International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research (IJEEER) ISSN 2250-155X Vol. 3, Issue 2, Jun 2013, 249-260 © TJPRC Pvt. Ltd. SWITCHING FREQUENCY HARMONIC SELECTION FOR SINGLE PHASE MULTILEVEL CASCADED H-BRIDGE INVERTERS G. SUDHA RANI1 & RASOOL AHEMMED. SK2 1 M.Tech Student, Department EEE, K L University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India 2 Assistant Professor, Department EEE, K L University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India ABSTRACT This paper presents a single phase multilevel cascaded H-Bridge inverters are used wherein the output waveform has several voltage levels leading to a better and more sinusoidal voltage waveform. As the number of voltage levels reach infinity, the output THD approaches zero. As a result, a lower total harmonic distortion (THD) is obtained. This is proposed, by using MATLAB simulations. KEYWORDS: Switching Frequency Selection, Separate dc Sources (SDCSs), Number of H-Bridge Inverters, Total Harmonic Distortion INTRODUCTION Pulse width modulation (PWM) control strategies development concerns the development of techniques to reduce the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the current. It is generally recognized that increasing the switching frequency of the PWM pattern reduces the lower-frequency harmonics by moving the switching frequency carrier harmonic and associated sideband harmonics further away from the fundamental frequency component. While this increased switching frequency reduces harmonics, resulting in a lower THD by which high quality output voltage waveforms of desired fundamental r.m.s value and frequency which are as close as possible to sinusoidal wave shape can be obtained. Higher switching frequency can be employed for low and medium power inverters, whereas, for high power and medium voltage applications the switching frequency is of the order of 1 kHz. A multilevel inverter is more recent and popular type ofpower electronic converter that synthesizes a desired output voltage from several levels of dc voltages as inputs. If sufficient number of dc sources is used, a nearly sinusoidal voltage waveform can be synthesized. In comparison with the hard-switched two-level pulse width modulation inverter, multilevel inverter offers several advantages such as, its capabilities to operate at high voltage with lower dv/dt per switching, high efficiency and low electromagnetic interference. The general concept involves utilizing a higher number of active semiconductor switches to perform the power conversion in small voltage steps. Nowadays, multilevel inverters have achieved increasing contribution in highperformance applications. Recently, for high-performance power application, multilevel converters are widely used such as staticvar compensators, drives and active power filters. The advantages of multilevel inverters are good power quality, high voltage capability and low switching losses. The topologies of multilevel Inverters are classified into three types, that is, the flying capacitor, diode clamped and cascaded multilevel inverters. Among these inverter topologies, the cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverters require the least number of total main components. The general function of this multilevel inverter is to synthesize a desired voltage from several separate dc sources (SDCSs), which may be obtained from batteries, fuel cells, or solar cells. These 250 G. Sudha Rani & Rasool Ahemmed. Sk techniques take advantage of special properties available in multilevel inverter to minimize total harmonic distortion and increase output voltage. A multilevel converter has several advantages over a conventional two-level converter that uses high switching frequency pulse width modulation (PWM). A cascaded multilevel inverter has several advantages they are, when compared with diode-clamped and flyingcapacitors inverters, it requires the least number of components to achieve the same number of voltage levels and optimized circuit layout and packaging are possible because each level has the same structure and there are no extra clamping diodes or voltage-balancing capacitor and Soft-switching techniques can be used to reduce switching losses. SINUSOIDAL PULSE – WIDTH MODULTION In sinusoidal PWM instead of maintaining the width of all pulses the same as in the case of multiple phase modulation, the width of each pulse is varied in proportion to the amplitude of a sine wave evaluated at the center of same pulse. The gating signals as shown in Fig 1. are generated by comparing