MOST IMMEI'IATE EY SPECIAL MESSENGER NATIONAL ASSE No.F 2:!(2y2014-Coml LY SECRETARIAT lrlamabrd, ft€ 196 July,20l6 NoTICE l4i mccllns of rhe Conriilc. oa El..tor.l R.forhs will b! hcld on Frtd.r. (ne 22.d Jrtr. 2:JO LL. i. tb. Co.srilutior R@8. S..o!d Fhor. Prrlhr.llEou.. Ll.rrbrd *ith thc lolloBing .8cndi; - , ti) iii) ty) v) |i) 2. lroh tlc Holy Oudn: Coalidation ofthe M,DUtes oIp4lious heetint: Codiderutid olRepo ofth. Cohhitoz of the lThole oIS.Mte of PahBton 2015 .t R.cnatior oJM.nbBofktot N 'nodt of ele.ti@ : CoNid.tori@ oI Wcial R.pNt ol th. Sena!. St ding Codnilee @ Oved Pokittais ond Hunan Retources Dayelopne @ th. probl.d bei4afo.ed by th. Ovd.Lt Pdtirtdais: Re',iee q the ptogrest so Iat dd. by th. StEconnitte. o! thc PcDlL. enlarj Cohhttee d Eta.tdat ReIottu ndet ke conwrunNp of Mt. Zzhid Ha Minister Ji* Low and Jdoce & '4 Clidole Chaae, oaA t,y otlgr it.n, hpemqton Me,nbels rrc r€qu€sr.d ro khdly makc I olthz Cha" convmimt to atr.nd rh. mccting. ( soll^rl- roDm ) Tcl. No 0514103112 o) Slniror MohroDrd Iih.q Dar, Mniskr fot Finonce, Reee,a/e. kthotnic Aloirs, (2) l',rr. Stat isl ics @d P. ivatizatia (3) (4) (, Chrirrsn t zihid Hamid, MNA Ministe. fot LN ond J$tice & Clinute ChanAe Rais Ghulam Murtazz Kha! Jaloi, MNA Mhistet lot ln&.$tries ahd P,,rduction Lt. Cen. (Retd.) Abdul Qadir Baloch, MNA Minlste! /ot Stotes and Fnntiet Rsgions Mr. Abdul Hlkclm Baloch, MNA MinB t6 of Stote Io r Con nuni.itions Membcr Member Mamber (6., Mr. MuMza Javcd Abbasi. MNA Member (7) Depu,y Speoke\ Ndtional Assenbly Senalor Molana AMul Ghafoor Haideri, Mambcr Deputt Channon Sendte (8) (e) (10) (ll) (t2l (t3) (r4) (ls) ( t5) (t7) (tE) (19) (20) (2t) (22) (21t Q4) Ms. Anusha Rehman Khan AdvocaE, MNA Mihistet alStote Io, Infomation Technolog/ c tuI Te I e c on,nu n i c a t i o ns Dr. Tariq Fazal Chadnry, MNA Minhrer olstare fot Coptol ,ldninltt olion Derelopfienr Di'tision Syod Naveld Qa-rnar, MNA Shazia Marri, MNA Mr. Shafqat Mehmood, MNA Dr. ShiEeE Mehrunnisa Ma"arl. MNA Dr. Arif AIvl, MNA Membcr od Mcmb€r M.mhcr Mcmber Dr. Muhrmfiad Farooq Satlar. MNA Ssnibzrda Tariq Ulla[ MNA Ms. Naeena Kishwar klha& MNA Mr. Abdul Qahar Khan wadan, MNA Mr. Ghous Bux Khan Mah6r, MNA Mr. Usman Khan Tarakai. MNA Mr. Aftab Ahjh€d Khan Shcrpao, MNA M.mbcr Mr. Muhamrnad ljaz-ul-Haq, MNA Shctkb Rashccd Aime4 MNA Dr Syiad Ghazi Cllab Jamal, MNA Memb€r Mcmber Mcmb€r Member Mcmb€r Mcmber P.I,O No.F.22(2)2014{omJ Islam6bad, Oe (2s) ' (261 S.nator Musbnhid Ullah Khon Scn lor Sale€m Zia (21t SEnaror Ailzoz Ahsan (2E) (2e) (30) (3t) (32) (13) (14) July, 20t6 Mernb€r Memb€r Membcr Membcr Semtor Fsrooq Hamid Naek S€nator Scnator Scnator Senator Senaror Scnator lti SGd jhari Mcmbcr Melnbcr I Col (R':td.) Syed Talir Hussain Ma{hhrdi Syei Shibli Faraz Sitara ,U€z Musha 1d Hussain Sy€d Membcr Memt!