ISSN:2229-6093 S K Raffi et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 7 (1),152-161 HARMONICS REDUCTION BY MULTICARRIER PWM TECHNIQUES FOR CASCADED H-BRIDGE INVERTER SK.RAFFI Asst.Professor Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, VNITSW, GUNTUR R.SRIKANTH Asst.Professor Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, VNITSW, GUNTUR Abstract The power electronics device which converts DC power to AC power at required output voltage and frequency level is known as inverter. Inverts can be broadly classified into single level inverter and multilevel inverter. The conventional two level inverter is poor due to the presence of harmonics and hence produces power loss which reduces the efficiency of the system. The multilevel inverter is used to improve the voltage quality by reducing the harmonics, as the number of voltage levels of multilevel inverter is increased the harmonics are reduced and hence losses are minimized significantly. A multi-stage inverter is being utilized for multipurpose applications, such as active power filters, static VAR compensators and machine drives for sinusoidal and trapezoidal current applications. In this paper comparison of multicarrier PWM techniques for 5, 7, 9 and11 level cascaded H-bridge inverters are simulated using simulink. The simulation results show that 7-level inverter with phase opposition disposition technique provides low total harmonic distortion. IJCTA | Jan-Feb 2016 Available Keywords: Multilevel inverter, multicarrier PWM, Phase shifted modulation, Total harmonic distortion (THD). I.INTRODUCTION Dc to Ac converters are known as inverters. The function of an inverter is to change a dc input voltage to a symmetric ac output voltage of desired magnitude and frequency. The output voltage could be fixed or variable at a fixed or variable frequency. A variable output voltage can be obtained by varying the input dc voltage and maintaining the gain of the inverter constant. On the other hand, if the dc input voltage is fixed and it is not controllable, a variable input voltage can be obtained by varying the gain of the inverter which is normally accomplished by pulse width modulation (PWM) control within the inverter. The inverter gain may be defined as the ratio of ac output voltage to dc input voltage. The output voltage waveform of ideal inverter should be sinusoidal. However, the waveform of practical inverter is non sinusoidal and contain certain harmonics. For high-power applications, low distorted sinusoidal waveforms are required. With the availability of high speed power 152 ISSN:2229-6093 S K Raffi et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 7 (1),152-161 semiconductor devices, the harmonic content of the output voltage can be minimized or reduced significantly by switching techniques. Three phase inverters are normally used for high-power applications. Three single-phase half (or full)-bridge inverters can be connected in parallel as shown in figure to form the configuration of a three-phase inverter. The gating signals of single-phase inverters should be advanced or delayed by 1200 with respect to each other to obtain three-phase balanced (fundamental) voltages. A three-phase output can be obtained from a configuration of six transistors and six diodes as shown in figure 1. Two types of control signals can be applied to the transistors: 1800 conduction or 1200 conduction. The 1800 conduction has better utilization of the switches and is the preferred method. approximate to the sinusoidal waveform. Multilevel inverters are the modification of basic bridge inverters. They are normally connected in series to form stack of levels. A multilevel inverter can be defined as a device that is capable to produce a stepped waveform. The generalized stepped waveform is shown in figure 2. When designing a multilevel inverter, the most important feature or key issue is to ensure that the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the output voltage is small enough to produce an effective multilevel inverter. There are standards prescribed for inverter output voltage THD and their magnitudes. The value of the output harmonics must Fig: 2 Waveform of multilevel inverter Fig: 1 three phase bridge inverter II. MULTILEVEL CONCEPT Recent advances in Power Electronics have made the multilevel concept practical. The generalized idea of a multilevel inverter is to utilize the active semiconductor to produce power conversion in small voltage steps that is IJCTA | Jan-Feb 2016 Available always be below the threshold value. The lower-order harmonics are difficult to filter due to the filter size and filter order. The lower-order harmonics are the most troublesome harmonic because they can cause serious distortion in the output voltage. 