International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 4, April‐2013 ISSN 2229‐5518 1220 A Three Phase Five Level Inverter with Coupled Inductor Using SVPWM S.Vigneshwaran, Dr.SP.Umayal Abstract— PWM are widely applied in many industrial applications that require notable performance. Lately, developments in power electronics drives and semiconductor technology have lead amendments in power electronic systems. Hence, distinct circuit configurations namely multilevel inverters have become trendy and considerable interest by researcher are given on them. Variable frequency and voltage supply to a.c drives is consistently obtained from a three-phase voltage source inverter. A number of Pulse width modulation proposals are used to obtain variable frequency and voltage supply. The most widely used PWM schemes for three-phase voltage source inverters are sinusoidal PWM and space vector PWM (SVPWM). There is an rising trend of using space vector PWM (SVPWM) because of their easier digital realization and better dc bus utilization. This project focuses on A Three phase 5-Level Inverter with coupled inductor using SVPWM . The archetypal of a three-phase a voltage source inverter is discussed based on space vector concept. Simulation results are obtained using MATLAB/ Simulink environs for value of the study. Index Terms— Multilevel Inverters, power converters, pulse width modulation, three-phase inverter, Coupled inductor. —————————— —————————— 1 INTRODUCTION S INCE their beginning, multilevel inverters (MLI) have been receiving much attention and as a result many different topologies have been proposed. The academic papers and theses focusing on MLI topologies are almost innumerable. These MLI topologies can be classified according to many criteria. This paper will focus on threephase multilevel inverters. A novel single-phase five-level inverter using coupled inductors and the common three-arm power module [1].For single-phase MLI, the most common topologies are the cascaded, diode-clamped, and capacitor clamped types [2]– [3]. There occur many other topologies [4]–[26]. In general, MLI topologies can be classified into two types: Type I and Type II. Type I uses numerous dc voltage sources and Type II uses numerous (split or clamping) dc voltage capacitors. Type I includes the conventional cascaded topologies [1]–[3], those presented in [4]–[8] and so forth. Type II includes the traditional diode-clamped, capacitor-clamped inverters, the topologies proposed in [9]–[26]. In terms of single phase multilevel inverters, the disadvantages of the two types are obvious. Type I suffers from the availability of the numerous dc voltage sources. In practice, bulky transformers either of low or medium frequency are usually necessary if a Type I inverter is elected. This is a great task to when it comes to volume, weight, and cost minimization. The problem with Type II is mainly the balancing of the dc capacitor voltages, though some MLI topologies can achieve self-balancing with certain control algorithms. A MLI with only one dc source and no split capacitors may be ———————————————— S.Vigneshwaran is currently pursuing Masters degree program in Power Electronics and Drives in Sethu Institute Of Technology, Kariyapatti, India. E-mail: Dr.SP.Umayal working as Professor and head in the department of M.E- Power Electronics And Drives at Sethu Institute Of Technology, Kariyapatti, India. E-mail: the most desirable topology but unfortunately this type of inverter has yet to be discovered. Recently, MLI with coupled inductors have drawn some researchers’ interest and a halfbridge 3-level inverter has been intended using two power switches, two diodes, and two coupled inductors [27]– [30].Whereas, as for single-phase five-level cases, two such half-bridges, i.e., six power and four coupled inductors will be needed [28], [29]. What is more, dc component exists in the inductor current in these of inverters, which is dangerous to the full use of the magnetic cores. More lately, [31] presented a single-phase inverter called a five-level-active-neutral-point clamped with coupled