ANNUAL REPORT Wethersfield Public Library 515 Silas Deane Hwy, Wethersfield, CT 06109 July 7, 2015 Lupus Foundation of America, Connecticut Chapter Inc. Annual Meeting July 7th, 2015 from 6-7:30PM (EDT) Table of Contents Welcome Remarks, Michael A. Tommasi, President and CEO…………………………………..2 Agenda…………………………………………………………………………………………….3 Standing Rules…………………………………………………………………………………….5 Minutes of the 2014 Annual Meeting ……………..…………...…………………………………6 Report from the Board Chair…………………………………………………………………..….9 Report from the CEO/President……………………………………………………………....….11 Report of the Finance Committee……………………………………………………………..…13 Report of the Governance & Nominating Committee…………………………………………...16 Report of the Development Committee……………………………………………………….....18 List of our Board of Directors & Office Staff…………………..………..……………...……….20 List of our Medical Scientific Advisory Council………………………………………………...21 List of our Donors from Fiscal Year 2014…………………………………………...………....22 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 1 Message from the President/CEO Dear Friends, I am pleased to share with you the 2014 Annual Report for the 2013/2014 FY of Lupus Foundation of America, Connecticut Chapter (LFACT). Each year brings a new set of challenges and not since the Connecticut Chapter was established in 1973 has there been a more challenging year in our efforts to provide awareness, services, education, and support on behalf of the estimated 17,000 people in the state who have Lupus. However, LFACT was able to maintain the excellence and commitment to provide the necessary and needed services and research to advance the mission and vision of the Lupus Foundation of America. In 2014, with the support and help of good people like you, we were able to establish 6 support groups for 150 people affected by Lupus; conducted 4 statewide educational programs for 225 medical and non-medical people; and contributed nearly $25,000 to the Lupus Foundation of America research program, “Bringing Down the Barriers”. Our goal in 2015 will also include the development of a teen support group; educational “lunch and learn” seminars in Connecticut’s Community Health Centers; increase “third party” fundraising events to support the Chapter’s development initiatives; and to serve as a major partner on the Connecticut Lupus Education and Awareness Panel (LEAP) to improve the quality of life for all people with Lupus. As always, our mission and vision, in affiliation with the Lupus Foundation of America, will be devoted to finding the cure while continuing to be Connecticut’s “go to’ agency providing hope and support for all people affected by Lupus. To all of you, I offer my sincerest thanks. With appreciation and gratitude, Michael A. Tommasi President/CEO Lupus Foundation of America, Connecticut Chapter 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 2 Lupus Foundation of America, Connecticut Chapter Inc. Annual Meeting July 7th, 2015 from 6-7:30PM (EDT) I. Call To Order (6:00pm) Steve Wygonowski, Chair II. Certification of Quorum Steve Wygonowski, Chair III. Rules of the Meeting Steve Wygonowski, Chair IV. Approval of Meeting Agenda Steve Wygonowski, Chair V. Approval of Minutes of 2014 Annual Meeting Jessica Karle, Interim Secretary VI. Governance & Nominating Committee Report Veda White, Governance Committee Chair VII. Board of Directors Election Veda White, Governance Committee Chair 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 3 VIII. Chair’s Remarks IX. President’s Remarks X. Treasurer’s Report XI. Governance Committee Report XII. Finance Committee Report XIII. Development Committee Report XIV. Other Business XV. Adjournment (7:30pm) Steve Wygonowski, Chair Michael Tommasi, President/CEO Sean Morse, Treasurer Veda White Governance Committee Chair Sean Morse, Treasurer Lisa McCabe Development Committee Chair Steve Wygonowski, Chair Steve Wygonowski, Chair 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 4 Lupus Foundation of America, Connecticut Chapter Inc. Annual Meeting July 7th, 2015 from 6-7:30PM (EDT) Standing Rules 1. The meeting will be governed by the Lupus Foundation of America, Connecticut Chapter’s bylaws as they currently stand. 2. When the bylaws are silent on an issue, the current issue of Roberts Rules of Order will prevail. 3. Only official delegates and alternates may participate in the proceedings. 4. Only designated Board of Directors have the right to vote. 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 5 Lupus Foundation of America, Connecticut Chapter Inc. Annual Meeting July 8th, 2014 from 6-7:30PM (EDT) MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING July 8th, 2014 Attendance: Board Members Present: Steve Wygonowski; Eric Fisher; Ivan Ramos; John Livingston; John Victory; Lisa McCabe; Dr. Frank Santoro; Catherine Bergstrom Board Members Absent: Pauline Brignano, Dhiraj Khosla, Lauren Rosenberg Staff Present: President/CEO, Michael Tommasi Director of Development & Communications, Corrianne Gagliardi Office Manager, Nancy Belfiore Medical Scientific Advisory Committee: Co-chair, Ann Parke, M.D. Constituents: 13 Meeting is called to Order: By Steve Wygonowski at 6:00 P.M. Quorum is established Standing Rules are read by Steve Wygonowski 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 6 Meeting agenda is approved by the Board of Directors Minutes from the May 2014 meeting accepted without corrections or additions Governance & Nominating Committee Report: John Livingston gave his report while praising the Chapter staff and Board Members in their collaborative efforts to advance the organization’s goals and objectives. The Nominating Committee presented the slate for officers as: Chairman of the board of Directors: Steve Wygonowski Vice Chair: Eric Fisher Treasurer: Dhiraj Khosla Secretary: Ivan Ramos Board of Directors slate is presented by John Livingston. Motion is made by Steve to accept the slate of officers Seconded by Eric. Motion is passed by a unanimous show of hands. Board of Directors Election: Chair accepted the resignation of Board Chair Ron Marek and Board Secretary Pauline Brignano. Board voted to elect Steve Wygonowski as Chair and Ivan Ramos as secretary. Chairs Remarks: Steve thanked all the Board Members for their support. He spoke about how the staff has grown in their roles and discussed some the challenges ahead such as fundraising. He also acknowledged the tireless efforts by the Chapter staff during these transitions. Report from Board Chair: Steve spoke of the chapter’s challenges and key accomplishments for the past year, stating this was a year of change. Report from President/CEO: Michael Tommasi welcomed Directors and visitors. Michael gave his report with emphasis on education and support while maintaining a positive relationship with LFA, LFACT staff and LEAP. Michael also spoke of several projects including being invited to participate in an event at St. Joseph’s College with the nursing school. He also spoke about several “Grand Rounds” that he has been invited to in several Health Centers around the state. Treasurer’s Report: Prepared by Nancy Belfiore in absence of Treasurer, Dhiraj Khosla and approved by the Board of Directors. Medical & Scientific Advisory Council: Dr. Ann Parke, M.B.B. MD, F.A.C.R., MSAC Co-chair Dr. Parke reported recent grants awarded to research in lupus as well as research for pregnancy and lupus. She reports these are exciting times in regards to new medications coming down the pipeline. 