PART-B (16 Marks) UNIT I 1. With reference to metal casting, explain the following types of patterns, with suitable sketches of examples (i) Solid pattern these types of patterns are made of single solid pieces without joints, partings or loose piece. It is made exactly into the desired casting to be produced with some allowances ii) Split pattern Split pattern is made into two pieces. One part is used to produce the lower half of the mould whereas the other part is used to produce the upper half of the mould. Two parts are assembled together in correct position by pins called dowel pin. (iii) Loose piece pattern It is frequently the case that parts of the pattern will overhang so that the pattern cannot be removed from the sand in any direction, even if parted. In such cases the overhanging parts are fastened loosely to the main part of the pattern bywiresor woodenpins. (iv) Sweep pattern A sweep is a section or board (wooden) of proper contour that is rotated about one edge to shape mould cavities having shapes of rotational symmetry. This type of pattern is used when a casting of large size is to be produced in a short time. Large kettles of C.I. are made by sweep patterns. 2. Explain the CO2 process of core making. State its advantages and applications. Carbon Dioxide Moulding This sand is mixed with 3 to 5 % sodium silicate liquid base binder in muller for 3 to 4 minutes. Additives such as coal powder, wood flour sea coal, 2extrin may be added to improve its properties. Aluminium oxide Kaolin clay may also added to the sand. Patterns used in this method may be coated with Zinc of 0.05 mm to 0.13 mm and then spraying a layer of aluminium or brass of about 0.25 mm thickness for good surface finish and good results. Advantages Operation is speedy since we can use the mould and cores immediately after processing. Heavy and rush orders. Floor space requirement is less. Semi skilled labour may be used. 3. With suitable sketches, explain the various steps of investment casting Process. What are its advantages? Investment Casting Investment casting produces very high surface quality and dimensional accuracy. Investment casting is commonly used for precision equipment such as surgical equipment, for complex geometries and for precious metals. This process is commonly used by artisans to produce highly detailed artwork. WAX The first step is to produce a pattern SPUR or replica of the finished mould. Wax is most commonly used to form the pattern, although plastic WAX is also used. PATTERN Patterns are typically mass-produced by injecting liquid or semi-liquid wax into a permanent die. Prototypes, small production runs and specialty projects can also be undertaken by carving wax models. Cores are typically unnecessary but can be used for complex internal structures. Rapid prototyping techniques have been developed to produce expendable patterns. Several replicas are often attached to a gating system constructed of the same material to form a tree assembly. In this way multiple castings can be produced in a single pouring. HEAT WAX Advantages Parts of great complexity and intricacy can be cast Close dimensional control and good surface finish Wax can usually be recovered for reuse Additional machining is not normally required – this is a net shape process Disadvantages Many processing steps are required Relatively expensive process 4. Sketch the various sand casting defects. Give their cause and remedies? There are numerous opportunities in the casting operation for different defects to appear in the cast product. Some of them are common to all casting processes. Missruns: Casting solidifies before completely fill the mold. Reasons are low pouring temperature, slow pouring or thin cross section of casting. Cold shut: Two portions flow together but without fusion between them. Causes are similar to those of a misrun. Cold shots: When splattering occurs during pouring, solid globules of metal are entrapped in the casting. Proper gating system designs could avoid this defect. Shrinkage cavity: Voids resulting from shrinkage. The problem can often be solved by proper riser design but may require some changes in the part design as well. Microporosity: Network of small voids distributed throughout the casting. The defect occurs more often in alloys, because of the manner they solidify Hot tearing: Cracks caused by low mold collapsibility. They occur when the material is restrained from contraction during solidification. A proper mold design can solve the problem. Some defects are typical only for some particular casting processes, for instance, many defects occur in sand casting as a result of interaction between the sand mold and the molten metal. Defect found primarily in sand casting are gas cavities, rough surface areas, shift of the two halves of the mold, or shift of the core, etc. 5. List out various pattern allowances. Explain them in detail. To compensate for any dimensional and structural changes which will happen during the casting or patterning process, allowances are usually made in the pattern. Contraction allowances / Shrinkage allowance The pattern needs to incorporate suitable allowances for shrinkage; these are called contraction allowances, and their exact values depend on the alloy being cast and the exact sand casting method being used. Some alloys will have overall linear shrinkage of up to 2.5%, whereas other alloys may actually experience no shrinkage or a slight “positive” shrinkage or increase in size in the casting process (notably type metal and certain cast irons). The shrinkage amount is also dependent on the sand casting process employed, for example clay-bonded sand, chemical bonded sands, or other bonding materials used within the sand. This was traditionally accounted for using a shrink