Pre-Survey 1. What is your gender? A. Male B: Female 2. How old are you? ______ 3. What is your major? ________ 4. Which section of digital media are you taking?___________ 5. How many credit hours you have already completed (including transferred credit if you have any) a. Less than 30 credit hours; b. 30 to 45 hours; c. 46 to 60 hours d. more than 60 hours 6. When do you plan to graduate? 7. Do you plan to go to graduate school? Yes, NO, Maybe, I don’t know yet 8. What is your primary computer? a. Mac b. PC c. linux d. I don’t know 9. What computer applications do you use the most? a. Word processing(MSWord); b.Presentation (PowerPoint); c. Spreadsheet(Excel); d. other, please identify:_____ 10. What do you use your computer for in your daily life? a. Email b. Web surfing c. Online chatting d. Social network (for example, Facebook, mySpace) e. Games f. Other; please identify_________ 11. What do you expect to learn about digital media after completing this course? 12. why do you take this class? 13. how would you describe your level of computer skills compare to other students at GGC 1. very competent 2. above average 3. average 4. below average 5. not good 14. Have you ever heard of any open source software? If yes, could you list the name(s) of the software:____________________ 15. Have you ever used any open source software? If yes, could you list the name(s) of the software:_____________________ 16. Digital Media course is also offered in hybrid version. Do you know the difference between hybrid and regular course? YES/NO ; if yes, briefly explain the difference___________ 17. Which part do you anticipate to be the most challenging part of this course? a. Math part b. Animation part c. Graphic part d. Movie part e. Audio part f. General digital media theory part g. others, could you please identify________ 18.What have you heard about digital media?