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 7 Benlysta has been very successful and promising for treatment in lupus. Governance Committee: Prepared by John Livingston. Key Goals for the chapter is increasing the number of board members from 10 to 12-14 with long term retention. Recruit potential members from different parts of the state such as Fairfield County and the shoreline. Finance Committee: Absence of Finance Report from Dhiraj Khosla. Development Committee: Prepared by Lisa McCabe. Recognitions: There was an initial discussion regarding the completion of the LEAP assessment. It was pointed out that this was the first assessment of its kind completed in the Nation. There was also a discussion regarding how we are national leaders in other areas such as our efforts in social media. The Connecticut Chapter also assisted in the Rhode Island lupus bill. There was also a discussion pertaining to board leader engagement and the recruitment of new board members. There was the proposal to recruit senior executives from corporations to serve as ambassadors. Finally, there was the announcement that Dr. Santoro will be speaking in a teleconference regarding lupus. Steve motioned to adjourn the meeting Meeting adjourned at 6:59 P.M. Minutes submitted by Ivan Ramos, Recording Secretary 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 8 BOARD CHAIR ANNUAL REPORT Submitted by: Steve Wygonowski, Chair, Board of Directors Lupus Foundation of America, Connecticut Chapter Below, please find a brief update detailing Board Chair efforts from the 2013/2014 Fiscal Year. Summary of Year in Review As mentioned in previous reports throughout the year, fiscal year 2013-2104 was a year of building our foundation to support our expected growth in program services, chapter reach throughout Connecticut and the fundraising needed to support these activities. The full year showed improvements in our chapter office structure, culture and leadership levels. This has translated to an increased impact in the community, state and national levels. In addition, board structures are in place for the Executive, Governance, Finance and Development committees, with committee chair leadership positions. When looking at the year in review, we have made headway in an abundance of areas—especially when it comes to support, services, and education. We had difficulty meeting some of our fundraising goals given the current market conditions and third party event complications. The economics of our state and lack of state wide awareness of the Lupus cause will continue to prove challenging in terms of the chapter ability to raise the funds necessary to continue and extend the great and needed work of the chapter and it’s passionate volunteers. When looking at our performance, the work we do for our constituents and communities reflect our strong commitments to this organization to drive sustained visibility as an important non-profit organization for the State of Connecticut. Key Accomplishments Through significant influence by our Chapter CEO, partnered with a select group of other CEO’s and the National LFA organization, to build a solid framework to describe our strategic and tactical plans and goals This has been used to build the Connecticut Chapter strategic and operational plans 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 9 Expanded reach through Connecticut via increased support groups, education services, social media, increased attendance at the flagship West Hartford walk, work with our State of Connecticut legislators and by being more visible in the community Made significant additions to the board membership Completed a successful unqualified (no material issues) audit of our finances Increased awareness and education by establishing programs and events in Southern Connecticut Strengthened relationship with LFA, piloting several national programs and agreements Key Challenges for 2014-2015 (September 30, 2015 year ending) Continued unknown market conditions which have a direct impact on fundraising Reliance on 3rd party events or community charity revenue, that can prove to fall short on commitments made by those organizations Although turnover on the Board of Directors has been reduced from prior years, the makeup of the board will be under evaluation, with a focus on properly representing the demographics of the disease, while expanding the strategic nature of the board Chapter infrastructure that limits fully effective execution of the mission in a cost / benefit effective manner Key Goals for 2014-2015 Improve the board demographics to better align with the disease of Lupus Review board officer term limits and seek rotation of board officers and committee chairs Establish and approve measurable objectives for execution during October 2014 to September 2015 Expand on financial transparency and cost allocation management to better understand the effectiveness of chapter activities Drive further accomplishments through an increased network of volunteers Increase fundraising and education/awareness goals Be conscious of operating costs and drive to find ways to lower expenses Establish and nurture stronger constituent relationships 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 10 CEO/PRESIDENT OVERVIEW REPORT Submitted by: Michael A. Tommasi, CEO/President Lupus Foundation of America, Connecticut Chapter Below, please find a brief update detailing the President/CEO efforts from the 2013/2014 Fiscal Year. Summary of Year in Review -2014 The Lupus Foundation of America, Connecticut Chapter (LFACT) continued to serve as the primary agency providing the necessary and needed services for all people affected by Lupus. In affiliation with the Lupus Foundation of America, the Connecticut Lupus Medical and Scientific Advisory Council, the Connecticut LEAP Panel, and its Board of Directors, LFACT has taken an aggressive approach in raising the awareness of lupus and generating support from broader audiences in Connecticut. Its mission is to improve the quality of life for the estimated 17,000 people in the state affected by lupus, through programs of research, education, awareness, and advocacy Key Accomplishments Raised $95,377 with an additional $844.00 in in-kind gifts at 3 Walks to End Lupus Now Events with over 1,600 constituents in attendance and over 140 teams. Received grant award from Community Health Charities in the amount of $50,811.48. Established new positive relationships with Eastern Area Health Education Center, Urban League of Greater Hartford, and the Urban League of Southern Connecticut. Maintained partnership with Community Health Charities Conducted 1 “support group” facilitator training class. Increased the lupus support groups from 5 to 6 in Connecticut Conducted four (2 medical, 2 general) educational programs/seminars Developed CT Chapter Four Year Strategic Plan in accordance with Lupus Foundation of America’s national goals and outcomes. LFACT served as a member of the National Chapter Development Committee of the Lupus Foundation of America. LFACT served as a member of the LFA National Strategic Planning Committee. LFACT served as a member of the LFA National Board of Directors. 