hlerpinp Photovoltaic Hardware DeveloDment with Hvbrid Awlications in the U.S.A.* Mr. Ward Bower Senior Member of the Technical Staff Sandia NationalLaboratories -- POBox5800 Photovoltaics Systems Research -- Department 6218 Albuquerque, NM 87185 U.S.A. Ph (505) 844-5206 FAX (505) 844-6541 Abstract: The use of multi-source power systems, “hybrids,” is one of the fastest growing, potentially significant markets for photovoltaic (PV) system technology today. Cost-effective applications today include remote facility power, remote area power supplies, remote home and village power, and power for dedicated electrical loads such as communications systems. This market sector is anticipated to be one of the most important growth opportunities for PV over the next five yearsi The U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE) and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) are currently engaged in an effort to accelerate the adoption of market-driven PV hybrid power systems and to effectively integrate PV with other energy sources. This paper provides details of this development and the ongoing hybrid activities in the United States. Hybrid systems are the primary focus of this paper. Introduction: The USDOE National Photovoltaic Program and SNL are currently engaged in an effort to accelerate the adoption of market-driven PV hybrid power systems by administering a “Hybrid Applications Program” and by funding development and improvements of hardware, referred to as balance-of-system (BOS) hardware, required to integrate PV energy sources into operational systems. In addition, the Design Assistance Center @AC) at SNL is working to transfer technology of PV hybrid systems to potential users to encourage the use of PV and PV/hybridrenewableenergysources.SNL hasidentifiedelectricutility companies, stateagencies, and federal agencies as near-term users of cost-effective PV-hybrid energy sources. Through the Committee on Renewable Energy Commerce and Trade (CORECT), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), World Bank, and World Health Organization, international activities are also under way at SNL. SNL is active in Indonesia, Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean Islands to promote the use of cost-effective PV hybrid systems where they are preferred over engine-generators (E-Gs) or stand-alone renewable systems. Hybrid PV/engine-generator systems are generally preferred when fuel delivery costs are extreme, where fuel storage must be limited, where engine-generator noise or pollution can’t be tolerated, or where PV as the only energy source would be too expensive or intermittent due to clouds. Enginegenerator, PV, wind turbines, and battery storage are typically the energy sources and energy storage medium used in hybrid systems. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is also administering a hybrid development effort under its wind energy program, and is administering the Brazilian electrification program that is today focusing on stand-alone PV homes, but is expected to include PV hybrid systems for village electrification in the future. The work at both National Laboratories is enhancing the market for PV technology in hybrid and other applications, and is providing the impetus to merge today’s R&D efforts with present-day cost-effective applications. Hybrid Svstem DescriDtions: Hybrid systems are composed of more than one source of electrical generation and are configured so that loads can be served directly or indirectly by one or more of l This work was supportedby the United StatesDepartmentof Energyunder ContractDE-ACOd-91AL85000 ~lSTRlBUTlON OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNL DISCLAIMER Thii report waspreparedas an accountof work sponsoredby an agencyof the united StatesGovernmentNeitherthe UnitedStatesGovernmentnor any agencyathereof, nor any of their employees, makeanywarranty,expressor implied,or asNmesanylegaliiability or responsibiIityfor theaccuracy,completeness, or usefulness of anyinformation,apparatus,product,or pro&s disdased,or represents that its usewouldnot infringeprivateIy ownedrights Reference hereinto any specik commercialproduct,pnxxss,or serviceby trade name,trademark,manufacturer,or other&? doesnot necessarily xonstit or implyits endorsement, recommendation, or favoringby the UnitedStatesGovernmentor any agencythereof.The viewsand opinionsof authorsexpressedhereindo not necessarily stateor reflectthoseof the UnitedStatesGovernmentor any agencythereof. . DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible electronic image products. Images are produced from the best avaiiable original documerit. Merging Photovoltaic Hardware Deveiopment with Hybrid Applications in the U.S.A. 2 these sources. More specifically, most hybrid systems today have an engine-generator, typically driven by a diesel or propane engine, and a renewable source, such as PV or wind. Battery storage and a means to convert dc energy into ac energy that is compatible with the distribution system and the loads complete the energy-delivery side of the system. The dc to ac conversion hardware is typically a power electronic device, such as an inverter or power processing system,but may be an electromechanical generator. Generally, the hybrid system design is bounded by economic or electrical Fig 1. “Charge Cycle” System performance goals and predetermined needs, but the configuration and & ‘ii ?