EMERSON STEWART GROUP For personal use only LIMITED ASX ANNOUNCEMENT 16 August 2011 Investor Presentation – Clearer Copy Attached Emerson Stewart Group Limited (ASX:ESW) provides a clearer copy of the Investor Presentation released earlier today. - ENDS - EMERSON STEWART GROUP For personal use only LIMITED About Emerson Stewart Group Limited (ASX: ESW) Emerson Stewart Group Limited through its wholly owned subsidiaries provides; environmental, surveying, mapping, town planning, engineering, project delivery and specialist consulting services to blue chip clients across the resources, infrastructure and energy sectors. The Group has 6 offices located at strategic locations within Western Australia and approximately 180 people. www.emersonstewart.com www.whelans.com.au For more information: Dario Amara Vince Salsano Emerson Stewart Group Limited Emerson Stewart Group Limited Group CEO Group CFO (08) 9424 9555 (08) 9424 9555 EMERSON STEWART GROUP For personal use only LIMITED TRANSACTION FINANCING ROADSHOW Acquisition of OTOC Group Pty Ltd August 2011 EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Page 1 Disclaimer For personal use only Important Notice This presentation (‘Document’) has been prepared by joint lead managers Bedford Capital Partners Pty Limited and Bligh Capital Partners Pty Ltd (together the ‘JLMs’) on behalf of Emerson Stewart Group Limited (‘ESW’). This Document should not be considered as an offer or invitation to subscribe for or purchase any securities in ESW or as an inducement to make an offer or invitation with respect to those securities. No agreement to subscribe for securities in ESW should be entered into on the basis of this Document. This Document contains high level information only and does not purport to be all inclusive or to contain all information which its recipients may require in order to make an informed assessment of ESW and its prospects. Any forecasts and forward looking information contained in this Document are subject to risks and uncertainties and are not a guarantee of future performance. Actual performance will almost certainly differ from those expressed or implied. The JLMs make no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information presented herein. Information contained in this Document may be changed, amended or modified at any time by the JLMs. The JLMs are under no obligation to update any information or correct any error or omission which may become apparent after this Document has been issued. To the extent permitted by law, the JLMs and their officers, employees, related bodies corporate and agents (‘Associates’) disclaim all liability, direct, indirect or consequential (and whether or not arising out of the negligence, default or lack of care of the JLMs and/or their Associates) for any loss or damage suffered by recipients of this Document or other persons arising out of, or in connection with, any use of or reliance on this Document or information contained herein. By accepting this Document, the recipient agrees that it shall not hold the JLMs or their Associates liable in any such respect for the provision of this Document or any other information provided in relation to this Document. Recipients of this Document must make their own independent investigations, consideration and evaluation of the information contained herein. Any recipient that proceeds further with its investigations, consideration or evaluation of the information described herein shall make and rely solely upon its own investigations and inquiries and will not in any way rely upon this Document. Recipients of this Document should not act or refrain from acting in reliance on material in this Document. This Document should be read in conjunction with the Notice of Meeting dispatched to ESW shareholders on 28 July 2011 and other ASX announcements released in relation to the transaction described herein. EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Page 2 For personal use only Executive Summary Emerson Stewart Group Limited (ASX: ESW) is to acquire 100% of OTOC Group Pty Ltd (‘OTOC’), a leading installer of mine site accommodation and non-process infrastructure to blue-chip clients in north west Western Australia Established in 2003, OTOC has successfully developed into a well respected, low capex and profitable business with unaudited revenue of $52 million in FY2011 and forecast revenue of $89 million for FY2012 (71% secured) ESW will acquire OTOC for initial consideration of $20 million split equally between cash and ESW shares at $0.20 o OTOC may earn up to an additional $8 