
[U.G. 22-'16.)
'nhni7.(', nf 1.) <lt'nhurg. ht-ing
!1. The I 'onuoiellion delibt nat.-1 :\It ••1. Xii'IIIH
""""'a s mnrkrd nn the map
pn'>Mlnl <luring a pnrtion of tbt. J>""l('t'
An•as 111 the Ull!tnc t" of l.)denb urg, ~liddel ­
WPro pi[OviRinnally 11et 1111tdf' 1111 Xatho
hurg ahd Barber ton.
"in the Ut'!tri~t of t:Uiot (l!apa
-1. It WM NIIOin cl that Ill<' fann "••um l\•
Xalang11 bt• ~et ~idt• ~~~ 11 Xuth• ArH.
l'rovin~) adjoin ing th" Natiw an.a uf
( i!eolution of !8th ( Jctol,.,r, 1915, anK'ndC'd } tht atlt•ud an(< of Mr. \\'hcol&ocrotary \\'lUI instruclt~l to orrang~• fur
wrigh S.N.C., Barber ton, a11tl ~Jr. l't•ach ), of l'it•l
6. The Cummil<8ion adjourn ed at 12.20 p.m.
r Wm. Ht.•tHIIIIOIIt, l'halrman, Colonel .Stanford aud (\alun"l ( 'olhM
I. TIKt Oomm is.ion met ~&t 10 a.m.
and conhnn<"<l
2. The Mumlf tl of lht• pn 'ioua mt.'t!tmg •en rt.'&ll
3 Tho l~ummba!ion <lelihtrnted.
orth,l:i !\,I'.,
T. Stubt.. , Maptr ato uf Y..outp•m•IK'f!; Mr. IL U , lfcnuno
-1 ~l r.
attu"la nc••
Hush· thurg, awl :\lr. II . Roo!c-ln
tlurin1 t'Crlam pt·riod l! of tlu,.lcl iberati ons •
mAl>, in n~nl to tit., lll!trtc t
.\ An altt·nu •tnc l'"'l''"'a l M indic•alt~l <m tiK•
'nd Alltltuloptl•l pron•tr lll•
uf Zo pan""l"'rg tom·cr nmg tho
~l ;
tlj Tho followi ng l"'l<<Iiutioruo '"'ro adoJ>tl
J. RtSTK~IIllltl
Cin~lul..lu tht• J.. Katintll! uf llann• Mugaln
ondtn !\u. 2t17, portJim
Mamo galc, togt>tht r •ith tlw natue farm!! \\\lge'
of \\'aatk raal Xu. :oo he
1..ancldrift .So. !120 MLMIOII land bt'lng ('tlriK>I l
tJit' 1"''110'!"'1 ••xohango
~~t•t uidc
f'&mt.'d out tho land
of Ianda
ml!'' ~hall hen
gh en tu tlw lll'OJ>I•• of llarius .Mogalt·11ntl ~lamngalc
Xativo An·a in lic.·u nf that taktn a\\1\\
lunall~ n-g~~rded
(2) That tho area.• mdrcat~l on tltt• map 1... pn)\l!!
MagU!tmt" of l'reton n n:
That the amentlod aroa~~ rocoommentlt.:l b) the as 'N athc ,\n'llll
indica tooon
of l.t htt'nbu rg l'otdrc f·
Delibe ration took place in n-ganl to the I)Uotn tM
81roof , Middc lburg and Blocmhof.
tht attcnd ancc of .,\lr. Juta, Into
S. The l'it.'CT'Otary wu rlli!tructed to arran!!'• fur
~~ The Conuni8o!ion adjounu.~l at 4.:W I'
TVUihJr, Wla
Not~, 191/i,
PRK81S T ;
l and ( olond ('ollit
, ir Wm. Hoaum ont ('bamn an. Colonc l ~tanfun
II· Thu I 'omm~S~~ton met Rt Ill a.m. "'" n'A(I nnd ~onhrn~<•l.
