Newton Mearns Community Council Chairman – David Jesner Secretary – Kirsteen Allan Treasurer – Colin Hamilton Deputy Chair – Stewart Mylett Meeting Report 8th January 2015 Opening: Monthly meeting of the Newton Mearns Community Council was called to order at 07:00pm on 8th January 2015 in Albertslund Hall by David Jesner. Present: Community Councillors: Bryson McNeil, Pat McCall, David Jesner, Brian Kilcoyne, Kirsteen Allan, Irene Yona, Colin Hamilton Apologies: Jules McGeever, Julie Mylett, Susie Swift, Stewart Mylett ERC Councillors – Jim Swift, Charlie Gilbert, Tony Buchanan Apologies – Iain McAlpine and Barbara Grant. Absent – Paul O'Kane and Elaine Green A. Community Police Report No representative from Giffnock Police Station. Summary of Police report No report submitted B. Approval of Minutes The minutes from 11th December 2014 meeting were proposed by Pat McCall and seconded by Irene Yona. D. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes Cllr Gilbert had agreed to address the lighting situation at The Isobel Mair School, but was not present at this moment. Irene Yona explained that she had spoken with the school and she was informed that all internal lights are now off at night. The only lighting is external and for security purposes. Councillor Gilbert joined the meeting at this point. E. Reports from Councillors Cllr Gilbert Cllr Gilbert stated that following on from the last meeting, he had spoken with the council who confirmed that Parks Department are landscaping the roundabouts at the bottom of Crookfur Road Cllr Swift Cllr Swift stated that there was nothing to report, given that things had been quiet over the festive period Cllr. Buchanan Cllr Buchanan also stated that there was nothing to report, given the holiday period F. Questions to Councillors Bryson McNeil asked if any of the Cllrs had obtained the total cost of the Community Councils' Review as previously intimated. Cllr Swift stated that the cost is £35k, but this is only for external consultants as he confirmed that the Council do not take officer time etc. and allocate it as a cost centre. David Jesner asked Cllr Buchanan re the difficulty residents are having viewing planning objections at the Council Offices, given that they are no longer published online. Cllr Buchanan said that there is an investigation, presently ongoing, into the difficulties. Pat McColl reported on the difficulties she had experienced, along with others who had attempted this. Cllr Buchanan then stated that the Council do monitor the number of enquiries, but not really the time taken to deal with them etc. The chairman explained that if officers' time is not costed, then it is not possible to do a comparison with the cost of publishing objections online. Cllr Buchanan went into the reasons for non publication online of objections, which included the cost of this as it is deemed to be labour intensive. When offered a simple solution by an I.T. Expert, he listened and respectfully replied that they must follow Cabinet Office guidelines and there are many restrictions on their adding any software etc. to their systems, so this would not be possible without the go ahead from the UK Government. Many of the systems are linked up nationally and the guidance is really quite strict on what Councils can and cannot do. He stated that this can also be very frustrating for Council staff. G. Convenors Reports Chairman’s Report The following email was received from a concerned resident :“I will not be at NMCC tonight (I have a prior engagement with a warm bed and a glass of something medicinal), but I presume NMCC have had notification of this off-licence application by Tesco Express. If you haven't, can I suggest a quiet word in someone's ear - preferably with a fizzing fuse attached. There is some urgency as objections must be in by 12th January (the Licensing Board meet at 14.00 on 29th) and I understand this is entirely separate from the Planning Application last year, and the PAC do not pass on any data to the Lic.Bd. I hope NMCC will object - the natives round here are not happy. The children's nursery in particular are very worried. Regards, XXXXXXXX On Thursday, 8 January 2015, 15:20, XXXXXXXXXXXX wrote Sir, I understand you will this month hear an application for an off-licence at these premises, and as a resident 250 metres away I ask you to note my strong objection, on these grounds: 1. Children's safety: The premises share vehicle and pedestrian access and space with a children's nursery. The risk to children from a) shopping traffic (all of which will have to reverse at some stage) and b) from "informal" drinkers in an area of narrow hidden lanes and small open green space is high. 2. Litter: The area is already a litter hot-spot, and the narrow lanes and hedges make cleansing difficult at the best of times. ERC Cleansing do not have the manpower to keep it clean, and it is left to residents to do what they can. There was formerly a small shop in one of the units, resulting every school-day afternoon in a trail of wrappers, cans etc from the site to the High School - despite the best efforts of the shop owners - and I appeal to you not to allow this to be repeated. 3. Over-provision: There are already two off-licence outlets, one of them also a shop open long hours, around 250 metres away at Broomburn shops. In the interests of public health alone it cannot be healthy to add another. 