€r Hjdayal Ullah Sp€cirl lpvltrllotr: Brrrkt r Zrf,rulhh Xhn, Spccial Assisrrnl to the Primc Minhrer fSlhfllgIilslgl-AEEllrtglicryi$J.f.rcn.. to.!.rdr: L S..r.lrry. El.cdoh Commkrlon or Prkirt.n, Constlrution Avenue, G-5,2, klamabad,.with thc rcquest ro allend thc m.sin& pcBon IIy. 2. S....t rr, il/o Lrw rDd Jurtlc., Blek S. P!k. Se.rctariat, lslaMhad wilh lhe ro d.pure Sr. Dlafrsm& Lo an.nd fte mc.ling. l. S...?lrry, M,/o Inr.rior Dtyirio[ 'R" Bloclq Pst. S@rciaiat. lslamabad silh th. Equesr ro d'rcd Chstrmm {. 5. (NADRA) ro lncrd lh€ subjet m.cling Ch.irm.n, NADRA, Sta,! Bank Bnilding, c.5,2.lslatrubad \r,io n|.requ€st ro dre.d rhc mcctint polsonstly. Drpury Dlr.rlq, f,CP, Dtputy Djrcctor NADR{ rnd S6tiotr Omc.E (Coon!il), irl/o l crior ird M/o t.v & wrth rh. Equcl lo foNard nrmcs, d.signstion, CMC Dunb.B of thc prdicipqrs of m.crin! qclt bcforc rhe mccting for entry in ParliarncnL Housc,Islahahd. Julil$ fo rrd.d ,or hform.tlo, tor. I S.scury, Scnate S.cErrrtat, lslm'Lbad. 2. Iolnr Slcrcbry (IA{I), Prtm. Mitrislcr's oflicc, klanabad. l. SEEory ro Spot(.r, Nationll Ass.mbly or Paksran, kla tad 4. PSO ro Chrimr4 S.nit. ofP0kislln, IsluEbad. 5. Sr P.S lo Lcrdq of Opposiilon, Nalion&l Ass.mb! otPltist n, hl(labad. 6 Sr. P.S ro Chl.fwhip, PML(N), Na tioid Asscmbly of Prtrsrn, lsla,nabod. 7 Sr. P.S lo D?uty Spcnter, Ndional Aslcmbly ofPati$m, hlamabad. E. Dircctor Sl!ft-lo Drputy Chsiman, Scnrle of Frkisl!\ hlm.b!d9. Sr. P.S lo Sccdary, N8rional Asalbly Sdr.arial, lsl naba.l. Coor 10. I l. Sr. P S Spccial S.crchry. Nltional Assctibly Sccret0risq hlamabad A.P.S io Joinl Secrcl ry (C{, C'Il. C.lU)N0lims] Asenbly Sccrcruiar. lslamabad Annourctator CcntE. Scn.r! Sccr€tarlat Jsjarnlbad. 12. Colv fo.e.rd.d for lntorm..lon.nd rctio.lo: - l. Dir..ld Gcrfrl (l-I), Nationrl As.mbly S.ctErdBl, .rd 6maillo Comin.. M.Dbere. Md olsod.pute 2. L of a lslannbs4 enh fie rc{rr6r ro pl@ Nodse on Webs c. SMS Asislant Di.ector, atdg-wnh Lapkip [o f.ciliratc rhc pft.cdrngs th. Nelhg. DiEctor Cenclnl (PR). NatidalAs,ehbly S..rc6ri!r, Isldabad Chi.f Rcpon.ri (Ensl'$h ard UrdL), Nlnonal Asembly S.crada! lslamabad, wnh rhe ro drpure Reponed fo.,!.ordhg ot proccelhrts ofthe merine dd Io prov'dclcrbltir, Limcly. a. 5. 6. 7t. 9. &rarBcm.n$ as pcr acrual attodar cc DiEcror (M.dio), Natioml Ass.mhly S4rcl,n8r, lslamabad. ChEflibnda. NalionalA$.mbl: Sc.ret d.q htam.bad Chicf CcmFmmf, Nd'onal ArscEbly S.crcEna! Irlunubad Mediql Supcdnlmdml FcdeEl Covernmcnr Poly Clioic HosPiral, Islmab.d, LhrouSh ln-chdg. DrspenMr). ll. En8ineer ltuch0rg., Comounlcatr.n D.pury Scfttlry (Admin). Nad)n.l Ass.mblj- S.crehiat lslanalad vilh rhc rcqucsr ro reli6hmdr Parhmmr Hou*. lslalnabBd. DEputy Supcrinrendcnr ofPoliG (S.c'irl.y), Parlimcnr Hous., hlaflahad. 10. Dk4lor, CDA. Parlltnent How, klamabad, rc do nedtut thrcud all the conemed (luing to Civil, Elelrical md Uni!N A /S.nar. S€crclariE! lsl0mabad. 12. S6ec0nr-al-Arm, Nadonnl Asscmbly, Seoctariat, lslamsbad. Gl[rrxcleEsdld.&Llllgls.lEe c,- l. 2. Aroney Ccncral for Prkist n, IslarEbad. Accountanr Cmeml, P.tishn Rev,:nucs, Islanrabad tw@@,j'42. (SYED HASAN MURTAZA BUKHARI) Deputy Secrerary (Com- l) Tele. No. 051-9201!56