Clim Dyn (2015) 45:3243–3255 DOI 10.1007/s00382-015-2536-y Interdecadal change in typhoon genesis condition over the western North Pacific Yumi Choi · Kyung‑Ja Ha · Chang‑Hoi Ho · Chul Eddy Chung Received: 28 May 2014 / Accepted: 20 February 2015 / Published online: 3 March 2015 © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015 Abstract The interdecadal changes in typhoon (categories 1–3) frequency and its genesis condition over the western North Pacific during the period of 1979–2011 are investigated with consideration for discrepancies among best track datasets. To tide over data uncertainty, a detection-produced dataset is utilized as a homogeneous dataset with five available best track datasets. Typhoon experienced interdecadal changes around the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s in their genesis conditions. Even under the oceanic warm state, typhoon frequency has decreased since the mid-1990s, showing a northwestward movement of its genesis location over the main formation region. The eastward gradient of vertical wind shear is the most significant factor for the change in typhoon genesis condition in recent decades. The vertical wind shear behavior is strongly linked with zonal asymmetry of local SST. We demonstrate that a westward gradient of local SST is the most important modulator of the recent typhoon behavior through the movement of favorable genesis location. The present results indicate that the horizontal distribution, not magnitude, of local SST can be a key factor for prediction of future typhoon activity, thus contributing to natural disaster mitigation and climate change adaptation strategies. Y. Choi · K.‑J. Ha (*) Division of Earth Environmental System, Pusan National University, Busan 609‑735, Republic of Korea e-mail: C.‑H. Ho Climate Physics Laboratory, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea C. E. Chung Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Desert Research Institute, Reno, USA Keywords Typhoon frequency · Typhoon activity · Genesis condition · Vertical wind shear · Interdecadal change · SST gradient 1 Introduction The western North Pacific (WNP) is a hot spot for studying changes in tropical cyclone (TC) activity because of its massive social impact on Earth’s most populous region and because it is the most active region of TC formation. Furthermore, TC activity under warm climate has attracted much attention (Bengtsson et al. 2007; Chan 2009). A controversy was triggered by the statement in Webster et al. (2005) that the number of intense TCs can increase as the ocean surface gets warmer. Despite the significance of understanding WNP TC activity associated with climate change, uncertainty still exists regarding whether anthropogenic warming could have caused the recent changes in TC activity over and above natural variability (Knutson et al. 2010; Lee et al. 2012). The uncertainty results from both data quality issues (Landsea et al. 2006; Wu et al. 2006; Kossin et al. 2007; Song et al. 2010; Knapp and Kruk 2010; Knutson et al. 2010; Barcikowska et al. 2012) and its own distinctive characteristics with respect to atmospheric and oceanic conditions (Chan 2008). Landsea et al. (2006) raised a question whether the global TC datasets are reliable enough to determine long term trends in TC intensity or not. Agencies commonly use the Dvorak Technique (Velden et al. 2006) to estimate TC intensity. This technique is an indirect measurement of maximum sustained wind (MSW) by the use of satellite images. It may result in the discrepancies in TC intensity estimation not only because it is a subjective method, but also because the spatial resolution of satellites has 13 3244 Y. Choi et al. Table 1 Summary of available tropical cyclone best track datasets in the western North Pacific Agency JTWC RSMC HKO CMA IBTrACS Period Averaging time interval of MSW Unit of MSW 1945—present 1 min knot 1951/1977 (MSW)—present 10 min knot 1961—present 10 min knot 1949—present 2 min (assumed 10 min) m s−1 1945—present 10 min knot Multiplicative factor 0.88 – – – – The discrepancies among the datasets caused by the different averaging time interval of maximum sustained wind (MSW) are reduced by multiplying the linear multiplicative factor to unify the averaging time interval as 10 min increased (Landsea et al. 2006). Furthermore, the operational methods for estimating TC intensity have developed by various agencies in their own ways (Landsea et al. 2006; Barcikowska et al. 2012). Wu et al. (2006) argued that the different averaging period of MSW among the agencies results in the discrepancies in TC intensity estimation, particular in strong typhoon. Moreover, nonlinear relationships in TC intensities among the agencies exist according to categories (Song et al. 2010; Barcikowska et al. 2012). The influence of climate change on WNP TC activity is much more uncertain (Knutson et al. 2010), compared to the Atlantic Ocean, where great efforts are being made to establish a homogeneous best track dataset (Kossin et al. 2007; Vecchi and Knutson 2011). Thus, the discrepancies among the best track datasets should be considered to study on a long term change in the WNP TC activity (Wu et al. 2006; Song et al. 2010; Barcikowska et al. 2012; Lee et al. 2012). A trend-like behavior of WNP TC frequency is not only in disagreement across various datasets (Lee et al. 2012), but also could be a part of multi-decadal variability whose cause remains uncertain (Chan 2006, 