ANNUAL REPORT 2 0 1 5( Y e a r ended March 31, 2015) Growth History ▶ (resu lts for fiscal 2014) ▶ Starting with high-precision technology for engineering aircraft equipment, SPP has extended its business into a broad range of creative areas. ▶ SPP is particularly strong in the precision machining of high-strength metal materials, thermal management, and joining of metal materials. ▶ SPP has some 15% of the world market for landing gear systems used in regional jets. ▶ We boast world-class shares of the markets for plate-fin heat exchangers and LNG vaporizers. Gr ou p n e t sa le s 1950 Other Products: Industrial Products 2000 1961 ¥47.1 b i l l i o n Micro Technology, Environmental Systems, etc. Foundation of SPP 1900 B us ines s M ix Future Heat Control Products 178 (38% ) Aerospace and Related Products Aerospace and Related Products Research into duralumin Start of integrated production of propellers 293 Landing Gears and Landing Gear Control Systems (62% ) Aerospace Products Business expanded into landing gear and heat exchangers for aircraft Hydraulic Controls Heat Exchangers for Aircraft Hydraulic Controls Commercial hydraulic equipment operations started by applying hydraulic technology for propellers Industrial Products Heat Control Products First industrial heat exchangers produced by leveraging aircraft heat exchanger technology Environmental Systems The development department investigates and develops new business operations Entry into the environmental systems market with the commercialization of ozone generators Contents Micro Electronics Technology Introduction of vacuum pump technology Start of liquid crystal manufacturing equipment operations Micro Technology Control taken of a plasma etching specialist Sensors MEMS manufacturing equipment technology employed to start sensor business Fuel Cell 1 Information provided in this annual report contains certain forward-looking statements concerning performance forecasts and projections made by SPP using information available at present (performance forecasts for fiscal 2015 are the figures announced on April 30) and is subject to various risks and uncertainties. Due to various changes, actual results may vary from those projected in the forward-looking statements. 3 Consolidated Financial Highlights 6 Segment Overview Aerospace and Related Products Start of semiconductor/ MEMS manufacturing equipment business Notes on forward-looking statements Message from the President Various technical resources funneled into new operations on fuel cells 7 Industrial Products 10 Corporate Governance 13 CSR Activities 15 Environmental Preservation 17 Consolidated Financial Statements 19 Domestic and Overseas Bases 37 Company Profile / Stock Information 38 2 Message from the President Operating Income Net Sales In glob al gr owth m ar k e t s , w e w i l l p e rs i s t e n t l y fo l l o w o u r “Two-w h eeled G r owth M o d e l w i t h a n E q u a l F o c u s o n Q u a l i t y (billion ¥) 100 (billion ¥) 9 “Aspiration 2020” Other Industrial Products Consolidated net sales in the range of ¥100 billion Operating margin of at least 8% Heat Control Products Aerospace and Related Products 80 a nd Q uan tity” to ach ieve o u r “ A s p i ra t i o n ” l o n g - t e rm v i s i o n . 7 Growth in existing business fields with a focus on new products Increasing overseas sales ratio to 50% 60 President Sustained growth in both revenue and earnings 5 40 20 3 Operating Income 1 0 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Note: The SPTS business was divested in August 2011 (the graph does not include the results for the transferred business). recognized as a non-operating income, helped push up 2013 2014 2015 Forecast 2020 Mid-Term Management Plan 2014 2015 2016 Net Sales 520 600 680 Operating Income 19 39 54 -1 We were not as successful on the “harvest” side of consolidated ordinary income to ¥2.02 billion. strengthening our earning power from the existing Consolidated net income, which includes a ¥0.5 billion gain operations, however. Despite making progress in optimizing on the sale of investment securities related to Micro purchase costs, we are left with challenges in improving the Enhancing the Management and Business business resources, enhancement of global management Technology, was ¥1.45 billion. For fiscal 2014, SPP paid an productivity of aircraft landing gear systems and in marketing Foundation to Achieve the “Aspiration” and group management, and optimization of the business annual dividend of ¥7 per share. of and receiving orders for new products. Long-Term Vision for 2020 and product portfolio. Secondly, business operations will be Despite achieving growth in both revenue and earnings, further improved toward four goals: higher productivity, we had mixed results in the first year of the mid-term In the spring of 2014, SPP formulated the “Aspiration 2020” improved QCD (quality, cost, and delivery), strengthened plan. long-term vision as well as the “Mid-Term Management Plan supply chain, and enhanced after-sale services. for Fiscal 2014-2016,” the latter being the first three-year action plan aimed at achieving the long-term goal. The long-term vision upholds SPP’s aspiration to be a group that “works with its customers to create value in global The current mid-term plan has both aspects of “sowing” and “harvesting.” In the latter, we are to successfully develop Overcoming Short-term Challenges in FY 2015 for FY 2016 and After to Achieve the Long-term Vision Challenges Still Remain Despite the operations and products we have prepared so far and In fiscal 2015, we expect to achieve net sales of ¥55.0 billion Growth in Both Revenue and thereby help strengthen our direct earning power. On the and an operating income of ¥2.0 billion. These figures Earnings in FY 2014 “sowing” side, we will foster new “seeds” of growth to represent year-on-year growth in both revenue and achieve the “Aspiration 2020” vision. In other words, the plan earnings, but fall short of the levels indicated for the current customer perspective” “in SPP’s existing business fields,” it In fiscal 2014, the first year of the mid-term plan, all members is aimed at both investment in sustainable growth and the fiscal year in the Mid-Term Management Plan. aims to ensure “growth in terms of both quality and of the SPP group worked together to secure incoming improvement of financial strength. quantity.” As targets for 2020, therefore, the “Aspiration” orders and increase sales, while at the same time developing Looking back on fiscal 2014 from these perspectives, the fruit grown from previously sown “seeds.” For example, vision eyes consolidated net sales in the range of ¥100 billion new products and their applications. As a result, the group’s SPP group made good progress on the “sowing” side for Aerospace and Related Products suffers from a delay in the and operating margin of 8%. consolidated net sales rose by 4.7% from the previous fiscal future growth. The Aerospace Products segment developed planned improvement of productivity to ensure stable supply growth markets.” Focusing on “attractive technologies from a 3 2012 The reason is that it has been taking time to “harvest” the The “Mid-Term Management Plan for Fiscal 2014-2016” is year to ¥47.13 billion. Due to efforts in promoting sales and global MRO (maintenance, repairs, and overhaul) operations of new products. Industrial Products faces a problem with defined as an action plan to strengthen both foundations of optimizing costs as well as the effects of the weaker yen, under partnership with the Lufthansa group. The Heat catalytic reactors for CompactGTL as C-GTL users have SPP. First, management will be enhanced with a focus on SPP posted a consolidated operating income of ¥1.59 Control Products segment won the first major order in been slow in making decisions on commercialization. four pillars: upgrading of corporate governance, best use of billion, an increase of ¥0.63 billion. An exchange gain, relation to a shale gas project in North America. However, our scenario for achieving the “Aspiration” long-term 4 Consolidated Financial Highlights For the years ended March 31, 2015 vision remains entirely unchanged. We aim to achieve mid- consolidated/non-consolidated ratio within the group. To to long-term growth with a focus on developing overseas this end, we will implement fundamental improvement operations primarily in three fields. SPP’s commercial aircraft measures to achieve the initially planned productivity level, business is expected to grow steadily; our high-value added thereby reducing costs and improving profitability further. heat exchangers and LNG vaporizers boast a strong To achieve these targets, we have set up a cross-organizational competitive edge in international markets; and our Micro task force to accelerate the process of resolving fundamental Technology has a distinctive technology to differentiate itself. issues. In addition, we have started an initiative to increase Specifically, SPP has already completed two merger and the value of our human resources even further by helping acquisition projects in fiscal 2015. One is the purchase of a employees broaden their perspective to encompass all aspects Canadian surface finishing service provider with the aim of of business including production, sales, and technology. improving group capacity to supply aircraft landing gear on a global basis. The other is the acquisition (by our subsidiary SPP Technologies) of a U.S.-based Thermal Products business (3) Solid implementation and completion of commercialproduction projects and further development R e su l t s f o r F i sc a l 2 0 1 4 billion Operating income (+ 4.7%) ¥1.59 billion ¥1.45 Net income (+ ¥0.63 billion) billion (+ ¥0.32 billion) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Forecast Net sales (million ¥) 56,237 52,296 40,171 45,032 47,135 55,000 Operating income (million ¥) 5,026 4,193 430 963 1,598 2,000 (%) 2.0 1.2 1.1 2.1 3.4 3.6 to ensure that Micro Technology can develop operations Aerospace Products will steadily work on the commercial- overseas and develop new products by leveraging synergy production of the MRJ1 and HondaJet2, the development Net income (million ¥) 4,811 6,695 263 585 1,450 1,000 with existing operations. of the orders from Dornier3, and the development of a Total assets (million ¥) 80,095 72,603 75,585 79,948 81,899 87,100 (%) 35.0 45.6 44.1 41.0 42.4 41.3 Net income (¥) 90.80 126.37 4.96 11.05 27.39 18.89 Cash dividends (¥) 8.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 We will develop these operations and products to reach the heat exchanger for the Rolls-Royce engine to power the “harvest” phase as soon as possible and thereby get closer A330 neo aircraft now being developed by Airbus. to achieving our long-term vision. In fiscal 2015, all members Industrial Products will make solid progress in delivering of the group will work together to that end with a focus on large orders related to shale gas. the five areas described below: (4) Developing specialty technologies further (1) Strengthening corporate governance and fast improvement of ROE high-strength metal materials, thermal management, and Corporate governance is an aspect of management that joining of metal materials. Leveraging these strengths, the investors are particularly concerned with. As part of an company will accelerate the development of EHA aircraft initiative for its enhancement, SPP will have two External landing gear systems, ultra-high performance cooling for Directors for the first time to make the board of directors more aircraft engines, and heat exchangers for the hydrogen active and enable it to make swift decisions to strengthen society of tomorrow. both our growth strategies and financial foundation. ROE is another aspect or parameter of management that Operating margin (not including the SPTS business) Equity ratio Per share SPP’s core competence lies in the precision machining of ▶ N e t S a l e s・O p e r a t i n g M a r g i n (not including the SPTS business) ( million ¥) Improving free cashflow is indispensable for making timely this parameter fast by speeding up the implementation of investments that are necessary to achieve our “Aspiration” measures to increase earnings. vision for 2020. To this end we will strive to improve our asset (%) 70,000 Operating Margin (not including the SPTS business) 56,237 SPP will need to respond to diverse changes in its business While there are certainly some delays compared with the initial targets stated in initial Mid-Term Plan, we will strive to sales ratio and the growing share of private-sector properly achieve our business vision in order to ensure the demand in Aerospace products, as well as a rise in the sustainable growth of our corporate value. 50,000 55,000 (%) 100,000 100 Total Assets Equity Ratio 48,805 87,100 81,283 77,674 40,346 70,000 65,166 40,171 80,095 10 79,948 80 72,603 70 67,293 60,000 60 50,000 30,000 6.3 6.1 50 43.8 5 20,000 4.1 3.4 10,000 44.1 45.6 44.1 39.8 30,000 41.3 40 35.0 34.2 3.6 42.4 41.0 30 29.4 2.1 2.0 0.6 40,000 90 81,899 75,585 72,363 47,135 45,032 40,000 90,000 80,000 42,767 1.2 1.1 0 0 20,000 20 10,000 10 -1.7 -10,000 1: Japan’s first commercial jet being developed by Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation. SPP is responsible for MRJ’s landing gear system. 2: The private jetplane being developed by Honda. Its landing gear system is supplied by SPP. 3: A German aircraft manufacturer. Dornier has selected SPP as the supplier of the landing gear system for an amphibious flying boat. 15 52,296 50,151 49,903 step, we have been giving top priority to reducing inventories. structure, such as increases in the group’s overall overseas T o t a l A s s e t s・E q u i t y R a t i o Contribution from SPTS* 60,000 efficiency. Beginning in fiscal 2015, SPP has introduced ROIC as a new performance management indicator. As the first ▶ ( million ¥) Net Sales (5) Improving asset efficiency and free cashflow investors take keen interest in. SPP will also strive to improve (2) Improving group productivity with a focus on Aerospace Products 5 ¥47.13 Net sales 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Forecast -2.5 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 Forecast *SPP Process Technology Systems (SPTS) has been excluded from consolidation since the third quarter of fiscal 2011, following the transfer of the SPTS shares in the first half of that fiscal year. 6 Segment Overview Aerospace and Related Products Unique Combination of the Precision Machining of High-strength Metal Materials Business Profile In 1957, SPP delivered the landing gear system for the T-33 training aircraft to the former Japanese Defense Agency. Since then, aircraft for the Agency (now upgraded to a ministry) have almost exclusively been equipped with landing gear systems from SPP. Today, SPP products account for some 80% of the landing gear systems installed in the Defense Ministry’s air fleet. SPP has also been successful in the area of commercial aircraft. In 1997, the with Specialized Surface Finishing Ensures Clear Differentiation Developed since the start of propeller production in 1933, for aircraft components. This purchase has substantially SPP technology for the precision machining of high-strength raised SPP’s corporate value, since it makes SPP one of the metal materials has been highly regarded by our customers. In few suppliers in the world that are capable of comprehensive June 2015, we added further operations by purchasing production featuring the unique combination of precision a Canadian company engaged in specialized surface finishing machining with specialized surface finishing. SPP Aims to Become a Global Tier 1 Supplier of Landing Gear Systems company worked with U.S.-based Menasco to win a landing gear system project for Business-Regional Aircraft for the CRJ 700 from Bombardier in Canada. SPP landing gear systems currently Since our early days, SPP has had the desire to enter the commercial 5,000 have approximately 15% of the world market for regional jets. In addition, the aircraft market as a global Tier 1 supplier by taking advantage of the 4,000 company has received an order from Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation for the MRJ technology it has long developed in public-sector business. To this 3,000 90 landing gear system. With the start of flight services using the Mitsubishi end, we have faced the three requirements to be met by a landing 2,000 aircraft, SPP is expected to increase its share of the regional jet market solidly. gear system integrator: technological ability, overseas operations, and MRO. These efforts have ensured continued success. The Major product lines and SPP’s strengths Landing Gear Systems 2033 Number of aircraft in service Number of aircraft in service New deliveries 3,435 3,508 4,328 1,000 orders received in relation to the domestically developed HondaJet 0 and MRJ aircraft were followed in 2014 by the signing of a landing -1,000 gear system contract with Dornier in Germany. -2,000 Note: A Tier 1 supplier concludes direct contracts with aircraft manufacturers and is involved in the development and commercial-production of landing gear systems right from the initial phase of aircraft projects. Note: MRO stands for maintenance, repairs, and overhaul. 