a sinusoidal reference signal with a triangular carrier wave of frequency fc. This sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) is commonly used in industrial applications. The frequency of reference signal fr determines the inverter output frequency fo, and its peak amplitude Arcontrols the modulation index M, and then in turns the rms output voltage V o .Comparing the bidirectional carrier signal Vcrwith two sinusoidal reference signals Vr and -Vrshown in figure 1a produces gating signals g1 and g4, respectively, as shown in Fig1b. The instantaneous output voltage is Vo = Vs(g1 – g4). However, g1 and g4can not be released at the same time. The number of pulses per half cycle depends on the carrier frequency. Within the constraint that two transistors of the same arm (Q1 and Q4) cannot conduct at the same time, the instantaneous output voltage is shown in Fig 1c. The same gating signals can be generated by using unidirectional triangular carrier wave as shown in Fig 1d. The output voltage is Vo = Vs(g1 – g4). The SPWM, which is most commonly used, suffers from certain drawbacks like low fundamental output voltage. Figure 1: Sinusoidal Pulse-Width Modulation Switching frequency Harmonic selection for Single Phase Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters 251 Three Level H-Bridge Inverter with Sinusoidal PWM Figure 2 Shows the Simulink Model of three levelH bridge inverter with sinusoidal PWM technique. Figure 3 shows the output voltage waveform of the single phase three level H bridge inverter with sinusoidal PWM technique. From Figure 3 it is observe the dv/dt of three level H-bridge inverter with sinusoidal PWM is 800 V. The FFT analysis of output voltage wave form is shown in Figure 4. In this figure it is observed that the dominant harmonic is shifted to high frequency zone and its frequency is 5950 and 6250 Hz. Figure 2: Simulink Model of Three Level H Bridge Inverter with Sinusoidal PWM Figure 3: Output Voltage Waveform of Three Level H-Bridge Inverter with Sinusoidal PWM Figure 4: Spectrum Analysis of Output Voltage of Three Level H-Bridge Inverter with Sinusoidal PWM 252 G. Sudha Rani & Rasool Ahemmed. Sk CASCADED MULTILEVEL INVERTER A cascaded multilevel inverter consists of a series of H-bridge single-phase, full-bridge inverter units. Figure 5 Shows the basic structure of a single-phase cascaded inverter with SDCSs. The ac terminal voltages of different level inverters are connected in series. Unlike the diode-clamp or anflying-capacitors inverters, the cascaded inverter does not require any voltage-clamping diodes or voltage-balancing capacitors. Each inverter level can generate three different voltage outputs, +Vdc, 0, and -Vdc , by connecting the dc source to the ac output side by different combinations of the four switches, S1, S2, S3, and S4. Using the top level as the example, turning on S1 and S4 yields 𝑣𝑎4 = +𝑉𝑑𝑐 . Turning on S2 and S3 yields 𝑣𝑎4 = −𝑉𝑑𝑐 . Turning off all switches yields 𝑣𝑎4 = 0. Similarly, the ac output voltage at each level can be obtained in the same manner. If NSis the number of dc sources, the output phase voltage level is m=NS+ 1. Thus, a five-level cascaded inverter needs four SDCSs and four full bridges. Controlling the conducting angles at different inverter levels can minimize the harmonic distortion of the output voltage. Figure 5: Single-Phase Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter The output voltage of the inverter is almost sinusoidal, and it has less than 5% total harmonic distribution (THD) with each of the H-bridges switching only at fundamental frequency. If the phase current ia , as shown in below Figure 6, is sinusoidal and leads or lags the phase voltage 𝑣𝑎𝑛 by 90o , the average charge to each dc capacitor is equal to zero over one cycle. Therefore, all SDCS capacitor voltages can be balanced. By connecting the sufficient number of H-bridges in cascade and using proper modulation scheme, nearly sinusoidal output voltage waveform. The number of levels in output phase voltage is 2s + 1, where s is the number of H-bridges used per phase. Figure 6 shows an 9-level output phase voltage waveform using four H-bridges. The magnitude of the ac output phase voltage is given by 𝑣𝑎𝑛 = 𝑣𝑎1 + 𝑣𝑎2 + 𝑣𝑎3 + 𝑣𝑎4 . Switching frequency Harmonic selection for Single Phase Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters 253 Figure 6: Output Waveform of 9-Level Phase Voltage CHB Five level inverter with Sinusoidal PWM CHB Seven level inverter with Sinusoidal PWM CHB Nine level inverter with Sinusoidal PWM CHB Five Level