2008; Knutson et al. 2010; Lee et al. 2012). The long-term changes in WNP TC frequency have been studied with various perspectives (Chan 2008; Yeh et al. 2010; Liu and Chan 2013; Hsu et al. 2014). Chan (2008) emphasized that intense TCs (categories 4–5) have a 16–32 years long-term variation contributed by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) on the similar time scales. They demonstrated that both thermodynamic and dynamic conditions over the southeastern part of WNP play a significant role in intense TC activity. Liu and Chan (2013) investigated the recent low TC frequency, showing a significant interdecadal variation of WNP TC activity: two active (1960–1974 and 1989–1997) and two inactive (1975–1988 and 1998–2011) periods. They focused on the recent decrease (1998–2011) in TC frequency over the southeastern part of WNP, which are related to both strong vertical wind shear and strong subtropical high. Hsu et al. (2014) recently showed a significant interdecadal change in late season (October–December) typhoon frequency mostly caused by low-level vorticity anomaly. They showed that 13 the abrupt shift of typhoon frequency could be related to the similar change in late season tropical SST. Although previous studies made efforts to understand interdecadal changes in WNP TC frequency, it can be still meaningful to reduce its uncertainty which comes from both TC data quality and different characteristics of TC activity according to the categories. Frank and Young (2007) and Zhan et al. (2011) hinted that TC behavior can be different according to its intensity. Therefore, our objective in this study is to investigate interdecadal changes in WNP TC genesis condition according to the categories and its causal linkage with environmental changes with consideration for data discrepancy. We examine how changes in oceanic and atmospheric conditions contribute to TC genesis condition in recent three decades and its possible cause. The next section describes datasets and analysis methods used in this study. Interdecadal changes in TC activity and contributions of surrounding environments to the change are explored in Sect. 3. The dominant modes of principal environmental factor and possible causes for the change are addressed in Sect. 4. The last contains our major findings and discussion. 2 Data and analysis methods 2.1 Best track datasets To obtain reliable information on changes that have occurred in TC activity, all five available WNP best track datasets were analyzed (Table 1). The best track datasets were obtained from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC), the Regional Specialized Meteorological Center (RSMC) Tokyo—Typhoon Center, Hong Kong Observatory (HKO), and the China Meteorological Administration (CMA). The International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS) best track dataset derived from the combination with the datasets from the four agencies and other collections was also used. Details in the IBTrACS can be found in Knapp et al. (2010) and Knapp and Kruk (2010). Interdecadal change in typhoon genesis condition We investigated the changes in typhoon activity from period of 1979 to 2011, which is commonly accepted as the higher quality era because of operationally used satellite data (Webster et al. 2005; Emanuel 2007) and overlaps with that of the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) reanalysis data (Rienecker et al. 2011) used to analyze atmospheric conditions. To reduce discrepancies caused by a different definition of MSW which is commonly used to represent TC intensity, MSW averaging intervals were unified to 10 min by multiplying linear factor (Atkinson 1974). We adopted an assumption which it is reasonable to define MSW averaged over 10 min rather than the 2 min for the CMA dataset, considering relatively reduced discrepancies with both the RSMC and HKO datasets, which officially use the 10-min definition (Knapp and Kruk 2010; Barcikowska et al. 2012). To investigate changes in TC activity, normalized time series of TC frequency and averaged genesis location were analyzed. The average of all the best track datasets was used to detect a significant change-point and to calculate correlation coefficients with environmental factors. TCs were classified into three categories based on the Saffir-Simpson scale (Song et al. 2010) (Fig. 1): strong typhoon (typhoon categories 4–5; more than 58.2 m s−1), typhoon (typhoon categories 1–3; 32.6–58.1 m s−1), and tropical storm (17.2–32.5 m s−1). Our TCs analysis was limited to the domain (0°–50°N, 100°E–180°). 2.2 Tropical cyclone detection method To tide over the uncertainty caused by discrepancies among the best track datasets, a detection-produced dataset was utilized as a homogeneous dataset. TCs are detected under the condition that dynamic and thermodynamic variables satisfy specific thresholds (Camargo and Zebiak 2002). We followed the TC detection method of Lee et al. (2011), which evaluated the best track data produced using a modified version of a tracking and detection method (Camargo and Zebiak 2002) utilizing the MERRA reanalysis dataset during the period 1998–2009. The MERRA dataset was verified to capture climatological-mean features of the tropical cyclone over the WNP (Lee et al. 2011; Murakami 2014). In brief, the following are required for the tropical cyclone detection and tracking algorithm: sea level pressure; relative vorticity at 850-hPa; temperature at 200, 500, 700, and 850-hPa; and