I \ : :i\ Sc)cict\'. A (l.rse . \l \ \ t i q o s i c O o n g r c :: )7 44. ',:rlout: A Sociotogi:r.ion: F{citrenann. 'l :.',.'tn .' ht Zttctic l : : :. \tt/ditt oJ'Sotinl , . i ri r k ; S t . ,\.Iartin's - -,rs1l1 1i611.'|,i71, j)tt For ,11i) ()icj CHAPTER FOUR Cult Formation: Three CompatibleModels Wtrr-nr,r Stl,ts B,qtlrgzuDcEAND RouxEy Sram :, i: itt rt l,lbrld of' est :'.: Spirituirl Coun':.t-,ttlthai ottd Mass -: L'nivcrsitv press. : ( _<.rntntunitarien Il7-37 in Rov ..:..,,ts o.l' Rtlillious :: l)cte r C)rr.cn. .:.ie lncl thc 'fhirij 'lom =- rn \\lrlfb, , .:tttr nnd l1iltc. - . , r P t . t 1 s 1 ,1, 6 1 r5a ' he l l , rg 1 n g 1 1 1 . T - ; , ; ; r , / t ,N. e r r , y c l r k : . .rc origins of the great rvorlcl frritl-rs irrc . :oudccl bv timc, but cult fbrn-rationrcmains .rilablc fbr closc ir-rspection. If u'c u-oulcl .lclst.rrrdhorr rcliqions hcqin. it is tlrc r\clu'c lncl exotic $'orlc1 of cults thirt .':]lrlnds orlr irttcntion. Tl-risessa| attempts tc) . .rthcsizc the mass of ethr-rographicmatcrials . , i l . r l r l co n c u l t I b n l . r t i o n l a r e r r i n g r l r : r t l . . . - -.r-ceflr"rdar-ncntalrroclcis of hou' rrovcl re li:.,rlts idcls rrc gcner;ltcd and naclc social catr -r \ecn dimlr, . . . I-hc thrcc moclels of cult fbrmation, or re li --rrLrs ir.rr.rovation,arc (a) tbc pnchopathologt ,;:,trlel,(b) the entrepreneur modtl, arrd (c) :i'r subcubttre-ct,olutiort ntodel. Whilc tl.re ':rt has bccn prcscntcd in somc dctail bv 'rfrer social scicntists, the second ancl thircl -..lvcnc)t prcr.ioush' bccn clclir-rcatcdas firrn'ral ::rorlels. (.ult tbrn'ration is ir t\\'o-stcp process of i.tr-tovittiolt.First, neu' rcligious idcas n-rust be :irrented. Scconcl, social acceptarereof these ..lc.rsrnust be gainccl,at lcast to thc extcnt th.lt .: sm:rllgroup of people cornesto accept them. fl-rerefbre, onr first neeci is to explain hou. rrnd 'rhv inclii'iclualsinvcnt or discovcr ncu reli- : i , r r r si t l c l s . I t i s i r n p o r t J n t t ( ) r ' c e o g r t i z e . :ro$er.er, tlrat mirnr. (perhaps nrost) pers()ns u ho l.rit upon ne\\' religious icleasclo not fblrncl ncu religions. So long irs onlv one person irolds a religious iclea, no true religion erists. The retore. u e elso neecl to uncierstancl the Pr()cessbv l'hicl-r relieions inventors are llrlc 59 to make their r-icu's social - to conr.incc othcr pcrsons to sharc their convictions. Wc con ccptllalize succcssfirlcult innovation irs a social proccss in uhich innor.ators both invent netv rcligior,rs icleas and transmit thern to other persons in exchange fbr renarcls. Religions as Exchange Systems Human action is gor-erned bv the pursuit <tf rcu.ards arrd thc avoiclance of costs. Rcu.'ards, those thir-rgs humans u'ill expend costs t() obtain, often calr bc gainetl onlr, fiom otl'rer humans, so peoplc arc fbrced into cxchange rclatior-rs. F{ou'er.er, manl' ren'arcls are verY scarce and can onlr' be possesseclbt. son-rc,not all. Sorne renards ilppear to be so scarcethat thcv cannot be shou.'n to exist at all. For cxar-nple, people act as if eternal lifb u'ere a rcu-arcl of immense valuc. But there is r-ro tmpirical evidencc that such a reu'ard can be ,...:,-.,1 Sdrllllr ..f dr .,.. drr\ ^-:..., f'rrll Facccl u'itl-r reu'arcls that arc very scarce, or n()t available at all, humans create and exchange compensators - sets of beliefi and prescriptions for action tl-rat substitute fbr the irnn.rcdiatc acirievement of thc desirecl ren'ard. Compcnsators postulate thc attainmer-rtof the clesireclrcu'arc1ir-rthe ciistant firture or in somc other unvcrifiable contcxt. Compensators arc treated bv humans as if they u'ere reu.'ards. Thev l'ravcthc charircter of IOUs, the value of THE { NATURE O i . N E \ \ ' R E I , I ( ] I O U S N { O V E A , IE N T S ultich must be takcr-ror-rfiith. prorniscs that the poor n'ili bc rich fitllori.ing the rcr.olution or that the rnortal ri.ill be irnr.nortal in enothe r u'orlcl arc such conrpensators. f rrst rs rcl'rrrds cjifler in the value accorcicd thcnt br. humans, so do compensirtors. Fur thcrntore, contpentstltorsVar\.in thc extent to uhicl-r tl-revarc s;recific (substitrrting fbr spccific, limitecl rcuarcls of rnocicr:rtcvalue) or gencrrrl (substituting fbr a grclt rrurntrcr of l-righlvclesircclrcrrarcls).A magicrrl .,curc" firr heaclachcsis a spccific compcnsator, u.l-rilc Heaven is thc rnost gencnl compensator. prrornisine rrn unlintitccl strctln of firturc re\\'ilrds t() those humans fbrtllnatc or Virtuous enough to be adrnittecl.Rclrrtir.elvspecific c()urpeltsrlt()rs rrre oflbrecl bV rr.rnY kincls of' secular insritutions, as u.cll as bv rclision, uhilc thc most gencral contpensatorsscc[l to require the supernatural agencies postuLltecl bv rcligious ctrctrincs. \\t cicfinc rcligions as soci;rl cnrerprises n'hose prir-nrtrvpurpose is to crcatc, maintain, anci exchirnse supcrnaturtrlll basccl generirl conrpens:1t()rs(Stirrk ancj Bair.rbricl ge L979 ). We thus elir-nin;rte tiorn the ciefinition mant. n ( ) n \ U l ) c r r ) A t r r r . lsl ( ) r r r c c sa r t ' c o m p c r r s . t l , . ) r r , strch as politic.rl ln()\'elnents.Wc rrlso cxcluclc rnlgic, uhich clcalsonlr.in cluitc sprccificcon.r pens.ltors ancl cioes tlot of-fcr conpcnsi.Ltors ()lt the rlrirnd scale of Hear-cn or of religior,rsctrc trines abour the nteirnir.rsof lifb (cf. l)urkheinr tmpli'tcd cults but in those rtovel cult ntove _ ntents that arc innrtvatir.c rrlternltives to thc traclitional svstems of religious compcnsat()rs that are normal in the envirolrment in l.hiclr the cr-rltoriginaterl. Having bricfli' clcscribecl our thcorctical perspectivc ancl ticfirrerl ker, corlccpts, \\.c ilrc ncxv rerrcl\'to unclerstiurcl thc tl-rreer-nodelsof cult innor':rtion ancl t() scc their commorr propositions. The Psychopathology Model of Cult Innovation 'I'he pst,chopntholollt,wode / ltas bcen usccl bv malt\r anthropologists i.Lndcthnopsvchiirtristi, :rnc1it is relatecl closelv to deprir.ation thcorieb of revolutions irnd sociill movements (Smclser 1962; GLrrr I970).It describescult irtnovarion as thc resulr of ir.rdiriduirl ps\,choparhologv that finclssuccessfuisocial exprcssicrn.Because of its popularitv among social scicntists, this nrodel exists in man\. r.ariants,but the main iclers irrc the fblloiling. I 2 Cluts are noi.cl cultrrral responscsto per r < , n : ral r r d s o c i c t a lc r i s i s . Neri'cults are inventcd bv inciir,iciualssufl t b r i l r g l i o l r r c c 1 a i l l L r r l t s ' r , fr r r c n t a il l l n e s s 3 Thesc indir.icfi-rtrlsn.picallv lchieve their novel visions cluring psr.choticcpisodcs. 4 Dr.rrinpgsr.rch an episoclc, tl.rc individual rels). irtvents ir neu' package of com;rcr-rsatorsto Wc tlefir-rccults ls soci:rl enterpriscs primarnteet his o\\.r-tneeds. 