Notes: Pile Schedule Tree protection zone. Pile No. Capacity Cut Off Level 8560 Proposed gate piers to be supported on concrete slab. 650 150kN 74.775 2 150kN 74.775 3 150kN 74.775 4 150kN 74.775 5 150kN 74.775 6 150kN 74.775 7 150kN 74.775 8 150kN 74.775 500 500 500 SSL=74.950 100mm high concrete kerb with gaps for outlets @ 1m centres. 2494 2494 1950 500 100 500 100 350 100 B 650 1 2494 1. Do not scale from this drawing. 2. All dimensions are in mm unless otherwise specified. 3. In case of any discrepancies in drawings or details refer to engineer for clarification. Unilateral decisions by the contractor will not be accepted. 4. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all related Architects, Consultants & Sub-Contractors drawings and specifications. 5. The Contractor is to ensure that all design drawings and information are read concurrently and any discrepancies or omissions reported directly to Aventus Design. 6. This Drawing to be read in conjunction with foundation construction details. 7. All dimensions are based on Architects Layout Drawings and shown to centre lines of foundations. 8. Refer to Concrete Specification for mix designs. 9. All piles to be in accordance with the Engineers Specification - Max working Load = 150kN. 10. Piles shall be designed by the piling specialist, for the Engineers approval. Refer to to Site Investigation Report for design parameters. 500 11. Pile design length shall not be altered on site without the Engineers approval. SSL=75.000 13. All piles shall be constructed within a location tolerance of +/- 75mm on plan. 4355 SSL=74.950 A 500 2185 2355.5 500 16. This drawing to be read in conjunction with pile specification. 650 100 17. Refer to soils report by ????. REF: ??? dated ??? to confirm soil conditions. Any differing conditions shall be reported to the Engineer for his instructions. Proposed gate piers to be supported on concrete slab. 500 700 SSL=74.950 15. Pile design details & calcs to be submitted to Engineer 14 days prior to piling for comments. SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC AND FIRE APPLIANCE ETC. 1950 100mm high concrete kerb with gaps for outlets @ 1m centres. 14. Top 3m of pile shall be ignored in design. 500 300 2355.5 250mm to 300mm thick Piled RC Slab on 60mm thk Clayboard void former - wrapped in polythenene and saturated after slab has cured to provide 50mm void. 2355.5 NOTE: CONCRETE SLAB DESIGNED FOR LIVE 500 3900 A 12. Maximum pile diameter to be 300mm. SSL=74.950 B 650 Tree protection zone. Reinforced Structural Concrete. C32/40 Max. water/cement ratio = 0.55 Slump = 75mm 8000 Slab Plan Sulphates have been determined as class DS-? for design purposes in accordance with BRE Special Digest 1 (2001). Buried Concrete to be in accordance with ACEC Site Class AC-?. Scale 1:25 NOTE: BOTTOM OF SLAB TO BE LEVEL. TOP OF SLAB TO SLOPE 1:40 TOWARDS EDGES. IN NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD EXCAVATIONS BE LEFT OPEN OVERNIGHT OR FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME. Proposed gate piers to be supported on concrete slab. 3900 250mm thk RC Slab with 1:40 slope towards edges - See plan. SSL=75.000 SSL=75.000 Bars bent over into slab by Main Contractor 450mm minimum anchorage - (Typical.) 100 DATE - - DESCRIPTION CHK APP Aventus Design Ltd Unit 5 - Leaches Farm Business Centre Bicester Road Kingswood, Aylesbury Bucks HP18 0RF Tel: 01296 770066 Fax: 0870 7066007 - Civil & Structural Engineers Email: Web: 60 Ex. GL=74.700 60 Ex. GL=74.700 - REV. 350 SSL=74.950 100 100 60mm thk Clayboard void former wrapped in polythenene and saturated after slab has cured to provide 50mm void. 250 250 60mm thk Clayboard void former wrapped in polythenene and saturated after slab has cured to provide 50mm void. 100 250mm thk RC Slab with 1:40 slope towards edges - See plan. Boundary line. PRELIMINARY ISSUE Max. Aggregate size = 20mm 2m high close boarded timber fence with gravel board. SSL=74.950 Drawing Status Piles behind shown indicatively. Existing ground level 50mm turf layer to be removed. 500 500 Mr Amar Hyare Existing ground level 50mm turf layer to be removed. 500 Woodside 500 Horse Gate Ride Ascot, SL5 9LS Site Entrance Slab Details Section A - A Section B - B Scale 1:25 Scale 1:25 H775 - 350 - 1:25 @ A1 PP July '15 - - - -