International Journal for Research and Development in Engineering (IJRDE) ISSN: 2279-0500 Special Issue: pp- 289-296 Analysis of Various Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Techniques for a Five Level H6 Bridge Inverter N.Tejesvi1, N. Sujitha2, R. Hemantha kumar3 and Dr.M. Sasikumar4 1,2,3 PG Scholar, 4Professor,Head of the Department EEE Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai. Abstract This paper deals with the novel five level H6 bridge inverter with various sinusoidal pulse width modulation techniques. The proposed inverter includes the full bridge topology with two additional power switches and two diodes connected to the midpoint of the DC link. The midpoint voltage is balanced using the various sinusoidal pulse width modulation techniques. Thus the two added levels are obtained by the discharge of the two capacitors from the DC link. Simulation study of the inverter employing alternative phase opposition disposition and third harmonic injection sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique has been done using MATLAB/SIMULINK . Index terms—Five level H6 bridge inverter, alternative phase opposition disposition (APOD), third harmonic injection. I. INTRODUCTION This paper concerns about the implementation of multilevel topologies for single phase converters. By the use of these multilevel inverter harmonic level of the system can be reduced to a considerable amount, as a result of which efficient output can be derived with the help of smaller and cheaper filters itself[1][2]. This also helps in the improvement of output waveform and reduction of electromagnetic interference (EMI) [3]. The basic idea of the multilevel inverter is that to provide the intermediate voltage levels between the reference potential and the dc link voltage [4]. In half bridge neutral point clamped inverter the additional levels are provided by clamping the series of dc link capacitors or the flying capacitors and the balancing system is required such as an external circuit [5] or modified PWM strategies [6],[7]. Cascaded full bridge inverter needs several dc sources such as PV strings [8]. Using the transformers, inverter can also use the single dc supply [9]. Cascaded full bridge inverter employs different PWM techniques [10] such as APOD, SPWM, SVM [11], [12] In hybrid topologies, a novel NPC full bridge is presented [13] with NPC three level leg (four switches) and the other leg with two devices switches at low frequency. A similar approach was presented in [14], where four low frequency devices (instead of the two employed in [13]) were employed in a full-bridge configuration. A different topology was proposed in [15] where only six devices are needed and the positive rail of full bridge can be connected to dc link or the mid point of dc link capacitors thus the maximum number of conducting devices is three. This paper proposes a five level output by the help of a full bridge inverter along with two diodes and two power switches connected to the midpoint of the DC link. The midpoint voltage control and unity power factor of the circuit is obtained by implementing various sinusoidal pulse width modulation techniques like alternative phase opposition disposition (APOD) and third harmonic injection. The most efficient method is derived out from the analysis of above mentioned techniques. II. FIVE LEVEL H6 BRIDGE INVERTER This H6 bridge inverter is mainly designed and implemented inorder to maintain constant output voltage incase of transformerless inverter for photovoltaic applications. The output voltage of the five level inverter can be written as Vout = mVdc Various pulse width modulation stratagies are applied according to the modulation index value. Four zones of operation are identified in this circuit. The output voltage of the power converter differs for each mode of operation. A. Circuit Diagram Methods Enriching Power and Energy Development (MEPED) 2014 289 | P a g e International Journal for Research and Development in Engineering (IJRDE) ISSN: 2279-0500 Special Issue: pp- 289-296 During Mode2 operation transistors T1, T4 and T5 will be in ON condition. During this mode of operation the output voltage varies from +Vdc to +VMP. Vdc is obtained during the active phase whereas +VMP is obtained during the freewheeling phase. The current flow of this mode of operation is as shown in figure 3. Fig. 1. Circuit diagram of Five level Inverter The circuit consist of a voltage source Vdc, two capacitors, power switches, diodes and four transistors with a R load. The midpoint voltage control between these capacitors will be achieved with the help of PWM