Account Opening Form vftf vf]Ng] kmf/d Corporate Account -;+:yfut vftf_ Branch zfvf Date ldtL Customer ID u|fxs g+= Temp. A/C ID c:yfoL vftf g+ Account No D D M M Y Y Y Y vftf g+= I/We wish to open the following account with your Bank and undertake to comply, observe and be bound by the Rules and Regulations made and amended by the Bank from time to time pertaining to such accounts. d÷xfdL lgDg plNnlvt ljj/0f cg';f/sf] vftf vf]nL lbg'x'g cg'/f]w ub{5'÷ub{5f}+ / o; vftf ;DaGwL a}+sn] nfu' ug]{÷;do ;dodf ;+;f]wg ug]{ gLlt lgodx?sf] k"0f{ kfngf ug{ d~h'/ ub{5'÷ub{5f}+ . Account Details -vftfsf] ljj/0f_ Name of Account Holder (In Block Letters) -vftfjfnfsf] gfd, b]jgfu/Ldf_ Please fill the form in BLACK INK and CAPITAL LETTERS only. s[kof ;Dk"0f{ ljj/0f 7"nf] cIf/df sfnf] d;Ln] dfq eg'{xf]nf . Registration Details -btf{sf] ljj/0f_ Constitution -ljwfg_ Proprietorship Partnership -Psn Joj;fo_ Pvt.Ltd. -;fem]bf/L_ Others .................................................................... -cGo_ Specify-v'nfpg'xf];\_ Public Ltd. -k|f=ln_ -klAns ln=_ Office of Registration Place of Registration Date of Registration Registration No. PAN No. VAT No. btf{ ePsf] :yfg btf{ u/]sf] sfof{no btf{ g+= btf{ ldlt Eof6 g+= :yf n] g+= Registered Address -btf{ House No. -3/ 7]ufgf_ g+=_ Ward No. -j8f g+=_ Street/Tole -;8s÷6f]n_ Municipality/VDC -g=kf÷uf=lj=;_ Fax No. -km\ofS; Ward No. -j8f g+=_ Street/Tole -;8s÷6f]n_ Municipality/VDC -g=kf÷uf=lj=;_ District g+=_ Website -j]a;fO{6_ ;Dks{ JolQmsf] df]=g+=_ Type Of Account- Mark [P] As Appropriate k|sf/_ Tel No. -6]=g+=_ ;Dks{ JolQmsf] gfd_ Mobile No. of Key contact official -d'Vo Currency -d'b|f_ -lhNnf_ Email -Od]n_ Name of Key contact official -d'Vo Account Type -vftfsf] Website -j]a;fO{6_ 7]ufgf_ g+=_ Fax No. -km\ofS; Tel No. -6]=g+=_ g+=_Email -Od]n_ Current Address -xfnsf] House No. -3/ District -lhNnf_ -vftfsf] k|sf/– pko'Qm 7fp“df [P] nufpg'xf];\_ Current -rNtL_ Savings NPR USD -?k}of_ -art_ -cd]l/sL 8n/_ Others -cGo_.................................(Specify) -v'nfpg'xf];\_ Others -cGo_................................(Specify) -v'nfpg'xf];\_ Nature Of Company, Organization Or Business Area of Operation -;+rfng If]q_ Number of Offices (Branches) Number of Offices -sfof{no S.No. -qm=;+=_ -sDkgL, ;+:yf, Joj;fosf] k|sf/_ Nature of Business -Jo;fosf] k|sf/_ -sfof{no÷zfvf ;+Vof_ ;+Vof_ Location -:yfg_ Contact Person Address -7]ufgf_ Note: Please use additional sheet as required. Transaction Volume -sf/f]af/sf] Contact No. -;Dks{ Joltm_ -;Dks{ g+_ gf]6M cfjZostf cg';f/ cltl/Qm k[i7 eg'[{xf]nf . ljj/0f_ Purpose of Account Maximum Amount per Transaction -clwstd /sd k|lt sf/f]af/_ -vftfsf] p2]Zo_ Details -ljj/0f_ Number Estimated Monthly Transactions -cg'dflgt Estimated Annual Transactions -cg'dflgt -;+Vof_ Amount -/sd_ dfl;s sf/f]af/_ jflif{s sf/f]af/_ Location Map of Current Location of Principal Office -d'Vo÷;+rfng sfof{nosf] dfu{lrq_ N p (Please mention nearest prominent landmark like temple/department store/school etc.) -s[kof glhssf] dlGb/÷:s'n h:tf s'g} vf; :yfg÷j:t' sf] lrGx pNn]v ug'{xf]nf_ Note: In case of change in address, the bank must be informed immediately and the location map updated accordingly. gf]6M j;f]jf; ug]{ 7]ufgf kl/j{tg ePdf a}+snfO{ t'?Gt gof“ 7]ufgfsf] gS;f ;d]t hfgsf/L u/fpg' kg]{ . Details Of Signatories -b:tvt S.No. -qm=;+=_ ug]{sf] ljj/0f_ Name -gfd_ Note: Please use additional sheet as required. Nationality -/fli6«otf_ Official Position/ Designation -tx÷kb_ gf]6M cfjZostf cg';f/ cltl/Qm k[i7 eg'[{xf]nf . Residential Address -j;f]jf;sf] 7]ufgf_ (in full with house & ward no.) -k'/f 7]ufgf 3/ g+= / jf8{ g+= ;lxt_ Details Of Board Members/Directors -af]8{ ;b:o÷lgb]{zssf] ljj/0f_ S.No. Nationality -qm=;+=_ Name -gfd_ Note: Please use additional sheet as required. Other Bank Details -/fli6«otf_ Official Position/ Designation -tx÷kb_ Share holder % Residential Address -j;f]jf;sf] 7]ufgf_ (in full with house & ward no.) -k'/f 7]ufgf 3/ g+= / jf8{ g+= ;lxt_ gf]6M cfjZostf cg';f/ cltl/Qm k[i7 eg'[{xf]nf . -cGo a}+s vftfsf] ljj/0f_ Do you have accounts with other Banks -tkfO{+sf] Name of Bank cGo a}+sdf vftf 5_ If Yes -olb 5 eg]_ Account No. -a}+ssf] gfd_ -vftf g+=_ Name of Bank Account No. -vftf g+=_ -a}+ssf] gfd_ Introduction Of Account -vftfsf] kl/ro_ Introduced by -kl/ro u/fpg]_ Account No. -vftf g+=_ Contact No(s) Signature(s) -b:tvt_ _________________________________________ -;Dk{s g+=_ Other Services-Mark [ P] As Appropriate -cGo Statement Frequency -sf/f]jf/ ljj/0fsf] cGt/fn_ Monthly -dfl;s_ Mandate (Companies Only) [clVtof/L ;]jf– pko'Qm 7fp“df [ P] nufpg'xf];\_ Quarterly -rf}dfl;s_ Hold for collection -cfkm} ;+sng ug]{ Sent by post -x'nfsaf6 k7fpg]_ -sDkgLx?sf] nflu dfq_] I/We hereby certify that the authorities for operartion of account as above have been given in terms of our Board Resolution dated ................................................. , a duly attested copy of which is enclosed. d÷xfdL of] k|dfl0ft ub{5f+} ls dfly plNnlvt vftf ;+rfngsf] clVtof/L xfd|f] ;+rfns ;ldltsf] ldlt =========================================== sf] lg0f{o cg';f/ ePsf] xf], h;sf] lg0f{osf] k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk o;} ;fy ;+nUg 5 . .......................................................... Authorized Siganatory(ies) and Seal -clwsf/ k|fKt b:tvt tyf 5fk_ I/We have read and understand and hereby agree to the terms and conditions governing Customer