2014∼33 2013 Number of aircraft Retirements Current SPP share: approx. 15% SPP’s target as a Tier 1 supplier: CRJ+MRJ+new Tier 1 contracts -2,615 -3,000 Projected Demand for Regional Jets with 20 to 99 seats (Source: Japan Aircraft Development Corporation) Many years of experience in the design, development, and production technology for landing gear, with a focus on the outstanding precision machining of high-strength metal materials Involvement in the development projects on the MRJ and HondaJet, both promising products for Japan’s future aviation industry provide opportunities to make technical achievements as a landing gear system integrator. CRJ1000 (from Bombardier Web Page) CRJ700/900/1000 Dressed Main Landing Gear Assy Impact absorption during landing CRJ700/900/1000 Dressed Nose Landing Gear Assy Steering of surface movement Purchase of a Canadian specialized surface finishing service provider leads to establishing a production system combining precision machining and specialized surface finishing. In Japan, SPP took over ANA MRO operations to found a subsidiary in Nagasaki. SPP also works with Lufthansa to strengthen overseas MRO. Requirement Previous Mid-Term Plan (2011∼13) Technological development ability as a Tier 1 supplier MRJ/HondaJet (HJ) development Overseas operations Foundation of North American subsidiary (SPPCA) Purchase of CFN MRO Purchase of domestic MRO specialist (SPPNECO) Partnership with Lufthansa for overseas MRO Heat Management Systems Thermal management and the joining of metal materials are SPP’s specialties here. Trent 1000®Engine SACOC Trent 1000®Engine (Photograph : Courtesy of Rolls-Royce plc.) High efficiency, compact size, and low weight as well as shapes that help reduce air drag contribute to reducing the fuel consumption and noise of aircraft engines. Trent 1000®Engine FOHE Since the 1980s, SPP has supplied heat exchangers for almost all engine series from Rolls-Royce, the famous UK manufacturer of aircraft engines. Aspiration 2020 (2017∼) Start of MRJ/HJ commercial-production MRJ Roll-Out HJ’s first flight in Japan Development of new-generation (next-generation and derived) technologies Net Sales (billion ¥) 50 Private demand Public demand 40 Current Mid-Term Plan (2014∼16) To become a Global Promotion of overseas operations (from Tier 2 to Tier 1) Wins Dornier contract on Seastar CD 2 landing gear Tier 1 Supplier of landing gear for business-regional aircraft Expansion of MRO operations To be utilized also for products for the public sector Aspiration Starting Aiming to be a global 12/2014: Wins Dornier Seastar landing commercialTier 1 supplier gear contract production 01/2008: Wins MRJ landing Early phase of gear development contract commercial-production Starting full-fledged development programs Start of 07/2006: Wins HJ landing to become a global Tier 1 supplier commercial-production gear development contract 04/2012: Starts building Establishing a cycle from the development to commercial-production of heat control systems Canadian operations 30 Hydraulic Control Products Full-fledged development for the private sector Growing into a landing gear system integrator Technologies developed for aircraft hydraulic equipment are leveraged to offer hydraulic pumps featuring low consumption, low pulsation, and low noise for various applications such as transport equipment and general industrial equipment. HS Pump 7 QT Pumps CX Pump Under strong partnership with the Haitian group, the world’s largest manufacturer of injection molding equipment, a joint venture has been established to develop business in China. Diversifying heat control systems 20 117 120 128 176 209 240 Products for public sector 10 95 0 85 90 90 84 Delivery of components for private-sector applications (Tier 2) 100 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (Forecast) 2020 8 Segment ▶ Overview of Business Performance in Fiscal 2014 Net sales Overview ¥29.32 billion Industrial Products Business Profile In the fiscal year under review (fiscal 2014), Aerospace and Related Products achieved net sales of ¥29.32 billion, an increase of 10.1% from the previous year. Operating income rose by 68.4% to ¥1.35 billion. The segment posted year-on-year growth in both revenue and earnings, Operating income primarily due to favorable developments in the sale of heat exchangers for aircraft engines and hydraulic equipment for China. Further positive contributions came from the purchase of MRO operations for aircraft Net Sales ( million ¥) 40,000 ¥34.0 billion due to expected growth in sales, particularly those of landing gear systems. The segment’s operating income is expected to be at a prior-year level of ¥1.35 billion, primarily due to an increase in 20,000 ・Our low-temperature industrial heat exchangers dominate the domestic market almost completely and have a 20 to 30% market share worldwide. ・SPP’s element coolers for Shinkansen bullet trains boast the monopoly of the Japanese market. 1,000 805 In the area of information-communication technology, SPP delivers MEMS and 594 semiconductor manufacturing equipment. Our SiO2 sacrificial layer etching 500 10,000 systems maintain a domestic market share of more than 90%. 125 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 “information-communication ・SPP open-rack LNG vaporizers have 60% of the world market. 1,356 1,350 21,181 20,493 21,805 fixed costs. and and plate-fin heat exchangers. 29,329 26,638 “environment,” area of heat control, the SPP segment is highly regarded for its LNG vaporizers 34,000 30,000 sources,” technology” are the keywords that characterize SPP’s Industrial Products. In the Operating Income ( million ¥) 1,500 landing gear as well as the weaker yen. In fiscal 2015, the segment anticipates a further increase in net sales to ”Heat/energy ¥1.35 billion Note: Some of the share figures indicated above are estimated by SPP. 11 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (Forecast) (Forecast) Major product lines and SPP’s strengths T O P I C S ● Heat Control Products Dornier Names SPP Tier 1 Landing Gear Supplier Technology developed for aircraft heat exchangers is applied to industrial equipment With their high reliability and quality, SPP’s high-performance, compact, and lightweight plate-fin heat exchangers are acclaimed as world-class products. In November 2014, SPP Canada Aircraft, Inc. (SPPCA), a Canadian subsidiary of SPP, was selected by Dornier Seawings GmbH in Germany as a landing gear supplier to equip its new Seastar CD2 SPP open-rack LNG vaporizers (ORVs) have a higher share of the world market than any other competitor. amphibious flying boat. For the first time, SPPCA received an order for landing gear systems as a Tier 1 supplier. SPP is striving to establish itself as a Tier 1 supplier that takes on direct delivery of landing gear to global aircraft manufacturers. The LNG Vaporizer new milestone was a tribute to the various measures SPP had taken Micro Technology to that end. ● 9 The segment’s original technology for silicon deep etching systems, which are used for processing MEMS and other electronic devices, makes them the segment’s core product category. SPP and its partner SPTS Technologies accommodate 90% of worldwide demand for these systems. (SPP focuses on the Japanese market.) Involvement in the Development of the Rolls-Royce Trent 7000 Engine In April 2015, SPP and Rolls-Royce in the UK concluded an product support. The Trent 7000 is slated for exclusive use in the agreement that SPP take part in the Rolls-Royce project on the Trent A330 neo, the facelifted variant of the A330 aircraft being developed 7000 engine. Under this agreement SPP is to design, develop, and by Airbus. The A330 neo is to be put into commercial operation in produce heat exchangers for the engine and provide aftermarket 2017. ● Heat Exchanger for Air Separation Plant SPP serves Japanese heavy electrical equipment manufacturers as their main supplier of inverter-controlled element coolers for fast trains. Silicon Deep Etching System SiO2 Sacrificial Layer Etching System Environmental Systems SPP Purchases Tecnickrome In June 2015, SPP Canada Aircraft, Inc. (SPPCA), a Canadian 2013 purchase of CFN Precision Ltd., a Canadian manufacturer of subsidiary of SPP, completed the acquisition of Tecnickrome landing gear components, the recent acquisition of Tecnickrome will Aeronautique Inc. (Tecnickrome), a Canadian provider of specialized significantly enhance the SPP group’s overall capability to provide a surface finishing services for aerospace equipment. Following the stable supply of products. Ozone generating technology is used as a basis to deliver advanced water treatment systems that are ideal for decomposing persistent substances. Ozone generator New Operations | AOP water treatment system Fuel Cells (SOFCs), Wireless Sensor Networks, High Precision Gyro / MEMS Devices 10 Segment Overview Industrial Products All Existing Departments Strive for Steady Growth ▶ Overview of Business Performance by Introducing New Products and Opening up New Markets in Fiscal 2014 Globalization is the keyword for our growth in Industrial Products, too. capitalize on its sales collaboration and partnerships with local In the fiscal year under review (fiscal 2014), Industrial Products In connection with LNG vaporizers, many LNG receiving terminals companies. Specific measures will include the strengthening of achieved net sales of ¥17.8 billion, a drop of 3.2% from the previous are expected to be built in Southeast Asian countries in a few marketing years. Low-temperature industrial heat exchangers will benefit implementation of final assembly processes. fiscal year. Operating income increased by 53.5% to ¥0.24 billion. from activities in individual regions and the local gas In the area of Micro Technology, in June 2015 SPP purchased the liquefaction and downstream petrochemical products worldwide. Thermal Products operations of the UK’s SPTS and founded a Particularly promising are exciting developments triggered by the new group company in the USA. The new affiliate will allow us to shale gas revolution in North America. The European railroad car aggressively develop overseas operations and new products in market is another promising market that promises solid growth. the area of Micro Technology. numerous projects being planned on natural Sales promotion to shale gas projects in North America and a delay in launching operations such as those for environmental systems in China. Operating income was slightly higher than for the Operating income ¥0.24 billion and earnings. Its net sales will reach ¥21.0 billion due to an increase in sales from Micro Technology and other operations. Streamlining Operating Income Net Sales ( million ¥) 40,000 35,054 previous fiscal year due to the positive effects of streamlining and In fiscal 2015, the segment expects to post growth in both revenue Initiatives/achievements ¥17.8 billion postponement of sales in Micro Technology to the next fiscal year cost reductions. To take advantage of these opportunities, SPP will aggressively Issue The year-on-year decline in net sales was caused by the Net sales 31,802 Contribution from SPTS(※) ( million ¥) 5,000 4,901 4,000 30,000 3,000 18,365 18,393 17,806 20,000 21,000 2,000 1,000 0 0 Wins several large projects (heat exchangers for an LNG manufacturing base and for an ethylene plant) 650 10,000 effects will raise the segment’s operating income to ¥0.65 billion. Prioritized strengthening of marketing activities in North America Contribution from SPTS(※) 4,181 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 -1,000 (Forecast) 157 241 -164 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (Forecast) *SPP Process Technology Systems (SPTS) has been excluded from consolidation since the third quarter of fiscal 2011, following the transfer of the SPTS shares in the first half of that fiscal year. Catalytic reactors for CompactGTL Completion of a new enhanced plant for stainless steel heat exchangers for the high-temperature industry Expansion of Micro Technology business Purchase of a Thermal Products business by SPP Technologies Co., Ltd. T O P I C S ● SPP Wins a Heat Exchanger Project for a North American LNG Export Base Operating with a focus on vaporizers at LNG receiving terminals, SPP’s heat exchanger business has made numerous achievements. SPP has aptly responded to the shale gas revolution currently going Net sales (billion ¥) 50 3.5% 3.1% 40 2.4% 0.9% 20 21 22 20 16 34 43 9 18 13 18 33 30 Commercialization of products from new businesses 1.3% 9 18 27 ow Gr 20 35 35 0 11 109 123 123 124 d th riv shipping the order in March 2015. 2011 2012 2013 2014 ¥18.4 billion ¥17.8 billion adopted by SPP. Depending on the liquefying method, however, 250 spiral tube products are combined with large-size low-temperature 2.0 industrial heat exchangers, which are plate-fin products. SPP will continue to promote its products in this area to contribute to ensuring stable energy supply. Market launch of new MT equipment 1.0 ● Heat Control Products 250 0.0 120 2015 2020 ¥21.0 billion ¥50.0 billion (Forecast) For the mass-production of LNG, most export bases employ heat exchangers of a type (spiral tube) different from the plate-fin type Other Industrial Products -0.9% 2010 liquefiers used at LNG export bases. In February 2014, the company exchangers used in liquefiers at the Cove Point Base in Maryland, ers Heat exchangers ・Commercial products for C-GTL ・Expansion of overseas operations on in North America, and worked to expand its business to cover won a major project for large-sized low-temperature industrial heat Environmental business in China 10 113 4.0 3.0 Volum e effect C ost r ed uction Clearer differentiation SPTS business transfer 30 SPTS (transferred business) New Operations Environmental Systems Micro Technology Heat Control Products Operating margin (not including the transferred business) Operating margin (%) Aspiration 2020 -1.0 Purchase of a Thermal Products Business In June 2015, SPP Technologies Co., Ltd (SPT), a SPP subsidiary, This purchase allows SPP to expand the Micro Technology purchased the Thermal Products business from SPTS Technologies operations conducted mainly by SPT and have an overseas site for UK Ltd. in the UK. Based in Silicon Valley, the business is related to the business. At the same time, the company strives to create the heat treat furnaces used in semiconductor manufacturing maximum synergy with existing products and technologies to processes. To take over the business, SPT established a establish itself as a world-class producer of MEMS and semiconductor wholly-owned new U.S. company named SPT Microtechnologies manufacturing equipment and thereby ensure further continued USA, Inc. growth. 