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 11 Key Challenges Maintain and increase lupus constituency base in Connecticut Increase donor support, participation, and contributions. Increase educational programs/seminars. Raise the awareness of the value of support groups to increase participation. Develop viable relationships with corporations, especially minority owned businesses and community organizations. Continue to meet the objectives set in the 2014-2018 Strategic Plan. Goals for 2014-2015 Maintain positive working relationship with LFACT Board of Directors Develop a teen support group in collaboration with the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center Expand the Community Outreach Program. Plan and implement at least 2 “”lunch & Learn” seminars with the medical community. Work through the Development Committee to provide effective and successful fundraising events Continue to play an integral role with LEAP Panel to implement recommendations of the LEAP Report Maintain positive working relationships with LFACT Staff. Maintain positive working relationships with Lupus Foundation of America. 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 12 LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES September 30, 2014 For The Year End September 30, 2014 ASSETS SUPPORT AND REVENUE Cash and Investments $ 342,501 Contributions and Grants Accounts Receivable, Net 19,056 Special Events, Net of Direct Benefit Costs 114,651 Inventories 49,117 Other Income 29,354 Prepaid Expense 5,606 Accrued Income 41,555 Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS 7,772 465,607 Liabilities $ TOTAL SUPPORT AND REVENUE 169,940 313,945 EXPENSES Program Services 236,108 Total Program Services 236,108 Accounnts Payable 16,224 Accruued Expense 1,928 Supporting Services Other Liabilities 4,743 Management and General 64,021 Fundraising 25,975 Total Support Services 89,996 TOTAL EXPENSES 326,104 Defered Revenue TOTAL LIABILITIES 85 22,980 Net Assets Unrestricted 272,005 Temporarily Restricted 170,622 Total Net Assets 442,627 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 13 SUPPORT & REVENUE In-Kind Support 0% Other 10% Contributions and Grants 25% Awareness Campaign 1% Memorial Dedications 3% Third Party Events 26% Mission Impossible Possible 4% Walk To End Lupus Now 28% Annual Appeal 3% SUPPORT & REVENUE (unaudited) For Year Ended September 30, 2014 SUPPORT AND REVENUE (gross) Contributions and Grants Awareness Campaign Memorial Dedications Annual Appeal Walk To End Lupus Now Mission Impossible Possible Third Party Events In-Kind Support Other TOTAL SUPPORT AND REVENUE $ $ 2014 82,339 1,711 10,827 10,827 95,377 12,442 87,241 844 34,475 336,083 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. $ $ 2013 122,625 5,342 1,653 17,267 82,124 12,221 80,853 154,745 35,110 511,940 Page | 14 Management and General 17% EXPENSES Third Party Events 3% Mission Impossible Possible 4% Walk to End Lupus Now 6% Annual Appeal 0% Recognition 0% Research 6% Program Services (Supporting Services) 61% Education & Awareness 3% EXPENSES (unaudited) For Year Ended September 30, 2014 EXPENSES Program Services (Supporting Services) Education & Awareness Research Recognition Annual Appeal Walk to End Lupus Now Mission Impossible Possible Third Party Events Management and General Other TOTAL EXPENSES CHANGE IN NET ASSETS $ $ 2014 236,108 10,661 22,500 186 1,445 23,992 15,232 11,809 64,021 385,953 (72,008) 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. $ $ 2013 210,489 25,766 24,978 2,298 6,806 20,265 14,107 12,115 43,596 162,841 523,261 7,309 Page | 15 GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Submitted by: Veda White, Governance Committee Chair, Board of Directors Lupus Foundation of America, Connecticut Chapter Below, please find a brief update detailing the Governance Committee efforts from the 2013/2014 Fiscal Year. Summary of Year in Review The Board of Directors (BOD) continues its successful journey from a transactional Board to a strategic, leadership body. The BOD is currently comprised of 11 Directors, not including our founder, Marilyn Sousa. Our new President and CEO, Michael Tommasi has successfully executed his leadership role. Finally, the BOD has completed the succession process to replace Board Chair, Ron Marek, with Director and New Board Chair Steve Wygonowski. Key Accomplishments Continued growth to a strategic BOD Ron Marek resigned as Chair, and from the Board. Mr. Marek was succeeded by Board Director and New Board Chair, Steve Wygonowski Longtime Board member Pauline Brignano resigned as Secretary, and from the Board. Board Director, Ivan Ramos, has fulfilled the vacancy as of the June 2014 Board Meeting Added four (4) new BOD personnel (Cathy Bergstrom, Lisa McCabe, Dr. Frank Santoro, and John Victory) to replace the attrition of six (6) board members Conducted several brainstorming/focus sessions to develop a strategy to further develop the BOD’s network Converted Nancy Belfiore to a full-time hire as BOD Office Manager Board Committee structures are running efficiently due to every-other-month (nonBoard meeting months) meeting cadence 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 16 Key Challenges Keeping BOD members engaged over time has been an issue, resulting in greater than anticipated attrition Building Board diversity (gender, ethnicity, geography representation) continues to be a challenge Making sustainable relationships to build BOD geographical reach in the southern (Long Island Sound) part of the State (from Fairfield County to New Haven to New London) Goals for 2014-2015 Improve BOD engagement and long-term retention Improve the BOD composition to better align with the constituents of Lupus Bring BOD membership to 14 to 16 people with strategic recruitment to address above ‘Key Challenges’ Continued recruitment of senior executives (CXO) to further develop the BOD’s network Institute a Lupus Stakeholder group to solicit feedback from key representative constituents Complete an annual review of the BOD Chapter By-Laws Review board officer term limits and seek rotation of board officers and committee chairs Continue efforts to build BOD reach/geography, including identifying candidates from the shoreline and Fairfield County 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 17 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Submitted by: Lisa McCabe, Fund Development Committee Chair Lupus Foundation of America, Connecticut Chapter Below, please find a brief update detailing the Development Committee efforts from the 2013/2014 Fiscal Year. Summary of Year in Review The chapter experienced more Board attrition in the 2013/2014 fiscal year resulting in a deficit in the Development Committee. However, recruiting has produced new board members that have allowed the Development Committee to rebuild. New members have skillsets that support the duties of care, loyalty and obedience presented at the 12/6/2014 Chapter offsite retreat. The team will remain focused and committed to address issues and challenges identified and prioritized at the Chapter offsite retreat. The top priority is to address the budget deficit by developing a fund raising plan that will encompass events, bequests, appeals, grants and Board members donations and fundraising. Secondly, we will work to develop a gift giving mentality among targeted audiences, specifically women as 90% of patients impacted by Lupus are women. Thirdly, the committee will focus on event budgets, event evaluations and decisions regarding events. And last, but not least the group will dive into activities that will expand our services. Key Accomplishments Development Committee has begun reviewing and making changes to Chapter policies such as the gift acceptance policy, 3rd party guidelines, etc. Began using the tools created in 2012 to better understand event successes/failures