Slides - Symposium on Software Performance

Heiko Koziolek, DECRC/I1 Ladenburg, Germany, 2014-11-13
6 Years of Performance Modeling
at ABB Corporate Research
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My Story Today
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2008: Performance Modeling with Palladio
System instrumentation
& performance tests
using load drivers
(custom tooling)
model with annotated
flow charts entered into
Eclipse-based tooling
analytic solvers /
simulators, varying
model parameters to
test different situations
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Model derivation
2010: Q-ImPrESS & Industrial Control System
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2010: Q-ImPrESS
Models & Tools
Q-ImPress Workbench
SoMoX / Sissy for Reverse Engineering Component Models from C++
Windows Performance Monitor for Performance Measurement
Self-implemented C#-Client as load driver
Q-ImPreSS Workbench for Modelling (meta model similar to Palladio)
LQN solver / Palladio SimuCom for Performance Prediction
PerOpteryx for Design Space Exploration
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2010: Q-ImPrESS
Koziolek, Schlich et al.
An industrial case study on
quality impact prediction for
evolving service-oriented
In Proc. ICSE 2011 SEIP,
pp. 776-785. ACM, May 2011.
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2010: Q-ImPrESS
Lessons Learned
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Large performance model build with Q-ImPreSS tooling
Models validated through measurements (<30% error)
First experiments with design space exploration
Not enough inputs on new ABB system available,
had to fallback to model older version
predictions for older system are not really actionable
as the older version will not be changed
Modeling tools disconnected from the tools currently
used during development (e.g., Enterprise Architect)
creating models with the tools from scratch required
high effort
Static code analysis challenged by Microsoft C++ code
2012: Performance Modeling for ABB Robotics
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2012: Performance Modeling for ABB Robotics
Models & Tools
Palladio Workbench
LQN Solver
Dynatrace for distributed performance profiling
Neoload as load driver
Palladio Workbench for modelling ‚
(all manual no static code analysis)
LQN/SimuCom for performance prediction
PerOpteryx for design space exploration
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2012: Performance Modeling for ABB Robotics
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Thijmen de Gooijer, Anton Jansen, Heiko Koziolek, and Anne Koziolek. An industrial case study of performance and cost
design space exploration. In Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Performance Engineering (ICPE'12), pp 205-216. ACM, April 2012.
2012: Performance Modeling for ABB Robotics
Lessons Learned
© ABB Group
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Due to performance fixes based on the measurements
the performance could be improved by 50%
Roadmap for extending the system cost-effectively was devised
based on the models
Large-scale industrial case study on design space exploration of
a distributed, component-based system
ABB Robotics integrated Dynatrace into their development
Information extraction for the models took a long time, lots of
calibration needed, several assumptions required for models
Expensive measurement & testing tools (>30K€)
2014: Automation Cloud
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2014: Automation Cloud
Models & Tools
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Amazon Web Services / Own Cloud Server as test
environment (up to 36 AWS m1.large instances)
KairosDB, OpenTSDB, Databus as time-series databases
Apache Cassandra and Hbase as distributed DBMS
Netflix Priam / Apache Whirr for quick deployment
Visual Studio Ultimate Web Load Test as load driver
[No modeling, only benchmarks!]
2014: Automation Cloud
ABB Phasor Measurement Unit
used in Power Grids
ABB Smart Meter
Avg. Roundtrip Time: 193ms
for 15 customers
Linear scalability
for KairosDB
Limited overload WITH
AWS Autoscaling
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Thomas Goldschmidt, Anton Jansen, Heiko Koziolek, Jens Doppelhamer, and Hongyu Pei-Breivold. Scalability
and Robustness of Time-Series Databases for Cloud-Native Monitoring of Industrial Processes. In Proceedings
7th IEEE Int. Conf. on Cloud Computing (IEEE CLOUD 2014) Industry Track. IEEE, July 2014.
2014: Automation Cloud
Lessons Learned
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Showed technical feasibility for several scenarios from
industrial automation in a cloud computing environment
Created benchmarks for time-series databases based
on realistic workloads from ABB products
Created elasticity metrics and benchmark
Better testing needed to improve robustness
Component-based model did not well fit with databases
/ cloud platform (e.g., auto-scaling?)
Limited insights expected from modeling due to focus
on initial technical feasibility
2015 Outlook: Collaboration with Uni Würzburg
Automatic Construction of Architectural Perf. Models
Kieker + C# adapter / JNBridge for distributed profiling
LibReDe for resource demand estimation
.NET Bookstore / Pet Shop (C#) for testing, later ABB system
Palladio / Descartes / PerOpteryx for modeling / prediction
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6 Years of Performance Modeling at ABB
Performance modeling has matured over the last 6 years
But: to get wider adoption
lower costs and higher benefits
are required.
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6 Years of Performance Modeling at ABB
Future Work
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Future work for lower costs
Better integration between measurement and modeling tools
Faster modeling via more convenient software tools
Faster modeling via reusable model libraries
Future work for higher benefits
More performance questions to be answered
Decision support and incorporation of heuristics
Better integration into existing development processes & tools