153 ISSN:2229-6093 S K Raffi et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 7 (1),152-161 Cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter The common topologies of the multilevel inverter are diode clamped multilevel inverter (DCMI), flying capacitor multilevel inverter (FCMI) and cascaded h-bridge multilevel inverter (CHMI) or modular structured multilevel inverter (MSMI). The CHMI is unique because of its modular properties which consist of a series of H-bridge inverters with separated DC sources. The DC source can be any kind of DC supply such as batteries, fuel cells, solar cells, etc. Generally, CHMI operates to produce or synthesize the required output voltage from the separate DC sources. Figure 3.shows the CHMI with nth level of H-bridge with nth number of DC sources. Each of the H-bridge consists of a DC source with a combination of four switches mainly S1, S2, S3 and S4. Each of the H-bridge will be able to produce three different quasi waveform output which is +VDC, 0, -VDC depending on the switching state. Each of the switching always conducts for 180oor half-cycle regardless of the pulse width of the quasi-square wave so that this method will result in the equalization of the current stress in each of the components .When each of the H-bridge is active in certain amount of time at a different start up angle, the output of the multilevel inverter will be the sum of the DC source across the multilevel inverter as follows: Va-n=Va1+Va2+Va3+..............+Van The number of steps of the output voltage mostly depends on the number of DC sources which is where IJCTA | Jan-Feb 2016 Available Fig: 3 Single-phase structure of a CHMI m =number of steps of the output voltage n= number of the DC sources10 For example, if there are five DC sources then the steps of the Output voltage will be eleven. Figure 2 shows the quasi output waveform of a multilevel inverter with eleven numbers of steps. As shown in Figure 2. the output waveform is almost Sinusoidal. With appropriate amount of levels and switching algorithm, the result or output voltage will be almost sinusoidal.cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter is considered as the main topology. 154 ISSN:2229-6093 S K Raffi et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 7 (1),152-161 III.MULTICARRIER PWM Multicarrier PWM method is based on a comparison of a sinusoidal reference waveform, with vertically shifted carrier signals. This method uses N-1 level carrier signals to generate the N-level inverter output voltage. In multilevel inverter, the frequency modulation index, mf and the amplitude modulation index, mi are defined as both carrier waveforms. 3. The converter is switched to zero when the reference is greater than the lower carrier waveform but less than the upper carrier waveform. 4. The converter is switched to 2Vdc when the reference is less than both carrier waveforms. mf =fc/fm mi =Am/ (n-1) Ac Where fc= carrier signal frequency, fm= reference signal frequency, Ac= carrier signal amplitude, Am= reference signal amplitude. The multicarrier PWM method can be divided into few strategies. • Phase disposition (PD-PWM) -All carrier signals are in phase. • Phase Opposition Disposition (PODPWM) - All carrier signals about zero reference is in phase and 1800 out of phase with those below zero • Alternative Phase Opposition Disposition (APOD-PWM) -Every carrier signal is out of phase with its neighbour carrier by 1800. • Phase Shifted Carrier (PSC-PWM) A.PHASE DISPOSITION (PD) There in, the a-phase modulation signal is compared with two triangle waveforms. The rules for the in phase disposition method, when the number of level N = 5, are 1. The N –1 = 5-1= 4 carrier waveforms are arranged so that every carrier is in phase. 2. The converter is switched to +Vdc when the reference is greater than IJCTA | Jan-Feb 2016 Available Fig: 4 Phase disposition B. PHASE PPOSITION DISPOSITION (POD) For phase opposition disposition (POD) modulation all carrier waveforms above zero reference are in phase and are 180° out of phase with those below zero. The rules for the phase opposition disposition method, when the number of level N = 5 1. The N –1 = 4 carrier waveforms are arranged so that all carrier waveforms above zero are in phase and are 180 out of phase with those below zero 2. The converter is switched to + Vdc when the reference is greater than both carrier waveforms. 3. The converter is switched to zero when the reference is greater than the lower carrier waveform but less than the upper carrier waveform.4. The converter is switched to +2Vdc when the reference is less than both carrier waveforms.5. When the modulation s ignal is greater than both the carrier waveforms, S1 and S2 are turned on and the converter switches to positive node 155 ISSN:2229-6093 S K Raffi et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 7 (1),152-161 voltage and when the reference is less than the upper carrier waveform but greater than the lower carrier, S2and S1 are turned on and the converter switches to neutral point. When the reference is lower than both carrier waveforms, S1an and S2an are turned on and the converter switches to negative node voltage. converter switches to –1 Vdc when the reference is greater than the lowermost. 6. Carrier waveform and lesser than all other carriers.The converter switches to 2Vdc when the reference is lesser than the entire carrier waveforms. Switching pattern produced using the APOD carrier-based PWM scheme for a fivelevel inverter: Four triangles and the modulation signal Fig: 5 phase opposition disposition (POD) C.ALTERNATE PHASE OPPOSITION DISPOSITION (APOD) In case of alternate phase disposition (APOD) modulation, every carrier waveform is in out of phase with its neighbor carrier by 1800. Since APOD and POD schemes in case of five-level inverter are the same, a five level inverter is considered to discuss about theAPOD scheme. The rules for APOD method, when the number of level N = 5, are 1. The N –1 = 4 carrier waveforms are arranged so that every carrier waveform is in out of phase with its carrier by 180. The converter switches to +I Vdc when the reference is greater than all the carrier waveforms. 