ollege C n a r e h t s Lu Good New ughes H n o im S r Principal, M Term one Week 4 Thursday 26 February 2015 Calendar Dates Year 5-11 Swimming Carnival Monday 23 -Friday 27 February Yr 6 Camp– Canberra Friday 27 February District Swim Carnival—Selected Years 3-6 Students Koorong Kids Book Club Tuesday 3 March Division Swim Carnival—Selected Years 7-11 Students Wednesday 4 –6 March Year 9 Camp-CYC City Scholastic book order due Monday 9 March Labour Day Public Holiday Thursday 12 March Division Swimming Carnival-Selected Years 3-6 Year 5 Excursion– Grip Student Leadership Conference Friday 13 March Year 8 Excursion– Scienceworks Good News Lutheran College Reminder Monday 9 March is Labour Day Public Holiday– Students are not required at school 580 Tarneit Road, Tarneit, Victoria 3029 PO Box 2193, Werribee, Victoria 3030 Phone 03 8742 9000 Absentee line 03 8742 9090 Fax 03 9748 0633 Email admin@goodnews.vic.edu.au Web www.goodnews.vic.edu.au PAGE 2 GOOD NEWS LUTHERAN COLLEGE Year 6 Canberra Camp Chaplain’s Chat What a busy start to the school year! As we get to the halfway point of the term, I thought I would send out some information to everyone. Chapel for the College is something we see as vital for the culture and development of the College. This year the chapel services are as follows: Monday 8.50-9.10am is Middle School Chapel Tuesday 8.50-9.10am (from week 6) will be Years 3 to 5 Wednesdays 8.50-9.10am (from week 6) will be Prep to Year 2 Thursdays 8.50-9.10am is Senior School Chapel This is a time to worship together and we invite any parents or caregivers who are free to come and worship with us. As most of you know, each term we also donate money to a charity. This term we will be donating to the Ebola crisis through the Australian Lutheran World Service. Yours In Faith, Joshua Hauser College Chaplain PAGE 3 GOOD NEWS LUTHERAN COLLEGE Junior School Report You have most likely already noticed that we have many ways of keeping you informed about activities at GNLC. This newsletter, notes home from the College office and the Facebook page are ways of getting out messages from the whole College. Teachers are making an extra effort to keep you informed of classroom topics, events and activities. At each year level, teachers either send home a fortnightly newsletter, or keep you informed via a classroom blog. Preps: https://gnlcprep.wordpress.com Year 1: https://gnlcyear1.wordpress.com Year 4: https://gnlcyear4.wordpress.com Year 5: https://gnlcyear5.wordpress.com Years 2 and 3: Teachers have chosen to write a fortnightly newsletter. The next one will come home on or before 27 February. If you have not yet received news from your child’s teacher, write a note in the diary asking them about the updates. We want to make sure you are informed. Janet Abercrombie Head of Junior School Middle School Report A Growth Mindset all the way! Staff at GNLC have been introduced to the concept of Positive Education last year with one area of focus being the concept of ‘Growth Mindset’ v ‘Fixed Mindset’. This idea of how we see ourselves and how we see success, is critical in our own personal development. The basic concept is that if we have a Growth Mindset, we believe that success can be achieved through hard work and that we all have the ability to be successful. A Fixed Mindset is based on a belief that our success is basically predetermined and that there are some things that we will simply never be good at. The danger that this presents to our young people is that, unless they have or can develop a Growth Mindset, they can very quickly become despondent and lose sight of their goals. For them, school becomes too hard or achieving success outside of school is just never going to happen for them. A Growth Mindset begins with the support and encouragement around us. Our family and friends can have a huge influence on how we view our own abilities and successes. This is why it is really important for both teachers and parents to maintain a positive approach with our students. There is always room for students to improve and achieve success here at school. We are always encouraging our students to continually work hard even when they feel as though they can’t do it. There is always success just around the corner. Creating that positive environment here at school is great, but it is just as important, if not more important, for our young people to hear this positive affirmation from their parents and family members at home. Our young people look up to their parents and value the feedback given to them (although as teenagers they perhaps don’t express this very well). We need to constantly encourage them to work hard and apply themselves, in order for success to be achieved. What are your child’s dreams and goals? Have you had a conversation recently with your child to find out what they aspire to be or achieve? If not, perhaps it is time to have another one of these conversations to find out just what you can do, as a parent, to help them achieve success. Never underestimate the power of parental involvement. Success begins with a Growth Mindset! Nathan Shrowder Head of Middle School PAGE 4 GOOD NEWS LUTHERAN COLLEGE Senior School Report Senior School Snippets The Senior School has been a hive of industry during the month of February. Students have now fallen in to the new routine of a two week timetable and all seem to be coping well. Just a gentle reminder that girls cannot wear the cotton dresses as part of their summer uniform and should be mindful of the length of their skirts, which are to be knee length. Distance Education VCE Units 1 and 2 Distance Education is certainly helping students to be independent learners and study skills and the use of study time, has certainly improved over the past few weeks. Students have been submitting their work on time and are developing relationships with their Distance subject teachers. Friday 27 February is the Distance