%a. component sizes of the hybrid energy /i-x jz system generally determine the overall o i$ 60 %ph L-J performance of the system. The hybrid g g 40” system design is very different if the 20 : 8 system is designed to provide electrical ua 0’ backup power or light loads with PV O~coNaN~~eJco~ sized to keep the batteries charged, if it is d d 4 ,’ hjeitic4 designed to reduce or augment diesel fuel Day of Operation use and engine run time, or if the loads are periodically very heavy or unpredictable. If the hybrid systemis designedto optimize the diesel contribution to the energy system,then a charge cycle or pulse charging algorithm is used, with the PV output smaller than the daily average load, and storage sized to be cycled completely on a periodic basis [1,2]. Figure 1 shows a typical battery state-of-chargefor a charge cycle system, with batteries gradually discharging, but supplemented by PV each day. The batteries are recharged completely on a periodic basis each time the state-of-charge drops below a preset value. If a hybrid system is designed to nearly eliminate the engine-generator, then storage and renewable components typically are larger. Hardware Reauirements A hybrid system may be configured in a series topology, a parallel topology or a switched topology [3]. Each of these topologies is briefly discussed below, using an engine-generator as one energy source, and each has a set of advantagesand disadvantages. Figure 2. SeriesHybrid SystemBlock Diagram Engine Driver - Generator , I Charger I Source I Battery Bank Loads , Battery Renewable I - Jnverter I Series Topology: The series hybrid system topology block diagram is shown in Figure 2. This configuration passes all of the energy through the battery by rectifying all ac source power. DC power is supplied to the battery either from the renewable energy source through a charge controller or a maximum power tracker/regulator. m of the ac energy delivered to the load is converted from Vet-y Large Battery Bank with Frequent Cycling battery dc to regulated ac with an Inverter Mud be Rated for Peaks electronic inverter or motor-generator Reduced Efiiciency but No Transfer Interruptions set. This configuration can operate in a manual mode or an automatic mode with the addition of appropriate controls for sensing battery voltageand automaticallystartingandstoppingthe engine-generator. Merging Photovoltaic Hardware Development with Hybrid Applications in the U.S.A. 3 The advantages of this system include the fact that ac switching is eliminated and the output interface is simplified. There are no power interrupts when the engine-generator is activated. The inverter for this system can be either a sine-wave inverter or a quasi-sine wave inverter, so long as the load can tolerate the harmonic distortion associated with the quasi-sine wave power quality. Inverters for this application are commercially available and relatively low cost, with costs ranging from $.60 to $1.00 per watt. The engine-generator can be sized to be optimally loaded while charging the battery bank and will generally be smaller when the series hybrid system is used. Disadvantages of the series system include the fact that the inverter cannot operate in parallel with the generator, hence the inverter must be sized to handle the peak load of the system. The battery bank in this system is exercised extensively. The cycling profile requires a large battery bank to reduce the depth-of-discharge and allow the engine-generator to operate in a higher performance regime for a larger percentage of the time when recharging the battery. The series hybrid configuration exhibits reduced overall efficiency, because all energy must flow through the inverter. There is no redundancy built into this design, and inverter failure results in loss of power to the load. Figure 3. Switched Hybrid System Block Diagran Switched Topology:- The switched configuration is shown in Figure 3 and is the most common installation It allows operation with today[3]. either the engine-generator or the &itch I inverter as the generation source. The Inverter , battery bank is charged by either the engine-generator or the renewable energy source, but the cycling of the batteries is reduced because the load is supplied directly from the engine~Dlrsel & Inverter Must be Sized to Load generator *when it is running. The Power is lnterruoted at Transfer battery charger is a commercially $0 Optimization’ControI available component. The inverter may be either a sine-wave or quasi-sine wave. This configuration can operate in a manual mode or an automatic mode with the addition of appropriate controls for sensing battery voltage, and automatically starting and stopping the engine-generator. The advantages of the switched hybrid system topology include the fact that the inverter for this system can be either a sine-wave inverter or a quasi-sine wave inverter so long as the load can tolerate the harmonic distortion associated with the quasi-sine wave power quality. Either source may power the load directly, and redundancy is a natural feature of the design. The disadvantages include a power interrupt to the load when ac power sources are transferred. Both the engine-generator and the inverter are large since they must be sized to handle peak loads. No significant optimization control is possible. Parallel Topology: The parallel hybrid energy system block diagram is shown in Figure 4. This configuration allows either source to