'fl-re ili'engaeecl in the procluction rrnclexchangeof 5 ir.rcliviclual's illncss contmits him to his novel rrncl exotic c()llpcnstrtors. f'lrus not trll neu r.isior.r,either because l.ris hallucir.ra c u l t \ J r c r c l i g i , r r r rS . o 1 1 1i 1s 1 1 1o5f l i . r o r r l v r r r . r g t i . . , tluts ilppear to clemonstrate its tnrth, or for exanrpleps\,chiche:rlir.rgof specific cliseases, because l-ris compe lling r.reeclsdemancl irrrclclo ncrt oflbr sLtch0eilernl contpcnsrltors as ir-nmccliate satisf:ctx)r1. etenral lifb. Nlaeicrl cults fierluentlv cvolvc 6 Afier thc episocle, thc incjir-irju:rl u,ill be tou rrrd m()re gencrrrl comi)cnsators anci ntost likclv ro succecd ir-r fbrming a cult bccorre firll-flcclgecl rcligior.rs. f'hcr. then arouncl his r.ision if the societv contair-rs L-reccrnre tr u e cu lt tn 0t1eil,tr Ltt-t:social er"r terPrises ntan\. other persons sLrflerinefiom prob;rrimirrilv ensr,rqccl in the procluction ancl lems simi[:rr ro rhose originlllv fhcecltrv the cxchangc of novel rrnc-l cxotic gcneral compen cult fbunder, to \\'hose solution, therefore. sirtors basctl on supentrltrt ral ;rsstrr-npri ons. thcv are likclv to responcl. ()ficn a cult is exotic ;rr-rcl oflers compen 7 Thcrcfbrc, such cults most oftcn succcecl sators thirt are unfirr-niliar to ntost pcoplc t'luring times of societal crisis, uhcn large Lrcc:ruse it rnigratecl fiom anothcr, alien nurnbcrs of pcrsons suf-fer similirr unre_ sociefi'. Herc n.c arc not intercstecl in thesc solveclproblcrns. 60 THI-, NATUR}. - t , r v eI c u l t m o v c ., :crn.rtl|cs t() the :'.ls g9't'),')alts:ttors r'{)nntc]lt llj \\'hich --: ()Llr thcorctical . .')ltcePtS)\\.e arc .ri fhrcc ln()clcls()f .- i thelr colntltoll oST'Model I'ation ll.:.\ beclt ttsccl b' - : :tnops\.chiatristsl r:ir-i\ittion thcories . c n t en t s ( S m e l s e r :i. clrlt innor.atictn ',.\\.hopatholog\. , : . r . c s s i o nB. c c a u s c - ..t. scientists,this :-.:.. but thc n;rin --\Poltses to per- - . :nciiviclulls suf . : nrclrtal illncss. ,., .ichieverheir . : : , fi . e p i s o c l e s . , :he ir.rclir,idual ' - ,ntPcrlsilt()rs to 'r:lrrs him to his ., his hrrllucina..: its tnrth, or rccrls clemantl ''- i.lLr.rl u,ill be -.,rltrlngaCLllt . - ictt' contains j ti'om prob' iacecl bv the )n. thcrcfirre, ,' . -- 'ticn succeccl ,- ' .. s'hcn lrrrge '- - .intilar urtrc- fi OF NHW R E L I G I O U S N T O V F , A ,E, IN T S If thc cult cloes succccd in ;lrrracrin5i r.nant' firllou'ers, thc incliviclr-ral fbr-rnder rnav achieve at least a p:lrtial cure of his illncss,lrccausehis self]gencratcLlcompcn sat()rs are legitinratcd bv othcr pers()lts1 and becausehc nou' recei\.estrue reu'arcls fion.r his firllou'crs. T'he psvchopathologv nroclelis supporteclbv the tratlitionrrl psvchoanirlvtic vi cu' thirt m:1gic .urclrcliqion are mere pnrjectior-rsof'neurotic l'ish firlfillrnent ()r psvchotic clelusions(Freutl 1927, 1930; Ihrl.rein.r1955; t.a llrrrc 1969. 1972). Hou.elcr, the r-r-rodel clocs not issume tl-ratcultic iclcasarc necess.Irih'\\'rongor insrure. ll.ritlrcr, it lclclrcsscstl're que stion of hou' incliviclr-rlls cin ir)\'ent clevi.'rnt perspectivcs ilr1d thcn hlvc conviction in ther-n,clcspitethc hck oI Objcctivc, c()nfinnilt()rV eYicleucc. A1l socictics provide trirdition'.rl compcnsator svstenls ri'hich arc firnrililr to rrll rncmbcrs of the sr.rcictyiutd \\'hich ltat'e cott sirlcrablc phusibiliti', both becatrse the ir Jssunrpti()nsarc fiintilirr artci beclttse of the nunrbers of pcople ,rlrercli'conrntittccit() thcl11. \Vhr.,thcn, \\'oulcls()rnepcrs()nsrejcct the colt\ ( n l i ( ) l l . l l r - c l i q i o r rtrr ' . i t l i t i o r tc, ( ) r l ( ( ) r '.tl P P l r cntlv arbitrarv substitLltes,rrntl pttt tl'reir trust 'l'he in the se novel litrmulationsi PSi'ciroplthologt' tloclcl n()tcsthirt higl-rlvneurotic or psvchotic pcrs()ns n'piclllr' do just this, rihcthcr in r-rrcligious fiameu'ork or tlot. Ilv dcviirnt. ciefinition, the mcntrrllv ill are n.rcr.rtr'rllv Furthcnr.torc, especialh' iu the case of ps\'chotics, the v nristrrhethc procluctsof the ir ourr nrilrclstbr ertertrirl realitics.Thus thcir prrthologr' ;rrovicles thenr not orth' u'ith lbttortrtll i,.lcls, but .rlso u'itl.r subjectivc s'iclcnce fbr tl.rc c()rrectnessof thcir iclcls, uhcther in the fon-u of l-rrllucinationsor in the flrrm of prcssiug nccds rr'l'richc.-ulr()t bc clcnicc1. A nunrbe r of .ruthors l-ravciclentifiecl <lccr-rlt bchavior uith sprecificpsvcl-riatricsvtttlrorres' Hvsteria fiequentlv has bect.t blamccl. Cult tinnclcrs often clo suflcr fi'om app.rrcnt phvsic:rlillucss,finc1a spiritual "cure " for their on'n ailrrcr-rt, then rlrlmatize that cllre rls thc basis <>fthe cLrlt pcrtirrmlncc (Nlessing 1958; LeviStrauss I963; Leri'is l97l). A u'ell-kno*'r.r Ar-ncricln e-rample is NIirrv 13akc'rF.tlclr',s'hosc 6t invention of Christian Science apparentl\, \\,as ir successfll personirl responsc to a classiccasc o1'hvsteria (Z*'etg 1932). Lr othcr casesa rnanic-c-leprcssive pattern is tbuncl. John Hurrphrev Novcs, fbur.rclerof the Oncidia coutntunit\', hrrd u'r obsessiveneed t<t be "pcrftct," and in his more clcvated periocls u'as lble to convince a fb*, dozcn people rhat he hacl incleetl achicvcd pe rfbction and that l.re corrld l-rel;rtherr attain this happi'state as n'cll. Br,rt tl-re times of elation u'crc fbllou.'ed bv "eternal spins," deprcssive stiltcs in \\'hich Noves \\'as in.rrlobilize d bv sclf:h:rtrecl ((iarcler.r1969). (llssicirl p:rranoia irnd prrrirnoici schi zophre nia also have becn blarrccl fitr producing cults. A persor-rrl'ho founcls a cult lsserts thc irrrogrrnt cllinr tl.r:rt hc (abovc all others) l.ras achieved l miraculous cultural brcakthrough, a claim thrt outsiders nlav perccivc as a clehrsion of gmdeur. For e-rample, L. Rrxr of his invcntion Hubblrd announced l)ianeties (later to bccorre Scientologr') bv is a n-rilcsaving thrrt "the creltion of cliar-reties stonc firr NIan cornparablc to his cliscovcrv of lirc and sr.rperiorto his it-n'cntions of thc l'heel r r n c la r c h " ( H u b b a r c l 1 9 5 0 ) . Nlartin Garc'lnerhas shcxvlt thlt the positiot-t of thc cultist or pseudoscientistin his social cnvironmertt is ne:trlt' idcntical to thilt ()f the clinical paranoicl.Neitlrer is accorclecithc higlr socirl strrtr.rshe clentlnds fiom cot-n'cntional rrutl-roriticsancl is cotrtemPtuoush' ignorccl bv societal lclclers or harsl-rlvpcrsccuted. Ciardner notes that plrlnoia actulllv maY be an acit'att trrge Llndcr these circuntstanccsbecrtttsc$'itl-roLrt til figl'rt it the indiviclual "u'oulcl lack the stan.rir.ra il \'isorous, singlc-hanclecl battle lgainst sut:h rx erutelming oclcls"(Ciardner 1957 ). N{anv biograpl.rics of cult firunders colltarn intbn-nation thtrt u'or.rlclsuPP()rt lnv of these clirgnoscs, lncl oftcn the st'ncirome appears to l-.. .. t;+:' rh..t x111gcl11ccl the fbulclatigr-r of the crilt bv a number of t'cars. Flos'cver, the svmptoms of the se clisorders arc s() closc to the cult activitv that sirnplistic features thlt dcJi.rr.r psvcl.ropatl.rologr.cxplauations approach tautologr'. Lemert (1967) has argr.reclthat social exclusion and conf'lict over social status crln producr the st'nr1'rtomsof parattoia. It r-ttavbe L' L !l lrrL .I'HE NATURE OF NEW R E L I C iI O L i S N { O V E A , { EN 1 ' S thirt s()lne cult founclers displtv st,ntptornsof filtrire cult firunclcr reccives his