atmospheric winds at 200, 850, 925hPa, and 10 m above the surface. These datasets were interpolated into 1° by 1° horizontal resolution for convenience. A period from April to November was selected for the TC detection season, considering its active period in the WNP. We selected three thresholds, 2.96 × 10−5 s−1, 3.34 m s−1, and 0.47 K, for two standard deviations of relative vorticity 3245 Fig. 1 Time series of the number of annual tropical cyclone in the western North Pacific (0°–50°N, 100°–180°E) for the period 1979– 2011. All available best track datasets, including JTWC (orange solid line), RSMC (pink solid line), HKO (red solid line), CMA (cyan solid line), and IBTrACS (green dotted line), were used. The number of annual tropical cyclones is classified into a strong typhoon (typhoon categories 4–5), b typhoon (typhoon categories 1–3), and c tropical storm based on the Saffir-Simpson Scale at 850-hPa, a sum of global average and one standard deviation of wind speed at 10 m above the surface, and one standard deviation of vertically integrated temperature at the tropical cyclone center, respectively. When a point is considered as the TC location based on the algorithm, the TC is simultaneously tracked forward and backward to produce a complete TC track. This work ensures that a storm is not counted more than once. Also, a TC has to last at least 1.5 days. The wind speed at 925-hPa is a substitute for the MSW definition based on the wind speed at 10 m above the surface in observation datasets. However, the TC intensity of the MERRA detection, which is produced by use of the MERRA reanalysis dataset, is still underestimated compared with that of other observation datasets (Fig. 2). None of the strong typhoon was detected, because of the coarse resolution and limitation of dynamic cores of the reanalysis data (Knutson et al. 2010; Lee et al. 2011). Thus, we reclassified the dataset under the consideration of the underestimation of TC intensity by reducing the criteria for the TC categorization as follows. Firstly, MSWs are sorted in descending order. Secondly, percentages of TC frequency in the three categories 13 3246 Y. Choi et al. Fig. 2 Percentage of the number of tropical cyclones classified into strong typhoon, typhoon, and tropical storm in the detection season (April–November) for the period 1979–2011. In consideration of underestimation of tropical cyclone intensity because of the limita- tions of the model resolution and dynamic core, MERRA detection, which is produced by use of MERRA reanalysis data, is reclassified as MERRA, modifying the tropical cyclone intensity criteria to have the same percentage as that of the observation mean are computed with regard to five other datasets (Fig. 2). Thirdly, criteria to categorize TCs having same percentage of each category as observation mean are calculated. Finally, the MERRA detection is reclassified into strong typhoon (more than 39.3 m s−1), typhoon (25.5– 39.3 m s−1), and tropical storm (17.2–25.5 m s−1) based on the observation mean: strong typhoon (7.6 %), typhoon (50.5 %), and tropical storm (41.9 %) (Fig. 2). The reclassified best track dataset, which is called MERRA, reveals reliable interannual and seasonal variations with various categories in the detection season (April–November) for the period 1979–2011, compared with the observational results. respectively. The MERRA has been based on a new version of the Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System (GEOS-5) to synthesize various observation data including satellite data (Rienecker et al. 2011). The MERRA has a horizontal resolution of 1.25° by 1.25° with 72 levels and is provided a period from 1979 to present. The monthly Hadley Centre Global Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature (HadISST) with the horizontal resolution of 1° by 1° was obtained from the Met Office Hadley Centre (Rayner et al. 2003). 2.3 Genesis potential index and environmental datasets 3.1 Typhoon frequency A modified version of the Emanuel–Nolan (2004) Genesis Potential Index (GPI) by Murakami and Wang (2010) was used in determining the influences of factors that are known to be the significant contributors for TC formation. The modified GPI (Murakami and Wang 2010) is defined as follows. A long term change in TC frequency should be investigated with caution because of the uncertainty caused by discrepancies among the best track datasets (Wu et al. 2006; Song et al. 2010; Barcikowska et al. 2012; Lee et al. 2012). Despite the unification of different MSW averaging intervals to 10 min, relative discrepancies still remain in the number of annual TCs among the datasets, particularly within the strong typhoon category, and between the JTWC and the others (Fig. 1). Even if nonlinear relationships of TC intensity among the agencies according to categories are considered, uncertainty remains (Song et al. 2010; Barcikowska et al. 2012). This uncertainty results from inhomogeneous input datasets for Dvorak Technique and different operational procedures to estimate the TC intensity among the agencies (Landsea et al. 2006; Wu et al. 2006; Song et al. 2010; Barcikowska et al. 2012). Typhoon category not only has more than half the total number of TCs (Fig. 2), but can also be considered the most reliable category among the datasets (Fig. 1). In addition, the TCs show different behaviors between typhoon and tropical storm categories on the interdecadal time scale (Fig. 3b, c). Frank and Young (2007) and