rule, which is an oversized rule. Draft allowance When the pattern is to be removed from the sand mold, there is a possibility that any leading edges may break off, or get damaged in the process. To avoid this, a taper is provided on the pattern, so as to facilitate easy removal of the pattern from the mold, and hence reduce damage to edges. The taper angle provided is called the Draft angle. The value of the draft angle depends upon the complexity of the pattern, the type of molding (hand molding or machine molding), height of the surface, etc. Draft provided on the casting 1 to 3 degrees on external surface. Finishing or Machining allowance The surface finish obtained in sand castings is generally poor (dimensionally inaccurate), and hence in many cases, the cast product is subjected to machining processes like turning or grinding in order to improve the surface finish. During machining processes, some metal is removed from the piece. To compensate for this, a machining allowance (additional material) should be given in the casting. Shake allowance Usually during removal of the pattern from the mold cavity, the pattern is rapped all around the faces, in order to facilitate easy removal. In this process, the final cavity is enlarged. To compensate for this, the pattern dimensions need to be reduced. There are no standard values for this allowance, as it is heavily dependent on the personnel. This allowance is a negative allowance, and a common way of going around this allowance is to increase the draft allowance.Shaking of pattern causes enlargement of mould cavity and results in a bigger casting. Distortion allowance During cooling of the mold, stresses developed in the solid metal may induce distortions in the cast. This is more evident when the mold is thinner in width as compared to its length. This can be eliminated by initially distorting the pattern in the opposite direction. 6. Discuss any four sand testing methods. Moisture content test Clay content test. Permeability test Strength test Deformation and toughness test Hot strength test Refractoriness test 7. Explain the properties of moulding sands. Molding sands Molding sands, also known as foundry sands, are defined by eight characteristics: refractoriness, chemical inertness, permeability, surface finish, cohesiveness, flowability, collapsibility, and availability/cost. Refractoriness: This refers to the sand’s ability to withstand the temperature of the liquid metal being cast without breaking down. For example some sands only need to withstand 650 °C (1,202 °F) if casting aluminum alloys, whereas steel needs a sand that will withstand 1,500 °C (2,730 °F). Sand with too low a refractoriness will melt and fuse to the casting. Chemical inertness: The sand must not react with the metal being cast. This is especially important with highly reactive metals, such asmagnesium and titanium. Permeability: This refers to the sand’s ability to exhaust gases. This is important because during the pouring process many gases are produced, such as hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and steam, which must leave the mold otherwise casting defects, such as blow holes and gas holes, occur in the casting. Note that for each cubic centimeter (cc) of water added to the mold 16,000 cc of steam is produced. Surface finish: The size and shape of the sand particles defines the best surface finish achievable, with finer particles producing a better finish. However, as the particles become finer (and surface finish improves) the permeability becomes worse. Cohesiveness (or bond): This is the ability of the sand to retain a given shape after the pattern is removed. Flowability: The ability for the sand to flow into intricate details and tight corners without special processes or equipment. Collapsibility: This is the ability of the sand to be easily stripped off the casting after it has solidified. Sands with poor collapsibility will adhere strongly to the casting. When casting metals that contract a lot during cooling or with long freezing temperature ranges a sand with poor collapsibility will cause cracking and hot tears in the casting. Special additives can be used to improve collapsibility. 8. What is core? Describe the different types of core used. Green-sand cores Green-sand cores makes casting long narrow features difficult or impossible. Even for long features that can be cast it still leave much material to be machined. A typical application is a through hole in a casting. Dry sand core Horizontal core Vertical core Balanced core Hanging core 9. Shell moulding process, product and applications. Steps in shell-molding: Shell-mold casting yields better surface quality and tolerances. The process is described as follows The made 2-piece of pattern metal is (e.g. aluminum or steel), it is heated to between 175°C370°C, and coated with a lubricant, e.g. silicone spray. Each heated half-pattern is covered with a mixture of sand and a thermoset resin/epoxy binder. The binder glues a layer of sand to the pattern, forming a shell. The process may be repeated to get a thicker shell. The assembly is baked to cure it. The patterns are removed, and the two halfshells joined together to form the mold; metal is poured into the mold. When the metal solidifies, the shell is broken to get the part. Smoother cavity surface permits easier flow of molten metal and better surface finish on casting. Good dimensional accuracy. Machining often not required. Mold collapsibility usually avoids cracks in casting. 10. Describe the operation of cupola furnace for melting cast iron? Cupola Furnace A continuous flow of iron emerges from the bottom of the furnace. Depending on the size of the furnace, the flow rate can be as high as 100 tonnes per hour. At the metal melts it is refined to some extent, which removes contaminants. This makes this process more suitable than electric furnaces for dirty charges. 