supernrrturill nrcntal illlrcss rrs.t.result t'f societal rejcctior-rof vision. "Whar fbllor,s then is the eruption into tl.reircults. Another problem faceclbv the psr,thc field of attention of a flooc-l of archuc choprrthologv rnoclcl is the fhct that the vasr imilscrY and attenclaDt lou.er-orcler refcren ti ll r-r-rajorin'of mental paticltts hirvc not fbutrclecl proccsscssuch as occur in dreirms or revcrie cults. . . . Icleirs surgc rhrough nith peculiar vivicl_ The sir-nplest versior.r of the nr()dcl states ncss as though fior.n an outsidc sourcc" (Sil_ thirt tl'rc firundcr.'s psr.cl.ropathologv hacl rr vernran 1967 28). Lt thc hfth stage, atgnitit,c pl-ri'siological crruse. Religiotrs r.isions nrirl reotqanization, tl)c inrliviclual attentpts to irppear ciurins psvchotic cl.risoclesir.rduceclbr, share his visiort n'itl-r otl.rer peoplc. If lrc fhilr, i r t ; r r r r . t l l r r e r , . r r r t li r i g h t i . r ' c r s .I t ' . r n c | i r , , . l t l.rel:rpsesir.rto chronic mental illncss, bLrt if he takes plitcc outsiclc iruv ntcdic;rl scttins, tltc finds social supporr fbr l-rissupcrnirtural clair.r.r", inclir.iclLrrrl nlitv lir d a sLlperr-rttural c xplrrnatior.r he crrn bccome ;i sLlcccssflllshaman or clllt of his expericnce r-r-rostsrttisfircton. (.Sarglnt leacler.If his fbllou.crs ren.arcl him sufficier.rtlv 1959). Inr.nrrnerable e\illplcs erist. Lor.c u ith honor, thc originirllv dan.ri.rgcclself' Isrircl, firLrnclcr of I cult cailecl Thc Lor.c estcelr that provokcd tl-recntirc scqucncc u,ill Far.nilr.,tolcl us that his rcligioLrs r-ision u.irs be repairecl completclr', and rhe cr_rltfbrtr-rcler triggerccl bv hallr-rcinosenic clrugs njricl.r mav even become one of the bcst-aciaptecl enirblecl hint to expericnce I state of firsion nrenrbcrs of his social group. 'I-hc nith rrnothcr nran u'ho subscqucntli,beclr-neir tltcory of rct,itnlizntion mopemettJ pro_ 'l'he stories of somc ;rrontincr-rt firllot cr. l.roseclbv Anrhonr. F. C. Wallace (1956) rs persons nho clainr to har.e bcen contactecibv sinrilar to Silvcrman,s moclcl btrt adcls thc f l r i t t q s . t t t r c r ss o 1 1 1 1i r1' l1- r 'n t r r c l rl i k c I r 1 1 6 1 ' 1 ' P l - inrportant ingrcclicr-rt of social crisis. Wallace siclesof bnin clisorclcr to nhicl-r tl-reinclividr-rrrl suggcsts that .r t,arien' Of threats to i1 socictv l)rls retrospcctivclv give n 11 ntore flrrrrablc can procluce grcatll. incrcasccl strcss oll rnterprct:1ti()l.r ((irce nlrcre 1979). rncnrbers: "climatic, floral irr-rcj fhur.rirlchange; A.{ore subtle varirrnts of the psvchoptrtl.rol- nrilitirri, clcfbat; political subordination. os\- n1()clelprescnt prsvchoclvnrrrnic cx;rlanaerrreme pl'essllrctou'arcj acculturation resuIJ tions rrnclplace tl-repr()ccssof cult firrmrrtior-r inq in internal culturll conflict; econonric dis_ r n a s o c i l l c ( ) n r c \ t . J u l i a n S i l v e r n t a n( I 9 6 2 ) trcss; epiclerr.rics; and so olt" (\Vallace 1956: ()Lltlinccia fir.c-stepr.nodclclescribingtl.rcelrlv 269). Uncler srrcssrs()me ir.rclividuals begin tcr c.rrecr trf a shontan (sorccrer, n'itch cloctor, s() through the process or.ltlilted bv Silverr.nar.r r.nasic.rlhcaler) or cult filrnclcr. In thc first and .,,rJ.r. fli'orable circrirnsranccr, ;h;; stage, thc ir.rclivicltralis beset br' :r scrious pcrachievc r.aluable culti,rral rcfbrmulations u,hich son:rl :rncl social problenr, n.l.ricallvscverclt. thcy can use ts the basis of social actior-r to cllnrrgecl self:cstecm, tl-ratclcfies practicals()lurevitirlize tl.rcir socictr.. Whilc Wallace advo_ tior-r. ht thc seconcl stirse, the inciir-iclual cates a pr_rre firrm of tl.rc psvchopath()logv becorncs preoccupied nith his problem rrncl rlodel, he conclncles.,th:rt the religious visiorr uirhdrans fi'on.r rrctive social lifb. Somc cul cxpcricnce per sc is not psvchopatl-rologicrr, turcs eveu hirvc firrrnrtlizeclrituals of l,ith br-rt rather thc reverse, being a svnthesizing drrrull ir.ruhich the incliviciu:rlmay leavc rhc ancl ofie n theraper.rtic proccss pe.fonned s ( ' t t l c t ) l ( ' n l . r r r t l t l u r . l l t c r r r P o l ' . 1 l - i ii1r r t l r c trnclcr cxtrcme stress br. ir-rdir,iduals alreadr. n'ildcnrcss.The Bitrlc abounds in exar.nprlcs of s i eh " r \ V . r l l . r r c1 9 5 6 : 2 2 3 ) n'ithc-lrau.alto the u.ilc'lcr-ness t() prepare fbr a The ir.nportance of the psvcho;ratholog,r, carccr trs lr prophct. This intn-reclitrtclvleaclstcr n-rociclis unclerscored bv &llacc's sllegestion t h c t l r i r t l \ t . l g c i r t r r h i c l rt l r c i r r , l i r i , l r r rcrrl p c r i thi-rt ntall\i historicallr. influcntial social r-nove_ ences "selflir-ririatetl scnsorv cleprivation," nrcnts, anci perhaps nll major relfu1ions,oriet_ ntich cu-r procluce ver\. extrenle psvchotic natecl accordir.rgto its principles. This r.,ien,is svmptolls ei'cr-rir-rprcvior.rslv norntal pers()ns. l.rcltl bv Wesrot.rL:r Barre (L972) u.ho sar.srhar 'l'l-rus bceins the tiiurth srage, in rr.hich tl.re evcri. religion u,ithout exccption originatecl as 62 - .'al-1\l\ :.llCfgC . .1. - t.l\' .1e.. \ . ' ! . : - . -:-:.itl:Ii--. "i,::' \ I S . i\ his sLtpcrnrlturirl .' rhe crLlpti()nint() .: ilooc'l of arcl-raic l r- orclcr refbrcntiirl r Jrcilnts or rcvcrie .,.:th ;reculiar vir.ir-l..::i.iesource" (Sil::i1r strrgc, collnitittt: ..r.rll ilttcntpts to ' :r.()ple . If Ite tails, : . . . i l l n c s s ,b r r r i f h e . ..:-ernrrturalclairls, ',., shltntan or ctLlt ..:.i hinr sufficientlv . tlalnrrgerl self-:.::l|c secltrct-tcc \.ill .r thc cult founcler :,_:hc bcst lclaptccl ;. IltolltntrntJ [tro_ '.','.rll.rce ( 19.56) is .ri, but lclcls tl-re - .tl clisis. Walhce - :'c.rts to rr s<lcie n, :, .rret1 stress ()lt : r,1 t.runrtlchangei ,. subordination; . - . . . t u r r i t i o nr e s t r l t ..,:. ecor]orlicclis -r '.r(trrlls begin t<r r..i lrl Silr.erntan, - . :_-t \tJltces. the r. : :::Ltletionstrticl-r : ., r;1;1]licti()lt tO - \\'lllrrcc ldr<r, r.', .h()path()logv -, :-clisirtus visior-l ' .-loprrthological "-- .l s|nthesizinq ',-\\ pelfomrcd -,:.-.r!lLlrrls llreaclr. -'. choprrtholop5r, : :. c's suegcstiou r: .',i socirrl ntove , ,'!17ions,origi: .. This r,ior, is -l s hg sa\.sthat : :r originatccl as 'f H E N A T U R T ' .O F N t l w R E L I C I I O L I S N { O V E I v { E N T S .r "crisis clrlt," Llsing this term fbr cults thet crrerge acc()rding to the Pattcm dcscribed bV \Valllce. Arnot'rg lltirll\' eramPles, 1'respecificrrllr- tlescri[-reseven Christianiti' as a tvPicill crisis cult. Writing in an orthodor Frertdiln treditiix.t, l-ir Barre icler.rtifiesthe source of a cult fbundcr's vision: "A gocl is onlv a shrlmau's clream lboltt his ft-rtl-rer"(La Barre 1972: 19 l. Hc savsthe shat-ulnis an tmmature nriln \\'ho clespcratelv tleccls cotnpcnsation fbr his inlclecluacies,inclucling se\tlirl incirp;rcifi', rncl in linding t-uasical comPe llsittiolls fi)r l-regencrates colllpensators for r.rsebv hir-r-rsclf-, lrore nonllill Persollsr1s\\'cll (La Blrre 1972: 138). (lliude I-dvi Strrrr-rss, Jll exchallge theorist as $'cll as a structurillist, enlpl-rasizcsthilt the sltlntart P.trticipiltcs in all ec()llolllv of nrelnitrg. Nortlal ficrsolls \\-ant lllilll\' kintls of rcn'irrrls thcv cattnot obtaitl atrcl cln be cot-tVincccl to acccPt conlpcllsltors gclleriltccl bY tellou'citizer.rslessticc.lto rcalin' than thcr'. "It.r l nniversc u'hich it strives to ttnclerstrrtlcibr'tt u'hosc cjltrrtntics it cltluot fullv coutrol, nr)rtnal thought colttitlLlallvsceksthe nlcirlllllg of tl.rinesu'hich refusc to reveirl their sigrlificlnce. So-c;rlleclp.rthologicrrlthougl.rt, on thc otl'rer hlucl, overflou's n'ith crnotiot-rll interprctati()lts alld oVert()lles, iu orcler to sLlpplcmcnt i.lt ()ther$ ise tleficicnt rcallr"' ( l . 