million in new ESW shares at $0.20 (via conversion of performance shares) subject to achieving prescribed earnings before interest and tax (‘EBIT’) milestones in FY2012 Following the transaction, OTOC shareholders will hold up to 42% of ESW (on a fully diluted basis including the full conversion of performance shares) The acquisition of OTOC represents a step change transaction that will significantly leverage ESW to the growing resources sector spend in north west Australia and is complimentary to ESW’s existing survey and mapping business Whelans ESW intends to fund the acquisition via a $17.4 million capital raising at $0.20 per share o $11.9 million placement to sophisticated and institutional investors o $5.5 million fully underwritten entitlement issue (3-for-4 basis) ESW’s two largest shareholders (including Managing Director Mr. Dario Amara) will cornerstone up to $4 million of the total capital raising The acquisition of OTOC and capital raising are subject to shareholder approval on 30 August 2011 EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Page 3 For personal use only Background to the Transaction The acquisition of OTOC is a transformational transaction for ESW. OTOC will add forecast EBIT of $6.9 million on revenues of $89 million for FY2012 with a clearly articulated plan to significantly grow and diversify revenues ESW has a highly respected technical team but has struggled to achieve scale as an ASX company The acquisition of Whelans has broadened geographic reach, client list and revenue base – but ESW seeks a much stronger earnings profile which is better leveraged to the north west resources sector spend The acquisition of OTOC will deliver this stronger earnings profile o Strong order book with 71% of budgeted FY2012 revenue in hand (refer Appendix A) o Strong exposure to the WA resources sector, where current and planned project expenditure is more than $175 billion (refer Appendix C) – with over $5.4 billion in OTOC’s key sectors (refer Appendix B) o OTOC is a direct construction lead – not a subcontractor – with barriers to entry through relationships, technical knowledge, plant and equipment and specialisation in providing turnkey solutions o Highly scalable with national growth prospects via existing client base and new tendering opportunities o OTOC has all systems, certifications and pre-qualifications in place to support this future growth In turn, ESW provides OTOC with: o A solid platform to grow the business into the future o Natural synergies with existing Whelans business including clients and area of operations o Whelans will also provide OTOC with a “first look” into new projects EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Page 4 For personal use only Introducing OTOC OTOC is a leading non-process infrastructure construction company to the WA resources sector founded in 2003 Outlook and Strategy Current order book at $64 million, representing 71% of FY2012 budgeted revenue in hand >$5.4 billion in contracts projected to be awarded in OTOC’s industry sector over the next 2 years New capital will allow OTOC to bid for and execute larger contracts >$50 million Expanding NPI, civil works and maintenance capability Opportunities for diversification into other maintenance and associated services Provides a turnkey mining camp installation service including camps, offices, EPCM buildings and other NPI and civil works Income is derived from a mix of both new construction and refurbishment works Earnings ($m) FY10 (A) FY11 (F) FY12 (F) Revenue 45.7 51.9 89.0 EBITDA 3.5 5.4 7.3 Depreciation (0.8) (0.4) (0.4) EBIT* 2.7 5.0 6.9 Major Clients *FY2011 forecast EBIT normalised for restructuring and abnormal expenses 160 permanent staff operating from bases in Perth and Newman Exemplary safety record with a LTIFR of 0% Prequalified with BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and FMG and SAI globally accredited in HSE and QA WA Business News Rising Star Award June 2011 EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Page 5 For personal use only Introducing OTOC Christmas Creek, Pilbara (Complete) Client – Rio Tinto, Calibre Rail Location – Weelumurra, Pilbara region Job/Camp Size – 140 buildings complete turnkey package Client: Fortescue Metals Group Job/camp size: 900 man camp including infrastructure upgrades and new kitchen diner Contract value: $20 million Contract Value – $6.5 million Weelumurra, Pilbara (Complete) Client: Rio Tinto / Calibre Rail Job/Camp Size: 140 man camp complete turnkey package Contract Value: $6.5 million EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Page 6 For personal use only ESW Corporate Snapshot Market Value ESW provides environmental, surveying, mapping, town planning, engineering and specialist consulting services Operates through two wholly owned subsidiaries – Emerson Stewart Consulting and Whelans o Original consulting business established in 2005 by group CEO and major shareholder Mr. Dario Amara and listed on ASX June 2008 o Acquired specialised survey, mapping and town planning business Whelans (WA) Pty Ltd in February 2010 Now has 6 offices strategically located throughout Western Australia 150 staff Executive and staff currently own circa. 