Zhan et al. 3 3 Vpot 3 5 2 RH −2 −ω + 0.1 (1 + 0.1 Vs ) 10 η 50 70 0.1 where η is the absolute vorticity (s−1) at 850-hPa, RH is the relative humidity (%) at 700-hPa, Vpot is the potential intensity (PI) (m s−1) based on Emanuel (1995), and Vs is the magnitude of the vertical wind shear (m s−1) defined as difference between the 200- and 850-hPa horizontal winds (Murakami and Wang 2010). ω which is the vertical wind velocity (Pa s−1) at 500-hPa was added in the original version of the GPI. This modification prevents from revealing the downward motion over the positive GPI region, and vice versa. The MERRA reanalysis 3-hourly and monthly data were used for the TC detection and atmospheric data, 13 3 Interdecadal change in typhoon activity 3247 Interdecadal change in typhoon genesis condition Fig. 3 The normalized time series of sea surface temperature (SST) averaged over the main formation region (5°–20°N, 120°–180°E) and tropical cyclone frequency according to the intensity in the typhoon season July–November (JASON) for the period 1979–2011: The 9-year moving averages of a SST (red line), b typhoon frequency, and c tropical storm frequency obtained from JTWC (orange line), RSMC (pink line), HKO (red line), CMA (cyan line), IBTrACS (green line), and MERRA (blue line). Black contours and error bars denote average and standard deviation of all the datasets, respectively (2011) showed that an important factor in TC frequency can be different according to its intensity on the interannual time scale. Zhan et al. (2011) determined that the East Indian Ocean SST anomaly can be considered as modulator for interannual variability of both the total and weak TC frequency, whereas ENSO shows significant correlation with that of the intense TC. Thus, typhoon category has been mainly explored in relation to their surrounding environments. Furthermore, the peak TC season varies with each category (not shown). The main typhoon season can be considered period from July to November (JASON) because approximately 78 % of the annual typhoon occurs during the season. Thus, JASON seasonal mean will be analyzed for the rest of the current study. Underlying SST can directly influence typhoon formation thermodynamically. Figure 3a shows that the SST averaged over the main TC formation region (5°–20°N, 120°E–180°) sharply increased until the end of 1990s and then has remained steady until the early of 2010s, showing an oceanic warm state on the decadal time scale. It is noted that typhoon frequency has decreased since the mid1990s (Fig. 3b). The increase of the underlying SST supports the increase in typhoon frequency only until the early Fig. 4 The normalized time series of JASON typhoon (categories 1–3) genesis location for the period 1979–2011. The 9-year moving averages of averaged genesis location where typhoons occurred in the western North Pacific (0°–50°N, 100°–180°E) in a meridional and b zonal directions. JTWC (orange line), RSMC (pink line), HKO (red line), CMA (cyan line), IBTrACS (green line), and MERRA (blue line) were used. Black contours and error bars denote average and standard deviation of all the datasets, respectively of 1990s. Even under the warm climate, typhoon frequency has decreased on the decadal time scale, which is consistent with results in Liu and Chan (2013) and Hsu et al. (2014). It was argued that thermodynamic factors must cooperate with dynamic factors for TC development (Chan 2008, 2009). Based on the period 1979–2011, climatological JASON SST averaged over the main formation region was 29.12 °C, that is, higher than the temperature necessary for TC formation (26.5 °C) (Gray 1979). From these changes in oceanic condition and typhoon frequency, it is expected that atmospheric condition could be unfavorable for typhoon formation since the mid-1990s. Chan (2009) also pointed out that oceanic warming does not necessarily indicate intense TCs more frequently occur because oceanic condition for the main typhoon season in WNP is warm enough to develop intense TCs. The influence of environmental factors for TC formation on the change in TC frequency will be analyzed in Sect. 3.3. 3.2 Typhoon genesis location The decrease of typhoon frequency can be explained with the movement of favorable genesis location. The averaged typhoon genesis location (14.1°N, 144.7°E during the period 1979–2011) has moved northwestward since the mid-1990s (Fig. 4). This movement indicates that TCs generated in recent decades do not easily reach typhoon intensity. A particular category of TCs, representing their intensity, can be determined based on how they experience 13 3248 Y. Choi et al. Fig. 5 Spatial patterns of JASON mean genesis potential index (GPI) difference arisen from changes in environmental mean state. a GPI mean difference (1995–2011 minus 1979–1994). Shading indicates significant regions at the 95 % confidence level. Difference between two GPI spatial patterns obtained by use of mean states of all variables for the period 1979–2011 except for b absolute vorticity at 850-hPa, c relative humidity at 700-hPa, d potential intensity, e vertical wind shear, and f omega at 500-hPa for the periods both 1979–1994 and 1995–2011 their surrounding environments through their journeys. For instance, the longer their life spans over warm oceans, the more opportunity TCs have to intensify. Thus, TC genesis location is a useful indicator of potential intensification (Wang and Chan 2002; Chan 2008; Ha et al. 2012). A significant