JANUARY NEW SLETTER San Gabriel Valley Chapter news 2013 | JUNE | NEW SLETTER Inside this issue... M ESSAGE FROM THE P RESIDENT …………………... 2 “W HAT HAS NCMA DONE FOR YOU?” …………………... 3 M ENTORING CONNECTION …………………... 4 M ESSAGE FROM VP, S TUDENT O UTREACH …………………... 6 NEW CERTIFICANTS & G RADUATES …………………... 7 NEW B OARD M EMBERS …………………... 7 P HOTO B OOTH …………………... 8 CONTACT I NFORMATION ……………..……. 10 Marisa Gamboa, VP, Communications President Message from the Greetings SGV Chapter Members and Friends, I have good news and some not so good news. The not so good news is another fantastic program year has come to a end– too fast! The good news is the newly elected board members are already making plans for the upcoming program year (2013-14) and based on my sneak peak it’s going to be bigger, better and more exciting than anything we have seen to date! Before we wrap up the year and say good-bye for the summer please allow me to give thanks to several people for making 2012-2013 a successful and fun program year. First and foremost my thanks to the chapter membership. Without your outstanding support there is no SGV chapter. Your participation, ideas, feedback, and membership are what makes it all work. Second, my thanks and appreciation to the wonderful volunteers that gave their time and effort throughout the year. Thank you to Carmen Dycus and Gloria Cerda (photographers), Alicia Dangerfield-Benn (registration), Allen Funk (Employment Program), and Hugh Harper (NES). The key ingredient to the success of any non-profit are its volunteers. Our volunteers are the best! Third, my heartfelt thanks to all of our speakers, moderators, and panel members who graciously and unselfishly took time from their busy schedules to spend it with us. Our speaker/panel list is long and distinguished and includes the following events and people: 2012 September– Inside Scoop on Career Transitions; Dr. Tod Oliver, JPL October– Bridging the Generation Gap; Paul Butler, New Leaf Training and Development; Matt Gonzales, Toyota; Nate Apodaca, Lockheed-Martin; Natalie Bazarevitsch, CBRE; Mary Ellen Derro, JPL November– Mentoring Program December– The Honorable Congresswoman Judy Chu, U.S. House of Representatives 2013 January – National Education Seminar; Dr. Rene Rendon, Naval Postgraduate School February– Entrepreneurship; Bill Townsend March – Balance of Success; Dr. Margaret Weber, Dean, Pepperdine University; Nancy Wilhite, CBRE; Dr. Ilene Smith-Bezjian, Dean, APU; Liana Brown, V.P., Vacco Industries; Dr. Mary Ashford, Kaiser May – Recruiting the Next Generation; Tiffany Smith, Cal Poly; Mary Brooks, APU; Alan Bossano, Cal Poly; Max Reyes, Cal Poly; Ryan Powell, APU Last, but definitely not least, a very special thank you and standing ovation to the wonderful members of the SGV chapter board: Beth Baron, Vice-President; Santor Nishizaki, VP of Programs; Marisa Gamboa, VP of Communications; Stanley Neves, VP of Education; Sean Carpenter, VP of Membership; Barbara Hesselgesser, VP of Awards; Jenny Felix, VP of Hospitality; Steve Woo, VP of Student Outreach; Debbie Lee and Nancy Neilan, Co-Treasurers; Debbie Cloud, Secretary. This outstanding group of talented professionals exceeded all expectations in their quest to put forward the best program year for the chapter. Their dedication, energy, creativity and unselfish commitment to the chapter cannot be understated and will never be forgotten. I am forever grateful and fortunate to have served alongside such wonderful people. Good luck to Beth Baron, our incoming President, and her board members and all the best to the SGV chapter in 2013-14 program year! — Dale Wright President, NCMA San Gabriel Valley Chapter 2 What has NCMA done for you? “NCMA National, the San Gabriel Valley Chapter, and the Student Chapter at Cal Poly Pomona – SLCP (Society of Law, Contracts & Procurement) have been vital in my professional development. Throughout my college years, participating in NCMA events as a student allowed me the opportunity to have an inside perspective into what contract management is; the role it plays in both industry and government organizations, and create a network of professional individuals that have aided in my growth at an early age in my career. I feel that my involvement in NCMA has contributed in giving me an upper edge in learning more about the profession, having mentors and peers that I could reach out to for advice and also aiding in starting my career in contract management. Now that I have entered the profession, by being given the chance to continue to progress and develop my career at JPL, as a recent hire, I can attest that NCMA involvement was one of the contributing factors that aided me to acquire this role and I continue to look forward to my involvement in this association.” - Alan Bossano, NCMA Member “NCMA bettered my life! For me, NCMA started out as a networking opportunity. It offered the chance to meet contract professionals as well as professionals in the industry I aimed