supply the loads and allows both sources to be connected to Merging Photovoltaic Hardware Developmentwith Hybrid Applications in the U.S.A. 4 loads at the sametime. The inverter for this topology is bidirectional and can act as a battery chargeror as a dc to ac converter[4]. Th? inyerter must be ableto perform either as a stand-alone or as a utility-interactive inverter. The bidirectional inverter may provide peak shavingwhen the engine-generator is overloadedaspart of an optimizationcontrol. Figure 4. Parallel Hybrid SystemBlock Diagram Engine - Generator 0 IO I DXiVfX I Synchrjmized * Loads co&Q1 Invelter , II Renewable solute - Battery Bank’ ’ SYControl ’ The advantagesof the parallel hybrid energy systemtopology include the fact that optimum system performance is achievableby selecting the appropriate source of energy and then optimizing that source by providing battery chargingat the appropriatepower level. This configuration allows a smaller engine-generator,a smaller inverter, and a smallerbatterybank to be used. III The disadvantagesinclude the fact that the control systemis now complex and not commercially available. The bidirectional inverter is commerciallyavailableat this time, but integratedcontrols need additional developmentfor implementationinto a parallel hybrid energysystem. The synchronizedcontrol is still custom-designed hardwareandneedsadditionaldevelopment. Inverter is Bi-Directional, Sinewave Smaller Diesel, Jnverter, & Ba!kry Possible Optimum Performance is Achievable Hybrid control methodologiesand algorithms used for the control strategiescan be optimized for each type of application [2,3]. The most commonapplicationis that of engine-generator augmentationwherethe PV is sizedto augmentthe engine-generator’byreducing enginerun time and optimizing the loading on the generator. This type of system generally receivesbetween40% to 70% of the system energy from PV. The augmentationtype of system is generally used in applicationssuch as village power where fuel delivery andmaintenancefor the engine-generator are economicallyaccessible. Hvbrid Control MethodoloPies and Alporithms: A displacementtype of systemis designedso that PV would displacethe engine-generatorand the fuel it useswith 70% to 90% of the energycomingfrom PV. The engine-generatoris mainly used to equalizethe battery banks or to act as a back-up generator. Displacementsystemsare used whereboth fuel delivery or storageandmaintenancearevery costly or difficult. The remainderof this paper discussesthe elementsof the work under way at the USDOE and SNL to promote the use of PV in cost-effectiveapplications. Cooperativeparticipation with utilities, federal and stateagencies,and other institutional usershas developedinto a highly leveragedprogram with cost-shareddollars. The elementspresentedhere focus on hardwaredevelopmentand evaluation,applicationsprograms,and activities in the public andprivate marketsectors. Hvbrid Propram Discussion: Improved (BOS) componentssuch as static power converters(SPCs),power processingcenters(PPCs),control hardware, and systemsoftware are neededfor almostall of today’sphotovoltaichybrid applications. DC load-breakhardware,ground fault detectors and interrupters, fieldable dc-rated interconnects, improved battery charge controllers, user-friendly componentsizing computersoftware programs, control methodologies, Hardware Development and Evaluation: Merging PhotovoltaicHardware Developmentwith Hybrid Applications in the U.S.A. 5 . and modelingprogramsare also neededfor hybrid systemapplications. Many of theseelements are commerciallyavailabletoday, but modularity, reliability, and systemcompatibility are often compromisedbecauseof operational incompatibilities. Several evolutionary developmentsfor controllers,power processing,and dc switch hardwareareunder way at SNL, through the USDOE National PhotovoltaicProgram,to develophardwarefor near-termapplications. Hardwareidentification and developmentalsupportof evolutionarychangesin existing and/or nonexisting BOS hardwarefor hybrid applicationsare the bridges necessaryto merge today’s R&D activities with tomorrow’s marketableapplications,and are a key aspectof this program. Control algorithms and methodologiesfor componentssuch as battery storage, engine-generatorand specific loads are also being developedtoday for specific near-term applications. Follow-up feedbackwith designersand the manufacturersis resulting in improvementsin systemperformance and is helping to provide marketablehardwareat SNL andthe Florida Solar Energy Center[s]. Control concepts,hardwareperformance,requiredmaintenanceand reliability, andultimately costeffectivenesscan be assessedonly by the installation, operation,and analysesof fielded systems, andthoseanalysesof recentlyinstalledsystemsare currently under way by SNL and the Southwest TechnologyDevelopmentInstitute. Laboratory testing and analysisare also an important part of this effort, andtestsarebeing conductedon batteries,chargecontrollers,power processingcenters, inverters,and other importantcomponentsmakingup the balance-of-system hardwarefor hybrids. The performanceof hardware, a comparisonof software simulations and theory, and detailed performanceof commerciallyavailablehardwareand systemsare being compiledinto a databaseas part of this work. The effort includes remote hybrid system monitoring, site evaluationsand comparisonsof the results to performancepredictions. Better modeling and sizing