4, Public order: The narrow lanes in "Little Ayrshire" behind the premises are wellknown to the Police a) as discrete areas for drinking and drug-taking and b) as easy places to escape from undetected. Things have improved lately, but an off-licence on the doorstep is an invitation to turn the clock back. I trust you will take these matters into account in your determination. Yours XXXXXXXXXXXX” The Chair requested that Councillors explain how over provision of alcohol licences is calculated. Cllr. Swift replied that is is a rather complicated formula based on the number of alcohol related crimes, hospitalisations etc. Treasurer – no report made. Planning – A Raft of PANs came in. There is a proposal for an Aldi at Greenlaw and also for a Hungry Horse Restaurant on the same site. H. Any Other Competent Business Minute Taking As we resolved to have minute takers on a rotational basis, a volunteer was sought to take the minutes at February's meeting. Pat McCall kindly volunteered. New Health Centre at Williamwood The chairman reported that there were reportedly 3 GP Practices who are going to move into the new Health Centre. However, when David Jesner asked one of the GPs concerned, the GP informed him that he does not want his practice to move, but feels he is being left with no option, but to do so. ACAD at Victoria Infirmary David Jesner highlighted the fact that parking provision has changed. Due to the way the roads have been blocked off, drivers are having to drive round the wrong way. This needs to be rectified. Parking issues at the Southern General hospital were also brought up as people are really struggling to park, owing to lack of provision. Extension to Consultation on Community Councils David Jesner had raised the question of the council's computer system failing to show working links for around a week and a one week extension was granted as a result. Crookfur Road Hoardings Concern was raised at the hoardings that have appeared at the Roundabout on Crookfur Road as it is impossible to see oncoming traffic. Ayr Road Traffic Works Concern was raised at the poorly placed and worded signage on Crookfur Road warning of Ayr Road traffic works. Cllr. Buchanan stated that the road was about to undergo much needed improvements, but was unable to elaborate. Cheviot Drive Letter received by NMCC from Newton Mearns Residents Flood Prevention Group for Cheviot Drive and Area “ Date: 8 January 2015 02:47:27 GMT To:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Newton Mearns Residents Flood Prevention Group for Cheviot Drive and Area (NMRFPG) - Update Dear Community Councillors As you have shown your support for the objectives of our Group by kindly permitting us to address the Community Council at previous Meetings, I have taken the step of emailing you to inform you of our most recent activity in the on-going task of achieving a reasonable degree of honesty and integrity in respect of the CALA development currently underway on the site to the west of Cheviot Drive. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that our group (NMRFPG) has requested a ministerial call-in for Planning Application 2014/0609/TP, recently approved by ERC Planning Applications Committee. Being rather detailed I have not burdened you with the full text and supporting documentation of our case to the Minister/s responsible for Local Government, Planning and Flood Prevention; however two of the principle elements we are presenting as the basis on which a call-in can be justified, termed 'relevant reasons' are: 1. The Local Authority has failed to attach a Planning Condition from SEPA which SEPA stipulated was to be applied to any consent for the site. 2. The Local Authority has failed to refer unresolved 'relevant' objections from the riparian land owners to the Scottish Government Ministers. Yours faithfully Xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Treasurer, Newton Mearns Residents Flood Prevention Group for Cheviot Drive and Area “ The Chairman stated that both Councillors O'Kane and Grant had both been requested to attend NMCC meetings in order to address this matter. Neither have appeared since. A motion was put to the Community Council to write to these two Councillors and ask them to attend a special meeting, at their convenience. This was carried unanimously. Secretary to email both Councillor Grant and O'Kane. Cllr. Buchanan had been approached by this group and had issued advice for them to go and meet with planning to discuss this issue, but hadn't heard anything back from them since. Cllr. Buchanan was asked, “Other than that advice, have you undertaken any other actions?” He'd replied that the only other action would have been, had they not have been able to meet with 'Planning', he had agreed to intervene and facilitate a meeting. Cllr. Buchanan advised that should the group have any issue with 'Planning' they should revert back to him. He has not heard from them since. Cllr. Buchanan said he hadn't been aware of all the issues raised at the Planning Application meeting, with obviously not being on that Committee and not being there. At this point Cllr. Buchanan was asked if he hadn't felt it appropriate that he approach 'Planning' himself to raise the concerns as presented to him by the Community Council. The Cllr. then stated that he had indeed approached 'Planning' and explained to them that there is a Flood Prevention Group who would be potentially be contacting them in order to put forward their case. Residents reported that Ccouncillor Hay, sittin as Chairman of the PAC, had given an undertaking that ERC will be responsible for any flooding arising from the development at Cheviot Drive, but his remarks were missing from their minutes of the meeting. David Jesner will write to 'Planning' and ask for the minutes to include this. Cllr. Buchanan will also speak with the Planning Department. Scotways Colin Hamilton asked whether or not we continue our annual subscription to 'Scotways'. Given that the information they provide is freely available online, we have decided not to renew. Insurance Alex Hewetson had previously informed us that Community Councils were not exempt from data protection and if we wrote to ERC, they would arrange a block booking. This was done two years ago and has been pursued, to no avail. The attending Councillors were asked to look into this and, if we need it, to please provide it. Social Media Kirsteen Allan suggested we have resurrect the NMCC Facebook page and start a Twitter feed. David Jesner has stated that he will seek out the password and Kirsteen Allan, as Secretary, will administer the page. Social media is ideal for informing the public of meeting dates, getting public feedback, opinions etc. Fairweather Park The Chairman said that there are possibly funds available to improve Fairweather Park. Cllr. Gilbert expressed interest in this project. The Chairman will work out a design for a bandstand facility and attempt to obtain costings. The opinions of neighbouring residents will be sought in order to decide how best to improve the park. Adjournment: The Chairman thanked all those in attendance and the Meeting was then adjourned by The Chair. The next meeting will be held at 07:00pm on 12th Febuary 2015 in Albertslund Hall Newton Mearns.