Education Orientation day at their offices in Thornbury. A bus will leave the College at 8.30 am returning to the College by approximately 2.00 pm. This will be an interesting day with the guest speaker being Neighbours actress Ariel Kaplan, who is a past Distance Education student. Our First VCE Certificates On Friday 20 February 2015, the very first batch of official VCE Units 1 and 2 certificates were handed out to the Year 11 students who completed Units 1 and 2 of VCE Health and Human Development. There were smiling faces all round and huge applause from the rest of the Senior School. A proud moment for all! Christine Taylor Head of Senior School Boys Cricket The Year 9 and 10 boys cricket team recently played some well contested games of T20 style cricket against three local schools. Their great sportsmanship and attitude was praised by the convenor and with two losses and one win against much larger schools, the day was a great success. Thanks to Mr O'Donnell for assisting with the morning training sessions Mr David Bernard, Cricket Coach GOOD NEWS LUTHERAN COLLEGE PAGE 5 Important Reminder It has been noticed, that before and after school, there are cars parking in the ‘No Standing’ Zone directly near the school crossing in Caraleena Drive. This is illegal and extremely dangerous as it obstructs the view to the crossing. All road rules must be adhered to and are there for the absolute safety of our students and families. Good News Lutheran College SMS Number GNLC has a dedicated SMS number 0448 825 424 which you can now use to SMS the College of your child’s absence. Please ensure you state your child’s name, class and reason for their absence. When your child returns to school, please supply a signed note, email or medical certificate explaining their absence. Junk Food Free! What was in your child’s lunch box today? A Healthy lunch, well balanced, with a mixture of bread, salad and fruit is as important to a child’s wellbeing as healthy exercise and a good night’s sleep. Please avoid bringing take away foods or putting too much fatty, sweet or packaged food in your child’s lunchbox or any nut products. Check o ut Ki dzbodz at : www.kidzbodz.com.au for some great information and tips. COMING UP IN MARCH 2015: PARENTING INFORMATION SESSIONS BY PARENTS FOR PARENTS OUR AIM: To help College parents get solutions and support for the most common questions and challenges relating to your child’s learning journey in an informal workshop setting. Register for the next Parent Information Session to … GAIN useful strategies and tips that can help your child SHARE your parenting experiences MEET other College parents who may be going through the same situation as you and (probably) asking the same questions. TOPIC FOR SESSION ONE: MOTIVATION You will discover … The benefits of motivation/Why motivation matters How to help your child get motivated and stay motivated while learning How to respond when your child appears uninterested or demotivated EVENT DETAILS: When: Friday 13 March at 1.30 pm (1.45 pm start) Where: Foyer of College Chapel Coffee, tea and snacks kindly provided by the Good News Coffee Club To register, email your name and contact details to admin@goodnews.vic.edu.au Bubs, toddlers and preschoolers are welcome GOOD NEWS LUTHERAN COLLEGE PAGE 6 Good News has a Facebook group for College families to buy, swap & sell second hand uniform. The group name is “Good News Lutheran College Uniform Buy, Swap & Sell”. Please request to join, as this is a private group. This is an opportunity for families to sell & buy college uniforms from each other. ITS NOT TOO LATE to register … This Sunday is the Annual Wyndham Rotary Fun Run and you can even register on the day! We invite you to consider joining our ‘Good News Lutheran College’ team this year for the Annual Wyndham Rotary Fun Run. This event raises much needed funds towards the Good Friday Appeal. ( Royal Children’s Hospital Fundraiser ) Our College has participated and won the School’s Challenge for the past several years! This fun event will not only raise awareness and funds for the Good Friday appeal, but is a great way for our College staff and students to get together and form a team and enjoy a great family day out together. Please see Mr Greenhough or Mrs Belani for registration details or use the link below. www.wyndhamfunrun.org The College Art room is in need of ice cream containers. If you have any, please drop them off at the College office. PAGE 7 GOOD NEWS LUTHERAN COLLEGE PAGE 8 GOOD NEWS LUTHERAN COLLEGE COMMUNITY NOTICES Instrumental Lessons at School Did you know that Music: Develops mind, hand & eye coordination Enhances listening skills Improves self esteem Is fun! ‘....to help young people discover that learning is not a destination, but a journey, an incredibly wonderful journey to be devoured, savoured and cherished.’ Peter Loel Boonshaft - Teaching Music with Purpose 2006 Enrolment forms are available from the College office or Contact Genesis Music School direct on 0421 426 674 CHURCH SERVICES & TIMES Daily Devotion In peace - Luke 2:22-40 St Philips Church Service Time: 9am Sunday Weekly Worship - 9.30am Sunday School (school terms) 9am First Sunday of month - family/ youth service Where: 580 Tarneit Road, Tarneit (College site) Pastor: Mark Winter :0411 151 741 Service time: 4pm Sunday Where: 27 The Broadway, Altona North Pastor: Mark Winter 0411 151 741 Martin Luther Lutheran Church Christ The Lord Service Time: 10am Sunday (Slovak) Where: 72-74 Point Cook Road, Seabrook Pastor: Jan Havjar 9369 5675 ‘Now, Lord, you have kept your promise, and you may let your servant go in peace. With my own eyes I have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples: A light to reveal your will to the Gentiles and bring glory to your people Israel. St. Philips Church Playgroup Friday mornings: 9.30am-11.30am during school terms. Bring a piece of fruit and $2. New families welcome..