software are anticipatedas the new databaseinformation becomesavailablefor detailed modeling inputs and performancepredictions. Stmtegic Envimrunenfal Research & Development Pmgmm (SERDP): 0 . The United States Departmentof Defense(DOD) and SNL are collaboratingto provide for the designand installation of PV/engine-generatorhybrid systemsthroughout DOD facilities where engine-generatorsare currently being usedfor power generationfor remotefacilities. This work is associatedwith the DOD’s StrategicEnvironmentalResearch& DevelopmentProgram(SERDP). The addition of PV energysourcesand energystorageto the existing engine-generators will augmentthosegeneration systemsby optimizing their performance,by reducing fuel storagerequirementsand fuel usage, and by reducingengine-generator run time, therefore,maintenanceof the engine-generators.This is an effective applicationof PV in remote applicationswhere fuel or maintenanceis expensive, and it providesadditionalenergysecurityfor the sites. Although hybrid systemsutilizing PV or wind havebeenin operationfor nearly ten years, most of the installed systemstoday are small, with generatorssmaller than 6 kW, and PV arrays or wind generatorssmaller than 3 kW. Most of theseinstalled systemshave been custom designs,and often their controls are manual, with no automaticcontrol set-pointsor functions. The SERDP programus& systemsin the 50 kW to 250 kW size range. The addition of automaticcontrolsand the useof larger componentsis requiring hardwaredevelopment,characterizationand evaluationto assurecompatibleperformancewith non-linearor reactiveloads and with unbalancedthree-phase distribution grids. Many of the power processing inverters for hybrid applications are modifications of commercially available hardware, used for uninterruptible power supplies or Merging Photovoltaic Hardware Developmentwith Hybrid Applications in the U.S.A. 6 frequency changers, and have not been fully characterized in hybrid applications. Many of the controls and control algorithms must be considered prototype designs at this time. SNL is planning to provide hardware and systems evaluation before the hardware is deployed in the field as part of this program. The first three-phase power processor for hybrids is on hand for testing. Minimum performance, safety and institutional issues, standards and codes have been established by various utilities, code writing agencies, standards groups and testing labs. These criteria will be usedfor theinstallation of hardware in theSERDPprogram.Themanufacturers areresponsible for meeting these minimum requirements but often do not have the facilities or budget to perform the necessary testing for verification. A set of essential measurements, tests, conditions for operation, and guidelines minimum requirementsand suitability power processinghardware for hybrid systems are being developed for this program at SNL in collaboration with BOS industry. UtzWest Hybrid Activities: One immediate result of the hardware development and technology transfer efforts of this program is electric utility companies use of hybrid systems today to supply grid-quality power to customers where extension of power grids is economically impractical. Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, LaPlata Electric Company, and Idaho Power are a few of the utilities in the U.S.A. that have recently designed and installed hybrid systems to economically meet customers’ needs. A common application is PV/engine-generator power systems for remote areas where grid extensions are too expensive and where just engine-generator is too costly because of maintenance costs or fuel delivery or storage problems. The Desert Studies Center at Zzyzx, CA, until recently, received electricity from propane engine-generators, causing noise and air pollution. The new system uses a IO-kW PV source with 5280 W-hr of battery storage to supply over 95% of the center’s energy. Other utilities, such as DelMarVa (Delaware, Maryland, Virginia) Power and Idaho Power, are installing or planning remote hybrid systems for homes or remote recreational sites. Off-grid tariff plans are under consideration by the utilities for the sales of hybrid systems for remote customers in Idaho and California. However, independent system designers in California are lobbying for an independentand competitivemarket, free from subsidies. Government-supported applications for Staie & Federal Government-Supported Activities: PV/hybrid systems are occurring on the state and federal level in many locations across the U.S.A. Most of the sitesare in remoteareassuchasnationalforest sites, stateparks, and recreationalareas where grid power is not feasible. One village power system is currently being developed for Wales, Alaska, where fuel and maintenance costs for engine-generators are becoming prohibitive. This system combines PV, wind, battery storage and engine-generators. The Wales, Alaska Village Power System design is based on earlier feasibility assessmentsperformed by SNL and SWTDI [6]. A PV-powered airport has been opened at the Cal Black Memorial Airport at San Juan County, Utah (71. The airport serves an increasing volume of tourist traffic to Lake Powell National Recreation Area. A 5-kW PV system charges a 100-kWhr battery bank with an inverter supplying ac power to normal operational loads. An engine-generator serves mostly as a backup and to equalize batteries. Also, in the Lake Powell area, the Dangling Rope