6 r ' i - s t r a t r s s1 9 6 3 : 1 7 5 l . I t r s h a n r r l t r i s n trh' c neurotic prtldLtcer of con-tpensatorsancl the suflerir-rgnornirl collsunler colnc together in an exchanqe ber.reflcialto botl.r, particiPlting in thc erchlnge of conlPellsatorstirr tlngiblc rcu'rrcls that is tl're basis of all cults. norrnal, blrt in mant' casescven rather len€!th\' biographies fiail to ro'eal significant o'idencc of pathologr'. lVhile the psvchopathologt' modcl fbcr-rseson cult fituuclers u'ho invent lle\\' compcllsator-svstcms initiallv tilr their ()\\'n use, the cntrepreneur moclel notes that crrlt tbr.rrrdersoften mirt' consciouslt'dettelop net' c|rnpenstttTr-s\tsternsin order to exchnnge tbent frtr gre nt rewnrds.Innovatic'rt'tpavs otf in n'ranY ()ther irrers of culture , such as technological invcntiot-r ancl artistic crcativit\:. If s<'rciirlcir cllmstances providc opportttnitics for profit ill thc fielc1of cults, theu mant' perfbctlv normal inclilielr.ralsriill bc attracted to the challcngc. Nlodels of eutrcpreneurship hrrvc becn prohttt-t'lrttt ;rosecl to explairr man\' othcr kinds of lclcqttate ftluncl tlot ilctivit\', but $-c hilr-e ntific moclelsspecificallvclesigncdto social-scie erplain cult innovaticin. Journalists have documentecl that sLlch a rrodcl tl'or-rldapplv uell to nranv cases, aucl ollr o\\'ll obsen'irtiotls ttl scveral cults anrplv confirm that conclusiotr. Therefbre, u'c sl'rall sketch the beginnings of an entreprenettr model, u'ith the utrderstanding tl-rat tluch htture l'ork u'ill bc recluirccl betirre this anah'tic approach is firlli' clevcl' opec1.The cl-rieficleas of such a r-nodel rl-right be the tbllou'ing. I 2 3 4 Model The Entrepreneur Cult Innovation of 5 The cvftrel)rcneur rttodcl of cult iullovaticln has not receivccl ls ntttclr lttclltiol'l fiom social sci erltists rs tl-tc pst'chopnthohyTt'rnodtl. We l.ravc knou'tr firr clec.rdestl'rrrt tl-rc irsvchopilthologr' rroclel cotrlcl rtot erplain aclccl.rltclv all cr-rltic phcnonreu;r(Ackerknecl.rtI943 )' but irttcmpts to construct altcrllate models havc been clesul torr'. Of coursc, it is difficult to pro\-e that anv given clrlt fburtcler s''.rs psvcirologicalli' 6 7 63 (lLrlts arc businesscs s'l.rich provide a procluct for thcir cttstomers atrcl rccci'n'e pa\,nlent in retttrn. . Cults rrc ntainlv in tl're businessof selling novel compcnsatorsr or irt lcast fieshlv pachaged c()lrpellsators thilt apPcirr nc\\'. Therefbrc, ;r sr.rpplvof novcl colrlperlsators mLlst be rnanufacturecl. Both matrtttrrctrtre and salcs are accolllplished bv eutrepreneurs. Thcse cntreprcrleurs, likc those it"r tlther busiuesscs, arc m()tivatccl bv the clcsire fbr profit, u'hich thev can gain l-rr' exchanging comPcltsatorsftrr ren'ards. Nlotivation to enter thc cult busincss is stimulatccl l-x' thc perccptiorl that such calt bc profitablc, an impressiot-l L-rr.tsiness likclv to bc acqttired through prior involverrcnt u'ith a succcsshrlcult. Successhrl cntreprencurs require skills and experietrce, u'hich are most easilv ]'HE NATLTRE OF NhW RF, L I G I OUS gaincd through r l.rior cJrcer ts rhe entplovce of an carlier succcssfillcult. l'he rnrrntrflcturecif s;rli-rble ne\\.contpen_ sators (or contpcltsittor_packagcs) is most easilv accor-np-rlisl-reci br, asscnrlrling corn_ l ) {) r t el t t \ ( ) l - p r c - C r i r t i n t l L () n t l ) ( . n \ A t o r _ svstctrlsinto neu. configuratior-rs,or bt. thc furthcr cler.elopmertr oi succcssfr-Ll tr,IO\/ENI I] Nf'S 1'he sit-nplcst \.ariant of thc cntreprenelrr moclel, ancl the one prcfcrrccl br. jotri-r.ralists, 8 Itolds that cult innovators are outrigl.rt fiauds uto havc no faith in tl-reir orur prcr.iuct a,rd scll it through trickerv to fbols lncl clcsperate persons. \\rc har.c rnanr.ex;rmplcsof culis that \\'erc prtre conficlence gantcs, and $.c shall nrentior-r examplcs of fiaud in three kir-rcls ot. C() lIpClt Siit()r- SvStCnt S. cult: audiencc cults, client cults, irncl cr.rlt 9 Thcrefirre, cults tend ro cluster in lin_ lIoYcntents. -fher. crrges. arc lir.rkcd br. ir-rc.liviclLrirl Attdieuct cttlts ofter vcrv sprecificand u,eak cltfreprcltellrs tho besin their carcersirr c()lttpensittors, often lto more than a n_rilcl, r.ic orrc cult rrnti then lcrrvc to fbund their lrious tl-rrill or entcrtrrinr-rrcr-rt,;.rntl ther. lack .,fhntilv otn. Thcv bcirr stroug rescr-n l r o t l r l o n g - t e n l t c l i ( . r ' t t \. r r r d l i r r . n r l l , l c r r r b . . blanccs" bccrrLrscthei. sharc n.rirrrvcul ship. Client cults oftcr r.aluctl bur relativell. t r r r ' . tIl e . rLt r r . r . s . spccific c()lrpensirtors, fi-cqu en tlr, :rllegeci cures I0 Ir'leirs firr contprletclr.nc\\. c()llpenstrtors firr particular discrrses ar.rclenoriorial prob cillt c()lle fl-or-nlnt, crrlturirl s()urce or pe r lerns, :rnd thev nrav possess:r rcl:-rtivcit,itablr sonal crpcricr-rcc\\'hiltsocVcr,but thc skill clicr-rtclc u ithoi-rt c()untinq rhenr .rs firll fLl entrepreneur expcrirlents crrrcfr.rllr. in nrenrbers of tirc ore;rnization. Cu/t mottewents r l t c r ' i r ' r c l o p r l t c l (t , t r ) c \ r p 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 ; 1 , ' , , . , , 1 cleal in a u.ruch rrore elaboratc pilckage of iltc()rporittcsthe r-npermanentlv ilt his cult contpcnsators, inclLrcling the ntost general t , r r l ri l ' t l r c r r r . r r k et l. c \ l ) ( ) n si ,c l i r r , , r . . r l , l e . colllpcltsators bascd or.l supern:ltural assum1] tions, ancl thev possess comrtrittecl nre,.nlrer (lults c;rn in fict bc vcri, succcssfirlbusis l r i P . 1 1 1t c t . t n \ ( ) l l l r c i r c o r r r | c r ) \ . l t ( ) r tsl ,) c s ( . ncsscs. I'he secrccv that surrour-rrisrntrtv of thrce levels of cults can be dcscribcd colt\.et l r c s r 'o r q . t l r i z , l t i o r r s P;-11a,llu \ \ l i o n l r . c l ) { r l . t _ rrientlv in tre-rditionalliugLlage: auclience cults irrrrcurrent finrrncialstiltistics,but I tbs.figurcs prcrvitle m)tth0/o!ft. clicnr cLrlts adc-l seri<tus hrrve bcen rcvcalctl. Arthur l_. liell's cult, mry1ic; cult ntovcntcnts give crirnplet c reli1yiort. NIlnkinrl Unite cl, r.eccivcd contributions In 1973, Isracli presticiigiraror Uri (ieller totalling firur nrillion clollars in the tcn vcrrrs banrstornreci thc Unitccl States presenting I r ' c c c c t l i r r .1r9l 4 - l' l ) o l r r r r r r r rI 9 5 l . i :4 1 1 . I n r l r e hinrsclf irs a psvchic u.ho could rcacl irinc-ls anj fbur r.clls 1965-1959, the W:rshirrgton, I)(_-, bcnd sl.roorrsbt, shcer fbrce of n,ill. As Iar.ncs branci.rof Scicr.rtolosvrook in li25g,9g2 anc.l Rancli (1975) has shou.r.r,(icllcr's fLats u.ere gavc its firunclcr, L. I{on Hubbarcl, S100,000 achicr ccl through trickcrr,, ancl \,et ur.rtold plus tlte use of rt Ironc irnrl c;rr (Cooper lgZl: thousancls of people u.cre firscilraiecl br. -ft the I 09 ).. rd.rl Scientoktgv h:ls lltanv fkrurishi ng p o s s i [ r r l i trvi r r r rL i c l l c rn r i c . l r lrr l i c r c . i l 1 r . r elri. 