inductor (5L-ANPC-CI). The 5L-ANPLCI inverter uses eight power switches, and split of the dc-link capacitor is essential. Thus, the risk of unbalanced capacitor voltage exists if the inverter is not correctly modulated. Also a novel single-phase five-level inverter using coupled inductors and the common three-arm power module. With this newly emerged inverter, only one dc voltage source is needed and split of the dc voltage capacitor is also avoided, which avoids the problem of dc capacitor voltage balancing with the traditional topologies. Meanwhile, six power switches with the same voltage stress and only one set of coupled inductors are elected. Also, less inductor is needed in the inverter intended in this paper compared with the topology in [28] and [29]. Three phase voltage-fed PWM inverters are in lately times showing growing fame for multi-megawatt industrial drive applications. The main reasons for this esteem are easy sharing of large voltage between the series devices and the amendment of the harmonic quality at the output as compared to a two level inverter. In the inferior end of power, GTO devices are being replaced by MOSFET’s because of their rapid evolution in voltage and current ratings and higher switching frequency. The model of A Novel Three phase 5-Level inverter is discussed based on space vector theory for adjustable speed drives. Simulation results are obtained using MATLAB/Simulink environs for value of the study. IJSER © 2013 1221 Intern national Journal of o Scientific & En ngineering Research, Volume 4, Isssue 4, April‐201 3 ISSN 22229‐5518 2 PR ROPOSED THR REE PHASE FIVE LEVEL INVERTER Fig. 1 shows the ciircuit of the prroposed three--phase five lev vel inverrter. In Fig. 1, E is the dc-lin nk voltage and L1 and L2 are a the tw wo coupled in nductors. The mutual inducctance of the tw wo inducctors is M and d the output terminals t of th his inverter arre1 (the ssame point as the output of arm a) and 2. Obviously, th his topollogy is very simple s and ca an be constru ucted simply by addin ng two couplled inductors to a conventtional three-arrm inverrter bridge. modulation con ncepts. As tim me rises, the angle of the vector m space v vector rises, caausing the vecctor to spin w with frequency equal tto the frequ uency of the sinusoids. A three phase system defined by V Va(t), Vb(t), Vc(t) can bee represented uniquely y by a spining vector, j 2 /3 V Va (t ) Vb (t )e π (t ) / (1) Wheree , Va (t) = Vm sinωt Vb (t) = Vm sin(ωt-2π/3)) Vc (t) = Vm sin(ωt+2π/33) In spaace vector pullse width mod dulation techniique, the three phase sstationary refeerence frame voltages or each inverter ng state are charted to the complex x two phase switchin orthogon nal α-β plan ne. The maathematical trransmute for convertiing the statio onary three phase param meters to the nal plane is kn nown as the C Clark ’s transfo ormation. The orthogon referencee voltage is ssignified as a vector in thiis plane. In a three-ph hase system, th he vectorial illu ustration is acchieved by the transform mation given iin Fig. 2. Fig. 1. Propo osed Three-phas se five-level inverrter . 2.1 R Role Of Coup pled Inductorr It is, in fact, the ad doption of the coupled inducctors that mak kes ossible to outtput five-leveel voltage witth only one dc it po voltage source. So o the role of the t coupled in nductors will be yzed first. Sup ppose that th he two coupleed inductors are a analy with the same num mber of turns or o obtained by y a center-tapp ped inducctor. This resu ult is interestin ng and shows that the couplled inducctors will perfform as an add der of the two input voltagee at the n non-common--connected teerminals with h the commo onconneected termina al as the outpu ut. Actually, without w the heelp of th he coupled ind ductors, the proposed p inveerter will not be able tto output five--level voltage. 