International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research (IJEEER) ISSN 2250-155X Vol. 3, Issue 3, Aug 2013, 201-212 © TJPRC Pvt. Ltd. SIMULATION, ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF PV FED QUASI IMPEDANCE SOURCE INVERTER R. SEYEZHAI1, ABINAYA K2, AKSHAYA V3 & INDUJA U4 1 Associate Professor, Department of EEE, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 2,3,4 Final Year EEE, Department of EEE, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India ABSTRACT In recent days, emphasis is laid on improving the efficiency and applicability of the inverters that are currently used in photovoltaic systems so that a pure sinusoidal waveform is obtained which can be directly used for a number of applications. This paper presents the design and development of a Quasi Impedance Source Inverter (QZSI) whose apex application is with the Photo voltaic power conditioning system. This paper analyzes the different existing modulation strategies and proposes a new modulation strategy to reduce the harmonics in the output. A comparative evaluation of the various control methods is presented in terms of Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), inductor current ripple, capacitor voltage ripple, voltage gain and voltage stress. Simulations of the circuit configuration of these control methods are performed in MATLAB/SIMULINK. Hardware prototype of the proposed three-phase quasi Z-source inverter for PV is built to validate the results. KEYWORDS: Quasi Z-Source Inverter, PV, THD, PWM Technique & Voltage Gain INTRODUCTION The entire world is moving towards the effective utilization of renewable energy resources due to the shortage of fossil fuels. One of the most common methods of electrical energy generation is from the solar energy which is readily available in tropical countries like India. However, the output voltage of the photovoltaic system is very low and varies depending on solar irradiation and temperature. Hence, in conventional systems an additional DC-DC converter is required to step up the voltage to the desired level before feeding it to an inverter to convert the DC to AC. The proposed QZSI is an advanced topology which is best suited for photovoltaic applications as it offers a wide voltage gain and draws a constant current from the source. Unlike the traditional VSI and CSI which can either buck or boost the DC link voltage, the qZSI can buck as well as boost in a single stage without the need of an additional DC-DC converter [1-3]. Also because of the impedance network incorporated in between the source and the bridge circuit, the simultaneous conduction of the switching devices in the same limb is possible. This is responsible for the boosting ability of QZSI which can be varied by adopting different control strategies. In this paper, three PWM techniques namely simple boost, maximum boost and maximum constant boost are analyzed. The performance parameters for all the three modulation techniques are computed and compared. The effect of voltage gain and voltage stress for various modulation indices is studied and the results are verified in MATLAB. The most optimum strategy is chosen for which the QZSI is designed. Also, the PV array is modeled using modified Perturb & Observe method in MATLAB at different temperatures and different irradiation conditions and is finally interfaced with the quasi Z-Source inverter. The simulation results are validated by building a prototype of the proposed inverter. 202 R. Seyezhai, Abinaya K, Akshaya V & Induja U PV MODELING Solar energy is one of the non-conventional sources of energy and the most common way to harvest this energy is to use a photovoltaic panel which receives the photons from sun and convert it to electrical energy. PV cells are made of semiconductor material which has the capability to produce electrical energy when light is incident on them. However, the output obtained from the PV cell is very small. So, a number of cells are connected in series or parallel to form PV modules which are further inter-connected to form PV arrays or PV generators. So the major building block of PV module is a PV cell which is a p-n junction that directly converts light energy into electrical energy. Its equivalent circuit is shown in Figure1. Figure 1: Equivalent Circuit of a PV Cell This circuit is also known as single diode model of a solar cell [4,5]. The PV mathematical model used to simplify the PV array is represented by the equation: (1) where Io is the PV array output current; V is the PV array output voltage; Ns is the number of cells in series and Np is the number of cells in parallel; The factor A in equation determines the cell deviation from the ideal p-n junction characteristics; it ranges between 1-5 but for our case A=2.15,Irs is the cell reverse saturation current that varies with the temperature. It