and how show us how to evaluate for future years Maintained a well distributed calendar of events to sustain a steady flow of income throughout the year 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 18 The committee has been a driving factor in the Donor Recognition Plan to ensure donors are thanked properly from office staff and Board of Directors Held committee meetings regularly to coincide with Chapter bylaws Expanded our social media foot print drastically within our community Chapter has completed the first LEAP assessment in the Nation regarding all other LFA Chapters The Chapter has assisted in the RI LEAP bill in the creation and implementation phases The Chapter has created a “Community Outreach Campaign” to bridge the gap between physicians and patients, in regards to the study done by the LEAP assessment Key Challenges Our Chapter still lacks Community Leaders significantly Our Chapter lacks Ambassadors within our communities to help advocate for our Chapter Board of Directors involvement and participation Board turnover creating deficit in Development Committee structure Expanding services into Fairfield County Establishing realistic financial goals (financial revenue forecasts were too high) Budget deficit Board learning curve with roles and responsibilities, chapter policies, organization’s mission and vision, fiscal health, and legal responsibility for the organization’s fiscal management. Goals for 2014-2015 Increase networking opportunities between National and other local chapters. i.e. Engage and network with recently appointed NY Regional contact. Continue to improve Board of Directors engagement. i.e. goal is to have at least 3 board members present at each event Assign a development committee member to each event to act as event ambassador. Develop a campaign targeted at women. “Give or Get” campaign – Each board member needs to donate or fund raise the amount recommended for board members Develop Community Leaders through our Board of Directors 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 19 Raise the percentage of corporate giving and support. i.e. Each board member needs to identify a minimum of 3 contacts to the chapter staff that will be recognized as Lupus Ambassadors. Develop a fund raising plan that that will address the budget deficit. Develop succession plan to create sustainable Development Committee membership Create a written fund/donor development program Finalize and implement all Board approved fundraising policies including; disclosure, gift acceptance, donor acknowledgement, planned giving program and BBB standards of excellence. Expand reach within the state of CT through programs, events, and services Provide input to the LFA scorecard to track and measure progress against goals and tactics via consistent process Develop and plan a symposium in Fairfield as a vehicle to raise awareness. Engage and leverage the MSAC to raise awareness and potentially fund raise. i.e. Sell tables at the Mission Impossible Possible event Continue to execute event assessments Develop tangible goals for events Raise the percentage of corporate giving and support. i.e. Each board member needs to identify a minimum of 3 contacts to the chapter staff that will be recognized as Lupus Ambassadors. Cut expenses 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 20 LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA CONNECTICUT CHAPTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS & OFFICE STAFF Steve Wygonowski, Chair The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. Cromwell, CT Lisa McCabe The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. Newington, CT Joanna Wyszomirski Eastern Connecticut Health Network Berlin, CT Eric Fischer, Vice-Chair United Health Care Middletown, CT John Victory Viamedia TV Cheshire, CT Michael A. Tommasi President/CEO Sean Morse, Treasurer Blum Shapiro and Company Vernon, CT Dr. Frank Santoro Hartford HealthCare Medical Group West Hartford, CT Jessica Karle, Secretary Webster Bank West Hartford, CT Catherine Bergstrom Jewish Family Services Burlington, CT John Livingston The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. Tolland, CT Pauline Brignano Harvest New England West Hartford, CT Veda White myHRteam, LLC Vernon, CT Corrianne Gagliardi Director of Development & Communications Michelle Sheiness Community Services Coordinator Julia Donovan Administrative Assistant Libby Carroll United States Postal Service Naugatuck, CT 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 21 LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA CONNECTICUT CHAPTER MEDICAL-SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COUNCIL (MSAC) Joseph Craft, MD, Co-Chair Yale University School of Medicine Ann Parke, M.B.B. MD, F.A.C.R, Co-Chair St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center Naomi Rothfield, MD, Past Chair University of Connecticut Health Center Micha Abeles, MD University of Connecticut Health Center Aryeh M. Abeles, MD University of Connecticut Health Center Janine Evans, MD Yale University School of Medicine Geoffrey Gladstein, MD Arthritis/Internal Medicine Associates Alfred Herzog, MD The Institute of Living Gordon Hutchinson, MD Rheumatology Associates of New Haven Lynn Y. Kosowicz, MD University of Connecticut Health Center Lisa Kugelman, MD Hartford Dermatology Santhanan Lakshminarayanan, MD University of Connecticut Health Center Courtland Lewis, MD Orthopedic Associates of Hartford Kristen Logee, MD University of Connecticut Health Center Rex Mahnensmith, NEPH Yale University School of Medicine Ranadeep Mandhadi, MD University of Connecticut Health Center Steven Padula, MD Clinical Research Immunology Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma Joseph Pamisano, MD University of Connecticut Health Center William Neil Pearson, MD FACC FCCP FASE Yale New Haven Hospital Frank Santoro, MD Hartford HealthCare Medical Group Peter Schulman, MD University of Connecticut Health Center William Traverse, MD St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center Lawrence Zemel, MD University of Connecticut, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 22 A SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR DONORS! Platinum: $25,000 or More Community Health Charities Jack Goncalves Gold: $10,000 $24,999 IBM Employee Services Silver: $5,000 $9,999 Gerald & Meg Niewinski Founder: $1,000 $4,999 AME Zion Church Carla & Steve Cochran Connecticut Walmart Consulting Engineering Services Thomas Dickinson Michael & Patricia Ganino Greg Hancock Joel Johnson George Keithan Beth & Bob LaChance MHS Girls Volleyball Booster Club Andrew Orefice Kerri Pacheco People’s United Bank Questcor Pharmaceuticals Patrick Sanders Guy & Teresa Tommasi Jr. Ann Wu Benefactor: $500 $999 Elizabeth Barnes Bendett & McHugh PC James Bozzuto Lori Carpenter Columbia Sheet Metal Jennifer & Jonathan Feigenbaum Michael & Gloria Ganino Davina Hernandez Dworken, Hillman, LaMorte & Sterczala,P.C.Ga ry Kozak Lisa McCabe Dara Meath Middlesex Hospital John & Cecilia Ott Carol Pfeiffer Pinnacle Maintenance, LLC Randall’s Bake-Off Contest Traveler’s Matching Gift Program Apple Valley Bowl Peter Arcidiancono Aspen Insurance Belltown Motors Pauline Brignano Larry Chatfield Frank & Lucille Cocozza David Cristalli CSB Properties, LLC Angela Ferguson Marriane and Peter Foley Bob Francis Georgiana GaffneyMoran Markesha Gonzalez Ava Grace Michael & Barbara Grey Sandra Hines Michael Joyce Mark Keenan Town of Bloomfield Paul & Terry Way Webster