3 PR ROPOSED MODULATION O METHOD The S SVM is a classsy, averaging g algorithm which w gives 15 5% moree voltage outtput compareed to the Siinusoidal PW WM algorrithm, thereby y rising the Vdc utilization. It also reducces the T THD as well ass switching lo oss. Like Sinussoidal PWM, the t SVM is similarly a scalar contrrol. The threee-phase line-toneutrral sine wavess required for driving the 3--phase inductiion moto or can be repreesented as 120°° phase-shifted d vectors. Fo or a balanced 3-phase system, these vecto ors add to zero. Thereefore, they can be exp pressed as a single spa ace refereence vector. By controllin ng the amplitude and the t frequ uency of refe rence vectorr, the motor voltage and the t moto or frequency can be precisse. Hence, th his algorithm is know wn as the SVPW WM. An ny three time varying quan ntities, which h always sum to zero aand are spatia ally detached by b 120° can be expressed spa ace Fig. 2. Relattionship between n stationary referrence frame and α α-β reference fra ame as a functio on of applied field d. The vecttor recognition n uses a ‘0’ to signify the neegative phase voltage level and ‘1’ to represent tthe positive p phase voltage vectors (V1 an nd V6) shapee the axis of level. Siix non-zero v hexagon nal and the an ngle between aany adjacent ttwo non-zero vectors iis 60 . Two o of these statess (V0 and V7) ccorrespond to a short circuit on the o output, while the other six can be consid dered to form stationarry vectors in tthe α-β compleex plane as sh hown in Fig. 3. The eigh ht vectors are ccalled the basicc space vectorss. IJSER © 2013 p:// http F Fig. 3.Space vecctor hexagon. 1222 Intern national Journal of o Scientific & En ngineering Research, Volume 4, Isssue 4, April‐201 3 ISSN 22229‐5518 Each stationary vecctor corresponds to a particu ular fundamen ntal angullar position ass shown in Fig g. 4. An arbitra ary target outp put voltag ge vector, Vreff is formed by the summatio on of a numberr of these space vectorss within one switching peeriod, which is wn in Fig.5 fo or a target ph hasor in the firrst 60 segmeent show of thee plane. An ny space vecto or lies in the hexagon h can be b composed by time averaging of the adjacent two active sp pace vectors and a vectors. For ea ach switching period p Ts, zero v 3.2 Iden ntification off sector numbers The sixx active-vecto ors are of eq qual magnitu ude and are mutually y phase displaaced by π/3. T The general arrticulation can be repreesented by, / . , 1,2 … 6 (5) Fig. 6.Block diag gram f or SVPWM pulse generation F Fig. 4.Inverter phasor angular pos sitions in fundam mental cycle . agon can be co omposed by tim me Any sspace vector liies in the hexa averaaging of the adjacent a two active a space vectors v and zeero vecto ors. For each sw witching period d Ts, 3.3 Calc culation of s space vector duty cycle The dutty cycle calcullation is done for each trian ngular sector formed by two state vectors. The iindividual duty cycles for each secctor boundary y state vectors and the zero state vector are given n by, 1 _ _ / _ sin Fig.5. Referrence vector as a geometric sum mming up of 2 nearest sp pace vectors. _ _ geometric sum mming up can be articulated d mathematica ally the g as _0 . sin /3 /sin /3 / _ _ 1 0 2 (6) /3 (7) . ssin / sin /3 sin _ (8) (9) where, . . . (2 2) wherre, T1 is the tim me for which space s vector V1 V is selected and a T2 is the time for which w space veector V2 is sellected. The blo ock diagrram for genera ating SVM pulsses is shown in n Fig.6. SVM can c be insstigated throu ugh the followiing steps: Computation of reference e voltage and d angle (θ) 3.1 C The sspace vector, Vref is norm mally representted in compleex planee and the magn nitude as, | _ | √ _ ^2 2 tan^ 1 _ ^2 (3) ( / (4) ( Wherre, cos , sin _ _ _0 _1/ _ , _2/ _ , _0/ _ ves switching times T 0, T11 and T2 for eeach inverter This giv state forr a total switcching period, Ts. Applying g both active and zerro vectors for the time perriods given in n (6) ensures has the same m magnitude as d desired. that aveerage voltage h 3.4 Calc culation of m modulating fu unction The fourr modulating functions, m0, m1, m2 and m3, in terms of the d duty cycle for the space vecctor PWM sch heme can be expresseed as, _0= __0/2 _1= _ _ _2 _1 _3 _0 IJSER © 2013 p:// http _ _ (10) (11) (12) (13) 1223 Intern national Journal of o Scientific & En ngineering