An Improved Three-Phase Auxiliary Resonant Snubber Inverter for AC Motor Drive Applications Byeong-Mun Song, *Seong-Ryong Lee, and Jih-Sheng (Jason) Lai Virginia Power Electronics Center The Bradley Department of Electrical Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA 24061-0111 Abstract An improved three-phase auxiliary resonant snubber inverter suitable for high power ac motor drive applications is proposed. The topology is analyzed and the control strategies based on voltage space vector modulations are discussed. For practical implementation, three possible logical control strategies are discussed and simulated. The detailed simulation and experimental results indicate that zero-voltage operation during transitions can be achieved. To verify the proposed topology, the paper presents a comprehensive evaluation with theoretical analysis, simulation, and experimental results. I. INTRODUCTION In the last decade, soft switching inverter (hereafter referred to as SSI) technologies have been developed for ac motor drive applications [1]-[7]. The SSI is more attractive and desirable than the traditional hard-switched PWM inverter because it can achieve high efficiency and reliability, low EMI for high switching frequency, low cost and compact heat sink. Even though a number of soft-switching circuits have been developed, there exist several problems. The major challenge is to develop control strategy to satisfy the zero voltage switching condition of the main devices and zero current switching condition of the auxiliary switches during transitions. The proposed circuit topology is to reduce the parts count of the resonant snubber based soft-switching inverters, mainly the number of the resonant inductors and blocking diodes. This circuit can be controlled with space vector modulation (SVM) to obtain high efficiency with sinusoidal output waveforms and simultaneously to reduce the cost by reducing the number of resonant components. Therefore, the major benefits of the proposed topology are less magnetic components and less blocking diodes with potentially lower cost than the existing SSIs. This paper presents an improved three-phase auxiliary resonant snubber topology and its control strategies based on voltage space vector modulations. This work was supported by Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI) under the Ministry of Science Technology (MOST) in Korea *Dept. of Control and Instrumentation Engineering Kunsan National University Kunsan, Korea II. OVERVIEW OF EXISTING AUXILIARY RESONANT SNUBBER INVERTERS The auxiliary resonant snubber inverter (RSI) topologies have been proposed in the literature and the basic issue is to improve efficiency, reduce EMI and have a smaller-sized system. These topologies include the auxiliary resonant commutated pole (ARCP) inverter [5], the bridge-diodesconfigured zero-voltage transition (BDZVT) inverter [3], and Y/Delta-configured auxiliary resonant snubber (Y/DARS) inverter [2],[7]. The ARCP inverter topology employs a center tapped capacitor bank to provide commutation source. The problem is voltage unbalance between split capacitors. To overcome the voltage unbalance, several load side inverter topologies including the BDZVTs and Y/DARSs were proposed by placing the auxiliary circuits on the load side. Figure 1 shows a bi-directional delta-configured RSI for three-phase motor drive applications [2]. Although this circuit has a benefit of easy implementation with high efficiency, it adds significant cost in resonant components associated with control logic and gate drive power supplies because each resonant branch consists of two auxiliary switches, two diodes and one inductor. The disadvantage is potential unbalanced inductance between different phase legs due to layout and package. Figure 2 shows a zero-voltage transition (ZVT) RSI with single auxiliary inductor [3]. This topology avoids the unbalanced resonant circuit problem in [2] and has a cost advantage over the previous topologies. However, two major disadvantages exist in this topology: (1) Three phases must resonate together during each transition, lacking flexibility of operating single-phase or single-leg. (2) The resonant inductor current can swing to negative direction even with precise timing control. Thus, the zero-current turn-off can not be fully accomplished in the auxiliary branch, and a voltage clamp circuit must be added to protect the auxiliary