IEEE PEDS 2011, Singapore, 5 - 8 December 2011 Design and Implementation of Digital Controller using FPGA for 200-kHz PWM Inverter Shinya Suzuki, Keiji Wada and Toshihisa Shimizu Tokyo Metropolitan University, 1-1 Minami Osawa, Hachioji, Tokyo, JAPAN Abstract—This paper presents design procedure of a 200 kHz PWM inverter with a current controller. The switching devices of the inverter consist of Si-MOSFETs and SiC-SBDs, and an FPGA is used for digital control of output current waveforms. The authors have developed an FPGA controller with high-speed and synchronous AD converter. The processing time of FPGA can be ignored because of less than 100 ns, and the time delay of an AD converter could not also be taken into account. A laboratory system rated at 200-kHz PWM inverter is confirmed that the validity of the design procedure from the experimental results. Finally, the experimental results of 10-kHz sinusoidal current control will be shown. IndexT erm — Current Control, FPGA, High-frequency, PWM Inverter I. Introduction An inverter circuit is widely used for home appliances, industry applications, and etc. General purpose inverters produce 50 Hz sinusoidal current waveforms for motor driven. Recently, power devices for fast switching and low losses are developed, and they are sold on the market. In addition, SiC(Silicon Carbide) diode and MOSFET can be available easily. As the results, switching frequency of an inverter can be set to over 100 kHz[1], [2] using SiC devices. Moreover, a high-speed digital controller using DSP and/or FPGA has also been developed for power electronics circuits. For example, Ref. [3] has presented a digital controller with high-speed AD converter for a 1-MHz switching rectifier. In addition, Ref. [4] has proposed a sampling method for an single-phase PWM inverter, and Ref. [5] has also proposed a current controller based on a multi-rate deadbeat control method. These papers are used to FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) for current control of the PWM inverter. The ultra-high-speed motor from 100,000 to 500,000-r/min has been proposed for a micro-gas turbine, an automotive supercharger [6]-[9] and hand tool applications. These highspeed motors need from 1- to 10-kHz sinusoidal current waveforms, because a number of revolutions of the ac motors are decided by frequency of current waveforms. However, digital controllers of the inverter have been discussed for grid-connected inverter[10] or motor-driven inverter[11], thus the frequency bandwidth of the current control is set to less than 500 Hz. Moreover a 400-Hz power converter system is used for airplane and aerospace power supplies[12], [13]. On the other hand, Ref. [14] has proposed a high-frequency bandwidth current controller using a linear amplifier. However, there are no papers for a PWM inverter with the 10 kHz current controller. This paper presents a 200 kHz PWM inverter with a current control for producing 10-kHz sinusoidal current waveform. The switching devices of the inverter consist of Si-MOSFETs and SiC-SBDs, and FPGA is used for the digital control. The authors have developed FPGA controller with AD converters and gate drive circuits for the 200-kHz switching PWM inverter. The whole time delay of the experimental system can be ignored because the sampling time of the AD converter is larger than the delay time of the system. A design procedure of the digital current controller is discussed in detail, and steadyand transient-state characteristics of the control system are also described. The output current response can realize 5 µs by the step response, and the current control of sinusoidal waveforms is shown from the experimental results. A single-phase PWM inverter is confirmed that the validity of the design procedure from the experimental results. II. System Configurations A. Inverter Circuit Fig. 1 shows circuit configuration of the single-phase PWM inverter. Here, the internal resistor r means switching loss of the PWM inverter, and LR load is connected in the ac side of the inverter. The resistance r can be derived from the steady-state error in the experimental results. The switching frequency of the MOSFETs is set to 200-kHz, so the equivalent switching frequency of the single-phase inverter is 400 kHz. SiC-Diodes (DSiC ) are connected to the MOSFET in parallel for significantly reducing a reverse-recovery current and switching losses[15], and Si-Diodes (DSi ) are connected to the MOSFETs in series for cancelling the body diode. Table I shows voltage- and current-rating of power devices of the inverter circuit. Fig. 2 shows circuit configuration of the singlephase PWM inverter with the control