'fl.re brlnchcs, rtnclHubbarc.llir.eson lris urn 32(i utole afllir n.as a grancl but l'x)\\'ers. firot shil'r.ln 1973 r srnall cuk u.c have callccl sl-rort livccl :tuclicnce cr:lt. l ' h e P o l r c r n a s g r o s s i n gS 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n r o n t h , X{eciical client culrs brrscclon intenrional firur rhousrrnclof this eoiug directlv to tl-re fir,rucl arc quite comrnor.r. ,\ nurlber of con husbancl rrncluifb teant \\.ho ran the operatior-r irrtists n()t onlv h:rr.e discovcrcd th:rt therr carr.r fiont their cornfitrtrrble \\'estchcster Countl t t s c t l t c I ' c l i g i o r r sl a l r c l t o a p p c . l l 1 , , c . i r t a i , . , e\rrlc , B.rirrlrridgc l97g r Irr .rrl.iirion ro kincls of gLrlliblc rnarlis, b,.,t also have learnecl obvior-rs llaterial bencfits, strcccssfr-rlcult titat tl-relabel proviclcs a lneasure of prrotcctior.r filrnclers irlso rcceivc intrmgible but valtrable against lcgal pnrsecution (Giick ancl Neu,sont ren'ards, inclutiing praisc, pol.er, ancl lr.nusc_ 1971). In nranv ofthcse casesit ntat, be intposncnt. tr,Ialtvcult leaclcrshave cnjovcd alnrost sible to prove *'hethcr the culr fbuncler'u.as Lu-rlintitcclscxLr:Llaccessto .rttractivc firllori.ers srncere or notl and \\,e can onlt, assume that ( ( ) r r l n o n t l 9 6 l ; O a r c l e n1 9 6 9 ) . nnr-rv uncietectecl fiands lurk bchir-rcli1 \,rlrictv )f clicnt ci ..i.rtlr-rtth,, : hc r.t.tost : . ' \ ' c h r c\ u l i i r - . r s i l i . rcnt .ric \L1rgc .1:.iIn!I !r -.',) .iarri, ::.n tirc\ . -'r'a.ir1 .1:. -.- :\ l)l ! I:'..11'r!!: ,..1i:j, ::'-itir: .'....'. T H I - - N A T L I R I - - O F N F , \ \ TR E L I G I O U S -'ntf ePrelleLlr . joumalists, tliehr fi'aucjs trocluct and rd clcsperate rrt cults that rrl n'e sl-rall rcc kincls of .. tltc'l cult ii rrncln.cak r rnilc.l,r'ic.1 rl-rcv lack .ri n-rcnrbcrrt re l:rtivelv ileqcclcurcs , rnal prob:rrcly st:rblc n rls firll il t ()rtvucll tS p.rckage of rrt general -rl .rssur-np I ntentbcr tors, thcsc .c11conve ; c i r c cc u l t s .1t1 scrior-rs :c t'c/i11iort. L'ri Gcllcr irresentiltg rrrnclsancl -\s farncs tc'ltS were ct untolcl :tl bv rhe :.r1psvcl-ric :rlnci but r fc n t i o n a l cr of con : thcv can , r certail c leantecl )r()tectlon \etvsonr ..c inrpos nticr u'as ulnc that J VilrletV : clicnt cults. In sollc cascstl-retrickcri is so -..lf.lnt that \\'e ciut have little cloubt. Among -.( m()st rccent c\amples arc tl-re Philippine .-.rchic srrrseonsT'crte irnclAgpraoa,ancl their .l:'.rsilirrrr colleague, Arigo. Tl-resenren pcrfirrr.n '..kc surgerv u-itl-r tl-rcir b.rre hancls or Lrran.::'hir-rscrucle .jacl<kr-rives. In solle ctscs thev -:.rr' .rctr.rallr'picrcc the pilrienr's skin, but :ien thcv ntereli'prctencl to clo so and thcn -..r'c.rd anir-nal gorc :rbout to sirnulate the :.'Lrlts of'clcep cuttins. T'hrougl-rr.rshillhrl pcr)rnr.llrccthcr, cortYincctheir patients not onh. ..'.rt rlangcrolls tllnlors har-e been rcrlovcd :-')r)t tlteir botlies, but rrlso tl'rat tl-re slrrse()lt's .'\\ chic po\\'ers Itlvc ir-rstrurtaneouslv healed . re n'otrrrcl. But their fiilurc lctuallr. to ,-.rt()nlr rcll ope rations in this mrlltncr lltust ..c clclr to the psvchic surgcor-rsthenrsch'cs F l e n l . n o n c l cI 9 7 ; J . -\r'thur I-. llell's ctrlt utovenrcnt u-ls a ti;rucl .'.rscclou thc traclitiorral Rosicruciar-ric{c:,rtlrirt ., \.rst beltc\'olcnt consl-ri|acvprepares to rule :rtc ri'orlcl lutcl invites ir tcu orclinrrrv peoplc tcr ,,rn its elitc ranlis. Bcll clliurecl onlv to bc thc \'rr[)criutendcntrif thc Plcific Corst Divisiotr, :r constiut corlmunicltiort \\'ith his superiors .:r thc (6ctitious) orgu'tizr-rtionirlhierlrchr'. In :i.Lisu'lv hc u'as ablc to cor-nincc his folkruers . ir.rt thev u'crc r-r-rcrlbcrs of irn intntenselt' ..on'elftrl sccrct s()cirt\', clespite tltc tict that :itc portirin 0f it thev coulcl sec $'its r-r-rotlest in .rze. Like ser-cral sintilar fi'autlr,rlctrtmove:rcnts, Bell's cr-rit clirl not originallv clrrinr :-cligiousstattrs,but onlv becirnte I "church" .rtter cr-rcountcrir-rg legll clifficultt' (l)ohrntan 1 9 5 8) . L'r order t() gl'o\\'j a cult ntoverncltt lnust 'crve rcal reliqious firr-rctionsftrr its comntittecl rirllou'crs, reg:rrcllcssof the privrrte intcntrons ,rt' tl'rc fbr-rnder.Nlanv olclcr cults proLrablr n'cre fiaucls in orieir-r, but hrrve becn transionleti into gentrinc religicius orglnizltior-rs bv firllou'ers u.ho clecplv believccl tl-rc Iouncler's ileceptior-rs. But fiaud ncecl not be iuvoli'ell in cntreprcneuriiil cult innovation. trIlrtv orclinirrt businessrrcn are corrlincctl of tl-re virluc of thcir proclr-rctsbv tl'rc fltct that cllstonters \\'at1t to buv thcrn, ancl cult entrcprcncurs mrrr.Iikc sisc ircce;rttheir rrr.rrkctas tltc ultill.'rtc stan- 65 N{OVEA{EN1'S clarcl of valuc. Nlirnv cult fbunclcrs clo appctrr to be conlincecl bv tcstimonials fiom satisfiecl custolncrs that their contpensator-packagcs irrc valuable. This *'as probablv thc case u..ith Franz Arton Nlesmcr, u'ho sau. astonishing transtorntations in his clicnts, apparentlv the bcneficial results of his techniqr.res,ancl u.to firr-urclin thenr am;rlc cviciencc of thc tmth of his tl.reorics (Zs'eig 1932; l)amton I9Z0). Practitioncrs of ail clicr.rt cults fieqr_rcr.rtlvsec sin'rilar er-iclencc in fhvor of their oun ideas, n() mrltte r l-rrxv illogicril, because all such cults provicie conrpensators of at lcast sonre strcrlgth(Frank 1963). ,\lotl'rcr sourcc of confidence fbr the cult innolator is his c.rpericnce u'ith other cults. Eirrli' ir-rtltcir cirrccrs,innor.atorstrpicallv join one ol' lrore successflrl cults, and honesth. r-r-rlv valuc the cults' proclncts thernselr'cs. Hos'cver, the innovator ntar, bc disst-rtisfled u ith the older cults rrnci conre to thc sincere o;-rinion that he can creatc a ntore satisthctorv I r ' ( ) ( l L r c ll ). e s P i t ct h c i l o l i e n i r r t e r r scco r 1 l P g 1 i tion, cr-rlt lcaclers fiecprcr-rtlr.cxpress respect rrnci ac-lnriration firr other cults, inch-rding the ones u'itl-r n'hicl-r tl-rer, thcn-rselve s \\,ere previrtr-rslv associlttc('1.For exarnple, L. Ron Hubbarcl of Scientolog\. has praisecl Alfied I(orzvbski's Generll Semantics, lncl lack Homcr of l)ianologv has prrrliserlHubbarcl's Scientolog\'. Oncc s e re altze thirt cnlt fbrnration oftcr-r irrvohes clttrcprelteLlrial:rctiou to cst:rblish a profitable ncu org'.rnizittion b:rscd ort novel culture , \\'e can see that concepts clcr.ekrpcclto understand tccl-rnologic.rl innovation shoulcl applv hcrc rrs u'cll. For exirmple, a stnclv of entreprenerlrship