Bank Steven K. Wilson Steve Wygonowski Supporter: $250 $499 Aetna Foundation Paul Anderson Stephen C. Anderson Vonpechmann Capt. Mary & Dr. Carl Washburn Smith & Wesson Corporation Steve Wilson King Robinson School Patron: $100 - $249 Dan and Meg Laughlan Michelle Lawson Legere Group LTD A Bead of Roses, LLC Gurpreet & Anuradha Singh Robin Lynne Smith Jim & Rosemary Stutz Vernon Daniel Tillman Arthur & Helen Pendleton Don & Sue Phillips Ivan Ramos Dr. Frank Santoro Larry & Cynthia Schieman Tom & Lynette Senecten Ryan & Amanda Smith St. Bridget’s St. Rapael Babette Vena Frederick & Janet Legrand North America Life Care Family Chiropractic, LLC Jeff & Jake Linden John & Diana Livingston Danny Martins Thomas McCurley Andrea McKinstry Chris Mersheimer Jason & Heather Minardi Jan Neumuth Yvette Nieves Oliver’s Supermarket Francis Alcedo Anthony Alfano Susan Alfano All-Phase Enterprises Carla Alves Michele Anderson Diane & Sharday Austin Dominique Austin Karen Balcerzak Lisa Barber Patricia & Herald Barile Sue Barile Terri Barile Donald Bastis Nancy Belfiore Jennifer Lynne Bethke Donald Bettencourt 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 23 Barnett & Wilma Black Rita Black Matthew Blake Lynn Blandford Bloomfield Police Emily & Richard Blumenreder Body By Design Fitness Center Sharon & John Boyd Gary Broadwell Linda Brown Ryan & Amy Brown Ret. Chief Ed Brymer and Geraldine Roberts esq. Nathan Bunay Dawn Marie Camarota Courtney Campbell Mike Campbell Campos Express, Inc. Wayne Carbone Carlar Realty, LLC Allan & Nancy Carlson Deb Carney Francine Carrier Nakisha Castillo Alberta Castoldi Hunter Cavallaro Ed Cesarek Christopher Champagne Jeffrey Chandler Josh Charbonneau Melissa Childs Darleen Chretian Thomas Clapprood Giacomo Conforto Simone & Maria Conforto Eileen Connolly Mark Connolly Jerry Corbin Camille CoribelloKilgore Nora Cornelio Colleen Crowe Daisy Cruz Evelyn Cruz Crystal Blueprint & Stationary Robert Cumpstone Paul D’Atillio Barbara Dancy Jo Davi Burton & Cindy Davis Jeffrey Desrosiers Nivia Diaz Kristen DiLorenzo Edward & Darlene Dion Ronald & Denise Dower Joyce & Richard Drolet Adrienne Druiett Linda Duverger East Coast Home Inspections, LLC Ellington Center Animal Clinic Judith Elliot Engine Co. No. 1, Town of Southington Rachel Erickson George Erling Donald Ewing Brian Fallon Suzanne Farrell Edwin Felske Lisa Finch Cleaning Services, LLC Eric Fischer Margaret Fitch Theresa Flaherty Ferris Fluke John & Kathleen Formeister Cindy Francisco Elizabeth Frederick Jaime FuentesSessoms Walter Robert Fulton Furness Bros. Inc. Corrianne Gagliardi Gannett Foundation Barry & Rona Gelber George & Barbara Gellert Global Impact Pitney Bowes Olga Goff Gottier Fuel Company, Inc. Michael Grazziano Greene-Hills School Art Club Michelle Guzzi William Harwood Stephen Hauser Jessen Havill Julie Henry David & Lisa Hernandez Arden Hill Derwin Hill Hometowne Motors Aaron Houpt David Howell Katie Hoye Danielle Hutchins Hyde Auto Works Unlimited In Vest Innova Strategy Group Integrated Rehabilitation Services, Inc. Introvigne Funeral Home Matthew Irons Sean & Lisa Irwin JC Penney Company Fund Marilyn Jester Jane Johnson Matthew Johnson Laura Kaletski Robert Keefe & Karen Clark Kizzy KellyAnderson Dhiraj Kholsa, CMA Sharon Kleinhen Jennifer Knox Susan Kowalczyk Elizabeth Kozelka Linda Krausz Bill Kulak David Kulis Laborers Initial Unions of North America Howard Lachance Larry & Paulette Lacombe Eugene & Linda Lafuci, Jr. Matthew Langille Kenneth Lappier Erin LaRose Donna Latella Filomena & Luigi Lavorgna Wallace & Deborah Laws Jr. Ray & Jean Lecours Robert & Patricia Leisy Dan Lepage Paul Linden Donald Loree John & Susan Lotty Mary Luciano Andre F. & Linda M. Mackenstein The MacRae Family Sarah Magnamo & Dorothy Cacchillo Thomas Mahar Richard & Charlene Mainville Lilliam Maldonado Giovanni & Lisa Malfi Gerald & Irene 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 24 Marra Joseph Marra David & Grace Marsillio Lisa Marsillio Dorothy MathersCotter Keith Mattingly Valerie Mattinson William & Ann McCaughey William & Wendy McClosky Michael & Suzanne McDonald Chris McGoldrick Lauren McGregor Stephen McNamara Joe Meikle Elsa Melendez Frederika MendesDundy Carmelina Miceli Sylvia Miceli Middle Ground Café, LLC LaWanda Miller Kevin & Nancy Miner Maryann Mitchell Theresa Mitchell Donna Monahan Martha Moody Mooyah Fenn, LLC Stefon Morant Leander Morant Linda Morant Timothy Moriarty Gregory Morneau Mark Morneau Vince & Peggy Morneau Joseph J. Mottes Company Paul & Gayle Murphy Luci Nardone Hanley Neubauer The New England Pasta Company, LLC New England Tractor Trailer Mark Newton Rose Nolan Liz Normand Nuzzi Arnstein Group, Inc. James O’Connell Kathleen O’ConnellPeloso Aiesha Padilla Deborah Pallet Paradiso Financial & Insurance Services Steven Parker Michael Pasick Koren Paul Kendra Payne PayPal Giving Anthony & Shirley Pellegrino Ann Marie Pelrine Penny Hanley & Howley Insurance Co. Richard & Susan Pestritto Heather Pierzchala Antonio Pinho Kim Pitkat Adam Platner Laurie Platner Connie Poesnecker Andrea Potash Andrew Potash Bonnie Rado Richard Ranciato Donald & Deborah Ratti John & Judith Reeve Kerry-Ann Rhoden Tami Rivera Nicole Robinson Maria Rodrigues Keri Rollins Birdie Roncari Robert & Linda Root James & Kathleen Rude Natalie Ruela Frank Ruela Gerald Ruiz Marcos Ruiz Mary RusterholzPlatt Mark Ryan Carmen Santana Scott Sartor Lisa Sartorius William Schietinger Vic & Elise Seccareccia Kristie Sells Servpro of Norwich/Windham County Scott Sfreddo Peter & Valerie Sfreddo Janet Sheehan Thomas Sheehan Chuck and Dana Shimkus Julia Simboski Lauren Smallwood Daniel & Jodie Smith Jean Smith Jodie & Dan Smith Louisa Gae Smith Roxane Smith Marilyn Sousa Southington Softball Booster Club Somers Firefighters Debra St. Germain Ronald & Stephanie Stack, Jr. (and the VCA Family) Stafford Dental Associates, LLC Stafford Savings Bank Tyrone Stewart Shane Stinson Lisa Strout Erich Strunk Glofesta Stuggs Mark Sturaci Elin Sullivan Jason Taylor Leon & Chris Thibodeau Sally Thompson Fran & Lauren Traceski Leslee & Steve Treadwell-Antoch Nicole Tribble Truist Bob Tufano Diane Tufano Union Bells, LLC United Health Group United Illuminating Company Matching Gifts United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley Michael Uricuoli Melanie Vail Darryl VanOudenhove Lynne Vela Verizon Foundation Viking Supply Company Andrew Viola Bradford & Lisa Vogelsong Crystal Walker Mary Walker Walsh Enterprises Stafford Clovis & Sherene Walters Kristen Walton 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 25 Lee & Jeane Warren Wells Fargo William Wessman Bill Wilson, Jr. Karol Winograd Charles & Christina Wira Beth Wlochowski Lisa Woodson M. Wrabel Wringer, LLC Diane Wu Norman & Janet Zeldis Lawrence Zemel Member: $50 - $99 Joy Alcedo Paul Alderucci Mark Alessi Missy Alfano Stephanie Almeida Meghan Amatrudo David & Karen Amendola Patricia Amos Russell Anderson Vincent & Diane Annetta Stephen Antoch Debbie Archambault Keith Baccel Jose Baez Aponte Brian Baker Albertina Baptista & Manuel Ramahlo Dana Barile Gael Barile Brian & Cora Bartizek Bob & Lynn Baselice Gina Bassell Kristen Bassilakis Bender Plumbing Tamara & John Beauton Maria Beecher Albert Behar Cristal Bello Amy Ben-Kiki Terry Bicknese David & Gloria Bindelglass Shannon Blair Joe & Kim Bocchino Anthony & Susan Boisvert Ed Bolles Anna Bouvier Jane Bouvier Nicole Bouvier Alison Bowers Billy Boyce Nicholas Bozzuto Connor Briggs Vicki Brogna Jacqui Brooks Steve Brosnihan Carolyn Brown Paul & Kim Buda