Wireless Summit 2012, Oslo29 April 2012 Advanced Radio Schemes - with potential in Industrial Wireless Pål Orten, ABB Corporate Research and UniK, University of Oslo © ABB Group April 24, 2012 | Slide 1 There is not ONE Performance of Wireless All industrial WSN standards are based on IEEE802.15.4 WirelessHART, ISA 100, WIA-PA Same radio Same fundamental performance limitations IEEE802.15.4 is quite simple compared to many other radio systems Challenges of industrial wireless – calls for more advanced radio schemes Outline: © ABB Group April 24, 2012 | Slide 2 Basic performance measures and what is possible Principles of advanced schemes When is it possible to communicate? Shannon limit 8 Shannon Limit Asymptote -1.6 dB W/C 6 No limit on input AWGN channel To reach the limit: 4 2 0 -2 © ABB Group April 24, 2012 | Slide 3 0 2 Eb/N [dB] E /N 0 b 0 4 6 infinite bandwidth infinite code word length Can be modified for modulated systems, finite bandwidth and code word lengths Bit Error Rate – PB (or equivalently Packet Error Rate) PB over a link decreases with increasing signal-to-noise ratio (”waterfall” - curve) Will never be zero Varies with various radio parameters Modulation method Error control coding Channel influences Receiver quality, implementation loss (normally negligible) Interference Packets are typically retransmitted until correctly received © ABB Group April 24, 2012 | Slide 4 (depending on application) What about latency? Latency depends on Number of hops from source to destination, h Available resources for packet scheduling, r Number of retransmissions, TR Latency Δ = f1(TR, r, h, …) TR = f2(PB) Reduced error rate gives lower latency, better spectrum utilization, room for more nodes Wired/fieldbus protocol GW WSN protocol Node Node Node Multihop Node meshed Node Node Node © ABB Group April 24, 2012 | Slide 5 Node Node Node networks Advanced Error Control Coding 10 10 10 -1 Capacity Limit Uncoded Sequential limit Convolutional Coding Concatenated Coding DVB-RCS Turbo -2 -3 BER BER 10 10 10 some redundancy Receiver complexity Convolutional -4 MPEG packet lengths (188 bytes) R=1/2 (code rate, = number of info bits relative to total number of bits transmitted) Turbo -5 Concatenated -6 RS+Convolutional 10 Adds -7 0 2 4 6 8 E /N [dB] 10 12 14 Ebb/N 0 0 Already used in © ABB Group April 24, 2012 | Slide 6 Mobile communications, satellite communications, WiMax, … Hybrid ARQ schemes – incremental redundancy An error detecting code tells if there were errors in a packet With errors a retransmission occurs Retransmitting the same information is equivalent to repetition coding – most simple error control possible Incremental redundancy – transmitting additional redundancy to combine with previous bits in receiver d Information © ABB Group April 24, 2012 | Slide 7 r1 r2 rn Redundancy First transmission, d (+ headers etc) Retransmission 1: r1 (+ headers etc) Retransmission 2: r2 (+ headers etc) Retransmission n: rn (+ headers etc) rate R=d/(d+∑ ri) code instead of a repetition code #retransmitted bits can be less than d Fading channels Delayed reflections add at the receiver (constructive and destructive) Gain varies over time and channel smears out transmitted symbols Consectutive symbols overlap/interfere Increases error rate Limits transmission rate Why are psalms so slow? © ABB Group April 24, 2012 | Slide 8 Channel Adaptation Adapt to channel conditions High modulation order & Low code rate Low modulation order & Low code rate High spectral efficiency Robust in bad channels Parameters to adapt Transmit power Modulation size Code rate 6 Spectral Effeciency [bit/s/Hz] 5 4 Unconstrained QPSK 16-QAM 64-QAM 3 2 1 0 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Capacity Limit E /N (dB) E /N b 0 b 10 0 Used in many modern wireless systems © ABB Group April 24, 2012 | Slide 9 IEEE, Golldsmith&Chua 1998 Scheduling and Multiuser Diversity Utilizing the fact that all users have some periods of good channel conditions Schedule traffic when the channel is good, over time everyone gets to transmit under equal channel conditions Packet is most likely lost in a fade Requires channel prediction (adds power consumption, signaling overhead, node to be more awake) Fairness is an issue to be resolved Many users fade independently, high probability that one or more users have a good channel at any time Multiuser diversity © ABB Group April 24, 2012 | Slide 10 Interference Cancellation © ABB Group April 24, 2012 | Slide 11 Example of successive interference cancellation (CDMA) with two users Procedure may be repeated in several stages (and generalised for many users) Typically starting with strongest users Spectrum usage .... © ABB Group April 24, 2012 | Slide 12 Bandwidth is a scarce resource – expensive (ref auctions for 3G bands ~10 years ago) Existing spectrum policies – similar to a fragmented disk Licensed and unlicensed bands – is there something inbetween? Cognitive Radio Cognitive Radio – non static spectrum allocation dynamic spectrum allocation wide-band spectrum sensing real-time spectrum allocation and acquisition infrastructureless mesh networks coexistence of systems need sharing rules/etiquettes – ref. cocktail party analogy primary and secondary users paradigm shift - from static to dynamic Need flexible radios talking many protocols – Software Defined Radio © ABB Group April 24, 2012 | Slide 13 Software Defined Radio (SDR) Principle LNA AD AD Analog components removed © ABB Group April 24, 2012 | Slide 14 DSP/ uC Reconfigurable FPGA Costly, non-linear, production inaccuarcies, temperature sensitive, stability, ... Conversion to digital domain at higher frequency AD and processing challenging For full potential – implement many standards Asic/ FPGA/ DSP/ uC Traditional Radio Design Ultimate SW Defined Radio Conclusions Some wireless systems perform better than others Advanced radio schemes can will improve performance Comes at more advanced processing Critical industrial applications (closed loop control) may justify the extra cost Thanks for your attention! © ABB Group April 24, 2012 | Slide 15 © ABB Group April 24, 2012 | Slide 16