to work in. Though I had little knowledge of contract management as a profession when I first began attending NCMA events, I was warmly welcomed into the organization and was able to gain a good idea of what the contract management profession was. The new knowledge and connections gave me a desire to become a contract professional. When a subcontracts manager position opened at JPL, the connections I made through NCMA helped me understand the position and what a day at JPL would be like. I believe that being a member of NCMA and networking with fellow members helped get my resume in the door at JPL. These connections also served me well in that both prior to and after being hired at JPL, I knew several familiar faces of people with whom I felt comfortable asking for guidance, and they knew my face as well. The NCMA mentorship program helped me connect with my new leaders and colleagues at JPL and that benefited me tremendously in my first few months on the job. NCMA paired me with a valuable match; someone who could guide me on both technical aspects of my new job as well as understanding the structure of my new organization. JPL helped me maximize NCMA opportunities by giving me access to webinars and seminars that helped me quickly increase my knowledge and understanding of several topics within contract management. NCMA offers an infinite amount of networking opportunities and knowledge development, and that is what is making all the difference in my career. Since starting at JPL, I have continued membership with NCMA and am excited to participate on the Board of Directors as VP of Student Outreach in the coming year. I look forward to the continued professional growth and learning opportunities offered through NCMA, and hope that I am able to give back to others through NCMA in gratitude for the difference this organization can make in driven professionals’ careers.” - Deanna Smith NCMA Member 3 THE MENTORING CONNECTION: s! s e c c u S A True Hello NCMA Members of the San Gabriel Valley Chapter! I want to say “thank you” to all the wonderful mentors and mentees who participated in our Chapter’s first mentoring program! The program had a total of twelve mentors and seventeen mentees, ranging from companies such as: Northrup Grumman, JPL, Vacco , Columbus Technologies to the young students from Cal Poly Pomona. I heard many good things from the participants of how well the mentoring program worked for them. These young professionals were engaged and fully interested in being mentored by Contract Management professionals. Moreover, its helped many of these young professionals begin their journey in Contract Management. We heard it directly from, Beatriz Acevedo: “As a recent graduate from Cal Poly Pomona, participating in the NCMA San Gabriel Valley Chapter ‘s Mentoring Program was a very positive experience, I do not regret. This was the first time I have ever worked with a mentor and having Martin Ramirez from the inception of my career was definitely a blessing. Having so many questions and doubts as I transitioned from being a college student onto becoming a professional, Martin was always willing to make time, from his busy schedule, to answer my questions and address any doubts. I never imagined a mentor being someone that actually cared about an individual and his/her success. From this experience, I have come to realize a mentor can actually care and help someone maintain focus in their career path. This is exactly the type of mentor Martin is. I thank him very much for it as well as Santor and Marissa for choosing such a great mentor for me. Although, this mentoring program has come to an end, I’m fully aware I can count on Martin to answer any questions I will have in the future regarding my profession or any feedback that will improve me as a professional in my career path. —Beatriz Acevedo As the Mentor Chair, I plan to conduct a survey of what worked and what did not work to get ready for the next mentoring cycle – which should start in the September/October timeframe. All mentors and mentees who participated in this year’s mentoring program may have the option to continue working with their current mentor/ mentee, but will also have the option to participate in the upcoming 2013-2014 mentoring program! Things to look forward to for the next year: Women in Leadership and Mentoring Workshop Success stories from successful mentors/mentees Once again, thank you to all of those who participated and please sign up for the Fall 2013 Mentoring Program!!!!! - Santor Nishizaki, VP, Programs & Mentoring Chair “Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” - John Crosby Please email me if you have any good ideas of workshops or if you would like to host one yourself at santor.nishizaki@pepperdine.edu. 4 5 Thank You… A Message fromVP, Student Outreach “As the VP of Student Outreach, it was more than just a position ...it was about helping students…” Dear Students, It’s difficult to imagine the past two years as VP Student