Research, Volume 4, Isssue 4, April‐201 3 ISSN 22229‐5518 3.5 In nitiation of SVPWM S pulse es The required pullses can be initiated by comparing the t ulating functiions with t he triangularr waveform. A modu symm metric seven segment s techn nique is to allternate the null n vecto or in each cycle and to con ntrary the sequ uence after ea ach null v vector. The sw witching pulsse pattern for the 3 phases in the ssix sectors ca an be initiated. A typical seven segmeent switcching sequencce for generatiing reference vector in secttor one iss shown in Fig g. 7. dt in the inv verter output substanttial decrease of the dv/d voltage. F Fig. 9. Sector selection. Fig. 7.Switching logic signals. 4 SIMULATION MODELS In orrder to verify y the validity y of the top pology with the t optim mized modula ation scheme in this papeer, the intend ded inverrter is tested with series-connected RL load. The lo oad resisttor is RL and d the load in nductor is LL. A three-pha ase inverrter with a bala anced star con nnected RL loa ad is considereed. A com mplete mathematical model of the SVPW WM is develop ped and simulated ussing MATLAB B/Simulink to investigate the t ormance of a three ph hase inverter.F Fig.8. shows the t perfo sector selection alg gorithm. Fig. 10. Output volta age of 5-level spa ace vector PWM inverter. Fig. 11. Line currrent. 7 CON NCLUSION Fig. 8.A Sector sele ection block. 4.1 S Simulation Re esults Secto or correspond ds to the location of voltage v in the t circullar locus tracced by it and d is divided in nto six sectors of 60° eaach which is shown s in Fig. 9 and line volltages are show wn in Fig g.10. Fig.11 shows s the liine current, because b of the t inducctive nature of o the load, higher h order harmonics ha ave been potable out and a the current waveform is sinusoidal in naturre. What is more, m in all theese simulation ns, the height of the sstaircase in the t output voltage v is 88 8V in five-lev vel condiition. Compared with the H-bridge inv verter, this iss a In this paper, math hematical arch hetypal of a space vector modulatted three phaase inverter iis orginated aand simulated using MA MATLAB/Simu ulink. Also Space Vecto or PWM is unique as ccompared to dal pulse widtth modulation n in many aspeects like: Sinusoid The o output voltagee is about 15% % more in casse of SVPWM as comp pared to Sin-PW WM. The current harmo onics produceed are much lless in case of M. SVPWM With th he increased output volttage, the useer can sketch the mottor control sy ystem with d decreased cu urrent rating, which h helps to deccrease inhereent conductio on loss of the voltage source inveerter. Howev ver despite aall the above mention ned advantaages that SV VPWM enjoy ys over SinPWM, SSVPWM algo orithm used in n 3-level inveerters is more complexx because off large numb ber of invertter switching states. H Hence we see tthat there is a certain trade off that exists while ussing SVPWM for inverters ffor Adjustablee speed Drive IJSER © 2013 p:// http 1224 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 4, April‐2013 ISSN 2229‐5518 Operations. Also the use of a coupled inductor is described to allow interleaved pwm switching of the upper and lower switches in an inverter leg. This increases the number of pwm output voltage levels and doubles the pwm frequency. The main advantages of this topology are: Multi-level pwm (3-level increased to 5-level) using half the power electronics of alternative schemes. The ac filter inductor can be reduced in size. The fundamental voltage drop across the inductor is also reduced as a result and more fundamental voltage reaches the load. The switch control deadtimes can be eliminated, helping to improve the quality of the pwm voltage generation and increasing the maximum potential output voltage. The coupled inductor provides excellent protection against dc-rail shoot-through conditions. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] Zixin Li, Ping Wang, Yaohua Li, and Fanqiang Gao, “A novel single phase five level inverter using coupled inductors,” IEEE Trans. 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