Jennifer Bull Jillian Burdick Puzzo Gail Burdon James Callery Devan & Joe Cameron Bethany & Warren Campbell Terrence Campbell Daniela Cappetta Geraldine CariniGarcia Pat Carucci Libby Carroll Meaghan Carroll Roger & Lisa Carter Melissa Castrillo Jayson Cavallaro Carmen Cavallaro Sr. Matthew Chefetz Celeste Chenier Dimitrina Chervenkova Joanna Cianci Lucia Ciogli Stephen Clark Rhandi Claxton Deborah Coba Liz Collier Jenny Comerford Christopher & Theresa Coppola Perry Cornelio PJ Cornelio Genesis Coss Ashley Crawford Modesto & Magda Cruz Lorraine Cullen Margaret Curry Jeff Del Favero Deloitte Employees Edward Dempsey Eileen Dempsey Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Andre Dixon Myron Dworken James & Kathleen Eder Jarrod Edwards Keisha Ellis David Eppner Elaine Fahlman Cheryl Ferris Leticia Figueroa Daniel & Marie Fitzmaurice Theresa Flaherty Angela Marie Flores Mary Fogarty Nancy Forte-Dugay Sherryl Foster Melissa Foster Jill Fourie Edward Fowler Brett Francis Ronald Gagliardi Rosemary & Josephine Ganino Ricardo,Verissinio & Cristina Garay Beatrice Geib Jill Gerasimopoulos Richard Giannattasio Nicholas Giaquinto Alexandra Girard John & Jan Girard Chelsea Giuliano Lillian Gorfain Wendy Gorfain Norm & Lois Gottlieb Joanna Gramigna Nancy & Phillip Grannan Thomas Grimes Anne Gual Lauren Hall Tommy Halloran Priscilla Hammond Wade Hampton Janet Hanscom Cynthia Harward Cori Harwood Kristin Havill Karen Haywood Carol & Bill Heald Leon & Myra Helt Julie Henry Kaliele Hickson Anne Holihan Edmund & Maureen Howley David Hsu Tasha Hunt Dana Huserau John Inghilterro Samuel & Olga Irizarry Joann Isler Jennifer Jenkins Jan Johnson John Johnson Mark Johnson Sara Johnson Annie-May Jones Shawnet Jones Terrell & Wendy Jones Shelley Joyner Carrie June 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 26 John Jutras Roberta Keefe & Karen Clark Anne Kelly-Lenz Jason Kennan Jackie Koutsopoulos Patricia & David Kritzman Maryann KuhlmanDello Russo Beatriz Lebrecque Maria & Domingos Lage Susan Lamberti Eileen Landry Sara Beth Lang Katie Langille Dennis & Patricia LaVette Mavis Lee Austin Lehn Susan Lemkuil Debbie Lepore Charles Lewandowski Denise Lewis Marc & Mary Limata Perrone Lindsey Carol Longo Victor Lopez Jr. Nancy Lucas Judy & Michael Lussier Makalia Court No. 137 Luis Maldonado Lisa & Giovanni Malfi Kimberly Manzie Eilazil Marin Matthew & Amy Marks David & Grace Marsillio Deseree Martin Sandra Martin Alberto Martins Vanessa Mattinson Matthew Maver Bryce & Linnea May Katelyn McCandless Locksely McGregor Marcus McGregor Noel McGregor Cynthia McHugh Jennifer McLaughlin Patricia McMullen Meighan McNally Denise Mendes Dina Messina Susan Meyer Jacqueline Mickiewicz Joan Milas Mill Pond Country Store Stephanie Misiewicz Monson Road Auto Works Donald & Carol Montory Kristen Mortensen Thomas Murphy Emily Mysogland Ann Napier Salle Nardini Steven Negron Sophia Nguyen Elizabeth Niles Joan Nowicki Michael Nowicki Michael Orazietti John & Mary Orefice Ryan Osborne James & Martha Panciera Sara Paradis Lindsay Parke Antonia Patron Claudia Peragine Robert Peragine Jose Perez Reed & June Phillips Joseph & Carmelina Picone E. Pinho Theresa Polczynski David & Marie Popielarcyz Liz Pregano Ralph & Donna Prezioso Alicen Puebla Louie Ramos Victor Ramos Justin Ratti Lauren Raucci Nicolette Reiss Jasmine Rennie Kathleen Riordan Jennifer Rivera Kimbal Robbins Nicole Robinson Josie Robles Gladys Roche Denise Rodrigue Shana Rodriguez Loren Romero Roseanne Romero Milagros Romero Carla & Andre Roussel Ann Rudolewicz Julia Ruela Kim Russell Kimberly Ruzbarsky Alycia Sabrowski Ginny Saccullo Ashley Sadowski Rosangela Salado Carmen Santana Obed Santiago Stephanie Saucier Linda Savitsky Debra Schrank Meryl Schrank G.B. & Graham A. Scott Paul Seaver Mindy Serrano Elizabeth Sexton Emily Shea Peg Sheahan Rosemarie Snow Robert Snuck Valerie Sorrentino Lori Southwick Alec Speckhart Anthony Spinale Antonio & Mary Alice Spinelli Carol Spring Cecilia SpringeHaughton Renate Stach David Stachkunas Craig & Betty Stahl Andrew Starczewski Leah Stern Sandra Stobierski Ginger Sturges Anna Szaro Jodi-Rae Szostek Leo & Denise Talbot Brian & Mary Tautic Frazier Termon Sarah Thomas Bridget Toothaker Ryan Tufano Sarah Tufano Kari Turcotte Karyn Turcotte Jane & Edmund Tuska Michele Tyson Tamisha Tyson Robert & Patricia Ulatowski United Technologies Gia Marie Vacca Susan Vailette Steven Vaiskaukas Thomas Van Stone Charlie & Charlene Van Stone Racquel Vaughn Ronald Vaughn Marie Venti Richard Viagrande Lynda Vincent Margaret Vitale Kasia Wadolowski Lannie Wagner Jr. Serginho Walker Joan Ware Kim Marie Waskiewicz Lisa Wildman Angela Williams Michelle Willingham 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 27 James Wills Rebecca Woodward Rosa Wright Sharron Wygonowski Friend: Up to $50 Joyce Accousti William Acevedo Carla Adams Samantha AdomakoAnsah Sandy & Robert Alarco Armed & Ready Alarm Systems Steve Alarmani William Albin lll Maria Alcantara Queenee Alcedo Glayds Alcedo Edgardo & Sampagutia Alcedo Deborah Alexa Anthony Alfano Jessica Alfano Mary Alford Norma Alicea Monique Allard Anne Alleva Sal Amadeo Marisol Amaker Barbara Amatrudo Gloria Amatrudo Kim Amatrudo Patricia Amos Luther & Tonianne Anderson Deborah Anderson Lisa Anderson Jackie Angal Lisa Arbour Alice Armao Louis & Judith Arruda Abena Asante AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign Robin Atwater Lizbeth Baerga-Dones Jason Bailey Chinequia Bailey Keisha BaileyAcevedo Navlene Bailey-Cooke Lakia Baker Soudabeh Bakhtiari William & Ann Marie Balla Wilma Barbosa Raymond Barile Amy & Mark Barile Patricia Barnes Mike Barrett Barrell Barron Denise Bates Mary Bavaro Allyssa Bebe The Family Becce Cindy Becce Jennifer Becher Judy Behler Sarah Behrendt Sharyl Belton Leticia & Darryl Belton Katrina Belton Jeannie Bengivengo Bob Bengivengo Janice Benket Laura Berch Bruce Bergstrom Lisa Berman Eric Berman Denise Bertrand Jennifer Lynn Bethke Mary Bettessi Wendy Bettessi Roxana Bezates Erin Bezzini Marcia Faye Bickoff Nancy Biernacki Dan Blackman Sarah Blanchard Stacy Blaney James Blaschke Cathy Blood Lawrence & Diane Bohman Alice Ann Bologna Barbara Bolton Maritza Bond Nicole Bonito Becky Bossak Brittney Bouier Denis Bourque Shannon Bousquet Dianne Bouvier Lisa Bozzuto BR 116 Angie Braham Joan Brennan David & Maureen Brennan Meghan Brennan Tara Brennan Kathleen Brickett Sue Brim Kelly Brogdon Wendy Brogdon Amanda Brooks Robert Brown Shandra Brown Erica Bryniczka Shauna Buckley Joseph & Louise Buerk Debbie Bugryn Abree Buice Jon & Amy Burdeshaw Julianne Burdo Alaina Burke Amanda Burke Grace Burke Bob Burnham D. Burroughs Maritza Burrows Dee Burruano Jim Bushnell Lorelei Butler Mark Butterworth Paulo Cabral Dorothy Cacchillo Cakeworks Etc. Alma Callazo Donna Cameron Anthony Campbell Courtney Campbell Deirdre Campbell Shelly Campbell Sam Canidate Maurice Canino Immacolata Cappetta Constance & Anthony Capsalors Vincento Carbone Wayne Carbone Dawn Card Georgia Cardinale Amanda Carey Lori Carpenter Ruth & Joe Daniel Carr Lori Carrera Meghan Carriveau Drew Carroll Mary Ellen & Nicholas Casceillo Kionna Casey K.H. Casillos Amy Casparino Sue Castaldi Solmarie Castro Paul Catino Emmanuel Cavalieri Ann Cavallaro Diane Cavallaro Hunter Cavallaro Joseph Cavallaro III Mike and Nicole Cesarek Andrew Chaney Karen Chapman Andre Chartier Emilia Chartier Francisco Chavez Vincent Cherrone Joe Chesebro Gary Chex Doreen Chiger Melissa Childs 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 28 John Chillemi Cigna Foundation