11. How is green sand mould prepared? Diagram Procedure 12. Give the sequence of steps in die casting of a part in hot chamber process. Diagram procedure 13. Explain in detail the working principle of centrifugal casting. Centrifugal casting Centrifugal casting uses a permanent mold that is rotated about its axis at a speed between 300 to 3000 rpm as the molten metal is poured c e n trifugal forces cause the metal to be pushed out towards the mold walls, where it solidifies after cooling. Centrifugal casting has greater reliability than static castings. They are relatively free from gas and shrinkage porosity. Surface treatments such as case carburizing, flame hardening and have to be used when a wear resistant surface must be combined with a hard tough exterior surface One such application is bimetallic pipe consisting of two separate concentric layers of different alloys/metals bonded together UNIT II 1. Sketch the overall setup of submerged welding process and explain the working principle. Submerged arc welding (SAW) is a common arc welding process. The first patent on the submerged-arc welding (SAW) process was taken out in 1935 and covered an electric arc beneath a bed of granulated flux. the process requires a continuously fed consumable solid or tubular (metal cored) electrode.[1] The molten weld and the arc zone are protected from atmospheric contamination by being "submerged" under a blanket of granular fusible flux consisting of lime, silica, manganese oxide, calcium fluoride, and other compounds. When molten, the flux becomes conductive, and provides a current path between the electrode and the work. This thick layer of flux completely covers the molten metal thus preventing spatter and sparks as well as suppressing the intense ultraviolet radiation and fumes that are a part of the shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) process. 2. Sketch the three types flames in oxy acetylene welding and state their characteristics. Neutral Excess Acetylene (or ”carburizing”) Oxidizing (or ”excess oxygen” ) The type of flame produced depends upon the ratio of oxygen to acetylene in the gas mixture which leaves thetorch tip. The neutral flame (Fig. 4-1) is produced when the ratio of oxygen to acetylene, in the mixture leaving the torch, isalmost exactly one-to-one. It’s termed ”neutral” because it will usually have no chemical effect on the metal beingwelded. It will not oxidize the weld metal; it will not cause an increase in the carbon content of the weld metal. The excess acetylene flame (Fig. 4-2), as its name implies, is created when the proportion of acetylene in themixture is higher than that required to produce the neutral flame. Used on steel, it will cause an increase in thecarbon content of the weld metal. The oxidizing flame (Fig. 4-3) results from burning a mixture which contains more oxygen than required for aneutral flame. It will oxidize or ”burn” some of the metal being welded. 3. Explain plasma arc welding process with neat sketch and explain its advantages. Construction Working principle Advantage applications 4. Sketch the different types of weld defects and mention how they occur? 5. Explain TIG and MIG welding processes with a neat sketch. Electric arc produced between consumable electrode and work piece. Argon or helium gas is used. 100 A to 400 A. Electrode is fed continuously. No flux is used. High speed welding. 6. Explain resistance spot welding with sketch. It is used for making lab joint. Not continuous welding .025 mm to 1.25 mm thickness metal sheet can be easily weld. Max 12 mm thickness. Metal pieces placed between copper electrodes. After heating 2 KN pressure is applied on joints. Electrodes are cooled with water to avoid over heating. 7. Describe electron beam welding process with neat sketch. Electron beam is used to weld work piece. Electricall y heated (vacuum) tungsten will emit electron. Electron is passes through anode hole and focused by focusing lens. Focused electron beam strikes the work piece. Kinetic energy of electron beam is converted into heat energy. Beam dia 0.25 mm to 1 mm. focusing length 40mm for Al 30mm for steel. 8. Describe with neat sketch the components of oxy acetylene gas welding equipment. Construction Working principle Advantage applications 9. Describe with neat sketches, various steps in friction welding. Construction Working principle Advantage applications 10. Describe with a neat sketch the principle of percussion welding. Construction Working principle Advantage applications 11. LASER welding process. Light energy is converted into heat energy By exposing ruby crystal in intense light flash LASER beam can be produced. LASER beam is focused by focusing lens to the work piece in the form of coherent monochromatic light. Heat is generated when LASER hits the work piece, which sufficient to melt the work piece. . . UNIT III 1. What is smith forging operation? With neat sketches, explain upsetting bending & swaging operations. 2. Distinguish between forging hammers and forging presses. Explain the working of drop hammer with neat sketch. 3. Compare the differences between hot and cold extrusion processes. Heated billet metal is placed in a press. The heated billet is pushed by the ram and with the application of ram pressure the metal plastically forced through the die and cut at the die face. Working material placed between die and ram. Sudden impact is given to the ram, the metal flows plastically in the upward direction. 