52% of ESW Last close (12-Aug-11) $ 0.05 Ordinary shares on issue m 129.4 Market capitalisation $m 6.5 Cash (Dec-10) $m 0.9 Borrowings (Dec-10) $m 4.0 Enterprise value $m 9.6 Share Price Performance $0.14 $0.12 $0.10 $0.08 $0.06 $0.04 $0.02 Aug-10 Directors Position Steven Cole Non-Executive Chairman Dario Amara Managing Director & CEO James Cullen Non-Executive Director Sources: ASX, IRESS EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Shareholders Shares (m) % Dec-10 Apr-11 Aug-11 Trading Statistics Dario Amara 36.6 28.2 12 month range $ 0.04 - 0.13 Whelans vendors 30.8 23.8 5 day VWAP $ 0.0508 Entrust 20.7 16.0 30 day VWAP $ 0.0543 Sub-total 88.1 68.0 90 day VWAP $ 0.0508 Others 41.4 32.0 Avg daily volume (3 mth) # 34,119 Total 129.4 100.0 3 mth turnover (% total) % 1.7 Page 7 For personal use only Whelans Established in the 1920s, Whelans is the industry leader in WA for surveying, mapping and town planning Operations Whelans Surveying Large diversified client base across property and mining industries – public and private sector clients 110 professional staff and offices in Perth, Karratha, Broome, Kununurra and Kalgoorlie Land development Engineering surveys Cadastral surveys Exploration and mining surveys Whelans Mapping Aerial mapping Earnings ($m) FY10 (A) FY11 (F) FY12 (F) Revenue 17.0 22.0 25.0 EBITDA 2.3 4.0 4.7 Depreciation (0.9) (1.1) (1.0) EBIT* 1.4 2.9 3.7 Ortho processing Mine mapping Town Planning *before allocation of corporate costs Land use planning Strategic and community Statutory planning Development management Outlook Executive Strong forward order book (80% secured) principally related to oil & gas sector works Brian Hill – Managing Director Whelans and Manager Surveying Positive outlook with major LNG and industrial developments expected to provide stable forward earnings Glyn Mattock – Manager Mapping/GIS Gavin Hassett – Manager Town Planning EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Page 8 For personal use only The Transaction ESW proposes to acquire 100% of OTOC for $20 million (plus earn-out*) supported by a $17.4 million capital raising at $0.20 1. ESW to be reconstructed on 2-for-7 basis 2. ESW to acquire 100% of OTOC for initial consideration of $20 million split equally between cash and ESW shares at $0.20 o OTOC may earn up to an additional $8 million in ESW shares subject to achieving prescribed EBIT milestones in FY2012* o Equates to a 4.3x FY2012 EBIT multiple* 3. ESW to raise $17.4 million at $0.20 via: o $11.9 million placement to sophisticated and institutional investors o $5.5 million fully underwritten entitlement issue (3-for-4 basis) 4. OTOC may appoint up to 3 nominees to the ESW board – CEO and founder Mr. Adam Lamond, Mr. Tom Lawrence and one other (refer Appendix E) Proforma Capital Structure Shares (m) Raise ($m) Current ESW shares on issue 129.4 Reconstruction (2-for-7) 37.0 Placement 59.5 11.9 Entitlement issue (3-for-4) 27.7 5.5 OTOC vend shares 50.0 - Post vend and raising** 174.2 17.4 OTOC performance shares* 40.0 - Proforma 214.2 17.4 * based on OTOC achieving FY2012 EBIT of $6.5 million (please refer to the Notice of Meeting) ** Market capitalisation at $0.20 of $34.8 million Use of Funds ($m) OTOC cash consideration 10.0 Working capital 6.5 Costs of the offer 0.9 Total 17.4 ESW’s two largest shareholders will cornerstone up to $4 million of the total capital raising EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Page 9 For personal use only Valuation of ESW The transaction has been structured to purchase Whelans at an attractive multiple of forecast FY2012 EBIT ESW Valuation ($m) At the transaction price of $0.20, ESW has an enterprise value of $10.5 million Equates to an EBIT multiple of 3.8 based on ESW’s forecast group earnings of $2.75 million (after corporate costs) for FY2012 Based on Whelans stand-alone forecast EBIT of $3.7 million for FY2012 (before allocation of corporate costs), the multiple paid becomes 2.8 times