Switched Inductor Quasi-z-source Inverter for PMSG based

S.Sathish kumar and S.Chinnaiya
Switched Inductor Quasi-z-source Inverter for
PMSG based Wind Energy Conversion System
S.Sathish Kumar and S. Chinnaiya
Abstract: For standalone wind energy conversion system
Permanent magnet synchronous generator is best suited
because of no need of separate excitation, maintenance free and
available in moderate ratings up to 50 Kilowatts. The main
objective of this paper is to improve the wind energy conversion
system by implementing Switch inductor quasi-z-source
inverter and Battery storage system. Switch inductor
quasi-z-source inverter has high efficiency and the input
current is continuous, suppress inrush current and avoid shoot
through fault in inverter when compared to Z-source inverter
based wind energy conversion system. An effective control
technique for the inverter, based on the pulse width
modulation (PWM) method, has been developed to make the
line voltages at the point of common coupling (PCC) balanced
when the load is unbalanced. By proper control of battery
current through dc–dc converter has been done to reduce the
electrical torque pulsation of the PMSG under an unbalanced
load condition
Keywords-Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS), Battery
Storage system (BSS), Permanent-magnet Synchronous
generator (PMSG), Switched Inductor quasi-Z-Source
inverter (SL- q-ZSI)
The electricity requirements of the world including India are
increasing at alarming rate and the power demand has been
running ahead of supply. It is also now widely recognized
that the fossil fuels and other conventional resources,
presently being used for generation of electrical energy, may
not be either sufficient or suitable to keep pace with ever
increasing demand of the electrical energy of the world. The
recent severe energy crisis has forced the world to develop
new and alternative methods of power generation, which
could not be adopted so far due to various reasons.Thus this
project Elucidates about Wind energy sources, and how we
can generate power from Wind energy sources.The Indian
wind energy sector has an installed capacity of 14158.00 MW
(as on March 31, 2011). In terms of wind power installed
capacity according to World wind energy Association, India
is ranked 5th in the World. Today India plays a major role in
the global wind energy production. Indian Wind Energy
Association has estimated that with the current level of
technology, the ‘on-shore’ potential for utilization of wind
energy for electricity generation is of the order of 65,000
MW. Thus this project will consider the factor such as power
handling performance based on system efficiency of power
deliver to the output.
S.Sathish kumar persuing his Master degree in Power Electronics & Drives,
K.S.R.C .E, Tamilnadu. Email: sathishm1087@hotmail.com
Some energy sources can be connected directly to the
distribution network, but in the case of variable speed wind
turbine (VSWT) systems it is necessary to use a power
converter that interfaces the source and the grid.. Different
types of generators can be used in wind energy conversion
systems (WECS), but permanent magnet synchronous
generators (PMSG) dominate the market. The main
advantage of PMSG is the possibility of multipole design that
offers slow speed operation and the possibility of gearless
WECS construction. Another advantage of the PMSG is
maintenance free operation since there are no brushes. The
main drawback of variable speed wind turbine based PMSG
is the dependence of its output voltage on the rotation speed.
This drawback can be easily overcome with the help of an
appropriate interface converter.
The schematic of the standalone system using PMSG-based
wind turbine is shown. In this paper, using battery as the
storage devices, a small-scale standalone power supply
system based on wind energy is considered. The main
objectives are
a) To achieve effective control coordination among the
PMSG, battery to maintain the dc-link voltage constant.
b) To maintain constant and balanced voltages at the ac bus
(or load bus) as three phase dynamic loads need a balanced
three-phase supply for their proper operation.
c) To reduce the effect of unbalanced load current on the
torque pulsation of PMSG.
One of the simplest interface converter topologies consists of
uncontrolled rectifier and load side converter. This topology
is the cheapest solution due to low number of controlled
switches and simple control system which is necessary only
for the load inverter. The main disadvantage of this solution
is the absence of DC link voltage regulation possibility that
leads to lack of extracted power at low speeds.
This topology offers a possibility to extract power at low wind
speeds. Energy storage system is used to store the excessive
power generated by PMSG at high wind speed and deliver the
power to load through the inverter when wind speed is less
than cut-in speed. Implementation of the uncontrolled
rectifier allows the proposed system efficient and economic.
The topology of wind energy system [10] does not discuss
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE – ISSN: 2320-9569)
Vol. 4, Issue. 1, June-2013.
S.Sathish kumar and S.Chinnaiya
about Energy storage system to store excessive power
generated by PMSG.
Implementation of Z-source inverters (ZSI) has become
popular in recent years in applications [3].The ZSI has
inherent voltage boost and buck capability using the shoot
through switching states in each phase leg of the PWM
inverter. This enables the proposed wind generation system
to achieve the demanded variable-speed operation. The
utilization of quasi-Z-source (qZS) network in the interface
converter (Fig. 2) in addition to the benefits of the Z-source
based converter offers continuous input current of the
qZS-network as well as reduced DC voltage of the capacitor
C2 [2].