Helen Cihi Ann Cimmino Vita Ciullo Betty Claffey Nancy Clancy Ken Clark Valerie Clay-Bey Catherine Clinton Officer Cole Holly Collar Lydia Colon Nick, Masterson & Amy Condon Bill Connors Angela Cook Nancy Cook David Cooper Kyle Cornelio Rosanna Corvino Teresa Cosco Jamie Cossette Barbara Cotoia Gina Cotto-Navedo John Courtney Terri Coward Leisa Coyle Sherry Coyle Martha Crawford Lisa Crenella Liliana Crespo Mike Crisanti Patricia Crocco Alex Cruz Luis Cruz Rafael Cruz Aida Cumm Nancy Currlin Stephen Curry Devon Curtis CustomInk LLC Robert & Kristin D'Andrea, Jr. Karen Daigle Joan Dante Norman Davis DBA Heavenly Divine Intervention, Inc. Libby Deedy Richard Deenihan, Jr Sgt Dees John DeGirolamo Alfonso DeJeses Robin Del Giudice Robin DePino Lois Derrickson Andy DeSanti Patricia Devylder Virgenmina Diaz Angel Diaz Damaris Diaz Leonor Diaz Karly A Dibella Kayla Dictrich Joe Diliso Edward & Darlene Dion Donald Dipinto Scott Dixon Josephine Dixon Brian & Sharon Dixon Mark Dlugokencky Steve Dondley Dynalee Dones Kara Doolittle Maryette Drayton Robert Drechsler Jr Jennifer Drennen Debra Dresner Cheryl & Stephen Dreyer Jacqueline Drumm Victor Duarte Officer Dubsa Steve Dudeck Julianne Dugay Anthony Dugay Robert Dugger Brian Dumond Ned Dunn Jennifer Dutson Ashley Earl Jen Eaton Kim Ebron Eliana Echeverry Jermeisha Edmonds Ashley Edwards Nathan Elder Keisha Ellis Mike Ellison Ben Epstein Amy Ethier Christine Evans James Everson Estelle Dickey Everson Lisa Fabrin Sandy Failing Linda Farabini Carrie Farago Shelly Farago Larissa Farmer Lisa Farmer Marina Farmer Helen & William Felske lll Amanda Ferguson Tabitha Ferguson Tim Ferguson Hellen Ferreira Eileen Fickes Jessica Fillie Jeanne Fiore Alison Fisher Mary Fiske Christine Fitzgerald Debbie Flader Jennifer Flaherty Bill & Ellen Flanagan Ken Flanders Jolene Flenke Timothy & Ann Flower Robert Fluilh Kristen Foley Lauren Foley Janis & Joe Fontana Rosa Fontanez Junali Ford Kayla Forino Kristyn Formeister Ethan Fortuna Christopher Foster Sherryl Foster Andrew Foster Tom & Cindy Francis Nicole Francisco Beverly Frank Charisa Frappier Brandi Freeman Ana & Isa Frentress Jeff Frentress Jull Frey B. Fricke Larry Frost Adriana Fuchs Connie Gabriela Jennifer & Kevin Gaffey Vicki Gagliardi Chenee Gallaho Brian Gallup Laura Firmey Galusha Nicole Gamble Gabby Ganino Amanda Garay Caitlin Garcia Patricia & Michael Gargiulo Lina Garofalo Karin Gatch Malcolm Gatison Nancy Gauthier Myrnel Paule Gegu Wendy Gelven Vanessa Genga Virginia Geoffroy Demetra Gerakos Christine Gerety Carin Gerig Lucia Germana Ellen Gerrity Adrienne Gervais Chaim Gewirtzman Marcus Geyer Bill Ghio Mike Gidman Joe Gingras Brianna Girard Lynn Gizzi Philip Glick 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 29 Mary Lou & Peter Gold The Family Goldberg Richard Goldfarb Lorin Goldstein Andrea Gomeringer Fred Gomeringer Jr Francisco Gomez Fernanda Goncalves Felix Gonzalez Markesha Gonzalez Jayme GordneerMorant Eileen Gordon Alexa Gorman Meagan Gotta Tracy Grant James Greeley Jacob Green Dawn Greenies Thomas Gregory Lynne Grenier Nathaniel Grenier Samantha Griffenkranz Carl Guglietta Lauren Hall Jenna Halligan Angela Halloran Kathy Halloran Thomas Halloran Carlene Hamerlin Stephen Hamerlin Shyla Hanlan Mark Hanlon Lindsay Harlow Diane & Scott Harrington Dave Harris Jody Hart Becky Hartford Tosha Harvin Lisa Haun Mary Jo Hauser Gordon & Aldona Havery Nathan Havill Michael & Stacey Lynn Hawes Michelle & Jonathon Hawes Peter Hawley Karen Haywood Shantana Hazel Stanley & Caroline Heath Rita Hedu Roberta Held Harry Hemstock Ryan Hendricks Mary Hendrickson Beverly Henkel Sasha Henry Michael Henry Linda Hernandez Jade Hicks Kaliele Hickson Kimesha Hill Dom Hines Lauri & Thomas Hober Alena Holland Baker Hompkins Sandra Hondett James Horan Michael & Sara Horton Faith Howard Wendy Howard David Howell Kimberly Howell Gary Hunter Eddy Hupic Sharien Hutchinson Christina Huydic Mel Hylton Caitlin Iannucci Global Impact Allison Imperio Nicholas Irving J.K. Group, Inc. Kim Jack Officer Jacks Cristy Jackson Diego Jackson Sharon Jackson Sharon Jacobs Eric Jacques Ashley Jacques Richard & Elizabeth Jagiello Marcela Jarvey Jeffrey Jensen Rochelle Jewell Althea Johnson Amanda Johnson Clementine Johnson James & Donna Marie Johnson Kelsey Johnson Kristen Johnson Shelly Johnson Stacy Johnson Frankie Joiner Donald Jones II Natasha Jones Ashley Jorge Karlene Joseph Jodi Kabat Sarah Kania Carolann Kapur Greg Karakashian Barbara Kashoba Mike Kasinskas Ray Kasper Richard & Lynne Keane George Keithan Jr Gina Kemp Jackie Kemp Tasha Kemp Darlene Kennedy David Kershner Dawn Killiany Thomas & Irene Killiany Sharon Kinard J. Kindelan J. Kindelan, III Bruce Kinel Francene Kizzy Debbie Kleinman Kristin Kloiber Kelly Knapp Ted Koch Carolyn Kochan Antoni Kogut Gwen Kohn Carrie Korenkius Brianne Korona Holly Korona Katy Koschel Katherine Koschel Rebecca Kosowicz Jennifer Kosowicz Michele Kowalczyk Michelle Kowaltzik Gary Kozak Laurie Kramer Anthony Krause Madusree Krishnan Sharon Kromas Deena Kuharski Boleslaus Kulak Stephanie Kull Cullin Lacabelli Michelle Lacrosse Komal Ladd Alexandra Lage Candida Lage Maria & Domingos Lage Michael Landau Dan Landau Matthew Langille Anne LaRose Karen Latozas James Lattimore Christine LaVallee Edward Lavernoich Nicole LaVette Justin LaVette Cindy Lavoie Gina Lavorgna Bradley & Linda Lawrence Shurley Lazarus Mark Lazarus Bonnie Lebron Samantha Lee Rachel Leonard Evan LePage Heather Lepage Shane Leupold Miriam Levinson Lisa Levinson 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 30 Denise Lewis Diane Lewis Lori Lewis Sarah Lewis Rebecca LindsayDeCusati Ramon Shuey & Tammy Linteau Cameron Lisk Zachary Lisk Doris Little Julie Lockwood Alene Lofink Peter Lofink Mardi Loman Nancy Lombard Frank Lombardi Barbara Longo Everett Longston Xiomarz Lopez Miriam Lopez Carla Lopez Paula Lopez Gil Cheyrl Lowe Nicole Lukeski Kendal Lumpkin Juliana Lynch Kristen Lynch Stephen Lyon Yvette Macado Mary-Frances Maffucci Melissa & Brian Mahoney David & Margaret Maiden David Mairson Donna Maitland-Ward Filomena MaLangone Samantha Malaykhan Vanessa Mallifin Marcia Malloy David Mancini Gino Mancini Lupo Mancini Laureen Mancinone Morgan Maneely Lucille Maneggia Josh Mangini Mike Mangini Idella Mann Janet Mann Mich Mann Joe Mannion Chelsea Manos Jennifer Manware Andrea Marino Market Basket Grace Marsillo Angela Marsillo David Martin Don Martin Nancy Martin Orlando Martinez Ioni Mason Laura Mathews April Mattison J. Mayors Mattie Mazyck Donna McBride Eileen McCabe Mary McCarthy Patricia & Jeffrey McCathron William & Ann McCaughey Sean McCauley Kathryn McCluskey Michelle McCorkleMilardo Pangie McCotter Cynthia McCoyJackson Kyle McCullen Eleanor McCurley Julaine McDonald Kevin & Allison McDonald Ashlee McEwen R. McGee Darran McGragor Kamora McGragor Kaymani McGragor Carla McGregor Lauren McGregor Brian McKinley Maria McKinney Mandy McKinstry Suzanne McKinstry Yolanda McQueen Donna Meaney Brian Meath Jesse Meeker Leceia Mein Danny Melendez Morgan Mendes Vanessa Mendes Brittany Menta Sarah Menta Jennifer Messore Betty Jean Miceli Jason & Janice Mielcarek Antaughn Miller Bonnie Miller Joe Joseph Miller Judith Miller Sarah Miller Suzanna Miller Gwen Mills Melissa Mims Benjamin Miranda Brittney Miranda Nicole Mitchell Victoria Mitchell Daniel Mocci Gordon & Patricia Mochel Caitlin Moleski Ladene Monegan Ranazia Monroe Rosalind Montory Edwin Morales Frank Morant Linda Morant Donna Morency Lisa Charette Morin Michael Morneau Dennis & Bea Morneau Brent Morrow Kristen