device. ã1998 IEEE. Reprinted with permission from IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Fukouka, Japan, May 17-22, pp. 423-428 C1 S3 S1 Vs C3 S5 C5 AC MOTOR Cs S4 C4 S6 La C6 S2 Lb Dab Sab C2 connected across the main device. In four quadrant operations, the operating principle is the same with the motoring mode and with the generating mode using the common auxiliary switch device. The detailed operation modes follow: Lc Dbc Sbc Ds Sr3 Scb Dcb Sba Dac Dba Sac Sca Dca Vs Cs Sr1 Sr5 Sr4 Sr2 S4 C1 Dr2 Vs S3 C3 C5 Lr Cs S4 Dr1 S6 Sr2 C4 C3 C5 S6 AC Motor S2 Sr6 C6 C2 Figure 3. The Proposed RSI Topology with Single Auxiliary Inductor AC MOTOR S2 C6 C1 C4 S5 S5 S3 Lr Figure 1. Bi-directional delta-configured ARS inverter topology Sr1 Dm S1 S1 C2 Figure 2. ZVT RSI topology with single auxiliary inductor III. OPERATING PRINCIPLE OF THE PROPOSED CIRCUIT TOPOLOGY A. Derivation of the new circuit In order to overcome these problems, an improved threephase RSI with a single resonant inductor for high power inverter applications is presented in Figure 3. The structure of the proposed circuit topology contains a traditional six-step inverter, consisting of six power switches, S1-S6, and their six anti-parallel diodes. Six resonant capacitors can be externally added to the inverter. The auxiliary branches along with a single inductor are connected across three output terminals. That is, the auxiliary resonant circuit consists of only one resonant inductor, one blocking diode and six auxiliary switches. The advantage of the proposed topology is the reduction of the resonant inductor and blocking diodes. B. Operation modes The principle of operation of the proposed inverter is that the resonant branch circuits operate to provide a zerovoltage condition to the IGBTs during turn-on, and the IGBT turn-off voltage is snubbed by the capacitor across the main device, as with a snubber capacitor in the conventional PWM inverter. Since the resonant capacitor slows down the IGBT voltage rise during turn-off, the turn-off loss is largely reduced. Figure 4 shows the proposed single-phase circuit topology and its operating modes. The circuit is composed of two pairs of main switch devices, S1-S4 and S2-S3. The antiparalleled diodes are built-in to the main switch devices, D1D4. To create the resonant condition, the capacitors were Mode 0: i Lr = 0 ; ( t 0 - t1 ) Assume that the load current is positive. The free-wheeling diodes D1 and D2, and main switches S2 and S3 are conducting the load current. Mode 1: 0 < i Lr £ i o ; (t1 - t 2 ) Turn on the auxiliary switches S14A and S14B when the main switches S2 and S3 are still on as the resonant current i Lr increases linearly. The current path is established through S14A, Ds and S14B. The current in S2 and S3 becomes zero at t 2 when the resonant current equals the load current. Mode 2: io < ilr £ I x ; ( t 2 - t 3 ) Continue charging the resonant inductor. With a fixed dc bus voltage VS , I x can be expressed by Equation (1). Ix = VS (t 3 - t1 ) Lr (1) Equation (1) shows that the initial inductor current I x must be larger than the load current of a motor. Mode 3: I x < iLr ; ( t 3 - t 4 ) Turn-off S2 and S3 when the resonant inductor stores sufficient energy to charge and discharge C2 and C3. At that point, the capacitors C2 and C3 function as lossless snubbers for zero-voltage turn-off. The initial inductor current I x can be controlled by the linear charging period. After t 3 , all the resonant capacitors are resonating with the resonant inductor, Capacitors, C1and C4 are discharged to zero voltage, and C2 and C3 are charged to Vs until t 4 is reached by natural resonance. Mode 4: i o < i Lr £ I x ; (t 4 - t 5 ) At the end of the natural resonance period, the resonant current begins to decrease until it equals the load current, and then is diverted to diodes D1 and D4. Switches S1 and S4 can then be turned on at zero-voltage condition. When the resonant current equals the load current, the diode current is diverted to the switch. S1 S2 io C1 Vs i Lr S14B S3 C3 S1 S4 S2 io C1 S1 Vs S3 S14B C3 S14A Ds-Lr S4 S2 io S14B C3 S3 C4 iLr S4 S1 C2 S14B C4 S3 C4 S2 S14A Ds-Lr S4 Mode 4 S2 io C1 S14B C3 C2 iLr C4 C2 iLr Vs S4 Mode 2 S14A io C1 S14A Ds-Lr Ds-Lr Mode 3 C3 C2 i Lr Vs Mode 1 C1 C3 S1 C2 iLr Vs S3 C4 Mode 0 S14B S3 S2 io C1 Vs S14A Ds-Lr S1 C2 S14A Ds-Lr S4 C4 Mode 5 (a) Circuit operational sequence during ZVT transition for a single-phase inverter i Lr Ix io 0 io I S 1, I S 4 0 IV. CONTROL STRATEGIES BASED ON VOLTAGE SPACE VECTORS As this ARS inverter topology has all the auxiliary resonant components on the load side, the three legs of the auxiliary circuit should resonate in coordination with the load current. For the control of this inverter topology, the conventional SVM is modified to obtain zero-voltage condition for the main devices. There are three possible logical control strategies to the proposed topology depending on the use of the zero vectors. The details of these control strategies to the proposed topology are discussed as following. 