:L 'In<~ )linutt' J! of tht prc\Jou s lllt,.•ting
trato of l.lthtru lmrg,
jl· The ('omm wton dtlilll'mlt'tl , )lr.•1. (' .Juta latt•inMngl3
attentlanoc.• olunng c••rtntu
and ,lfr. 0 . U. \\'h'-'l'lwright ~ !\.1 ',, l~rbt rton, l>etng
Jlerlc!M of the deliber ationo.
II< t llllt<lc u :oint h"
J, Certain aroaa 81! indicatt."<l on the map "1\el'll I>ro\'bltonnlly
.... t ltetit f
areaot within
~goll!he an<l l 'RIIIpictcJI!·
. I>iAcuMion took plare in n~n1 to the l>U!tnct s of
arrangt'! for the attn~tlauc
6. Tbe l:!ecretary 'AU dim:ti' d to tndc.•tnour to
Mr. 1:1"'mond, Mapt.r aW. of l'utrhe fstroom .
7. The Comu u.ioo adJOunted at
.li'J'L'CD JX
XI " .
Pllllllii!I T :
and ('~lone! Colllllll.
Sir \Vm. Re l•mont, Chairm an, Colonel Stanfor d
I. ThoCo mmil!e lonmet at IOa.m.
of the prevlom meeting were read and confirmed.
2 Tho Minu
ion dolibcl' tlted and certain &reM Wtre provisio nally
g "Ltrecht, Xqutu,
o!' tho map
;:\;o\\cr• tie lhm<l• and :Sdwan dwe.
ta of Ngotehe, \'rvheic t lnl!'·
4 Disctl$5lon took place In regard 'to'the" Di8tric
II 'I'bo
nlllllE!f T,
C~lonel Collin•.
Sir \\'m. ~ mont, Chairm an, General Burger and
I. The ComqllMion met at 10 a.m.
of tho previou . meeting were read and confirmed.
~. 'fho .Minu
late Ma~trft!e of Piet Retief, appeare d before the Com·
S. Mr. W.
ation, decided upon an amende d area as indicat ed
aui~lon, "hich. after
tho map bcln111 piO\isio
indicate d on the map,
4. Tbo ComQI ion dolihcm ted, and certain areas, aa distri~ta
of T.nd;rl'mith,
An>M within thfl
1\'l'rt sot ru iclc p vi<ionally l\8 :Sative
and Polcla.
Hundoo , H<'lpm akaar, \\'~ncn, F~tcourt, lmpcnd hlc
S. H. Elliot
instn•~tf'<l to &e<'llro tho atten•la nce of :'llr.
r,l' WM
latt'ly statione -d a Klerlw lorp.
of the C:ommiMion.
ll, r1olont'l St~tnford attende d the afternoo n sitting
7. 'I'he Com•rli.Mion adjourn ed at
Friday, 12tll
. Geneml Burgt-r, ('.(lionel
Sir \'\'m. Rea mont, Chaim1 an, thE\ Hon . C. H. We~!~!el•
stnnfor d and ColollfOI
I. Tho rom jliAAion met at 10 a.m.
and oonfirmed.
:!. The Minu t~ of the previou .• ml"t'ting "ere t'f'.ad
':\' for Native Affairs
:l. J.cttl'r da 111! thl'
nd• for portion of Klip Rin•r
relati\·e to the pn>posed f'J[rh&nl;(l' of Pomero y townln
Locatio n W88 !'f'lld nnd dillen~~Nl.
Re~~olv<'ll :
(a) That T..ots 3 and 4 he- -ct a•i•lt• M !'intin• .4-1'1'88.
Area in the
ICh) That. an amende d nrea a- iudil'atcd on tho map be a Xative
Tlt'Jijmuokaar Di;~trict.
ed, in terms of mlOiu·
(r.) That the &crota ry reply to the lf'ltf'r &B inRtn•~t
tion (a).
F.~. :Mallm relative to the
4. Letter, da,t ed 13th An!!'\IRt , l!llli, from lht> Ron .
Zwaert kop I..oeaHon was •li'!Cu.u
of th<> Munici pal water
(a) TI1a rl'ply he 8ent that BA rc~ama the qu~tion
Rill in the HmL"'
supply the matter ehoul<ll>P dealt with by a print!'
of ~'''"'mhlr.
and Fol'('llt Area, the
(b) Tha! M regamR the propoi<('fl RIN>~r Plantat ion
('o~ami.'~>'<ion do not ~upport propo<al~.
ry for Native Affnil">< relative
5, l-etter, dat01l lOth :'\{nl'('h, 1!114, from thn Sect'f'ta
to the nrnvt'll of
l ~olll4icteration.