12 Corporate Governance Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members ( As of June 26, 2015 ) Corporate Governance ■ Overview of Corporate Governance at SPP ■ Directors SPP has good corporate governance with the Board of Directors and operations in a fast and appropriate fashion. the Audit & Supervisory Board. The Board of Directors meet at least Audit & Supervisory Board members attend meetings of the Board of once every month to make decisions on important matters and Directors and other significant meetings to correctly understand and Executive Vice President supervise the implementation of specific tasks. Management supervise the way the company is actually managed. They also utilize In charge of Heat Exchangers Conference meetings of the senior management and Business Study the Audit and Supervisory Board Members' Office to help audit the Meetings at individual departments are also held as appropriate to internal control system and the risk management structure. Under an ensure exhaustive discussion. If necessary, our legal advisor provides agreement with an accounting auditor, the company conducts relevant advice. These procedures allow the company to carry out its regular audits and, as the need arises, receives professional advice. ■ President Compliance To promote compliance activities, SPP has set up a Compliance independent organization directly reporting to the President. It Committee, which is responsible for establishing and maintaining conducts audits on compliance to legal regulations, operational the company's compliance structure. efficiency, and the establishment and management of the structure In carrying out operations at individual departments, regulations on that is stipulated in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act for organizations, division of duties, and decision-making criteria to the internal control of financial reporting. It then reports the results clarify the authorities and responsibilities are defined. Furthermore, to the President and Audit & Supervisory Board to ensure the validity internal audit regulations and regulations on the audit of internal of operations as a whole and the reliability of financial reports. control of financial reporting are in place. According to these In addition, a whistle-blowing system is established to upgrade the regulations, the Internal Auditing Department works as an compliance structure. ■ Sh i n i c h i M I K I Risk Management SPP commits itself to understanding and reducing individual risks conducted by each of the committees. The CSR Committee is existing in the performance of operations. Starting by identifying responsible for overall risk management by controlling individual such risks, the company sets up special committees on individual special committees and having them report their activities. items and establishes regulations on the examination and activities Yo s h i h i s a N AK AM U R A Guntaro K AW AM U R A Ay a SH I R AI External Director Member of the Board, Senior Executive Officer, Daikin Industries, Ltd. Former Mayor of Amagasaki City External Director, GUNZE LIMITED External Director, PEGASUS SEWING MACHINE MFG. CO., LTD. Yo s h i o T AOK A K i y o t a ka N OG I K a z uo SAD A Senior Managing Director Senior Managing Director Senior Managing Director In charge of Aerospace, Research In charge of Industrial Hydraulic, Environmental Systems, Microelectronics Technology, Corporate Environmental Control & Facilities Engineering In charge of Corporate Planning, Controlling & Treasury, Information Systems K a t s u h i ko H AM ADA Natsuo H ASH I M OT O J un SH I RAI SH I Managing Director Managing Director In charge of Project Management・ Engineering & Development・ Quality Assurance・Thermal Control Systems -Aerospace, Purchasing & Transportation In charge of Business Strategy Planning・Production・Strategic Procurement -Aerospace Ay u m u T AK AH ASH I Aki h i ko M AT SU YU K I T a k a yuk i K ASH I WA Managing Director Director Director In charge of Sensor, Wireless Sensor Network & Systems, MEMS & Sensor Systems, Fuel Cell Systems In charge of Sales & Marketing-Aerospace In charge of Business Strategy Planning・Production・ Procurement・Engineering・Quality Assurance -Heat Exchangers External Director Director In charge of General Administration, Factory Innovation Center General Meeting of Shareholders Appointment/dismissal Appointment/dismissal Toshihiro H AYAM I Appointment/dismissal Director Audit & Supervisory Board Board of Directors (including two external directors) Audit Cooperation Decision-making External audit Supervision ■ President and Representative Director Audit & Supervisory Board Members’ Office Internal Auditing Department Internal audit Legal Advisor Advice Management Conference Individual business segments and indirect department Affiliated Companies 13 CSR Committee Responsible Director Business Study Meetings In charge of TSV System Development, Micro Technology Accounting Auditor Compliance Committee and other Monitoring special committees control Audit & Supervisory Board Members Yo s h i f u m i K AW AK AM I Sh i g e ki I W ASH I T A Senior Audit & Supervisory Board Member Senior Audit & Supervisory Board Member Ya s u m a s a N AK AN I SH I E i i c h i M OR I Susumu MAEKAWA External Audit & Supervisory Board Member External Audit & Supervisory Board Member Attorney at Law General Manager, Group Companies Planning Division, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation External Audit & Supervisory Board Member Attorney at Law 14 CSR Activities 2 Lo c a l c o nt ri b ut i o ns Comp a ny P r i n c i pl e s Following the Sumitomo business slogan of “valuing credibility and discharge our responsibilities to different stakeholders in ensuring ensuring reliability,” the Sumitomo Precision Products group conducts sustained business development and an increase in corporate value. business on the following company principles. In so doing we “Toward a Promising Future” Sumitomo Precision Products Group will continue to increase its global presence with innovative technology, and will pave its way toward a prosperous tomorrow. 1. COMPLIANCE: Complying with laws and regulations, we will conduct all business activities based on the highest ethical standards. 2. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: Focusing intensely on market demands and clients´ needs, we will continue to offer quality products and services to achieve the highest customer satisfaction possible. annual cleanup of walks and people by making donations to local events and inviting them to our summer ditches around the SPP Main festival. We co-sponsored the autumn festival organized by a nearby facility Plant. We also takes part in providing assisted living/rehabilitation services for the disabled. During the Hyogo Prefecture’s “Hyogo event our car park was opened for visitors to the facility. In Amagasaki City, Adopt—Lighting Maintenance SPP’s hometown, we took part in the municipality’s Next-Generation Partners” project, helping Development Project, organizing plant tours for elementary school pupils. maintain road lighting installed Seihokai, the group of SPP's front-line foremen, spearheads the along a prefectural route. 3. CHANGE & CHALLENGE: Responding sensitively to global trends, we will boldly try to fully meet these changes and keep our eyes open to new opportunities that accompany this changing atmosphere. 4. HUMAN RESOU RC ES: Respecti ng o ur human reso urces, w e w i l l pro vi de a suppo r ti v e environment that encourages each individual's fulfillment and harmony among all employees. 5. COEXISTENCE WITH SOCIETY: By playing an active role in society, we will promote good citizenship with our community and harmony with the surrounding environment. CSR Ac tivit i e s The SPP group started full-fledged CSR activities in April 2006. Chaired Compliance Committee by the President, the CSR Committee has built a framework for CSR Risk Management Committee activities to probe into group management from the CSR perspective. At the same time, we have established the “Code of Conduct” on the CSR activities and the above rules and basic ideas are distributed to all employees to develop a keen CSR awareness. Emp l o y e e Re l a t i o ns 1 Re c rui t me nt p l a ns a nd d i ve rs i t y c o mmi t me nt In the medium term, SPP has the basic policy of hiring 10 to 20 university diversity. Specific measures include positive recruitment of the disabled and college graduates and 20 to 30 graduates from professional schools (the current employment of 34 persons surpasses the legally required and high schools on a periodical basis. The company also responds number of 30) and establishing and improving structures for empowering flexibly to the needs to expand operations by recruiting mid-career women (In fiscal 2015, Amagasaki City approved SPP as a gender employees. (SPP welcomed 41 periodically hired employees in April equality promotor). In recent years, the company has also committed to 2015, after recruiting 24 mid-career employees during fiscal 2014.) recruiting foreign employees. A further highlight in fiscal 2015 is the The SPP management also faces up to the challenge of promoting appointment of a female External Director. Information Security Committee basis of the “Company Principles.” Copies of a brochure describing our CSR Committee Particular emphasis is placed on compliance activities. Measures include Environmental Management Committee Human Rights Committee Quality Assurance Committee education for directors and executives by lawyer lectures and other programs, maintaining a contact for whistle-blowing and consulting on Product Liability Committee legal violations, and distribution of an ethics test sheet and card showing Safety and Health Committee the whistle-blowing contact to all employees. Sha re hold e r a nd In v e s t o r R e l a t i o n s 2 Me a sure s a g a i ns t na t ura l d i s a s t e rs a nd o t he r e me rg e nc i e s The “Regulations on Measures against Natural Disasters” provide for regularly—in May and November—to ensure the safety of employees. emergencies caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes and Emergencies other than natural disasters are addressed by typhoons. Following procedures stated in these regulations, every establishing the “Crisis Management Regulations.” Cards showing July the company registers equipment likely to cause a hazard during “Action to Be Taken in Emergencies Such as Earthquakes and natural disasters, designates evacuation routes and spaces, and Terrorist Attacks” are provided to all employees to ensure the maintains an emergency contact network. In addition, drills on fastest possible action and communication in the event of a responding to an earthquake early warning (EEW) are conducted disaster. 3 S a fe t y , he a l t h, a nd fi re p re v e nt i o n I R a c tivitie s a nd di s c l o s u r e In addition to committing itself to safety education, SPP holds meetings of As part of our commitment toward employee mental health, SPP asks an SPP conducts active IR activities to help shareholders and investors information in an appropriate the Safety and Health Committee and monthly ceremonies to pray for safety external counselor to visit the company twice a month to open a temporary better understand our business policies and strategies. More specifically, manner via the security exchange, at an in-house shrine to improve the safety awareness of all employees. clinic for consultation on various concerns (such as those over psychological these include biannual (spring and autumn) presentations of financial news media, and our website. In 2015, we give priority to three areas: continued implementation of measures and physical health, human relationships, and family problems). results for institutional investors and analysts, financial summaries and We will remain committed to annual reports for shareholders, and communication via the SPP website. upgrading our information disclosure We will continue to disclose material facts and other relevant and ensuring the timeliness and usefulness of IR information. to increase safety sensibility, continued operation of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (S-OSHMS), and maintenance and strengthening of the workplace safety and health management structure. Year 2013 2014 2015(As of end of June) Accidents resulting in leave Accidents not resulting in leave 0 0 1 7 1 1 4 Huma n ri g ht s Re la tions wi t h S o c i e t y 1 Soc ia l c o n t r i bu t i o n s 15 SPP cares about the communities in which it operates. We interact with local To increase employee awareness of human rights and thereby prevent discrimination. Examples include providing education for new employees and eliminate all forms of discrimination, SPP provides relevant (both new graduates and mid-career employees) and having education programs including an annual human rights lecture meeting as representatives participate in education programs provided by authorities. In fiscal 2014, SPP provided donations and support for various and presenting winners with extra prizes. well as educational material distributed to all employees during Human SPP properly addresses harassment—most typically sexual harassment educational institutions and cultural/sports initiatives. We took part in the SPP’s biannual blood donation events attracted a total of 227 Rights Week (December 4 to 10). In addition, we strive to take every and workplace bullying—by making separate contacts available for both All Japan Student Indoor Flying Robot Contest as presenter, providing contributors in fiscal 2014. opportunity to raise the employee awareness of the need to eliminate men and women. 16 Environmental Preservation Ot he r I nd us t ri a l Pro d uc t s E nvironme nt a l l y - F r i e n dl y Pr o du cts Committed toward social contributions through its business efficiency of resources and energy use, or facilitate environmental activities, SPP offers many environmentally-friendly products, preservation. The company also strives to develop new environmental which are designed to reduce environmental risks, increase the products and technologies. Here, SPP works on landfill leachate treatment systems using power generation technology, are a further area of development ozone and energy visualization systems. Fuel cells, which are at SPP. Environmentally-friendly products account for some 40% drawing enthusiastic attention as an environmentally friendly of SPP offerings in this category. ■ Ae rosp a c e and R e l a t e d Pr o du c t s AOP treatment equipment (landfill leachate treatment system) In developing new aerospace products, SPP always focuses on weight development engineers also work actively to reduce noise emissions as savings, because component weight is an important determinant of the a way of contributing to environmental protection. ■ EcoWizard (energy visualization system) aircraft’s fuel consumption, hence its environmental impact. SPP ■ Development of a low-noise landing gear system Noise generated from around the landing gear during aircraft landing is measured to conduct a numerical analysis of noise sources which helps improve landing gear design Noise perceived around airports has ■ Development of fuel cells Fuel cells generate electricity in an electrochemical reaction between oxygen from the air and hydrogen extracted from various fuels such as utility gas. With its high generating efficiency, fuel cell technology produces lower CO2 emissions compared with thermal power generation. It improves energy efficiency even further since the heat generated during power generation can also be used as an energy source. Another highlight e- eis that it generates very little Water H O noise, sulfur oxides, or nitrogen O Fuel* reforming hydrogen H Oxygen O air oxides. 2 long been a problem in selecting 2- 2 2 *Such as utility gas, LP gas, or kerosene Anode electrode airport locations and is therefore being controlled increasingly by international Electrolyte Cathode electrode Env i ro nme nt a l Po l i c y a nd Env i ro nme nt a l Ma na g e me nt regulations. As a partner to the JAXA FQUROH (Flight demonstration of QUiet technology to Reduce nOise from High-lift configurations) project, SPP has been developing a low-noise landing gear system, which features As a responsible member of society, we recognize the significant need to reduced levels of wind noise during landing. The company aims to have preserve the local and global environment and meet the challenge of the new landing gear adopted in next-generation regional jets. ■ Low-consumption and low-noise hydraulic pumps Source: JAXA ■ Heat exchangers for energy-saving aircraft engines All hydraulic pumps from SPP not only feature low energy consumption, Efficient, compact, and lightweight, SPP heat exchangers for aircraft but also generate very low levels of noise. engines help increase aircraft fuel efficiency. Some of them feature shapes that help reduce air drag, contributing to reducing noise. HS Pump QT Pumps Heat exchangers for aircraft engines He a t E x c ha n g e r s In the area of heat exchangers, SPP offers many product lines environmental impact. Environmentally-friendly products account that help spread clean energy sources and promote the efficient for half of the SPP heat exchanger lineup. Environmental Management Officer Environmental Management Committee “harmony with the surrounding environment” stated in the company principle as one of the top priorities in management, through the following actions: 1. Establish an environmental management system. Set and review environmental objectives and targets under the system to develop and continually improve environmental preservation activities involving all employees. 2. Reduce the environmental impact of individual phases of business operations, for example by preventing environmental pollution. 3. Comply with environmental laws, ordinances, and other requirements. 4. Improve the environmental awareness of employees and facilitate their environmental preservation activities. 5. Promote company-wide activities for resources/energy saving and recycling. 