strategies. The output voltage level +VMP is obtained by the discharge of the lower side capacitor CLS and the –VMP is obtained by the discharge of the higher side capacitor CHS. Transistors T1, T4 are in ON condition during the positive semiperiod whereas the transistors T3, T2 are in ON condition during the negative semiperiod. B. Modes Of Operation Mode 1: During the operation of Mode1 transistors T1, T4 and T6 will be in ON condition whereas the transistors T2, T3 and T5 will be in off condition. The turn ON of transistor T6 varies the output voltage value between +VMP and 0V. The output voltage +VMP is obtained with the help of the lower side capacitor CLS and the NULL voltage is obtained during the freewheeling operation of diodes D1 and D2. The current flow for the Mode 1 operation is as shown in figure 2. Fig. 3. Five-level PWM strategy for Zone 2 (a) Active phase (b) Freewheeling phase. Mode 3 and Mode 4: The operation of mode 3 and mode 4 are similar to that of mode 1 and mode 2 except that they work for the negative semiperiod. Here the transistors T2 and T3 will be in ON condition for both modes of operation whereas T6 will be ON during mode 3 and T5 will be ON during mode 4 operation. C. Midpoint Voltage Control During symmetrical conditions midpoint voltage drift does not arise but during asymmetrical conditions the midpoint voltage drift arises. The lower side and the higher side capacitors are used to balance this drift. The midpoint voltage control is explained with the help of the figure 4. The HS capacitor and the LS capacitor helps in providing constant output voltage VMP to the full bridge converter. The output voltage level +VMP is obtained by the discharge of CLS and – VMP is obtained by the discharge of the higher side capacitor CHS.THE two configurations shown in figure 4 helps out to balance the charge of the two capacitors. Figure 5 is taken for the analysis of midpoint voltage control. Here Vdc is kept constant and the capacitors are considered to be equal. That is CHS=CLS=C Fig. 2. Five level P W M strategy for mode 1. (a) Active phase. (b) Freewheeling phase. Mode 2: Methods Enriching Power and Energy Development (MEPED) 2014 290 | P a g e International Journal for Research and Development in Engineering (IJRDE) ISSN: 2279-0500 Special Issue: pppp 289-296 For a m-level level inverter the APOD technique requires m m-1 carrier signals which has to be phase disposed from each other by an angle of 180 degree. Four carrier signals are required for bipolar mode of operation, two signals which are phase displaced by 180 degree are used for upper half and two for the lower half. The unipolar carrier signal arrangement for alternative phase opposition disposition technique is given in figure 6. Fig. 4. T5 and T6 configurations providing the same voltage v VMP to the full- bridge rails. In (a), the HS capacitor is discha discharging, and in (b), the LS capacitor is discharging. Fig. 6. APOD signal Fig. 5. DC capacitor circuit employed for the analytical analysis of the MVC. From figure 5 it is evident that D(VMP/dt) = -IMP/2C Each carrier wave generated have the same frequency and amplitude. e. Based on the inverter level the amplitude of the modulation signal is modified. B. Third Harmonic Injection The third harmonic injection signal arrangement arr is as shown in figure 7. This means that IMP affects the midpoint int voltage. While considering mode1 operation during the active phase the midpoint current IMP will be equal to that of the load current while the load current will be zero during the freewheeling operation. Now considering the mode 2 operation, the midpoint current IMP is zero during the active phase while the midpoint current IMP equals the load current during the freewheeling operation. Thus the midpoint voltage control is achieved. III. SINUSOIDAL PULSE WIDTH MODULATION TECHNIQUES The comparison of various sinusoidal pulse width modulation techniques like ike alternative phase opposition disposition method (APOD) and third harmonic injection are explained below. A. Alternative phase opposition disposition Methods Enriching Power and Energy Development ((MEPED) 2014 291 | P a g e International Journal for Research and Development in Engineering (IJRDE) ISSN: 2279-0500 Special Issue: pppp 289-296 sinusoidal signals must have the same fundamental frequenc frequency f0 and amplitude Am. The pulses are generated based on the intersection between the sinusoidal signals and the carrier signal. The single carrier sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique arrangement is shown in figure 88. Fig 8 Single carrier SPWM signal SIMULATION