westward movement of the averaged genesis location on the decadal time scale occurred in 1994/1995 at the 95 % confidence level by using a changepoint detection method of Pettitt (1979). The decrease of typhoon frequency and the northward movement of the averaged genesis location can be also seen since the mid1990. In addition, typhoon frequency has decreased since 1994 which is consistent with change in zonal direction of genesis location. Thus, we divided the analysis period (1979–2011) into P1 (1979–1994) and P2 (1995–2011) to investigate the causal relationship between the interdecadal changes in typhoon activity and environmental conditions for formation. The mean genesis location has moved northward by 1° and westward by 4.3° from P1 [13.6°N, 146.9°E] to P2 [14.6°N, 142.6°E]. The change in the typhoon activity since the mid-2000s will be also analyzed in conjunction with the change since the mid-1990s. 3.3 Environmental states The modified GPI (Murakami and Wang 2010), which is useful in understanding typhoon formation conditions from large-scale environmental mean states, was adopted to analyze the mean state changes over the main formation region. Despite the favorable oceanic condition (Fig. 3a), the modified GPI mean difference between P1 and P2 (1995–2011 minus 1979–1994) indicates that atmospheric conditions 13 are not as favorable to typhoon formation over the eastern part of the main formation region during P2 (Fig. 5a). Differences between the two GPI states obtained by use of mean states of all variables for the period 1979–2011, except for absolute vorticity at 850-hPa, relative humidity at 700-hPa, PI, vertical wind shear, and omega at 500-hPa for both P1 and P2. They represent each contribution to the changes in the modified GPI (Fig. 5b–f). The changes in the relative humidity at 700-hPa, PI, and omega at 500-hPa lead to the northward movement of a favorable formation region. Their contributions show strong meridional asymmetries in the vicinity of 15 N°. The absolute vorticity at 850-hPa shows an overall decrease over the main formation region. Among the factors, the change in the magnitude of vertical wind shear mostly contributed to decreases of the modified GPI over the eastern part of the formation region, showing a strong zonal asymmetry. This result is different from that negative vorticity anomaly is the primary modulator for the late season typhoon frequency (Hsu et al. 2014). Vertical wind shear is the primary dynamic factor controlling TC activity (Gray 1979; Goldenberg et al. 2001) because the strong vertical wind shear inhibits formation of a warm core, a requirement for TC development (Park et al. 2012). Figure 6 supports the fact that a relative role of vertical wind shear in TC formation significantly increased during P2, especially over the eastern part of the formation region. The strong vertical wind shear during P2 is negatively correlated with both typhoon frequency and a zonal movement of averaged genesis location in situ, whereas it is positively correlated with a meridional movement of averaged genesis location in situ. It implies that the Interdecadal change in typhoon genesis condition 3249 Fig. 6 Spatial patterns of correlation coefficients between 9-year moving averaged JASON mean magnitude of vertical wind shear and JASON typhoon (categories 1–3) activity for the periods P1 (1979–1994) and P2 (1995–2011). The averaged best track dataset was used in both typhoon (a, b) frequency and genesis locations in (c, d) meridional and (e, f) zonal directions. Shading indicates significant regions at the 95 % confidence level northwestward movement of the favorable condition for TC formation results in the decrease of typhoon frequency. The critical role of vertical wind shear in inactive TC activity also pointed out in Liu and Chan (2013). 4 Possible causes 4.1 The dominant mode of the interdecadal variability To investigate possible causes of the interdecadal changes in typhoon activity related with the change in environmental factors, we adopted Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis to identify their dominant modes. An independent spatio-temporal pattern was verified via a rule of thumb suggested in North et al. (1982). Figure 7 shows that the first leading mode of the magnitude of vertical wind shear during the period of 1979– 2011. A significant change in a zonal asymmetric pattern of the vertical wind shear is detected in 1994/1995 at the 95 % confidence level by using a change-point detection method of Pettitt (1979). Its change-point is consistent with that of the genesis location in zonal direction. We point out that the 9-year moving averaged first principal component (PC1) of vertical wind shear, which is a significantly independent mode (48.71 %), is negatively correlated with 9-year moving averaged typhoon frequency during P2 (r = −0.91), whereas is not significant during P1 Fig. 7 The first leading mode of JASON mean magnitude of vertical wind shear for the period 1979–2011. a Spatial pattern, b percentage variance for each EOF modes, and c the corresponding principal component (PC) time series (black bar) and its 9-year moving average (gray solid line) (r = 0.23). The temporal correlation coefficients become significant between the PC1 of vertical wind shear and typhoon genesis location during P2 (Table 2). These results also support the fact that the relative role of vertical wind 13 3250 Y. Choi et al. Table 2 Temporal correlation coefficients