" !llat a l't'ph· he ~ent that fht• •uhjlld has I'N'ein>t
Ill! :Satlve ArCM."
amf!thc it<'! of the gmvt'!! will faD in arel\i\ n~mnwnrled
.u. '..'2-'16.)
fl. The general qn4'10fion or thP PN>ponnrl tf'nour of thr Rl'port
WIIM rli~ruAAed .
(a) Fore814.
indtu!l<ltld n portion of
"Thnf fon·~td within ntllin· nrens should
•m·h an•ll>< in unlt•r thnt any ~~:rnzing fncilitif'llnt tht1 tli•tK..nl of 11111 Jl'orcost
IX-partuwnt may IK• utili•NI hy ~nti\'1'•."
(h) .'\alir·e Torrn•loi p!.
"1'hnf a.q t•,·i<leru·P hmught hrfoN• thn C'~mmi.s;don t~nrls to ~how thnt
natinl tnwt••hips nr•nr larg•• minitt;,: nn<l incln•trial <>l'nlrt'll Mhouhl •no n
\'et)' ttSc•ful purpo~ (118 in tht• <'n•r. of nnti\'1• IO\\nshi)l•• now r xi•ting 111•nr
Pretoria nncl .lohanne.hurg), the !'omrnwlon recomrn<'nds that th"
c:o,·rrmncm @hout.l ha\'P tlu• ri~tht to l'btahli•h or In c,on-ent to th" t'l!tnloli•hml'nt of 6UCh to\\n•hip" wihtni n F.uropeau anon."
(c) Tr"'li"'l St11titm4,
·• Thnt ns tnuling ~tnt ion~ \\ithin pmp<l8t'tl Xnth•• nmn.. hnv•• l1t~ll
inrhulNl RK fX>rtinto of 61t1·h an•ns, tltt• sal<' of ~u<·h t mdinl( ~tnt intUI tu l·:nrn(K'IIn~ shoultll~t• liiK•rnlly IIN~t·nt<~l tu hy tlw t;.,,,.nu>r l:t nrrnl 11111l•·r thr•
pt'IW<'n< grnntrrl hy thn i\<·t."
(rl) Europnm Par111~ tritlrirt .Vnli•·t· Arrn8.
" Having rt·~nnl to thr• fad thnt mnny Eumpt•nn fllrm• nr•• n<·nmlllt·ndl'll to Ill' illl·httlt~t in tlw Xntiv•• nrt•tlll ntul r·nu•i<lniull tlu• ftu·t that
only n limit<•l nutull(•r of thf!R<• fnmt• t·onltl I><• t·~tm•ptinh<l , th•~ !\orurni'!·
Minu recornmentiN that pnl\'blinn he mnd<• loy tlo11 l.egbtlntUI• fro1 a lil"•ml
t•J<(•I'(·i~t· nf the (;n\'Cmor.f:t•IJf'mJ'M l'III\'M•IIl to tJtiJ ACIJIIisition of ~ueh
farm• hy Europ<·n••~ pcwling thc•ir l!al!l to Xath·r,. m their <'Xpropriation
for Xntivc pnrJ~."
{t•} .Yolit-e l~alimM in E~~mpMII Arto4.
"That ,.ltt!TI' ronnnunalh· or tribally oct'Upie<l larulwhi<·h b ~ehl!lluh".<l
o.s a Xntive an~'l mulo•r ,\et 27 nf Htl:l fall• -.itloin nn ann rft'Ommenrl•od
by thn C'ornmi!!Sinuns n Jo:uropcnn nl"<'~ em·h Inn• I Hhall nnt ho UJII'f'J'ri:ltcd
or aeqnire<l for J·:umpcnn occupation u:rept with tho con cnl uf l'arltnml'nt
hv A<'t."
(f) :l/i•sum StalitnM.