Fig.1. PMSG based WECS with Z-Source inverter
The equivalent circuits of the PMSG in direct and quadrature
axes are shown in Figure. 3. The stator voltage equations in
the d-q reference frame,
, are given as follows
Where, and respectively represent the inductance and
resistance of the PMSG winding, ϕ represents the magnet
is the electrical rotational speed of generator,
and ,
are the direct and quadrature components of the
machine currents respectively.
Fig.3.Equivalent circuits of PMSG: (a) d-axis (b) q-axis.
The electromagnetic torque, Te, is given as.
= p
+z  )
, are the two axes machine inductances; p is the
number of pole pairs.
In surface mounted PMSGs,
. Hence, the
electromagnetic torque can be rewritten as follows.
Fig.2. PMSG based WECS with Quasi-Z-Source inverter
This paper proposes a possibility for further improvement of
the quasi-Z-source based back-to-back interface converter by
the introduction of the switched inductor quasi-Z-source
network [2] (Fig. 2). In contrast to converters presented in
Fig. 1 the new topology offers the increased voltage boost
capability of the load-side inverter with energy storage
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator converts the
mechanical power from aerodynamic system to ac electrical
power, which is then converted to dc power through
uncontrolled diode bridge rectifier connected with dc link at
its dc port. The power is transferred to the load through
another IGBT pulse width modulation (PWM) inverter.
The electrical model of the PMSG has been developed. It is
typically implemented in the dq rotating reference frame.
The relation between angular frequency of the stator voltage
(electrical angular velocity)
, and mechanical angular
velocity of the generator rotor
is given below as
As stated above, this paper proposes the switching inductor
(SL) technique to be implemented in the traditional qZSI to
improve its voltage boost properties. The proposed SL qZS
network consists of three inductors (L1…L3), four diodes
(D1…D4) and two capacitors (C1 and C2). Coupled with the
Load side PWM inverter, the SL qZS network forms the SL
quasi-Z-source inverter (SL qZSI).
Similarly to the traditional qZSI , the SL qZSI has two main
types of operational states at the DC side: non-shoot-through
states and shoot-through states
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE – ISSN: 2320-9569)
Vol. 3, Issue. 1, May-2013.
S.Sathish kumar and S.Chinnaiya
Let us assume that the operating period T of the SL qZSI
consists of a shoot-through state and an active state
are the duty cycles of an active and
shoot-through states, correspondingly.
In order to simplify the analysis of the circuit, it was assumed
that the diodes, capacitors and inductors of the SL-qZS
network are lossless. Fig. 4 shows the equivalent circuits of
the SL qZSI operating in the CCM for the shoot-through (a)
and active (b) states.
At the steady state the average voltage of the inductors over
one operating period is zero:
Based on that fact and defining the shoot-through duty cycle
and the non-shoot-through duty cycle as
, the
inductors voltages over one operating period could be
represented as:
Fig.4. Equivalent circuits of SL qZSI: a) during shoot state
and b) during active state
Equations for average capacitor voltages
and peak
inverter input voltage
are derived from the steady state
The voltage conversion ratio
expressed by the following
Three basic PWM control methods, simple, maximum ,
and constant boost control ], work with the proposed SLqZSI.
The maximum boost control method serves as an example for
the analysis, simulation, and experiment in this paper.
Maximum boost control turns all traditional zero states into
shoot-through states to obtain the largest possible duty cycle.
When using the maximum boost control method [8], the
average duty cycle of the shoot-through state (D), as defined
as ,
of the inverter can be
Where M is the modulation index.
where is the modulation index. The modulation index is
connected with the shoot-through duty cycle by the following
This section unveils the operation principle of the new
proposed interface converter (Fig. 5) in residential PMSG
based wind turbines with power rating up to 15 kW
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE – ISSN: 2320-9569)
Vol. 4, Issue. 1, June-2013.
S.Sathish kumar and S.Chinnaiya
Fig.5. Proposed PMSG based WECS with Battery storage system
Operation modes of the interface converter
Generally, PMSG based Variable Speed Wind Turbines
have three distinct modes of operation: silent mode,
variable speed operation mode and constant speed mode.
A turbine is silent in two cases: If wind speed is below a
cut-in level or above the cutoff speed then there will be no
generation of power by generator. At that battery storage
system supplies power to load. Turbines operate at variable
speed in the wind velocity range from cut-in to rated wind
speed. Rated wind speed differs by turbine types, but often
has the value of 12 meters per second. Constant speed
mode takes place above the rated wind speed and output
power of the turbine remains constant at this mode.
In this paper we considered PMSG with 5 pole pairs as a
power source in this research. Its line voltage is 250 V at
100 rad/sec of the rotor speed, but it can operate up to
220rad/sec. This speed is considered as the maximum
power operational point for the turbine and the generator.
Generator power reaches 3250 W at this point with the
output voltage of 583 V. Cut-in speed for a turbine is
62rad/sec of rotor speed and it can produce 80 W, but the
generator voltage is only 48 V at this point. So this is the
lowest input voltage for an interface converter.