6. Take advantage of basic technologies that have long been developed in individual fields including Aerospace, Hydraulic Control, Heat Control, and Industrial Products, and Environmental Systems to promote the development of environmental preservation technologies and products as a means of social contribution. Environmental Management Representative General Manager of Corporate Environmental Control & Facilities Engineering Department Internal Environmental Auditor Corporate Environmental Control & Facilities Engineering Department W orki ng D ep a r t m e n t s Management and Sales Department Aerospace Department Heat Exchangers Department Industrial Equipment Systems Department Sensor / New Operation Department Purchasing / Research / Corporate Environmental Control & Facilities Engineering Department use of energy by providing support in saving energy and reducing ■ ■ Reactors for oil field-associated gas liquefying plants I ni t i a t i ve s fo r re d uc i ng e nv i ro nme nt a l i mp a c t Natural gas is regarded as friendly Gas produced at oil fields today is mostly To reduce the environmental impact of its operations, SPP strongly commits ▶ Energy usage to the environment since it generates injected back or burned in the atmosphere, itself toward company-wide activities for saving energy and resources. Energy usage GJ low emissions of CO 2 and NOx accelerating global warming. The resources-saving initiative focuses on recycling activities, including and during CompactGTL, a partner of SPP, develops plants not only the reuse of metallic waste generated from the production combustion. SPP develops and for generating synthetic crude oil from associated process, but also the reuse of logistics and packaging materials and the produces equipment that vaporizes gas—an innovative technology that eliminates gas recycling of paper by meticulous separation. natural gas liquefied for transport emissions while at the same time increasing oil production. SPP is responsible purposes (LNG). for the development of reactors that support the CompactGTL process. ■ 17 LNG vaporizers no sulfur oxides Development of heat exchangers for hydrogen stations Specific consumption (Thousand) 600 500 1.2 Energy usage GJ Specific consumption per ¥million of added value 1.0 400 0.8 The energy-saving work is spearheaded by the Energy-Saving 300 0.6 Committee. Individual workplaces are expected to reduce energy use 200 0.4 through stringent control. In addition, they try to make a difference 100 0.2 through small efforts, such as switching to energy-saving equipment, 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 0 Hydrogen is raising expectations as a clean source of energy since Hydrogen supply infrastructure is the key requirement for a removal of some lights, and turning off the power to unused equipment. the gas generates no CO2 emissions during combustion. All-out widespread use of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. In this connection, SPP These activities do not immediately result in a substantial reduction in manufacturing differs depending on the product. But they do help us in national efforts are now under way to build a hydrogen society. works on the development of heat exchangers for hydrogen stations. company-wide energy usage because, at SPP, energy usage during our efforts to maintain it at certain levels and even reduce it. 18 Consolidated Financial Statements Sumitomo Precision Products Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheet March 31, 2015 Thousa nds of U.S. Dol l ars (Note 1 ) Millions of Ye n A SS E T S 2015 2014 2015 CU R R E N T A S S E T S : C a s h a n d c a sh e q u i val en ts (No te 1 2 ) U n c o n so l i d a t e d s u bs i di ari es an d as s o ci ated co m p a nie s A l l o w a n c e f o r d o u btf u l acco u n ts Inventories (Note 5) D e f e r r e d t a x a ss ets (No te 1 0 ) O t h e r c u r r e n t a ss ets T o t a l c u r r e n t as s ets ¥8,968 ¥9,832 $74,640 20,714 20,117 1 7 2 , 40 1 216 916 1 , 79 8 (9) (8 ) ( 7 5) 25,643 22,104 2 1 3 , 42 5 1,068 784 8,889 378 1,113 3,146 56,978 54,858 474,224 4,229 38,976 Bu i l d i n g s a n d st r uctu res (No te 6 ) 19,198 18,525 159,784 M a c h i n e r y a n d e q u i pm en t 35,566 32,806 296,013 415 375 3,454 Co n s t r u c t i o n i n p r o g res s Total A c c u m u l a t e d d e p reci ati o n N e t p r o p e r t y, pl an t an d equ i pm en t 2015 ¥ 1 3 ,6 1 0 ¥15,157 $113,275 2 ,4 6 1 2,330 20,483 Trade not es 2 ,7 9 5 3,134 23,263 Trade account s 5 ,0 8 5 4,728 42,322 22 77 183 251 3,158 2,089 S hort -t erm bank l oans (N ot es 6 and 12) P ay abl es (N ot es 12): U ncons ol i dat ed s ubs i di ari es and as s oci at ed compani es C ons t ruct i on 2 ,8 2 7 2,374 23,529 I ncome t ax es pay abl e 1 ,1 0 3 176 9,180 A ccrued ex pens es 1 ,3 1 0 1,172 10,903 Ot her current l i abi l i t i es 1 ,9 4 6 1,641 16,196 3 1 ,4 1 0 33,947 261,423 1 3 ,3 6 4 10,488 111,228 Ot her Tot al current l i abi l i t i es 4,683 L e a s e a ss e t s ( N o t e 1 1 ) 2014 C urrent port i on of l ong-t erm debt (N ot es 6 and 12) PR O P E R T Y , P L A N T AND E Q UI PME NT: Land (Note 6) 2015 LI A B I LI TI E S A N D E QU I TY C U R R EN T LI A B I LI TI ES : N o t e s a n d a c c o u n ts recei vabl e (No te 1 2 ): Trade Thousands of U. S. Do lla r s ( No t e 1) Mi l l i ons of Ye n 69 1,017 574 59,931 56,952 4 9 8 , 80 1 (40,407) (37,676) ( 3 3 6 , 3 0 5) 19,524 19,276 1 6 2 , 49 6 LON G - TER M LI A B I LI TI ES : Long-t erm debt (N ot es 6 and 12) D ef erred t ax l i abi l i t i es (N ot e 10) 759 740 6,317 Li abi l i t y f or ret i rement benef i t s (N ot e 7) 742 1,073 6,176 A s s et ret i rement obl i gat i ons 134 131 1,115 80 337 665 1 5 ,0 7 9 12,769 125,501 Ot her l ong-t erm l i abi l i t i es Tot al l ong-t erm l i abi l i t i es C OM M I TM EN TS A N D C ON TI N G EN T LI A B I LI TI ES ( N ote 13) IN V E S T M E N T S A N D O THE R ASSE TS: In v e st m e n t se c u r i ti es (No tes 4 an d 1 2 ) Investments in and advances to unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated companies EQU I TY ( N otes 6, 8 and 16) : 2,187 1,710 1,834 1,934 18,202 Common stock, authorized, 200,000,000 shares; issued, 53,167,798 shares in 2015 and 2014 1 0 ,3 1 2 10,312 85,826 14,232 C api t al s urpl us 1 1 ,3 3 2 11,332 94,315 R et ai ned earni ngs 1 2 ,9 6 5 11,877 107,907 (9 5 ) (92) (791) In t a n g i b l e a ss e t s: Goodwill 159 175 1 , 32 3 O t h e r i n t a n g i b l e as s ets 712 434 5 , 92 6 D e f e r r e d t a x a ss e ts (No te 1 0 ) 400 621 3 , 32 9 Ot h e r a s s e t s 251 1,062 2 , 09 0 A l l o w a n c e f o r d o u btf u l acco u n ts (22) (186) ( 1 8 3) (6 0 ) A l l o w a n c e f o r i n v es tm en t l o s s T o t a l i n v e stm en ts an d o th er as s ets TOTAL 5,397 5,814 44,919 ¥81,899 ¥79,948 $ 6 8 1 , 63 9 T reasury stock - at cost 227,082 shares in 2015 and 222,298 shares in 2014 A ccumul at ed ot her comprehens i v e i ncome: U nreal i z ed gai n on av ai l abl e-f or-s al e s ecuri t i es 696 404 5,793 Forei gn currency t rans l at i on adj us t ment s 194 (35) 1,615 (6 8 0 ) (1,054) (5,660) D ef i ned ret i rement benef i t pl ans 3 4 ,7 2 4 32,744 289,005 Mi nori t y i nt eres t s 686 488 5,710 Tot al equi t y 3 5 ,4 1 0 33,232 294,715 ¥ 8 1 ,8 9 9 ¥79,948 $681,639 Tot al TOTA L S ee n ot es t o co n s olida ted financial statem ents. 19 20 Consolidated Financial Statements Sumitomo Precision Products Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries Consolidated Statement of Income Year Ended March 31, 2015 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity Year Ended March 31, 2015 Millions of Ye n NE T S A L E S CO S T O F S A L E S ( N ote 1 1 ) Gross profit SE L L I N G , G E N E R A L AND ADMI NI STR ATI V E E X PE NSES (N o tes 9 and 11) O p e r a t i n g i nco m e O T H E R I N C O M E ( EX PE NSE S) : I n t e r e st a n d d i v i d en d i n co m e I n t e r e st e x p e n se L o s s o n d i s p o s a l o f pro perty, pl an t an d equ i pm en t G a i n o n f o r e i g n c urren cy ex ch an g e E q u i t y i n e a r n i n g s o f as s o ci ated co m pan i es P r o v i si o n o f a l l o wan ce f o r do u btf u l acco u n ts P r o v i si o n o f a l l o wan ce f o r i n ves tm en t l o s s G a i n o n s a l e s o f in ves tm en t s ecu ri ti es Other - net O t h e r i n c o m e - n et Thousa nds of U.S. Dol l ars (Note 1 ) 2015 ¥47,135 2014 ¥45,032 36,309 10,826 35,255 9,777 3 0 2 , 19 7 9 0 , 10 4 9,228 1,598 8,814 963 7 6 , 80 4 1 3 , 30 0 350 (274) (249) 691 89 (281) 168 (261) (17) 761 21 (163) (60) Thous ands of S hares /Mi l l i ons of Yen 2015 $ 3 9 2 , 30 1 2,913 ( 2 , 2 8 0) ( 2 , 0 7 2) 5 , 75 1 741 (2,339) Common Stock Shares B A LA N C E, A P R I L 1, 2013 (32) 417 4 , 22 8 832 7 , 77 4 2,532 1,380 2 1 , 07 4 IN C O M E T A X E S ( N o te 1 0 ) : Current Deferred T o t a l i n c o m e tax es 1,290 (335) 955 396 281 677 1 0 , 73 6 ( 2 , 7 8 8) 7 , 94 8 NE T I N C O M E B E F O R E MI NO R I TY I NTE R E STS 1,577 703 1 3 , 12 6 127 118 1 , 05 8 ¥1,450 ¥585 $ 1 2 , 06 8 MI N O R I T Y I N T E R E S T I N NE T I NCO ME NE T I N C O M E Ye n PE R S H A R E O F C O MMO N STO CK ( Note 2 .w) : B a si c n e t i n c o m e C a s h d i v i d e n d s a p pl i cabl e to th e year ¥27.39 7.00 53,168 ¥10,312 ¥11,332 ¥11,662 N et i ncome B A LA N C E, M A R C H 31, 2014 53,168 53,168 ¥1,577 2014 ¥703 2015 $13,126 TO T A L C O M P R E H E NSI V E I NCO ME ATTR I B UTAB L E T O: O w n e r s o f t h e p a ren t M i n o r i t y i n t e r e st s 21 S ee n ot es t o co n s olida ted financial statem ents. 292 201 374 76 943 75 180 98 353 2,431 1,672 3,113 632 7,848 ¥2,520 ¥1,056 $20,974 ¥876 180 $19,517 1,457 (12) (12) 11,877 11,857 (370) 28 P urchas e of t reas ury s t ock (222 ) ( 12) ( 92) 404 215 ¥(1,054) (35) (222 ) (92) (1,054) 32,744 175 488 404 ( 35) (1,054) 32,724 488 28 (227) ¥(95) (3) (3) 229 ¥696 ¥194 374 895 ¥(680) ¥34,724 33,212 (370) 28 292 33,232 1,450 (370) (3) (589) (20) 1,450 N et change i n t he y ear 53,168 ¥10,312 ¥11,332 ¥12,965 (764) (20) ( 5) 198 1,093 ¥686 ¥35,410 Thous ands of U .S . D ol l ars (N ot e 1) Common Stock Treasury Stock Accumulated Othe r Comprehens ive Income Ca p i t a l R e t a i n e d Surplus Earnings A mo u n t Foreign Defined Unrealized Currency Retirement Gain on Benefit Available -for- Translation Plans Sale Securities Adjustments $85,826 $94,315 $98,851 $(766) Cumulative effect of accounting change B A LA N C E, A P R I L 1, 2014 (as restated) C as h di v i dends , $0.06 per s hare C hange i n s cope of cons ol i dat i on $3,362 94,315 Mi nori ty Interes ts Total Eq ui ty $4,062 $276,587 (166) (166) (8,772) 272,359 4,062 276,421 12,068 12,068 12,068 (3,079) (3,079) (3,079) 233 233 233 (25) (25) (166) 85,826 Total $(291) $(8,772) $272,525 98,685 P urchas e of t reas ury s t ock (766) 3,362 (291) (25) N et change i n t he y ear B A LA N C E, M A R C H 31, 2015 ¥2,345 175 ¥33,618 585 Change in scope of consolidation N et i ncome CO M P R E H E N S I V E INCO ME 11,332 ¥313 Total Eq ui ty (370) C as h di v i dends , ¥7.0 per s hare (APRIL 1, 2014, as previously reported) 2015 11,332 Mi nori ty Interes ts 585 1,450 B A LA N C E, M A R C H 31, 2014 Millions of Ye n O T H E R C O M P R E H ENSI V E I NCO ME ( Note 1 4 ) : U n r e a l i z e d g a i n o n avai l abl e-f o r-s al e s ecu ri ti es F o r e i g n c u r r e n c y tran s l ati o n adj u s tm en ts D e f i n e d r e t i r e m e n t ben ef i t pl an s S h a r e o f o t h e r c o m preh en s i ve i n co m e i n as s o ci ates T o t a l o t h e r co m preh en s i ve i n co m e 10,312 A mo u n t Thousa nds of U.S. Dol l ars (Note 1 ) ¥33,305 (20) D i lu t ed n et in come per shar e is not p r esented b ecause no d iluti ve se c u r itie s e xist. S ee n ot es t o co n s olida ted financial statem ents. NE T I N C O M E B E F O R E MI NO R I TY I NTE R E STS 10,312 N et i ncome B A LA N C E, M A R C H 31, 2015 ¥( 250 ) ¥329 75 Cumulative effect of accounting change (as restated) Total (370) N et change i n t he y ear $ 0 .2 3 0 .0 6 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income Year Ended March 31, 2015 ¥( 80) Foreign Defined Unrealized Currency Retirement Gain on Benefit Available -for- Translation Plans Sale Securities Adjustments 585 ( 28) U.S. Do l l ars ¥11.05 7.00 (194) A mo u n t Accumulated Othe r Comprehens ive Income (370) P urchas e of t reas ury s t ock B A LA N C E, A P R I L 1, 2014 IN C O M E B E F O R E INCO ME TAX E S AND MI NO R I TY I NT EREST S Ca p i t a l R e t a i n e d S h a r e s Surplus Earnings C as h di v i dends , ¥7.0 per s hare (APRIL 1, 2014, as previously reported) 508 100 934 A mo u n t Treas ury Stock 2,431 $85,826 $94,315 $107,907 $(791) $5,793 1,906 3,112 7,449 $1,615 $(5,660) $289,005 1,648 9,097 $5,710 $294,715 S e e n o t e s t o c o n s o l i d a t e d f i n a n c i a l s t a t e me n t s . 22 Consolidated Financial Statements Sumitomo Precision Products Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows Year Ended March 31, 2015 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended March 31, 2015 Thousa nds of U.S. Dol l ars (Note 1 ) Millions of Ye n 2015 2014 ¥2,532 ¥1,380 2015 O P E R A T I N G A C T I V I TI E S: I n c o m e b e f o r e i n c o m e tax es an d m i n o ri ty i n teres ts $21,074 A d j u st m e n t s f o r : I n c o m e t a x e s p ai d I n c o m e t a x e s r e f u n ded D e p r e c i a t i o n a n d am o rti zati o n A m o r t i z a t i o n o f g o o dwi l l L o ss o n d i s p o s al o f pro perty, pl an t an d equ i pm en t I n c r e a se i n a l l o wan ce f o r do u btf u l acco u n ts I n c r e a se i n a c c ru ed ex pen s es D e c r e a s e ( i n c r e a s e) i n l i abi l i ty f o r reti rem en t ben ef its (4 1 2 ) 45 2,461 20 249 284 29 (17) I n c r e a se i n a l l o wan ce f o r i n ves tm en t l o s s I n c r e a se i n a s s et reti rem en t o bl i g ati o n s G a i n o n sa l e s o f i n ves tm en t s ecu ri ti es G a i n o n f o r e i g n cu rren cy ex ch an g e E q u i t y i n e a r n i n g s o f as s o ci ated co m pan i es 3 (5 0 8 ) (25) (89) (355) 7 2,130 18 17 170 117 6 60 3 (2 6 5 ) (21) (3 , 4 2 9 ) 375 20,483 166 2 , 07 2 2 , 36 4 241 ( 1 41 ) 25 ( 4 , 2 28 ) ( 2 08 ) ( 7 41 ) C h a n g e s i n a s s ets an d l i abi l i ti es , n et o f ef f ects : D e c r e a se i n trade n o tes an d acco u n ts recei vable I n c r e a s e i n i n ven to ri es D e c r e a se ( i ncreas e) i n o th er cu rren t as s ets I n c r e a s e ( d ecreas e) i n trade n o tes an d acco u n ts p a ya b le D e c r e a se ( i ncreas e) i n o th er cu rren t l i abi l i ti es Other - net T o t a l a dj u s tm en ts N e t c a sh pro vi ded by (u s ed i n ) o perati n g activitie s 512 (2,998) 83 315 (2 9 9 ) 23 (3 2 4 ) 2,208 68 (2,746) (178) (1,511) 415 (72) (2 , 1 3 7 ) (757) 4 , 26 1 (24,952) 691 2 , 62 2 ( 2 , 4 89 ) 19 1 ( 2 , 6 97 ) 18,377 P u r c h a se o f i n t an g i bl e as s ets (4,453) (1 1 8 ) P r o c e e d s f r o m sal es o f pro perty, pl an t an d equ i pme nt Purchases of investments in subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation P u r c h a se s o f i n ves tm en ts i n co n s o l i dated s u bs i di ary P u r c h a se s o f i n ves tm en t s ecu ri ti es P r o c e e d s f r o m sal es o f i n ves tm en t s ecu ri ti es P a y m e n t s o f l o an s recei vabl e P r o c e e d s f r o m c o l l ecti o n o f l o n g -term l o an s recei va b le Other - net N e t c a sh u s ed i n i n ves ti n g acti vi ti es (21) (7) (31) 511 (5 2 0 ) 546 11 (4 , 0 8 2 ) (1 , 1 7 0 ) (128) 15 (708) (320) (164) 34 32 (2,409) P r o c e e d s f r o m lo n g -term debt R e p a y m e n t s o f l o n g -term debt Dividends paid P a y m e n t s f o r sal es an d redem pti o n by i n s tal l m en t p a yme nt C a sh d i v i d e n d s pai d to m i n o ri ty s h areh o l ders Other - net N e t c a s h pro vi ded by f i n an ci n g acti vi ti es FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION ADJUSTMENTS ON CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS NE T D E C R E A S E I N CASH AND CASH E Q UI V AL E NTS CA S H A N D C A S H E Q UI V AL E NTS, B E G I NNI NG O F YE AR CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS OF NEWLY CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARIES CA S H A N D C A S H E Q UI V AL E NTS, E ND O F YE AR (1 , 5 9 9 ) 5,281 (2 , 2 9 9 ) (370) (201) (2) (2) 808 108 (958) 9,832 94 ¥8,968 843 2,337 (2,548) (3 7 0 ) (2 1 8 ) (5) (3) 36 200 (2,930) 12,762 ¥9,832 procedures applied to a parent company and its subsidiaries for similar The accompanying consolidated financial statements of Sumitomo transactions and events under similar circumstances should in principle Precision Products Co., Ltd. (the "Company") have been prepared in be unified for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements. accordance with the provisions set forth in the Japanese Financial However, financial statements prepared by foreign subsidiaries in Instruments and Exchange Act and its related accounting regulations and in accordance with either International Financial Reporting Standards or accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Japan generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America ("Japanese GAAP"), which are different in certain respects as to application