forward earnings EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Transaction price ($) 0.20 Post consolidation shares on issue (m) 37.0 Market value of ESW 7.4 Net debt (Dec-10) 3.1 Enterprise value 10.5 ESW FY2012 (F) EBIT* 2.75 Multiple 3.8 * After corporate costs Page 10 For personal use only Combined Group New ESW group forecast FY2012 EBIT of circa. $9.65 million on revenues of $117 million Emerson Stewart (ASX: ESW) 100% 3 wholly owned business units servicing the high growth north west Australian resources infrastructure sector Post transaction, ESW will have a strong balance sheet with circa. $7.5 million in working capital Total staff of around 310 (including 40 staff currently associated with the consulting business) EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED 100% Indicative Proforma Shareholder Structure 7.2% 31.4% Dario Amara 4.1% 9.8% Strategic office locations in Perth, Karratha, Kalgoorlie, Kununurra, Broome and Newman Emerson Stewart intended to be rebranded OTOC Group Limited to better reflect the focus of the new group moving forward 100% Whelans block Entrust 5.5% Other ESW shareholders OTOC - vend shares 18.7% 23.3% OTOC - FY2012 earn out New investors (capital raising) Page 11 For personal use only Combined Group Balance Sheet ($m) As at 31 December 2010 ESW Reported OTOC Unaudited Proforma Adjust. Proforma Cash 0.94 0.91 6.36 8.21 Receivables 7.34 9.92 - 17.25 WIP 1.80 - - 1.80 Other 1.11 - - 1.11 11.18 10.83 6.36 28.36 PPE 4.28 3.23 - 7.50 Intangibles 3.46 1.10 17.30 21.85 Other 0.80 - - 0.80 Total non-current assets 8.54 4.32 17.30 30.16 19.71 15.15 23.66 58.52 Payables 2.37 5.53 - 7.90 Notes: Loans and borrowings 2.16 1.14 - 3.30 1 Employee benefits 1.58 0.28 - 1.86 Total current liabilities 6.11 6.94 - 13.05 Loans and borrowings 1.87 1.51 - 3.38 Employee benefits 0.19 - - 0.19 Total non-current liabilities 2.06 1.51 - 3.56 Total liabilities 8.16 8.45 - 16.61 11.55 6.70 23.66 41.90 Total current assets Total Assets NET ASSETS EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Comments Pro-forma balance sheet incorporates ESW’s audit reviewed accounts as at 31 December 2010 and an unaudited balance sheet for OTOC as at 31 December 2010 1 Pro-forma balance sheet incorporates adjustments due to the effect of the acquisition, placement and the entitlement issue 2 The balance sheet of OTOC is not audited so may not incorporate the effect of those Australian Accounting Standards with which ESW is required to comply. The balance sheet of OTOC has also been adjusted for the disposal of properties and repayment of related party loans as part of the transaction 2 Assumes that the performance shares meet the criteria for maximum conversion (please refer to the Notice of Meeting) Page 12 For personal use only FY2012 Budget Estimates P&L Budget Estimate ($m) Year end 30 June 2012 OTOC ESW TOTAL* Sales revenue 89.00 27.50 116.50 Operating expenses (81.68) (22.41) (104.09) 7.32 5.09 12.41 (0.42) (1.35) (1.77) 6.90 3.74 10.64 Corporate cost allocation - (0.99) (0.99) EBIT after corporate costs 6.90 2.75 9.65 EBITDA Depreciation expense EBIT Comments Budgets for OTOC and ESW are presented on a pre-transaction basis ESW group corporate costs for FY2012 expected to be circa. $992,000 (pre-transaction) OTOC has 71% of budgeted FY2012 revenue booked Whelans has in the order of 80% of budgeted FY2012 revenue booked, having recently secured and commenced works on a number of long term projects throughout the Pilbara, including LandCorp’s high profile ‘Karratha City of the North Project’ - a large scale redevelopment of Karratha’s CBD Emerson Stewart Consulting has in the order of 60% of budgeted FY2012 revenue booked * The total is not a pro-forma earnings number. Actual pro-forma earnings for the new combined group remains subject to relevant AASB treatment EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Page 13 Transaction Timetable For personal use only Action Date* Announce transaction COMPLETE Satisfaction of mutual due diligence COMPLETE Notice of Meeting dispatched COMPLETE Finalise s708 placement capital raising 15-19 Aug General Meeting to approve transaction Further Information on Entitlement Issue o Are registered as a holder of shares as at 5.00pm Perth time on 20 September 2011 (Record Date); and 30 Aug Finalisation of consolidation o Have a registered address in Australia or New Zealand only 9 Sep Record Date for entitlement issue 20 Sep Issue and settlement of placement shares 21 Sep Dispatch of entitlement issue offer documentation 22 Sep Settlement of transaction and announcement 23 Sep