is found that the output of PV depends on the temperature and irradiation level in the PV cell. Table :1 provides the details about the different parameters used in the modeling of a PV array: Table 1: PV Array Parameters The different characteristics of PV array are obtained by considering all the above equations. The output parameters Voltage (V), Current (I), Power (P) of PV array is plotted for different irradiation levels and temperature and the following curves are obtained as shown in Figures 2&3: Simulation, Analysis and Development of PV Fed Quasi Impedance Source Inverter 203 Figure 2: Characteristic Curves of PV Array for Varying Irradiation and Constant Temperature (25⁰C) Figure 3: Characteristic Curves of PV Array for Varying Temperature and Constant Irradiation (1000 W/sq m) The maximum power point tracking algorithm is used to obtain maximum power from the PV array. The simple perturb and observe technique is used to obtain the maximum power point from the PV characteristics. In this method voltage is sampled and algorithm changes the voltage in the required direction. If change in power is positive, then the algorithm increases the voltage value towards the MPP until change in power is negative. This iteration is continued until the algorithm finally reaches the maximum power point. For interfacing the algorithm with the inverter, the duty cycle of QZSI is varied with respect to the changes in the power and constant output voltage is obtained from PV[6]. QUASI Z-SOURCE INVERTER QZSI is a recently developed topology derived from the conventional Z-source inverter. The major difference between these two topologies is the inclusion of the passive components (L&C). A slight change in the front end impedance network makes the QZSI (Figure 4) more advantageous when compared with the ZSI [7-9]. The major shortcomings of ZSI are eliminated with the help of QZSI topology. These are few reasons for preferring QZSI over ZSI: the size and the rating of the passive components required for QZSI is reduced to many folds, it has a unique feature of drawing constant current from the source and QZSI topology has a wide voltage gain with improved spectral quality. Photovoltaic panel has a large variation in its output voltage depending on the irradiation level and temperature. The features of QZSI make it suitable for converting the dc voltage available from photovoltaic panels to boosted ac voltage. 204 R. Seyezhai, Abinaya K, Akshaya V & Induja U Figure 4: Circuit Diagram of Quasi Z-Source Inverter The QZSI topology has a passive network and an inverter bridge with six switches (S 1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6). The passive network has inductors (L1 and L2) and capacitors (C1 and C2) arranged as shown in Figure 4. The constant current drawing capability from the source is mainly due to the inductor L1. The operation of QZSI is similar to ZSI, it has two switching states: non shoot-through states (six active states and two zero states) and shoot-through state. During shoot through state, the devices in the same limb conduct for a very short duration. By doing so, the supply gets shorted through the switches and the passive components. Because of this short circuit the energy from the supply gets stored in these passive components. During the non- shoot through state, the energy accumulated is wheeled back to the load. Therefore, the output voltage gets boosted up at the single stage with the help of the passive components in the front end network. The different switching states of QZSI are shown in Table: 2. Table 2: Switching Table of QZSI MODULATION STRATEGIES The modulation technique adopted for the quasi Z-source inverter is different from the conventional VSI because of the additional zero state called the shoot through state. Modifications are to be made in the traditional PWM technique so as to include the shoot through states [10-12]. This can be achieved with the help of an additional constant line called the shoot through line whose magnitude is responsible for the three modulation strategies namely simple boost, maximum boost and constant maximum boost [13]. The switching pattern can be generated with the help of logical OR and AND gates. Simulation, Analysis and Development of PV Fed Quasi Impedance Source Inverter 205 Each switching cycle will have a shoot through period (Ts) and a non-shoot through period (To).With T as the time period, we have T= Ts+To (2) Ds=Ts/T (3) Do=To/T (ie) Ds+Do=1 (4) Where Ds is the shoot through duty ratio and Do is the non-shoot through duty ratio. Simple Boost PWM Technique The simple boost PWM technique of QZSI uses three sinusoidal waves with a phase difference of 120 degrees. These reference sine waves are compared with a high frequency triangular wave. Whenever the magnitude of each sine wave is found to be greater than the