2. The converter switches to 2 Vdc when the reference is less than the uppermost carrier waveform and greater than all other carriers. 3. The converter switches to 0 when the reference is less than the two uppermost carriers 4. Waveform and greatest than lowermost carrier. 5. The IJCTA | Jan-Feb 2016 Available Fig: 6 alternative phase opposition disposition (APOD) 5.8 phase shifted PWM (PSPWM) In PSPWM all the triangular carriers have the same frequency and same peakpeak amplitude. But there is a phase shift between any two adjacent carrier waves. For m voltage levels (m-1) carrier signals are required and they are phase shifted with an angle of . The gate signals are generated with proper comparison of carrier wave and modulating signals. 156 ISSN:2229-6093 S K Raffi et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 7 (1),152-161 Fig: 7 .Phase shifted PWM(PSPWM) IV. 5-LEVEL INVERTER Fig:8 show the connection diagram of single phase 5-level cascaded multi level inverter. It consists of two Hbridges, each of H-bridge unit has its own dc sources and each H-bridge can produce three different voltage levels: +V, 0, connecting the dc source to ac output side by different combinations of the four switches S1,S2,S3,S4 of one Hbridge and S5,S6,S7,andS8 of other Hbridge.the ac output voltage of each Hbridge is connected in series such that the synthesized output voltage waveform is the sum of all of the individual Hbridges outputs. There are many possible switch combinations to generate the five-level output voltage.table.1 lists a possible combination of the voltage levels and their corresponding switching states. Fig: 8 five level cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter Using such a switch combination requires each device to be switched only once per cycle. It can be noticed from the table.1 that the switching devices have unequal turn on time. V0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S1’ S2’ S3’ S4’ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -V 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2V V 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2V Table: 1 switching states of five level cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter IJCTA | Jan-Feb 2016 Available 157 ISSN:2229-6093 S K Raffi et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 7 (1),152-161 V. 7-LEVEL INVERTER Fig:9 show the connection diagram of single-phase 7-level cascaded inverter. It consists of three H-bridges, each of Hbridge circuit has its own dc sources and each H-bridge can produce three different voltage levels .By connecting the dc sources to ac output side by different combinations of the four switches similar to 5-level as above. Here are many possible switch combinations to generate the seven-level output voltage.table.2 lists a possible combination of the voltage levels and their corresponding switching states. Using such a switch combination requires each device to be switched only once per cycle. It can be noticed from the table.1 that the switching devices have unequal turn on time. Fig: 9 7-level cascaded-bridge multilevel inverter IJCTA | Jan-Feb 2016 Available 158 ISSN:2229-6093 S K Raffi et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 7 (1),152-161 VI. SIMULATION AND RESULTS 5-level inverter with Multicarrier PWM techniques (with fc=1 kHz A.PSPWM (Phase Shifted Carrier) Method Fig: 12 Phase voltage waveform of 5-level inverter with PD-PWM Fig: 10 Phase voltage waveform of 5-level inverter with PS-PWM Fig: 13 FFT Analysis C.5-level CHB multilevel invert with POD-PWM Fig: 11 FFT Analysis B.5-level CHB multilevel invert with Phase disposition PWM IJCTA | Jan-Feb 2016 Available Fig: 14 Phase voltage waveform of 5-level inverter with POD-PWM 159 ISSN:2229-6093 S K Raffi et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 7 (1),152-161 7-LEVEL INVERTER WITH POD PWM Fig: 15 FFT Analysis D.5-level CHB multilevel invert with APOD-PWM Fig: 18 Phase voltage waveform of 7-level inverter with POD-PWM Fig: 16 Phase voltage waveform of 5-level inverter with APOD-PWM Fig: 20 FFT Analysis Fig: 17 FFT Analysis IJCTA | Jan-Feb 2016 Available 160 ISSN:2229-6093 S K Raffi et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 7 (1),152-161 REFERENCES VII.COMPARISIONS THD(%) COMPARISION OF MULTI CARRIER BASED PWM TECHNIQUES PWM 5-LEVEL 7-LEVEL PS 31.58 23.07 PD 30.95 22.86 POD 30.63 20.30 APOD 30.50 21.95 Table 2. THD (%) Comparison VIII.CONCLUSION In this paper 5 and 7 cascaded H-bridge multi level inverters are simulated using MATLAB/simulink software. Multicarrier based sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) scheme is used for controlling the output voltage and THD value by controlling amplitude of modulating wave and carrier frequency respectively. This simulation results shows that the 7-level with Phase Opposition Disposition (POD) gives better THD i.e 20.30% compared to 5 levels.This level change gives reduced THD values and good quality output voltage with reduced harmonics. 1. “Optimum harmonic reduction with a wide range of modulation indexes for multilevel Converters” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 875–881. 2. “A power-equalized harmonic elimination scheme for utility connected cascaded H-bridge multilevel converters”, in Proc.IEEE Ind. Electron. Soc. Annu. Conf, pp. 1185–1190. 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