RESULTS The five level H6 bridge inverter operation and its various results at R load are studied and discussed below. The simulink representation of APOD pulse generation is shown in Figure.9 Fig. 7. Third harmonic injection signal arrangement Sinusoidal PWM technique is considered to be the simplest modulation scheme but the drawback is that it cannot completely utilize the Dc supply voltage. To overcome this problem the Third Harmonic Injection pulse width modulation technique is introduced. Byy using this method the inverter performance can be improved. Here in this method a triple frequency term y = sinθ+Asin3θ is added with the fundamental component. From the figure it is evident that due to the third harmonic injection to the peak magnitude of the modulation wave, the effect of reducing the peak value of output waveform without changing the fundamental amplitude is achieved. By this method the amplitude of the modulating waveform can be increased, as a result of which the full output voltage can be utilized. There will be 15.5% increase in the amplitude of the fundamental phase voltage due to the third harmonic injection. n. C. Single Carrier Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Technique This technique is implemented when there is usage of multiple sinusoidal modulating signals and a single carrier signal. These Methods Enriching Power and Energy Development ((MEPED) 2014 (a) 292 | P a g e International Journal for Research and Development in Engineering (IJRDE) ISSN: 2279-0500 Special Issue: pp- 289-296 (b) Fig. 9: APOD signal (a) simulink representation (b) generated pulses. (b) The simulink representation of third harmonic injection strategy is shown in figure 10 and that of SCSPWM is shown in figure 11. Fig. 10. Third Harmonic injection (a) simulink representation (b) generated pulses (a) (a) (b) Fig. 11. Single Carrier Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Technique (a) simulink representation (b) generated pulses Methods Enriching Power and Energy Development (MEPED) 2014 293 | P a g e International Journal for Research and Development in Engineering (IJRDE) ISSN: 2279-0500 Special Issue: pp- 289-296 Block diagram representation of five level H6 bridge inverter is shown in figure 12. (a) Fig 12. Simulink for five level H6 bridge inverter The switching sequence waveform of each switch T1 through T6 using APOD is shown in Figure 13(a) the switching sequence waveform using third harmonic injection is shown in figure 13(b) and that of SCSPWM is shown in figure 13(c). Methods Enriching Power and Energy Development (MEPED) 2014 294 | P a g e International Journal for Research and Development in Engineering (IJRDE) ISSN: 2279-0500 Special Issue: pp- 289-296 (b) Fig 14. Output voltage waveform of five level H6 bridge inverter The total harmonic distortion THD using APOD for the output voltage is about 15.52% and it is 1.23% for third harmonic injection. The harmonic spectrum in the modulation region M=0.95 is shown in figure 15. (a) (c) Fig .13. Switching pulses (a) using APOD (b) using third harmonic injection (c) using SCSPWM technique. The input voltage applied is 400V and the load resistance is 10ohms. The obtained output voltage of the proposed five level H6 bridge inverter is shown in figure 14. (b) (C) Fig 15.Harmonic spectrum of output voltage (a) using APOD (b) using third harmonic injection (c) using SCSPWM. Methods Enriching Power and Energy Development (MEPED) 2014 295 | P a g e International Journal for Research and Development in Engineering (IJRDE) ISSN: 2279-0500 Special Issue: pp- 289-296 IV. CONCLUSION The five level H6 bridge inverter is simulated in MATLAB- Simulink environment using three different pulse width modulation techniques such as alternative phase opposition disposition, third harmonic injection and single carrier sinusoidal PWM techniques. The effective midpoint voltage control (MVC) provides two more voltage levels in the output which decreases the switching losses and EMI. The harmonic performance of the proposed inverter is analyzed and it seems to be effective with the single carrier pulse width modulation technique. This topology can be varied to allow the four quadrant operations. REFERENCES [1] J. Rodriguez, S. Bernet, B. Wu, J. O. Pontt, and S. Kouro, “Multilevel voltage-source-converter topologies for industrial medium-voltage drives,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 2930–2945, Dec.2007. [2] J. Rodr´ıguez, J. S. Lai, and F. Z. Peng, “Multilevel inverters: A survey of topologies, controls and applications,” IEEE Trans. Ind. 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