Issue of entitlement issue shares 20 Oct * Dates are indicative only and are subject to change. Any material changes will be announced to the ASX The issue price under the entitlement issue is the same price as set under the placement The entitlement issue is non-renounceable. This means ESW shareholders who do not take up their entitlements will not be able to transfer or receive any value for those entitlements and their equity interest in ESW may be diluted Eligible ESW shareholders as at the Record Date may choose to accept all, part or none of their entitlements (but not more) Entitlements of eligible shareholders which are not taken up will lapse upon close of the offer Eligible ESW shareholders will receive an offer booklet and a personalised entitlement and acceptance form which will provide further details on how to participate Further Information on the Placement The placement will be made to institutional and sophisticated investors only as defined under Section 708 of the Corporations Act 2001 Subject to ESW shareholder approval at the General Meeting on 30 August 2011 EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED The entitlement issue is a pro rata offer to eligible ESW shareholders who: Page 14 For personal use only Summary Proven low capex business model leveraged to the high growth WA resources sector Long-term growth underpinned by significant tendering opportunities in all key sectors Current order book $64 million representing 71% of FY2012 budgeted revenue in hand Strong barriers to entry via technical skill set, turnkey specialisation and tier 1 client base Natural synergies with ESW’s existing survey and mapping business Whelans Forecast combined group EBIT of $9.65 million for FY2012 on revenues of $117 million Enhanced executive and management team committed long-term to the business Compelling valuation for ESW shareholders on 4.1x multiple of forecast FY2012 EBIT EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Page 15 APPENDIX A OTOC FY2012 Budget Workings For personal use only Client Project Contract Value ($m) KBR / Rio Tinto Wandoo housing upgrade 3.7 Westnet Rail New rail accommodation 8.7 Macedon camp 15.9 NPI works 6.0 NPI and village expansion 20.8 Roy Hill 8.5 BHPB / Technip BHP Billiton Rio Tinto Hancock Prospecting TOTAL Increasing presence in oil & gas expected to be boosted by combination with Whelans business 63.6 Budget Revenue by Sector 25% 71% of budgeted FY2012 revenue is secured with order book at $63.6 million Budget Revenue by Works Increased focus on expanding NPI and civil works capability 30% Oil & Gas Villages Mining NPI 70% 75% EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Page 16 For personal use only APPENDIX B OTOC Short Term Contract Opportunities Over $5.4 billion in new contracts projected to be awarded in OTOC’s industry sector over FY2012-13. Following the transaction, OTOC will be in a position to bid for a significant number of +$50 million contracts across village installation, NPI and civil works Client Project Type Contract Value ($m) Award Timing FMG Solomon NPI, Civils 150 Mid 2011 Hancock Roy Hill Village, NPI, Civils* 1,500 Mid 2011 Chevron Wheatstone Village, NPI, Civils 750 Dec H 2011 Rio Tinto Pilbara 330 Mtpa Village, NPI, Civils +300 June Q 2011 BHPB Rapid Growth 6 Village, NPI, Civils 300 Sep Q 2012 Inpex Ichthys LNG Village, NPI, Civils 500 Late 2011 Woodside Browse LNG Village, NPI, Civils 700 Mid 2012 Asia Iron Extension Hill Village, NPI, Civils 500 TBA Various Village, NPI, Civils 700 TBA API TOTAL 5,400 * Roy Hill Project will include port and mine villages, rail camps and NPI works EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED (Source: OTOC) Page 17 For personal use only APPENDIX C Western Australia Resources Outlook There is currently over $175 billion worth of projects in WA committed or under consideration during the next few years (source: Prospect Magazine Jun-Aug 2011, Department of Mines and Petroleum) Project Value ($b) Gorgon JV Gas Processing Project 43.0 Browse LNG Precinct 30.0 Chevron - Wheatstone LNG 23.0 Woodside – Pluto LNG Project 14.0 Hancock Prospecting – Iron Ore Mine – Roy Hill 7.0 FMG – Central Pilbara Project 7.0 CITIC Pacific – Cape Preston Mine and Processing Projects 5.2 North Rankin Redevelopment 5.0 BHP Billiton Iron Ore Rapid Growth Project 5 4.8 Australian Premium Iron Ore JV – Iron Ore Mine 4.0 FMG – Solomon Project 4.0 Oakajee Port, Rail and Industrial Estate 4.0 MCC Cape Lambert Iron Ore Project 3.7 Perdaman Chemicals & Fertilisers – Collie – Coal-to-Urea Plant 3.5 BHP Billiton Worsley