Account Opening at NIC ASIA Bank. Information provided herein are correct and true. I/We hereby agree to accept, abide and be bound by present and future rules, terms and conditions of the bank governing Customer Account Opening. In the event I/We fail to abide by such terms and conditions, I/We shall bear the damage and/or penalties as a consequence thereof. I/We agree and fully bear for such kind of consequences. d÷xfdLn] vftf vf]Ng] kmf/d;“u ;DalGwt zt{ tyf lgodx? k9\of+}÷a'‰of+} . dfly plNnlvt hfgsf/Lx? ;xL / ;f“rf] x'g\ . d÷xfdL a}+sn] vftf ;+rfng ;DaGwL jt{dfg tyf eljiodf nfu' ug]{ lgodx? kfngf ug{ d~h'/ 5f}+. a}+sn] nfu' u/]sf÷ug]{ zt{ aGb]h kfngf ug{ d÷xfdL c;dy{ ePsf] v08df ;f]af6 pTkGg x'g] Iflt xhf{gf k"0f{ ?kn] e'QmfgL ug{ d÷xfdL d~h'/ ub{5'÷ub{5f}+ . Signature(s) of applicant(s) also to be used specimen signature (Please sign below in black) vftfsf] b:tvtx? gd'gf b:tvtsf] ?kdf klg k|of]u ul/g] -tnsf] sf]7fdf aLrdf kg]{ u/L sfnf] d;Ln] b:tvt ug'{xf];\_ Name ................................................. Name ................................................. Name ................................................. Name ................................................. Name ................................................. Name ................................................. Operation of Account -vftfsf] ;+rfng_ Single -Psn_ Special Instruction if any -ljz]if lgb]{zg 5 eg]_ -gfd_ -gfd_ Bank Use Only -gfd_ -gfd_ -gfd_ Joint -;+o'Qm_ -gfd_ Others (if any) -cGo÷olb xf] eg]_ -a}+ssf] k|of]u dfq_ Cheque Book Ordered -r]s a's dfuLPsf]_ Yes -xf]_ Introducer’s signature, Name and A/C No. Verified -kl/ro stf{sf] b:tvt, gfd / vftf g+= ?h' u/]sf]_ Account Risk Grading : Low Risk No -xf]Og_ Yes No -xf]_ Medium Risk Amount Deposited -/sd hDdf u/]sf]_............................ If No, reason...................................................... -xf]Og_ -olb 5}g eg], sf/0f_ High Risk Document Checklist I) Company Details 1. Orginal Verified Copy of Registration Certificate 2. Original Verified Copy of Latest article of association & memorandum of association 3. Original verified copy of valid PAN Certificate 4. Original verified Copy of valid VAT Certificate 5. Original Verified copy of Audited Financial Report of Latest Fiscal Year 6. Original Verified copy of Latest Income Tax Payment Certificate 7. Oritinal Verified Copy of Board Resolution to open/transact and mandate to operate the account II) Directors Details 1. Original Verified Copy of Citizenship Certificate of each director 2. Duly filled Individual Annexure 1 for each director III) Key Official Details 1. Original Verified Copy of Citizenship Certificate of each Key Official 2. Duly filled individual Annexure 2 for each Key Official Checked by -hf“r ug]{]_ ................................................... Designation -kb_ .......................................................... Date -ldlt_ -k|dfl0ft ug]{_ ............................................................... -kb_ ............................................................................. Approved By Designation Date -ldlt_ To: NIC ASIA Bank Ltd. ->L Pg cfO{ ;L Plzof a}+s ln=_ Branch -zfvf_ ................................................. Nepal -g]kfn_ Dear Sir/Madam -dxf]bo÷dxf]bof_, In consideration of NIC ASIA Bank Ltd. (Herein after referred to as the“Bank”) opening and/or continuing the Current/Savings/Call/Fixed deposit or any other account(s) in my/our name(s) (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Accounts’) and providing banking facilities to me/ us. I/We agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below and agree that the account(s) will be governed by and are subject to these terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Terms’). I/We also agree that all deposits whetherSavings, Current, Fixed in Nepalese Rupees or Foreign Currencies that may be placed by me/us with the Bank are subject to the prevailing rules and regulations of Nepal Rastra Bank and are governed by law in effect from time to time. These terms shall apply to each of the accounts of whatever nature hereafter opened with, continued with or maintained with the Bank or its successors or assigns. d]/f]÷xfd|f] gfddf >L Pg cfO{ ;L Plzof a}+s ln= -o;kl5 a+}s egL ;Daf]wg ul/Psf]_ df rNtL÷art÷sn÷d'2tL lgIf]k jf cGo vftf -o;kl5 vftf dfq egL ;Daf]wg ul/Psf]_ vf]Ng÷;~rfng ug{ jf dnfO{ / xfdLnfO{ cGo a}ls· ;'ljwf pknAw u/fpg cg'/f]w ub{5÷' ub{5f}+ . d÷xfdL lgDg plNnlvt zt{ aGb]hx? -o;kl5 zt{ dfq egL ;Daf]wg ul/Psf]_ kfngf ug{ / ;f] sf] clwgdf /xL vftf ;+rfng ug{ d~h'/ 5'÷5f}+ . g]kfnL jf ljb] zL d'b|fdf d÷xfdLaf6 a}+sdf /flvPsf] ;a} lgIf]k rfx] Tof] rNtL, art, sn jf d'2tL s'g} vftfdf /flvPsf] xf];\, Tof] ;do ;dodf nfu' x'g] k|rlnt sfg"g tyf g]kfn /fi6« a}+sn] tf]s]sf] lgodleq /xL ;~rfng x'g]5g\ eGg] s'/fdf d]/f]÷xfd|f] k"0f{ d~h"/L /x]sf] 5 . a}+s, o;sf] pQ/flwsf/L jf o;n] tf]s]sf] s'g} lgsfodf o;kl5 vf]lng], ;~rfng ul/g] jf lgoldt ul/g] h:tf];'s} k|s[ltsf] vftfsf] nflu klg of] zt{x? nfu' x'g]5g\ . Terms & Conditions -zt{x?