4.1 Conventional hard switching SVM strategy Various SVM techniques based PWM strategies have been widely used in industry. Figure 5 shows a three-phase voltage source inverter space vector diagram. If the voltage vector V r in Sector I is placed in the hexagonal area and is presented by the Parks Plane, vector V r can be synthesized by switching sequence of the inverter states in Sector I which contains adjacent vectors V1 and V2 and the zero vectors. IS 2,IS 3 Ix stored energy of the resonant capacitor should be related to the control of the resonant circuit. There are two possible solutions to implement this in ARSI topologies: fixed timing control and variable timing control. The fixed timing control has an advantage of simple control process, but it has the disadvantage of lower inverter efficiency due to unnecessary high peak resonant current. To overcome and to restrict the auxiliary switch conducting time, a variable timing control method is proposed for a wide current range. I Cr 1, I Cr 4 0 Im I Cr 2 , I C r 3 S 2, S1, S S3 V3 ( NPN ) 4 0 S t0 14 A , 14 B V2 ( PPN ) Sector II Sector III V4 ( NPP ) t1 t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 t 6 (b) Operational modes and these corresponding waveforms Figure 4. The Proposed single-phase inverter operational modes Sector I V1 ( PNN ) V0 ( NNN ) Sector IV V7 ( PPP) Sector VI C. Control criteria The ARSI topology has to satisfy zero-voltage switching for the main devices and zero-current switching for the auxiliary switches during transitions. In order to meet this requirement, the inverter switching sequence should follow the load current. That is, the relationship between the deadtime of the main device and the discharging time of the Re y Vr y × V2 0 x × V1 Vys V 1 Vxs Sector V x V5 ( NNP ) Mode 5: 0 < i Lr £ i L ; ( t 5 - t 6 ) The resonant current is decreasing at a rate of - V S / Lr , and two switch currents S1 and S4 are increasing until the resonant current equals zero. The auxiliary switches are naturally turned off at zero current condition. V2 V6 ( PNP) (a) Hexagonal space vectors (b) Voltage reference vector Figure 5. Three-phase voltage source inverter (VSI) space vectors The following voltage reference vector equation can be expressed based on Sector I, as ia > 0 , ib < 0 and i c < 0 . Where, V r = x × V1 + y × V 2 + z × V 0 (or × V 7 ) x = (V ys + y=- 2 3 1 3 V xs × z = 1- x - y V xs ) × 1 Vs (2) 1 Vs (3) 4.2 Adjacent soft-switching SVM schemes As briefly mentioned above, to satisfy the ZVT condition during the commutation period in this topology, at least one of the main switches should be charged or discharged. However, conventional adjacent-space vector modulation is not suitable for the proposed topology and other ac side topologies [9],[11]. In spite of the topological restriction to using zero vectors, the realization of the switching control can be realized by changing the voltage vector sequence for a short time to replace zero vectors. For example, the main device sequence should be modified by vector NPP instead of NNN for a short time until the resonant capacitor charges to provide the zero-voltage turn-on for the next switching sequence. To avoid the zero vectors, if needed, it can be synthesized by two vectors V1 and V 4 . Therefore, a desired B. Asymmetric SVM scheme Figure 7 shows a repeated SVM scheme and its corresponding auxiliary switching sequence. This scheme is useful for calculation of the real time control due to the repeated calculations. This case is the most simple modulation scheme for a digital implementation. The voltage reference vector is used to turn on all the lower side switches at the beginning of the switching sequence and then to turn these devices off sequentially so that the zero vector is split between V 0 and V 7 equally. This