rrncl technolopSr.bV Ed$-lrd Il. Roberts (1969) cxamined thc culrurll irryact of thc trIirssachusctts Institute of 'I-echnoloer', the precrnineltt ccnter of nen, technokreical cultr-rre. Over 200 neu' high, tcchnologv cor-npanieshacl bccn tiruncled bv l i r l n r c r \ l l T c r r r l . l o r c c r i l t o e o r r r l r r t l c dr h c v .'ottld .rr'lticrc c.rc.itcr pcr:orrrrl rcrr arJs l,i establishing their orr r'r businesses bascc-lcx-r ul'rat thev hird leirrr.redar MIf. The current cult equivalent of N,IIf is Scientologr,,stuclied bv one of us in 1970. Clultic elttrepreneul.s hale left Scientologv to fbund countlcss 1 ' H h N A T L . T R EO F N I r \ \ r R E L t c I ( ) U S N{()VIrN{ENTS ()rhcr cults bascci on n-rotlifier.l Scientologv comnrercialisrn of man\. such org;rnizations iderrs, inclucling lrtck Home r's Diat.rologr,, ir-r contenrporart, Amcric;r. Wcmcr Erharrl. (lharles Berrrer's Abilitism, Harolci H. tburrder of err, lred some cxpcricnce u.itl.r Thonrpson's Am;rrir.ristics, ancl thc flvinr{ Scicntologv in 1969. l,ater, he u,orkcd fbr rr saucer cuk clescribecl in tl-re ethnographv uhile in NIinci Dvr.rarr-rics, itsclf an ofllhoor of Wben I'rophccyFails (Fesrir.rgcrct al., 1956). |os6 Silva's Mind Control. After Erh:rrcl Scientologr',likc MIl', is a r.ast storchouse ()f s t a r t c c lh i s o u ' n c u l t i n l 9 Z l , l - r e d e c i c l e ctl o exotic cultrlre derivecl fiont rtrant, s()Llrces. emulate Scicntoloer''strenrendous successancl S o c i . t l s c i c r r t i \ t s\ r r r d \i n g l ) i l f t ( . r . n ,\ r i c r r i t r u . . r l I.rirc.dnvo .Scicr.rtologiststo aclapt its practices developnrcut shor-rld bc au'are thrlt irn occa for his ou'n usc. \\'e sl-roirlclnote that convcn_ sional kei. orgrrnization can bc an infli_rcrrti:rl tional busincsscs, such as tLtto colniraniesancl rrerus of innolrrtion ancl clifhrsion. telcvisiolr ncnvorks, ofteu inritatc cach other Futlrre rescarch calt deterntillc thc ntost rrr plrrsnit of profit. L,rharcl's rcseirrch ancl col]llltolt processcstl]ror,rsh which entrepreclevelopmcnt eflbrts u,ere reu.irrdecl, irncl br. neurirtl cult fountle rs actuallv rnr.errt f heir the bcsiruting of 1976. rur estinrarcclseventt. novel iclcrrs.\Vc suspect the ntain techniques t l t o 1 1 s . 1 1l1) c. lt ' \ o t ) \ l r r t , l c o l t r I l c t c d h i s S 2 5 0 involve the cultural equivller.rtof recontbinrmf ir.ritialsentinirr (I(ornblLrth lg26). DNA gcnetic cngir.re crine. Esscr.rtialli.,thc \Ve slrggest thr,rt cult cntrepre ne urs u.ill irrnovator takes thc culturiil confieurxtion ()f imitatc those fcatr.rresof other successfil cults ln existing cull, rcrnovcs solne cornpoltclttsl n,hich scenr t() thenr m()st responsible fbr ancl rcprlacesthenr u ith ()thcr conrponents snccess. Tl-rev nill innovatc eithcr in rron_ taken fi'om ()ther sourccs. C)ften, the itrnovilcssclttial areas or in areas u-here thev believe tor mav sirnplv splicepiccesof fir.o carlier cults t l t c v r . r r ri n c r c a r cr l r c i l l a l r i l i t r . r l ' t h c i.rro.lrret. fogcthcr. In sornc cases, the innovator preIrr cstablishing rheir ()\\.n cult birsinesscs scrvesthe supporting skcleton ofpractices and thev lnLlst innovatc at least suprcrficialli.. Thcv t'rasicassuntl-rtiorrs of I cult hc aclmircs, rtnd cannot selze r significant part of thc rnarkct rnerelv grafts on neu'svntbolic flesh. Rosicnr_ unlcss thcr' :rchieve procluct cliffercntiirtion. ci:uisrn aflbrcls ir seclLlenceof nrnr-rvc()nnected ()thern.isc thcv uill bc at a grear disach,irnrage crarnplcs (N{clntosh l9Z2; I(ng I9Z0). Lr in clircct conrpcrition u'ith thc oldcr, m<xe creirting the AN,l()RCl Rosicmciirn orc.lcr,H. prosperous cult on u'hich theirs is pattcrneci. 'I'he Spenccr l-cu'is tcxrk Eunrpeau llosicruciar-r ilpparcnt nove lt\. of a cult's .,r,-rrp.,]rnt,r._ principlcs of tlre tunr of thc centurr,, inclLrcl_ packagc |uarr.bc I slles advtrntagc [,hen the ing the hicrlrchical social srrucrlrre of rn inipublic has n()t vcr cliscor.crcclthe linrirations ti;rtort' sccret sociefr'. ar-rdg5raftedolt :1 \.ellecr of the reu,arcls tl-rat mcntbers actualhr u.ill of st'nrbolism t.rhcn fionr Ancient F_qvl-rt, tlius r t ' c c i rc i r r t l r c l t r . \ \ c l t l t r r r r t l u h c r r o l t l e r capitllizir.rgon public cntilusiasnrfirr Egr.;-rtiirr.r c()trpeltsiltor pacl(ageshave becn discrcdifccj civiliz:ttion crtrrent:rt that tintc. His heirrl_ t() s()lltc extcnt. Much rcselrch irnd thcort._ quartcrs in Sat.rfosi, Califbrnia, is ir citv blcick l r t t i l , l i r r gr c l r r . r i r rl so b r . t i o r r c ,l r r r t t l r c i r r s i g , i r t o t ' s i m r r l . r t c r iE g l I r r i . r 1l1r r r i l J i 6 q r . L r r t c r . R , 6sc that cr.rlrs often ;rre exan-rplcsof skilltul fiec l)lu'n irnitltccl Lcu is in crcirtins hcr rir,al enterprise irtrrlecliatclr. explirins ntanv of thcr Ortlcr of' fhe Ancient Nlllvlns. Ir-r sre at l c . t t r t r c (s) l 't h c c ( ) l t f c r i t i r c q l r l t i , , 1 ' . . r r l l s . mcrrsltre, shc simprlr. rcplaced Al,{ORC's st'nrbols n'ith ecluir,irlentsr.r-nbols.Insteacl ()f Le lr'is's green biu'eerklv nrail-orcler lessons The Subculture-Evolution Model of cmblazoncci n.ith Egvptirtn rrrchitccture ancl Cult Innovation lJgvptian hieroglrphics, she sold recl bit.ceklv rnail-orcler lessons tlecoratecl u.ith N.lar.an lVhile the pst,chopatltoloat, and entreltrrneu:, . t r c l r i t c c t r r r .cl n ( l M . l v J n l r i c r o g l lp l l i i s . r-noclelsstressrhe rolc of the individual ir.rnoI'he highlv successful rrt cult is derivecl \-ator, thc subcu bure -eyo/u tiott tn od eI crnptltapartlv fioll Scicr.rtologvand u,ell illustrates the slzes group interirction processes.It suggests o6 :lrlt cLtlt tclrlcr\.,11 :r.lfrl dc\'( 5ll :lJ.ll\' .i\\'all()L()! icr clopir ;, r111p1'g . . () 1 1 t l l l , gji11 \\ c . rl ' \ a l \ e \ . ( Lrit' \\ \:(:r )I .l: .,.::r , . .: : : { - THE NA . ( )f 1I11lIZi1tl()lts i'crner Flrharcl, \Periellcc \\'ith r ri orke cl fbr a m offihoot of .\fie r F.rl-rarri irc clecidetl to , 'rrssr-rcccss ltncl Irf rts prirctices :c tlttt c()nvel1 ;, rnrpltrricsr-tncl ..'.tccach othcr . rcscarch '.tncl .irtlcd, irr-rd br' :lrltecl scvclltv rtctl his S250 o 'ii.r'enenrs u,ill . L r c c e s s f uc lu l t s "c\p()nsiirlc fbr .:fhcr itl non:i t]re\r believc , ,l the procir.rct. '.rlt businesses 'trticiallr,.-l'hcy !)t thc ntarkct .ritiire r-rtiation. .r: Jislch lnttrse l oiclcr, rnore :' r\ Pirtternecl. . a()lIPe ltsirtor:.rqe nJten tlte :rc Iimitltior-rs . ,rctualli. r,r'ill .' u hcrr olclcr :lrr t|screclitctl .r .rncl theorr'rur thc insigl.rt , ,i skilltul ficc . nr.rnv of thc 'tJ of cults. r -N'Iodel of I '. ilttre |,rcntur rJividualinuo;ttodel cnphacs. It suggests U R . E O F N E \ \ ' R F , I - I C ] I O L i St r { O \ / t , A ' I I I N T S th.it cults crn elltcr.!ie \\'ithoitt ilLlth()ritativc lcaders.;u1dit p()ints ()ttt thilt c\-cn radicll cultrlrrl (lcvelopnlents ci1ll be :rchieveclthrotlgh luranv sulr-Ill steps. Altl-ror.rgh mttch social i11 l.rsvcl.rologicallitcrattrrc \\'oLtld be usetul .ieveloping this rnodel. \\'e rlre llot e\\'arc of a compre hensir-e statemcllt oll cLllt inllovas() tior-r thrcugl"r subclrltr-tral evolution' model tl-re .rr{ain \\'e \\'ill iltteltlpt t() olltline oursch'cs. I 2 3 (lLrlts are thc exprrcssitlt-l of novel sociill svstcnrs,llsr.lalh'sluirlI in size Lrtttctlmpose cl of rrt lcrrst a f-es- intin-rirteh' illtcracting inclivirlurrls. 