_ Where the account(s) is/are opened by more than one person the words “i”, “me” or “my”shall read as “we”, “us” or “our” in these terms. The Terms shall bind each of the persons named in the accounts (hereinafter referred to as the “Customers” or "Account holders") individually or any one or more or all of them collectively and all agreements, obligations and liabilities of the customers with the Bank shall be joint and several. Ps hgfeGbf a9L JolQmsf] gfddf vftf vf]lnPsf] cj:yfdf d / d]/f eGg] zAbn] xfdL / xfd|f] eGg] hgfp“5 . oL zt{ aGb]hx? Vfftfdf gfd pNn]]v ePsf x/]s JolQmx? -o;kl5 ;]jfu|fxL egL ;Daf]wg ul/Psf]_ sf] nflu JolQmut ?kdf jf Ps jf a9L jf ;a}hgfnfO{ ;fd"lxs ?kdf afWosf/L x'g] 5g\ / a}s;“usf] ;]jfu|fxLsf] ;a} ;Demf}tf, lhDd]jf/L / bfloTj ;fd"lxs /÷jf 5'6f5'6} x'g]5g\ . A. Bank Accounts -a}+s vftf_ 1) We authorise the Bank -xfdL a}+snfO{ lgDg clwsf/ k|bfg ub{5f}+_ i) to take actions in relation to the following matters on receipt of instructions or documents given or executed in accordance with the signing instructions specified in the account opening form until such time as we give the Bank written notice to the contrary. xfd|f] vftf vf]Ng] ;DjGwL cfj]bgnfO{ lglb{i6 ul/Pcg'?ksf] vftf ;~rfng ;DaGwL lgb]{zgdf pNn]v ePadf]lhdsf] lgb]{zg jf x:tfIfl/t lnvt a}snfO{ k|fKt ePkZrft\ ;f] ;DjGwdf xfdLn] cGoyf pNn]v u/L csf]{ lnlvt ;"rgf pknAw gu/fP;Dd tn plNnlvt ljifox?df cfjZos sf/jfxL ug{ . ii) For making payments of cheques, bills of exchange, promissory notes, standing orders, direct debts, issue of draft, mail and telegraphic transfers, purchse and sales of foreign currency and any other instructions by debiting the Account(s) whether in credit or otherwise, and xfd|f] vftfdf /sd eP jf geP klg To:tf] vftf vr{ n]vL -8]lj6 u/L_ xfdLn] hf/L u/]sf] r]s, ljlgdokq, k|lt1fkq, :YffoL e'QmfgL, cfb]z jdf]lhd /sd e'QmfgL ug{ tyf ;f]em} vftf 8]lj6 ug]{, 8«fkm\6, d]n tyf 6]lnu|fkmsf] dfWodaf6 /sdfGt/ ug]{ nufot vftf ;DaGwL cGo s'g} klg cfb]z jf lgb]{zg :jLsf/ ug{ . iii) To accept any other instructions regarding the Accounts including instructions for me closure of all or any of the Account(s). xfd|f] s'g} vf; jf ;a} vftf aGb ug]{ nufot vftf ;DaGwL cGo s'g} klg cfb]z jf lgb]{zg :jLsf/ ug{ . 2) We understand that any funds received by the Bank or our behalf shall be credited to the relevant Accounts unless the Bank receives written instructions from us to the contrary. xfdLn] lnvt ?kdf cGoyf lgb{]z u/]sf] cj:yfdf afx]s xfd|f] gfddf a}+sn] k|fKt u/]sf] s'g} klg /sd ;DalGwt vftfdf hDdf x'g]5 eGg] ;DaGwdf xfdL hfgsf/ 5f}+ . 3) We understand that the Bank acts only as our collecting agent and assumes no responsibility for the realisation of any items deposited with the Bank for collection. Proceed of cheques or other instruments deposited with the Bank are not available for withdrawal until collected by the Bank. The Bank reserve the right to debit any of the Accounts that may have been exceptionally credited with an items subsequently unpaid on collection. The Bank may rufuse to accept for collection cheques drawan in favour of third parties or if the payee’s name is not identical to our name on the Bank’s record. The Bank may at any time credit to the Accounts any cheque or draft in favour of a third party crossed or denoted “A/C Payee” (or any words of similar effect). The Bank may at any time debit and recover from the Accounts the value of any instrument negotiated, purchased or collected by the Bank in the event that proceeds are not received against the same at any time and/or after receipt of proceeds, the account of the Bank is debited or proceeds recovered from the Bank upon return of the instrument by the drawee bank or correspondent of the Bank. /sd ;+sngsf nflu a}+s ;dIf hDdf ul/Psf] s'g} klg ljlgdo ;fwgsf ;DaGwdf a}sn] s]jn xfd|f] ;+sng k|ltlglw -Ph]G6_ sf] ?kdf dfq sfo{ ug]{5 / ;f]sf] /sd c;'nL (realization) sf] ;DaGwdf a}+sn] s'g} klg lhDd]jf/L jxg ug]{ 5}g eGg] s'/fsf ;DaGwdf xfdL hfgsf/ 5f}+. a}+s ;dIf hDdf ul/Psf] r]s jf cGo clwsf/ kq (Other instruments) sf] /sd a}+sn] ;+sng u/L xfd|f] vftfdf hDdf gu/];Dd lemSg ;lsg] 5}g . /sd ;+sng x'g g;s]sf] s'g} clwsf/kq jfkt e'nj; jf ckjfbsf] ?kdf /sd hDdf x'g uPdf s'g} klg vftf 8]lj6 u/L c;'n pk/ ug]{ clwsf/ a}+sdf ;'/lIft /xg] 5 . t];|f] kIfsf gfddf lvlrPsf]] jf e'QmfgL k|fKtstf{ -k]oL_ sf] gfd a}+ssf] clwn]vdf pNn]v ePadf]lhdsf] xfd|f] gfd;“u d]n gvfg] ldl;dsf] r]s ;+sng ug{df a}+sn] O{Gsf/L hgfpg ;Sg]5 . a}+sn] t];|f] kIfsf gfddf hf/L ePsf /vfl· jf A/C Payee jf ;f] hflgg] To:t} cGo jfSof+z pNn]v ePsf s'g} klg r]s jf 8«f6 vftfdf hDdf ug{ :jLsf/ ug]{ 5}g . a}+sn] ljlgdo (Negotiate) ;+sng u/]sf] s'g} klg clwsf/ kqsf] /sd c;'nL eO{ gcfPsf] v08df s'g} klg art vftf 8]lj6 u/L To:tf] clwsf/kqsf] d"No a}+sn] c;'n pk/ ug{ ;Sg]5 . /sd c;'n eO{ cfP kZrft To:tf] clwsf/ kqsf] h'g a}+s ;dIf lvlrPsf] xf] jf a}+ssf] s/]zkf]G8]G6 a}+saf6 clwsf/kq lkmtf{ eP kZrft a}+ssf] vftf 8]lj6 ul/g]5 jf a}+saf6 ;f] jfktsf] /sd c;'n pk/ ul/g]5 . 4) The Bank may, in its absolute discretion, isssue us with cheques in any form for the Accounts and may at any time in its discretion withdraw or recall the same. The Bank may also refuse to allow withdrawals except through such cheques. If a cheque-book is issued, we undertake to be responsible for it's safe custody at all times and we will immediately notify the Bank if this or any of the cheques contained therein, is lost or stolen. We understand that the Bank may, in its absolute discretion accept from us any stop cheque instructions (either verbally or in writing) in cases where we have lost the relevant cheque or in other circumstances in which it is allowed by the law and agreed by the Bank. Should the Bank accept any such instructions from us, we hereby undertake to indemnify the Bankagainst any