asymmetric SVM scheme has a logical step sequence for turn-on, and three switches are turned off at the same time in a cycle. When vector V 0 (NNN) transits to vector V1 (NPP), it should be modify with turning on V4 (NPP) for a short time as the same rule mentioned above. The advantage of this scheme is to modify only one pattern in a cycle instead of two. Phase Sw Upper IGBTs A. Symmetric SVM scheme Figure 6 shows a symmetric SVM scheme and its corresponding auxiliary switching sequence. This scheme has the advantage of the lowest THD due to symmetric switching waveforms. Soft-switching constraints during a cycle occur at two vectors V 0 and V 7 , respectively. From V 0 (NNN) to V1 (PNN) transition, it should be modified with turning on V4 (NPP) for a short time. From V7 (PPP) to V2 (PPN) transition, it should be also modified with turning on V5 (NNP) for a short time. This scheme requires two PNN PPN PPP NNN PNN PPN PPP S3 S5 S4 Lower IGBTs reference vector Vr is rearranged as the following: (4) V r = ( x + Dx ) × V1 + y × V 2 + Dx × V 4 + ( z - 2 × Dx ) × V 7 Where, Dx is the minimum duty cycle to provide a softswitching operation. This value can be determined by a function of the auxiliary conducting time. The sequence for all the sectors is the same with this procedure. Two widely used SVM methods in the hard-switching inverter and three possible SVM methods including non-adjacent SVM scheme are presented below: NNN S1 S6 S2 ZVT Lost Upper IGBT Conditions Lower IGBT Figure 7. Asymmetric SVM and soft-switching sequences 4.3. Non-adjacent SVM scheme The other available control strategy is to use voltage space vectors except zero vectors. Figure 8 shows nonadjacent voltage source inverter vectors. Im V3 ( NPN ) V2 ( PPN ) B Va Vb Vc Sector I A V 4 ( NPP ) Re V1 ( PNN ) Sector II Sector III V5 ( NNP ) C 0 x, y and z are weighting factors for the duty cycle of the voltage vectors, respectively. The sum of the duty cycle per switching period is unity. Based on stationary reference frame coordinator [8], a desired voltage vector is synthesized with this sector. V s is the input voltage of the inverter. ab ac bc ba ca cb V6 ( PNP ) (a) Non-adjacent space vectors (b) Voltage waveforms modifications in Sector I. Phase Sw Upper IGBTs NNN PNN PPN PPP PPP PPN PNN P hase S w NNN S1 S3 U pper IG B T s S4 S6 S2 ZVT Lost Upper IGBT Conditions Lower IGBT Figure 6. Symmetric SVM and soft-switching sequences S e c t o r I I (b ) S e c t o r I I I( c ) S3 S5 S5 Lower IGBTs S e cto r I (a ) S1 Low er IG B T s S4 S6 S2 Z V T L ost C o n d itio n s U p p e r IG B T L o w e r IG B T (c) Switching sequences Figure 8. Non-adjacent voltage space vectors and these switching sequences This scheme is divided into three sectors with two phases each, a-b, b-c and c-a, respectively. Therefore, the structure is the same as a single-phase fullbridge inverter with 120° transition. In a three-phase inverter, it needs to know the next phase sequence corresponding to the motor directions. Hence, this method requires switch voltage sensing. With a total of twelve voltage transitions occurring under six different modes, the control scheme is simple and easy to implement. It is difficult to get a sinusoidal output current, but suitable for trapezoidal wave bruchless dc motors. The output currents, however, remain smooth sinusoidal waveform. The simulation result indicates that the proposed topology clearly satisfies the zero-voltage operation during transitions based on the modified SVM control. ia ib ic ia V. SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A. Simulation results To verify the ZVT operation of the proposed topology, the circuit was simulated with Pspice program. All the possible SVM techniques mentioned above, the asymmetric SVM scheme was picked due to easy implementation with digital control. Figure 9 shows the corresponding waveforms of the proposed topology during transitions. Figure 9(a)-(c) shows the gate signal sequences of the main devices in the inverter based on a voltage space vector modulation (SVM). Figure 9(d) shows the body diode currents of the main devices S4, S3 and S5, respectively. Total current of S4 for the phase A region is the same as the sum of that of S3 and S5. Figure 9(e) shows the voltage and current waveforms of the main devices during a commutation period, where Ds1 is the diode connected across the main switch S1 on the complementary side. (a) V(G2) (b) V(G6) (c) (d) (e) V(G3) I(Da4) I(Da3) VCE B. Experimental results In order to verify the proposed circuit topology, a softswitching inverter was designed and implemented. Tests have been done on single-phase full bridge with resonant circuit operation. Detailed design parameters for the proposed softswitching inverter are as follows: 1) Dual IGBT Module with 600 V - 400 A, MG400J2YS50 was used for the inverter topology. 