4. Explain different types of rolling mills. It has two rolls. Both rolls are rotate in a constant direction about the horizontal axis. This process reduce the diameter of the stock and increase its length. It has three rolls which are rotate in a constant direction. The upper and lower mills are drive rolls and middle roll is rotates by friction. It is used in reversing mills for the rolling of hot and cold rolling of sheets. To avoid the bending of work rolls due to low strength and rigidity. The large diameter back up rolls are installed. The work rolls are supported by back up rolls. The work rolls are driven by driving rolls. 5. Explain briefly the wire drawing process. The diameter less than 16 mm has drawn in the form of wire coil. Point of the wire is sized is it is freely enter into die. That seized point is fixed on the pliers which pulls the rod through all the zones of die orifice. 6. What is shape rolling? Mention the products of shape rolling and explain production of any one of the product with sketches. 7. Thread rolling process. Both dies has the thread profile in its internal diameter. During rolling process thread profile is projected on the work piece surface. UNIT IV 1. Describe metal spinning process with a neat sketch and state its advantages and specific uses Shaping thin sheets by pressing them against a form with a blunt tool to force the material into a desired form 2. Explain hydro forming process with neat sketches. Make a brief comparison of this process with conventional deep drawing. 3. Sketch and explain the following explosive forming methods: (a) Confined system (b) Un confined system Explosive energy used s metal forming Sheet-metal blank is clamped over a die Assembly is immersed in a tank with water Rapid conversion of explosive charge into gas generates a shock wave .the pressure of this wave is sufficient to form sheet metals 4. Distinguish between blanking and punching operations .sketch and explain the elastic phase , plastic phase and fracture phase that takes place in blanking operation. 5. Briefly explain what are compound dies and progressive dies, with suitable sketches. 6. Explain the three bending methods with suitable sketches. 7. Write short notes on (b) Magnetic pulse forming (c) Super plastic forming 8. Describe the shearing and bending operations with suitable examples. Plastic Deformation: the blade being to undergo elastic deformation Shear: The begin to penetrate which produces shear of work. Fracture: fracture line originating from the point of blade and cause separation. Sheet metal allowed to passes through the roller. By adjusting the position of roller metal sheet can bend to required radius. 9. Explain with a sketch the principle of stretch forming. Metal sheet is placed in carriage by using gripping jaw. Form die having the required external profile is fixed on ram. By moving ram upward metal sheet is deformed to required shape. 10. Bending using wiping die. The plastic deformation of metals about a linear axis with little or no change in the surface area. The purpose of bending is to form sheet metal along a straight line UNIT V 1. Briefly explain the following methods of bonding of thermoplastics (i) Fusion bonding (ii) Vibration welding (iii) Solvent bonding (iv) Induction welding 2. Describe the following plastic processing methods, with help of neat sketches (i) Blow moulding used to make thermoplastic bottles and hollow sections. Starting material is a roundheated solid-bottom hollow tube – perform.Perform inserted into two die halves and air is blown inside to complete the process Melting the resin- done in extruder. Form the molten resin into a cylinder or tube (this tube is called parison). The parison is placed inside a mold, and inflated so that the plastic is pushed outward against the cavity wall. The part is allowed to cool in the mold and is then ejected. The part is trimmed. (ii) Compression moulding The process of molding a material in a confined shape by applying pressure and usuallyheat. Almost exclusively for thermoset materials Used to produce mainly electrical products Thermoset granules are “compressed” in a heated mold to shape required. Examples: plugs, pot handles, dishware 3. Explain injection moulding process with a neat sketch? Used to form hollow seamless products such as bins. Molten charge is rotated in a mold in two perpendicular axes simultaneously, or rotated while tilting. Most widely used process.Suitable for high production of thermoplastics. Charge fed from a hopper is heated in a barrel and forced under high pressure into a mold cavity. Several types. Variety of parts can be made. 4. Explain thermoforming process. Sheet material heated to working temperature then formed into desired shape by vacuumsuction or pressure. Suitable for large items such as bath tubs. 5. Explain transfer moulding process. A process of forming articles by fusing a plastic material in a chamber then forcing thewhole mass into a hot mold to solidify. Used to make products such as electrical wall receptacles and circuit breakers. Similar to compression molding except thermosetting charge is forced into a heated moldcavity using a ram or plunger. 6. Compression moulding process. The process of molding a material in a confined shape by applying pressure and usuallyheat. Almost exclusively for thermoset materials. Used to produce mainly electrical products. Thermoset granules are “compressed” in a heated mold to shape required. Examples: plugs, pot handles, dishware. 7. Extrusion process. Extrusion is the process of squeezing metal in a closed cavity through a tool, known as adie using either a mechanical or hydraulic press.Similar to injection molding except long uniform sections are produced –e.g. pipes, rods,profiles. Extrusion often minimizes the need for secondary machining,and as a result could result infinancial savings. However extruded objects are not of the same dimensional accuracy or surfacefinish as machined parts.