loss, damages, costs,(including any legal costs) or demands incurred by the Bank as a result of in connection therewith. The Bank will not be liable for any loss due to payment of any lost or stolen cheques, unless the Bank had notice of such loss or theft at the time of payment. a}+sn] cfgf] k"0f{ :jljj]sdf xfd|f] vftfsf nflu s'g} klg :j?kdf xfdLnfO{ r]s hf/Lug{ / s'g} klg ;dodf cfgf] :jljj]sdf To:tf] r]s lkmtf{ lng jf lkmtf{ dfu ug{ ;Sg]5. To:tf] r]s jfx]s cGo dfWodaf6 /sd lemSg] ;'ljwf k|bfg ug{ a}+sn] O{Gsf/ ug{ ;Sg]5 . a}+sn] hf/L u/]sf] r]snfO{ x/;do ;'/lIft tj/n] /fVg] lhDd]jf/L xfd|f] x'g]5 / sy+sbflrt pQm r]s a's jf ;f]df ePsf] s'g} klg r]s x/fPdf jf hf/L ePdf tTsfn a}+snfO{ ;"lrt ug]{5f}+ . xfdLn] ;DalGwt r]s x/fPsf] cj:yfdf jf sfg'gn] cg'dlt lbPsf] jf a}+sn] d~h'/ u/]sf] cGo s'g} kl/l:yltdf vftfaf6 /sd e'QmfgL /f]Ssf ug{ xfdLn] a}+snfO{ cg'/f]w u/]df -lnlvt jf df}lvs ?kdf_ a}+sn] cfgf] k"0f{ :jljj]s k|of]]u u/L To:tf] cg'/f]w :jLsf/ ug{ ;Sg]5 . xfdLn] jf xfd|f] tkm{af6 cGo s'g} JolQmn] ug{ ;Sg] To:tf] cg'/f]w a}+sn] :jLsf/ u/]sf sf/0f jf ;f]sf] l;n;Lnf jf hl/ofdf a}+sn] s'g} xflg, gf]S;fgL jf vr{ -sfg"gL vr{ ;d]t_ Joxf{]g' k/]df a}+snfO{ ;f]sf] xhf{gf ltg{ a'emfpg xfdL k|ltj4 5f}+ . /sd e'QmfgL ubf{sf avt a}+snfO{{ ;"rgf k|fKt eO;s]sf] cj:yfdf jfx]s x/fPsf] jf rf]/L ePsf] r]ssf] /sd e'QmfgL x'g uPsf sf/0f ;[lht s'g} klg xflg, gf]S;fgLsf nflu a}+s lhDd]jf/ x'g] 5}g . 5) We accept that the provision of any overdraft facility or other accommodation by the Bank to us may be granted or refused at the sole discretion of the Bank. The continuance or withdrawal of such facility or accommodation at any time is also at the Bank sole discretion. a}+sn] cfgf u|fxsnfO{ pknAw u/fpg] clwljsif{ jf cGo ljQLo ;'ljwf xfdLnfO{ ;d]t pknAw u/fpg] jf gu/fpg] eGg] ;DaGwdf lg0f{o ug{ Psn :jljj]sLo clwsf/ a}+snfO{ x'g]5 eGg] s'/fnfO{ xfdL :jLsf/ ub{5f}+ . Psk6s k|bfg ul/;s]sf] To:tf] ;'ljwfnfO{ s'g} klg avt lg/Gt/tf lbg] jf lkm{tf ug]{ eGg] ;DaGwdf :jljj]s k|of]u ug]{ clwsf/ ;d]t a}s + df lglxt x'g]5 . 6) We will be liable for any overdraft or other facilities arising in connection with any of the Accounts and we hereby authorize the Bank to debit any of the Accounts with all or any mark-up, commission and other banking charges, costs and expenses (including legal costs) incurred in connection therewith at such rates as may be determined by the Bank from time to time in its absolute discretion. We will also pay to Bank any such amounts, in the manner and at such times, as may be required by the Bank in its absolute discretion. s'g} klg vftf ;~rfngsf] qmddf ;[hgf x'g] cf]e/8«f6 -clwljsif{_ jf cGo ;'ljwf jfktsf] s'g} klg bfloTjsf nflu xfdL lhDd]jf/ x'g5f}+ / To:tf] bfloTj Pj+ ;f] ;DaGw cg';f/sf] sldzg, cGo a}ls· b/ xfd|f] s'g} klg vftf 8]lj6 u/L c;'n pk/ ug{ xfdL a}+snfO{ clVtof/ ub{5f}+ . ;fy} To; lsl;dsf] s'g} klg /sd a}+sn] cfgf] k"0f{ :jljj]sdf lgwf{/0f ul/lbPsf] zt{ tyf efvf cg';f/ a}snfO{ ltg]{ a'emfpg] 5f}+ . 7) As regards any and all amounts credited to Accounts during the period when any overdrafts or any other banking facilities in connection therewith are being provided by the Bank to us, such amounts shall firstly be applied by the Bank to reduce any mark-up payable on the overdrafts or any other banking facilities until the mark-up is paid in full. Then and only then shall any such amounts so credited be applied to reduce the principal amount of any such overdraft or any other banking facilities. a}+sn] pknAw u/fPsf] clwljsif{ jf ;f];“u ;DalGwt cGo s'g} a}ls· ;'ljwfsf ;DaGwdf xfd|f] vftfdf hDdf ul/lbPsf] s'g} jf ;a} /sdsf xsdf, a}+sn] ;a}eGbf klxn] To:tf] hDdf ePsf] /sdaf6 clwljsif{ a}+sn] pknAw u/fPsf] clwljsif{ jf ;f];“u ;DalGwt cGo s'g} a}ls· ;'ljwfsf ;DaGwdf xfd|f] vftfdf hDdf ul/lbPsf] s'g} jf ;a} /sdsf xsdf, a}+sn] ;a}eGbf klxn] To:tf] hDdf ePsf] /sdaf6 clwljsif{ jf cGo a}ls· ;'ljwfsf ;DaGwdf a}+snfO{ ltg'{ a'emfpg' kg]{ /sd k'0f{ ?kdf r'Qmf geP;Dd ;f] c;'n pk/ ug]{ 5 . tTkZrft dfq vftfdf hDdf ePsf] To:tf] /sdaf6 a}+sn] pQm cleljsif{ jf cGo a}ls· ;'ljwf afktsf] ;fjf /sd c;'n pk/ ug]{5 . 8) The Accounts will be subject to applicable charges as per the Bank’s schedule of such charges as revised from time to time. The Bank shall always be entitled without notice to us to recover from and debit the Accounts for any charges, expenses, fees, commissions, mark-up, penalties, withholding taxes, levies of government departments or authorities and any other impositions in respect of the Accounts or the balance in the Accounts. The Bank is authorized to reverse credit entries made in error. The Bank is also entitled to reverse debit entries made in error made in error in relation to account. Any charges debited by the Bank are not refundable upon closure of any or all of the Accounts. a}+sn] ;do ;dodf lgwf{/0f ug]{ cfgf] z'Ns tflnsfdf pNn]v ePadf]lhd vftfsf ;DaGwdf tf]lsPsf z'Ns nfUg]5g\ . xfdLnfO{ ;"rgf ;d]t glbO{{ s'g} klg rfh{, vr{ z'Ns, sldzg, xhf{gf, ;|f]tdf s/ /sd, ;/sf/L ljefu jf lgsfox?sf] b} b:t'/ jf vftf jf ;f] vftfdf hDdf ePsf] /sdsf ;DaGwdf nfu' x'g] cGo s'g} klg lsl;dsf] s/, bfloTj, b} b:t'/ OToflb xfdL af6 / ÷ jf xfd|f] vftf 8]lj6 u/L c;'n pk/ ug]{ clwsf/ a}+sdf ;b}j /xg] 5 . a}+snfO{ vftfdf e'nj; k|lji6 x'g uPsf] lx;fa ;RofO{ k'gM ;xL lx;fa k|lji6 -l/e;{ O{G6«L_ ug]{ clwsf/ x'g]5 . To;}u/L a}+snfO{ vftfsf ;DaGwdf ul/Psf] unt 8]lj6 O{G6«L ;'/If0f jf ;DklQ km's'jf jf x:tfGt/0f ug{ jf kl/Tofu ug{ xfdL a}+snfO{ clVtof/ ub{5f}+ . 