The necessary voltage boost is obtained in two steps. The
rectifier stabilizes the DC link voltage
to a 300 V
level when the generator voltage is below 152 V. The
transferred power of the converter lies between 40 W and
330 W at this mode. The controlled rectifier works as
diode rectifier when the generator voltage
is above
152 V. In this mode the DC link voltage is changed
proportionally to the generator voltage, at the range from
250 V in rated generator speed conditions up to 600 V at
the maximal speed. The SL qZS network with appropriate
inverter control is stabilizing the
peak value of the inverter side DC link voltage
to 490
V despite the voltage variations on the generator side DC
link. The inverter input voltage
regulation is
obtained by changing the shoot-through duty cycle
The peak value of the inverter side DC link voltage
so high due to lower modulation index M if compared with
voltage source inverters. Modulation index is limited by
shoot-through states implemented in SL qZSI.The
variation range of the voltage conversion ratio G lies
between 1.44 and 2.4 that corresponds to the generator
side DC link voltage
range from 250 V up to 150 V.
Since the modulation index M and the boostfactor B are
the functions of
the appropriate values of
shoot-through can be found for minimum and maximum G
values. The variation range of the shoot-through duty cycle
DS is from 0.17 in maximum speed conditions to 0.27 in
the cut-in speed conditions.
Analysis of simulation and experimental results
A series of simulations and experiments were performed to
verify the proper operation of the proposed SL qZS
Inverter with Battery storage system. Tests were
performed at three characteristic operation points of the
VSWT system to demonstrate the converters operation
modes in the entire generator voltage and power range.
These points are: cut-in speed (low voltage and minimum
power), rated speed (corresponds to 7.5 m/s to 15m/s wind
speed) and maximum generator speed, power conditions.
General parameters of experimental setup based on 6 kW
PMSG and proposed interface converter are summarized
in Table 1. The simple boost control technique was
implemented for the SL qZSI during simulations and tests.
The switching frequency of proposed inverter is 10 kHz.
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE – ISSN: 2320-9569)
Vol. 3, Issue. 1, May-2013.
S.Sathish kumar and S.Chinnaiya
Table: 1. Key Parameters of the Proposed Converter
Input dc Voltage
Output line to line voltage is
Switching frequency
Three phase
output filter
Fig.7. Simulation waveforms of load current
Table: 2. Key Parameters of the Proposed Converter
Number of poles
Rated speed
153 rad/sec
Stator Inductance
8.4 mH
Rated Torque
40 Nm
Fig.8. Simulation Waveforms for load Voltage
Table .3.Output values of the proposed system
Rated Power
6 KW
it is seen that battery either delivers or absorbs the power
according to the difference between the PMSG output power
and load demand. The initialization of SOC of the battery is
carried out near about 0.8 so that the battery will be charged
due to the power mismatch and the SOC will hit the 0.8 limit.
When SOC of battery becomes more than 0.8, surplus power
should go to load.
Fig.6. DC link voltage
Three phase output current
Three phase output voltage
Fig.9. Spectrum of load side current in Proposed WECS
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE – ISSN: 2320-9569)
Vol. 4, Issue. 1, June-2013.
S.Sathish kumar and S.Chinnaiya
The simulated waveforms of output current and output
voltage for the proposed Wind energy conversion system is
shown in the figure 6and figure 7 with variable wind speed
and constant wind speed at t= 12 m/s. It is clear the output
voltage and output current remain constant for variable speed
condition and constant speed.
The interface of switch inductor quasi-z-source inverter with
pmsg based Wind energy conversion system has several
advantages has reduced passive components (i.e) uses only
three inductor and two capacitor and four diodes compared
to the SL-ZSI has several drawbacks: 1) it adds six diodes
and two inductors, compared with the classical ZSI, which
increases size, cost, and loss; 2) it does not share a dc ground
point between the source and converter; 3) the input current
is discontinuous. Voltage stress SL-q ZSI compared to
traditional ZSI is very low. Overall system reliability his
improved because of elimination of shoot-through fault.
Inclusion of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator in
Wind energy conversion system also has high efficiency and
good power factor. So total system has good performance and
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S.SathishKumar received B.E degree in Electrical
& Electronics in Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering
&Technology. He is pursuing Master of Engineering
in Power Electronics & drives at K. S. R. College of
Engineering. He presented a paper in an International
conference at Maria college of Engineering. His
research interests include Electrical machines and
drives and Wind Energy conversion system.
S.Chinnaiya received B.E degree in Electrical and
Electronics Engineering in Mahendra Engineering
College in 2004. He received M.E degree in Power
Electronics and Drives in Bannari Amman Institute
of Technology in 2006. He is pursuing PhD under
Anna University, Chennai. His area of interest
includes Power Electronics Converter, Digital
Controller based Drives.
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE – ISSN: 2320-9569)
Vol. 3, Issue. 1, May-2013.