carrier wave, the corresponding switching device in the three upper limbs is switched on. Its complement is given to the lower limb devices. The shoot through state in simple boost strategy is incorporated using a constant shoot through line whose magnitude is greater than the amplitude of the reference sine wave. Whenever the carrier wave is greater than the shoot through line, the inverter operates in the shoot through mode i.e. all the switching devices in the inverter circuit are switched on. The switching pattern for this control strategy is illustrated in the following figure (Figure 5) Figure 5: Switching Pattern for Simple Boost Control Strategy of QZSI The boost factor for this control is calculated by B= 1/(2ma-1) (5) where ma is the modulation index ma= (B+1)/2B Voltage gain(G) is calculated by (6) 206 R. Seyezhai, Abinaya K, Akshaya V & Induja U G= 2Vrms/Vdc (7) Where Vrms is the peak ac output voltage and Vdc is the dc input voltage. Voltage stress is calculated as Vstress=2-(1/G) (8) It is found that as the value of modulation index increases, the voltage gain decreases. This reduces the voltage stress across the switching devices when the modulation index is increased. However, due to the presence of the traditional zero states in the switching pattern of this control strategy, the voltage stress is relatively higher when compared to the other modulation strategies. Maximum Boost PWM Technique This modulation strategy employed for the operation of QZSI is similar to that of the simple boost. In addition to the normal PWM technique, it employs two constant dc shoot through line whose magnitude is equal to the peak of the reference sine wave. When the carrier wave is greater than the maximum of the reference sine wave, shoot through pulses are generated otherwise the circuit is in the non-shoot through state. This technique converts all the traditional zero states into shoot through states thereby reducing the voltage stress across the switches. Also, the boosting capability of the inverter is improved and the output voltage is found to be the maximum in this modulation technique. However, there is low frequency inductor current ripple due to the variation in the shoot through duty cycle. The switching pattern of this PWM technique is illustrated in Figure 6. Figure 6: Switching Pattern for Maximum Boost Control Strategy of QZSI The boost factor for this control strategy is given by, B=п/(3√3ma-п) ma= п(B+1)/( 3√3B) (9) (10) From these equations, we can find that for a fixed modulation index, the boost factor is greater in maximum boost control technique. But, there is low frequency inductor current and capacitor voltage ripple which can be eliminated by adopting constant maximum boost PWM technique. Simulation, Analysis and Development of PV Fed Quasi Impedance Source Inverter 207 Maximum Constant Boost PWM Technique with Third Harmonic Injection In constant boost technique, the shoot through duty cycle should be maintained constant. In order to maintain constant duty cycle, the upper and lower shoot through values should be periodical. This control strategy is suitable for low frequency applications as the ripple in the capacitor voltage and the inductor current is highly reduced. The total harmonic distortion (THD) in the output voltage can be further reduced by means of third harmonic injection. By injecting a sine wave with a frequency of thrice that of the reference sine wave, all the integral multiples of third harmonics are eliminated. The reference wave with the third harmonic injection can be expressed as Va'= Msin(θ) +aMsin(3θ) (11) The reference wave for the constant boost technique with third harmonic injection and its switching pattern is illustrated in Figure7. Figure 7: Switching Pattern for Constant Boost with Third Harmonic Injection of QZSI It can be seen that for a specified modulation index, the boost factor is greater than the simple boost technique but, is lower than the maximum boost strategy. However, unlike the maximum boost technique, there is no inductor current ripple and the voltage stress across the capacitor is also reduced to a great extent. By employing third harmonic injection, the THD of the output voltage is least in this technique. Therefore, this technique can be considered as the optimum strategy for implementation of quasi z source inverter. SIMULATION RESULTS The quasi z-source inverter topology was simulated for all the three modulation strategies namely simple boost, maximum boost and constant maximum boost with third harmonic injection in MATLAB and the simulation parameters are shown in Table.3. Table 3: Simulation Parameters for PV Fed Quasi Z Source Inverter Input Voltage Inductors L1,L2 Capacitors C1,C2 18V 5mH 1150µF 208 R. Seyezhai, Abinaya K, Akshaya V & Induja U Table 3:Contd., Inductor resistance rL 0.0005Ω Capacitor resistance rC 0.005Ω Boost factor 2 Switching frequency fS 20 kHz Equivalent resistor Rload 25Ω 40 Output voltage(Volts) 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.2 Time(sec) Figure 8: Load Voltage Waveform of PV Fed Quasi Z Source Inverter with Simple Boost Strategy for Modulation Index, ma=0.75 Figures 8, 9 & 10 shows the simulated load voltage for simple boost, maximum boost and maximum constant boost with third harmonic injection. 