9) We authorise the Bank to accept for safekeeping, collection or for any other purpose, any securities or other property deposited with the Bank on our behalf or received from us and to release or to deliver or give up any such securities or property against our written instruction. ;'/Iff, ;+sng jf cGo s'g} klg k|of]hgsf nflu xfd|f] tkm{jf6 a}+s ;dIf hDdf ul/Psf] jf a}+sn] xfdLaf6 k|fKt u/]sf] s'g} klg ;'/If0f jf ;DklQ u|x0f ug{ tyf xfdLn] lnlvt ?kdf lgb]{zg u/] adf]lhd To:tf] s'g} ;'/If0f jf ;DklQ k'ms'jf jf x:tfGt/0f ug{ jf kl/Tofu ug{ xfdL a}+snfO{ clVtof/ ub{5f}+ . 10) The deposits and their payments are governed by the laws in effect from time in Nepal and are payable only at the Branch of the Bank after production of evidence of identity of the customer satisfactory to the Bank and to payment of any customary charges that may be levied by the Bank from time to time, for such deposits or withdrawals. lgIf]k tyf ;f] sf] e'QmfgL ;DaGwdf ;do ;dodf g]kfndf k|rlnt sfg"g nfu' x'g]5 / g]kfndf cjl:yt Pg cfO{ ;L Plzof a}+ssf] h'g zfvfdf lgIf]k hDdf ul/Psf] xf], ;f]xL zfvfjf6 dfq ;f]sf] e'QmfgL x'g]5 . a}+snfO{ dfGo x'g] kl/ro;DaGwL sfuh k|df0f k]z ug{ nufO{ To:tf /sd hDdf ug{ tyf /sd lemSg] ;'ljwfsf nflu a}+sn] ;do ;dodf lgwf{/0f u/]sf] z'Ns lnO{ g]kfndf /x]sf cGo zfvfx?jf6 /sd hDdf ug{ jf lemSg lbg] jf glbg] eGg] ;DaGwdf :jljj]s k|of]u ug]{ clwsf/ a}+snfO{ x'g]5 . 11) The rate of any interest payable on any account may be displayed by the Bank at its various branches in Nepal and we accept that this rate may be subject to change without notice to the customer. Interest on saving accounts and Foreign Currency saving accounts is calculated on a 365 days basis on a monthly minimum balance to be paid on semi-annual basis, i.e. Poush and Ashad and on Terms Deposits at maturity. The Bank shall have the exclusive right to determine the basis for the calculation of the amounts payable as interest on any Savings and Term Deposit accounts. No interest will be payable by the Bank on current accounts in any currency. s'g} klg vftfdf nfUg] Aofhb/ a}+sn] ;a}n] b]Vg]u/L g]kfndf /x]sf cfgf ljleGg zfvfx?df /fVg ;Sg]5 / o:tf] Jofhb/ ;"rgf lbO{ jf glbO{ kl/jt{g ePdf ;d]t xfdLnfO{ l:jsfo{ x'g]5 . art vftf tyf ljb]zL d'b|fsf] jrt vftfdf Aofh u0fgf ubf{ #^% lbgsf] Ps jif{sf] lx;fan] dfl;s Go"gtd df}Hbftdf u0fgf u/L cw{jflif{s ?kdf -cyf{t\ k|To]s kf}if / cfiff9 d;fGtdf_ / cfjlws lgIf]ksf] xsdf eg] efvf ;dfKt ePkl5 e'QmfgL lbO{g] 5 . jrt tyf cfjlws vftfdf a}+sn] ltg]{ Aofh u0fgf ug]{ / cfjlws lgIf]ksf] xsdf eg] efvf ;dfKt ePkl5 e'QmfgL lbO{g]5 . jrt tyf cfjlws vftfdf a}sn] ltg]{ Aofh u0fgf ug]{ cfwf/ to ug]{ ;jf{lwsf/ a}+sdf lglxt x'g]5 . s'g} klg d'b|fdf vf]lng] rNtL vftfdf a}+sn] Aofh e'QmfgL lbg] 5}g . 12) We accept that unless specified otherwise, maturity value of foreign currency or rupee term deposit shall be automatically closed. Withdrawal of term deposits prior to maturity may be allowed at the discretion of the bank and may attract penalties by way of forfeiture or reduction in the interest as the case may be, payable on maturity and/or charges which are subject to change without notice to us, as determined by the Bank. cGoyf pNn]v ePsf] cj:yfdf jfx]s, ljb]zL ljlgdo jf g]kfnL ?k}of“sf] cjlws lgIf]ksf] efvf ;dfKt ePsf]df To;/L efvf ;dfKtL kl5 tTsfn kfs]sf]] d'gfkmf jf Jofh ;lxtsf] / sd ;f]xL jdf]lhdsf] Jofhb/ jf d'gfkmf k|fKt x'g] u/L yk Tolt g} cjlwsf nflu a}+sn] :jtM gjLs/0f ug{ ;Sg] s'/f xfdLnfO{ d~h'/ 5 . cfjlws lgIf]ksf] lgwf{l/t cjlw k"/f x'g' cufj} To;df /x]sf] /sd leSg lbg] of glbg] eGg] ;DaGwdf a}sn] cfgf] :jljj]sdf k|of]u ug{ ;Sg]5 / o:tf] cj:yfdf cjlw k'u] kl5 k|fKt x'g] Jofh hkmt jf s6f}tL u/L /÷jf ;do ;dodf kl/jt{g x'g] a}+sn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] z'Ns -rfh]{h_ c;'n u/L a}+sn] xhf{gf nufpg ;Sg]5 . 13) We accept that there are risks associated with the Accounts denominated in foreign currency. According, we accept that withdrawals from and credit to foreign currency accounts shall be subjected to availability of foreign currency notes at the time of withdrawal and subject to prevailing Nepal Rastra Bank and Government Nepal’s rules and regulations. We also agree that the Bank may decline acceptance of foreign currency notes for credit to the Accounts at its discretion. ljb]zL ljlgdodf vf]lnPsf] vftfdf hf]lvd lglxt /x]sf] xfdL :jLsf/ ub{5f}+ . t;y{ To:tf] ljb]zL ljlgdo vftfjf6 /sd lemSg' kbf{ jf hDdf ug'{ kbf{ To; jvt ;DalGwt ljb]zL gf]6sf pknAwtf tyf g]kfn /fi6«a}+s tyf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k|rlnt lgod sfg"gsf] clwgdf /x]/ dfq lemSg] jf hDdf ug]{ ;'ljwf k|fKt x'g] s'/fdf xfd|f] d~h'/L 5 . a}+sn] cfgf] :jljj]sdf vftfdf ljb]zL ljlgdo hDdf ug{df O{Gsf/ ug{ ;Sg] s'/fdf ;d]t xfd|f] d~h'/L 5 . 