Outreach has come and gone. Of all of the positions available for volunteering, this position was my number one selection because it was an opportunity to work with young people. Having two daughters of my own, ages 18 and 21, also played a role in this decision. At the end of the day, I want my daughters to be successful in their personal and work lives. In the same way, I care for these students like extended family. I remember words spoken to Pat Haden (Pat is the Athletic Director at USC) from his mother Helen. Helen Haden, inspired her children to "Live your life so that you have standing room only at your funeral.” Helen’s words to her children have challenged me. Specifically, what I am doing to help and support the next generation? As VP Student Outreach, I met many special individuals. For instance, meeting Dr. John Wyatt, Contract Management & Business Law Professor at Cal Poly Pomona. Shortly after meeting Dr. Wyatt I was swept up in his enthusiasm and passion for his students and school’s Society of Law, Contracts & Procurement (SLCP) program. Consequently, I was invited to be a guest speaker at a SLCP Chapter meeting and had the pleasure of meeting up-and-coming students such as Tiffany Smith, Alan Bossano, Beatriz Acevedo, Jerry Aguilar, Marcus May and many others. These relationships led to a Cal Poly Pomona day at JPL in which SLCP students were paired up with contracting officers in a one-on-one setting. At the end of the day, the students received a glimpse of the roles and responsibilities of a contracting professional. Due to the success of this event, a similar day was coordinated for students at Azusa Pacific University (APU). In 2007, I met Dr. Ilene Smith-Bezjian, Dean School of Business and Management APU, and her outstanding staff, Heidi Anderson Butler and others. Because of these past relationships it led to discussions about a career in procurement/ acquisition with the university. These discussions also resulted in an APU day at JPL with some of the same topics carried over from Cal Poly’s visit. Additionally, when the chapter was finalizing the “Balance of Success” event in May, Dr. Smith-Bezjian came to mind immediately to be one of the five panel members. In case you missed it, the topic and personal experiences from the panel members was invaluable. Lastly, our last event, “Recruiting the Next Generation,” was an idea from a former student, Tiffany Smith. My role as VP Student Outreach was to come alongside her and provide the resources and assistance to ensure it was successful. Once again, the responses and thoughts from the five recent graduates was insightful. In Rick Warren’s book, “The Purpose Driven Life,” he writes in Chapter One “It’s not about you.” This position, VP Student Outreach, was not about me but about helping students to be successful in their personal and work lives. Thank you, Steve Woo, VP, Student Outreach 6 Congratulations NEW CERTIFICANTS & GRADUATES! Congratulations to ANDREW PROVENZANO, who received his CFCM (December 17, 2012)! Congratulations to BETH BARON, who received her CPCM (March 15, 2013)! Congratulations to the CLASS OF 2012-2013 from CAL POLY POMONA & AZUSA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY!!! “Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.” —Napoleon Hill Congratulations to the newly elect NCMA San Gabriel Valley Chapter Board Members: BETH BARON, President NANCY NEILAN, VP/ 2014-2015 President Elect DEBBIE CLOUD, Treasurer KIN HONG, Secretary SEAN CARPENTER, VP Awards/ Hospitality MARISA GAMBOA, VP Communications STEPHEN GILBERT, VP Education DELLA BORLUND, VP Membership RENE BARRIOS, Co-VP Programs JAY CHHUGANI, Co-VP Programs DEANNA SMITH, VP Student Outreach A SPECIAL thank you- Dale , Thank you for your leadership, support, and your commitment to the San Gabriel Valley Chapter. You made this 2013-2014 year a success!!! 7 Photo Booth 8 Photo Booth 9 AMAZON SHOPPERS!! HERE IS A WAY TO SUPPORT OUT CHAPTER!! The Amazon Associates program will return 4- 6% of your purchases to NCMA SGV for any orders placed through our dedicated Amazon link. Go to our homepage at: http://resources.ncmahq.org/chapters/sangabriel_valley/default.aspx links section a t the right and click on the link labeled “Click here to fundraise for our chapter on Amazon.com.” By clicking on the link, you will automatically be directed to the chapter’s Amazon page. You will not see any reference to the chapter name when you check out, but be assured that if you start shopping at that link, your purchases will be credited for the SGV chapter’s rebate. If you have questions about the program, please feel free to e-mail Nancy Neilan at ncnoodle@aol.com. INTERESTED IN SUBMITTING ARTICLE? We want to hear from you! Contact Marisa Gamboa, VP Communications Ncma.sgvc@gmail.com (818) 354-4898 PH FIND US ON: www.facebook.com/NCMASanGabriel www.linkedin.com/groups/NCMA-San-GabrielValley-Chapter WEBSITE: http://resources.ncmahq.org/chapters/sangabriel_valley/default.aspx 10