'fhesc cultic soci.rlsvstcnlslrc most likch' t() emerlie in populrrtiorls alreidv tlecplv tl, bttt cltlt cvoinvolr-ccliu thc occr-rltr-nilie in elltirelv seculrtr begirl t-urli' also lirtion settilr {rs. Crilts irre the result of sicletracketior failecl collcctivc rttentPts to obtirit-t scarce or t i o t t er i s t c r r t t ' c \ \J l ' ( l \ . 'fhc cvoltrtittt.t bcgins rihcn rr group of pcrs()us corntnits itsclf to the attr'tinment of certrlin reu'arc1s. 5 Lr u orkine togethcr to obt;ritr thesc rs [-regi tr erchrln gi n g otl-rcr retvartls, t-t'tct-ttl-rc lcs'arc'lsas ucll, such as aflect. 6 As ther' progrcssivelv come to erperietlce firilurc in achievir.rgtheir orisin.11 goals' thcv riill grrrclr,rallt'qcllerate .rucl cxchrurgc compensators irs n'cll. 7 If the itrtrlerott;-r cxchal-rge of rcn irrcls ancl competrsators lrecotltes srtfficierrtlr' irttct-tsc.the group uill beconle rclrrtivcli' encapsulated,itr thc ertrcnle case ttndcr going cont;rlete social implosion. 8 ()nce sepJrlte cl to some clegrec fi'olt-t cxtenr;rl coutrol, the er-olving ctrlt dcvel.r uovel cLtlttlrc.encrops atrclcot-tsolidatcs gizeclbv the rteed to facilitrrtcthe erchirnge of reu'trrc'ls:rtlclcompeustrtors, alld illspiretl bv esscntilllv accidental firctors. 'I'he 9 cntl poirtt of strccesshrlcttlt cvrh-ttion is rr novel rcligioLtscultltre enbocliec'lin ir distinct sc.rcillgrou;r u'hich nlust ll()\\' c()pc u'itl-r the problent of ertrrlcting rcsources (including tten' ntembcrs) fionr the srtr -t In n'ritinc lbottt juvcrrile tlclinqtrcncr', Albcrt I(. (.oher-r(1955) clescribcclthe process of ntutttnl contursion through u'hich iuteracting indivicluals coulcl graclualh' crcate a cleviant normative strLlcture. This proccss tlat' resr.tlt in crinrinal bchavittr, but it mat' also rcsr.rltin the stimr-rlationof ttnrcalizable l'ropesarlcl of firith in the protlise of irnpossible re*'ards. Thtts, trttrtual convtrsion can dcscribc thc social process through s'hich pcople prc)grcrs siveh'commit cach othcr to a packageof conlpensat()rsu hich the v sinrnltancouslvrrssernblc. It begins uLrcn peoplc n'ith sinrillr ncccls aucl clesircsureet rucl begin comn-rr'llticatins alrout thcir mutu'.rl problct.ns. It takcs placc in tirlr', elen ir-uperceptiblecr;rloratc)rv stePs, as olle individual c\presses a hop'rc ctr rr platl rrncl reccivcs 1-rositive fbcclbrtck itr the firrn.r of sir.nilarhopcs lntl plar.rsfi'onr his fcllorvs. "The final product . . . is likeh' to be a cc'rt.upror-nisetorrn;rtion of r,rllthe participants to u'hat \\'c nril\r call a cultural process, '.t iirrrn;rtiotl pcrhll-rs Llnilnticipatcd bt' '.rtrv of thcn.r. L,ach rrct()rmav contribute something clircctlvto thc grouinq proc'luct.but hc n'tr1\'als() contribttte inclirecth' bv encourrrging othcrs to adr':rncc, them to rctreat, end suggcstiltg lle\\' ir-rdLrcir-rg rrvenuesto be exploreci. The proclttct cilllnot bc ascribcrl to i'ur\rone of the participar-rts;it is 'crnergcnt' on il sroup level" a rertl i(lohcn 1 9 5 5 :6 0 . ) Cohen sirls all hutnan action "is r1l1ollgolng s c r i e s o f c f k r r t s t o s o l v e p r o b l en l s " ( 1 9 5 5 : 50). All hr.rman bcings tirce tl.rc problerl of copir.rguith fiustrltion beclttsc sonle highlr' clcsircclrel'artls, such rtseverlastinglifc, cio rlot cxist in this u.orlcl. Throtrgl-r ltltltttal coll\'ersion, ir-rclivirlualsbartcl tcxlether to solvc ()llc ()r nrore shared probleurs, ancl tltc ()utconle Presurnabh' depcncls on a uunrber of firctors, ir.rcluclingthc trature of thc problct.nsancl thc grou;r's initial cor.rceptualizatiorlof them. We sLrspccta cLtltic solutiot't is t.trtlstlikcli' if the peol.rlc begin bv attemptiltc to intprove thct.t.lrclrcr '.ir itt pslch,rtltcrlpi ) ()r t() lllll)rovc thcir relationsl-ri;-rto the natural u'orltl, ancl thcr.r firil in their effbrts. Crinrinal or politicrrl ()utc()mes irfe nlore likelv if people be lieYc tl'rat othcr persons or social cot'rditionsare rcspoll sible for tl'reir problems. rounciit-tg cttvirortrtlet-tt. 67 THE NATUI{E O F N F , \ , \ ' R E T , I G I O [ ] S N IO V E N { E N 1 ' S 'I-he quest firr trnlvailablc rcu'arcls is not lltto tn authoritarian cult rnor,.er-nelttthit rescri'cd fitr poor iutd cftxvntroddcn firlk recruits persons n'ho nevcr suflbrcd tiom clruo alone. Manv elitc social ntoventelttshar.eLrecr-r problents. tleciicatccl t() the tttaintrent of goals thrrt T\\'o inrp()rtaut f:ct()rs rcnder cultic er.olr,r_ r-rltintatclr. provecl Lrnattainirblc. Or-re u.ell tron nore likelr'. First, the proccss u,ill c'locurnentcclcxalnple is l'he Cor-nrnittee for progrcss most easilv if tl.rere are no binding the Futurc, an institutiouallv clctachcd little cxtcnral constraints.For examplc, psvchiatrists organizltior-r that fbrr-ncclt.itl-rin thc nenr.ork and psvcl.rologists n-ho l.ork in institr.rtional of techrrological social mo\.cmcnts orienterl settmgs (such ls hospitirlsor universities)mar, tol'arcl spaceflight. Fotrnded in l9Z0 bv a be prevented bv their con\.cntion.rl comnrit_ r i c l l t l r r c o r r | l g .t h c C F F \ \ . 1 \( l c ( l i c J t c (rl, , i h c ments firrrrt pirrticilrtting in the cvolution of r-r inrnreclitrte cokrnizatiorr of thc ntoon irnc.l cult, *'hilc inclcpcndenrpr.lctiri(rlterstrc llore pllnets ancl to bcginning il nc\\' irge in uticl-r ficc. Scconcl, rhe process *.ill bc ficilitated if the fieki of nr:rn's lctilitv rrrtuld Lrcthc entire tl-re thcrapist rectit,csc()ntpcnsltors as u.ell as 'fhe Lrnivcrsc. biggest cffirrt of thc CFF, givcs then ;rncl thus llarticipiltcs firllr, in the I)roject Hrtn'est Nkr<trr,u.as intenr.leclto estabiuflation ancl prolifbration of coffrpenstltors. lish thc first clcmonstrrti()n colortr. olt the A good cxarrtprlcis Thc pou,er, flrundecl ir.r nr(x)lt, plantcclusing I surplus Satunt V launch Lorrckrn in 1963, nlticlt beqan as an indepcn_ vcl.ricle.L-llrirn:rtclr', high cost anclquestionable clent psvchothcrr'Lpvscrr.ice clcsignccl ro hcl;r fLasibi liti' prc\-entcc'lanv p racric;11accorr.r plish norrnal irrdivicluals lchie r,c supcr-nonnal rnents. In struggling fo :lrouseprrblic support, levels of firnctior.ring. Thc thcrapv u,as basccl thc (lFF hcld I series of open convenri()ns on,{Jficc1 At.llcr's thcorr. that cach hunran 11t \\'hich prlrticipiutrs collcctir,eiv clcvclopccl bcing is ir.npellcc'lbr, subconscious 70rl.r, anLl sru.rcl schenrcs fbr a bcttcr norlcl. Blockcd lt attenlptcd to bring thesc eotrls to colt_ li-onr .ruv success ir.r tl.ris dircctior-r, thc CFF scroLLslrcss sO the person coulcl prlrsllc thcm 'I'he crolvcd to\\'irrd cultisr-r-r. convcntion semntorc cflbctir.elv ancl esc:rpcinner conflict. 