14) We accept that the Bank shall not be liable for unavailability of funds credited to the Accounts due to restrictions or convertibility of transferability or payment of funds, requisitions, involuntary transfer, acts of war, civil strike or other caused beyond the control of the Bank. We further accept that neither Head Office nor any branch, subsidiary or affiliate of Bank shall he liabie for any consequences thereof, if due to any actions of or restriction imposed by Government of Nepal, Nepal Rastra Bank or any other authority or entity, any branch of the Bank is unable to either make payment to the customers at all or to transfer such funds in such currency at all. We are solely responsible for all such risks and any associated costs and expenses however arising(including without limitation, those arising from any international or domestic legal or regulatory restrictions) in respect of any such account. We agree that the Bank’s determination of whether it is or is not able, given the prevailing applicable law and regulations to make any payment from or permit any withdrawal or transfer from any Accounts shall be final and binding on the Customer and shall not be questioned. d'b|fsf] kl/jt{gLotf jf x:tfGt/0fLotf jf /sd e'QmfgLdf aGb]h, dfu, clgl:rttf, o'4l:ylt, gful/s ljb|f]x jf a}+ssf] sfa"eGbf aflx/sf cGo kl/l:yltsf sf/0f vftfdf hDdf ePsf] /sd pknAw x'g g;s]df a}+s hjfkmb]xL gx'g] s'/f d l:jsf/ ub{5' . g]kfn ;/sf/, g]kfn /fi6« a}s jf cGo s'g} clwsf/k|fKt clwsf/L jf lgsfon] nufPsf] jGb]hsf sf/0f a}+sn]] vftf;“u ;DalGwt d'b|fdf jf cGo s'g} klg d'b|fdf /sd e'QmfgL lbg g;s]df jf To:tf] /sd h'g d'b|fdf /sdfGt/ ug'{kg{] ;f]xL d'b|fdf jf cGo s'g} d'b|fdf /sdfGt/ ug{ g;s]df To;jf6 pTkGg x'g;Sg] kl/0ffdk|lt a}+ssf] jf lgodg aGb]hsf] kmn:j?k Joxf]g'{ kg{ ;Sg] nufotsf ;Dk"0f{ vr{x? ;d]t sf] nflu xfdL :jo+ lhDd]jf/ x'g]5f}+ . ;Dj4 k|rlnt sfg"g tyf lgodn] Joj:yf u/] cg'?kdf vftfjf6 /sd e'QmfgL lbg jf /sd leSg jf / sdfGt/ ug{ a}+s ;Ifd eof] of ePg eGg] ;DjGwdf a}+sn] u/]sf] lg0f{o dNffO{ clGtd / dfGo x'g]5 / ;f] ;DaGwdf s'g} k|Zg ug]{ 5}g . 15) We understand that the statement of account in respect of the accounts will be provided and sent by mail or kept on hold at the Bank at such frequency as the Bank may determine from time to time or as requested by the customer. Statement of account will he provided on a quarterly basis for Saving account and monthly basis for Currency accounts unless otherwise advised. The contents of the statement of account will be treated as correct and conclusive and all discrepancies or objections, if any shall be deemed to be waived unless notified in writing to the bank within 30 days from the date of dispatch of the relevant statement. No statement of account will be sent or provided for a term deposit for which only deposit confirmation receipt with be issued. It is the responsibility of the account holder to provide the bank their correct and full address and any change in their address must be advised to the bank promptly. A flat fee according to the bank’s Standard Tariff of Charges will be levied in the event if The statement to be posted in returned undelivered on account of wrong/incomplete address. A fee according to Bank’s Standard Tariff of Charges will be levied for each duplicate statement. vftf;DjGwL lx;fa ljj/0f -:6]6d]G6 ckm Psfp06_ a}+sn] ;do ;dodf lgwf{/0f u/]adf]lhdsf]] s'g} lglZrt ;do cjlwdf tof/ u/L xfdLnfO{ pknAw u/fpg] tyf d]ndfkm{t k7fO{g]5 jf xfdLnfO{ pknAw x'g] lsl;dn] a}+sd} /flvg]5 eGg] ;DaGwdf xfdL hfgsf/ 5f}+ . cGoyf hfgsf/L u/fPsf] cj:yfdf jfx]]s jrt vftf ;DaGwL lx;fj ljj/0f q}dfl;s ?kdf / rNtL vftf;DaGwL lx;fj ljj/0f dfl;s ?kdf pknAw u/fO{g]5 . s'g} vftf;DaGwL lx;fj ljj/0fdf s'g} q'6L jf sdLsdhf]/L /x]ePdf ;DjlGwt lx;fj ljj/0f a+}sn] rnfgL u/]sf] ldltn] #) lbgleq To:tf] lx;fa ljj/0fdf pNn]v ePsf ljifox?sf] q'6L, sdLsdhf]/Lsf ;DaGwdf lnlvt ?kdf a}+snfO{ ;"lrt ul/Psf] cj:yfdf afx]s To:tf] lx;fa ljj/0fsf ;DaGwdf bfjL lj/f]w ug]{ xs u|fxsn] lkmtf{ lnPsf] dflg To:tf] lx;fa ljj/0fnfO{ l7s, b'?:t / clGtd dflgg]5 . cfjlws lgIf]k vftfsf] xsdf eg] To:tf] vftf /x]ePsf] hflgg] lx:;f afx]s s'g} klg lx;fj ljj/0f k7fO{g] jf pknAw u/fO{g] 5}g . a}+snfO{ cfgf] 7]ufgf z'4, oyfy{k/s / k"0f{ ?kdf pknAw u/fpg] lhDd]jf/L vftfjfnf :jo+sf] x'g]5 / To:tf] 7]ufgfdf kl5 s'g} kl/jt{g x'g uPdf ;f] ;DjGwdf tTsfn a}+snfO{ hfgsf/L u/fpg' kg]{5 . k|To]s vftf;DaGwL lx;fj ljj/0fsf] gSsn k|fKt ug{ a}+sn] ;do ;dodf cfgf] :6\of088{ 6fl/km ckm rfh]{hdf lgwf{/0f u/]cg'?ksf] z'Ns nfUg] 5 . 16) We authorize the bank to respond, if it shall so choose, to any and all enquiries received from any other banks oncerning the accounts without reference to us. For the avoidance of doubt, any such response may include a bank reference. We hereby authorize he bank to release any information in respect of me accounts and balances in the accounts to any authority demanding the same provided the bank bonafide believes it is obliged to release such information to account holders shall be provided over telephone unless they have availed Telebanking services. cGo s'g} a}+saf6 xfd|f] vftfsf ;DaGwdf a}+snfO{ k|fKt x'g ;Sg] s'g} jf ;a} ;f]wk'5sf ;DaGwdf a}+sn] cfjZos hjfkm lbg rfx]df xfdLnfO{ s'g} hfgsf/L glbO{ ;f] ;DaGwdf hjfkm lbg xfdL a}+snfO{ clVtof/L ub{5f}+ . z+sf lgjf/0fsf nflu To:tf s'g} klg hjfkmdf a}+s ;Gbe{ pNn]v ug{ ;lsg] 5 . vftf tyf ;f] df /x]sf] df}Hbftsf ;DaGwdf s'g} clwsf/Ljf6 hfgsf/L dfu eO{ To:tf] hfgsf/L pknAw u/fpg cfjZos 5 eGg] s'/fdf a}+s ljZj:t ePdf ;f] ;DaGwdf s'g} klg hfgsf/L pknAw u/fpg, xfdL a}+snfO{ clVtof/ k|bfg ub{5}+ . vftfjfnfnfO{ 6]lnkmf]gdfkm{t vftf;DaGwL s'g} klg hfgsf/L dfu eO{ To:tf] hfgsf/L pknAw gu/fOg] s'/fdf xfd|f] d~h'/L 5 . 17) We understand that we may close any of the Accounts by giving prior written notice to the Bank. The Bank may however, either, at its own instance, or at the instance of any court or administrative order, or otherwise close, freeze or suspend dealings in any of the Accounts without prior notice to us or, without being liable for any brach of any duty if may owe to us. a}+snfO{ k"j{ lnlvt ;"rgf lbO{ xfd|f] gfddf /x]sf] s'g} klg vftf aGb ug{ ;Sg]5f}+ . t/ a}+s :jo+nfO{ cfjZos k/]sf] cj:yfdf jf s'g} cbfntL jf k|zf;lgs jf cGo s'g} cfb]z lgb]{zg kfngf ug]{ lznl;nfdf xfdLnfO{ k"j{ ;"rgf glbO{ jf xfdL pk/sf] s'g} st{Jo pNn+3g eP jfkt bfloTj Joxf]g'{ gkg]{ u/L a}+sn] To:tf] vftf aGb ug{ /f]Ssf /fVg jf vftfaf6 x'g] sf/f]af/nfO{ lgnDagdf /fVg ;Sg]5÷xhf{gf nufpg ;Sg]5 . 