between 9-year moving averages of both typhoon activity and environmental factors during P1 (1979–1994) and P2 (1995–2011) Periods Typhoon frequency Typhoon genesis location in zonal direction Typhoon genesis location in meridional direction P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 P2 SST averaged over the main formation region (5°–20°N, 120° E–180°) 0.92** 0.1 0.23 0.23 −0.91** −0.53* 0.08 The 1st PC of Vertical wind shear (0°–25°N, 120E°–180°) −0.88** 0.28 −0.16 −0.37 0.87** Numbers in bold indicate significant correlation coefficients (* and ** indicate at 95 and 99 % confidence levels, respectively) Fig. 8 The two leading modes of JASON mean SST for the period 1979–2011. a, c Spatial patterns, b, d the corresponding principal component (PC) time series (black bar) and its 9-year moving average (gray solid line), and e percentage variance for each EOF modes shear in typhoon formation condition becomes significant in recent decades, as the magnitude of vertical wind shear becomes stronger over the eastern part of the main formation region. To understand possible causes of the increase in eastward gradient of the magnitude of vertical wind shear since the mid-1990s, we performed EOF analysis of the local SST (0°–25°N, 120°E–180°) including the main formation region where shows an oceanic warm state in recent decades (Fig. 3a). The SST averaged over the main formation region cannot represent the recent decrease of typhoon frequency and change in genesis location (Table 2). The first leading mode (44.22 %) displays westward warming and eastward cooling with respect to 160°E over the main formation region, which manifests in the increase of the zonal SST gradient (Fig. 8a, b). The 9-year moving averaged corresponding PC time series reveals a significant 13 correlation coefficient (r = 0.92) with that of vertical wind shear during the period 1979–2011. A significant changepoint of the first leading mode of local SST is the same as that of vertical wind shear. Furthermore, the dominant mode of local SST, which shows a strong zonal asymmetry, is highly correlated with the typhoon activity during P2, whereas is not meaningful during P1. Thus, the zonal asymmetry in local SST can be the most important modulator of typhoon frequency through a movement of favorable genesis location, changing vertical wind shear over the main formation region since the mid-1990s. The second leading mode (24.24 %), which is a significantly independent mode of the first mode, displays eastward warming over the region (Fig. 8c–e). The enhanced eastward warming decreases the SST gradient over the main formation region during P1, whereas the reduced eastward warming has increased the SST gradient since Interdecadal change in typhoon genesis condition 3251 Fig. 9 The 9-year moving averaged JASON mean magnitude of vertical wind shear and wind fields at (a, b) 200-hPa and (c, d) 850-hPa regressed onto the 9-year moving averaged first leading principal component (PC) time series of SST (Fig. 8b) for the periods (a, c) P1 (1979–1994) and (b, d) P2 (1995–2011). Contours denote the magnitude of vertical wind shear and shading indicates significant regions at the 95 % confidence level. The wind vectors are shown at the 95 % confidence level in either the zonal or meridional component. The vector length indicates the wind speed (m s−1) based on a vector scale in the upper-righthand corner of each figure both the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s. Thus, the increased westward SST gradient has contributed to the strong vertical wind shear since both the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s over the eastern part of the main formation region. The present result indicates that the zonal asymmetric pattern, not magnitude, of local SST can mainly explain the recent change in typhoon genesis condition. 4.2 Influence of zonal asymmetry of SST on vertical wind shear To investigate influence of zonal asymmetry of local SST on large-scale wind fields regarding the change in vertical wind shear, we present regressed wind fields and vertical wind shear onto the two leading mode of local SST. The regressed wind fields onto the first PC time series of local SST manifest an enhanced linkage between the vertical wind shear and zonal asymmetry of local SST over the main formation region since the mid-1990s (Fig. 9). During P1, upper level anticyclonic wind anomaly is located in the southeastern part of Japan and weak lower level westerly wind anomaly occurs in the south of about 15°N in the consideration of the sign of PC time series (Fig. 9a, c). During P2, zonally elongated cyclonic wind anomaly at upper level is located in the northeastern part of the main formation region and lower level easterly anomaly much strengthened compared to that of P1 (Fig. 9b, d). Compared to the climatology of wind fields based on the period 1979–2011 (Fig. 10), lower level easterly and upper level westerly winds linked with the zonal SST distribution (Fig. 9b, d) enhance (reduce) climatological westerly (easterly) vertical Fig. 10 JASON mean horizontal wind climatology based on the period 1979–2011. a 200-hPa and b 850-hPa horizontal winds. The vector length indicates the wind speed (m s−1) based on a vector scale in the upper-right-hand corner of each figure wind shear over the eastern (western) part of the main formation region during P2. These anomalous wind fields contribute to the intensified eastward gradient of vertical wind shear