'I'he in;rrs beclr-nc encountcr sr()ups. llvsticism fbr-rndersof f'hc Pou.er rcceir.cd the fherapv as irncl parapsvchokrgv reirlacccl spacefligl.rtas thc $'cll as elYc it, illtd fieqLleltt group sessions to1'ricof conicrsltion. Rituirls of psr.chicfiLsiorr brougl.rt all participlr.rts r()getltel. to scrr.c e.rch \\'cre clttcted to rclisiolrs r.rl_rsic,rtncl thc pre other's clroti()nil ncecis. fhe pon.cr recruitecl viouslv fiicnclli' acr()space contpranies ancl clicnts through thc fbunclcrs' prc-existir.rg agcrlcics brokc off u.ith the Cor-rtn.rittee . fiicnclsl.rip ncru.ork, ancl the therl;rv sessions l)cnieci successin its original purproses,ancl grcatl\.intcnsified thc strength anclir.rtirnao,of unfcttcrccl b\, strong ties to cortventionirl insti thcir socirrl bor-rcls. tutions, the (.FF tLtrncd cvel. nt()rc stronglv As bonc'ls strengtheneLl, thc soci:rl nettvork to$'arcl c()llpensiltors etrcl tcxvard thc strper bcclnre lr()rc thorougl-rlv intcrconncctctl as rrrtrrral (Bair-rbridge197 6). prcviouslr. clistant persons \\,erc brought Clults rrrc particulxrh' likeli' to enrcrqe t()eethcr. Thc ruclinrents of a group culture n'herevcr nLrmbcrs of peoplc scek l-relp for evolr,ecl, anr'l nranv individuals contriburecl intrlctrrble personal problcms. The bro;rd icieas aboLrr hou tl.re therirpi. migl.rt bc Iicl.ls of psvchothcrapr,, rehirbilitltion, and inrpnx'ccl ancl erpandeci. participrrrts cilnrc to pcrsonrrl cler.eloprlent har.e becn cspecialh, fbel that (nlv other participants uncicrstoocl lLrtilc firr ctrlts. A nLurbcr of psvchotheraprv thern cornpletclv, and fbuncl contmunication services h:rvc cvolr.cd ir-rto cult rnovcments, nith outsiders progrcssir.elr,rnorc cjifficult. A includine thosc created bv sonrc of Freud's ncinl itnplosiozztook place. irnnrcclirrtefirllon.crs ( Ricff I 968 ). ()the r incleIn a social in.rplosion,part ()f an extcnded pendcr-rthunran scrr,iceorganizations nrav alscr social ncr\\.ork collapsesas social tics u.ithin it bc susccptiblc to cultic cvolution. l"hc beststreltgthelt ancl, reciprocalll,, tl-roseto pcrsolts knon-rr rcsirlerrtirtl pr()srar.n clcsignccl to treat outsiclc it u-eirkcn.It is a step-br.-stepproccss. drug aridiction, Srrranor-r,hirs rccentiv evolr.ccl Social irnl-rlosionsrnav be set ofTbv rnorc thatr 68 ()nc clfcu the in'rplt tiot't oi:t lccltllirlLl( l . cl . t t i o n s ( ot'rel:ttt Jottt cfsitr : ( JC \ P I - C \ :.lcr cOtli :' subctrl : t ( ) L l \ el ( J ::..llcri .1l .-..1t' ' ' il,ltl ' aI-:il. -rrl - ' : : .-t a r ) : - ' .,:'.1' -.:-.::- - -' . .rr l T H I ' - - \ . - A 1 ' L I R EO F N E \ \ r R I ' . l . I C i l ( ) L I S N I O V E A . { E N T S ( )\'el)lent th:tt 'rcc1fiom clrug :- cultic evolupr()ccss tvill r.e no bincling c. psvchiatrists n ir-rstittrtionll rr ersitics) mly r,rn.tl cot-t-trttit ir olution of l )ncfs are ntorc ,c tircilitltctl if , , r ' sa s u e l l i r s ,' lullv in thc nPe ltslltors. :r. toundecl in i\ Jn incj(]pclt lgncclto hcll) 'ttpcr- norntll rp\'\\'irs b:-ISe(i clch hirr-nalr )Lr\Jr/(rtA,irllcl :().li5 tO C()n Purslle thcllt . cor.rflict.'I'l.rc rirc thcrapv as l-,rr.tl'rsessiot-t-s : r I S C r t ee : r C l t ri cr rccruitcd pfe -cxistin€{ ':,tPv scsst()ns ..iintirlacr.of ,crel ncfurrrh - ( )lltectecl ts irc brought loup culture contributcd nright bc .11rtS Ctntc t() runde rstoorl 1rntulllcatloll e .lifficulr. A .in ertcncled tics n'itl.rir-rit c to persons \rcp Proccss. '\' ntore thillt \)nc circlllrlstance.In thc casc of Tl-re Po$'cr, ihe inrplosion urrs initiatccl bi' tl.re introducrron of a ne\\' element of cultr.rre , rr "therap\'" of icchnicluc that increasecl thc ir-rtin-rrrct' lclrtions arouncl a point ir-r thc ltet\\'ork. (.orrelatccl u'ith the iurplosion \\'as a ltr.rtltal .onvcrsion irsmcml)ers encourirgcderlchothcr i() cxprcsstheir cleepestfintasics anclto belicr-c thev coulcl be hrlfillecl. Tl.rc Acllerian anah'sis ,ri'subconscir)r.ls goals s'ls iclcalh' designeclttr .rlolrsc longiltqs iurcl l-ropcs firr all the unobt.rincci rrncl unobtlit-t;rblc rcu'arcls the p:rrtici-I'he Iiiltts hirclever privateh'n'isl-rccit() receiYe. i.owcrflrl affLct and social invoh'crnent pro .iuccci bv thc inrpkrsion \\'erc tanqible re*'arc1s thirt conYinccci prrrticipirnts thilt the othcr req'rrds soon n-oulcl be achicved. (lonconri tJltt cstrtltgclnellt fiorl-l outsiclc ettachmcnts lccl Thc Pou.cr to escrrpeLot-tcion t() the is()la rion of a minccl serrsicleYucatatt ;r1antl.-ttiotr. Remotc fion'r the restraining influencc of its .onvcntional sociefl',Thc Po$'cr cot-nlrletccl oolution fiom psvchotherapr-to religion bv inVentine supcrnrltrlral cloctrincs to erpla.ill hon' its irnpossible, absohrte goals migl.rt ulti nrateh'bc,rchievecl. lVhcn the neu cttlt rctumerl to civilizrrtion ir-r 1967, it becanre legallv incorp()ratecl rs rr church (B.iinbriclgc t978). Since non rcligious groLrpscau cvttlve int<r relisiotrs cults, it is not strrprising that cLrlts r'Llsocirn arisc fiom religious sccts - extrcmc rcligious gr()ups thrt accept the stanclardreligious traclition of the societr', rurlikc cults thlt ;ire revolutionarv breaks u'ith the culturc of past churches. An intrr-nous crirmprle is The 'fcnrple Pcoprlc's of Iim Jor.rcsthrrt destrovcd itself ir.r thc jur.rgles of Ciulanir. Tl'ris grou;r began as an cnrotionallv extrenrc but cultur allv traclitional Cl'rristiar-rsect, thcn evolvecl into rr cr.rlt as Jones progressivelv becamc ,t propl-rct s'ith rrn ever nrore raclicll lisiorr. Of corlrsel cithcr the psvchoparthol()gvor entre prenellr nrociclsnrav rr1-rplv in this case. Brrt thc nrclnbers of the scct probablv concor-r-rr-nittccl tributccl t() thc trrursfbrmation bv encouragine Jones stc1.rbv stcl'r, rrncl l-x' dcn'randing of hint golls. Fiveu of irr.rpossible thc irccon'rplishrnent nhen a singlc indiric-lualdorninirtes a grouP, the subculturc er'olution n-roclclu'ill applv tcr the extent that the firllon'crs also participatc in pushir.rg the group tou'irrcl cultism. In tl'ris crse, the r-reeds of the firllou'ersancl thcir social relationsl'rips n'ith thc lcadcr nrav have scn'ccl 27s.7 p:ychlpfttbology ampliftr, reflecting back to Jones his onn narcissismmultiplied by the strength of their unrcasonable ho;res. Conclusion F-;rchof thc thrce models iclcntifics a svstem of production and exchange of compensators. In tlre pst,chopnthologt, rnodel, a cult foundcr crertes compensators initialh' for his ou'n usc, ther-r gives them to fbllou.ers in return for ren'arcls. In the entrepreneur modcl, rhe cult fbr-rnclersets olrt to gair-rreu'ards L-r1, tt-t"ttt-tr,,. turing compe nsators inter-rded fbr salc tcr tbllor"'ers. Tl-re subcubute-epolution tnodel clescribcs tl.rc interplav of manr, ir-rdir.idual actiorls in l'hich r-arioi-rsindividr-rals at diflbrent times plav tl-rerolcs of producer and corrsumer of novel compensrrtors. \Vhile tl-re models mi1\, appear to compete, ir-r firct thev cor-nplement eacir other and can be cor.r.rbir.rec'l to explain the emergence of par ticular cults. After a cult fbr-urder has escapcci a periocl of psvchop:rthoiog,r,,he n.ra1'act as an entrepreneur in promoting or improving his cuit. 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