18) We authorize the Bank to make such disclosure in respect of the Accounts as may be required by court order or competent authority or agency under the provisions of applicable law and/or otherwise to protect the interest of the Bank. s'g} cbfntL cfb]z jf ;Da4 sfg"gn] u/]sf] Joj:yf cg';f/ clwsf/k|fKt clwsf/L jf lgsfon] dfu]sf] cj:yfdf vftf;DaGwL ;"rgf k|jfx ug{ / jf a}+ssf] lxt cGo tj/n] ;'/lIft ug{ xfdL a}+snfO{ clVtof/ k|bfg ub{5f}+ . 19) We understand that the Bank may close any of the Accounts by not giving any notice to us. Any credit balance remaining due after 60 days of closing of accounts will be sent by mail to us by a draft or pay-order in full discharge of the Bank’s liability in respect of the Accounts. a}+sn] xfdLnfO{ s'g} ;"rgf glbO{ klg vftf aGb ug{ ;Sg]5 eGg] ;DaGwdf xfdL hfgsf/ 5f}+ . vftfdf s'g} e'QmfgL of]Uo lgIf]k /x]sf] ePdf ^) lbg ;do e'Qmfg ePkl5 xfdLnfO{ jf u|fxsx?dWo] klxn] gfd pNn]v ePsf] u|fxsnfO{ 8«f6 jf e'QmfgL cfb]z x'nfs jf s'l/o/ -d]n_ dfkm{t k7fpg] 5, tTkZrft vftfsf ;DaGwdf cfgf] bfloTjaf6 a}s + k"0f{ ?kdf d'Qm x'g]5 . 20) In relation to any dealings in respect of any of the Accounts, the Bank shall not be liable for any loss resulting from such dealings in the event of our incapacity or bankruptcy (or any other analogous events or proceedings) unless and until the Bank has received written notice of any such event together with such documentary evidence as the Bank may require. Further, the Bank, shall not be liable to us for any losses, damages or delay attributable in whole or in part to the acts or omission of any government agency or any other event outside the Bank’s control including, without limitations, strikes, industrial action, equipment failure or interruption of power supplies. s'g} klg vftfsf ;DaGwdf x'g] s'g} klg sf/f]jf/sf qmddf xfd|f] d[To', czQmtf jf bfdf;fxL -jf o:t} vfnsf cGo s'g} 36gf jf sfd sf/jfxL_ ;[lht eO{ ;f] ;DaGwdf a}+sn] tf]s]jdf]lhdsf cjZos sfuh k|df0f;lxt a}+snfO{ lnlvt ;"rgf k|fKt geP;Dd To:tf] sf/f]af/af6 x'g ;Sg] s'g} klg xflg, gf]S;fgL jfkt a}+sn] s'g} klg bfloTj Joxf]g'{ kg]{ 5}g . ;fy}, s'g} ;/sf/L sfo{nosf] 5'6 jf x8\tfn, cf}Bflus sf/jfxL, oGq pks/0fsf] u8j8L jf phf{ cfk"lt{df cj/f]w h:tf a}ssf] sfa'eGbf aflx/sf] s'g} klg kl/l:yltsf] sf/0f a}+sn] s'g} sfd sf/jfxL gu/]sf] jf u/]sf] sf/0f xfdL pk/ kg{;Sg] s'g} klg xflg, gf]S;fgL jf l9nf;':tLsf ;DaGwdf a}+sn] s'g} klg bfloTj Joxf]g'{ kg]{5}g . 21) In conflicting or unclear instruction are issued by ourselves or any of the persons authorized to operate the Accounts, the Bank shall be entitled forthwith to stop the operation of the relevant Accounts until such time as hate matter is resolved to the satisfaction of the Bank. We agree that the Bank will not be liable for failing to take any action in respect of the Accounts in the presence of conflicting or unclear instructions. We shall be liable for the repayment of any finance availed by us, together with return, interest and markup thereon at a rate determined by the Bank from time to time. xfdL tyf xfdLn] vftf ;+rfngsf] cVtLof/L k|bfg u/]sf s'g} JolQm jf6 ck'i6 tyf ljjflbt lgb]{zg hf/L u/]sf] v08df a}+snfO{ lrQ a'‰g]u/L To:t} ljjfb ;dfwfg geP;Dd ;DaGwLt vftf ;+rfngdf tTsfn} /f]s nufpg ;Sg]5 . cik:6 / ljjflbt lgb]{zg u/L u/]jfkt pQmvftfdf x'g] s'g} klg sf/f]jf/ ;f] a}+s lhDd]jf/ x'g]5}g eGg] s'/f xfdL d~h'/ 5f}+ . 22) Cheque-book to a third party will be delivered only after obtaining the identity document of the receiver and authority from the account holder. t];|f] kIfdfkm{t r]s a's k7fp“bf ;f] a'lemlng] t];|f] kIfsf] kl/ro v'Ng] sfuhft / vftfjfnfn] lbPsf] clVtof/L k|fKt u/]/ dfq k7fO{g]5 . 23) Accounts may automatically be closed if information/documents not submitted as required by the bank or the account remain dormant for more than 6 months or they carry nil, negative or balances less than the applicable ledger fee for 60 consecutive days. a}såf/f dfu ul/Psf] ljj/0f sfuhft k]z gul/Pdf jf vftfaf6 ^ dlxgf eGbf a9L ;do;Dd s'g} /sd e'QmfgL x'g] sf/f]af/ gePdf, vftfdf z'Go jf C0ffTds df}Hbft /xg uPdf jf vftfdf /x]sf] df}Hbft vftf aGb ubf{ nfUg] z'Ns eGbf sd x'g uPdf vftf :jtM aGb x'g;Sg] s'/fdf xfdL hfgsf/ 5f}+ . 24) The Bank shall not be held responsible for any shortfall/shortaavailed Telebanking services, not brought to the notice of the bank during cash withdrawal at the bank’s counter. cfkm"n] lemsL lnPsf] gub sfp06/d} u0fgf ug'{kg]{ / To:tf] /sddf s'g} sdL jf gk'u x'g uPsf] kl5 yfxf x'g uPdf ;f] ;DaGwdf a}+s hjfkmb]xL gx'g] s'/fdf xfd|f] d~h'/L 5 . 25) We accept that the Bank shall have the right to refuse to open an Account or close un existing Account without assigning any reason. The Bank may prescribe minimum balance requirements for opening and/or maintaining Accounts. The prescribed minimum balance must always be maintained. s'g} sf/0f ;d]t gb]vfO{ s'g} klg vftf vf]Ng O{Gsf/ ug]{ jf vf]ln;s]sf] vftf aGb ug]{ clwsf/ a}+sdf ;'/lIft /xg] s'/f d l:jsf/ ub{5' . a}+sn] vftf vf]Ng / jf vf]ln;s]sf] vftf sfod /fVg cfjZos kg]{ Go"gtd df}Hbft tf]Sg ;Sg]5 . tf]lsPsf] Go"td df}Hbft clgjfo{ ?kdf sfod /fVg'kg]{5, cGoyf Go"gtd z"Ns nfUg]5 . :yfgLo tyf ljb]zL b'j} d'b|fdf vf]lng] vftf ;DaGwdf tTsfn nfu' /x]sf] Go'gtd df}Hbftsf jf/]df a}+ssf] l/;]K;g 8]S;df ;Dks{ /fvL cfjZos hfgsf/L lng ;lsg] s'/fdf xfdL hfgsf/ 5f}+ . 