tentatively may be used for the consolidation process, except for the and disclosure requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards. following items that should be adjusted in the consolidation process so In preparing these consolidated financial statements, certain reclassifications that net income is accounted for in accordance with Japanese GAAP, and rearrangements have been made to the Company's consolidated unless they are not material: (a) amortization of goodwill; (b) scheduled financial statements issued domestically in order to present them in a form amortization of actuarial gain or loss of pensions that has been recorded which is more familiar to readers outside Japan. In addition, certain in equity through other comprehensive income; (c) expensing capitalized reclassifications have been made in the 2014 consolidated financial development costs of R&D; (d) cancellation of the fair value model of statements to conform to the classifications used in 2015. accounting for property, plant and equipment and investment properties The consolidated financial statements are stated in Japanese yen, the and incorporation of the cost model of accounting; and (e) exclusion of currency of the country in which the Company is incorporated and operates. minority interests from net income, if contained in net income. The translations of Japanese yen amounts into U.S. dollar amounts are c. Unification of Accounting Policies Applied to Foreign Associated included solely for the convenience of readers outside Japan and have been Companies for the Equity Method - In March 2008, the ASBJ issued made at the rate of ¥120.15 to $1, the approximate rate of exchange at ASBJ Statement No. 16, "Accounting Standard for Equity Method of March 31, 2015. Such translations should not be construed as Accounting for Investments." The new standard requires adjustments to representations that the Japanese yen amounts could be converted into be made to conform the associate's accounting policies for similar U.S. dollars at that or any other rate. transactions and events under similar circumstances to those of the parent company when the associate's financial statements are used in 2.SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES applying the equity method unless it is impracticable to determine such adjustments. In addition, financial statements prepared by foreign associated companies in accordance with either International Financial ( 3 7 , 0 62 ) ( 9 82 ) 2015, include the accounts of the Company and its thirteen (ten in 2014) Reporting Standards or generally accepted accounting principles in the significant subsidiaries (together, the "Group"). SPP Nagasaki United States of America tentatively may be used in applying the equity Engineering Co., Ltd., Shinsen Seiki Co., Ltd. and M2M Technologies method if the following items are adjusted so that net income is ( 1 75 ) ( 5 8) (2 58 ) 4 , 25 3 ( 4 , 3 2 8) 4 , 54 4 92 ( 3 3 , 9 74 ) Inc. became consolidated subsidiaries during the period. accounted for in accordance with Japanese GAAP, unless they are not Under the control and influence concepts, those companies in which the material: Company, directly or indirectly, is able to exercise control over operations actuarial gain or loss of pensions that has been recorded in equity are fully consolidated, and those companies over which the Group has through other comprehensive income; (c) expensing capitalized the ability to exercise significant influence are accounted for by the equity development costs of R&D; (d) cancellation of the fair value model of method. accounting for property, plant and equipment and investment properties Investments in four (four in 2014) associated companies are accounted and incorporation of the cost model of accounting; and (e) exclusion of FIN A N C I N G A C T I V I TI E S: I n c r e a se ( d e c r e as e) i n s h o rt-term ban k l o an s - n et Statements." PITF No. 18 prescribes that the accounting policies and a. Consolidation - The consolidated financial statements as of March 31, IN V E S T I N G A C T I V I T I E S: P u r c h a se s o f p ro perty, pl an t an d equ i pm en t Policies Applied to Foreign Subsidiaries for the Consolidated Financial 1.BASIS OF PRESENTING CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (1 3 , 3 08 ) 4 3 , 95 3 ( 1 9 , 1 34 ) ( 3 , 0 7 9) ( 1 , 6 7 3) ( 1 7) (1 7) 6,725 899 ( 7 , 9 7 3) 81,831 782 $ 7 4 , 64 0 for by the equity method. (a) amortization of goodwill; (b) scheduled amortization of minority interests from net income, if contained in net income. Investments in the remaining unconsolidated subsidiary and associated d. Business Combinations - In October 2003, the Business Accounting company are stated at cost. If the equity method of accounting had Council issued a Statement of Opinion, "Accounting for Business been applied to the investments in these companies, the effect on the Combinations," and in December 2005, the ASBJ issued ASBJ accompanying consolidated financial statements would not be material. Statement No. 7, "Accounting Standard for Business Divestitures" and The excess of the cost of acquisition over the fair value of the net assets ASBJ Guidance No. 10, "Guidance for Accounting Standard for of an acquired subsidiary at the date of acquisition is being amortized Business Combinations and Business Divestitures." over a period of 10 years. standard for business combinations allowed companies to apply the The accounting All significant intercompany balances and transactions have been pooling-of-interests method of accounting only when certain specific eliminated in consolidation. criteria are met such that the business combination is essentially All material unrealized profit included in assets resulting from transactions within the Group is also eliminated. regarded as a uniting-of-interests. For business combinations that do b. Unification of Accounting Policies Applied to Foreign Subsidiaries for not meet the uniting-of-interests criteria, the business combination is the Consolidated Financial Statements - In May 2006, the Accounting considered to be an acquisition and the purchase method of accounting Standards Board of Japan (the "ASBJ") issued ASBJ Practical Issues is required. Task Force (PITF) No. 18, "Practical Solution on Unification of Accounting combinations of entities under common control and for joint ventures. This standard also prescribes the accounting for S ee n ot es t o co n s olida ted financial statem ents. 23 24 Consolidated Financial Statements Sumitomo Precision Products Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries In December 2008, the ASBJ issued a revised accounting standard for i. Other Intangible Assets - Intangible assets, except for goodwill, are amortized on a straight-line basis over 10 years within the average and ASBJ Guidance No. 21, "Guidance on Accounting Standard for Asset business combinations, ASBJ Statement No. 21, "Accounting Standard stated at cost less accumulated amortization, which is computed by the remaining service period. Retirement Obligations." for Business Combinations." straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets. The In May 2012, the ASBJ issued ASBJ Statement No. 26, "Accounting retirement obligation is defined as a legal obligation imposed either by law useful life is principally 5 years for software for internal use. Major accounting changes under the revised accounting standard are as follows: (1) The revised standard Standard for Retirement Benefits" and ASBJ Guidance No. 25, or contract that results from the acquisition, construction, development and requires accounting for business combinations only by the purchase j. Long-Lived Assets - The Group reviews its long-lived assets for "Guidance on Accounting Standard for Retirement Benefits," which normal operation of a tangible fixed asset and is associated with the method. As a result, the pooling of interests method of accounting is no impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate the replaced the accounting standard for retirement benefits that had been retirement of such tangible fixed asset. The asset retirement obligation is longer allowed. (2) The previous accounting standard required research carrying amount of an asset or asset group may not be recoverable. An issued by the Business Accounting Council in 1998 with an effective date recognized as the sum of the discounted cash flows required for the future and development costs to be charged to income as incurred. Under the impairment loss is recognized if the carrying amount of an asset or asset of April 1, 2000, and the other related practical guidance, and were asset retirement and is recorded in the period in which the obligation is revised standard, in-process research and development costs (IPR&D) group exceeds the sum of the undiscounted future cash flows expected followed by partial amendments from time to time through 2009. incurred if a reasonable estimate can be made. If a reasonable estimate of acquired in the business combination are capitalized as an intangible to result from the continued use and eventual disposition of the asset or (a) Under the revised accounting standard, actuarial gains and losses the asset retirement obligation cannot be made in the period the asset asset. (3) The previous accounting standard provided for a bargain asset group. The impairment loss would be measured as the amount by and past service costs that are yet to be recognized in profit or loss retirement obligation is incurred, the liability should be recognized when a purchase gain (negative goodwill) to be systematically amortized over a which the carrying amount of the asset exceeds its recoverable amount, are recognized within equity (accumulated other comprehensive reasonable estimate of the asset retirement obligation can be made. Upon period not exceeding 20 years. Under the revised standard, the acquirer which is the higher of the discounted cash flows from the continued use income), after adjusting for tax effects, and any resulting deficit or initial recognition of a liability for an asset retirement obligation, an asset recognizes the bargain purchase gain in profit or loss immediately on the and eventual disposition of the asset or the net selling price at surplus is recognized as a liability (liability for retirement benefits) or retirement cost is capitalized by increasing the carrying amount of the acquisition date after reassessing and confirming that all of the assets disposition. asset (asset for retirement benefits). related fixed asset by the amount of the liability. The asset retirement cost acquired and all of the liabilities assumed have been identified after a k. Derivatives and Hedging Activities - The Group uses derivative financial (b) The revised accounting standard does not change how to recognize is subsequently allocated to expense through depreciation over the review of the procedures used in the purchase price allocation. The instruments to manage its exposures to fluctuations in foreign exchange actuarial gains and losses and past service costs in profit or loss. remaining useful life of the asset. Over time, the liability is accreted to its revised standard was applicable to business combinations undertaken and interest rates. Foreign exchange forward contracts and interest rate Those amounts are recognized in profit or loss over a certain period present value each period. Any subsequent revisions to the timing or the on or after April 1, 2010. swaps are utilized by the Group to reduce foreign currency exchange no longer than the expected average remaining service period of the amount of the original estimate of undiscounted cash flows are reflected as The Group acquired 100% of SPP Nagasaki Engineering Co, Ltd. on April and interest rate risks. The Group does not enter into derivatives for employees. However, actuarial gains and losses and past service an adjustment to the carrying amount of the liability and the capitalized 1, 2014, and accounted for it by the purchase method of accounting. trading or speculative purposes. costs that arose in the current period and have not yet been e. Cash Equivalents - Cash equivalents are short-term investments that are Derivative financial instruments are classified and accounted for as recognized in profit or loss are included in other comprehensive q. Leases - In March 2007, the ASBJ issued ASBJ Statement No. 13, readily convertible into cash and that are exposed to insignificant risk of follows: (1) all derivatives are recognized as either assets or liabilities and income and actuarial gains and losses and past service costs that "Accounting Standard for Lease Transactions," which revised the changes in value. measured at fair value, and gains or losses on derivative transactions are were recognized in other comprehensive income in prior periods and previous accounting standard for lease transactions. Cash equivalents include time deposits, which mature or become due recognized in the consolidated statement of income, and (2) for then recognized in profit or loss in the current period are treated as accounting standard for lease transactions was effective for fiscal years within three months of the date of acquisition. derivatives used for hedging purposes, if such derivatives qualify for reclassification adjustments. beginning on or after April 1, 2008. amount of the related asset retirement cost. The revised f. Inventories - Inventories are stated at the lower of cost, determined by the hedge accounting because of high correlation and effectiveness (c) The revised accounting standard also made certain amendments Under the previous accounting standard, finance leases that were average method for finished goods, semi-finished goods, and work in between the hedging instruments and the hedged items, gains or losses relating to the method of attributing expected benefit to periods, the deemed to transfer ownership of the leased property to the lessee were process, by the specific identification method for certain work in process, on derivatives are deferred until maturity of the hedged transactions. discount rate and expected future salary increases. capitalized. and by the moving-average method for all raw materials and supplies, or Interest rate swaps, which qualify for hedge accounting and meet This accounting standard and the guidance for (a) and (b) above are accounted for as operating lease transactions if certain "as if capitalized" net selling value. specific matching criteria are not remeasured at market value but the effective for the end of annual periods beginning on or after April 1, 2013, information was disclosed in the notes to the lessee's financial differential paid or received under the swap agreements is recognized and for (c) above are effective for the beginning of annual periods statements. The revised accounting standard requires that all finance and included in interest expense. beginning on or after April 1, 2014, or for the beginning of annual periods lease transactions be capitalized by recognizing lease assets and lease l. Allowance for Doubtful Accounts - Notes and accounts receivable, beginning on or after April 1, 2015, subject to certain disclosure in March obligations in the consolidated balance sheet. including loans and other receivables, are valued by providing individually 2015, all with earlier application being permitted from the beginning of The Company and its consolidated domestic subsidiaries applied the categories. estimated uncollectible amounts plus the amounts for probable losses annual periods beginning on or after April 1, 2013. revised accounting standard effective April 1, 2008. Available-for-sale securities, which are not classified as either trading calculated by applying a percentage based on collection experience to retrospective application of this accounting standard to consolidated securities or held-to-maturity debt securities, are reported at fair value, the remaining accounts. financial statements in prior periods is required. g. Investment Securities - The standard requires all applicable securities to be classified and accounted for, depending on management's intent, as trading securities, held-to-maturity debt securities or available-for-sale securities. The Group does not have securities in the former two However, no However, other finance leases were permitted to be All other leases are accounted for as operating leases. r. Bonuses to Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members - m. Allowance for Investment Loss - Allowance for investment loss provides The Group applied the revised accounting standard and guidance for separate component of equity. for loss from investments to associated companies. The amount is retirement benefits for (a) and (b) above, effective March 31, 2014, and Nonmarketable available-for-sale securities