"That whf'l't• l'l<tnhli•hNI :\fi••ion Stntinn~ fnll within nntm•n tr'<'Olll·
nwn!lNl for Europ<•nn <K'I'IIJllllion provi<inu ~hnulrl ht• mn<l" tn alln\1 tlw
lnntl to t·cntfinu" tn l~t• """' fnr tl"' l><·•wfit of till' :\nth·•~."
(IC) .llinunl Riqht,,
"\\'ltt're privutr. lntul• fnll within nativ.~ nreas, <!OIIsi•l••mtion Ire r;in•n
nn <'xpropriation to tit" rl'h·ntion hy tb<' Jo:uropenn u\\ltl'r of tl111 tnint>rl\1
. :· ~lr. S. H. Elliott, lntcly ~tationNI nt Klork.<t:IMp AJ>J~Carcd bdore tho l:om-
1latt•l tho 'lh imtant, hy \lr W ..1. :-->. llriu:r, s ~ !'., X.>l•tmnrn,
WM none! nn<l di•ru....cd,
n furthernrea W81t rldunitt•l on tho mnpM a Xath·;•nn a
!1. 'l'he l'omrni.s.•ion n•ljnurn.-1 l\t r. p.m.
s. A
a.• to a BIII!J.:<'I'!te<l Xath··• Rrl'l\ in th<l \\'at• rhc~ ()istrirt
~ir Wm. Bt:aumont, C'hnirman, tho lion. ('. H. \\', •f'Li, C:<·ur·rnl llu"S"r nn<l
Cnlon.-1 l'tanfor<l.
I. The Commi!<.•ion rnrt at 111 a.m.
~- The ~!inntcs of thn pi'C',ou• lll('(>ting \n·ro l't'l\d ami ronfinnm
:1. The GontmL«sion dcbltemt(•l aurl certAin area.• in Znlulnwl anti tb1• d trict,;
of !'olein nntl lxopo wcro clrhmit~l on lht• map a• X nth··· Arr 11ro\\ 1onnlly.
-'·.It mi.< ~o)\'('(l ~hnt thn !'1Jainnnn Khould m9kc fnrthr r In~ tigallot~"
n•t:nnhng the po~on• of .:\tala( not )•I donlt with hy tho l~ommi ,.ion nml I'N'(IIIJtncnrl
nrt'n< for the eor~•tderatton <•f tl1<• 1\:lrnmi •ion at it• n•·~t l!"ittin~.
r.. Till' Commis.•inn R<ljounu•lat 12.111 p.m.
Pretoria, Th ur8day, 27th J amw.ry. l!ll 6.
f;ir Wm. B~Rnmont. C'hairman. the Hon. ('. H. \V<'~~<'Is. O~ncrnl R<'hnlk Bnr~er,
C'olon<>l Stanford and )fr. C'ollins.
1. Th<· C'ommission nwt at 10.30 tl.lll.
2. The ::lfinutcs of the previous meeting wcr<' n>ad and confirmcd.
3. The C'hairman repor·tcd that he had made investi~ntions c·one<•rninl( tho<e
portions of Natal \\hieh had not b('en d<'alt with hr tlw ('ommis.,ion. had tnkm
informal t•,;dencc from witnC'sses havin~ pt'l'<onal 'knowlecl.!(<' of thos(' portion><,
tmc\ submitted areas whic·h wcrc J'<'<'Onmwndcd to b<' rlefinrd as Native Areas.
4. Discu"ion ensued nncl the C'hairmnn's rc<'ommcndations with slight nmrndmcnt~ wNe njrr«'d to. and the area. rlelimitccl on the map.
.). Tt was resolved that th<' C'hnirman make furtl1er enquirirs rc•garrling c·ertain
areas ncar Phoonix, Durban.
G. The l';ccretary laid bcfor(' the C'ommission a. Jetter dated the 2:lrcl November, 1!I 15, from Mr .•J. A. 'Xt•scr relative to Native Areas in th<' Lic>htenburg Di~trict.
The letter W81! con•id<'rcd.