Inverter with Sinusoidal PWM Figure 7 shows the Simulink Model of five level CHB inverter with phase shifted carrier sinusoidal PWM technique. Figure 7: Simulink Model of Five Level CHB Inverter with Phase Shifted Carrier Sinusoidal PWM 254 G. Sudha Rani & Rasool Ahemmed. Sk Figure 8 shows the output voltage waveform of five level CHB inverter with phase shifted carrier sinusoidal PWM. From Figure is observed that the dv/dt of five level CHB inverter is 400 V. Figure 8: Output Voltage Waveform of Fivelevel CHB Inverter The FFT analysis of output voltage waveform is shown in Figure 9. From this figure it is observed that the dominant harmonic is shifted to further high frequency zone and its frequency is 12050 and12650Hz Figure 9: Spectrum Analysis of Output Voltage of Five Level CHB Inverter CHB Seven Level Inverter with Sinusoidal PWM Figure 10 shows the Simulink Model of seven level CHB inverter with phase shifted carrier sinusoidal PWM technique. Figure 10: Simulink Model of Seven Level CHB Inverter with Phase Shifted Carrier Sinusoidal PWM Switching frequency Harmonic selection for Single Phase Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters 255 The seven level CHB inverter with phase shifted carrier sinusoidal PWM output voltage waveform is shown in Figure 11. From Figure 11 it is found that the dv/dt of seven level inverter is 266.66V. Figure 11: Output Voltage Waveform of Seven Level CHB Inverter The FFT analysis of output voltage wave form is shown in Figure 12. In this figure it is observed that the dominant harmonic is shifted to further high frequency zone and its frequency is 17950 and 18650 Hz Figure 12: Spectrum Analysis of Output Voltage of Seven Level CHB Inverter with Phase Shifted Carrier Sinusoidal PWM CHB Nine Level Inverter with Sinusoidal PWM Figure 13 shows the Simulink Model of nine level CHB inverter with phase shifted carrier sinusoidal PWM technique. Figure 13: Simulink Model of Nine Level CHB Inverter with Phase Shifted Carrier Sinusoidal PWM 256 G. Sudha Rani & Rasool Ahemmed. Sk The nine level CHB inverter with phase shifted carrier sinusoidal PWM output voltage waveform is shown in Figure 14. From Figure 14 it is found that the dv/dtof nine level inverter is 200 V. Figure 14.Output Voltage Waveform of NinelevelCHB Inverter The FFT analysis of output voltage wave form is shown in Figure 15.In this figure it is observed that the dominant harmonic is shifted to further high frequency zone and its frequency is 23850 and 24550 Hz. Figure 15: Spectrum Analysis of Output Voltage of Nine Level CHB Inverter No. of Levels Three level H bridge inverter with Sinusoidal PWM CHB Five level inverter with Sinusoidal PWM CHB Seven level inverter with Sinusoidal PWM CHB Nine level inverter with Sinusoidal PWM Switching Frequency in HZ 3050 3050 3050 3050 Dominant Harmonic Frequency 6050 & 6150 12050 & 12650 17950 & 18650 23850 & 24550 Table I Effect of voltage levels and switching frequency on dominant harmonic. From the above table it is observed that by fixing the switching frequency and when we increase the number of levels the dominant harmonic frequency will increase. To use multilevel inverter in place of three level inverter, first we need to find a dominant frequency for the given switching frequency in three level inverter. CONCLUSIONS This paper takes up the commonly used multilevel inverters and proposes a control scheme. 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AUTHOR’S PROFILE G. SUDHARANI was born in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India on August 23 rd 1990. She received B.Tech degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Sasi Institute of Technology and Engineering, T.P.Gudem, affiliated to JNTU University Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India in May 2011. She is currently Pursuing M.Tech in Power Electronics and Drives at K L University, Vaddeswaram, and Guntur Dist., India. RASOOLAHEMMED. SK was born in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India on November 20 th 1986. He received B.Tech degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Audisankara College of Engineering and Technology, 258 G. Sudha Rani & Rasool Ahemmed. Sk Nellore, affiliated to JNTU University Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India in May 2008 and Masters (M.Tech) in Power Electronics and Drives from K.L.University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur Dist., India in May 2011. He is currently working as Asst. Prof in K L University in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.