are stated at cost estimated in light of the financial standings of the associated companies. for (c) above, effective April 1, 2014. determined by the moving-average method. For other-than-temporary n. Retirement Benefits - The Company and its consolidated domestic With respect to (c) above, the Group changed the method of attributing Statement No. 15, "Accounting Standard for Construction Contracts" declines in fair value, investment securities are reduced to net realizable subsidiaries have defined benefit retirement plans covering substantially the expected benefit to periods from a straight-line basis to a benefit and ASBJ Guidance No. 18, "Guidance on Accounting Standard for value by a charge to income. all of their employees. The Group accounts for the liability for retirement formula basis and the method of determining the discount rate from Construction Contracts." Under this accounting standard, construction benefits based on projected benefit obligations and plan assets at the using the period which approximates the expected average remaining revenue and construction costs should be recognized by the stated at cost. Depreciation of property, plant and equipment of the consolidated balance sheet date. service period to using a single weighted average discount rate reflecting percentage-of-completion method if the outcome of a construction Company and its consolidated domestic subsidiaries is computed Effective April 1, 2000, the Company adopted a new accounting the estimated timing and amount of benefit payment, and recorded the contract can be estimated reliably. When total construction revenue, generally by the declining-balance method, while the straight-line method standard for retirement benefits and accounted for the liability for effect of (c) above as of April 1, 2014, in retained earnings. The effects of total construction costs and the stage of completion of the contract at is principally applied to buildings and lease assets of the Company and retirement benefits based on the projected benefit obligations and plan adopting the revised accounting standard are immaterial. the consolidated balance sheet date can be reliably measured, the property, plant and equipment of consolidated foreign subsidiaries. The assets at the consolidated balance sheet date. The projected benefit range of useful lives is principally from 3 to 50 years for buildings and obligations are attributed to periods on a straight-line basis. Actuarial structures and from 4 to 9 years for machinery and equipment. The gains and losses are amortized on a straight-line basis over 10 years p. Asset Retirement Obligations - In March 2008, the ASBJ issued ASBJ useful lives for lease assets are the terms of the respective leases. within the average remaining service period. Past service costs are Statement No. 18, "Accounting Standard for Asset Retirement Obligations" with unrealized gains and losses, net of applicable taxes, reported in a h. Property, Plant and Equipment - Property, plant and equipment are 25 Under this accounting standard, an asset o. Research and Development Costs - Research and development costs are charged to income as incurred. Bonuses to directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members are accrued at the end of the year to which such bonuses are attributable. s. Construction Contracts - In December 2007, the ASBJ issued ASBJ outcome of a construction contract is deemed to be estimated reliably. If the outcome of a construction contract cannot be reliably estimated, the completed-contract method should be applied. When it is probable that the total construction costs will exceed total construction revenue, 26 Consolidated Financial Statements Sumitomo Precision Products Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries an estimated loss on the contract should be immediately recognized by providing for a loss on construction contracts. t. Income Taxes - The provision for income taxes is computed based on the the acquirer accounts for acquisition-related costs by including prior-period financial statements is discovered, those statements are restated. them in the acquisition costs of the investment. Under the revised accounting standard, acquisition-related costs shall be accounted y. New Accounting Pronouncements for as expenses in the periods in which the costs are incurred. million, respectively. 4.INVESTMENT SECURITIES pretax income included in the consolidated statement of income. The Accounting Standards for Business Combinations and Consolidated asset and liability approach is used to recognize deferred tax assets and Financial Statements - In September 2013, the ASBJ issued revised ASBJ The above accounting standards and guidance for (a) transactions with The cost and aggregate fair value of available-for-sale securities at March liabilities for the expected future tax consequences of temporary Statement No. 21, "Accounting Standard for Business Combinations," noncontrolling interest, (b) presentation of the consolidated balance 31, 2015 and 2014, were as follows: differences between the carrying amounts and the tax of assets and revised ASBJ Guidance No. 10, "Guidance on Accounting Standards for sheet, (c) presentation of the consolidated statement of income, and (e) liabilities. Deferred taxes are measured by applying currently enacted Business Combinations and Business Divestitures," and revised ASBJ acquisition-related costs are effective for the beginning of annual periods income tax rates to the temporary differences. Statement No. 22, "Accounting Standard for Consolidated Financial beginning on or after April 1, 2015. Earlier application is permitted from Statements." Major accounting changes are as follows: the beginning of annual periods beginning on or after April 1, 2014, receivables and payables denominated in foreign currencies are (a) Transactions with noncontrolling interest - A parent's ownership except for (b) presentation of the consolidated balance sheet and (c) translated into Japanese yen at the exchange rates at the consolidated interest in a subsidiary might change if the parent purchases or sells presentation of the consolidated statement of income. In the case of balance sheet date. ownership interests in its subsidiary. The carrying amount of minority earlier application, all accounting standards and guidance above, except interest is adjusted to reflect the change in the parent's ownership for (b) presentation of the consolidated balance sheet and (c) interest in its subsidiary while the parent retains its controlling interest presentation of the consolidated statement of income, should be applied accounts and revenue and expense accounts of the consolidated foreign in its subsidiary. simultaneously. subsidiaries are translated into Japanese yen at the current exchange rate difference between the fair value of the consideration received or paid Either retrospective or prospective application of the revised accounting as of the consolidated balance sheet date except for equity, which is and the amount by which the minority interest is adjusted is standards and guidance for (a) transactions with noncontrolling interest translated at the historical rate. Differences arising from such translation are accounted for as an adjustment of goodwill or as profit or loss in the and (e) acquisition-related costs is permitted. In retrospective application The proceeds, realized gains and realized losses of the available-for-sale shown as "Foreign currency translation adjustments" under accumulated consolidated statement of income. Under the revised accounting of the revised standards and guidance, the accumulated effects of securities which were sold during the year ended March 31, 2015, were as other comprehensive income in a separate component of equity. standard, such difference shall be accounted for as capital surplus as retrospective adjustments for all (a) transactions with noncontrolling follows: long as the parent retains control over its subsidiary. interest and (e) acquisition-related costs which occurred in the past shall u. Foreign Currency Transactions - All short-term and long-term monetary The foreign exchange gains and losses from translation are recognized in the consolidated statement of income. v. Foreign Currency Financial Statements - The consolidated balance sheet w. Per Share Information - Basic net income per share is computed by Under the current accounting standard, any (b) Presentation of the consolidated balance sheet - In the consolidated weighted-average number of common shares outstanding for the period, balance sheet, "minority interest" under the current accounting and retained earnings for the year of the first-time application. retroactively adjusted for stock splits. The number of common shares standard will be changed to "noncontrolling interest" under the prospective application, the new standards and guidance shall be used in computing basic net income per share was 52,943 thousand revised accounting standard. applied prospectively from the beginning of the year of the first-time (c) Presentation of the consolidated statement of income - In the Co s t Equity securities ¥985 March 31, 2014 Co s t Equity securities Equity securities ¥957 Millions of Yen Unrealized Unrealized Gains Losses ¥954 Fair Value ¥1,939 Millions of Yen Unrealized Unrealized Gains Losses ¥614 Fair Value ¥1,571 Thousands of U.S. Dollars Unrealized Unrealized Fair Co s t Gains Losses Value $8,198 $7,940 $16,138 be reflected as adjustments to the beginning balance of capital surplus In application. Diluted net income per share reflects the potential dilution that could occur consolidated statement of income, "income before minority interest" The revised accounting standards and guidance for (b) presentation of if securities were exercised or converted into common stock. Diluted net under the current accounting standard will be changed to "net the consolidated balance sheet and (c) presentation of the consolidated income per share of common stock assumes full conversion of the income" under the revised accounting standard, and "net income" statement of income shall be applied to all periods presented in financial outstanding convertible notes and bonds at the beginning of the year (or at under the current accounting standard will be changed to "net statements containing the first-time application of the revised standards the time of issuance) with an applicable adjustment for related interest income attributable to owners of the parent" under the revised and guidance. expense, net of tax, and full exercise of outstanding warrants (if any). accounting standard. The revised standards and guidance for (d) provisional accounting Diluted net income per share is not disclosed because there were no potentially March 31, 2015 March 31, 2015 dividing net income available to common shareholders by the shares for 2015 and 52,968 thousand shares for 2014. March 31, 2015 Proceeds Equity securities March 31, 2015 Equity securities ¥511 Millions of Yen Realized Realized Gains Loss ¥508 Thousands of U.S. Dollars Realized Realized P r o c e e ds Gains Loss $4,253 $4,228 5.INVENTORIES Inventories at March 31, 2015 and 2014, consisted of the following: (d) Provisional accounting treatments for a business combination - If the treatments for a business combination are effective for a business dilutive securities outstanding for the years ended March 31, 2015 and 2014. initial accounting for a business combination is incomplete by the end combination which occurs on or after the beginning of annual periods Cash dividends per share presented in the accompanying consolidated of the reporting period in which the business combination occurs, an beginning on or after April 1, 2015. Earlier application is permitted for a statement of income are dividends applicable to the respective fiscal acquirer shall report in its financial statements provisional amounts for business combination which occurs on or after the beginning of annual years, including dividends to be paid after the end of the year. the items for which the accounting is incomplete. Under the current periods beginning on or after April 1, 2014. x. Accounting Changes and Error Corrections - In December 2009, the ASBJ accounting standard guidance, the impact of adjustments to The Company expects to apply the revised accounting standards and issued ASBJ Statement No. 24, "Accounting Standard for Accounting provisional amounts recorded in a business combination on profit or guidance for (a), (b), (c) and (e) above from April 1, 2015, and for (d) Changes and Error Corrections" and ASBJ Guidance No. 24, "Guidance on loss is recognized as profit or loss in the year in which the above for a business combination which will occur on or after April 1, Accounting Standard for Accounting Changes and Error Corrections." measurement is completed. Under the revised accounting standard 2015, and is in the process of measuring the effects of applying the Accounting treatments under this standard and guidance are as follows: (1) guidance, during the measurement period, which shall not exceed revised accounting standards and guidance in future applicable periods. Changes in Accounting Policies - When a new accounting policy is applied one year from the acquisition, the acquirer shall retrospectively adjust following revision of an accounting standard, the new policy is applied the provisional amounts recognized at the acquisition date to reflect retrospectively unless the revised accounting standard includes specific new information obtained about facts and circumstances that existed transitional provisions, in which case the entity shall comply with the specific as of the acquisition date and that would have affected the "Payments of loans receivable" and "Proceeds from collection of long-term Short-term bank loans bear interest at rates ranging from 0.43% to 6.00% transitional provisions. (2) Changes in Presentation - When the presentation of measurement of the amounts recognized as of that date. Such loans receivable" were included in "Other - net" among the investing at March 31, 2015, and from 0.44% to 6.00% at March 31, 2014. financial statements is changed, prior-period financial statements are adjustments shall be recognized as if the accounting for the business activities section of the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year combination had been completed at the acquisition date. ended March 31, 2014. Since the amounts increased, such amounts are reclassified in accordance with the new presentation. 