7. The Rc><or~tary laid befol'(' thC' C'onuni'"ion a. l<'tl<'r elated thr 2~th XoVPmbC'r,
l!ll!l. 'igncd hy D. 0. van Ycldcn and two otlwr lanclownC'rs r<'lnfiv<' to t\l(' ::'lntive
.\n·n< in 7.ontpansl><'rg.
'l'lw Ht·trc•tnry was instnrc·tccl to r<'pl~·.
X. Tlw ('hnirman snhmittc~l a Ornft Report for fhf' consiclrrntion of tloC'
'l'ht• ('ommi.sion <lf'libernf<'<l on fhf' terms of th<' R('port.
HI. Tlw ('rnnmi"ion ncljournc~l at 4.20 p.m.
F1·iday. 2RI/i .!m>llftr>J. 1!) Ill.
Wm. Rcanmont. ('hairman. the Hon . ('. H. 'Ve<'ck C:cncrnl RC'hnlk Rnrger,
C'olont•l f<tnnforrl and ~fr. C'ollins.
1. Tlw C'onnni>•ion met nt I 0 a.m.
2. Tlw 'linnh·~ of I ht• prt•\·ions meet in~ were r!'ad. nmendr<l nncl ('on firmed.
:1. Tlu• ('onuni--ion tl!'iilwra!t•<l nn tlw tC'rnl'< of the RC'port.
I . Cnlwwl Stnufonl moYt-<1 ·
"That a, this nwrtin~ prncti<'nlly ('OnduclC's the main work of th<'
C'ommi--ion. tht• nwmlwrs desire to place on record their high npprC'ciation
nf tht• ,·alunhlr work <·nni<'<l out hy thl' C'hairmnn, Rir \Villiam Benumont,
whit·h li~htt•n;•l t ht• lnhours of tii<' C'ommission to n v<'ry gr<'nt extent,
nntl fnrtht•r to I'N'Or<l thc•ir thank< for his a'<istnne<', unfailinj:!; conrt<'<Y
nn<l tnt·! throughout tlwir n"odntion with him."
\f[n•~l to.
:; Sir \\'illinm Hcnnmont snitnhly ncknowlf'dgcd thr Rrsolntion.
II Tlw C'ommi--ion ntljounwcl nt 12 noon to mC'Ct in C'ap<' 'l'own on the 1st
:\!al'('h, I !ll H.
('"I" Tmrn, Wttlnr.wln!f, lA/ J[rrrrlr. J!)]G,
Sir William Rt•numnnt, (('hairman): th<' Ron. C. H. \\'('"<'!~: C:encral
Burgrr: C'olorwl ~Ianford nn<l )lr. C'ollins.
1. Th<' Cnmmi.-ion nwt at ltl.3n n m
·• Till' \l inuh~ of til<' pn'''ious nwetin!l were r;•nd and C'onllrmc>d.
:1 Tilt' ('lr:Hrnuur !nit! hdnrt· thP ('ommis-ion a ll'tt<'r dated tht> 16th February;
J!tlli n•lnll"' tu tht• \lount C'nk<' Outspan from tlw Hon. the :\lini•t<>r of Xati,·e
\liniN .
•\ftt·t tlr•C'II-.inn, thl' St••·n•tar.\ "'" instrnl'!ed Rs to tlw tt'rms of thl' reply.
1 Tlw SocJPtan laid h.. fort• tht• Cnmmis-ionn "inutl' elated the 2~th Februnr~·.
1'1111 fnnn till' s"·n•tan· fur Xaun• .\flair-. rC'IntiY<' to <'t>rtain C:raw ~it<'• on the
l.lrrll~ \Jpxarulrn Ht·r~,:lit•l Hi~hlands and \'i<'tnria in thl' ZoutpansherSt Oistric>t.
l'lu• :-;, n·tnry \18' in-truct<•l as to thr lt•rms of tht' rt>ply
(1 .0 . :!:.!-'16.]
ArrMnrx XIII.
'l'hP C'Alfllmi~!!inn delihl'rah~l nn I hn tt'l'lll' nf tlw H~porl.
