Services Guarantee uptime, high availability, compliance and protection for your mission-critical infrastructure. Dell Cloud On Demand with ScaleMatrix colocation services Enable scalability, continuity and security for your applications, data and systems with our colocation services. Benefit from a state-of-the-art, resilient infrastructure Are you looking to expand into new markets and locations — or considering virtualization technologies for your computing demands — but you’re finding it difficult to fit additional systems into your existing data centers? It’s time to consider colocation. Working together, ScaleMatrix and Dell Services have created a greener, denser and more cost-effective way to build data centers. Based on the revolutionary and proprietary Dynamic Density Control™ (DDC) platform, our colocation services significantly improve data center efficiency, density and security. Centralize your data by storing it at one of our state-of-the art data centers. You not only save money, but also reduce your environmental footprint, increase data security and enhance overall business agility. Providing secure, high-performance, highavailability environments for your infrastructure and information assets, we save you the trouble of building, staffing and managing your in-house server rooms and data centers, and give you the freedom to focus on your business. Our engineering expertise and customer-first approach helps your enterprise dynamically grow your data center footprint in a secure, highly available and redundant facility. Now you can benefit from smart expansion options without large upfront capital expenses. We also give you the capabilities to conduct business seamlessly today and ensure you have the technology requirements you need to grow in the future. Key benefits: Our hybrid solutions approach makes managing and connecting workloads across development, production and disaster recovery environments easy, secure and cost effective. Our portfolio includes: • Cloud services • Managed services • File and object storage • Direct connect options • Compliance support • Backup and disaster recovery solutions Dell Cloud On Demand with ScaleMatrix colocation services Key benefits Future-proofing density Supports over 70kW in a single rack, and guarantees availability of power and cooling to support your current and future requirements Green cost control Provides industry-leading energy efficiency at an affordable cost Risk mitigation Takes advantage of the DDC design to ensure risk mitigation at the individual rack level Power management Monitors power usage in real time, remotely reboots ports and saves on power distribution equipment Physical security Offers armed security guards, camera technology and biometrically secure equipment racks Network, bandwidth and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection Delivers premium, fault-tolerant, multi-homed bandwidth and next-generation DDoS protection, with a choice of neutral bandwidth carriers Support Offers timely, 24x7 support for all technical issues For more information about any of our service offerings, please visit or contact a Dell representative. Scan or click this code to learn how Dell Services can help your organization. Product and service availability varies by country. To learn more, customers and Dell Channel Partners should contact their sales representative for more information. Specifications are correct at date of publication but are subject to availability or change without notice at any time. Dell and its affiliates cannot be responsible for errors or omissions in typography or photography. Dell’s Terms and Conditions of Sales and Service apply and are available on request. Dell and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. Dell disclaims proprietary interest in the marks and names of others. © 2016 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. June 2016 | D741_Dell Cloud On Demand with ScaleMatrix colocation services_data sheet.indd | Rev. 1.0