Mortensen Richard & Cathy Mosher Jane Moticka Pamela Mouzon Karen Mozzer Taliah Muhammad Paul Mullaly Joelle Murchison Ann Murphy Michael Murphy Gail Myers Joan Nadel Ricky Nankoo Lisa Napolitano C. Narine Georgia Nash Tonya Nelson Hal Nelson Elaine Neuman Mark Newton II Michelle Ngafoe Page Nieves Melinda Nieves Eilyn Nieves Linda Nismati Dani Nixon Cassandra D Nonossi Michael Normand Jon Normand Joseph & Linda Nowaczyk Ludabel Nunez Breanna Nygren Kevin O'Connell Gayle O'Leary Allison O'Mara Officer Odell Harold & Patricia Odiome Nairobi Ojeda Fernanda Oliveira Amber Onorato Aubre Ortega Giuliana Ortega Jose Ortega Erica Ortiz Juan Ortiz Natalie Osorio Mary Otero 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 31 Somphothea Ouk Annie Pacyna Vanessa Padilla R. Page Jackie Palmieri Mary Palmitano LaKisha Carpenter Papoutsakis Robin Parker Linda Parks Heidi Parlato Rebbecca Parnoff Laurie Parrott Valerie Pearce Shay Pearsall-Lee Bill Pelchat Teresa Pelham Giancifrho Pellerano Thomas Pelliccia Gail Pells Ann Marie Pelrine Bophadeyva Peou Adam Platner Jeff Poitras Jane Ponkis Aleah Pont Dewlyne Ponteau Kimberly Pouncey Sharelene Powell Rachael Priore Mary Ellen Procozci Jackie Promise Prospect Veterinary Hospital Gary & Anna Prushko Joseph & Nancy Przekop Mary Puebla Lina Pugliese Bambi Putinas Quassy Amusement Park Selena Peregoy Marial Perez Marisol Perez Gerald Pernice Frank Perry Lutishia Pershad Glenn & Diane Peterson June Peterson Georgina Petrossi Kurt Petschke Debra Raboin Audrey Racaniello Ben Raccio Dr. Thomas Rago Maria Ramadanovic Suzanne Ramazani Cheryl Ramiz Vernice & Hector Ramos Shirleen Ramotar Brian Ranaghan David Ranaghan Kathy & Sharon Ratliff Mary Louise Ray Carol & David Phillips Ray Seraphin Ford, Inc. Keith Phillips Sara Phillips Jan Piche Nisha Pickett Linda Pierro Michael Piersa Heather Pierzchala Peter Pierzchala Heather Pilarcik Murawski Elizabeth Pilgrim Scott Pinchuk Barbara & Kenneth Raymo Ann Berenger Napier & Denise Peragine Roland & Arlean Raymond Deborah Read Michelle Reardon Pat Reardon Stefen Reid Allison ReillyBombara Joseph & Janice Reilly Kayla Reilly Michael Renk Sean Renk Jennifer Reynolds Erin Rhault Jennifer Riccio Marsha Rich Sherry Richardson Vic Rinaldi Kyle Rinoski Rita’s Italian Ice Gabriela Rivera Melanie Rivera Miguel Rivera Evan Rivera Edgardo Rivera King Riyar Amanda Roberge Kerry Shea Roberts Fred and Betty Robertucci Wendy Robicheau Aaron Robinson Lynn Robinson Diana Robitaille Josie Robles Andrea Rodgers Dunia Rodrigues Nelci Rodriguez Tina Rogers Daddona Rogers Sarah Romajas Tiffany Roman Marilyn Romero Tamara Root Lillian Roque Manuel Roque Michel Roque Chris Rosa Grissela Rosario Jason Roseman Joan Rosemond Willie Rosemond Patrick Rosenberger Kendra Ross Linda Sammartano Gregory Samul Phyllis Samul Sharon SanAngelo Tamara Sanchez Amelie Sanders Janice Sanders Jennifer Santiago Brienna Sarantides Melissa Satchell Don Sayarath Joan Schmedt Brian Schofield Thomas Schonagel Michael Schooler Kasey Scrima Paul Scruton Susan Scruton Brenda Scully Debbie SearsDontfraid Barbara Seaton Amanda Serenson Lisa Shanley Melissa Shannon Roseanne Shay Amber Shelton Carlissa Shelton Cheryl Shelton Antoinette Sherrod Tonya Sherrod Kathleen Shoztic Nicole & Jason Shradnick Hamothal Shtekler Deborah Sidorick Barbara Sieber Eric & Dr. Mary Jennifer Silver Cherie Silvernail Lynn Simko Ramnauth Sinsammy John & Margaret Skahill Gail Skarupa Eunice Skopek Amanda Slack Laurel Slater Stefanie Slie Chad Slossberg Aaron Smith Andrea Smith Dilano Smith 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 32 Erica Smith Heather Smith-Jaser Karen Smith M. Smith Richard & Constance Smith Tara Smock Elizabeth Smock Pearl Smokes MaryJean Soltis Catherine & Ronald Sommer Sabrina Sorensen Aaron Soto Amanda Soto Luis Soto Rica & Barry Spector Taneika Spence Kathie Spencer Bob Spillane Aileen St. Laurent Debra St.Germain Valerie Stamp Amber Starr Jeremy M Steben Nicole Steeger Noille Stewart Paula Stewart Jeannine & Christopher Stimson Toni Strain Bill Straub Jimmy Strileckis Deanne Strobel Lisa Strout Gordon & Barbara Strunk Isabella Stuart Glofesta Stuggs Lisa Stuppell Meredith Sturges Pat Sullivan Ronald & Marie Sullivan Stop & Shop Supermarket Company Kathleen Suprenant Steve Surina Laura Swanson Eric Sweenor Kathleen Sweetman Debra & Gary Swenson Joanne Swinsick Gregory Sykes Maureen & Richard Sylvester Melissa & John Taberna Alex Taborda Paul Tannous Kimberly Tant Lorraine Tappin Kimberly Tasich Anthony Taylor Jeffrey & Donna Taylor Michael Tellerico Tom & Amy Thivurge Mildred Thomas Michele Thomas Bryant-Ivonne Thomas Alesia Thomas Christopher Thompson John Thompson Linda Thompson Rosalee Thompson Brittany Thornton Andy Timmerman Ellen Tinson Tires Plus Wheels Michael Titor Lynne Todisco Kerry Tompsett Jose Torres Maria Torres Stephanie Torres Mechelle Tovar OlÌÒrtegui Lauren Tracey Michael Tracy Joshua Trager Nicole Tribble Taylor Tufano Kari Turcotte Charles Turnier Grace Tuvano Tamisha Tyson Allison Ursitti Zorurdi Vala Maria Valdes Susan Valente Lisa Valentine Jackie Van Delden Jessica Van Deren Tiera-Lee Van Guilder Bill Van Stone Charlie & Charlene Van Stone Loriah & Matt Van Stone Rich Van Stone Sharon & Douglas Van Wie Orsolya Varga Balogh Janet Vargas Minaly Vargas Maria Vasquez Brian Vaszil Helene Vaulding Aida M Vazquez June Vecellio Zoraida Vega Lisa Veiri Wanda Velez Yvette Velez Cathy Vellucci Shania Vidro Charlie Vidro D. Vile Janine Villalobos Kimberly Villecco Margaret Vitale Celine Vitale Peter Vittorria Bradford and Lisa Voglesong Scott Voglesang Debbie Voisine Jessica Voloshin Justine Wallace Barbara & Franklin Walsh Velma Walters Joshua Walton Mary Walton Tanisha Walton Deborah Watson Courtney G. Watson Steven Weber Diane Weckesser Denise Wedge Aretha Weekes Sharon Weingart Theresia Weinterleitner Tyrell Wellington Holly Jean Wells Helen Werns Sterling White Jason White Barateah White Christopher White Ciester White Steven Whitmore Sandy Wieczorek Connie Wiesniak Jessica Wiley J B Wilkes Donna & Russell Wilkins Andrew Williams Angela Williams Chery Williams Connie Williams Kelly Williams Lauren Wills Janel Wilson Evelyn Windebank Steve Winkel Charles & Christina Wira Ray Wise David & Aleta Wolfe Scott Worland Barbara Wozniak Wayne Wright Selena Wright Amy Wyse Judy Xu Colin Yankee Paul Yeakley William & Joyce Yelenak Lashonda Yourse Petrina Yoxall Melissa Zils Barbara Zottola 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 33 DONATIONS MADE IN MEMORY OF John Baade Karen K. Hansen Payne Amy Ambrose-Way Mary Hendrickson Stephanie Cachia Nellie Jensen Laurence Chenier Cele Jeraer Hohn Annmarie Coccozza Theresa Martinez Pat Cook Julien L. Morant Michael Cucchissi Tina Niewinski Michelle DeGeorge Alexander Ol’Ortegual Milagros Tovar Ol’Ortegual Eric Pearson LaQuita Parker Irene Ranney Marie Simone Jones Marilyn Sousa Janet Strunk Phyllis Vincent DONATIONS MADE IN HONOR OF David Baxter Lisa Poulin Keenan Nina Belfer-Tyler Megan Kozelka Klein Penny Bianchini Allyson & Amanda Lecteau Zachary Cachia Frank & Lucille Cocozza Kathy Davidson The Guerrin Family Eric Hansen Jason Hankins Jennifer’s 80th Birthday Shelley Joyner Mrs. Roft Spriglio’s Birthday Betty Talmadge Jim Vicevich Stephanie Lovino Marie Lyons Dani Nixon Alexander Tovar Ol’ortegual Mindy Palmer-Baker Maya Richelson Robin Kerry Keating 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ~ LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA, CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, INC. Page | 34