27 and future periods. (4) Corrections of Prior-Period Errors - When an error in (3) Changes in 3.CHANGES IN PRESENTATIONS Accounting Estimates - A change in an accounting estimate is accounted for in (e) Acquisition-related costs - Acquisition-related costs are costs, such separately presented in the investing activities section of the consolidated the period of the change if the change affects that period only, and is as advisory fees or professional fees, which an acquirer incurs to statement of cash flows the year ended March 31, 2015. The amounts accounted for prospectively if the change affects both the period of the change effect a business combination. Under the current accounting standard, included in "Other - net" as of March 31, 2014, were ¥164 million and ¥34 Millions of Yen 2015 Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2014 2015 Finished products and semi-finished products ¥5,413 ¥4,590 $45,052 Work in process 11,678 10,160 71,178 8,552 7,354 97,195 ¥25,643 ¥22,104 $213,425 Raw materials and supplies Total 6.SHORT-TERM BANK LOANS AND LONG-TERM DEBT Long-term debt at March 31, 2015 and 2014, consisted of the following: 28 Consolidated Financial Statements Sumitomo Precision Products Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries Thousands of U.S. Dollars Millions of Yen 2015 Loans from banks and insurance companies, due serially to 2018 with interest rates ranging from 0.45% to 5.13% (2015) and from 0.71% to 5.13% (2014) Collateralized 2014 7.RETIREMENT BENEFITS The Company and its domestic consolidated subsidiaries have defined benefit retirement plans for employees. Employees terminating their employment are, under most circumstances, Service cost Interest cost Expected return on plan assets ¥932 $28,955 entitled to retirement benefits determined based on the rate of pay at the 12,005 11,189 99,917 341 697 2,839 time of termination, length of service, and conditions under which the Recognized actuarial losses Total 15,825 12,818 131,711 termination occurs. If the termination is involuntary, caused by retirement at Others Less current portion (2,461) (2,330) (20,483) the mandatory retirement age or caused by death, the employee is entitled Net periodic benefit costs ¥13,364 ¥10,488 $111,228 Obligation under finance leases Long-term debt, less current portion Amortization of prior service cost 2014 2015 ¥344 ¥347 74 83 (137) (119) $2,888 616 (1,140) 8.EQUITY Japanese companies are subject to the Companies Act of Japan (the "Companies Act"). The significant provisions in the Companies Act that affect financial and accounting matters are summarized below: (a) Dividends (6) (6) (50) 350 358 2,913 Under the Companies Act, companies can pay dividends at any time 15 4 125 during the fiscal year in addition to the year-end dividend upon resolution ¥643 ¥664 $5,352 at the shareholders' meeting. For companies that meet certain criteria, to greater payments than in the case of voluntary termination. the Board of Directors may declare dividends (except for dividends in Employees of the Company who retire at the mandatory retirement age are (5) Amounts recognized in other comprehensive income (before income tax Annual maturities of long-term debt, as of March 31, 2015, for the next five entitled to receive approximately 50% of their benefits in the form of an effect) in respect of defined retirement benefit plans for the years ended in its articles of incorporation. The Company meets the above criteria. years and thereafter were as follows: annuity with the balance in a lump-sum payment upon retirement. The March 31, 2015 and 2014: The Companies Act permits companies to distribute dividends in-kind Yea r End i ng Ma r ch 31 Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2016 ¥2,461 $20,483 2017 7,896 65,718 2018 1,417 11,794 2019 1,211 10,079 2020 1,955 16,271 funds for the annuity payments are entrusted to an outside trustee. (1) The changes in defined benefit obligation for the years ended March 31, 2015 and 2014, were as follows: 2015 2014 7,366 Balance at beginning of year (as previously reported) ¥5,627 Cumulative effect of accounting change 30 Balance at beginning of year (as restated) 5,657 The carrying amounts of assets pledged as collateral for long-term bank Increase due to inclusion of subsidiaries in consolidation 224 loans of ¥3,479 million ($28,955 thousand) and long-term payables of ¥62 Current service cost 347 344 2,888 million ($516 thousand) at March 31, 2015, were as follows: Interest cost 74 83 616 240 25 1,998 (767) (447) (6,384) Millions of Yen Land Buildings and structures Total Thousands of U.S. Dollars ¥409 $3,404 79 658 ¥488 $4,062 The above assets are provided for the factory foundation mortgage. Benefits paid Balance at end of year ¥5,775 ¥5,622 5,622 $46,833 2014 $48,065 2015 Unrecognized prior service cost Unrecognized actuarial losses 2015 ¥(42) ¥(48) $(349) 1,110 1,685 9,238 ¥1,068 ¥1,637 $8,889 Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2015 ¥4,554 ¥3,971 $37,903 465 276 3,870 Equity investments 201 415 1,673 Cash and cash equivalents These agreements include the following financial restriction provisions: (1) Ordinary income in the consolidated or nonconsolidated statements of Benefits paid (324) (227) (2,697) Others ¥5,033 ¥4,554 $41,889 operations for the year ended March 31, 2015, are ¥2,024 million and Millions of Yen ¥1,880 million, respectively. 2015 (2) The amount of equity in the consolidated balance sheet at the end of Defined benefit obligation ¥5,775 fiscal year should be more than ¥22,500 million. (3) The amount of equity in the nonconsolidated balance sheet at the end of Plan assets Net liability arising from defined benefit obligation 2014 Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2015 ¥5,627 $48,065 (5,033) (4,554) (41,889) ¥742 ¥1,073 $6,176 Total ended March 31, 2015 and 2014, were as follows: surplus and retained earnings can be transferred among the accounts 37% with equity under certain conditions upon resolution of the shareholders. (c) Treasury stock and treasury stock acquisition rights 51 49 The Companies Act also provides for companies to purchase treasury 4 4 6 10 stock and dispose of such treasury stock by resolution of the Board of 100% 100% 2014 b. Method of determining the expected rate of return on plan assets Directors. The amount of treasury stock purchased cannot exceed the amount available for distribution to the shareholders which is determined by a specific formula. Under the Companies Act, stock acquisition rights The expected rate of return on plan assets is determined considering are presented as a separate component of equity. The Companies Act the long-term rates of return which are expected currently and in the also provides that companies can purchase both treasury stock future from the various components of the plan assets. acquisition rights and treasury stock. Such treasury stock acquisition rights are presented as a separate component of equity or deducted (8) Assumptions used for the years ended March 31, 2015 and 2014, were set directly from stock acquisition rights. forth as follows: 2015 Discount rate Expected rate of return on plan assets (4) The components of net periodic retirement benefit costs for the years dividends, until the aggregate amount of legal reserve and additional 39% 2015 Contributions from the employer assets depending on the equity account charged upon the payment of such common stock, legal reserve, additional paid-in capital, other capital Plan assets as of March 31, 2015 and 2014, consisted of the following: Actuarial gains balance sheet and the balances of defined benefit obligation and plan earnings) or as additional paid-in capital (a component of capital surplus), be reversed without limitation. The Companies Act also provides that a. Components of plan assets the term for all the liabilities under these agreements. (3) Reconciliation between the liability recorded in the consolidated must be appropriated as a legal reserve (a component of retained Act, the total amount of additional paid-in capital and legal reserve may of the following covenants are violated, the Company may lose the benefit of is ¥35,575 million. 2014 The Companies Act requires that an amount equal to 10% of dividends paid-in capital equals 25% of the common stock. Under the Companies Debt investments the nonconsolidated balance sheet for the year ended March 31, 2015, Thousands of U.S. Dollars Millions of Yen 1,140 Balance at end of year on the amounts available for dividends or the purchase of treasury stock. maintained at no less than ¥3 million. (b) Increases/decreases and transfer of common stock, reserve and surplus as of March 31, 2015 and 2014: (7) Plan assets 2015 Balance at beginning of year Company so stipulate. The Companies Act provides certain limitations shareholders, but the amount of net assets after dividends must be 2014, were as follows: Millions of Yen resolution by the Board of Directors if the articles of incorporation of the (before income tax effect) in respect of defined retirement benefit plans 119 fiscal year should be more than ¥22,000 million. The amount of equity in (4,786) $(4,736) Semiannual interim dividends may also be paid once a year upon 47,083 137 income in the consolidated and nonconsolidated statements of (575) ¥(569) additional requirements. The limitation is defined as the amount available for distribution to the Expected return on plan assets before income taxes less extraordinary items. The amount of ordinary $50 (noncash assets) to shareholders subject to a certain limitation and (6) Amounts recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income ¥6,600 million ($54,931 thousand) at March 31, 2015. In the event that any the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012. Ordinary income means income ¥6 (2) The changes in plan assets for the years ended March 31, 2015 and current portion of long-term debt and long-term payables. operations should not be negative for two consecutive years on or after 2015 kind) at any time during the fiscal year if the Company has prescribed so 250 1,864 ¥5,627 Total Total The above collateralized long-term debt and long-term payables include the Long-term bank loans include syndicate loan agreements amounting to Prior service cost 2014 2015 $131,711 Actuarial losses 2015 Actuarial losses Thousands of U.S. Dollars Millions of Yen 885 Total Thousands of U.S. Dollars Millions of Yen ¥15,825 2021 and thereafter 29 2015 ¥3,479 Unsecured Thousands of U.S. Dollars Millions of Yen 2015 Expected rate of salary increase 0.865-1.011% 2014 1.5% 3.0% 3.0% 1.5-2.4% 1.5-2.4% 9.SELLING, GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Selling, general and administrative expenses for the years ended March 31, 2015 and 2014, principally consisted of the following: 30 Consolidated Financial Statements Sumitomo Precision Products Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries Thousands of U.S. Dollars Millions of Yen 2015 2014 2015 ¥3,018 ¥2,702 $25,119 Net periodic retirement benefit costs 177 203 1,473 Depreciation and amortization 391 371 3,254 1,145 1,097 9,530 20 18 166 Employees' salaries and bonuses Research and development costs Goodwill amortization 10.INCOME TAXES The Company and its domestic subsidiaries are subject to Japanese national and local income taxes which, in the aggregate, resulted in normal 2015 2014 38.0% 35.6% Normal effective statutory tax rate rates, those risks are hedged by using forward foreign currency market value are monitored on a quarterly basis. Nontax deductible expenses 0.7 1.3 Tax rate difference in foreign subsidiaries 0.1 (0.2) Payment terms of payables, such as trade notes and trade accounts, are Per capita in local tax 0.6 1.1 less than one year. Although payables in foreign currencies are exposed Amortization of goodwill 0.3 0.5 to the market risk of fluctuation in foreign currency exchange rates, those Equity in earnings of associated companies (1.3) (0.6) Change in valuation allowance 9.6 11.3 risks are generally hedged by using forward foreign currency contracts. Tax credit (8.6) (5.9) Tax on unrealized intercompany profit (0.7) (1.1) Decrease adjustment of deferred tax assets for changing the tax rate 1.4 3.7 Other - net 0.0 37.7% Actual effective tax rate March 31, 2015 contracts. Investment securities are mainly equity securities and their fair Cash and cash equivalents Notes and accounts receivable Investment securities Total Millions of Yen Carrying Fair Unrealized Amount Value Loss ¥8,968 ¥8,968 20,921 20,921 1,565 1,565 ¥31,454 ¥31,454 Maturities of bank loans and lease obligations are less than seven and a Short-term bank loans ¥(13,610) ¥(13,610) half years after the consolidated balance sheet date. Although a part of Payables (10,980) (10,980) such bank loans and lease obligations are exposed to market risks from Long-term debt (15,825) (15,834) ¥(9) 1.0 changes in variable interest rates, those risks are mitigated by using Total ¥(40,415) ¥(40,424) ¥(9) 49.1% derivatives of interest rate swaps. See Note 13 for more details about March 31, 2014 derivatives. effective statutory tax rates of 35.6% and 38.0% for the years ended March (3) Risk management for financial instruments Millions of Yen Carrying Fair Unrealized Amount Value Loss ¥9,832 ¥9,832 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively. New tax reform laws enacted in 2015 in Japan changed the normal effective The tax effects of significant temporary differences and loss carryforwards statutory tax rate for the fiscal year beginning on or after April 1, 2015, to which resulted in deferred tax assets and liabilities at March 31, 2015 and approximately 33.0% and for the fiscal year beginning on or after April 1, Credit risk is the risk of economic loss arising from a counterparty's 2014, were as follows: 2016, to approximately 32.3%. The effect of these changes was immaterial. failure to repay or service debt according to the contractual terms. The At March 31, 2015, certain subsidiaries have expiring tax loss carryforwards Group manages its credit risk from receivables on the basis of internal aggregating approximately ¥3,210 million ($26,717 thousand) which are guidelines, which include monitoring payment terms and balances of Short-term bank loans available to be offset against taxable income of such subsidiaries in future major customers by each business administration department to identify Payables years. These tax loss carryforwards, if not utilized, will expire as follows: the default risk of customers at an early stage. Because the Long-term debt (12,818) (12,831) ¥(13) counterparties to derivatives are limited to major international financial Total ¥(41,446) ¥(41,459) ¥(13) Thousands of U.S. Dollars Millions of Yen 2015 2014 2015 Deferred tax assets: Reserve for accrued bonuses ¥422 ¥418 $3,512 Liability for retirement benefits 388 582 3,229 Loss on devaluation of inventories 289 213 2,405 27 25 225 Tax loss carryforwards 861 563 7,166 Other 762 465 6,343 (1,167) (799) (9,713) ¥1,582 ¥1,467 $13,167 Loss on devaluation of investment securities Less valuation allowance Total Deferred tax liabilities: Y ear E nd ing M arch 31 Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars Credit Risk Management institutions, the Group does not anticipate any losses arising from credit Notes and accounts receivable Investment securities Total March 31, 2015 risk. See Note 13 for more details about derivatives. 2016 ¥49 $408 2017 277 2,305 2018 242 2,014 Foreign currency trade receivables and payables are exposed to market 2019 188 1,565 risk resulting from fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates. Such 2020 397 3,304 foreign exchange risk is hedged principally by forward foreign currency 2,057 17,121 ¥3,210 $26,717 contracts. Interest rate swaps are used to manage exposure to market 2021 and thereafter Cash and cash equivalents Market risk management (foreign exchange risk and interest rate risk) Cash and cash equivalents Notes and accounts receivable ¥(15,157) (13,471) (13,471) Thousands of U.S. Dollars Carrying Fair Unrealized Amount Value Loss $74,640 $74,640 174,124 174,124 13,025 $(113,275) $(113,275) Net unrealized gain on available-for-sale securities (318) (210) (2,647) risks from changes in the interest rates of loan payables. Short-term bank loans Prepaid pension cost (198) (221) (1,648) Investment securities are managed by monitoring market value and the Payables Other (210) (231) (1,748) financial position of issuers on a regular basis. Long-term debt ¥(873) ¥(802) $(7,266) ¥709 ¥665 $5,901 Net deferred tax assets ¥(15,157) $261,789 $(1,223) Derivative transactions entered into by the Group have been made in ¥32,026 $261,789 ¥(140) 11.LEASES 1,169 ¥32,026 Total ¥(147) Total 21,025 1,169 13,025 Investment securities Roll-over relief on property, plant and equipment Total 21,025 Total (91,386) (91,386) (131,711) (131,786) $(75) $(336,372) $(336,447) $(75) Total rental expenses including lease payments under finance lease accordance with internal policies which regulate the authorization and The above long-term debt includes the current portion of long-term debt. Note: agreements that do not transfer ownership of the leased property to the credit limit amount by the corporate treasury department. Cash and cash equivalents and Notes and accounts receivable The amounts of net deferred tax assets are shown in the following accounts Group, accounted for as operating lease, were ¥336 million ($2,797 in the consolidated balance sheets as of March 31, 2015 and 2014. thousand) and ¥317 million for the years ended March 31, 2015 and 2014, Liquidity risk comprises the risk that the Group cannot meet its Investment securities respectively. contractual obligations in full on their maturity dates. The Group manages The fair values are measured at the quoted market price of the stock its liquidity risk by holding adequate volumes of liquid assets along with exchange for the equity instruments. adequate financial planning by the corporate treasury department. investment securities by classification is included in Note 4. Millions of Yen 2015 2014 Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2015 ¥1,068 ¥784 $8,889 Deferred tax assets - noncurrent 400 621 3,329 Long-term liabilities - noncurrent (759) (740) (6,317) Deferred tax assets - current 12.FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AND RELATED DISCLOSURES Liquidity risk management (4) Fair value of financial instruments The carrying values approximate fair value because of their short maturities. Fair value information for the Short-term bank loans and Payables Fair values of financial instruments are based on quoted prices in active The carrying values approximate fair value because of their short maturities. markets. If a quoted price is not available, other rational valuation Long-term debt The Group uses financial instruments, mainly long-term debt including techniques are used instead. See Note 13 for the details of fair value for The fair values of long-term debt and lease obligations are determined by bank loans and convertible bonds, based on its capital financing plan. derivatives. discounting the