Alumina – Refinery Expansion 2.5 Other (17 projects) TOTAL 15.0 175.7 EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Page 18 For personal use only APPENDIX D OTOC Case Studies Client Project Rio Tinto Hope Downs 1 Village $10 million Christmas Creek Construction Camp $20 million Jocelyn $4.5 million Calibre / FMG BHP Billiton Contract 6 months commencing Jan-11 11 months commencing Dec-09 4 months commencing Dec-10 Fleetwood / Karara Mining Three Springs $3.6 million 5 months commencing Nov-10 EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Description Brownfield turnkey installation of 400 additional rooms including associated works at Hope Downs 1 Village in a joint venture with NRW Installation of 900 rooms which included the laying of sewer, water, electrical and communication piping and cabling and connection to buildings Turnkey installation of 80 rooms, access road maintenance improvements, bulk earthworks, construction of civil, structural, hydraulic, electrical and communications works Design, supply, install, commission and handover of the accommodation unit buildings and ancillary facilities for the 164 person Three Springs Construction Camp for Karara Mining Page 19 For personal use only APPENDIX E Proposed Board Dario Amara, Group CEO Steven Cole, Non-Executive Chairman Registered builder and engineer with over 30 years experience in the Australian and international markets and across the resources and infrastructure sectors Over 35 years professional, corporate and business experience through senior legal consultancy, as well as a range of executive management and non-executive appointments Prior to founding Emerson Stewart in 2005 and for over 16 years, he occupied senior executive roles with major construction and engineering groups including GRD Minproc as managing director/chief executive and John Holland Asia as chief executive officer Extensive boardroom and board sub-committee experience includes ASX-listed, statutory, proprietary and not-for-profit organisations covering the industrial, financial, educational, health and resources sectors Adam Lamond, Executive Director & MD OTOC James Cullen, Non-Executive Director Founder of OTOC and qualified electrician and electrical contractor Qualified Chartered Accountant with extensive commercial experience in the resources and industrial sectors Over 16 years experience in the mining industry with particular expertise in the electrical trade and camp installations in Western Australia Currently CEO of Resource Equipment Limited, an ASX-listed equipment supplier to the mining and oil & gas sectors Winner in the 2011 WA Business News ‘40 Under 40’ Awards Previously managing director of PCH Group Ltd (‘PCH’), a publicly listed Australian company providing a range of industrial services to numerous industry sectors Tom Lawrence, Non-Executive Director Director and Principal of Lawrence Business Management, business advisors to West Australian resources and industrial companies Accounting and Taxation Law expert with over 10 years experience providing specialist advice to a diverse range of businesses Initial OTOC representatives on the ESW board proposed to be Mr. Adam Lamond and Mr. Tom Lawrence. OTOC may also appoint a third nominee. The board of ESW also intends to appoint a new CFO for the combined group Currently a non-executive director of OTOC EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Page 20 APPENDIX 16x FY2012(F) Price/Earnings Ratio Indicative ESW share price = 27 cents 14x Indicative ESW share price = 25 cents 12x Average 9.0x 10x 6x Average 4.8x 8x 4x 6x 4x 2x 2x 14x FY2012(F) EV/EBIT 12x Indicative ESW share price = 32 cents Average 6.8x LCM GCS MAH AAX DCG IDL BYL DOW MLD WTP RCR NWH MIN UGL WDS FWD MND LEI BYL AAX IDL GCS WTP MAH LCM RCR DOW DCG MLD TSE UGL LEI NWH Represents a potential strong premium to the transaction price of 20 cents Based on forecast peer data, the new ESW group has a potential post-transaction market capitalisation range of $54-69 million New and existing ESW shareholders to benefit from any potential re-rating in ESW’s share price 2x 0x MIN Potential proforma share price range 25-32 cents based on forecast combined group earnings for FY2012 capitalised at the sector average forward earnings multiple for FY2012 6x 4x WDS 10x 8x FWD MND BYL MAH WDS DOW GCS AAX MLD IDL LEI LCM DCG NWH RCR WTP MIN UGL FWD MND 0x TSE 0x TSE For personal use only Value Proposition FY2012(F) EV/EBITDA 10x 8x F Sources: Bell Potter, Hartleys research. Market prices from IRESS 12 August, 2011 EMERSON STEWART GROUP LIMITED Page 21