diagram, and Table II shows the circuit parameters. B. Digital Control using FPGA The digital controller is consist of an FPGA with AD converters as shown in Fig. 3, and Table III shows the parameters of the digital controller. The FPGA board has been developed for power electronics research in our laboratory, and it has four AD converters and two DA converters. The conversion time of the AD converters is less than 300 ns because a parallel type AD converter is used. The sinusoidal reference signal i∗out from ROM data which is also 12 bit vertical resolution. The proportional control and generating the 200-kHz PWM signal can be done by the FPGA 978-1-4577-0001-9/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 1031 DSi TABLE II Circuit Parameters of Inverter DSi DSiC S1 S3 DSiC DC Voltage VDC Output Power P Load Inductor L Load Resistor R Internal resistor r Switching Frequency fS W Dead Time Sampling Frequency L iout r VDC DSi DSiC S2 Fig. 1. vout DSi S4 R DSiC 100 V 200 VA 254 µH 38.0 Ω 9.0 Ω 200 kHz 300 ns 400 kHz Circuit configuration of the inverter circuit TABLE I Voltage and current rating of power devices MOSFET S1 ∼ S4 Diode DSi Diode DSiC 20N60C3(Infinion) 25CTQ035S SDP06S60(Infinion) 600 V, 20 A 35 V, 15 A 600 V, 6 A using VHDL (Very high-speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language), and the dead time is set to 300 ns. Thus it takes 7 clocks from current detection to producing the PWM signal with the dead time. Fig. 3. Picture of FPGA board III. Time Delay of the Controller A. Current Sensor and AD Converter The DCCT (DC current transformer; LEM, LA-55P, 0-200 kHz) detects the output current waveform iout of the inverter. The time delay of the DCCT can be ignored in this paper. The sampling frequency of the AD converter should be set to faster than that of conventional inverters, because the switching frequency of the inverter is over 10 times as high as that of conventional inverters. Hence, it is important to consider the time delay in the interface circuit where it means both the current sensor and AD converter. The AD converter is LTC1412(parallel 12-bit, 40 MHz: Linear Technology) is used to this experiment. The conversion time of the AD converter takes 300 ns. The synchronous sampling method is applied to the inverter, and the sampling frequency is set to double of the r L iout vout VDC R AD converter Dead time Fig. 2. PWM Proportional control Current comparator i∗out Circuit configuration of the inverter circuit with current controller switching frequency for single-phase PWM inverter. Because it can improve the stability and frequency characteristics of the current controller. Therefore, the sampling frequency can be set to 400 kHz (sampling time T S : 2.5 µs). B. Gate drive circuit Fig. 4 shows a conventional gate drive circuit using photocoupler (TLP350: TOSHIBA) for driving a MOSFET. The photocoupler which is generally used for an inverter circuit can drive MOSFET directly because it is consist of an isolation- and amplification-function. Therefore it can be used for a general-purpose inverter circuit, such as a 10-kHz PWM inverter. Fig. 5 shows block diagram of the gate drive circuit in this experimental system. The gate drive circuit uses digital isolator (ADuM1100, 100 Mbps: Analog Devices) and amplifier (MIC44F18) for isolation between the control- and inverter-circuit. Fig. 6 shows experimental results of the gate drive circuits when the DC voltage VDC is set to 0 V, and the FPGA produces pulse signal vFPGA of 167 ns pulse width, as shown in Fig. 6(a). Fig. 6(b) and (c) show experimental results of the gatesource voltage vGS of the MOSFET, respectively. When the photocoupler is applied to the gate-drive circuit as shown in Fig. 6(b), the propagation time delay is 250 ns which is 10% time delay compared with the sampling time. So, it is difficult to use the photocoupler for 200 kHz PWM inverter with the current control. On the other hand, in the case of using the digital isolator as shown in Fig. 6(c), the rise- and fall-time of the gate-source voltage has some time delay. Moreover, the 1032 TABLE III Circuit Parameters of FPGA board in Fig. 3 ALTERA CycloneII, 100 MHz EPCS4 2 ch, 12 bit, 40 MHz 2 ch, 12 bit, 12.5 MHz 16 point AC 100 V (5 V, 3.3 V, 1.2 V) 120 mm × 110 mm vFPGA [V] FPGA Configuration ROM AD Converter DA Converter Digital Output Power Supply Size (a) Gate signal from FPGA MOSFET 3.3V 0V Fig. 4. 