60 Output voltage(volts) 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 0.1 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 Time(sec) Figure 9: Load Voltage Waveform of PV Fed Quasi Z Source Inverter with Maximum Boost Strategy for Modulation Index, ma=0.9 Figure 10: Load Voltage Waveform of PV Fed Quasi Z Source Inverter with Constant Maximum Boost - Third Harmonic Injection for a Modulation Index, ma=0.9 0.2 Simulation, Analysis and Development of PV Fed Quasi Impedance Source Inverter 209 Figures 11 &12 clearly depict the comparison of the three strategies (simple boost, maximum boost, maximum constant boost with third harmonic injection) with respect to voltage stress and voltage gain. Figure 11: Graph Depicting the Relationship between Vgain and ma for all the Three Modulation Strategies Figure 12: Graph Depicting the Relationship between Voltage Stress and ma for all the Three Strategies EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS It is clear from the analysis and simulation results that maximum voltage gain with lesser THD and comparatively lesser stress is obtained for the maximum constant boost modulation strategy with third harmonic injection. Thus, a prototype of this topology is developed, to validate the results experimentally. The successful operation of the QZSI demands proper gating of the switches belonging to the three limbs. A program is coded in PIC 18f4550 microcontroller using MPLAB and C18 compiler. The control logic is thoroughly studied and delay functions are given at proper time intervals so as to generate pulses. The gate of each switch (IGBT) is triggered using these pulses. These pulses cannot be given directly to the gate terminal because of the variation in the voltage level of the two circuits. Thus, these pulses are given to anode-cathode terminals of the opto-coupler which in turn triggers the switches. Optocoupler provides isolation between the inverter circuit and the triggering circuit. The basic block diagram representing the connection is shown in Figure13. Figure 13: Block Diagram Representing Gating Circuit 210 R. Seyezhai, Abinaya K, Akshaya V & Induja U Six such circuits are implemented for triggering each IGBT. The components are soldered in a general purpose board with proper grounding connections. An impedance network is developed in separate board by properly placing the inductors and capacitors. The inverter network using the IGBT switches is also developed and interfaced with the impedance circuit and driver circuit as shown in Figure 14. Figure 14: Hardware Implementation (Prototype) of the QZSI For the purpose of experimentation, the circuit is tested with an input of 3V from a regulated power supply, for the boost factor 2,we obtain 6V as output which is shown in the Figure15. Figure 15: QZSI Output Waveform as Obtained from the Prototype CONCLUSIONS In this paper, QZSI and its various modulation techniques are studied and analyzed. Further, a novel control strategy called maximum constant boost with third harmonic injection has been designed and developed. It has been verified by simulation results that the new control technique provides a higher voltage gain with reduced harmonics and stress on the switches. By implementing a prototype for the same, the simulation results are validated and presented. In addition, a PV array is modeled in MATLAB. Using modified Perturb and Observe method of MPPT algorithm, maximum point of power production is determined and the simulation results highlighting the characteristics of PV array is presented. Therefore, QZSI is a suitable topology for photovoltaic applications. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by the SSN Management under Student’s internally funded project. So, we acknowledge Simulation, Analysis and Development of PV Fed Quasi Impedance Source Inverter 211 the support from the management for the successful completion. REFERENCES 1. Peng.F.Z., “Z Source Inverter”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol.39, No.2, pp. 504-510, march/April, 2003. 2. Shen.M.S., Joseph.A, Wang.J,Peng.F.J., Adams.D.J., “Comparison of Traditional Inverters and Zsource Inverter”, IEEE Power Electronics Conference, pp. 1692-1698, 2005. 3. Joel Anderson, Peng.F.Z, “Four quasi Z source Inverter, IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference, PSEC’2008, pp.2743-2749, 2008. 4. M.R. Islam, R. 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