EUROPEAN UNION SUPPORT TO HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE ASEAN REGION SHARE Project Management Office ASEAN Secretariat, 70A Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Jakarta 12110, Indonesia Phone: +62 (21) 726 2991, Email:, Web: Call for Application PILOT INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENTS for ASEAN Higher Education Institutions SHARE offers selected higher education institutions (HEIs) in the ASEAN region the opportunity to benchmark their internal QA mechanisms according to regional standards and in view of international good practice. Profit from this newly developed regional QA tool and make use of a unique learning experience via systematic internal and external evaluation of your IQA system! The SHARE pilot assessments will be conducted by a mixed team of ASEAN and European higher education experts and are built on the standards for Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) as laid down in the ASEAN Quality Assurance Framework (AQAF). The institutional assessment process includes a self-assessment report prepared by the participating HEIs, a site-visit by the team of external assessors and a report which provides recommendations for improvement and follow-up. The whole exercise is shaped as development-orientated learning experiences and therefore does not apply a pass-fail methodology. BACKGROUND The European Union Support to Higher Education in the ASEAN Region – SHARE SHARE is an EU Grant funded project with an overarching objective to strengthen regional cooperation and convergence of ASEAN higher education, contributing to an ASEAN Community beyond 2015. A consortium led by British Council, comprising the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), EP-Nuffic, Campus France, the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), and the European University Association (EUA) will be working between 2015 and 2018 with ASEAN counterparts to implement SHARE. There are three main components (called Result Areas), as follows: Result 1 – Policy Dialogues: Led by British Council Result 2a and 2b – ASEAN Qualifications Reference Frameworks and ASEAN Quality Assurance: Led by DAAD together with ENQA and EUA Result 3a – ASEAN Credit Transfer System (ACTS) and Result 3b – ASEAN-EU Credit Transfer Systems (AECTS): Led by Campus France Result 3c – ACTS & AECTS Student Mobility with Scholarships: Led by EP-NUFFIC SHARE’s activities addressing QA are coordinated by the DAAD together with ENQA and EUA and in cooperation with ASEAN Quality Assurance Network (AQAN), ASEAN University Network (AUN) and SEAMEO Regional Center for Higher Education and Development (SEAMEO-RIHED). A comprehensive package of measures is geared towards the further development of the AQAF which has been drafted by a Taskforce led by AQAN with support from SEAMEO-RIHED, AUN and selected representatives from External Quality Assurance Agencies (EQAAs). In close cooperation with its ASEAN counterparts, SHARE’s activities in Result Area 2b are geared towards the further development and dissemination of the AQAF. SHARE is a four-year initiative by the EU and ASEAN, launched in Jakarta in May 2015. The ASEAN Quality Assurance Framework (AQAF) Against the backdrop of creating a common space for higher education in Southeast Asia, the AQAF was developed by AQAN in 2013 to provide a regional reference point for EQAAs and all HE Stakeholders in ASEAN Member States (AMS). It provides examples of good practice and consists of four quadrants and sets of interrelated principles, namely: 1. External Quality Assurance Agencies (EQAA) 2. External Quality Assurance (EQA) Standards and Processes 3. Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) 4. National Qualifications Framework (NQF) AQAF is a neutral device which does not force the national systems to adhere to it. In doing so, the AQAF promotes convergence of quality assurance systems while at the same time respecting national sovereignty and autonomy of HEIs. Its generic principles are meant to foster confidence and to build a zone of trust, facilitate the recognition of qualifications and credits, and mobility of learners across the region. (See annex III) The IQA quadrant A fundamental principle in QA of HE is that quality primarily rests with the HEIs themselves. The statements following the draft AQAF designated to IQA define the role of the HEI as building and assuring quality to its stakeholders. The drafted statements clarify the processes and quality systems through which HEIs demonstrate their accountability and safeguard the interests of students and society. SHARE PILOT INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENTS The overall goal of the assessment is to provide an opportunity for regional benchmarking as well as to promote the creation of quality culture in order to enhance quality in teaching and learning, research, services and management of the institution. More specifically, the objectives of the institutional assessments conducted in the SHARE project are to: Developing the capacity of participating HEIs in taking charge of their IQA systems and providing them an opportunity for benchmarking against regional standards and in view of international good practice. An assessment report will be submitted by the team of ASEAN and European assessors and make recommendations for improvement. Putting the IQA quadrant of the AQAF to test and provide feedback for its further development. Feedback by the participating HEIs shall be collected in form of a summary report which will be fed in the process of further developing the regional framework. Collecting good practices and providing material for a toolbox for the entire IQA community. A collection of good practices will be published under the SHARE Project to guide HE stakeholders in terms of improving and harmonising IQA systems in the ASEAN region. The assessments will be implemented based on newly developed Guidelines which are being developed by a SHARE expert team composed of ASEAN and European QA experts. The criteria to be used are formed by the third quadrant of AQAF, which outlines the key principles for IQA in the higher education institutions of the ASEAN region. The Guidelines which spell out methodology and criteria of the entire assessment process will be handed out to the selected HEIs prior to the Preparatory Training in February/ March 2017. THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS The procedure of the SHARE institutional assessment follows the common methodology of (1) a Self-Assessment Report (SAR), (2) a Site-Visit by external assessors and (3) a Report which provides recommendations to the assessed HEIs for improvement. All selected HEIs participating in the SHARE pilot assessments will be invited to attend a preparatory training to make them familiar in in greater detail with criteria and procedures of the pilot assessments. The event takes place in Southeast Asia (country