0V Gate drive circuit using photocoupler 3.3V Buffer 0V Fig. 5. vGS 0V 3.3V FPGA RG Photo -coupler Buffer vGS [V] FPGA 15V Digital MOSFET isolator driver 0V 20 15 10 5 0 -5 MOSFET (b) Gate-source voltage of MOSFET in Fig. 4 12V 5V 0V RG vGS 0V vGS [V] 3.3V 8 6 4 2 0 -2 Gate drive circuit using digital-isolator pulse width of the gate-source voltage is wider than that of FPGA signal. The time delay of the gate drive circuit is less than 50 ns, so it is only 2% compared with the sampling time of 2.5 µs. As the results, it is suitable to use the digital isolator in the gate drive circuit for 200-kHz PWM inverter. 20 15 10 5 0 -5 (c) Gate-source voltage of MOSFET in Fig. 5 100 ns / div Fig. 6. Experimental results of the gate drive circuit TABLE IV Time Delay of the Inverter C. Time Delay of Experimental System Table IV summarizes the time delay of the experimental system. The processing time of the FPGA takes 70 ns, because the clock frequency in the FPGA is set to 100 MHz and the calculation time of the control uses 7 clocks. The propagation time delay of the gate drive circuit is 50 ns, and the dead time of the inverter is set to 300 ns. The whole time delay of the experimental system is less than that of the sampling time of the AD converter. Therefore, the time delay of the digital controller does not take into consideration in the following section. Processing Time in FPGA Propagation Time in Gate Drive Dead Time of the Inverter AD Converter ∗ circuit. In this case, the transfer function Iout (s)/Iout (s) of the current control system is given by, Iout (s) = ∗ Iout (s) IV. Analysis of Current Controller A. Transfer Function of the current control Fig. 7 shows block diagram of the current controller without any time delay of the control circuit. The controller is only applied to the proportional controller KP . Here, H(s) and aL in Fig.7 are as follows, 1 − e−sTS H(s) = s aL = r+R L (1) (2) where T S is a sampling time of the AD converter, and H(s) represents a zero-order hold circuit which means the inverter 70 ns (7 clocks) 50 ns 300 ns 280 ns aL KP (1 − e−sTS ) (r + R)T S . aL KP s2 + a L s + (1 − e−sTS ) (r + R)T S (3) In the following analysis, continuous control system is converted to discrete control system. Hence z-transformation is applied to the current control system. Fig. 8 shows the z-transformation block diagram of Fig. 7, and the transfer ∗ (z) in Fig. 8 is as follows. function Iout (z)/Iout Iout (z) = W (z) = ∗ Iout (z) ∗ KP (1 − e−aL TS ) r+R KP (1 − e−aL TS ) z − e−aL TS + r+R (4) B. Stability Analysis of the Current Controller In order to analyze the stability of the controller, the root locus on z-plane is used. The characteristic equation in (4) is 1033 TS + ∗ Iout (s) Fig. 7. element H(s) KP − Im PWM Inverter Load aL s+aL · 1 r+R Iout (s) 1 KP =203 -1 Block diagram of the current controller without any time delay ∗ Iout (z) + PWM Inverter and Load E ∗ (z) − KP =97.2 0 KP =50 1−e−aL T S z−e−aL T S KP · 1 r+R KP =0 1 Re Iout (z) -1 Fig. 8. Block diagram of the current controller using z-transformation as follows, KP (1 − e−aL TS ) = 0 + (5) z−e r+R Fig. 9 shows the root locus on z-plane when the load of inverter is connected to only the inductor (L = 254 µH). The characteristic roots have to exist inside the unit circle on zplane for stable operation, that is, the proportional gain KP is set to less than 203. −aL T S C. Steady-state Error The steady-state error of the current controller in Fig. (8) is given by the following equation. ⎛ ⎞ KP ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ −aL T S (1 − e ) ⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ ∗ ⎜⎜⎜ r + R ∗ ⎟⎟⎟ · Iout (z) (6) E (z) = ⎜⎜⎜1 − ⎟ KP ⎜⎝ −aL T S ⎟ −a T L S (1 − e z−e + )⎠ r+R ∗ As the current reference Iout (z) is to step signal, z ∗ (7) (z) = Iout z−1 the steady-state error is given by substituting (7) into (6). lim e(nT S ) = e(∞) = n→∞ r+R r + R + KP (8) The steady-state error e(∞) is decided by the proportional gain KP , so it is necessary to increase the proportional gain for reducing the steady-state error. Fig. 9. Root locus on z-plane when only the inductor is connected to ac side of inverter In the case of connecting the only inductor(R = 0) and KP =50, (9) represents as following approximate equation, W ∗ (z)KP=50 = 0.471z−1 + 0.209z−2 + 0.0.93z−3 + 0.041z−4 + 0.018z−5 + 0.008z−6 . (11) In this case, the characteristic root on z-plane is on the positive real axis in Fig. 9, so the step response does not occur an overshoot current. And it takes five samples until the steady state condition from (11). Due to getting an ideal waveform, the characteristic root should be set to the origin in z-plane. In the case of z=0 in Fig. 9, the proportional gain KP is given by, (r + R)e−aL TS = 97.2, (12) 1 − e−aL TS which is the optimum value of the proportional control. In this case, the transfer function W ∗ (z) is given by substituting (12) into (9), KP = W ∗ (z)KP=97.2 = = KP (1 − e−aL TS )z−1 r+R 0.915z−1 (13) As the result, the step response of the controller takes one samples until the steady state condition. V. Experimental results A. Step Response D. Analysis of Step Response The transfer function of (4) is converted as following power series of z−1 , KP (1 − e−aL TS ){z−1 + Az−2 + A2 z−3 + · · · } (9) W ∗ (z) = r+R where A is given by, A = e−aL TS − KP (1 − e−aL TS ). r+R (10) And z−1 means one sample delay element, and z−n is also n samples delay. Fig. 10 shows experimental waveforms when the reference value i∗out is changing from 1.0 A to 1.5 A as shown in Fig. 10(a). In this case, only the inductor L is connected to ac side of the inverter, hence the power factor of the circuit is almost 0. In Figs. 10(b) and (c), the proportional gain KP is set to 50 and 100, respectively. In the case of Fig. 10(b), the output current iout does not occur overshoot current waveform, and it takes five samples by the step change. The step response results similar to analytical results from (11). The steady state values of the experimental result and analytical result are almost the same. Therefore the 1034 150 1.5 1.0 10 µs 0.5 vout [A] i∗out [A] 2.0 0 0 -150 (a) Reference signal i∗out 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.5 iout [A] iout [A] 2.0 0 (b) The output current iout when the proportional gain KP is 50 iout [A] 2.0 0 -1.5 50 µs/div Fig. 11. Experimental results when the inverter generates 10 kHz sinusoidal current waveform (power factor = 0.01). 1.5 1.0 0.5 Fig. 10. Step response for the output current with the difference of the proportional gain KP 150 vout [A] 0 (c) The output current iout when the proportional gain KP is 100 0 -150 iout [A] 1.5 analytical results correspond to the experimental results. When the KP is set to 100, the output current iout follows as reference value two samples delay as shown in Fig. 10(c). Moreover, it can be confirmed by comparison of Figs. 10(b) and (c) that the response of the output current iout is improved to increase the proportional gain KP . As the results, the analytical results of stability and steady-state error correspond to those experimental results. 0 -1.5 50 µs/div Fig. 12. Experimental results when the inverter generates 10 kHz sinusoidal current waveform (power factor = 0.92). B. Sinusoidal Waveform vout [A] 150 0 -150 1.5 iout [A] Figs. 11 and 12 show experimental waveforms of 10 kHz sinusoidal current waveforms when the power factor of the RL load is set to 0.01 and 0.92, respectively. In this case, the proportional gain KP is set to 100, and the current reference i∗out is set to 10 kHz and the rms value is to 1.06 A. In the case of Fig. 11, the phase of the output voltage vout is different in 90 degree from that of the output current iout , and the output current waveform is almost sinusoidal. The amplitude of the output current almost corresponds to the reference signal (iout = 0.99 A). The output current iout of Fig. 12 contains switching ripple components, and the rms value of the output current is 0.71 A. Fig. 13 shows the experimental results when current reference i∗out is set to 2 kHz and the rms value is to 1.06 A. The load condition is the same as Fig. 12. In this case, the switching ripple components of the output current can be reduced compared with Fig. 12, so the current waveform is almost the pure sinusoidal waveform. 0 -1.5 250 µs/div Fig. 13. Experimental results when the inverter generates 2 kHz sinusoidal current waveform (power factor = 0.99). 1035 Gain [dB] 0 0.01 0.1 Frequency [kHz] 10 1 100 0.01 0.1 Frequency [kHz] 10 1 100 -5 -10 -15 -20 Phase [deg] 0 -30 -60 -90 Fig. 14. Closed loop bode diagram of the current controller and the experimental results (the inductor and resistor is connected to ac side of the inverter) C. Gain- and phase-characteristics Fig. 14 shows Bode-diagram in (3), and the marks means the experimental results. The experimental condition is that the proportional gain KP is set to 100 and the load of the inverter is connected to the inductor and resistor. The analytical results of gain- and phase-characteristics are corresponds to the experimental results in 2 ∼ 20 kHz. [6] C. Zwyssig, M. Duerr, D. Hassler, and J.W. Kolar: “An Ultra-HighSpeed, 500,000 rpm, 1 kW Electrical Drive System” , IEEE/IEEJ Power Conversion Conference (PCC ’07) , pp. 1577-1583 (2007) [7] J. Chen, Y. Guo, and J. Zhu, “Development of a High-Speed PermanentMagnet Brushless DC Motor for Driving Embroidery Machines,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 43, no. 11, pp. 4004- 4009, 2007 [8] J. Luomi, C. Zwyssig, A. Looser, and J. W. 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