since the mid-1990s. The first PC time series of local SST is highly correlated (r = 0.77) with the SST gradient which is defined by eastward region [5°–20°N, 180°] 13 3252 Y. Choi et al. Fig. 11 Same as Fig. 9 except for the second leading principal component (PC) time series of SST (Fig. 8d) minus westward region [5°–20°N, 120°E] (not shown). The regression fields onto the SST gradient are similar to that of the first PC time series of local SST (not shown). Thus, it implies that the first PC time series of local SST is a good indicator of zonal asymmetry of local SST. Figure 11 displays that the wind fields related with the second PC time series of local SST significantly contribute to the zonal asymmetry in vertical wind shear over the main formation region during P2, whereas is not meaningful during P1. This second PC time series is significantly correlated with typhoon frequency during P1 but not with vertical wind shear over the main formation region (Fig. 11a, c). This result implies that the eastward warming increased until the mid-1990s could influence on the increase in typhoon frequency thermodynamically, not through the modulation of vertical wind shear. During P2, easterly vertical wind shear anomaly reduces (enhances) climatological vertical wind shear over the eastern (western) part of the main formation region (Fig. 11b, d). In other words, these wind fields offset vertical wind shear induced by the westward SST gradient. However, its influence on the decrease in vertical wind shear has reduced since both the mid1990s and the mid-2000s. Thus, it can be interpreted that the combined effect of the two leading modes of local SST has contributed to the increases of the magnitude of vertical wind shear since both the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s over the eastern part of the main formation region. The influence of zonal asymmetry of tropical Pacific SST (i.e. ENSO) on typhoon activity has been studied as an important modulator on the interannual time scale (Wang and Chan 2002; Chan 2008; Kim et al. 2011; Zhan et al. 13 2011; Ha et al. 2012). Yeh et al. (2010) pointed out that a relative role of oceanic and atmospheric conditions in TC frequency reversely changed around 1990, which is consistent with the change in relationship between the WNP TC frequency and ENSO on the decadal time scale. Thus, we further investigate the relationship between ENSO and typhoon activity, looking into changes in wind fields. The temporal correlation coefficients between 9-year moving averaged typhoon activity and ENSO indices consisted of Nino 3 (5°S–5°N, 150°–90°W), Nino 3.4 (5°S– 5°N, 170°–120°W), and Nino 4 (5°S–5°N, 160°E–150°W) indicate that both Nino 3.4 and Nino 4 index (Fig. 12e) recently have a key role in typhoon activity. Nino 4 index particularly shows a significant correlation coefficient with the second PC time series of local SST. The regressed wind fields onto Nino 4 index show a remarkably enhanced linkage between the vertical wind shear and zonal asymmetry in tropical central Pacific SST over the main formation region since the mid-1990s (Fig. 12). This feature is similar to that of the second PC time series of local SST, which shows an increased correlation with Nino 4 index during P2 (Figs. 11, 12). The reduced vertical wind shear related to the tropical central Pacific SST over the eastern part of the main formation region has decreased since the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s. Thus, the large-scale circulation related to tropical central Pacific SST can suppresses typhoon formation through the modulation of vertical wind shear in recent decades. When it comes to ENSO indices showing an increase in significant correlation coefficients with zonal movement of genesis location during P2, they reveal significant correlation coefficients with typhoon frequency. Interdecadal change in typhoon genesis condition 3253 Fig. 12 The 9-year moving averaged JASON mean magnitude of vertical wind shear and wind fields at (a, b) 200-hPa and (c, d) 850-hPa regressed onto (e) the 9-year moving averaged the time series of simultaneous Nino 4 index (5°S–5°N, 160°E–150°W) (gray solid line) for the periods (a, c) P1 (1979–1994) and (b, d) P2 (1995–2011). Contours denote the magnitude of vertical wind shear and shading indicates significant regions at the 95 % confidence level. The wind vectors are shown at the 95 % confidence level in either the zonal or meridional component. The vector length indicates the wind speed (m s−1) based on a vector scale in the upper-right-hand corner of each figure. e Red solid line denotes the 9-year moving averaged PC2 time series of local SST (Fig. 8d). Black bar denotes JASON Nino 4 index on the interannual time scale. Red and blue dotted lines are drawn at ±0.5 °C Thus, it can be interpreted that interdecadal variability of ENSO partly influences typhoon frequency through the zonal movement of genesis location, which is effectively modulated by the change in vertical wind shear. The present result supports the fact that the change in characteristics of tropical Pacific SST in the recent decade is not the main cause for the unfavorable formation conditions, which is suggested in Liu and Chan (2013) and Hsu et al. (2014). 