to be defined), in February/ March 2017, lasts for 2,5 days and pursues the following two main goals. Understanding the IQA standards and what kinds of evidences are supporting the fulfilment of them. Informing on the self-assessment process in the university and explaining how to elaborate a report with the participation of all staff and the stakeholders’ involvement. (1) SAR Each university participating in a SHARE institutional assessment is invited to appoint a contact person that is responsible for coordinating the evaluation process in collaboration with the DAAD Regional Office Jakarta, the panel of assessors and a group of selected stakeholders at institutional level which represents the major constituencies in the institution (academic and administrative staff and students). The self-assessment process results in a Self-Assessment Report (SAR) which mainly analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the IQA system in light of the IQA standards of the AQAF. The SAR which serves as the starting point for the panel of assessor’s work should be sent to DAAD Regional Office Jakarta by 31 August 2017. 2 (2) Site-Visit The primary objective of the site visit conducted by a panel of ASEAN and European assessors is to discuss the findings of the SAR with the self-assessment group as well as a large number of external stakeholders and institutional members: e.g. institutional leadership, administrative staff, academic staff, students, etc. The purpose of these meetings is, first and foremost, to allow the assessor team to collect additional information from all participants and to come to a collective view about the status of the IQA system. The panel is composed of two ASEAN and two European assessors as well as a representative from the national QA agency as observer. The schedule of the site-visit (duration: around 2 days) will be agreed and fine-tuned with the participating universities. (3) Report The report includes an analysis of the institutions’ IQA systems discussing each criterion oneby-one. It summarises the key findings of the panel and offers specific recommendations to remedy weaknesses and to develop strengths further. The assessment report will be treated as confidential by the panel of assessors and the SHARE consortium partners. The reports will, however, be used as basis for identifying good practices and trends in IQA systems, which will be compiled into a summary report towards the end of SHARE project. All steps of the assessment, i.e. reporting, training events as well as overall communication will be conducted in English. TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES SHARE covers all main costs related to the institutional assessment: Preparatory training, i.e. - Travel costs and accommodation for all participants (max. 2 per selected HEI) - Meeting package: Meeting venue, meals For the site visits, i.e. - Travel costs, accommodation and honoraria for ASEAN and European assessors The participating university is expected to contribute to the overall costs by providing necessary staff in order to fulfil the tasks as specified below as well as by covering expenses for local transfer, catering and meeting rooms (to be agreed in a Memorandum of Understanding with DAAD after the selection). The DAAD supported by the ASEAN-EU Expert Working Group on QA is responsible for coordinating the whole assessment exercise. This includes: Overall coordination of all activities related to the assessments (selection, preparatory training, assessor seminar, site visits, reporting and follow-up) Selecting and contracting ASEAN and European QA experts as assessors Preparing the assessors (incl. booking etc.) Scheduling the site-visits (in close coordination with the selected HEIs) Providing all necessary templates and information material such as the Guidelines Submitting the final assessment report to the participating HEIs Selected HEIs Appointing a contact person to coordinate the assessment process Nominating two participants (one representing the university leadership and the other who coordinates the assessment) to attend the Preparatory Training for HEIs February/ March 2017 Carrying out the self-assessment and submit the SAR according to the requirements of the Guidelines Preparing the Site-Visits on site according to the requirements of the Guidelines, particularly getting university leadership involved, scheduling of the whole site-visit programme, ensuring participation of relevant HE stakeholder groups for the interviews, etc. 3 Offering logistical support for conducting the site visit, including accommodation, meals and local transportation for assessors during the two-day site visit, and provision a venue for the site visit and the related interview sessions Factual checking of the draft assessment report Providing feedback to the organisers of the intuitional assessment by participating in an online survey after the site-visit Assessor panel Analysing the self-assessment report carefully and preparing for the site visits Active participation in the site visits Writing the assessment report; finalising the draft report within 4 weeks after the site visit After the selection a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be set between the DAAD and the individual HEIs in order to formally agree on terms and conditions for participating in the SHARE institutional assessments. Attached is an overview of the timeline for the entire assessment process (see annex I). HOW TO APPLY All higher education institutions in the ASEAN region that have a system of Internal Quality Assurance in place are eligible to apply for the SHARE pilot institutional assessments. A maximum number of 8 HEIs will be selected for the SHARE pilot phase. Please send a letter of intent (template appears as annex II), elaborating on the reasons to apply, briefly describing the profile of your institution and its IQA system and signed by the university leadership. SHARE DAAD Regional Office Jakarta Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 61-62, Summitmas 2, 14th Floor Jakarta 12190 Email: Deadline is 30 September 2016! Selection SHARE’s ASEAN European Expert Working Group will take a decision on the selection in October. The following key criteria for selecting the HEIs are Justification of the applicant’s motivation Support by the university leadership Comprehensive and significant information on the IQA system Making adequate personnel available to coordinate the assessment process Compliance to the tasks and responsibilities as outlined above Apart from assessing the quality of individual applications, the Expert Working Group will take into consideration that institutions with different profiles and stages of development are represented and regional coverage is well balanced as far as possible. The results of the selection will be announced by the end of October. For any questions, please contact DAAD Project Manager Dr. Susanne Liermann (Email: 4