cash flows related to the debt at the Group's assumed A reconciliation between the normal effective statutory tax rates and the Cash surpluses, if any, are invested in low risk financial assets. (a) Fair value of financial instruments corporate borrowing rate. actual effective tax rates reflected in the accompanying consolidated Short-term bank loans are used to fund the Group's ongoing operations. Derivatives statement of income for the year ended March 31, 2015, with the Derivatives are used, not for speculative purposes, but to manage Fair value information for derivatives is included in Note 13. corresponding figures for 2014, is as follows: exposure to financial risks as described in (2) below. (b) Carrying amount of financial instruments whose fair value cannot be (1) Group policy for financial instruments (2) Nature and extent of risks arising from financial instruments reliably determined Receivables, such as trade notes and trade accounts, are exposed to customer credit risk. Although receivables in foreign currencies are exposed to the market risk of fluctuation in foreign currency exchange 31 32 Consolidated Financial Statements Sumitomo Precision Products Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries Thousands of U.S. Dollars Millions of Yen 2015 Investments in equity instruments that do not have a quoted market price in an active market ¥591 Investments in limited partnerships Total 2014 2015 $4,919 ¥620 31 45 258 ¥622 ¥665 $5,177 (5) Maturity analysis for financial assets with contractual maturities Ma r ch 31 , 2 0 1 5 Due in 1 Year or Less Cash and cash equivalents ¥8,968 Notes and accounts receivable 20,921 Total Ma r ch 31 , 2 0 1 5 Millions of Yen Due after Due after 1 Year 5 Years through through 5 Years 10 Years Due after 10 Years Interest rate swaps: (fixed rate payment, floating rate receipt) Thousands of U.S. Dollars Contract Fair Hedged Contract Amount Value Item Amount Due after One Year Long-term $17,145 $16,896 debt Notes and accounts receivable 174,124 U.S. Dollars Due after Due after 5 Years 10 Years through 10 Years $248,764 The Group enters into derivative contracts to hedge market risks such as foreign exchange and interest rate fluctuations associated with certain assets and liabilities. differential paid or received under the swap agreements is recognized and allocated among the Group. Therefore, the Group consists of two included in interest expense. In addition, the fair value of such interest rate segments: aerospace and related products and industrial products. swaps in Note 12 is included in that of hedged items (i.e., long-term debt). Aerospace and related products consists of manufacturing propeller The contract or notional amounts of derivatives which are shown in the systems, landing gear systems, heat control systems, space equipment, above table do not represent the amounts exchanged by the parties and do hydraulic pumps, hydraulic valves and others. not measure the Group's exposure to credit or market risk. consists of manufacturing LNG vaporizers, heat exchangers, ozone The accounting policies of each reportable segment are consistent with 31, 2015 and 2014, were as follows: those disclosed in Note 2, "Summary of Significant Accounting Policies." Gains arising during the year ¥908 Reclassification adjustments to profit or loss (508) Amount before income tax effect 400 Total Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2014 ¥117 Since all of the Group's derivative transactions are related to qualified hedges of underlying business exposures, market gain or loss risk in the derivative instruments is basically offset by opposite movements in the value of the hedged assets or liabilities. Derivative transactions entered into by the Group have been made in accordance with internal policies which regulate the authorization and credit limit amount. (4,228) 117 3,329 (108) (42) (898) ¥292 ¥75 $2,431 ¥180 $1,672 ¥201 ¥180 $1,672 Segment assets Depreciation $1,873 Reclassification adjustments to profit or loss 344 2,863 Amount before income tax effect 569 4,736 Income tax effect Total ¥2,060 ¥2,030 Millions of Yen Contract Contract Amount Amount Due after One Year ¥680 ¥660 (195) (1,623) ¥374 $3,113 Amortization of goodwill Investment in associated companies accounted for by the equity method Increase in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets Depreciation Amortization of goodwill Investment in associated companies accounted for by the equity method Increase in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets ¥76 ¥98 $632 ¥76 ¥98 $632 ¥943 ¥353 $7,848 15.SEGMENT INFORMATION Sales to external customers Total Segment profit (operating income) Segment assets Information Disclosures" and ASBJ Guidance No. 20, "Guidance on Other: segments. Reportable segments are operating segments or aggregations of operating segments that meet specified criteria. Operating segments are Japan North America ¥24,099 ¥11,643 Japan North America ¥24,611 ¥10,750 ¥47,135 ¥47,135 $244,103 $148,198 $392,301 $392,301 $11,286 $2,014 $13,300 393,167 211,544 604,711 11,103 9,380 20,483 166 $13,300 681,639 $76,928 14,773 20,483 166 166 9,688 9,688 9,688 4,045 18,818 18,818 ¥29,329 ¥17,806 ¥47,135 ¥47,135 Japan ¥1,598 $200,574 ¥1,356 ¥242 ¥1,598 47,239 25,417 72,656 1,334 1,127 2,461 2,461 20 20 1,164 1,164 1,164 486 2,261 2,261 ¥9,243 81,899 Depreciation Amortization of goodwill Investment in associated companies accounted for by the equity method Increase in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets $96,904 O ther Total ¥3,171 ¥193 ¥47,135 ¥8,029 Millions of Yen 2 0 14 Europe Asia O ther Total ¥3,744 ¥169 ¥45,032 ¥5,758 $26,392 $66,825 O ther Total $1,606 $392,301 Note: Sales are classified by country or region based on the location of customers. (2) Property, plant and equipment 20 1,775 Information about property, plant and equipment by geographical area is not disclosed because Japanese GAAP does not require such disclosure if total assets in Japan represent more than 90% of the consolidated amounts. 5. Information about major customers Information about major customers is not disclosed for the year ended March 31, 2015, because there is no customer that represents more than 10% of net sales in the consolidated statement of income. ¥26,639 ¥18,393 ¥45,032 ¥45,032 Name of Customer 2 0 14 Sales Millions of Yen ¥26,639 ¥18,393 ¥45,032 ¥45,032 Related Segment Name Ministry of Defense ¥4,530 Aerospace and Related Products ¥806 ¥157 ¥963 41,751 27,417 69,168 1,226 904 2,130 2,130 18 18 998 998 998 3,493 4,754 4,754 18 1,261 ¥963 ¥10,780 6. Information about amortization of goodwill 79,948 Aerospace and Related Products ¥20 Amortization of goodwill Goodwill at March 31, 2015 components of an entity about which separate financial information is decision maker in deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing Millions of Yen 2 0 15 Europe Asia Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2 015 Asia North America E u r o p e Sales: Under ASBJ Statement No. 17, "Accounting Standard for Segment required to report financial and descriptive information about its reportable (1) Sales available and such information is evaluated regularly by the chief operating Amortization of goodwill Goodwill at March 31, 2014 33 $392,301 Other: ¥17,806 Millions of Yen 2014 Reportable Segment Aerospace and Industrial Total Reconciliations Consolidated Related Products Products Share of other comprehensive income in associates: Accounting Standard for Segment Information Disclosures," an entity is Fair Value Segment assets ¥29,329 Intersegment sales or transfers Fair Value Total Segment profit (operating income) Intersegment sales or transfers ¥201 ¥225 Total other comprehensive income Millions of Yen Contract Contract Amount Amount Due after One Year Sales to external customers Total Segment profit (operating income) Adjustments arising during the year Total Derivative transactions to which hedge accounting is applied. Sales: Other: Gains arising during the year Long-term debt Millions of Yen 2015 Reportable Segment Aerospace and Industrial Total Reconciliations Consolidated Related Products Products $7,557 Defined retirement benefit plans: or issue derivatives for speculative purposes. Interest rate swaps: (fixed rate payment, floating rate receipt) 3. Information about sales, profit, assets, and other items 2015 Foreign currency translation adjustments: Total $244,103 $148,198 $392,301 Intersegment sales or transfers 4. Information about geographical areas other items for each reportable segment The components of other comprehensive income for the years ended March market risks associated with assets and liabilities. The Group does not hold Hedged Item Industrial products Sales to external customers 2. Methods of measurement for the amounts of sales, profit, assets and 14.OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Adjustments arising during the year It is the Group's policy to use derivatives only for the purpose of reducing A t Ma r ch 31 , 2 0 1 4 The Group's reportable segments are those for which separate financial management is being performed in order to decide how resources are Income tax effect Long-term debt Sales: 1. Description of reportable segments Unrealized gain on available-for-sale securities: 13.DERIVATIVES Interest rate swaps: (fixed rate payment, floating rate receipt) segments. information is available and regular evaluation by the Company's Millions of Yen See Note 6 for annual maturities of long-term debt. Hedged Item performance and deciding how to allocate resources to operating specific matching criteria are not remeasured at market value but the 2015 Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2015 Reportable Segment Aerospace and Industrial Total Reconciliations Consolidated Related Products Products on the same basis as is used internally for evaluating operating segment generators, semiconductor equipment and others. Cash and cash equivalents A t Ma r ch 31 , 2 0 1 5 performance. Generally, segment information is required to be reported The above interest rate swaps which qualify for hedge accounting and meet ¥29,889 Thousands of Due after Due in 1 Year 1 Year through or Less 5 Years $74,640 Total At M arch 31, 2015 Millions of Yen 2015 Industrial Elimination/ Products Corporate ¥20 159 159 Aerospace and Related Products ¥18 175 Total Millions of Yen 2014 Industrial Elimination/ Products Corporate Total ¥18 175 34 Consolidated Financial Statements Sumitomo Precision Products Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries Consolidated Financial Statements Sumitomo Precision Products Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries Independent Auditor’s March 31, 2015 Report Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2015 Aerospace and Industrial Elimination/ Total Related Products Products Corporate $166 $166 Amortization of goodwill Goodwill at March 31, 2015 1,323 1,323 16.SUBSEQUENT EVENTS (a) Appropriations of Retained Earnings At the general shareholders' meeting held on June 26, 2015, the Company's shareholders approved the following appropriations of retained earnings as of March 31, 2015: Millions of Yen Appropriations: Cash dividends, ¥3.5 ($0.03) per share ¥185 Thousands of U.S. Dollars $1,540 (b) Business Combination (1) Acquisition of stock On June 4, 2015, SPP Canada Aircraft, Inc. (SPPCA), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, acquired 100% of the shares of Tecnickrome Aéronautique Inc. (Tecnickrome), a provider of surface finishing technologies for the aerospace market based in Quebec, Canada. The acquisition enables the Company to provide flexible and high-value services to our customers throughout North America and Europe through SPPCA. This will also significantly enhance the overall capability of the Group, which includes the recently-acquired CFN Precision Ltd., to provide a stable supply of products. Tecnickrome will benefit from the opportunity to provide its high-value products to a broader customer base by expanding its traditional business with the anticipation of further growth. The aggregate cost of the acquisition was CA$ 15.5 million and the value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed has not been determined. (2) Acquisition of businesses On June 25, 2015, the board of the Company resolved that SPP Technologies Co., Ltd. (SPT), a subsidiary of the Company, should establish a wholly-owned new company in the United States, SPT USA, Inc., and acquire the Thermal Product (TP) business from SPTS Technologies UK Limited on June 30, 2015. The acquisition of the TP business will lead to an expansion of the Microtechnology business unit operated mainly by SPT, by generating a synergy effect with the existing SPT products and technologies, and by obtaining an overseas network. The aggregate cost of the acquisition was approximately US$ 22 million and the value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed has not been determined. 35 36 Domestic and Overseas Bases Company Profile / Stock Information As of July 1, 2015 ■ Office & Plant / ■ Overseas Office / ■ Main Affiliated Company Company Profile (As of March 31, 2015) Domestic ■ Nagoya Sales Office ■ Shiga Plant C o m p any N am e Sumitomo Precision Products Co., Ltd. Es tab lis hed January, 1961 P ain-in C ap ital ¥10,311 million P r es id ent Shinichi Miki N um b er o f Em p lo y ees 1,709 (Consolidated) 1,118 (Non-consolidated) ■ ■ Head Office & Main Plant Sumisei Engineering Co., Ltd. ■ (Design, drawing and engineering services) ■ Sumisei Sangyo Co., Ltd. (Sales of all types of materials and machinery parts) ■ Shinsen Seiki Co., Ltd. ■ Tokyo Head Office ■ SPP Technologies Co., Ltd. ■ SPP Nagasaki Engineering Co., Ltd Sumisei Hydraulic Systems Co., Ltd. (Production, maintenance and sales of aerospace and hydraulic equipment) (Maintenance, repair and overhaul on aircraft landing gear systems and customer support) ■ Wakayama Plant ■ M2M Technologies Inc. Overseas ■ Sumitomo Precision USA, Inc. (Production and sales of heat exchangers for aerospace) ■ SPP Canada Aircraft, Inc. (Design, assembly, sales and customer support for Commercial Landing Gear Systems) Sumitomo Precision Shanghai Co., Ltd. ■ (Development and sales of environmental systems) ■ CFN Precision Ltd. (Production and sales of aircraft parts) Ningbo SPP Hydraulics Co., Ltd. ■ (Production and sales of QT pumps) ■ Main Plant (Amagasaki), Shiga Plant, Wakayama Plant (Plant site area:136,844 square meters) URL Stock Information (As of March 31, 2015) Fis cal Year From April 1 of each year through March 31 of the following year Or d inar y S har eho ld er M eeting June Reco r d Date Ordinary Shareholder Meeting: March 31 Year-end Dividends: March 31 Interim Dividends: September 30 (Solution services utilizing machine to machine communication and cloud computing technology) ■ 1-10 Fuso-cho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0891, Japan P lant (Production, sales and support of MEMS/ semiconductor related process tools) (Processing of all types of machinery parts) ■ Iruma Plant H ead Office T r ans fer A g ent 1-4-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited M etho d o f P ub lic N o tices To be posted on the Company’s Website( S to ck C o d e 6355 N um b er o f A utho r iz ed S har es 200,000,000 N um b er o f I s s ued S har es 53,167,798 N um b er o f S har eho ld er s 6,082 M inim um T r ad ing Unit 1,000 S to ck Ex chang e Lis ting Tokyo Tecnickrome Aéronautique Inc. (Surface finishing of aircraft parts) London Office ▶ Treas ury S t ock 0.4% Forei gn I nv es t ors 8.5% ■ ■ Aviocast Inc. (Production and sales of casting products) ■ I ndi v i dual s and ot her 33.8% SPT Microtechnologies USA, Inc. D omes t i c C orporat i ons 44.8% 5 3 ,1 6 7 t h o u san d sh ar es Fi nanci al I ns t i t ut i ons 10.5% ■ Silicon Sensing Systems Ltd. (Production and sales of motion sensors) 37 M ajo r S har eho ld er s Name of Shareholder Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation New York Office (Manufacture and sales of thermal process furnace equipment etc. and relevant services for semiconductor related device industry) ▶ Br eakd o wn o f S har eho ld er s Fi nanci al I ns t rument C ompani es 2.0% Number of Shares (thousands) Shareholding Ratio (%) 21,394 40.41 1,014 1.92 Sumitomo Precision Products Co., Ltd. Kyoeikai 972 1.84 Sumitomo Corporation 880 1.66 The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account) 859 1.62 CBNY DFA INTL SMALL CAP VALUE PORTFOLIO 676 1.28 Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (trust account) 621 1.17 Masayoshi Yamauchi Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 543 1.03 BNYM SA/NV FOR BNYM CLIENT ACCOUNT MPCS JAPAN 504 0.95 Tatsuo Yamamoto 500 0.94 38 1-10 Fuso-cho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0891, Japan Phone 81-(0)6-6482-8811 Fax 81-(0)6-6489-5801