5 Summary and discussion The interdecadal changes in typhoon (categories 1–3) frequency and its genesis condition over the WNP during the period 1979–2011 are investigated with consideration for TC data quality issues. To reduce the uncertainty resulted from discrepancies among the best track datasets, a detection-produced dataset by use of MERRA reanalysis data was utilized as a homogeneous dataset with five available best track datasets. The causal linkage between the typhoon frequency and environmental changes in recent decades is examined in terms of typhoon formation conditions. To examine how changes in environmental conditions have contributed to typhoon activity, we divided the analysis period (1979–2011) into P1 (1979–1994) and P2 (1995– 2011) based on the significant westward movement of the averaged typhoon genesis location by using a change-point detection method of Pettitt (1979), which manifests the consistent decrease of typhoon frequency. It is noted that typhoon frequency has decreased since the mid-1990s even under the oceanic warm state. The decrease of typhoon frequency can be explained with the northwestward movement of favorable genesis location. This movement indicates that TCs generated in recent decades hardly reach typhoon intensity because they lost opportunity to stay over warm oceans through their 13 3254 journeys. Among the environmental factors, we demonstrate that vertical wind shear is the most important modulator, showing a strong zonal asymmetry. The eastward gradient of vertical wind shear over the main formation region effectively influences the decrease of typhoon frequency, showing the northwestward movement of the averaged genesis location in recent decades. Liu and Chan (2013) and Hsu et al. (2014) previously pointed out that the decrease of TC frequency over the southeastern part of WNP, where Chan (2008) determined the most effective region to modulate intense TCs activity. Liu and Chan (2013) demonstrated that the strong vertical wind shear and strong subtropical high are the main causes for the recent low TC frequency (June–October) which is more than tropical storm category. From the present result, the change in typhoon category, which has the largest portion of WNP TCs, can be responsible for the decrease of TC frequency shown in Liu and Chan (2013). Hsu et al. (2014) focused on the change in late season typhoon activity related to that in low-level vorticity anomaly. However, the region showing mostly unfavorable environmental conditions does not exactly correspond to the genesis location in which late season typhoon frequency decreases. The change in vertical wind shear over the main formation region is strongly linked with zonal asymmetry of local SST. We demonstrate that the westward gradient of local SST can be the most important modulator of typhoon frequency through a movement of favorable genesis location, changing vertical wind shear over the main formation region since the mid-1990s. The present results indicate that the horizontal distribution, not magnitude, of local SST can be a key factor for prediction of future typhoon activity. Yeh et al. (2010) showed the decadal change in relationship between the WNP TC frequency and ENSO, which is consistent with the fact that a relative role of oceanic and atmospheric conditions in TC frequency reversely changed around 1990. We manifest that interdecadal variability of ENSO partly influences typhoon frequency through the zonal movement of genesis location, which is modulated by the change in vertical wind shear. Our result supports the fact that the recent change in characteristics of tropical Pacific SST is not the main cause for the unfavorable formation conditions during P2. Liu and Chan (2013) explained that vertical wind shear patterns related to tropical SST shows insignificant difference between central Pacific warming and eastern Pacific (EP) warming. Hsu et al. (2014) demonstrated that the unfavorable dynamic condition for typhoon genesis is influenced by both a local Walker circulation induced by WNP warming and anticyclonic anomaly enhanced by EP cooling. They considered the EP cooling as secondary modulator. The long-term TC activity prediction plays a critical role in sustainable infrastructure design and economic 13 Y. Choi et al. development plans. Although the reason for the zonal asymmetry in the local SST change is still unclear and could be result of both long-term internal variability and anthropogenic effect (Chan 2008; Knutson et al. 2010), the present results suggest that not the magnitude of local SST alone, but also its horizontal pattern is an important parameter for the long-term typhoon activity prediction. Murakami et al. (2011) highlighted that environmental conditions for WNP TC formation significantly depend on SST spatial pattern in future projections. The present results can contribute to natural disaster mitigation and climate change adaptation strategies in future and assist in evaluation of anthropogenic effects versus natural variability on the interdecadal time scale. Acknowledgments This work was supported by GRL Grant of the National Research Foundation (NRF) funded by the Korean Government (MEST 2011-0021927). References Atkinson GD (1974) Investigation of gust factors in tropical cyclones. FLEWEACENTechnical note JTWC 74-1, Fleet Weather Center, Guam, 9 pp Barcikowska M, Feser F, Storch HV (2012) Usability of best track data in climate statistics in the western North Pacific. Mon Wea Rev 140:2818–2830 Bengtsson L, Hodges KI, Esch M, Keenlyside N, Kornblueh L, Luo JJ, Yamagata T (2007) How may tropical cyclones change in a warmer climate? 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