Marina is under consideration to receive a hybrid system to serve boaters on the lake. The Dangling Rope Marina is approximately 45 miles up lake from Glen Canyon Dam and Wahweap Marina, at a very remote Merging Photovoltaic Hardware Developmentwith Hybrid Applications in the U.S.A. 7 location. It is a critical refueling stop for small boats. It is powered from diesel-generators today and the cost for electricity is one of the highest for a park service facility, at $.38/kWhr. Pn’vate Sector Activities: Private sector activities are not supported directly by the USDOE National Photovoltaic Program or by state programs, however, the hardware developed for those government-supported programs is finding its way into cost-effective public sector applications. In Hawaii, cost-effective PV/engine-generator systems are being installed in homes. One home on Maui is offered as a photovoltaic powered vacation home, where visitors are offered the opportunity to experience living in a solar/wind-powered home. The home is outfitted with entertainment center, high-efficiency lights, a refrigerator, and an inverter to power all the appliances carried by the visitor. California private sector businesses are installing numerous off grid PV/hybrid systems to remote homes in mountain areas and for communications systems. The California private sector is actively lobbying to keep the installation of PV stand-alone and hybrid systems out of the hands of the utilities to maintain a competitive and independent market. Colorado private sector installations of PV/hybrids are common and generally are handled by electricians and electrical contractors working through local distribution houses. Anh’cQm!edHybrid Activifies: The Amundsen-ScottSouth Pole Station and remote Antarctic Scientific Sites have been assessedfor renewable hybrid applications [8]. Both applications have extremely high fuel costs, are extremely remote, and have excellent resources for summer activities. PV has been shown to be technically feasible; however, the cost at the scientific sites is not favorable since those sites are used only 90 days per year. Installations of PV hybrids at these sites would be based more on environmental impact issues for storing and transporting fuel. The Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station is a site chosen for both PV and wind hardware evaluations during the 1993-1994 austral summer to determine feasibility with the environment. Summarv: The USDOE National Photovoltaics Program and Sandia National Laboratories’ effort to accelerate the adoption of PV hybrid power systems through development of hardware, technology transfer to user organizations, cooperative programs, design assistance, and evaluation/analysis of hardware and installed systems is making inroads to establish cost-effective designs and to provide reliable, modular hardware for the industry. Utilities, state and federal agencies, domestic private sector, and international agencies are installing cost-effective systems in remote areas where utility grids are inaccessible. The program is still in its infancy, and numerous future needs for PV/engine-generator hybrid or PV/wind/engine-generator hybrid systems are anticipated. Acknowledpments: The author wishes to express thanks to many representatives from utilities and private enterprise for their useful input for this paper. Special thanks to Rick Chapman, Manager to the SNL/DOD SERDP program, and to the staff at SNL for their work in testing, analysis, and interfacing with the users and designers to make this program successful. BibliopraDhv: 1. Danley, D. “Conceptual Design of a PV/Diesel Generator Hybrid for Remote Power Supply,” PV International Magazine, Aug. 1986 2. Jones, G., Chapman, R., “Photovoltaic/Diesel Hybrid Systems: The Design Process,” Proceedings of the 19fh IEEE PV Specialists Conference, New Orleans, LA, May 1989. Merging Photovoltaic Hardware Developmentwith Hybrid Applications in the U.S.A. 8 3. Nayar, C., Phillips, S., James, W., Pryor, T., Remmer, D., “Novel Wind/Dieselgenerator/Battery Hybrid Energy System,” Solar Energy, Volume 51, Number 1, Published by The International Solar Energy Society, July 1993. 4. Bower W., O’Sullivan, G., “Bimode Uninterruptible Power Supply Compatibility in Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems,” Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Batterv Conference on Applications and Advances, California State University, Long Beach, CA, Jan., 1990. 5. Harrington, S., Bower, W., “Battery Compatibility with Photovoltaic Charge Controllers” Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Batterv Conference on ADDlications and Advances, Long Beach, CA, Jan. 12-14, 1993. 6. Durand, S., Bower, W., Chapman, R., Smith, G., “The Alaska Energy Authority PVEngine-Generator Hybrid Assessment and Design Program,” The Proceedings of the 22d IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Oct. 7-l 1, 1991. 7. Reed, B., “First U.S. Airport Powered by PV,” Solar Industry Journal, Solar Energy Industries Association, Washington, DC, Third Quarter, 1992. 8. Alternative Energy Feasibility Study: Electrical Loads and Resource Assessment-- Lake Bonney, Antarctica & Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Facility, South Pole; Prepared for the National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs by Sandia National Laboratories and the Southwest Technology Development Institute, Dec. 1992.