2) The resonant capacitors used were the Polypropylene capacitors with 0.22 mF-600 V. 3) The Resonant inductor used was of 2 mH. 4) The auxiliary switch chosen was with MCT 75 A-600 V. This device was controlled with a negative pulse for turn-on and a positive pulse for turn-off. 5) A blocking auxiliary diode was chosen with HFA50PA60C rated 50 A-600 V, and a reverse recovery time of 19 ns. 6) A saturable core was used to reduce EMI noises during transitions. The following test results show the circuit operation waveforms of the proposed soft-switching inverter [12]. Figure 11 shows experimental turn-off current and voltage waveforms for hard and soft-switching schemes. The auxiliary capacitor C r , is used which has a dv/dt rate of V(G1) V(G4) I(Da5) V(G5) Figure 10. Simulation output current waveforms of the proposed topology with voltage space vectors IDS1 Figure 9. Simulation waveforms of the proposed topology during transitions Figure 10 shows the output current waveforms of the proposed three-phase inverter with voltage space vector modulation. This topology needs NNN to be modified to NPP and PPP to be modified to PNN for a short period in Sector I. Similar modifications also need to be applied to other sectors. 380 V / ms , much reduced from 2.0 KV / ms that was obtained from the hard-switching condition. The turn-off loss under soft-switching was reduced 5 times as compared to that obtained from the hard-switching scheme. Figure 12 shows experimental main switch collectoremitter and gate-emitter voltage waveforms during turn-on and turn-off. These waveforms illustrate turn-on and turn-off switching characteristics of the main device under softswitching condition with a large charging time of 2 ms and deadtime of 1.5 ms. This figure also shows a resonant inductor current waveform when the main switch is turned on at zero-voltage transition. This figure indicates that the device is turned at a zero-voltage condition. As expected, the MCTs conduct for 5.5 ms with a resonant current of 50A. The amplitude of the resonant current is required to be larger than the load current. Figure 12(a) indicates a zero-voltage switching of IGBT during turn-on. Figure 12(b) shows the turn-off voltage and current waveforms corresponding to the operation. Ic (40A/div) Ic (40A/div) VCE (100V/div) VCE (100V/div) dv / dt 380 V/ ms . mJ E off 1.42 dv / dt 2.0kV / ms E off 7.5 mJ (a) Hard-switching (b) Soft-switching Figure 11. Experimental turn-off current and voltage waveforms between hard and soft-switching schemes VCE (100V / div) VGE (10V / div) VCE (100V / div) VI. CONCLUSIONS In this paper, an improved three-phase auxiliary resonant snubber inverter suitable for high power ac motor drive applications was proposed and implemented on the 50kW inverter test module, while considering the problems of the existing soft-switching topologies. The proposed topology was also analyzed with the proper control strategies based on the voltage space vector modulation. For practical implementation of the algorithms of the ARSI topologies, three possible logical control strategies were discussed and simulated for the proposed topology. The detailed simulation and experimental results indicate that zero-voltage operation during transitions was achieved. REFERENCES [1] J. S. Lai, Fundamentals of a New Family of Auxiliary Resonant Snubber Inverters, Conf. Rec. of IEEE IECON Annu. Mtg., Nov. 1997,pp. 645-650 [2] J. S. Lai, R. W. Young, G. W. Ott, J. W. McKeever, and F. Z. Peng, "A Delta Configured Auxiliary Resonant Snubber Inverter," IEEE Trans. on Ind. Appl., Vol. 32, No. 3, May/Jun. 1996, pp. 518-525. [3] H. Mao and F. C. Lee, Improvement on Zero-Voltage Transition Three-Phase Rectifier/Inverter, in Proc. of 1995 VPEC Seminar, Vol. 13, 1995, pp. 19-27. [4] D. M. Divan, "The Resonant DC Link Converter -- A new concept in static power conversion," Conf. Rec. IEEE IAS Annu. Mtg., Oct. 1986, pp. 648-656. [5] R. W. DeDoncker and J. P. 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