II. f'<~lmli'ITRtnnford, rnn"•~l •
(•1) "Tlmt till' Re•<~lution of
tJ,.. lith Vt·hruary. I'll I ,,x..onnwmling tltt•
fnrm • l"m<lala,' lltstncl of
lk-.aufon, as a ' :\'3tn·•· \rcn' IH•
d,) "Tlont IIIHJll<"'tHitt~bl) large uuml><·f'll uf .\ ol h"" r• itl!'nt on tlu•
Fu1 t Bt~nufort C'ummotulgt~ luave• ,, "'fK"('Ifll rlnitn for c·,n~idt nlllufl
lit \it•\\ nf (}It' Jtj..,tiH'_\ o( t}u•iJ fWI'Upatitltl Cl( \\h tt till\\ (urntK fllll(
uf I ht• In rgt• ( 'olllltlntlll.l(l' lol'!nugin.l( 111 till' l•'nrl llt·U ttf11tt \luni,.ipality •
till' l'umutt·<i11n tt<'lllllltH·rul~ th'll lhi• ..!aim ~houlcl 1... nll'l h,· ~""''
lt·.JCi lnth··· d(·lion a~ lllil,\ l... tlt·c·tllt'ff Hl'f't~ll) tu nlfuul llu·...•· 'p•-<•pl·~
,\grffil to
~ Tht• C<Jmmi sion recon<i•l•·r .. l tin• ""'" indwling thr Pmux..,.ha I.1K'atin11,
Km~ \\'illinm'" 'l'<mrt, nnd nn n•n•·n•l<"l Snth~ .\rca \\II~ ntloptt"<l
' · Till' l'ununi io11 aolionru<1l nt l:!,ltl p .m
lf11rrl, , 1!1111
l'Hf~H: ''I' :
Srr \\'illintn ill'lllllllnllt tC'huiomnro), t ht• 11<•11. ( If \\', tl< C!o·n•JRI
llnrv•·r, l'nlot~~·l ~tnufo11l11rool .\lr. t 'ollm•.
I. 'l'h•· l'wnmi,.,.ion 1111'1 81 II 8 rn .
.! 'rh<• \lmut• 'tl of tht• pwuou lll<'C'tlllg \\CrP t'l·n•l nn•l rnnf1rnu'<l.
:1 'l'lu· I m•Hni .. ion ilf'lil>(·f'llt«l 1111 tlu• ttnn• 11f t Ito Ht I"" t,
1 . 'rill' C'hainnnn n'J">rtNI om Ins' i•h tu itl!!pt'l'l •·•rlntn 1111 a• 111 tlu• ,·irittlly
of J'hu·nix in lt•fii>M of tilt' H!"'••lntinn nduplt~l Oil thl' :!ith ollltllllll,l, l!llti,
,; .~\ftPr fiJ~c·uKKion 1t wn~ tt-t;ul\·pcf tu rt'<·nmmtmd .tn 1uJdit iunal .\"'oti\'f' .~\w.1
('\o. ~a) ncljoinin~o~: t lu• lnnnda l{,,.,.n...
H Tht• ('hninnnn •nhmillt<l tho• Ho·pol'l uf tlu• ('urnrotii!l!ion 111111 rl '"'~ ~i.l(lll<l
hv nil tlu nu·mloo·r" .
· i . 'I hn S«t•·tno y ll'ft tho room nt tht• r-c<pn"'t nf tlu• ( 'hnnmn11 111111 thf' 'lllt.,.IH'>II
,,r thf' grunt c•f a gmt uity to him \\1l diKCu •«I
Hr;.•lll.\ t,u , " Tlrat the C'hainn.111 1,.. authoris"'l Ill hring to the notire of the
.\lini-t••r of :\'ntt\t• ,\!Tail" the t•tlicirnt nnd &1ti•f8cton ~rn i<'<li! rt'tldt•Jt'<i lo\' \lr
.\lt<lford as ~('('J<'tnoy ant! to J'XJ'TI'fl.' tho• l~t~pr, that ti .., c:uvt•rtllllCIIt may ;IX' r~
\\ ·'Y to J!'i\ tt KOIII'~ pract ieal rt-<·otwitlnU t~f lu!4 twrdn·~ h.r \\ fi) of n I.(• Jill"~ nr otht•f\\ 1~ ••
~. Tilt' C uiUrtli"'sion ncljuurru~l ~;m dif nt noon,