26) In case of partnership accounts, each one of the partners shall be both jointly and severally liable for the payment of any finance, together with return, interest, thereon at a rate determined by the Bank from time to time. ;fem]bf/L vftfsf] ;DaGwdf k|To]s ;fem]bf/ s'g}klg shf{ jf cGo e'QmfgL ug'{kg]{ /sd Aofh -a}+sn] lgwf{l/t u/]s} b/df_ cflb a'emfpg tyf vftf ;DalGwt cGo s'g}klg bfloTj k|To]s ;fem]bf/n] Psn jf ;fem]bf/x?n] ;+o'Qm ?kdf axg ug'{kg]{5 . a) Notice -;'rgf_ 27) Save as otherwise provided in these Terms, any demand or communication made by the Bank under these Terms shall be in writing and made at the address given by the customer (or such other address as the Customer shall notify the Bank from time to time) and if posted, shall be deemed to have been served on us the date of posting. o;df plNnlvt zt{aGb]hx?df cGoyf pNn]v ePsfdf afx]s o; ;DaGwdf a}s + n] k7fpg] s'g} klg dfubfjL jf ;"rgf jf hfgsf/L xfdLn] lbPsf] 7]ufgf -jf ;do ;dodf d}n] a}s + nfO{ hfgsf/L u/fPsf] cGo 7]ufgf_ df lnlvt ?kdf k7fO{g] 5 / x'nfs jf s'l/o/jf6 k7fOPsf] v08df h'g ldltdf k7fOPsf] xf] ;f]xL ldltdf d]/f] gfddf tfldn ePsf] jf d}n] k|fKt u/]sf dflgg] 5. b) Acceptance of Terms and Conditions -zt{x?sf] :jLsf/f]lQm_ 28) We accept that the Bank reserves the right to modify these Terms from time to time. The revised or modified Terms will become effective upon notice being given to us. Such notice being deemed to have been properly given, if the revised Terms and displayed or made available at the branches for a period of 15 days from the date of revision. We hereby waive any and all claims we may have against the Bank pursuant to the Accounts or these Terms unless such claim is based on fraud or wilful misconduct to the Bank. The Bank’s interpretation of these terms shall be final and binding on us. We have signed the application form as a token of acceptance of the aforesaid Terms and we have read and understood the Terms prior to such signing. o;df plNnlvt zt{ aGb]hx? ;do ;dodf x]/km]/ jf kl/jt{g ug]{ clwsf/ a}sdf ;'/lIft /xg] s'/fnfO{ xfdL l:jsf/ ub{5f}+. To;/L x]/km]/ jf kl/jt{g ePsf] zt{aGb]hx? nfu' x'g]5g\ . To:tf] ;"rgf a}+ssf] ;"rgf kf6Ldf !% lbg;Dd /flvPdf l/tk"j{s dnfO{ lbPsf] dflgg]5 . vftf jf o;df plNnlvt zt{jGb]hx? cg'?k d}n} a}s pk/ ug{ ;Sg] s'g} klg dfu, bfjLx? a}+ssf] hfn;fhL jf ablgotk"0f{ sfd sf/jfxLdf cfwfl/t ePsf] cj:yfdf afx]s d}n] ug{ ;s]sf] ;a}vfn] dfu, bfjLx? o;} lnvtaf6 d lkmtf{ lnG5' . o;df plNnlvt zt{aGb]hx?sf ;DaGwdf a}+sn] u/]sf] JofVof d]/f nflu clGtd / DffGo x'g]5 . pk/f]Qm zt{aGb]hx? pk/sf] xfd|f] l:jsf/f]lQm :j?k cfj]bg kmf/ddf xfdLn] x:tfIf/ k"j{ pQm zt{aGb]hx? Kf9L, jfrL ;f]sf] dtnj tyf kl/0ffd a'em]sf] l7s ;f“rf] xf] . c) Documents Required -cfjZos sfuhftx?_ Limited Company Accounts Sole Proprietorship/Partners/ Partnership Accounts -lnld6]8 sDkgLsf vftfx?_ -JolQmut÷;fem]bf/L vftfx?_ -k'/f e/]sf] vftf vf]Ng] kmf/d_ k|df0fkq_ Tax Registration Certificate (PAN) -s/ btf{ k|df0fkq_ Board Resolution -;+rfns ;ldltsf] lg0f{o_ 1. Complete Account Opening Form 1. Complete Account Opening Form 2. Certificate of Incorporation -btf{ 3. 2. Registration Certificate -btf{ k|df0fkq_ 4. -k'/f e/]sf] vftf vf]Ng] kmf/d_ 5. Memorandum & Articles of Associations -k|jGwgkq tyf lgodfjnL_ 3. Tax Registration Certificate (PAN) 6. Copy of identification and photographs of all signatories -b:tvt stf{sf] kl/ro v'Ng] sfuhftsf] k|ltlnkL / 4. (Reg.) Partnership Deed Ps k|lt -;dembf/L kq_ 5. Copy of identification and photographs of all signatories -b:tvt stf{sf] kl/ro v'Ng] sfuhftsf] k|ltlnkL / kf;kf]6{ ;fO{hsf] kmf]6f]u|fkm_ 7. Certificate of register of joint stock companies that the company is entitled to commence business -lnld6]8 sDkgLsf] xsdf Aoj;fo ;+rfng cg'dtL v'n]sf] -s/ btf{ k|df0fkq_ 6. Latest Audited financial or self-declaration of non-required btf{ k|df0fkq_ 8. Document evidencing registration/operating address -btf{÷;+rfng 7]ufgf k|df0fLs/0fsf] sfuhft_ -cwfjlws n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg_ 7. Details of proprietor, partners, authorized signatory, Key Official -;+:yfks, ;fem]bf/, d'Vo JolQm clwsf/k|fKt JolQmsf] 9. Latest Audited financial -cwfjlws n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg_ 10. Details of Board of Director, CEO, Key Official Signatory. -;+rfns ;ldtL, k|=sf=c=, d'Vo JolQmsf] ljj/0f_ 11. Other documents and details. -cGo sfuhft / ljj/0fx?, cfjZostfcg';f/_ Associations, Committees, Societies, etc. -;+3, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ;ldlt, ;fdflhs ;+:yf, OTofbL_ Complete Account Opening Form -k'/f e/]sf] vftf vf]Ng] kmf/d_ Registration -btf{ sfuhft_ Trust Deed (Reg.) -6«:6 8L8_ Constitution -ljwfg_ Resolution from board of Trustee/Authorised -;+rfns ;ldtLsf] Copy of identification and photographs of all signatories Ps k|lt kf;kf]6{ ;fO{hsf] kmf]6f]u|fkm_ lg0f{osf] k|ltnLkL_ -b:tvt stf{sf] kl/ro v'Ng] sfuhftsf] k|ltlnkL / Ps k|lt kf;kf]6{ ;fO{hsf] kmf]6f]u|fkm_ Document evidencing registration/operating address -btf{÷;+rfngsf] 7]ufgf k|dfl0ft x'g] sfuhft_ Latest Audited financial -cwfjlws n]vfk/LIf0f k|ltj]bg_ Details of Board of Director, CEO, Key Official Signatory. -;+rfns ;ldtL, k|=s=c, d'Vo JolQmsf] ljj/0f_ ljj/0f_